job safety analysis 3(eng) - Canadian Centre for...


Transcript of job safety analysis 3(eng) - Canadian Centre for...


HRDC – Labour Program 3 CCOHS


In every Canadian jurisdiction, healthand safety legislation holds employersaccountable for ensuring the health andsafety of their employees. They areresponsible for assessing the health andsafety risk (chance that somebody willbe harmed) of a job. Based on thisassessment, they must implement safetymeasures to eliminate or mitigate anyrisks to their employees. Job safetyanalysis (JSA) is a proactive approach toensuring health and safety in theworkplace. The JSA process provides away of identifying job-related hazardsand determining preventive measures.This involves carefully analyzing eachtask of a job, identifying potential healthand safety hazards at each step, anddetermining practical ways ofpreventing or mitigating such hazards.These preventive measures can then beintegrated into an employer’s workpractices and procedures for the job.

This publication outlines the basicconcept of JSA and provides a step-by-step procedure for performing a JSAaccording to two simple techniques:change analysis and the energy-barrierapproach (see the flow chart on the nextpage). Examples of job safety analysisfor some common jobs are presented.These examples are intended to illustratethe application of JSA and do notnecessarily include a comprehensive listof all potential hazards and relatedpreventive measures. In addition,compliance with applicable occupationalhealth and safety regulations must beconsidered as a part of the overall JSA.


In this publication, “hazard” and “risk”are defined as follows:

Hazard means anything that can causeharm. Examples of hazards include toxicchemicals, moving machinery parts,high-voltage electricity, working atheights, temperature extremes, slipperywork-surfaces.

Risk means the chance that someonewill be harmed by the hazard.

HRDC – Labour Program 5 CCOHS

Table of Contents

Summary .....................................................................................................................3

Job Safety Analysis Flow-Chart ..............................................................................4

Introduction ................................................................................................................7

1. What is a Job Safety Analysis..............................................................................8

2. How to Perform a Job Safety Analysis...............................................................9

Step 1: What important factors should be considered in selecting a job for JSA? ...……………9

Step 2: How are the basic tasks of a job established? ..........…………………………………….9

Step 3: How are the potential hazards identified? ...............……………………………………11

Step 4: How are preventive measures determined?.....…………………………………………18

Step 5: How should I communicate the JSA information to everyone else? ..........……………23

3. How and When to Use Job Safety Analysis .....................................................24

4. Follow-up and Review of a Job Safety Analysis .............................................25

5. References .............................................................................................................26

6. Examples of Job Safety Analysis.......................................................................27

1. Transportation of dangerous goods (TDG) ......................... …………………………………28

2. Climbing trucks to inspect levels of substance in snow and rain .................................... ……29

3. Handling of heavy objects in ports and storage................................ ………………………...30

4. Machine maintenance...........………………………………………………………………...31

5. Working at heights on communication towers......................................................................... 32

6. Improvisation of tasks ...................................................................................................... …….33

Appendix A: Sample Form for Job Safety Analysis...........................................34

Appendix B: Step-by-step Instructions for Job Safety Analysis ......................35

Appendix C: Practical Tips for Performing Job Safety Analysis and itsImplementation.................................................................................36

HRDC – Labour Program 12 CCOHS

The "What if" analysis involves conductinga thorough and systematic examination ofeach task by asking questions that beginwith "What if…?" The formulation of theexact questions is left up to those conductingthe examination

Helpful Tips for Change Analysis

For a specific task, identify the task orprocess parameters to be investigated forchanges (normally one parameter).

Apply the guide words to this parameterin order to qualify or quantify thechanges.

Identify and assess the consequences ofthe changes in terms of risk.

Task parameters are easy to find. Lookat the task and find parameters to becontrolled in order for the task to beperformed normally.

Such parameters can be:

❚ a sensory signal: e.g., colour, shapeof object, emitted sound, odour, lightlevel, position of handle, height ofpedal.

❚ a process specification: e.g.,pressure, temperature, concentration,flow rate.

❚ a dynamic component: e.g., motion,sequence, pace, speed change,friction.

❚ a force or mass: e.g., electricalpower, chemical energy, torque,impulse, impact.

❚ a geometric value and time: e.g.,location, dimensions, rate.

Table 2. Guide words for "What if" questions.

HRDC – Labour Program 20 CCOHS

Energy Barrier and Unwanted Energy Flow

Figure 1. Barriers for unwanted energy flow from an energy source to a person.(Adapted from the CSA Z796-98 Standard)

Figure 2. Illustration of energy-barrier approach to describe control measures.(Adapted from the CSA Z796-98 Standard)