JO Haycraft DeCamp- 7 Ought to...

r I J I OCALA EVENING STAR TUESDAY SEFTEM1E 7 1101 1 1 a I MRS JESSIE HAYCRAFT MRS ELMER DeCAMP FALL MILLINERY t l t d ARRIVING u M Our Mrs Haycraft has bought our splendid line of handsome and stylish taU millinery nnd the new goods are arriving daily We have an especially 11II retty IIne of imported and domestic trimmed ha<3 in the most beautiful ill shapes Also all styles and a great range of prices in untrimmed shapes l Our stock of plumes bought early before the recent advance in price will be the finest ever shown here Also the new style willow plumes the new- est ¬ thing Velvets and silks for trimmings Feathers and ornaments of all kinds Mrs Haycraft spent three weeks In the markets of the east study ¬ ing the style and making the selections In person and we feel safe In say- Ing we have tnlK fall jut what the People of Ocala and Marion county will j appreciate Come in and see the new goods Haycraft DeCamp- LMONTEZUMA S HOTEL TTOPH OPEN THE YEAR ROUND JOHN R DEWEY I Lea1ii Commercial Ilk Rates 2 Per Day Ocala FltrMa + < i VALUABLE BOOKS 7 They Should be in Every Household- Are Highly Recommended- Their Titles are What a Young Boy Ought to Know What a Young Man Ought to Know What a Young b Husband Ought to Know What a Man of 45 Ought to Know What a Young Girl Ought to Know What a Young Woman Ought to Know What Young Wife Ought to Know What a Woman of 45 Ought to Know These books were written by emi- nent ¬ persons well qualified for the task and are worthy of any ones time to read especially persons to Whom their title nJVrs They tell of < Jin origin of life ami its sacred func- tions ¬ and are commended by noted persons male and female No parent can bestow a worthier or more com- mendable ¬ gift to their daughter or- son Rev L R Wnrren the former be- loved pastor of the Ocala Baptist r 4 church has given these works highest commendation and urges parents to buy them for their boys and girls as does Rev H E Gabby Rev R H Barnett and Rev W H Coleman F A Bone a worthy young man prepar- ing ¬ for the ministry is soliciting for these valuable volumes and we trust 14 he will be kindly and liberally receiv- ed J J in Ocala S Mrs M E Wallace of South Fourth street is expecting the arrival of her daughter Mrs Maud Williams who has been sojourning In New Bruns- wick I i and Massachusetts for the lust year and a half Mrs Williams sa II el- lI on Saturday last from Boston for 1 Savannah and barring accidents will probably reach home on Wednesday or p Thursday of Ibis week i Picture puzzle l ost cards at the r Ocala House WE MUST ALL mi t I IT IS MY TIME TO DIE YOUR FALL GARMENTS r Work Guaranteed and Prices Right OCALA PRESSING CLUB- W F Marlow Proprietor ii McIYER MACK Y FUNERAL DIRECTORS j Undertakers and Embalmers r D E Mclver Alfred R Owen s Undertakers L 11 11 Fine Caskets and Burial Robes 5 AH work done by licensed embalm erR and fully guaranteed It r I Montezuma Barbershop i if I IB Connection With the Hotel Office- s H Skilled worKmen and courteous at- tention ¬ to all Special attention to k children ELECTRIC MASSAGE t 4 1 I l > HOT AND COM WATER R A DEtTERICH Proprietor LE SUM HOUSE Located on North Main St near government building I Reasonable rates by the week or month Firstclass table board and comfortable- rooms Mrs Rossie LeSueur Proprietres- sPhone 77 Ouala Fla f 1 I PEARYS SECOND MESSAGE I Says he Reached the Pole April 6 Nearly a Year After Dr Cook- A second dispatch from Peary con ¬ firms the first one It says Indian Hnror via Cape Ray X F Sept 6To the New York Times New York I have the pole April P Expect arrive Chateau Bay Sept 7 Secure control wire for me there and arrange expedit transmission big story Signed Peary MR GARY WILL RECEIVE THE MONEY- As I expect to be absent from Ocala for the next few weeks I wish to an- nounce ¬ that Mr W T Gary is au- thorized ¬ to receive and receipt any amounts of money subscribed to the Masonic lodge room and opera house building A E Gerig Secretary Building Committee I WOODMAR FOR RENT GOODWIN BUNGALOW Furnish- ed ¬ modern plumbing running water acetylene gas 10 per week ARGYLE COTTAGEFurnished running water 5 per week BLAIR VILLATo rent on October 1 for the winter furnished running water modern plumbing acetylene- gas J2 > per month David S Wood row Holder Block Ocala Fla SCHOLARSHIP FOR SALE- A 10 scholarship lit till Stanley Business College of Thomnsvllle Oa for sale for 10 Apply at the Star Office I IT SAVED HIS LEG All thought Id lose my leg writes- J A Swenson Watertown Wis Ten years of eczema that 15 doctors could not cure had at last laid me up Then Bucklens Arnica Salve cured it sound and well Infallible for skin eruptions eczema salt rheum boils fever sores burns scalds cuts and piles 25c at all druggists- Mr John Parker of Leroy was in town today and lie and Frank Turner had quite an argument on the nohog law Parker said it was an aggression on the part of the land owner to the poor man while Turner who has ex- perienced ¬ both sides of the question favored the nohog law and said ev- ery ¬ farmer in the county would be better off with a nohog law That since he penned his hogs and cared for them he had dollars now where he didnt hnve doughnuts when the farm hogs on the range principle and most of his hogs were razorbacks and wind splitters Frank knows whereof he speaks WARNING- Do not bo porsuanefl Into taking anything but Foleys Honey and Tar for chronic coughs bronchitis hay fever asthma and lung trouble as it stops the cough and heals the lungs Sold by all druggists LOST Monday morning between G A Xashs store and Ocala Printing companys office an undressed tan handbag containing gold watch and chain plain gold ring 1 in money and visiting cards of U Mrs Clarence Garettson Philips Suitable reward will be paid for its return to George- L Taylor or the Star office- S A Fackler former editor of the Crystal River News has dramatized his book on The Ups and Downs of a Country Editor New York theatri- cal ¬ managers have placed the play on the boards nnd the probabilities are that Sam will win fame and fortune I We understand the dramatic critics of the Atlanta Georgian recently favor- ably I noticed the play in a lengthy ar- ticle ¬ and no doubt it will be well re- ceived ¬ by the theater going public Inverness Chronicle We sincerely hope that Sam i = ex- periencing ¬ one of the Ups KILLS WOULDBE SLAYER A merciless murderer i appendicitis with many victims But Dr Kings New Life Pills kill it by prevention They gently stimulate stomach liver anj bowels preventing that clogging that invites appendicitis curing con- stipation ¬ biliousness chills malaria headache and indigestion 25c at all druggists Three cents will fan you for ten hours Get one of those Hinch Wes ttnghouaa fans from H W Tucker OCALA OCCURRENCES Odd Fellows meet tonight Woodmen meet Friday evening Filing cases at the Ocala News Co Waukesha Ginger Ale at Eallards- Mesbis G and W K McLean of I Conant are guests of the Montezuma FOR KENT A large pasture close In Apply at this office I Mr and Mrs W J Justice of Pitts burg are guests of the Montezuma- Mrs J B Hull of Port Inglis is a guest of the Montezuma Call and see the new hook nl tI- the Ocala 7 ws Co- Ir Walter Dopson of Jacksonville- is a guest of the Montezuma Have yui seen the picture puzzle post cards at the Ocala News Co I There were 2S arrivals at the Monte- zuma ¬ yesterday Bathing caps just received at the Court Pharmacy- Mr Pat Randall of Connor was in the city today I Mr J H Xichols of Wildwood is a business visitor in the city today I Mrs R L Martin of Weir Park was in the city today- Mr I J G Lege of Woodmar was in I the city this afternoon between trains WANTED good young man to take orders and deliver goods Apply at the Star office Miss Caroline Pasteur of Stanton came up this afternoon to do some shopping Have you seen the new visible Fay Sholes typewriter R C Davis Co general agents Messrs Alfred and Arthur Brooks of Oldtnwn are guests of the iiontezu ma hotel FOR SA14E1y house the best corner location in Ocala on the mar ¬ ket Address R J Potter Mr J A Owenu of Tampa is among yesterdays arrivals at tile Montezu- ma ¬ hotel R C Davis Co of Jacksonville will sell any make of secondhand typewriter upon easy terms If desired Mr L M Crevasse of the tug at Port Ingli is a guest of the Monte ¬ zuma hotel Are you troubled with dandruff Then try a bottle of Dikes Hair Tonic- at the Court Pharmacy- Mr J G fledge of Gainesville nfl aging salesman for the Singer com wmy is a guest of tIn Montezuma I Mr John Chazal came up from I Woodmar I this afternoon with his father and will leave tonight for col- lege If the glare of the sun hurts your I eyes get a jiair of smoked glasses from us for 2ric The Postofilce Drug- store ¬ Messrs F M IeGate and C W Perkins of the Logan Cotl rind Supply Co Jacksonville aie in the city to meet with thecity council tonight In I the matter of the paving contract The city council will meet tonight- In regular session A full attendancei- s desired There is much business to- be I transacted Andrew White one of the pioneer settlers of Citra was a caller today- He said Citra was putting on the airs of growth and prospeiity Mr S M McGohee anti Mr G W Leitner of Geiger were in town to- day ¬ and paid the Star office a Pleas ant call Captain Delong of Candler was in the city today and was in the happiest of moods He said orange groves look- ed ¬ well and the crop will be fair Mr C R Krejrer the uptodate manager of the Times Lninn bureau- in Ocala left this afternoon for Pablo Beach to spend a few days THE AIR DOME Moving Pictures- and MusicT- he Best of Entertainment Furnish- ed ¬ by Home Peoni- eSFV PIOTURFS EVERY DAY THREE FULL REELS EACH NIGHT Program for this Evening ITS AN ILL WIND THAT BLOWS NO GOOD Full Reel- MANUFACTURING STEEL RAILS A FAITHFUL OLD HORSE THE HOLY FIRE PORCELAIN OF THE BEST QUALITY RAISED FROM THE RANKS Admission 10 and 5 cents Doors Upen at 730 p m H W TUCKER PROPRIETOR Information Buy Cream Flour true- to its name Yon pay no more for it than other I High grade Flour Ev- ery ¬ I pound of it guaran- teed ¬ i to be the best that can le made from soft I S winter wheat Sold ex- clusively ¬ I b- yTEAPOT j GROCERY l AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE- A fivepassenger automobile two cylinder chain drive in firstclass condition and everything complete for sale cheap for cash Apply to C R Tj dings j FRESH SEEDS- We have In our fresh supply of re ¬ liable garden and flower seeds for fall planting Tydings Co HOUSE TO RENT- On Fort King avenue one of the most modern and convenient residences in 1 the city Apply to 139 Fort King av- enue ¬ HEALTH AND VITALITY