Joel Goldsmith by Subject E-M




Transcript of Joel Goldsmith by Subject E-M

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JOEL GOLDSMITH by Subject E-M (meditation)

egotism employmenterror false appetite fear food forgiveness God Is good and evil grace (practitioner) gratitude habit (addiction) healing holy ground human mind identity illumination illusion impersonalization instrumentJoel judgmentlaw listening love thy neighbor love material sense matter meditation


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Chapter: Living The Mystical Life Topic: Beyond Time And Space As we become beholders and watch each hour unfold to see what God does with it, we overcome the egotistic belief that this is our world and that we are responsible for it. . . This is being a witness. A witness is not an active participant: a witness is one who bears witness, who sees and beholds. That is what we are: God's witnesses. At first this principle is difficult to practice.


Chapter: His Rain Falls 1963 Kailua Private Class Topic: Recognizing The Invisible When you partake of any food

that is set before you, do so in the conscious realization of the Source, so that you do not fall into the trap of

believing that it is your money that buys that food for you, or your position. . . You must constantly know that

there is an Invisible, and that it is this Invisible within you that produces your daily bread. This takes egotism

away, and with it the pride of possession. Chapter: Measuring Spiritual Progress 1963 Kailua Private Class Topic: Signs Of Spiritual Progress 518:1 or 517:2 There is

only one way to pray for your enemies, and that is to understand that God is individual being. The more you realize that, the fewer mistakes they can make, and the fewer sins they can commit. But the more you look upon them as human beings who are sinning and whom you in your generosity are going to forgive, the more egotistical you are, and the more you bind them. Only in the degree that you can. . . live in the constant atmosphere of “Thank You, Father! You are my very being. You live my life,” and keep yourself sufficiently clear so that you are always the transparency through which God’s grace flows, is there no ego, no personal self, and no attempt at personal attainment.

understand the spiritual world and thus gain freedom from the false sense of God's universe. To overcome this world means to rise above the human, finite, erroneous sense of this world, and see it as it is.


Chapter: Beyond Metaphysics–I AM 1964 Topic:

Eventually you must understand what the Master was revealing: “I and my Father are one, not two, and I am that one.” Remember this: If I were to say that Joel is that one, I would be leaving you all out and as an egotist I would probably burn in front of you. No! I am God, and every I in this room or in a gambling house or in a brothel. Chapter: Meditation: God fulfilling God 1964 Topic: Deny thyself. This does not mean to deny that there is a “you.” Just deny your own desire and your own way and let God have its way.

EGOTISM Chapter: the inner life 3/24/63 Topic: We are looking to consciousness to live our lives, not in a personal way

but in an individual way, and show forth its qualities. You would be surprised how different you are from the mask you wanted the world to believe was you. . . If I know that whatever I am, I am because of my relationship to God, that I am heir of God to all of its character and qualities, then I am not building up my personal ego but I am deflating it. Chapter: There is only One God Consciousness September 1963 Topic:

If I am in meditation and a truth unfolds in my consciousness, I could not possibly be so egotistical as to believe that it was given to me. It was given to human consciousness through me.


Chapter: God Revealing the Infinity of Being 1949 Topic: Never Treat A Person In looking at people as they appear to be, we are dealing with a selfish sense of self, an egotistic sense of self, which is always saying, “I need this, and you have that.”

Chapter: Questions and Answers 1949 Topic: During Meditation Affirmations Or Single Idea? That same consciousness of truth can go on and write hundreds, thousands of books, if egotism does not enter in to make the writer think that he is doing it of himself.


Chapter: Message to Teachers on the Spiritual Path Topic: The ministry of Truth tempts many to enter the path to gratify their ego in being known as a practitioner or teacher or lecturer or leader or for some other desire for personal gratification. Be sure you have received the signal within, which is your passport on the journey. The greatest temptation above all others is having one's own concept of Truth.

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Complete discipleship comes only when all sense of personal knowledge of Truth disappears.


Chapter: Not Good OR Evil Topic: The religious literature of the world is in agreement that the only devil there is, is ourselves. By "ourselves" I mean my Joel self, your Bill self, your Mary self. It is that part of you or me which insists on being catered to, that part of us which can have hurt feelings or hurt bodies, that part of us which can have fears one day and joys another day.

THE ART OF MEDITATION Chapter: Meditation: The Fruits Topic: Illumination, Communion, And Union There is that in human

nature which does not wish to be destroyed, and it knows that the one Power that can annihilate human wickedness, arrogance, and egotism is the presence and the power of the Christ realized. Any temptation that a human being has ever had is multiplied many times as soon as he obtains even a degree of spiritual illumination. As he goes on to greater illumination, however, these temptations fall away one by one until only one temptation remains–egotism, the temptation to believe that “I” of my own self can do something or be something. That, too, must finally yield to the risen Christ.


EGOTISM A Message For The Ages

Guidelines For Spiritual Unfoldment Through The Infinite Way Conducting A Tape Group Activity In meditation a student should have one single point to dwell upon until it fades out and he becomes still and is listening. Such a quotation is helpful in centering attention on some specific principle. For example, if a student meditated properly on "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God," it should bring the student to the place where he realizes that he does not have to worry about money, a position, or anything else in the outer world. What he has to have is a word from God. That breaks the attachment to the outer scene—the fear of it or even the reliance on it—because eventually everyone has to see that he does not live by money or by employment, but by the word of God. . . If it takes thirty years, he might as well dedicate himself to that because only through receiving that Word can these other things be added unto him.

A Parenthesis In Eternity Living The Mystical Life The Tree Of Life

There is only one Self, and as long as I recognize that the Selfhood of me is the Selfhood of you, I cannot be antagonistic toward you, but neither can I unite with you because there are not two of us: there is only One. There may be many forms, but back of the forms there is the One.

The Discovery Of The Self The goal of mysticism is the attainment of the realization of one's self as Self, so that life is a continuing experience of the Self, with a coming down to the personal sense of self only for the purpose of the immediate work to be done.

We must learn to live with this I in the midst of us, learn to look to It for all inspiration. If we need an idea for a book or for a painting, for business or for law, regardless of what it is, the I encompasses it. And this I is within us. Then if it is necessary to find a book, a teacher, a publisher–whatever it is– when we turn within, the I will appear outwardly as the form necessary to our unfoldment at any moment.

Awakening Mystical Consciousness Attaining Dominion Through I Consciousness

If you believe that [everything and everybody was created for a specific purpose] you cannot be unemployed because God cannot have a wasted action, idea, thought, or projection.

Opening The Way For God's Purpose To Be Revealed There must be no further desire than to do what is at hand, to do it to the highest of our understanding and with

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the advantage of receiving God’s grace.

We have no right to desire any particular work, even of a spiritual nature, because that would be acknowledging a lack.

Do Not Glory In The Form If you do not have the presence of God, you cannot have the form.

Beyond Words And Thoughts Incorporeality: God, Man, And Universe

EMPLOYMENT Attain The Fabric, And The Form Follows

The fabric of life is spiritual consciousness, and if you want the forms of life you must have its fabric first: the consciousness.

When this spiritual faculty was awaked in me, a very unhappy period in my life began because I was really two person: the “old man” was not completely “dead” and the “new man” not fully in control, and so there was a warfare between the two. . . I ended up as broke as anyone has ever been, for the simple reason that I was trying to live in a corporeal sense of supply and at the same time demonstrate incorporeal supply, and it cannot be done. . . It was only when I had no corporeal supply that at last I could say, “Well, now I am all right. Now I have nothing to come in conflict with.” Then the flow could begin the other way.

Consciousness Is What I Am The False And Right Sense Of I Climb Into That Circle Of God

My meditation remains in that circle of God. If it is a question of inactivity, I realize that since God is the source of all activity, there could be nothing other than perfect activity because no one has any activity of his own. Only God has activity. God is the activity of being.

Consciousness Transformed The Word Becomes Flesh

Lead the contemplative life, but then take every practical human footstep to let “the Word become flesh.” Sometimes things are brought right to your doorstep. On the other hand, sometimes, as in the case of employment, it is in the realm of activity and you go and register for employment. That, then, would be right activity. It isn’t that your good comes from those footsteps, but sometimes it comes through those footsteps.

Consciousness Unfolding Gratitude Be Grateful That You Have Touched The Christ I have meat ye know not of–

have substance and awareness, a principle, so that I do not have to be dependent on thing, circumstance, or condition in the outer realm. I do not put my faith in a man, in an organization, in a job, or in an investment, If all these things were taken away, I still would have a consciousness from which all things would flow.

Let The Christ Interpret Itself The Christ is incorporeal being, and until you can see yourself as incorporeal, you will be fighting the warfare between the Spirit and the flesh.

God, The Substance Of All Form Developing A Healing Consciousness Business As An Activity Of Consciousness

God is the only employer and God is the only employee, and furthermore, God is always employed in great action, in great works, in great ideas.

God, employing Its own qualities and action and intelligence and service, individually as you and as me, is the

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only employment there is.

EMPLOYMENT You must consciously realize each day that business is an activity of God operating through the instrument of the one mind and is, therefore, an ever present activity of my mind. . . Only as I associate my business with God’s business, does it become individually expressed, harmoniously and joyously evident.

Good, The Outpouring Of Consciousness If we are not doing the kind of work we would like to be doing, we should not attempt to correct it on the outer level. We do not give up our present job to find another one.

Your Consciousness Of Truth Becomes The Substance Of Your Demonstration You must gain a freer or better consciousness of that with which you are not satisfied before you can experience the desired good itself.

Leave Your Nets Open Out A Way Open Out A Way

Go to your office in the realization of this inner Consciousness as being your fulfillmet, and look neither to employer nor employee. Your good may come through them, but it will come thorough them only as you recognize that it is coming from within your own being. To look to them for it is the mistake. Expecting good from others is the sin. As long as you do not look to another for your good, good will flow to you.

Living By The Word Let There Be Light Our Function Is The Realization Of The Presence, Not Overcoming Problems

Our purpose in our morning meditation and in the other meditations during the day or night is always the realization of God's presence, always remembering that we do not have problems to overcome, that we have only to attain the realization of God's presence, and It, by being the light, will dispel the darkness, not dispel it by overcoming it or destroying it, but by proving that in the presence of light, there is no darkness. Thereby, we shall prove that in the presence of God, there is fulfillment. In the presence of God, there is no sin, no disease, no lack, no unemployment, no war; and if we were at the very front of the battle, there would still be no war for us in the presence of God realized.

Receiving The Bread From Heaven Through Listening Should any temptation present itself to us that we need anything—an idea, a dollar, a home, a job—we are going to answer it with "I have meat; I have bread: I have wine, I have inspiration; I have meat the world knows not of. I have a source of inspiration. I have my oneness with God. I have my supply within me. I have a supply within me that the world knows not of. Already the kingdom of God is established within me, the wholeness of God, the allness of. Then relax in that, and watch what happens in the outer experience.

Living The Infinite Way Attaining The God-experience

It makes no difference whether you meditate on “What is God? What is prayer? What is health? What is employment?” So long as you meditate on some divine idea until you come to the end of that particular subject. Then you will find yourself at peace.

Our Spiritual Resources Begin Prayer With The Word God

EMPLOYMENT God, The Only Action

God is both the employer and the employee, and the whole activity of employment, remuneration, reward, and

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recognition is taking place within God–God acting within Itself. . . God functioning Its own being.

Begin To Pour You are not dependent upon a government, upon a husband, a wife, or a job, even though at this present time, one of these might seem to be the source of your supply. Therefore, do not cast these aside, but begin right now to break your dependence on them by understanding that you have within you the source of your good.

Spiritual Power Of Truth God’s Grace Is Yours

Since I know that God is spirit, then I know that all that the Father hath must be spiritual. So I do not go to the Father for loaves and fishes. I do not go to the Father for houses, automobiles, or employment. . . When you go to God, go to God for what we might call the gifts of God, the Grace of God. You might ask, “What are these?" and the answer would be, let us not worry about what these are, let us not be concerned. Just let us go for God's Grace. Turn within, because the Kingdom of God Is within you; the I of you Is God. Turn within to this I for Thy Grace, for Thy Peace.

The 1954 Infinite Way Letters The Great Secret

Remember this—never set up warfare with persons or conditions, but take these into your consciousness and there resolve them by seeing that they have no power over you. . . Once you have done that you will know the greatest secret of life: you will have found it possible to be in the world but not of it. You will have found how not to resist evil, and how you need not be concerned for anyone or anything that might deprive you of this, that, or the other thing. You will have learned to go two miles instead of one, and you will have learned that it makes no difference if one dollar or a million dollars are taken from you, since the value will not be in the dollars but in the consciousness of truth within your own being, and through this spiritual discernment you will understand the real values.

The Art Of Meditation Meditation: The Experience The Place Whereon Thou Standest I awaken in the morning with

confidence, rejoicing in whatever work is given me to do. Whatever that work is, I do it, not in order to earn a living or in the sense of performing an onerous duty; but, with joy and gladness. I let it unfold as the activity of God expressing through me.

It is not too difficult to be what the world calls a go-getter. . . and thereby glorify and magnify the personal sense of I. It is much more difficult to wait for the world to come to us; but if we once realize the Christ is the real mind of our being, the real soul, the real wisdom, the real love, we shall find that everything and everybody will gravitate to that Christ, and our divine activity will be brought to our very door.

EMPLOYMENT Spiritual man rests in his conscious oneness with God and lets the infinity of good manifest: never does he seek, desire, or want; he stands and serves. The more of a transparency for the Christ we are, the more of a servant we become. We serve as an instrument through which the Father feeds His flock. We become the avenue through which the infinite spiritual good of the divine Source pours forth into visible expression.

The Christ can make of us anything it chooses. It has no favorite occupation; no occupation is more spiritual than another so long as it is of a constructive nature.

The work assigned to us today may not be of our choosing; but if, instead of kicking against the pricks, we

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remember that God is working out Its plan on earth, and that we are here only to show forth the glory of the Father, there will be nothing limited, confined, or finite about our life or our activity. The Father, being infinite, manifests Itself infinitely.

The Art Of Spiritual Healing Spiritual Healing: The Practice God Is Our Destiny

If your consciousness is filled with service and cooperation, then your activity. . . will be steadily unfolding.

The Contemplative Life Daily Preparation For Spiritual Living The Impersonal Source Of All Discord

The problem of unemployment will be met only when it is understood to be an activity of the carnal mind. Contrariwise, employment will be universal when it is understood to be the activity of God: God fulfilling Itself as individual being.

Dealing With Daily Problems The Father says, “Son. . . all that I have is thine,” so

whatever employment the Father has, the son has. And this is not in the future tense: This is in the present tense–now. All that the Father

has is mine–all the activity, all the employment, all the recognition, all the reward.

The Foundation of Mysticism Living The Healing Principles Purifying The Mind

Don't forget that you can’t purify yourself once and stay that way, any more than you can take a bath once and stay clean. Purification is a continuous process, and I don't mean for a year or two; I mean forever. It is a praying without ceasing because the world mesmerism is irresistible and it will reach into your consciousness unless you are alert and able to quickly and constantly impersonalize. Once you can do that, you can meditate because your mind is not warring with anybody or anything.

In the Infinite Way you break the spell, the mesmeric sense, which causes you to war or to seek a higher power with which you destroy a lesser power. You break that sense. That is the major point of the Infinite Way, that we are not a teaching that has God doing something for us, another system of a greater power destroying a lesser power. We in this work have come to the realization of one power, and of the illusory nature of everything else presenting itself to us as power.

EMPLOYMENT You see, anything that sets up an opposition to God cannot be truth. God is infinite, and God has nothing, nobody, to war with. God is infinite. God is all. There is no power opposing God. Treat this devil, or mortal mind, as something you do not need to have a deep understanding about to overcome, as something you don't have to go to God for God's help to overcome. Then you can follow this exactly as the Hebrews did on one occasion: “And they rested in this word.” Therefore, having seen the nothingness of devil or satan, having seen the nothingness of carnal mind or mortal mind, please do not let us invent some other term and then say, "Oh, help me get rid of my illusion." Don't do that. Don't set up another power against God and then want God to do something about it, or you'll just be going back to theology or the old-fashioned metaphysics.

The Infinite Way Letters 1958 July: There Is No Power In Fear Release Fear And Live By Grace

We no longer work for a living: we work because it is an activity of our being–normal, natural, and right.

The Thunder Of Silence From Law To Grace Ye Are The Light

In reality, there is no power for us to oppose physically, mentally, or spiritually, so we need no sword. It has

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been given to us to know that we live and move and have our being in God in whom is no darkness at all, in whom there is no warfare. It is given to us to know that the sovereign, divine remedy for all the ills of the world is to resist not evil.

Scarcely a person on earth, regardless of how exalted his position, is fulfilling his true destiny on earth. Usually, he is either fulfilling a destiny that he has chosen for himself or one that circumstances have thrust upon him. . . We need to learn how to release the whole situation into God, willingly admitting, “Look, I certainly have messed up this life of mine so far. Let me give up and You take over." Then we may be amazed at how the miracle begins to work in us and quickly what we had thought of as our destiny changes.

There is only one enemy—the universal belief that material and mental force can control this world. The enemies confronting us today are not a threatened epidemic of disease, not a devastating condition of weather or climate, not impending economic disaster, nor destructive war: All these are but part and parcel of the belief in material and mental powers. . . and anything that exists in our mind as an objective thing is not power. Let us never fear an image in our mind whether that image is a person, a disease, even a bomb. That still small Voice in the midst of us is mightier than all of these, and if we can become so silent that that Voice can utter Itself—even if only as a deep breath or sense of peace or warmth—this earth will be filled with the voice of God and the belief in two powers will be silenced.


Chapter: Illumined Consciousness 1948 Topic: That is why we have the term, "The mind that was in Christ Jesus." It isn't any mind other than your own. It's in your own mind but it is your own mind after you have lost the love of error, the hate of error, and the fear of error. It is your own mind, your own consciousness, after you have learned to look out on the world and say, "There is no power outside of my own being, and because God is my own being, there is no evil power." Spiritual healing is accomplished only when there is no resistance in the healer's thought to the condition or the person. "Agree with thine adversary whilst thou art on the way with him.”…Remember that the error isn't a thing and it isn't a condition and it isn't a person, so in setting up that resistance, you are almost creating the thing you are resisting. When the problem is presented to you, do not resist it, do not deny it or affirm it. Just take the attitude of non– resistance, divine indifference–not putting out a mental wall against it, not trying to overcome it, not trying to deny it–just having an attitude of freedom from fear, an attitude of realizing that you don't have to resist a mirage, an attitude that you are not going to separate the railroad tracks or lift the sky off the mountain. Yet don't wait for that moment to take that attitude, for that will be affirmation and denial and to that degree will be resistance…Instead of reacting with, "What do I think about this? What do I know? It isn't true, it isn't real," just smile, knowing that you are being presented with a mirage and that all you have to do is recognize that it is a mirage. You see, this Christ–consciousness does not resist error. Why? Because it doesn't recognize error as a power. Spiritual consciousness is one which does not accept any belief in thought of any

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error existing as a presence or as a power. It looks at any presence or form or phase of error as if it were just looking at a moving picture, say, of a man being shot, knowing right well that as soon as the picture is over, the man is going to pick himself up and dust himself off and get ready to play another part…In maintaining that same attitude toward what we see of human experience, that same attitude in which we do not criticize or judge or condemn the underdog or the sinning or sick person, and in which we do not give praise to those we think are doing good, we will have begun to see real spiritual healing.

Chapter: Making the Adjustment 1948 Topic: Our reading will not make error any less error than it is. It is already nothing. Herbert Eustace…caught the vision that error–that which the world calls error, sin, ease and death–is not person, place or thing, and therefore, is not to be tackled from that standpoint. So that part of this teaching is quite similar to this; in many ways it parallels this. If you were in a little boat on a river and another little boat came along with no one in it and it bumped into you, you would not get mad about it. But–suppose that boat came along with a man in it. Then you’d get mad. . . There is just the point we are making! A person comes and says, "I am sick," and we immediately go back to review it, to do something about the person. Actually, there isn't any person at all; there is an empty boat. The error isn't a person at all; it's just a little accident–a little belief. It is impersonal error, not personal at all…So when a person says, "I'm sick or I'm sinning or I fear," try to visualize that empty boat. There isn't any person there so there is no purpose in answering back to a person, or trying to correct him or heal him or bawl him out. Do you see what I mean?


The idea of forgiveness does not mean looking at a human being and remembering the terrible offense he committed against us and then forgiving him for it. There is no virtue in that. The virtue lies in the ability to see through the human to the divinity of his being, realizing that in the divinity of his being there has never been an occasion for error of any nature. It is as if he were asking us for help and we would have to behold him as he really is–a spiritual being. . . Without their asking for help, we are called on every day to look upon those toward whom we have any negative feeling, and develop this act of forgiveness, which means to turn to the Christ of our own being and there know that nothing but love exists. There never has been a mortal and all that appears as a mortal is the Christ itself, incorrectly seen. Chapter: Teaching the Message 1948 Topic: [Christ–consciousness] might be attained only in one

way: through our recognition of the nature of error which causes us to lose our love for it, our hate for it and our fear for it. Let us never indulge thoughts or acts that violate our teaching of one self. How about criticizing and judging and condemning the other fellow? Well, we are doing it to ourselves and it will come back to us. Oh, don't you ever worry that our errors won't come back to us! And that is an error–not the act of judging or condemning; but the act of violating our own understanding that there is only one, and that we are judging and condemning our own being.

Chapter: The Nature of Error 1948 Topic: In order to be free of discord, let us never forget that it is necessary for us to know the nature of error. Now, in our meditation we are going to be so consciously one with God that eventually error never comes near us, it fades away automatically even as we approach it. To begin with, when error appears to us, it appears as a person or as a condition or as a place. In the same way, when good appears to us, it appears as a person, a place, a condition. Error never appears as error; it always appears in some form

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that will fool you…It appears as a beautiful diamond attracting us, or a handsome man, or a beautiful woman tempting us. And we do not see that it is the error tempting us. All that we see is that beautiful form it appears to be, that it appears as. It is the same way with disease. Disease appears to us as some kind of localized condition, and that's what fools us. We go to work on that condition, thereby we almost become one with it! At least, we make it a reality. Now error is not a person. Error is never a person. And to immediately work on an evil person is to get yourself so mixed up in it that you'll have a hard time ever bringing out a healing. In the same way, error is never a diseased person, either. It appears that way, but it isn't that, and if you work on the disease of the person, ultimately you are going to find your healing work isn't really good. It isn't instantaneous, it isn't even quick. It isn't satisfactory. When that man asks for help to get rid of his white poodle…I mustn't give him help to get rid of his white poodle-otherwise I would be in the same state of mesmerism that he is in. The mere fact that I am not hypnotized makes me see that there is no white poodle there. The claim isn't white poodle, the claim is hypnotism. The minute I know that, that man is free. Why is he free? Because the error has been uncovered, it has been seen, it has been recognized for its nothingness. You know hypnotism can't produce a white poodle, can it? It can only produce an illusory appearance, and nobody is going to be afraid of that. The fear comes only while we believe there is a white poodle there. Probably when you get to that degree of oneness with the Christ-consciousness, you will be able to forget this. You will be able to drop out of your thought, entirely, that you ever knew-or cared-what the nature of error was. It is relatively unimportant once you are completely one with that mind that was also in Christ Jesus.

SEARCH ERROR As a rule I have found it helpful to me, when I am first presented with any form of error, when a patient writes me, or telephones me or comes to the office, for me to realize quickly, "I'm not dealing with a person or a condition. I am only dealing with a suggestion that wants to get in and make me do something about it." When I've done that, I've done all that's necessary in the way of treatment. After that I can sit down, find my peace, get right to the center of God-consciousness, and go on from there. There is no such thing as error and there is no use trying to account for error. But you can say that it certainly is an appearance coming to you, it is a temptation coming to you to believe in a selfhood apart from God. What's the use of all this nonsense of going around saying, "There's no evil," while at the same time we keep two or three telephone lines going so that people who are sick can reach us. It isn't consistent, is it?… Get it into your consciousness that any form of error is only suggestion and stop giving treatments to people or conditions. Then it doesn’t make any difference if you never think of it again. Train yourself to know that you are never dealing with a sick or sinning person, you never have a disease to deal with. All you have is universal beliefs!


Chapter: Christ As the Consciousness of Mankind 1969 L Topic: The error or evil disappeared just as darkness leaves a room when the

light is turned on. The darkness in the room does not go anywhere because what we call darkness is but an absence of light. In the

presence of light there is no darkness. Healing dependent on patient's willingness to be fee of the sin/error causing problem.

Chapter: The Consciousness of Truth Is the Healer 1959-1960 Topic: All Claims Are Of A Universal Nature, But Some Persons Personalize Them Do not tell a patient that he must get rid of [a belief]. Whatever is uncovered to you, let it drop as a nothingness, remembering that neither you nor the patient has anything to get rid of. What you have to do is to know the truth, and the constant knowing of that truth will build a whole new consciousness in which error, regardless of its name or nature, will have less and less power until finally it has none. After your meditation on the allness of God is completed, you may still be faced with whatever the seeming problem is. So you come to the most important principle of healing work. Error is not personal; therefore, it has nothing to do with you, with your

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patient, or with your student. In every case that comes to you for healing, your first step is the realization of God as constituting all being. Work with that idea until you have an inner assurance that God is. Then impersonalize the evil–the error or the appearance–whatever its name or nature, by consciously knowing that it is no part of a person and that all evil is impersonal. It must be seen that evil is not in, of, or through person; it is not appearing as person; it is something separate and apart from person.

Chapter: The False And Right Sense of I 1951-1954 Topic: The Troublemaker

Only error is entertaining false sense of I. CONSCIOUSNESS TRANSFORMED

SEARCH ERROR Chapter: As Ye Sow 2/3/63 Topic: We might as well face the problem or it will continue. The reason the law of cause

and effect continues to operate in our consciousness is because we give power to this law. Eventually we must come back to, “No, God has given me dominion, and there is no power outside of me.” . . . So let us begin to face our problems without a desire to get rid of them, without a fear of them. I’m going to acknowledge there is an error and I’m looking at it, but there is a solution. With some realization of truth, we are finding error doesn’t exist. . . The problem must be licked through understanding.

Chapter: Freedom is an activity Within your Own consciousness 1964 Topic: In facing the temptation

that there is an external power, go back immediately and realize that consciousness is the basic

substance, cause and law of all creation. Therefore, all creation manifests its qualities, character and

nature because creation is the heir to all of those. This shows you why you do not need God over error.

Chapter: Hidden Manna – the Real Infinite Way 8/24/63 Topic: [1963] has been a difficult year for me in which I

have been going through a period of inner initiation waiting for a message. During the last two to three weeks [of

August] it all came to a head, and then it became clear that we are entering the consciousness that does not need

words or thoughts. We can sit down to meditate and realize: “The kingdom of God is closer than breathing. I just

have to tune in and listen. I need no words and I need no thoughts. I need only receptivity and, when the Word of

God comes, the earth of error melts.”

Chapter: I -That is all 1963 Topic:

Some of you may have difficulty in making a transition in consciousness where you stop affirming truth and denying error, and reach that place in consciousness where you can relax and remember, “I am closer to you than breathing, nearer than hands and feet, “Be not afraid, it is I.” Every student has great experiences of healing and regeneration in proportion as he or she can relax in that statement. . . Do not fight because when you are fighting, you are fighting your imagination. You are fighting illusions, instead of relaxing and resting.

Chapter: Into the Mystical Consciousness 1964 Topic:

Jesus gave us the nature of God as I, Buddha gave us the nature of error as maya, or illusion, and both of these combined in me to bring forth this message. Chapter: My consciousness 3/31/63 Topic: You see, these are the two major functions of

The Infinite Way. The one under the heading of “the nature of error” is its metaphysics and the other, a revelation of “God as your consciousness” is the mysticism. It is the highest realm of mysticism when you realize, “I and consciousness are one and the same. . . Thou sees Me,

thou seest the consciousness that I am.” Chapter: the adjustment must be made within your consciousness – Secrecy September 1963 Topic: You would have no right to enter the

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classroom and change the [incorrect sums] on the blackboard, but you would find it impossible to pass by without inwardly making the

corrections. Within yourself you would correct the mathematical error, within yourself you would substitute the correct figures. When

you see or hear any form or error or evil. . . realize within yourself: “It is not of God,” and drop it.


Chapter: Mind Imbued with Truth 1962 Princess Kaiulani Closed Class Topic: The Recognition Of The Illusory Nature Of An Appearance Destroys It 483 4:2 When the picture of a man with a fever was presented to me, I did not give him any medicine or do anything of a material or physical nature. But the fever left. Where did it go? Where was it? It was an illusion in human belief, and when I refused to accept it as reality, it dropped dead. Had I accepted the fever as truth it would have continued. . . Error continues forever until it hits up against a state of consciousness that does not accept it.

SPIRITUAL POWER OF TRUTH Chapter: Christ Of Being Topic: Do not believe for a moment that if I hold someone in bondage, I myself am going to be free. That is utter nonsense! "As ye sow, so shall ye reap" is a law that cannot be broken. The only way to stop erroneous reaping is to stop erroneous sowing. Erroneous sowing only takes place "up here," in consciousness, in thought. It is determined by what I am willing to see "out there." Either I am willing to spiritually discern that you are the Christ, or I am going to judge by human appearances by saying, "Well, you are the child of Jones, Brown, or Smith." It is up to me! "Choose ye this day whom you will serve—Truth or error, spiritual Truth or human knowledge. Remember, all evil is an activity of the carnal mind, an activity of malpractice or anti-Christ; but because it is not of God, you don't have to fight it. Do not fight error! Do not try to overcome error; you can’t, any more than you can overcome 2 x 2 = 5! Do not battle 2 x 2 = 5; just quietly know the Truth: 2 x 2 = 4. Don 't argue about it, don't fight it, don't discuss it. There is nothing to discuss about 2 x 2; it is 4, and that is all there is to it. Chapter: God and Error Topic: So a student who has seriously studied these writings and tapes for five years should be at least at the beginning of that state of consciousness which has settled down into an inner peace. That‘s because they can see the Nature of God and they can instantly recognize the nature of error. Chapter: Know Thy Self Topic:

It is said that Moses could not take the Hebrews into that Promised land because of some fault of his own; but I can tell you that is in error. This I can say through revelation. It was not any fault or mistake of Moses. The reason he could not take the Hebrews into the Promised Land is that nobody can take you into the Promised Land. They can only lead you up to the Promised Land and reveal this Truth to you; and if you do not accept it, you cannot walk into the Promised Land. Chapter: My True Identity Topic: I had spent four hours on just one subject—the illusory nature of error—and had used about every example that I know to show that what is appearing as error has no existence, no substance, no law, no cause, no reality, and can't have effect. Then someone asked, "But how do you get rid of illusion?” Well, as a matter of fact, an illusion isn't a thing; it is an appearance. Once you know that it is an appearance, you have gotten rid of it; it is gone. It no longer exists as wetness on the road. It exists only as an appearance without substance.


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Chapter: Neither Good nor Evil Topic:

Because so much of humanhood remains in us, we still recognize that we have before us the appearance of good and evil—the appearance of sin, disease, death, lack, and limitation. As long as we are faced with that, we can't be absolute and just say, "Oh, God is All; there is no error." You can't do that. You have to sit down and let God say it to you. He uttereth His Voice and the earth melteth. When you hear the still, small Voice, or when you feel that Stirring within you, that divine Presence within you, you may be assured of this: whatever appearance of sin, disease, death, lack, or limitation is before you will melt away. Don't think for a minute that you can ever be so smart as to bring it about.

Chapter: Sin: Its Illusory Nature Topic:

So if I say to you, "I don't feel well, give me help," and you immediately come back with all the metaphysical arguments you know, then all you are trying to do is combat, enter into conflict with, or try to overcome, what I have said. Whereas instead, you should go very quietly within your own being, and realize what can be done with an illusion. Then, once you have discovered its illusory nature, what can you do about it? Why should you fear a toy serpent after you have discovered that it's a toy?. . . So what should you do about it? Do nothing. Just give me that assurance, that's all, that all is well. Do not try to combat my statement of error. Do not try to convince me of its error. Do not try to get rid of the serpent, overcome it, or destroy it. Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free. Now the truth about a toy serpent is that it is harmless. The truth about any infection or contagion is that it is harmless. Why, then, try to overcome it? Why argue with it? Agree with thine adversary. So in your spiritual wisdom—a point of consciousness that you have attained through study and practice over the years—you are now looking out at this world and beholding it spiritually, not materially. You are beholding this universe as God, appearing in infinite form and variety. It does not fool you that appearances sometimes testify to vicious forms of error. Your study, your practice, your change from material consciousness to spiritual show you the Truth of the first chapter of Genesis. It is for this reason that if I say to you, "I am ill; give me help," there isn't any Truth that you can declare about it that would be Truth, because there isn't any Truth about error. There is no way to correct error, because error doesn't exist. When patients came to [the busy L.A. practitioner] he would say, "Now, I'll tell you what to do. You take your Bible and rub every bit of print off of it mentally. Wipe it all off so you'll have nothing but blank pages. Then on every page you mentally print, 'God Is.' That's all the Bible is trying to tell you: that God Is. There is a God. Now you take Science and Health and wipe off every bit of print. You don't need any. Just print on each page, 'There is no error,' because that's all Mrs. Eddy was trying to say to you." Chapter: The Power of Truth Topic: You see, in this message of The Infinite Way, our entire healing work is done by not taking up the sword. Our entire healing work is done by not using Truth over error, by not trying to have God heal a disease. Our entire healing work is done by a recognition of the Truth, the Truth being: that which is not of God has no law to sustain it; therefore you do not have to fight it—you only have to recognize it. The moment you recognize that an epidemic of any nature is but a universal malpractice, you do not have to fight it anymore. It has no power. Chapter: Universal Hypnotism Topic: There aren't many [good Christian Science] healers because that term, mortal mind, has fooled so many, and where that hasn't fooled them, personalizing error has.


If you personalize error in any form, you are making yourself a victim of it, as well as your patients and students. That's why it is an error to say to a patient or student, "You must be more loving," or "You must be more forgiving," or "You must be more grateful." That's all nonsense, because that is personalizing the error. If you find that your patient is not loving, is not kind, is not gentle, is not spiritual, then relieve your patient of that burden by realizing, "These negative qualities don't belong to you. They're part of the carnal mind, and the carnal mind is the arm of flesh—nothing." Free your patient; don't hold them in bondage. Chapter: Your True identity Topic: The Infinite Way in its healing work is directly opposite to all

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other metaphysical teachings, for the following reason: we do not look within you for the error that is causing your trouble. We do not look to your wrong thinking for the cause. We do not look to the sins for the cause. We do not admit that resentment, jealousy, malice, sensuality, or any of these are causes for your ills. We start with the Self with a capital S which impersonalizes you and makes God your Selfhood. Therefore Divine qualities are the only qualities of your being. Therefore there is no sin in you, nor is there any effect of sin in you, nor is there any disease in you, nor is there any cause of disease in you. Rather, all evil which seems to be manifesting through you is recognized as impersonal—as being no part of you, since God is your being. Even your body is the Temple of God; therefore this evil can not be in you or in your soul or in your mind or in your being or in your body. Where is it then? Where is this evil? It is in an impersonal belief in mortality, in mortal selfhood, in a sense of separateness from God (which you aren't). It is realized that God constitutes individual Being; then you will see that there is no selfhood but God. For this reason, then, we do not pin error onto any individual—not even ourselves. We do not claim that our jealousy, our envy, our greed, our lust is responsible for our ills—because we haven't any such qualities. Any such qualities that may be temporarily expressing themselves through us must be recognized as having their source in the impersonal, carnal, or mortal mind.


Chapter: Spiritual Healing: The Principles 1956 Topic: One Power, Responsibility In God's kingdom there is no such thing as truth over

error, good over evil, right over wrong, Spirit over matter. All the errors–sin, disease, infection, contagion, death, lack, limitation,

weather, climate. . . not worth fighting. Look at [the error] and see if you cannot translate it into a white chalk mark, or the arm of flesh.

Chapter: Spiritual Healing: The Role of Treatment 1956 Topic: Practical Instructions To Workers not ignoring error [but] relegating

error to its rightful place as nothingness. Every day I remind myself that any error that is not true today was not true yesterday.


Chapter: Consciousness Topic: In this state of consciousness error never presents itself to us as either person, place, or thing. We do not

have to deny anything nor search for some truth to apply as a remedy, There, we "stand still and see the salvation of the Lord." We close

our eyes and turn from person or situation and "feel" the presence of God; or realize the love of God; or become conscious of God's law

wisely and lovingly governing all of his creation. This is the "sensing" or "feeling" or "awareness" of good. We feel love for all of God's

creation, we reach the Christ-man. In this consciousness there is nothing to meet, heal, or be healed. There is no need for a ten or thirty

minute treatment. What we need is a spiritual state of consciousness, which is developed by practice.


What we need is a spiritual state of consciousness, which is developed by practice. . . This is dwelling every moment in the consciousness of love, joy, peace, harmony, and letting error go without giving it too much thought; without fear or concern, because without thought, fear, or concern error will vanish of its own nothingness. Human thought is the substance of disease and disaster. Therefore, when thought is withdrawn from a problem, it has no substance to support or sustain it. "Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?" Take thought off the so-called problem and the problem must go, because its only substance is the human thought of which it is formed. It may be either conscious or unconscious thought that causes and continues the appearance of discord. We are the infinite capacity to receive and respond to truth, love, health, and wealth; to know eternal life, harmony, and wholeness of immortal being. Individual spiritual consciousness contains not one element of error, discord, disease, inharmony, or lack, but is substance, spirit, and reality. Chapter: Mind and Its Idea One Topic: Error, evil, disease are appearances without entity or identity, without presence or power, without law, action, volition, or continuity. Having no law to enforce them, they have no being; having no cause or creator, they do not exist as effect. In proportion as you live in the calm assurance of God as the only presence and power can you release yourself from mental argument. As conviction comes to you of man's relationship to God as God manifested, as life expressed, can you realize the harmony of being which knows no fear of sin or disease. Uppermost in thought must be the understanding that even that which appears to

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ignorant, illusive sense as error, is suggestion; that which is called accident, under action or overaction, is mirage or nothingness. Then, we do not attempt to heal, correct, improve, but we rest—yes, we rest in the certainty that "as in heaven, so on earth, God is omnipotent, supreme." Silence human thinking by learning to listen; by stilling the material senses with, "peace, be still." Chapter: Prayer Topic: If only we will dwell on the infinity and eternality of God's government of the universe, we will recognize and experience the unchanging nature of all God's creation. The dependence on a power outside ourselves is always the error. Chapter: Problems Topic: The only God there is, is principle, the principle of our being, and it would be impossible for our affairs to get outside the operation of this law. Then all the error, inharmony, discord, that is apparent to us is, as a matter of fact, not present at all, but exists only as belief and must be so understood. A belief operates as a law only until its true nature is discerned, just as the belief that 3 x 3 is 8 vanishes without any further effort on our part. We do not have to destroy it or rise above it, because it vanishes of its own nothingness, its non-existence. Let us know that "whatsoever God doeth, it shall be forever;" that there is not a single element of error, discord, inharmony or fear in either God or his son, in mind or its idea, in spirit or its manifestation, in life or its expression; because spirit, God, is all and there is no matter. Chapter: Spiritual Healing Topic: Spiritual consciousness is cultivated through study, communion, and practice. It is the result of living every moment in the conscious awareness of good as all, and through the recognition that there is no error.


Chapter: The Law Topic: It is not enough that we lend to those in need. We must not expect a return from that loan. We are to realize the infinite source of our supply, which never requires that we receive back that which we once give out. It is, of course, just that we accept the return of a loan, but looking for it is the error. In forgiving those who trespass against us, we understand that we are not to condone the error, but to know that as man is spiritual, he has never been guilty of wrong toward us. This, you see, is a purification of self. Establish yourself on the foundation of truth. Thereby, you can learn that error is not cause and can, therefore, have no effect. When we see clearly that error is not causative, we are able to understand why there are no such effects as disease and discord. Chapter: The Mind of Christ Jesus Topic:

The consciousness we call Christ "takes no thought." The healing consciousness is a "peace, be still" to error of any name or nature, yet it acts in silence, and is expressed in quietness and confidence and peace. The mind that was in Christ Jesus does not deny or refute error, nor does it enter argument or discussion. It knows that no denial is necessary. It knows that God is not a power which one uses to destroy an evil power or presence, because it knows no evil power or presence exists; and in the presence of that which appears as sin, sickness, or death, it rests in the assurance of Christ as the only presence and as infinite perfection. Christ consciousness needs no mental or audible reminders of truth. Its presence is the "peace, be still." In seeking the solution to a human problem, we often believe that some truth can or should open up to us which would meet our need; destroy the error, so to speak, and overcome the discord. Nothing can be further from the truth. That which I am seeking, I am. As we have no mind but God, our mind must be the truth that "healeth all our diseases." This very mind or consciousness embodies now and forever whatever truth, remedy, activity, or agency is needed at the moment. The truth which meets our need is the truth that our mind or consciousness is the truth itself; else how could Jesus say, "I am the truth." Whatever form of error we have ever experienced is due only to the belief that we have a mind or life separate from God. The correction of this belief with the

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realization that God is our very mind, enables us to rest, to feel the peace that passeth understanding, and then harmony appears as naturally as light appears with the rising sun. The belief that our mind is other than God has resulted in prayers to some other mind, in "communing" or "contacting" a divine mind. Truth reveals that this divine mind is your mind, the one mind, the only mind, the universal mind, which is the mind of the individual. To rest in the consciousness of this truth is highest prayer. To know that God is the mind of the individual is to include the universe in your prayer. Chapter: The Nature of Error Topic: The revelation of Christian Science shows forth the individual as spiritual consciousness embodying the universe of ideas. It reveals him as eternal, immortal, infinite being, embodying every divine quality. It naturally follows, then, that error, finiteness, limitation, disease and death are never any part of this creation or manifestation. Chapter: The Principles of Christian Science Topic: Only spiritual consciousness reveals that there is no error. All religions and philosophies look to God to save, be sure that we are not falling into the common error of believing that Christian Science is to be used to cure disease, remove fevers or growths, restore harmony, heal lack. Let us never forget: there is no error. "As in heaven, so on earth; God is omnipotent, supreme.” How, then, can there be sin or sickness?



Chapter: From Law To Grace 1956-58 Topic: I Say Unto You Years and years and years ago, before ever The Infinite Way was dreamed of, I saw that the solution to all human problems rested in the ability not to fight back, not to fight error, but on the ability to rest in the one Power. Once we are able to do that, we are practicing the Sermon on the Mount and living the spiritual life, because then there is no more need to seek good health than to get rid of bad health; there is no more need to seek supply than to run away from lack: We stand still in divine Being, not in human being. No power is needed to destroy error because error has within itself the elements of self-destruction. We do not need any deep metaphysics: We need to understand the simple little truth that the still small Voice is the power that destroys the illusions of this world. That understanding does not consist of our having a power to do something to error: It consists of the truth that no power is needed to destroy error because error has within itself the elements of its own destruction. We bear witness to that as we stand and look at the unfruitful tree and watch as it withers. We do not wither it: Its own barrenness withers it. So error is dissolved as we sit in quietness and stillness, a witness to the divine Power, and watch as harmony descends upon all around us.

Chapter: From the Unreal to the Real 1956-58 Topic: Henceforth Know We No Man After The Flesh Whenever you are faced with error, ask yourself, Can this make me believe in good or evil. . . in two powers? Because so much of humanhood remains in most of us, we still recognize that there is before us the appearance of evil in the form of sin, disease, death, lack, and limitation, and as long as we are faced with such appearances, we cannot be absolute and, ostrich-like, ignore the appearance, repeating over and over again, “Oh, God is all; there is no error." That is useless and foolish. We should not do that; we should let God say it to us; and when we hear the still small Voice or when we feel that stirring within us, we may be assured that whatever appearance of sin, disease, death, lack, or limitation is before us will melt away. But do not think that you humanly can ever be so

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wise as to bring this about. Wherever and whenever you are faced with error, turn and ask yourself, "Can this make me believe in good or evil? Can I be made to accept two powers?" If you can do that, you will refrain from accepting or judging by appearances and you will not be tempted to try to heal somebody or something, but you will stay within yourself and judge righteous judgment, stay within the Garden of Eden which represents your spiritual domain, the state of divine harmony. Individually, we develop the state of consciousness that lives without using power and which finally brings our particular world into the orbit of no-power by understanding that nothing that exists as person, place, thing, circumstance, or condition is imbued with the power for good or for evil. . . The Master understood this clearly when he said, "Why callest thou me good? . . . I can of mine own self do nothing. . . the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth works.” So it is with us. Power is not really given to us, but if we come to a state of mind in which we are so cradled in the Spirit that we do not resist the seeming error by denying, fighting, or trying to destroy it, we too shall witness the wondrous things which the Father within performs. When error is presented in any form, there is a tendency to put up a wall against it, and in doing that, the opportunity to make the demonstration is lost because no wall is needed. Do not put up a wall against evil; do not put up a defense: understand that no external thing has power, not even the good things. All good is in Spirit, or Consciousness, not in the things that Consciousness produces. That which we call carnal mind is merely a belief in two powers, and when you recognize that, you can stop fighting error or trying to overcome it, rise above it, or remove it.

SEARCH ERROR 24 A Message For The Ages

The Need For Religion Prayer As Communion

Source: 1963 instructions for teaching the infinite way 6:2 Tape: 550 You can bring yourself under Grace in this minute. . . Relinquish the

desire for anything or anybody in the world in the realization, 'I live by Grace, by the grace of God, not by the I grace of man.' . . . You have

left the law and you have come under Grace in the second that you are willing to say, 'I have no external needs.'. . . Only do nor go back and

sin again; do not go back tomorrow to a fear of lack, to a fear of sin, a fear of disease, or a fear of false appetite. Keep yourself living in the

realization: 'Thank You, Father, I have no needs. The Father knows my needs. I leave it with the Father.' That is living by Grace.

Beyond Words And Thoughts Incorporeality: God, Man, And Universe

In Healing You Are Dealing With Incorporeal Man

Source: 1965 L Tape: When you are in this ministry, healing is not too difficult because you do not have bones to set, fevers to reduce,

digestive systems to change, false appetites to get rid of, or sins to overcome, and you do not have to go around preaching to people not to

smoke or drink. None of this is part of your ministry. You are dealing with an incorporeal God manifest as an incorporeal man, and you are

living, moving, and having your being in the consciousness of this. . . Let your student or your patient present any pictures he wants to

present to you, but be careful that you have the spiritual capacity not to want to change them, the spiritual faculty of discernment, the soul-


God's Grace, The Gift Of Himself

Source: 1965 L Tape: The point is that we live by Grace, and in that moment that we recognize this and abide in this truth, we live “not by

might, nor by power.” We do not then live by our brains or by our virtues: we live by divine Grace. From that moment on, the new way

opens, not always as quickly as we would like. . . But be assured that from the moment we have recognized our oneness with the Father, the

sins, the sinful thoughts, the false appetites, and the bad habits begin to disappear, and we are living by Grace.

That Something

Source: 1963 Kailua Private Class Tape: Acknowledge Spirit in all your ways; acknowledge that Spirit is the source of all. Then you will discover that it will not be very long until that acknowledgment dissolves your sins, false appetites,

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fears, doubts, greed, lusts, and mad ambitions.

Consciousness Is What I Am The Fourth-dimensional Consciousness Rising Above Human Consciousness

Source: 1969 L Tape: Every time we remind ourselves that we are not using God to do something to evil but rather that we are recognizing

the nothingness of the appearance. . . every time we consciously impersonalize and realize that neither sin, disease, nor false appetite is part

of our being but that it is merely a universal belief in two powers. . . every time we meditate, even if it is only a ten-second meditation, just

enough time to create a vacuum and to listen, we are developing our consciousness to the fourth degree. An onion skin of mortality is

dropping off, and we are that much closer to immortality. . . We become aware that we have a strength, a power, a dominion, and a

joyousness that the world knows not of.

Consciousness Transformed FALSE APPETITE

2/10/63 Source: Tape: In the presence of God there is liberty. In the presence of light there is no darkness. Darkness is merely the absence of light. There is no entity called darkness. In the same way there is no entity called disease or sin. So it is you don’t heal sin or disease of false appetite–they are illusory concepts. The illusory concept is always in the mind; there is no such thing as an externalized illusion. When you know this truth, the illusory concept is gone, but nothing is really gone with it. Sin or lack don’t go anywhere: you have merely proven they were not there.

1964 Source: Tape: When you are tempted to believe that you are fighting a sin, a false appetite, a disease, or lack or limitation in any form, please relax at once, and realize that this is not true. The battle is your Christ-self trying to break through into manifestation; and as you relax from the struggle and stop fighting evil–as you “put up the sword” and rest in quietness and peacefulness–the Christ will come into ascendancy. . . It comes to tear you away from the self that must die, even when it is good. When you are going through difficulties, it is so important to remember that it is the Christ that is doing it, not the devil, and not satan.

3/3/63 Source: Tape: As a claim arises, whether it is one of disease, false appetite, sin or lack, your answer is, “My harmony is dependent only on my relationship to my source–God. . . This is the truth that which, if you know it, will make you free; but you must actually know it to the point of conviction that your good is an amount up to infinity is yours because of your relationship to God.

Living Between Two Worlds The Nature Of Spiritual Attainment The Divine Consciousness Reveals Itself As The Teacher In The Moment Of Readiness

Source: 1964 Tape: When we in our hearts and souls desire to know God aright, to receive God's grace, to be freed of our sins, false appetites, hates, enmities, jealousies, and other human traits, when we are really ready to be made spiritually whole, the teacher will appear. It may be a teacher ten thousand miles away sitting in meditation who knows nothing about us personally. . . and yet we receive our grace and freedom. . . It is entirely an activity of God-consciousness.

Living By The Word The Nonattachment Of A Developed Spiritual Consciousness

Spiritualized Consciousness Overcomes The World

Source: 1961 Waikiki Infinite Way Study Center 2:2 Tape: 387 When you repeat, "Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it

were given thee from above," do you not see that the only purpose there is in bringing that to conscious remembrance is that you may

understand that whatever the particular Pilate is in your life—some disease, some sin, some false appetite, some person, some condition—

you may instantly bring to remembrance, "Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above."? In other

words, only that which is ordained of God, only that which emanates from God, only a law that comes forth from God is power. If you can

realize that, then when you are faced with material, mental, or legal laws, you can say to any of them, "'Thou couldest have no power at all

against me, except it were given thee from above.” Unless you are ordained of God, you have no power. Only that which is of God is power."

FALSE APPETITE Man Was Not Born to Cry The Truth That Makes Us Free The Impersonal Origin Of Evil

Source: 1960 Kansas City Practitioner’s class Tape: 318:2 Not a single thing in you is responsible for any of your ills. . . The evil or error

that is finding expression in you, whether as a disease, an evil trait of character, or as a false appetite, has absolutely nothing to do with

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Showing Forth The Presence Of God The True Demonstration

Only God’s Thoughts Are Power

Source: 1951 Second Portland Series Tape: 601 1:1 We sit in quietness, not thinking of person or condition, just keeping our mind stayed

on truth, which is always a realization of God as the only presence and power, and the further realization that any appearance, whether it be

sin, false appetite, disease, ignorance, fear, or death, is not power. These have no power to perpetuate themselves; they cannot maintain or

sustain themselves because they are only of the substance of mirage, illusion, nothingness. As we realize this truth, our friend, relative, or

patient responds to it because the activity of truth in our consciousness governs all those who are in and of our consciousness.

Spiritual Discernment The Infinite Way Of Life

Refuse To Accept Negative Beliefs

Source: 1962 Pacific Palisades Special Tape: 465 1:1 At first it may appear that you are using one power with which to overcome another power. It is not that at all. If I have believed that two times two is five and then learn that two times two is four, I have not used any power to change the five into four. I have merely learned the untruth of five and the truth of four, and in that process have not used any power whatsoever. In the same way, once you learn that God, or Spirit, constitutes the reality of being, that all power is in God, you learn also that what the world calls evil in any form—sin, disease, false appetite, germs, weather, or disease—is not power. These have been power only because of your acceptance of a universal belief in two powers. Think of how many things there are in your life or in the lives of those close to you that you would like changed by a God-power, or a God-presence. Then remember that from this moment on you have given up that way of life and substituted for it the way of life in which you recognize no power in any negative or evil appearance. Whether that negative or evil appearance is appearing to you in the form of sin, false appetite, disease, lack, limitation, unemployment or whatever it is, let your attitude be: Now I am living a life in which I recognize the non power of whatever it is that heretofore I have feared, whatever it is that I have felt required healing, changing, improving, or reforming. I no longer need a power to change, alter, improve, or heal anything.

Spiritual Power Of Truth God And Error

Source: Tape:

FALSE APPETITE You are bound to see sickness "out there." There is a load of it in every meeting: sickness, false appetites, sin, lack, limitation, unemployment. However, in proportion as you can sit "up here" and see all that and inwardly smile, "I know thee, who thou art: that universal belief in two powers, that carnal mind, the arm of flesh, nothingness," they must go out uplifted, they must go out healed—those who are receptive. That is what gives you your power—not what you are saying. It is the consciousness you have attained “back here."

Source: Tape: I’m going to illustrate why we are human beings, why we are kept human beings, why we sin, why we have false appetites, why we are poor, why we are ever sick, and why we eventually die. It is all because of this very thing—subliminal perception. . . Every carnal thought, whether of a material, mental, moral, or financial nature—every material thought, every thought of false ambition, greed, lust, hate, injustice, and unkindness—not one bit of that is yours or mine. It is all part of this vast mental illusion, if you want to call it that; and yet every human being is

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subject to it. Each one falls for some particular phase of it at whatever happens to be their weakest point.

The Art Of Spiritual Healing Spiritual Healing: The Principles One Power

Source: 1956 Tape: If it is true that God is one, the only law there can be is the law of God. Is there a law of disease if God is infinite law?

The nature of God as one eliminates any such possibility; it eliminates laws of disease, laws of sin, laws of false appetite. If there is any law

on earth, it must be the law of the nature of God. And what is the nature but love, intelligence, and wisdom?

Until you can realize that there is nothing to battle because there is only one power, you will be carrying a chip on your shoulders, everlasting fighting people, sin, disease, false appetite, lonesomeness, and poverty. One condition after another will arise in your experience as long as you are fighting and resisting; but when you understand God as one power, you become convinced that there is nothing to oppose Him.

The Contemplative Life Daily Preparation For Spiritual Living The Impersonal Source Of All Discord

Source: 1961 L Tape: In the practice of The Infinite Way. . . bringing harmony into the lives of our students is brought about not by treating each problem differently, as if rheumatism were different from consumption, or a headache different from a muscle ache, or unemployment different from disease, or false appetite different from lack; but by treating any and all of these as impersonal products of the universal belief in two powers. . . So, every single claim of human discord, in whatever category, is treated always from this one basis.

The Foundation of Mysticism Living The Healing Principles Purifying The Mind

Source: 1959 Tape:

The entire basis of our healing work–and please remember that disease of every name and nature is handled in this way, and so is every form of sin or false appetite, unemployment, marital relations, employer and employee relations, capital and labor relations–is to hold no one in judgment. If you cannot do that, you cannot bring about spiritual peace. The Journey Back To The Father’s House

FALSE APPETITE The Mind, A Receptive Instrument

Source: 1962 HOlland Closed Class 2:1 Tape: 500 The mind at all times is prepared to receive truth if it is fed with truth, just as the mind is

prepared to receive a lie. The mind is ready at any time to accept what you feed it: a false belief, a false appetite, a false teaching. The mind

cannot resist what you pour Into it. It is merely an instrument.

The Mystical I The Unveiling

Impersonalize Good And Evil Source: 1966 L Tape: You may think that lack or limitation is tempting you, or sin, false appetite, or sickness, but you cannot say, "I am sick or poor of sinful." As a matter of fact, you cannot say, "I am sick or poor of evil." God knows neither goodness nor badness, neither health nor sickness because I is incorporeal eternality.

The Thunder Of Silence From Darkness To Light

Beyond Power

Source: 1956-58 Tape: Nothing is accomplished by struggling physically or mentally, because struggling only increases what seems to be

an evil power in our experience. It is you and I who falsely entertain a sense of the power of sin, false appetite, disease, lack, or limitation, a

sense of power which the thing itself, whatever it is, does not have; and that is why no power discovered in the physical, mental, or

spiritual realm has ever been sufficient to remove any unwanted condition.

Transcending Mind

Source: 1956-58 Tape: The mind produces its own image and likeness, and if we who stand behind the mind permit it to be filled with

superstition, ignorance, or fear, all of which stem from the belief in two powers, that is what the mind produces in our experience. Mind is

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the substance of every form of sin, disease, death, false appetite, lack, limitation, wars, rumors of wars, and all the other things listed under

the word evil. . . Matter is matter only to the material state of consciousness, but once we rise to a mental state of consciousness, matter is

not matter, but mind. Mind is the essence and substance of which matter is formed, and it appears to us as form or effect. Mind is the

principle, the life and the law, of all material and mental form.

FALSE APPETITE Why take thought about [man whose breath is in his nostrils] when we can take thought about the son of God?

Inasmuch as we are human antennas, we often find ourselves thinking the thoughts that everybody else is thinking. That is why fear overwhelms us, a fear that is not our fear but the universal fear that we pick up through our everyday contact with the world.

[In contemplation] we must be bold; we must not fear to ask questions, pertinent and even impertinent questions.

As long as you fear anything, you are enslaved by it.

It is a form of atheism to fear any form of matter. It is an acknowledgment that all is not spiritual.

Once a person is touched by the Spirit, those [enthralling things of the flesh] become only incidental; but do not be misled or overly confident: there is still the possibility of fearing the things that you have always feared.

The less you react with fear to the sins and the diseases of the world, the greater the degree of spiritual progress you have made and are making. . . In proportion as you understand that temporal power is not power in the presence of God, there will be less and less reaction to the pictures of disease or accident presented to you. . . If instead of reacting to these accounts [of lack of food and other necessities] with horror or with pity, you can realize that lack of any kind is a universal belief because supply is spiritual and, therefore omnipresent, you may help to lift those who are entertaining a material sense of supply out of such hypnotism.

There must come a rest from the activity of the mind: taking thought for our life, fearing for our life, constantly knowing the truth in order to avoid some experience. There must come a Sabbath, and in this Sabbath we live by Grace, because then we do not know the truth, but Truth reveals Itself to us.

Acknowledge Spirit in all your ways; acknowledge that Spirit is the source of all. Then you will discover that it will not be very long until that acknowledgment dissolves your sins, false appetites, fears, doubts, greed, lusts, and mad ambitions.

Transparency has no love, fear, or hate of error.

The first temptation is to use human force–mental or physical force– and begin to combat the enemy, whereas the most difficult thing in the world is to close ourselves in tight and realize that we need not resist

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evil. The battle is not ours but God's.

What difference does it make whether or not I am sick or well, if I am going to live forever? It takes the fear right out of disease. “I am life eternal!” - not, “I will be eternal, if I learn some truth.”

Christ consciousness is your consciousness when you no longer hate, fear, or love error of any name or nature.

We must relax our humanhood, divest ourselves of human fears, worries, and doubts. But that cannot be done through will power. . . only. . . by becoming consciously aware of a Presence which we know and understand to be God.

There is only one answer to any claim that relates to the fear of death, and that is that Life has no opposite for Life is infinite. Life, the life which is God, is universal; it is the life of all being whether the life of man, woman, child, animal, or plant. Life is always God; there is no other life.


In the realization of God as Consciousness, the Consciousness of individual being, there cannot remain religious of racial prejudices, hatreds fears, or bigotries. These only remain while there is the belief of a selfhood apart from God.

All fear is related to the word “power.”

Dying daily related to dropping concepts and their desires or fears.

When we are able to give up concern for the false sense of “I,” the I that we really are goes right along enjoying Itself, prospering and drawing to Itself everything and everyone that It needs for Its unfoldment.

When you are convinced that the place whereon you stand is holy ground, you are no longer in fear.

A God-contact is not merely a statement in the mind: it is an actual inner release from worldly fears and cares, and it is followed by further spiritual light and then gradually by a change in body, purse, or in other circumstances.

Even the stars that so many people bow down to in worship and fear, yielding power to them–even over these man was given dominion.

Practitioner must meditate until no fear of condition.

Beholders have no right to desire or fear.

Fear enters consciousness in the morning.

To fear another power is to forfeit your dominion.

Meditation: nothing to fear.

Omnipotence: there can be no power of evil to fear.

Receptivity requires us to be a servant.

In this state of rest, the power of grace descends and the presence of God flows into immediate expression as our experience. In quietness and confidence, in a resting from anxiety and fear, let God reveal Itself. Let God express Itself. Let God live our lives. Let there be no more “I” or “you” separate and apart from the Father, but let the Father be our life.

Once you have located God as the I of your being, your permanent identity, you will have nothing to fear.

In proportion as this consciousness of no judgment is attained, the appearances in this world automatically change as they touch your consciousness. This is because your consciousness is not reacting to good or to evil, and is, therefore, able to pierce the veil of illusion, even the veil of good illusion, and see that there is nothing

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to fear and nothing to gloat about because what you are seeing is not the spiritual creation, but a finite concept of it.

It all comes down to the fear of what mortal man can do to us, or what effect human circumstances or conditions can have upon us, or what faith we may have that there is a man or group of men who can save us individually or save the world collectively. The effect in either case would be the effect of sowing to the flesh and thereby reaping corruption.

FEAR With this realization [of Omnipotence], we instantly lose our fear of material conditions, forces, or powers, and even our fear of mental forces or powers. We rest in the assurance that since there is but one power, we have nothing to fear.

As you meditate never have in mind the healing of mind, body, lack, or fear. Never, never, must you have any goal or any object other than the attainment of God-realization and the recognition of the Presence within you.

Fear is always of an effect.

Spiritual consciousness instantly releases us from all material concern including fear of death.

Spiritual consciousness is a state of consciousness which instantaneously releases an individual from all material concern. . . [including] fear of death.

It is [your] spiritual identity which has dominion over everything in life.

In not loving, hating, or fearing that which appears in the physical or mental realm, we break the mesmeric dream of a selfhood or a universe apart from God.

Fear is the basis of practically every sin that man commits.

Every time we are touched with a doubt or fear, let us acknowledge that it could only come to us in our sense of separation from God.

Now, this minute, understand that fear, in and of itself, is not a power.

To some extent the fear of disease controls us, but this fear is not your fear or mine. It is a universal fear to which we have become subject.

All evil is nothing more than a block of ice called material sense, and nothing will dissolve it except a realization of the presence of God.

You must learn to live as if there were no yesterdays, as if there had been no mistakes yesterday and no sins yesterday. . . you have to tear up your entire past consciously and actively and live as if today were the only day given you to live. If you try to relive yesterday, you will be reliving its mistakes and errors, so you might as well make up your mind to let bygones be bygones. . . Our mistakes are over and done with; our sins are over and done with; our fears are over and done with.

Once we know the truth that every form of discord in our life is a form of hypnotism, and to the extent that we can accept God-being, we release ourselves from the sins, the fears, and the diseases of the world.

Until you can arrive at this recognition and conviction and until you come to an inner assurance that there is this He within you, this I, because of Whom you need not fear, you can go no further and your tomorrows will be no different from your yesterdays. Do not try to go beyond this revelation regardless of how many months or years it may take for you to reach the absolute conviction:

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Where I am, God is. I need never fear, I need never be afraid. This Presence is with me This I is within me.

FEAR "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." If you remember that that passage refers to I in the midst of you, never again will you fear for your life, for your supply, for your happiness, or for your security. It is to this I that is in the midst of you that you must always look, and to no other.

The only enemy [is] the universal belief that material and mental force can control this world.

The Christ is individual consciousness when it is purged of all love, fear, or hate of error [good or bad].

Fear keeps you under material law.

mystic lives in a shell of Nothingness without need or fear.

protection is knowing no power to fear.

Do not fear to let go the things and events of “this world”.

Purity is the absence of self with its needs, fears, and desires.

God is, is like saying sunshine is: no need to pray for it to come in-only to open shade and let in.

. . . feel that you are not equal to [the claim]. . . you have lost your opportunity, and it is well to ask help

of a practitioner.

Error: a mirage which has been frightening you with an appearance.

Do not fear the result of every negative thought you think.

Let us never fear an image in our mind.

Receptivity requires us to be empty of desires and fears.

What have I to fear? There is a God and that God is love. That ends my whole problem.

If you examine your own thought, you will soon see how many things you fear in the external realm.

The human mind contains all the fears and failures of the human race.

The nature of the bondsman is to be in bondage to effect. . . anything that has form.

“What can I do about a mirage?”

Fear comes as a temptation to believe in evil as a real power.

Fear is atheism.

Until it becomes clear to us that God constitutes individual being, you. . . will always be seeking supply

and security. Regardless of what you fear, it cannot hurt you How can we be concerned for an hour from now

when we do not know what God's plan is for us an

hour from now? You interfere with the flow of God [when] you go to God with a desire, a fear, a doubt, a

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concern or even a hope.


Protective work: the realization that nothing exists anywhere that is of a destructive nature. Conscious fear is an

effect, and effect can never become cause. In the first half of the treatment you have lifted yourself above fear and

the appearance. Good has no opposite and no opposition. The moment we perceive that there is neither good nor

evil in effect, we lose our fear of any and every


The Way is to face ourselves fearlessly this moment [and] realize that it is in this moment that all that God is, I am.

Fear has made man forget God is the life of man. When we allow fear of our body to enter thought, we have

forsaken God. We fear only because we believe that what we fear has more power than the God we worship. What

difference does it make what we fear?. . . We are acknowledging a power other than God. Never be concerned

and never try to have a thought about anything. Spiritual consciousness is a state of consciousness that fears

neither persons nor conditions. It looks out

on this world and says, “I love you whether you are good or bad, in pain or without pain.” The

weapons of the world cannot touch me because I am not in the world. Even though the appearance may

still continue for a day, a week, or a month, be assured it will

gradually fade out of your consciousness once you are released from your hatred of it, fear of it, or

desire to get rid of it. Never permit your thought to extend outside yourself as if to govern, control, or influence. Your life is lived within the infinite boundaries of your own consciousness, and your way of life is knowing the truth.

No more must you voice the doubts and fears of the world, but speak the Word of God, the Word of Truth.

No more must you must you hear the doubts and fears of the world, but listen for the still, small Voice. Infinite Way practice means neither fearing evil nor desiring good (physicality) but rather attaining the realization of God.

There is no power but God; therefore, stop fearing this negative sense. Stop hating this evil condition.

Stop condemning this false appearance, and begin to rejoice that your names are written in heaven. In training yourself to look through the eyes of people and animals as you come in contact with them, you will automatically come to that place where you are no longer loving, hating, or fearing the appearance-world. . . ”this world.”

If you react with the tiniest trace of doubt or fear, thereby accepting the appearance, you may have a long battle. . . Our concern must never be with the appearance, but always with the principle.


Fear of material conditions, whether of body or bombs, is a retreat into atheism because it is a denial of

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God. Only by removing power from the visible and depending solely on the Infinite Invisible can fear be supplanted with confidence.

Before the fear for the heart can be given up, it must be brought to light and become a conviction that

the heart is not the source of life. . . it is life which animates the heart. We do not deny [hate or fear]: we recognize that they have no power to be anything, cause anything, or do anything when the realization of one Power is achieved.

Fear is a universal state, based on the belief that we have a separate life which can be destroyed. Remember that

fear is an activity of universal belief, and then realize that there cannot be two powers. Fear is now being replaced

with understanding, and it is then that grace takes over. When we realize that there is a power of grace functioning

in this world bringing our good to us, we

begin to lose our fears. There is a responsibility that we have to accept, and that responsibility is to

become free of fear. We cannot become free of fear except in proportion as we realize that there is no

power in the external

universe. All power is within ourselves acting upon this universe. The fear must be removed first, and

then the object of the fear disappears. Unfortunately, as this teaching [Christian Science?] became

crystallized and more and more people

began to accept it, mortal mind, which had been revealed to be a nothingness, began to be feared as a power. How can anyone fear an evil power if there is only one power and that one power is God?

The very moment that we release mankind from condemnation, we help release this world from fear. We should even have the courage to tell fear to eat us up if it can. . . If our fear is going to do anything to us, why not let it do it now?. . . What we shall find, however, is that fear is not a power–it is only power as long as we fight it.

Fear must always have a form. Always there must be something to fear, or there would be no fear.

Limitation exists only in the dream of life, not in Life Itself. Fear exists only in the dream of two

powers, not in Omnipotence. Disease exists only in the dream of mortality, not in the immortal Being which you are and which I am. If you learn to accept everyone in your consciousness as God-being, you need have no fear for him. If,

however, you accept him as a human being, then you will have concern.

By understanding the basic nature of error to be a fear about self and that actually there is only one Self, God, we do no react to the fears of our patients or our students, and they quickly become free. In the human scene, the struggle for existence is intense. . . This is characteristic of that limited human consciousness that can feed only upon itself, relying on its own physical strength, education, personal experience, or the influence that can be brought to bear upon the situation.

FEAR How can we tell a person who has not attained the consciousness able to recognize the Christ that he should live by Grace, without worry, fear, accidents, death, or poverty?

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To give up our fear of anything in the world of effect is the first step in attaining Christ consciousness.

All that the Christ consciousness is, is your individual consciousness when you no longer fear or hate or love error of any name or nature.

Only in the degree that we have overcome physical sense, is the mind of God our mind. . . except in proportion as we individually have become purged of personal sense, that is of our hate, love, and fear of error.

In the degree that you are able to transcend human thinking and look through the world of appearances, feeling little or no sense of hate, love, or fear for it or from it, or dependence upon it, in that degree, are you entertaining the Christ in your consciousness.

If God is our life, what have we to fear of life in this moment? All that is necessary is the continuous realization of this now-ness.

I do not have to fear age, because my consciousness will forever be the infinite source of my supply– God, individualized as my consciousness, will be the source and fount of my supply unto eternity.

That is all there is to the Christ consciousness, which is your individual consciousness when you no longer fear, hate, or love error of any name or nature.

You may have to stand fast in the face of the very opposite appearance. It may be in the face of a very, very persistent appearance. And so you will have to stand again and again and again and say, “I am being reborn of the Spirit. I am being renewed. I am no longer going to fear, hate, or love that which is outside of me. I am going to stand on the truth that knows that consciousness is the law unto that which is outside.” It takes patience.

You are that ideal man all the time, and all that is necessary to bring that man forth into manifestation is your realization that there is a divine Principle operating in the universe. . . [Then] you let go of all that constituted your humanhood–your worry, your fear, your doubt, your anxiety, your planning, your scheming. And in the moment that you let go of the false sense of humanhood, you find yourself to be that spiritual man.

To do spiritual healing it is necessary to be able to look any form of sin or disease in the face with complete confidence, “Neither do I fear thee, nor will I battle thee. Why should I fear what mortal man can do to me? Why should I fear what mortal things or persons or conditions can do to me, if God Himself is the only law, presence, power, cause, substance, and reality? I will stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.”

Begin to understand that the nature of your being is God, the nature of your Soul is God, the nature of your mind is God, and the nature of your body is the temple of God. Your very body is the temple of the living God: Stop condemning it; stop hating it; stop fearing it. Your mind is an instrument through which God, Truth, can flow: Do not condemn your mind and do not call it a bad mind or a mortal mind or a material mind. There are no such minds; there is only one mind and that mind is an instrument of God. When you stop condemning your mind, you will find that your mind is a clear transparency for the Soul.

FEAR People do not fear because they are cowards: they fear because they are gripped by a universal hypnotism that makes them act in ways foreign to their own nature.

With every temptation to see twoness, opposition, or competition, [the mystic] inwardly smiles in the realization: "Be not afraid, it is I. There is only one of us here, not two. There is not a 'me' and danger, there is not a 'me' and competition, there is not a 'me' and an enemy–that is twoness.

We relax our fears about tomorrow, next month, or next year in the assurance, "What more can I have than the divine presence of God Himself within me, the Source of all, the Creator of all, the Maintainer and Sustainer of

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all? And all this is walking around within me!"

The greatest attainment [during the First Degree] of our unfoldment is the realization of God as One, not as a power over some other power, but as the only Power. . . [Then] we no longer fear external powers in any form, not even "the armies of the aliens."

"I have lived in fear of you, but the truth is that you exist merely as a belief in two powers. The only existence you have is in the mind of man, and you cannot get outside of that mind to do anything to anybody. All you can do is destroy those who entertain that same belief in two powers."

Regardless of what human situation or condition may arise as a temporary experience, we will have no fear because we are living in Omnipresence, knowing that since we have no will of our own, we have no doubt that Infinity can perform Its plan through us.

Train yourself to weigh what comes into your mind in light of the two worlds. "Am I placing power in something or someone external to the I that I am?. . . No, I do not live by bread or by property, but by the will of God." . . . As you draw power back into the I that you are, fear of the outer world disappears.

It is this I that our thoughts hit up against when the human part of us indulges in the human hates, human loves, human fears, human doubts, and human ignorance. When these hit up against that I, they rebound as what we call punishment.

We take the word law into our mind. God is law, and all law is spiritual. But there are legal laws, material laws, mental laws, and as they hit up against our awareness of one law, we stand fast, "No! I do not accept them. I accept God alone as law." As we do that we will be "dying" to our fears about other laws and will be reborn into the consciousness of one law.

Our mind is the transparency which expresses what we give it. As we keep the mind filled with these truths, we are letting our old self "die," that self that fears negative powers, that self that has a selfhood apart from God, that self that does not acknowledge its divinity. We let that 'die' and let the individual who knows that he is one with the Father be reborn.

There is a Spirit that dwells in us. It is invisible, and we cannot see It with our eyes. It is incorporeal. We cannot even feel It, but we can experience It; we can know It is there by Its fruitage, because with the realization of Its presence, we instantly lose all fear.

What is left when God is taken out of our consciousness? Fear, ignorance, superstition, desire, anxiety, concern, get, give me, help me, I, me, mine!

FEAR In the beginning your treatment may last fifteen or twenty minutes. Later on your treatment may take only three or four minutes, and the time will come when thirty seconds will be much more time that you will need for an average treatment. A treatment does not take place in time or space. It is an activity of realized Christ-consciousness, your individual consciousness when it no longer fears anything or anybody in the external world.

We have no mind apart from God. Our ignorance, our fear, and our insanity have been in the belief of a mind apart from God, the belief or a soul apart from God, a soul that could sin.

Resisting the advancing years, as if they were something to be feared, produces many of the discords associated with age.

If there is no evil in your consciousness, there is no evil operating in your world. How can you determine

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whether or not evil is operating in your consciousness? Do you accept or recognize a presence or a power apart from God? If you do, then evil exists for you. Do you see something to hate, fear, or resent? Then you are seeing an image which you have created within yourself.

To live the spiritual life means to live in an atmosphere of absolute fearlessness, regardless of the circumstances.

Never look upon the discords and inharmonies of your life as if they represented a lack of understanding or a lack of demonstration. Regard these unfortunate circumstances as opportunities which will be dissolved when they no longer serve their purpose as spurs to your spiritual unfoldment.

Have the courage to look at every person and circumstance that you consider harmful or destructive. In the silence, face the situation fearlessly; face the condition or the person and you will discover that it–or he–is an image of your own thought; and, therefore, there is no cause, jurisdiction, or law to support it. Recognize God as the Soul of every person and God as the activity in every situation.

Believe that there is a presence at the center of your being whose only function is to bless, to be a benediction, and to be the instrument of My grace. Trust Me; believe only in Me; fear not.

If God is your consciousness, what chance would anything have of operating for evil in that consciousness? Nothing shall “enter that defileth or maketh a lie,” Enter what? Enter God-consciousness, enter your consciousness because your consciousness is God-consciousness.

We have one great advantage, however, over the rest of the world and over those persons who live in fear of every pain because they think it is a sign that they are going to die. We do know that there is an answer, and that it is just a matter of our attaining that answer. And what is the answer? The right degree of realization. . . If we were facing our last minute of life on earth, it could be completely reversed, just by the correct realization.

Always when fear goes, the object of fear goes, because the object of fear is only fear itself externalized, and there cannot be fear in the presence of a realization of spiritual law.

[Grace] works when there is no fear and even when there is no faith: when there is not even faith in right thinking, not even faith in holding a right thought, not even faith that God can do something, when there is just no fear and no faith, but only the realization of a divine Grace.

FEAR None of us has attained full and complete freedom for the simple reason that we cannot attain full and complete release from fear and faith. The reason is that neither this fear or this faith is personal. It is a universal miasma, a universal hypnotism, and as much as we might individually overcome it, there still will be enough of the universal operating so that, as I said before, even the most dedicated find that they are not one hundred percent free from the sins and diseases of the world, although many of them attain a measure of freedom.

You would be surprised how easy it is to settle back into a meditation when you have nothing and nobody to fear, and when you are not looking even to a God with faith, when you can settle back in the complete realization of IS. “The Lord is my shepherd” –I shall not fear. “The Lord is my shepherd.” The Infinite Invisible is, and it is operating. Because I know this, I find it easier to accept Emerson’s statement that “the dice of God are always loaded,” and to let God and his loaded dice take the responsibility for governing the world.

If we accept the Master’s statement, “My kingdom is not of this world,” we do not have to fight, remove, or overcome anything in the external world: “It is I; be not afraid.” I am the life of you; I, God, the spirit of God in you is your life, your being, and the substance of your body. When we are no longer afraid of anything in the external world, then we automatically arrive at a state of consciousness that no longer

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concerns itself with the good appearances or fears the evil appearances, but looks out at them with a sense of detachment as an onlooker or a beholder, with no interest in changing, improving, or destroying them: with just the attitude of a beholder.

The discipline of the spiritual path consists of the ability to discipline one’s self so as not to see a picture that has to be changed, altered, improved, or removed, and the vision to look out at the pictures this world presents with this conviction, “It is I; be not afraid,” and then stand still and bear witness while God brings about the transformation of the visible scene.

The function of the Christ is to break our attachment to “this world,” to the pictures of “this world.” It acts to overcome our love of the good things of “this world” and our fears and hates of the evil things of “this world” in the realization that both the good and the evil appearances are but appearances, the human dream, if you like.

Realize that you are a complete and perfect unit, consciously one with the Father, and all that the Father has is finding an outlet, through you, to the world. Be satisfied to see that good flow to the sinner as well as to the saint. Hold no one in bondage; set everyone free, and you will find your freedom in God, in Christ. By recognizing God as the source of your life, of the qualities and activities of your body, the source of your love and supply, even the source of your powers of forgiveness, you are sowing to the Spirit. But remember that every time you entertain some faith or fear in the creature you are, in that degree, denying the power of the Creator, and in that degree, you are sowing to the flesh.

We might as well face the problem or it will continue. The reason the law of cause and effect continues to operate in our consciousness is because we give power to this law. Eventually we must come back to, “No, God has given me dominion, and there is no power outside of me.” . . . So let us begin to face our problems without a desire to get rid of them, without a fear of them. I’m going to acknowledge there is an error and I’m looking at it, but there is a solution. With some realization of truth, we are finding error doesn’t exist. . . The problem must be licked through understanding.

God constitutes my life. Therefore, my life is eternal. The more you live with that, the less you look to the body and the less fears you have of those aches.

FEAR 10 To be able to realize that [God is your individual consciousness] enables you to sit back as comfortably, as joyously and confidently as a baby sitting on its mother’s lap. . . In this attitude and altitude you eventually hear your own consciousness saying to you, “I am your bread, I am your meat, I am your wine and your water. Fear not, I am with you. Be not afraid, it is I. I will never leave you.”

As long as there are any negative or evil appearances, you must learn not to fear them and not to want help for them. Yes, even when you request help, the help you are asking for should be the help to attain faith and the help to have the courage to ignore the appearances.

The only way you can abide in Christ-consciousness is to abide without words or thoughts, or faith in anything or fear of anything. Being, just being. God is being my being, but the minute I have words and thoughts, I have a God and me–unless the words are being poured into me, rather than thought by me.

No faith in, no fear of, no freedom from. That is saying it shortly and sweetly.

Once you begin to perceive that the only power there is, is the power of your own consciousness, how then would it be possible to fear what mortal man can do to you?

Progress into the spiritual consciousness is a complete relaxing in God is. This consciousness is the God-presence and the God-power. The consciousness that does not fear external powers is the spiritual power.

One of the most sublime passages in Scripture is “Be not afraid, it is I.”

I have witnessed in my meditation, the usual change is a change in consciousness of the patient.

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Sometimes the person will say, “I have lost the fear, but the fever hasn’t gone down.” I am only interested in a change of consciousness. So it is when you are working, do not allow patients to fool you when there is no change in the physical. That wasn’t your function in the beginning. Your function is to bring the seekers into an awareness of God within–then, “all of these things will be added unto you.”

Nothing out here, nobody out here, has any power over me. God never gave anybody power over me. As I embody that truth within myself, I am not only immune from all fears, I am immune from world beliefs.

Of course there is a a God, but there is no God in the human scene, and this is one of the truths that must not be given to young students too soon. It not only shocks them, but it creates a fear.

When I am releasing you from your sins and your fears by knowing that these are not of you but are of an impersonal antichrist. . . you cannot help feeling good. Then do you not see that this is your responsibility to the world? As you hold everyone in the world in this light, you are setting them free in Christ. When you are not doing this, you are really malpracticing and you are holding them in bondage to their own sins, diseases, and lacks.

When a thought comes into your mind, train yourself to weigh it in light of the two worlds: “Is that a material thought? Am I placing power in something or someone external to the I that I am?. . . If I am imputing power externally, I am living in the world of material sense, material values.” But when such thoughts come to you and you reinterpret them: “No! I do not live by bread or by property, but by the will of God. I do not die by the power of accidents or germs or heredity; I die in proportion as I withdraw power from that external realm. I die to my humanness, But I am in that degree reborn into my spiritual Sonship.” As soon as you can draw back the power into the I that I am, fear of this outer world disappears.

FEAR 11 Overcome the fear of death by realizing: “I do not have a life of my own because all that I am is God expressing itself as my individual being, and I leave God to perpetuate itself.”

I do know Mrs. Eddy's writings well enough to quote them and you will find samples like this: "The procuring cause and foundation of all disease is ignorance, sin and fear." And eight pages later: "Neither disease itself, sin, nor fear, has the power to cause disease or relapse." And, "Immortal Mind is the only cause, therefore disease is neither cause nor effect." And again, "Mortal mind produces disease and Immortal Mind cures it." Those are samples.

When that man asks for help to get rid of his white poodle…I mustn't give him help to get rid of his white poodle-otherwise I would be in the same state of mesmerism that he is in. The mere fact that I am not hypnotized makes me see that there is no white poodle there. The claim isn't white poodle, the claim is hypnotism. The minute I know that, that man is free. Why is he free? Because the error has been uncovered, it has been seen, it has been recognized for its nothingness. You know hypnotism can't produce a white poodle, can it? It can only produce an illusory appearance, and nobody is going to be afraid of that. The fear comes only while we believe there is a white poodle there.

[Christ–consciousness] might be attained only in one way: through our recognition of the nature of error which causes us to lose our love for it, our hate for it and our fear for it.

In overcoming this world, you have lost your fear of your body; therefore it is free to live under God's law. You have overcome the world's beliefs about the body—that it is finite or material; that it lives by bread alone, or so-called material foods; that it must be catered to in any way. Bathe it, keep it clean inside and out, but drop all concern for it. It is in God's eternal keeping; it is living and moving and having its being in God-consciousness.

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My spirit will work for you and with you and through you and as you. It will work to accomplish my purpose. You will be my presence on earth. I will not leave you, nor forsake you. In any appearance I will still be with you. Fear nothing of this world. My guiding spirit is ever with you.

You are infinite spiritual consciousness, infinite spiritual life itself, and, being infinite, all inclusive. Therefore, you must include within your own being every activity of being…In taking that approach, you see what we are doing in contradiction to most of the metaphysical movements. We are saying, practically, that we can't help you demonstrate anything. All we can do is ask you to come into the realization of the infinite nature of your own being and let all things be added unto you… ;." Therefore, you are committing a sin every time you allow your thought to go out into the realm of "I desire, I want, I fear."

We can't even say that we have overcome the world if we fear, or believe, that death is a possibility or an inevitability! Or, that we will be any different in what the world calls death than we are this minute.

If you were in a little boat on a river and another little boat came along with no one in it and it bumped into you, you would not get mad about it. But–suppose that boat came along with a man in it. Then you’d get mad. . . There is just the point we are making! A person comes and says, "I am sick," and we immediately go back to review it, to do something about the person. Actually, there isn't any person at all; there is an empty boat. The error isn't a person at all; it's just a little accident–a little belief. It is impersonal error, not personal at all…So when a person says, "I'm sick or I'm sinning or I fear," try to visualize that empty boat. There isn't any person there so there is no purpose in answering back to a person, or trying to correct him or heal him or bawl him out. Do you see what I mean?

FEAR 12 We must make love the dominating influence in our experience. We must make all of the divine qualities of the Christ active in us. We must give up all personal desires, hate, envy, criticism, condemnation; we can't indulge those human qualities. We must not fear, for then we are just missing the opportunity to bring forth the divine qualities of Christ. Why go around indulging these human things at the expense of cheating ourselves from having the mind that was in Christ Jesus?

Now, I would not treat the person and I wouldn't treat the condition. I would treat–me! I would treat myself! I would say, "Now, here–what is this that is touching you? This is just nothing but suggestion coming to you of a selfhood apart from God. This is nothing more than that hypnotist trying to make you believe there is a white poodle there when you know in your heart and soul there isn't. Why don't you wake up? Why should you believe–you of all people–believe there is such a thing as mortality or fear? Why should you believe there is a mind apart from God?"…I don't have to accept that. This is nothing more or less than the actual presence of God which mortal or finite sense has misinterpreted and it is up to me to reinterpret it. There is nothing but the presence of God, God infinite and all; there

That is why we have the term, "The mind that was in Christ Jesus." It isn't any mind other than your own. It's in your own mind but it is your own mind after you have lost the love of error, the hate of error, and the fear of error. It is your own mind, your own consciousness, after you have learned to look out on the world and say, "There is no power outside of my own being, and because God is my own being, there is no evil power."

When the problem is presented to you, do not resist it, do not deny it or affirm it. Just take the attitude of non–resistance, divine indifference–not putting out a mental wall against it, not trying to overcome it, not trying to deny it–just having an attitude of freedom from fear, an attitude of realizing that you don't have to resist a mirage, an attitude that you are not going to separate the railroad tracks or lift the sky off the mountain. Yet don't wait for that moment to take that attitude, for that will be affirmation and denial and to that degree will be resistance…Instead of reacting with, "What do I think about this? What do I know? It isn't true, it isn't real," just smile, knowing that you are being presented with a mirage and that all you have to do is recognize that it is a mirage. You see, this Christ–consciousness does not resist

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We are not to be satisfied even with good human pictures, we are immediately to translate them. We are not to be satisfied by human health, physical health. We are not to be satisfied with physical wealth. Don't be satisfied, either, with the mere fact that you have a loyal wife, a loyal husband, a loyal friend. Sometimes when your dependence is in the human you find humans turn on you. They do that very often. But, if we are always reversing that picture and saying, "I know that every bit of good here is the infinite good of God individualizing itself in my experience, that all of this good coming to me is God’s good," then we have nothing to fear.

On this same subject of mystical power, the great secret is, "I can of my own self do nothing. . . I live, yet not I, Christ liveth in me." And the great secret is not how much personal power can we develop as healers but how good a vehicle are we for Christ, how clear a transparency, what degree of Christ– consciousness are we? In other words, what degree of love for error or hate of error or fear of error is in or out of my consciousness?

Our particular problem is this: the development of the practitioner to that point where he neither fears, hates nor loves error; his development of some measure of Christ–consciousness which means divine love, universal love, a sense of forgiveness, a sense of gratitude, a sense of human affection.

