JobsDB Seminar actual version... 2

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Transcript of JobsDB Seminar actual version... 2

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Overview of day

• What’s driving Retention and turnover?• Understanding Engagement• Finding Motivating Factors• Key leadership factors in Retention• Making retention an priority• Loyalty Factors• Increasing Passion• Wrap Up

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Employee retention can be defined as the effortby an employer to keep desirableworkers in order to meet business


Turnover, on the otherhand, is most often used to describethe unplanned loss of workers who

voluntarily leave and whom employerswould prefer to keep.

Employee Retention and Turnover

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On a global scale, “the major social crises of the twenty-first century will be the byproduct of labor shortages”………..Hewitt, 2001

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China’s baby boomers are producing children significantly below the rate

necessary to maintain the country’s population;the rate required is 2.1 children per mother compared

to the actual rate of 1.3.

In just 10 years, the workingpopulation in China will begin to shrink ……..Kahn, 2004

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What drives Employee Commitment in Hong Kong?

1. Passion for job

2. Leadership

3. Comp and benefits

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…….Talent Keepers

Training of leaders in retention t leadership competencies

Leader accountability for retention

Mutual commitment building between team members and the leader

Mentoring programs

Job skills training and retraining

Competitive pay

Innovative reward program design

Overall benefits package (e.g., health insurance, stock options)

Career development and pathing

More appealing and welcoming environments 2

Ratings Key:

1 = not effective

2 = somewhat effective

3 = effective

4 = very effective

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Importance Of Main Retention Factors

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Key Retention Factors


PeersPayBenefitsRewardsPoliciesProgramsIndustry Status

Company Performance


TrainingSchedulesPromotionsEnvironmentPassionType Of Work Tasks



Organization and the first part of the Job factors are a given.

The second part of job factors and leadership is the area where organizations now need to focus.

This is what we call MOTIVATION & ENGAGEMENT




TrainingSchedulesPromotionsEnvironmentPassionType Of Work Tasks

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“Engagement is a mutual contract betweenthe employee and the employer. Employers have

a responsibility to train leaders and build a meaningfulworkplace, and employees have a responsibility

to contribute to an engaging workplace”(Towers Perrin Talent Report, 2003).


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Leaders must be equipped with the leadershipretention and engagement competencies critical

for creating committed workforces.

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How do you get employees motivated and engaged?

………….Focus on getting them passionate about their

jobs and lead them adeptly

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Motivation & Engagement

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“Research indicates the that enjoyment of various aspects of a job is highly correlated with good performance”…………..Dan Harrison

Motivation and Passion for job

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Motivation and Passion for job

Don’t Enjoy

Do It Less

Don’t Get Better

Negative Feedback

Enjoy Activities

Do It More

Get Better

Positive Feedback

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Harrison Assessments

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Every effective leader I've known is passionate about what he or she is doing. The time and energy devoted to work demand a commitment and conviction bordering on love.

…. Warren Bennis

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The number one reason why people thrive in an organization is their immediate supervisor and it's also the number one reason they quit.

……….. Gallup Organization

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……..people leave managers, not companies

……..what people want is fairness, care, concern and trust

……’s about relationships

.….…the most important element in retention is the leader

Leadership and Retention

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Leadership Competencies Are Numerous….

Which Are Critical For Retention?PlanningCreativityVisionValuesEthicsCommand and ControlChangeForecasting External FactorsTime ManagementTalent SelectionTalent DevelopmentProcess ImprovementRisk ManagementInnovationProfessionalismCross CulturalNetworkingWork Directing

Leadership factorsLeadership competenciesDecision MakingPlanningProblem solvingManaging power and influencePerformance ManagementCoachingMentoringCounselingDelegatingEmpowermentSelling NegotiationBudgetingFinancial MgtCustomer Focus

Building TrustCommunicationsConflict ManagementListeningMotivating othersFeedbackValuing DiversityFacilitationMeeting ManagementProject ManagementTeam BuildingStrategic ThinkingThought LeadershipInterpersonal SkillsFlexibility

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A leader has the responsibility to practice two types of leadership;

Organization driven leadership and Individual driven leadership


• Coaching / Mentoring

• Empowerment

• Results

• Relationships

Critical Leadership and Retention Factors


• Purpose

• Vision

• Values

• Team

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Leadership and Retention


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Purpose has become part of our daily vocabulary. And is helping to validate our current activities and focus our future plans

……Marge Maisto

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• Providing purpose. Effective leaders bring passion, perspective, and significance to the process of defining organizational purpose.