Cosmetics and lotions will not clear I your complexion of pimples and blotches like Foleya Orino Laxative for Indigestion stomach and liver trouble and habitual constipation I Cleanses the system and is pleasant to take Sold by all druggists I INCREASE YOUR LIGHTS I I have just received a lot of the celebrated Halophane glass shades for electric lights These shades increase your light power 75 per cent Try them II W Tucker the electric sup- ply ¬ man KENTUCKY HuRSES FOR SALE- I will have a car of choice Kentucky- bred horses at my place at Evinston Via for sale after Aug 20th I have spent two months around my Jld home- at Lexington Ky selecting this stock from the farms This stock has been carefully selected and bought for spot cash direct from the stock raisers I am in position to save money to pur ¬ chasers of good horses Address L H Willis Jr Evinston Fla ROOMS FOR RENT Elegant furnishe rooms for rent at the Wisteria Apply to Mrs Jf C JonesCASTOR IA For Infants and Children Till Kind You Hays Always Bought Bears the Signature Mrs M H Hatchell and daughter- Miss Grace Hatchell have returned from Worthington Springs where Miss Hntehell has been for several weeks anti Mrs Hatchell for a few days Mrs J W Pearson went to Wood mar this afternoon to pay a visit to Mrs IS R Carroll Mr and Mrs W H Wells returned yesterday from Macon Fort Valley and Tifton Ga where they have been visiting frlendt and relatives I Mr J K Dixon of Atlanta and Ocala Is in the city a guest of the Ocala House Mr Dixon will arrive In Ocala to spend the winter about October 1st Mr W C Zimmerman of Rockwell with the Dunnellon Phosphate Co was in town yesterday and today a guest of the Ocala House Mr Zim- merman ¬ I will enter college the latter part of the month to take either a law or medical course Miss Josie McClure and her mother I Mr Robert McClure and her sisters Mrs J H Smith and Mrs Leach re- turned I Saturday from a three weeks outing at Salt Springs They had in- thed a lovely time and splendid luck catching fish The announcements are out of the engagement of Miss Edna Dozier the beautiful and accomplished daughter- of Mr and Mrs John Dozier to Dr Sylven McElroy of Orlando The marriage will take place some time during October Major and Mr G A Nash left Sunday for New York to make their fall purchases They expect to return about the first of October Those who will have charge of their store during their absence are Missx Josie McClure Miss Carrie Odom and Miss Winnie Tucker Ardis Waterman in the clothing de ¬ partment of the H B Masters store returned yesterday from a very pleas- ant ¬ trip to Denver St Louis and oth- er ¬ western cities He was particularly- struck with the immense corn fields- of Kansas and Missouri and the num- ber ¬ of hay stacks He reported a pleasant time and greatly enjoyed his trip He was in Denver when the cloudburst washed away five bridges through the canyon of the Arkansas river Mr William Douglass of Charleton Is a guest of the Ocala House GREAT DEMAND FOR HOUSES- Mr F W Ditto says he has never had such a demand for houses He has calls every day for medium priced houses for the working and middle class of white tenants houses that would rent for 58 to 18 a month It this is the case in midsummer what will the winter seas nshow Ocala has more people than ever before by hundreds and of the large number of houses that have been built within the past few years there are not a dozen large and small vacant in the whole city A NEW PHOSPHATE PLANT Messrs Mclver MacKay have just commenced work on a big phos ¬ phate plant for the Dunnelon Phos ¬ phate company at section No 7 in Citrus county between Dunnellon and Holder to take the place of one burn ¬ ed there several months ago The firm has had the contract for some time but has been unable to commence work on acctmnt of the high water SOME GOOD CONTRACTS- The Ocala Lumber and Supply Co Utr Roess interests has the contract- to ship the material practically the entire mill of lumber and all other material to Eustis where Mr C J Phillips of this city is building a 5000 residence and to Altoona where Mr Lightfoot who recently moved there from Kentucky is building a 3500 home KEEPING CHARLIE BUSY Mr Charles J Phillips Is certainly kept busy by the people of the Lake Region No sooner does he begin to see daylight ahead than those good people saddle some other contracts onto his able shoulders It is certain that these people and Mr Phillips get along mighty fine and he must build them good houses at a reasonable price Mr Phillips is building a resi- dence ¬ to cost 5000 In Eustis and a large garage He is completing one fine residence in Leebburs and has the contract for another Brothers in Arms was a good sub- ject ¬ tit the Air Dome last night and The Sand Man looked mighty nat ¬ ural to everybody who knows children Miss Moffett and the Monkey brought the taughs from the crowd hlt an III Wind that Blows no Good- will be the leader to night with four other good subjects to follow it Mr Lewis Yonce a member of the Star force took an auto ride to Sliver Springs Sunday afternoon On the way he followed Mr Henry Livingston- who was accompanied by half a dozen dog Mr Livingston turned to the left of the road to let Mr Yonce pass All the dogs cleared the track but one seeing which Mr Yonce who was moving at a leisurely pace did all he could to stop the machine and save the dog but to no purpose the ma ¬ I chine passing over the dog The dog died from the injuries received Mr I Livingston deemed the dog a very val ¬ uable one having paid 50 for the animal and being subsequently offer- ed ¬ 75 for him Now Mr Livingston desires Mr Yonce to pay him 75 for the dog hut the latter gentleman haY- ing ¬ lOne all he could to save the life nf tht dog on the public highway does not deem himself legally or crim- inally ¬ liable for the death of the ani- mal ¬ and there the case rests I We want your prescription work and are prepared to offer you the most skilled pharmacists and the purest of drugs to compound them Tydlngs company Mr Maxwell of the Florida House has received a letter from Mr Yo H I Thomas of Wyoming saying he and five others would be here Friday to cast their lot with the people of Ma- rion ¬ county The Star readers will recall that Mr Thomas was here In the early spring and was so pleased with Marion that he fell in love with our town and county I One of the most popular young I salesmen in Ocala Is Mr A F Dreka at Rheinauers Mr Dreka Is a son of Geo A Dreka the merchant prinSe of DeLand and might occupy an easy position in his fathers immense es- tablishment ¬ but prefers winning his own way in the world He has made friends by the score since coming to Ocala Master William Fuller after a brief vacation from school has taken a po ¬ sition in the shoe department of RheSnauers big store Will Is a smart I boy and will probably make a suc- cessful ¬ business man i Miss Cora Griffin of Anthony was the guest over Sunday of Mr and Mrs- D A Miller Belle Meade Sweets I Sigar Fruit aNd Chocolate TiATS All I These delicious candies can be had oily at Court Pharmacy I THE COMMERCIAL BARBER SHOP Opeaa Into the Lobb cf tbe Ocala House Offers the very best service of skilled workmen with modern ap ¬ pliances Strictly sanitary Electric fans electric massages Hot RtuuaiBg Water at All Times I VINCENT C DETTERiCH 3Ianager 5 w q- BOYI Bi- t 1 1- o V j LIVE t < i I t Are making 50cl 75c C I and 1 a day hustl- ing ¬ ti for theOKG- rocery i1 ft WHY NOT rOU 1 CALL AT ONCE < JO OR K1 GROCERY 2MMKS174H- AIVEY I CURL PrIeIi- I 1- l V ti- A I I LIISFOII- I I t RESIDENT PIANO I TUNER I Work GuaranteedA- GENT ± FOR KNOBE PIANO t i Phone 328- SEEDS S gg IM I t New crop of garden and lower seeds just received Win Anderson i druggist and seedsman Ocala Fla J CORD WOOD FOR SALE- I will sell 400 to 500 cords of best quality wood at Montague station for 15q a cord at devot Address C E FoKlestrom Montague Pta Ii r FOR SALE AT LAKECWEIR One of the handsomest and best lo- cated ¬ I homes on the east side of Lake Weir Good houses orange grove and 1nt yof land cheap for cash Apply- to F W Ditto city I HAIR WORK DONE All kinds of hair work done Satis- faction guaranteed Harriet Hill 212 Xorth Magnolia street II I ICE MAN WANTED Wanted an engertlc man to drive I ice wagon deliver and collect Apply- to Florida Packing Ice Co city The following turpentine men were in the city today namely Mr W H oJ McRainoy of WUdwood Mr Sam Pet teway of Dunnellon Mr F M Harp and Mrs Harp of Eureka 1 Mr Robert Taylor the former com- mercial ¬ agent of the A CL was In town today introducing hiS successor Mr Reagan a very pleasant young man 4 J Mrs George L Taylor returned yesterday from her visit to Suther- land ¬ and St Petersburg She enjoys ed her trip very much v i S Mr C H Dame went down to Lees burg yesterday afternoon oh business connected with the Woodmen of the World Mr F W Barse of National Bis- cuit ¬ company fame who has made Ocala his home for the past several years will commence housekeeping In a few days upon Mrs Barses return from her western trip Mr Barse has rented Dr Walter Hoods pretty resi- dence ¬ on Watula street < Mr B B Richer who spent feun day with Mrs Bittinger returned to the lake yesterday- Mr tj I- So Clifford Landers went to Jack- sonville ¬ yesterday to take p position as operator in the Western Unloflrof fice In that city Mr Ben Todd has severed his con- nection ¬ with the Marion Hardware company and has entered the office of Dr J E Chace to learn the profes ¬ sion Mrs J W Akin and little Son George who have been spending the past two months at Ocilla and Maon Ga returned home today State Convict Inspector John T Lewis of Moss Bluff is In the city today 2 I ij Rev F C Edwards of Starke edi ¬ tor of the Florida Baptist Witness which is now being published in Jack- sonville ¬ Is in the city today Judge Turnipsped the Justice of the peace from Mclntosh Is in the city- a gueVtof the Montezuma The Judge- is here to appear before the board of county commissioners in behalf of his bill ofco ts In the case of the state vs Baynard of Mieanop for gathering birds eggs by the bushel Worn the bird nests on the island in Orange Lake Jast June 5 Mr J K Christian of Mcintosh re ¬ turned home yesterday from his semiannual purchasing trip to New York City where he went to buy goods for the big store of the Chris- tian ¬ Dixon Co Miss Anna and Mr William Chris ¬ tian of Mclntosh returned horse yes- terday ¬ from their summers vacation spent in Chiiesbru Icy4 Mr Phil Robinson will leave Sat- urday ¬ for Providence Birt to enter Brown University rT I1t is a graduate of the Ocfrt ifiglifBchtol I with a good recod as student T- f S 1