FEAR 13 Once you have been touched by the Spirit and are on this path, you can never again be thrilled by the profits of the pocketbook or the things of the flesh or by what you once thought were pleasures. Once a person is touched, these pleasures and profits can only be incidental. However, there is still the possibility of turning back and fearing the things that we have always feared.

We can evaluate our spiritual progress by our reactions to what is presented to us in the pictures of the world. For example, the more we realize that temporal power is not power, the less we fear war or the threat of war. That is one sign of spiritual progress. Another is reacting with less horror or fear to the sins and diseases of the world. You also show your own spiritual progress as you realize that supply is spiritual and react with less horror or pity to the seeming lack of food and necessities in the impoverished countries of the world. You not only show your progress, you also help to remove lack and limitation.

Beyond the physical, there are two levels of consciousness: the mental and the spiritual. In the earliest days of introspection, many people turned inward and touched the mental realm. Because it was something greater than what they had ever known, they thought they had reached the Kingdom of God. That was Mr. Quimby's primal mistake. He touched the mental realm and dressed it up by calling it "God," "Christ," "Spirit" and "prayer." He was really responsible for much of the mistaken teachings in the world. Mrs. Eddy took Mr. Quimby's mental teaching and in the same way embroidered her message with the same names. In her mental teachings, she states that sin, ignorance, and fear are the procuring causes of all diseases. She did not go beyond this mental teaching until many, many years

If you acknowledge the presence and the power, the omnipresence of God, even though you may find yourself in hell or in the very valley of the shadow of death, you will find yourself dwelling in the same Spirit as did David when he said, "I will fear no evil: for thou art with me." Remember this—it is the recognition and acknowledgment of the presence of God that brings God into tangible evidence, manifestation, and expression.

Reveal Yourself, Father; show me Your will. Never again will I dishonor You by trying to tell You what I need then attempt to coerce You into delivering it. Never will I expect You to do my will or my bidding–to be my messenger boy. I place my life, my hand, my being, and my body in Your keeping. Do with them what You will, Father. Take my sins, my fears, and my diseases; take my health, and my wealth; take it all. I ask only one gift–the gift of You Yourself.

The mind produces its own image and likeness, and if we who stand behind the mind permit it to be filled with superstition, ignorance, or fear, all of which stem from the belief in two powers, that is what the mind produces

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in our experience. Mind is the substance of every form of sin, disease, death, false appetite, lack, limitation, wars, rumors of wars, and all the other things listed under the word evil. . . Matter is matter only to the material state of consciousness, but once we rise to a mental state of consciousness, matter is not matter, but mind. Mind is the essence and substance of which matter is formed, and it appears to us as form or effect. Mind is the principle, the life and the law, of all material and mental form.

FEAR 14 A beginning can be made by not attempting to stop our thinking processes. If the mind wants to think, we let it, and if necessary, even sit and watch it as it goes through the thinking process. No matter what thoughts come, they can do us no harm. They have no power, and there is nothing in them for us to fear. If we fear or hate them, we may try to stop them, and on the other hand if we love them, we may try to hold on to them. . . We let the thoughts come and go while we sit and watch as beholders. All we are looking at are shadows that flit across the screen: There is no power in them, nor any substance there is no law in them, nor any cause—they are just shadows. . . pictures without power.

Whatever your name or nature, if you exist in time or space, you are a mental image, a nothingness. I do not have to fear you because you have no existence in my or anyone's being. You have existence only in mind, and as a mind-existence, you are without form and void. You have no more good or evil in you than the picture on the moving-picture screen—you are just a substanceless shadow.

As soon as we become unattached, that is, as soon as we are detached from thought—from hate, fear, or love of objects or people so that they can float in front of our eyes with the utmost indifference to us— we are no longer in the realm of mind: We are then reaching, touching, or being touched by our own Soul, which is God, and we are in an atmosphere where, when God speaks, we can hear Him. When God utters His voice, the earth melts, and all problems dissolve.

It is possible for us to rise above the law of cause and effect but only when the world's weapons have been given up, only when our life is lived not by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. When we are not thinking of food or money or climate or any effect as constituting our security and when we realize that our real life is sustained by the word of God, we are living the spiritual life with no dependence on human beings, on human investments, or human positions—not throwing them away or casting them out of our life, but realizing that they are the added things in life, part of God's grace made manifest, and therefore there is no thought whatsoever of fear should they be taken from us.

Everything that we see, hear, taste, touch, or smell exists as an effect, but the moment that we perceive that there is neither good nor evil in effect, we lose our fear of any and every effect. We cannot fear something that has no more power for good or for evil than has a glass of pure water. We not only cannot fear a glass of pure water—we cannot even love it. We can enjoy and benefit by it, but there is nobody yet who has ever fallen in love with a glass of water or hated it or feared it. We just take it as it is, for what it is—a glass of water.

When we realize that the problem presenting itself to us is not a God-created spiritual entity, but a mental concept without cause or reality—without presence, power, or substance—then in the realization of God as the creative, maintaining, and sustaining Principle of all that truly is, we already have all the God-power needed, without turning to God to do anything about it. It is not necessary to overcome hate, fear, jealousy, or resentment, but it is necessary to sit down, close the eyes, and realize, "These are mental images in thought. These are projected states of thought out of the vast mental illusion. Then by abiding in an inner peace, they are dissolved. They are not

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destroyed because there is nothing to be destroyed; there is no substance to them and they have no more reality than the pictures on our

FEAR 15 Regardless of how painful or difficult it may be at first to go to God without a word or a thought, a direction, a hope, a fear, or an ambition, this emptiness of self is worth achieving even if it takes time. When we reach that point, we shall find what a glorious thing it is not to have to plan our day or our next year, and yet at the same time be assured that every day of the year will be a day of fulfillment because it is God's day, and we have nothing to do with it except to be beholders of God at work. That which divinely decreed us to do it will fulfill it. He fulfills the days and He fulfills the nights as long as we are empty enough of words and are not injecting some human thought conceived in our mind.

There is only one enemy—the universal belief that material and mental force can control this world. The enemies confronting us today are not a threatened epidemic of disease, not a devastating condition of weather or climate, not impending economic disaster, nor destructive war: All these are but part and parcel of the belief in material and mental powers. . . and anything that exists in our mind as an objective thing is not power. Let us never fear an image in our mind whether that image is a person, a disease, even a bomb. That still small Voice in the midst of us is mightier than all of these, and if we can become so silent that that Voice can utter Itself—even if only as a deep breath or sense of peace or warmth—this earth will be filled with the voice of God and the belief in two powers will be silenced.

When we struggle and battle with the enemy, whether that enemy is physical and external or mental and internal, we do not win any victories. The real victories are won when we use no power and do not fight our opposition, but rest in the knowledge that all opposition destroys itself.

"The battle is not yours. . . stand ye still, and see the salvation of the Lord." This standing still is not only a refraining from physical and mental power, but from spiritual power as well—a complete relaxing in an ocean of peace. . . The enemy destroys itself and disappears out of our experience— evaporates and dissolves—whether that enemy is a fever, a person, a nation. We need not fight or struggle with it or with him: We need only be still. We are aligned with a power that is not a power; we are achieving victory without force. We do not even use spiritual force, but our stillness permits spiritual force to use us. Ours is a refraining from power in a Silence which thunders: "I am God; therefore, you be still and rest, for I will be with you unto the end of the world. You rest, relax, and be

Should you ever be tempted to let your thoughts stray from yourself to influence another, always remember this: you're not doing it unto them; you are doing it unto God. If they don't know this, you may get away with it; but if you ever strike one who does know it, you're finished. Don't be good for fear of punishment.

So if I say to you, "I don't feel well, give me help," and you immediately come back with all the metaphysical arguments you know, then all you are trying to do is combat, enter into conflict with, or try to overcome, what I have said. Whereas instead, you should go very quietly within your own being, and realize what can be done with an illusion. Then, once you have discovered its illusory nature, what can you do about it? Why should you fear a toy serpent after you have discovered that it's a toy?. . . So what should you do about it? Do nothing. Just give me that assurance, that's all, that all is well. Do not try to combat my statement of error. Do not try to convince me of its error. Do not try to get rid of the serpent, overcome it, or destroy it. Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth

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shall make you free. Now the


From now on, normally and naturally, you should have more spiritual experiences than you have ever had in your life. . . Keep them within yourself. Let them multiply, let them deepen, let them become enriched. Never fear them—although some of them come in a form that sometimes frightens. Anything that we are unfamiliar with can frighten us. . . I went through that phase when it seemed as if the whole stomach was going to vibrate, over and over again. Sometimes even my heart was being pulled up and down, like a physical experience, and I would just look down and watch it. However, I have known others to have an experience like that and they became afraid of it. There is nothing to be afraid of if we re in God, and if God Is revealing Himself! That is nothing to be afraid of!

Since our work teaches us that we must not use force, we must not take up the sword, we must not punish our mind or body, we have recourse only to discipline, but not the harsh discipline of an unthinking parent over a wayward child. Rather, we exercise loving dominion that a wise parent exercises: a discipline with love, a discipline with gentleness, a discipline with peace and patience. And so we learn to gently take dominion over the mind so that we can meditate the way we did in this meditation: I say unto thee, peace he still, fear not. Fear not—not all the armies of the aliens, for God in the midst of thee is mighty. . . You need not battle; you need take no thought for what you shall drink or

Our only disturbance is caused by whatever it is that has convinced us there are two powers. And when we begin to understand the fleshly mind, or the arm of flesh, as nothingness, that's when we dissolve the pictures of sense. . . You might as well get used to the idea: All the evils of this world are nothing but pictures in the mind. When you know this, they begin to dissolve. They begin to dissolve the very minute you know the nature of error. All evil functions in this universal mesmeric mind are not law and have no law to sustain them. They are not a presence. Since God didn't ordain evil and since God doesn't maintain or sustain evil, don't fear it, don't fight it. "Resist not evil. . . Put up thy sword." Be at peace. God is. And then you'll find how this spiritual healing work is really accomplished.

Now, do you see why it isn't necessary to give a treatment to anyone? It isn't necessary to correct them or improve them? It isn't necessary to tell them to be better or more loving or more gentle or more forgiving? It isn't necessary. As you consciously know the truth, the truth that you know becomes the law unto those within range of your consciousness. That is why you will find animal life is the most responsive to this work. Dogs and cats and birds will virtually respond to this instantaneously. There is no resistance in them at all. Next, plant life responds beautifully. And then children. But adults are tough. They've already learned to fear both God and devil; they've already learned about two powers.

There is only one power, and if the Infinite Way is to perform a function in your life, it can only succeed if and to the degree you understand the nature of this carnal or mortal mind as a mental nothingness and illusion, a mental projection, a temptation, a belief, a suggestion, and then drop it. Drop it. Harmony comes into your experience, inner peace comes into your experience, in the realization of God as the only power so you can look out at the sins, diseases, deaths, lacks and limitations that are frightening this world and realize the only reason they're doing this is that they're being accepted as power. The only reason they're perpetuating themselves is that they are being feared and fought. I bring you back over and over again to the Master's teaching, "Resist not evil; put up your

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FEAR 18 Maybe it would be a good idea to change those terms, carnal mind and mortal mind, into soap bubbles. Anything that will make us lose our fear of the source of error will accomplish the purpose of developing our spiritual consciousness and nothing else will. There is no way to attain spiritual consciousness while having two powers, for spiritual consciousness is the consciousness of one power. That power is of a spiritual nature-not material, not mental-whatever it is that trains us into an entirely new thought, a new state of consciousness, a new state of being.

Be assured of this: As you become clear on these points, something happen to you. That is what happens to every individual who comes to the Christ state of consciousness. They draw unto themselves all those who want to be released. From what? Condemnation. Ignorance. Sin. Fear. Darkness. They are drawn to the light. You don't have to advertise. You don't have to let it be known what you know or what you are teaching. You don't have to wear a robe. Be as you are now and never speak about your religious convictions and you will still be hunted down. You will still be chased up every alley until you shed the light and share it.

Therefore we are in a much better position to lose our human life than those who grieve about it, fear the experience, and think it is the end of all things. We make much less of a sacrifice than they do, for surely we cannot fear losing this human sense of existence to the same extent as those who have no spiritual vision. So it is better that we place ourselves in danger than those who fear the experience.

You can bring yourself under Grace in this minute. . . Relinquish the desire for anything or anybody in the world in the realization, 'I live by Grace, by the grace of God, not by the I grace of man.' . . . You have left the law and you have come under Grace in the second that you are willing to say, 'I have no external needs.'. . . Only do nor go back and sin again; do not go back tomorrow to a fear of lack, to a fear of sin, a fear of disease, or a fear of false appetite. Keep yourself living in the realization: 'Thank You, Father, I have no needs. The Father knows my needs. I leave it with the Father.' That is living by Grace.

The closer you come to a realization of your consciousness as omnipotence, the less you fear other powers. You rest in peace for the remainder of your days, because if your consciousness is omnipotence you will not fear what mortal man can do to you. You have put off mortality and have been clothed with immortality.

An illumined consciousness is the state of consciousness that does not hate, fear, or love error in any form. That is illumination: that is Christ-consciousness or spiritual consciousness.

Watch what a realization of omnipresence does to your consciousness. You can let go of thinking; you can let go of taking thought; you can let go of the belief that somewhere God is, and why can't I find Him? Of course you cannot find Him when that “Him” is you; the “Him” you are seeking constitutes your very being. God is your mind; God is your life; God is your soul; God is your spirit; and your body is the temple of the living God. No reaching out, just relaxing in His word, relaxing in this truth: omnipresence, omnipresence! Where I am, God is. I can never escape out of God, nor can God escape out of me, for we are one. I live and move and have my being in God and God in me: I in Him, and He in me—inseparable, indivisible, omnipresent. There is no fear, then, on a

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battlefield; and there is no fear

FEAR 19 Any form of discord is never personal but is a form of universal malpractice. If a person were to say, "You are sick"; "You are dead"; "You are dying"; that is a universal malpractice being expressed through the person. We do not have to protect ourselves from such a person: we have to protect ourselves from the belief that there is a selfhood apart from God, an activity, power, or presence apart from God. We protect ourselves from the universal belief, but not from the person who is voicing it, because there is no power in the person. We never have to fear either an individual's malpractice or a collective malpractice.

In meditation a student should have one single point to dwell upon until it fades out and he becomes still and is listening. Such a quotation is helpful in centering attention on some specific principle. For example, if a student meditated properly on "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God," it should bring the student to the place where he realizes that he does not have to worry about money, a position, or anything else in the outer world. What he has to have is a word from God. That breaks the attachment to the outer scene—the fear of it or even the reliance on it—because eventually everyone has to see that he does not live by money or by employment, but by the word of God. . . If it takes thirty years, he might as well dedicate himself to that

You should face every situation in life from the standpoint that no situation has any power. Since God is the only power, disease can have no power, sin can have no power, fear can have no power: there is no power but God. . . You need not fear what mortal conditions can do or any mortal belief, because there is but one power, and it is within you. That power does not have to be used because if that is the only power there is, there is nothing on which to use it.

Hezekiah who, when his people told him the enemy was coming and that all the armies of the aliens outnumbered them, said, "With him is an arm of flesh: but with us is the lord our God. . . And the people rested themselves upon the words of Hezekiah.“ This is important: they “rested” in his word. They did no more arguing: they did no more lighting of candles: they just rested in his word, and then the enemy fought among themselves and destroyed themselves while Hezekiah's people rested in his word. Once you have acknowledged omnipresence, you have nothing more to do than to rest in the word. . . and if there is only one power, spiritual power, why should you fear a material condition? Why should you fear a human condition of any kind if there is only one power? Then rest in that Word.

When you have overcome the fear of death you will have overcome death itself. Do not ever think that anyone overcomes death until he has overcome the fear of death, until he can agree within himself, "Living or dead, I'm still alive. Living or dead, I can never be separated from the love of God, so it is not important to me whether I'm alive or dead because dead or alive, I'm alive in God."

The person who would be a spiritual healer must first have prayed, read, studied, and meditated until some measure of that transcendental consciousness has come upon him so that he can sit and look at evil in any form—sin, disease, death, lack, limitation, war—without a trace of fear, and be able to say, "No, thou couldest have no power over me at all, because only Godpower can operate in my experience. This is not a reality; this is not a person; this is not a condition. This is an illusory, substanceless, lawless appearance." As the practitioner sits in that perfect calm, healing must follow, more especially to the patient who is not looking to God to do something to a disease, but who is really beginning to understand that we look to God only for the presence and realization of

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FEAR 20 The all-power of God is here where I am; the all-power of God is where my patient is. The omniscience, the all-wisdom, the all-love of God is here where I am and is there where my patient is. All space is filled with the love of God. God is life; therefore, all space is filled with the life of God. The life of God is ageless: it is not young and it is not old. The life of God is not healthy, and it is not sick: it is spiritual, eternal, harmonious. Then this appearance, regardless of its name or nature, has no law of God to support it, has no life of God to support it, has no substance of God to support it. It is purely illusory in nature.

Now I have learned that I must no longer fear appearances, no longer desire to change appearances. Now I must just sit back and rejoice. God, spirit, is omnipresence. and there is nothing our here to be changed, to be removed, to be healed, to be reformed. Out here is merely a world of appearances, sometimes good and sometimes bad, but I can ignore them both, because I know that the kingdom of God is within me, and the kingdom of God is spirit, the kingdom of God is life eternal. The Master said, "My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you," Therefore, I am not looking out here to this appearance-world to get peace. I am not looking out here to change appearances to get my peace. I let my peace unfold from within my own being, and it changes my world out here.

Is there anything to fear when we begin to acknowledge that Christ lives in one another, that Christ lives in our enemy as well as in our friend, that Christ lives in the animal world, the vegetable world, and the mineral world? We cannot fear the Christ in anyone, and when we have acknowledged Christ in a person, we have lost our fear of him and we have begun to love our neighbor as ourselves.

We can watch how we begin to make our own life when we stop fearing appearances, go back within, and realize: All power is within me, in that Christ within me, in that omnipresence within me. I shall not fear the circumstances or conditions of the appearance-world. We are united in this consciousness of truth. The truth that has been given to us, which is the word of God in us, is the power Unto our experience.

If we understood that consciousness and body were one, inseparable and indivisible, so that there could be no danger either to consciousness or body, and that all the error being presented to our sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell is but the result of universal human belief and is not actually a physical entity but a mental image in thought, we would have no fear of it. And in that lack of fear would be our degree of spiritual consciousness. That would be the overcoming.

Whatever degree of Grace you and I attain, we share with each other and find it multiplied among ourselves. "For where two or three are gathered together in my name"—in this same consciousness— there is this power felt in even a greater degree. That is why we must be vigilant to keep out of our consciousness the world's loves and hates, its fears and doubts, in order that as we come together this inflow of the Spirit can find itself multiplied on earth.

We have been told by the Master to be in the world. but not of it. This means that unless we sit down for a meditation several times during the day, we will soon find that we are again embroiled in "this world"—its

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fears and its discords.

FEAR 21 Recently, something came to my attention that bore witness to the evil nature of some of the men in positions of power who are manipulating the world, and for a moment it brought a sense of inner disturbance. But almost simultaneously the Voice spoke and said, "But there are not any evil men: man is spiritual." That brought a complete release from being in and of the world, or of being under the influence of its fears and worries. Did that realization remove these evil men from the world? No, it removed them and any effect they might have from my consciousness as well as from the consciousness of those who are attuned to my consciousness.

As we leave our homes in the morning, we do not go out as individuals separate and apart from God, but "I and my Father" go out together, because the Father is within us; the Father is closer to us than anything in this world.

The major function of the spirit of God, as it operates as individual spiritual consciousness, is to break the attachment of the human mind to form and effect. . . The activity of the Spirit destroys the love, hate, and fear of external appearances, external powers, and external laws, and a person who attains some measure of that Spirit finally is able to say to any problem, "Arise, take up thy bed," and thereby let go of the problem, realizing that there is no power in effect, no power in any external condition.

The effect of bringing to conscious remembrance scriptural passages is to spiritualize the consciousness of the individual engaging in this activity. With this practice, the consciousness of an individual is transformed, so that ultimately he reaches that place where there is left in him no fear, no hate, no love, and no attachment to the forms of life, but there is now a breaking of all sense attachments. Do not misunderstand this. It does not mean that you lose your love for your family or country or your sense of obligation to them. It means that you are completely free of being unduly influenced by the emotions; you are free of the undue human attachments that ultimately make a person become so hopelessly fearful, hateful, or loving that all reason is thrown aside, and he becomes a victim of his own emotions,

The practice of bringing to conscious remembrance the passage "The place whereon thou standest is holy ground" is really enough to remove all fear, because no one can fear when he is standing in the presence of God. . . You need only the assured feeling of the presence of God, and fear will depart, even if you are in the lion's den, even if you are loose in a rubber boat on the ocean, even if you are lost on the desert. If you had the conscious presence of God, fear would depart. No circumstance in life could frighten you if you were consciously aware of a spiritual Presence.

When you repeat, "Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above," do you not see that the only purpose there is in bringing that to conscious remembrance is that you may understand that whatever the particular Pilate is in your life—some disease, some sin, some false appetite, some person, some condition—you may instantly bring to remembrance, "Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above."? In other words, only that which is ordained of God, only that which emanates from God, only a law that comes forth from God is power. If you can realize that, then when you are faced with material, mental, or legal laws, you can say to any of them, "'Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above.”

If you persist in fearing the things of this world or if you insist on unduly loving the things of this world, they are going to react upon you. The reaction will be an emanation of your own consciousness. Conversely, in the degree that you are not controlled by fear, by love, or by hate, but are controlled only by your realization of the presence

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of God, do you find, as Paul found, that "none of these things move me."

FEAR 22 If you persist in fearing the things of this world or if you insist on unduly loving the things of this world, they are going to react upon you. The reaction will be an emanation of your own consciousness. Conversely, in the degree that you are not controlled by fear, by love, or by hate, but are controlled only by your realization of the presence of God, do you find, as Paul found, that "none of these things move me."

If you are physically, mentally, morally, or financially ill, accept this gift of God, and secretly and sacredly, to yourself remember: Regardless of what it is that I may ever need in the external world, hidden within me is the substance of its form. Home, family, supply, companionship, joy, peace, health, freedom, safety, security—I have the substance of these, the essence of which they are formed. Understanding this, I can relax from fears and doubts, I can relax from anxiety by abiding in this word of scripture. . . There is no such thing as failure in the kingdom of God. There is no such thing as failure in a life that is built on My word.

Father, You have offered me the hidden manna of Yourself, of Your kingdom within me. You have offered me infinite, eternal meat, wine, and water, and I accept. From this moment on, I will live secretly, silently, sacredly in the assurance that You have given me that meat which is Christ, that meat which is Spirit, that meat which is the spiritual substance of all form. I accept that as an invisible substance of all form. . . This life of mine is invisible, incorporeal. The temple which I am is invisible and incorporeal. It cannot be drowned with water; it cannot be burned with fire; it cannot be destroyed by bullets, nor can my substance be taken from me—my supply, my home, my family—for this is the meat the Father has given me. This is the divine union of I and my Father, and in this union, all that the

As "God is all-in-all" there is actually no you, no one but God. Do not fear what flesh can do to you. To believe that matter can help or hinder us is idolatry. To fear it, is also to give it power, or just another form of idol worship. There is no power but good, truth. Evil is not power. We are called on to stand fast.

What we need is a spiritual state of consciousness, which is developed by practice. . . This is dwelling every moment in the consciousness of love, joy, peace, harmony, and letting error go without giving it too much thought; without fear or concern, because without thought, fear, or concern error will vanish of its own nothingness. Human thought is the substance of disease and disaster. Therefore, when thought is withdrawn from a problem, it has no substance to support or sustain it. "Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?" Take thought off the so-called problem and the problem must go, because its only substance is the human thought of which it is formed. It may be either conscious or unconscious thought that causes and continues the appearance of discord.

In proportion as you live in the calm assurance of God as the only presence and power can you release yourself from mental argument. As conviction comes to you of man's relationship to God as God manifested, as life expressed, can you realize the harmony of being which knows no fear of sin or disease. Uppermost in thought must be the understanding that even that which appears to ignorant, illusive sense as error, is suggestion; that which is called accident, under action or overaction, is mirage or nothingness. Then, we do not attempt to heal, correct, improve, but we rest—yes, we rest in the certainty that "as in heaven, so on earth, God is omnipotent, supreme." Silence human thinking by learning to listen; by stilling the material senses with, "peace, be still."


What difference could it make if we had only one dollar in our pocket, unless we entertained a fear of lack? Would the conflict be because of the outer circumstance, or because of our reaction to it? The outer circumstance

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can never be changed by a continuance of the inner fear, but once we can see that the circumstance or condition or lack in the outer realm is not a power, and is not something that must be fought against but is something to be resolved within our own consciousness, we can settle back into a state of nonresistance. You might feel that this is ignoring or running away from the problem, but it is not: it is the only permanent and spiritual way in which the problem can be resolved and overcome.

There is nothing in this world that cannot be replaced or rebuilt, and if sin or disease ravage your body even these can be rebuilt by not fearing or despising the conditions, but quietly and peacefully realizing that your body exists as effect, and that your consciousness of Truth is the substance, the cause and the law unto it.

There may be a greater financial demand than you can meet at the moment, and in each of these events the world will tempt you to struggle and labor, to worry and fear. However, the Word of God entertained in your consciousness, held in your thought, will meet every physical, mental, moral and financial need that may pre present itself. At first you may wonder if this is true, and what has prevented all this good coming into your experience before. The answer is very simple: to most of us the Word of God is something we read in the Bible, or something we hear in church. Rarely have we realized that the Word of God is a living thing within us. The Word of God is a vital factor within us if we let the Word of God abide in our minds and in our thoughts. Always remember, our good comes to

Spiritual consciousness is your consciousness and mine, when freed of personal sense, desires, and concepts of life. Spiritual consciousness is your consciousness and mine as we refuse to accept the concepts, fears, and hates of the world, and receive within the calm assurance and confidence which come with the realization of His Presence. In this consciousness there is a transcendental Stillness and Peace which truly "passeth understanding": there is an awareness which is itself the "Peace, be still," to all discords.

You are aware now that a Presence goes before you to "make the crooked places straight," or a Presence goes with you and protects you. It may be in your car, driving; it may be anywhere; but all of sudden you have the assurance, "Fear not! Fear not! I am with you." You find that it is true, no matter what the danger is, no matter what the discord is, no matter what the misunderstanding is, it passes.

Where there is no fear of death. even if there were disease, there would be no pain with it. Pain is our own resistance to the idea of death.

Think of how many things there are in your life or in the lives of those close to you that you would like changed by a God-power, or a God-presence. Then remember that from this moment on you have given up that way of life and substituted for it the way of life in which you recognize no power in any negative or evil appearance. Whether that negative or evil appearance is appearing to you in the form of sin, false appetite, disease, lack, limitation, unemployment or whatever it is, let your attitude be: Now I am living a life in which I recognize the non power of whatever it is that heretofore I have feared, whatever it is that I have felt required healing, changing, improving, or reforming. I no longer need a power to change, alter, improve, or heal anything.

FEAR 25 Release God from all responsibility to you. Drop all concern for the things of this world. Take no thought for your food, for your health, or for your family life. Take no thought for the world's peace; take no thought for the enemy-physical, mental, moral, financial, or political. Have no fear of the enemy, because your assurance is that God's grace is closer than breathing. . . My actions or thoughts, even for good, will not make Thee function, but Thy functioning will change my thoughts and my deeds. I surrender to Thee all that is erroneous or evil in my makeup, and I surrender to Thee all the good that I think I am, all my self-righteousness, along with all desires. I surrender all fears, for in Thy presence there is liberty; in Thy presence there is naught to fear. I shall not fear what

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mortal circumstances,

We sit in quietness, not thinking of person or condition, just keeping our mind stayed on truth, which is always a realization of God as the only presence and power, and the further realization that any appearance, whether it be sin, false appetite, disease, ignorance, fear, or death, is not power. These have no power to perpetuate themselves; they cannot maintain or sustain themselves because they are only of the substance of mirage, illusion, nothingness. As we realize this truth, our friend, relative, or patient responds to it because the activity of truth in our consciousness governs all those who are in and of our consciousness.

True spiritual consciousness is a life from which the personal sense of "I" has been eliminated. True spiritual life is the life in which we can say, "I have no desires. I have no fear. I have no ambitions. I have no hopes. I have no concern. I have no will." It is a state of life in which the word "I" is transformed, and it becomes either Thou or the Father. So we do not ask what we should do about this, but rather, "let's see what the Father is doing about it." Then we become aware of the Father's decision, the Father's activity, the Father's concern, and the Father's help.

Do not waste time trying to stop unruly or unwelcome thoughts that come into your mind when you meditate. Completely ignore them and go about your own business of doing what you have gone into meditation to do. If you want to meditate and there are a great many thoughts running through your mind—fear thoughts, sometimes thoughts of pain, sensuality—do not become angry with yourself for thinking thoughts that you do not like because it is not you thinking them. They are not your thoughts: they are world thoughts.

Why should anyone fear life or death if God is there? Why should one fear being in any place if God is there? Why should one fear even disease if God is there? The fears entertained about life, health, and supply are in direct proportion to a lack of faith and understanding of God as infinite and omnipresent. . . It is not necessary to fight disease. It is not necessary to fight sin. It is necessary only to accept God, a living God in the midst of you. The acceptance and realization of God is the instantaneous dispelling of fear, of sin, of disease, and more especially of lack and limitation.

How gloriously could the great teaching of the Master, "Take no thought for your life," be fulfilled if at this moment you could accept the truth that the visible part of you is connected with an invisible link called Christ, and that that invisible link is completely one with the Father, so that all that the Father has is flowing to you, the branch, through your Christhood.

It must first be brought to light that the heart is not the source of life before the fear of the heart can be given up. . . it is life that animates the heart.

FEAR 26 Probably one reason that makes me say so often that I have nor fully attained is that the sword of the Spirit keeps nagging, never letting me rest for fear that I might believe sometime that I have fully attained and then miss the way. Like Jacob, I am going to say, "No, I am going to wrestle with it. I am going to stay right with these problems until this spirit of God is so clearly realized that freedom then becomes the full and complete demonstration of Christhood."

The spiritual practitioner has no way to fight the evil, whether the evil is a fever, a growth, wasting away, or broken bones. With him, there can be no reliance on any physical means. His consciousness is a state of absolute and complete surrender to the inner conviction that since God is the one power, we need not fear any other power, and we can rest in that

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word. That is the kind of treatment that heals.

"Call no man your father upon the earth." For thirty years this has been one of my great realizations in the healing work. I have been stuck and stuck hard with many cases, and usually the thing that saved me was when I could realize, " 'Call no man on earth your father,' then whoever is turning to God for help must be immortal." Knowing that set me free from my fears and doubts, and then the patient responded. "Call no man your father upon the earth." God is your Father; therefore, you are the son, and fortunately, God had all His children before they invented illegitimate ones, so God has no illegitimate children. Because we have realized our true Self, when the "natural man" of us wants to express himself as some form or other, we can say. . . “Get thee behind me, Satan; I am not interested in you." This temptation may appear as fear, but we can turn on it with, "What is the use of fearing when I am eternal? Neither life nor death can separate me from God." That should eliminate the fear, and because of our recognition of our true identity, our real Self, no matter what temptation would come, no matter what amount of the natural man is left, we can always turn on it with a "Get thee behind me."

When we turn within and ask to be released from any error, it is God praying in us, trying to get us to release ourselves from these earthly desires, earthly fears, earthly troubles. No human being in and of himself wants to change from being a human being: human beings like their state of humanhood. Of course they would like it better if it were on an improved scale, nevertheless they like it. It is only when divinity touches us that a dissatisfaction creeps in to our humanness. Act

Place your whole heart, soul, and mind, your whole reliance on the Infinite Invisible, and then dare to do and to be. Learn not to be afraid of mistakes and God will correct them in time to save you and all others from any serious tragedy. Learn not to be afraid of mistakes and you will make less of them. Never fear to art because in the name and nature of God and with complete confidence in God's nearness, we can dare; we can be original.

Spiritual consciousness is our consciousnesses when our complete faith is in the Invisible. Material consciousness exists as long as we have a faith in or fear of, something in the visible.

FEAR 27 Many religions continue to have images in their temples, churches, or other places of worship. When people are not worshiping them as material form, they are worshiping them as mental images, such as the devil, mortal mind, or some other form of error to which their God is supposed to do something. That is idolatry. It is idolatry to fear a germ; it is idolatry to fear infection or contagion; it is idolatry to believe that there is power in any person or any thing, including weather or climate. It is setting up an image and saying, "Oh, look what you can do to me" If that is not idolatry, what is?

For example, at the first sign of a sniffle, some member of our family may say, “Oh, have you taken an aspirin?” Immediately, our inner response would be, “Now what power would that have?” We forget that perhaps only a few months ago such appearances would have been all-power and fear might have arisen. Now we think. “I know those things are effect. How can one effect touch another effect? I have access to the source.”

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When we are free of that hypnotism we can see the world as it is; and when we are nor free of it, we can see it only from a hypnotized standpoint. For instance, in our hypnotized state we have a fear of our body or we have a fear of lack. That is what hypnosis does to one. It makes us think that we live as a body, and so we want nothing to happen to that body for fear it is happening to our life.

Human beings live in fear of their body and in fear of the dollar or its absence. Only in proportion as we recognize that hypnotism is doing that, do we become free from the mesmerism, and to every such fear respond with, "Well, who said that you had to worry about this body? This body is a wonderful instrument of God. Let it alone, and God will take care of it. Do not be afraid of it. It cannot do anything to you. If a finger drops off, you will still go on, or if your whole body drops off, you will go on and you will form a new one, and a new one, and a new one. "

Let not our concern be for home or companionship. Let our concern be that at least three times a day we find occasion to sit an quietness, an calmness, in peace, until we feel that surging of the Spirit within us. That is what must be our concern. That must be our demonstration, for "where the spirit of the lord is, there is liberty," there is freedom from hypnosis, there is freedom from sin, freedom from loneliness, freedom from desire, freedom from fear.

FEAR 28 Chapter: A Beholder 1956 Topic: Part Two

Give up the sense of personal possession as indicated by the words I, me, mine. THE INFINITE WAY LETTERS 1959

Chapter: November: Prayer and Treatment through the Spirit 1959 Halekou Special Class Topic: Prayer And Treatment Through The Spirit 252:1 It is a form of egotism to believe that you or I have the power to benefit anyone of ourselves or by our understanding of what is in books.

THE THUNDER OF SILENCE Chapter: From Law To Grace 1956-58 Topic: The Father Which Seeth In Secret Only by abiding in the inner

sanctuary can the return to Father's house be accomplished, because in mediation the ego or personal sense of "I" —that Adam who lives by the sweat of his brow—is still. It is not claiming power, understanding, or wisdom. On the contrary, it is taking an attitude of humility, as if to say, "I am insufficient, incomplete, inharmonious; and so now I turn to the Source of my being, to That which is greater than I." By our stillness, we indicate our humility. Our purpose is to be the transparency through which the Light–not we–performs Its mighty works to be the instrument

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through which the Divine can manifest and express Itself on earth as It does in heaven. We are never the doer; we are never the actor: We are always the vacuum through which Spirit flows. Let us never for a moment believe that by our spiritual endowments we will ever attain personal or spiritual power. There is no room in spiritual living for egotism or for the exercise of personal power. God does not give His power to another. God does give His glory to another. The power, the glory, and the dominion always remain in God; and we are but instruments, humble servants or transparencies, through which that Light may shine.


Chapter: Grace 1953 First Portland Class Topic: Grace 39 3:1

When you turn to a spiritual unfoldment, you learn one thing: there is no way of getting anything from anyone; there is no way of getting anything out of anything; and there is no hope for those who expect to get. Life, spiritually understood, is not a getting process: it is a giving process. You will get out of life whatever you put into it, no more and no less. It may be a life of peace, but there will be no peace or prosperity for those who are expecting to get something. It may be a life of war and depression, but there will be no war or depression to the person who is putting into life his love, his forgiveness, and his dependence on Grace. To that person, none of these things will come nigh his dwelling place.


Chapter: The Power and Dominion 1964 Oahu/maui Series Or 1964 Portland Special Topic: Satisfy The Inner Longing To Have Spiritual Identity Recognized As long as I can hold onto the truth, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. . . Neither do I condemn thee, neither do I find any fault in thee," you must eventually respond. Since I have not accepted your mortality in my thought, it must die.


Chapter: The Christ Ministry Topic: The Fruitage of God-Realization Christ is not a man; Christ is the Spirit of God in you. You need

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take no thought for your life or for what you shall eat or drink or wherewithal you shall be clothed. You need only to turn within, and when you hear the words: "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee," or when you have the feeling of "My peace I give unto thee,”' your healing has been accomplished your sins have been forgiven.

Chapter: The Secret of Success Topic: Forgive and Pray for Enemies Let us spend two minutes a day forgiving our enemies and praying,

"Forgive them, Father, they know not what they do," whether they are personal enemies, enemies of our nation, or just enemies of

mankind, or any other kind of enemy.


Chapter: Except the Lord Build the House 1961 Maui Work 3:1 Topic: Peace, The Fruitage Of Love 391 or 474 Love is not an emotion; love is not a statement: love is an act, and the only way we love is by action. The only evidence there is that there is any love among us is through action. If we respect each other, if we help each other to the extent of our capacity, if we forgive each other our faults, we are loving. If we do not do these things, we are not.

Chapter: Let the Tares and the Wheat Grow Together 1960 Chicago Open Class 3:2 Topic: Instantaneous Healing, The Fruitage

Of Nowness In the kingdom of God there is neither time nor space. That is what makes instantaneous healing possible; that

is what makes instantaneous reformation possible; that is what makes instantaneous forgiveness possible. . . You honor

God only in your realization of a timeless and ageless God. For this, you find authority in Scripture in such passages as

"Thou art the same" yesterday, today and forever. "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. . . . . I am with you I alway, even

unto the end of the world." None of that indicates that there is any future tense in our relationship with God. Our

relationship with God is now. "Now are we the sons of God," and if you cannot accept that, there is no way to accept the

Christian teaching. "Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost?" All this is now—not in the future.

LIVING THE ILLUMINED LIFE SEARCH FORGIVENESS Chapter: First Steps on the Path of Discipleship 1962 Manchester Closed Class Topic: The New World Of The Christ 491 1:1

It has not yet been given to any of us to realize one hundred percent of the Christ-freedom, and perhaps it is best so, because this gives us the compassion and that degree of love for our fellow man who has not attained so that we do everything in an effort to help him awaken. Chapter: PUTTING OFF THE OLD MAN AND REBIRTH 1962 London Closed Class Topic: To What Extent Are We Rejecting

Appearances? 490 1:1 It is not the reading, in and of itself, that will develop our consciousness, but what we do with what we

read. . . If when we see sin, disease, lack, or accident, we let these words of truth live in us and then say, "I must not accept

appearances: I must accept God as omnipresence," not only may we heal, uplift, form, or forgive someone, but some part of the old

man of us has died in the moment that we applied a truth to a specific situation. That truth came alive in us, but it could come only

our of the new man. It cannot come our of the old man, because there is no truth in the old man, no truth in him at all. He "is not

subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be."


Chapter: God as Law in operation Topic:

Instead of blaming another, we must make the acknowledgment, here and now, that some false state of being, some false state of thought or act within our own being, has drawn this [terrible wrong] to us, and had it not come through that particular individual, it most certainly would have come through some other, since the experience had to come to us. The moment we can accept the government of God for friend and foe, saint and sinner, we are loving our neighbor as ourselves. But when we make excuses and exceptions, we are not fooling the law of God. We are fooling only ourselves, because there is no such thing as release from a violation of law of God until the violation ceases. Realize that you are a complete and perfect unit, consciously one with the Father, and all that the Father has is finding an outlet, through you, to the world. Be satisfied to see that good flow to the sinner as well as to the saint. Hold no one in bondage; set everyone free, and you will find your freedom in God, in Christ. By recognizing God as the source of your life, of the qualities and activities of your body, the source of your love and supply, even the source of your powers of forgiveness, you are sowing to the Spirit. But remember that every time you entertain some faith or fear in the creature you are, in that degree, denying the power of the Creator, and in that

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degree, you are sowing to the flesh. MAN WAS NOT BORN TO CRY

Chapter: Bringing Grace into Active Expression Topic: Bringing Our Lives Into Conformity To The Pattern Shown Us On The Mount

We must pray for the forgiveness of our own sins. Chapter: Spiritual Dominion 1959 Vancouver Open Class Topic: Practice And Not Conversation 272:1 What counts is that we make the

acknowledgment that Infinity is the measure of our being and act as though that were true, even though we act only with pennies, or if we act only with forgiveness or prayers or service.

Chapter: Withinness 1960 Chicago Open Class Topic: Forgiveness Is At The Instant Of Repentance 322:1&2 What the Master really meant was that forgiveness should continue until a healing takes place, forgive until there is nothing left to be forgiven, but never condemn, never judge.

OUR SPIRITUAL RESOURCES SEARCH FORGIVENESS Chapter: Dominion over Mind, body, and Purse 1960 Topic: A Transformation Of Consciousness Is Requisite

When. . . you are able to say with the Master, and mean it, “Forgive seventy times seven. . . Resist not evil,” you have yielded your humanhood. You have yielded your will, your opinion, your convictions, and you have accepted the grace of God, and the Spirit of God does dwell in you.

Chapter: The New Life By Grace 1960 Topic: God's Grace Is Universally Operative

Thou all-knowing Wisdom, Thou divine Love, forgive me for having intruded in Thy province. I offer no advice; I make no suggestions; and I ask for no favors. Thy grace is my sufficiency in all things.


Chapter: Immortality Unveiled 1962 Los Angeles Special Class Topic: Spiritual Discernment 486: 1:2 When you attain spiritual discernment, you will know that regardless of what mistake anyone makes, he is making it out of an ignorance of truth and in no other way.

Chapter: The transition to Christhood 1962 Pacific Palisades Special Topic: War Cannot Enter Your Life If It Is Ruled Out Of Consciousness 465 2:2

You are now at that place where your life is a life of spiritual. You are now at that place where your life is a life of forgiveness, a benediction, a blessing, and no evil can come nigh you because you are not seeking anything. You are not even seeking good. As long as you are not seeking, you are not going I to receive. You will always be. This is your real nature: being! I and the Father are one in being and in essence. I and the Father are being life; we are being eternal life. I am immortal life.

SPIRITUAL POWER OF TRUTH Chapter: INVISIBLE SELFHOOD Topic: Know this Truth: that you are dealing with Life itself, always in expression. You are dealing with pure Life, a Life-being that is too pure to hold you responsible for even the sins of omission or commission. Therefore release yourself from these complexes and realize that in the instant that you understand God as your true Being, you begin to purify your own consciousness so that the state of consciousness that enables you to do wrong no longer exists. In that there is the forgiveness, and only in that. Chapter: My True Identity Topic: Be careful that you do not personalize good or evil, even when someone tries to wrong you. Hold fast to what you know: "You have not done this to me. You have done it unto God." Then let God handle it. Chapter: Sowing to the Flesh Topic: If I have become a Son of God, then I am heir—joint heir

—to all of the riches. But have I become a Son of God; or am I still that "natural man" that receiveth not the things of God? How do I know whether I am the Son of God? Of course, the biggest guide I have is the teaching of Christ Jesus. Am I fulfilling the Law of Sonship? What is the Law of Sonship? According to the Master, it is that I pray for my enemies, that I pray for those who despitefully use me, that I forgive—seventy times seven—that I serve. "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." I must serve, I must help, not only my family, not only my friends, not only those of my own religious family. . . I must find a way to

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help in the clothing of those children whose parents have not awakened yet to their true identity.

SEARCH FORGIVENESS Chapter: The Christ of Being Topic: This is what happens on the spiritual Path. Day by day we break some fetter of human experience and we drop some phase of humanness. We make that transition to where our prayer now is a benediction to the world, to where we are no longer praying that we receive anything but we are praying, "Father, forgive our enemies, they know not what they do. . . In other words, we have made an about-face and we are no longer sitting at the feet of the Master. We now are the Master, and we are healing the multitudes, freeing the multitudes, and feeding and forgiving the multitudes. We are now the Christ Consciousness, and we seek nothing for ourselves, because we know that "all that the Father hath is already mine." Now our whole life is pouring forth God's Grace to this world, but not in the form of throwing our pearls before swine to be trampled on. We do it silently and secretly. Our praying is done in secret! Chapter: When Christ Has Entered In Topic: To pray for the world means to look out and almost see this globe of the universe in front of you and feel your hands, or your love, going out around that globe, saying, "Father, forgive them; they know not what they do.” "I pray that thy sins be forgiven thee. I pray that Christ dwell in thy heart. I pray that no penalties ever be inflicted upon you for the past. I pray that you know spiritual Freedom, spiritual Justice, spiritual Life, and spiritual Law." Hold that globe this way, in a whole armful of love, understanding, and forgiveness. Allow no thought of victory to enter your mind; no victory over man, no victory over ideologies, no victory over countries. Not victories; Peace! There never can be Peace when there are victories, because with every victory there is a loss, and the loser must always think about the next gain. Never think of victories.


Chapter: The Realm of Spirit Topic:

Here where I am, God is. Here, in the beginning of this new day, God takes over. Here God becomes the directing influence of my day. I dedicate this day to the work of the Father; I dedicate this day to the life of the Father. In this day I hold within myself no condemnation, no criticism, no judgment, no faultfinding, but insofar as it lies within my power-love, forgiveness, understanding and cooperation. I dedicate this day to maintaining the integrity of my own being, and I promise myself that insofar as I am given Grace, I will not violate my own integrity, my own higher sense of right.


Chapter: Supply and secrecy 1961 L Topic: Gratitude As An Evidence Of Receptivity My many years on this path have demonstrated to my satisfaction that our supply is in direct proportion to our receptivity, that is, to the degree of gratitude that we express in the form of bread placed upon the waters as benevolence, forgiveness or praying for our enemies because then we are expressing spiritual principles.


Chapter: The Law Topic: It is not enough that we lend to those in need. We must not expect a return from that loan. We are to realize the infinite source of our supply, which never requires that we receive back that which we once give out. It is, of course, just that we accept the return of a loan, but looking for it is the error. In forgiving those who trespass against us, we understand that we are not to condone

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the error, but to know that as man is spiritual, he has never been guilty of wrong toward us. This, you see, is a purification of self.


Chapter: Introducing The Healing Principles 1959 Topic: A Transition In Consciousness

The principle is this: If you have come to a place in consciousness where you can seriously and honestly pray that your enemies be forgiven, that they be released from the punishment of their sins, that the spirit of God enter their souls and minds and beings, that they be given release from these mortal claims, you are no longer a mortal. What of material laws and mental laws? These cannot be laws if God is law. God is Spirit, therefore his law is spiritual. . . We have to recognize frequently that we are not under the law of punishment but under the law of forgiveness. We have to remember every single day that we are not under law, we are under grace.

Chapter: LAYING THE FOUNDATION 1959 Topic:

In your treatment work, you must provide a minute to consciously release all who have offended, whether it is an offense against you, against democracy, against justice, against nations, or against the word of God. Set them free. Release them. Ask God's forgiveness. Be willing that they be forgiven without penalty regardless of the nature of their offense, even as Jesus forgave the adulteress, even as he forgave the thief dying on the cross.

Chapter: living the healing principles 1959 Topic: Living In The Light

As we do world work, thinking of those in this world who are influenced by evil, those who are outlets for evil, we realize, "Father, forgive them. They know not what they do." Let us not hold them in condemnation either, but open their consciousness to this light that they may be freed of whatever it is that binds them to personal sense. With that, there is the removal of condemnation because we have declared that it is not sin, it is merely ignorance. It is not darkness, but an absence of light. So in our forgiveness, in our understanding of the impersonal nature of all evil, we are a transparency through which this transcendental presence can function in the consciousness of the world.

To pray for one's enemies means not to hold them in bondage, not to want them to be punished even for their sins. To pray for them doesn't mean we ask God to prosper them in their iniquities, but rather to release the sin and discord from their consciousness.

THE INFINITE WAY LETTERS 1956 Chapter: Scriptural Principles 1956 Topic: Love Is it now easy to forgive when we realize that men’s evils are not really evils, but ignorance of their true identity as the Christ-Self, the Son of God?


SEARCH FORGIVENESS Chapter: February: A Lesson to Sam Topic: A Lesson To Sam

I have been healed of illnesses merely by asking God’s forgiveness for my sins. THE JOURNEY BACK TO THE FATHER’S HOUSE

Chapter: The Function of the Christ in Us 1962 Holland Class 1:1 Topic: The Christ Is In Man To Bless All Mankind

We must give up this belief that God planted the Christ in us just for our special benefit. The function of the Christ in man is to bless mankind, to raise up those who are still in sin, those who are still in disease, those who are still in death, those who are still in lack. This is the function of the Christ in us and in every person who is awakened to Its presence. . . As we contemplate the Christ in us, let us remember that the Christ that lives our life has not been given to us for our picayune little satisfaction, health, or life. The Christ has been given to us that we may be transparencies for God, that we may show forth God's glory on earth. That is why the Christ is in us: to show forth God's glory in healing, in forgiving, in redeeming, in supplying. We open ourselves to the Christ-activity by inviting the world, not outwardly through advertising, but spiritually within, inviting the world to our spiritual household, inviting this world to come and eat and drink, letting this world come and be healed through the inner realization: Thank You, Father, I know why the Christ is here in. me. I am willing for It to function. I am willing to

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be the instrument to heal, to feed, to forgive, and to redeem all whom Thou sendest me. The function of the Christ that dwells within us is to heal the sick, raise the dead, forgive the sinner, multiply loaves and fishes.


Chapter: An Act of worship and the fruitage 1964 London Studio Class Topic: Forgiveness Comes In A Moment Of Commitment 563: 1&2 The Hebrews taught, and still do, that on one day a year, by observing the rituals and rites of that day, they are forgiven. But this is impossible. No one is forgiven that which he has in his consciousness which is unlike God. It cannot be forgiven: it has to be forsaken. When it is forsaken, it does not exist and does not have to be forgiven.

But That which we are does not know that It is burning away the dross of the personal sense of you and of me which we entertain. It does not know it. Our spiritual integrity is just shining, and sooner or later that dross will evaporate, and the I which we are will not know that there ever was a personal sense of "I" to be forgiven. Chapter: do not "pass by on the other side" 1964 London Studio Class Topic: Be Still 562: 1&2 When the Spirit of the Lord God is upon

you, you are ordained, but you are not ordained to be set apart. You are ordained to heal the sick, to comfort, to feed, to forgive. That is the purpose of ordination–not that you may be glorified but that you may be better equipped to give more abundantly, to share more freely, to understand more universally.

Chapter: I Speaks 1961 Maui Work Topic: Release! Release! Release! 392:1 As we release sinners from the responsibility for their sins, the sinners that we ourselves are, are released from our sins of omission and commission. In our human experience, it is impossible not to sin. We are sinning every day in bearing false witness against somebody or other.

Chapter: I Stand at the Door 1962 Or 1964 Topic: Givingness As A Measure Of Receptivity You can pray for your enemies. This is another form of giving: praying that your enemies be released from penalties, praying that their consciousness be opened to the light, praying that their sins be forgiven them.


Chapter: Letting God Reveal Itself 1955 Capetown Series Topic: All Erroneous Acts, A World-mesmerism 706 1:2 So if there are past sins, drop the penalty for them in this moment and realize they are as dead as yesterday. They can never live again unless you revive them in your memory. Outside of your memory they have no existence. So the sins do not exist; the punishment does not exist. And what of those sins with which we are burdened today and which we may repeat tomorrow? Each time the world-mesmerism is so great that if it compels us, even against our better desires and judgment, to sin again, let us turn within in the realization, "Father, that is no part of my true being. That is no part of Your true being; therefore, it is not held against me, and with the grace of God it is dead in me now."

Chapter: Making your contact with God 1957 Kailua Advanced Class Topic: Asking God To Forgive For Us 709 4:2 Well do I remember an experience when I was called upon to rise above a very disagreeable experience concerning one of the students. The hurt was deep for the moment, and it was bad medicine to have to take. In my meditation when the word came to forgive, I answered, "Oh, Father, that's more than I can do. I just haven't risen that high yet. I cannot be that forgiving in this case. I would like to be. Don't think I wouldn't but I'd be a hypocrite if I were to say I have achieved it. But I will tell you what You had better do, Father. You take over and do the forgiving for me because I don't seem to have the ability." And the Father did. Immediately the weight was lifted off my shoulders, and the assurance came that God's forgiveness was right there where I was. That took all the responsibility away from me.

Chapter: Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty 1957 Kailua Advanced Class Topic: The Spirit Of God Realized Penetrates The Veils That Hide Reality 179 1:1 It becomes a spiritual activity when we are willing for the sinners of the world to be forgiven their sins. Whether or not we can forgive them is of relative unimportance. What counts is that we be willing that God's forgiveness and God's grace touch them.


Chapter: From Darkness to Light 1956-58 Topic: Karmic Law Any good human being can piously

overlook the faults of others and even forgive them their sins. Any good human being can do that, but it

takes spiritual vision to be able to say, "I cannot see anyone. The face of God is all that shines. the Soul

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of God looks out through all eyes."

Chapter: From the Unreal to the Real 1956-58 Topic: As We Forgive When there is no possibility of [our] offense being repeated [only

then can we be forgiven]. A heart that is entertaining any judgment of his fellow man is not a heart at peace.

One of the most important lessons for all of us to learn is that there is no room in the spiritual life for the return of evil for evil—there is no room for anything but a life of forgiveness. From the moment of waking in the morning until to sleep at night, there must be periods in the day in which we consciously remember: I forgive. If I have aught against any man, woman, or child here and now I forgive—completely, perfectly, entirely. If anyone's misdeeds persist in coming back to my memory, over and over again I will forgive. I seek no punishment for anyone; I seek no revenge; I seek no justice—I loose everyone and let him go.

SEARCH FORGIVENESS We must empty ourselves of our old convictions, beliefs, and theories about God...always finding something that God is not.

Because God is your consciousness, your consciousness is already full and complete; it has in it now all the truth you will ever need until the end of time.

The basic principle of The Infinite Way is the word I, The teaching, as set forth in the textbook, The Infinite Way, is that God appears as man–not God and man, not man going to God, but the revelation that God appears as man. Then all that God is, I am; all that the Father has is mine, and so the way to find God lies in going within to that I that I am...Now it is presumed that students are ready for the realization rather than merely the teaching of this principle. It is one thing to be taught or even to teach something: it is quite a different thing to be that, to attain the consciousness of that which has been taught.

If I am to acknowledge God, I must acknowledge incorporeal God, and that means not only that I cannot embrace God in a figure or form, but I cannot even embrace It in a mental image. I dare not even name It because if I call It “Spirit” or “Mind,” I have made an image of what I think God is. Even if I call It “Love,” I have made an image...The only way in which I can know God is by knowing that I cannot know God, that God cannot be embraced in my mind, and that God is. Once you acknowledge that God is, you are inferentially declaring that God is infinity, God is omniscience, God is omnipotence, God is omnipresence...All you will even know about God is the word I.

When the world of God comes to you, you will discover that you will lose your sense of goodness and your sense of badness...All you will remember is that you are being, and as a matter of fact, you are really not being; God is being you. There will then be no possibility of your sitting in judgment on your fellow man.

God is omniscience, and when God has a child, it is for a specific purpose. There is something definite in mind with every individual offspring, something that he was actually sent into expression to do.

God is individual consciousness, our own consciousness, not our human awareness, but a deeper level of awareness than human.

Once you understand the nature of God, you stop trying to reach out to God with your mind. It...makes you laugh at yourself to think that God is here to do your will...and enables you to settle down in an atmosphere of receptivity.

The activity of God is like light touching darkness. It does not do anything whatsoever to darkness: it does not heal it, correct it, change it, or remove it. It just reveals that there is none...There is a part of us that has never sinned, never been sick, was never born, and will never die, and the activity of God is to reveal that

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You must understand that the nature of God is nor a power that will fix everything that is wrong in the world. It is power in the sense that it maintains order and balance in the universe, but it is not power in the sense that it will do something to evil.

Since God is the only life, life has no opposite.

Since God is infinite and constitutes our being, our very being contains within itself everything that we shall ever need from now unto eternity. All we have to do is to stop trying to acquire or attain, and to let that which is already embodied within us appear outwardly as form.

GOD IS When you say, "God is love" or "God is life" or "God is power," you are building an image in your mind, and this is idolatry. But when you can relax in the truth that God is, you are not trying to embrace Infinity within the confines of thought. You are accepting whatever God is as IS and then letting that IS define Itself to you.

Since God is infinite intelligence, God must operate or act as an infinite plan of good for Its universe [bringing] everything into one divine pattern, nothing out of place and no one out of place, but everything and everyone fulfilling the spiritual function that they were created to perform.

God is that consciousness which actually knows that there is nothing opposed to It.

My sense of God is that of an indescribable presence and feeling. I do not know God except through “feeling.” I “feel” the Presence all through me, through my chest, through my finger tips. No matter what the external circumstances are, even when at times they might seem discordant, I am always conscious of this Presence – a sensing, a feeling, an awareness.

It helps me to know that God is Spirit because that frees me from all attempts to draw forth anything of a material nature from God...It appears to us in some material form, because we still have material concepts of the spiritual kingdom, but it is never spiritual.

God is always fulfilling Itself but contact necessary for fulfillment to express as our experience.

God is good power. Can God then withold help, supply, or peace from anyone? No, but you and I can block it by bringing in the words “I,” “Me,” and “you.” “I” may not be deserving, or “I” may now be ready or have enough understanding, but it is not dependent upon my understanding.

God is a destroyer...of the false images in thought, but never a destroyer of persons or of conditions because there are no persons or conditions to be destroyed.

God is a power unto Its creation only in the sense that God is the creative activity, the substance, and

the law which unfolds and maintains and sustains Its creation, but It is never a power over anything. God is health, and besides God there is no other health, so there is no use ever trying to attain health; but in attaining God, we shall find that God is the health of our countenance.

Since God is all power, there is no power that is required to do anything to anything, for anything, or for

anybody, for any reason. God is not a power that can be invoked...because it never is absent. God is living as us -

this is not your life to do with as you like. God is never in any form of force.

The great secret of life is this: God is incarnated in man. Realize that God is the Soul, Mind, Spirit, and the Law unto all being. This is the highest form of loving your neighbor as yourself, and it means no interference in another’s life.

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If all power is in God, and God is invisible, there is no power in anything that you can see, hear, taste, touch, or smell. Our consciousness of God is our true supply.

God is not a power that is going to do something: God is the something.

GOD IS God is only creator and only creates Its own image.

God is not a person...God is not localized as the mind of some one person: God is being. But God is infinite being; therefore, God must be your being and my being. That is why we can accept I as the name of God, because I have the name of I and you have the name of .

God is being, but not a being. God is being you and being me.

God is not to be found on the surface of men's minds.

God is maintaining Its own identity as person.

...the inner peace that assures you that God is on the field.

All that exists in this universe is God is-ing.

There is no such thing as a child...God is always at the point of absolute maturity, complete perfection.

God is not withholding love and life; God is being love and life.

God is hidden under all...the selfs we have built around and within ourselves.

God is already eagerly waiting to reveal Itself.

God is forever about the business of being God.

If God is infinite, God must include all law and be the only law.

Only one thing makes the Law effective unto you and that is the acknowledgment that the Mind of God

is your mind.

The function of God is to create [maintain and sustain] an image after His own likeness.

There are no added things in God. God is the Thing Itself.

No conception of God is God because the conceiver is always greater than conception.

[As beholders] we do not...wonder what is going to happen; we behold what God is doing.

Notice how God is is-ing every single minute as leaves, flowers, and fruit.

God is the substance, the reality and the continuity of all creation.

The Way is to face ourselves fearlessly this moment [and] realize that it is in this moment that all that

God is, I am. If God is Infinite Intelligence, Divine Love and the only Power, why desire at all? Fear has made

man forget God is the life of man. The word of God is the substance of life, and out of this Word comes the flesh

of form: your body, your

business, your home, your profession, your ability, your customers, your clients, or your supply. God

is...infinite, immortal, divine Consciousness; so there is no unconsciousness. Once the idea dawns in

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consciousness that God is your Soul, you no longer look elsewhere for your

good. You are consciously one with God only when you realize that God is your individual being.

GOD IS The Word of God is the activity of the Christ in individual consciousness.

Since God is one, never under any circumstance is there a person to heal, a disease to cure, a sinner to reform, or a lack to be overcome.

There is no “I,” “me,” or “mine”; there is only God–God Itself within Itself, expressing Itself unto Itself. God is the all in all.

The whole secret lies in learning to be attuned, and then you will find that the fullness of God is already within you.

God never gives you anything: God is all things unto you. God being infinite, cannot give you anything but Himself.

God is always talking to you; God is always revealing the answer to every problem...but you cannot receive God’s guidance, direction, protection, or support unless you are tuned in to accept it.

The secret that I have learned is that God is infinite intelligence and He already knows our needs, even before we do.

God is available the very minute that I stop talking and stop thinking and turn within in humility, acknowledging God’s grace, God’s power, God’s Spirit within me, and then relax for just a minute or two and let that Spirit take over. That really is all there is to the whole Infinite Way.

A Hebrew mystic of 1100 A.D. wrote that if you say that God is love or God is intelligence or God is omnipresent or God is good, you are saying no more than if you had just said: God is.

God does not really give the Son dominion: God is dominion expressed as the Son–the Father and Son, always one.

God is Spirit, but what is Spirit? That we can never know.

We find God only when we drop our concepts and thoughts about God and are honest enough to admit, “There is only one thing that I can be sure of concerning God, and that is that...I have a feeling that there is a God. [God is]

The kingdom of God is a kingdom of Grace, not law; and therefore, in the kingdom of heaven there cannot be laws of weather, laws of climate, or laws of food; there cannot be any laws of limitation because the whole kingdom of God is a state of Grace.

God is a power only in the sense that God is a creative principle, the power that maintains and sustains Its creation.

God is light, and to come face to face with that Light is more blinding in its intensity than to look directly into the hot sun.

The nature of God is infinite wisdom, and we do not tell God anything: we relax in the realization of His wisdom.

The mystical revelation is that I already am. I am not going to be...Whereas we thought we were human, we are now learning that we are divine; whereas we thought we had a life of our own, we are now learning that

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God is our life.

GOD IS It may take months, sometimes years, because there is a part of us that cannot quite accept the truth that God is our Self.

God is the only individual in the world. God is infinite individuality; God is the only place, the only person, the only power. God is the only reality.

God is the reality of your being...”I am the way, the truth, and the life...he that hath seen me hath seen the Father...I can of mine own self do nothing...My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me...If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true.”

God is not formless. God is always in the form of some divine idea.

God is the creative principle of Its own Being, and this Being is as spiritual as It, Itself. Therefore, all formation, all expression, must be as spiritual as the mind that conceives it.

In making contact with God so that you feel it, so that you actually catch that sense of awareness, you let your humanhood become the transparency through which the Divinity of you is shining. Then you are no longer living your own life: God is living Its life as you.

If God is our life, what have we to fear of life in this moment? All that is necessary is the continuous realization of this now-ness.

Since God is the consciousness of you, and since that consciousness is unfolding and revealing Itself as form–which you call creation–you cannot separate God from Its creation.

God is the substance and the intelligence of this universe, and that means God is the substance and the intelligence of my being and my body. My body is the temple of the living God, and God is flowing through it. All that the Father hath, is mine–not to be demonstrated, not to be achieved, but mine now, because of my relationship of sonship.

Begin to understand that God is your wife, your husband, and your children; in other words, life eternal made manifest is the only person you know.

If once we can see that God is the underlying substance of everything that is appearing to our consciousness, that all that exists is our consciousness unfolding, disclosing, and revealing Itself in individual form, why should not money be just as infinite and just as plentiful as the leaves on the trees?

I can say to you that God is infinite consciousness revealing Itself, but it would be sheer folly for you to think that I have told you what God is. You will know what God is only as that knowledge unfolds to you from within.

The higher you go in the understanding of Consciousness as God, the greater transparency you are for the reign of God in your affairs. God is omnipresent, but it requires our conscious feeling of it to make it effective.

God is the only employer and God is the only employee, and furthermore, God is always employed in great action, in great works, in great ideas.

If it is true that the kingdom of God is within you, happiness cannot be found outside.

The nature of God is such that what God is not already doing God cannot do and could not be induced to do.


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If it is true that God is one, the only law there can be is the law of God. Is there a law of disease if God is infinite law? The nature of God as one eliminates any such possibility; it eliminates laws of disease, laws of sin, laws of false appetite. If there is any law on earth, it must be the law of the nature of God. And what is the nature but love, intelligence, and wisdom?

To understand that the life of God is animating us is to "die" to the belief that we have a life of our own, and that it even has an age attached to it.

The qualities of God are the qualities of man, and yet God is always the greater, for God is the creator, the law, and the activity of man.

The nature of God is light, or enlightenment, but since we can never know light except through our consciousness, it is only our enlightened consciousness that constitutes our God.

The Spirit of God is ever-present to lift us up out of our every infirmity, but it has to have a human consciousness to use as an instrument.

If God is omnipresence, we must be the very presence of God. That must mean that there is no other presence, and we, then, have no presence...If we are the presence of God, we must act like it. We never will live by Grace until we make that acknowledgment.

The kingdom of God is a spiritual universe...possessing no degrees, amounts, quantities, or qualities.

If God is infinite, it must be self-evident that God cannot be contained within the mind, yet we go on believing that some concept of God in our mind is the infinite God...No image that can be conceived in the mind can ever be God...Let us have no image of God; let us have no belief of what God is.

God is: that is enough to know. No images! No concepts! In the moment of not knowing, or unknowing–not a moment of blankness, dullness, or of falling asleep–in a vibrant aliveness, God is experienced.

Only a few have learned that the power of God is made manifest in silence and stillness.

To yourself, this moment, say the word "I," softly, gently: I, I. That very I in the midst of you is the law of resurrection. That very Selfhood, that very spiritual presence of God is working in you to resurrect your body, your health, your family, your love, your career.

God is Spirit, and that Spirit is pouring Itself forth as your consciousness, taking form in the mind as your activity.

The selfhood of God is the selfhood of you and the selfhood of me. If I give to you, I am giving to myself. If you give to me, you are giving to yourself. It is like transferring money from your right-hand pocket to your left. It does turn out that way, once you begin to understand the I which is God, knocking at the door of your consciousness.

God is not bodiless: there cannot be a being without a body. True the body does not have to be physical in nature, but it is a body

GOD IS God is the only power, regardless of appearances, and God is omniscience, all-wisdom. Therefore, we do not have to know anything about the activity of mind or body; all we have to do is to rest in God's omniscience, rest in His infinite wisdom. As we abide in Omniscience, Omnipotence, and Omnipresence, we can state with conviction, "Ah,

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yes! There is no presence and there is no power other than God, and this that we call the belief in two powers–the carnal mind–this is not power. This cannot operate in or through man."

God includes individual being, just as the whole tree included the branches. There is no such thing as the life of a tree and the life of a branch of the tree. The life of the tree is the life of the branch as long as they are one...So the human being who sees himself separate and apart from God is withering.

When Scripture says, "Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world," do you see exactly how much greater, how much mightier? The might of God is within us, and that mightiness can be brought into the external realm by our taking the attitude of a beholder and being completely still in the presence of the I that we are.

Do you want God? Do you want God-power? Do you want God's grace? Then be still! And when the still small voice speaks, you have it. What happens when you are in the inner stillness is that the presence of God is realized, and It does the work, whatever the nature of that work is.

The only thing that can be made manifest through you is God. But it is God manifesting Itself: it is not even you. It is God manifesting Itself as you, so you cannot even take credit for manifesting God, because you are not manifesting God: God is manifesting Itself as you–no personal glory, no personal demonstration.

We take the word law into our mind. God is law, and all law is spiritual. But there are legal laws, material laws, mental laws, and as they hit up against our awareness of one law, we stand fast, "No! I do not accept them. I accept God alone as law." As we do that we will be "Dying" to our fears about other laws and will be reborn into the consciousness of one law.

God is not mind, mind is not power, but mind in its unconditioned state is a perfect transparency for God

Whatever the will of God is for us on earth or on the next plane, that will of God will be done because He has planted His son in us to see to it that it happens.

What is left when God is taken out of our consciousness? Fear, ignorance, superstition, desire, anxiety, concern, get, give me, help me, I, me, mine!

The nature of God is I. Quietly, humbly realize that that I whom you have thought to be you, that I whom you have thought to have problems is God. How then can you–that I–have problems or know limitation?...When you realize the nature of God to be I–from then on, I have no problems.

His infinite understanding becomes our understanding. His infinite love becomes our love. God’s blessings are not ours because you are you or I am I. They are God’s blessings unto God–God’s blessings flowing unto Its own Self as the Son, the Father bestowing His all as the Son. It is the Father giving, the Son receiving, and yet one, only one–Father and Son. In oneness, in conscious union with God is our strength; in conscious union with God is our supply; in conscious union with God is our peace, joy, power, dominion, and our every blessing.

GOD IS Who can know what Infinity is? Who can know what God is?...How much farther can you go than to realize that since man did not create [the universe] you know that God is. To go any further than this is to set the mind working, and thereby create a barrier between you and God.

I say, “God is.” I not only say it, but more than that, I sit back and let God be God to me, and not merely a form of worship in my mind. I am finished with “God is” in half a second, and get back into my silence where I open myself to God: “Speak, Lord; for thy servant heareth.”...No matter how many words one uses or how many acts he performs, he has done no more than acknowledge God, and I have done that.

In the whole kingdom of God there is no money, there are no houses, and there are no automobiles. God knows

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nothing of food, clothing, and housing, so praying to God for such things is a waste of time... God is not the source of material things, but God is the source of the substance that appears outwardly as gold, silver, trees, and all the good of this universe. In the kingdom of God, there is only life and love..and such additional facets as wisdom and intelligence, which are offshoots of these two great qualities, life and love. But unless we have God’s love, which is the substance of all form, we will never have the form.

God knows nothing of health because God knows nothing of the lack of health...In God there is neither health nor illness: there is only the perfection of God’s being. Very often students lose the way because they are seeking something through God of which God has no awareness...God has no knowledge of health; God has no knowledge of wealth. God is Spirit, and the kingdom of God is spiritual. Therefore, when you go to God, you can go only for Grace.

God is within you now, and you are in God now; you already have God’s presence where you are; but it is your conscious remembrance of that Presence which brings it into manifestation.

God is; Life is. We are permitted no further judgment. God is. It is a matter of training oneself to form no opinion whatsoever.

Since God is omnipresent, all good is right where we are. To admit a lack is to deprive ourselves of the abundance that is already ours, and by admitting the lack, we deprive ourselves even of the little that we may have at hand. To acknowledge that we already have all that the Father has, whether or not it is visible or immediately available at the moment, is to acknowledge the truth of “Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine,” and that is enough to enable us immediately to start giving, spending, and serving, and in that release the flow of supply would begin.

You see how it is that the word consciousness sums up everything in our work. It is what you are conscious of that operates in your experience as a law...The law of God that governs the universe must govern our business and our bodies, or there would be something outside the jurisdiction of God’s law. As long as we hold to the consciousness that the law of God is the law of my business, whatever is erroneous will be corrected. This same principle applies to the body and health, but if we do not consciously bring the body and business under the law of God, so it will be unto us.

I will take you back to the day that started me on the spiritual path. It was a day of threatened war that brought to my thought, “Where is God?..where in this God?” This started a trend of thought that years later ended with the realization, revelation, perhaps, that there is no God in the world and there never has been–that God is only where God is realized, and nowhere else.

GOD IS God is infinite individual consciousness, life eternal, without any opposites. Therefore, we do not draw health from our consciousness; we draw our realization of the nature of consciousness which is wholeness and grace. Grace is not some degree of health. Grace is infinity and eternality, and so this leads us to prayer or meditation.

We speak of God as “God” and do not realize that God is the Soul of man. You can never find the kingdom of God until you have entered into the awareness of your own Soul.

God is light, and to come face to face with that light is more intense than looking right into the hot sun.

God is not in the whirlwind, which means that God is not in the problem...God is the “still small voice.”

The mystical a continuous realization that “I already am.” I am not going anywhere, nor am I going to attain more of God than I have, more of good than I have. I am rather abiding in the Word: “All that the Father hath is mine. I am all that God is.”

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Have the courage to face this fact, that as a child of God you embody all of the power of the Godhead. You are the outlet for that spiritual power [that] reveals “God is in the midst of you.”..Spiritual power reveals. Remember that.

The moment you learn that God or spirit is the only power and the only law, and you accept this even intellectually, you can at least meet a claim of bad weather by saying, “If God is the only law, weather cannot be law.”

[1963] has been a difficult year for me in which I have been going through a period of inner initiation waiting for a message. During the last two to three weeks [of August] it all came to a head, and then it became clear that we are entering the consciousness that does not need words or thoughts. We can sit down to meditate and realize: “The kingdom of God is closer than breathing. I just have to tune in and listen. I need no words and I need no thoughts. I need only receptivity and, when the Word of God comes, the earth of error melts.”

How long it takes to accept the fact that God is my being as well as your being, and that God is your friend’s being and your enemy’s being is the difficulty that constitutes part of the initiation...[and] until you can see that, because of the impersonal nature of God, omnipresence means fulfillment is here where I am, you cannot even enter in. In the same way, until you stop blaming someone or something and realize that what you are fighting is the arm of flesh or nothingness and that you never did have a chance for victory, you cannot enter in.

You must understand that God cannot think. God cannot start anything and God cannot stop anything. There is no beginning in God and there is no ending in God. In metaphysical teachings it is said that “God thinks and we think after God.” Of course that is not any more true than the fact that God punishes and rewards. God does not do anything. God is being...God does not think any more than the principle of mathematics thinks...It never thought 2 x 2 into being because there never could have been a time when 2 x 2 was other than 4.

It helps me to know that God is spirit, because then it frees me from all attempts to draw forth anything of a material nature from God...Wherever God’s grace is, whatever God’s gift is, it must be spiritual. It appears to us, when it comes, in some material form, but you know it is not material. It appears materially because we still have enough material concepts of the spiritual kingdom, but it is not. It is not that a sick body has been made well; it is that the body of God has been revealed...[We] are still “painting spiritual gifts” with a material form.

GOD IS The gift of God is nothing that partakes of the material nature. The gift of God is something of an incorporeal spiritual nature and when you receive the gift of God, it translates itself out into your experience in a tangible form...Therefore, when you go to God you must go for a gift of God, not for a perfect heart, liver or lung. The gift of God is a spiritual impulse which takes form in the mind and then comes forth as a harmonious body. But if you do not receive that impulse, you will never get down to the form.

Any God that has to be prayed to is not God. There is no withholding and there is no giving in God. When you experience God, you find is-ness...We have been going to God for what we want, not for what God has to give, and there is no such God. There is no God that gives or withholds or heals. When you are in the presence of God, you are in the presence of fulfillment. Attaining the experience of God is the attainment of all the added things, with no asking and no telling.

If God is infinite, there is nothing besides God, so to think of health, supply or success as being something separate and apart from God is to deny God's allness. Any prayer that looks to God for anything is a form of paganism, because it is a denial of the nature of God, the function of God, and the name of God. Think! There is no you separate and apart from God, therefore there can be nothing for God to give you.

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Since "all things that the Father hath are mine," all that the Father hath is included within you, and to pray for something would be like this tumbler praying for glass.

To know God aright does not mean to know another name or another meaning for God. No! It means to know God, to be aware of God, to be conscious of God, and to know God as God is–yes, actually to experience God.

Unless God is the mind of me there will be no truth expressing itself through or as me. Unless God is the mind of you, you will not even understand the truth that is being voiced. Since God is universal mind–since God is my only mind–the only thing that will be voiced in this room is truth expressing itself, God expressing and revealing itself. Since God is the mind of you, God will be revealing itself unto itself. Mind will be expressing its truth unto itself. Truth will not pass from me to you; it will not pass from God to you. The entire activity of truth will take place in the one Mind–the mind of me, which is the mind of you.

Many have thought that God, spirit, was the actual substance of the tree, of your body or of the flowers, of that which you could handle, of any animal or physical body. But God is not the substance of that. God is the underlying substance and reality of that, but what you see, taste, touch or smell, is the product of mortal, material, finite sense–or the human mind. is based.

I have said in the Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture and in The Infinite Way, that God is not a creator. And, of course, I meant that literally, just in the sense that I mean that the principle of mathematics did not create two times two is four. No, it did not create a four and fasten it on to two times two. Two times two includes four, and as soon as two times two came into being, the four was there. God did not put it there, it could not. It was there. It had never been separated from two times two.

Let us, so far as we can, dwell on the idea, "What Is God," because only in the realization of what God is do we know that which God is God to. And that is the effect-or the universe. The importance of that is this: we have taken up, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God (the awareness, the consciousness of God) and his rightness, and all these other things shall be added unto you.” Once we have the understanding that our consciousness is the causative principle of our universe, then we know that no matter what we do, this universal consciousness is ever producing and reproducing, just as the law orange tree is continuously producing and reproducing oranges.

GOD IS 10 You've got to make your choice. Either you have come into the assurance, the realization that there is a God, a principle of the universe, or else you are going to be battling sin, disease, and death all your life. But, once you have seen that God is the substance, the law and the form of all being, then you must agree that sin, disease and death, lack and limitation, unemployment, homelessness-all of that-is illusion.

Right identification—which means the one appearing as many, or God, life, appearing as individual being; and then reinterpretation—which means looking right at sick, sinning, human, dying men and reinterpreting that to see, inasmuch as God is all, that this is part of the allness of God which is being misseen, coming to me as a false suggestion, which I must reinterpret.

We call ourselves man, but actually we aren't. We are God, but that which is visible of us here is God where God becomes visible, where God comes to a focus, you may say, in an individual yet infinite manner…God is forever pouring itself forth as individual you and me. There is really no place where God ends and man begins. I and the Father are one, and that is the meaning of this. There is no place where you can separate us and say here is God and here is man, any more than you can say that up to there is Lake Erie and from here on is Niagara Falls. Now, since it is true that all of the Godhead is pouring itself forth as individual you and me, the only reason for any lack in our experience, whether it is lack of health or lack of wealth or a lack of opportunity or a lack of any form, is the fact that we have

You see, since our premise is that all action is mind action and God is the only mind, everything that is

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appearing to you is the activity of God. So what we are doing now is not overcoming error, but rightly interpreting that picture before us…Still it is quite in order to say, "How about interpreting this for me and letting me see it as it is?" It is perfectly all right to say that to God–no resistance there, you see; no acknowledgment that it is an error to be overcome. No acknowledgment that there is a sinner to be reformed; no acknowledgment that there is a lack or limitation that must be met.

You can take that same attitude when you are reading a book or reading the Bible or listening to a lecture or to a teacher. You can sit back there too, and say, "I am not so much interested in what you are saying as in how God is going to interpret it to me." Then you can sit back quietly not using the thing up in the head called brain. You let your state of receptivity take in what is being said or read, then you let the infinite within you translate it for you.

It is God who meditates, and it is we who receive it. "The word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword. " It says nothing about your word or mine being sharp and powerful.

The Voice does not always utter words or sounds. Sometimes we are not even aware of It until we see the wonderful effect It produces. Sometimes It does speak in words; other times It just gives us an inner peace that assures us that God is on the field.

God is the revelator, the actor, the doer, the be-er. It is God who knows, understands, imparts, and receives. God is the only activity. Therefore, we can be only the instrument for God's work, God's labor, and God's Love; the only success there can be is God's Success, not ours. "I can of my own self do nothing, The Father does the work."

GOD IS 11 "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." You lay down your life every time you declare, "I have no life–God is my life and God is your life." God is the only life, the only love, the only substance, and the only supply. Every time you reach out to Truth, someone is laying down his personal sense of life in the realization that his life, being God's life, is your life. Your life, being God's life, is his life, and it is one life. So, when you give up that personal sense of life and say, "This is not my life, this is the life of God, which is mine," you automatically bid good-by to a sixty-or seventy-year span and are resurrected in the realization of good as the infinity of your life.

The creations of God are incorporeal, spiritual, and infinite, not physical, material, or finite. God is Spirit, and therefore the universe of God and the body of God are spiritual. However, as the creations of God present themselves to our human sense, they appear to be physical, material, and limited. The reason for this anomaly is that our mind in its unillumined state is interpreting to us only what we can become aware of through our senses. We do not behold what is: We behold the interpretation of our mind.

In the second chapter of Genesis, God is no longer the creator, but now there is a being called Lord God; and Lord, it is said, is synonymous with law. In other words, the man of the second chapter of Genesis lives under the law, whereas the man of the first chapter, created in the image and likeness of God, lives under Grace.

So it is with us, even if we begin by realizing that God is our wisdom, our supply, and God is our this, that, or the other thing, and then forget to continue acknowledging our Source and instead claim it and use it as if it were our own, often what we do is to deplete and exhaust that supply because in claiming anything as our own we thereby cut ourselves off from the Source, and such separation results in limitation.

Everyone has a Soul—not a separate Soul, but the same Soul—and God is that Soul. It is like a tightly closed rosebud—so tight and so small as to be imperceptible to a human. This Soul is not the body: It is consciousness, and the more it can be touched by Truth the more it unfolds as if sunIight were reaching out and opening that

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bud. Only as we learn to live more and more in the Spirit, do we see and sometimes touch that center which is the Soul of man. We do not see the real person when we look at him as a the physical entity: We see only his body.

Because of the infinity of God, all that is, is already omnipresent. It is impossible for God to give or send us anything. God does not provide an apple or an automobile. God is the apple; God is the automobile—God appears as. There is no such thing as God and. It is for that reason that the only demonstration there is for us to make is the demonstration of God's presence.

Over and over this has been made clear in this Message, and this is the most difficult part of the entire Infinite Way Message. Until you can overcome all the concepts of God you ever had and wash them right out of your rnind—taking them up, one by one, whether they happen to be Love or Life or Soul or Spirit, until there is not a single word left that you can think of—you will not reach that place where you will experience God, because God is not a word; God is an experience...once you have eliminated all that and have come to the realization that none of this is God, for only I in the midst of me is God, then you face probably the last hurdle: because the word I is no more God than the word God is. However, this is an easy hurdle to overcome, because I is my Self, and one thing you will agree with is

GOD IS 12 Put the veil back on. Then God is God, or God is life, or God is Jesus. Now you have the veil back on: the moment you have personalized God or localized God, you put the veil back on and you have taken yourself outside the Government of God. You are only under the Government of God when you relax in the realization "Thank you, Father; the Kingdom of God is within me, and I is Its name."

We will not find God with our mind. God is not to be found with the mind; but when the mind is still, God in the midst of us reveals Himself and says, “Be still, I in the midst of you am He and I am come that ye might have life, and that ye might have life more abundantly."

God is not a power to be wielded, God is not a power to be used over something...We understand that because of the many years in which we have been reading and thinking in such terms as the nonpower or nonexistence of evil in any form. So we have no need of a God to overcome that which has no reality. By now, we are prepared for that statement.

Now another facet of God is that God is Law. Everything that functions in the Kingdom of God functions under Divine Law. Whether it is mathematics or music, whether it is art or literature, whether it is the sun, moon, and stars—everything that has emanated, everything that is an expression of the consciousness of God, is under spiritual Law. Therefore in our understanding of the Nature of God, we not only have to see the Isness of God, but now we have to see the Lawfulness of God.

How many of us have thought that the Omnipotence of God is also here where I am and embodied in the I that I am? This I that I am declaring is partaking of Omnipotence. I do not have to go somewhere for Omnipotence nor do I have to draw Omnipotence to me. Rather, I must know the Truth that I and the Father are one and that therefore the Omnipotence of God is the Omnipotence embodied in my individual being—and yours; for God is no respecter of persons.

Nobody is ever going to take you into the Promised Land as long as you think there is man and God. Nobody! They can lead you to the Promised Land by telling you They can lead you to the Promised Land by telling you the realization, "Oh, I am!" Then you will walk right into the Promised Land, and you will be right smack in the middle of it. "Oh, I am!" 'Now you see, there is no more separation between you and God. I and the Father, who have always been one, now have become One in realization. "I and the Father are One" is the relationship between God and man, Oneness. The Life of God is the Life of man. There are not two; there is just One. God breathed His Life into man, not man's life; God

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breathed God's Life into man. Therefore the Life of man Is God. God did not give man a mind;

The whole secret of harmonious living is embodied in the word /, and when you realize that I Is God, it is the only name you can use for God...Those that are called synonyms for God are not that at all; they merely describe attributes of God. When you say, "God is love," love is not a synonym for God, because there is not a synonym for the fullness of God. Love is merely one of the attributes of God. When you say that God is mind or intelligence, it is not true. Mind or intelligence is an attribute of God. So it is when you say, "God is Spirit": that is not entirely true, because spirit is actually the substance of God, or consciousness is the substance of God. The only time you are really declaring God is when you say I...In fact, when you read in the Bible about "the Word," spelled with a capital W, the Word is I.

GOD IS 13 Since I know that God is spirit, then I know that all that the Father hath must be spiritual. So I do not go to the Father for loaves and fishes. I do not go to the Father for houses, automobiles, or employment... When you go to God, go to God for what we might call the gifts of God, the Grace of God. You might ask, “What are these?" and the answer would be, let us not worry about what these are, let us not be concerned. Just let us go for God's Grace. Turn within, because the Kingdom of God Is within you; the I of you Is God. Turn within to this I for Thy Grace, for Thy Peace.

The moment that I voices Itself in there, you know that I is not man—I is God. Now you relax and rest in that I that I am. Now you do not have to take thought for your life, what you shall eat or what you shall drink, or wherewithal you shall be clothed. Now you rest, and life begins to be lived out from within yourself. Then it is that you find you are a benediction to all who come within range of your thought. It is not because you are walking around blessing anybody but because, as you look at them, you are realizing that I at the center of their being, and you cannot help it. There, a smile comes to you when you stop to think. "You do not know it, but I know it. The Kingdom of God Is within you."

It becomes very difficult to take the attitude of, "God, I do not want anything. I do not need anything, I am not coming to You for anything. I am releasing You. You have no responsibility to me whatsoever. There is nothing that I need, there is nothing You have that I want."...“That which I am seeking, I Am."...What am I seeking? Truth? I AM the Truth. Am I seeking God? I Am God. Am I seeking supply? I Am the bread, the meat, the wine, and the water. Am I seeking health? I Am the Resurrection and the Life...Now you would have to stand pat on "I cannot desire anything, I cannot want anything, I cannot even go to God for anything. I have to abide in this Truth: That which I am seeking, I Am. I Am the Way and the Truth. The Kingdom of God is neither lo, here, nor lo, there. I Am!"

What of material laws and mental laws? These cannot be laws if God is law. God is Spirit, therefore his law is spiritual...We have to recognize frequently that we are not under the law of punishment but under the law of forgiveness. We have to remember every single day that we are not under law, we are under grace.

It is the most glorious thing in all of this world to be able to realize that no one on the face of this globe has the power to do evil to anyone. No one on the face of this globe has the power to be evil. God is the only power, and God's power is a universal spiritual power of eternal and immortal life. No one can thwart the will of God. There is no way to thwart the will of God, for there is no will but the will of God.

Right from the start, we were given dominion. But wherein lies our dominion? In our ability to accept or reject. Are there two powers, good and evil? Then God is not infinite, God is not omnipotent, God is not

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omnipresent; and it is just foolishness to go around thinking you believe in God.

One of the earliest revelations that came to me regarding the nature of God was that it's a waste of time to ask God for anything at any time because God isn't withholding it.

God is too pure to behold iniquity. If God ever knew there was a disease on earth, God wouldn't be God anymore. If God ever healed a disease, God wouldn't be God anymore because God would be sharing its power with disease. God would be permitting something else to exist, some other power than itself. Oh, no, that just cannot be! In the entire kingdom of God there is no such thing as a disease or a cure for disease.