• Meaning and direction to daily work

Leadership and Retention


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"There's nothing more demoralizing than a leader who can't clearly articulate

why we're doing what we're doing.“ --James Kouzes and Barry Posner

Leadership and Retention


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• Clearly set organizational direction

• Display and reflect the unique strengths, culture, values, beliefs and direction of the organization;

• Inspire enthusiasm, belief, commitment and excitement in company members;

• Help employees believe that they are part of something bigger than themselves and their daily work;

• Be regularly communicated and shared;

Leadership and Retention


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Leadership and Retention


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A values-based culture actually empowers employees by setting standards of behavior and establishing expectations that employees must live up to This provides leadership with the confidence that everyone in the organization will act according to those values, both inside and outside the company.

………Terry Broderick

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• Corporate values• Group Values• What we stand for• Values make up the culture

Leadership and Retention


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Leadership and Retention


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If you want team building to work, it's not enough to tell them that they are a team and must perform as one. You also have to show the members of the team that it benefits them personally.

……F. John Reh

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• Building spirit and cohesiveness• Communication• Meetings and face to face interaction

Leadership and Retention


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"Leadership is not magnetic personality-that can just as well be a glib tongue. It is not "making friends and influencing people"-that is flattery. Leadership is lifting a person's vision to higher sights, the raising of a person's performance to a higher standard, the

building of a personality beyond its normal limitations."

……….Peter Drucker

Leadership and Retention

Coaching / Mentoring

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Leadership and Retention

Coaching / Mentoring

• Feedback• Performance / results• Encouragement / recognition• Knowledge transfer

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“In actual fact, real empowerment is a most natural state of affairs: people know what they have to do and simply get on

with it, like the worker bees in a beehive. Maybe the really healthy organizations empower their leaders, who in turn listen

to what is going on and so look good.”Henry Mintzberg

Leadership and Retention


© 2006 Focus One. All rights reserved.

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Leadership and Retention


• “own their own jobs”• company and job specific• requires active role of leader

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Leadership and Retention


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Results-oriented leaders see themselves as catalysts. They expect to achieve a great deal, but know that they can do little without the efforts of others. They bring the zeal, resourcefulness, risk-tolerance -- and discipline -- of the entrepreneur to every effort of the organization.

……..Warren Bennis

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• Performance• Bias toward action,• Risk, curiosity, and courage• Confidence and creativity• Change and Innovation

Leadership and Retention


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Leadership and Retention


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Exemplary leaders create a climate of candor throughout their organizations. They remove the organizational barriers -- and the fear -- that cause people to keep bad news from the boss

…..Warren Bennis

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•Trust•Authenticity•Reliability and consistency

Leadership and Retention


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“Improving retention requires transferring part ofthe responsibility from HR to leaders”

…. Talent Keepers

Implementing Retention through Motivation and Engagement

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…………Loyalty will change over time -- relates to personal values

…………..People are becoming more loyal to their careers than their employers

Loyalty Factors

Loyalty Factors are the key which will keep the individual engaged and motivated with the organization and discourage him or her from tipping to departure.

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• Need to be identified for each individual• Skilled coach can help to identify• Leader / peers can uncover

Identifying loyalty factors

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What do you like about your work with the company?

What bothers you about your work or career?

What are the important factors that will keep you in the company?

Under what conditions might make you look seriously at other opportunities?

Loyalty factor questions

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What Matters to EmployeesTop Responses

• In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work

• At work, my opinions seem to count• There is someone at work who encourages my development• This last year, I have had opportunities at work to learn and

grow• In the last six months, someone at work has talked to me

about my progress

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(love doing)o o o o o

%of time______

Ho Hum’s

(just okay)o o o o o

%of time______


(Hate doing)o o o o o

%of time______

Where are your now?

Where do you want to be?

Getting More Passion In Your Day

Yahoo’s % Ho Hum’s % Booboo’s %

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Continuous Motivation Checklist for Optimum Retention

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Identified Motivating Factors

Understand Yahoo’s, Ho Hums & Boohoos in current job

Leaders educated on key retention factors for your organization

Retention leadership skills identified for your organization

Leadership is training on key leadership retention competencies

Leadership is implementing coaching program

Leadership is consciously building relationships

Team building programs in place

Corporate & Group Vision, Values and Purpose articulated and actions executed

Competitive compensation and benefits in place

Training plan in place

Active Career Development plan being executed

Loyalty factors identified

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“When people are encouraged to do the work they enjoy, and inspired by their superior in a harmonious team environment, the results are borne out through improved motivation, engagement and results”

Continuous Motivation Checklist for Optimum Retention

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• Leadership competencies•        Motivation programs•        Coaching Programs•        Executive Coaching & Mentoring•        Vision, Values, Purpose workshops•        Executive Teambuilding

At FocusOne, we can help you improveyour retention results: