John the baptist revised


Transcript of John the baptist revised

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John the Baptist John the Baptist was a relative of Jesus. His parents were Elizabeth and Zachariah

In the Gospel of Luke, John’s birth was foretold to Zachariah, a Temple Priest. Because he did not believe the angel, Zachariah was struck mute until after John was born. (Luke 1:7)

John was born in Judea

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John’s ministry is shown in all four gospels.

John the Baptist was a preacher and prophet. He baptized in the Jordan River and converted many people

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John was an Essene, living a simple life of repentance; he lived in the Judean desert, eating locusts and wild honey. He likely wore clothes made from camel hair.

John the Baptist was the first to publicly recognize Jesus as the Messiah

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Jesus’ own baptism marks the beginning of His public ministry.

In the Gospel of John, John the Baptist introduces Jesus as the Lamb of God.

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Many of the disciples (students devoted to their teacher) of John the Baptist became followers of Jesus

Jesus’ disciples took over the job of baptizing the people, telling them to repent, as John had told them

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John’s disciples came and said to him, 'Rabbi, the one who was with you across the Jordan, to whom you testified, here he is baptizing and everyone is coming to him.'

John answered “. . .You yourselves can testify that I said that I am not the Messiah, but that I was sent before him. . . this joy of mine has been made complete. . . He must increase; I He must increase; I must decrease must decrease . . .”. . .”

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John the Baptist’s ministry ended less than a year after he baptized Jesus

John the Baptist had spoken out against Herod Antipas and his marriage to Herodias

Herodias had been the wife of Herod’s brother, Philip

Herod Antipas had John the Baptist arrested because of his remarks

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Herod Antipas told Salome, the daughter of Herodias, that he would grant her any wish.

(Matthew 14:8-10)

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At her mother’s request, Salome demanded the head of John the Baptist on a platter

On Herod’s order, John the Baptist was beheaded.

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John the Baptist is called The Forerunner of Jesus because he paved the way for Jesus’ ministry

In the Roman Catholic Church, there are two feast days to commemorate John the Baptist: •June 24 recalls his birth•August 29 recalls his death

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Most of what we know about John the Baptist comes from:

- the Gospel of Luke

- other Scripture

- and First-Century Roman historian named Josephus

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