Job Board Presentation

delivering online expertise



Transcript of Job Board Presentation

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delivering online expertise

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How to operate a profitable job board

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About HotLizard

9 years old

Leading supplier of online recruitment solutionsRecruitment sectorMaster Vendor/Vendor NeutralCorporate RecruitmentJob boards and Media

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What do we do?

Search Engine Optimisation and Candidate AttractionWeb Site/Job Board Design and DevelopmentRecruitment Management/Applicant Tracking SystemsVendor Management SolutionsHosting, support and maintenanceCreative Design and MarketingConsultancy and Training

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Some of our clients

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Online Recruitment MarketOverview and Trends

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UK Leading Source of Job Board data

Enhance Media in partnership with ABC


Surveys 3,7617 job seekers across 27 job boards

Combines demographic audience profile and

audited user numbers

Data gathered from online surveys

Data is weighted to remove bias

Uses unique user figures

Results are free from

What is NORAs?

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15% of the UK Workforce are actively looking for a job (CIPD 2005)

12m of these users are actively seeking employment

30m online users in the UK, with 50% online everyday (63%)

22.1% of online advertising spend40.3% increase

Increased from £630.5M in the previous year

Online recruitment advertising spend was £917.2M in the first half of 2006

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The market is steadily maturing in terms of age with 50% of job seekers fitting the AB profile.

Average age - 34Average work experience – 13.6 yrsAverage salary £34,600Average of 5 jobs sites used64% are in a fulltime job

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Average salaries £18K - £78K

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Online every day is normal

2 - 3 times per week35%

Less often8%

Most days49%

once a week8%

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2004 2005 2006 2007

Sites visited decreasing

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Finding and revisiting job boardsFirst find out about the site

First time visitors

Chose to revisit the site

Repeat visitors

Search engine 31% Good selection of jobs


Link from another site

19% Easy to use 42%

Word of mouth 17% Good reputation


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0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

Email alerts / register CV

Salary comparisons / careeradvice

Info about employers /consultancies

None - just look at jobs

Industry sector advice / news

Podcasts / RSS / forums

½ for advice, ¼ just for jobs

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Online isworking

72% applied for a

job found online

56% Got a job

65% got an


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Emailing CV most popular

Don't know5%

Uploaded CV / other electronic


Emailed CV38%

Telephone / other6%

Hard copy form / letter13%

Online application form31%

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Characteristics of today’s online job seeker 

Range is wide from junior to seniorRange of sites visited is fallingSites are found through search engines, links and word of mouthSites are revisited because of quality of jobs, ease of use and reputationHalf of them have Internet phonesNumber of non-online methods are falling

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How do we get hold of high quality candidates?


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Traditional and Online Methods 

Internet Advertising

Word of Mouth


Promotional Events


Search Engines

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80% of job seekers looking online

56% of candidates finding jobs online

Online is increasing

Traditional methods are declining

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A job board can give a client…

Inexpensive Targeted candidates

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Advertise directlyUse job board

advertising as a replacement

Businesses will reduce their spend on non-internet media

They will either…


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But recruiters and employers will be dissatisfied if…

Wastage Competing for candidates

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Do we want to be one of the handful of sites that they visit?

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How do we getto the top of thesearch engines?

Is that the right question?

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How do we get to the top of the search

engines to get the best


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Am I looking for a short-term win or a long-term candidate attraction strategy or both?

Short term – immediate results, campaign, test strategy, support a long-term strategy

Long term – consistent high quality candidate flow, commitment to the online source

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Short Term  

Search Engine Marketing

Pay Per Click

Ad Words etc..

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Long Term

Generic Search Engine Optimisation

Natural Listing

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Generic optimisation – is it a science or an art?

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A Science. 

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Set of rules



Known outcome


Can’t cheat

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Is it easy?

DetailedTime consumingResults aren’t immediateConstantSome markets are more successful than others

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Can my site be optimised? 

It all starts with the design and buildWill need to be creatively and technically reviewedMay be minor changes or a complete re-design and re-build

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Design and Build

Page layout – amount and positioning of textStructure and size of an HTML pageHTML TagsValid codeWeb Site and File StructureText headersBreadcrumb trails

Site mapsFont and text sizeUse of frames and tablesImage referencesUse of Flash and scrolling textUse of JavascriptUse of XHTML and CSSURL naming

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Indexing individual jobs

Search engines above all love relevant content

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Now we have the framework – what next?