GOD IS 14 The truth to work with is that there are not good powers and bad powers, either of a material nature or mental nature. There is only one power, and that power is the power of Spirit. And it's not an overcoming power. The power of God doesn't overcome evil; the power of God doesn't overcome sin or disease; the power of God isn't an overcoming power. It is a creative, maintaining, and sustaining power on its own level.

The power of God is infinite. Therefore, the afflictions, discords, diseases, and inharmonies, not only of our families and friends, but of the world with which we are so aware, exist in the human scene because we are ignorant of the basic truth that God alone is power. It isn't your ignorance or mine, personally. It is a universal Ignorance which takes over the moment we're conceived, and it directs our life the minute we're born. It isn't your ignorance or mine, any more than the wisdom or power we attain is yours or mine.

Please don't ever believe that the function of God is to increase your material good. Too many metaphysicians have spent too many years Too many metaphysicians have spent too many years sense of good instead of being willing to abandon the human sense of good for the spiritual reality.

God is. Life is eternal. I and my Father are one. There is no discord in God's creation, God is the substance of all form; God's world is perfect, and if there is a “this world," then this world is perfect because it must be God's world. Ah, yes, but I'm being faced now with a dying person, or a poor person, a sinful person, an imprisoned person. Surely, surely that's the world-hypnotism; that's the mesmeric activity of this carnal mind presenting these pictures to me. And how grateful I am to have learned there is no law in this picture to

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sustain it, so it must dissolve. There's no substance, no form, no activity—it must dissolve.

GOD IS 15 There is a secret about forgiveness: There is not anything or anybody that can forgive us. Therefore, there is not a possibility of our ever being forgiven except under one condition, and that is when there is no possibility of the offense being repeated. In other words, no matter what the offense may have been, as long as there is the potentiality within us of its being repeated, we are not wholly forgiven. . . We meditate and look at the situation upside down and from every angle, until all of a sudden we do catch a clear picture not only of the wrongness of what has been done but of the truth that only the state of consciousness that made us commit this offense in the first place could make us do it a second time, and if we find that that state of consciousness does not exist any

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more, we have then "died" and have been reborn of the Spirit.


Chapter: Infinite Way Protective Work 1963 Instructions For Teaching The Infinite Way 6:2 Topic: Impersonalizing Good And Evil

Because of the world mesmerism which came about with the belief in two powers, it becomes the responsibility of truth-teachings to reveal to the world that the evils of this world are not personal, that they stem from the impersonal source of good and evil and are ameliorated in proportion as they are recognized to be impersonal. No longer will we pin evil upon a person and then try to get rid of it. Instead, immediately we begin to dissolve it by looking at the person with this realization: "This is no part of you. This is the impersonal hypnotism that personalizes evil." The greatest healing influence in all the world is: "Be still, and know that I am God." That is how close God is to us–I, our Self. We should be able to rest and relax because I in the midst of us is God.

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Chapter: Material sense of demonstration or the unfoldment of grace 1963 Instructions For Teaching The Infinite Way 6:1

Topic: 550 At one time mind was looked upon as a power over matter, but the impossibility of this is evident to those who realize

that what the world calls matter really is mind. The substance of matter is mind. Matter is the visible form of invisible mind. It is not that

mind is a power over matter or that thought is a power over material conditions. It is that mind itself constitutes matter and material

conditions, and the more mind is used for good purposes, the more good matter appears because mind and matter are one. The more evil or

error there is in the mind, the more erroneous matter there is because mind and matter are one. Mind is the substance and matter is the form,

just as glass is the substance of a tumbler, but the tumbler is the form. So mind is the substance of matter, and on the level of mind, of this

world, we have good and we have evil. Chapter: Not Appearance but IS 1963 Instructions For Teaching 2:1; 1954 Practitioner 2:1 Topic: Attaining The Healing Consciousness

510, 90 The belief in two powers is so firmly implanted in human consciousness that we are not able to look at a form of error and say,“'It is neither good nor evil.” We are determined to get rid of it, overcome it, or rise above it, or we are determined to try to get the power of God to do something to it. . . [instead of saying] “illusion,” and then go back to sleep.

Chapter: The Simplicity of the Healing Truth 1963 Instructions For Teaching The Infinite Way 7:1 Topic: Come Out And Be Separate

551 Unless you can keep yourself separate from the world, you, yourself, will be a part of this world hypnotism. You cannot permit

yourself to indulge in world-hypnotism and at the same time claim it is not there. The day will come when you will decide to live

your life separate and apart from people, except that you go among them to reveal this truth, but not to live in their lives. When you

begin living the lives of your family, your friends, and the people of this world, you are accepting their hypnotism at its face

value. . . You have to live this Infinite Way of life out in the world. The only way you can live it is to be in it to the extent of

revealing truth but not to the extent of trying to live the lives of other persons for them, because the lives that are being led out

here are a hypnotic experience, an unreal experience, based on the whole belief of good and evil.


Chapter: Attaining The Mystical Consciousness Topic: The Function Of The Mind Mind, in and of itself, is neither good nor bad. Mind is unconditioned. Behind our mind we stand, and we have the power to fill our mind with good or with evil, with abundance or with lack.

Chapter: Living The Mystical Life Topic: Living Above The Pairs Of Opposites

Right where there is an appearance of either good or evil, there is spiritual reality.


Chapter: The Dedicated Consciousness 1964 San Fernando Valley Center Topic: Discovering Infinity Within It is the man of earth who wishes to "die daily" in order to be reborn of the Spirit and who is now turning within, virtually saying, "God, destroy my humanhood; destroy the limited sense of myself that I am now entertaining; destroy finiteness in me; destroy that combination of good and evil in me and consecrate me to Your Self. Give me the purity which I had with You in the beginning."

CONSCIOUSNESS TRANSFORMED Chapter: Beyond Metaphysics–I AM 1964 Topic: The question that arises is this: “Why then ‘this

world’ with its sins, diseases, deaths, lacks, and limitations?” The answer is a state of hypnotism brought about by the belief in good and evil. It is a form of malpractice, but a form of self-malpractice. . . The moment you accept the appearance at face value, the moment you accept good and bad appearances, you are malpracticing yourself. . . When you are faced with a temptation to believe that “out there are human beings,” you are indulging self-malpractice, and in that degree you pay the penalty. Chapter: Christ Coming into

Ascendancy 1964 Topic: When you are tempted to believe that you are fighting a sin, a false appetite, a disease, or lack or limitation in any form, please relax at once, and realize that this is not true. The battle is your Christ-self trying to break through into manifestation; and as you relax from the struggle and stop fighting evil–as you “put up the sword” and rest in quietness and peacefulness–the Christ will come into ascendancy. . . It comes to tear you away from the self that must die, even when it is good. When you are going through difficulties, it is so important to remember that it is the Christ that is doing it, not the devil, and not satan. Chapter: Freedom is an activity Within your Own consciousness 1964 Topic: In the

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materialistic sense of life we are always conferring powers upon some one or some thing. The entire human experience is made up of a combination of good and evil–externalized good and evil, and we give power to everything external to ourselves. As a matter of fact, we seldom reserve any power at all, any dominion to our selves.

Chapter: I and My Father are One 1964 Topic: You do not bring forth perfection unless you rise above the mind of good and evil, into the realm of consciousness where you find oneness. Why? Because spirit is the invisible consciousness and it has no qualities. It is just spirituality It just is. As long as you are in the realm of seeing good and evil, you are forgetting the voice of God saying to Adam: “Who told thee that thou was naked?” The world of material sense, with its good and evil, must be put off. But remember this: No amount of studying is going to put it off and no amount of instruction will put it off. The only thing that will put it off is realization. . . With every such realization you have put off some measure of mortality.


Chapter: The Nature of Spiritual Discernment 1964 Honolulu Infinite Way Study Center Topic: Do Not Judge By Appearances 540/4:1

We must look out at a group or at any person and realize, “There is neither good nor evil before me, neither sickness nor health, neither youth nor age, neither sin nor purity.” . . . We have to put all [our emotions] aside and agree, “God made all that was made, but with my human eyes I cannot see God's creation. I cannot see you as you are in God,. that is, not with my eyes, nor can I know what you are like as the image and likeness of God. Therefore, whether with my eyes open or closed, I must shut out the picture of you as my eyes would see you, as my emotions would like to think of you, and I must turn within and pray, “Father, reveal to me man in Your image and likeness, the manifestation of Your own being.’” We build the capacity of spiritual discernment as we agree that God's universe is wholly good and wholly spiritual. With our eyes we cannot believe this, nor with our ears. Our mind will never convince us of this, because our mind is seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, and smelling too much of evil. Therefore, we must be still; we must attain quietness and peace and the ability to live in that attitude so that instead of indulging our likes and dislikes, instead of judging by appearances, we let the spiritual faculty within us discern the nature of that which is appearing to us and being revealed to us. Then It ultimately tells us, “This is My son, in whom I am well pleased.” When the voice says that, light has appeared and the darkness goes, and someone says. “I am healed.”

Chapter: The transition to Christhood 1962 Pacific Palisades Special Topic: War Cannot Enter Your Life If It Is Ruled Out Of Consciousness 465 2:2

You are now at that place where your life is a life of spiritual. You are now at that place where your life is a life of forgiveness, a benediction, a blessing, and no evil can come nigh you because you are not seeking anything. You are not even seeking good. As long as you are not seeking, you are not going I to receive. You will always be. This is your real nature: being! I and the Father are one in being and in essence. I and the Father are being life; we are being eternal life. I am immortal life.


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Chapter: Before Abraham Topic:

The entire first chapter of the Bible is dedicated to revealing a state of consciousness of spiritual perfection— wholeness, completeness—without material processes. It is dedicated to revealing that there is no other creation until someone accepts a belief in good and evil. Then what happens? The very moment that a belief in good and evil is accepted, we are outside the Kingdom of harmony, the Kingdom of God. Spiritual healing can only take place when you have stopped thinking of the person, and the condition, and the disease, and the belief, and the claim, and return to Eden where there is neither good nor evil, where there is only God, Spirit, wholeness and completeness. Nobody can ever be a spiritual healer who works from the standpoint of effect, who prays from the standpoint of trying to correct something in the Adam world. Please believe me. I have worked so many years in this Work. I have known from the beginning that we were dealing with a spiritual universe and that the evil in it wasn't real. However, I never knew why, nor did I know how it came into this state of being out of Eden until a revelation came to me. The revelation came in those passages where God said, "Who told you, you were naked?" Then I knew that something was wrong. The knowledge of good and evil, Adam and Eve thrown out of Eden: that gave me the whole secret. Eden represents our spiritual domain. Eden represents a state of harmony, or Heaven. Eden represents our immortality, our state of Divine Being.

GOOD AND EVIL Chapter: God and Error Topic: We have to go through every step that is outlined in these writings, recordings, and monthly letters. We have to work with them, we have to prove them principle by principle, until we eventually arrive at the state of consciousness that sees good and says, "Ah, here is not a good man, not a good plan, not a good group, and not a good religion. Here is the divine Consciousness really being lived and manifested on earth.". . . By the same token, reading or hearing about all kinds of evil in the world, we are saying, "Yes, I know thee, who thou art; I know thee, the carnal mind, the universal belief in two powers, the arm of flesh, nothingness, no power! I do not have to fight you, and I do not have to call upon God. I only have to recognize you and it is done!" Chapter: INVISIBLE SELFHOOD Topic: The Bible does say, "I create good and evil. " I guess it means it, too. "I create it"; the human I, myself, am creating the good and evil by whether I am entertaining the true God or whether I am merely accepting karmic law, and then praying to it to destroy itself. It cannot do that, but we are released as we perceive the nature of as One. Chapter: Know Thy Self Topic: What separates the life of an individual living the human experience of both good and evil, sickness and health, abundance and lack, sin and purity, happiness and unhappiness, from the individual of spiritual attainment whose life is, on the whole, a continuity of harmony—is a matter of identification. But I hasten to add that regardless of how high you attain on the spiritual Path, it does not mean that you will be forever without some problem or another. Yet it is safe to say, from what we have seen, that most of your problems will be minor ones and easily resolved. However, occasionally there can be some very serious problems that come along even to the spiritual student, and that is because of universal world hypnotism. Chapter: My True Identity Topic: Be careful that you do not personalize good or evil, even when someone tries to wrong you. Hold fast to what you know: "You have not done this to me. You have done it unto God." Then let God handle it. Chapter: Neither Good nor Evil Topic:

Because so much of humanhood remains in us, we still recognize that we have before us the appearance of good and evil—the appearance of sin, disease, death, lack, and limitation. As long as we are faced with that, we can't be absolute and just say, "Oh, God is All; there is no error." You can't do that. You have to sit down and let God say it to you. He uttereth His Voice and the earth melteth. When you hear the still, small Voice, or when you feel that Stirring within you, that divine Presence within you, you may be assured of this: whatever appearance of sin, disease, death, lack, or limitation is before you will melt away. Don't think for a minute that you can ever be so smart as to bring it about. Righteous judgment says, "In the beginning, God created all that was made. God looked at what He made and

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found it very good!" That's Truth, and you shall know that Truth. Then as these ugly appearances stick up their heads, don't be fooled by them. Declare within yourself, "I can't be made to accept good or evil; I accept God alone as constituting the Garden of Eden." God is the very substance of man, the very substance of the trees, the very substance of the crops, the very substance of life. God Is All in all, because there are not two. There is neither good nor evil; there is only Spirit, there is only Life!

GOOD AND EVIL 10 There is no way on earth that you are ever going to know that you have learned a lesson of Truth unless you demonstrate it, you prove it to be so. Brush all appearances aside and take your stand inwardly, peacefully, silently, and say, "I am not accepting good and evil. I am accepting the first chapter of Genesis, in which God created all, and all that God created Is good; and I'm standing on that Truth!" If you stand on it firmly enough without ever letting it cross your lips, then see harmony appear and have someone come up to you and say thank you for praying for them, or see the discord change right into a harmony in front of your eyes. When you've had that experience a few times, you can say, "Now I have faith, now I trust this Truth: I've seen it demonstrated." I can promise you this: everyone can have that experience [of Oneness and Grace] if they will dedicate themselves to this Truth, namely that there is neither good nor evil. Refuse steadfastly to accept appearances. Keep it secret, keep it silent, until It demonstrates Itself. Don't lose it by spouting it. Chapter: Not Good OR Evil Topic: When you look out at a person, place, or condition and call it

good or evil, you are judging by appearances, and those appearances are subject to change. However, if you look through the appearance to the Infinite Invisible and say, "What is the nature of the Infinite Invisible? Oh, the Infinite Invisible Is Spirit," that ends that. You don't have to come back to the human picture. It will change. Now the difficulty is that when someone calls up and asks for help, instinctively you know that the condition is evil and you want to do something about making it good, whether declaring or meditating or getting in touch with the Spirit. No matter what it is, your first reaction is "Oh! here is a condition, an evil!" That is where you have to start dying daily, because you can't react that way. You can't call it good or evil; and even when they say they feel better, you can't call it good. You are still standing on the fact of Infinite Spirit, God never changing. Now I said to begin with that this lesson is the most difficult, because if we could learn this lesson, there wouldn't be need for any others. We will be entirely dead in our selfhood and thoroughly alive in our conscious union with God when we do not judge. You see, the very fact of human nature compels us to put labels on people, things, and conditions. That is the entire story of Adam, and the labels on everything are calling some things good and some evil, some black and some white. That is the Adamic nature of us: to put these labels on appearances. You are of that nature as long as you are putting judgment on person, place, circumstance, or condition. So very soon, we have a way of knowing our reactions to each other without any outward expression; but that only comes with the death of the selfhood, when there is no "I" that has to say, "I am grateful." When that "I" is gone, then the realization is so pure that everything is understood without visible expression. The importance of this is that, in facing the world, you do not judge—not good or evil. Have no opinion. Now you realize IS. The first thing we do is retire within ourselves. I can't call it good or evil. So if it is neither good nor evil, what is it? All I can know about it is that it Is." What am I looking at? Am I seeing what Is—or what appears? The minute I can agree that I am seeing an appearance, then I can disregard it, because behind that appearance is that which Is. In withholding

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judgment as to whether the situation is good or evil, we create within us something like a vacuum, and into that vacuum Truth rushes with the Truth about the person, situation, or condition. Truth reveals Itself as the harmony unto the situation. We call this "Judging righteous judgment."


We cannot have any degree of mystical or spiritual consciousness as long as we have two powers, as long as we personalize the appearances of good or as long as we personalize the appearances of good or evil, or consciously or unconsciously battle evil, or try to or lack. I know that only to the degree that our consciousness accepts the truth that ye need not fight, the battle is not yours, does spiritual consciousness unfold. The truth to work with is that there are not good powers and bad powers, either of a material nature or mental nature. There is only one power, and that power is the power of Spirit. And it's not an overcoming power. The power of God doesn't overcome evil; the power of God doesn't overcome sin or disease; the power of God isn't an overcoming power. It is a creative, maintaining, and sustaining power on its own level. If disease or sin or any of these earthly conditions were really and truly a fact–a being–God would have to be responsible for them, and their nature would be good instead of evil. It isn't possible for God to be divided against itself. It isn't possible for an infinite intelligence to act destructively against itself or its own creation.

When we go into prison to do work of any nature–and we have no right to do prison work as Infinite Way students unless we have reached this understanding–we do not go into a prison to reform anybody, and we do not go in to regenerate anybody or to teach anybody. It is the carnal mind, the world, that believes there is good and evil, that believes there is a man or a woman who has sinned or is sinning or will sin. It is this world that sits in judgment and says good or bad, not the Christ. The Christ says, “Judge not after appearances. Judge righteous judgment." It also says, "Why callest thou me good? There is but one good, the Father in heaven." It also says, "Neither do I condemn thee." You are not the Christ-mind while you have right and wrong, good and bad, sick and well. The only way you can come to that state of consciousness is by first understanding that God constitutes individual being, God has manifested itself as individual being. The very moment you fully grasp the idea that all evil is impersonal, in that very moment your consciousness becomes a transparency through which God appears, through which the Christ is made manifest. Your consciousness cannot be a transparency while it is doubled-minded, while it has good and evil in it. We become wholly pure, a transparency for the Christ, to the degree that we are able to impersonalize all evil. When I became a reader [for prisoners], the average attendance at Christian Science services was eight to eleven men every Sunday. Three months later we had seventy-seven, and at the end of eighteen months we had two hundred men attending services. There was only one reason:. . . We went there every Sunday, our minds purified of condemnation, purified of judgment. We went there complete in the realization that the only men we were meeting were God in expression, the sons of God, the temples of God, and that any appearance of evil was just hypnotic suggestion, just a belief of good and evil. Here is the revelation which makes this the Infinite Way: at the time of that experience called "eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil," the sense of separation took place in which life was lived in the mind of man instead of in the mind of God.

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Once you have no belief of good and evil, the human mind, the mortal mind, dissolves. Then you operate in and through and with the infinite mind of God. Only as you believe in good and evil do you experience limitation, finiteness, negativity. Everything in your life is either an activity of your consciousness expressing itself, or it is your unwillingness to let your consciousness express itself. Then you become a blotter for the beliefs of good and evil that permeate the world. THE INFINITE WAY LETTERS 1956


Chapter: February: A Lesson to Sam 1959 Topic: Be A Transparency For God

Thank you, Father, that there is nothing to heal, nothing to overcome, and nobody to reform: There is only a resting in Thee, a resting in the sufficiency of Thy grace. In that resting, I am no longer under the law of good and evil. Chapter: January: Individual Responsibility 1959 Topic: Across The Desk A universal mesmerism–a material sense of life–grips the human mind causing it to behold and accept conditions of good and evil.

Chapter: October: Freeing Ourselves from Universal Claims 1958 London Advanced Class Topic: The Object Of Healing Is The Transformation Of Consciousness 233:1 Turn completely from the human scene with its appearances of good and evil and pray for the revelation of the Christ in human consciousness.

Chapter: September: The Impersonalization of Good and Evil 1958 London Advanced Class Topic: The Significance Of Ananias And Sapphira 233:2

The impersonalization of both good and evil will make it impossible for anybody to harm you. THE JOURNEY BACK TO THE FATHER’S HOUSE

Chapter: Letting the seed take root 1961 Stockholm Closed Class 2:1 Topic: Where Is Power? 425 You may even feel good to know

that there is no power against which to use God, nevertheless tomorrow, when you are facing the appearances of life, there will be

that old temptation to reach out for God, to want God to do something to some evil. You have to train yourself to realize: “No,

God, I released You last night. You go ahead and fulfill Yourself. You are about Your own business, and I know that there is

nothing in heaven or on earth for which I need any power that is not already functioning. . . All the power necessary to maintain

my life is already at work, and all I have to do is to acknowledge it. Acknowledge that God is fulfilling Itself. God's nature is to

fulfill Itself as peace on earth and the divine grace in my life. I do nor pray for grace; I do not ask for grace: I acknowledge grace as

God's means of fulfilling Itself on earth. God's means of fulfilling Itself on earth is the power of grace. When I acknowledge that

and let myself be receptive, I will find It functioning in my life. Chapter: Meditation: It’s function and Purpose 1959 Hawaiian Village Closed Class Topic: Conscious Awareness (three

Principles And Their Practice) Everything in your life is either an activity of your consciousness expressing itself or the result of your unwillingness to let your consciousness express itself, and thereby become a blotting paper for the beliefs of good and evil that permeate the world. You either become a blotting paper and take them all in and respond to them and show them forth, or you become master of your fate and captain of your soul-but only by an act of consciousness, not by saying. 'Oh, God will take: care of it.' There I must be an activity of truth in your consciousness, and that activity of truth has to be built. . . around the principle that there is only one power, that nothing but God and the activity of God is power, and that any sense of evil is impersonal and is nothing but the activity of the fleshly mind, the 'arm of flesh,' or nothingness.

Chapter: Special lesson on Healing work 1962 London Special Class Topic: Mind As An Instrument Mind is not a

power. Not only is the mind not a synonym for God, it is not an infinite power; it is not even a tiny little bit of power;

it is not any power at all. Mind is an instrument, and nothing more nor less than an instrument. It is absolutely

nothing more nor less than an instrument. It is absolutely it has no qualities of good or evil; it is just an instrument

given to me for my use, to you for your use. . . What a change takes place in your life from the moment that you accept

this one universal mind as a pure instrument, a reflector of what you hold in consciousness.


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Chapter: The Temple 1962 Holland Closed Class 2:1 Topic: The Temple 500

Mind is not a power. Mind has no power for good or for evil. Mind is a receiving and a transmitting instrument. Chapter: Unconditioning the Mind 1961 New York Special Class 1:2 Topic: Meditation: To Lift Us To Another Dimension Of Consciousness When Jesus said, "I have overcome the world," he did not mean that he had overcome the Hebrew synagogue, and he certainly had not overcome Caesar. He had not overcome the external world at all. He overcame the world-consciousness within himself, the material consciousness, the belief in two powers, the belief in good and evil. He had overcome within himself the this-world consciousness, and was able to say, "My kingdom is not of this world," because he had overcome "this world" within himself. He no longer accepted two powers; he no longer had to work against one power to overcome it, because he had overcome the consciousness of duality within himself. He no longer had a spiritual universe and a material universe. He no longer had spiritual power and material power. He no longer had health and disease. Mind as body is unconditioned, and therefore, body is neither well nor sick, tall nor short, thin nor fat. Body is as unconditioned as the mind which is the essence of its form. . . When you understand the nature of mind appearing as form, mind unconditioned by good or evil, you will then have a body which is neither good nor evil.


Chapter: Impersonalizing Error Topic: Awake Out Of Inertia Into Being The belief in two powers, good and evil, which has become so crystallized in human consciousness as to form a malpractice, or hypnotism. . . keeps us under the law instead of under Grace!

Even to think or say that some thing, person, or condition is good is to permit the carnal mind to control us. There is only one Being, one Essence, one Power, and that is Consciousness–God. Consciousness is nether good or evil: It just IS. While it is true that humanly we seem compelled to acknowledge the limitations of good and evil, we must recognize that Consciousness does not embody within Itself qualities or quantities of good or evil, or of limitation. Chapter: The Temple Not Made with Hands 1962 London Special Class Topic: Righteous Judgment 496:2 You will begin to look

around at this world and you will realize, "I have been judging after appearances. I have been using the scale of good and evil, the

very thing that threw us out of the Garden of Eden. . . Now, judging neither good nor evil, let me judge righteous judgment. And

what is righteous judgment except the knowledge of my identity?" Chapter: The Unveiling 1963 London Work Topic: Impersonalize Good And Evil 530:1 You may think that lack or limitation is

tempting you, or sin, false appetite, or sickness, but you cannot say, "I am sick or poor of sinful." As a matter of fact, you cannot say, "I am sick or poor of evil." God knows neither goodness nor badness, neither health nor sickness because I is incorporeal eternality.

THE ONLY FREEDOM Chapter: A Purified Consciousness 1955 Capetown Series Topic: Neither Good Nor Evil In Form Or Effect 708 3:1 709 4:1 There

is no evil in any condition; there is no evil in any circumstance; there is no evil in any person, because God, the infinite good, did not create evil, and there is no other creator.


If we persist in living in the world of duality and calling some things good and some things bad, then that bread which we have cast upon the waters returns to us. Instead we retire to our own consciousness, look out at this world and say, "I withdraw all labels from you. I no longer see you as good or evil. I see you as of God. and I see God's goodness permeating you. I see God's goodness upholding and sustaining you. I see the law of God keeping you in perfect peace. I do not put labels of good or evil on you. No good or evil emanates from my consciousness, only the vision of God's spiritual" perfection, maintaining a spiritual universe in eternal glory, having no glory of its own but showing forth God's glory, God's handiwork. “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.” We have no glory of our own: it is all God's glory. We should nor call it good; we should nor call it evil; we must call it spiritual, of God. God's grace does not remove disease: God's grace reveals to us that there never

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has been disease, that we have accepted the world's concept of good and evil and, therefore, we have demonstrated that. In our spiritual enlightenment, we will no longer label anything disease; we will no longer label anything evil; we will no longer believe that any condition has in and of itself a power of evil, destruction, or of pain since all power emanates from God. Chapter: Neither do I condemn thee Topic: Where Is The Responsibility For Good Or Evil In Our Experience? I

create the good in my life and I create the evil in my life because the moment I deviate in my thought of you or conduct toward you as if you were other than the one Self, then am I bringing upon me the penalty which comes from entertaining such ignorance, For me to believe that there is a you separate and apart from me, separate and apart from the one Self, will tempt me to think something other of you than I really know about myself. Furthermore, unless I see that God constitutes individual being, I shall ultimately be led through that ignorance to act in some way to you as if you were other than myself, again bringing the penalty upon my shoulder.


Chapter: From Darkness to Light 1956-58 Topic: Beyond Power We are not going to find a spiritual power to destroy or overcome anything: Instead, we are going to overcome the belief that there is good or evil in any effect or in any form.

I asked in my meditation, "In a God-ordained world, is it possible that God-power can be used for both good and evil?" Quick as a flash the question answered itself: "No, if you ever discover what God-power is, you will learn that it has no opposite and no opposition; it cannot be used for good and it cannot be used for evil: It can only remain the creative, maintaining, and sustaining power of good, a power which cannot be used. God-power cannot be used: It can use us, but it cannot be used by us.

Chapter: From Law To Grace 1956-58 Topic: I Say Unto You

We can know how close we are to My kingdom by observing to what degree we still react to good and evil. How joyously do we react to the good and how much are we disturbed by the bad? In what measure are we becoming indifferent to either the human good or the human evil?. . . Only at the beginning of our journey on the spiritual path do we think the ultimate goal is the improvement of our human experience. . . If we want merely to be humanly happy, healthy, and wealthy, we should remain nominal Christians, because trying to follow the teaching of Christ Jesus demands a tremendous price, a strict and a disciplined way of life. The children of God are those who have renounced all judgments of good and evil and are convinced in their own minds of the truth about every appearance: "This is neither good nor evil: This is a person. This is neither good nor evil: This is a flower, a painting, a rug. It is not good or evil because God alone is good, and evil is but the hypnotism of this world."


Chapter: From the Unreal to the Real 1956-58 Topic: A Rose Is A Rose Is A Rose No one can free himself from the belief in two powers and make the return to Eden until he is willing to relinquish his human judgments and look out upon the world with an unconditioned mind. The practice of seeing neither good nor evil can begin at this very moment with any object which comes within range of your vision or with any person with whom you may be confronted. In most cases, however, it is easier to begin the practice with some object or person with whom you are not emotionally involved.

There is no good or evil in my body. . . it is just an instrument for the I. Whenever you are faced with error, ask yourself, Can this make me believe in good or evil. . . in two powers? Wherever and whenever you are faced with error, turn and ask yourself, "Can this make me believe in good or evil? Can I be made to accept two powers?" If you can do that, you will refrain from accepting or judging by appearances and you will not be tempted to try to heal somebody or something, but you will stay within yourself and judge righteous judgment, stay within the Garden of Eden which represents your spiritual domain, the state of divine harmony. The moment we perceive that there is neither good nor evil in effect, we lose our fear of any and every effect. Everything that we see, hear, taste, touch, or smell exists as an effect, but the moment that we perceive that there is neither good nor evil in effect, we lose our fear of any and every effect. We cannot fear something that

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has no more power for good or for evil than has a glass of pure water. We not only cannot fear a glass of pure water—we cannot even love it. We can enjoy and benefit by it, but there is nobody yet who has ever fallen in love with a glass of water or hated it or feared it. We just take it as it is, for what it is—a glass of water. Individually, we develop the state of consciousness that lives without using power and which finally brings our particular world into the orbit of no-power by understanding that nothing that exists as person, place, thing, circumstance, or condition is imbued with the power for good or for evil. . . The Master understood this clearly when he said, "Why callest thou me good? . . . I can of mine own self do nothing. . . the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth works.” So it is with us. Power is not really given to us, but if we come to a state of mind in which we are so cradled in the Spirit that we do not resist the seeming error by denying, fighting, or trying to destroy it, we too shall witness the wondrous things which the Father within performs. Watch the transformation of your own world as you bring yourself inwardly to the feeling that you do not want to oppose or use a power against anybody or anything. . . The physical resistance of fist or sword and the mental resistance of affirmations and denials are practically the same thing, but rising above the physical and the mental into the spiritual realm brings us to that new dimension where there is no power, where there is no good over evil, where every situation is met by resting in the Spirit. When error is presented in any form, there is a tendency to put up a wall against it, and in doing that, the opportunity to make the demonstration is lost because no wall is needed. Do not put up a wall against evil; do not put up a defense: understand that no external thing has power, not even the good things. All good is in Spirit, or Consciousness, not in the things that Consciousness produces. Whatever your name or nature, if you exist in time or space, you are a mental image, a nothingness. I do not have to fear you because you have no existence in my or anyone's being. You have existence only in mind, and as a mind-existence, you are without form and void. You have no more good or evil in you than the picture on the moving-picture screen—you are just a substanceless shadow. In the human scene, the mind is creative. It can create good and it can create evil—and does. In the spiritual scene however, the mind is not a creative faculty, but an avenue of awareness. . . The whole secret lies in making the transition from a thinking, plotting, planning, scheming, mind to a mind at rest in a state of awareness, through which divine ideas can flow.


The basic secret of mind is that there is only one mind, and that mind is the mind of individual being—your mind and my mind. . . and this mind is unconditioned: It has no qualities of good or of evil; it is a state of being, not good and not bad. . . Furthermore, mind forming itself as body is unconditioned; and therefore body is neither well nor sick, tall nor short, thin nor fat. Body is as unconditioned as the mind which is the essence of its form. Mind and body, being unconditioned, are a state of absolute being and perfection until the belief of good and evil is accepted into thought. Mind forms its own conditions of matter, body, and form. Mind does not create; mind forms. Creation is already complete—spiritual, eternal, and perfect—but our mind, depending on its conditioning, forms and interprets our human experience on this plane. If our mind is completely free of judgment of good and evil, then Spirit forms its own image and likeness through the mind as happy, harmonious, successful living. If mind is conditioned by judgments of good and evil, mind is not a clear transparency, and in proportion to its conditioning will experiences of good and evil take in our lives. If we had no false concepts of anything in this world, that is, no judgment whether anything is good or evil, we would discover that our mind would bring all forms to us—forms wondrous in their intricacy, beauty, and abundance. When the mind receives the light of spiritual wisdom, the appearance conforms more nearly to mind's pure form. As Soul governs Its spiritual activity and form, so mind, when it is free of hypnotism, that is, the belief of good and evil, receives the full light of Soul. As troubled people bring their problems to us, if we are able to see the person or condition as neither good nor

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evil, sick nor well, rich nor poor, that is, see him without judgment, we then no longer have a carnal mind, but are in full possession of the mind which was in Christ Jesus—a mind which recognizes only one power, an unconditioned mind—and it dispels the illusions of sense. We do not have to get rid of or overcome the carnal mind; we do not have to destroy it: We only have to understand that our mind is a perfect instrument for the Soul, and this it becomes as we fill our mind with spiritual truth and grace. Mind, unconditioned and having no qualities of good or evil, is the substance of all that is visible; and all that is, is as unconditioned as the mind which is its basis. If this were not true, it would be impossible for our state of consciousness to produce changes in what is called the material universe. . . We would know that our consciousness of one power, which really is a consciousness of no-power, had produced the healing and was a law of harmony. We would observe that our mind functioning as an instrument of God had produced an effect on what we call body or matter and we would know then that the substance of mind and the substance of matter are one and the same. That is why mind can affect matter and, moreover, that is why truth in consciousness can affect matter. Mind, itself, is unconditioned, but the human race has accepted the belief of both good and evil, and has produced a good effect by taking good into its mind and an evil effect by taking evil into its mind. . . That which we behold as an erroneous condition or circumstance is not of mind or its formations, but is the universal belief in good and evil, which is termed devil or carnal mind. Actually, there is no such thing as carnal mind, because there is but one mind and it is unconditioned. As you begin to perceive that mind is unconditioned, your thoughts never turn to the subject of good or evil. You are just living each circumstance of life as it comes along. This does not mean withdrawing from the world: It means being in the world but not of it, living each experience without trying to cling to it if it seems good or without trying to get rid of it if it seems evil. It is a life of nonattachment to things. It is only when we are trying to cling to something or somebody or trying to get rid of someone or some condition that we are attached. when we no longer desire good any more than we desire evil. Only the knowledge of good and evil keeps anyone from the holy kingdom.

GOOD AND EVIL 20 This mental creation is not a creation of Spirit, or Consciousness, but a creation of the false or carnal mind, a mind that is constituted of both good and evil, that thinks correctly and incorrectly, having no Consciousness, or God, for its guide. We do not have the capacity to think God’s thoughts, but when mind, in rising above thought, has been transcended and Silence supersedes thought, God can utter His word through us. When we are able to rise above the realm of thought to that high place where we have no opinion whether anything or anybody is good or evil, but are willing to be a perfect transparency for the instruction of God, then God speaks in our ear and shows us the spiritual reality which exists right where that "man of flesh" who "cannot please God" appears to be; but in that instant when God speaks, the man of flesh is transformed into the Son of God and is immediately returned to the Garden of Eden where he is now the Son of God living under God's government. I have been asked many times, "How do you stop thinking?" And I have found one way. The minute I can look at any person or condition and know that it is neither good nor evil, my thought stops, and my mind becomes quiet. That is the end of it because then there are no thoughts left for me to think about it: I do not think good of it and I do not think evil of it. All I know is that it is, and then I am back at the center of my being where all power is. Throughout my years of healing work, I have learned that if I can be made to accept the condition or the person that is brought to me as either good or evil, just in that proportion I will fail to bring forth a healing. Healing comes with the realization, "This is not evil and this is not good; there is neither good nor evil here because God is here, and where God is, 'where the Spirit of the lord is, there is liberty.'" As long as we can be made to believe that one thing is good and another evil, we shall remain outside the Garden of Eden, and one day have health and another day disease, experience youth and vitality one day and

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age and debility another day because those are the pairs of opposites and they follow one another in cycles. We must be willing to look upon all the good as well as the evil conditions in our life and in the world, and state with conviction, "I renounce you, both of you. Henceforth, I know neither good nor evil; I know only God manifest. Through spiritual vision, I behold Consciousness forming Itself in immortal forms–eternal, harmonious, and abundant. Henceforth, I accept only the revelation of the real creation in which there is light even when there is no sun and where all is harmony.” True, we have to rebuke evil: Sometimes we have to vote against it; sometimes we have to talk against it; and sometimes we have to correct children and even grownups too. But this has to be done without our actually believing it, recognizing, "Yes, that's the appearance-world, and the people in it have not awakened to this great secret that there is neither good nor evil in person, place, or thing." The first chapter of Genesis is the account of a spiritual universe, peopled by spiritual beings who do not live by effect but by cause, who do not live by bread alone, who do not have to earn their living by the sweat of their brow; whereas in the second and third chapters, a knowledge of good and evil creates a sense of separation from God after which man lives by power and by effect: He lives by bread, by money, the beating of the heart, by sunlight; he lives by all the creature things, instead of by the Creator. Let us not forget that tomorrow there will be problems that will tend to throw us right outside the Garden of Eden; tomorrow there will be mail and telephone calls which will tempt us to be hypnotized by the appearance of good and evil. When these moments come, let us remember that that is when fortitude is required, but that is also when the grace of God comes forward to enable us to stand fast in our spiritual integrity.

GOOD AND EVIL 21 A Message For The Ages Christ-consciousness As A Universal Experience

God’s Grace Is Given To Us To Show Forth The Fruitage

Source: 1963 London Work; Instructions; Kailua Private Class Tape: 526, 512, 520 God's grace brought us to this message that we might show forth the fruitage of Christ-consciousness and thereby be instruments for establishing It on earth. We are educating the human mind out of itself as we teach our students, and we are bringing them forth out of the power of the mind itself into an awareness that they have a meat the world knows not of; they have a hidden manna. They live by Grace, by a sufficiency of Grace unto every moment. . . We are teaching human consciousness; we are raising human consciousness and every time we have raised an individual we have raised thousands.

Infinity Flows Through Conscious Oneness With The Source

Source: 1963 instructions for teaching the infinite way 4:1 Tape: 508 If we are joint-heirs to all the heavenly riches, how are we going to

claim our inheritance? The only way is to realize our oneness with the I-That-I-Am, and then let that Infinity flow. It will have Its own way of

appearing outwardly, but you and I cannot tell how it is going to come.

We must know the truth for the truth to make us free. Everything comes through consciousness, and if we are not conscious of God's presence, we do not have It. If we are not conscious of God’s power, we do not have It. If we are not conscious of God’s omniscience, we do not have It. Therefore, anything that comes to us must come through our consciousness.

Recognize All Negative Powers As Nonpower Source: 1963 Instructions for Teaching the Infinite way 6:2 Tape: 550 If today we are doing the protective work that brings to us the realization of omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience, a divine grace within us, we are preventing a possible accident next week, next month, or

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next year. But we are doing that this moment. Real protective work is the daily, hourly, quarter-hourly, and minute by minute recognition and constant realization of divine grace as the only power.

Do You Recognize The Pearl?

Source: 1963 Instructions for Teaching the Infinite way 6:1 Tape: 550 Eventually we reach the place where we do not have patients come to

our office to take up our time. If they come at all we give them five or ten minutes. Students might be given a half hour or an hour.

Eventually to the higher and deeper students, we will give two or three hours. But that is not because we are trying to teach them. That is

because we are imparting the gift of God, the grace of God, where some evidence of receptivity has become apparent.

What does it mean to live by Grace? Is not Grace God realized as individual consciousness? We have no assurance that we are living under Grace unless God is consciously realized daily life.

God Knows The Intents Of The Heart Source: 1963 Tape: 509

PRACTITIONER The total efficacy of prayer can be summed up in the one word motive. . . So if you go to God, you must go wanting spiritual grace and forget what you seem to need in the human picture because you cannot reach God while that is your primary goal. If you believe in omniscience, the only way you can reach God is to close your eyes, realizing, "I cannot tell You anything, but You search the heart, the marrow, and the intents of the mind, God. You know me. Here I am." As long as your motive is to receive God's wisdom. God's voice, God's presence, something of a spiritual nature that has no relationship to your human world. It will adjust your human world. It will adjust it, not you.

Prayer As Communion

Source: 1963 instructions for teaching the infinite way 6:2 Tape: 550 You can bring yourself under Grace in this minute. . . Relinquish the

desire for anything or anybody in the world in the realization, 'I live by Grace, by the grace of God, not by the I grace of man.' . . . You have

left the law and you have come under Grace in the second that you are willing to say, 'I have no external needs.'. . . Only do nor go back and

sin again; do not go back tomorrow to a fear of lack, to a fear of sin, a fear of disease, or a fear of false appetite. Keep yourself living in the

realization: 'Thank You, Father, I have no needs. The Father knows my needs. I leave it with the Father.' That is living by Grace.

A Parenthesis In Eternity Attaining The Mystical Consciousness

The Secret Of The Word Made Flesh

Source: Tape: As we come toward the latter part of the First Degree experience, we begin to perceive that we are living more by Grace than be effort, we are living more by a power that is doing things for us without our taking conscious thought, and sometimes doing them before we even know there is a need for them. The Christ is planted in our consciousness for one reason, and one reason only: that we might be at peace, that we might have life and have it more abundantly. . . that the grace of God fill us with an infinite abundance of spiritual good.

The Two Worlds

Source: Tape: First must come the clear-cut realization that we cannot go on being just human beings, and attempt to add God's grace to our humanhood. . . Grace comes through an evolutionary progressive unfoldment of consciousness. If God is omnipresence, we must be the very presence of God. That must mean that there is no other

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presence, and we, then, have no presence. . . If we are the presence of God, we must act like it. We never will live by Grace until we make that acknowledgment. In seeking the kingdom of God within, we are merely beholding Reality appearing, the grace of God appearing. On the spiritual path, we make the transition from living under the law to living under Grace, and consciously remember that we are not under the law. This means every kind of law: medical law–infection, contagion, and heredity; theological law–punishment for sins of the past or of the present, or sins of the parents or of the grandparents. We no longer live under the laws of matter; we no longer live under the laws of mind; we no longer live under the laws of theology: we live under Grace. Only a few have learned that the power of God is made manifest in silence and stillness.

PRACTITIONER The contemplation of God's grace, of God as the One and Only, and the contemplation of scriptural passages which give us the assurance of the divine Presence lead to an inner stillness, and then the second phase of meditation enters our experience. That is when something comes to us, not something that we have consciously thought, but something that was thought through us. To pray without ceasing is to rejoice all day long that the grace of God is working in us and through us without our telling God or pleading with Him, without our asking or desiring anything from God because he has already given all good to us, and we have only to be still to realize it and show it forth. We cannot be that I that is God and still be interested in name, fame, or fortune. These will come to us, but by that time, we will not value them. Wherever there is this recognition of the presence and the spirit of God, the power of God is flowing, maintaining our mental, moral, financial, and physical freedom, and then whenever a need appears, we create what seems like a vacuum within us, a listening attitude, and in that second, the right word comes to us, the word of God which is quick and sharp and powerful, and which does the work of healing, reforming, and sustaining.

Awakening Mystical Consciousness Attaining Dominion Through I

1963 Princess Kaiulani Sunday Series 513: 1&2 Source: Tape: The secret of harmonious existence lies in attaining a consciousness of that Grace within every person awaiting recognition.

Awakening The Soul-center

Source: 1961 Tape: Grace cannot touch us until we have become consciously aware that God is the mind of all mankind. There must be no further desire than to do what is at hand, to do it to the highest of our understanding and with the advantage of receiving God’s grace.

Letting What Is Reveal Itself

Source: 1954 Portland Practitioner CLASS Tape: 95: 1&2 God governs this universe by grace, not law, desire or will. God is already eagerly waiting to reveal Itself.

Ordination By The Spirit

Source: 1958 Tape: Isn’t this wonderful? I can set you free by realizing the kingdom of Grace is operating within you. The moment we realize that divine Grace alone feeds us, heals us, supplies us, and forgives us we attain our freedom in Christ.

Do Not Glory In The Form

Source: 1954 Portland Practitioner Class Tape: 94 & 95 If you do not have the presence of God, you cannot have

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the form.

Prayer, A State Of Receptivity Source: 1962 Tape:

PRACTITIONER The moment you are completely released from human concern, your good begins to flow and you find it always there just before you need it.

Purifying Our State Of Consciousness

Source: 1962 London Special Class Tape: 494:1&2 The spiritually endowed do not receive: they are the instruments through which God’s grace is given.

Beyond Words And Thoughts Beyond The Pairs Of Opposites To Being

Supply, An Activity Of Consciousness, Not A Reward For Goodness

Source: 1963 Kailua Private Class Tape: 522:2 All heaven is, is consciousness unfolding. . . as the need appears.

Every word of The Infinite Way message. . . is meant to drive us back into our consciousness to draw forth the infinity of supply that is there. . . It is only in proportion as we think of yesterday’s supply as being today’s supply that we sometimes run into lack; but as we learn to turn within for a fresh supply we draw forth God’s grace in new forms bigger forms, richer forms. . . and we can have no idea what form God’s grace is going to take. That, too, is our good fortune because that opens out the way for the new forms, the greater forms, and the greater wisdoms that are to unfold from within our consciousness. God knows nothing of health because God knows nothing of the lack of health. . . In God there is neither health nor illness: there is only the perfection of God’s being. Very often students lose the way because they are seeking something through God of which God has no awareness. . . God has no knowledge of health; God has no knowledge of wealth. God is Spirit, and the kingdom of God is spiritual. Therefore, when you go to God, you can go only for Grace. It is the grace of God that lives my life, and I am neither good nor bad; I am neither rich nor poor; I am neither saint nor sinner; I am neither sick nor well; I am neither alive nor dead. I am I, and all that I AM is, I am. It makes no difference whether you need health, wealth, or ideas, you go to God only for Grace, and that Grace appears outwardly as the form necessary to your experience. Therefore, if your need today is food, It comes forth as food; if it is transportation, It comes forth as transportation; if it is an idea, it will come forth as an idea. But always remember this, God knows nothing of the forms: God knows only Grace. Once you come to the realization of God as your life, then and only then can you realize that both the goodness and the badness of your human life have to be overcome in order that you can ultimately say, “Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is, God.” That is the good that is flowing; that is the good that is healing; that is the good that is enriching; that is the good that is forgiving–not you, not I, but that which flows from the Father as the son. The good that is healing. . . enriching. . . forgiving [is] not you, but that which flows from the Father to the son. The good that manifested itself through me was. . . the grace of God shining through. Think what happens once you recognize that there is only one Being. That means that your being is my being, and therefore, you cannot be good to me or bad to me: you can be to me only what you are to yourself. That is all! God does not bestow his grace in different degrees on His children because the truth is that God has only one child, one offspring, one life. No matter how many billion times it may be lived on

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earth, it is the one life that is being lived.

PRACTITIONER We perpetuate the entire human experience by the belief that we are good or evil, that we are sick or well, that we are rich or poor. We come into and under the grace of God only in the realization that we are living by God’s grace. You are of the household of God, and the qualities and the activities of God are yours. They are not yours per se: they are yours by the grace of God, they are God’s qualities manifest as you. . . You cannot take pride in your health. All you can do is to recognize that the grace of God is upon you. Health is the grace of God; supply is the grace of God; purity is the grace of God. You begin to live under and by the grace of God, but not until you have lost all sense of being either good or bad, rich or poor, abundant or lacking, saint or sinner, and have realized that the life you live is lived by the grace of God. Then you will discover that you have lost the pairs of opposites, and you will find yourself just living. You will not even be living: God will be living Itself, and you will always be living with an attentive ear, watching the life of God unfold within your own self.

Restoring The Mind To Its Proper Function

Source: 1963 Kailua Private Class Tape: 517:1 All of us in The Infinite Way should move out of the state of mind that is overcoming,

rising above, and destroy, into the realization of Grace which is the light that reveals no darkness. It does not remove it, it does not send it

any place: it reveals its nonpresence.

Always remember in your treatment work not to be concerned if thoughts do not come. Do not be concerned if no truth comes to you. You are not the actor; you are not the healer; the concern is not yours. You are relaxing yourself into Grace, and Grace is going to do the work: you are merely going to be the instrument of Grace. . . Do not struggle to know the truth, do not strive to give advice. Be still! I within you am God, so just be still and let I be God, and relax in the Grace that realizes law is not power. The law of mind is not power; the law of beliefs is not power. Grace reveals nonpower!

I, Crying Out

Source: 1963 Kailua Private Class Tape: 523:1 or 524:2 It is just as easy to prophesy such things today because as you unfold spiritually

you will come to realize that the only permanent thing in the world is whatever conforms to a law of God.

Since you know that God is Spirit, then you know that all that the Father has must be spiritual. . . When you go to God, therefore, go for what may be called the gifts of God, the grace of God. And what are these? Do not worry what they are; do not be concerned. Just go for God’s grace.

Spiritual Ignorance Is The Barrier

Source: 1963 Kailua Private Class Tape: It is an impossibility for a spiritually enlightened person to do wrong. Why? Because there is

nothing in all this world worth having enough to commit a wrong to get. What is it that you could possibly want out in the world when

you have the kingdom of God within? You do not have to lie, cheat, steal, or defraud to obtain supply because when you realize the nature

of supply, it begins to flow. Pleasures?. . . if it takes another person or if it takes six others to provide that pleasure, they will be provided.

There is no need to go out looking for them.

Evolving Stages Of Consciousness Source: 1963 Kailua Private Class Tape: 521:2

PRACTITIONER The Christ is never asleep in us! The Christ of us is always on Its job and awake. It is we who are asleep to It.

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When you are living out from incorporeality, you have attained the mystical consciousness out of which all form appears. You may then entertain a corporeal sense of that form, but at least you will have the satisfaction of knowing that it is not corporeal. You will know that you cannot get something out of nothingness.

God Is

Source: 1963 Kailua Private Class Tape: 518:1 or 517:2 As soon as you realize that all these attempts to influence God are just a waste of

time, your thoughts will come to a stop, and your prayer will be a receptivity, a listening, an awaiting God’s grace, a waiting for the still

small voice, and then that Spirit of God enters your consciousness, consciously, and you become aware of It.

[Communion with God] comes in moments of illumination, but for the greater part of my life I have found that it is as if there is still a Joel and he is pretty empty. . . He has no evil and he has no good: he is living always with those ears open in an expectancy, and then whatever comes through is God’s presence and God’s grace, and the rest, what the world calls a human personality, remains, you might almost say, a nothingness. It really is a nothingness because it has no desire: it does not want to be any place in particular; it does not want to do anything except what it is doing and what is being done through it; it has no hopes, no ambitions, and is not seeking to achieve anything. Only in the degree that you can. . . live in the constant atmosphere of “Thank You, Father! You are my very being. You live my life,” and keep yourself sufficiently clear so that you are always the transparency through which God’s grace flows, is there no ego, no personal self, and no attempt at personal attainment. There is enough in the ground and enough stored away to take care of everybody. There is merely an absence of the realization that the necessities of life do not have to be hoarded in warehouses and barns because they are the flowing grace of God.

Share With Those In The World At The Level Of Their Receptivity

Source: 1963 Kailua Private Class Tape: 519 or 521 Do not think that you are called upon to share this Grace with those outside, for you

are not to do this until they come seeking It, and then only as you realize that they are seeking It, not the “loaves and fishes.” You will

never be called upon to go out into the world to proselyte, to save it, or to tell what you know.

God's Grace, The Gift Of Himself

Source: 1963 Kailua Private Class Tape: 522:1 or 517:1 God’s grace is the gift of Himself appearing on earth as us. God, the Father, is appearing on earth as God, the son; and these are one, not two. Therefore, all that the Father has is ours; all that God is, we are, once we have overcome our religious superstition and ignorance.

In our stillness, we develop a sense of receptivity: the ears are open, the mind is awake, and we are receiving. What are we receiving: the grace of God which is the word of God and which is spiritual. Then we go about our business. It is love that puts leaves on fruits on the trees; it is love that gives us divine Grace; it is the love of God that appears outwardly as what we call food, clothing, and housing.

PRACTITIONER Let us never forget that when we open our ears and minds in receptivity, we are not going to God for material supply–for money, automobiles, houses, or clothing: we are realizing that God grace is “closer. . . than breathing, and nearer than hands and feet.” The ears are open to hear; the mind is open to receive; and what we receive is the Spirit of God, the awareness and the feeling of the Presence. This is God’s supply. When we receive This, It, in a way unknown to us, is translated in our human picture as food, clothing, housing, money, or whatever form it is that the supply must take. “My grace is sufficient for thee” does not mean that God’s grace gives us dollars, automobiles, and houses. It plainly states that “My grace is sufficient.” As spiritual beings, we have to be satisfied with that promise, and all we must seek is Grace. Grace always interprets itself at the level of the experience of the moment in which we are

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living. As we realize the sufficiency of God’s grace, It will appear to us as air to breathe, transportation, dollars, or whatever our life may require, and it can very well appear in forms that we could not possibly expect. No thought of gain ever enters the spiritual teacher’s consciousness, because the spiritual teacher does not go into this kind of ministry until he has demonstrated that he is living by God’s grace. Then when he has demonstrated that, he can freely teach that the secret of supply is in giving, in pouring. Our only activity is receptivity. . . We must open the only thing through and as which God appears: our consciousness. God appears and acts in, and through, and as consciousness. It is as if we were opening our ears to the realization of the truth that God’s grace is our sufficiency. In such receptivity, God’s grace is pouring through us. The point is that we live by Grace, and in that moment that we recognize this and abide in this truth, we live “not by might, nor by power.” We do not then live by our brains or by our virtues: we live by divine Grace. From that moment on, the new way opens, not always as quickly as we would like. . . But be assured that from the moment we have recognized our oneness with the Father, the sins, the sinful thoughts, the false appetites, and the bad habits begin to disappear, and we are living by Grace. We do not live by money but by the grace of God, and that Grace is already within our consciousness because God constitutes our consciousness. We have no right to outline the form Grace is to take in our experience. But if we keep ourselves open to God’s gift of Grace, we can very well be more surprised at the form It takes than a child going to the Christmas tree on Christmas morning and finding the things he does not expect.

Surrender Your Mind To God

Source: 1963 Kailua Private Class Tape: 518:1 or 517:2 Complete surrender does not mean making yourself nothing, making yourself an automaton, or anything of that kind. It really means surrendering yourself to the influence of purity, harmony, and grace in every area of life, and not saying, “I want to save out this part of my life for myself,” because that is the barrier for many. When you go within, you are going within your own consciousness because that is where you live. That is the sanctuary of your being: your consciousness. As a matter of fact, it is not your consciousness, it is the divine Consciousness which you are. You are the divine Consciousness, and you go within that Consciousness which you are, and out of the Consciousness which you are flows spiritual Grace.

No Power Is Necessary In A State Of Grace Source: 1963 Kailua Private Class Tape: 516:1

PRACTITIONER Peace is a state of Grace, and it functions in that moment when you are demanding nothing of another, when you are realizing that God’s grace is your sufficiency in all things and that there is a sufficiency of God’s grace omnipresent to meet the need of this and of every moment. In that moment, you free every person, and he can feel that you have freed him. Sowing to the Spirit means acknowledging Spirit as the source and cause of all that is, acknowledging Spirit as the activity of divine Grace, acknowledging Spirit as the presence, substance, power, law, and activity of Being. The question is whether you are letting the world of effect be the law unto you or whether you are living by Grace. Is money going to be your God? Is the law of health going to be your God? Is anything in the realm of effect going to be power? Or are you realizing that there are no powers? We are servants here, receiving the grace of God and allowing It to flow. When the Master said, “I have overcome the world,” did he not really mean that. . . he was living in a state of Grace where there are no laws? When the new consciousness is attained, you have risen above trying to do or to be something of yourself: you are living by Grace, and it is the grace of God that functions through you as benevolence, purity, kindliness, and integrity. . . Your personal sense of “I” has moved over to where it is now only a beholder of life. . . just

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beholding, beholding, and beholding. When you function under Grace, you may be called to those who have swallowed poison or to those who have been seriously injured, and by your realization of nonpower, you can bring them through it and lift them above whatever law they may have come under. . . Every healing that you have witnessed has been a proof of Grace because the law involved has been overcome. . . It is not that your developed consciousness of truth is a power over the law: it is a proof that the law is not a power in the presence of your consciousness of Grace.

Crucifying Personal Sense

Source: 1963 Kailua Private Class Tape: 518:2 or 519:2 All our study, all our knowing of the truth, all our healing ministry must eventually lead to the period of Sabbath or Grace, which is the full and complete surrender of self, to the end that God may life on earth as He is living in heaven. Always, since my first spiritual experience, living in two worlds has been difficult for me–living in that higher Consciousness and then coming down to earth, going back into that Consciousness and coming back down to earth–but never was it as difficult as in 1963. . . With each successive unfoldment, something was breaking through, leading to the teaching of going beyond words and thoughts, of going beyond the mind. . . beyond taking thought, beyond reasoning. This is the revelation of the nature of Sabbath and of Grace. But he said unto them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of. He was telling them not to go out to get meat; but to rest in the Sabbath of I have.

There is always a sufficiency of God’s grace present for this moment, and therefore, we have only to be still in this moment in order to receive a sufficiency of Grace, but only for this moment. There must come a rest from the activity of the mind: taking thought for our life, fearing for our life, constantly knowing the truth in order to avoid some experience. There must come a Sabbath, and in this Sabbath we live by Grace, because then we do not know the truth, but Truth reveals Itself to us.

Consciousness In Transition PRACTITIONER

Source: Tape: I wonder if you really know that it is an actual thing–"underneath are the everlasting arms"–that there is actually such a thing you can literally feel, even though you can't see it or hear it. You can actually feel it even in its invisibility… What I mean is that once you have had the first experience of being without the aid of person or thought and you have felt something pick you up, from then on in increasing measure you learn to lean back on that infinite invisible. There must come a time when we say, "I live not by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." You know, the word is always proceeding out of the mouth of God, but are we listening? Or are we looking in a book and seeing what it says on page 82? Oh, yes, that's what we do over and over again.

1948 Source: Tape: But, you see, not my conscious thinking does it, not my treatment does it–oh, no! The law of God which I am in my innermost being, that does it. And I just go along for the ride to see how beautiful the scenery is and to be grateful for all the wonderful people with whom I come in contact, for all the beautiful scenery I am permitted to see, and all the beautiful experiences that come to me. It is developing a state of consciousness which is that of a beholder, a witness to God's work, that's all.

1948 Source: Tape: If I can show you how to open your consciousness to the inflow of God, then whatever of increased good comes to you isn't just an increase of human hood, it's the Divine itself, and that never stops! That's why you'll never hunger once that bread comes to you.

[Sending out bills to patients] went on for seven months until the realization came that I wasn't living from God, I was living from these Joneses and Browns who were paying their bills…It was then that I stopped. I began to realize that if I could demonstrate that by the love of God alone my bills were paid in any month, I was safe for life; the love of God could never be taken away from me. You'll never stop that flow once you have contacted it, and that's the secret! Once you touch this Christ–once you touch this center of

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consciousness–once you open your consciousness to the inflow of the health of God, of spiritual supply– you'll never again hunger. You'll never again have demonstrations of supply to make. What do we live by then, if we don't live by bread alone? By "every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.'" That doesn't mean quotations, or affirmations, or denials. It means, really, every idea–every item of consciousness, every thrill of intelligence and love–that's what we live by.

1948 Source: Tape: You see, we know absolutely nothing about the meaning of the word God or Christ or truth or light or grace. What little we know we have read in dictionaries and books that men have written, and are merely faint tracings of tremendously deep subjects.

1948 Source: Tape:

PRACTITIONER Now, when the metaphysician who is alert sees a form of good, like a good person or a generous person or a kindly or philanthropic person, the wise metaphysician will instantly say, "You don't fool me. That's God! Those are the qualities of God appearing in or as or through this person." And so you won't get tangled up in personality, and you won't get so completely tangled up in attraction for a person that the loss of that person or his disappearance can almost drive you mad-or a fall from grace might so disappoint you it could cause heartbreak.

Consciousness Is What I Am Attaining A Measure Of Spiritual Consciousness

Becoming Aware Of The Indwelling Presence

Source: 1969 Tape: Spiritual consciousness is a realization that within you is the substance of all that is to appear in your world. . . an

awareness that all you need flows to you from within your own being. You come to a place in consciousness where it becomes clear to you

that you are not dependent on anything out here, but that you must turn to the infinite Invisible for your good.

Spiritual Pioneers

Source: 1969 L Tape: God’s grace does not bring anyone to a message of this nature for his good alone. God’s grace does not work that way. God’s grace brings us to a spiritual teaching that we may show forth the fruitage of Christ-consciousness and be instruments for establishing it on earth.

Consciousness Externalizes As Form

Source: 1969 L Tape: We are forever lifted above any sense of competition at any level, whether is business, art, science, or in the healing or

spiritual teaching ministry [when we realize that] we do not have customers; we do not have patients; we do not have students: we have our

consciousness, and our consciousness externalizes as whatever form is necessary to us. No one can take what is ours away from us.

The Dedicated Consciousness

Source: 1964 San Fernando Valley Center Tape: 542 Dedication comes as the grace of God.

Let us think of our mind as a door. Since God, Infinity, is omnipresent, the moment we open the door, this Infinity floods us, and we are under Grace. . . But we have a part to play: Lord, I know You are knocking at the door of my consciousness, and I am opening my consciousness. Take over my mind and body. Be my soul; be my life.

Practicing principles prepares consciousness for entrance of God.

Consciousness Transformed Access To Infinity

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1964 Source: Tape:

PRACTITIONER 10 The whole secret of the spiritual life is to know that you have access to infinity through your own consciousness and then go within sufficiently often to let the flow appear. . . and then be careful never to personalize it and think you have become good or that you have become spiritual. Remember you have become an instrument or a transparency for an infinite, universal grace. . . You can increase the flow by realizing it as an infinite grace flowing universally. Like the tree that is showing forth God’s grace, this does not glorify us. It lets us stand still and show forth God’s glory. . . And so it is that this reconciles us to God, and thereby fulfills us.

1963 Source: Tape: Look over the heads of men and women and see that of themselves they are nothing. “All power is in the hands of the Infinite, the Eternal, and it operates through grace.” We must reach the point where we are Self-complete in God. . . where man is wholly dependent of God’s grace. Only then has he attained freedom.

1963 Source: Tape: What we surrender, we have; what we hold in the grasp of possession we lose. Everything we release, we draw to us. . . because life–God–is an outflow, and only as we are letting the grace of God flow through us are we instruments of the divine.

1963 Source: Tape: God is infinite individual consciousness, life eternal, without any opposites. Therefore, we do not draw health from our consciousness; we draw our realization of the nature of consciousness which is wholeness and grace. Grace is not some degree of health. Grace is infinity and eternality, and so this leads us to prayer or meditation.

If you observe yourself carefully in periods of prayer or meditation, you will discover that for a great part, you are allowing your thought to go to the outer and are thinking in terms of changing the external. It really is a tremendous discipline to arrive at that state of consciousness where you. . . never look for the crops [fruitage]. . . Our entire attention must be on the fact that unless there is an activity of the spirit within, there never will be a crop. If I can abide in the remembrance of this invisible substance that is functioning within me, I will be able to wait for my crop, whether it is a crop of money, or a crop of health, or a crop of happiness, or a crop of peace. It will come if I can keep my mind off the crop, off of the without. In the degree that we have learned that we do not need anything of each other, but can freely share that which has come to us as a gift of God without lessening what we ourselves have, we have realized the only basis for peace. You may tell your practitioner that you have a pain or that your pocketbook is empty. That may be the problem, but you do not know the solution nor does the practitioner. So the only thing is to sit down and pray, “Let thy grace be revealed to me.”. . . and an answer comes from within that has nothing to do with the problem, but is an inner peace, or an inner joy or an assurance. When this takes place within, the outer harmony is restored.

PRACTITIONER 11 8/24/63 Source: Tape: The only heaven there is, is living in this moment, because only in this moment do you have sufficient grace

to provide you with the spiritual bread, meat, wine, water–even resurrection.

1964 Source: Tape: What is the miracle? You do not set God at work or to work; you do not bring the power of God into any situation. God was there before you because of omnipresence. It makes no difference if you had a wrong thought this morning or if you committed a wrong deed yesterday. It has nothing to do with what is going

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on in God’s universe because it is not your purity that makes God work. It is God’s function. God’s grace is not dependent on how good or how spiritual you are. God’s grace is dependent on how good God is, and any saint or sinner can behold God at work once their eyes are open to omnipresence. . . Every problem has its foundation in the belief of the absence of God. . . The beauty is that, in spite of appearances, nothing else [but God] is.

1963 Source: Tape: Always remember that it is the acknowledgment that brings the experience. If I acknowledge a sufficiency of God’s grace in this moment, I have it! If I do not acknowledge it, I virtually deny it. . . You must be a law unto yourself by the truth you know and, if you are not as yet aware of the omnipresence of a divine grace sufficient unto this moment, become aware of it and live with it. Then you will realize how your life is lived not by might and not by power, but by grace. Always there will be the sufficiency of grace to meet the need of this moment; and, on the spiritual path, you have no right to live one moment ahead of this moment. You plan meetings ahead or you make travel arrangements or you plan business affairs in advance. Certainly, but without burden and without problems because from one moment to the next there is sufficient grace to meet that moment. This is all you need– this is all anybody ever needs–enough grace for this moment. . . There is also a sufficiency of God’s grace for your patient or for one hundred patients. God cannot operate in the future. The only possible time that God can operate is now–only now. . . Take this principle home and ponder on it: that God cannot do anything for you in the past or in the future. You must attain that conviction. . . In this moment God’s grace is functioning within you to whatever extent is necessary for you at this moment. . . Nature gives us enough air to breathe only for this second, and you know right well how impossible it would be to try to put your breath is storage. God’s grace is not dependent on anything but recognition, and your responsibility is to recognize the function of a divine grace operating in your patients’ and your students’ consciousness as of this moment– sufficient unto the claim thereof and sufficient unto the need thereof. Otherwise you will be encouraging a belief that patients and students need you personally. . . Your ministry is the ministry of the activity of the Christ. How easy it is then to set them free in Christ.

Source: Tape: There is no need for competition. Competition is a man-created activity, and there will be no room for competition or jealousy when we realize that the issues of life are determined by the activity that is going on within the Soul.

PRACTITIONER 12 1964 Source: Tape: There does not seem to be sufficient recognition of the fact that there is a “my kingdom” entirely different from

anything that the mind of man can know, or that the grace of God takes forms completely different from what we think.

1964 Source: Tape: Consider the overpopulated areas on earth where human beings are kicked onto earth as mortals and where there is not even enough food to eat. Only the animal instinct to mate plays a part in that creation, and for this reason there is no God governing that form of life. You do not lift yourself above the level of that mortal creation–where you are not under the law of God–until you yourself have attained the experience of conscious oneness with God by being still and letting the grace of God touch you. From that moment you are no longer mortal.

Take the attitude that you do not know God’s will for you for today; that you are being still and receptive to receive God’s grace so that you will be under the law and wisdom of God throughout the day. Realize of course that by this contact, you have also come into contact with all the spiritual grace necessary to your entire experience.

1964 Source: Tape: If you can eliminate from your thought the idea of saving people’s lives, bringing them supply, or getting them out of prison, and can realize: “Thy grace is my sufficiency, and I do not know what thy grace is,” the miracles take place in your experience.

It helps me to know that God is spirit, because then it frees me from all attempts to draw forth anything of a material nature from God. . . Wherever God’s grace is, whatever God’s gift is, it must be spiritual. It

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appears to us, when it comes, in some material form, but you know it is not material. It appears materially because we still have enough material concepts of the spiritual kingdom, but it is not. It is not that a sick body has been made well; it is that the body of God has been revealed. . . [We] are still “painting spiritual gifts” with a material form. There was a man in whose heart a small valve disappeared, and the doctors said no man could life twenty-four hours without it. He lived over thirty years! He was not living through a material heart, but through the grace of God which did not need a material heart. And one of our patients who was blind has complete eyesight today–but has no eyes. She “sees without eyes.” Why? She received God’s grace of sight–not in the form of physical eyes.

Source: Tape: In your prayers, learn to walk right down the middle path, not wanting to establish human good and not wanting to get rid of human evil. Let your prayers be that the spiritual kingdom be established on earth as it is in heaven. . . and with all your praying you must remember that within your own individual consciousness is sufficient God-power to establish that prayer on earth. . . Never doubt that one moment of consecrated prayer can establish peace on earth. It can. It requires only one, when this one is sufficiently unselfed and is not praying for my country, my side, or my city, but is praying for My grace, My peace, My kingdom.

PRACTITIONER 13 Watch that your heart and Soul is longing only to become aware of the presence of God, the grace of God, the kingdom of God, the peace of God.

1963 Source: Tape: The only reason you were ever created was that God would have an instrument on earth through whom to pour Its qualities. You were not born to be subjected to anything or anyone.

1963 Source: Tape: Think a great deal on the term spiritual power, and try to get a clearer recognition of it. Remember that it is not a power over anything or anybody – it is not a power to be used. Spiritual power is a state of grace.

1963 Source: Tape: Once you have learned these specific principles, put them out of your mind and you will draw on what you have stored up. After you have meditated, go out and do something completely different: go to a movie, watch television, or read good literature. . . If you want to receive wisdom from divine grace, the entire secret is that it comes at a moment when you are not thinking. Then as we live naturally, the divine grace establishes itself and it speaks for us.

1963 Source: Tape: I can’t think of being alone for a very long period of time without a period of contemplation. When I contemplate, something is given to me–something to ponder. So it is, the source of my religion is to be found within me, but I must go in to get it. In living this life of the contemplative, you will find that you are living a life attuned to an inner rhythm, an inner grace. The more you listen, the more you contemplate within, the greater protection and guidance you have on the outer plane.

1964 Source: Tape: All of the Father’s grace and all of the Father’s peace is mine to give, to share. Therefore, in secrecy, I give God’s grace and God’s peace.

September 1963 Source: Tape: The only contact there can be with God is in silence. . . [having] no will or desire of your own [and being] willing that the grace of God fill your consciousness.

1963 Source: Tape: When we grasp the meaning of “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof,”. . . we realize how utterly ridiculous it is to believe that we possess something and that it is ours, or even that we have earned it or deserved it. We are guests of life, and life has provided us with everything necessary to our fulfillment on the plane of the spiritual and the manifest.

Consciousness Unfolding

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Science Of Creation

PRACTITIONER 14 The Body Is Maintained By Consciousness

Source: 1949 Tape: It is your individual consciousness that is creating, feeding, nourishing, supporting, and maintaining your body in its health, harmony, and beauty unto all time if you will but consciously realize [it].

God Formed Us For His Glory The Inner Meaning of Living the Spiritual Life Spiritual Sustenance

Source: Tape: In the Lord's Prayer, Jesus asked, "Give us this day our daily bread." Was he really asking for bread? If we study the teaching

of the Master, it is plain that when he said, “I am the bread of life," he was not talking about a loaf of baker’s bread. He was talking about the

spiritual sustenance of life, and so when he prayed, "Give us this day our daily bread," he was actually praying, “Give us this day, Father,

the realization of Thy presence. Give us the conscious realization of spiritual substance. Open our eyes to the presence of divine grace."

Sharing but Not Dependency

Source: Tape: I am in this work, but I am not in this work for your sake. I am in this work because the grace of God pushed me into it to reveal God's grace and God's law on earth.

Humanhood Externalizes

Source: Tape: Should a practitioner by divine grace be able to rise above all the problems of family life, he may then begin to take on the

problems of patients and students, and many a headache will come to him from his spiritual ministry. If he feels that he is being crucified, it

will be because of his activity in the spiritual field. Nothing arouses the antagonism of the human mind as much as the things of the Spirit.

The moment spiritual sense rises up, the whole world, or so it seems, tries to pull it down. Sad to say, this comes often through one's own

students, not that it is always intentional, but even if it is not intentional, results are the same.

Leave Your Nets Awake Thou That Sleepest Awake Thou That Sleepest

Source: 1953 second Seattle class Tape: 35 4:1 If we are to be a light for the rest of the world, we must not become fascinated or hypnotized

by the world of appearances, but even with this little understanding that we have been given, and have to this moment demonstrated, we

must see beyond the appearances, world and look at it always from God's side. That ultimately is going to be the saving grace: the ability

to look out into the world from God's side, not from the side of appearances.


Source: 1953 First Portland class Tape: 39 3:1 Grace is fulfillment, and Grace does not bring partial success or partial happiness, nor does it demand of us that which we cannot fulfill. Grace brings a task to us, but with it, Grace brings the understudying, the strength, and the wisdom to perform it; and Grace also brings whatever is necessary for its fulfillment, whether transportation, funds, books, teachers, or teachings. Under Grace, tomorrow is not our concern, but God's; and whatever is given us to do must be done to the highest of our present understanding.

PRACTITIONER 15 The word "Grace" implies that which maintains and sustains: infinite good. and above all, love. Therefore, love must be the measure of the capacity of our good. When you turn to a spiritual unfoldment, you learn one thing: there is no way of getting anything from anyone; there is no way of getting anything out of anything; and there is no hope for those who expect to get. Life, spiritually understood, is not a getting process: it is a giving process. You will get out of life whatever you put into it, no more and no less. It may be a life of peace, but there will be no peace or prosperity for those who are expecting to get something. It may be a life of war and depression, but there will be no war or depression to the person who is putting into life his love, his forgiveness, and his dependence on Grace. To that person, none of these things will come nigh his dwelling place.

Hidden Manna Source: 1953 Tape:

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And so if you are listening for My still voice, if you are resting in My everlasting arms, if you are relaxing in Me, if you are letting every word that proceedeth out of My mouth feed you, : maintain and sustain you, you will never die. . . Believe that there is a Presence,'whose only function is to bless you, to be a benediction to you, and to be the instrument of God's grace. Trust It. "Put not your trust in princes" — believe only in God. Do not live by bread any longer, at least not by bread alone, but by every word, every promise of Scripture which must be fulfilled in you: "Whither thou goest, I will go . . . To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna." That manna is hidden within you. It is invisible to the world, unknowable to common sense, incomprehensible to human beings. It is hidden from the world. Where is it hidden? In the depths of your own being. God can be attained only in one way: through a complete surrender of everything except the one desire to bask in that Grace that is sufficient unto you. Think what it would mean to have that Grace. Think what it would mean to have the peace of the Christ, the My peace that the Christ can give unto you, not the peace of the world, not health or money, not position, place, or power: only spiritual peace, Think what it would mean if you could desire only My peace, the Christ-peace, with no thought of what it would do or what it would get for you! In order to have a different experience tomorrow I there must be some kind of a different activity in your consciousness today. If you are to bring spiritual fruits into your experience, you must leave your "nets" and purge yourself of whatever branches you are holding onto that are dead. You will not be able to enter the presence of God carrying your burdens with you. You will not come into the presence of God carrying with you any desire for God to do to do something, be something, or get something for you. There has to be a purification of all human desires in the realization of His grace. You must consciously make the sacrifice of everything external; you must surrender the past and the future. Surrender every desire for person, place, thing, circumstance, or condition, even your hope for heaven.

Knowing The Unknowable

Source: 1953 First Portland class Tape: 37 1:1 Even if at this moment you are not manifesting the fullness of integrity, loyalty, fidelity,

justice, and benevolence, even if you are not giving expression to these in their fullness, you know that they are within you and that you

cannot go outside to get them.

Living Between Two Worlds Becoming Instruments Of Grace Through Reconciliation

Access To Omniscience And Divine Grace Through The Transcendental Consciousness Source: 1964 Oahu/Maui Series Tape: 548:2

PRACTITIONER 16 Divine Grace does not give us anything or manufacture anything for us: divine Grace appears as: It is never divine Grace sending something or giving something: it is divine Grace forming Itself as our daily need. Let us never be tempted to believe for a moment that we will receive God's grace tomorrow. Let us never believe that our student or patient will receive God's grace after we give a treatment, pray, or meditate. No, our wisdom consists in knowing that those who turn to us are already under God's grace–not that our prayer is going to establish God's grace. The Master–and I am not speaking of a man but of the Spirit of God within–says: "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men," and It pulls us out of our little fishing job into an activity that enables the Grace we have discovered to bless the world.

Choose Whether You Will Make God A Servant Or Whether You Will Surrender To God's Will

Source: 1961 Hawaiian Village Open or 1964 Portland Special Tape: 438:1 or 552:1 Ask for nothing; seek nothing; abide within yourself in an expectancy of God's grace, God's love, peace, abundance and companionship. . . when you have the abundance of God, It appears outwardly in an infinite form that will bless you without cursing you. Your mind does not have to work because you are turning within only for the purpose of receptivity. Carry in your consciousness a peace-be-still to the errors of the world. . . because the peace of God was not given

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to you for you. Instead you begin to realize, "This is God's peace and God's grace that I am to bestow."

Creation As Consciousness Revealing Itself

Source: 1964 Oahu/Maui Series Oahu/Maui Series Tape: 546:1 or 545:1 Why did [Jesus] show [man] that he must not try to turn stones into food, even though he had the ability? Because that would make of man a creator, a supplier, and man is meant to live wholly in the consciousness of Spirit and let It perform Its miracle of Grace.

The Power Of Silence

Source: 1964 Oahu/Maui Series Tape: The greatest power on earth is the power of silence. . . Only when the senses are at rest, can spiritual power be released. The kingdom of God does not deal with something separate and apart from living. The kingdom of God concerns itself with our daily life. It is not meant to take us out of the world, but rather to leave us in the world, separate and apart from its negative aspects.

Releasing Impersonal Love

Source: 1964 Oahu/Maui Series Tape: 549 At least once a day [I am] going into my inner stillness and realizing that I am neither giving to

nor withholding love from anyone. I am now the transparency through which the grace of God embraces all persons everywhere. . . I am

responsible only for letting the light shine. I am not responsible for making somebody open his door to receive it.

Awakening To The Spiritual Impulse Source: 1964 Oahu/Maui Series Tape: 544:1

PRACTITIONER 17 The major responsibility rests with us to bring ourselves to the point of conviction that we wish to be made spiritually whole, that we wish to live our life by the grace of God and not by personal sense. When we in our hearts and souls desire to know God aright, to receive God's grace, to be freed of our sins, false appetites, hates, enmities, jealousies, and other human traits, when we are really ready to be made spiritually whole, the teacher will appear. It may be a teacher ten thousand miles away sitting in meditation who knows nothing about us personally. . . and yet we receive our grace and freedom. . . It is entirely an activity of God-consciousness.

Be A Benediction Source: 1964 Portland Special Class & 1964 Oahu/Maui series Tape: 552:2 or 549:2 As you go about your daily living, breathe silently, sacredly, secretly: "'My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth.' My peace, the Christ peace, give I unto thee. 'Let not your heart be troubled,' neither let it be afraid." Your function is to be a benediction so that wherever you travel you can bestow God's grace on those still in darkness. I will be with you until the end of the world, and that I is always crying out for recognition.

Living By Grace Freedom In God World Work

Source: Tape: The secret is that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom, there is health, there is wholeness, there is supply, there is peace, joy, and dominion. So the secret is not to treat anyone for disease, but to attain the consciousness of God's Presence… When the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, Divine Grace is touching you and freedom is taking place within you. If the Spirit of the Lord God is not upon me, nothing happens —there is a void, a vacuum! So, when you call upon me for help, I do not concern myself with your discords. I am not interested as to whether your trouble is physical, mental, moral, or financial. I concern myself only with attaining a conscious awareness, a feeling of God's' Presence. If I can attain that awareness, you feel it and it takes effect in

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you. Your whole nature–your body, your mind, your finances– responds.

The Practitioner as Vine Source: Tape: The Father is always the Source from which universal good flows. That is why I say that it is not the love or understanding of your practitioner that will help you. It is the love and understanding of God, flowing through your practitioner as the vine, that will help you. When you function as teacher or practitioner, it is not your love and understanding that will help anyone. It is God's Love. You are merely the avenue through which it flows. We are all only instruments used by the Father to show forth His glory and His Grace.

Becoming The Truth

Source: Tape: Our ultimate goal must be to live in God, through God, and as God. Otherwise, how could the Master have revealed, "Take no

thought for your life."? It is to be lived by every Word of God that we receive in our consciousness. There is always a sufficiency of God's

Grace present for this moment. Therefore, we only have to be still in this moment to receive a sufficiency of Grace for this moment.

PRACTITIONER 18 The activity of Grace can come as words and thoughts that I impart to you in words and thoughts. But I am not living by those words or thoughts, and neither are you. I am living in the Sabbath, resting from declaring words and thoughts. I am living by the Grace that produced those words and thoughts. I am living by Grace, receiving the words and thoughts, being filled with the Spirit of God, and letting them flow. I did not think the words and thoughts; I did not make them up; I did not arrange them. I simply let them flow from the Holy Ghost through me. They are the thoughts and words of God that make the earth melt, and they are coming through the teacher…Because it is a message of Grace, people hearing or reading the Word are healed or have their lives transformed. This happens again and again in our work. The goal of the mystical life is for us to become beholders of God in action, where we ascribe nothing to ourselves—not even good motives. We no longer have desires. We no longer have needs because every need seems to be met before we are even aware of a need. This is called "Living by Grace," but you can live fully by Grace only as that selfhood that has a desire, a hope, an ambition disappears. Then life is lived entirely by Grace, because It functions to its end, not yours or mine. The period of Sabbath or Grace is the full and complete surrender of self. In all of us there remains a finite sense of self that in the last analysis must be crucified. Each of us has this personal sense of self when we believe we have (or do not have) a skill, a wisdom, or an art. Moses' sense of self was in his feeling of unworthiness. Jesus had it in his feeling of “I can of my own self do nothing.“ I definitely had it in the knowledge that I could not bring forth the message of The Infinite Way. That sense of self must be crucified until we can realize, “I do not have any Truth. I do not know Truth. I do not have any skill or art. I am the Truth, I am the art, I am the skill." In that moment, humanhood has “died" and Christhood has been "born" and revealed in its fullness and the ascension or translation can take place.

The Fruitage of God-Realization

Source: Tape: There is only one good–the Father in heaven. We have no qualities of good of our own. Any quality of good that we have is

God expressing Himself. We have no virtues of our own—no benevolence of our own, no intelligence of our own, no life of our own, no

soul of our own, no purity of our own, no charity of our own. Whatever good there is in us is the Grace of God being expressed.

We are in danger in any moment in which we glorify our own understanding or come to believe, "Now I have it!" Be assured that no one ever has it! You can live only one moment at a time; and every moment you have to decide whether you will live by the Spirit, by Grace, or whether you will come under the influence of the universal hypnotism or mesmerism that binds us to the pains or pleasures of the flesh. Every moment of our lives we are making this decision. Be assured that if we do not return over and over again during the day and the night to the center of our being for fresh inspiration, eventually we

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will find ourselves living on yesterday's manna, and then we are in danger.

God As Individual Being

Source: Tape: God gave Himself to this world as you. He did not breathe your life into you; He breathed into you His life. It is His breath you are breathing; it is His life you are living; it is His mind you are functioning with. Your body is the temple of the living God, so the body you are functioning with is not even yours. It is His. The more you surrender yourself that God may function as your mind, your soul, your life, your breath, your being, your body, the more Divine Grace will be expressed as and through you.

From the Letter of Truth to the Spirit of Truth Source: Tape:

PRACTITIONER 19 If you are touched by the Spirit of God and wish to share it, you must never lose sight of the fact that what you are sharing is God's Grace pouring through you, Just as you have received it freely from God, so must you give freely of what has come through God. If there is to be a return (a reward), it will be a reflex action of what you have given. Most of us come to our Grace of God through our ills or discords. Mine came through illness. I was very ill with a severe cold that I could not rise above. One Saturday I sought out a practitioner whom I had never heard of previously and who usually did not see patients on Saturdays, when he devoted his time to study and prayer. But when he saw the condition I was in, he invited me into his office. Not only did I have an instantaneous healing, but also after leaving his office, I could not smoke or drink, or play cards anymore. Two days later, someone asked me for a healing, and got it. The next day someone else came to me and asked, "Will you pray for me?" and had a healing. This went on for a year and a half. By then I was in the practice of healing. That had not been my intent; I was not seeking it. It just came upon me.

Living By The Word Easter: An Experience Of Consciousness

Only The Grace Of God Makes Possible A Life Of Conscious Awareness

Source: 1964 Honolulu Infinite Way Study Center 1:1 Tape: 537 This I say to you most regretfully; this I say to you very sadly, after

having witnessed for more than thirty years that it is so. Of our own accord, we cannot even determine to live consciously, we cannot

determine to abide in the Word and let the Word abide in us. We cannot do this. It is only by the grace of God, it is only when we have been

touched that something within us responds and we say, "I can begin," or, "I am going to begin," or, "This is my path."

Bringing God Into Every Experience

Source: 1961 Maui Work 3:1 Tape: 391 or 474 As long as we are relying on human relationships for our good, we are not permitting God to

build our life in order that it may function harmoniously. Our real life is lived in the consciousness of Cod's presence. Our hope, faith, and

dependence must not be upon one another, but upon the spirit of God that I indwells us. . . In serving even "one of the least of these" with

beauty, service, art, wisdom, grace, we are serving God. Every beggar that comes to our door to be fed by us is our service to God. Every

worthwhile product sent forth from our shop dedicated to the service of God is a blessing to man and is under God's grace.

Becoming The Light Of The World

Source: 1961 Hawaiian Village 1:2; 1962 Princes Kaiulani 1:2 Tape: 437 or 474 As time goes on, you become less and less mesmerized by, the earth's pull. You remain in the world, but not of it. You continue to do your particular job, whether in the home, in business, in a profession, or whatever it may be, but you find that you are developing an area of consciousness that never comes down to earth. There is one little bit of you that never again gets involved in the things of this world. All the other part of you may have problems; all the other part of you may be working out of things; but that one little place in your consciousness is reserved and is always singing the song: "All that the Father has is mine. The place whereon I stand is holy ground. I am a transparency through which divine Grace reaches the earth. I am in the presence of my Father, and the Father is within me." It is this area of consciousness that the people of the world contact, and because of this, they find some measure of freedom from their problems.

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God's good does not have to reach me: it is embodied in me, because of oneness.

PRACTITIONER 20 Truth made active in your consciousness becomes the invisible source, substance, and activity of your outer experience. But it does more than that. In the degree that you can maintain this spiritual atmosphere, even if for brief moments of the day and night, persons everywhere reaching out to God's grace will receive blessings through you of which you will never be aware.

Be Still And Let The Word Well Up From Within

Source: 1962 Mission Inn Closed Class 1:2 Tape: 451 We have attained God's grace when we have heard the "still small voice" within us. Whether we have heard it as a voice or felt it as an impulse or just achieved it as an awareness, regardless of how it comes, we have attained God's grace. Whatever degree of Grace you and I attain, we share with each other and find it multiplied among ourselves. "For where two or three are gathered together in my name"—in this same consciousness—there is this power felt in even a greater degree. That is why we must be vigilant to keep out of our consciousness the world's loves and hates, its fears and doubts, in order that as we come together this inflow of the Spirit can find itself multiplied on earth. Whenever we come to a spiritual promise in scripture, a divine promise of safety, security, peace, health, wholeness, of harmony, we should realize that it is not a human being making promises of delivering a message. It is the Christ Itself, the spirit of promises or delivering a message. It is the Christ Itself, the spirit of the voice of the Christ Itself saying to us, "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee," and when an individual is attuned to God, these impartations come. . . We must not think that [these promises] apply to you or to me as human beings. No spiritual promise applies to a human being, or human beings would all be saved. They apply to you and me when we are in our spiritual oneness with God and are no longer human beings, but have become the sons of God. It is when we make our contact with the Infinite Invisible that we become children of God.