Transcript of JO Haycraft DeCamp- 7 Ought to...

Page 1: JO Haycraft DeCamp- 7 Ought to Know What a Young Man Ought to Know What a Young b Husband Ought to Know What a Man







uM Our Mrs Haycraft has bought our splendid line of handsome and stylish

taU millinery nnd the new goods are arriving daily We have an especially11II retty IIne of imported and domestic trimmed ha<3 in the most beautifulill shapes Also all styles and a great range of prices in untrimmed shapesl Our stock of plumes bought early before the recent advance in price will

be the finest ever shown here Also the new style willow plumes the new-


thing Velvets and silks for trimmings Feathers and ornaments of allkinds Mrs Haycraft spent three weeks In the markets of the east study ¬

ing the style and making the selections In person and we feel safe In say-

Ing we have tnlK fall jut what the People of Ocala and Marion county willj

appreciate Come in and see the new goods

Haycraft DeCamp-




Lea1ii Commercial Ilk Rates 2 Per Day Ocala FltrMa



7 They Should be in Every Household-Are Highly Recommended-

Their Titles are What a YoungBoy Ought to Know What a YoungMan Ought to Know What a Young

b Husband Ought to Know What aMan of 45 Ought to Know What aYoung Girl Ought to Know Whata Young Woman Ought to KnowWhat Young Wife Ought to KnowWhat a Woman of 45 Ought to

KnowThese books were written by emi-


persons well qualified for thetask and are worthy of any onestime to read especially persons toWhom their title nJVrs They tell of

< Jin origin of life ami its sacred func-tions


and are commended by notedpersons male and female No parentcan bestow a worthier or more com-mendable


gift to their daughter or-son

Rev L R Wnrren the former be-

loved pastor of the Ocala Baptistr 4 church has given these works highestcommendation and urges parents tobuy them for their boys and girls asdoes Rev H E Gabby Rev R HBarnett and Rev W H Coleman FA Bone a worthy young man prepar-ing


for the ministry is soliciting forthese valuable volumes and we trust

14 he will be kindly and liberally receiv-edJ J in Ocala


Mrs M E Wallace of South Fourthstreet is expecting the arrival of herdaughter Mrs Maud Williams whohas been sojourning In New Bruns-wickI

i and Massachusetts for the lustyear and a half Mrs Williams sa II el-

lIon Saturday last from Boston for

1 Savannah and barring accidents willprobably reach home on Wednesday orpThursday of Ibis week


Picture puzzle l ost cards at ther Ocala House


t I



r Work Guaranteed and Prices Right


W F Marlow Proprietor



Undertakers and Embalmers

r D E Mclver Alfred R Owen

s UndertakersL 11


Fine Caskets and Burial Robes

5 AH work done by licensed embalmerR and fully guaranteed

It r I

Montezuma Barbershopi


IB Connection With the Hotel Office-

sH Skilled worKmen and courteous at-


to all Special attention to

k children





R A DEtTERICH Proprietor


Located on North Main Stnear government building

I Reasonable rates by theweek or month Firstclasstable board and comfortable-rooms

Mrs Rossie LeSueur Proprietres-

sPhone 77 Ouala Fla




I Says he Reached the Pole April 6

Nearly a Year After Dr Cook-

A second dispatch from Peary con ¬

firms the first one It saysIndian Hnror via Cape Ray X F

Sept 6To the New York TimesNew York I have the pole April P

Expect arrive Chateau Bay Sept 7Secure control wire for me there andarrange expedit transmission bigstory Signed Peary


As I expect to be absent from Ocalafor the next few weeks I wish to an-nounce


that Mr W T Gary is au-thorized


to receive and receipt anyamounts of money subscribed to theMasonic lodge room and opera housebuilding A E Gerig

Secretary Building CommitteeI




modern plumbing running wateracetylene gas 10 per week

ARGYLE COTTAGEFurnishedrunning water 5 per week

BLAIR VILLATo rent on October1 for the winter furnished runningwater modern plumbing acetylene-gas J2 > per month

David S Wood rowHolder Block Ocala Fla


A 10 scholarship lit till StanleyBusiness College of Thomnsvllle Oafor sale for 10 Apply at the StarOffice


IT SAVED HIS LEGAll thought Id lose my leg writes-

J A Swenson Watertown Wis Tenyears of eczema that 15 doctors couldnot cure had at last laid me up ThenBucklens Arnica Salve cured it soundand well Infallible for skin eruptionseczema salt rheum boils fever soresburns scalds cuts and piles 25c atall druggists-

