Job Interview Fix

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Transcript of Job Interview Fix

  • 8/13/2019 Job Interview Fix


  • 8/13/2019 Job Interview Fix


    The following !uestions are The following !uestions are

    usually used "y an interviewerusually used "y an interviewer

    #. $uestion #"out Name

    hat is your full name%hat is your nic& name% hat is your family's name%

  • 8/13/2019 Job Interview Fix


    B. Question About You and Your Family

    (lease tell a"out yourself%)ow old are you%here were you "orn%#re you single or married%here do you live%

    *o you live with your parents)ow many "rothers and sisters do youhave%

  • 8/13/2019 Job Interview Fix


    C. Question AboutHobby

    hat is your ho""y%)ow do you spend your sparetime%*o you li&e reading%

    hat &inds of "oo& do you li&e%hat is your favorite writer%

  • 8/13/2019 Job Interview Fix


    D. Question About Life &Ambition

    hat is your am"ition now%hat do you want to do in your life%hat is your life concept%

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    E. Question About Personalityhat &ind of personality do you have%)ow do you descri"e yourself% Outgoing orreserved%

    Tell me a"out your strengths and wea&ness%

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    F. Question AboutFriendship and Peopleespe!ted

    hat do you thin& a"out friendship%*o you have close friend%

  • 8/13/2019 Job Interview Fix


  • 8/13/2019 Job Interview Fix


    ). $uestion #"out alary)ow much salary do you e/pect%)ow much do you as& for yourcommencing salary%*o you thin& that amountreasona"le%+an you give the reason for this


  • 8/13/2019 Job Interview Fix


    I. $uestion #"out Education+ould you tell me a"out your formaleducation "ac&ground%hat 0niversity did you graduate from%hy did you choose the university%hat are you ma1oring in when you werestudying in a university%hat course have you ta&en%)ow many foreign languages can you spea&%+an you spea& English actively andpassively%*id you satisfied with the result of your laststudy%

  • 8/13/2019 Job Interview Fix


    J. $uestion #"out or& E/periences

    *o you have 1o" e/perience)ow many wor& e/periences do you have%hat is your previous 1o"%hat 1o" had you held% hy did you leave%

    )ow long did you wor& for the company%hy do you want to !uit your present 1o"%hat type of wor& do you li&e%)ow did you cooperate with your friends%

  • 8/13/2019 Job Interview Fix


    2. $uestions #"out #ttitudes and (references#re you a mem"er of social organi3ation%*o you have an important role in thatorgani3ation%hat personal characteristics do you feelare necessary for success in your chosenfield%

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    "hat should you prepare"hat should you preparebefore an inter#ie$before an inter#ie$1. You should get the information about the company (ex: Hospital)

    You can ask to hospital staff, senior nurse orinformation centre in hospital.

    2. Get the intervie er location .

    By knowing the location and interviews room youwould be easily adapting yourself and you could

    be more comfortable in your interview.!. "ind out ho long it ill ta#e to get there.

    Dont be late in your interview. Because it willdetermine your future.

    $. %a#e sure you #no about the &ob.

    Its better for you to prepare and study about the job, and you should be ready in answeringunpredictable uestions from interviewer.

    '. mprove your appearance and performance.

  • 8/13/2019 Job Interview Fix


    appli!ants are su%%ested toappli!ants are su%%ested todo some strate%ies anddo some strate%ies and

    preparation. his is a formulapreparation. his is a formulato a!hie#e a su!!essfulto a!hie#e a su!!essfulinter#ie$inter#ie$

    mile mile will show that you are a nice person

    and communicative so the interviewerwould "e nice tal&ing to you.

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    pen arms

    how that you are a good communicator-open and self 4 confidence.

    riendly 5ou should ma&e yourself to "e friendly to

    everyone "y greeting or listening yourinterview seriously.



  • 8/13/2019 Job Interview Fix



    6a&e the interview a good impressiona"out yourself- so he7she will considerand accept you "ecome an employee of staff.

    ye ,ontact Be serious in interview and try to give full

    attention to the interviewer. ohe7she will feel that you have a good empathyand appreciation.


  • 8/13/2019 Job Interview Fix


    */ Nod is an e/pression that you have

    understood and "een interested

    in a certain topic that is given to you "yinterviewer. o your interview would "e moreinteresting and successful.