Efficacious Prayer Source: 1962 LA Closed Class 1:2, 1952 First Portland 5:1 Tape: 460, 5 In order to sow to the Spirit, we know that we must place our hope, faith, reliance, and remembrance in the I that is within us. Then we are praying spiritually, praying the prayer of a righteous man, the prayer that is efficacious, the prayer that availeth much. We are knowing the truth that makes us free, free of human domination, free of human dependence, free of human limitation. Knowing the truth establishes our oneness with the Father, oneness with our Source. Now we are under Grace. By an act of our consciousness, we have taken ourselves out from under the law of matter, the law of man, the law of time and space, and have placed ourselves under divine Grace, under Christ. Never must we put our faith and trust in that which has form, figure, or outline, in other words, in that which is created. Our faith, hope, and trust are always in the Infinite Invisible, the kingdom which is within our own being. In such a state of consciousness, we are no longer under the law of supply and demand; we are no longer under the law of economics. . . We have brought ourselves out from under the law and placed ourselves under Grace, but this must be done as a specific act of our own consciousness. Thank you, Father; I already am. There is nothing to be desired; there are no changes and no adjustments necessary; there is nothing to be patched up or fixed up. Every moment Thou art my Grace, so even without my planning or taking thought. It flows and produces the manna as it is necessary: the manna of companionship, satisfaction, joy, money, transportation, or whatever is needed according to human belief.

PRACTITIONER 21 To be brought under Grace is an act of consciousness, and one which we individually and specifically must perform. It is not done for us. No, the act of moving from being under the law to being under Grace is an act of

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repentance. It is an acknowledgment within ourselves of our mistakes and our wrongdoing and a turning to a sowing to the Spirit: to truth, to life, to love. . . To be under Grace does not mean that we are not aware of the sins that are being committed in the world. It means that, instead of sitting in judgment on them and wanting to be the means of punishing them, we understand that man sins only because of his ignorance. He knows not what he does.

To lay up manna for tomorrow is to be under the law of limitation, but a person is under Grace when he realizes that if that manna flows today as the activity of God, it must be an eternal flow, and therefore he is not under the law of limitation, the law of hoarding, or the law of looking to yesterday's manna.

Our Good Unfolds From The I Within Source: 1964 Manchester Closed Class Tape: 559 Everything that is made is made from the substance of the Invisible, and all that exists within your consciousness and mine. The purpose of contemplation or meditation is the going within until, either through hearing the Word or feeling the Presence, we receive an inner assurance: I am on the field. My grace is with you. I have meat within you sufficient unto every need. I can give you living waters, and you will never thirst again. My peace give I unto you. As we receive this assurance within, our demonstration is complete in the without, and we have only to be beholders and watch how fulfillment takes place. Our Spiritual Resources is one of the most practical of all our Infinite Way writings. In fact, some students have said that if they could have only one Infinite Way book, that would be the one because it embodies the principles of spiritual living so clearly and concisely and in a way that leaves no doubt as to their practical application to everyday situations. . . “Release God from any obligation to us and recognize that God's only obligation is to maintain and sustain His own spiritual universe. Set God free! God owes us nothing, but God owes Himself the joy of living freely and joyously—freely expressing, freely being—and we are the recipients of God's grace. God is forever in expression. And I shall live with the word is. God is, Good is, Life is, Infinity is, Omnipotence is, Omnipresence is. My prayer is to know this truth, not to set forces in motion.”– Our Spiritual Resources: A New Life by Grace

God Ever-present

Source: 1958 Second Sydney/Melbourne Closed Class 3:1&2 Tape: 201 When these trials come, when you go through the forty years of

the wilderness, you will not be overwhelmed; when you go through the deep waters, you will not be overwhelmed; when you go through

the deep waters, you will not drown; when you go through the flames, they will not kindle upon you, if you will always remember that God

in the midst of you formed you, maintains and sustains you, and by the grace of God you are free.

Across The Desk/ Notes From Hawaii July 1963

Source: 1963 Tape: Joel recommends Chapter 10 of Contemplative Life (Meditation on Life by Grace).

Across The Desk/notes From Hawaii 1963 Source: 1963 Tape:

How To Come Out From The Law Into Grace

Source: 1963 Tape: all patients under karmic law so realize they are under Grace. Relinquish all desires and you are instantly under Grace.

Living The Illumined Life Building The Transcendental Consciousness

Rising Above Sowing And Reaping Source: 1961 Manchester Special Class Tape: 413 2:2 Each day let us be sure to realize that whatever of a negative nature is still in our consciousness is not ours: it is impersonal; it is of the carnal mind; and therefore, it can produce no evil, and also realize that whatever of good is in our consciousness is not our good: it is God's good. When we do this, we are dying

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daily to ourselves, we are coming out from under the law because now we are not sowing evil and we are not sowing good. Therefore, we will not reap evil and we will not reap good. Now we will neither sow nor reap: we will be the instruments of God's grace. As long as there is a sowing and a reaping, there is an "I" doing it, but the moment we are no longer sowing or reaping there is only God shining through. The Master was trying to lift us into another consciousness where this law does not operate, where there is no longer a law of weather to affect us, a law of matter, a law of poison, a law of germs, or a law of karma. His entire mission was to lift us into a state of life where the law does not operate, where karma does not operate. Christians have missed the point entirely, and so these last seventeen hundred years the Christian world has been living under the law instead of under Grace.

A Life Of Grace Has No Needs Source: Tape:

Do you not see that only in the knowledge of your Christhood can you have the feeling that there is a Grace meeting all your needs and more? There is no way you can be free of desire except in the knowledge of your true identity. How can the Christ have a desire? The Christ is fulfillment. There is nothing out here that the Christ needs: the Christ is fulfillment.

Give Yourself Wholeheartedly To The Search Source: 1962 Manchester Closed Class Tape: 491 1:1 In seeking God, we give ourselves—the entire fiber of our being, our entire attention, our entire longing— to that one end of knowing His presence, feeling His grace until it becomes of such intensity that our whole heart, soul, and mind are stayed on God. Then the peace that passes understanding comes as the fruitage of it.

Across The Desk Source: 1962 Princess Kaiulani Closed Class Tape: 483 4:2


As illumination brings a deeper awareness of the indwelling Christ, our hearts overflow with gratitude for God's great gift of grace. May the joy of that realization be yours this Christmas Day and may each day throughout the year be filled with Its peace.

The Future, An Extension Of Consciousness Now Source: 1962 Glendale Open Class Tape: 456 1:1 We especially should be interested only in this second of time because it is this second of time that is going to determine our tomorrow. Tomorrow is an extension of our consciousness of this moment, and a divine grace or truth received in our consciousness now will externalize itself in some moment of what we might call the future, but which really is not the future: it is but an extension of now.

A Sufficiency Of Grace For The Now Source: 1963 London Work Tape: 527 3:1 Too often we think of God’s grace meeting all our needs for today. If we can think of ourselves as living today, and not only seeking the realization of God’s grace, but realizing that there is a sufficiency of God’s grace with which to meet today, each day then will take care of itself until yesterday and today and tomorrow all melt into each other. Whether or not we like it, the particular sin, disease, lack, or limitation in our experience is going to persist, and we are going to have to continue wrestling with it until we learn to live by the word of God, the grace of God, the spiritual unfoldment from within.

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Living The Infinite Way Meditation

1954 Source: Tape: In our ignorance we, as individuals, have become separate from the actual experience of God, and so we must ask that God reveal Itself. We must ask for wisdom, for light, for grace; but that is all. This form of prayer is wisdom.

The contemplation of God and of the operation of God's law keeps the mind continuously stayed on God. Quietly, gently, and peacefully, the student is observing God in action on earth as in heaven; he is beholding the very glories of God; He is praising God, acknowledging God; and he is bearing witness to the fact that God‘s grace is his sufficiency. The contemplation of God and the operation of God’s law keeps the mind continuously stayed of God. Quietly, gently, and peacefully, the student is observing God in action on earth as it is in heaven; he is beholding the very glories of God; he is praising God, acknowledging God; and he is bearing witness to the fact that God’s grace is his sufficiency. Under Grace, being is flooded with light, although not necessarily a visible light; the body is weightless and without sensation; there is a oneness with all life. This is not being a part of nature, or even a part of God, but rather being the very fabric of Life, Itself. Being flutters in the leaves of the tree and is the substance and flavor of its fruit. One feels himself to be of the essence of the sea–the actual rise and fall of the waves, the ebb and flow of tides, the beauty of the rocks, stones, and coral beneath the waters. All life is one. The one infinite divine Being surges through all being as one Life and one Love. One Soul unites all creation in Its embrace and is the life of all creation. This Soul is not separate or apart from any form of life. Soul is not in any being or form of being, nor is Soul separate from being, for Soul is Being.

Man Was Not Born to Cry Breaking The Bonds Of Humanhood

PRACTITIONER 24 The Spiritual Life, An Act Of Grace

Source: 1960 Melbourne Closed Class Tape: 375:2 It is not possible for anyone to choose this life. We come to the spiritual life by an act of Grace. When we realize that we are but a point in consciousness through which God’s grace is permitted to flow to bless those receptive and responsive to it, we then have no responsibility for being good and we have no possibility of being bad.

Bringing Our Lives Into Conformity To The Pattern Shown Us On The Mount

Source: 1962 Tape: We never receive anything of God that we may be glorified, or that we may be enriched, or that we may be healed. Everything that we receive, we receive in order to bear witness to God’s goodness and God’s presence and God’s grace. Whatever this Cause is, whatever the Law is, It operates by divine Grace, and that means It operates for Its own purpose and plan, and not because the earth or the people of the earth are worthy or deserving.

The Humility Of True Prayer

Source: 1959 Lausanne Closed Class Tape: 286:1 Prayer does not bring God’s grace to us: prayer reveals God and God’s grace to be active where we are.

Across The Desk

Source: 1962 Tape: How can we tell a person who has not attained the consciousness able to recognize the Christ that he should live by Grace, without worry, fear, accidents, death, or poverty? It is a miracle of Grace that one with God is a majority. The Christ is always of virgin birth because It comes to us by no human or physical process. It is the grace of God entering our consciousness; and when it does, it enters as a babe, so tiny that we are almost afraid to acknowledge that we have had a spiritual experience. The Grace of God does not reach human consciousness by moralizing. We must become centers through which the grace of God can escape. . . Our greatest

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value to the world lies in our periods of silence, secrecy, and sacredness.

Our Spiritual Resources Begin Prayer With The Word God

God Is The Life Of Individual Being

Source: 1960 Tape: From this moment on, I adopt as my way of life this statement “God’s grace is my sufficiency in all things.” It will be difficult at first to make your adjustment to the fact that you have to make your consciousness a fit dwelling place for the grace of God. Let yourself be governed by Grace rather than by taking thought or living by might or by power. Such a flow of warmth goes through me when I contemplate God as Grace that it would spell the end of the problem, and that is what happens in treatment when we keep our mind stayed on God.

PRACTITIONER 25 Assuming Dominion Over The Mind

Source: 1960 Tape: In this meditation. . . you have realized your identity as separate from the mind and body, as having jurisdiction over both mind and body [because of the presence and grace of God]. The kingdom of God is a kingdom of Grace, not law; and therefore, in the kingdom of heaven there cannot be laws of weather, laws of climate, or laws of food; there cannot be any laws of limitation because the whole kingdom of God is a state of Grace. When. . . you are able to say with the Master, and mean it, “Forgive seventy times seven. . . Resist not evil,” you have yielded your humanhood. You have yielded your will, your opinion, your convictions, and you have accepted the grace of God, and the Spirit of God does dwell in you.

The Infinite Nature Of Individual Being Source: 1960 Tape: The basic premise of The Infinite Way is the infinity of individual being. . . by virtue of the divine Grace which has planted I in the midst of us.

God's Grace Is Universally Operative

Source: 1959 Maui Advanced Class Tape: 243:2 I can never be outside God’s grace while I understand the universality

of His grace.

Thou all-knowing Wisdom, Thou divine Love, forgive me for having intruded in Thy province. I offer no advice; I make no suggestions; and I ask for no favors. Thy grace is my sufficiency in all things.

Set Everyone Free

Source: 1960 Tape: Accept the principle that your good is the gift of God by Grace, and that the substance of your good is already intact, infinite, and complete within your own being and will unfold from within you.

Realization Of Oneness Unconditioned Infinity

Not Drawing To Ourselves, But Living In The Consciousness Of Fulfillment.

Source: 1964 L Tape: Grace as supply assumes any form worth sharing.

Seek Ye First Illumination Through Meditation

The Illumined Mind Is A Transparency

Source: 1964 Honolulu infinite way study center Tape: 538 2:1 But if you are to be benefitted spiritually by my work, it has to come about

when I am so completely still that I am not even trying to do good for you or bring good to you, when I am so still that the grace of God can

reach you and perform Its will in you. Then afterward, if you say, "Oh, something wonderful happened to me," I can reply, "Yes, by the grace

of God"–not, "I did it"; or, "I am responsible for it." No! The most I can ever say is that I am thankful I am a clear enough transparency that

the grace of God can operate and perform "the thing that is appointed for me. " Therefore, if you were to ask for help on any problem, I must

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know that there is a He that can perform it, and then I must be very still, so that I do not get in Its way.

Spiritual Fruitage Comes In Spiritual Form Source: 1964 Honolulu infinite way study center Tape: 538 2:2

PRACTITIONER 26 Even when you come out of your meditation, you must, remember that you have been seeking to realize something of a spiritual nature. Otherwise your prayer is wasted; your meditation has not been fruitful; you have not entered the way. This is a way of Spirit; this is a way of seeking the realization of the activity of Spirit where you are. This is the way in which you, look only for God's grace in spiritual form, spiritual activity, spiritual abundance, spiritual love, spiritual life. Sometimes the question is asked, "Why are so many people who have realized God still battling with the evils of this world?" The answer is that the tacit acceptance of the universal belief in two powers still persists. . . Many mystics throughout the ages have experienced the awareness of a Presence and Power, and yet they have gone through physical disease and material lack and limitation, all because they had not yet awakened to the truth that in the presence of God there is only the realization of spiritual Grace and in this Presence all else is nullified.

1958 London Open Class 231 5:1 Source: Tape: No one can progress faster than his own state of consciousness permits, and neither you nor I have any control over that. That is a matter of Grace. One person may devote just as many hours, days, weeks, months, and years to the work as another, as much devotion, as much integrity, and yet not attain one tenth the progress of the other person. There is no criticism, judgment, or condemnation in this. That is simply the way it is.

God Prays In Us

Source: 1962 Los Angeles Center Open Class Tape: 458 1:2 Every day, at least once, inwardly let us raise our hands, as if we were holding them over the whole world and letting God's grace flow through us to this world. We are doing nothing of our own account: we are letting ourselves be the instrument, It is as if these hands were up over the globe, and from these hands went forth God's grace and God's blessing to all who are receptive and responsive. The essence of the spiritual life lies in the hearing of the still mall voice: the ability to receive impartations from God, to be small voice: the ability to receive impartations from God, to be taught of God, to receive God's grace. Most of us have done the reverse of that by speaking to God, telling God, trying to influence God, whereas there is no God listening.

All Is Well Only When We Are Attuned To The Divine Government

Source: 1964 Honolulu infinite way study center Tape: 538 2:2 Very often, when we are asleep and the human will is not active, when

human desire and hope are in abeyance, the grace of God has a greater opportunity to enter our consciousness and perform Its work. This is

why the last few moments before sleep are so important in opening consciousness to the receptivity of God. Since God governs the day,

God also governs the night, but for some it may seem more natural to think that because we are awake during the day, we are more receptive

to God's government. That should not be so. There should not be a split second of our experience in which we are not receptive and alert to

the Spirit.

The Experience, Not Words Source: 1962 London closed class Tape: 488 2:2


You are the instrument but only by listening and listening. Then divine grace takes over, and that grace does not fight evil, sin, or disease. It just lives Its own life and never finds opposition, just as God finds no opposition. There is no opposite to the Infinite. There is no opposition to Infinity. There is nothing existing outside of Infinity if

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Infinity is infinite. Within that Infinity, all is of the nature of the Divine.

Because Of The Nature Of God, Grace Is

Source: 1962 Hawaiian Village Open Class, Tape 2: 1. Tape: 445 2:1 One important point in spiritual living which requires a tremendous

transition in consciousness is that the blessing of God in our individual experience is not dependent on anything. . . The grace of God and

the blessings of God come to us for one reason only and that is that God is omnipresence. God is here where we are, for no reason for which

we are responsible, The very nature of God is omnipresence, so we are always in the presence of God, are always being blessed by that

presence, and are always receiving the grace of God—not for reason of our own worthiness, only because of God's nature.

Release God from all responsibility to you. Drop all concern for the things of this world. Take no thought for your food, for your health, or for your family life. Take no thought for the world's peace; take no thought for the enemy-physical, mental, moral, financial, or political. Have no fear of the enemy, because your assurance is that God's grace is closer than breathing. . . My actions or thoughts, even for good, will not make Thee function, but Thy functioning will change my thoughts and my deeds. I surrender to Thee all that is erroneous or evil in my makeup, and I surrender to Thee all the good that I think I am, all my self-righteousness, along with all desires. I surrender all fears, for in Thy presence there is liberty; in Thy presence there is naught to fear. I shall not fear what mortal circumstances, conditions, or persons can do to me, for in Thy presence is freedom from all the ignorant and destructive beliefs of the world.

Instruments For God’s Expression

Source: 1962 Maui Advanced Work Tape: 449 1:1 If we turn to teachers, teachings, or books, it is only that they may be the bridge that we walk over to return to the spirit of God that is within us. . . We honor and respect the teacher, the teaching, and the book, but we worship only the God that dwells within us, until eventually we come, as St. Paul did, to the great realization, "Why, this is not my life at all. I could have found God on the first day of my search, had somebody only told me that this is not my life at all, but that God is living my life." In that awareness we relax and let it happen. We relax and receive God's wisdom, God's grace, God's peace. We can never really have any peace, wisdom, or grace of our own, and so it is better to surrender in the first place than in the last.

Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture came out of sharing

Source: 1955 Capetown Series Tape: 707 1:2 As I read from the beginning of the life of Moses and through the Ten Commandments, all of a

sudden something struck me as very strange. The Ten Commandments are not spiritual. How could any person tell a spiritual man not to

steal, to honor his mother and father, or not to commit adultery? That is rather nonsensical, isn't it? You do not talk that way to spiritual

people. There is nothing spiritual about this at all. Then it dawned on me, "The law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus


Spiritual Discernment God Must Be An Experience, Not A Concept

1953 First New York Practitioner’s Class 45 Source: Tape:


As you continuously realize, not with false modesty, but with a clear understanding that whatever spiritual grace you have is the grace of God, you can never fail to heal and to teach, and you can lead those who come to you to truth only through the realization that the grace of God that brought the call to you is the grace of God that answers the call. As you sit quietly in the silence, God will speak in some unmistakable way, not necessarily in words or thoughts, but the activity of God will make Itself evident and the results will follow.

Spiritual Life Is A Dependence On The Within

Source: 1962 Los Angeles Special Class Tape: 486: 1:2 A practitioner or a teacher in this work who has really been touched by the Spirit

knows that he is not in a business: he is functioning only as an instrument to bring forth on earth the activity of God's grace which does

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not appear on earth except through individual consciousness.

Live By Grace

Source: 1962 Princess Kaiulani Closed Class Tape: 483 4:2 Do not put your faith in anything external. Put your faith in Grace. By the grace

of God, your body is the temple of the living God, not by virtue of vitamins or minerals. You can take vitamins or minerals as a food

supplement, but you do not live by them any more than you live by eating meat, vegetables, or by drinking milk.

You live by every word of God that you entertain in consciousness. . . Anywhere you may be, remember that you are not living by effect, but by I, by virtue of the truth that I in the midst of you is mighty; and that I was planted in the midst of you by the grace of God. It will appear as whatever form is necessary to your experience at any given moment.

The Grace Of God Is The Sufficiency Unto Every Call

Source: 1955 Chicago Reading Room Tape: 710 1:2 As you continuously realize, not with false modesty, but with a clear understanding

that whatever spiritual grace you have is the grace of God, you can never fail to heal and to teach, and you can lead those who come to you

to truth only through the realization that the grace of God that brought the call to you is the grace of God that answers the call. As you sit

quietly in the silence, God will speak in some unmistakable way, not necessarily in words or thoughts, but the activity of God will make

Itself evident and the results will follow.

You begin to be concerned about members of your family who do not know this truth, and you want to drag them right into heaven with you. Get over that quickly, or they may drag you down to their level. You might as well let them work out their own salvation, and if they are to come up they will come up through Grace or through difficulties the same as you did. But trying to save them their difficulties and trying to take them up the easy way, it is more likely that they will take you down than that you will take them up.

The Demonstration Is Always The Realization Of Christhood

Source: 1961 Canadian special Class Tape: 433 3:2 Man has no other life but the God-life made manifest as individual life. You will not demonstrate supply: you will demonstrate God's grace, and that Grace is sufficient for every need.

PRACTITIONER 30 [Spirit] is a living presence, and It is within you, but you have neglected to tabernacle or commune with It. Communion has nothing to do with an outside experience: it has to do with an inner experience. You commune with the Spirit that indwells you by shutting out the world when you are in your inner sanctuary, realizing the closeness of the spirit of God, this power of grace and resurrection.

Importance Of The Listening Ear Source: 1962 Pacific Palisades Special Tape: 465 1:1 Now here where you are, God is. The kingdom of God is within you. The Father has promised that all that He has is yours. Then what is wrong if you are not experiencing it? You have not been still enough to accept it. So you learn to have one or a dozen periods a day of stillness in which you recognize that since God is already the all-knowing, you are nor going to try to tell God anything, and since God is omnipotent, you are not going to try to influence God. Since God is love, you are going to be still and know that I in the midst of you is God and that I will never leave you, I will go before you to make: all things right. Then be still. Be still, if it is only for thirty seconds.

Praying For The World

Source: 1962 Pacific Palisades Special Tape: 465 2:2 In praying for the world, there is one mode and means of prayer that will do more to

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break the evils of the human mind than anything else: God, Spirit, is omnipotent, and therefore, the mind of man is not power, the will of

man is not power, the way of man is not power. All power is in God, Spirit, and therefore there is no power in the carnal mind, mortal mind,

or the human mind. . . Remember that you have moved. You are not sitting at the feet of the Master; you are sitting beside the Master, and

you now have the right as a disciple or an apostle to place your arms around the globe and say, "'My peace I give unto you: not as the world

giveth. . . My grace is sufficient for thee' —not charity, not benevolence, not somebody's generous pocketbook. 'My grace is sufficient for

thee.'" You are speaking out as a disciple of the Master.

It is not possible for anyone to separate you permanently from living under the law. That is something you do for yourself. Your practitioner does it for you in an acute condition for which you turn for help. . . You have to move out from being under the material sense of law to being under Grace. In any emergency, of course, a practitioner who knows the truth of spiritual identity and the nonpower of effect knows the truth of spiritual identity and the nonpower of effect Grace in a particular situation, and probably in the next one, the next one, and the next one. But after a few years it does not work must begin to bring himself out consciously from under the law and bring himself under Grace. He must at some time or other release himself from traditional prayers or new modern metaphysical prayers that seek to gain something from God.

PRACTITIONER 31 All you have to do is begin to live in your garden from the consciousness of one power. . . Where is your garden? It is in consciousness. What consciousness? My consciousness! What is My consciousness? My consciousness Is the one spiritual Consciousness that knows but one power. Therefore my garden is embodied in My consciousness of one power, of one Presence, of one Substance; and now My consciousness is the Law or Grace unto my garden. What makes [My Consciousness] Divine? There is only one fact: that in some degree you have overcome the belief in two powers, two substances, two laws, and you have come to see that My Grace is thy sufficiency. Now, if you were a practitioner and a patient came to you for help, would you believe that your consciousness was their sufficiency? If you did not, you have no right to be practicing.

Source: Tape: Surely in any emergency the practitioner who knows the Truth can bring you out from under the law and place you under Grace in that particular situation, and the next one and the next one. Remember, though, that it has been a universal experience that after a few years, it does not work any more. In other words, sooner or later students must begin to bring themselves out consciously from under the law and bring themselves under Grace.

Source: Tape: The natural man is not under the Law of God. So it is that the natural man, the young student, their words and thoughts are all powerless. They have no power to nullify the appearance. They have no power to bring the Grace of God into expression. They are still the natural man who is not under the Law of God, neither indeed can be. You are going to get under God's Grace only when you have gotten past words and thoughts, to the place where you just sit, in a state of receptivity, until you feel the Presence and I Power of God upon you. Now if the beginner were to try that, they would go to sleep, or would hypnotize themselves, or would develop a false faith. In other words, a beginner cannot attempt to reach God through the Silence. That can only come after you have tried every other way and have finally realized, "None of this is the way; that is the way."

Source: Tape: Since I know that God is spirit, then I know that all that the Father hath must be spiritual. So I do not go to the Father for loaves and fishes. I do not go to the Father for houses, automobiles, or employment. . . When you go to God, go to God for what we might call the gifts of God, the Grace of God. You might

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ask, “What are these?" and the answer would be, let us not worry about what these are, let us not be concerned. Just let us go for God's Grace. Turn within, because the Kingdom of God Is within you; the I of you Is God. Turn within to this I for Thy Grace, for Thy Peace.

Source: Tape: Our function is neither to bless man mentally nor to curse man mentally, but to leave man strictly alone. It is also to realize

within yourself God's Grace, God's Presence, and to let those who have come to us and made themselves One with us be blessed by the

Presence of God. However, this is not done by your mental jugglery but by your concrete realization of the Presence of God.

PRACTITIONER 32 Source: Tape: I can promise you this: everyone can have that experience [of Oneness and Grace] if they will dedicate themselves to this Truth, namely that there is neither good nor evil. Refuse steadfastly to accept appearances. Keep it secret, keep it silent, until It demonstrates Itself. Don't lose it by spouting it.

Source: Tape: This is what happens on the spiritual Path. Day by day we break some fetter of human experience and we drop some phase of humanness. We make that transition to where our prayer now is a benediction to the world, to where we are no longer praying that we receive anything but we are praying, "Father, forgive our enemies, they know not what they do. . . In other words, we have made an about-face and we are no longer sitting at the feet of the Master. We now are the Master, and we are healing the multitudes, freeing the multitudes, and feeding and forgiving the multitudes. We are now the Christ Consciousness, and we seek nothing for ourselves, because we know that "all that the Father hath is already mine." Now our whole life is pouring forth God's Grace to this world, but not in the form of throwing our pearls before swine to be trampled on. We do it silently and secretly. Our praying is done in secret!

Source: Tape: Recognizing the fact that a human being is only a human being because the carnal mind is pumping itself into them and through them, and is being accepted as a power, you know how to die daily to your humanhood: that is, by being very sure in the morning, and certainly at night before sleeping, that the so-called theories, opinions, beliefs—the whole of the carnal mind—are not a power. The carnal mind has no avenue of expression, no law to sustain it or maintain it. I am One with God. I and my Father Are One, and the qualities of God constitute my qualities. I am an instrument and an avenue through which, and as which, God appears on earth. The Intelligence of God, and the Love of God, and the Wisdom of God, and the Grace of God—all of this finds expression in me, through me, as me, to all of this world, for I and the Father are One!

Source: Tape: We can bring about a transition in consciousness if we will start a battle with ourselves. That battle will start the very moment that we realize that we have had the privilege taken away from us of going to God for something—or to man. We have had to sit still and say, "No. . . No more begging, no more pleading, no more looking out," now realizing, "Thank you, Father. All that God Is, I am. That which I am seeking, I Am. All that the Father hath Is mine. Here, where I am, Is holy ground, for here the Spirit of the Lord Is; and where the Spirit of the Lord Is, there Is liberty. . . I have received from the Master. From Truth I have received life eternal. I have received divine Grace. I have received the assurance of my Oneness with God. Now it is my turn to share, to bless, to pray."

Source: Tape:


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Now with your eyes closed to all appearances, realize that it makes no difference who has called you for help. It could be someone with the deepest sin, for all we know, or someone in a physical distortion beyond description. Now with eyes closed, remember, "Father, I'm not trying to change this picture. Give me Thy Grace to behold him as he Is. Awaken me out of this mesmeric dream so that I do not judge by appearances. Let me see him as he Is, and I will be satisfied with this likeness. Here, indeed, Is the Christ of God, the very spiritual offspring of Divinity. Grant me Thy Grace that I may see him as he Is, that I may see this situation as it Is. Reveal Christ where there seems to be a human being." Then, as you sit in that silence, waiting, the Spirit of God touches you and illumines you, inspires you; and for a brief, fleeting second it is almost as if you could see, or touch, Reality—sometimes even smell It.

The 1954 Infinite Way Letters God Seeks Us Daily Inspiration

Source: Tape: "My grace is sufficient for thee," and as we take this spiritual truth into our thought and ponder it and meditate upon it several times a day, we are taking the Word of God into our Soul as if it were a seed, and we let this Word of God take root, and eventually flower forth and bear fruit.


Source: Tape: Under Grace the being is flooded with Light (not necessarily visible light), the body is weightless and without sensation.

There is a Oneness with all being and with nature, and one is of the very substance and nature of all creation. This is not being a part of

nature or even a part of God but, rather being the very fabric of Life. One feels himself of the essence of the sea, the actual rise and fall of the

waves, the ebb and flow of the tides.

Source: Tape: Here where I am, God is. Here, in the beginning of this new day, God takes over. Here God becomes the directing influence of my day. I dedicate this day to the work of the Father; I dedicate this day to the life of the Father. In this day I hold within myself no condemnation, no criticism, no judgment, no faultfinding, but insofar as it lies within my power-love, forgiveness, understanding and cooperation. I dedicate this day to maintaining the integrity of my own being, and I promise myself that insofar as I am given Grace, I will not violate my own integrity, my own higher sense of right.

In prayer God knows you are making the mind an instrument through which His grace reaches your consciousness.

Pray Without Ceasing

Source: 1968 L Tape: Living under Grace requires negation of worldly laws. The price is to consciously remember the Presence from morning to night

Learning To Pray That The Purpose Of Life As Fulfillment May Be Revealed

Source: 1956-1962 Tape: To know Grace is far greater than to enjoy its infinite effects.

Carrying The Christ-peace With You

Source: 1956-1962 Tape: Seek nothing from any man but the privilege to share Grace.

The Art Of Meditation Meditation: The Experience

Fear Not Source: 1956 Tape: Believe that there is a presence at the center of your being whose only function is to bless, to be a benediction, and to be the instrument of My grace. Trust Me; believe only in Me; fear not.

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In this state of rest, the power of grace descends and the presence of God flows into immediate expression as our experience. In quietness and confidence, in a resting from anxiety and fear, let God reveal Itself. Let God express Itself. Let God live our lives. Let there be no more “I” or “you” separate and apart from the Father, but let the Father be our life.

The Way

Source: 1956 Tape: In achieving conscious contact with this Sea of Spirit or the Father within, we find divine Love pouring Itself into

expression, so that we no longer live by personal effort alone, but by grace. Rather than seeking our good from persons or things, we tap

this universal soul and become beholders of Its activity, pouring forth as the ideas which become the human forms of good necessary to

our present experience.

The Art Of Spiritual Healing Spiritual Healing: The Practice Spiritual Unfoldment - Not Human Birth Or Death

Source: 1956 Tape: The only reason you exist–that God's grace may be made visible. You do not have to work for a living [when you are living by grace]

Is God A Servant?

Source: 1956 Tape: a grace which you prevent by trying to make God your servant instead of making of yourself a servant of God. Inner conviction. . . attained through practice, realization, and finally through the grace of God.


Source: 1956 Tape: Every moment is provided for by the grace of that moment. In resisting the temptation to demonstrate things [Jesus] proved that he was above the law of mind and matter.

The Contemplative Life Beginning The Contemplative Life Recognize The Universality Of God

Source: 1959-1961 Tape: . . . an inner grace that eventually lives their lives for them. Die daily so that the I of our spiritual identity can be reborn. Inasmuch as the kingdom of God is within you, it must be permitted to flow out from you. It cannot come to you, and you must, at some stage in your unfoldment, stop looking for it to come to you. Recognize Grace belongs to all men. Taking thought leaves no room for I.

Living As A Witness To The Activity Of God

Source: 1961 L Tape: When you witness healing works. . . you are not witnessing the power of an individual, for an individual has no such

power: you are merely witnessing an individual who is keeping himself free of the appearance-world and maintaining himself in a

consciousness of no judgment, so that the grace of God can come through, because the grace of God cannot come through the human mind.

The Practice Of The Principles Is An Aid To Meditation

Source: 1959-1961 Tape: Those who have difficulty with meditation should give more time to the contemplative form of meditation and practice these three basic principles until they actually experience a release, and then they can settle down into an inner listening attitude and receive God’s grace.

Across The Desk

Source: 1959-1961 Tape: Grace is never a thing or condition, but may appear to our limited state of receptivity as a

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specific healing. We should refrain from desiring anything from God, putting our entire hope in this truth: Thy grace is my sufficiency in all things, and Thy grace is operative and operating now.

Your Own Will Come To You

Source: 1961 L Tape: Conscious awareness, conscious knowledge, conscious realization: always remember those important words. You must be conscious of something before it can be manifested in your life. Therefore, if you want God and God’s grace in your life, you must constantly be consciously aware of God’s presence.

The Seed Must Be Nurtured In Secret Source: 1961 L Tape:

PRACTITIONER 36 When [truth] is received in our consciousness, it is not fruit ready to eat, to enjoy, or to share with our neighbor. It is only a seed. . . it must be cared for, nurtured, fed, and tended. It must be permitted to fulfill itself, take root, break open, and begin to blossom. It is for this reason that we must keep these gems of truth locked up within us, not sharing them with anybody regardless of how close to us he may be, because if we do. . . we lose the grace of God. A hard saying, yes, but true nevertheless, because what we are doing then is giving away what does not yet belong to us and is not yet fruit, but only a seed.

Give Up Fear And Faith And Attain Grace

Source: 1959-1961 Tape: Except to students who have studied for a long while, it is not possible to explain Grace, because Grace actually is the operation of a law that can function only in the consciousness of those who have put up the sword, and who have also laid aside their faith in man, in documents, in unions, or in unitedness. For some this is too difficult because they must know the how, the why, and the wherefore for everything, and it is hopeless to expect these persons to understand anything as intangible as Grace until they have come to a place of rising above that which can be explained through reason. [Grace] works when there is no fear and even when there is no faith: when there is not even faith in right thinking, not even faith in holding a right thought, not even faith that God can do something, when there is just no fear and no faith, but only the realization of a divine Grace.

The Final Step Must Be Taken Alone

Source: 1959-1961 Tape: Struggle daily to remind yourself that all you possess is because of Grace and can be shared. You will have to struggle every single day to remind yourself that every quality, every thought, and every thing that you possess are yours only by the grace of God, but because they are yours by the grace of God, you can share liberally.

The Early Years (32-46) Spiritual Healing

Source: Tape: The secret of secrets is this: never try to heal matter as matter. This is the password to success in practice and demonstration.

Never try to remove or reduce a growth, increase or decrease blood pressure, heal a burn, reduce a fever, overcome a cold, etc. We are not

physicians and we have nothing to do with healing bodies. We have, by the grace of good, been given the revelation that this is a spiritual

universe, that we are entirely spiritual, that we have perfect, spiritual bodies, and that our work is to correct the belief that man, including

the universe, is material and mortal. We do not treat a person or a body. Our work is impersonal. It is treating the world belief in any given

direction. That is why we cannot look to the body for health, or to see if we are improving.

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Source: Tape:


As we all are one with God, we are all equally happy, joyous, successful, healthy, and we know it, the evidence notwithstanding. In mind (the only universe there is) all are faithful, loving, cooperative. Our home is the atmosphere of love, peopled with spiritual being eager to serve in patience with joy and calm, appreciation, and usefulness. Over and above all is our perfect principle, vitalizing us in our various endeavors to serve its purpose, to the end that all this may glorify the harmony of our spiritual Selfhood. This is the Father's business: expressing his love. In this atmosphere of spiritual consciousness, all are expressing his will and enjoying his grace. "Thy will be done. . . Thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory." Let us know that we are serving him when we are serving each other. This cannot fail to result in perfect harmony.

Source: Tape: It is impossible for the human mind to conceive all the good there is for us, or even how to make it visible and tangible. It is only when we cease our human thinking, planning, outlining, affirming, and denying, and learn to rest; to "feel" God, to listen, that we are able to live by grace. Then our eyes being open, we are able to see the entire spiritual scene available here and now.

The Foundation of Mysticism A Spiritual Way Of Living

1959 Source: Tape: As you know, the work of the Infinite Way dates from the time it was shown to me that the reason for the discords of the world is that God is present only where God is realized. . . Where God is realized, the grace of God is in expression.

The Nature Of God Source: 1959 Tape: History records hundreds of mystics, men and women who attained their spiritual experience, but only a few received the healing gift. Most of the mystics lived in conscious union with God but lived separate and apart from their human experience so that even when they were in their humanhood, they were not able to bring out the spiritual grace which results in health, harmony, and abundance. Nobody is ever given the grace of God and then given permission to go up on a mountain and hide somewhere with it. No, no. The more realization we have, the more activity is given to us through which we put to work our understanding and our development for the benefit of this world. The law of God fills all space. It is here and now available to us, but only in proportion to our recognition of it, acceptance of it, and consciously bringing it into our experience—practicing it, really practicing it with every contrary appearance and suggestion that comes into our lives. What of material laws and mental laws? These cannot be laws if God is law. God is Spirit, therefore his law is spiritual. . . We have to recognize frequently that we are not under the law of punishment but under the law of

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forgiveness. We have to remember every single day that we are not under law, we are under grace.

PRACTITIONER 38 Your patient may be obstinate, or more especially he may happen to be one who believes that he can just go on being an ordinary human being and add to himself God's grace. . . That's far from truth. The patient himself has to yield to God. There has to be a transformation of consciousness in the patient, there has to be a spiritual regeneration in the patient, there has to be a yielding of the mortal sense in order to make room for spiritual awareness.

1959 Source: Tape: Always remember: Now truth constitutes my consciousness; now I am a law; now I am an authority; now I am ordained to heal the sick, forgive the sinner, raise the dead, and feed the hungry by virtue of truth entertained and expressed in my consciousness. Specific truth. The specific truth is that there is only one power. The specific truth is that none of this that's hindering you has the power to hinder you. Why? The specific truth is that your consciousness is an annihilation to everything unlike good; your consciousness filled with truth is a law of benediction and grace unto everyone who enters your spiritual household, your consciousness. Do you see the need for specific truth, specific principles of truth, consciously expressed?

Living In The Light Source: 1959 Tape: Every time you undertake healing for someone, what you really undertake is to lift them above the physical plane of consciousness to where the laws of physicality do not operate. Then spiritual harmony unfolds in them. As a spiritual healer you are not healing their bodies, You are not doing anything to the organs or functions of their bodies. All you are doing is lifting them in consciousness above the physical and mental planes to where they are in the grace of God. And the grace of God wipes out the physical and mental laws that have been binding them. That is how spiritual healing is accomplished.

Go back to the Bible and read the incident of Gethsemane and see if Jesus didn't pray, and if he didn't ask the disciples to stay awake and pray with him. Pray for what? The realization of God's presence, God’s grace. Wasn't it there with him? It was, but it doesn't do any good until, through prayer, it becomes alive in you. In order to live under God's grace, what Paul said must necessarily follow: "The spirit of God must dwell in you, otherwise you are not under the law of God, neither indeed can be.” Our lack comes from failure to understand God's law of abundance, or how to become one with God so that we can enjoy the promise, "Son, thou art ever with me and all that I have is thine." Why would we have such a statement in scripture if it weren't true? Why would the Master have tried to teach us supply by multiplying loaves and fishes to prove abundance without limit, always with baskets full left over? Why, if it is not meant for us eventually, and if eventually, why not now come into that awareness of life which is lived by the grace of God? Spiritual consciousness nullifies both mental and physical laws. . . Though there may be limitations of every physical form, they do not come nigh your dwelling place. Why? Because you're not dwelling there. You're dwelling in the secret place of the most High. You're dwelling in mystical consciousness where I and the Father are one and life is lived by grace, not by physical laws, not by mental laws.

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PRACTITIONER 39 The mysticism can come to you by divine grace, or you can bring it to yourself by practicing the metaphysics of it; but in doing that it must be the correct letter of truth. In other words, you can't declare God's allness today and then tomorrow wonder what wrong thoughts may be doing some evil to you; or wonder why mortal mind is doing this to you; or wonder if you're being punished for some sin of omission or commission. There has to be a consistency, as well as persistence, in holding to the truth that there is but one power. If you have sinned, that isn't a power because God didn't create the sin or the penalty for it. Therefore, it has no existence in that one mind, or consciousness, which is God.

The Infinite Way Letters 1955 Christmas, 1955 Christmas 1955

Source: 1955 Kailua Study Group Tape: 118:2 Behold this gentle Presence within you, receiving Its Grace from the Godhead Itself,

dispelling the sense of I, me, mine.

The Divine Author

Source: 1955 Tape: All effect is God's ability, God's responsibility, God's government and God's Grace. As you rise higher in spiritual Grace, more and more temptations will come to you, not less.


Source: 1950 First Portland Series Tape: 5:1&2 It is only as you learn to look to this Infinite Invisible that you begin to understand the nature of Grace. The Father is universal Consciousness; the Substance of all form; divine Mind acting as your mind. . . limitless ideas.

Rising To Grace

Source: 1955 Tape: Because God is what God is, God's Allness makes nothing else necessary.

Meditation For Beginners

Source: 1955 Tape: the Grace of God, which has peopled this earth and filled it with all good things for man's use. . .

An Important Point In Spiritual Practice

Source: 1955 Tape: . . . not Thy Grace that is coming tomorrow: thy Grace, since before Abraham was, is my sufficiency.

The Invisible Nature Of Your Life

Source: 1955 Kailua Study Group Tape: 117:2 God has given each one a great opportunity to live by his own


The Infinite Way Letters 1956 Contemplative Meditation

The Middle Path

Source: 1955 capetown Series Tape: 704:1 Cast upon the waters your understanding of oneness. . . of God’s grace as your sufficiency. . . and

these will return to you.

PRACTITIONER 40 For every individual on earth there is a teacher, visible or invisible, and the first prayer of every student should be that he be led to that teacher. . . and accept the grace which comes through the heart and Soul of such an enlightened one. One of the happiest days that ever comes to an individual is when he first realizes that God’s grace is all he will

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ever need. Wonders of grace come into our experience [when we] no longer speak a language of comparisons.

Spiritual Preparation

Source: 1956 Tape: God’s Grace has enabled me to speak the Word in the United States, Canada, England, Scotland, Holland, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, Africa. . . and India.

Oneness With God

Source: 1956 Tape: The gifts of prophecy and divine healing are likewise gifts of the Spirit, and can be realized only in proportion as Grace has quieted the reasoning faculties of the mind. Under Grace the being is flooded with light, the body is weightless and without sensation. There is a oneness with all being and with nature, and one is of the very substance and nature of all creation.

Mediation Source: 1956 Tape: [Joel receives a spontaneous message for a student -“Look within for the saving Grace!” -and then perceives that it involves a case at law.]


Source: 1956 Tape: God's grace is never bestowed upon the human being, but upon the spiritual being.

The Infinite Way Letters 1957 August: Your Names Are Writ In Heaven

Renounce The Pairs Of Opposites

Source: 1956 Second Steinway Hall closed Class Tape: 147:1 You will never succeed by might or by power; you will succeed only by

grace. . . but that grace comes to you when you give up your efforts to change evil into good.

Meditating To Achieve A Consciousness Awareness Of The Presence Of God

Source: 1956 Tape: God’s power flows through individual you and me in proportion to our creating a vacuum, a silence through which it can flow. Grace is the continual realization of God as the source of all good. Meditation: Grace.

The Secret Of The Healing Principle

Source: 1955 Kailua Study Group Tape: 113:2 The people involved [in a failed healing]. . . are not yet ready to live

by this principle [of Grace].

PRACTITIONER 41 Gratitude For Spiritual Teaching

Source: 1957 Tape: Never doubt for a moment that if you walk through the valley of the shadow of death and there recognize God’s grace, that even then it will not be too late to step out into perfect health.

Very often, very, very often, it is when you are in the deepest struggles with your problems that the light of grace breaks through. When the teacher and the student are so pure in consciousness that neither one is seeking anything for himself. . . but only to transmit God’s grace, then the meditation of a teacher results in that receptivity which brings spiritual freedom and spiritual wisdom to the student.

The Infinite Way Letters 1958 April: The Message Of Easter: I Have Overcome The World


Source: 1958 Tape: Our work is not to bring God’s grace to us, but rather to realize grace through the activity of the

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Christ in human consciousness. We enter a state of consciousness in which crucifixion and resurrection pass from thought, never again to be remembered. This new and higher consciousness. . . is a life by grace. You do not get the grace of God: you realize the grace of God.

Across The Desk Source: 1956 First Steinway Hall Closed Class Tape: 145:2 Spiritual healing results not so much because of what you know as because of what you feel. It is the letting go of mental striving and struggling and letting God’s grace reveal itself.

There Are No Problems

Source: 1955 Kailua Study Group Tape: 129:1&2 In the conviction that God’s grace is our sufficiency, how can we have any desires? Our good is the unfolding of God as our consciousness.

From The Letter To The Spirit

Source: 1958 Tape: The whole secret lies in learning to be attuned, and then you will find that the fullness of God is already within you.

Face Fear And Recognize Its Powerlessness

Source: 1956 First Steinway Hall Closed Class Tape: 146:2 Fear is now being replaced with understanding, and it is then that grace takes over. Make a conscious transition from dependence on the visible and tangible to a radical and complete reliance on the Invisible. When we realize that there is a power of grace functioning in this world bringing our good to us, we begin to lose our fears.

The Word Can Only Be Revealed To The Selfless Source: 1958 Tape:

PRACTITIONER 42 God never gives you anything: God is all things unto you. God being infinite, cannot give you anything but Himself. When the sacred and secret name of God–the I–has been revealed to you, you have the Word. The fruitage of that Word is the grace of God–peace, joy, harmony, and abundance.

The Infinite Way Letters 1959 August: Conscious Dominion Rising Above Personal Sense

Source: 1951 Second Portland Class Tape: 602: 1&2 Until you can see God not only as universal good, but universal Good individually

expressed. . . only then can you look at any and every person and know, “The only power you have is to express God.”

A Lesson To Sam

Source: 1959 Tape: God is available the very minute that I stop talking and stop thinking and turn within in humility, acknowledging God’s grace, God’s power, God’s Spirit within me, and then relax for just a minute or two and let that Spirit take over. That really is all there is to the whole Infinite Way. Thank you, Father, that there is nothing to heal, nothing to overcome, and nobody to reform: There is only a resting in Thee, a resting in the sufficiency of Thy grace. In that resting, I am no longer under the law of good and evil.

Establish A Conscious Awareness Of The Presence Daily

Source: 1959 Tape: Acquire the habit of turning your thought to the realization that your dependence is on the Invisible. . . From the moment you make that a consistent practice, you are an expanding consciousness. For a long, long time on this path, it will be necessary for you to remember that you are removing yourself from

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under the law and bringing yourself under Grace.

Achieving Freedom By Non- Resistance

Source: 1959 Tape: By freedom I do not mean a freedom from anything, but a freedom in Grace.

Across The Desk

Source: 1959 Halekou Special Class Tape: 245:2 Do not be too concerned if secretly you want better health, greater peace, or more supply,

but admit it and then turn within for a purification of your desires and for greater devotion to the effort of attaining God’s grace.

God Is Fulfilling Itself As Individual Being

Source: 1956 Second Steinway Hall Closed Class Tape: 152:2 As you begin to experience that Grace, you learn that the storehouse of all good is within your own being. By the grace of God, you are God’s witness to His infinite wisdom, abundance, and love.

God has given me spiritual dominion over all that exists, and more especially do I have dominion over my mind and over my body. My mind must not be permitted to think any thoughts that it wishes; it must not be permitted to think any thoughts that are inflicted upon it by "man, whose breath is in his nostrils." My mind must be subject to God. Through my God-given dominion, I say to my mind: "Mind, peace, be still. Receive your wisdom from God. Receive God's peace and God's grace. Peace be unto you, my mind; God's peace be unto you, my mind; God's grace enrich you, my mind; God's life and God's love be with you, my mind. God governs you; man cannot dominate you." My mind is under the jurisdiction of God. My mind is subject to the laws of God, and because of the dominion that God has given me over my mind, I can say to my mind, “Peace, be still; God's grace, God's love, God's wisdom be with you. Receive your life from God, your wisdom from God, your eternality, your immortality, and your sanity from God. The grace of God is your sufficiency. God's dominion, through me, reaches my mind."

You shall not live by bread alone. Of course, I will feed you, and I will see to it that I give you the most nutritious, cleanest, and purest food I can. God's grace is the substance of my body, and it is God-governed, because I now bring it under God's government and remove it from the domination of man and the domination of man's beliefs and theories. To my mind, I give the best intellectual and cultural food that I can. I do not live by intellect, culture, or bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. I remove my mind and body from the domination of the masses and their ignorant beliefs, and I place my mind and my body under God's government, under God's dominion, under God's grace. To my mind and to my body I give God-given dominion, strength, peace, joy, power, spiritual freedom. To my mind and to my body I give God's freedom, the God-given freedom of the spirit.

Spiritual Power Not To Be Used

Source: 1961 Stockholm Closed Class 2:1 Tape: 425 If you try to use God-power, if you try to make something happen, you are trying to

play God. Let it happen; let God's grace, the activity of God, fulfill Itself; let God be the only presence and the only power; and do not

believe these appearances out here which seem to need you to go around swinging a big stick, even a big spiritual stick. Spiritual power is

not a power over something. Spiritual power is the activity of God forever functioning. The moment you realize this and give up all

attempts to use spiritual power, you will find that spiritual power is fulfilling itself in your experience. Spiritual power is not something

you use; spiritual power is something you acknowledge to be the infinite presence and power of God on earth as it is in heaven.

"In thy presence is fullness of joy." Where is God's presence? Here. Then right here is the "fullness of joy." Could there be fullness of joy if there were: not fullness of health, fullness of supply, fullness of happy relationships. and fullness of all good? Of course not. Then right here is the fullness of spiritual peace and harmony and glory, not your glory or mine: God's glory, right here. Here is God's glory fulfilled, not by virtue of your praying for it but

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by virtue of God's nature to fulfill Itself here.

PRACTITIONER 44 You may even feel good to know that there is no power against which to use God, nevertheless tomorrow, when you are facing the appearances of life, there will be that old temptation to reach out for God, to want God to do something to some evil. You have to train yourself to realize: “No, God, I released You last night. You go ahead and fulfill Yourself. You are about Your own business, and I know that there is nothing in heaven or on earth for which I need any power that is not already functioning. . . All the power necessary to maintain my life is already at work, and all I have to do is to acknowledge it. Acknowledge that God is fulfilling Itself. God's nature is to fulfill Itself as peace on earth and the divine grace in my life. I do nor pray for grace; I do not ask for grace: I acknowledge grace as God's means of fulfilling Itself on earth. God's means of fulfilling Itself on earth is the power of grace. When I acknowledge that and let myself be receptive, I will find It functioning in my life.

Forgiveness Removes The Barrier

Source: 1961 Stockholm Closed Class 1:1 Tape: 424 Unforgiveness is a barrier to our receiving God's grace. Before we meditate we must first turn within and do the act of forgiving or the act of praying for those who despitefully use us or persecute us, turn within and consciously release all men from any antagonism that we may be feeling. We release everybody who may have harmed us, our family, or our nation.

The Unconditioned Mind Abides In The Consciousness Of The Presence

Source: 1961 New York special Class 1:2 Tape: 427 In this unconditioned mind, there is no movement toward attaining, achieving, or

demonstrating anything. There is no movement of the mind outside of itself. . . Living and moving in Him, there is no outside world, and

yet just as Jesus was abiding in this very consciousness of the Father, everyone who touched the hem of his robe was blessed. He was not

thinking of blessing them, he had overcome this world. He was not thinking of feeding, housing, or healing them: he was abiding in his

consciousness of God's presence, and then everyone who touched him, everyone who entered the realm of his atmosphere or aura

physically or mentally, was blessed, not by a conscious direction of his mind, because that would have been trying to use God and send it

over to some person. No, he was living in the contemplation of divine grace, and then let anybody, saint or sinner, touch him, and instantly

be purified.

The unconditioned mind has in it no material concepts, longings, or desires. It is entirely an abiding place for the spirit of Cod. "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?" Our mind is that temple of God, our unconditioned mind, the mind that no longer desires any thing, that desires only to know God's peace, God's grace, God's will. God's will! We enter into this new dimension where we have no will of our own, but we follow His leading when His will is made manifest in us, when His will is expressed in us, and we

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merely carry it out. Then we have made a transition from this world to "My kingdom."

PRACTITIONER 45 This brings to light the great mystery that we have no life of our own. The life of God has become our life, because we are not thinking in terms of time or space; we are thinking in terms of eternality. In this spirit we live, and yet we have no feeling of age; we have no feeling of a physical body. We have overcome that world of physicality. We bring this spirit of God into active expression when we do not want It for a purpose. We have overcome the world when we want the spirit of God, but not for a purpose. Thy presence is my sufficiency in all things. I seek only Thy presence, but not for a reason, not for a purpose. I do not want to use It, just tabernacle with It, commune with It. We have overcome the world in any moment in which we seek the grace of God, not for a healing, nor for supply. not to make the world better, but in our mediation to retire from this world and enter the kingdom of grace, enter the realm where we do not live by might or by power, where we do nor use the sword, because we are not trying to hold onto anything material. This peace "which passeth all understanding"' is in the kingdom of God, and therefore, it is also within me. I am not coming to you for truth, Father. I am not coming for the change of any circumstance or condition in my life. I have overcome the world and the desire for anything in this world. Now I am seeking Thy peace. Thy grace, God's grace, is my sufficiency. So I ask not for supply, for safety, or for security. I ask just for Thy grace. What is this "Thy grace" that is the sufficiency in all things?

When we go into meditation, we want to "stay here in this city until we are armed with the power from above," until we actually feel that the spirit of God indwells us, that His robe is upon us, His grace, is with us, for His grace is our sufficiency. Only remember, let there be no conditioned thinking about this world. We leave this world and its problems, its wants, its limitations, its desires outside when we go into communion, and we do not try to think that we are going to bring this inner communion into the outer world. It will not work. We keep this communion within ourselves until we feel empowered from above, and then we go about our business and find that It literally goes before us to straighten out all the rough places. It really goes before us to provide and to multiply the loaves and fish if necessary. When we no longer take thought for the things of this world and are abiding in His grace, the necessary food appears, the clothing, the harmony, the friends, or whatever is necessary in the human world, even if "the ravens" have to bring it, even if the poor "widow" has to share it. In one way or another, all things appear, but now without taking thought. No longer are we in the kingdom of this world: now we are in the kingdom of His grace; we are living in His presence, and there is no room in the mind for matter, no desire for matter, material things, material activities, or degrees of matter. This has all disappeared.

Giving Out Of Our Conscious Awareness Source: 1961 Holland special Class 1:1 Tape: 426 When the question is asked, "What have you in the house?" is not the answer clear? I have God; I have God in my house, In my consciousness; I have God. Wherever I am, I have God, and that is enough to know. . . I have the kingdom of God within me. I have the grace of God within me, and wherever I go I have that to give. I need never open my mouth. I can keep as silent as I want to be, and yet I can be a blessing wherever I am by the recognition that the presence of God is with me wherever I am, and that presence of God is a

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benediction to all whom I meet.

The Mystical I An Act Of Commitment

The Reason For Meditation Source: 1964 London Studio Class Tape: 563:1

PRACTITIONER 46 You can almost feel that great, great area of Consciousness behind you, pushing and pushing, sending Itself forth into expression through your consciousness, as your consciousness, as the Word, as the still small voice, over and over repeating, “I am come that you might have life. I am come that you might have. Take no thought for your life. I am come.” You can see the importance of meditation, a meditation which is not a stopping of thought, not a deadening of consciousness, nor an escaping from the world, but a meditation in which the darkness or the silence is so great that you can look through it and see the whole of infinite Consciousness behind you, ready to pour Itself forth into your expectant inner ear as you invite It to "speak Lord, for thy servant heareth." You may believe that God's Grace is going to take care of you, and I say that it is not, until you have been brought to a place of commitment.

A Reason For Our Faith Source: 1964 London Studio Class Tape: 563: 1&2 Because the infinity of life, the immortality of life, is stored up in the I which I am, I can be still and let that rhythm flow out, going before me, walking beside me, behind me, and appearing when necessary as a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, as a poor widow sharing, as cakes baked on the stone, or as the multiplication of loaves and fishes. Remember this, and never forget it: no man on the face of the globe can perform a miracle except the

miracle of silence. We [listen in meditation]. . . with the full knowledge that we are not going to receive God's grace for any personal purpose or use, but that it is for the benefit of all.

Be Still Source: 1964 London Studio Class Tape: 562: 1&2 Above all, you have a moment of silence, so that in that silence the voice of God may thunder. This is the most precious gift in all the world. You have emptiness. You bring to God every day an empty barrel, an empty consciousness, praying: Fill me today with all Thou art. Fill me with Thy Soul, with Thy Spirit, with Thy grace that my presence on earth may glorify Thee, that my presence on earth may show forth Thy glory, "with the glory which I had with thee before the world was," the original glory of divine sonship. Do you want God? Do you want God-power? Do you want God's grace? Then be still! And when the still small voice speaks, you have it. What happens when you are in the inner stillness is that the presence of God is realized, and It does the work, whatever the nature of that work is. In the beginning, I already was endowed from on high with His grace, robed in His Spirit, clothed in His immortality. Thus enfolded in His grace, there was no sin, no disease, no death, and therefore no need to invent a God to get rid of these.

I Is Omniscience, Omnipotence, And Omnipresence Source: 1963 London Work Tape: 530:2 Any legitimate need of any nature that ever appears in your experience can be immediately fulfilled as long as you do not think of it as a material form. Think of it as the grace of God, the omniscience of God, the omnipotence of

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God, the omnipresence of God, the spirit of God in man, and then let That take whatever form It will.

PRACTITIONER 47 The moment you take thought and the moment you have a desire, you set up a selfhood apart from God and thereby erect a barrier to receiving the Grace of God. There is no way to live harmoniously except by Grace, and Grace is not a word; Grace is an experience. Just as God is an actual presence, so Grace is an actual experience.

Seek The Reality And Not The Shadow

Source: 1963 London Work Tape: 531:1 As you are still enough to recognize the presence of this I within you, It then takes care of the daily bread, food, clothing, housing, joy, peace, safety, security, reward, and recognition – whatever the nature of the fulfillment is to be. I dare not pray for supply because any supply separate and apart from God would not be supply at all: it would be a shadow: it would be an image: it would be something false, certainly nothing to rely upon. But as I confine my prayer to this realization of God's presence, of God's grace, It appears tangibly and outwardly in the form necessary. . . Always the realized Presence appears as the form necessary to the fulfillment of that moment. Whether or not you acknowledge or recognize It, the spirit of God is always and ever with you, even though It is of no avail to you, because it is only through your awareness of It, your consciousness of Its presence, that It functions.

The Activity Of Meditation Within Changes The Without Source: 1961 Maui Work Tape: 392:1 I glory not in the outer prosperity or outer health; I glory in the Essence which fills me, this divine Presence, so that I can spend what I have today and be renewed. I can give and I can share all that the Father gives me, and yet retain within myself the Presence, the Substance, the Staff of life which, in Its season appears outwardly as still another message, still another dollar, still another trip, still another healing, still another something or other.

Awake Out Of Inertia Into Being

Source: Tape: The belief in two powers, good and evil, which has become so crystallized in human consciousness as to form a malpractice, or hypnotism. . . keeps us under the law instead of under Grace!

Love And Joy, The Fruitage Of Contemplation

Source: 1963 London Work Tape: 531:2 In meditation, you contemplate the spiritual activity and being that is within yourself. You

contemplate God's grace which is established within you, and acknowledge that God has planted His son in you, that God is your only

Father, and therefore your inheritance is of the Father.

The All-sufficiency Of The Grace Of I Source: 1963 London Work Tape: 530:1

PRACTITIONER 48 In God there is no time: there is only an eternal now. Something that is constantly now never changes. It never becomes yesterday or tomorrow. It is always now, and now there is a sufficiency of God's grace to meet the need of this moment. Your realization of that makes this a continuing moment of Grace for the next million

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years, because now is the only eternal time there is, and there is a sufficiency of God's grace for this moment, and this is a continuing moment unto eternity. You can pray for anything you like as long as it is something spiritual. . . You are limited to praying for divine Grace. "Speak, Lord; for thy servant heareth" is a prayer. "Thy grace is my sufficiency in all things" is a prayer. To that prayer we have added: "And there is a sufficiency of Thy grace ever present in my consciousness. . . to meet the need of this moment, and sufficient unto this moment is Thy grace."

The Only Freedom A Purified Consciousness

Recognizing The Glory Of God Omnipresent

Source: 1955 Capetown Series Tape: 708 3:1 709 4:1 We have no glory of our own: it is all God's glory. We should nor call it good; we should nor call it evil; we must call it spiritual, of God. God's grace does not remove disease: God's grace reveals to us that there never has been disease, that we have accepted the world's concept of good and evil and, therefore, we have demonstrated that. In our spiritual enlightenment, we will no longer label anything disease; we will no longer label anything evil; we will no longer believe that any condition has in and of itself a power of evil, destruction, or of pain since all power emanates from God.

The Nature Of Gratitude

Source: 1957 Kailua Advanced Class Tape: 179 1:2 To God it can make no difference whether it appears as a simple physical, mental, moral, or financial claim or as a very large or serious one. It would be impossible for God to meet a need for $100, but to be stumped by the need for $10,000. The need, therefore, is not for a particular thing or condition. As the spiritual activity brings to light the realization of God, it will appear as harmony, whether the discord has appeared as a headache, a stomach ache, corns, bunions, calluses or whether as a cancer, consumption, or polio. It makes no difference to the Spirit. When we understand that, we understand the nature of spiritual gratitude, because then gratitude has nothing to do with the degree of the demonstration. We do not go to God to get something as if God were withholding it and as if our going would persuade Him to loosen up. We go to God only for the experience of communion, to sit in the presence of God, to feel the hand of God, and to be touched with the Spirit by the grace of God. That is enough, and when that happens, the discords of human experience begin to fade.

God Is

Source: 1955 Capetown Series Tape: 706 1:2 All the troubles in the world are based on the belief that we do not have a God at hand, that we have strayed from God, that God is not maintaining us or sustaining us in His own image and likeness, that we have sinned and we cannot be well until we get back into God’s grace. We have never left God's grace. God does not know that we entertain a sense of separation. God does not know that we have ever physically, mentally, morally, or financially sinned. God does not know that we have been unjust. "Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity.

PRACTITIONER 49 So if there are past sins, drop the penalty for them in this moment and realize they are as dead as yesterday. They can never live again unless you revive them in your memory. Outside of your memory they have no existence. So the sins do not exist; the punishment does not exist. And what of those sins with which we are burdened today and which we may repeat tomorrow? Each time the world-mesmerism is so great that if it compels us, even against our better desires and judgment, to sin again, let us turn within in the realization, "Father, that is no part of my true being. That is no part of Your true being; therefore, it is not held against me, and with the grace of God it is dead in me now."

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Making Peace With One Another

Source: Tape: The moment we have annihilated all sense of a selfhood apart from God, we are under grace. We are no more under law, not

even karmic law, because now we are not doing anything to another. Now we have no other self to whom to do good. Only in that place in

consciousness do we rise above karmic law—in that moment when we have no self to bless or to condemn. When we have no other self than

the one Self, we are under grace.

I, The Holy Word Source: 1957 Kailua Advanced Class Tape: 181 3:1 Humility comes only in proportion as we understand that God planted in us an inner grace, that which is to be with us unto the end of the world and our demonstration unto the end of the world. It is to go before us to "make the crooked places straight." It is to go before us to prepare mansions for us. It is to be all things unto us. "I am the way, the truth, and the life," that I, the realization of that I—not looking outside to a God, not looking inside to a God, not looking up or down to a God to do something, just realizing I already is all. I already is about the Father's business.

The Spirit Of God Realized Penetrates The Veils That Hide Reality

Source: 1957 Kailua Advanced Class Tape: 179 1:1 It becomes a spiritual activity when we are willing for the sinners of the world to be forgiven their sins. Whether or not we can forgive them is of relative unimportance. What counts is that we be willing that God's forgiveness and God's grace touch them.

The Thunder Of Silence From Darkness To Light

Karmic Law Source: 1956-58 Tape: All that we can do is to recognize that God in the midst of us is mighty, not because of us: it is just that we have been given the grace to recognize the IS, that which already IS. . . The only time we can live is now and now we are living under Grace. The past is gone; the future will never be: Now we are under Grace. Now there is no sin, no disease, no death, no iniquity–nothing operating in our consciousness except love, the love of God, not your love or mine. Grace is the law of elimination to every phase of materiality. In the spiritual realm, which is a state of Grace, there are not two powers operating, one over another, one overcoming the other, or one removing the other—there is but one. There is no opposition; there is no contention in the realm of Spirit: There is only a state of Grace which is itself the law of elimination to every phase of materiality.

PRACTITIONER 50 Man has not yet learned the great lesson that the overcoming of any and every difficulty is not through using any kind of power. . . because life is to be lived “not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit.” Only one thing can free us from the law of as ye sow, so shall ye reap—to stop sowing. The only way to stop sowing is to recognize our spiritual identity because then we need not reach out, scheming, plotting, planning, grasping, or even desiring that which another has, but we can be beholders and watch what wonderful ways the Father has of providing for us without depriving another. These laws of matter are not power in the presence of spiritual understanding. They are theories and beliefs, but there is a Grace which sets them aside. That does not mean that on the human level there is not a law of matter; it does not mean that there is not a law of mind: It merely means that there is a state of Grace that sets aside both the laws of matter and the laws of mind.

The Father Which Seeth In Secret

Source: 1956-58 Tape: But when we do anything of a good nature and do it openly, there is first of all the implication that we are doing it,

which is not true since God is the author of all good works and we are at best instruments or transparencies through which God's grace is

appearing. Moreover, subconsciously we want others to be aware of our good works and to praise, admire, or thank us for our generosity

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and philanthropy as if we of ourselves were good.

Henceforth Know We No Man After The Flesh

Source: 1956-58 Tape: . . . a spiritual “peace be still” [from which] emanates the healing Grace which envelops one or one's patient.

As troubled people bring their problems to us, if we are able to see the person or condition as neither good nor evil, sick nor well, rich nor poor, that is, see him without judgment, we then no longer have a carnal mind, but are in full possession of the mind which was in Christ Jesus—a mind which recognizes only one power, an unconditioned mind—and it dispels the illusions of sense. We do not have to get rid of or overcome the carnal mind; we do not have to destroy it: We only have to understand that our mind is a perfect instrument for the Soul, and this it becomes as we fill our mind with spiritual truth and grace. As we ponder this subject of Grace, there develops within us a sense of independence of the thoughts and things of this world. We begin to feel that if there were not a person in our life to bring anything to us, nevertheless, by morning everything needful would be provided and this through the contemplation of God's grace. God's grace cannot function in us while we are entertaining a sense of separation from our good. If we attain the consciousness of God, we discover God appearing as flowers. . . clothing. . . perfect mind and bodies. In the second chapter of Genesis, God is no longer the creator, but now there is a being called Lord God; and Lord, it is said, is synonymous with law. In other words, the man of the second chapter of Genesis lives under the law, whereas the man of the first chapter, created in the image and likeness of God, lives under Grace.

PRACTITIONER 51 It is possible for us to rise above the law of cause and effect but only when the world's weapons have been given up, only when our life is lived not by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. When we are not thinking of food or money or climate or any effect as constituting our security and when we realize that our real life is sustained by the word of God, we are living the spiritual life with no dependence on human beings, on human investments, or human positions—not throwing them away or casting them out of our life, but realizing that they are the added things in life, part of God's grace made manifest, and therefore there is no thought whatsoever of fear should they be taken from us. Let us not forget that tomorrow there will be problems that will tend to throw us right outside the Garden of Eden; tomorrow there will be mail and telephone calls which will tempt us to be hypnotized by the appearance of good and evil. When these moments come, let us remember that that is when fortitude is required, but that is also when the grace of God comes forward to enable us to stand fast in our spiritual integrity. There is no higher goal attainable on earth than an inner communication with this Presence that never leaves us nor forsakes us. It does not send us food, clothing, or housing. It is food, clothing, and housing. It does not lead us to a fortress or a high tower; it literally is the fortress and high tower. There is no sending of anything; there is no giving of anything, except the giving of Itself. There is no way for Grace to descend upon us if we are indulging the human way of life. When the mind receives the light of spiritual wisdom, the appearance conforms more nearly to mind's pure form. As Soul governs Its spiritual activity and form, so mind, when it is free of hypnotism, that is, the belief of good and evil, receives the full light of Soul. When we let go of our human rights or human will or desires—even the good desires—and absolutely resign ourselves to God's will, It rushes in as if there were a vacuum, and when It takes over, we can feel Its every movement coursing throughout our body, right through the muscles and veins down to the nails. We are one

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with the rhythm of the universe, and all is well. All that the Father has is now flowing through us out into this world as a divine Grace, bringing to us all that is ours and bringing us to all those to whom we belong. . . But I must remind you that Spirit is never working for us. It is working in and through us as we yield and surrender ourselves—even our thoughts—so that God can take over.


Infinite Way Protective Work Do Not Give Students Or Patients Human Advice Specific charges, however, must be made for teaching. If there is not a specific charge for a class, everybody in the city would be in the class, and all they would be doing would be holding back the level of the class because they are not seriously interested in the teaching. There should be fees for teaching in classes and even for teaching individuals until such time as a person grows to that point where he understands the nature of the work. Then there is no use putting any price on teaching because the student has already reached the place where that is not necessary. I have not had any charge for teaching work of an individual nature or with small groups, because in one way or another, students have a way of expressing their gratitude. But when I am giving classes for the general public, there is always a charge, whether it is a one-night, two-night, or a full six-night class.

Metaphysics Attempts To Improve Humanhood Gratitude should always be that we have witnessed the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven, not just for a healing, for justice, or for abundance.

If a person is ill, asks for help, and gets it, we are grateful. We are not grateful that he has health: we are grateful that we have glimpsed the spiritual kingdom and brought it to his experience. At least now he is experiencing something of harmony of a spiritual nature.

A Parenthesis In Eternity Living The Mystical Life The Tree Of Life

As good begins to unfold in our experience, whether it is peace, harmony, health, or abundance we have to develop that deep humility which enables us to recognize that this is the showing forth of God's glory.

Release God To pray without ceasing is to rejoice all day long that the grace of God is working in us and through us without our telling God or pleading with Him, without our asking or desiring anything from God because he has already given all good to us, and we have only to be still to realize it and show it forth.

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Beyond Words And Thoughts His Rain Falls Recognizing The Invisible

When you partake of any food that is set before you, do so in the conscious realization of the Source, so that you do not fall into the trap of believing that it is your money that buys that food for you, or your position...You must constantly know that there is an Invisible, and that it is this Invisible within you that produces your daily bread. This takes egotism away, and with it the pride of possession.

Conscious Union With God Making The Ad j u s t me n t T a k e N o Thought

Only realization needed: Thank you Father, I already am.

Availability Of The Mind That Was In Christ Jesus

Be grateful that every truth is a universal truth.


Making The Adjustment

But, you see, not my conscious thinking does it, not my treatment does it–oh, no! The law of God which I am in my innermost being, that does it. And I just go along for the ride to see how beautiful the scenery is and to be grateful for all the wonderful people with whom I come in contact, for all the beautiful scenery I am permitted to see, and all the beautiful experiences that come to me. It is developing a state of consciousness which is that of a beholder, a witness to God's work, that's all.

You could go all through the balance of your career without a treatment, without a lesson, without reading a book, and find greater harmony, greater peace, greater health than you have ever known, just with the simple realization of, "Thank you, Father, I am!" I am! Not will be, and not shall be. I am! Not ought to be and not deserve to be. Just, "Thank you, Father, I am!"

Money is just a human concept–but it is a human concept of a divine idea; it represents love, gratitude, sharing, cooperativeness. So, as a spiritual idea, you know it can't come to you; it must be an embodied idea and activity of your consciousness. One of the reasons why we are short of money when we are short of it, is that we are looking for it to come to us when it is hidden in our own consciousness all the time.

Our particular problem is this: the development of the practitioner to that point where he neither fears, hates nor loves error; his development of some measure of Christ–consciousness which means divine love, universal love, a sense of forgiveness, a sense of gratitude, a sense of human affection.

Consciousness transformed Removing The Veil

When you discover I in the midst of you, there is no wishing or praying to be done. There is just a life of thanksgiving. It is never necessary to ask for anything you need, because the nature of my kingdom is omniscience– the all-knowing. It needs no assistance or help because it is omnipotence, and it is not necessary that you go anywhere [to get it] because it is omnipresence...The kingdom is within you and a king is never outside of his kingdom.

You have really summed it all up if, occasionally, you have looked down in the area of your chest and said:

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“Thank You, Father, for thy omnipresence,” or thy omnipotence, or thy omniscience.

Enjoy the outer certainly, and its beauties, but always be able to go beyond and see what produces the outer effect.

The main barrier to spiritual progress lies in the personal sense of the word I. Whenever we say, “I am healthy, I am welathy, I am grateful, I am loving, I am forgiving,” we are indulging in personal sense which is the barrier to our reaching our ultimate goal.

GRATITUDE Humanly we have no relationship with each other, but spiritually there is this bond. When you see it in this way, you never receive anything from anyone without heartfelt thanks to them as an instrument, but neither do you forget to look further and see that it came to you by virtue of the spiritual bond.

Tithing is something that can only take place when individuals receive inwardly the realization of what great gifts of God they have received, and in gratitude decide to share some part of it.

Consciousness Unfolding God Is Individual Consciousness Acknowledging The Source

When we say, “Thank you, Father, I am,” we are showing forth our conviction that our supply does not come from any human being, but that it comes from the Father.

Be Grateful For The Principle Instead of being grateful for the effect –some human form of government–we, on the spiritual path, have learned that our gratitude should be for a principle of government, and for the fact that we have discovered enough about the principle to maintain it and sustain it in individual and collective consciousness so that no man or group of men can tear it down.

Let us always express gratitude for the cause, not for the effect. Let us view the effect merely as an evidence.

Only those who understand that God is their own consciousness and that from this individual, yet infinite, consciousness flow all things can really know the true sense of gratitude.

The only real gratitude is that which is felt for the gift of spiritual discernment.

[The Pilgrims] gave thanks for an effect, for something in the visible realm.

The tragedy of the entire mission of Jesus was that so many were grateful for the effects, and so few caught the vision of the cause–so few were able to go out and do likewise.

Gratitude When a person can take a percentage of his earnings and say, “This is not coming from me; this is part of what God is expending for Its own activity. I am merely the transfer agent for it,” that sense of tithing and gratitude soon shows itself forth as improved earnings, opportunities, and income.

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Where tithing or gratitude is expressed in the hope of a reward, it is a farce.

God, The Substance Of All Form States And Stages Of Consciousness Gratitude

The first duty of the disciple, or student, is that of gratitude...Only in expressing gratitude to an individual, are you expressing gratitude to the individuality of God in one of Its forms. You are recognizing God as the source of that for which you are grateful.

LIVING BY GRACE God, The Source and Substance

GRATITUDE Your True Identity and Your Relationship to God

When His disciples came to Him, so proud that they had been given the power over the devil, [Jesus] rebuked them. "Oh,no! The devils are not subject unto you. Just be grateful your names are writ in heaven. That's all. Nothing is subject unto you. Just, your names are writ in heaven." What does that mean, your names are writ in heaven and the devils are not subject unto you? It means that there is no power other than God's. You have no power, the devils have no power. Do you see how we always come back to the basis of The Infinite Way? We stand in the name and in the nature of God. That is why there is no weapon formed against us that can prosper, not because we have any weapons over the devil, but just because we stand in the name and in the nature of God.

The ministry of Truth tempts many to enter the path to gratify their ego in being known as a practitioner or teacher or lecturer or leader or for some other desire for personal gratification. Be sure you have received the signal within, which is your passport on the journey. The greatest temptation above all others is having one's own concept of Truth. Complete discipleship comes only when all sense of personal knowledge of Truth disappears.

LIVING BY THE WORD Let The Tares And The Wheat Grow Together A New Way To Pray Without Ceasing

Your gratitude must not be because someone gave you something or because of some external condition: your gratitude must be that there is an infinite, invisible, spiritual kingdom which is intact. Once you separate this world from My kingdom, then this world starves and destroys itself. It becomes a nothingness because of its own nature.

Living The Infinite Way Meditation

The great prophets of old saw that man need do nothing about these great miracles except behold, enjoy them, and be grateful that there is an Infinite Wisdom and a divine Love that has created all these things for Its own glory. This really means for your glory and for mine, because God’s only existence is as you and as me!

Man Was Not Born to Cry The Prince Of Peace Peace Has To Begin With Us

To look for peace in another is not only to evade and avoid the issue: it is to prevent our own experience of peace. To look for justice, mercy or for gratitude in another is a mistake.

Spiritual Interpretation Of Scripture Oneness (oneness)

Tithing is an expression of gratitude



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The function of the activity of Christ is to transform consciousness. The outer world is only a product, or the added things, of the change of consciousness....Instead of looking out and wondering what Truth will do for us or what this one or that one will do for us, if we are looking out in the sense of gratitude that we have a contribution to make in spiritual sharing, we have had a transformation of consciousness, and the product of that will be peace, and love, and gratitude. However, do you not see that this could not exist without a change of consciousness?

So it may be with us in that day when we truly recognize our Christhood. I am afraid we are going to forget to be grateful. Certainly, the new generation that is born into Christhood will never be grateful, for they will never know what they were saved from.

We are all of the household of God. In acknowledging this for yourself, in bringing to yourself the harmonies that automatically follow the reign of Christ, do not forget that you are bringing them to this entire world. This is because in the last analysis we cannot wait for billions of people to decide to turn to Truth for the world to be saved. Nearly all the billions will pass on before this happens, and we will have to start all over with the next generation; and then those billions will be passing on before we in reach them. Therefore, let's stop trying to reach mankind, and instead let each one of us determine to reach our selves, raise up Christ in our selves, realize the Christ in each other, and thereby establish the reign of Christ on earth. Then the billions of people will automatically discover that they are God-governed. When that day comes, if you witness it, you will probably be surprised that they are not grateful for it. They won't be grateful, because they will not know out of what they were lifted.

So very soon, we have a way of knowing our reactions to each other without any outward expression; but that only comes with the death of the selfhood, when there is no "I" that has to say, "I am grateful." When that "I" is gone, then the realization is so pure that everything is understood without visible expression. The importance of this is that, in facing the world, you do not judge—not good or evil. Have no opinion. Now you realize IS.

If you personalize error in any form, you are making yourself a victim of it, as well as your patients and students. That's why it is an error to say to a patient or student, "You must be more loving," or "You must be more forgiving," or "You must be more grateful." That's all nonsense, because that is personaliz ing the error. If you find that your patient is not loving, is not kind, is not gentle, is not spiritual, then relieve your patient of that burden by realizing, "These negative qualities don't belong to you. They're part of the carnal mind, and the carnal mind is the arm of flesh—nothing." Free your patient; don't hold them in bondage.

The Altitude Of Prayer Two Or More Gathered Together Can A Room Become A Temple Of God

Express joy, gratitude, peace, and sharing not for benefit of other person but as means of letting God through

Tithing not for God but to express gratitude

The Contemplative Life

GRATITUDE Gratitude As An Evidence Of Receptivity

In my opinion, gratitude finds its highest expression in the realization of God as the invisible Source of all that is visible. The sunshine, the rain, rivers, lakes, mountains–all these exist as God’s expression of His infinite Being, of His infinite abundance spread forth for the sons and daughters of God, not for one or two, not for the favored few, but for all.

My many years on this path have demonstrated to my satisfaction that our supply is in direct proportion to our

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receptivity, that is, to the degree of gratitude that we express in the form of bread placed upon the waters as benevolence, forgiveness or praying for our enemies because then we are expressing spiritual principles.

The Early Years (32-46) Business

Drop the weight of responsibility from your shoulders. "Stand ye still" and let love provide the customers, the volume, and the profits. Allow no thought of competition to enter. You are not dependent on material conditions for your business. The lie of mortal mind is that you are dependent on weather, prosperity, surroundings, or no competition for your success...Prepare thought for the day's business and mentally invite the world. Know that love fills all space, that every corner of your world is filled with divine ideas that express joy, gratitude, and love. Keep thought away from transactions. Just hold to the truth that Christ has invited all to "come unto me" -be served of him. Do not but know constantly that divine intelligence is continually expressing itself in your business; that divine love is eternally being manifested in it; that mind produces all the needed activity; that love supplies the currency; that principle is forever expressing itself in harmonious, active, and complete business.

the foundation of mysticism Living The Healing Principles Purifying The Mind

Don't ever tell people they can be helped if they read ten pages of a book, or go to church, or tithe, or are grateful or loving...It's all nonsense, because psychologically it won't work. Individuals cannot change their nature. Only the activity of the Christ in their consciousness can change their nature. If they try to change humanly, they will repress their human nature without dissolving it, until one day it explodes. It can't be repressed; it's bound to break out.

God is. Life is eternal. I and my Father are one. There is no discord in God's creation, God is the substance of all form; God's world is perfect, and if there is a “this world," then this world is perfect because it must be God's world. Ah, yes, but I'm being faced now with a dying person, or a poor person, a sinful person, an imprisoned person. Surely, surely that's the world-hypnotism; that's the mesmeric activity of this carnal mind presenting these pictures to me. And how grateful I am to have learned there is no law in this picture to sustain it, so it must dissolve. There's no substance, no form, no activity—it must dissolve.

GRATITUDE In every message that embraces either mental or spiritual healing, we address the individual, and in doing this we personalize error. You either call the patients by their name, or you address them as "you," and you seek to uncover the error in their thought, or you point out to them what they lack in spiritual qualities: "You should be more loving or more grateful or more forgiving." Always, "You." Even in silent and absent treatments, the patients are the ones who are being treated. This is practiced in every teaching except the Infinite Way.

Spiritually understood, Thanksgiving cannot be confined to a day, a week, or a month. Thanksgiving is a state of consciousness, and it has to become a permanent state. We, as spiritual students, must realize there cannot be a minute of the day or night when somewhere within us there isn't a giving of thanks, a recognition or acknowledgment of the spiritual source and activity of all being. I can't conceive of living long without our eyes seeing some form of beauty, some form of supply, some form of nature, some form of good, without there

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welling up inside a deep sense of thanks for the fullness of creation.

The Infinite Way Letters 1955 Higher Views Of God, Prayer And The Self Higher Views Of God, Prayer And The Self

There is only one way to pray: “Thank You, Father.”

Thanksgiving Let your thanks be that you have achieved some measure of the realization of the nature of your own being.

The Infinite Way Letters 1957 January: Out Of Darkness Travelogue

To be grateful for a healing is an error: Be grateful that the Spirit of God has been realized.

Gratitude For The Realization Of The Spirit Should you embark upon a program of daily gratitude for the Spirit of God that underlies this universe, you will find a change in your life that will appear to you as a miracle in less than thirty days.

You are able to be that light in proportion to the amount of time and effort you give to communion. That is the measure of your gratitude.

The Letters '32-'46 Spiritual Healing (spiritual Healing)

We cannot receive supply and gratitude because these are omnipresent.

The Mystical I An Act Of Worship And The Fruitage The Power Is Not In Words But In Consciousness

GRATITUDE God is individual consciousness. That is why we sit in silence with a listening ear, without words and without thoughts, in the presence of the I that I am. Out of that still consciousness comes the Word that is power...Learn to sit in an attitude of respect, love, and gratitude before the door of your own consciousness...Do you not see that I can enter only as you settle into this peaceful, quiet listening before the door of your own consciousness?

Secrecy Imperative [Never forget] under any circumstance to let the last word at night be, "Thank You, Father, for the I that

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dwelleth in me."


Chapter: The Way of Grace 1963 Kailua Private Class Topic: God's Grace, The Gift Of Himself 522:1 or 517:1 In that moment when we open our consciousness to the nature of the Divine, though our sins were scarlet, we are white as snow. It does not make any difference if those sins continue to persist for a while because sometimes just the tenacity of habit makes them continue in effect, even after they have inwardly been forsaken. But pay no attention to that; ignore that. The point is that we live by Grace, and in that moment that we recognize this and abide in this truth, we live “not by might, nor by power.” We do not then live by our brains or by our virtues: we live by divine Grace. From that moment on, the new way opens, not always as quickly as we would like. . . But be assured that from the moment we have recognized our oneness with the Father, the sins, the sinful thoughts, the false appetites, and the bad habits begin to disappear, and we are living by Grace.

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Chapter: Toward The Experience 1963 Kailua Private Class Topic: Prisoners Of The Mind 516:1 You learn never to condemn, never, because the person who is afflicted with the. . . betting mania, the alcohol or drug habit, or the sex problem is a victim. He is not a sinner: he is a victim; and he is a prisoner of his own mind.


Chapter: Spiritual Healing 1948 Topic: When I awaken in the morning, I am in the habit of establishing

the conscious realization of the presence of God. I consider that the most important part of my daily

work, because, when I have done that, I have not much to do the rest of the day except look over my

own shoulder and watch God work.


Chapter: The Issues of Life Are in Consciousness 1969 L Topic: Spiritual Selectivity We must act intelligently in our dietary habits, eating the things we like while avoiding the more destructive kinds of food according to universal belief and then giving it no further thought. . . Our elevated state of consciousness will prove to be selective, so that gradually we will discard food that for us is not particularly acceptable to our system.


Chapter: Meditation: God fulfilling God Topic: See what happens if you put more effort into accepting omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence when you meditate, and break the habit of reaching out to God to do your will or fulfill your desires. God fulfills itself as you and as your experience–if you give God the opportunity.

GOD, THE SUBSTANCE OF ALL FORM Chapter: Developing a Healing Consciousness Topic:Consciously Realize The Truth Never let [treatment] become so much a habit that you go through it sluggishly. Never do that. Such treatment will not help because it would be a formula and would be only suggestion. A treatment must be a conscious realization of the truth.


Guidelines For Spiritual Unfoldment Through The Infinite Way The Consciousness Of The Individual Determines The Outer Activity If a person has a healing consciousness, work will come to him, not only from his local community, but from all over the world. There is good reason for that. Since there is only one Consciousness, if a person has a healing consciousness, it will draw Unto itself from the uttermost parts of the earth. If it is not a healing consciousness, those seeking healing will pass him by.

Impersonalization, Essential To Illumination I have many patients with whom I have been working for as long as twelve years who do not catch this principle and do not get their healing. They are holding a wall up that insists that this is a person. either the "me" of themselves or of the other person. In such a situation the practitioner may not be able to break through.

What is not generally understood is that the healing agency is the illumined consciousness of an individual, and the difference in the measure of healing lies not in God, but in the degree of illumination of the individual.

Impersonalizing Good And Evil Because of the world mesmerism which came about with the belief in two powers, it becomes the responsibility of truth-teachings to reveal to the world that the evils of this world are not personal, that they stem from the impersonal source of good and evil and are ameliorated in proportion as they are recognized to be impersonal. No longer will we pin evil upon a person and then try to get rid of it. Instead, immediately we begin to dissolve it by looking at the person with this realization: "This is no part of you. This is the impersonal hypnotism that personalizes evil." The greatest healing influence in all the world is: "Be still, and know that I am God." That is how close God is to us–I, our Self. We should be able to rest and relax because I in the midst of us is God.

[The principle of One Power] is completely covered and thoroughly explained in The Infinite Way Letters of

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1955, chapter three, which should constitute a daily text for our study. There is also a chapter in Man Was Not Born To Cry covering this, and the April and May letters of 1964 (Realization of Oneness) devoted entirely to the healing ministry of the Infinite Way, setting forth specific principles that must enter into every treatment we give. But there must be the consciousness of what is contained in this material, and all the 1964 Letters pound away and hammer at the specific principles so that we may develop the consciousness of the message.