Mr John Parker of Leroy was intown today and lie and Frank Turnerhad quite an argument on the nohoglaw Parker said it was an aggressionon the part of the land owner to thepoor man while Turner who has ex-


both sides of the questionfavored the nohog law and said ev-


farmer in the county would bebetter off with a nohog law Thatsince he penned his hogs and cared forthem he had dollars now where hedidnt hnve doughnuts when the farmhogs on the range principle and mostof his hogs were razorbacks andwind splitters Frank knows whereofhe speaks


Do not bo porsuanefl Into takinganything but Foleys Honey and Tarfor chronic coughs bronchitis hayfever asthma and lung trouble as itstops the cough and heals the lungsSold by all druggists

LOST Monday morning between GA Xashs store and Ocala Printingcompanys office an undressed tanhandbag containing gold watch andchain plain gold ring 1 in moneyand visiting cards of U Mrs ClarenceGarettson Philips Suitable rewardwill be paid for its return to George-L Taylor or the Star office-

S A Fackler former editor of theCrystal River News has dramatizedhis book on The Ups and Downs of aCountry Editor New York theatri-cal


managers have placed the play onthe boards nnd the probabilities arethat Sam will win fame and fortune

I We understand the dramatic critics ofthe Atlanta Georgian recently favor-ablyI noticed the play in a lengthy ar-ticle


and no doubt it will be well re-


by the theater going publicInverness Chronicle

We sincerely hope that Sam i = ex-


one of the Ups

KILLS WOULDBE SLAYERA merciless murderer i appendicitis

with many victims But Dr KingsNew Life Pills kill it by preventionThey gently stimulate stomach liveranj bowels preventing that cloggingthat invites appendicitis curing con-stipation


biliousness chills malariaheadache and indigestion 25c at alldruggists

Three cents will fan you for tenhours Get one of those Hinch Westtnghouaa fans from H W Tucker


Odd Fellows meet tonight

Woodmen meet Friday evening

Filing cases at the Ocala News Co

Waukesha Ginger Ale at Eallards-

Mesbis G and W K McLean of I

Conant are guests of the Montezuma

FOR KENT A large pasture closeIn Apply at this office

IMr and Mrs W J Justice of Pitts

burg are guests of the Montezuma-

Mrs J B Hull of Port Inglis is aguest of the Montezuma

Call and see the new hook nl tI-

the Ocala 7 ws Co-

Ir Walter Dopson of Jacksonville-is a guest of the Montezuma

Have yui seen the picture puzzlepost cards at the Ocala News Co


There were 2S arrivals at the Monte-zuma



Bathing caps just received at theCourt Pharmacy-

Mr Pat Randall of Connor was inthe city today

IMr J H Xichols of Wildwood is a

business visitor in the city todayI

Mrs R L Martin of Weir Park wasin the city today-



J G Lege of Woodmar was in I

the city this afternoon between trains

WANTED good young man totake orders and deliver goods Applyat the Star office

Miss Caroline Pasteur of Stantoncame up this afternoon to do someshopping

Have you seen the new visible FaySholes typewriter R C Davis Cogeneral agents

Messrs Alfred and Arthur Brooks ofOldtnwn are guests of the iiontezuma hotel

FOR SA14E1y house the bestcorner location in Ocala on the mar ¬

ket Address R J Potter

Mr J A Owenu of Tampa is amongyesterdays arrivals at tile Montezu-ma



R C Davis Co of Jacksonvillewill sell any make of secondhandtypewriter upon easy terms If desired

Mr L M Crevasse of the tug atPort Ingli is a guest of the Monte ¬

zuma hotel

Are you troubled with dandruffThen try a bottle of Dikes Hair Tonic-at the Court Pharmacy-

Mr J G fledge of Gainesville nflaging salesman for the Singer comwmy is a guest of tIn Montezuma


Mr John Chazal came up from I

Woodmar I this afternoon with hisfather and will leave tonight for col-lege

If the glare of the sun hurts your I

eyes get a jiair of smoked glassesfrom us for 2ric The Postofilce Drug-store


Messrs F M IeGate and C WPerkins of the Logan Cotl rind SupplyCo Jacksonville aie in the city tomeet with thecity council tonight In I

the matter of the paving contract

The city council will meet tonight-In regular session A full attendancei-s desired There is much business to-be



Andrew White one of the pioneersettlers of Citra was a caller today-He said Citra was putting on the airsof growth and prospeiity

Mr S M McGohee anti Mr G WLeitner of Geiger were in town to-


and paid the Star office a Pleasant call

Captain Delong of Candler was inthe city today and was in the happiestof moods He said orange groves look-ed


well and the crop will be fair

Mr C R Krejrer the uptodatemanager of the Times Lninn bureau-in Ocala left this afternoon for PabloBeach to spend a few days


Moving Pictures-and MusicT-

he Best of Entertainment Furnish-ed


by Home Peoni-


Program for this Evening


Full Reel-






Admission 10 and 5 cents

Doors Upen at 730 p m


InformationBuy Cream Flour true-

to its name Yon payno more for it than other I

High grade Flour Ev-


¬ I

pound of it guaran-


¬ i

to be the best thatcan le made from soft



winter wheat Sold ex-







A fivepassenger automobile twocylinder chain drive in firstclasscondition and everything complete forsale cheap for cash Apply to C RTj dings


