John Dewey Mini Lesson

John Dewey’s University of Chicago Laboratory Schools Redux Mini-Lesson: Pedagogy and Technology 1 FA09 Candace Brown


mini lesson john dewey power point draft

Transcript of John Dewey Mini Lesson

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John Dewey’s University of Chicago Laboratory Schools Redux

Mini-Lesson: Pedagogy and Technology 1 FA09Candace Brown

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John Dewey founded the Laboratory School (Lab School) at the University of Chicago in 1896 as an educational experiment while he was the chair of the philosophy department. His Lab Schools were a response to the popular American education system that had been started in the 1830’s which was based on creating efficient workers and dutiful citizens.1The University of Chicago Lab School has developed into one of the most prestigious preparatory schools in the US; creating top scholars and programs like the moc UN, annually receiving high achievement awards.

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Rationale:The current education system in the US needs major revamping as it has become clear that today’s students are not being adequately prepared for the digital word of the 21st century.In 1896 John Dewey proposed a successful alternative (and at times in our history it is/ has been controversial) to the “stand and deliver” system. His ideas included “student centered learning” (link to definition of student centered learning), learning by doing , basing the education within the child’s world, and 2. Perhaps we don’t need to recreate an entirely new wheel when we introduce “new” instructional designs, by reviewing the positive aspects of the UCLS in 2009.

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Learning Objectives:After completing this unit the student will be able to: Describe the pros and cons of US education system of the 1800’sDescribe John Dewey’s philosophy of education; the UCLS mission statementDescribe a typical 1900 UCLS class

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1.Lab schools as a response to current academic us system2. John dewey’s educational philosophy