Crucifying Our Do-gooding Sense All the time a person is reminding us that the lump is getting bigger, the pain is getting stronger, or the blindness is getting worse, we are crucifying the personal sense of self inside that wants to be helpful. We refuse to give way to the temptation to turn stones into bread. Instead, we are going to be still and know that I in the: midst of us is God. I in the midst of us is mighty. I in the midst of us is the secret of the spiritual kingdom of harmony, peace, joy, and glory, and we are seeking His rightness, not the patient's rightness nor his health. Then when that touch of the Spirit comes, we are still. Sometimes It smiles inside of us, "Foolish child, trying to be a miracle worker!" Then we get at peace, and the patient says, “Oh, a miracle has happened." Ah, but the miracle was not the healing: the miracle was that you or I experienced God.

HEALING Gratitude should always be that we have witnessed the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven, not just for a healing, for justice, or for abundance.

Christhood, Not Human Good As you look out at the world, do not declare that it is all illusion, but rather that the erroneous concept of it that you are entertaining is the illusion. Any erroneous picture that you are entertaining is the illusion, and therefore the illusion exists in your mental misperception, not in the external world. If you grasp the point that an illusion cannot be externalized, that it can never exist externally, then you will understand the Infinite Way and its healing principle.

When you are called upon for help, do not hesitate to sit down and hold up the word is in front of you: is, is, is. It is as if you were to think, "There is something here, but I do not know what it is or who it is. It claims to be a person and a condition, but I know nothing about those things. I do not know how to pray. I do not know how to meditate. I must let the Spirit bear witness with my spirit. I must let the Spirit make intercession for me. So I do not know who this is, what this is, or why this is. I only know that before me there is an is. There is something; there is somebody. Now, Father, take over and enlighten me.". . . As you watch this, you will observe that the human mind is not necessary in spiritual healing work or in spiritual living, but that there is a divine truth which comes through to do the work.

The Law Of God Is Forever In Operation One of the reasons for the lack of healing is the belief that God is going to do something to the error. So you are waiting for something that cannot happen; you are waiting for a God-power to do something. . . You cannot bring God into action. It is not your prayers that bring God-power: the God-power is omnipresent, and your prayer is but the connecting link. It is like turning on your radio. Simply turning it on does not create any program. By turning it on you merely tune in to the program already in progress. So it is that anyone waiting for God to do something is wasting his time. God is not going to do anything a minute from now. Whatever God is going to do, God is doing, and God has been doing since the beginning of time.

Recognize Every Claim As A Lie About The Truth A most important point to remember is that you do not get rid of hypnotism any more than you get rid of rheumatism. You do not overcome hypnotism; you do not struggle with it; you do not look for a God-power to do something to it. You merely recognize that the substance or the fabric of this world is hypnotism and then drop it. . . If then a claim of any nature is presented to you and you recognize, "That is neither person, place, nor thing.

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That is a state of hypnotism," that's all you have to do. You are not fooled by it. You recognize it as a lie, and it has lost its power. Because there is only one consciousness, the one who has come to you for help has united himself with you and wakes up and recognizes that it was a lie. . . When you reach a state of consciousness that does nor become frightened at the words, atomic bomb, cancer, tuberculosis, polio, mongoloid babies, paralysis, blindness, deafness, and can say, “Oh, that's a lie," then you are in the healing consciousness.

HEALING The healing principle of the Infinite Way is that God is consciousness, universal infinite consciousness, appearing, formed, and expressed as individual man and the universe. This is a spiritual universe, and since every appearance of error is the product of hypnotism—a hypnotism caused by a belief in two powers— there is no such thing as cancer, consumption, poverty, unemployment, an erroneous person, or a sinner. In the proportion that you see such things, you are hypnotized; you are seeing forms of hypnotism. Only when you are dehypnotized will you see a person as he is. Only then will you see God as God is, and God's universe as it is.

[The Infinite Way practitioner] does not overcome, destroy, or get rid of evil. He drops it. That is the secret of Infinite Way. That is the secret of Infinite Way healing work. That is why my work as a Christian Science practitioner flourished for sixteen years and why later in the seventeen years of more of the Infinite Way it continues to flourish and has become known and established throughout the world.

A Parenthesis In Eternity The Basis Of Mysticism The Nature Of Spiritual Power

Did Jesus make any conscious attempt to heal the woman who broke through the throng and touched the hem of his robe?. . . He could not have brought forth that healing because he did not know she was there. . . He was merely abiding in the consciousness that the Father within was doing the work, and letting the Father have His way and His will, not trying to channel it, or to make any attempt to use spiritual power.

If we fill ourselves with the conviction of the omnipresence of God, the very atmosphere around us is charged with spiritual power, and those who walk into that place feel its healing influence.

When we are in prayer and feel that stirring which means that God is on the field, a healing or an improvement takes place because nothing can ever stand in the way of that I–nothing.

Wherever there is this recognition of the presence and the spirit of God, the power of God is flowing, maintaining our mental, moral, financial, and physical freedom, and then whenever a need appears, we create what seems like a vacuum within us, a listening attitude, and in that second, the right word comes to us, the word of God which is quick and sharp and powerful, and which does the work of healing, reforming, and sustaining.

Awakening Mystical Consciousness Concept Or Is? Do Not Try To Become Free Of Persons Or Conditions

Healing is all based on not judging by appearances.

Maintaining The Spiritual Heights Of Consciousness

To God there can be no such thing as a healing.

You are seeing your concept of a spiritual idea. When you understand that, you will begin to heal, and the healings will come quickly.

The Dearth Of Spiritual Healing

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Dedicated religious leaders. . . are not doing more spiritual healing work because. . . power is still being given to sin, disease, death, lack, and limitation.

HEALING Spiritual healing is a realization of what is.

To do spiritual healing, you have to have the inner discernment that sees I as the life of individual being.

The Word, Not Words, Brings Forth Spiritual Fruitage Healing does not come until you have been lifted out of the belief that the problem has power.

It is impossible to develop a formula for healing because healing is not the fruitage of words, but comes when the Word is heard.

Perhaps. . . the most important point in all healing practice:. . . put your real faith and confidence in your ability to sit quietly and listen.

Beyond Words And Thoughts Beyond The Pairs Of Opposites To Being Both Goodness And Badness Must Give Way To Being

Once you come to the realization of God as your life, then and only then can you realize that both the goodness and the badness of your human life have to be overcome in order that you can ultimately say, “Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is, God.” That is the good that is flowing; that is the good that is healing; that is the good that is enriching; that is the good that is forgiving–not you, not I, but that which flows from the Father as the son.

The good that is healing. . . enriching. . . forgiving [is] not you, but that which flows from the Father to the son.

Incorporeal God Can Create Only Incorporeal Man Do you see why metaphysicians have difficulty in doing healing work? Although they recognize the incorporeality of God, they do not recognize the incorporeality of man, and consequently they deal with a structural man who has bones, a brain, liver, heart, and lungs. Consciously or unconsciously, then, when they give a treatment, they are hoping to bring down the fever, remove the lump, or set the bone, and thereby they are blocking the entire treatment. They are setting up a barrier between God and man because incorporeal God cannot give birth to a corporeal man, only to incorporeal man.

The metaphysician who has not succeeded in the spiritual ministry, either in healing persons, demonstrating supply, or bringing forth other kinds of fruitage, has failed because he has had an incorporeal God called Spirit, and he was trying to make It manifest corporeally. And there is no corporeal creation! It is we who entertain a corporeal sense of an incorporeal creation!

When you are in this ministry, healing is not too difficult because you do not have bones to set, fevers to reduce, digestive systems to change, false appetites to get rid of, or sins to overcome, and you do not have to go around preaching to people not to smoke or drink. None of this is part of your ministry. You are dealing with an incorporeal God manifest as an incorporeal man, and you are living, moving, and having your being in the consciousness of this. . . Let your student or your patient present any pictures he wants to present to you, but be careful that you have the spiritual capacity not to want to change them, the spiritual faculty of discernment, the soul-faculty.

HEALING You will never do good spiritual healing work until you attain the inner awareness of the incorporeal nature of

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man’s being. The only image there is of God is man: God appears as man; but since God is incorporeal, man is incorporeal. The fact that man has a corporeal body does not make him corporeal. The fact that he travels in an airplane does not make him an airplane.

The Importance Of The Experience Sometimes the healing is instantaneous; sometimes it takes place after the second or third realization; and sometimes you may have to work with a person for a year or two or three. This has to do with his receptivity, his ability to yield, and also with the heights that you attain.

When in your healing work, you can sit down with the mind at rest and not battle the appearance, not fight it, not try to remove germs from someone’s body, not try to dissolve lumps and reduce fevers, not try to heal insanity, but rest in that inner peace and quiet and assurance that there is only one law, spiritual law, and that all else is an image in the mind, the experience of God can take over, and then the healing takes place.

When you function under Grace, you may be called to those who have swallowed poison or to those who have been seriously injured, and by your realization of nonpower, you can bring them through it and lift them above whatever law they may have come under. . . Every healing that you have witnessed has been a proof of Grace because the law involved has been overcome. . . It is not that your developed consciousness of truth is a power over the law: it is a proof that the law is not a power in the presence of your consciousness of Grace.

Crucifying Personal Sense All our study, all our knowing of the truth, all our healing ministry must eventually lead to the period of Sabbath or Grace, which is the full and complete surrender of self, to the end that God may life on earth as He is living in heaven.

In healing work as understood in The Infinite Way, we are unseeing and unknowing the corporeal or physical sense of man: well or sick, rich or poor, good or bad. We are not unseeing or unknowing a corporeal man or a physical man for there is none, be we are unknowing and unseeing the corporeal or physical sense of man. The corporeal sense is the tempter. The healing truth is our consciousness of incorporeal man and the universe.

The Study And Practice Of Principles Lift Consciousness It is our function never to want to give help, never to want to be in the healing ministry, never to want to do anything but perfect ourselves, study, meditate, and let our consciousness become so filled with the activity of the Christ that in a certain moment It breaks out and then, somebody comes and asks for help, and that starts us on our way.

Conscious Union With God

O p e n i n g Co n s ci o u s n es s To Truth Resist Not Evil

“Resist not evil" is the acme of spiritual healing. It allows you to face any situation with a disdainful, “So what?”

If God Is Mind Or Consciousness Is His Activity Mental


Nothing that the human mind can know is perfect, thus spiritual healing not a mental process.

An Illumined Treatment Never Stops

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In healing a treatment with a “click” operates in your consciousness until the error is broken. Spiritual healing is an

activity of consciousness not of the intellect.

States And Stages Of Consciousness

Mental healing vs. spiritual healing Object: to set student free in his own Christhood.

Consciousness In Transition Argument Or Treatment

As long as that person or his problem keeps coming to my attention, I have to meet it in some way. Now, I can meet it in the absolute, if I am in that high state of consciousness, by realizing the One. Or, if it doesn't satisfy me that something has been done, I may have to close the door of my office and not see the next patient, sit there alone and go into meditation. I may have to sit there alone and go into meditation. I may have to reach the center of my being and call, "Father, reveal thyself! Let me feel the reality of being!" Nothing about that patient or his claim–my mind is stayed on God. I continue in that meditation or in that silence or in pondering God, until the answer comes, until something within me responds and says, "It is done!"–not necessarily in words, but I have the feeling that it is done, or a sense of healing, or a sense of such complete freedom from the person and the problem that even if he called ten minutes later and said, "I am worried," I would pay no attention to it. I have already had my answer. It may take him ten minutes or ten hours before he realizes his healing, but I am done with him. The moment this problem has released itself within me and I am free, the healing has taken place. The person doesn't always realize it as quickly

I have never been lost on the desert or stranded at sea, but I think that the first time you try to bring out a healing without thinking is worse than either of those two experiences.

Spiritual consciousness is one which does not accept any belief in thought of any error existing as a presence or as a power. It looks at any presence or form or phase of error as if it were just looking at a moving picture, say, of a man being shot, knowing right well that as soon as the picture is over, the man is going to pick himself up and dust himself off and get ready to play another part…In maintaining that same attitude toward what we see of human experience, that same attitude in which we do not criticize or judge or condemn the underdog or the sinning or sick person, and in which we do not give praise to those we think are doing good, we will have begun to see real spiritual healing.

Spiritual healing is accomplished only when there is no resistance in the healer's thought to the condition or the person. "Agree with thine adversary whilst thou art on the way with him.”…Remember that the error isn't a thing and it isn't a condition and it isn't a person, so in setting up that resistance, you are almost creating the thing you are resisting.

HEALING You've got to learn to be quick to realize that it is only an appearance and you don't do anything to that non–existent white poodle or the man who isn't in the boat! The more quickly you learn to treat every problem that comes at you in that way, the better healing work you will do.

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You see now that in this meditation you will receive ideas of truth, ideas which exteriorize themselves in what we call tangible form, as bread on the table or as healing or as truth that dispels error. It even reveals to you the nature of error; it will make it appear as illusion, so that you won't even have to think of it in that light, it will come through in its own way. So meditation is for us one of the most important things to develop. Only don't try to press; don't try to exert mental effort. It's not by might nor by power. It's by the gentle spirit.

Regardless of the name or nature of your particular problem, stop battling error so far as you can, try not to fight it too hard. See if you can't take the attitude, "the battle is not yours." Then be still and see the salvation of the Lord. You need not battle. All you have to do is make the acknowledgment that all that is appearing is for the glory of God. See if you can't take this healing work easy: Try to take it as if you really believe that evil isn't a great power.

Resist not evil! Why? It is not real and if you resist it, you make it real. What a battle you have then! Resist not evil! In the face of any erroneous picture, in the face of any discord, instead of denying it, instead of saying it isn't happening (how foolish, for it is happening out in that picture) let's not argue, let's not fight it, let's not resist it at all, but just sit back and say, "I wonder how real you could be?" Resist not evil is the acme of spiritual healing. It enables you to face any situation in the world and almost say, "So what?"

The Christ, the infinite invisible, is the only healing agency there is in the world, if you want to call it that. It dispels the illusions of sense–that's all.

Today psychosomatic medicine is trying to copy [metaphysical healing.] They are seventy years behind the times because they are now where Christian Science was in 1866, believing there is a mental cause for a physical disease. They are back in the days of Rawson– and Mrs. Eddy's early days–all of these outmoded forms of metaphysics that still believe there is a mental cause for a physical disease. Why, there isn't any disease. You can't have God and a disease, too. There is only one power and that is God. All the rest of it is belief or illusion, whether you call a disease something contracted by infection or by contagion.

You see, in spiritual healing there is no mental action, there is no conscious thought–taking, there is no conscious affirming or denying. There is more of the sense that inasmuch as the reality of this [appearance] is of and in God, I am going to let God interpret it to me.

When we get a state of receptivity so that when any case comes this ear is open and the impartation comes like a flash, telling you how to work or what to work or what truth to reveal, then you can call it God– healing.

HEALING Spiritual healing is an activity of consciousness, not of the intellect. It is the perception, spiritually, of that which appears to sight, materially.

Everything that is out here is God and spirit–everything in nature, everything in this universe. Everything is formed of the indestructible and indivisible substance or spirit that we call God. You say, "Why, then, do we see rotting trees or volcanoes?" That is not of the essence of God. That represents our concept of that which actually is here. This is important, because on this point we make or lose our healing consciousness.

Remember, it is far better to say nothing to your patients except, "Leave this with me" or "I will help you" or "I

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will be with you" or "Call me again in the morning"–far better to give them no truth, merely your assurance that you, with your understanding, are on the job for them. Then, your consciousness is imbued with the spirit of truth, not merely the letter of truth but the spirit of truth, and healing will take place. Then you can explain to your patient what the truth is; then you can give them statements of truth which you have proven, which you have demonstrated.

Mrs. Eddy was Dr. Quimby's best known student. She traveled for three years, lecturing for Dr. Quimby on the Christ or Christian Science…Now, let us not deceive ourselves. It was a mental practice. It was so mental that when she was out in the healing work she very often had to send a letter to Quimby to "please rescue her, she had taken on the disease of the patient she was healing." Those early letters will show that it was a mental practice even though they were using such terms as "the Christ." It was one mind over another mind, or mind over matter, or one mind understanding that disease was not a power. It was primarily suggestion, the transfer of the thoughts of one mind to another.

We have one of the greatest quotations in all the world on that subject [of healing]: "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit.” There is no better way to heal than that, a way that will leave your patient freer to function as the normal presentation of God, without undue influence of humans. "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit." By my spirit, the spirit of God, that mind which was also in Christ-the mind of you and the mind of me.

I was doing healing work and was in the practice two years before I knew anything about Christian Science treatment. And then I learned about it and learned there are things in it that are necessary to know, and those things are known in all of the metaphysical movements. It so happens that I owe my debt to the Christian Science movement because I learned treatment work there.

Unless we perceive the unreal nature of what is appearing to us as error, as sin, as disease, lack, war, etc. we cannot handle it scientifically and thus reverse the picture. We may fall into blind faith healing, which is neither good nor permanent.

HEALING Now error is not a person. Error is never a person. And to immediately work on an evil person is to get yourself so mixed up in it that you'll have a hard time ever bringing out a healing. In the same way, error is never a diseased person, either. It appears that way, but it isn't that, and if you work on the disease of the person, ultimately you are going to find your healing work isn't really good. It isn't instantaneous, it isn't even quick. It isn't satisfactory.

Consciousness Is What I Am Christ As The Consciousness Of Mankind Every Person Brings Upon Himself The Penalty Of His Own Thoughts

Healing dependent on patient's willingness to be fee of the sin/error causing problem.

It used to puzzle me years ago when I would witness beautiful healings of so-called mental cases. The shocking thing was that those healed never said a word of thanks. . . Then I realized that they never knew that they had been mentally disturbed at all. They knew themselves only as they were after being healed.

Why has not everyone who followed the metaphysical movements done outstanding healing and teaching work? The answer is that it is not possible except in proportion as a person attains that higher Consciousness. We must

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admit that a great many students of metaphysics have not even tried to attain It. As long as they could demonstrate good health, good supply, or good relationships, they were satisfied for the few to become practitioners or teachers.

All healing is instantaneous: there is no such thing as delayed or gradual healing, but the outward manifestation does not always appear in the same second as the healing. . . The visible evidence is the effect of the healing, not the healing: the healing is invisible, but the visible evidence is the externalized or manifested effect.

God is infinite consciousness, and therefore, our consciousness appears as form infinitely: our business is infinite; our profession is infinite; and if we are in the healing work, our practice is infinite. If we are spiritual teachers, our student body is infinite. There is no limitation whatsoever unless we ourselves accept limitation.

The evidence of healing is an effect in time, but the healing is instantaneous.

We are forever lifted above any sense of competition at any level, whether is business, art, science, or in the healing or spiritual teaching ministry [when we realize that] we do not have customers; we do not have patients; we do not have students: we have our consciousness, and our consciousness externalizes as whatever form is necessary to us. No one can take what is ours away from us.

Instructing The Mind On Supply And Health We can go on being sick every year, have a healing, and then get sick again and have another healing. This is not necessary. What we must do is to attain the consciousness of one Power, the power of I AM. It is not a Power that acts upon us: it is a Power that acts through us and as us.

You must learn not to treat anything as a condition, but to treat it as an appearance, whether it is unemployment, insanity, cancer, or consumption. Then let the appearance hit up against a mind that is imbued with truth, and you will begin to do healing work even before you are reborn, but your rebirth will then come more quickly.

HEALING The Impersonal Nature Of Error

After your meditation on the allness of God is completed, you may still be faced with whatever the seeming problem is. So you come to the most important principle of healing work. Error is not personal; therefore, it has nothing to do with you, with your patient, or with your student.

In every case that comes to you for healing, your first step is the realization of God as constituting all being. Work with that idea until you have an inner assurance that God is. Then impersonalize the evil–the error or the appearance–whatever its name or nature, by consciously knowing that it is no part of a person and that all evil is impersonal. It must be seen that evil is not in, of, or through person; it is not appearing as person; it is something separate and apart from person.

There is no mental effort in spiritual healing. . . The effort comes in developing consciousness to the point where there is the actual experience that God is life and that your patient has no life other than God, no other mind, no other Soul, no other being. Then must come the realization that the appearance which the patient has brought to the practitioner is but a shadow, an image in mind.

You are not a healer of the body; you cannot remove disease. It is a change of consciousness which produces the outer effect of healing.

Realize God As Individual Being Miracles happen when "I" does not enter in. When somebody calls on us for help and we can realize that there is no such person, that there is no such "I," the healing has already begun. . . The only I is God, and It does not

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need healing, teaching, or enriching.

As far as I am concerned, it is not possible to know [how healing is brought about] because when healing takes place, something happens within that brings an assurance to the person giving the help that all is well.

Consciousness Transformed Above Karmic Law: Principles To Live By

When I had been in the healing practice for about five years, I was taken very ill and the practitioner who was taking care of me reached the conclusion that I was not being reached and would probably pass on that night. In the middle of the night, my mother. . . came to my bedside. . . ”to make the way across an easy one.”. . . Suddenly I said, “No, Mom, I am not going. . . I must stay here and find a reason and a purpose for living.” The following morning I awakened so much better that I was able to go to my office.

As rapidly as possible, stop rejoicing in your healings, or in your supplying, or in your happiness, and rejoice in the source of them. Rejoice that Christ now lives your life.

I know it was a very important tape (1960 Denver Closed Class: Advanced Spiritual Healing Class: Protective Work.)

HEALING 10 You will notice in healing work that regardless of all the truths you may know, you are not going to do any healing work unless you can come to a point where you can stop voicing truth and start to listen for truth. . . Yes when it comes to the healing work, Joel has to be quiet and let it have its way. Then this Christhood, which is “closer than breathing,” does the same work that the Christ did two thousand years ago.

[Jesus] was so little known that the great historian of his day [Josephus] made just two statements about him: “We hear there is a Hebrew rabbi who is preaching and healing, and he is influencing many. We have just heard he was crucified.”

No practitioner can ever guarantee the measure of your healing or how long it will take, because it depends on your receptivity.

Some of you may have difficulty in making a transition in consciousness where you stop affirming truth and denying error, and reach that place in consciousness where you can relax and remember, “I am closer to you than breathing, nearer than hands and feet, “Be not afraid, it is I.” Every student has great experiences of healing and regeneration in proportion as he or she can relax in that statement. . . Do not fight because when you are fighting, you are fighting your imagination. You are fighting illusions, instead of relaxing and resting.

Are you your brother’s keeper? No, except to the extent that you are the keeper of the truth about your brother and your neighbor. . . Spiritually you must hold no one in bondage to humanhood. You must maintain the

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consciousness of everyone as being God-consciousness individually expressing itself. In the healing work this is very important, because there is a temptation to believe that the patient or the patient’s family is interfering with his spiritual progress. This is not true. This again in judging by the five physical senses in which you have “made a human being,”. . . No, you have not. You have accepted the false sense of sense testimony, for it is a universal relationship that “I and my Father are one” and that one is God.

Spiritual healing is a wonderful subject if you can rise above the desire to heal someone, if you can rise above pity for an individual’s diseases and pains, if you can rise above the desire to get someone out of his distresses.

For the most part–perhaps eighty to ninety percent– the nature of the healing is dependent on the consciousness of the practitioner.

HEALING 11 When spiritual light touches you, you will know it because of those who will be drawn to you for spiritual guidance, spiritual instruction, spiritual counseling, spiritual comforting, spiritual healing. Until this takes place it would be folly to do other than continue your daily studying, practicing, and meditating until the opening of consciousness takes place.

A little now about our trip. In Portland, Seattle, and Daisy Shigemura of Hawaii, Mrs. Eileen Bowden of Canada, Miss Lorene McClintock of New York, Mrs. Virginia Stephenson of California, and Miss Lorraine Sinkler of Chicago will be conducting Infinite Way teacher classes on meditation, spiritual healing, and means of studying the monthly Letter.

The Contemplative Life is what is providing us with the working tools for our healing work, for our instruction work, and for the development of consciousness.

I spent the year 1959 traveling the world, giving classes everywhere on the specific healing principles of this message. In 1960, 1961, and 1962 I was given a specific subject each year, so that the students might eventually be prepared for the higher works. At the beginning of 1963. . . I received inner instructions to cancel [January through May classes] in order to prepare the students for that which was to come.

Even those of you who have done a small amount of healing work have discovered that it does not help in the work for you to sympathize. As a matter of fact, any sense of human emotion you have about the patient or about the claim is a barrier to the healing work. The healing consciousness is the one that is purged of the belief in the reality of all appearances.

Truth can only plant seeds within our consciousness, the seeds of truth and love and life, and these seeds produce the “added things”–the peace on earth, the healings, and the supplies.

Always remember this point: You are not to intrude in the private life of anyone without that person’s

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permission. However, you are under a spiritual obligation to make the correction within yourself and, if they are receptive, they may experience a healing and very often do. . . You are your brother’s keeper by keeping his image and likeness straight in your consciousness. . . You must maintain the truth about him and his divine origin, divine identity, and government by divine law in your consciousness.

Once we learn that the origin of all evil is impersonal, we begin to separate it from this world, and we begin to witness healings on a real basis.

HEALING 12 Perhaps four or five years after the beginning of my healing ministry, I learned that every metaphysical healing teaching in the world is based on a misconception, the misconception that the source of whatever evil is affecting you is within yourself and that you are responsible for the errors in your experience. . . One of the major secrets of healing work was given me then, and that was impersonalization. It was shown me how all error of any nature has its origin in the carnal mind or mortal mind.

No Infinite Way student should enter the healing or teaching ministry until demonstration proves the rightness of it.

When I am in meditation and giving help to someone, I am always beholding the Christ in that individual. This is the only way in which spiritual healing can take place because it is the modus operandi of spiritual healing.

Consciousness Unfolding Freedom In Christ Meditation As Consciousness Unfolding

I was in this work less than two years when I discovered that the only results I had came through meditation. . . becoming receptive, and listening. Then, with a sudden rush, this feeling, this sense of the Presence would come, and the healings would take place. Or it would give me enlightenment.

Learn The Inner Meaning Of Words All healing is in the world of belief. . . God knows nothing about it, because in the entire kingdom of God there never was a sin, a disease, or a death.

If you find yourself struggling with these errors, trying to improve or change them, you will not bring about healing. Go to that world God as quickly as you can. Then, if you like, jump from God to one of the synonyms [Love, Intelligence, Life, Law], and in that way work out from God.

Be Grateful For The Principle Even the copyrights on our Infinite Way books are only for the particular words used in presenting this principle. . . Nobody can copyright or patent the idea of spiritual healing, or the idea of multiplying loaves and fishes.

You do not have the principle until you can bring it forth as healing.

Lifting Of Consciousness What is the whole secret of the healing work? Is it that we have a power over error? Or is it that disease is not a

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Peace More healings have been brought about through absolute silence than through all the arguments metaphysicians have thought up in the whole history of the world.

There is one thing that you must practice and achieve and that is a state of peace within your own consciousness, coupled with the realization that it is your own consciousness which is the healing Christ.

HEALING 13 Qualifications Of Lay Person Seeking Benefit Of Treatment

It is not our function to judge whether those who call upon us for help want loaves and fishes–healing for healing’s sake. Our function is to wipe out the human picture and say, “There is nothing there but God.”

It was in 1932 that I caught the vision that God is the only creative principle and that all these other ideas about wrong thinking and sin, had nothing to do with healing or supply. But it was not until 1946 that I published a book or went out to teach this truth.

Sometimes when I am called upon for healing work, I cannot get the sense of oneness for some reason or other, and I must sit for as much as an hour, or two, or three, before achieving that sense of conscious oneness.

What is the whole secret of spiritual healing? It is that we are infinite, individual, spiritual being.

When you ask a practitioner for a healing, you know that he is not giving you anything of himself. He merely rests in his understanding or state of spiritual consciousness, which then appears as healing of the body or of the mind.

The Birth Of The Christ I am convinced that Jesus was a member of the Essenes, an organization which knew the secret of. . . spiritual healing. The Essenes walked on the water, walked through walls, multiplied the loaves.

God Formed Us For His Glory The Nature of the Messiah Release the Past

I have never found a student who understood how healing is done. I don't understand it yet myself. But then with the students who did not feel they knew, the healing works began, and they would eagerly ask, "How does it happen? I really don't know. We don't have to know. One of these days it will be revealed to them that they are not healing anything, but that God, the very activity of the Christ, is revealing to them the spiritual sonship of somebody who looks like a human being, but who is in truth the Christ.

God, The Substance Of All Form Fulfillment Of Consciousness Behold The Spiritual Universe

In your work, do not think of the things you are trying to heal. Think of what God is and of what God appears as–God appearing, not as outlined form, but as infinity, eternality, immortality, harmony, joy, abundance. Then you will have healings.

You will not succeed while you are trying to make sick bodies well. Success in healing work is attained when you are able to turn away from the outer picture entirely, recognizing that it is illusion, and turn within, realizing omnipresent, omnipotent God, and discerning the reality of God’s creation.

Conscious Oneness The others who did not receive a healing were probably sitting back saying, “I wish you could do it, but I wonder if you can.”. . . It is not that the person or patient or student is necessarily making himself at-one with the personal

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consciousness of the practitioner, but rather he is making himself at-one with truth.

HEALING 14 Your realization that the activity of your consciousness appears in all forms of good, makes the activity of your consciousness appear as the health and the harmony of your patient. That is what makes metaphysical healing possible.

The Leavening Influence Of Truth The purpose of your study is so to lift consciousness that this sense of Omnipresence is attained. When that is attained, healing work is done with a smile, not with strenuous thought-taking. Supply, wholeness, completeness –everything comes with just a smile. It is a peculiar little smile, but it is God, and it knows the nothingness of that which appears as a human being.

God Is The Only Being A student who was healing someone with a physical claim suddenly had the realization, “I am the only one, I am all there is. There is only one I, and therefore, if this claim is not true of the I that I am, then it cannot be true of anyone else.”

When someone turns to you for help, there must be no sense of a patient coming to a practitioner, and a practitioner in some way contacting God so that the patient in turn will be healed. . . There is only God; and spiritual healing can only come with that realization.

The Healing Consciousness Consciousness must be a transparency for God, and a transparency for God is universal, impersonal, and impartial. . . Inasmuch as God operates only as the consciousness of love, wherever the opposite qualities are entertained, there is no healing consciousness.

Living Between Two Worlds Opening The Door To Infinity A Complete Surrender Of All Human Traits And Human Solutions Is Necessary

Spiritual healing is a beautiful activity if we can rise above the desire to heal someone, if we can rise above pity for a person's diseases and pains, or if we can rise above trying to lift someone out of his distress.

The Subliminal Activity Of The Universal Mind The moment we realize that from a human standpoint we are antennas for the universal human mind and then assume dominion by understanding that all these so-called laws that operate as law are not law, we begin to nullify them in our experience. Much healing work is accomplished just by nullifying the action of the carnal mind, by knowing its nothingness, not fighting it.

One World The only barrier to better healing work is that very limitation or conditioning which still operates in out consciousness to make us believe that our patient has a physical body that has to have its fever reduced, its lump removed, or a conditioned changed.

The only reason we can bring forth a healing is that the only ones who come to us are the sons of God. The healing consists in recognizing that.

Living By Grace Freedom In God World Work

HEALING 15 In the first years of my practice, I discovered that treatments do not heal and that without treatment far better

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healing work resulted. One day I was talking to a woman in my office when a telephone call came from a patient suffering from excruciating pains in her head. The woman in my office, having heard the urgency of the patient on the phone, said to me, “I will leave you to take care of your patient.” As I was escorting her to the door, the patient called again to tell me that the pain had gone instantaneously. I had not yet even started her treatment!

Each Revelation Is A Specific Principle Each class brings forth some specific principle that leads us still another step toward our spiritual goal when we embody the principle in our consciousness. Very briefly, in 1956 karmic law was revealed and the Sermon on the Mount. In 1959 the letter of Truth as applied to spiritual healing was revealed: impersonalization and nothingization. In 1960 or 1961 the raising of the Christ in you was revealed. Step by step, these revelations were given to me. Then through classes and writings, I have given them to you.

Consciousness of Truth Healing work is a matter of a state of consciousness. It is not a question of knowledge… I have had students go through a dozen classes with me, and they cannot heal. On the other hand, I have had some students go through only one class and do fine healing work. But those students had already developed a consciousness and were prepared for it.

I do not have to tell you that many people cannot, even if they would, release themselves from the desire of person, place, or thing. You would have to see my mail for a few days to realize how many people are trying to either get a companion or get rid of one! You would be surprised how many people, even after reading The Infinite Way writings for years, still write to me for a healing of a physical claim. In other words, they are still approaching God from a physical standpoint, expecting God to do something on a physical level. We must stop thinking in terms of demonstration on the physical level and come into the consciousness of the Presence of God and demonstrate God's presence. When you come into the presence of God, I can assure you that you will never find lack, limitation, injustice, sin, disease, or death, because none of these things exist in the Presence of God.

If [patients] do not turn to the Spirit and begin to unfold in spiritual development, they have no cause for complaint if healing does not take place. However, in our work we never sit in judgment as to whether or not a person deserves a healing. We never say, "It is your fault.”

The degree of harmony that comes into your experience is proportionate to the degree of your own spiritual development. No one can bring about for you a demonstration greater than your own attained state of consciousness. They may do so temporarily by bringing about a healing or an opening of supply for you because they are lifting you above your attained state of consciousness. But unless you attain a higher state of consciousness of your own, you may go back to the consciousness that produced the discord in the first place and may even find that you have made room for many more discords than you had before.

HEALING 16 There must, of course, be an orderly procedure of study. I recommend that students start with the introduction to my book Living the Infinite Way, spending several days on it and then going on into the book. Then I recommend spending two or three days studying the introduction to my book Practicing the Presence (New York: Harper Bros., 1958), then go on into the book… Then I recommend the student to The Art of Meditation (New York: Harper Bros., 1956) and The Art of Spiritual Healing. From there on, any of The Infinite Way books are in any order. However. I always point out that the books The Infinite

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Way Letters of 1954, 1955,1956, 1957, 1958, and 1959; and Our Spiritual Resources (New York: Harper & Row, 1960); and The Contemplative Life (New York: Citadel, 1976) contain in every chapter certain principles and their application. You can always go to these books and find a working tool…I do not know at what point students will be ready for The Thunder of Silence (New York Harper & Row, 1961) and Parenthesis in Eternity, (New York: Harper & Row, 1963), because these two books are a hundred years ahead of their time.

We do not need words or thoughts in living or in healing work. The fewer words and thoughts we use in dealing with our patients the better, because very often words antagonize and interfere with the healing.

When your mind was not on the specific healing, the healing took place. I had many such experiences in my early years. Just studying and reading, I found problems falling away from me without any specific treatment. Why? Because I was not seeking a healing; I was seeking Truth in those books, and the healings came of their own accord.

I have found that if I have students three to five years, even six years, and if I have them enough days a week and enough hours in the day, they finally develop spiritual vision. I have never yet succeeded with any student in less time than that. True, some students became practitioners in twenty-four hours, but that was not through me. It was through their own inner development. The minute they turned to God, their souls opened and they evolved and began healing at once.

The Fruitage of God-Realization Christ is not a man; Christ is the Spirit of God in you. You need take no thought for your life or for what you shall eat or drink or wherewithal you shall be clothed. You need only to turn within, and when you hear the words: "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee," or when you have the feeling of "My peace I give unto thee,”' your healing has been accomplished your sins have been forgiven.

We our own selves can do nothing. We can only become the instruments through which the Spirit of God moves upon the face of the globe. We become instruments through which the Spirit of God reaches the ankles of the crippled man, the eyes of the blind, the ears of the deaf. We become the instruments through which God utters His Voice and the Spirit of God performs the healing and the redemption. We ourselves are not healers. No man or woman on earth can heal. Even Peter and John acknowledged this when they said: Ye men of Israel, why marvel ye at this? or why look ye so earnestly on us, as though by our own power or holiness we had made this man walk? (Acts 3: I2)

HEALING 17 When the inner unfoldment came to me that I did not know God, I remember I found it quite insulting. I thought I had a very good idea of God. When the Voice told me I did not know God, I was already in the healing ministry and was achieving some measure of success in it. But when the Voice tells you something, there is no use arguing with It because It knows best! There was only one thing to do, and that was to acknowledge that I did not know God aright.

From the Letter of Truth to the Spirit of Truth Most of us come to our Grace of God through our ills or discords. Mine came through illness. I was very ill with a severe cold that I could not rise above. One Saturday I sought out a practitioner whom I had never heard of

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previously and who usually did not see patients on Saturdays, when he devoted his time to study and prayer. But when he saw the condition I was in, he invited me into his office. Not only did I have an instantaneous healing, but also after leaving his office, I could not smoke or drink, or play cards anymore. Two days later, someone asked me for a healing, and got it. The next day someone else came to me and asked, "Will you pray for me?" and had a healing. This went on for a year and a half. By then I was in the practice of healing. That had not been my intent; I was not seeking it. It just came upon me.

Living By The Word I Have Your Responsibility To The Stranger

Everyone who knows this truth has a responsibility, and that responsibility is for you to decide what a stranger will find when he enters your consciousness. . . Everywhere people are reaching out for safety, for security, for peace on earth, for healing. They do not realize that these things cannot be attained or achieved unless they touch the consciousness of someone who is abiding in the Word and letting the Word abide in God. . . There must be individual consciousness setting aside some periods of the day to forget personal problems, family problems, and the nation's problems in order that individual consciousness may rise above the earth-plane into a state of divine Consciousness whereby it becomes a transparency through which God reaches the earth.

Instantaneous Healing, The Fruitage Of Nowness In the kingdom of God there is neither time nor space. That is what makes instantaneous healing possible; that is what makes instantaneous reformation possible; that is what makes instantaneous forgiveness possible. . . You honor God only in your realization of a timeless and ageless God. For this, you find authority in Scripture in such passages as "Thou art the same" yesterday, today and forever. "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. . . . . I am with you I alway, even unto the end of the world." None of that indicates that there is any future tense in our relationship with God. Our relationship with God is now. "Now are we the sons of God," and if you cannot accept that, there is no way to accept the Christian teaching. "Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost?" All this is now—not in the future.

Ten Righteous Men Do you believe that "ten" righteous men in a city could save the city? I hope you really believe that. I hope you believe that one hundred persons in this world could save the world from all the disasters that threaten it, just one hundred persons, or even less, could do that. . . Think how the life of Mrs. Eddy has affected the entire religious world throughout the globe and how many millions of people have experienced physical, mental, moral, and financial healings through that one woman's consciousness. If you stop to think of that, then you must realize the power there is in the spiritual consciousness of one individual.

HEALING 18 Evil, whether it is in the form of sin, disease, lack, unemployment, wars, or threats of wars, exists only in the same way that darkness exists. Darkness is not an entity that goes somewhere when light is admitted to a room. Darkness is merely an absence of light. The moment light appears, there is no darkness; but darkness did not go any place; it has not moved out of the room. It was not in the room, there was not any" it"; there was merely an absence of light. To perceive this is to understand the function of meditation and spiritual healing.

It is not the infinite, all-nature of God that makes our demonstration: it is the degree of our realization of that presence of God. . . Spiritual healing was just as possible to the world throughout the past five thousand years as it is today, but of what avail was that to the world until Mrs. Eddy revealed that the presence of God is as available in this age as it was on the shores of Galilee?

Very often healings do not take place until some specific truth has been realized, or some specific discord or other has to be removed from our consciousness before the harmony can appear in the body. In other words, we are never to judge by appearances. All we are responsible for is the depth of our meditation, our attainment of God-realization, and then the government is on Its shoulder to perform Its work in Its way. Our responsibility goes only

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as far as bringing about an immediate release; the responsibility of the person asking for help lies in attaining the higher consciousness that will prevent this problem from recurring.

The Promises Of Scripture Are Given To The Children Of God The whole message of the Infinite Way is teaching us to make that contact with God. It is not trying to give us a new religion or present a new message from some human being about something. It is not trying to invent a new way of healing the sick and feeding the hungry. The whole import of the message of the Infinite Way is, through writings, lectures, classes, and recordings, to lift us to a state of spiritual apprehension, wherein and whereby we become the sons of God.

Let Truth Declare Itself In Demonstration It is only in silence that the works of the Spirit are accomplished. That is why a silent treatment is much more powerful than an oral treatment. An oral treatment is apt to hit up against the consciousness of an individual and bring about rebellion. If you say to a person in pain, "Oh, disease has no power," you can almost feel him bristle as he replies, "No? I wish you were suffering this pain." So your statement has not only not blessed the person, but it has antagonized him and has been a barrier to his healing. If instead, you had simply said, "I will be glad to help you; I will pray"; and then, in your silence realized God alone as power, you would have aroused no mental reaction from your patient, and there might have been some measure of receptivity to it.

Living Now Transcending Karmic Law Transcending Karmic Law

1941 Voice says to find impersonal healing and Christ.

Joel on deathbed after five years of healing practice 1938.

Living The Infinite Way God Is Omnipresent

HEALING 19 Finally there dawns in consciousness the tremendous experience of understanding that since the kingdom of God is within, and the King, God, is ever within His realm, direct impartation of wisdom, direction, law, and power can come from within. . . Consciousness then becomes a state of awareness, attuned to the inner kingdom–the deep withinness–and gradually the student becomes consciously aware of inner guidance, direction, and wisdom. This is the culmination of the first stage of meditation wherein the student receives assurance, confidence, healing, and illumination from within his own being whenever he meditates.

Man Was Not Born to Cry Breaking The Bonds Of Humanhood Across The Desk

One of the reasons Jesus was persecuted was because he made himself equal with God. . . He denied himself and permitted God to be his life, his mind, his goodness, and his healing power.

The Word That Is With Power If you remember that the object of The Infinite Way is to overcome material sense and be lifted into spiritual consciousness, you will have very little difficulty in healing work.

The Impersonal Origin Of Evil Unless you can separate evil from the individual. . . so completely that even if you saw a man stealing a pocketbook, you could say to yourself, “Thank God, I know you are not a thief. The carnal mind is behind

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this”. . . there is not the remotest possibility of your healing anyone.

The World Gives Back To You Your Attitude Toward It Know the truth that the indwelling Christ in you and in every individual in the world is the resurrecting and healing Christ and is ever-operative, even without being told what to do, or to whom.

What the Master really meant was that forgiveness should continue until a healing takes place, forgive until there is nothing left to be forgiven, but never condemn, never judge.

Our Spiritual Resources Spiritual Attainment Through Prayer Shake Off The Inertia And Gain Dominion

No treatment will ever result in any better healing than the nature and quality of the treatment given, because there is no mysterious God sitting around waiting to do our work for us. God is doing God’s work. . . Discord and inharmony. . . are unknown to God.

Sometimes the patient or even the practitioner himself blocks the healing by holding on to self-will in some way, or by holding on to some other thing which he is not yet ready or willing to loose.

Applying The Principle Of Impersonal Healing To World Affairs As soon as you recognize that error is not personal to the patient, and transfer it to the carnal mind, the patient is well on the way to experiencing a healing.

[The principles of spiritual healing] work wherever they applied seriously, sacredly, secretly, and unselfishly. They will not work, however, if anything of a selfish nature is the motivating force.

Be Willing To Receive God's Grace On God's Level

HEALING 20 With me healing comes as the result of an inner, realized conviction of the universal nature of God as Love, Life, and Truth, and the fact that It is all here and now where I am.

Across The Desk The Art of Meditation sets forth the specific healing principles of The Infinite Way.

Infinity Is The Measure Of Your Capacity I have had to be at death’s door twice, and come back, so that I could learn and teach the principles of healing.

Practicing The Presence, 1955

1955 [1958 p 40 Art of Spiritual Healing]

Realization Of Oneness Infinite Way Principles And World Affairs Impersonalizing The Evils Of This World

Impersonalization is 3/4 of healing.

Fertile Soil

Desire to experience God rather than healing the problem.

SHOWING FORTH THE PRESENCE OF GOD Freedom Through Grace Humility, Requisite To The Flow Of Grace

When we rest and relax in the sense of "I can of mine own self do nothing," thereby giving up one's self, the

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power of divine grace takes over, and It never stops flowing unless we let that personal sense of "I" take over again. We stop the flow once we begin to think "I of my own self have done this," or "I with my understanding have accomplished it," or "I with my superior wisdom or power have done this." Divine grace takes over in proportion to our humility, and our humility is that state of mind we reach when we realize that even if we would we cannot. Even if we would like to heal, you and I cannot do that. As much as we might humanly love to give all our friends and relatives a complete, perfect, and instantaneous healing, we cannot do it. But the Father within us can. In that moment of relaxation from personal effort, a relaxation from the belief of personal powers, which I call humility, divine grace takes over and proves what It can do, and It does it often in most remarkable ways.

Oneness Of Consciousness All those who reach out to you for help or are in any way a part of your consciousness—your patients, your students, members of your family, your enemies—all exist within your consciousness. Realize that they all live, move, and have their divine being in the divine consciousness which is your consciousness of truth. They have brought themselves to your consciousness because they have turned to the Father within for help, for healing, regeneration, spiritual uplift, that spiritual meat and spiritual drink. For that reason the activity of truth in your consciousness now becomes the law unto their being, unto their body, their health, and their affairs.

HEALING 21 Inasmuch as any good has ever been done to you or to me . . . it was not done unto you or me but unto the Christ, for the Christ is our identity, Every time you meet a need of anyone for love, cooperation, money, supply, a favor, a healing, you are not doing it for him as a human being: you are doing it unto the Christ and through the Christ of your own being. No wonder Peter and John could turn to the Hebrews and say, "Ye men of Israel, why marvel ye at this? Or why look ye so earnestly on us, as though by our own power of holiness we had made this man to walk?". . . When are you going to accept your responsibility and understand that this demand is not made upon you? This demand is made upon the Christ of you.

Seek The Substance Of Health Or Eternality Eventually you will stop the attempt to demonstrate health, because you will not succeed permanently. . . When you decide you no longer want to demonstrate health, but you want to demonstrate the awareness of God who is the health of your countenance, you have demonstrated health and wholeness, not merely a physical healing. . . Having God you have all that belongs to God: "Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine."

The responsibility of the practitioner is to be a transparency I have never yet met anyone who had enough understanding or spiritual power to heal anything. Only God has the power to remove the mist from our eyes. Only God has the power to dispel the illusions of sense, and "God is no respecter of persons." God will appear through your consciousness as soon as you . Accept the responsibility of being a transparency. But do it in secret. Do not talk about being involved in healing work to anyone. Do not advertise it. Wait until someone comes to you and asks, and then you can say to yourself, "Thank you, Father, that the work was done before he reached here. You sent him here so that You could appear to him through my consciousness."

Knowing that God sent you to me, God must have put your fulfillment in my mouth; whereas if I sent for you the responsibility is up to me to be able to satisfy you. But I do not have to satisfy you; I did not send for you. I do not have to heal you; I do not have to teach you; I did not send for you. God brought us together, so that God could function in the midst of us. Whether you are healing or teaching, you need to meditate to stay in the Spirit. Then when your patients or student are brought to you, the Father places the right words or thoughts within you, the Spirit within flows, and the work takes place,

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When asked for help, it is legitimate to say, "Certainly, I will give it to you immediately, 1 will be with you at once"; or "I will take up work for you," or "I will go into prayer or communion for you. Call back later, or let me hear from you tomorrow," Let him know that your heart and soul and your spiritual understanding are at his service, but do not try to convert or instruct anyone while he is in pain, Further than that it is not necessary to go until there is a response, and he asks for enlightenment as to how it is done. Once you have reached that point, the outer teaching may begin. Do not attempt to teach people who are in pain, who are suffering incurable diseases, or whose mind is focused only on their outer condition until you have brought some measure of healing to them.

Spiritual Discernment Immortality Unveiled Impersonal Nature Of Error Makes Healing Relatively Easy

Healing should be a very simple thing. It involves the ability not to react to appearances; it involves the ability to realize: I am not dealing with a condition that has to be fought or overcome.

HEALING 22 God Alone Is Understanding

As long as you hold to the fact that you have understanding, you are never going to do healing work, nor are you going to be healed, unless somebody has a greater realization than you have. . . God alone is the intelligence of this universe, and if there is any understanding, it is the understanding of God. We of our own selves, with all the truth we can learn in all the books, cannot heal a headache. But the power of God, operating in our consciousness, can raise the dead. It is the power of God, not your understanding or my understanding. There is no such thing as your understanding or mine, any more than there is such a thing as your goodness or my goodness, your health or my health.

Evolved Spiritual Consciousness Discerns True Being Nobody knows how spiritual healing takes place. Nobody of spiritual consciousness knows how he is going to work on a particular case, what the results are going to be, or when. It is a constant living in the awareness of God as individual being. A developed spiritual consciousness lives in that awareness always, not merely when a person asks for help. It has to be a twenty-four hour a day realization. The statement that God is the only power cannot be turned on and off. A person on the path must live in that consciousness continuously, so that no matter how many times a day other powers are presented to him, they do not register. When he lives always in the consciousness of God as the only power, then what the world calls healing takes place.

One person on a platform can bring forth healing for a hundred persons in an audience if they are receptive and do not come in an argumentative or defiant mood, but as a little child with the attitude, "Let your Spiritual vision touch me.”

To the evolved and developed spiritual consciousness, you are not seen as a human being made up partly of good and partly of evil, partly of mind and partly of matter. This is because the evolved spiritual consciousness is not looking at your body; it is not looking at your mind: it is communing with you; it knows you as the child of God. Wherever there is an evolved spiritual awareness, there is a discernment of your true being, your true nature, and it is for this reason that healing at the spiritual level is without effort. No suggestions are thrown at you for the purpose of convincing you or changing your state of mind. Spiritual consciousness does not take you into consideration, for there is no you separate and apart from God and God's spiritual kingdom. The evolved or developed spiritual consciousness is not thinking of treating or healing you. It is you who are reaching this consciousness and seeking for help, but this consciousness is realizing only God, one infinite Being, infinitely manifested. It has evolved to the place where it ignores appearances.

When you find those who have been schooled to the point here they do not believe in the mirage on the desert, you also find beautiful healing work. They have seen through the mirage, and this world does not sadden them any more. They have seen that temporal power is not power and that spiritual power is the only

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power. Only Spirit is power, and Spirit does not contend against bombs, dictators, governments, or any other form of stupidity.

When You Think Not

HEALING 23 So on that Saturday, convinced within myself that I had made no progress and that I wasn’t any further advanced in the spiritual awareness than I had been thirteen years before, on that day of all days enough light broke through so I could do healing work. and after thirteen years of study many human traits fell away from me in that one day. All that time, however. without my knowing it or being aware of it, onion skins had been falling away, but in that one day the realization came.

Healing, The Result Of Knowing The Unreal Nature Of The Appearance Gradually we learn that healing is not brought about by power: healing is brought about by our awareness of the unreal nature of appearances not only of discordant appearances but of harmonious ones. That is the essence of the spiritual healing principle.

Becoming Free Of Erroneous Beliefs Suppose that you have a cold and you are going to ask for a spiritual healing of this cold. The practitioner to whom you turn has no power over colds and neither has God. Nobody has power over a cold any more than you have power over two times two is five. You know that two times two is five is incorrect because you know that two times two is four. You have not used any power: you simply have known the truth, and by knowing the truth you have become free of an erroneous assumption.

The healing agency in this way of life is God's presence consciously realized. If there is any secret to the message of the Infinite Way, that is it. The Infinite Way began with the discovery that in spite of omnipresence, God is not available to you or to me until God is consciously realized. . . Here and now, in this way of life, you have to believe in omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience, and you have to act as if you believed.

Think of how many things there are in your life or in the lives of those close to you that you would like changed by a God-power, or a God-presence. Then remember that from this moment on you have given up that way of life and substituted for it the way of life in which you recognize no power in any negative or evil appearance. Whether that negative or evil appearance is appearing to you in the form of sin, false appetite, disease, lack, limitation, unemployment or whatever it is, let your attitude be: Now I am living a life in which I recognize the non power of whatever it is that heretofore I have feared, whatever it is that I have felt required healing, changing, improving, or reforming. I no longer need a power to change, alter, improve, or heal anything.

Words Or Statements Are Relative I do something about everything and about everybody brought to my consciousness, but not always the same thing. Sometimes it is necessary that I sit for a long time before what I have to do is accomplished. But at other times it may come instantaneously. Once I have realized the consciousness of the Absolute, then the healing takes place, but first I have to come to the point of realization. That can be called treatment, even if no human thought is involved. It is just a waiting until that beautiful sense of release and of peace comes. That is the attainment of the absolute, and it is in that attainment that the miracle takes place. You may ask if I gave a treatment or had a healing meditation. Sitting and waiting for the attainment of that Absolute even if do not have a conscious thought is a treatment. I did something about it. I sat in expectancy, listened for the still, small voice, and waited for a realization of the presence of

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HEALING 24 What have we to do with a sick man? Are we in the business of healing sick people? Are we primarily concerned with whether a person is sick or well? We are not doctors. We have nothing to do with prolonging a person's life. Our work is the realization of God as individual identity. Is God any less this man's identity whether he is to our sense living or dead, sick or well?

Your vision is not the changing of physical conditions: your vision is the vision of eternal infinite Christhood. It is nor a vision of your healing someone of something or making him into something else. Christhood is the established and permanent identity. Jesus revealed It; Mrs. Eddy revealed It; later Unity revealed It; and theca Infinite Way is revealing It.

Illumination Brings Spiritual Discernment Illumination is really the power of the spiritual discernment of an individual, and it is this that brings healing: not a God, not the God, not God. Only the developed or natural spiritual discernment of an individual performs the miracle.

We have no right to believe that we can give good to anyone, even good health, or that we can withhold it from another. We can neither give nor withhold: we can only discern. . . But if we are developing the inner capacity of spiritual discernment, we can discern the nature of the image and likeness of God, and then in proportion o the measure of receptivity, there is healing. It may be an instantaneous healing or it may be long-drawn-out.

Spiritual Power Of Truth A Harmonious Universe

Whether [patients] bring themselves into your physical presence, whether they telephone you or write you or cable you: the very moment your name appears in their consciousness, they are in your consciousness; they have united with you the minute they have thought your name. From that moment, they are in your consciousness. But what consciousness is that? It is capital M: My consciousness. Do you see that? That is why, even though you may not answer the telephone and you may not receive the cable, they will still receive the fruitage—because they did not have to enter human consciousness to get spiritual healing. They entered My consciousness.

It is very much as I described previously, when I said that even on the human plane, you can be assured that within the next twenty-five years, all disease will be wiped off the earth. It will be wiped off by medical discovery. There will always be spiritual healings as long as there is disease left, but there will come a time when we will have no need of spiritual healers, for there will be no physical, mental, moral, or financial diseases to heal.

Spiritual healing can only take place when you have stopped thinking of the person, and the condition, and the disease, and the belief, and the claim, and return to Eden where there is neither good nor evil, where there is only God, Spirit, wholeness and completeness. Nobody can ever be a spiritual healer who works from the standpoint of effect, who prays from the standpoint of trying to correct something in the Adam world.

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HEALING 25 That is why all these young practitioners are not achieving the healings and are wondering why, since they know the same Truth that everybody else does. The reason is, it is not knowing of the Truth that does it. What does it is the attaining of the fourth-dimensional consciousness of Truth. It is only when you have arrived at the place where evil is not real in your consciousness that you can do the great healing works.

Jesus says, "I can of my own self do nothing," and yet He went about healing the sick, raising the dead, feeding the hungry, and forgiving the sinner. Evidently, then, He was fulfilling that which He said, "Thou seest me, thou seest the Father that sent me for I and the Father are One. The Father is greater than I, but I and the Father are One." In other words, I, even as Jesus or even as Joel, am linked up with the invisible Selfhood so that the Selfhood of me is the Allness of me, and it is It which doeth the works. However, it is not an It out there, not an It up there; it is an It that is my very being.

This is difficult because we have a guilt complex about our own lacks or limitations. We have the feeling we should know better and we should be doing better, and therefore we tend to personalize evil in our own experience and think, "I am at fault." Humanly we sometimes seem to be. The only thing that can save us from that, again, is the word I. The moment we realize the meaning of the word I, we will see that it is impossible that I am responsible, and so we can impersonalize evil. We must be watchful that we do not personalize evil in our fellow man. It is in the impersonalizing of evil that healing work is brought about. It is not nearly as fruitful in the impersonalizing of God as in the impersonalizing of evil.

Many times we know things before we see the outward signs. That is another form of faith and is something that takes place in the life of every spiritual practitioner when they are doing healing work. There is no outward sign of any improvement—the pain is the same, the fever is just as high—and yet the practitioner inwardly says, "The healing has taken place." You may even say to the patient, "It's all right; you won't need me any more." There has been no outward demonstration or proof. But there is something which is equal to that. . . It is a knowledge based on, shall we say, Christ, the Spirit of God that tells us the Truth—as It told me, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." I had no evidence or proof; yet as far as I was concerned, that ended the treatment, that ended the case.

So then we come to a place that determines what degree of healing work we are ever going to be able to do. If you think for a moment that you will be happy to see a sick person get well, a bad person become good, you might as well give up your hopes right now of attaining any great degree of progress in a spiritual ministry. A spiritual ministry says, "You are spiritual: that is the actuality of your being. It is neither good nor bad, healthy nor unhealthy. The Truth of your being Is God. God Is the reality of your being." You dare not have any judgment other than that.

HEALING 26 Anytime a practitioner, regardless how little their understanding might be, came to a moment of realization on any point, a healing would take place. Any time a metaphysician sat down and thought through, read through, and

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pondered thoroughly any problem until a moment of realization came, that particular problem would be met. Now, if that happened often enough in their experience, they would have a moment of transition when the whole of the material scene would be wiped out and they would have the realization of God. . . :Then there would be no more need for these realizations with every call for help, just as my friend was able to say, "What does he think I can do about that [headache]?" He was living up there in that state of consciousness where he knew that nothing could be done about nothing.

This is what happens on the spiritual Path. Day by day we break some fetter of human experience and we drop some phase of humanness. We make that transition to where our prayer now is a benediction to the world, to where we are no longer praying that we receive anything but we are praying, "Father, forgive our enemies, they know not what they do. . . In other words, we have made an about-face and we are no longer sitting at the feet of the Master. We now are the Master, and we are healing the multitudes, freeing the multitudes, and feeding and forgiving the multitudes. We are now the Christ Consciousness, and we seek nothing for ourselves, because we know that "all that the Father hath is already mine." Now our whole life is pouring forth God's Grace to this world, but not in the form of throwing our pearls before swine to be trampled on. We do it silently and secretly. Our praying is done in secret!

You see, in this message of The Infinite Way, our entire healing work is done by not taking up the sword. Our entire healing work is done by not using Truth over error, by not trying to have God heal a disease. Our entire healing work is done by a recognition of the Truth, the Truth being: that which is not of God has no law to sustain it; therefore you do not have to fight it—you only have to of any nature is but a universal malpractice, you do not have to fight it anymore. It has no power.

How often it happens that a patient says, "My trouble is sensuality," or the practitioner says, "I've discerned that you're too sensual." Now you see, that just pins it onto the individual and makes healing an impossibility. If you do detect those things, then it's only a sign that this individual is being handled by that subliminal perception, that universal or carnal mind, in that way. Then realize that this is an attribute of nothingness, or the carnal mind. It cannot use the Child of God as an avenue, as a channel, or as an instrument, because it's a nothingness itself—no presence, no power, no law to sustain any such thing.

We do not aim at having instantaneous healings. They're wonderful when they take place, if they fulfill their spiritual mission; but t hat is not our object. Our object is the changing of consciousness—the changing of an individual's consciousness from a material sense of life to the spiritual awareness of life. . . You see, we are the ones, when the right help is given, who should be responding in accordance with God's will. However, we fight this by having in our mind how the demonstration should come out, and when, and to what extent, and so on.

HEALING 27 The Infinite Way in its healing work is directly opposite to all other metaphysical teachings, for the following reason: we do not look within you for the error that is causing your trouble. We do not look to your wrong thinking for the cause. We do not look to the sins for the cause. We do not admit that resentment, jealousy, We start with the Self with a capital S which impersonalizes you and makes God your Selfhood. Therefore Divine qualities are the only qualities of your being. Therefore there is no sin in you, nor is there any effect of sin in you, nor is there any disease in you, nor is there any cause of disease in you. Rather, all evil which seems to be

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manifesting through you is recognized as impersonal—as being no part of you, since God is your being. Even your body is the Temple of God; therefore this evil can not be in you or in your soul or in your mind or in your being or in your body. Where is it then? Where is this evil? It is in an impersonal belief in mortality, in mortal selfhood, in a sense of separateness from God (which you aren't).

The moment we believe that your wrong thinking, or your wrong doing, or your wrong mother or father are responsible for your ills, we have personalized the whole thing—placed it in you and made it virtually impossible to get it out. Whereas if in our healing work we recognize that God constitutes your being and therefore this evil, regardless of its name or nature, is but this impersonal carnal mind, this universal belief in two powers, this universal belief in a selfhood apart from God, then we have impersonalized it. "

The 1954 Infinite Way Letters Attain The Mind What To Understand For Healing

All spiritual healing-work is based on the ability to ignore appearances and "see through" these to "righteous judgment.". . . the ability to attain this consciousness comes only with constant and steadfast practice; the continuous abiding in the knowledge that we must not accept appearances; that we must reject consciously every concept of God, of man, of things; and that we must patiently "be still" until God reveals through our higher consciousness that which is Truth—the Truth about God, man, and the universe. This is the means of developing that spiritual consciousness which alone is the healing power, and also is the gift of spiritual knowing and living.

We do very little in the way of giving testimony, except where the testimony illustrates some principle that was involved in the demonstration. Never do we give a testimony merely for the sake of showing forth a healing.

Spiritual Healing In the matter of healing, which, in the beginning, is one of the most important phases of the mystical life, many cases do not instantly respond. This is not a question of fault on the part of the patient or the practitioner, but it is a question of the practitioner's willingness to stand by until the release comes.

The Art Of Spiritual Healing Spiritual Healing: The Principles The Language Of Spiritual Healing

Complete total spiritual healing is the non-recognition of the reality of the condition; it is a state of your consciousness or mine, or the practitioner’s consciousness, in which God is so real and the works of God– the word of God, the universe of God, and the man of God–are so real that it is fantastic to believe that such a thing as disease of any kind could exist in God’s universe.

HEALING 28 God appearing as individual being–God appearing as you–is a secret of The Infinite Way; it is a secret of spiritual healing, This “you" is not a reflection or a separate idea or something less than God but God Itself made manifest.

Healings take place not through the intervention of some God, but [through the realization of the non-reality of the claim].

[Joel continues in sales for 18 months after healing two others]

[Joel's first experience- late 1928; Joel's first healing: Man is not a healer.]

Realize that in healing you are not dealing with a person or a condition per se: [but] with universal hypnotism.

Spiritual healing. . . only when you know the unreal nature of that which is causing the trouble.

To do spiritual healing it is necessary to be able to look any form of sin or disease in the face with complete confidence, “Neither do I fear thee, nor will I battle thee. Why should I fear what mortal man can do to me? Why

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should I fear what mortal things or persons or conditions can do to me, if God Himself is the only law, presence, power, cause, substance, and reality? I will stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.”

Treatment Is A Realization Of Omnipresence The secret of healing is in. . . immediate reinterpretation.

The Contemplative Life Contemplation Develops The Beholder Living As A Witness To The Activity Of God

When you witness healing works. . . you are not witnessing the power of an individual, for an individual has no such power: you are merely witnessing an individual who is keeping himself free of the appearance-world and maintaining himself in a consciousness of no judgment, so that the grace of God can come through, because the grace of God cannot come through the human mind.

Let Each Meditation Be An Individual Experience As you meditate never have in mind the healing of mind, body, lack, or fear. Never, never, must you have any goal or any object other than the attainment of God-realization and the recognition of the Presence within you.

Across The Desk Grace is never a thing or condition, but may appear to our limited state of receptivity as a specific healing.

Unless you realize and feel God’s presence, or unless you actually feel the nothingness of that which is presenting itself as the appearance, the healing will not take place.



Healing is not difficult when we once know that we e not trying to heal a body or improve man or change him, but that we are trying only to establish in our consciousness the awareness of the peace that is already there, awaiting Our recognition. Then, let us take "peace, be still" for our Word, let us "seek peace" within us; let us realize the presence of peace in our consciousness. In the silence of the night when you are awake, realize peace within you. Peace is a great healer. Do not seek healing, seek peace; the healing is the "added thing."

The secret of secrets is this: never try to heal matter as matter. This is the password to success in practice and demonstration. Never try to remove or reduce a growth, increase or decrease blood pressure, heal a burn, reduce a fever, overcome a cold, etc. We are not physicians and we have nothing to do with healing bodies. We have, by the grace of good, been given the revelation that this is a spiritual universe, that we are entirely spiritual, that we have perfect, spiritual bodies, and that our work is to correct the belief that man, including the universe, is material and mortal. We do not treat a person or a body. Our work is impersonal. It is treating the world belief in any given direction. That is why we cannot look to the body for health, or to see if we are improving.

The consciousness we call Christ "takes no thought." The healing consciousness is a "peace, be still" to error of any name or nature, yet it acts in silence, and is expressed in quietness and confidence and peace. The mind that was in Christ Jesus does not deny or refute error, nor does it enter argument or discussion. It knows that no denial is necessary. It knows that God is not a power which one uses to destroy an evil power or presence, because it knows no evil power or presence exists; and in the presence of that which appears as sin, sickness, or death, it rests

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in the assurance of Christ as the only presence and as infinite perfection. Christ consciousness needs no mental or audible reminders of truth. Its presence is the "peace, be still."

We are so eager for "results," so anxious to bring about healing, that we do not "wait on God." That is, we do not wait for mind to reveal the answer or perfection of being within us. We rush into "statements" and "truths" through the intellect; we affirm, deny and quote—all statements of truth, of course, but still not truth declaring itself; still not mind affirming its own state of harmonious being.

The Foundation of Mysticism Introducing The Healing Principles The Nature Of God

History records hundreds of mystics, men and women who attained their spiritual experience, but only a few received the healing gift. Most of the mystics lived in conscious union with God but lived separate and apart from their human experience so that even when they were in their humanhood, they were not able to bring out the spiritual grace which results in health, harmony, and abundance.

The principle [Mary Baker Eddy] taught was that God was the only cause and the only creator, therefore, there could be no effect from any other cause. So, the basis of her spiritual healing was the absolute allness, the omnipresence, of God.

HEALING 31 The very moment [The Infinite Way] becomes organized—and God forbid it ever does—be assured that you are within twenty years of losing the healing principles. The reason is that in every organization there is an authority, and instead of going into your own consciousness, taking the books and the tapes into your own consciousness for guidance, it becomes so easy to ask someone else, "What about this?" or, "Give me some lessons.“ Then you get an interpretation that does not come from the source within you. That has happened before and it can happen again.

Know The Truth Actually, at this stage in my work, I don't go that far because it's no longer necessary. I have been doing this for thirty years so that now when I behold an appearance of error, to me it is just evidence of malpractice. That's all it is. It's just a mental imposition touching my thought, I don't accept it, and that's the end of it in ordinary cases. But if there is no response–I'm speaking now of those who appeal to me for help–if that does not result in healing and they come back again for help, then I may have to sit down, remind myself of this, get quiet and wait for that "click,“ the inner assurance that God is on the field.

Every time you undertake healing for someone, what you really undertake is to lift them above the physical plane of consciousness to where the laws of physicality do not operate. Then spiritual harmony unfolds in them. As a spiritual healer you are not healing their bodies, You are not doing anything to the organs or functions of their bodies. All you are doing is lifting them in consciousness above the physical and mental planes to where they are in the grace of God. And the grace of God wipes out the physical and mental laws that have been binding them. That is how spiritual healing is accomplished.

In every message that embraces either mental or spiritual healing, we address the individual, and in doing this we personalize error. You either call the patients by their name, or you address them as "you," and you seek to uncover the error in their thought, or you point out to them what they lack in spiritual qualities: "You should be more loving or more grateful or more forgiving." Always, "You." Even in silent and absent treatments, the patients are the ones who are being treated. This is practiced in every teaching except

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the Infinite Way.

Many times I have witnessed those who have passed from sight, and in every case an identical experience took place: the individual, for a short while, was suspended above his or her body. The body remained where it was, but they were suspended above it. This, too, I know through experience, that the individual has a choice of going on or returning. And when the occasion requires it, such as II mother with a family that she cannot feel right about leaving, she will return; and sometimes that's called a miraculous healing. She chose to return.

Never, under any circumstance, do we give a treatment to anyone, even if they should ask for it. Why? That is not the procedure of the Infinite Way healing principles. The message of the Infinite Way teaches this: If I am a practitioner, I must know the truth. If I do not know the truth, I have no right to be a practitioner. Now, if I know the truth, it makes no difference where I am or what the circumstances are. The moment I witness a lie, I correct it within myself. If I see a person who is ill, I don't give him a treatment, not even if he is my patient. I don't give treatments. When my attention is called to an illness, I turn within myself for realization of the truth. And what is the truth? God constitutes individual being. God is your Being. Your soul, your mind, and even your body is the temple of God. I'm not saying this to you; I'm not giving you a treatment; I'm repeating this to myself.

HEALING 32 Our only disturbance is caused by whatever it is that has convinced us there are two powers. And when we begin to understand the fleshly mind, or the arm of flesh, as nothingness, that's when we dissolve the pictures of sense. . . You might as well get used to the idea: All the evils of this world are nothing but pictures in the mind. When you know this, they begin to dissolve. They begin to dissolve the very minute you know the nature of error. All evil functions in this universal mesmeric mind are not law and have no law to sustain them. They are not a presence. Since God didn't ordain evil and since God doesn't maintain or sustain evil, don't fear it, don't fight it. "Resist not evil. . . Put up thy sword." Be at peace. God is. And then you'll find how this spiritual healing work is really accomplished.

The basis of our healing work is accomplished not by praying to God for help, for employment, or supply, or activity, or for a profession, an art, or a gift, but by realizing that the mind of God is actually our very mind. The fullness of that God-mind is our capacity, our art, our good. We realize that the picture that confronts us is this mesmeric picture that is forever without law. Then watch it begin to recede. Watch the healings that take place, and not because God has done you a favor or because you have found some person who is closer to God than you are. That is all nonsense. There isn't anybody closer to God than you are. There are only those who have learned about the origin of sin and disease, and thereby know how to nullify it.

The entire basis of our healing work–and please remember that disease of every name and nature is handled in this way, and so is every form of sin or false appetite, unemployment, marital relations, employer and employee relations, capital and labor relations–is to hold no one in judgment. If you cannot do that, you cannot bring about spiritual peace.

The metaphysics of this message is what makes it possible to do the healing works. The mysticism of this message enables you to live in God, live in spiritual consciousness, live and move and have your being in the fourth dimension of life. Then your experiences in the outer plane become sort of a "suffer it to be so for now," and yet it's very enjoyable, especially when you meet people seriously trying to live a spiritual life.

This is a mistake too many students make: stating these absolute truths as if they were already an accomplished fact. They aren't; they aren't. Why do you think Jesus said that he came to earth to heal the sick, open the eyes of the blind, open the ears of the deaf, forgive sinners? Did he at any time say, "Oh, you are already spiritual; you are already perfect?" Did he at any time say, "You don't need healing, you are already in the kingdom of God?" Oh, no, he didn't.

When my first religious experience took place [1928], it brought with it the healing gift, and healings began

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immediately. . . Time passed, then in 1940 an inner revelation told me that I must learn about the impersonal Christ and about impersonal healing. In 1941 I began an automobile trip around the United States, going as far north as Banff and Lake Louise, then south to New Orleans and Florida, from the East Coast to the West Coast, traveling nineteen thousand miles. The most important revelation came in the early part of the trip when it was revealed to me that all forms of metaphysics which teach that error in individual thought is responsible for illness and erroneous.

The Infinite Way Letters 1955 Christmas, 1955 Christmas 1955

I turn to this healing consciousness is order to let It be released into the world [to reach that deaf and dumb child]


The people involved [in a failed healing]. . . are not yet ready to live by this principle [of Grace].

The secret of all healing is an understanding of the nature of error. Error is never a person. . . a thing. . . a condition.

Gratitude Spiritual healing can only. . . take place when an individual has so dedicated himself to spiritual living that he becomes a transparency through which God can act.

Bear Witness In The Infinite Way, we do not use God. Instead we sit in quietness and stillness, watching God do the work. Then we can say, “I witnessed a healing.”

The Infinite Way Letters 1958 April: The Message Of Easter: I Have Overcome The World Easter

Our first lesson is spiritual healing– the activity of the functions and organs of the human body are dependent upon our consciousness of spiritual truth.

Across The Desk Spiritual healing results not so much because of what you know as because of what you feel. It is the letting go of mental striving and struggling and letting God’s grace reveal itself.

The healing work is only accomplished in that split second when the Christ is made evident, when that feeling of awareness or release takes place within us.

The Infinite Way form of healing. . . accepts [the patient] as he is and permits this Christ to enter his consciousness and do the transforming rather than making the healing contingent on the patient’s efforts to be a better human being.

Understand The Nature Of Specific Work The Master Speaks: Reality of Spirit, A High Form of Treatment, Healing and Silence

There are some who have not a sufficient degree of receptivity to respond to spiritual healing.

Wait for that one second of deep breath or inner peace. That should bring the healing.

The Infinite Way Letters 1959 August: Conscious Dominion The World's Response To Us Is The Result Of Our

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Reaction To It There would be no healing at all until I could rise above any reaction to the problem.

You cannot talk about the allness of God and the allness of God’s power, and then ask, I wonder why I do not get this healing; I wonder what power is operating in this situation besides God.

The Demonstration Of Christhood Every time we are responsible for the healing of a cold, a headache, indigestion, cancer, or tuberculosis. . . we have demonstrated Christhood as the identity of our patient or student.

HEALING 35 Across The Desk

To what extent have our many healings inspired us with either a deep love of God or a craving to know God aright?

Across The Desk The March and October 1958 Letters and the chapter “Love Thy Neighbor” epitomize the essential principles of Infinite Way spiritual healing.

Across The Desk [For treatment and healing Joel recommends related chapters in Letters ‘54-’58]

That second half of the treatment, which is the most important part as far as healing is concerned, will not be effective if the first half of the treatment has not been thorough and complete.

Specific Truth For Treatment The healing would be accomplished because. . . [of] the conviction that I am, and if I am, you are, and all that I am, you are–but I know that.

The less experience you have had with healing work, the more you should know about the claim, because until a healing consciousness has been established, the more specific you would have to be in your treatment.

God-realization Dissolves Material Sense Something deeper and greater than yourself will flow out into visible expression. It, then will do what we interpret as healing work, although actually what appears as healing work will be the dissolution of material sense.

The Fruitage Of An Attained State Of God- Consciousness Do not separate yourself from the Father by saying, “I had nothing to do with the healing.” Of course you did.

When you are the instrument for a healing, for you to try to separate that healing from the activity of your consciousness is to set up a God separate and apart from you.

Freeing Ourselves From Universal Claims In spiritual healing, there is always the temptation to try to improve the human scene.

Across The Desk The year’s work will culminate in November with. . . the introduction of The Art Of Spiritual Healing. . . Metaphysical Notes [formerly] Conscious Union With God.

The Journey Back To The Father’s House Special Lesson On Healing Work Healing And A Transformation Of Consciousness

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HEALING 36 If we can realize the truth of anything in a moment, that is all we need. If some particular problem is obstinate and we have to continue with it for hours or days, that is what must be done. There are cases that we work with for months. I have worked on some for years before a healing has been brought about.

If we really want to do healing work, let us not think of the man, woman, or child who is involved, how long he has been ill, or the nature of the illness. All of that just perpetuates it. Turn from the appearance and realize the nature: of I. And what is this appearance? The "arm of flesh," really a hypnotic belief in twoness, a mesmeric suggestion of a selfhood apart from God.

Let us not be tempted to take a patient up to God; that is duality. Instead, we hold to the truth that since I is infinite, incorporeal, spiritual being, this that is appearing to us is just a state of universal malpractice, a universal hypnotism, a nothingness. . . The I of my being and the I of your being, this is God, and God is incorporeal, God is spiritual, God is immortal, and God is eternal. A treatment will not make God that way. Neither will a treatment make us that way, for "I and my Father are one," not two. The minute we have God, and, we are out of a spiritual healing treatment. We have to have God as individual you and me, and ask, "What about this appearance? What about this sin? What about this disease? What about this unemployment? What about this lack? What about this unhappiness?" Then we receive the answer, "It is a state of hypnotism, mesmeric belief in two powers, the belief of a selfhood apart from God."

Spiritual Maturity I was thrust into the healing ministry within two years after my first experience, but I was not given the teaching ministry for sixteen more years. It is very slow in developing, very slow maturing. The reason is found in the understanding of the word maturity. . . Maturity has to do only with the ability to think objectively, to see understandingly, to throw off the conditioning that has come about through birth, race, or education

There may be quite a few periods of illness or lack until you, yourself, are deeply rooted in the Christ and this Christ completely takes over your experience. Then, of course, there will be the experience of others who come to you for healing and then for teaching. and vicariously you will experience the suffering in their lives and their problems, and it will be just as hard for you as if you, yourself, were undergoing the problem, and sometimes worse. Many a time you will have the feeling that you would rather take this problem over and suffer for a person than see the person suffering, but you will not be able to do this because life is an individual experience.

A Desire To Know God Makes For A Receptivity To Spiritual Healing To be receptive to spiritual healing means that there must be an innate desire for God, not just a great desire to be healed.

HEALING 37 We must give up this belief that God planted the Christ in us just for our special benefit. The function of the Christ in man is to bless mankind, to raise up those who are still in sin, those who are still in disease, those who are still in death, those who are still in lack. This is the function of the Christ in us and in every person who is awakened to

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Its presence. . . As we contemplate the Christ in us, let us remember that the Christ that lives our life has not been given to us for our picayune little satisfaction, health, or life. The Christ has been given to us that we may be transparencies for God, that we may show forth God's glory on earth. That is why the Christ is in us: to show forth God's glory in healing, in forgiving, in redeeming, in supplying. We open ourselves to the Christ-activity by inviting the world, not outwardly through advertising, but spiritually within, inviting the world to our spiritual household, inviting this world to come and eat and drink, letting this world come and be healed through the inner realization: Thank You, Father, I know why the Christ is here in. me. I am willing for It to function. I am willing to be the instrument to heal, to feed, to forgive, and to redeem all whom Thou sendest me.

The Nature Of The Transcendental Consciousness The person who would be a spiritual healer must first have prayed, read, studied, and meditated until some measure of that transcendental consciousness has come upon him so that he can sit and look at evil in any form—sin, disease, death, lack, limitation, war—without a trace of fear, and be able to say, "No, thou couldest have no power over me at all, because only Godpower can operate in my experience. This is not a reality; this is not a person; this is not a condition. This is an illusory, substanceless, lawless appearance." As the practitioner sits in that perfect calm, healing must follow, more especially to the patient who is not looking to God to do something to a disease, but who is really beginning to understand that we look to God only for the presence and realization of God.

The Unconditioned Mind Abides In The Consciousness Of The Presence In this unconditioned mind, there is no movement toward attaining, achieving, or demonstrating anything. There is no movement of the mind outside of itself. . . Living and moving in Him, there is no outside world, and yet just as Jesus was abiding in this very consciousness of the Father, everyone who touched the hem of his robe was blessed. He was not thinking of blessing them, he had overcome this world. He was not thinking of feeding, housing, or healing them: he was abiding in his consciousness of God's presence, and then everyone who touched him, everyone who entered the realm of his atmosphere or aura physically or mentally, was blessed, not by a conscious direction of his mind, because that would have been trying to use God and send it over to some person. No, he was living in the contemplation of divine grace, and then let anybody, saint or sinner, touch him, and instantly be purified.


Silence–the healing consciousness

Ye Are The Light So it is that every spiritual healing is the result of one individual sitting in the Silence, quietly, peacefully waiting, and then the Spirit comes through the consciousness of that one—the voice thunders in the Silence, and the earth melts. We become that one in proportion as we learn to be nothing, to be still, and to let that Light act in us and as

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The word of God received in our consciousness is the healing agency—quick and sharp and powerful. But the word of God must be received; it must not be a mere repetition of words because it is not our rehearsal of these truths that reveals God's presence and power, even though these truths do form the foundation on which we rest until the word of God bursts into our consciousness with some message such as, "Thou art free," or "Son. . . all that I have is thine," or "Thou art my beloved." Sometimes It says nothing at all but we feel the inflow of peace and warmth throughout our whole system, or a smile coming to our face as much as to say, "How could I ever have believed that there is reality to this trouble?" When that inflow comes, which is really an inflow coming to our outer senses from the Father within, harmony is established, and healing takes place, whether for ourselves or for others.

Henceforth Know We No Man After The Flesh . . . a spiritual “peace be still” [from which] emanates the healing Grace which envelops one or one's patient.

Ever since that illusory experience known as the Fall of man, the mind has been used as a creative faculty, and that is what is at the root of our troubles and problems today. Therefore, when called upon to help our family, friends, or others, or even when in need of help ourselves, instead of trying to change the person or condition or instead of condemning ourselves or others, we should realize that this is just another form of mind presenting itself to us. The healing agency lies in our realization that mind is not a power: Mind is an avenue of awareness.

Mind, unconditioned and having no qualities of good or evil, is the substance of all that is visible; and all that is, is as unconditioned as the mind which is its basis. If this were not true, it would be impossible for our state of consciousness to produce changes in what is called the material universe. . . We would know that our consciousness of one power, which really is a consciousness of no-power, had produced the healing and was a law of harmony. We would observe that our mind functioning as an instrument of God had produced an effect on what we call body or matter and we would know then that the substance of mind and the substance of matter are one and the same. That is why mind can affect matter and, moreover, that is why truth in consciousness can affect matter.

This is the secret of The Infinite Way, and it is the secret of healing: "Henceforth know we no man after the flesh" — not even after healthy flesh. Henceforth know we no man after his wealth—large amounts or small: We know only God as Father, and God as Son, the Christ, the spiritual image and likeness of God. Henceforth know we only God as constituting man; henceforth know we only God as the substance of man. Henceforth know we only God as the life of man, the Soul of man, the health of man, the wealth of man, the dwelling place of man. Henceforth know we only God, and not man.

HEALING 40 Throughout my years of healing work, I have learned that if I can be made to accept the condition or the person that is brought to me as either good or evil, just in that proportion I will fail to bring forth a healing. Healing comes with the realization, "This is not evil and this is not good; there is neither good nor evil here because God is

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here, and where God is, 'where the Spirit of the lord is, there is liberty.'"


Letting God Reveal Itself No Separation From God

Source: 1955 Capetown Series Tape: 706 1:2

Infinite Way writings may use such terminology as "You must contact God," or "You must make a contact with

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God," or "You must seek God," or "You must search for God." That is the language used for beginners, so that they may be led to the realization of the need for God in their immediate experience. As students advance in understanding, however, they must eventually come to a place where they know that God already is "closer. . . than breathing and nearer than hands and feet, " so they do not have to go after God, or search for God. You who are students must know sometimes that "the place whereon thou standest is holy ground," not tomorrow, not after you have read some books, not after you are given treatments, not after you go through classes. No, the purpose of class is to reveal to you that God is closer than breathing this minute, that "the place whereon thou standest" is already holy ground because God is already there, that God is already the life of your being, the soul of your being, the substance of your being.

The Only Freedom

HOLY GROUND No one is ever going to be attracted to a spiritual message by hearing someone preach it, because preaching reaches only the human mind. Living it reaches the Soul, and that is why all the preaching there has been for six thousand years has not changed men.

Let us never forget that when we open our ears and minds in receptivity, we are not going to God for material supply–for money, automobiles, houses, or clothing: we are realizing that God grace is “closer...than breathing, and nearer than hands and feet.” The ears are open to hear; the mind is open to receive; and what we receive is the Spirit of God, the awareness and the feeling of the Presence. This is

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God’s supply. When we receive This, It, in a way unknown to us, is translated in our human picture as food, clothing, housing, money, or whatever form it is that the supply must take.

You know better than to try to change your relatives or to tell them what to do. That is not the way. The way is prayer; the way is to realize the activity of the Christ in human consciousness, to realize the nonpower of the carnal mind, and to realize that the carnal mind has no law to support it.

Our prayer is not for an end to interracial strife or that the world be humanly better. It is given to us to pray that God’s kingdom be realized on earth, that the activity of the Christ be made manifest in human consciousness, and that the carnal mind be recognized for the nonpower it is in the presence of the Christ.

When I engage in spiritual work, it is not for the purpose of changing any set of human circumstances. My only interest is the realization that the activity of the Christ dissolving mortal sense. Remember, there is only one claim, the claim that the carnal mind has power and that it not only can have evil power, but sometimes it can even have good power.

If you leave the world alone, it will awaken to what you have and want it; but if you try to force truth on the world, you may prevent the world from ever being receptive to it. Such is the nature of the human mind. It rejects that which it does not seek...I was in the same boat. I was invited to the “feast” a long, long time before I came.

Man is a prisoner of mind-created laws which sooner or later will be revealed as not being law at all...”I and my Father are one.” What can touch that oneness? Is there a law of matter or of mind that can touch God? If I and the Father are one, then I am that One, and that is the One who is not man, not a human being, but spiritual being.

Human thinking a product of a mind unaware of being instrument of God

Even though the human mind, the reasoning, thinking mind is not consciousness, it is not to be put off or destroyed...It is the thinking mind that is used in carrying out the orders or the guidance received [from Consciousness.]

The human mind does not see me as I am, but I am He. If I look in the mirror and try to find Him, I shall not be able to see Him because again I shall be trying to localize Him. I shall again be looking at a concept and trying to find Him, who is right here as the presence of my own being. How could I be any other than I am?.

This body is not a power over me. I am the life and the mind, the intelligence and the directing power of this body. Not I, a human being, but I, the divine consciousness of Being, govern this body, this business, this home, this teaching, and this anything that comes within range of my consciousness.

The human mind does not wish to be disciplined; it does not wish to labor or to hold itself to principles: it prefers rather to follow a policy of drift.

HUMAN MIND We take the body right out of the human mind with its belief in good and evil, and we place it where it belongs, in the Consciousness that formed its native element.

The human mind is a state of hypnotism. In explaining that the Mind of God is your mind, they are risking the displeasure of the entire human world.

That body which is observed by the human senses is not body, but a universal concept of body. It has

no existence except in the mind. You automatically turn away from [the news] in the recognition that this which you are hearing or reading, can exist only as a picture in the human mind and not as any part of God’s kingdom.

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No one can free himself from the belief in two powers and make the return to Eden until he is willing to relinquish his human judgments and look out upon the world with an unconditioned mind. The practice of seeing neither good nor evil can begin at this very moment with any object which comes within range of your vision or with any person with whom you may be confronted. In most cases, however, it

is easier to begin the practice with some object or person with whom you are not emotionally involved. Human

appearances are formations of a finite sense of mind. Nothing that the human mind can know is perfect, thus

spiritual healing not a mental process. Die the to belief of the human mind by listening to the still small voice. The

activity of the human mind is the substance and the activity of hypnotism. The mind of Christ Jesus doesn't reason

or think; instead of criticizing human fault, see God there. The human mind contains all the fears and failures of

the human race. Organs are human symbols which counterfeit the activities of Mind We must become still and let

the human mind become the instrument through which God Mind expresses itself. The Spirit flows, but the human

mind brings it down into practical and workable experience. Behind every externalized form there is always more

than the human mind or eye can comprehend. When you attain [complete immunity] from the claims of the

world, you can no longer mingle with others; and life becomes too burdensome living with the human mind. A

universal mesmerism–a material sense of life–grips the human mind causing it to behold and accept conditions of

good and evil. A human being is only a human being because the carnal mind is accepted as a power. Conscious

knowing of the truth spells the death of humanhood because the carnal mind is not whispering suggestions into

our deadened mind and making us respond to them. When you make the transition from living through the mind

to living through the Soul...then you are no longer a human being: You are the Christ of God.