We have In our fresh supply of re ¬

liable garden and flower seeds for fallplanting Tydings Co


On Fort King avenue one of the mostmodern and convenient residences in 1

the city Apply to 139 Fort King av-enue


HEALTH AND VITALITYCosmetics and lotions will not clear I

your complexion of pimples andblotches like Foleya Orino Laxativefor Indigestion stomach and livertrouble and habitual constipation I

Cleanses the system and is pleasant totake Sold by all druggists I


I have just received a lot of thecelebrated Halophane glass shades forelectric lights These shades increaseyour light power 75 per cent Trythem II W Tucker the electric sup-ply




I will have a car of choice Kentucky-bred horses at my place at EvinstonVia for sale after Aug 20th I havespent two months around my Jld home-at Lexington Ky selecting this stockfrom the farms This stock has beencarefully selected and bought for spotcash direct from the stock raisers Iam in position to save money to pur ¬

chasers of good horses Address LH Willis Jr Evinston Fla

ROOMS FOR RENTElegant furnishe rooms for rent at

the Wisteria Apply to Mrs Jf C


For Infants and Children

Till Kind You Hays Always Bought

Bears theSignature

Mrs M H Hatchell and daughter-Miss Grace Hatchell have returnedfrom Worthington Springs where MissHntehell has been for several weeksanti Mrs Hatchell for a few days

Mrs J W Pearson went to Woodmar this afternoon to pay a visit toMrs IS R Carroll

Mr and Mrs W H Wells returnedyesterday from Macon Fort Valley andTifton Ga where they have beenvisiting frlendt and relatives


Mr J K Dixon of Atlanta andOcala Is in the city a guest of theOcala House Mr Dixon will arriveIn Ocala to spend the winter aboutOctober 1st

Mr W C Zimmerman of Rockwellwith the Dunnellon Phosphate Cowas in town yesterday and today aguest of the Ocala House Mr Zim-merman


will enter college the latterpart of the month to take either a lawor medical course

Miss Josie McClure and her motherI

Mr Robert McClure and her sistersMrs J H Smith and Mrs Leach re-


Saturday from a three weeksouting at Salt Springs They had in-

thed a lovely time and splendid luckcatching fish

The announcements are out of theengagement of Miss Edna Dozier thebeautiful and accomplished daughter-of Mr and Mrs John Dozier to DrSylven McElroy of Orlando Themarriage will take place some timeduring October

Major and Mr G A Nash leftSunday for New York to make theirfall purchases They expect to returnabout the first of October Those whowill have charge of their store duringtheir absence are Missx Josie McClureMiss Carrie Odom and Miss WinnieTucker

Ardis Waterman in the clothing de ¬

partment of the H B Masters storereturned yesterday from a very pleas-ant


trip to Denver St Louis and oth-er


western cities He was particularly-struck with the immense corn fields-of Kansas and Missouri and the num-


of hay stacks He reported apleasant time and greatly enjoyed histrip He was in Denver when thecloudburst washed away five bridgesthrough the canyon of the Arkansasriver

Mr William Douglass of CharletonIs a guest of the Ocala House


Mr F W Ditto says he has neverhad such a demand for houses Hehas calls every day for medium pricedhouses for the working and middleclass of white tenants houses thatwould rent for 58 to 18 a month Itthis is the case in midsummer whatwill the winter seas nshow Ocalahas more people than ever before byhundreds and of the large number ofhouses that have been built within thepast few years there are not a dozenlarge and small vacant in the wholecity


Messrs Mclver MacKay havejust commenced work on a big phos ¬

phate plant for the Dunnelon Phos ¬

phate company at section No 7 inCitrus county between Dunnellon andHolder to take the place of one burn ¬

ed there several months ago The firmhas had the contract for some timebut has been unable to commencework on acctmnt of the high water


The Ocala Lumber and Supply CoUtr Roess interests has the contract-to ship the material practically theentire mill of lumber and all othermaterial to Eustis where Mr C JPhillips of this city is building a 5000residence and to Altoona where MrLightfoot who recently moved therefrom Kentucky is building a 3500home


Mr Charles J Phillips Is certainlykept busy by the people of the LakeRegion No sooner does he begin tosee daylight ahead than those goodpeople saddle some other contractsonto his able shoulders It is certainthat these people and Mr Phillips getalong mighty fine and he must buildthem good houses at a reasonableprice Mr Phillips is building a resi-dence


to cost 5000 In Eustis and alarge garage He is completing onefine residence in Leebburs and has thecontract for another

Brothers in Arms was a good sub-ject


tit the Air Dome last night andThe Sand Man looked mighty nat¬

ural to everybody who knows childrenMiss Moffett and the Monkey

brought the taughs from the crowdhlt an III Wind that Blows no Good-will be the leader to night with fourother good subjects to follow it

Mr Lewis Yonce a member of theStar force took an auto ride to SliverSprings Sunday afternoon On the wayhe followed Mr Henry Livingston-who was accompanied by half a dozendog Mr Livingston turned to theleft of the road to let Mr Yonce passAll the dogs cleared the track but oneseeing which Mr Yonce who wasmoving at a leisurely pace did all hecould to stop the machine and savethe dog but to no purpose the ma ¬

