Joan Gari Legend



A Story of Montserrat. Agustí Roca.

Transcript of Joan Gari Legend

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  • They say that in ancient times there were already hermits up in the mountain of Montserrat. They were

    holy men who retired to live in one of the many caves

    hidden among the rocks. They gave up worldly things to

    devote themselves to spiritual life, and it would seem

    that some of them could work miracles. This, of course,

    is what happened long before the monastery was built.

    Joan Gar was one of those hermits. He lived in the ninth

    century, in the times of Count Guifr el Pels. He was

    admired by everyone because of his devotion to the

    Virgin and his virtuous behavior. Apparently, even the

    bell of the hermitage of Sant Iscle, near the cave where

    he lived, tolled happily whenever he passed in front. This

    miraculous fact of soul purity in Gar bugged mainly the

    lords of hell

    So, dragging down such a valuable soul was quite an

    appealing challenge for demons who held Council and

    now well see what they decided.


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  • A devil named Belial was sent to Gar to lead him astray. Disguised as a hermit, he pretended to run into

    him when going down the mountain. He lied saying he

    was also living in a cave praying and seemed astonished

    of knowing him, because of his reputation, he said, was

    huge and had run all over Christendom. A holy man

    like you should be on top of the church and enjoy the

    authority and privileges he deserves he added.

    To turn on his desire he made Joan see the rough rocks

    of the mountains as if they were strange constructions,

    magnificent blend of luxury and abundance.

    But humble Gar, although this vision had somehow

    blew his mind, he showed himself immune to the greedy

    temptation that Belial was presenting.

    They realized in Hell that they were facing a difficult

    individual, and therefore they had to change their



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  • It needed to be played harder, and the Devils conspired into more twisted tactics.

    They sent another devil, named Lleonat for the

    magnificent appearance that he used to take, but as rotten

    inside and singed as all of his colleagues. It emerged

    from underground followed by a gang of Devils on

    horseback, taking the appearance of a group of hunters

    who went from Montserrat to Barcelona following the

    river Llobregat.

    What dark purpose guided the frantic cavalcade of these

    spooky characters?


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  • Barcelona was a small town at that time, and the noisy arrival of a group of so flamboyant riders had to be

    immediately known by everyone. And even more

    because of being led by a man of such a noble aspect

    Lleonat came immediately near to the Counts palace

    and letting himself to be spotted by his daughter,

    Princess Riquilda. The beautiful presence and refined

    manners of the stranger seduced the girl. The Count

    observed the scene as if something was not quite right,

    but there was already no time for him to intervene when

    Riquilda let Lleonat embrace her while he now was

    showing his horns and wings with great laughter seized

    her soul.

    The devil disappeared instantly as if by magic, leaving

    behind Guifr the good man and the devilish young



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  • All efforts to cure the possessed were in vain. Of course doctors could do nothing, but the priests either,

    not even the bishop could.

    Finally, the devil spoke through Riquildas mouth, who

    began to repeat a name: Gar, Gar bring me in with



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  • On hearing this, Guifr ordered to leave without delay. When they were in front of Gars cave the Count told

    the hermit what had happened and added: I beg you, let

    me leave her with you until her soul remains released.

    Puzzled, Joan hesitated. He said he knew nothing about

    exorcism. Belial, still in disguissed, repeated in his ear

    with delight: What a beautiful girl! Dont you find her


    More beautiful than the morning sun and all the stars of

    the night whispered Gar. The devil smiled, perhaps

    he was the only one he had heard him.


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  • They left the princess with Gar. The demon that possessed he, retired shortly thereafter so not to bother

    Then, its really unknown what happened for sure, it

    could have happend that living together Gar and

    Riquilda came to truly love one another, or maybe one

    day he forced her badly. The fact is that the hermit

    sinned, and immediately went horrified. He was no

    longer a pure man. How could he fall into sin?

    And at that moment, as if the devil were still blowing in

    his ear, he said: Yes, it was all because of her.


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  • We dare not imagine what happened then: how Gar took away Riquildas life, who he considered the cause

    of his downfall.

    In doing so, wanting to repair an error with a more

    serious one, threw himself fully into the scariest


    When having her dead at his feet, he heard a laughter

    that echoed through the cave. Belial, his false friend and

    evil adviser, removed the cloak and showed his

    diabolical silhouette.

    Stunned and hopeless, Gar saw himself already in the

    flames of hell


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  • He felt sunk into a pit of guilt, as if the earth were sucking him into the abyss. The most reprehensible sin

    seemed to be the act of a man who knew what the right

    path was and had always striven to maintain it. In a

    heartbeat, an innocent man had become the worst of

    criminals. What else would he still do, given that he was

    nothing but a toy for the evil machinations? He did not

    expect another destination than the eternal damnation.


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  • But a bit of light reached the depths where he stayed. How about forgiveness? There can only be a bigger

    thing than my sin, and it is Gods mercy stated Joan

    Gari. Believing that God could not forgive the most

    miserable of men would be an even greater mistake.

    He would travel to Rome to get down on his knees and

    beg for forgiveness of the Holy Father, whatever the

    penance he would impose on him.


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  • Sunk, paralyzed by guilt, Gar looked around at people on the move, oblivious to the torment that was

    consuming him.

    In fact, it suited him to go unnoticed, as well as going

    afar for fear that the Count could send for her daughter

    and, not finding her, would persecute Gar in order to kill

    him. He knew he deserved death, but not before

    obtaining forgiveness.

    They were approaching the capital of Christianity. And

    he seemed to see the light that lit the world from there

    like a beacon.


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  • The Holy Father received Joan Gar and listened to his confession. You have committed such a great sin, he

    said, that you do not deserve to be considered human.