HUMAN MIND Inertia is really in control of the human mind, and before we can gain the desired dominion, we must overcome that inertia and really work for that dominion.

On the mystical path...the goal is releasing the Soul from the tomb of human existence, more especially the tomb of the human mind.

I am asking you to come into a higher consciousness of the presence of God, a consciousness higher than that which you can attain through the action of the human mind.

“Wait a minute! What kind of a suggestion is this that is coming to me of a selfhood apart from God, of a human being in pain, in sin, or in disease? I cannot accept that. I will not allow the imposition of such a belief on my consciousness. I will not allow my mind to be handled by such a belief. I know the truth that God is the reality, the substance, and the law of all being.”

How can we say that God is revealing Itself as our life, our mind, and our body, and yet have the audacity to use that infinite Power, that infinite Presence, only to patch up our own little human affairs?

We cannot reform, heal, or change whatever the human mind thinks of itself. Do not attempt to improve the old concept of self.

It becomes necessary to gain the conscious awareness of the presence and power of God, acting and appearing as our individual consciousness, and to know that this consciousness is the law, substance, and reality of our universe, whether appearing as our body, our business, or our home. Where we have failed is in our lack of recognition of this truth, and our lack or recognition is because the human mind rebels at this truth which

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annihilates the supposititious power which the mind has assumed.

Disease is never contracted through or by the body. The body has no intelligence: It cannot move itself; it is inert; and, like a shadow, it reflects our own state of consciousness. Any disease, therefore, appearing to be of the body is contracted through the activity of the human mind because of its acceptance of universal beliefs.

Our life is determined by our own consciousness, by our own conscious awareness of the truth of being, and by our willingness to reject, as fast as they come to us, these suggestions from this mental miasma which we call the human or fleshly mind, the universal human mind.

When [carnal mind] is imbued with spiritual wisdom, when it begins to draw on infinity, [it] is no longer the human fleshly mind. It is still expressing as individual mind, but it is no longer a planning, plotting, reasoning, scheming, thinking mind. It is a state of receptivity, an instrument of divine Intelligence, always guided along the right way and in the right path.

We do not try to destroy of even to still the human mind. Our effort is in the direction of becoming aware of spiritual truth; we try to gain the consciousness of peace, and then the human mind becomes that which it was originally intended to be–a vehicle for our wisdom and knowledge.

[Attaining spiritual consciousness] is not done merely by affirming and denying until some truth has been memorized and rooted in the human mind. It is done by pondering softly and gently and peacefully these spiritual truths, until they really are absorbed so that they actually become a part of our consciousness. Consciousness is not your “thinking” mind; consciousness has nothing to do with the thoughts you think; consciousness has nothing to do with your individual mental or physical effort...[it] is really the substance or reality of the human mind.

HUMAN MIND The day must come when the student realizes that all his questions, together with their answers, are absolutely worthless so far as his spiritual development is concerned...It is not a matter of knowing or not knowing the answers to questions posed by the human mind: it is a matter of attaining spiritual consciousness.

If we could look through the appearance to the Christ of God, the Christ ever-present, although not apparent to our human eyesight, we would be able to break the mesmerism that looks at the body with the mind and believes the evidence of what it sees.

The moment we realize that from a human standpoint we are antennas for the universal human mind and then assume dominion by understanding that all these so-called laws that operate as law are not law, we begin to nullify them in our experience. Much healing work is accomplished just by nullifying the action of the carnal mind, by knowing its nothingness, not fighting it.

If you really want to be a blessing to this world, to your family, to your neighbors, or to your students, do not allow human thinking to enter your mind, because that is the thinking of the little "I," and sometimes even with the best intentions it could be wrong. Be still and know that I in the midst of you am God, and let that I in the midst of you am God, and let that I do the work.

Through the limitations of the human mind, there is no way to understand how all of God-consciousness can be mine and still all of God-consciousness can be yours. This can be understood only when God can be realized as Spirit. With God as Spirit, we can understand that God cannot be divided, separated, or cut up into pieces, but that God is always One, infinite, and God is the mind of you and of me.

As our spiritual vision increases and our spiritual consciousness unfolds, we, too, will have the gift of discernment in some degree and be able to see some of the experiences of the past, the present, and the future. At first we will probably wonder what is happening to us, but all that is happening is that we are now manifesting some measure of the fourth-dimensional Consciousness which enables us to see into the

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human mind.

The human mind, this reasoning, thinking mind, is not to be put off or destroyed. It has its place. It is not consciousness, but it is a facet of consciousness, an avenue of awareness through which we receive knowledge and wisdom from consciousness.

In conscious union with God, the mind rests. The human mind is no longer concerned with the problems of today or tomorrow, because the Soul’s union with God–the conscious realization of God– reveals God as the fulfillment of every need even before the need is apparent...In conscious union with God, the mind of God functions as our mind, as our experience, and as our life. Then the human mind rests and performs its proper function as an avenue of awareness.

Everyone has the full capacity of the Godhead, and in proportion to the stillness and quietness of the thinking, reasoning mind does infinity flow through into expression. Both mind and body are instruments of God. Just as we use the arm and hand for writing, so does God use our minds and bodies for making Itself visible and tangible in human experience.

The whole of human experience is an imaginary experience, a dream-experience, taking place in the universal mind which does not have its seat in God. The proof of that is that in the moment that you can still that mind and open the door for the Spirit of God to come in, that man is not there any more...We say that the “old man” has “died” and the “new man” has been ‘reborn,” but where did the “old man” go? He did no go any place: he was not there to begin with!

HUMAN MIND The real preparation will come forth from the degree of silence and secrecy in which you maintain yourself, because then you will not be wasting your substance on the air, or wasting it by letting it hit up against the human mind that would like to dispute it, argue with your, and discuss it.

If we were to pray to remove the sins of our friends, relatives, or community, and if we succeeded, what would be attained? The human mind is still there and is always fertile ground to take on more sins, and so tomorrow we would have to pray to remove those sins. That is why the Master taught that if one error is removed, we may be making room for seven more to enter. So...we are praying that the activity of the Christ take over his consciousness. When it does, there is no sin left in it because there is no room for sin in the Christ-mind.

When we talk about the nonpower of the carnal mind, let us also be sure that we mean good humanhood as well as bad humanhood because both are the carnal mind in operation.

The minute you can go into meditation realizing that you are not going there to get anything, not to get any power, that there is nothing you need, for whatever is in the Invisible already is, instantly you are free from human thought, and you can settle down into a tabernacling and an inner communion. Watch and see if it is not true that the only thing that interfered with your attainment of meditation is that either good or evil will come into your mind, either the desire to get rid of evil or to get good, and that can only be overcome through the realization of this Invisible.

When you witness healing are not witnessing the power of an individual, for an individual has no such power: you are merely witnessing an individual who is keeping himself free of the appearance-world and maintaining himself in a consciousness of no judgment, so that the grace of God can come through, because the grace of God cannot come through the human mind.

In the awareness of that I, we become beholders of the Christ in action, and as beholders of the Christ in action, we are able to pierce the veil of illusion, and then instead of seeing the ugly picture that the human mind draws, we begin to see reality.

Do not forget that spiritual truth should not be placed before the human mind. Keep it secret, keep it sacred, and voice it only when you are with someone whom you know will receive it in the same secretness and

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In our world work we are not asking for peace. What good would peace be as long as consciousness remains at the human level?..World prayer should be the realization of the non-power of carnal mind and the nature of God as individual consciousness.

From the message of every mystic it is very clear that the object of the spiritual path is that we may die to the human experience and be born of the spirit...The goal is releasing the Soul from the tomb of the human mind.

As far as most humans are concerned, anything that is not in the mind or body does not exist, and this extends to the greater realms of the educated. In fact, very often the greater the education, the greater the imprisonment.

Remember that the I you are talking about is your own Soul. It is the storehouse out of which is unfolding, day by day, everything and everyone necessary to your experience–but you must be a beholder, as if you were watching God appear. And never use your mind to manipulate the human scene. Be a beholder.

HUMAN MIND There is a transcendental state of consciousness which is beyond the human, but which takes possession of you at a certain moment. Knowing the truth intellectually ceases at some particular moment, and the transcendental state of consciousness becomes the the individual consciousness and its function is a continuous state of impartation...Transcendental your mind when it goes beyond itself, when something takes over.

As the student studies and practices truth, and he does so more or less with the human mind, it filters back through the mind into his consciousness and eventually he does not have to speak it or think it, he just has to be it.

There is not enough money in all the world to overcome the poverty of the world, because the entire human mind is a state of barrenness. Benevolence and charity, loving your neighbor as yourself, is not done for your neighbor. It is done as fulfillment of your nature. I cannot withhold. I must forever pour itself out, not for the sake of anyone, but for the sake of its fulfillment.

We do not change from seeing a lot of evil to seeing everything good. No, we stop declaring either good or evil and allow the judgment to be rendered within us. Then it will be neither good nor evil, but spiritual. The one world is the world of human judgment based on appearances and the conditioned mind, and the other world is the world that is revealed to us when we no longer form any judgments.

When a thought comes into your mind, train yourself to weigh it in light of the two worlds: “Is that a material thought? Am I placing power in something or someone external to the I that I am?..If I am imputing power externally, I am living in the world of material sense, material values.” But when such thoughts come to you and you reinterpret them: “No! I do not live by bread or by property, but by the will of God. I do not die by the power of accidents or germs or heredity; I die in proportion as I withdraw power from that external realm. I die to my humanness, But I am in that degree reborn into my spiritual Sonship.” As soon as you can draw back the power into the I that I am, fear of this outer world disappears.

Many have thought that God, spirit, was the actual substance of the tree, of your body or of the flowers, of that which you could handle, of any animal or physical body. But God is not the substance of that. God is the underlying substance and reality of that, but what you see, taste, touch or smell, is the product of mortal, material, finite sense–or the human mind. is based.

I use the word power, I mean it in its absolute, true sense, and the human mind is not a power in that

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sense. It will not enable one person to injure another person mentally.

But, thoughts are things! It is only when you get away from thought that you get away from things and come into the realm of idea, and idea is not a thing. Idea is an activity and a quality of mind, but of the divine mind and not of the human mind.

We have one of the greatest quotations in all the world on that subject [of healing]: "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit.” There is no better way to heal than that, a way that will leave your patient freer to function as the normal presentation of God, without undue influence of humans. "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit." By my spirit, the spirit of God, that mind which was also in Christ-the mind of you and the mind of me.

The minute you begin to know that the mind that was in Christ Jesus is your mind, from that moment on it is doing something to your body, your business, your income, your human relationships and family relationships.

HUMAN MIND Remember that we started with the declaration that there is no change in the outer scene until there has been a change in consciousness. Well, what change can there be unless something higher than the consciousness we have been holding enters to change us? And where does it enter from? Our thinking mind? No! We had that all the time. Your humanhood will not improve your humanhood. You have got to go higher. Therefore, it is only a spiritual sense, or the Christ, by which a person can be improved… The introduction of the Christ into individual consciousness will destroy jealousy, hate, enmity, injustice, dishonesty, immorality, sensuality; they can all be overcome by the introduction of the Christ.

This is not a teaching to make your mind get things or do things for you. It is not a teaching to give you some power called "God" to bring you human things or human betterment. This is a teaching that is to make you be in the world but not of it. This is a teaching to bring the realization that, from the beginning of time, since before Abraham was, I am, and that I will be right here until the end of the world.

You come to realize that you are not a human being–that God is the life of you, and the mind of you is eternal. All that appears as sin and disease is just this vast universal belief keeps hammering against your thought and which you first accept in and then try to get rid of.

Nothing that your human mind will ever know will be perfect–not even humanly perfect. It is only when the human mind isn't working, when in the very stillness of your innermost being, when your soul senses are aroused–when your spiritual awareness is aroused–that you can behold the perfect man.

We must make love the dominating influence in our experience. We must make all of the divine qualities of the Christ active in us. We must give up all personal desires, hate, envy, criticism, condemnation; we can't indulge those human qualities. We must not fear, for then we are just missing the opportunity to bring forth the divine qualities of Christ. Why go around indulging these human things at the expense of cheating ourselves from having the mind that was in Christ Jesus?

These human appearances when seen as the activity of mesmerism must now be traced back to the one mind and understood as the finite sense of mind–life and mind's formation. This reversal of the picture and reinterpretation completes the treatment and reveals divine harmony where seemed to be.

This path isn't for him whose heart and soul and mind isn't in God. If there is an idea in your mind at all that this is something which can be used, that it is something for personal gain, for personal happiness or personal wealth, don't try it, because it won't get you anywhere at all… This can bring only immortality and eternality and all the good that God knows. But it is on an entirely different level than human good, just as spiritual freedom has nothing to do with human freedom.

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Should a practitioner by divine grace be able to rise above all the problems of family life, he may then begin to take on the problems of patients and students, and many a headache will come to him from his spiritual ministry. If he feels that he is being crucified, it will be because of his activity in the spiritual field. Nothing arouses the antagonism of the human mind as much as the things of the Spirit. The moment spiritual sense rises up, the whole world, or so it seems, tries to pull it down. Sad to say, this comes often through one's own students, not that it is always intentional, but even if it is not intentional, results are the same.

HUMAN MIND When someone asks me for help, the first thing I do is stop the Presence and Power of God through. The moment I try to think a thought, even of Truth or of The Infinite Way, I am trying to make thought n power, I am trying to make a statement of Truth a power. No statement or thought of Truth is God-power. Only God is God-power. So if you want God, be still and let God function. Otherwise, you are letting your ego in. What is worse, you are making graven images… Any thought of God that is in your mind is a thought you created, and it is a graven image. Any word of God that is in your mind is a word you created. It is therefore a graven image. You must be absent from thought. Then whatever God is, and however It functions takes place out there, and it is a miracle to human sense. But it as, not a

These laws of matter are not power in the presence of spiritual understanding. They are theories and beliefs, but there is a Grace which sets them aside. That does not mean that on the human level there is not a law of matter; it does not mean that there is not a law of mind: It merely means that there is a state of Grace that sets aside both the laws of matter and the laws of mind.

Few people recognize that because [the mind] is an instrument of God, it should be perfectly harmonious. There is no reason why the body should deteriorate or lose its faculties, and it appears so only because man has not yet learned how to prevent such changes and maintain the body so that it is a proper and effective instrument for daily use. This can be done by realizing that the mind also is an instrument and, too, has its rightful place in our human experience...The mind is an instrument for something higher than itself, and that something is the one Self. When we come to the point where the mind is governed by the Self, we will be embraced in a peace that passes understanding. Then we do not control the body or the mind, but the activity of Truth in our consciousness, of which we become

The creations of God are incorporeal, spiritual, and infinite, not physical, material, or finite. God is Spirit, and therefore the universe of God and the body of God are spiritual. However, as the creations of God present themselves to our human sense, they appear to be physical, material, and limited. The reason for this anomaly is that our mind in its unillumined state is interpreting to us only what we can become aware of through our senses. We do not behold what is: We behold the interpretation of our mind.

In the human scene, the mind is creative. It can create good and it can create evil—and does. In the spiritual scene however, the mind is not a creative faculty, but an avenue of awareness...The whole secret lies in making the transition from a thinking, plotting, planning, scheming, mind to a mind at rest in a state of awareness, through which divine ideas can flow.

Mind forms its own conditions of matter, body, and form. Mind does not create; mind forms. Creation is already complete—spiritual, eternal, and perfect—but our mind, depending on its conditioning, forms and interprets our human experience on this plane. If our mind is completely free of judgment of good and evil, then Spirit forms its own image and likeness through the mind as happy, harmonius, successful living. If mind is conditioned by judgments of good and evil, mind is not a clear transparency, and in proportion to its conditioning will experiences of good and evil take in our lives.

Mind, itself, is unconditioned, but the human race has accepted the belief of both good and evil, and has produced

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a good effect by taking good into its mind and an evil effect by taking evil into its mind...That which we behold as an erroneous condition or circumstance is not of mind or its formations, but is the universal belief in good and evil, which is termed devil or carnal mind. Actually, there is no such thing as carnal mind, because there is but one mind and it is unconditioned.

HUMAN MIND The sense-world, that which we can see, hear, taste, touch, and smell, is the unreal creation described in the second chapter of Genesis—a mental image in mind. If we remember that, we shall not try to manipulate the human scene or handle the mental image which exists only as a shadow within our thought, and then we shall be witnesses to the quick dissolution of these mental images.

Regardless of how painful or difficult it may be at first to go to God without a word or a thought, a direction, a hope, a fear, or an ambition, this emptiness of self is worth achieving even if it takes time. When we reach that point, we shall find what a glorious thing it is not to have to plan our day or our next year, and yet at the same time be assured that every day of the year will be a day of fulfillment because it is God's day, and we have nothing to do with it except to be beholders of God at work. That which divinely decreed us to do it will fulfill it. He fulfills the days and He fulfills the nights as long as we are empty enough of words and are not injecting some human thought conceived in our mind.

Insofar as we can keep from thinking of a person as a human being—from thinking of his parents, his education, the environment in which he has grown up and now lives, and accumulation of other factors that may have contributed to his present discord or harmony—and keep our mind stayed on God, realizing that everything that is emanates from God everybody that is lives and moves and has his being in God, in that degree can we love our neighbor even though he be an enemy.

No spiritual teaching can ever be understood, believed, or accepted by the unillumined mind which can only grasp what can be seen, heard, tasted, touched, or smelled. The unillumined mind cannot comprehend the spiritual Presence or no-power, because before spiritual wisdom can be understood, the Soul-faculties must be opened, and spiritual discernment aroused or awakened. All humans are asleep— asleep in the belief of material and mental powers, asleep to the reality of spiritual being, to the transcendental and mystical Presence and Power which men call God.

In the Infinite Way writings, you will read that you are never to say, "I am God," you are never even to think, I am God," for this would almost be like trying to spiritualize your humanhood. However, you are to be alert to hear that still, small Voice utter Itself and say to you, "Be still and know that I, down here in the midst of you Am God.” Watch that you do not allow that word I to be another word up in your mind, because this is dangerous. This becomes another image in thought, another concept of God, and it can do nothing for you. Now when you know that you are speaking about Selfhood, Being, then of course you cannot make mental images. You cannot make mental images of Self, of Being, of I.

Recognizing the fact that a human being is only a human being because the carnal mind is pumping itself into them and through them, and is being accepted as a power, you know how to die daily to your humanhood: that is, by being very sure in the morning, and certainly at night before sleeping, that the so-called theories, opinions, beiefs—the whole of the carnal mind—are not a power. The carnal mind has no avenue of expression, no law to sustain it or maintain it. I am One with God. I and my Father Are One, and the qualities of God constitute my qualities. I am an instrument and an avenue through which, and as which, God appears on earth. The Intelligence of God, and the Love of God, and the Wisdom of God, and the Grace of God—all of this finds expression in me, through me, as me, to all of

You will discover that in these Initiations you have to go through terrible experiences. That is true; you do; but the thing is to make up your mind that this is the way it is going to be. Be a beholder and go through, because as long as it is a God-experience, the only reason It appears to be a terrible experience is that it is unknown to

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the human mind, it is unknown to us. It is not like anything we expected, therefore we think it is terrible. It is not terrible when it is finished, if we can stand long enough to go through.

HUMAN MIND Remember that as a human being, my whole life is devoted to malpracticing you. I am seeing you sick, or I am seeing you sinful, or I am seeing you old, or I am seeing you dying...The moment I understand that God is your Father and that you are as pure as your Father—for you are of the same Life, Mind, and Substance—I have released you from malpractice and I have released myself being a malpractitioner. Since, now, I am not pouring out malpractice, none can me back to me, because my whole experience is made of what I pour out...If I know the Truth, the Truth must make me free! If I know the Truth about you, that Truth makes me free because there is only One of us.

You reach a place where you no longer think of praying for yourself or doing meditation or spiritual work for yourself. It just never enters your mind. Why? What is the difference between knowing the Truth about you and knowing the Truth about me? It is the same truth, and we are the same Being, the same Selfhood. Knowing the Truth is all that is necessary, regardless of whether you are knowing it about the human race or about even the animal world or the bird world or the fish world...In the end, I am the one who is really going to get the most benefit from it, because that knowing of the Truth is elevating me in consciousness above this picture.

In praying for the world, there is one mode and means of prayer that will do more to break the evils of the human mind than anything else: realize that God, Spirit, is Omnipotence, and therefore the mind of man is not power, the will of man is not power, the way of man is not power. All power is in God, Spirit, and therefore there is no power in the carnal mind, or mortal mind, or human mind, whichever you call it. All power Is in God.

It is a direct malpractice to see in another anything other than the qualities of God. That is their true identity, even when to human sense they're not manifesting it, even when they don't want to manifest it. Nevertheless, as far as you are concerned, God is their true identity. Now, even when you behold forms of error appearing as human beings, whether in the form of sickness, or sin, or lack, always remember this: In order to be helpful (and this is expected of you whether or not they ask for help), recognize the erroneous nature of what they're manifesting. Know that its seat is not in them, but in the impersonal mortal mind, impersonal carnal mind, impersonal devil, impersonal satan, any word you like as long as you recognize it to be an impersonal source having nothing whatsoever to do with the individual

When you are sure that you have impersonalized it so that you have absolutely no thought of the individual in your mind, then take the third step, which is nothingizing. That means you have to go back to Genesis: "God made all that was made, and all that God made was good. What God did not make was not made." Therefore, anything God did not make does not exist.And all that God made was good. If God made all that was made and all that God made was good, then God didn’t make a carnal mind, or mortal mind, or devil, or satan. They have no existence except as mental concepts in the human mind.

Once you have no belief of good and evil, the human mind, the mortal mind, dissolves. Then you operate in and through and with the infinite mind of God. Only as you believe in good and evil do you experience limitation, finiteness, negativity.

Often, when we are working with our friends, our parents, or our relatives, we revert to that human sense of criticism and judgement, or the metaphysical sense of saying to them, "Well, it's your wrong thinking. There's something in your mind that has to be corrected." Of course there is, but it is the belief in two powers. The only belief that has to be corrected in all of us is that God isn't omnipotence, God isn't omniscience, God isn't

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HUMAN MIND All there is to man is God made manifest. You are the temple of God. Your body is the temple of God, your mind is the temple of God, your being is the temple of God because God constitutes your being. We are talking of every individual on the face of the globe, every form of life: human, animal, vegetable, mineral. All is God expressing itself as individual consciousness and form.

The total efficacy of prayer can be summed up in the one word motive...So if you go to God, you must go wanting spiritual grace and forget what you seem to need in the human picture because you cannot reach God while that is your primary goal. If you believe in omniscience, the only way you can reach God is to close your eyes, realizing, "I cannot tell You anything, but You search the heart, the marrow, and the intents of the mind, God. You know me. Here I am." As long as your motive is to receive God's wisdom. God's voice, God's presence, something of a spiritual nature that has no relationship to your human world. It will adjust your human world. It will adjust it, not you.

Always we come back to the truth that anything we can think about God cannot possibly be God, because that thought is only an idea in our mind, and an idea or a concept in the mind cannot be God. Whatever is in our mind is an effect, and the thinker it the cause of that effect. Therefore, if there is a God, it it not the human thinker, but the illumined mind of the individual.

Keep your conversation, even your silent conversation with yourself, in heaven. Keep your mind focused on God, the spirit, the invisible. Then take some phase of God, whether it is life, love, substance, or law, and keep pondering on God as the only law of the universe, thereby annihilating all sense of human law: legal law, material law, medical law, or atomic law. Think of God as the source of all life. Thus "every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God" becomes more and more that life eternal in your experience. As you keep pondering these things you finally come to a place where thought automatically stops. There is nothing left to think about, and peace descends. In that peace you wait for the voice to speak to you, for the assurance to come, for inspiration of one sort or another. In

When you are called upon for help, do not hesitate to sit down and hold up the word is in front of you: is, is, is. It is as if you were to think, "There is something here, but I do not know what it is or who it is. It claims to be a person and a condition, but I know nothing about those things. I do not know how to pray. I do not know how to meditate. I must let the Spirit bear witness with my spirit. I must let the Spirit make intercession for me. So I do not know who this is, what this is, or why this is. I only know that before me there is an is. There is something; there is somebody. Now, Father, take over and enlighten me."... As you watch this, you will observe that the human mind is not necessary in spiritual healing work or in spiritual living, but that there is a divine truth which comes through to do the work.

The last stand of the human mind, its last ditch fight, is self-preservation, the law that would compel you to save your life at someone else's expense, the law that would say, "Let us drop the bomb first because it will save our lives," or the law that, even though legal, permits a person to shoot a burglar in his home. Consciousness would say, "No, no!" Illumined consciousness does not hold the burglar's life as less valuable than your property Or as less valuable than your life, because just as the Magdalene became one of the greatest of the followers of the Christ, how do you know but what that burglar may some day become another Christ?...It is not you and I who believe in the law of self-preservation: it is the human mind, the carnal mind, which is built up on the

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word "I." I, me, and mine constitute the

HUMAN MIND The mystic who recounted this [Prodigal son] allegory was pointing out how the human mind left the divine consciousness, used up its substance and then turned back to the Father's house. The human mind is cut off from God; the human mind has no hidden manna, no meat that the world knows not of. The human mind is a prodigal. It has only what it knows it has, and each time it uses some of it, it has that much less. The Prodigal represents the universal human mind, and when it realizes that it has nothing left upon which to rely; it will be compelled to return to the Father's house.

We are educating the human mind out of itself as we teach our students, and we are bringing them forth out of the power of the mind itself into an awareness that they have a meat the world knows not of; they have a hidden manna. They live by Grace, by a sufficiency of Grace unto every moment...We are teaching human consciousness; we arc raising human consciousness and every time we have raised an individual we have raised thousands.

The teacher's attitude should be, "I really should be able to turn out four, five, or six teachers and a dozen practitioners, but how? Not unless I can lift them to where they can realize that the activity of the human mind or knowing the truth with the human mind is not going to heal. If I am to be successful as a spiritual teacher, I must be able to lift students to that same realization of the transcendental presence to which I have access. Just as I feel that I have meat and hidden manna, so my function must be to bring students to where they can feel that same way and can go out into the world and do likewise.“

Every time you resist the temptation to think that you live by bread alone or heart alone, every time you resist the temptation to believe that you live by anything in the world of effect, you are lifting yourself out of humanhood, out of the human mind and human limitations, and you are beginning to live out from the Spirit as the Master did.

Many people turn to truth purely for the purpose of finding a way to overcome their human problems, and they measure their spiritual progress by how many problems they do not have. This is a false measuring rod. There undoubtedly comes a time when the complete absence of problems means spiritual demonstration. Jesus attained that after the crucifixion, after the resurrection; but I am afraid too many of us are trying to attain it before the crucifixion. . . and it isn't going to be done. Let it be clearly understood that we will have to make our demonstration over the beliefs of what we call the human mind, before we attain complete liberation.

God neither reasons nor thinks. God is. being, and God is being without thinking something out, planning it, or reasoning it out. But that which we call God-consciousness, which is a state of pure being or pure knowing, is impossible to us in our human stage. Therefore, we are given a mind, the activity of which becomes our avenue of awareness, our thinking, reasoning, planning mind.

Each one of us is intended to be a blessing to all the earth: the animal world, the vegetable world, the mineral world, the human world. but we are not being that blessing to one another except in proportion as we have this spiritual purity, in that, looking down into this consciousness, we can see that it is all the same consciousness. We are all embodied in this One. We are all deriving our life, soul, mind, and spirit from this One. We are deriving our good from this One...Out here often we are not aware of what we are doing, because, caught up in

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humanhood, we do not know our relationship to one another.

HUMAN MIND The belief of the carnal mind is so strong that it operates hypnotically in human consciousness, but once we recognize that, it is nullified...We do not care whether the temptation is a sin, a disease, a lack, unemployment, or bad weather; we look right through the temptation to the tempter, and the tempteris a universal belief in a selfhood apart from God. The tempter is a universal belief in a law apart from God, a life apart from God. We look right at it and say, " 'Get thee behind me, Satan.' Thou art the 'arm of flesh.' " not grapple with the particular form of error; that is only the decoy. Behind that form of error is the tempter, and that is not a power. We do not have to overcome it. We have to recognize it as the tempter, a nothingness, a belief in two powers, and after that we are done with it. That is our treatment...

If there is such a thing as right or wrong candidates, actually it would make no difference if we elected the wrong ones, if in so doing we at the same time realized that we were not putting our hope, faith, or confidence in the person, but in the divine government which will operate in and through him. I accept God as the only power; I accept God as the only law-giver, the only government, and that government, spiritual. I can trust God to exercise His judgment through the consciousness of individual man. Such a realization destroys the power of the human mind and human thought and deprives an individual of the power to misuse the authority of his office.

There is only one way to free ourselves of human domination—whether it is domination in our home, domination in our government, domination in our church life—and that is to see that the human mind and its thoughts are not power. God, Spirit, is the only power, operating through spiritual law, operating in and through the consciousness of man. Once we begin to see this, we bring ourselves under the dominion of God and separate ourselves from the domination of men.

When we no longer take thought for the things of this world and are abiding in His grace, the necessary food appears, the clothing, the harmony, the friends, or whatever is necessary in the human world, even if "the ravens" have to bring it, even if the poor "widow" has to share it. In one way or another, all things appear, but now without taking thought. No longer are we in the kingdom of this world: now we are in the kingdom of His grace; we are living in His presence, and there is no room in the mind for matter, no desire for matter, material things, material activities, or degrees of matter. This has all disappeared.

The major function of the spirit of God, as it operates as individual spiritual consciousness, is to break the attachment of the human mind to form and effect... The activity of the Spirit destroys the love, hate, and fear of external appearances, external powers, and external laws, and a person who attains some measure of that Spirit finally is able to say to any problem, "Arise, take up thy bed," and thereby let go of the problem, realizing that there is no power in effect, no power in any external condition.

Since you are Soul you must be infinite. Then how can you be in anything; how can finite thought or belief touch you; how can it touch mind or the manifestation of its being? You must realize the nature and character of man, and see why and how human thought, collectively, or individually, cannot affect this infinite immortal being. How completely free you are from all limited and limiting circumstances when this is known!

All that we are humanly conscious of is in reality the activity of mind "seen through a glass darkly."

The whole aim of our work is the realization of the presence and power of God. "I can of mine own self do nothing" is literally true, but the fact remains that "the Father within, He doeth the works," rather it is

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the consciousness of the presence of the "Father within" that does the work. How may we become conscious of the presence of the "Father within"? By stilling the human senses and listening for the "still, small voice." I will listen for "thy voice," for the impartation must always be from mind.

HUMAN MIND Human sense does not present a pretty picture, and even were it to be patched up, improved, or changed, it would still not be a spiritual picture, nor possess reality. Is it not clear then that not only does the picture need to be eliminated from consciousness, but even the consciousness itself which presented the picture should be given up, dissolved, so that not a trace remains. When we have learned that we have no mind but God, we shall know that there are no such pictures as those presented by physical sense, and that there is no other mind to conceive them.

In seeking the solution to a human problem, we often believe that some truth can or should open up to us which would meet our need; destroy the error, so to speak, and overcome the discord. Nothing can be further from the truth. That which I am seeking, I am. As we have no mind but God, our mind must be the truth that "healeth all our diseases." This very mind or consciousness embodies now and forever whatever truth, remedy, activity, or agency is needed at the moment. The truth which meets our need is the truth that our mind or consciousness is the truth itself; else how could Jesus say, "I am the truth."

The objectified universe is the effect of consciousness. Therefore, we cannot change or improve this universe in any way, but we can change our consciousness of the universe and then let this consciousness reveal the universe as it is. Our thought should not dwell on health or body or home, which to our imperfect sense may seem to need improving, but our thought should dwell on God, on the realization of the presence and power of a divine law operating in human consciousness to reveal the harmony of being. Our thought should dwell on the infinite nature of love, which cares for its creation through the laws of love and life. We should abide in the mind which expresses the eternal qualities of perfection. As our thought becomes imbued with this good, we, in turn, express this good in an

It is impossible for the human mind to conceive all the good there is for us, or even how to make it visible and tangible. It is only when we cease our human thinking, planning, outlining, affirming, and denying, and learn to rest; to "feel" God, to listen, that we are able to live by grace. Then our eyes being open, we are able to see the entire spiritual scene available here and now.

Spiritual sense, which is a consciousness completely freed of mortal concepts, alone beholds and reveals to individuals the world of truth, the earth of God's creating. All attempts to realize truth through the activity of the human mind must fail...Truth is an impartation from the universal mind or consciousness within the individual. It is grasped in proportion to our ability to be receptive to the unfolding and revelation of truth within us, rather than on our ability to perceive it through mental striving.

Immortality cannot be bestowed on a human being, any more than spiritual understanding can be conferred on anyone. The consciousness of this truth comes to individual thought in proportion to our ability to let go [of] human considerations that bind to the belief of life in matter. After all, your consciousness embodies all the truth there is. It is the kingdom of God within you; not far off in some vague divine mind or spiritual consciousness, but in the divine mind or spiritual consciousness which is your mind and consciousness. This removes the mystery, the miracle, and dissolves the illusions.

We must strive to get the consciousness that God is the mind of man, he is the life of man. In periods of communion still the human mind with short quieting statements like, "Peace, be still"—"In quietness and confidence shall be my strength"—"My peace I give unto you"—"Be still and know that I am God." When you have achieved a sense of stillness, let the word God be present in your thought until revelation appears. Try it often until inspiration has brought the conscious awareness of God.

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HUMAN MIND Man has not a mind separate from deity. Disease is merely belief, which will be healed immediately by destroying the belief. Where is this belief? Is it in the mind of your patient? Never. The belief is that of general human consciousness, collectively, and must be destroyed there. As a general rule, you may forget your patient as soon as he has unburdened himself to you, since the belief is not his own. It is the belief of collective human consciousness using the individual as a channel to express the belief. Be careful not to accept the belief as either your own or your patient's. Nullify it where you find it, in general or collective human consciousness. Know, also, that human consciousness is illumined because there is but one consciousness and this one divine; that mortal consciousness has no substance, no law,

In the degree that we come out from our material thoughts, human interests, we are able to become aware of the fact that we are truth itself in manifestation. Truth, as you know, is infinite. Therefore, can you imagine "getting" infinity? What could contain infinity? What would be the nature of that which could possess infinity or truth? Rather, must we see that we coexist with mind as truth. We cannot have truth, that would be twoness, but to coexist with mind as truth is oneness. To state or know this is of little benefit. We must live it, and live it until we have the actual awareness, the spiritual consciousness of its is-ness. Then only are we free of the belief of separation, of two-ness.

Many have been fooled by misinterpreting Mrs. Eddy's grand statement: "Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need. Always remember that it is the divine love you give forth that meets your human need...You will remember the statement of Mrs. Eddy: "Mystery, miracle, sin, and death will disappear when it becomes fairly understood that the divine mind controls man and man has no mind but God.” Therefore the only result this mind can produce is good.

The human mind is solely a sense of limitation. It does not go beyond education, environment, personal experience, and some measure of heredity and background. To get through that to the Soul is to have achieved Omnipotence and Omnipresence-the conscious awareness of Infinity.

Inasmuch as the human mind cannot be the avenue for the activity of the Soul, this higher consciousness must be attained. Thus, through the higher consciousness (or that Mind which was in Christ Jesus) the Soul reveals Itself, Its activities and Being as our individual experience.


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A seed by itself will always remain a seed. It will never be more than just a seed. It can become less: it can wither and die and be even less than a seed; but more than a seed it never can be of itself. Now, planted in the earth, let the seed be one with its source. Give it access to all that surrounds it, to all that is its real life and being. Then your seed evolves and becomes the rosebush with dozens of roses, or the apple tree with hundreds upon hundreds of apples, all from a seed that of itself was nothing. . . So with this "I" I which of myself is nothing: the moment I go within to my native soil, which is my inner Selfhood, my inner Divine Being, and become One with the Vine, I can then bear fruit richly. It becomes easier for you when you think of yourself in terms of capital S instead of small s. Think of yourself as being the Son of God, think of yourself always with a capital S, as one with God, heir of God, joint heir to all the heavenly riches. Then you will find that you have impersonalized yourself, because gradually you will come to realize that you are not finite being, you are not man, whose breath is in his nostrils, you are not that creature who is not under the Law of God-neither indeed can be, for you now consciously have the Spirit of God dwelling in you; and according to Scripture, this makes you the Son of God, the Child of God. If so be the Spirit of God dwelleth in you, then are you the Child of God-the Spirit, the consciousness. Chapter: Not Good OR Evil Topic: You Are Self-sufficient! When you use that term, Self-sufficient, give it a capital S, meaning you find your sufficiency in your Self, and Self means God. So you find your sufficiency in your Self, within your own being, within the God Being of you. You do not look outside to me, or to him, or to her, or to it. You find It within your own God Being! Chapter: Universal Hypnotism Topic: I am consciously One with God and all that the Father hath is mine, and only that which Is of the Father is mine. I am an instrument through which God appears on earth. There is no "me"; that which you identify as me is God appearing as me. It is the Life of God, the Soul of God, the Mind of God, the Reality of God, the Allness of God, made individually manifest. Chapter: Your True identity Topic: Ponder this until something wells up within you and says, "This really is true, this is the Truth of Being. God does constitute my Selfhood, and therefore my Selfhood is not subject to weather or climate or hate or envy or jealousy or wrong thinking. My Selfhood is intact in God. My Selfhood is intact in its immortality. It is not subject to the beliefs of mankind, it is not subject to the beliefs of mortality. My Selfhood does not age, my Selfhood does not change. My Selfhood is Divine, Immortal Being—God! " We look out with our eyesight, which means with our limited, finite senses, and we are looking at God's masterpiece, you. That's God's masterpiece, His own offspring of His own Being, His own Self made individually manifest. Now, beholding it without spiritual appreciation, comprehension, we say "Isn‘t this worthless!”

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Chapter: The Great Secret Topic: This is a spiritual universe. Every individual is God's Own Being, and as you behold that every

individual and every thing in this universe is constituted of the quality, the character, and the nature of God, what remains to be fought?

Nothing but our concepts and our false values. "The heavens declare the glory of God," and surely the image and likeness of God can

only show forth the nature and character of God. Let us, therefore, be the first to show forth God's handiwork.


Chapter: The esoteric meaning of the Easter Week 1959-1961 Topic: The Esoteric Meaning Of Exoteric Teachings

I am not living in material world of time and space. I live and move and have my being in God: I am that man who has his being in Christ. I live with God; I walk with God; I hold my mind steadfast in God; I acknowledge Him in all my ways. In quietness and in confidence, I rest in the assurance of God’s presence: God in me, and I in God.

THE EARLY YEARS (32-46) Chapter: Consciousness Topic:

Every quality of divine love, every faculty of infinite mind, every law of principle, every activity of eternal life, which is embraced in divine consciousness is individually expressed as you and me. This should be carefully studied, because it underlies an understanding that every student of truth must recognize and accept if he is to do the "greater works." We are the infinite capacity to receive and respond to truth, love, health, and wealth; to know eternal life, harmony, and wholeness of immortal being. Individual spiritual consciousness contains not one element of error, discord, disease, inharmony, or lack, but is substance, spirit, and reality. Spiritual consciousness reverses the material senses in which good must flow to us, and reveals true spiritual joy, reveals good flowing out from the center of our being-where we do not seek good, or seek happiness or contentment. We seek only the opportunity to let good flow out from us. This takes thought away from a human sense of selfhood, which seems always to be in need of some one or some thing, and enables us to demonstrate our divinity, or Christhood. . . If we are successful in maintaining this position firmly, we will find everything in our experience expressing or manifesting the harmony, the activity, the abundance, the perfection of our perfect principle. Chapter: Home Topic: Having no qualities underived from Deity, you have no traits, characteristics, faults, or habits to overcome, destroy, or change. indeed, you are now the all-inclusive activity of mind, life, love. This is true of you and of all men.

Human belief claims that we have problems, but to know that the claim is not our claim, that the belief is not man's, would be to see that man is free, whole, joyous, and harmonious. In the degree that you hold thought steadfastly to this truth, will you find this allness revealing itself to you, and so brought into visible expression. Chapter: Mind and Its Idea One Topic: What does "God and his manifestation" mean to you? Do you understand that God and his

manifestation are one, that is, God manifested? Or do you believe there is God and manifestation also? God manifested is man. Therefore,

man is purely the manifestation of the qualities and attributes of God. It naturally follows that man cannot have a single quality or trait

that is not a constituted part of God, because God being "all-in-all" there is no other source from which any quality or attribute could be


Oneness is the relationship of God to man. The divine mind is the mind of man; the one infinite life is the life of man; the divine being is man's only being. Then, what else is there of man but God? Oneness brings out the right idea; it indicates one and no more: oneness of being, oneness of life, oneness of mind. What is this omnipotent and omnipresent divine perfection?. . . It is you. It is the reality of your being, the I AM THAT I AM, the "only "I", of us," the infinite eternal you, which, when recognized and accepted, governs, controls, and heals that which we know as the human concept, your so-called human selfhood. . . The so-called human selfhood is merely the mortal concept of that divine you, and as long as you eat, sleep, and bathe, there will seem to be this you.

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SEARCH IDENTITY Silence the action of the brain and personal will, and let your consciousness be flooded with the reality of your

being, your true selfhood, the Christ or Son of God, which you are. Chapter: No Outlined Physical Form Topic: We must bear in mind that there can be no actual healing, because there is nothing to be healed. "Spirit is infinite; therefore spirit is all. There is no matter." Spirit never needs healing. This is all you need to know. . . There is no "you" outside of mind, so you need no healing. . . You have no demonstration to make. All action and volition belong to God, and his demonstration (you) was complete from the beginning. God has and needs no channels. His Selfhood is directly expressed as his creation. There is in heaven and on earth no one who needs healing, improving, enriching, employing, because we are and always have been God's Selfhood manifested. Truth cannot be brought to us. The belief that we have needs is the reason we have to contend with problems.

Chapter: One Infinite Life Topic:

Let us learn to drop the "my" life, "my" vision, "my" understanding, "my" supply, and think in terms of life, vision, understanding and supply; and all of these as individually expressed through you and me. Intelligence, wisdom, vision, power, are not personal, but are impersonal, impartial and universal.

Chapter: Richard Davis Lecture Topic:

"You can never demonstrate spirituality until you declare yourself to be immortal and understand that you are so. Christian Science is absolute; it is neither behind the point of perfection nor advancing towards it; it is at this point and must be practiced therefrom. Unless you fully perceive that you are the child of God, hence perfect, you have no Principle to demonstrate and no rule for its demonstration.” [Miscellany 242 3-10]

Chapter: Spiritual Healing Topic:

Consciousness of the truth that this "I" that I AM is God, is liberating, because it enables us to perceive that I AM not in bondage to physical organs or functions; that I AM not subject to rents, bills, and debts; but that I AM spiritually clothed, fed, housed, and therefore I AM without problems of health, home, intelligence, or wealth.

Chapter: The Law Topic:

As we all are one with God, we are all equally happy, joyous, successful, healthy, and we know it, the evidence notwithstanding. In mind (the only universe there is) all are faithful, loving, cooperative. Our home is the atmosphere of love, peopled with spiritual being eager to serve in patience with joy and calm, appreciation, and usefulness. Over and above all is our perfect principle, vitalizing us in our various endeavors to serve its purpose, to the end that all this may glorify the harmony of our spiritual Selfhood. This is the Father's business: expressing his love. In this atmosphere of spiritual consciousness, all are expressing his will and enjoying his grace. "Thy will be done. . . Thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory." Let us know that we are serving him when we are serving each other. This cannot fail to result in perfect harmony. As "God is all-in-all" there is actually no you, no one but God. Do not fear what flesh can do to you. To believe that matter can help or hinder us is idolatry. To fear it, is also to give it power, or just another form of idol worship. There is no power but good, truth. Evil is not power. We are called on to stand fast.

SEARCH IDENTITY Chapter: The Mind of Christ Jesus Topic: Whatever form of error we have ever experienced is due only to the belief that we have a mind or life separate from God. The correction of this belief with the realization that God is our very mind, enables us to rest, to feel the peace that passeth understanding, and then harmony appears as naturally as light appears with the rising sun. The belief that our mind is other than God has resulted in prayers to some other mind, in "communing" or "contacting" a divine mind. Truth reveals that this divine mind is your

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mind, the one mind, the only mind, the universal mind, which is the mind of the individual. To rest in the consciousness of this truth is highest prayer. To know that God is the mind of the individual is to include the universe in your prayer. Chapter: The Nature of Error Topic: You are already that place in consciousness through which infinity is pouring. Good cannot come to you. It is already where you are. Good does not even come from God to man, because man is the very manifestation of God, or good. Only in the degree that we make this truth a part of our consciousness can we prove the infinity, the omnipresence of good. Chapter: The Real Self Topic: Since you are Soul you must be infinite. Then how can you be in anything; how can finite thought or belief touch you; how can it touch mind or the manifestation of its being? You must realize the nature and character of man, and see why and how human thought, collectively, or individually, cannot affect this infinite immortal being. How completely free you are from all limited and limiting circumstances when this is known! The greatest thought I know when problems seem to press is this: "I am." When I can say, "I am" then I know that nothing can be added to that which I am. "I am" indicates just what it says: "I am." "I am complete, harmonious, spiritual, well, successful, joyous, free; I am about my Father's business; I am in the secret place of the most High; I am the temple of the living God; I am the expression of God's being; I am life expressed; I am love reflected; I am the manifestation of the peace and power of God; I am perfect; that which I am seeking, I am. Over and over, I reassure myself that "I am." Not trying to be something, or to get something, or to heal something, but always consciously, joyously, knowing that I am it here and now. I embrace within my own consciousness all good. Create your world out of "I AM." Chapter: True Identity Topic: We must remember that there is no law or power acting upon us, but that we are the law unto our body, business, home, supply. We have dominion over all that is in the sky, on the earth and under the water. We are the law unto it, whatever its name or nature. We exist as consciousness, embodying within ourselves every idea in the universe, and every idea is subject to and controlled by the consciousness in which it exists—not by "taking thought," but through the unlabored energy of mind, life, forever expressing itself.


Chapter: living the healing principles 1959 Topic: Living In The Light

"I and the Father are one," therefore, we are never limited by time or space or place. "I and my Father are one" and that oneness is immortality. Therefore, I go on forever and forever and forever. And that I is the state of consciousness which I am. You are never alone because there is no such thing as your consciousness being locked up in your head, or in your chest, or in your solar plexus. Your consciousness fills all space. That is the nature of I. "I and my Father are one," and where I am, God is, and where God is, I am. You can't localize that or finitize that for it is an infinite relationship of infinite being.




Chapter: Infinite Way Pearls 1963 Instructions For Teaching The Infinite Way 1:2, 3:1 Topic: God As Individual Consciousness 509, 511

What is not generally understood is that the healing agency is the illumined consciousness of an individual, and the difference in the measure of healing lies not in God, but in the degree of illumination of the individual. To know the nature of Consciousness as omniscience is a step toward still further illumination. You become a state of complete awareness, a state of listening, and you can rest with nothing to tell God. An illumined consciousness is the state of consciousness that does not hate, fear, or love error in any form.

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That is illumination: that is Christ-consciousness or spiritual consciousness. Chapter: Infinite Way Protective Work 1963 Instructions For Teaching The Infinite Way 6:2

Topic: Recognize All Negative Powers As Nonpower Illumination is the degree in which we realize that God's omnipotence, meaning

the omnipotence of our consciousness, makes null any claim or belief, universal or individual, of a power apart from God.

A PARENTHESIS IN ETERNITY Chapter: Living The Mystical Life Topic: Living In, Through, And By Spirit Even when we come to a

place where we are convinced of this truth, this is not yet illumination. Illumination does not take place merely by reading words and agreeing they are beautiful, and hoping they are true. Illumination is that moment of realization when we know that whereas before we were blind, now we see. Illumination brings freedom from dependence on persons and things, and the only perfect human relationship there can ever be is one in which we do not look to anyone for anything. It is impossible to want anything from anybody and not have friction develop.


Chapter: Measuring Spiritual Progress 1963 Kailua Private Class Topic: Watching What God Has Wrought 518:1 or 517:2 [Communion with God] comes in moments of illumination, but for the greater part of my life I have found that it is as if there is still a Joel and he is pretty empty. . . He has no evil and he has no good: he is living always with those ears open in an expectancy, and then whatever comes through is God’s presence and God’s grace, and the rest, what the world calls a human personality, remains, you might almost say, a nothingness. It really is a nothingness because it has no desire: it does not want to be any place in particular; it does not want to do anything except what it is doing and what is being done through it; it has no hopes, no ambitions, and is not seeking to achieve anything.


Chapter: Seek The Answer Within Topic: Illumined And Unillumined Consciousness

Illumination does not improve the world but our concept of it. CONSCIOUSNESS IN TRANSITION

Chapter: Illumined Consciousness 1948 Topic: The mind that was in Christ Jesus, which is the universal, spiritual mind, is already an infinite, eternal mind or consciousness and it is always there and it never becomes illumined. But as you individually receive illumination, that which we call your ignorance is dispelled and that mind which was in Christ Jesus is now your very own mind.

ILLUMINATION 1 Chapter: Student and teacher 1948 Topic: That is my word to you after years and years of practice. Do not take the name or identity or the picture or the thought of your patient into your treatment. Leave these completely outside. You have nothing to do with them. They are illusion to begin with and if you take them into the picture, you do not believe they are illusion but think they are something that you must do something about. It is true, perhaps, that because you have a patient you are fooled for a moment that there is a presence and power apart from God, and so you go within for the illumination, for the light that will dispel the illusion. Please leave the problem outside! It does not concern you, whether mental, physical, moral or financial. It has nothing to do with you. This treatment is your relationship to God, and so you go within for illumination, for the light that will dispel the illusion.

CONSCIOUSNESS TRANSFORMED Chapter: Into the Mystical Consciousness Topic: Illumination consists of spiritual discernment that sees through the appearances and sees omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence. . . [It] does not react to appearances but can rest and say, “What did hinder you?” or “Arise, take up thy bed.” The difficult part is this: God is always God, but not separate and apart from my being, or your being, or his being, or her being. Chapter: Into the new year December

1963 Topic: For the next fifteen minutes, we are going to look straight ahead into 1964 and let the spirit illumine it, not plan it, illumine it. Then as you keep up this program each day and certainly preferably early in the morning, you will find that whatever illumination comes to you through this experience will be revealed to you

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Chapter: Individual Unfoldment of Consciousness Topic: Following The Spiritual Path God has brought you to this place of unfoldment and will not suffer you to stray from the path until you have received your illumination.


Chapter: Awake Thou That Sleepest 1953 Second Seattle Class Topic: Awake Thou That Sleepest 35 4:1 Where, then, is your personal responsibility? It is to be normal, be natural; it is to live every day in accordance with the pattern that is placed before you in the morning. Keep in thought, insofar as is possible, that you must never judge either man or circumstance from the standpoint of its appearance. Stop looking at sick and sinful man and wondering how to make him well. Stop looking at the pictures that are painted in the newspapers, or on the radio and television, and stop wondering how you can improve them. You are not going to improve them: illumination is going to dissolve them, and the greatest part of that illumination is the realization that only God can do that.


ILLUMINATION Chapter: Freedom In God Topic: Spiritual Freedom

Those who receive spiritual illumination find that they no longer have problems of their own. First of all, illumination changes their desires and needs and simplifies them to the extent that they need so little of this world's good that never again do they have a problem of supply. What little they do require appears when necessary in miraculous ways. They have no economic problems for themselves or physical, mental, or moral problems. That one touch of illumination removes those persons from the world. Chapter: Message to Teachers on the Spiritual Path Topic: Confidentiality of Teacher's Personal Message to an

Individual Student Do not believe for a moment that gaining this moment of illumination will free you permanently from your discords. First of all, the greatest temptations come after the illumination; and second, the penalty is much more severe when an offense is committed by someone who has received spiritual illumination, because much more is expected of those who have much. The smallest offense committed by those who have attained spiritual illumination can wreck their entire careers or destroy their health or minds. Your real temptation will come after the first illumination, although you may think such temptations are already behind you. There are many forms of temptation: the temptation to make miracles in order to get supply, the temptation to glorify your ego, the temptation to show forth how spiritually powerful you are, and so on. Until you are faced with it, you will never know what a great temptation it is to use some human means to overcome some lack you may experience. You know very well that if you do resort to human means, your hand will fall off, because relying on human means is a form of looking back, and you may turn into a pillar of salt!…So let us not succumb to human temptation. Whatever form of temptation comes to you, recognize it for what it is and it will pass by.


Chapter: Spiritual Illumination 1962 Princess Kaiulani Closed Class Topic: Across The Desk 483 4:2

As illumination brings a deeper awareness of the indwelling Christ, our hearts overflow with gratitude for God's great gift of grace. May the joy of that realization be yours this Christmas Day and may each day throughout the year be filled with Its peace.

LIVING THE INFINITE WAY Chapter: God Is Omnipresent Topic: Finally there dawns in consciousness the tremendous experience of understanding

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that since the kingdom of God is within, and the King, God, is ever within His realm, direct impartation of wisdom, direction, law, and power can come from within. . . Consciousness then becomes a state of awareness, attuned to the inner kingdom–the deep withinness–and gradually the student becomes consciously aware of inner guidance, direction, and wisdom. This is the culmination of the first stage of meditation wherein the student receives assurance, confidence, healing, and illumination from within his own being whenever he meditates.


Chapter: The New Life By Grace Topic: Be Willing To Receive God's Grace On God's Level I suppose I could have had my spiritual illumination twelve years before I had it–but I was not ripe, and it took thirteen years of ripening before that first experience came, and many, many years more before later ripenings came.


ILLUMINATION Chapter: The Spiritual Goal 1962 London Closed Class Topic: Our Motive Is The Ripener 488 2:2

If it is any consolation to those who may be discouraged with the apparent slowness of their progress, they should understand that it is very unusual to feel any progress until one second after awakening. We cannot feel it coming on; we cannot know even one minute before that we are on our way to spiritual awakening. As a matter of fact, we may continue in sickness or in sin even while we are making the most remarkable spiritual progress, ready for our illumination, and yet with no evidence of that readiness, wondering when the moment does come, "How could it happen? Five minutes ago I was in deep sin, and this minute I am an angel."


Chapter: Peeling Off the Onion Skins 1955 Chicago Reading Room Topic: The Spiritual Perception Of A Principle Is Necessary 710 1:2 No one knows how close he is co- spiritual realization because it is true of every one of us that we are humanly opaque even the very minute before spiritual illumination comes. Chapter:

The Nature of Spiritual Discernment 1964 Honolulu Infinite Way Study Center Topic: Illumination Brings Spiritual Discernment 540/4:1 Illumination is really the power of the spiritual discernment of an individual, and it is this that brings healing: not a God, not the God, not God. Only the developed or natural spiritual discernment of an individual performs the miracle.

SPIRITUAL POWER OF TRUTH Chapter: Universal Hypnotism Topic: Now this can never be repeated to you too often,

because over and over that temptation can be there: "I must save this person's life. . . I must restore their sanity. . . I must bring about peace in their household." Actually, peace may be the worst thing to have in the household for their spiritual progress! So it is that we do not outline, we do not desire; neither do we judge, criticize, nor condemn. We turn completely from the human scene with its good side and its bad side and we pray for the revelation of Christ in our consciousness. When I use the word Christ, understand that I mean your spiritual Identity or God's spiritual Plan for you, or spiritual Illumination.

THE ART OF MEDITATION Chapter: Meditation: The Experience 1951-1956 Topic: The Beauty Of Holiness Meditation is not an

end in itself. That which we are seeking is a conscious realization of the presence of God, but in the realization of that Presence, before the experience of the full and complete illumination, there may be two of us–God and me. We do not want God and me: we want God alone. That is the final step on the spiritual Path. Chapter: Meditation: The

Fruits 1951-1956 Topic: Illumination, Communion, And Union Meditation leads to that illumination which becomes first, communion with God, and finally union. Any temptation that a human being has ever had is multiplied many times as soon as he obtains even a degree of spiritual illumination. As he goes on to greater illumination, however, these temptations fall away one by one until only one temptation remains–

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egotism, the temptation to believe that “I” of my own self can do something or be something. That, too, must finally yield to the risen Christ. When illumination comes, we no longer need anything found in the outer world. Everything and everyone become part of our being. Never again is it necessary to take thought, because now God lives our life.

ILLUMINATION Chapter: The Fruits 1956 Topic: The Fruits Of Spirit Now the time has come when we should no longer depend upon talk or the illumination of some other person. We must have the experience, so that we can be in this world but not of it, walk up and down this world and yet not be a part of it, walk in and out of the discords and inharmonies, as well as the pleasures and harmonies of this world, and through it all maintain our spiritual integrity. We lose all sense of having to do something, or having to know something or having to understand something. . . Let us be beholders, watching God at work in His universe, recognizing a transcendental Being as It performs Its work through our consciousness.

THE FOUNDATION OF MYSTICISM Chapter: living the healing principles Topic: The Nature Of Error In all of the writings, you will notice

passages that tell you the correct letter of truth. That is the metaphysics of the message. Then you find other passages which go from meditation to the actual experience of illumination. That is the mysticism of the message. Through this message, you can attain the mystical contact, or conscious union with God. Through this message you can learn and practice the laws of metaphysics which bring about harmony in human experience. One helps you to achieve the other: more especially, knowledge of the letter of truth and its practice will lead to the mystical experience whereas the mystical experience itself will not always lead to the correct letter or metaphysics of truth.

THE INFINITE WAY Chapter: Spiritual Illumination Topic: Spiritual Illumination

Illumination changes our concept of the universe. THE INFINITE WAY LETTERS 1959

Chapter: March: The Secret of the Resurrection 1958 London Open Class Topic: Transcendental Consciousness 230:1 To those ready for the experience, personal contact with the spiritually illumined will provide the greatest impetus to spiritual unfoldment and illumination.

THE THUNDER OF SILENCE Chapter: From Law To Grace 1956-58 Topic: Ye Are The Light In the earliest stages of illumination, there is

a sense of twoness. There is a John, Bill, or Mary who is aware of a Presence and a Power—Something overshadowing him, Something, helping, guiding, instructing, and governing him. It is within him and functions within and through him, but there is a higher state of consciousness, and that is when there is no person any more. There is just I voicing Itself. That is the Consciousness Itself, and It only comes in the very highest moments of our

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experience when the Presence is the only being that I Am.

ILLUMINATION When we remove world-hypnotism or the belief in two powers from ourselves or any individual, we are free. Then in that day we shall have a new name written on our forehead—a three letter word which can be divided into two words to read, "I Am." That is the truth: I Am—not I was or I will be. I Am at this very moment, and as we realize ourselves as I Am, that I Am-ing becomes a state of continuity, an eternal Is-ing or Am-ing, and the hypnotism disappears. Within us is the entire kingdom of God. That means that in us is the entire kingdom of immortality, eternality, virtue, prosperity, harmony, health, wholeness, completeness, fulfillment. In our human selfhood, we can never bring that forth because as a human being we are living in terms of effect and not cause, but when a human being learns to make contact with his Source, he is then drawing on the Invisible and is back in Eden. Our purpose is to be the transparency through which the Light–not we–performs Its mighty works to be the instrument through which the Divine can manifest and express Itself on earth as It does in heaven. We are never the doer; we are never the actor: We are always the vacuum through which Spirit flows. Let us never for a moment believe that by our spiritual endowments we will ever attain personal or spiritual power. There is no room in spiritual living for egotism or for the exercise of personal power. God does not give His power to another. God does give His glory to another. The power, the glory, and the dominion always remain in God; and we are but instruments, humble servants or transparencies, through which that Light may shine. We become that one in proportion as we learn to be nothing, to be still, and to let that Light act in us. Chapter: From the Unreal to the Real 1956-58 Topic: Henceforth Know We No Man After The Flesh Now we

perceive that man is not flesh, but consciousness, possessing only spiritual qualities. We discern that there is a creative Principle which produces Its own image and likeness, and that this creative Principle is also the sustaining Principle of life, and therefore Its creation must necessarily be of Its own essence–Life, Love, Spirit, Soul. This is the true nature of man. It is our function to live. . . as the image and likeness of God. Let us never forget, however, that there are not two of us. There is not a real man and an unreal man; there is not a real universe and an unreal universe. There is only one universe and that is the real universe; there is only one you and that is the real you. Actually, the man of flesh is that real man even before the Spirit of God has been awakened in him because the first Adam and the last Adam are both spiritual—the one, pure before he is expelled from Eden, and the other, pure after his return. God has fulfilled His own being as our individual being

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on earth.


Infinite Way Pearls

God Realized As Individual Consciousness Universally Brings The Reign Of The Christ In our world work, we must see that our consciousness is the power, but it must be consciously realized, and in our present state of development it has to be a specific activity. When the threat of war arises, the threat of strikes, or the threat of infection or contagion, at that moment we must specifically turn within... As long as there is a human consciousness in which the illusions of sense can operate, the "ten righteous men" have to pray, and they must pray specifically at the time when the appearance touches their consciousness.

The end of the search for God comes when a person discovers that God constitutes his consciousness and that God is not to be found in holy mountains or holy temples, in Jerusalem, Rome, or Boston [and] that the nature of that consciousness is omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence...I do not have to pray to my consciousness in the sense of telling it anything, trying to influence it, or trying to buy its favors. I have to relax in it. To accept my consciousness as omniscience means that I must sit in the silence and let my consciousness speak to me through the still, small voice, or the thundering voice that makes the earth melt...Furthermore, the pearl that God is individual consciousness consists of the fact that God is omnipotence, and therefore I need no God-power. I am not seeking God, because there is nothing for God to overcome...[Omnipresence] merely has to be allowed an inlet and an outlet to this universe, and then the evils of this world are dissolved, because they do not exist as powers or realities. They exist only as mirage, illusion or illusory concepts produced by the belief in two powers.

The greatest problem that comes to me with patients and students is that they do not understand the 1959 work. Somehow the problem that is brought up is always a person, a condition, or a series of events, and very few seem able to grasp the fact that we are not dealing with persons, but dealing with appearances which we understand to be of the nature of illusion...It takes years and years before students and patients can realize that we are dealing not with persons or conditions but with universal beliefs.

Christhood, Not Human Good As you look out at the world, do not declare that it is all illusion, but rather that the erroneous concept of it that you are entertaining is the illusion. Any erroneous picture that you are entertaining is the illusion, and therefore the illusion exists in your mental misperception, not in the external world. If you grasp the point that an illusion cannot be externalized, that it can never exist externally, then you will understand the Infinite Way and its healing principle.

Consciousness fulfills Itself, so we need never attempt to manipulate anything in the human picture. We are

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beholders watching the activity of God express as our life, our supply, our health, our relationships, our peace, and our fulfillment...We are not doers: we are watchers, beholders. In being beholders we turn within to watch God being. We need never run from anything. We need never try to change anything in the picture. We face each experience, every picture, and let the outflow of God-consciousness take over, dissolving the hypnotic illusion of the human picture and revealing reality.

The belief in two powers is so firmly implanted in human consciousness that we are not able to look at a form of error and say,“'It is neither good nor evil.” We are determined to get rid of it, overcome it, or rise above it, or we are determined to try to get the power of God to do something to it...[instead of saying] “illusion,” and then go back to sleep.

ILLUSION Recognize Every Appearance As Error

Successful practitioners stand on the two basic principles: the nature of God and My kingdom, and the nature of evil and its world of illusion. They stand fast in those principles until they develop the consciousness that is not fooled by appearances...Once you enter the kingdom of God and realize a spiritual peace, you will at the same time realize that you never had an enemy in any form. All you were faced with was a hypnotic world, the substance of which was hypnotism, and temporarily you were fooled by the pictures formed by that hypnotism. One day it was a fire, one day a tidal wave, the next day a volcano, he next day an epidemic, next day unhappiness, and the next day poverty. Every day hypnotism formed a new picture for you, and as fast as you were able to get out of one picture it produced another picture.

A Parenthesis In Eternity The Basis Of Mysticism Reality And Illusion

The belief that the world is an illusion led to a do-nothing attitude, a passive acceptance of the evil conditions in the world. [Buddha's] followers failed to see that it is not the world that is illusory. The illusion is in the misperception of the eternal, living, spiritual universe which is the only universe there is, and which is here and now.

The illusion is in the mind that is falsely seeing the world: the illusion is never out in the world. An illusion cannot be externalized. An illusion is a deceptive state of thought, and it can take place only within a person's mind, not outside it.

The substance of the forms we behold is not of that substance which is God, and once we perceive that, we shall understand the true meaning of the word "illusion," which is that our perception of what we behold constitutes the illusion...what we behold is not the real substance of which it is made: it is the substance of mind, the substance of universal mind.

Awakening Mystical Consciousness The Mystic And Healing The Dearth Of Spiritual Healing

Illusion cannot be overcome. When you understand a thing is illusion, you are done with it. It has no more existence.

It is an illusion to believe that there is anything or anybody to be healed.

Knowing The Truth About What Is Do not try to know the truth about man...sin, disease, and death. There is none; they are illusions.

Beyond Words And Thoughts Beyond The Pairs Of Opposites To Being Become An Instrument As Which God Is Living On Earth

Until you stop being either good or bad, you are not going to show forth the kingdom of God or the son of God which you are. Goodness and badness are illusions brought on by a human sense of what constitutes good and bad. Both goodness and badness have to come to an end until you are neither good nor bad: you are just the

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instrument as which God is living on earth.

Conscious Union With God Teacher, Student, And Teaching

ILLUSION One Power, A Basic Principle

Truth does not dispel error because you can't dispel illusion.

Consciousness IN TRANSITION Making The Adjustment

If you have to treat, treat yourself. Treat yourself against the belief that God ever created a mortal any– where on earth to be sick or sinful. If God didn't create a mortal, there are no mortals. Then that whole picture is like our white poodle–illusion.

Meditation, you see, is letting in the divine spirit–God. That dispels every illusion of sense.

You see now that in this meditation you will receive ideas of truth, ideas which exteriorize themselves in what we call tangible form, as bread on the table or as healing or as truth that dispels error. It even reveals to you the nature of error; it will make it appear as illusion, so that you won't even have to think of it in that light, it will come through in its own way. So meditation is for us one of the most important things to develop. Only don't try to press; don't try to exert mental effort. It's not by might nor by power. It's by the gentle spirit.

The Christ, the infinite invisible, is the only healing agency there is in the world, if you want to call it that. It dispels the illusions of sense–that's all.

Today psychosomatic medicine is trying to copy [metaphysical healing.] They are seventy years behind the times because they are now where Christian Science was in 1866, believing there is a mental cause for a physical disease. They are back in the days of Rawson– and Mrs. Eddy's early days–all of these outmoded forms of metaphysics that still believe there is a mental cause for a physical disease. Why, there isn't any disease. You can't have God and a disease, too. There is only one power and that is God. All the rest of it is belief or illusion, whether you call a disease something contracted by infection or by contagion.

That is my word to you after years and years of practice. Do not take the name or identity or the picture or the thought of your patient into your treatment. Leave these completely outside. You have nothing to do with them. They are illusion to begin with and if you take them into the picture, you do not believe they are illusion but think they are something that you must do something about. It is true, perhaps, that because you have a patient you are fooled for a moment that there is a presence and power apart from God, and so you go within for the illumination, for the light that will dispel the illusion. Please leave the problem outside! It does not concern you, whether mental, physical, moral or financial. It has nothing to do with you. This treatment is your relationship to God, and so you go within for illumination, for the light that will dispel the illusion.

ILLUSION You've got to make your choice. Either you have come into the assurance, the realization that there is a God, a

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principle of the universe, or else you are going to be battling sin, disease, and death all your life. But, once you have seen that God is the substance, the law and the form of all being, then you must agree that sin, disease and death, lack and limitation, unemployment, homelessness-all of that-is illusion.

Consciousness Is What I Am The Consciousness Of Truth Is The Healer The Impersonal Nature Of Error

Drop the patient, the disease, or the sin from your thought, while you realize that this problem that is confronting you is an effect. Remember that: it is an effect. An effect of what? Wrong thinking? No. An effect of sin? No. It is an effect of the carnal mind, the belief in two powers. When you are confronted with a problem and have awakened to the point of realization, you say say, “Oh, carnal mind,” and turn over and go to sleep, because you have recognized it as the “arm of flesh,” or nothingness. You have not said, “Carnal mind! Now, how shall I destroy it?” or “Oh, disease is an illusion. How shall I get rid of the illusion?”

Consciousness transformed Behind God There Is No Other

In the presence of God there is liberty. In the presence of light there is no darkness. Darkness is merely the absence of light.There is no entity called darkness. In the same way there is no entity called disease or sin. So it is you don’t heal sin or disease of false appetite–they are illusory concepts. The illusory concept is always in the mind; there is no such thing as an externalized illusion. When you know this truth, the illusory concept is gone, but nothing is really gone with it. Sin or lack don’t go anywhere: you have merely proven they were not there.

Many of the Eastern teachings miss the mark because they all look on the body as matter and themselves as spirit. Once you separate spirit from body in your mind, it is like separating yourself from God. God must function in every avenue of life...The body may be matter as a name, but body is not worthless because it had its origin in God. The body is not an illusion; the mortal concept of body is the illusion.

Some of you may have difficulty in making a transition in consciousness where you stop affirming truth and denying error, and reach that place in consciousness where you can relax and remember, “I am closer to you than breathing, nearer than hands and feet, “Be not afraid, it is I.” Every student has great experiences of healing and regeneration in proportion as he or she can relax in that statement...Do not fight because when you are fighting, you are fighting your imagination. You are fighting illusions, instead of relaxing and resting.

Jesus gave us the nature of God as I, Buddha gave us the nature of error as maya, or illusion, and both of these combined in me to bring forth this message.

Consciousness Unfolding God Revealing The Infinity Of Being Never Treat A Person

ILLUSION I never connect [treatment] with any individual [because] God is the only individual in the world. God is infinite individuality; God is the only place, the only person, the only power. God is the only reality. If I turned away from God I would be treating an illusion.

Agree With Your Adversary Do not use you mind or your thought or your spiritual powers trying to patch up the illusion. Become one with God–and stay on that level of consciousness. Do this as many times as you can in the day, and as many times as you can during the night. Get the feeling of God’s presence. Soon the illusion will be dispelled.

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It is illusion, whether the appearance be war of peace...a healthy body...a sick body.

Our effort is on the side of attaining a conscious oneness with God and letting this realization carry us through whatever war, depression or accident may appear in the world of illusion.

Going From The Mountain Top To The Depths A Hindu mystic looks at this “illusion” and closes his eyes and says, “This is not reality.” That is not correct. This that you see is not illusion: The illusion is the way you see it. When you see railroad tracks [coming together] that is not an illusion. The illusion lies in seeing them coming together.

Let us never forget this: This is a spiritual universe. This is the kingdom of God, and the illusion is not this world, but the universal concept of this world. The only place this concept must and can be changed is in the practitioner’s thought.

Right here and now is God’s kingdom. This is not an illusion: This is God’s kingdom. The way we look at it, what we see through our eyes–that is the illusion.

See the world as Spirit. Seeing it as matter is the illusion. The world is not matter. This is a spiritual universe. Sin and disease are not actualities; they are illusion of mortal concept. Once you see that, you will never again try to heal the outside, as if it actually were something you could heal.

The Hindu mystic says, “This world is illusion, so I will not bother to heal the body at all...” But the body is not illusion. It is the temple of God, according to the teaching of Christ Jesus.

When the concept is healed in the practitioner’s thought, the patient responds. Why? Because the practitioner’s thought is the only place where he can behold an illusion.

You are not illusion. You are the presence of God, but what we are seeing with our eyes is illusion. We are seeing an illusory concept of you. So what do we have to change–you, or our concept of you?

Note To Active Workers The idea is to stop fighting this world picture; stop fighting the Adam-dream; stop fighting illusion. Sit down and get at peace, and let the reality unfold and disclose itself.

The Birth Of The Christ

ILLUSION All we have to do is to learn to live in the consciousness of our present perfection....After we have done that, there is only one other step, and that is to realize that the errors of the world, all of those things that the world is fighting, are not errors at all; they are illusions. And then let us learn not to fight them, not to try to subdue them or overcome them, or even try to get rid of them. Let us learn to live in a beautiful state of peace, the peace that comes from the understanding of God as the only reality of being.

God, The Substance Of All Form Developing A Healing Consciousness Agelessness

The moment you think of your age, you are thinking of a selfhood apart from God and then you are trying to treat the illusion...Since God is our individual life, we are the same age as God.

Behold The Spiritual Universe You will not succeed while you are trying to make sick bodies well. Success in healing work is attained when you are able to turn away from the outer picture entirely, recognizing that it is illusion, and turn within,

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realizing omnipresent, omnipotent God, and discerning the reality of God’s creation.

Man Was Not Born to Cry Rising Above This World An Illusion Is A Mental Image In Thought

An illusion or a mental image in thought has no substance or reality.

Today diphtheria, influenza, or any other disease is considered by many metaphysicians to be an illusion, but an illusion to be removed.


I had spent four hours on just one subject—the illusory nature of error—and had used about every example that I know to show that what is appearing as error has no existence, no substance, no law, no cause, no reality, and can't have effect. Then someone asked, "But how do you get rid of illusion?” Well, as a matter of fact, an illusion isn't a thing; it is an appearance. Once you know that it is an appearance, you have gotten rid of it; it is gone. It no longer exists as wetness on the road. It exists only as an appearance without substance.

So if I say to you, "I don't feel well, give me help," and you immediately come back with all the metaphysical arguments you know, then all you are trying to do is combat, enter into conflict with, or try to overcome, what I have said. Whereas instead, you should go very quietly within your own being, and realize what can be done with an illusion. Then, once you have discovered its illusory nature, what can you do about it? Why should you fear a toy serpent after you have discovered that it's a toy?...So what should you do about it? Do nothing. Just give me that assurance, that's all, that all is well. Do not try to combat my statement of error. Do not try to convince me of its error. Do not try to get rid of the serpent, overcome it, or destroy it. Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free. Now the truth about a toy serpent is that it is harmless. The truth about any infection or contagion is that it is harmless. Why, then, try to overcome it? Why argue with it? Agree with thine adversary.


Where do these pictures and evidences of discord come from? They emanate from thousands of years of accumulated beliefs in a selfhood apart from God. These beliefs constitute a state of deception or mesmerism through which we see and experience that which has no actual or externalized existence, namely an illusion.

Immortality cannot be bestowed on a human being, any more than spiritual understanding can be conferred on anyone. The consciousness of this truth comes to individual thought in proportion to our ability to let go [of] human considerations that bind to the belief of life in matter. After all, your consciousness embodies all the truth there is. It is the kingdom of God within you; not far off in some vague divine mind or spiritual consciousness, but in the divine mind or spiritual consciousness which is your mind and consciousness. This removes the mystery, the miracle, and dissolves the illusions.

What of the unlovely traits we see in human conduct? From the basis of God as "all-in-all," there can be no such thing, and what seem to be these evils are merely illusions, forged by the belief that this is a material universe and that man is a material being, instead of a state of consciousness. In other words, all the seeming evils are the product of the finite physical senses like the illusions we see in the desert.

We are called on to come to the point where we are convinced that illusions are no more mental than they are

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physical. An illusion is an illusion whether it be mental or physical, and an illusion cannot be objectified.

the foundation of mysticism Living The Healing Principles Realize God As The Only Power

There is only one power, and if the Infinite Way is to perform a function in your life, it can only succeed if and to the degree you understand the nature of this carnal or mortal mind as a mental nothingness and illusion, a mental projection, a temptation, a belief, a suggestion, and then drop it. Drop it. Harmony comes into your experience, inner peace comes into your experience, in the realization of God as the only power so you can look out at the sins, diseases, deaths, lacks and limitations that are frightening this world and realize the only reason they're doing this is that they're being accepted as power. The only reason they're perpetuating themselves is that they are being feared and fought. I bring you back over and over again to the Master's teaching, "Resist not evil; put up your sword."

You see, anything that sets up an opposition to God cannot be truth. God is infinite, and God has nothing, nobody, to war with. God is infinite. God is all. There is no power opposing God. Treat this devil, or mortal mind, as something you do not need to have a deep understanding about to overcome, as something you don't have to go to God for God's help to overcome. Then you can follow this exactly as the Hebrews did on one occasion: “And they rested in this word.” Therefore, having seen the nothingness of devil or satan, having seen the nothingness of carnal mind or mortal mind, please do not let us invent some other term and then say, "Oh, help me get rid of my illusion." Don't do that. Don't set up another power against God and then want God to do something about it, or you'll just be going back to theology or the old-fashioned metaphysics.

The Infinite Way Supply (supply)


The only effective and potent weapon against the powers that would destroy the world both physically and mentally is the Silence which comes of the conviction that there is a Something that created this universe and is responsible for maintaining it unto eternity—it is the ability to relax in Silence and let that Something perform Its function. In that Silence we find Alines. In that quietness and confidence, we find our strength and peace. That is our Sabbath, the complete and perfect universe of the first chapter of Genesis in which we rest from all power...Rumblings of the thunder of the deep Silence of My peace reverberate and increase in power until eventually they break every barrier. The mighty noise of the Silence grows in volume until its thunder rends asunder the veils of illusion and God stands revealed in all His majesty, glory, and peace.

We do not need any deep metaphysics: We need to understand the simple little truth that the still small Voice is the power that destroys the illusions of this world. That understanding does not consist of our having a power to do something to error: It consists of the truth that no power is needed to destroy error because error has within itself the elements of its own destruction. We bear witness to that as we stand and look at the unfruitful tree and watch as it withers. We do not wither it: Its own barrenness withers it. So error is dissolved as we sit in quietness and stillness, a witness to the divine Power, and watch as harmony descends upon all around us.

Unconditioned Mind As troubled people bring their problems to us, if we are able to see the person or condition as neither good nor evil, sick nor well, rich nor poor, that is, see him without judgment, we then no longer have a carnal mind, but are in full possession of the mind which was in Christ Jesus—a mind which recognizes only one power, an unconditioned mind—and it dispels the illusions of sense. We do not have to get rid of or overcome the carnal mind; we do not have to destroy it: We only have to understand that our mind is a perfect instrument for the Soul, and this it becomes as we fill our mind with spiritual truth and grace.

When we realize that the problem presenting itself to us is not a God-created spiritual entity, but a mental concept without cause or reality—without presence, power, or substance—then in the realization of God as the creative, maintaining, and sustaining Principle of all that truly is, we already have all the God-power needed, without

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turning to God to do anything about it. It is not necessary to overcome hate, fear, jealousy, or resentment, but it is necessary to sit down, close the eyes, and realize, "These are mental images in thought. These are projected states of thought out of the vast mental illusion. Then by abiding in an inner peace, they are dissolved. They are not destroyed because there is nothing to be destroyed; there is no substance to them and they have no more reality than the pictures on our television screen.

ILLUSION 10 A Message For The Ages

Educating The Human Mind Out Of Itself Self-preservation, The Essence Of The Human Mind The last stand of the human mind, its last ditch fight, is self-preservation, the law that would compel you to save your life at someone else's expense, the law that would say, "Let us drop the bomb first because it will save our lives," or the law that, even though legal, permits a person to shoot a burglar in his home. Consciousness would say, "No, no!" Illumined consciousness does not hold the burglar's life as less valuable than your property Or as less valuable than your life, because just as the Magdalene became one of the greatest of the followers of the Christ, how do you know but what that burglar may some day become another Christ?. . . It is not you and I who believe in the law of self-preservation: it is the human mind, the carnal mind, which is built up on the word "I." I, me, and mine constitute the human world, that false sense on which will do anything for "me or for mine."

The real reason for benevolence and charity is found in Jesus' statement, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." In other words, you are my Self, and I am your Self, and there is no such thing as your Self separate from my Self. The Self of me is God; the Self of you is God; and since there cannot be two Gods, the same God that is the Self of me is the Self of you. Therefore, whatever I do unto you I am doing unto my Self–not unto you, and not for you, not out of pity for you, and not out of love for you, but out of love for my Self, the one Christ-Self, God. . . Just as you would feed yourself three times a day, educate yourself, clothe yourself, or house yourself, you must do this for your Self in many forms. . . But when you give help, you must always remember that you are doing it unto your Self in many forms.

Awakening Mystical Consciousness Flesh And Flesh Knowing Persons Spiritually

Heretofore I have known you as human beings and students, but hereafter, I must never know you that way again but only as the Christ.

Beyond Words And Thoughts God Revealing Himself As Christ On Earth Right Identification

Right identification is a recognition of the truth that I is God and the ability not to think out from the standpoint of being man, limited and subject to human laws.

In Healing You Are Dealing With Incorporeal Man Watch the difference when you begin to accept not only the incorporeality of God, but the incorporeality of man. Every day that you live you become younger and stronger; the more of life you use, the more you have. . . Come

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to the place where you can say, “The only image of God I can ever see is man, and that man has to be as incorporeal as God.”

If the world is to be saved, it will be by the activity of the Christ in human consciousness, and this activity will eventually erase human consciousness, so that no longer will self-preservation be the first law of human nature.

Conscious Union With God Making The Adjustment

IMPERSONALIZATION Impersonalization Of Good And Evil

Impersonalizing with help of little vacant boat analogy. . .

The Christ

Christ consciousness is attained only through recognition that error is unreal thus causing no reaction to it.

Consciousness In Transition Making The Adjustment

Therefore, this is a teaching to build a state of consciousness in which you never think of a person, place or thing in this world, and yet find yourself moving harmoniously in and among and with and through persons and places and things and in "green pastures.”

Now error is not a person. Error is never a person. And to immediately work on an evil person is to get yourself so mixed up in it that you'll have a hard time ever bringing out a healing. In the same way, error is never a diseased person, either. It appears that way, but it isn't that, and if you work on the disease of the person, ultimately you are going to find your healing work isn't really good. It isn't instantaneous, it isn't even quick. It isn't satisfactory.

Now, when the metaphysician who is alert sees a form of good, like a good person or a generous person or a kindly or philanthropic person, the wise metaphysician will instantly say, "You don't fool me. That's God! Those are the qualities of God appearing in or as or through this person." And so you won't get tangled up in personality, and you won't get so completely tangled up in attraction for a person that the loss of that person or his disappearance can almost drive you mad-or a fall from grace might so disappoint you it could cause heartbreak.

Consciousness Is What I Am The Consciousness Of Truth Is The Healer The Impersonal Nature Of Error

In every case that comes to you for healing, your first step is the realization of God as constituting all being. Work with that idea until you have an inner assurance that God is. Then impersonalize the evil–the error or the appearance–whatever its name or nature, by consciously knowing that it is no part of a person and that all evil is impersonal. It must be seen that evil is not in, of, or through person; it is not appearing as person; it is something separate and apart from person.

Rising Above Human Consciousness Every time we remind ourselves that we are not using God to do something to evil but rather that we are recognizing the nothingness of the appearance. . . every time we consciously impersonalize and realize that neither sin, disease, nor false appetite is part of our being but that it is merely a universal belief in two powers. . . every time we meditate, even if it is only a ten-second meditation, just enough time to create a vacuum and to listen, we are developing our consciousness to the fourth degree. An onion skin of mortality is dropping off, and we are that much closer to immortality. . . We become aware that we have a strength, a power, a dominion, and a joyousness

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that the world knows not of.

Consciousness Transformed Above Karmic Law: Principles To Live By

IMPERSONALIZATION You must eliminate the word “I” from you life and in whatever degree you succeed, in that degree will you know successful and joyous living. . . If you can eliminate the word I, you have no life to lose, including your children’s. It is God’s life and God can take care of Its own.

As humans we are enslaved by words. A word gets a grip on us, and then we are the victim of that word. Among the words that have enslaved us are he, she, and it. . . But watch the difference when you can look over the heads of all the he’s, she’s and it’s in the world and realize, “God is the source of my good. God is the source of my supply. God is the cement of my relationships,” and instead of getting angry at he, she, or it, get angry at ourselves for being enslaved by he, she, or it.

Look over the heads of men and women and see that of themselves they are nothing. “All power is in the hands of the Infinite, the Eternal, and it operates through grace.”

The Third Degree is where you forget everything you learned in the First [concerning the nature of God and the nature of your reliance on God and a moral code], because now you are not going to be loving or charitable or honest. Now you are going to be nothing and you are going to let the spirit of God be everything, functioning through you. Now you are going to say, “Why callest thou me good?”. . . In other words, you are taking no thought; you are letting your life be lived by the spirit of God in you. . . So now there is no longer any reason to have faith in God or to rely on God, because there is no personal sense of I.

In the mystical life you see men and women but it does not register to you in that way. In other words it makes no impression. One cannot afford to see students or patients as attractive women or beautiful women or plain women. You train yourself so that your attention is always on listening.

Think what life would be without victory and without defeat, and then you will see how quickly you can lose emotion because emotion deals with victory and defeat, accomplishment or lack of accomplishment. If you are impersonalizing, then you have nothing to accomplish. You cannot win and you cannot lose. You can only be.

Always remember this point: You are not to intrude in the private life of anyone without that person’s permission. However, you are under a spiritual obligation to make the correction within yourself and, if they are receptive, they may experience a healing and very often do. . . You are your brother’s keeper by keeping his image and likeness straight in your consciousness. . . You must maintain the truth about him and his divine origin, divine identity, and government by divine law in your consciousness.

IMPERSONALIZATION If we want to get beyond the state of responding to every claim that is in the wind, we must begin to live less

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with that word “I” and more with the idea that “Christ liveth my life.” The remembrance of it will bring about a change in your life. You will not bring about a change, but the remembrance will. It is not what you read or hear or study that is the miracle; it is your developed state of consciousness that is the miracle.

The main barrier to spiritual progress lies in the personal sense of the word I. Whenever we say, “I am healthy, I am wealthy, I am grateful, I am loving, I am forgiving,” we are indulging in personal sense which is the barrier to our reaching our ultimate goal.

We are looking to consciousness to live our lives, not in a personal way but in an individual way, and show forth its qualities. You would be surprised how different you are from the mask you wanted the world to believe was you. . . If I know that whatever I am, I am because of my relationship to God, that I am heir of God to all of its character and qualities, then I am not building up my personal ego but I am deflating it.

We can achieve [freedom from disease, lack and limitation, sin, or sinful desires] by realizing that our qualities are derived from our source, and then give them the opportunity to be expressed.

Your only desire must be to let consciousness live your life as your individual experience. Then, without these personal desires, we can really begin to act out that which is coming through us.

The only reason you were ever created was that God would have an instrument on earth through whom to pour Its qualities. You were not born to be subjected to anything or anyone.

Perhaps four or five years after the beginning of my healing ministry, I learned that every metaphysical healing teaching in the world is based on a misconception, the misconception that the source of whatever evil is affecting you is within yourself and that you are responsible for the errors in your experience. . . One of the major secrets of healing work was given me then, and that was impersonalization. It was shown me how all error of any nature has its origin in the carnal mind or mortal mind.

Consciousness Unfolding Questions And Answers Gratitude

If we can catch the idea that [any] demand is not being made upon us as a person or upon our income, but that it is made on the Christ for which we are acting as the transfer agent, we shall find abundance flowing to us and out from us.

When the concept is healed in the practitioner’s thought, the patient responds. Why? Because the practitioner’s thought is the only place where he can behold an illusion.

You are not illusion. You are the presence of God, but what we are seeing with our eyes is illusion. We are seeing an illusory concept of you. So what do we have to change–you, or our concept of you?

Freedom In Christ


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It becomes easier for you when you think of yourself in terms of capital S instead of small s. Think of yourself as being the Son of God, think of yourself always with a capital S, as one with God, heir of God, joint heir to all the heavenly riches. Then you will find that you have impersonalized yourself, because gradually you will come to realize that you are not finite being, you are not man, whose breath is in his nostrils, you are not that creature who is not under the Law of God-neither indeed can be, for you now consciously have the Spirit of God dwelling in you; and according to Scripture, this makes you the Son of God, the Child of God. If so be the Spirit of God dwelleth in you, then are you the Child of God-the Spirit, the consciousness.