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Definition of key terms and phrases

Competitor researchIndustry research

Business researchWho is searching for what?

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Meta Tags Meta


Meta keywords

Stop Words

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Keyword frequency

Keyword density

Keyword Prominence

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All done?

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PR Syndication

Link Popularity

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Finished now? 

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Monitor and review and

make changes- quarterly

Competitors try harder

Search Engines change the rules

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Is it worth it?

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Reach a high proportion of Internet job seekersMore likely to click on a generic rather than a paid for listingReduce advertising spendEliminate search engine marketing spendSite is inherently more accessible

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Control where the candidate lands 

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Why is this important?

Frustration with not finding jobsComplicated searching is outInstant results are in

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The candidate clicks on the link……

what next????

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Blue Print for a Successful Job Board

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Types of Job Board


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The nature of the job board and the audience will influence

presentation & functionality  

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Number one objective: 

Convert a visit into a high quality registration/application

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General considerations 

Ease of use




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Passive Job Seeker V’s Active Job Seeker

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Active Job Seeker 

Make the 3 - click rule a 2 click ruleNavigate straight to job

Make the 2- click rule a 1-click ruleLand on the job

Make it easy to register for alerts1 more click

Make it easy to applyNot another application form!

Filter out the noise

Leave no room for error!

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Passive job seeker 

EngageMultiple points of engagementReason to returnDifferentiation

Keep them interested – keep you on their shortlist

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What candidates likeUseful information

Up to date salary surveysIndustry related articlesHints and Tips they can’t get somewhere elseNewslettersJobs and more jobs

What candidates don’t like

Information they can get from elsewhereHow great you are information – good for clients but not for candidatesClutter and complication

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Functionality  Essential

Leading Edge

State of the Art

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Job Search

Candidate Registration

Email a friend

Job Alerts by Email

Content Maintenance

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State of the Art

Job Alerts by SMS

Online polls

Online questionnaires

Interactive salary surveys


Real-time reportingEmail marketing

CV Wizards

Screening and filtering

CV searchingCV alerts

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Leading Edge

CV Parsing

RSS Feeds

Pod casts

Video jobs


Linked In

Seamless integration

Online interview management

Online application tracking

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Making it easier for the candidate

Putting the candidate in control


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Emphasisingthe brand

Featured Clients

Featured Jobs

Client Micro Sites

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Added value services

Job Posting

Featured Positions

Client Profile

Traditional Revenue Opportunities

Sponsored searches

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Added value services

Client micro sites

Pod casts

Video jobs

State of the Art Revenue Opportunities

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Added value services

Applicant Tracking

Talent Management

Recruitment Management

Leading Edge Opportunities For Clients

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Added value services

Application Tracking

CV Management

Online Profiling and Testing

Leading Edge Opportunities For Candidates

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Added revenue opportunitiesAdded value for candidates and clientsRetentionDifferentiation

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The Telegraph Job Board

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Winner of the National Online Recruitment Award

(NORAs) for….

Best Online Recruitment Section by a Consumer


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The requirementThe end result

The future

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Replace the existing job board with a presence that could rival the best in the recruitment market -


The Requirement

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To replace the existing job board that more effectively targeted the ABC audienceTo substantially increase the revenue brought in through online job advertisingTo position the Telegraph to effectively manage the transition from offline to online advertisingTo drive traffic to other areas of the Telegraph web siteTo be a robust and resilient presence in the market at all times

The Requirement

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3 month turn around from project commission

The Timescales

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Online recruitment expertise


Why HotLizard?Library of job board components



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Nigel Leigh, Product Manager


The Partnership

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Clean, easily navigable interface built for optimisation and accessibility

Sits nicely inside the brand guidelines for the newspaper

but with its own identity, personality and navigation

The Look

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The Look - The deliverable

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The Look - The deliverable

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The Look - The deliverable

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Generic optimisation for the whole siteIndividual optimisation for jobsSearch engine marketing

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Easy to navigateRich and appropriate in contentStreamlined application processExcellent client administrationExcellent Telegraph administrationReporting in real timeControl over all aspects of the processEasy for the sales people to use to generate business

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Dedicated and redundant hostingStrict and enforced service level agreementsRigorous support and maintenance

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Registrations are up 40%

The results

Revenue is up 35%

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The Future

Enhanced generic optimisationExtension to the Telegraph job channelsIncreased services to clients to include applicant trackingIncrease on market share and presence

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Questions and Answers

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delivering online expertise