I chine passing over the dog The dogdied from the injuries received MrI

Livingston deemed the dog a very val ¬

uable one having paid 50 for theanimal and being subsequently offer-ed


75 for him Now Mr Livingstondesires Mr Yonce to pay him 75 forthe dog hut the latter gentleman haY-


lOne all he could to save the lifenf tht dog on the public highwaydoes not deem himself legally or crim-inally


liable for the death of the ani-mal


and there the case restsI

We want your prescription workand are prepared to offer you the mostskilled pharmacists and the purest ofdrugs to compound them Tydlngscompany

Mr Maxwell of the Florida Househas received a letter from Mr Yo H


Thomas of Wyoming saying he andfive others would be here Friday tocast their lot with the people of Ma-


county The Star readers willrecall that Mr Thomas was here Inthe early spring and was so pleasedwith Marion that he fell in love withour town and county


One of the most popular youngI

salesmen in Ocala Is Mr A F Drekaat Rheinauers Mr Dreka Is a son ofGeo A Dreka the merchant prinSe ofDeLand and might occupy an easyposition in his fathers immense es-


but prefers winning hisown way in the world He has madefriends by the score since coming toOcala

Master William Fuller after a briefvacation from school has taken a po¬

sition in the shoe department ofRheSnauers big store Will Is a smart

I boy and will probably make a suc-cessful


business mani

Miss Cora Griffin of Anthony wasthe guest over Sunday of Mr and Mrs-D A Miller

Belle Meade SweetsI

Sigar Fruit aNd Chocolate


These delicious candies can be

had oily at

Court Pharmacy



Opeaa Into the Lobb cf tbe OcalaHouse

Offers the very best service ofskilled workmen with modern ap¬

pliances Strictly sanitary Electricfans electric massagesHot RtuuaiBg Water at All Times


5 w q-






t < i

I t

Are making 50cl 75c CI and 1 a day hustl-



tifor theOKG-














I Work GuaranteedA-


KNOBE PIANOti Phone 328-



gg IMI


New crop of garden and lowerseeds just received Win Anderson

i druggist and seedsman Ocala Fla J


I will sell 400 to 500 cords of bestquality wood at Montague station for15q a cord at devot Address C E

FoKlestrom Montague PtaIi

r FOR SALE AT LAKECWEIROne of the handsomest and best lo-


I homes on the east side of LakeWeir Good houses orange grove and1nt yof land cheap for cash Apply-to F W Ditto city I


All kinds of hair work done Satis-faction guaranteed Harriet Hill 212Xorth Magnolia street



Wanted an engertlc man to driveI ice wagon deliver and collect Apply-

to Florida Packing Ice Co city

The following turpentine men werein the city today namely Mr W H oJ

McRainoy of WUdwood Mr Sam Petteway of Dunnellon Mr F M Harpand Mrs Harp of Eureka

1 Mr Robert Taylor the former com-mercial


agent of the A CL was Intown today introducing hiS successorMr Reagan a very pleasant youngman

4 JMrs George L Taylor returned

yesterday from her visit to Suther-land


and St Petersburg She enjoysed her trip very much v i


Mr C H Dame went down to Leesburg yesterday afternoon oh businessconnected with the Woodmen of theWorld

Mr F W Barse of National Bis-cuit


company fame who has madeOcala his home for the past severalyears will commence housekeeping Ina few days upon Mrs Barses returnfrom her western trip Mr Barse hasrented Dr Walter Hoods pretty resi-dence


on Watula street <

Mr B B Richer who spent feunday with Mrs Bittinger returned tothe lake yesterday-


tj I-


Clifford Landers went to Jack-sonville


yesterday to take p positionas operator in the Western Unloflroffice In that city

Mr Ben Todd has severed his con-nection


with the Marion Hardwarecompany and has entered the office ofDr J E Chace to learn the profes ¬


Mrs J W Akin and little SonGeorge who have been spending thepast two months at Ocilla and MaonGa returned home today

State Convict Inspector John TLewis of Moss Bluff is In the citytoday 2 I ij

Rev F C Edwards of Starke edi ¬

tor of the Florida Baptist Witnesswhich is now being published in Jack-sonville

¬Is in the city today

Judge Turnipsped the Justice of thepeace from Mclntosh Is in the city-a gueVtof the Montezuma The Judge-is here to appear before the board ofcounty commissioners in behalf of hisbill ofco ts In the case of the statevs Baynard of Mieanop for gatheringbirds eggs by the bushel Worn thebird nests on the island in OrangeLake Jast June 5

Mr J K Christian of Mcintosh re¬

turned home yesterday from hissemiannual purchasing trip to NewYork City where he went to buygoods for the big store of the Chris-tian


Dixon Co

Miss Anna and Mr William Chris ¬

tian of Mclntosh returned horse yes-terday


from their summers vacationspent in Chiiesbru Icy4

Mr Phil Robinson will leave Sat-urday


for Providence Birt to enterBrown University rT I1t isa graduate of the Ocfrt ifiglifBchtol

I with a good recod as studentT-