The fact that, for the moment, [family and friends] do not know [Oneness] is none of your business. We are not dealing with their demonstration but your demonstration; and you will not have a demonstration unless you begin to perceive that this Truth that you have declared and realized about yourself must be a universal Truth. Therefore regardless of their lack of demonstration, regardless of their lack of willingness to even learn about their true Identity, you are secretly and silently knowing It. Know this at your employer's business or among your employees or with your customers or clients. You are knowing this, in the classroom, of both teacher and pupils. You are knowing this in the government. It makes no difference what these people may seem to be or be doing: you are now realizing their true Identity. You are now realizing their Oneness with their Source—the universal Source!

We are responsible for our concept of [others], and we should say, "I don't care whether you are well or sick, good or bad; I am relying on your Christhood." In that moment you have killed off yourself, that which feels a personal responsibility, a sense of joy or sorrow . You have killed that off the moment you no longer have a personal reaction of sorrow toward the subnormal, and a reaction of good toward the supernormal. "I disregard both of those in the realization of your spiritual Selfhood, and it Is perfect, it Is intact, it Is complete!" Abide in that, rather than take a human being and change them.

Do not ever believe that man is held in bondage by people, do not ever believe that man is held in bondage by poverty or by disease. These are the effects! That is why it says in Scripture, "Lay the axe at the root of the tree"; do not start picking off branches!

Remember that as a human being, my whole life is devoted to malpracticing you. I am seeing you sick, or I am seeing you sinful, or I am seeing you old, or I am seeing you dying. . . The moment I understand that God is your Father and that you are as pure as your Father—for you are of the same Life, Mind, and Substance—I have released you from malpractice and I have released myself being a malpractitioner. Since, now, I am not pouring out malpractice, none can me back to me, because my whole experience is made of what I pour out. . . If I know the Truth, the Truth must make me free! If I know the Truth about you, that Truth makes me free because there is only One of us.

When you know this Truth of true identity, think of yourself as being somewhere separate from mankind and looking out at them. Then realize that you are looking out at your Self, your divine Selfhood made manifest as a million or a billion people, and act that way toward them. Do not hold them in condemnation for their human thoughts, that which they cannot help until they awaken to their true identity any more than you or I can help our human faults until we awaken to our true identity.

IMPERSONALIZATION Do you want justice, equality, mercy, and kindness from this world? Then begin in your meditations to impersonalize the evils of this world and begin to know that you are not the source of evil to anyone. This is because God constitutes the Selfhood of your being, and no one else is the avenue or channel of evil

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towards you, for God constitutes their Selfhood. Any evil apparent in your world is a product of a universal thing called the carnal mind, or mortal mind, which in and of itself is nothing until you give it a person in whom, on whom, or through whom to operate.

Just imagine what happens when you sufficiently meditate on this Truth so that you do not recognize any selfhood apart from God. Could you possibly suffer loss or destruction from another if there is no other than God? Can you ever be the victim of injustice, inequality, or any other evil if there is no selfhood other than God?

Our work is to free ourselves from universal claims. I know that you do understand this, but I give it to you because you will have an occasion, every single day of your life, to remember what I am saying to you. The temptation, in our work, is to try to improve the human scene: We see a sick person and our first normal reaction is to want to see them well. We see an unemployed person and the very first thought is how we can bring about employment. We see a poor person and the first thing that comes to us is how to bring supply to them. We see an unhappy person and our first thought is how to bring happiness it. . . Never, unto the end of your days on earth, will you overcome the automatic, unconscious temptation, at least once in a while while giving treatment, to change the appearance into its opposite.

So it is that first of all, when we sit down to help ourselves or others, our realization—or one of our realizations—must be, "I am not trying to change sick matter into earthy matter. I am not trying to change a little matter into a lot of matter. I am not trying to make unhappy people happy. My aim in this meditation is to realize, behold, and demonstrate the Christ"—in other words, demonstrate the Christhood of your being, of my being, of his being, of her being. That is why we are never trying to get something or get rid of something. We are never attempting to draw something to us or force something away from us. Our entire ministry is Christ Realization.

The Infinite Way in its healing work is directly opposite to all other metaphysical teachings, for the following reason: we do not look within you for the error that is causing your trouble. We do not look to your wrong thinking for the cause. We do not look to the sins for the cause. We do not admit that resentment, jealousy, malice, sensuality, or any of these are causes for your ills. We start with the Self with a capital S which impersonalizes you and makes God your Selfhood. Therefore Divine qualities are the only qualities of your being. Therefore there is no sin in you, nor is there any effect of sin in you, nor is there any disease in you, nor is there any cause of disease in you. Rather, all evil which seems to be manifesting through you is recognized as impersonal—as being no part of you, since God is your being. Even your body is the Temple of God; therefore this evil can not be in you or in your soul or in your mind or in your being or in your body. Where is it then? Where is this evil? It is in an impersonal belief in mortality, in mortal selfhood, in a sense of separateness from God (which you aren't).

The moment we believe that your wrong thinking, or your wrong doing, or your wrong mother or father are responsible for your ills, we have personalized the whole thing—placed it in you and made it virtually impossible to get it out. Whereas if in our healing work we recognize that God constitutes your being and therefore this evil, regardless of its name or nature, is but this impersonal carnal mind, this universal belief in two powers, this universal belief in a selfhood apart from God, then we have impersonalized it. "

IMPERSONALIZATION 10 Unless you are seeing God as the Selfhood of yourself, of judge, of jury, of attorneys, of solicitors, of prosecutors—unless you are seeing the Self of all—how can you possibly expect justice?

We look out with our eyesight, which means with our limited, finite senses, and we are looking at God's masterpiece, you. That's God's masterpiece, His own offspring of His own Being, His own Self made individually manifest. Now, beholding it without spiritual appreciation, comprehension, we say t "Isn‘t this worthless!”

You have been guilty of seeing God's child as if he were a sinner, God's child as if he were ungrateful, unlawful, unmerciful. You must begin to realize God as the Selfhood of individual being, thereby

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The Art Of Spiritual Healing Spiritual Healing: The Practice The Relationship Of Oneness

The truth of being in your consciousness will act as a law of annihilation to any false belief that would intrude.

Treatment Is A Realization Of Omnipresence You do not try to realize the Christ in them; you realize the Christ as the only being.

The Contemplative Life The Spiritual Christmas The Christ Dissolves All Evil

Whenever we witness injustices or cruelties on this earth, we have the right also to say in our prayers, “You have not done this unto me; you have not done this unto my neighbor or my nation: you have done this unto God,” and when we have thus impersonalized it, we have begun to destroy the evil and the injustice.

The Early Years (32-46) Jesus Founded No Church

Also, we no longer hold to the old concept of man as n mortal, sometimes good, sometimes bad; occasionally healthy, most often ill. We recognize only spiritual man: the manifestation of God's being; the eternal expression of life, incorporeal, and free.

The mind of man is the creative principle of the universe. We, however, long taught to believe that our mind is personal to us, that therefore the mind of one individual differs in intelligence and understanding from another, have lost the consciousness of the infinity of mind, our mind. We can regain this true consciousness of mind only in the degree that we perceive the universality and oneness of mind.

The Foundation of Mysticism Living The Healing Principles Purifying The Mind

IMPERSONALIZATION 11 As long as there is opposition or judgment in your mind, as long as there is duality, two powers, there is no way to realize I Am. It is only when you have learned to impersonalize and nothingize that your consciousness is so clear, so pure, so transparent, that the Christ shines through. That spiritual light shines through. It is a presence that goes before you to make the crooked places straight.

Don't forget that you can’t purify yourself once and stay that way, any more than you can take a bath once and stay clean. Purification is a continuous process, and I don't mean for a year or two; I mean forever. It is a praying without ceasing because the world mesmerism is irresistible and it will reach into your consciousness unless you are alert and able to quickly and constantly impersonalize. Once you can do that, you can meditate because your mind is not warring with anybody or anything.

The very moment you fully grasp the idea that all evil is impersonal, in that very moment your consciousness becomes a transparency through which God appears, through which the Christ is made manifest. Your consciousness cannot be a transparency while it is doubled-minded, while it has good and evil in it. We become wholly pure, a transparency for the Christ, to the degree that we are able to impersonalize all evil.

When that realization [of I Am] is attained, it gives you freedom. That’s the only thing that does give you freedom, because in that I Am-ness there is no longer a desire for anything or anybody. There is no longer an

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ambition. There is no longer strife or struggle. There is a resting in that realization. Then through that realization everything necessary for our fulfillment, whether it’s person, place, thing, circumstance, or condition, automatically flows into existence. I know you will more easily rise to the mystical experience after you have made a specific practice of impersonalizing and nothingizing.

When you are sure that you have impersonalized it so that you have absolutely no thought of the individual in your mind, then take the third step, which is nothingizing. That means you have to go back to Genesis: "God made all that was made, and all that God made was good. What God did not make was not made." Therefore, anything God did not make does not exist. And all that God made was good. If God made all that was made and all that God made was good, then God didn’t make a carnal mind, or mortal mind, or devil, or satan. They have no existence except as mental concepts in the human mind.

Treatment doesn't make you the son of God. That you are. Treatment doesn't bring God into your experience. It is already there, but it isn't doing you a bit of good because you don't know the truth. So when you know the truth, the truth can make you free. But you must know the truth–and we call that specific treatment. Why specific treatment? Well, in the instance I spoke of, establishing yourself in your community among your neighbors, you must specifically know the truth about your neighbors. You must know that they are the sons of God; that their bodies are the temple of God; that the kingdom of God is enthroned within them. This is a specific truth that you are knowing about your neighbors.

The Infinite Way Our Real Existence Our Real Existence

Essential: willingness and ability to [see through] the human sense of person and thing.

The Infinite Way Letters 1955 Christmas, 1955 Christmas 1955

IMPERSONALIZATION 12 Behold this gentle Presence within you, receiving Its Grace from the Godhead Itself, dispelling the sense of I, me, mine.

Look away from person, and behold Love appearing through all.

The Ninth Commandment, Judge Not, Love Thy Neighbor It would be impossible to understand that Christ is the Life of individual being, and then quarrel with your neighbor.

The Invisible Nature Of Your Life If we think of each other as human beings who must be healed, we are practicing a form of materia medica.

The Infinite Way Letters 1956 Contemplative Meditation What Is Religion

Enlightened prayer must always be a turning to the inner divine Self for revelation of its light, that this light may dispel our sense of separateness.

Part Two The price of demonstration is that. . . you must secretly and silently declare these truths about yourself, and then about all individuals with whom you come in contact, be they human, animal, vegetable, or mineral.

Judge Not According To The Appearance, But Judge Righteous Judgment

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One of the most difficult steps in overcoming the personal self is the conviction that we are entitled to retain our opinions and ideas [about good and evil].

When there is no longer a reaction to the human good or to the human evil, the most difficult step on the spiritual path, the one which ultimately leads to the death of the personal self, has been surmounted.

Love Is it now easy to forgive when we realize that men’s evils are not really evils, but ignorance of their true identity as the Christ-Self, the Son of God?

Withinness Consciously know that the Christ is greeting you through every individual encountered.

It is imperative that you consciously behold the invisible spiritual identity of every person you meet.

To bear false witness against your neighbor is to accept him as a human being.

You do not see male or female. . . [but] a light which shines forth from each person's eyes. . . the Child of God.

The Infinite Way Letters 1957 April: Resurrection Resurrection: The Goal Of The Spiritual Path

IMPERSONALIZATION 13 Look through the physical appearance of men and women to the I that sits back of their eyes, looking out at you.

The consciousness of the teacher beholds the consciousness of the student and awakens it, [and the student] is able to receive impartations directly from the Spirit.

Error Is Not Personal To The Individual Handle error as a universal claim instead of as your error or mine.

If you saw a thief whom you wanted to help, you would not accept into your consciousness a person needing to be healed of dishonesty: You would separate the dishonesty from the person and you would recognize this as a universal belief in a selfhood apart from God.

Never ignore the claim. Ignore the person and handle the claim by realizing that the claim is not personal; it has nothing to do with the person involved.

The Infinite Way Letters 1959 August: Conscious Dominion Spiritual Selectivity In Relationships

I know now that no person has the will or the power to do evil, and when an individual appears to be the instrument for evil that is but the carnal mind.

Let us behold the Christ sitting between the eyes of every individual; let us behold only the Christ as the substance and law of every condition; and then there will be no duality in our consciousness, and no duality can return to us.

To live the spiritual life means to give up personal sense and come into the understanding that we have no life of our own, but that that life which is ours is really God’s life expressed as our individual life or experience.

We must learn to “die daily” to the old man, that man who has been living his own life, a life lived strictly in accordance with his own desires and for his own purposes.

God-realization Dissolves Material Sense

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Material sense always operates through the word “I.”. . . This personal sense of “I” constitutes material sense.

When there is no material sense, there is no personal sense of “I” to sin, to be sick, or to be poor. . . When there is no longer any personal “I,” what is left? God!. . . God, the Father, appearing as God, the Son, in all of God’s glory.

Importance Of Contact With The Spiritually Illumined Humility. . . is the ultimate and actual acknowledgment that one’s human identity is nothing, and this produces that complete vacuum into which, and through which, the Spirit of God can operate.

Give Up All Attempts To Change The Human Picture

IMPERSONALIZATION 14 Father, I am not trying to change this. . . condition or person. Awaken me out of this mesmeric dream, so that I do not judge by appearances, but see this person as he is, and I shall be satisfied with that likeness, because here is the Christ.

This picture of mortality which presents itself to me is a temptation to believe in the entity, identity, and reality of mortal creation.

The Impersonalization Of Good And Evil By impersonalizing error in every form, the burden was immediately lifted from me and from all those who came to me for help.

Do not accept a human being into your consciousness.

Mrs. Jones receives the help because in my meditation I have known that there is no Mrs. Jones: Mrs. Jones represents only a finite sense of being in my mind. . . There is no Mrs. Jones. There is only the Christ appearing to me erroneously as Mrs. Jones.

The impersonalization of both good and evil will make it impossible for anybody to harm you.

The Journey Back To The Father’s House Meditation: It’s Function And Purpose Conscious Awareness (three Principles And Their Practice)

The one thing the world is suffering from is mental inertia. It will not wake up and I think; it does not want to think conscious thoughts. It wants to look at pictures. It doesn't want to give voice to concrete truth. It doesn't want to sit back and live with truth. It wants to depend on an unknown God. . . Wake up to the fact that your experience is going to be your own state of consciousness objectified. . . If you insist on going around all day without living consciously in the realization of God, omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient here and now, the all and only power, and then impersonalizing all phases of evil and realizing that they exist only as the 'arm of flesh' or nothingness, you will not bring harmony into your experience.

The Letters '32-'46 Jesus Founded No Church (jesus Founded No Church)

Recognize only spiritual man

No evil in person, place or thing, only in universal concept or individual acceptance of evil person, place, thing.

The Mystical I An Act Of Worship And The Fruitage Listening Is The Correct Attitude For Prayer

In all my years of teaching and healing ministry, I have never yet had God tell me about an error in any person. I

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have witnessed a great many errors dissolved in other persons as well as in myself, but I have never heard God tell me that anyone had an error.

God's Grace Is For The Benefit Of All Men


In my work in penal institutions, I learned never to look upon the men who were incarcerated in the prison as thieves, murderers, or criminals of varying degrees. . . That is not they at all: That is a person which they have fashioned in their minds, a person molded by certain prenatal experiences, the environment of the early years of home life, childhood, and school days, and then later by personal experiences out in the world. All these influences have formed not a person, but a caricature of the person.

In order to see anyone correctly, we must develop the habit of looking into his eyes, and then, if we are able to penetrate the depths that lie way, way back of his eyes, we shall see the person in his true identity, behold the reality his being, and discover that names are but masks for characters in God-consciousness, God-consciousness Itself produced as form. Behind the mask, there is but the one name, G-o-d. . . Then, every time we go to the butcher or the baker, do business with a broker or a banker, enter our home or church, or go to our business, we shall be seeing the Christ-man, a person without qualities [of his own], a person who, we know within ourselves, has the Soul of God, the mind of God, and the Spirit of God.

Insofar as we can keep from thinking of a person as a human being—from thinking of his parents, his education, the environment in which he has grown up and now lives, and accumulation of other factors that may have contributed to his present discord or harmony—and keep our mind stayed on God, realizing that everything that is emanates from God everybody that is lives and moves and has his being in God, in that degree can we love our neighbor even though he be an enemy.

Knowing the truth does not imply a knowing of the truth about human beings or about any condition that is mortal. There is no such truth. Knowing the truth means knowing the truth about God and God's creation, and this knowing of the truth awakens man and lifts him above and out of his mortality.

No hypnotist has ever produced anything but a picture.

The picture in our mind never was that person.

Who Told You? Throughout my years of healing work, I have learned that if I can be made to accept the condition or the person that is brought to me as either good or evil, just in that proportion I will fail to bring forth a healing. Healing comes with the realization, "This is not evil and this is not good; there is neither good nor evil here because God is

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here, and where God is, 'where the Spirit of the lord is, there is liberty.'"


Chapter: Becoming the new man 1963 Topic: What we surrender, we have; what we hold in the grasp of possession we lose. Everything we release, we draw to us. . . because life–God–is an outflow, and only as we are letting the grace of God flow through us are we instruments of the divine. Chapter: Discovering the Soul 1963 Topic: The purpose of man is to show forth the nature of God. Originally man was intended to be the instrument through which, or as which, God lived on earth. This is the meaning of the incarnation Chapter: prayer of the righteous man: God is September 1963 Topic: There must be an absolute conviction within you that your prayers are not going to save anyone, that your prayers are not power, but rather that your prayers are the instrument through which God’s presence and God’s power be released to govern mankind. Chapter: relationship of oneness-2 3/10/63 Topic: If I ever claim The Infinite Way as mine, not only would I lose it, but it might be that even the world would lose it in this generation. No, it is not mine. It was God expressing Itself in the language necessary to this age, and I was fortunate enough to be the instrument that voiced it. Chapter: Silence! Stillness! Quietness! 1964 Topic:

In the original book The Infinite Way, from the First through the Ninth Edition, I paid lip service to metaphysical belief by occasionally using the word Mind with a capital “M” as a synonym for God. As you know I took it out with the Tenth edition. . . The mind of man can be used for either good or evil. . . so you see mind could never be God, and God could never be mind. [Neither is the mind] an instrument through which you could reach God. That, too, was a mistake. If God could reach you through the mind, or if you could reach God through the mind, everyone would have access to God. . . Since access to God must be through the Soul, it can only be through silence, stillness, quietness. Then in the moment that ye think not, the bridegroom cometh. Chapter: the source 1963 Topic: The only reason you were ever created was that God would have an instrument on earth through whom to pour Its qualities. You were not born to be subjected to anything or anyone. Chapter: The tree of life 3/17/63 Topic: Humanly we have no relationship with each other, but spiritually there is this bond. When you see it in this way, you never receive anything from anyone without heartfelt thanks to them as an instrument, but neither do you forget to look further and see that it came to you by virtue of the spiritual bond.


Chapter: The Principle 1949 Topic: Becoming Instruments For The Divine Plan You become an instrument of the divine plan in proportion as you accept the call that comes to you from within.



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Chapter: God alone is Power 1955 Capetown Series Topic: God’s Glory Made Manifest 706 1:1

You are not to fight disease in the body: you are to recognize and submit your body to God. The heavens declare the glory of God: they do not declare their own glory; the heavens do not say, "We are beautiful"; the stars do not say, "Look how we shine." It is God's glory that is being shown forth through the heavens; it is God's glory that is being shown forth through the firmament; it is God's glory that is being made manifest in your body as health, wisdom, guidance, and direction. . . As you recognize that, you give up the thought of good coming to you, health coming to you, or wealth coming to you, and realize that you are the instrument through which these flow. You are God's instrument. It is you who show forth His handiwork, when you have withdrawn from your consciousness this world belief in two powers: a God and a devil, an immortal and a mortal, a good and an evil. These exist on earth in human consciousness because of the basic belief in two powers. Give up the belief in two powers, and you have only one power, and it is in the invisible. Then everything in the visible shows forth God's handiwork, reflects it, or expresses it. Everything—your mind, your soul, your body—can show forth God's glory once you realize the infinite and omnipresent nature of God within your own being. You are the instrument but only by listening and listening. Then divine grace takes over, and that grace does not fight evil, sin, or disease. It just lives Its own life and never finds opposition, just as God finds no opposition. There is no opposite to the Infinite. There is no opposition to Infinity. There is nothing existing outside of Infinity if Infinity is infinite. Within that Infinity, all is of the nature of the Divine.

Until you consciously reject the belief in two powers, you will have a power out here to act upon the body, able to make it sick or well or to make it age. When you reject that suggestion, your body loses its power to become sick, and it loses it power to age. It becomes an instrument for life eternal. It becomes an instrument for the showing forth of God's glory. Chapter: God, the Substance of Universal Being 1951 Second Portland Series Topic: Your World, An Expression Of Your State Of

Consciousness 601 1:2 The truth is, there is no error in your consciousness. There is not a sign or a trace of sin, disease, or lack in

your consciousness, because God is the only consciousness there is. God is the only consciousness that man has, and mind is its

instrument. Therefore, the only expression that can come forth from it is infinite good. Some of you will say, Oh, but look at this

world of lack and limitation, sin and disease." Yes, look at it, and you will see the fruitage of the belief that you have a separate

mind, will, and consciousness of your own.

Chapter: The Substance of all Good 1951 Second Portland Series Topic: How Truth Becomes Practical 602 1:2 It changes our life

completely and sometimes instantaneously when we learn to live for the purpose of letting the qualities and activities of God flow

through, rather than always seeking to get something. When we understand that we have no righteousness of our own, no wealth of

our own to give or bestow, that nothing exists that is a personal possession, then we are instruments for the Divine, instruments

through which the one life flows, the one infinite abundance, the one wealth, all of God. “The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness

thereof.” . . There is nothing we have in our pocket that belongs to us. There is nothing that we have in the bank that belongs to

us. . . We are instruments for [God’s] expression. We are vehicles, servants to the universe. We serve it as it serves us. There is no

such thing as personal possessions in a spiritual universe.


INSTRUMENT Chapter: Immortality Unveiled 1962 Los Angeles Special Class Topic: Spiritual Life Is A Dependence On The Within 486: 1:2 A practitioner or a teacher in this work who has really been touched by the Spirit knows that he is not in a business: he is functioning only as an instrument to bring forth on earth the activity of God's grace which does not appear on earth except through individual consciousness.


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Chapter: Not Good OR Evil Topic: When you have seen that God Is my Life, again you have died to the selfhood called age—the running down and failure of faculties. Never try to treat you or me for health or age or wealth. Recognize the Infinite Invisible as the only age or health or wealth of man, of the capacities of man, mental or physical. You see, the body itself has no capacity. It is an instrument; but it is an instrument for your belief or for your knowledge. You can make it an instrument of belief by asking how old, and what size, and what its degree of health is. Then the body will show forth every belief in the world. Now on the other hand, you can make a spiritual instrument of your body by saying, "God Is its strength, its age, the measure of its capacity. I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." There is not a word about muscles and bones. "I can do all things through Christ which Is my own strength and life. I can bring forth wisdom, art, music, and literature through Christ, which Is my Spirituality or artistic capacity." Never try to treat you or me for health or age or wealth. Recognize the Infinite Invisible as the only age or health or wealth of man, of the capacities of man, mental or physical. You see, the body itself has no capacity. It is an instrument; but it is an instrument for your belief or for your knowledge. You can make it an instrument of belief by asking how old, and what size, and what its degree of health is. Then the body will show forth every belief in the world. Chapter: Universal Hypnotism Topic: I am consciously One with God and all that the Father hath is mine, and only that which Is of the Father is mine. I am an instrument through which God appears on earth. There is no "me"; that which you identify as me is God appearing as me. It is the Life of God, the Soul of God, the Mind of God, the Reality of God, the Allness of God, made individually manifest. How often it happens that a patient says, "My trouble is sensuality," or the practitioner says, "I've discerned that you're too sensual." Now you see, that just pins it onto the individual and makes healing an impossibility. If you do detect those things, then it's only a sign that this individual is being handled by that subliminal perception, that universal or carnal mind, in that way. Then realize that this is an attribute of nothingness, or the carnal mind. It cannot use the Child of God as an avenue, as a channel, or as an instrument, because it's a nothingness itself—no presence, no power, no law to sustain any such thing. Recognizing the fact that a human being is only a human being because the carnal mind is pumping itself into them and through them, and is being accepted as a power, you know how to die daily to your humanhood: that is, by being very sure in the morning, and certainly at night before sleeping, that the so-called theories, opinions, beliefs—the whole of the carnal mind—are not a power. The carnal mind has no avenue of expression, no law to sustain it or maintain it. I am One with God. I and my Father Are One, and the qualities of God constitute my qualities. I am an instrument and an avenue through which, and as which, God appears on earth. The Intelligence of God, and the Love of God, and the Wisdom of God, and the Grace of God—all of this finds expression in me, through me, as me, to all of this world, for I and the Father are One!



Few people recognize that because [the mind] is an instrument of God, it should be perfectly harmonious. There is no reason why the body should deteriorate or lose its faculties, and it appears so only because man has not yet learned how to prevent such changes and maintain the body so that it is a proper and effective instrument for daily

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use. This can be done by realizing that the mind also is an instrument and, too, has its rightful place in our human experience. . . The mind is an instrument for something higher than itself, and that something is the one Self. When we come to the point where the mind is governed by the Self, we will be embraced in a peace that passes understanding. Then we do not control the body or the mind, but the activity of Truth in our consciousness, of which we become aware through the mind, keeps the mind clear, clean, harmonious, and vital; and it in its turn manages, controls, and governs the body, acting as the purifying agent of both mind and body. Mind functions as thought; mind appears as thing; and on this level, mind is the essence of creation as described in the second and third chapters of Genesis. Therefore, if matter is mind, a process of mind can change the product, matter. Mind—your mind and my mind—imbued with spiritual truth becomes the instrument through which God appears, in and through which God manifests, and God appearing becomes the body of our outer world. . . Therefore, never do we live in a material world with material surroundings because God, Itself—Truth in your consciousness and my consciousness—is the very substance and essence of your world. When God, or Soul becomes the activity of the mind and appears as form, then all form is spiritual and can be multiplied. . . but it can be multiplied only because it is not matter. We look at the creations of God through the instrument of the mind, and the forms we see take on the color and complexion of the mind interpreting them. When a person comes to us and says, "I have a diseased body" or "I have a sick mind" or "I have an empty pocketbook," he is beholding creation through limited, finite, material sense; but if we ignore what the person is seeing, feeling, and experiencing and realize that our mind is but an interpreter and if we can become sufficiently still so that the true picture can register, then out of the Silence we may hear, "Thou art my Child, my beloved child, in whom I am well pleased" or "This very place is the kingdom of God" or "All that I have is thine." In other words, there comes an assurance from within that the scene, as mortal sense interprets it, is incorrect; and in the Silence what is actually there is revealed to us. Correctly understood, mind is an instrument of God, created by God. Therefore, mind itself is an effect, just as the product of mind is an effect. It is not a cause; it is an effect. God, Soul, Spirit alone is cause, and both mind and body are effects. As troubled people bring their problems to us, if we are able to see the person or condition as neither good nor evil, sick nor well, rich nor poor, that is, see him without judgment, we then no longer have a carnal mind, but are in full possession of the mind which was in Christ Jesus—a mind which recognizes only one power, an unconditioned mind—and it dispels the illusions of sense. We do not have to get rid of or overcome the carnal mind; we do not have to destroy it: We only have to understand that our mind is a perfect instrument for the Soul, and this it becomes as we fill our mind with spiritual truth and grace. Mind, unconditioned and having no qualities of good or evil, is the substance of all that is visible; and all that is, is as unconditioned as the mind which is its basis. If this were not true, it would be impossible for our state of consciousness to produce changes in what is called the material universe. . . We would know that our consciousness of one power, which really is a consciousness of no-power, had produced the healing and was a law of harmony. We would observe that our mind functioning as an instrument of God had produced an effect on what we call body or matter and we would know then that the substance of mind and the substance of matter are one and the same. That is why mind can affect matter and, moreover, that is why truth in consciousness can affect matter.


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Chapter: The Secret of Success Topic: From the Letter of Truth to the Spirit of Truth

Most of us come to our Grace of God through our ills or discords. Mine came through illness. I was very ill with a severe cold that I could not rise above. One Saturday I sought out a practitioner whom I had never heard of previously and who usually did not see patients on Saturdays, when he devoted his time to study and prayer. But when he saw the condition I was in, he invited me into his office. Not only did I have an instantaneous healing, but also after leaving his office, I could not smoke or drink, or play cards anymore. Two days later, someone asked me for a healing, and got it. The next day someone else came to me and asked, "Will you pray for me?" and had a healing. This went on for a year and a half. By then I was in the practice of healing. That had not been my intent; I was not seeking it. It just came upon me.


Chapter: Easter: An Experience of Consciousness 1964 Honolulu Infinite Way Study Center 1:1 Topic: Consciousness Is Not Limited To A Body 537

I have had the experience of being taken into my Master's household, into my Master's consciousness, into my Master's temple, even the cave where my Master lives, the Master, for there is but one. This is an experience of consciousness in which the body travels just as rapidly as thought. . . This is not an experience of imagination: this is an experience of consciousness. It happens that we find this very easy to do, because we have gone only to the places with which we are familiar. But remember that just as we can move about so readily in the places with which we are familiar, so with an activity of consciousness we could move about just as freely to any part of this globe, even into the other planets, into the skies, and down beneath the waters, because everything that takes place in consciousness must take place as an activity of our consciousness. Not even our body can move without an activity of our consciousness moving it. Chapter: Let there be Light 1961 Waikiki Infinite Way Center 2:1&2 Topic: The Light Dissolves The Darkness 387 Recently,

something came to my attention that bore witness to the evil nature of some of the men in positions of power who are manipulating the world, and for a moment it brought a sense of inner disturbance. But almost simultaneously the Voice spoke and said, "But there are not any evil men: man is spiritual." That brought a complete release from being in and of the world, or of being under the influence of its fears and worries. Did that realization remove these evil men from the world? No, it removed them and any effect they might have from my consciousness as well as from the consciousness of those who are attuned to my consciousness.

Chapter: The Message of the Bible 1958 Second Sydney/melbourne Closed Class Topic: God Is Calling: Do You Hear? 201 I wish you could see what my life is like. You would enjoy it. I sit way back inside myself looking out through my eyes. You would be surprised what I see out there in that detached sense, the funny things I see and the funny things I hear. Not knowing that I have a sense of humor, you do not know how often I chuckle inside. As I travel the world, sometimes I hear students say that they cannot afford this book or that book, this class or that class, or they cannot afford a tape recorder or a tape recording. They cannot afford this and they cannot afford that; they haven't time for this, and they haven't rime for that. I just sit back and laugh and laugh inside, and then I look around at all the beauty salons and the prices they charge and the time they consume. Nobody can tell you whether it will take one week to receive the first intimation that something has happened [in meditation] or whether it might not be, like in my case, eight months, eight months of more than a dozen periods set aside every day for meditation. Still it took eight months before I had the first response. But then I had the second one a week later, and I had the third one probably two weeks later, and then a fourth one, one week later, and then gradually two in one week, and then eventually one every day.



So on that Saturday, convinced within myself that I had made no progress and that I wasn’t any further advanced in the spiritual awareness than I had been thirteen years before, on that day of all days enough light broke through

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so I could do healing work. And after thirteen years of study many human traits fell away from me in that one day. All that time, however, without my knowing it or being aware of it, onion skins had been falling away, but in that one day the realization came.


Chapter: A Great Secret Topic:

Those who were present when the first unfoldment came through my lips witnessed the fact that what came through my lips was not anything that I had known even five minutes before. It was something that came through and startled me as much as it did any of those who were listening and caught it. Be assured, I had to do a great deal of thinking and meditating after the Message came through in order to realize the astounding nature of what it was. . . That day, the Message that came through said, “God neither punishes nor rewards.”

Chapter: Before Abraham Topic:

Please believe me. I have worked so many years in this Work. I have known from the beginning that we were dealing with a spiritual universe and that the evil in it wasn't real. However, I never knew why, nor did I know how it came into this state of being out of Eden until a revelation came to me. The revelation came in those passages where God said, "Who told you, you were naked?" Then I knew that something was wrong. The knowledge of good and evil, Adam and Eve thrown out of Eden: that gave me the whole secret. Eden represents our spiritual domain. Eden represents a state of harmony, or Heaven. Eden represents our immortality, our state of Divine Being. Chapter: Christ Of Being Topic: Not in all my years in this work have I ever permitted anyone to discuss Truth with me. I state it and there it has to be. Take it or leave it; but do not discuss it with me, do not argue it with me. I am not interested. This is it—the way it has been revealed; and I can demonstrate it. But that is the end of it! Chapter: My True Identity Topic:

I had spent four hours on just one subject—the illusory nature of error—and had used about every example that I know to show that what is appearing as error has no existence, no substance, no law, no cause, no reality, and can't have effect. Then someone asked, "But how do you get rid of illusion?” Well, as a matter of fact, an illusion isn't a thing; it is an appearance. Once you know that it is an appearance, you have gotten rid of it; it is gone. It no longer exists as wetness on the road. It exists only as an appearance without substance. Chapter: Sin: Its Illusory Nature Topic: I get to a place, once in a while, where I reach out and ask for help. But heavens! I don't want

anyone that I ask for help to come back at me with any metaphysical statements. . . Now there is an exception to that. Sometimes a Truth

reveals itself instantly when you are asked for help; and if your patient or student happens to have some understanding, you might pass

that on to them as an unfoldment that has come to you. That is quite a different thing than just making up a statement in your head, or

picking one out that you can remember, and throwing it at them. There isn't anything in your mind that is going to help anyone.

However, if some impartation comes to you from the Spirit, then you can give it.


I had an appointment with this practitioner for dinner, and I called him at his office and said, "I will never make that appointment unless you can give me some help. My head is pounding at me and I have a lot more appointments ahead." He said, "All right." I hung up the receiver, and that fast there wasn't a sign or trace of the headache. . . So I met him for dinner and I said, "That was so wonderful and so sudden; I am sure something must have revealed itself to you. What was it? What was behind that headache?' [The practitioner said reluctantly], “I'll tell you exactly what came to me when you asked for help. I said to myself, 'What does he think I can do about a headache?'" You see, there was about as complete a nonresistance, or complete a statement of "I can of my own self do nothing" as possible. There was as complete an absence of I as you can possibly get, because it wasn't thought up; it was spontaneous. Do you see? Now, you may not believe it, but very serious diseases can be healed in the self-same way if we can attain that same state of consciousness, or if we are living in that same state of consciousness. Chapter: The Power of Truth Topic: Before this first experience came to me, I knew all of my faults and I also knew how I would like to be

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without those faults, and I knew full well how I never succeeded in overcoming them. Then, when this experience came upon me, those

faults disappeared of their own. Whatever the nature of this Christ was, they disappeared —the major ones, at least. I still have plenty of

faults that my family could testify to, but at least they are not the major ones, and they are sufferable anyhow.

One day when I was First Reader In the Christian Science church, I got up on the platform with two handkerchiefs in my hand. However, I was healed during that service. When I came off, I was told, “Oh, how wonderful that was; how wonderful!" I said, "If there are two hundred of you out there seeing me this way and giving me treatments, it has to work! If you were not giving me treatments, what were you doing out there?" You reach a place where you no longer think of praying for yourself or doing meditation or spiritual work for yourself. It just never enters your mind. Why? What is the difference between knowing the Truth about you and knowing the Truth about me? It is the same truth, and we are the same Being, the same Selfhood. Knowing the Truth is all that is necessary, regardless of whether you are knowing it about the human race or about even the animal world or the bird world or the fish world. . . In the end, I am the one who is really going to get the most benefit from it, because that knowing of the Truth is elevating me in consciousness above this picture. Chapter: The Realm of God Topic: I can remember sitting in the presence of one practitioner and within three months being healed of a

disease that was supposed to have killed me within those three months. I can also remember sitting in meditation with another

practitioner and being so completely lifted out of my old selfhood that I never again could smoke or drink or gamble or do any of the

ordinary things that were part of a businessman's life. It was this experience that led right into this spiritual work. Chapter: Universal Hypnotism Topic: I have told of my struggle having five practitioners help me to increase my business. With each practitioner, my business got worse until I didn't have any. Now that surely looked like a lack of demonstration. However, you see, it was my perfect demonstration, because only when I had no money left did I go into this work. I suppose if my business had prospered, this work would have been delayed, or even prevented, in this lifetime.


Prayer is something I am personally doing almost all of my waking hours and many of my sleeping hours, because I know how to live inside of me and maintain a contact of prayer. But it is a mode of prayer known only to the mystics. I had the pleasure and privilege of being with a teacher who taught me how to leave this body and how to travel to any part of the globe I wanted to see. And for many years I enjoyed that experience, wandering out into this world practically every night—not that it proved anything from a spiritual standpoint. It merely proved that the mind is not encased in the body. To me, that was only a step leading to the realization that I am not in this body, I am not in this room, I do not occupy space, I cannot be confined to either time or space. I can transcend either at any time, spiritually, but only because I learned first that the mind is not confined to this shell. I know as well as you do, there are too many Infinite Way books. There should be only one. One is enough. But in our humanhood we cannot stay with one book and take it sentence by sentence, principle by principle, until we've demonstrated it. So we have twenty-five books, and as you read the same thing over and over, the same idea in a different context helps you to assimilate it. But one book is enough, just as one Bible is enough. One book of John is enough to save the world, if everyone would take the book of John sentence by sentence, principle by principle.

There is no part of the Infinite Way message which is mine, that I have ever thought up, or conceived in any way. Every principle that is in our writings and in our work has been given to me from an infinite source, and it does not represent my opinion, my belief, or my concept, separate and apart from the fact that it is mine because it was given to me. In the

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same way, every passage of scripture that has been spiritually interpreted in our writings has been given to me. Those for which I have not received spiritual interpretation, I have never included in my writings and never will until the interpretation is given to me. One Wednesday night in Chicago, we had a beautiful meditation in our class and the voice said to me: "Open the Bible to the Sermon on the Mount." I turned around and said, "It's no use. I don't know anything about it." It came back a second time and said: "Open to chapter five, Matthew, The Sermon on the Mount." I said, "It wouldn't do any good. I don't understand it." Again, the third time it came back, so then I said, "Well, maybe I'm going to be taught." I opened the Bible to chapter five in Matthew, and the revelation of the Sermon on the Mount was given to us, and if we can ever get through with our editing work, it will be in a book. [Thunder of Silence] I've told students in previous classes what my life's ambition was as a youngster. It was the same for years and years and years. All I wanted was a hundred thousand dollars, and with it I was going to buy a four-hundreddollar-a-month annuity, and then I was going to move to California and read all the books in the library. I don't mind telling you that three times in my business experience, I came close to having that hundred thousand dollars, and each time it took wings. The Infinite Way is not a message that turns economic lack into economic abundance. Actually, its purpose isn't even to turn physical disease into physical health. The results seem to work out that way, but our work is to surrender the physical, the material sense of existence, for the realization and demonstration of the spiritual life. Therefore, any problem that comes to an Infinite Way student is not a problem to be overcome. It is an opportunity to work through that particular facet of material life, or the material sense of life, to the spiritual. I have been through the experience of being faced with lack and limitation, and my attitude was—and it's going to stay this way—that I will not attempt a material solution until I work out of it spiritually, until I attain the secret of spiritual supply.


My attitude at that time [of lack] was to let any problem go on as long as it wanted, until I met it through understanding the spiritual law of supply, and not only understanding the law but demonstrating it. And I did. I did. I stuck with it, even to the point of having no car fare at times and walking seven miles twice a day to get to my office. I wasn't ashamed of it and I didn't hide it, and I didn't feel it was a lack of demonstration or a disgrace. I feel, as I felt then, this couldn't happen if I knew the law of God. And if I don't know the law of God, there isn't any amount of money that's going to make me happy or satisfied, because the abundance may be just as fleeting as when I experienced it before. Actually, I received my answer on the last one of those days in which I found myself without car fare walking those seven miles. It was on that walk that the revelation finally came. In 1921, in one of the largest hospitals in New York City, a death sentence was passed on me. I was told that I could not live longer than three months, that it was time to wind up my business because there was no help for me. Now just suppose there had been help. Just suppose some doctor could have cured me. Where would I be today? Heaven only knows! But with that verdict I had to turn to spiritual teachings, and within three months I was completely healed. And I've remained healed ever since. When my first religious experience took place [1928], it brought with it the healing gift, and healings began immediately. . . Time passed, then in 1940 an inner revelation told me that I must learn about the impersonal Christ and about impersonal healing. In 1941 I began an automobile trip around the United States, going as far north as Banff and Lake Louise, then south to New Orleans and Florida, from the East Coast to the West Coast, traveling nineteen thousand miles. The most important revelation came in the early part of the trip when it was revealed to me that all forms of metaphysics which teach that error in individual thought is responsible for illness are erroneous. Sitting at my desk one day here in Honolulu where I had the apartment on the Ala Wai, the voice said, "Go to

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New York, wait the first few days of December, and then go on to London." The voice was just that clear, yet there wasn't a reason in the world to go to London that I knew about. As far as I knew there were only twelve people over there who had copies of The Infinite Way—at least. That's all I had ever heard from—and you wouldn't go to London to call on twelve people who hadn't sent for you. But I went to London in obedience to that voice, sat down in the hotel room and said, "Well, you said to come and I'm here, but I have nothing to do!" The voice told me each step to take. By the time I left London, two of my books were in publication, lectures and a class had been arranged, and contact had been made with Mr. Hamblin. In one of my spiritual experiences during those early days, the voice said, "My consciousness is your consciousness, and my consciousness is doing the work as you. Never seek a student, but never refuse a student who is sent to you—for they are being sent to you."

One day a woman in San Francisco came to me and said, "The students want copies of the lectures you are giving. Please give us permission to record them and print them." My answer was, "Oh, no, I'm not saying anything important enough for that. Nobody would want these lectures printed." “Oh, yes," she said, "the students do want to have these lectures." I eventually permitted her to record a lecture one evening just to see if it were true. Well, it was true, and that's how the First, Second, and Third San Francisco Lecture got into print and how Metaphysical Notes, Consciousness Unfolding and The Master Speaks got into print. Just by having been taken down on a recorder and then mimeographed. The question that came to my mind early in the work was how do these teachings come through? How can they be brought through? How can they be taught? How can I convey this spiritual message, this guidance, this protection, this direction from within? The answer given to me was meditation. . . If the kingdom of God is to be contacted, it must be contacted within. It was for that reason I could stick with it night and day for eight months in the attempt to prove this was true. And I proved it. Then began instruction in meditation, which really came to fruition in the first San Francisco lecture. This was my first writing on the subject of meditation.


A Parenthesis In Eternity Living The Mystical Life Address The World Silently With Peace

That is why it is so necessary that each one of us develops the forgivingness side of his consciousness, so that everyone who comes to us may feel a complete absence of judgment, criticism, or condemnation..."there is no judgment upon you: there is no memory of the past: there is only the understanding of this moment."

Awakening Mystical Consciousness Concept Or Is? Do Not Try To Become Free Of Persons Or Conditions

Healing is all based on not judging by appearances.

Beyond Words And Thoughts Beyond The Pairs Of Opposites To Being I Is The Word

...seeing the saintliness of [everyone's] Soul with no judgment as to his human evil or human good

When the world of God comes to you, you will discover that you will lose your sense of goodness and your sense of badness...All you will remember is that you are being, and as a matter of fact,you are really not being; God is being you. There will then be no possibility of your sitting in judgment on your fellow man.

When you can face this world looking at everyone, seeing the saintliness of his Soul, with no judgment as to his human evil or human good, you have entered the Christ-ministry, and you are about your Father’s

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business, and not until then.

Progress Cannot Be Judged By Appearance Do not judge by the fact that today you may be very ill or very poor, or that you may be entertaining sinful thoughts or even be committing a sin. Do not judge from any of these things as to whether or not you are one with God. All such conditions can tell you is that at a particular moment you have a sense of separation from God. It does not prove that you are not one with God.

You must not judge by the appearances of today, nor must you try to judge your progress, because no one on the spiritual path can ever evaluate his own progress...You go along, sometimes for years, feeling that you are making absolutely no progress, and then all of a happens...The reason that you cannot feel any progress in yourself is that you cannot feel spiritual.

Consciousness IN TRANSITION Illumined Consciousness

JUDGMENT Spiritual consciousness is one which does not accept any belief in thought of any error existing as a presence or as a power. It looks at any presence or form or phase of error as if it were just looking at a moving picture, say, of a man being shot, knowing right well that as soon as the picture is over, the man is going to pick himself up and dust himself off and get ready to play another part…In maintaining that same attitude toward what we see of human experience, that same attitude in which we do not criticize or judge or condemn the underdog or the sinning or sick person, and in which we do not give praise to those we think are doing good, we will have begun to see real spiritual healing.

Let us never indulge thoughts or acts that violate our teaching of one self. How about criticizing and judging and condemning the other fellow? Well, we are doing it to ourselves and it will come back to us. Oh, don't you ever worry that our errors won't come back to us! And that is an error–not the act of judging or condemning; but the act of violating our own understanding that there is only one, and that we are judging and condemning our own being.

Consciousness Is What I Am Mind Is A Transparency Instructing The Mind On Supply And Health The truth is: I am supply. "I

have meat to eat that ye know not of." If our mind knew this, we would not have to be given instruction about supply; but the mind is ignorant of this truth until instruction is given us. After we receive it, we keep the mind imbued with the truth that I am supply, I am the Way, I am the meat, the wine, and the water. Tomorrow the temptation may come that we do not have enough, but our answer must be, "Wait a minute; wait a minute! I am not judging by appearances. I am now judging by the truth, and the truth is that I have meat the world knows not of."

Consciousness transformed

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Experience God

What difference does it make if you lose or give away all that you have, as long as you have the spirit of God which is the substance of it?..In other words, you judge your barrenness by the state of your pocketbook instead of by [the state of] your consciousness.

Are you your brother’s keeper? No, except to the extent that you are the keeper of the truth about your brother and your neighbor...Spiritually you must hold no one in bondage to humanhood. You must maintain the consciousness of everyone as being God-consciousness individually expressing itself. In the healing work this is very important, because there is a temptation to believe that the patient or the patient’s family is interfering with his spiritual progress. This is not true. This again in judging by the five physical senses in which you have “made a human being,”..No, you have not. YOU have accepted the false sense of sense testimony, for it is a universal relationship that “I and my Father are one” and that one is God.

JUDGMENT As long as you are judging by what you see, hear, taste, touch, or smell, or even long as you are seeing good and evil, believing in good and evil, you are not under the law of God.

Be assured it is only through spiritual discernment that you will be able to see that there is no evil in man and no evil on earth, and that there are no destructive powers in heaven or on earth or in hell...Practice [this message] until the ability has been fully developed to look out on this world of man, things, and conditions, without that word “I” beginning to form its judgment. Rather, you will say to this personal sense of I, “Be still...Be still and know that I am God,” and then listen to the word, to the judgment of God that is uttered within you, and thereby behold this universe as it is, in the image of God.

We do not change from seeing a lot of evil to seeing everything good. No, we stop declaring either good or evil and allow the judgment to be rendered within us. Then it will be neither good nor evil, but spiritual. The one world is the world of human judgment based on appearances and the conditioned mind, and the other world is the world that is revealed to us when we no longer form any judgments.

When you make the transition to the man who lives by “every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God,” you are then forming no judgments, but rather you are creating a vacuum within yourself resulting in an attitude of listening so that divine judgment may be rendered.

Consciousness Unfolding Questions And Answers Qualifications Of Lay Person Seeking Benefit Of Treatment

It is not our function to judge whether those who call upon us for help want loaves and fishes–healing for healing’s sake. Our function is to wipe out the human picture and say, “There is nothing there but God.”

The Principle We do not judge the spiritual world by looking out upon the human world. Rather, we come into an awareness of what the spiritual world is, through looking out from God.

Living Between Two Worlds Making The Transition From Personal Sense To Spiritual Being Making The Transition From Personal Sense To Spiritual Being

As long as you judge by appearances, as long as you see and believe in good and evil, you are not under the law

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of God. Surprising as that may sound, you may as well accept it.

The moment judgment enters your thought, remember that word I, and smile to yourself. You have momentarily allowed the personal sense of "I" to come in, but then, as you pause for a moment, the real I that you are takes over and reveals truth.

When you make the transition to the man who lives "by every word that preceedeth out of the the mouth of God," you form no judgments, but rather create a vacuum within yourself, resulting in an attitude of listening so that divine judgment can be rendered.


The Revelation Of Spiritual Sonship Human Selfhood “dies" That The Christ May Be Born"

Start of erroneous judgment-qualifying,

Spiritual Discernment Brings Healing

Judging by appearances binds us to our own belief in external powers.

Living The Infinite Way God Is

God is; Life is. We are permitted no further judgment. God is. It is a matter of training oneself to form no opinion whatsoever.

There can be no spiritual demonstration while we hold to human opinions of good and evil. When we look at the world with no opinions, judgments, or labels–not even good ones–but with the realization that God is, we set up a sort of vacuum within. Into that vacuum surges the spiritual wisdom defining and evaluating that which is before us, and this we find to be entirely different from our human estimate.

Man Was Not Born to Cry Withinness Forgiveness Is At The Instant Of Repentance

What the Master really meant was that forgiveness should continue until a healing takes place, forgive until there is nothing left to be forgiven, but never condemn, never judge.

Our Spiritual Resources Dominion Over Mind, Body, And Purse Dominion Over Mind, Body, And Purse

The mind is the instrument which you use for thinking or reasoning purposes or for any purpose of awareness, and it is through your mind that you are able to judge and make decisions.

The Altitude Of Prayer Bringing Our Gift To The Altar Praying With An Unconditioned Mind

Meditation: No judgment of person.

The Art Of Meditation Meditation: The Experience The Silver Is Mine

Life becomes entirely different once we have caught the vision of the great truth that the Word, which proceedeth out of the mouth of God, is the substance of our life...We begin to see that that which is outward and tangible is but the effect of that which is invisible. We shall never again judge our supply by how many dollars we possess,

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but by how much of God we realize.

JUDGMENT When we recognize our true identity as God in expression, we shall see as God sees. As we behold ourselves spiritually endowed, we become beholders of God appearing in all and through all. But we can do this only as we relinquish those judgments that come to us by the seeing of the eye and the hearing of the ear.

The Contemplative Life Contemplation Develops The Beholder Living As A Witness To The Activity Of God

How can we bear witness to this Power except by being still? If we do otherwise, we can no longer say that we are doing nothing or that we are nothing. We have become something the moment we do something...In order to make ourselves nothing, we must immediately realize within ourselves, “There is neither good nor evil: there is only God.” Then, as we look out at the erroneous appearance with no judgment, there truly is neither good nor evil: there is only the presence of God, and now the Father within can perform Its function, and Its function is to dissolve the appearance and reveal God’s glory–reveal Its own being.

If we kill in self-defense, we are doing just what the world is doing: we are operating from the standpoint of the law of self-preservation, and the self we are trying to preserve is a finite sense of self that has no contact with God. That is why we are trying to save it. If we understood our true identity as one with God, we would not have to try to save it. God can govern and care for His own universe. In the face of danger, we withdraw judgment and realize, “Whatever is real is God-maintained and God sustained.

In proportion as this consciousness of no judgment is attained, the appearances in this world automatically change as they touch your consciousness. This is because your consciousness is not reacting to good or to evil, and is, therefore, able to pierce the veil of illusion, even the veil of good illusion, and see that there is nothing to fear and nothing to gloat about because what you are seeing is not the spiritual creation, but a finite concept of it.

We are always judging by the limitation of our finite senses. We are not seeing the world as it is: we are seeing this world as our mind interprets it...As we live the life of contemplation, therefore, we find ourselves gradually withdrawing judgment from appearances, and when we see, or when we are told about erroneous appearances, we do not react to them, and they do not register in our consciousness, and, as far as we are concerned, our mind is a blank. We have no desire to change, alter, or improve the appearance presented to us: we are just beholders waiting for God to reveal it to us as it is.

When you witness healing are not witnessing the power of an individual, for an individual has no such power: you are merely witnessing an individual who is keeping himself free of the appearance-world and maintaining himself in a consciousness of no judgment, so that the grace of God can come through, because the grace of God cannot come through the human mind.

The Contemplative Life d Contemplation Develops The Beholder It Is I; Be Not Afraid

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JUDGMENT “It is I; be not afraid...My kingdom is not of this world...Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?” These are the three scriptural passages that have been the foundation of my healing work ever since the early 1930’s...“Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostril..” [i.e.] Do not try to change man, improve him, or heal him, and certainly do not judge or condemn him: take no account of him. In other words, be still!.. “My kingdom is not of this world” [i.e.] Do not judge by the appearances of this world, because in My kingdom, harmony is.

The Infinite Way Letters 1955 Immortality The Prayer

Open my mind to righteous judgment / Open my eyes to see the Christ in all I meet / Open my ears to hear the Voice of God / Open my mouth to speak the Word of Truth / Open my heart to Love / Open my hands to serve

The Infinite Way Letters 1956 Neither Good Nor Evil Judge Not According To The Appearance, But Judge Righteous Judgment

It is necessary to close the eyes to all appearances, judging neither good nor evil–acknowledging only that it is, and in this way something rather like a vacuum is created within your own being, and into that place of stillness and peace Truth reveals Itself as the harmony unto the situation.

The Infinite Way Letters 1959 October: Freeing Ourselves From Universal Claims

Give Up All Attempts To Change The Human Picture Father, I am not trying to change this...condition or person. Awaken me out of this mesmeric dream, so that I do not judge by appearances, but see this person as he is, and I shall be satisfied with that likeness, because here is the Christ.

The Mystical I An Act Of Commitment Our Individual Consciousness Is The Judge

We could do away with all the prisons on earth if we were correctly taught that no one gets away with anything because the judge is closer than breathing: it is one's very own consciousness.

Righteous Judgment You will begin to look around at this world and you will realize, "I have been judging after appearances. I have been using the scale of good and evil, the very thing that threw us out of the Garden of Eden...Now, judging neither good nor evil, let me judge righteous judgment. And what is righteous judgment except the knowledge of my identity?"

The Thunder Of Silence From The Unreal To The Real As We Forgive


A heart that is entertaining any judgment of his fellow man is not a heart at peace Only one mind and it is

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unconditioned: a state of being, creation, judgment


But, you see, not my conscious thinking does it, not my treatment does it–oh, no! The law of God which I am

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in my innermost being, that does it. And I just go along for the ride to see how beautiful the scenery is and to be grateful for all the wonderful people with whom I come in contact, for all the beautiful scenery I am permitted to see, and all the beautiful experiences that come to me. It is developing a state of consciousness which is that of a beholder, a witness to God's work, that's all.

If I resist those who wrong me, I set that wrong up as an antagonism and even if that individual did not harm me, some other one would come along and do it. This would occur merely because I had set up that antagonism as something of a real nature that had to be battled or overcome. If, however, I can see all injustice, all lack of integrity, all inharmony, all discord, all lack of cooperative action, as merely the finite interpretation of that which is real, then–instead of battling it–I merely sit back quietly, resist not evil, and become the law over that situation and watch it automatically dissolve.

Since I am infinite consciousness and include within my own being the entire universe, I–through my consciousness of this truth–become the law unto that universe. If I behold evil and start to fight it and battle with it, I make it a reality and I give it a power that may make it impossible for me ever to overcome it. On the other hand, if I accept in my consciousness that evil is unreal and therefore does not have to be resisted or battled, I can afford to spend my time in silent meditation, in peaceful enjoyment of the spiritual laws of life. I become a law unto my universe by my conscious attitude toward the universe.

That is what happens when you gain your spiritual freedom. You don't stop using dollars, but you are no longer confined to the sense of dollars as supply. You can understand that this undefinable sense, this undefinable essence called spirit or mind or the law of being, is the supply. Then you don't have to worry about the dollars. They will come around.

Do not forget that every evil circumstance in your life can be prevented. Nobody is a victim of anything but his ignorance of the laws of life. God never intended we should know old age or any of these other horrors we seeing.

It is our consciousness that becomes the law unto our world; and this very moment that we can consciously feel and realize the presence of the Christ, we have that quality of being which to our sense annihilates every form and belief of sin or erroneous condition in our experience.

Let us, so far as we can, dwell on the idea, "What Is God," because only in the realization of what God is do we know that which God is God to. And that is the effect-or the universe. The importance of that is this: we have taken up, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God (the awareness, the consciousness of God) and his rightness, and all these other things shall be added unto you.” Once we have the understanding that our consciousness is the causative principle of our universe, then we know that no matter what we do, this universal consciousness is ever producing and reproducing, just as the law orange tree is continuously producing and reproducing oranges.

LAW Once we have the understanding that our consciousness is the causative principle of our universe, then we know that no matter what we do, this universal consciousness is ever producing and reproducing–just as the law in an orange tree is continuously producing and reproducing oranges. No matter what we do with the world of effect, the consciousness which is its causative principle, substance and law, is forever producing and reproducing. It is not creating. It is just unfolding, like the moving-picture reel unfolding the entire picture. The picture is already

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there on the reel; it is only unfolding it to our view.

You can set aside any law of belief. You can't set aside a law of God. The law of God is life eternal. The law of God is, "All that I have is thine." All the eternality. All the immortality… You can set [any law of belief] aside by becoming a law unto your own being through the realization that yours is a God-given dominion. God gave man dominion over the things of the earth, over the waters, over the stars, over the heavens. God gave you—its own individualized being—dominion. But, you must consciously exercise this. You can't sit back and let those beliefs act upon you.

Consciousness Is What I Am Attaining A Measure Of Spiritual Consciousness Spiritual Consciousness Is Not Subject To Laws Or Conditions Of This World

Those of a spiritual consciousness can walk through the world and not be touched by it. They can walk in the midst of war and not be hurt; they can be in the center of infection, contagion, and epidemics and never be touched; they can go through panics and depressions and not be affected by them. The reason? Spiritual consciousness is not subject to material or mental laws or powers because they are not powers.

Contemplative Meditation Or Treatment Lifts Consciousness A patient receives the benefit from the practitioner’s help because he has made contact with the practitioner, and the truth the practitioner knows in his consciousness becomes the law unto the patient. It is never the truth when there is a “you” in the treatment because the “you” who is being addressed has just told the practitioner that he is sick. How, then can he be the child of God?. . . Forget those who have turned to you for help; turn to the Presence within.

Fear keeps you under material law.

Surmounting World Beliefs Through An Activity Of Consciousness No one can avoid the responsibility for spiritual realization and for developing a consciousness of one Power. We pay the penalty for whatever belief we accept, until that belief is corrected. Whatever of good comes into our experience comes through the activity of our consciousness in accepting the truth and rejecting universal belief and by remembering every day: God at the center of my being is the law of my experience, and it is the law of love unto me. . . the substance and the nourishment of the food I eat. . . the law and the activity unto every organ and function of my body. . . [It] draws unto me everything necessary for my good. It acts as a law of elimination to everything not necessary to my spiritual unfoldment and development.

Consciousness Transformed As Ye Sow

LAW Every problem that comes to you or me represents some degree of our inability to be children of God, to be under the law of God. . . because whatever degree of humanness is still in us is not because of our wish but because of our inability. . . Unless there is a change of consciousness, there will be a reoccurrence of discord.

We might as well face the problem or it will continue. The reason the law of cause and effect continues to operate in our consciousness is because we give power to this law. Eventually we must come back to, “No, God has given me dominion, and there is no power outside of me.” . . . So let us begin to face our problems without a desire to get rid of them, without a fear of them. I’m going to acknowledge there is an error and I’m looking at it, but there is a solution. With some realization of truth, we are finding error doesn’t exist. . . The problem must be licked

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through understanding.

You see how it is that the word consciousness sums up everything in our work. It is what you are conscious of that operates in your experience as a law. . . The law of God that governs the universe must govern our business and our bodies, or there would be something outside the jurisdiction of God’s law. As long as we hold to the consciousness that the law of God is the law of my business, whatever is erroneous will be corrected. This same principle applies to the body and health, but if we do not consciously bring the body and business under the law of God, so it will be unto us.

In facing the temptation that there is an external power, go back immediately and realize that consciousness is the basic substance, cause and law of all creation. Therefore, all creation manifests its qualities, character and nature because creation is the heir to all of those. This shows you why you do not need God over error.

Is there a material universe, or does that tidal wave represent a material sense of universe, and is it not the truth that consciousness is the only cause, the only law, and the only effect? Therefore, consciousness must be the substance of the waves, not only consciousness but My consciousness, since there is no other. . . and I realize that my consciousness is not even mine, but God’s. Therefore, is there anything destructive in God’s consciousness? No!. . . Since you are between two worlds, there is enough material sense left in you to be tempted by the appearance of a tidal wave. However, there must be enough elevation of consciousness to be able to sit down and realize:“ Am I accepting external powers? Am I accepting power in things, or am I accepting that all dominion is given unto Me– and this means individual consciousness?

I can be patient with [students] until they have reached that place where self-preservation is no longer their first law and the first need. I know it takes patience on my part, and I always hope they will have the courage to persist.

The moment you learn that God or spirit is the only power and the only law, and you accept this even intellectually, you can at least meet a claim of bad weather by saying, “If God is the only law, weather cannot be law.”


Is How many of us and how often do we cheat ourselves of the harmony that is waiting to flow into our experience because we can not accept it as an is! I think everyone is ready to accept this, if it will only come a minute from now. But it won't. That one minute of expectation separates you from it, because in the kingdom of God, there is nothing to be adjusted a minute from now. . . Whatever is not true of the divine Being now is never going to be true in the future. . . So it is with the law of God in your life. The law of God, of life, which of course must be the law of health and immortality, is operating in your experience, and there is no use praying for it. Praying for it will separate you from it. At least it will separate you in belief, but only in belief, because you cannot separate yourself from That which is.

Efficacious Prayer In order to sow to the Spirit, we know that we must place our hope, faith, reliance, and remembrance in the

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I that is within us. Then we are praying spiritually, praying the prayer of a righteous man, the prayer that is efficacious, the prayer that availeth much. We are knowing the truth that makes us free, free of human domination, free of human dependence, free of human limitation. Knowing the truth establishes our oneness with the Father, oneness with our Source. Now we are under Grace. By an act of our consciousness, we have taken ourselves out from under the law of matter, the law of man, the law of time and space, and have placed ourselves under divine Grace, under Christ.

Never must we put our faith and trust in that which has form, figure, or outline, in other words, in that which is created. Our faith, hope, and trust are always in the Infinite Invisible, the kingdom which is within our own being. In such a state of consciousness, we are no longer under the law of supply and demand; we are no longer under the law of economics. . . We have brought ourselves out from under the law and placed ourselves under Grace, but this must be done as a specific act of our own consciousness.

To be brought under Grace is an act of consciousness, and one which we individually and specifically must perform. It is not done for us. No, the act of moving from being under the law to being under Grace is an act of repentance. It is an acknowledgment within ourselves of our mistakes and our wrongdoing and a turning to a sowing to the Spirit: to truth, to life, to love. . . To be under Grace does not mean that we are not aware of the sins that are being committed in the world. It means that, instead of sitting in judgment on them and wanting to be the means of punishing them, we understand that man sins only because of his ignorance. He knows not what he does.

To lay up manna for tomorrow is to be under the law of limitation, but a person is under Grace when he realizes that if that manna flows today as the activity of God, it must be an eternal flow, and therefore he is not under the law of limitation, the law of hoarding, or the law of looking to yesterday's manna.

Using Spiritual Passages In The Solution Of Problems If you have to go into a court of law, go with the realization that God alone is the source of justice, God is the source of law, God is the means and mode and activity through which and as which truth and love appear. Then you will find that these qualities come through a judge, a jury, or witnesses, whereas left to "man, whose breath is in his nostrils," they could very well be withheld.

LAW 11

Instead of persisting in a battle between good health and bad health, between goodness and badness, between abundance and lack, give up this struggle. Acknowledge here and now that you arc not under the law of cause and effect. At this instant of accepting your divine sonship, you are under grace. You do not believe that the son of God is under the law of cause and effect. You do not believe that the son of God can be influenced by human motives, human beliefs, or human powers.

Oneness Of Consciousness All those who reach out to you for help or are in any way a part of your consciousness—your patients, your students, members of your family, your enemies—all exist within your consciousness. Realize that they all live, move, and have their divine being in the divine consciousness which is your consciousness of truth. They have brought themselves to your consciousness because they have turned to the Father within for help, for healing, regeneration, spiritual uplift, that spiritual meat and spiritual drink. For that reason the activity of truth in your consciousness now becomes the law unto their being, unto their body, their health, and their affairs.

When you understand that God is your consciousness, does it not even mean something more to realize that God made this universe out of consciousness, your and my individual consciousness, because there is only

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one? Our consciousness is the substance, the law, and the activity of our universe, not a God-mind or God-consciousness here, not a God-substance seven thousand years ago, but the mind of you, the consciousness of you is the substance, the law, the cause, and the activity of your world, that is, of your experience. . . The whole question you must determine through your study is: Is God my consciousness or have I a personal, mortal, material consciousness out of which my world of limitation is formed? If you have a personal mind of your own and there is some kind of error in it that would destroy you, sooner or later it is bound to catch up with you.

God’s grace is always flowing God already is about Its own business of beautifully, harmoniously, permanently, spiritually, and immortally maintaining this universe. Your acceptance of a law apart from God, even your acceptance of the belief that your sins are separating you from your good, is enough to stop the flow in your direction. It does not stop God's flow; in fact, nothing ever stops God's flow. It merely stops It from operating in your experience. That does not give you the privilege of sinning, because the Master reminds you that while there is no condemnation for your sins as long as they were performed in ignorance, now that you know, you must "go, and sin no more."

Our Consciousness Of Truth Becomes The Law To Those In Our Consciousness We exist to each other merely in consciousness, not in time or space, As we embrace our friends and associates in our consciousness, our consciousness of truth and every word of truth that is active in our consciousness becomes a law unto them: a law unto their health, a law unto their supply, and a law unto the harmony of their existence. The truth that is active in our consciousness is a law unto all whom we embody within our consciousness, since truth is also law or principle. . . It is for this reason that everyone of whom we are thinking consciously or unconsciously is blessed, not by you or me, but by the activity of truth taking place in our consciousness. There is never anything personal about this.

Spiritual Interpretation Of Scripture Infinite Individual Consciousness

LAW 14

Now another facet of God is that God is Law. Everything that functions in the Kingdom of God functions under Divine Law. Whether it is mathematics or music, whether it is art or literature, whether it is the sun, moon, and stars—everything that has emanated, everything that is an expression of the consciousness of God, is under spiritual Law. Therefore in our understanding of the Nature of God, we not only have to see the Isness of God, but now we have to see the Lawfulness of God.

The natural man is not under the Law of God. So it is that the natural man, the young student, their words and thoughts are all powerless. They have no power to nullify the appearance. They have no power to bring the Grace of God into expression. They are still the natural man who is not under the Law of God, neither indeed can be.

So the attaining of this spiritual awareness hinges on right identification, on whether or not you have perceived that I is God and are able not to think outward from the standpoint of being man, limitation, subject to other laws.

It becomes easier for you when you think of yourself in terms of capital S instead of small s. Think of yourself as being the Son of God, think of yourself always with a capital S, as one with God, heir of God, joint heir to all the heavenly riches. Then you will find that you have impersonalized yourself, because gradually you will come to realize that you are not finite being, you are not man, whose breath is in his nostrils, you are not that creature who

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is not under the Law of God-neither indeed can be, for you now consciously have the Spirit of God dwelling in you; and according to Scripture, this makes you the Son of God, the Child of God. If so be the Spirit of God dwelleth in you, then are you the Child of God-the Spirit, the consciousness.

If, however, you have made the transition to the realization that consciousness is the law of being and the law of body, then you are sowing to the Spirit, and you will reap spiritual harmony. Then, when the call comes for help, there is no use in answering with a lot of arguments and metaphysical statements, because right up here is the realization of all time: Who convinceth me of sin? All perfection is in consciousness, not in effects. All supply is in consciousness, not in dollar bills, or oranges, or crops. You live and move and have your being in that consciousness, and then when you are called upon for help, you don't have to go through a teaching process.

LAW 16 If I have become a Son of God, then I am heir—joint heir—to all of the riches. But have I become a Son of God; or am I still that "natural man" that receiveth not the things of God? How do I know whether I am the Son of God? Of course, the biggest guide I have is the teaching of Christ Jesus. Am I fulfilling the Law of Sonship? What is the Law of Sonship? According to the Master, it is that I pray for my enemies, that I pray for those who despitefully use me, that I forgive—seventy times seven—that I serve. "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." I must serve, I must help, not only my family, not only my friends, not only those of my own religious family. . . I must find a way to help in the clothing of those children whose parents have not awakened yet to their true identity.

If I know that the Law of supply is outgiving, outpouring, expressing, then I govern my own supply. It is not governed by what anyone wants to give me or by what anyone wants to withhold from me. It is governed purely by my own degree of givingness. Therefore no longer is supply a problem. The only problem is, am I sufficiently expressing my supply, letting supply flow through me?

As the sun has no capacity to withhold or to give light, its only capacity is to be light. So it is that God has no capacity to give. God has no capacity to withhold. God's only capacity is to be the Light of the world. God's capacity is to be Love, be Omniscience, be Omnipotence, be Omnipresence—never giving, never withholding. The giving and the withholding lie entirely within the realm of human experience, under that law of "as ye sow, so shall ye reap."

How often it happens that a patient says, "My trouble is sensuality," or the practitioner says, "I've discerned that you're too sensual." Now you see, that just pins it onto the individual and makes healing an impossibility. If you do detect those things, then it's only a sign that this individual is being handled by that subliminal perception, that universal or carnal mind, in that way. Then realize that this is an attribute of nothingness, or the carnal mind. It cannot use the Child of God as an avenue, as a channel, or as an instrument, because it's a nothingness itself—no

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presence, no power, no law to sustain any such thing.

Recognizing the fact that a human being is only a human being because the carnal mind is pumping itself into them and through them, and is being accepted as a power, you know how to die daily to your humanhood: that is, by being very sure in the morning, and certainly at night before sleeping, that the so-called theories, opinions, beliefs—the whole of the carnal mind—are not a power. The carnal mind has no avenue of expression, no law to sustain it or maintain it. I am One with God. I and my Father Are One, and the qualities of God constitute my qualities. I am an instrument and an avenue through which, and as which, God appears on earth. The Intelligence of God, and the Love of God, and the Wisdom of God, and the Grace of God—all of this finds expression in me, through me, as me, to all of this world, for I and the Father are One!

The 1954 Infinite Way Letters Prayer

The nature of God is Life, Love, Truth, Soul, Spirit, security, activity, substance, eternality, immortality, law, intelligence. Since God cannot withhold these qualities of being, is there any use praying for them? So it is that true prayer is the recognition and acknowledgment that God is fulfillment and then letting It fulfill Itself within our being.

LAW 17 There is nothing in this world that cannot be replaced or rebuilt, and if sin or disease ravage your body even these can be rebuilt by not fearing or despising the conditions, but quietly and peacefully realizing that your body exists as effect, and that your consciousness of Truth is the substance, the cause and the law unto it.

To live in accord with spiritual wisdom you must acknowledge that no power exists outside your own being, and that nothing and no one can enter your consciousness with the conflict. All power resides within you, and through spiritual awareness you have been given the ability to understand that God is the substance, the law, the infinity, and the true identity of every individual and every activity, regardless of any appearances to the contrary. As you practice living in accord with spiritual wisdom you will find, even though these persons and conditions continue to exist for a time, your very ability to resist combating them is the overcoming, and you become like the little stream that gently runs around and over and under the rocks but never wastes time and energy trying to fight or break through the rocks.

Exposition Regarding Families, Relatives And Friends The secret of harmonious relationships is the understanding of God as the very life, Soul, Spirit, substance, activity and law of every individual, of every animal, and even of the vegetable and mineral worlds.

The Altitude Of Prayer Pray Without Ceasing Pray Without Ceasing

Living under Grace requires negation of worldly laws.

The Art Of Meditation Meditation: The Experience Fear Not

Have the courage to look at every person and circumstance that you consider harmful or destructive. In the silence, face the situation fearlessly; face the condition or the person and you will discover that it–or he–is an image of your own thought; and, therefore, there is no cause, jurisdiction, or law to support it. Recognize God as the Soul of every person and God as the activity in every situation.

The Fruits Of Spirit Every phase of harmony, whether it is goodness or good health, is a quality, an activity, and a law of God. When we recognize God as the essence of all good, we become instruments for the expression of a universal sense of

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The Art Of Spiritual Healing Spiritual Healing: The Practice What About This Body? [continued]

The law which is God is the all-power; It does not have to contend with other laws.

There is no law of darkness because darkness can be dispelled by the presence of light.

The Language Of Spiritual Healing

LAW 18 A spiritual healer is a person who understands that he is not dealing with colds, with cancer, consumption, or polio. . . He is dealing with a misapprehension of reality–hypnotism, mesmerism, suggestion. These are not entities or identities. Hypnotism is something that causes a mental image, but that mental image is always without substance, law, or cause, and the moment the hypnotism is destroyed, the image is also destroyed.

Hypnotism causes a mental image. . . which is always without substance, law, or cause.

If it is true that God is one, the only law there can be is the law of God. Is there a law of disease if God is infinite law? The nature of God as one eliminates any such possibility; it eliminates laws of disease, laws of sin, laws of false appetite. If there is any law on earth, it must be the law of the nature of God. And what is the nature but love, intelligence, and wisdom?

To do spiritual healing it is necessary to be able to look any form of sin or disease in the face with complete confidence, “Neither do I fear thee, nor will I battle thee. Why should I fear what mortal man can do to me? Why should I fear what mortal things or persons or conditions can do to me, if God Himself is the only law, presence, power, cause, substance, and reality? I will stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.”

Beyond Words And Thoughts In resisting the temptation to demonstrate things [Jesus] proved that he was above the law of mind and matter.

Spiritual truth becomes a law of God in our experience only in proportion to our realization of it.

The Contemplative Life Daily Preparation For Spiritual Living Daily Practice Is Essential

We must know what we are going to do when we begin to meditate: we are going to remember consciously that the Spirit of God is closer than breathing, that within our consciousness is the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and that God is fulfilling Himself as our individual experience. God is fulfilling Himself in an individual way, in one as an artist, in another as a merchant, a lawyer, or as a statesman. In any and every form is God fulfilling Himself; God is fulfilling Himself at our particular level of consciousness, at our particular state of receptivity. This must be consciously remembered.

Your Own Will Come To You Whatever is of a rightful nature that should be a part of your human experience comes to you because it is a law that the Word becomes flesh, becomes experience, form, and effect, not by virtue of what you may do, but merely by virtue of your inner life of contemplation and realization, a life of living, moving, and having your being in God and having God live and move and have His being in you, so

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that God and you are eternally one in realization.

Gaining Freedom From Material And Mental Laws God's laws cannot be used unlike those of mind or matter.

No one has ever been able to use a law of God: one can be used by the law of God; he can be a servant of the law of God; he can be an instrument through which God works, but he cannot use God.

LAW 19 The Conviction Of God Removes Fear

Always when fear goes, the object of fear goes, because the object of fear is only fear itself externalized, and there cannot be fear in the presence of a realization of spiritual law.

The Early Years (32-46) Consciousness

Every quality of divine love, every faculty of infinite mind, every law of principle, every activity of eternal life, which is embraced in divine consciousness is individually expressed as you and me. This should be carefully studied, because it underlies an understanding that every student of truth must recognize and accept if he is to do the "greater works."

Everything exists in the universal consciousness, or divine mind. Sun, moon, stars, animals, and plants, all have their being as individual idea in mind, as forms of consciousness, as formations of spirit, as expressions of life, and all live and move in accord with the infinite law of divine principle. This principle is impartial and absolute, and governs impartially all of its creation. Divine mind, universal consciousness, is, therefore, forever conscious of its ideas, and conscious also of the harmonious relationship existing between all these ideas, as a natural result of the reign of principle.

Frequently students are found who have worked unsuccessfully for long periods to overcome some phase of physical, mental, or financial discord. Should these faithful ones but realize that the claim, regardless of the name or nature, is not theirs, is not their own belief or thought, but that the false belief, thought, or claim, is but a part of the vast mental illusion which is forever without mind to express it, and without law to enforce it, then even the most malicious or chronic condition will yield, "The peace that passeth understanding" comes with the realization that evil does not exist even as a claim or belief. When we come to the point of recognizing that the claim is not a part of our individual consciousness; that the belief is not our belief, in fact, that it is a belief without a believer, then we are on the high road to freedom from the erroneous manifestation.

In this state of consciousness error never presents itself to us as either person, place, or thing. We do not have to deny anything nor search for some truth to apply as a remedy, There, we "stand still and see the salvation of the Lord." We close our eyes and turn from person or situation and "feel" the presence of God; or realize the love of God; or become conscious of God's law wisely and lovingly governing all of his creation. This is the "sensing" or "feeling" or "awareness" of good. We feel love for all of God's creation, we reach the Christ-man. In this consciousness there is nothing to meet, heal, or be healed. There is no need for a ten or thirty minute treatment. What we need is a spiritual state of consciousness, which is developed by practice.

Error, evil, disease are appearances without entity or identity, without presence or power, without law, action, volition, or continuity. Having no law to enforce them, they have no being; having no cause or

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creator, they do not exist as effect.

LAW 20 "Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world." This statement gives us the assurance of the presence and power of the omnipresent and omnipotent Christ within us, ever ready and able to meet every situation; to reverse every seeming adverse circumstance, and to recognize the reign of good, the government of divine principle in our affairs. Harmony throughout the universe is the law of God, the principle of infinite good.

As you begin to look away from self and personal problems and dwell more in thought on the universality of 2x2 being 4, or do, re, mi following each other, and of the law of "like begetting like," you will see how impossible it would be for you to be anywhere outside of divine law, divine protection, and divine action.

The only God there is, is principle, the principle of our being, and it would be impossible for our affairs to get outside the operation of this law. Then all the error, inharmony, discord, that is apparent to us is, as a matter of fact, not present at all, but exists only as belief and must be so understood. A belief operates as a law only until its true nature is discerned, just as the belief that 3 x 3 is 8 vanishes without any further effort on our part. We do not have to destroy it or rise above it, because it vanishes of its own nothingness, its non-existence.

When faced with any discordant or inharmonious condition, remember this simple law of life: harmony is —and refrain from any effort to change, heal, correct, improve or reform the erroneous appearance. Finally, let go of that "problem." Let life reveal itself to you in all its glory. Let the divine energies possess you. Do not live for yourself or your own good, but for those who have not yet learned their true identity. Let go of yourself and find your Self—infinite, eternal, harmonious.

Man has not a mind separate from deity. Disease is merely belief, which will be healed immediately by destroying the belief. Where is this belief? Is it in the mind of your patient? Never. The belief is that of general human consciousness, collectively, and must be destroyed there. As a general rule, you may forget your patient as soon as he has unburdened himself to you, since the belief is not his own. It is the belief of collective human consciousness using the individual as a channel to express the belief. Be careful not to accept the belief as either your own or your patient's. Nullify it where you find it, in general or collective human consciousness. Know, also, that human consciousness is illumined because there is but one consciousness and this one divine; that mortal consciousness has no substance, no law, no continuity, no cause, and can have no effect, no channel for its transmission or

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expression; then, you are on your way to victory.

LAW 21 The objectified universe is the effect of consciousness. Therefore, we cannot change or improve this universe in any way, but we can change our consciousness of the universe and then let this consciousness reveal the universe as it is. Our thought should not dwell on health or body or home, which to our imperfect sense may seem to need improving, but our thought should dwell on God, on the realization of the presence and power of a divine law operating in human consciousness to reveal the harmony of being. Our thought should dwell on the infinite nature of love, which cares for its creation through the laws of love and life. We should abide in the mind which expresses the eternal qualities of perfection. As our thought becomes imbued with this good, we, in turn, express this good in an improved form of body, of being, of health, of home.

We must remember that there is no law or power acting upon us, but that we are the law unto our body, business, home, supply. We have dominion over all that is in the sky, on the earth and under the water. We are the law unto it, whatever its name or nature. We exist as consciousness, embodying within ourselves every idea in the universe, and every idea is subject to and controlled by the consciousness in which it exists—not by "taking thought," but through the unlabored energy of mind, life, forever expressing itself.

The Foundation of Mysticism Introducing The Healing Principles One Power

The law of God fills all space. It is here and now available to us, but only in proportion to our recognition of it, acceptance of it, and consciously bringing it into our experience—practicing it, really practicing it with every contrary appearance and suggestion that comes into our lives.

What of material laws and mental laws? These cannot be laws if God is law. God is Spirit, therefore his law is spiritual. . . We have to recognize frequently that we are not under the law of punishment but under the law of forgiveness. We have to remember every single day that we are not under law, we are under grace.

Always remember: Now truth constitutes my consciousness; now I am a law; now I am an authority; now I am ordained to heal the sick, forgive the sinner, raise the dead, and feed the hungry by virtue of truth entertained and expressed in my consciousness. Specific truth. The specific truth is that there is only one power. The specific truth is that none of this that's hindering you has the power to hinder you. Why? The specific truth is that your consciousness is an annihilation to everything unlike good; your consciousness filled with truth is a law of benediction and grace unto everyone who enters your spiritual household, your consciousness. Do you see the need for specific truth, specific principles of truth, consciously expressed?

Gratitude: A Spiritual Interpretation Of Holidays Every day is a Sabbath. Every day has to be held holy. Every day has to be an acknowledgment of God as the force, the law, the being of all that is. Every day has to be a day of rest, because in our spiritual life we are always resting. There is nothing to worry about. We know that God is running the universe, God is leading us beside the

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still waters, God makes us to lie down in green pastures. God sets a table before us in the wilderness, and even in the valley of the shadow of death, God is there to watch over us so that we can go through life performing its functions and resting.

LAW 22 Every spiritual demonstration nullifies a physical or mental law. That's what spiritual demonstration is, It is nullification: wiping out the operation of physical or mental law. It is lifting you into a realm of consciousness where the particular physical or mental law from which you are suffering no longer operates. Therefore, to be a healer it is necessary to dwell in the secret place of the most High, to dwell in that consciousness where the physical and mental laws are not operating. This is prayer.

Every time you undertake healing for someone, what you really undertake is to lift them above the physical plane of consciousness to where the laws of physicality do not operate. Then spiritual harmony unfolds in them. As a spiritual healer you are not healing their bodies, You are not doing anything to the organs or functions of their bodies. All you are doing is lifting them in consciousness above the physical and mental planes to where they are in the grace of God. And the grace of God wipes out the physical and mental laws that have been binding them. That is how spiritual healing is accomplished.

God is. Life is eternal. I and my Father are one. There is no discord in God's creation, God is the substance of all form; God's world is perfect, and if there is a “this world," then this world is perfect because it must be God's world. Ah, yes, but I'm being faced now with a dying person, or a poor person, a sinful person, an imprisoned person. Surely, surely that's the world-hypnotism; that's the mesmeric activity of this carnal mind presenting these pictures to me. And how grateful I am to have learned there is no law in this picture to sustain it, so it must dissolve. There's no substance, no form, no activity—it must dissolve.

In all of the writings, you will notice passages that tell you the correct letter of truth. That is the metaphysics of the message. Then you find other passages which go from meditation to the actual experience of illumination. That is the mysticism of the message. Through this message, you can attain the mystical contact, or conscious union with God. Through this message you can learn and practice the laws of metaphysics which bring about harmony in human experience. One helps you to achieve the other: more especially, knowledge of the letter of truth and its practice will lead to the mystical experience whereas the mystical experience itself will not always lead to the correct letter or metaphysics of truth.

Now, do you see why it isn't necessary to give a treatment to anyone? It isn't necessary to correct them or improve them? It isn't necessary to tell them to be better or more loving or more gentle or more forgiving? It isn't necessary. As you consciously know the truth, the truth that you know becomes the law unto those within range of your consciousness. That is why you will find animal life is the most responsive to this work. Dogs and cats and birds will virtually respond to this instantaneously. There is no resistance in them at all. Next, plant life responds beautifully. And then children. But adults are tough. They've already learned to fear both God and devil; they've already learned about two powers.

Our lack comes from failure to understand God's law of abundance, or how to become one with God so that we can enjoy the promise, "Son, thou art ever with me and all that I have is thine." Why would we have such a statement in scripture if it weren't true? Why would the Master have tried to teach us supply by multiplying loaves and fishes to prove abundance without limit, always with baskets full left over? Why, if it is not meant for us

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eventually, and if eventually, why not now come into that awareness of life which is lived by the grace of God?

LAW 23

Only one thing can free us from the law of as ye sow, so shall ye reap—to stop sowing. The only way to stop sowing is to recognize our spiritual identity because then we need not reach out, scheming, plotting, planning, grasping, or even desiring that which another has, but we can be beholders and watch what wonderful ways the Father has of providing for us without depriving another.

These laws of matter are not power in the presence of spiritual understanding. They are theories and beliefs, but there is a Grace which sets them aside. That does not mean that on the human level there is not a law of matter; it does not mean that there is not a law of mind: It merely means that there is a state of Grace that sets aside both the laws of matter and the laws of mind.

I Say Unto You To be spiritually attuned and live in accordance with he laws of God, we must begin with the realization that all that the Father has is embodied within us—the bread of life and the wine of inspiration— the whole kingdom of God is established within us. Then, instead of starting out in life with the idea of gaining, getting, or achieving, we would reverse that, and our attitude would be one of serving, giving, bestowing, sharing, and cooperating.

This Is A Spiritual Universe A beginning can be made by not attempting to stop our thinking processes. If the mind wants to think, we let it, and if necessary, even sit and watch it as it goes through the thinking process. No matter what thoughts come, they can do us no harm. They have no power, and there is nothing in them for us to fear. If we fear or hate them, we may try to stop them, and on the other hand if we love them, we may try to hold on to them. . . We let the thoughts come and go while we sit and watch as beholders. All we are looking at are shadows that flit across the screen: There is no power in them, nor any substance there is no law in them, nor any cause—they are just shadows. . . pictures without power.

The Master reveals the basic karmic law of as ye sow, so shall ye reap, but he also makes plain the one sure and certain way to rise above the law of cause and effect, and that is not to set in motion a cause—to do nothing, think nothing, and be nothing of ourselves. For example, if we pray with some object or purpose in mind, we are likely to produce an effect in accordance with the cause which we set up. But if we were to pray without an object, solely for the realization of God, then we would not have set up a cause, and there could be no effect. There would only be God Itself appearing as the harmony of our existence.

The moment that you think of mind in terms of your mind and my mind, separate and apart from the one unconditioned mind, you have missed the point; but once you begin to understand that there is only one mind, you will never do anything unless it is in keeping with God's law. It will never be your will or my will: It will be God's will.

We do not deny the body. It is real, but what we see as body is not body: It is a mental image within our own thought—a universal mental concept, individualized within us. There is no such thing as a material

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body: There is only a material concept of body. There is no such thing as a material universe: There are only material concepts of the one spiritual universe. As long as we accept a material concept of universe, we are under the laws of matter, but we are free as soon as we begin to understand that we live and move and have our being in the first chapter of Genesis where man is made in the image and likeness of God, or Spirit, and that the Soul of God is the Soul of man, the life of God is the life of man, the mind of God is the mind of man, the body of God is the body of man.