    Therefore, from now on you will always live rather like a

    beast, at ground level, eating only things you would find

    on the ground; not speaking to anyone and not standing

    ever again nor raising your eyes up to heaven, because

    you are not worthy of It. And if God takes pity on you

    and forgives you, He will let you know so you do not



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  • After confessing, it came the atonement. Gar went back to Montserrat again ready to spend all his

    remaining years of life among weeds and vermins,

    crawling like a scoundrel. He would live a painful

    existence that is not considered proper for a human being

    and he was also sad, nevertheless satisfied to meet a hard

    penance in line with the wickedness of his acts.


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  • Time went by and Gar strangely adapted to his new environment, to the extent that his initial sadness gave

    way first to a devoted conformity and then to a type of

    joy to discover the greatness of the Creator also in this

    little universe that had within reach of his eyes, hands

    and feet.

    The punishment had become revelation. Would this be

    its purpose? Had the kindness returned to invade the soul

    of Joan Gar?

    Maybe God is less interested in imposing penalties on

    the wretched ones who have done wrong than achieving

    them to be good again


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  • The thing is that, after a few years, seven they say, some hunters found Gar while he was drinking water in

    the river, which he used to do with his eyes closed not to

    see the sky reflected in the water, as ordered by the Holy


    They were very surprised. We have never seen an

    animal like this they said. And it was that over time

    Gars clothing had spoiled and his whole body had

    covered with hair. He had wholly changed to the point

    that he could not be recognized.

    Lets bring it to the Count!. They were very pleased

    with their finding, and even more to realize the docility

    of Gari, who did not resist them.


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  • When they arrived at the palace of the Count of Barcelona Gar was left in a cage, like an animal. He

    accepted it with serenity, seeing in it another episode of

    penance that was still to be met.

    He stayed a few days in this way, but Providence had not

    abandoned him


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  • It happened that the count Guifr had another son, Prince Mir, and the day came to baptize him. When the

    feast started and to amuse the guests, the Count proposed

    exhibiting that rare animal that had been found in the


    They pulled Gar with a leash around his neck. All they

    marveled. The nursemaid who was carrying the infant in

    her arms came closer so the boy could see it better and

    then came the miracle. The little boy addressing the

    prisoner, spoke these words: Stand up Gar, God has

    already forgiven you!.

    Everyone froze. Then Guifr faced Joan Gar and asked

    angrily: You, Gar Where is my daughter? What did

    you do to her?. Gar told the sad story and offered his

    chest to the Counts dagger, but he stopped and said I

    can not punish one whom the Almighty has already


    The hermit said the princess was buried near his cave.

    Guifr left immediately with his men to Montserrat.


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  • When they reached the place Gar told them, they began to dig and remove the earth. They did it with care

    not to damage Riquildas body. They found the body to

    realize that the girl stayed as beautiful as when she was

    alive. Her father went to hug her and she opened her

    eyes. She had returned to life!

    In front of this new miracle, all present fell to their

    knees. Riquilda then proclaimed her desire to retire to a

    religious life and the noble Guifr offered to build a

    monastery in the middle of those mountains that she

    would govern, to accommodate women who also wished

    to devote their lives to God.


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  • Joan Gar regained his own appearance. He became human again. God had shown to him everywhere: in the

    forest, among the animals and in front of the whole

    world, but especially in his own heart. He did not need

    anything anymore and he would still live many years in

    peace in his cave of Montserrat.


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  • There are several legends like the one we just explained.

    They are stories about very religious men who fall into

    sin, undergo a severe penance and are eventually

    forgiven. Apparently, Joan Gari, or Fray Garin, comes

    from an earlier legend appeared almost at the beginning

    of Christianity, which went changing, even being

    versioned by Islam, and went to Montserrat in different

    ways. Here it found a special echo, mainly because its

    relation to the origin of the monastery and the country

    itself: of course, it is not an accident that the action

    passed in the ninth century, in times of Guifr el Pels

    (Wilfred the Hairy).

    It was popular for a long time. But the modern world is

    not interested on hermits, whether saints or sinners,

    demons, guilt, terrible punishments, acquittals or


    After all, if we wish traditions still alive, we believe that

    narrators should take certain liberties. For example, the

    classic versions just talk of Gars penance as a debasing

    sentence, a punishment that will put him down even

    more. Instead, we wanted to highlight its regenerative

    aspect here, presumably because an essentially good man

    ends up seeing the magnificence of God in all

    circumstances, and therefore the punishment has already

    served its purpose and should cease.


  • Regarding the illustrations style, as we are fully into the

    medieval world, the choice has been made for a

    naturalistic figuration, it has seemed appropriate in order

    to evoke both the faraway atmosphere as the heros

    moral trip.

    We will discuss a couple of illustrations. In order to

    symbolize the great guilt that Gar has been

    experiencing, we have represented him at the bottom of

    kind of a pit. There are two references for this scene. On

    the one hand, the rocks, near Collbat, in Montserrat,

    known as Gars bed and footprint that show a

    concave shape which, according to tradition, were

    formed by the weight of his shame as he passed by. On

    the other hand, they say that when Gar had confessed

    his crime to the Pope, he drew a circle with his cane

    around him and said: If the great sin youve committed

    can not be forgiven the earth under your feet will sink to

    take you to hell. And we already know that it did not

    happen because Gods mercy is infinite

    Finally, the tingling proclaiming Sum vermis (I am a

    worm) in the image on which the viewers-readers could

    more easily identify themselves with the main character,

    since his hand could be theirs, wishes to remind a poem

    by the Catalan poet Mosen Cinto.
