Joni’s carrot (2)

Joni’s Carrot entitled by her hubby and her dog who miss her so very much at home. “This is Where”

Transcript of Joni’s carrot (2)

Joni’s Carrot


byher hubby and her dog who

miss her so very much at home.

“This is Where”

This is where …

… you will always kiss me goodnight. ;-x

This is where …

… you will do as much, or as little, as you want to do. ;-x

And if you are having one of those days ….

This is where …

… you will end up. ;-x

This is where …

… you will pamper yourself. ;-x

This is where …

… your computer screen will be. ;-x

This is where …

… you will see your progress. ;-x

This is where …

… you spend the least time as possible ;-x ; except …

This is where …

… you will get your coffee. ;-x

But, most importantly …

This is who …

… will be there with you.

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