Chapter: Guidelines for Spiritual Unfoldment through The Infinite Way 1964 Instructions, Tape Group Leaders, 1963 Teaching Topic: Conducting A Tape Group Activity 557, 509, 511

In meditation a student should have one single point to dwell upon until it fades out and he becomes still and is listening. Such a quotation is helpful in centering attention on some specific principle. For example, if a student meditated properly on "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God," it should bring the student to the place where he realizes that he does not have to worry about money, a position, or anything else in the outer world. What he has to have is a word from God. That breaks the attachment to the outer scene—the fear of it or even the reliance on it—because eventually everyone has to see that he does not live by money or by employment, but by the word of God. . . If it takes thirty years, he might as well dedicate himself to that because only through receiving that Word can these other things be added unto him.

Chapter: Infinite Way Pearls 1963 Instructions For Teaching The Infinite Way 1:2, 3:1 Topic: 509, 511

God Realized As Individual Consciousness Universally When a person who knows this truth prays, the first word that comes into his mind is omniscience, and with it comes a smile: "What have I to say to the All-knowing? What am I here for? Omniscience is the omnipotence, and this is the All-power, so I am certainly not here to get any power to do anything to some other power. This omnipotence is omnipresence, so I do not have to go anywhere for that." When we have finished with that, prayer becomes a listening attitude and in that altitude of prayer, that which is necessary comes through. To know the nature of Consciousness as omniscience is a step toward still further illumination. You become a state of complete awareness, a state of listening, and you can rest with nothing to tell God.

Chapter: Now I See 1963 Instructions For Teaching The Infinite Way 4:1 Topic: Becoming Instruments For The Voice Of God 509

What must be your attitude of prayer? To hear the voice of God. God is not in the whirlwind: God is in the "still small voice." Do you want God? Then, according to scripture, the only way to get God is to listen until you hear that still small voice. Our attitude must be: "Speak, Lord; for thy servant heareth" not Thy servant has something to tell You or ask You, not that thy servant wants favors, but that Your servant wants to hear Your voice.

Chapter: The need for Religion 1963 Instructions For Teaching The Infinite Way 6:2 Topic: Prayer As Communion 550

We commune with God without voicing anything to God, without thinking any thoughts toward God, but instead our communion is more or less a listening attitude, and then gradually a melting into the one Consciousness.

A PARENTHESIS IN ETERNITY Chapter: The Basis of Mysticism Topic: Reality And Illusion If we could erase from out thought

everything that we have heard or read about a person–everything, every opinion that we ourselves have formed–and say, "Father, wipe all this away. I am willing to start all over. Show me this man as he is. . . we would find that by turning within with a listening ear, the truth would be revealed to us. . . The I of him would be born in us immaculately. The only God that has ever revealed itself is the one that has come through the still small voice which is uttered within me. But there is nothing within me but me; I am the only being that I am, and if I hear a still small

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voice, it must come from within the depths of my Self.

LISTENING Wherever there is this recognition of the presence and the spirit of God, the power of God is flowing, maintaining our mental, moral, financial, and physical freedom, and then whenever a need appears, we create what seems like a vacuum within us, a listening attitude, and in that second, the right word comes to us, the word of God which is quick and sharp and powerful, and which does the work of healing, reforming, and sustaining.


Chapter: Our Real Identity 1962 Topic: Prayer, A State Of Receptivity

Do not [expect] God to listen to your words or thoughts most of the time. Chapter: Spiritual Power Unveiled 1962 Topic: Overcoming The World . . . to bring ourselves to a life whereby we can be so still inwardly that when the still small Voice talks to us, it seems as if It were thundering. Chapter: The Words and Words 1954 Topic: Listening For The Word “Father, I have lifted myself into Your consciousness. Reveal Yourself.” Perhaps. . . the most important point in all healing practice:. . . put your real faith and confidence in your ability to sit quietly and listen.

As soon as you realize that all these attempts to influence God are just a waste of time, your thoughts will come to a stop, and your prayer will be a receptivity, a listening, an awaiting God’s grace, a waiting for the still small voice, and then that Spirit of God enters your consciousness, consciously, and you become aware of It. My understanding has always been completely limited to whatever has come through in any given moment, and whatever I knew yesterday was yesterday’s manna, and it is not doing me any good today. Only that which I know this minute represents my understanding; and it is not even mine, really: it is God’s gift to me. [Communion with God] comes in moments of illumination, but for the greater part of my life I have found that it is as if there is still a Joel and he is pretty empty. . . He has no evil and he has no good: he is living always with those ears open in an expectancy, and then whatever comes through is God’s presence and God’s grace, and the rest, what the world calls a human personality, remains, you might almost say, a nothingness. It really is a nothingness because it has no desire: it does not want to be any place in particular; it does not want to do anything except what it is doing and what is being done through it; it has no hopes, no ambitions, and is not seeking to achieve anything. Chapter: Rising to Mystical Consciousness in Prayer and Treatment 1963 Kailua Private Class Topic: The Demonstration Of The

Christ 519 or 521 The degree of your attainment is dependent on how little you can say to those who come to you, and to what

degree you can listen within and let the Voice do the saying–not how much truth you can speak to your friends, students, or

patients, but to what degree you can become aware of the Word and let It perform Its work.

LISTENING Chapter: The Way of Grace 1963 Kailua Private Class Topic: Prayer, An Opening Of Consciousness 522:1 or 517:1

Our only activity is receptivity. . . We must open the only thing through and as which God appears: our consciousness. God appears and acts in, and through, and as consciousness. It is as if we were opening our ears to the realization of the truth that God’s grace is our sufficiency. In such receptivity, God’s grace is pouring through us. Chapter: Thou Shalt Not Make Unto Thee Any Graven Image 1963 Kailua Private Class Topic: The Miracle 518:1 or 517:2 When

anyone asks me for help, can you understand that the first thing that takes place in me is that my mind stops functioning, and I stop

thinking? I think no thoughts of truth. I listen, and that lets the presence and power of God through to the patient; whereas the

moment I try to think a thought, even of truth, then I am trying to make thought a power. . . It is the presence and power of God that

does the work. Sometimes I know what it is; sometimes it comes through in a message; but ninety-nine times out of a hundred I

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never know. Chapter: Toward The Experience 1963 Kailua Private Class Topic: Let The Mind Rest 516:1 You cannot reach God

through the mind. . . You must bring your mind to a place of stillness where the mind is transcended and your Soul-faculty receives the Experience. You maintain a listening attitude until you feel some measure of release within, sometimes even receive a message, and then your part of the work is done.

CONSCIOUSNESS IN TRANSITION Chapter: Illumined Consciousness 1948 Topic: Why, just by opening my ear I have the whole voice

of God to listen to! By just opening my consciousness, I have the whole guidance and direction and thought of God. By opening my consciousness, I have all the health and strength and longevity–immortality, eternality, peace, joy, power, dominion. Everything that belongs to God now belongs to me because I have opened my consciousness for its inflow. Our existence must be as a state of receptivity. Our existence must be the continuous opening of consciousness for it to come through. And remember, don't limit it–don't finitize it–don't think it has to come through a perfect person or a certain book or a certain teaching. Keep your consciousness open so that it comes from God. It may appear to you as a person, or as a book–that part is all right. There must come a time when we say, "I live not by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." You know, the word is always proceeding out of the mouth of God, but are we listening? Or are we looking in a book and seeing what it says on page 82? Oh, yes, that's what we do over and over again. Chapter: Meditation 1948 Topic: So when I say keep this ear open, it isn't that it makes any difference whether you ever hear a voice or not. It is just your human representation of the spiritual idea of receiving, of receptivity. Thus, while pondering, while meditating on this one idea, you also are keeping this ear open–really a sign of receptivity.

LISTENING Chapter: Questions and Answers 1948 Topic: None of my thinking will add health to you. Again we go back to Jesus, "Who by taking thought can add a cubit to his stature.” No amount of knowing the truth is going to help you, no amount of declaring the truth. No amount of any human mental process enters into this presentation. It is purely through the development of your spiritual consciousness. It is through the development of the soul sense. When you are in meditation– giving a treatment as we call it–when you are still, sitting back with that listening ear, this inner thing comes to life and it shows you, inwardly, spiritual perfection. And that, outwardly, becomes interpreted as a healthy or sane or wealthy human being. So I say this: In all cases of treatment–and certainly I religiously follow this–never do I permit myself to think a thought, even to make a denial or to affirm a truth or to think a thought. I sit down when necessary and take the attitude, "Speak, Father, for thy servant heareth. . . I will listen for thy voice. . . Be still know that I am God. . . Let the imparting voice come in." Take the attitude that this is God's universe and let God do something about it. Let us be a witness to watching God in action, then usually we are led to say the right thing or think the right thing or to do the right thing. Chapter: Student and teacher 1948 Topic: You are now developing a state of receptivity to the still small voice. So, as you hold it here gently, "I and

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the Father are one, I and the Father are one," all the time the ear is listening. A sense of peace is settling down on you. When your release comes, when that sense of peace comes, the problem has been met, either your own or someone else's, or you come right down to the realization. That is when you begin to feel this divine intelligence.


Chapter: Consciousness 1969 L Topic: Spiritual Discernment In proportion as you are listening, you are

consciously aware of the presence of God, the power, the reality, the joy, the Spirit, the life, and the wisdom of

God. In your body and in your mind, you cannot know the things of God. Recognizing yourself as

consciousness, however, and adopting the listening ear, the attitude of consciousness, you become the child

of God that is joint-heir to all the heavenly riches.

Chapter: Invisible Life Fulfills Itself Tangibly and Visibly 1969 L Topic: Going From The Mulish State Of Consciousness To A Reliance

On The Invisible Stillness and listening are our access to Infinity. Every time we believe that we need something or someone, we should

immediately go within and realize, “No, no! I have meat the world knows not of. I have the life more abundant.” Stillness and listening

are our access to Infinity. Chapter: Mind Is a Transparency 1962 London Special Class Topic: The Unconditioned Mind Is A Pure Transparency 496:1 When we are in

meditation, we work first with specific statements of truth. These help to settle our mind into a listening attitude, and then follows the listening period when our mind is ready to receive whatever message, impulse, or feeling God has for us.

LISTENING Chapter: The Fourth-dimensional Consciousness 1962-1963 Topic: Rising Above Human Consciousness Every time we remind ourselves that we are not using God to do something to evil but rather that we are recognizing the nothingness of the appearance. . . every time we consciously impersonalize and realize that neither sin, disease, nor false appetite is part of our being but that it is merely a universal belief in two powers. . . every time we meditate, even if it is only a ten-second meditation, just enough time to create a vacuum and to listen, we are developing our consciousness to the fourth degree. An onion skin of mortality is dropping off, and we are that much closer to immortality. . . We become aware that we have a strength, a power, a dominion, and a joyousness that the world knows not of.

CONSCIOUSNESS TRANSFORMED Chapter: divine sonship 3/3/63 Topic: You will notice in healing work that regardless of all the truths you

may know, you are not going to do any healing work unless you can come to a point where you can stop voicing truth and start to listen for truth. . . Yes, when it comes to the healing work, Joel has to be quiet and let it have its way. Then this Christhood, which is “closer than breathing,” does the same work that the Christ did two thousand years ago. Chapter: I and My Father are One 1964 Topic:

Realize: “In this invisible I that I am is embodied my life and everything needful that pertains to that life. I do not have to go anywhere for it, because it is already embodied in the I that I Am.” Review several of the principles that may come to your thought, but the following is the important part: Settle into a listening attitude. . . Let the inner ear be open. Just let that peace be upon you until you feel the period is ended–two minutes, three minutes, five minutes–and then get up and go about your business. . . You have made room for the spirit of God to awaken in your consciousness. Then it will do its work in you and for you and through you and before you. If any human wish or desire enters. . . you have lost the benefit of it because you have separated yourself from the conviction that only God performs in you and through you that which God ordains. Chapter: Into the Mystical Consciousness 1964 Topic: In the mystical life you see men and women but it does not register to you in that

way. In other words it makes no impression. One cannot afford to see students or patients as attractive women or beautiful women or

plain women. You train yourself so that your attention is always on listening. Chapter: removing the veil 7/14/1963 Topic: You must find a period of the day. . . where you can sit down and quietly

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and peacefully realize: “The Father within me, the I that I Am, can teach me, instruct me, guide me, lead me, protect me, speak to me–all through the still small voice.” Chapter: Silence! Stillness! Quietness! 1964 Topic: Take the attitude that you do not know God’s will for you for today; that you are being still and receptive to receive God’s grace so that you will be under the law and wisdom of God throughout the day. Realize of course that by this contact, you have also come into contact with all the spiritual grace necessary to your entire experience. Chapter: the man who has his being in Christ 1964 Topic: When you make the transition to the man who lives by “every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God,” you are then forming no judgments, but rather you are creating a vacuum within yourself resulting in an attitude of listening so that divine judgment may be rendered. LISTENING 5

Be assured it is only through spiritual discernment that you will be able to see that there is no evil in man and no evil on earth, and that there are no destructive powers in heaven or on earth or in hell. . . Practice [this message] until the ability has been fully developed to look out on this world of man, things, and conditions, without that word “I” beginning to form its judgment. Rather, you will say to this personal sense of I, “Be still. . . Be still and know that I am God,” and then listen to the word, to the judgment of God that is uttered

Then the revelation was given that prayer is not the words we think or voice–not even truths. Prayer is hearing God. As spiritual students, we must never do anything without turning within, and then we must listen. Train the student never to move or do anything without this inner guidance. No matter how good you are in anything, did you first turn within and get inner guidance? Chapter: the word becomes flesh: spiritual responsibility 1963 Topic: I can’t think of being alone for a very long period of time without a period of contemplation. When I contemplate, something is given to me–something to ponder. So it is, the source of my religion is to be found within me, but I must go in to get it. In living this life of the contemplative, you will find that you are living a life attuned to an inner rhythm, an inner grace. The more you listen, the more you contemplate within, the greater protection and guidance you have on the outer plane. Chapter: three lost secrets 1964 Topic: Spiritual teachers know the degree of progress students are making [when]. . . the student speaks less and less and listens more and more in the within. Chapter: Two covenants September 1963 Topic: Humility is not a feeling or an emotion. Humility is a recognition of the truth that consciousness is the source and the activity of all that is. Therefore, the part that we play in prayer is an attentiveness to consciousness as if listening. This is true humility and this is the true attitude of prayer. Listening. . . is an acknowledgment that it is not the human sense of I who has power or who can bring health to anyone. But the consciousness which I am, expressing itself, reveals itself as harmony in any and every form.


Chapter: Freedom in Christ 1949 Topic: Meditation As Consciousness Unfolding I was in this work less than two years when I discovered that the only results I had came through meditation. . . becoming receptive, and listening. Then, with a sudden rush, this feeling, this sense of the Presence would come, and the healings would take place. Or it would give me enlightenment.

LISTENING Chapter: God Revealing the Infinity of Being 1949 Topic: Synonyms For God We see God as the life of the

universe. We allow our thought to dwell on this idea of life eternal, life immortal, and we let any thoughts that come to us along this line unfold. When that has gone on for a while, and we finally feel we have come to an end of this contemplation, we just keep the listening ear open until we feel the truth. Then we can say, Thank you, Father, it is done.”

Chapter: Peace 1949 Topic: Peace Even if mental argument, affirmation, and denial were necessary to us in the early

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days of our work, we can now leave such forms alone. . . Sit back and, in silence, create a kind of vacuum for God, for the Christ, to rush in.

Chapter: Questions and Answers 1949 Topic: During Meditation Affirmations Or Single Idea? When you meditate, take a question and ponder it. As you ponder it, suddenly, you feel yourself in God consciousness. From that moment on, listen. The real meditation is just listening.


Chapter: The Meaning of Living spiritually Topic: Reaping Spiritual Consciousness It is possible to be as friendly with God as we can

Be with one another. It is possible to be on speaking terms with God as it is with one another. On the other hand, it is possible to be so

silent that not even a word or thought escapes us, and yet be in constant communion with God.

GOD, THE SUBSTANCE OF ALL FORM Chapter: Building the New Consciousness 1949 Topic: A Conscious Experience The student drifts

off into sleep while he is in meditation only because he does not realize that he should constantly be alert for some inner guidance, alert to hear the voice of God. He should go to his inner Self with attention focused on some specific truth and then wait for God to reveal Himself: “Here I am, Father, alert and awake for Thy guidance.” Because of the noise of the world, we do not hear the still small voice or receive the benefit of the Presence, and therefore, we must learn to be silent and receptive.

Chapter: Good unfolding as the Activity of Individual Consciousness 1949 Topic: Consciousness Is Infinite In Scope When a need of any name or nature arises. . . immediately turn within to your own consciousness in a state of receptivity with that “listening ear” and let your consciousness unfold, disclose, and reveal whatever is necessary in your experience. When you turn within to this infinite Consciousness of your being, turn within in the sense of listening, of receptivity, of waiting for It to reveal Itself. . . You do not have to tell It what you need. If you know what you need, It knows it, too. Without a word, then, without a thought, without giving It the name of the person you wish to benefit or the name of the disease you want to get rid of or the particular knowledge that you are in need of, turn within in a questioning attitude of receptivity, with a listening attitude, and let it unfold and disclose and reveal Itself to you.


LISTENING Chapter: Hidden Manna 1953 First Portland Class Topic: Hidden Manna 37 1; 33:1

And so if you are listening for My still voice, if you are resting in My everlasting arms, if you are relaxing in Me, if you are letting every word that proceedeth out of My mouth feed you, : maintain and sustain you, you will never die. . . Believe that there is a Presence,'whose only function is to bless you, to be a benediction to you, and to be the instrument of God's grace. Trust It. "Put not your trust in princes" —believe only in God. Do not live by bread any longer, at least not by bread alone, but by every word, every promise of Scripture which must be fulfilled in you: "Whither thou goest, I will go . . . To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna." That manna is hidden within you. It is invisible to the world, unknowable to common sense, incomprehensible to human beings. It is hidden from the world. Where is it hidden? In the depths of your own being. Chapter: Living the Life of Grace 1953 First Portland Class Topic: Living The Life Of Grace 39 3:2 This bringing of statements of

truth to conscious remembrance is called contemplative meditation. When you undertake this form of meditation, you may at first

be bringing to conscious remembrance every statement of truth you know. It may take you a half hour to complete your part of this

contemplative part of the meditation, that is, your voicing of the truth. Then you sit back and listen, and that part of the meditation

may be one minute, two, three, or five. As you continue this form of contemplative meditation, however, you will gradually get to

the place where your part of it takes only five minutes, and God's part takes a half hour. It just reverses itself. God keeps filling you

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with His truth; God keeps filling you with the realization of His presence; but you have made way for the Spirit by your preparation

through your contemplative meditation. Therefore, do not hesitate to bring to your conscious remembrance every statement of truth

you know until you have built your consciousness to where that is no longer necessary.


Chapter: Making the Transition from Personal Sense to Spiritual Being 1964 Oahu/maui Series Topic: Spiritual Being Forms No Judgments 547:1 When you make the transition to the man who lives "by every word that preceedeth out of the the mouth of God," you form no judgments, but rather create a vacuum within yourself, resulting in an attitude of listening so that divine judgment can be rendered.

Chapter: The World of Material and the World of Spiritual Discernment 1964 Oahu/maui Series Topic: Spiritual Discernment Reveals That Which Is 546:2 The ability to move from the world of material sense into the world of spiritual discernment is proportionate to our ability to close our eyes to the appearance and wait for that inner intuition, the voice of God, to reveal to us the truth of what we are beholding.


Chapter: Living The Mystical Life Topic: When I am giving a class or when I am in meditation or giving a treatment, at first there is a "me" listening for the still, small Voice, a "me" inviting God to speak. Then as I get into that listening attitude, this "me" disappears and there is only the Presence fulfilling Itself. In periods of meditation when you are no longer aware of the "you" of yourself, this will happen to you, especially when the work is for others and for the world. The "you" will disappear, and the Presence is all there will be.



Chapter: Dominion over Mind, body, and Purse 1960 Topic: God, The Only Power When you have established within yourself that God is and that there is no other power, you have given your treatment. Now you are ready again for that period of listening in which the seal is placed on that particular treatment.

Chapter: Individual Discovery of Truth 1960 Topic: God Speaks The Word After many, many years, I have learned how to become still and how to be receptive–how to sit patiently, ever so patiently, until the Word is spoken.

As you voice the world “I” inwardly, secretly and silently open your consciousness in the attitude of “Speak, Lord; for thy servant heareth,” and the Voice you will hear will melt the earth.

SEEK YE FIRST Chapter: The Inner Kingdom 1962 Los Angeles Center Open Class Topic: God Prays In Us 458 1:2 Now we will come

to the higher unfoldment of the Infinite Way, to a place where we no longer pray, where our prayers do not take on any measure of thinking or speaking: it is God that does the praying in us and through us, and we merely become aware of the activity of God that is taking place within. We are then always on the hearing end; we are always on the receptive end, the receiving end. God is praying in us and through us. This is the meaning of "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." The essence of the spiritual life lies in the hearing of the still mall voice: the ability to receive impartations from God, to be small voice: the ability to receive impartations from God, to be taught of God, to receive God's grace. Most of us have done the reverse of that by speaking to God, telling God, trying to influence God, whereas there is no God listening.

Chapter: The practicality of Illumination 1964 Honolulu Infinite Way Study Center Topic: All Is Well Only When We Are Attuned To The Divine Government 538 2:2 Very often, when we are asleep and the human will is not active, when human desire and hope are in abeyance, the grace of God has a greater opportunity to enter our consciousness and perform Its work. This is why the last few moments before sleep are so important in opening consciousness to the receptivity of God. Since God governs the day, God also governs the night, but for some it may

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seem more natural to think that because we are awake during the day, we are more receptive to God's government. That should not be so. There should not be a split second of our experience in which we are not receptive and alert to the Spirit. The moments of greatest temptation are the moments when we may be led to take God’s presence for granted, instead of continuing to be attuned for assurance and reassurance.

Chapter: The Spiritual Goal 1962 London Closed Class Topic: Pondering Truth, And Then Listening 488 2:2 For young students it is not possible to hold a silent meditation beyond a minute or two. The mind begins to wander, and then it is no longer meditation. It is only meditation in those brief seconds when we are still and listening. The minute thoughts begin to percolate, the meditation is over. Only one second of complete silence would be enough. That lets the Spirit in and lets It function!


LISTENING 10 Chapter: God alone is Power 1955 Capetown Series Topic: No Struggle, But Recognition, Acceptance And Realization 706 1:1

You are the instrument but only by listening and listening. Then divine grace takes over, and that grace does not fight evil, sin, or disease. It just lives Its own life and never finds opposition, just as God finds no opposition. There is no opposite to the Infinite. There is no opposition to Infinity. There is nothing existing outside of Infinity if Infinity is infinite. Within that Infinity, all is of the nature of the Divine.

Chapter: God, the Substance of Universal Being 1951 Second Portland Series Topic: Purpose Of Prayer And Meditation 601 1:2

You do not pray: you become aware of God praying in you; you become aware of the word of God. The word of God does not come from you: the word of God comes from God to you. Therefore, the purpose of your prayer is to develop a state of receptivity in which you can become aware of, hear, if necessary, the "still small voice" within your own being, letting it impart itself to you. It is not what you say to God that is of any importance. There is no God interested in what you say. What is important is what you hear from God. What impartation do you receive from the father within? . . . God is the infinite all-knowing intelligence, and It does not need conversation. It does not need any help from you or any guidance in telling you what you want or what you think you need, That is disrespect to the all-knowing Wisdom. That is a lack of understanding of the nature of the All-knowing, The Master said, "Your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things. . . . . for it is the Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom'' Chapter: The spiritual Life 1951 Second Portland Series Topic: The Assurance Of Divine Guidance 603 3:1 &2 Every activity of

our existence can be carried out under divine guidance. While we will all probably make mistakes from time to time, we can reduce the amount and seriousness of our mistakes more than ninety per cent by developing the habit of not doing anything until we have turned within for guidance or for the reassurance of the presence. We may not receive instruction as to how to do, what to do, or when to do it, but that is not necessary as long as we have the assurance, “I am with you."

Chapter: The True Demonstration 1951 Second Portland Series Topic: Only God’s Thoughts Are Power 601 1:1 "Except the lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it," except the consciousness of truth becomes the substance of our demonstration, we shall labor in vain. As we realize this truth, we then become quiet, with ears open and alert in a state of receptivity as if we were actually listening for the voice of God, we let ourselves be still and then comes that inner awareness, that sense of release, "It is so, Thank You, Father; it is done."


Chapter: Rejecting Appearances and concepts 1961 London Open Class Topic: In Order To Know God, Be Still 418 5:1 The periods of

quiet and the periods of meditation can be short but they must be frequent because in these meditations a vacuum must take place,

an expectancy for something that we know not—not something we know but something we know not—something beyond our

ability to know, so that when it comes, it can come with a message that would startle the world but for which we have prepared

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ourselves by the very act of meditation.


Chapter: Mind and Its Idea One Topic: In proportion as you live in the calm assurance of God as the only presence and power can you release yourself from mental argument. As conviction comes to you of man's relationship to God as God manifested, as life expressed, can you realize the harmony of being which knows no fear of sin or disease. Uppermost in thought must be the understanding that even that which appears to ignorant, illusive sense as error, is suggestion; that which is called accident, under action or overaction, is mirage or nothingness. Then, we do not attempt to heal, correct, improve, but we rest—yes, we rest in the certainty that "as in heaven, so on earth, God is omnipotent, supreme." Silence human thinking by learning to listen; by stilling the material senses with, "peace, be still." Chapter: Prayer Topic: The whole aim of our work is the realization of the presence and power of God. "I can of mine own self do nothing" is literally true, but the fact remains that "the Father within, He doeth the works," rather it is the consciousness of the presence of the "Father within" that does the work. How may we become conscious of the presence of the "Father within"? By stilling the human senses and listening for the "still, small voice." I will listen for "thy voice," for the impartation must always be from mind. Communion with God is in reality listening for the "still, small voice." In this communion, or prayer, no words pass from man to God, but the consciousness of the presence of God is realized as the impartation of truth and love comes from God (within) to man. It is a holy state of being, and never leaves man where it finds him. Chapter: The Realm of Soul Topic: It is impossible for the human mind to conceive all the good there is for us, or even how to make it visible and tangible. It is only when we cease our human thinking, planning, outlining, affirming, and denying, and learn to rest; to "feel" God, to listen, that we are able to live by grace. Then our eyes being open, we are able to see the entire spiritual scene available here and now. We are so eager for "results," so anxious to bring about healing, that we do not "wait on God." That is, we do not wait for mind to reveal the answer or perfection of being within us. We rush into "statements" and "truths" through the intellect; we affirm, deny and quote—all statements of truth, of course, but still not truth declaring itself; still not mind affirming its own state of harmonious being.


Chapter: living the healing principles 1959 Topic: Realize God As The Only Power

We don't create anyone's health with our mind, but we can sit down in a listening attitude and become aware of the health that is omnipresent. If we sit down in a listening attitude, peacefully quiet and receptive in the realization of God as the only power, we'll only be still a very short while until we receive an assurance through the mind that all is well—"This is my beloved child in whom I am well pleased."

Chapter: Treatment: Its meaning and purpose 1959 Topic:

You may have to listen to these tapes many, many times before; you begin to get the meaning that I put into them. That meaning is the direct result of thirty years of this work.

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Thinking cannot make anything true; but in the inner Silence, which is a listening attitude in which we are taught of God and in which God utters His voice, the earth melts–sin, sickness, and all lack disappear–and God imparts to us that which is. Only in the realm of being are we outside of thoughts where IS, is. We do not have the capacity to think God’s thoughts, but when mind, in rising above thought, has been transcended and Silence supersedes thought, God can utter His word through us. When we are able to rise above the realm of thought to that high place where we have no opinion whether anything or anybody is good or evil, but are willing to be a perfect transparency for the instruction of God, then God speaks in our ear and shows us the spiritual reality which exists right where that "man of flesh" who "cannot please God" appears to be; but in that instant when God speaks, the man of flesh is transformed into the Son of God and is immediately returned to the Garden of Eden where he is now the Son of God living under God's government.


Chapter: God as Law in operation Topic: The moment we can accept the government of God for friend and foe, saint and sinner, we are

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loving our neighbor as ourselves. But when we make excuses and exceptions, we are not fooling the law of God. We are fooling only ourselves, because there is no such thing as release from a violation of law of God until the violation ceases. Chapter: God Is Omnipresent 1954 Topic: When we behold people in any degree of humanhood, good or bad, rich or poor, sick or well, we immediately realize the spiritual truth of their nature, we realize that in them is this same invisible vine, this same Christ, and that Its function in them is that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly. . . Silently and secretly within yourself voice this truth about your neighbor, be he friend or foe, far away or near. That voicing is the acknowledgment that you have truth, and because you are acknowledging that you have it and are willing to share it, more will be added unto you. Remember that as an individual you are a branch, and you have within you this divine sonship drawing unto you all that you need. In your relationship to the world, you now become the vine, and you are the one who is drawing truth from God and letting it flow from you to your neighbors, be they men, women, or children, animal, plant, or mineral. Chapter: I Am the Vine Topic:

Every time you see an individual in some form of sin, disease, lack, lack, limitation, deformity, or even death, just catch a glimpse of your tree and silently realize, “Thank God for that trunk.” That trunk unites all in oneness, and enables each one to draw from the one infinite Source, and not from one another. It is then that you are loving God supremely and your neighbor as yourself, because you are knowing the same truth about your neighbor that you are knowing about yourself.


Chapter: No “and” 1964 L Topic: Across The Desk

...Unrest until we serve God in our neighbor and rest in Him. SPIRITUAL POWER OF TRUTH

Chapter: A Harmonious Universe Topic: Love is when we are able to behold each other without judgment, without criticism, without fear. Then we love our neighbor as ourself. . . We cannot help it, because we cannot help loving these divine qualities that have been aroused in each other. Chapter: INVISIBLE SELFHOOD Topic: The story of Noah and the Ark is not the story of a God who saved out an individual and destroyed all the rest of the world. That story is the story of karmic law. In any age where a people, a nation, is living contrary to loving thy neighbor as thyself, they can eventually expect a flood, or a flood of bombs, or a flood of one nature or another that will wipe the evil right out of them, even if it has to take their human sense of life along with it; but do not place the responsibility on God. Chapter: Not Good OR Evil Topic: You are only loving your neighbor as yourself when you are agreeing that God Is the Individuality, Life, Mind, Soul, and Spirit of Individual Being.


A Parenthesis In Eternity Living The Mystical Life The Tree Of Life

If this love that has entered our heart does not give us an interest in all of the unfortunates of the world, we can be assured that it is not the love of God, and we have deceived ourselves. When we are in meditation, we are inside of the parenthesis but reaching outside, reaching way back into Consciousness so that there may be more of Consciousness, more of Life, Love, and Truth expressed in what appears to be the parenthesis, but which is rapidly breaking the bounds of the parenthesis.

Reality And Illusion

When we awaken from beholding this mortal dream as if it were reality, we will see one another as we are, and then we will love our neighbor as ourselves because we will discover that our neighbor is our Self.

Awakening Mystical Consciousness Our Real Identity Maintaining The Spiritual Heights Of Consciousness

Spiritual consciousness is a state of consciousness that fears neither persons nor conditions. It looks out on this

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world and says, “I love you whether you are good or bad, in pain or without pain.” Beyond Words And Thoughts

God Revealing Himself As Christ On Earth Secrecy Imperative

Live in the word I. But be careful, be careful! It has always been lost by revealing it to the unprepared thought–always, always! It has made some persons believe that they humanly had power or were powerful: “Oh, I am God,” and they began to try to be God, and they destroyed themselves...No one becomes a power over anyone else: he becomes a transparency for the power of Spirit, the power of love, the power of life, the power of liberty–not a power over the personal life of anyone.

God Reveals Itself In A Moment Of Unknowing

If I am to acknowledge God, I must acknowledge incorporeal God, and that means not only that I cannot embrace God in a figure or form, but I cannot even embrace It in a mental image. I dare not even name It because if I call It “Spirit” or “Mind,” I have made an image of what I think God is. Even if I call It “Love,” I have made an image...The only way in which I can know God is by knowing that I cannot know God, that God cannot be embraced in my mind, and that God is. Once you acknowledge that God is, you are inferentially declaring that God is infinity, God is omniscience, God is omnipotence, God is omnipresence...All you will even know about God is the word I.

Receptivity To God's Grace, Essential

LOVE In the whole kingdom of God there is no money, there are no houses, and there are no automobiles. God knows nothing of food, clothing, and housing, so praying to God for such things is a waste of time...God is not the source of material things, but God is the source of the substance that appears outwardly as gold, silver, trees, and all the good of this universe. In the kingdom of God, there is only life and love..and such additional facets as wisdom and intelligence, which are offshoots of these two great qualities, life and love. But unless we have God’s love, which is the substance of all form, we will never have the form.

It is love that puts leaves on fruits on the trees; it is love that gives us divine Grace; it is the love of God that appears outwardly as what we call food, clothing, and housing.

How Truth Becomes Veiled

What always puts the veil back on the truth that “I AM THAT I AM” is that those who have not yet attained, those who have not yet come into spiritual awareness or the demonstration of their spiritual Selfhood, always love the message so much that they become do-gooders and go out in the world to try to spread it around the world, and they do not have it.

Conscious Union With God Mysticism The Battle Is Not Yours

Transparency has no love, fear, or hate of error

The Christ

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The Christ is individual consciousness when it is purged of all love, fear, or hate of error [good or bad]. Consciousness Is What I Am

Consciousness Spiritual Discernment

When you say, "God is love" or "God is life" or "God is power," you are building an image in your mind, and this is idolatry. But when you can relax in the truth that God is, you are not trying to embrace Infinity within the confines of thought. You are accepting whatever God is as IS and then letting that IS define Itself to you.

The Practice Of Specific Principles Develops Consciousness

You cannot come to the spiritual throne until you love God supremely, and you are loving God supremely only if you acknowledge God as the only Power.

Surmounting World Beliefs Through An Activity Of Consciousness

LOVE No one can avoid the responsibility for spiritual realization and for developing a consciousness of one Power. We pay the penalty for whatever belief we accept, until that belief is corrected. Whatever of good comes into our experience comes through the activity of our consciousness in accepting the truth and rejecting universal belief and by remembering every day: God at the center of my being is the law of my experience, and it is the law of love unto me...the substance and the nourishment of the food I eat...the law and the activity unto every organ and function of my body...[It] draws unto me everything necessary for my good. It acts as a law of elimination to everything not necessary to my spiritual unfoldment and development.

Consciousness Expressing As Love

Behind the physical or visible world, God, infinite, divine Consciousness, is pushing Itself into expression as individual consciousness and bringing to light the love of God and the love of neighbor...When a turned to the spiritual life or to a search for God, he is not the one seeking the Light: it is the Light seeking to break through to him. It is not really seeking to break through to him, for the Light is always there, always available, but in one way or another he has become prepared for the influx of that Light.

Consciousness Unfolding God Is Individual Consciousness God Is Individual Consciousness

For a while, every time you handle money, you will consciously need to remember that it is not supply, but that it is the effect of Love; it is the effect of the presence of God appearing as your consciousness. Love is the child’s sense of supply. Only as he grows out of this sense of love, will his sense of supply change and become fifty cents, or a million dollars.

Love Is The Basis For All Relationships

All the time we are talking about Love, let us remember that Love is also divine intelligence, Love is also substance. By the time we have finished thinking about Love [and Its properties, qualities, influence, and omnipresence] the telephone should be ringing with someone at the other end telling us that there has been a

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Did you ever stop to think that there would be no relationships at all between human beings, if there were not love to cement that relationship?...Love is that basis for all relationships. If you find yourself struggling with these errors, trying to improve or change them, you will not bring about healing. Go to that world God as quickly as you can. Then, if you like, jump from God to one of the synonyms [Love, Intelligence, Life, Law], and in that way work out from God.

Our mistake is that we look for love in or from some person. There we shall never find it--never. The love we find in a person is a counterfeit of love. We shall find love only when we discover it as the reality of our being.

LOVE We set up a counterfeit identity and develop concern about the health, wealth, success, and contacts of this counterfeit identity. Yet all the time...we have been completely surrounded by an atmosphere of love and completely enveloped in divine Being.

Live Truth

Become convinced of your identity as life eternal, and disease and death will fall away of their own nothingness. Let your efforts not be to change the outer picture. Rather direct your efforts toward realizing truth, love, life, as the very nature of your being.

Christ consciousness is your consciousness when you no longer hate, fear, or love error of any name or nature. God is love [and] you are love expressed.

The Inner Meaning Of The Temptations

All that the Christ consciousness is, is your individual consciousness when you no longer fear or hate or love error of any name or nature.

The Role Of Patience In Demonstration

That is all there is to the Christ consciousness, which is your individual consciousness when you no longer fear, hate, or love error of any name or nature. You may have to stand fast in the face of the very opposite appearance. It may be in the face of a very, very persistent appearance. And so you will have to stand again and again and again and say, “I am being reborn of the Spirit. I am being renewed. I am no longer going to fear, hate, or love that which is outside of me. I am going to stand on the truth that knows that consciousness is the law unto that which is outside.” It takes patience.


If you can visualize yourself as Truth and Live and Love, how can anyone or anything touch you or reach you with a material whip--whether that whip be a thing or a thought? In the degree that you are able to transcend human thinking and look through the world of appearances, feeling little or no sense of hate, love, or fear for it or from it, or dependence upon it, in that degree, are you entertaining the Christ in your consciousness.

In the presence of the Christ, it is not necessary to entertain a thought, And yet that same Christ fills us with thoughts emanating from the infinite Intelligence, the infinite Wisdom, the divine Love that is really the

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center of our being.

Becoming Instruments For The Divine Plan

Only in the degree that we have overcome physical sense, is the mind of God our mind....except in proportion as we individually have become purged of personal sense, that is of our hate, love, and fear of error.

LOVE God, The Substance Of All Form

Good Unfolding As The Activity Of Individual Consciousness Establish The Conscious Awareness Of God Daily

If there only were some way that we could remember always: My good must unfold as the activity of my own consciousness...which appears outwardly in the form of health, harmony, peace, joy, cooperation, friendliness, eternality, immortality, life, truth, and love.

The Infinite Way And Other Teachings

Doctors and nurses are devoting their lives to helping humanity as they see it, and on the physical plane they are making progress, so we have only love and respect for them. One of the great differences between this message and that of certain metaphysical teachings is that in The Infinite Way there is not some divine Mind or divine Love or divine Something or Other that is going to do anything for you.

The Healing Consciousness

Consciousness must be a transparency for God, and a transparency for God is universal, impersonal, and impartial...Inasmuch as God operates only as the consciousness of love, wherever the opposite qualities are entertained, there is no healing consciousness.

Living Between Two Worlds Choose You Choose Whether You Will Make God A Servant Or Whether You Will Surrender To God's Will

Ask for nothing; seek nothing; abide within yourself in an expectancy of God's grace, God's love, peace, abundance and companionship...when you have the abundance of God, It appears outwardly in an infinite form that will bless you without cursing you. Your mind does not have to work because you are turning within only for the purpose of receptivity.

Releasing Impersonal Love

At least once a day [I am] going into my inner stillness and realizing that I am neither giving to nor withholding love from anyone. I am now the transparency through which the grace of God embraces all persons everywhere...I am responsible only for letting the light shine. I am not responsible for making somebody open his door to receive it.

Life More Abundant

The Christ is one name for the son of God. The other name is I. They both mean the same thing: the presence, the power, the wisdom, and the love of God To yourself, this moment, say the word "I," softly, gently: I, I. That very I in the midst of you is the law of resurrection. That very Selfhood, that very spiritual presence of God is working in you to resurrect your body, your health, your family, your love, your career.

Living Now The Power Of Resurrection

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LOVE The Nothingness And Non-power Of Temptation

Love God supremely by accepting God as the only power.

Good In Omnipresent

Love God by realizing God is not responsible for evils of the world. Spiritual Interpretation Of Scripture

Basis Of Understanding (basis Of Understanding)

God appearing, good unfolding, Life expressing, Love revealing.

(spiritual Sense Of Truth)

Mortal mind would love to set up saviours and take potshots at them The Altitude Of Prayer

Bringing Our Gift To The Altar Breaking The Prison Bars Of The Mind

Love is expressed in forgiveness, praying for enemy and benevolence Love is not a sensual emotion The Art Of Meditation

Meditation: The Experience The Beauty Of Holiness

Even a little understanding of God enables us to discern, in a measure, God’s life, love, and joy embodied in man and the universe. In this understanding, our life and love expand and become more pure, joyous, and free, leading us into a higher dimension of life. We begin to live not so much in the world of effect as in the world of cause, discovering our good in the Cause of all that exists rather than in effect–in things, persons, or places. The more understanding we have of Cause, God, the greater is our enjoyment of all persons and things.

God so loved the world that He gave Himself to this world, appearing visibly as the Son of God, which, according to His promise, I am and which you are. God is my being and God is your being: God is our true identity.

His infinite understanding becomes our understanding. His infinite love becomes our love. God’s blessings are not ours because you are you or I am I. They are God’s blessings unto God–God’s blessings flowing unto Its own Self as the Son, the Father bestowing His all as the Son. It is the Father giving, the Son receiving, and yet one, only one–Father and Son. In oneness, in conscious union with God is our strength; in conscious union with God is our supply; in conscious union with God is our peace, joy, power, dominion, and our every blessing.

It is not too difficult to be what the world calls a go-getter...and thereby glorify and magnify the personal sense of I. It is much more difficult to wait for the world to come to us; but if we once realize the Christ is the real mind of our being, the real soul, the real wisdom, the real love, we shall find that everything and everybody will gravitate to that Christ, and our divine activity will be brought to our very door.

LOVE Love Is The Power Of Resurrection

Our consciousness contains the givingness of God, love Man Was Not Born to Cry

Breaking The Bonds Of Humanhood Across The Desk

If we are bringing through goodness or great mental and intellectual capacity, we must “die daily” to the belief that we are good...and acknowledge that it is only the life of God, the wisdom of God, and the love of God that are flowing through us.

Dwelling In The Kingdom

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If we decide that one hour is the measure of truth that we will take in, we can expect one twenty-fourth of a day of peace, joy, and love.

Across The Desk

When love is gone from one, futility sets in. When love steals in, life begins again. Who can read of enslaved peoples or pauperized natives without pouring out love to those not yet awakened, and coming more alive in the love we pour out?

You Carry Your Good With You

It is not your becoming more loving that makes love operate for you. It is the realization that the nature of God is love and the kingdom of love is already established within you.

Our Spiritual Resources Begin Prayer With The Word God Give Up All Attempts To Define God

Until a person transcends all sense of human love, it is utterly impossible to understand God as Love.

Our Function In The World Crisis

Let us not for a moment think that we can take a spiritual stand for the world and make its demonstration. Our prayer is...that material sense be destroyed in order that brotherly love may be established in the hearts and souls and minds of peoples and governments all over the world.

God's Grace Is Universally Operative

Thou all-knowing Wisdom, Thou divine Love, forgive me for having intruded in Thy province. I offer no advice; I make no suggestions; and I ask for no favors. Thy grace is my sufficiency in all things. With me healing comes as the result of an inner, realized conviction of the universal nature of God as Love, Life, and Truth, and the fact that It is all here and now where I am.

Set Everyone Free

We are expressing love in proportion as we release the world of men and women from every form of bondage. Realization Of Oneness Get Thee Hence, Satan

LOVE Meditation is the art of divine appreciation, through which we learn rightly to appraise man, his achievements, and the universe. Our appreciation of the outer forms is increased because the meditation gives us an understanding of the divine Love which produced the form. When we understand the mind and the soul that has produced any form of good, we can better appreciate the good itself....Meditation develops the insight which carries us from the object to its creative principle, and then, with this new insight, the world is revealed as it really is.

Men and women have assumed that because they were fathers and mothers they were originators, instead of knowing that they are the instruments through which God acts to express Himself–not to perpetuate you or me, or my children or your children. God operates as love in our consciousness to produce His own image and likeness. This expression of God we have called your child and mine, forgetting that this is God’s child, and not a personal creation or a personal possession.

The Way

In achieving conscious contact with this Sea of Spirit or the Father within, we find divine Love pouring Itself into expression, so that we no longer live by personal effort alone, but by grace. Rather than

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seeking our good from persons or things, we tap this universal soul and become beholders of Its activity, pouring forth as the ideas which become the human forms of good necessary to our present experience.

It is the nature of the human being to love self-indulgence: ease, comfort, riches, intemperance, gluttony, indolence, and sensuality. These operate in our consciousness as a sense of separation from God...As a matter of fact, this sense of separation is all there is to humanhood.

The moment we have a God-experience, that gentleness is there, that peace is there, that warmth is there; and with it comes a love toward everything in this world, a sense of companionship and joy in one another.

The Art Of Spiritual Healing Spiritual Healing: The Principles One Power

If it is true that God is one, the only law there can be is the law of God. Is there a law of disease if God is infinite law? The nature of God as one eliminates any such possibility; it eliminates laws of disease, laws of sin, laws of false appetite. If there is any law on earth, it must be the law of the nature of God. And what is the nature but love, intelligence, and wisdom?

Since God is infinite, God's law must partake of the nature of God [love, intelligence, wisdom]. What have I to fear? There is a God and that God is love. That ends my whole problem.

The Contemplative Life Beginning The Contemplative Life Your Givingness Of Yourself Brings The Givingness Of

The Universe To You

Before love can flow to us, we first must put it out here.

Daily Practice Is Essential

LOVE The function of the Christ is to break our attachment to “this world,” to the pictures of “this world.” It acts to overcome our love of the good things of “this world” and our fears and hates of the evil things of “this world” in the realization that both the good and the evil appearances are but appearances, the human dream, if you like.

Erasing Our Concept Of God, Prayer, And Grace

We owe every one love.

Seek Me

“Be still and know that I am God.” Be still and know that I who am speaking to you from within am He....Why pray for anything? I am here in the midst of you, and I will give you all things: more than you yourself could ever ask for or know or want. But leave it with Me...But do not seek Me for loaves and fishes: seek Me for Me..and I will be the Presence that goes out before you to make the crooked places straight. I will be the love that greets you in every Soul.

In order to build a consciousness of truth, all Infinite Way students should know the following passages as well as they know their own names: The New Horizon,The Infinite Way God is One, Living The Infinite Way Break the Fetters That Bind You, 1958 Infinite Way Letters Contemplation Develops the Beholder, The Contemplative Life Introduction, Love Thy Neighbor, Practicing the Presence The Relationship of Oneness, The Art of Spiritual

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The Infinite Way Spiritual Illumination Spiritual Illumination

When consciousness is afire with Truth and Love..


You cannot live scientifically as man or idea; you must realize yourself to be Life, Truth, Love...I AM. The Infinite Way Letters 1955

Christmas, 1955 A Beholder

Look away from person, and behold Love appearing through all.

Conscious Union With God

Divine Mind, an Infinite Intelligence imbued with love, functions as your being when conscious thinking has been stilled. God Is, Life Is, Love Is..this truth will set you free from the belief that you must go to God for anything God is not withholding love and life; God is being love and life. If God is Infinite Intelligence, Divine Love and the only Power, why desire at all? True prayer: absolute conviction that God is intelligence and love; that there is no power apart from God.

LOVE The Prayer

Open my mind to righteous judgment / Open my eyes to see the Christ in all I meet / Open my ears to hear the Voice of God / Open my mouth to speak the Word of Truth / Open my heart to Love / Open my hands to serve

An Important Point In Spiritual Practice

love, enjoy, and appreciate everything in the world of form [without] feeling that you need anything. The Infinite Way Letters 1956

In God's Presence Is Fullness Of Life The Infinite Way Lesson For Children: Obedience

Your earthly parents are His direct deputies to whom are entrusted the responsibility and privilege of representing and establishing God’s care, protection, discipline, and love in your lives.


Few people realize that in metaphysics, health is not so much a matter of receiving “treatments’ as in living the life of love. Only as we can release each other from the bondage of duty, obligation, and debt, and dwell in the realization that God alone is love; that our expectancy is of God; and that God’s love fulfills the law—does love flow freely to us and through us to others.

Spiritual love finds outlet through the pure in heart—those who have learned that God alone is supply...their fortress and high tower; their husband, wife, or companion. When the spirit of love touches us, we are instantly freed from death—for love, it is revealed, is life.

The Bridge Over Which We Travel

The Infinite Way is a restatement of the eternal truth that within an invisible Source of life, protection, supply, peace, harmony, and love. When we love God with all our heart...soul, and...mind, that love is a realization of God as the all and only power.

Seek Within

Do we realize that only God loves, and that all love flows forth from God? Regardless of how high in consciousness your teacher or practitioner may have risen, he is merely the vine

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through which the Husbandman pours forth Its love to the branches. The realization of God as love is the greatest healing influence in the world.

The Infinite Way Letters 1957 August: Your Names Are Writ In Heaven The Secret Of Healing Is Reaction

Healing work requires not only intense love for God, but a great reverence for a God who can maintain such a perfect, harmonious universe.

Christ Healing

LOVE 10 Not only is there a creative Principle which produces Its own image and likeness, but...It is the sustaining Principle of life. Its creation must necessarily be of Its own essence--Life, Love, Spirit, Soul--and this is the nature of man.

The Nature Of God

Once you recognize God as infinite Intelligence and divine Love, the whole nature of your prayer will change.

Our Consciousness Of God Is Our Supply

You are free in the realization that the work of your hands is love.

May: The Christ, The Presence In You

The only way you can love yourself is by knowing your true identity as the child of God. The Infinite Way Letters 1958

February: Problems Aren't Problems Anymore Welcome Problems As Opportunities

We still use the word “I” too much, believing that “I” can do something, whereas “I” is but the instrument through which infinite Intelligence and divine Love function.

Across The Desk

Fill yourself today with love for that old dream. Let yourself be thrilled with the love you once felt for your hopes....Find something to love--not someone. Then give yourself to it.

The Infinite Way Letters 1959 April: Spiritual Power In Human Affairs The One Essential Is Contact With God

A Hebrew mystic of 1100 A.D. wrote that if you say that God is love or God is intelligence or God is omnipresent or God is good, you are saying no more than if you had just said: God is. Do not try to form concepts of what this infinite Intelligence, this divine Love, is because the mind of man cannot grasp it; it can only feel and know that God is.

Across The Desk

“Protection” The 1955 Letters, December ‘58, June ‘59 “Love Thy Neighbor” Practicing The Presence. Reels 5 & 6 1959 Maui Advanced Work Reels 3 & 4 1959 Hawaiian Village Open Class Hawaii Class Work July ‘58; San Diego August; London and Manchester September; The Hague and Lausanne October NYC November

Across The Desk

To what extent have our many healings inspired us with either a deep love of God or a craving to know God aright?


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Live The Principles Of The Infinite Way

The human sense of life will never again touch us so deeply: we shall never again be able to hate or to love quite so intensely as before; we shall neither grieve nor rejoice with the same intensity of human emotions. [The Art of Meditation]

The March and October 1958 Letters and the chapter “Love Thy Neighbor” epitomize the essential principles of Infinite Way spiritual healing.

Across The Desk

Be sure to begin every day with the chapters, “The New Horizon,” in The Infinite Way, “Love Thy Neighbor,” in Practicing The Presence, and The Letters of December 1958 and June 1959.

All Good Is Embodied In The I Of Individual Being

All of this [good] is embodied in the I that I am which I demonstrate in proportion as I...loose every person and let him go in the realization that we owe one another nothing, but to love one another. God cannot be revealed by such terms as Mind, Soul, Spirit, Truth, Life, or Love, because those are words out here separate and apart from the thinker, and God cannot be something separate and apart from the thinker. When you ponder that, you discover that the thinker is I, because I am doing the thinking.


By the grace of God, you are God’s witness to His infinite wisdom, abundance, and love. God has incarnated Itself as my very being—my intelligence, my life, my love, my Spirit, my strength. Grant me the assurance today that Your love is with me, that Your wisdom guides me and Your presence upholds me. In that assurance, I go forth with joy, knowing that God is fulfilling Itself as this day. And so I resign myself to You, Father.

The Letters '32-'46 Business (business)

Stand ye still and let Love provide the customers.


You are now the all-inclusive activity of Mind, Life, Love.


There is no divine Love outside you that is going to bless you

(mind And Idea One)

To love means to know the relationship of God to His manifestation. The Mystical I

An Act Of Commitment Violating Spiritual Law Breaks The Rhythm

LOVE 12 Every time we violate spiritual law, the rhythm [that forms and sustains creation] is broken, and we violate spiritual law every time that we do not acknowledge God as Omnipotence, Omniscience, Omnipresence, and every time that we do not love our neighbor as ourselves... [or] accept a mind other than the mind of God.

Recognizing Our Neighbor As Our Self

As soon as the rhythm of the universe is functioning within us, the Christ has entered our soul and the world becomes new, because not only are we loving our neighbor...but we are loving our neighbor concretely, and in

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doing this our neighbor is compelled to love us. Thereby, we deprive our neighbor of the power of not loving us.

God is individual consciousness. That is why we sit in silence with a listening ear, without words and without thoughts, in the presence of the I that I am. Out of that still consciousness comes the Word that is power...Learn to sit in an attitude of respect, love, and gratitude before the door of your own consciousness...Do you not see that I can enter only as you settle into this peaceful, quiet listening before the door of your own consciousness?

It is this I that our thoughts hit up against when the human part of us indulges in the human hates, human loves, human fears, human doubts, and human ignorance. When these hit up against that I, they rebound as what we call punishment.

Whatever we may do of an unselfed nature for our fellow the act that proves our acceptance of the commandment to love our neighbor as ourselves. This is the act of commitment confirming our inner agreement. When this has been completed, we are in obedience to the law of God, we are children of God, and now the rhythm of God can flow through us without interruption, without hitting up against barriers, without being deflected, and we can become beholders.

Christhood, The Only Permanent Relationship

You do not love yourself until you acknowledge your true identity. You are not supposed to love your human self, because even when your human self is good, it is not very good.

The Thunder Of Silence From Law To Grace That Ye May Be The Children Of Your Father

[Universal love is] love without an object.



Chapter: The True Sense of the Universe Topic: (the

True Sense Of The Universe) Finite sense beholds

added things as objectified material sense. The life

of material man or flower is mortal sense


SPIRITUAL POWER OF TRUTH Chapter: Sin: Its Illusory Nature Topic: Now to say that sensation is an activity of consciousness would be to withdraw every erroneous sensation from the body. To say that activity, movement, action, is an activity of consciousness

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would be to prevent the muscles from becoming paralyzed. Why? Because the activity of muscles is in consciousness. So it would be with all the organs and functions of the body. If you sow to the flesh, you believe that heart, liver, and lungs can move in and of themselves and that they are an issue of life. Then, of course, you are in the material sense of existence and can only reap corruption: sin, disease, death. Chapter: Universal Hypnotism Topic: We do not aim at having instantaneous healings. They're wonderful when they take place, if they fulfill their spiritual mission; but that is not our object. Our object is the changing of consciousness—the changing of an individual's consciousness from a material sense of life to the spiritual awareness of life. . . You see, we are the ones, when the right help is given, who should be responding in accordance with God's will. However, we fight this by having in our mind how the demonstration should come out, and when, and to what extent, and so on.

THE ART OF MEDITATION Chapter: Meditation: The Experience 1956 Topic: The Beauty Of Holiness If we try to see perfection in the form, we lose it. Material sense sees the form and enjoys it; spiritual sense sees the underlying substance and reality of the form. The form, then, is always perfect, complete, and whole.


Chapter: Spiritual Healing: The Practice 1956 Topic: What About This Body? Even after the Crucifixion [Jesus] was entertaining in some

measure a material sense of body. Anything to the contrary [of the one Law] is but a material sense of law. The moment a problem is

presented, immediately bring to consciousness the nature of the claim as material sense, hypnotism.


Chapter: Consciousness Topic: Spiritual consciousness reverses the material senses in which good must flow to us, and reveals true

spiritual joy, reveals good flowing out from the center of our being-where we do not seek good, or seek happiness or contentment. We

seek only the opportunity to let good flow out from us. This takes thought away from a human sense of selfhood, which seems always to

be in need of some one or some thing, and enables us to demonstrate our divinity, or Christhood. . . If we are successful in maintaining

this position firmly, we will find everything in our experience expressing or manifesting the harmony, the activity, the abundance, the

perfection of our perfect principle. SEARCH MATERIAL SENSE Chapter: Mind and Its Idea One Topic: What of the unlovely traits we see in human conduct? From the basis of God as "all-in-all," there can be no such thing, and what seem to be these evils are merely illusions, forged by the belief that this is a material universe and that man is a material being, instead of a state of consciousness. In other words, all the seeming evils are the product of the finite physical senses like the illusions we see in the desert. In proportion as you live in the calm assurance of God as the only presence and power can you release yourself from mental argument. As conviction comes to you of man's relationship to God as God manifested, as life expressed, can you realize the harmony of being which knows no fear of sin or disease. Uppermost in thought must be the understanding that even that which appears to ignorant, illusive sense as error, is suggestion; that which is called accident, under action or overaction, is mirage or nothingness. Then, we do not attempt to heal, correct, improve, but we rest—yes, we rest in the certainty that "as in heaven, so on earth, God is omnipotent, supreme." Silence human thinking by learning to listen; by stilling the material senses with, "peace, be still." Chapter: Problems Topic: It is becoming clearer that all bodily discord is embraced in the material sense of existence, and that spiritual sense is the reality of all things. It is not the universe doing anything to us, but our sense of the universe is reflecting itself back to us. If we have a spiritual sense of man and the universe we perceive the spiritual in all men and things and they reflect themselves back to us as spiritual harmony. If we entertain a material sense of the world, it reflects a false sense back to us, known as sin, disease, death, lack. Chapter: The Realm

of Soul Topic: Heaven is the earth itself seen through the vision of the Soul. Earth is heaven itself seen through material sense. Chapter: True Identity Topic: A hundred times a day some suggestion will come about our human selfhood, and a hundred and one times we must meet this suggestion with the conscious understanding and declaration that only that which is infinite, eternal, spiritual is true of us, of our true selfhood, and naught else can "enter to defile." For weeks, perhaps for months, we must watch what enters thought so that nothing is accepted as our true identity that is not true of God. Gradually we will become accustomed to thinking from the standpoint of perfect selfhood. In which case we cannot have a sense of "I am sick; or I am lonesome; or I am discouraged," because the selfhood that can be these things has been renounced so that it is no longer a part of

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consciousness, and whatever of sin, sickness or limitation had been a part of the human concept of ourselves has gone into nothingness with the material selfhood, and that which is true, eternal, immortal of the "I" that I now recognize myself to be, is the only manifestation and expression.


Chapter: living the healing principles Topic: Questions And Answers: Revelation Of Scripture Please don't ever believe that the function of God is to increase your material good. Too many metaphysicians have spent too many years trying to make a spiritual God increase their human sense of good instead of being willing to abandon the human sense of good for the spiritual reality.


All evil is nothing more than a block of ice called material sense, and nothing will dissolve it except a realization of the presence of God. God-realization dissolves all forms as which material sense appears.


Chapter: Letter And Spirit of Truth 1932-46 Topic: (letter And Spirit Of Truth)

All that appears as material is the false sense of self. THE THUNDER OF SILENCE

Chapter: From Law To Grace 1956-58 Topic: The Still Small Voice There is only one enemy—the universal belief that

material and mental force can control this world. The enemies confronting us today are not a threatened epidemic of

disease, not a devastating condition of weather or climate, not impending economic disaster, nor destructive war: All

these are but part and parcel of the belief in material and mental powers. . . and anything that exists in our mind as an

objective thing is not power. Let us never fear an image in our mind whether that image is a person, a disease, even a

bomb. That still small Voice in the midst of us is mightier than all of these, and if we can become so silent that that

Voice can utter Itself—even if only as a deep breath or sense of peace or warmth—this earth will be filled with the voice

of God and the belief in two powers will be silenced. Chapter: From the Unreal to the Real 1956-58 Topic: As We Forgive Intellectually, it is practically impossible

to convince ourselves that another person's interest is our interest, and that our interest is his interest or to believe that we are all equally children of God, because material sense testifies to the opposite. It is only in inner communion with God that we find ourselves in inner communion with man. The creations of God are incorporeal, spiritual, and infinite, not physical, material, or finite. God is Spirit, and therefore the universe of God and the body of God are spiritual. However, as the creations of God present themselves to our human sense, they appear to be physical, material, and limited. The reason for this anomaly is that our mind in its unillumined state is interpreting to us only what we can become aware of through our senses. We do not behold what is: We behold the interpretation of our mind. We look at the creations of God through the instrument of the mind, and the forms we see take on the color and complexion of the mind interpreting them. When a person comes to us and says, "I have a diseased body" or "I have a sick mind" or "I have an empty pocketbook," he is beholding creation through limited, finite, material sense; but if we ignore what the person is seeing, feeling, and experiencing and realize that our mind is but an interpreter and if we can become sufficiently still so that the true picture can register, then out of the Silence we may hear, "Thou art my Child, my beloved child, in whom I am well pleased" or "This very place is the kingdom of God" or "All that I have is thine." In other words, there comes an assurance from within that the scene, as mortal sense interprets it, is incorrect; and in the Silence what is actually there is

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revealed to us.


Chapter: Spiritual Healing Topic:

The secret of secrets is this: never try to heal matter as matter. This is the password to success in practice and demonstration. Never try to remove or reduce a growth, increase or decrease blood pressure, heal a burn, reduce a fever, overcome a cold, etc. We are not physicians and we have nothing to do with healing bodies. We have, by the grace of good, been given the revelation that this is a spiritual universe, that we are entirely spiritual, that we have perfect, spiritual bodies, and that our work is to correct the belief that man, including the universe, is material and mortal. We do not treat a person or a body. Our work is impersonal. It is treating the world belief in any given direction. That is why we cannot look to the body for health, or to see if we are improving.

Chapter: The Law Topic:

In truth there is no lie; in the consciousness of life there is no death; in the substance of spirit there is no matter. Limitless mind creates only the full bloom of immediate perfection. As "God is all-in-all" there is actually no you, no one but God. Do not fear what flesh can do to you. To believe that matter can help or hinder us is idolatry. To fear it, is also to give it power, or just another form of idol worship. There is no power but good, truth. Evil is not power. We are called on to stand fast.

Chapter: The Real Self Topic:

At a certain point, it may seem to you that you know spiritual truth, but you find that it does not seem to work in material affairs. The reason? Because you are trying to make spiritual truth change or improve a material condition. . . To think spiritually and then look at matter to see if a change has taken place is to go off the track. Human conditions must be the reflection (expression) of your spiritual thinking, but you must not try to bind them together. Spirit and matter do not mix.

Chapter: True Desires Topic:

The urge to desire or pray for spiritual good, for spiritual understanding, for spiritual qualities, and then be tempted to think of these in terms of externals must be overcome. Matter and material conditions are not the realities of being. They do not constitute our real life. To give thought, therefore, to either the material condition or the channels through which good may come, is to have thought on that which is not real and which is without power or presence. It is evidence of doubt or fear that the spiritual may not be all power, all presence, all reality. This is doubt of God, which is the greatest of all sins.


Chapter: living the healing principles Topic: Mental Power I said I could prove that the roses in the study would be just as fresh when we finished the class the next Saturday night as they were today, Sunday. And the roses remained just as they were: they hadn't opened, they were still buds, and they were still fresh. Those outside the study weren't. This is not a spiritual demonstration. This is proof that what we call matter isn't matter at all, it is mind. It is mind formation; it is mind expressed. The reason I know this is that I know what mind is, and I have seen how mind functions in the body.

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Chapter: Suggestions for Healing Work 1955 Kailua Study Group Topic: Excerpts From The Infinite Way 118:1 Why are we so slow

in gaining our freedom from illness, discord, and other material conditions? It is entirely because of our inability to grasp the great

revelation that there is no reality to error. . . there is no matter. The great truth–error is not real–there is no matter.


Mind functions as thought; mind appears as thing; and on this level, mind is the essence of creation as described in the second and third chapters of Genesis. Therefore, if matter is mind, a process of mind can change the product, matter. Mind—your mind and my mind—imbued with spiritual truth becomes the instrument through which God appears, in and through which God manifests, and God appearing becomes the body of our outer world. . . Therefore, never do we live in a material world with material surroundings because God, Itself—Truth in your consciousness and my consciousness—is the very substance and essence of your world. When God, or Soul becomes the activity of the mind and appears as form, then all form is spiritual and can be multiplied. . . but it can be multiplied only because it is not matter. The substance of mind and the substance of matter are one and the same. Mind forms its own conditions of matter, body, and form. Mind does not create; mind forms. Creation is already complete—spiritual, eternal, and perfect—but our mind, depending on its conditioning, forms and interprets our human experience on this plane. If our mind is completely free of judgment of good and evil, then Spirit forms its own image and likeness through the mind as happy, harmonious, successful living. If mind is conditioned by judgments of good and evil, mind is not a clear transparency, and in proportion to its conditioning will experiences of good and evil take in our lives. Mind, unconditioned and having no qualities of good or evil, is the substance of all that is visible; and all that is, is as unconditioned as the mind which is its basis. If this were not true, it would be impossible for our state of consciousness to produce changes in what is called the material universe. . . We would know that our consciousness of one power, which really is a consciousness of no-power, had produced the healing and was a law of harmony. We would observe that our mind functioning as an instrument of God had produced an effect on what we call body or matter and we would know then that the substance of mind and the substance of matter are one and the same. That is why mind can affect matter and, moreover, that is why truth in consciousness can affect

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Source: Tape: Meditation is nothing more or less than pondering some idea of universal truth.

Meditation may be a practice that extends over a period of five minutes or five hours, or it can be an experience of seconds. Meditation, you see, is letting in the divine spirit–God. That dispels every illusion of sense. Our meditation is merely the realization or conscious establishment of our unity with God; therefore, we are not going to think whether we are going to meditate for five minutes or twenty minutes. We leave the element of time out because it is apt to fool us; we are apt to begin thinking of the end of the time instead of leaving it alone and letting it work itself out. It may only be necessary to meditate two or three or four minutes. On the other hand, it may take six or seven or eight minutes to get the feeling that must come with the end of meditation. You see now that in this meditation you will receive ideas of truth, ideas which exteriorize themselves in what we call tangible form, as bread on the table or as healing or as truth that dispels error. It even reveals to you the nature of error; it will make it appear as illusion, so that you won't even have to think of it in that light, it will come through in its own way. So meditation is for us one of the most important things to develop. Only don't try to press; don't try to exert mental effort. It's not by might nor by power. It's by the gentle spirit.

1948 Source: Tape: Since I am infinite consciousness and include within my own being the entire universe, I–through my consciousness of this truth–become the law unto that universe. If I behold evil and start to fight it and battle with it, I make it a reality and I give it a power that may make it impossible for me ever to overcome it. On the other hand, if I accept in my consciousness that evil is unreal and therefore does not have to be resisted or battled, I can afford to spend my time in silent meditation, in peaceful enjoyment of the

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spiritual laws of life. I become a law unto my universe by my conscious attitude toward the universe.

1948 Source: Tape: None of my thinking will add health to you. Again we go back to Jesus, "Who by taking thought can add a cubit to his stature.” No amount of knowing the truth is going to help you, no amount of declaring the truth. No amount of any human mental process enters into this presentation. It is purely through the development of your spiritual consciousness. It is through the development of the soul sense. When you are in meditation–giving a treatment as we call it–when you are still, sitting back with that listening ear, this inner thing comes to life and it shows you, inwardly, spiritual perfection. And that, outwardly, becomes interpreted as a healthy or sane or wealthy human being.

1948 Source: Tape: Treatment refers to the letter of truth, the statements of truth that we may make to ourselves as reminders of the truth of being. Treatment may be our conscious realization, through either the spoken word or through silent thought, meditation, introspection, of the truths of completed thinking or making statements or reviewing thoughts or ideas.


Source: Tape: God is infinite individual consciousness, life eternal, without any opposites. Therefore, we do not draw health from our

consciousness; we draw our realization of the nature of consciousness which is wholeness and grace. Grace is not some degree of health.

Grace is infinity and eternality, and so this leads us to prayer or meditation.

If you observe yourself carefully in periods of prayer or meditation, you will discover that for a great part, you are allowing your thought to go to the outer and are thinking in terms of changing the external. It really is a tremendous discipline to arrive at that state of consciousness where you. . . never look for the crops [fruitage]. . . Our entire attention must be on the fact that unless there is an activity of the spirit within, there never will be a crop. If I can abide in the remembrance of this invisible substance that is functioning within me, I will be able to wait for my crop, whether it is a crop of money, or a crop of health, or a crop of happiness, or a crop of peace. It will come if I can keep my mind off the crop, off of the without.

1964 Source: Tape: The only way you can accomplish [taking no thought] is through your meditations, whereby you can at least have periods where you drop thought and let the divine consciousness function. It will not be accomplished one hundred percent, because you have not attained taking no thought one hundred percent for your safety or your security or your old age, and all of those thoughts hinder its operation in your experience.

You can see now why the tape number 1 and tape number 2, Honolulu Infinite Way Study Center 1964, will have to be practiced diligently in order to lead up to this ability to be still and let divine consciousness establish the communication through you, in you, for you, without your taking thought. This is the ultimate of meditation.

1964 Source: Tape: Even while you are working out specific problems, reserve an area of your consciousness where you remember that the solving of problems is not really your purpose in spiritual study and meditation, but that the goal actually is fulfillment–to be filled full of God, to be filled full of the spirit–to have God realization.

Through prayer and meditation, you have the power of coming into the presence of God, and in this you find you are in the presence of fulfillment, with all things added unto you.

1963 Source: Tape: See how simple meditation is when you realize that the object of meditation is communion with your own Soul, which is in the realm of your own consciousness. Your own Soul is The Kingdom of God, the palace of God, the place where God dwells, and so no mental effort is necessary, no striving is necessary, no struggling is necessary.

1964 Source: Tape:

MEDITATION The object of meditation is the realization of the Presence.

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Source: Tape: A little now about our trip. In Portland, Seattle, and Daisy Shigemura of Hawaii, Mrs. Eileen Bowden of Canada, Miss Lorene

McClintock of New York, Mrs. Virginia Stephenson of California, and Miss Lorraine Sinkler of Chicago will be conducting Infinite Way

teacher classes on meditation, spiritual healing, and means of studying the monthly Letter.

In The Infinite Way we go a step further. We recognize divine consciousness as omnipresence, and therefore we do not set aside a specific time to unite with it. Why? Because it is always omnipresence. I am in meditation twenty-four hours a day, even when I am asleep. Relax and let the mental strain fall away, because we wish to be transparencies through which the Spirit can flow. Remember you are not here to get anything. . . Relax and take this as a law to remember: The only tension there is in meditation is when you are trying to get something. The moment you release the desire to get, you will relax.

1963 Source: Tape: Until such time as the spirit itself says: “Leave all for me: or Leave your nets,” no student should ever forget his duty to his family, to his business, to his human interests. Rather he should make his study and his meditations the foundation for the more harmonious functioning of these facets of his life.

1963 Source: Tape: The prayer, meditation, or treatment of a metaphysical practitioner does not destroy disease, poverty, accident, lack, or limitation. It reveals the illusory nature of these, and in doing do it reveals the omnipresence of God.

1963 Source: Tape: The development of spiritual consciousness begins when we release all concepts of God in the recognition that the I that is seeking God is God. Then when we sit down in meditation, we take no thought for any condition of the world or any person of the world and become a state of receptivity as if to hear that still small voice. . . Watch that you do not have concepts of God, not even up there in your mind, because this is a projection of an image, which is idolatry. Become free of all concepts of God so you can truthfully say inwardly, “I do not have a God.”

Source: Tape: I have witnessed in my meditation, the usual change is a change in consciousness of the patient. Sometimes the person will say, “I have lost the fear, but the fever hasn’t gone down.” I am only interested in a change of consciousness. So it is when you are working, do not allow patients to fool you when there is no change in the physical. That wasn’t your function in the beginning. Your function is to bring the seekers into an awareness of God within–then, “all of these things will be added unto you.”


The Fruitage of God-Realization

Source: Tape: Meditation is not merely closing the eyes and stilling the mind. Meditation is that actual contact in consciousness that enables us to hear the still, small Voice that is within us and enables us to be fed by It.

Living By The Word Let There Be Light

An Understanding Of Spiritual Principles Is Important

Source: 1961 Waikiki Infinite Way Center 2:1&2 Tape: 387 Evil, whether it is in the form of sin, disease, lack, unemployment, wars, or threats of wars, exists only in the same way that darkness exists. Darkness is not an entity that goes somewhere when light is admitted to a room. Darkness is merely an absence of light. The moment light appears, there is no darkness; but darkness did not go any place; it has not moved out of the room. It was not in the room, there was not any" it"; there was merely an absence of light. To perceive this is to understand the function of meditation and spiritual healing. Our purpose in our morning meditation and in the other meditations

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during the day or night is always the realization of God's presence, always remembering that we do not have problems to overcome, that we have only to attain the realization of God's presence, and It, by being the light, will dispel the darkness, not dispel it by overcoming it or destroying it, but by proving that in the presence of light, there is no darkness. Thereby, we shall prove that in the presence of God, there is fulfillment. In the presence of God, there is no sin, no disease, no lack, no unemployment, no war; and if we were at the very front of the battle, there would still be no war for us in the presence of God realized. The kingdom of God, that is, spiritual light, is within us, and we must open out a way for the light, hidden within, to escape. Meditation, therefore, has nothing to do with overcoming sin, disease, lack, or unemployment; it has nothing to do with stopping evil men from continuing their evil practices. Meditation has to do with us as individuals, realizing and releasing the light that is within. In the attainment of that, the darkness disappears, and the darkness is any and every form of human discord. The darkness and its forms vanish the very moment light is introduced. There is a center within each one of us in which is complete harmony, complete spiritual rest and peace, a complete Sabbath from this world. There is that center within each of us, and eventually in our meditation we reach it and actually sit in that center within our own being in an eternal peace, a divine state of peace. The storms of this world do not enter there. In that state of inner peace, we pray that this eternal peace at the center of our being—this eternal harmony, wholeness, completeness, and perfection—now may be made manifest on earth as it is within us. If we have within us this center of divine peace, rest, and Sabbath, and we meditate, it is only that we may be still and let this glory escape, so that all men may feel the divine presence and power that is at the center of our being and which we have realized. Very often healings do not take place until some specific truth has been realized, or some specific discord or other has to be removed from our consciousness before the harmony can appear in the body. In other words, we are never to judge by appearances. All we are responsible for is the depth of our meditation, our attainment of God-realization, and then the government is on Its shoulder to perform Its work in Its way. Our responsibility goes only as far as bringing about an immediate release; the responsibility of the person asking for help lies in attaining the higher consciousness that will prevent this problem from recurring.


Dealing With Unruly Thoughts

Source: 1955 Capetown Series Tape: 706 1:2 Do not waste time trying to stop unruly or unwelcome thoughts that come into your mind

when you meditate. Completely ignore them and go about your own business of doing what you have gone into meditation to do. If you

want to meditate and there are a great many thoughts running through your mind —fear thoughts, sometimes thoughts of pain, sensuality

—do not become angry with yourself for thinking thoughts that you do not like because it is not you thinking them. They are not your

thoughts: they are world thoughts.

Meditation takes your thought entirely away from the outside world and brings it within yourself where the kingdom of God is. Within yourself is where you will have to find God. Since a God experience is an activity of your consciousness and has to he experienced through your consciousness, when you are within yourself, within your own consciousness, you arc at that point where the experience can take place, that is, where the demonstration of God takes place. It never takes place outside your being. Reading and hearing alone may lead you to the awareness of God, but meditation will shorten the time by ninety percent. Meditation is one of the most powerful means ever discovered of attaining God-realization.

Spiritual Teaching

Source: 1955 Capetown Series Tape: 707 2:2 A teacher on the spiritual path must live most of his or her life in aloneness, in quietness, in

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an inner communion with God, in prayer. Then when that teacher goes out into the world to be with students, that teacher brings the essence

of God to the students' consciousness. The words that he or she speaks help but that is not it. Not one word need be spoken. We would be

able to sit in meditation, in quietness for an hour, a half hour, or an hour and a half and then go home. We would not think it strange or

wonder about it at all. It would be much more natural than if the teacher were to speak on those occasions. I have had classes where we have

come together and inside of fifteen or twenty minutes I have said, "let's go home," and we all went home. There have been other classes

when it seemed as if somebody were going to have to send out for the breakfast table. It just did not want to come to an end. . . That is the

way the Spirit operates when we are united, not just for the sake of finding some truth but actually finding conscious communion with the

truth within ourselves.

Are We Willing To Pay The Price?

Source: 1951 Second Portland Series Tape: 603 3:1 &2 The purpose of this work is to overcome the world, not improve it, but overcome it.

So in our periods of silence, we might as well begin to overcome the world within our own being by dropping concern for it and having our

moments of communion with the Father within. Soon, something happens in our meditation. After we acquire the ability to leave the world

with all its worries and troubles outside and find this inner peace, there comes with it also an unfoldment from within that in one form or

another assures us of God's presence.

We do not take the problem or the person into our silent meditation, but make an effort to have our periods of meditation in which the soul within is completely at rest from all thought of person and thing. When the outer world impinges on our thought, then the reminder comes, "Is this my affair or is it the affair of the Father within?" While we are concerned about that little "I" in relation to an external affair, we are still in the material sense of existence.

Spiritual Discernment MEDITATION 18

Spiritual Discernment

Source: 1962 Los Angeles Special Class Tape: 486: 1:2 Your studying and reading reveal things that are antagonistic to the human mind

and which the human mind has no way of knowing or recognizing. How then are you going to know them unless you also have that

developed, or, in the case of some few, that natural inner intuitional faculty? The development of that faculty comes primarily through

meditation. Many persons have been studying metaphysical writings for years and have not even had a tiny glimpse of spiritual vision.

They read with the mind, and at no point does intuition reveal what is written between the lines.

Spiritual Discernment

Source: 1953 First New York Practitioners’ Class Tape: 46 2:1,2 Your studying and reading reveal things that are antagonistic to the

human mind and which the human mind has no way of knowing or recognizing. How then are you going to know them unless you also

have that developed, or, in the case of some few, that natural inner intuitional faculty? The development of that faculty comes primarily

through meditation. Many persons have been studying metaphysical writings for years and have not even had a tiny glimpse of spiritual

vision. They read with the mind, and at no point does intuition reveal what is written between the lines.

In Order To Know God, Be Still

Source: 1961 London Open Class Tape: 418 5:1 The periods of quiet and the periods of meditation can be short but they must be frequent

because in these meditations a vacuum must take place, an expectancy for something that we know not—not something we know but

something we know not—something beyond our ability to know, so that when it comes, it can come with a message that would startle the

world but for which we have prepared ourselves by the very act of meditation.

Ordination Demands Obedience To Inner Orders

Source: 1962 Pacific Palisades Special Tape: 465 1:1 Eventually the Spirit will take over and tell you how many hours a day you need of

study or meditation. It will tell you whether to unite with others and share your life with them or to receive the light that they are shedding.

Eventually, when your particular spiritual work is given to you to do, you will have no choice as to whether it interferes with your home

life or your social life. At the moment of your ordination you will be under orders. You have no control over this any more than you have

control over God. . . You have entered upon a way of life which is not your way of life, but God's way of life through you. . . Once the spirit

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of God has set you on a spiritual path, It will not let you turn back. . . You cannot look back to the city, to the consciousness you have

outgrown, even when it was a pleasant one.

Words Or Statements Are Relative Source: 1953 First New York Practitioners’ Class Tape: 46: 2:1,2


Open out a way for the infinity of God to escape. Truth is within. The truth, which is bread, meat, wine, and water, is not to be found outside, but is within, and a way must be found for "the imprisoned splendor" to escape. Begin to pour now. There is no better way to begin to pour than to set aside periods each day to pray for those whom you know need prayers, those within your family, your community, within your nation, and eventually within the entire world. . . Release everyone from condemnation and punishment. Know every bit of spiritual truth you can about all those who are within your consciousness. Know that the voice is saying to them, "Son, all that I have is thine. . . Neither death, nor life. . . can separate you from the love and care of God." This is giving. You are sharing out of that infinite storehouse; you are pouring out the water of life even without a bucket. Through such meditation, you are developing more and more of that spiritual or fourth dimensional transcendental consciousness. Spiritual living is to know the truth, "and the truth shall make you free." The responsibility is up to you, once the Father has awakened in you a desire for truth, a desire to know God. From then on it is you who must find your way back to God through study, meditation, and practice.

Through Meditation, The Problem Dissolves

Source: 1961 Stockholm Closed Class 1:1 Tape: 424 In such a meditation, the word of God comes. Truth comes, and then when we resume

our activities in the world, the problem has a way of dissolving, because in that meditation we received the assurance that there are nor two

powers battling one against another, but that this power that is within us, the kingdom of God within us, is the only power.

The Activity Of The Christ Dispels The Illusion

Source: 1961 New York special Class 1:2 Tape: 427 As we return to the problems of human existence, they are no longer our problems. In fact, they are no longer problems. Now we see them as shadows without substance, without power, and we can look on them, regardless of their name or nature—whether "man whose breath is in his nostrils" or a hurricane— and see them as shadows, having no power because we have already felt that all-power within us. There is no power left to be in the hurricane, no power left in the whirlwind, no power left to be in "man, whose breath is in his nostrils," for all power is within us. Then we walk up and down this world and see it, almost as the shadows on a moving picture screen, knowing that they come and they go, but they have no real substance, no real voice, no real power. In this way we bring the activity of the Christ to human consciousness and dispel the illusion of two powers. We dispel the illusion of good men and bad men, because now there are no bad men and no good men: there is only God, all good. In meditation, the Christ is to be kept in the kingdom of God

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within us, so that when we return to the world, it can be the light that shows us that everything out here is shadow. If we can wait only twenty seconds in complete stillness, that is enough. The fact that we do not get a response means nothing. We do not need a response. We are not trying to satisfy the intellect: we are trying, through the unconditioned mind, to be a state of receptivity to the truth that is within us. If we practice doing this three, four, five, six, or ten times a day, even if for only twenty seconds, eventually we begin to increase in depth of listening, in depth of silence, and in depth of unconditioning, and we surprise ourselves by discovering after a while that we have been a whole minute, even two or three minutes in a meditation without having to have a mental exercise going on.

MEDITATION 29 There is considerable difference between. . . meditating and being still enough so that God can utter His voice. . . It is a simple matter in going into meditation to remember: The kingdom of God is within me. The presence of God is within me, and the purpose of my being here is to let that voice thunder, let that still small voice come forth. When we go into meditation, we want to "stay here in this city until we are armed with the power from above," until we actually feel that the spirit of God indwells us, that His robe is upon us, His grace, is with us, for His grace is our sufficiency. Only remember, let there be no conditioned thinking about this world. We leave this world and its problems, its wants, its limitations, its desires outside when we go into communion, and we do not try to think that we are going to bring this inner communion into the outer world. It will not work. We keep this communion within ourselves until we feel empowered from above, and then we go about our business and find that It literally goes before us to straighten out all the rough places. It really goes before us to provide and to multiply the loaves and fish if necessary.

What Have You In The House?

Source: 1961 Holland special Class 1:1 Tape: 426 In the human world, however, we go outside ourselves for everything. We try to get what

we want from other people or circumstances. Everything in human life is focused outside, ignoring totally the fact that every real value is

already established within us and that we can have the harmony of life, health, the prosperity, the success, and the joy if only we will go to

the kingdom of God for it, instead of seeking it out in the world. The way to release this spiritual presence and spiritual power is through

meditation. So, as Infinite Way students, our day always begins with meditation. From the time we awaken in the morning, even before

getting out of bed, we meditate. We meditate at breakfast time; we meditate on leaving home; we meditate at noon, at night, and when we

awaken in the middle of the night.

Once we realize that that success can come only from within our own being, we are forced into frequent meditation.

The Master Speaks Meditation And Healing Purpose Of Meditation

Source: 1949 Tape: Five minutes for meditation: three for stillness, two for Spirit to announce Itself.

The Mystical I An Act Of Commitment

1966 L Source: Tape: As I sat in meditation these words came to me, "the womb of Silence," and with them it was as if there were a tremendous silence, large and round, and this was the Womb out of which all creation came. There was not a man, but there was a universe: the earth, the rocks, the trees, streams, seas, skies, suns, moons, and planets–all this flowing forth as an unfoldment from this huge Womb of penetrating, complete stillness–yet more than stillness: absolute silence, quietness. It moves as a rhythm, and this rhythm not only forms it, but sustains creation with everything in its rightful place.

You can see the importance of meditation, a meditation which is not a stopping of thought, not a deadening of consciousness, nor an escaping from the world, but a meditation in which the darkness or the

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silence is so great that you can look through it and see the whole of infinite Consciousness behind you, ready to pour Itself forth into your expectant inner ear as you invite It to "speak Lord, for thy servant heareth."


Unfolding Understanding Of Prayer

Source: 1955 Capetown Series Tape: 708 3:1 709 4:1 [After contemplating truth], I may feel that the meditation or treatment is complete, so I sit back in silence with that listening ear, and I remain in that listening attitude until I get a response. It may be a deep breath. It may be what I have called a "click." It may be a passage of scripture. It may be some statement of truth. It may be nothing but a weight falling off my shoulder or a sense of release. It may be that a smile comes to my face, a sigh that all is well. Whatever it is, I know that God is on the field, and the treatment is complete. This may be called a treatment, but we can also call it prayer or knowing the truth.

Importance Of Maintaining God-awareness

Source: 1957 Kailua Advanced Class Tape: 179 1:2 The day comes when, after we have been called to this work and have been the instrument for a thousand or two thousand healings, we are living in such a state of consciousness, of God-realization, that we will not have to sit down with every call that comes to get a specific answer because we are more or less living in that state of awareness all the time. We have to go back into meditation only when the claims come that are of such a deep and persistent nature that they do not yield readily to our attained state of consciousness, and we may have to sit down and spend hours and sometimes days and nights in meditation.

Asking God To Forgive For Us

Source: 1957 Kailua Advanced Class Tape: 709 4:2 Well do I remember an experience when I was called upon to rise above a very disagreeable experience concerning one of the students. The hurt was deep for the moment, and it was bad medicine to have to take. In my meditation when the word came to forgive, I answered, "Oh,, Father, that's more than I can do. I just haven't risen that high yet. I cannot be that forgiving in this case. I would like to be. Don't think I wouldn't but I'd be a hypocrite if I were to say I have achieved it. But I will tell you what You had better do, Father. You take over and do the forgiving for me because I don't seem to have the ability." And the Father did. Immediately the weight was lifted off my shoulders, and the assurance came that God's forgiveness was right there where I was. That took all the responsibility away from me.

Unfolding Understanding Of Prayer

Source: 1955 Capetown Series Tape: 709 4:1 By this time, I may feel that the meditation or treatment is complete, so I sit back in silence with that listening ear, and I remain in that listening attitude until I get a response. It may be a deep breath. It may be what I have called a "click." It may be a passage of scripture. It may be some statement of truth. It may be nothing but a weight falling off my shoulder or a sense of release. It may be that a smile comes to my face, a sigh that all is well. Whatever it is, I know that God is on the field, and the treatment is complete. This may be called a treatment, but we can also call it prayer or knowing the truth.

The Word Of God Is The Substance Of All Form Source: 1957 Kailua Advanced Class Tape: 181 3:1


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Henceforth Know We No Man After The Flesh Source: 1956-58 Tape: In our meditation, we may sit down with a sick person in our mind, or with a poor or sinful one, but we should not get up until, through realization, we have come to that place where there is no man, sick or well, rich or poor, sinful or pure; there is no sick person to be made well and no well person over whom to rejoice: There is only God—there is only God appearing as the Father and God appearing as the Son. Then is our prayer complete and with it comes the conviction, "It is so." Those who live by the sword, even a mental sword, shall die by the sword. So put it up. Stop defending yourself. In every prayer and in every meditation—in every treatment—remind yourself to put up your sword. When we no longer use use human weapons, physical or mental, we relax, not into letting the world do what it wants with us, but into that Spirit which is within us in order to let It take over and govern our experience. Thought slows down as we ponder the meaning of knowing [the passage that came to us at the beginning of meditation]