Job Roles In The Media

By Pascal Phillips


Various job in the media, that people do

Transcript of Job Roles In The Media

By Pascal Phillips

This role is know as the lowest on the working tree because of the amount of work that has to be done and the very little amount you get paid and so don’t even get paid for there hard work and efforts. Casey Hines:” Being a runner is a great way to meet people and learn about the industry and the job you desire you work as, however it can be very enduring and the work hours can very long aswel, its all about hanging in there”. Most people often be runners for about 6 months to 1 year.

Salary: £7- £8 per hour

Hour’s: Film Hours Very Flexiable depends on the deadlines that need to met. Office Hours 8am – 5pm (Fixed Term Contracts)

Hours: 8am – 5pm (Fixed Term Contracts)

Production Accountants look after the finances of projects and productions. They work with Production Co-Ordinators and Production Managers to prevent overspending and making sure budget estimates for the duration of productions are accurate. They are a very essential part of media production mainly due to the fact most people get ideas and get “excited” about that. Then they don’t understand that these ideas cost money and there putting there production into jeopardy. For example Martin Tweddell is into production accountant and he has saved over 10 projects from going under the rug.

£32,000 - £40,000 per annum Hours: 8-5

You will be able to demonstrate research experience, and a good level of autonomy, from either a TV broadcaster, agency, you will also be confidently using BARB database. Building the long term schedule strategy, through thorough research. They often have irregular pattern of having to come at odd hours and take over administrative responsibilities.

Salary: 27 – 60k Hours: 9:00 – 17:00 (Sometimes you need to go in at odd

hours, but you get paid overtime)

Most people think that most desk jobs involve having to sign of papers and loo at reviews etc. However some management jobs involve going to many different countries to arrange performances and liaising with other clients to make sure the production/company is running smoothly. Moreover the managers job is only running the show, they also have to understand, and get on will all those involved in the production. This essential if he wants the production run smoothly. For example “Richard Wigley” is the manager of “BBC Philharmonic”. And he says “this jobs requires complete passion and commitment”.

Salary: 40k per annual + bonus Hours: 9 -5 involves a lot of over time