jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1984 - The Gazette News/1984 July - Dec. - The... · Local News ~ K-J...

Local News ~ K-J Jr, Miss Denise Corkill Says "Thanks to All" OI Keajlrick m W>E,/il~,,i . C)I>IIF$ (USPS 574-740) I('effdrick aifd Genesee, Latah Count).12~5xv. qua«s~» oyember 22, 1984 No. 47 Idaho 8 of the Gazette - News Wish Ypa AII Most Joyful Ii Li a 1 , y I I 1 y jh ( j I > i > it l 1 j, rt> Family Fttm "Tr.aznres of Saal'df afjfl RSS(,'ae At Kendrick Senior Center j TIyaifjiag Exercise ,Held oa Baaf Creek A delightful film "Tveas»res oi'he 'Snow", filmed the Swiss Alps a»d suitable for the entire family will be presented at the ICenhvick Senior Citizens >Hall Satuvday eve- ning beginning at 7:00 p. rn. Admis- sion chaige will be $ 1 Per person ivith pre-school c.hildven admit ted 1'iee of charge. ,Any pr'ofits vealized from this shoiv will go to a wovld hunger con ce 1'11. Tlie 1'ili» is bei»g sponsored by the So»thwick Community Ch«r cli, said pastor Clift Morey. I Bv Cllas. Bowel Nove»iber 10 Rial Ll, »icllibeis ol'lie Palouse CIcavw»tei Scarc.'I Rllii kescue units conducted R Lrai»i»g exeircise in seairching foi'he lost per- son in this exercise the subject was yiesunied to be a suicide. "1'vaining map reading, track(I»g, j>er imetei Rnd grid seavchjrig, secuvity and evi- dence search ii»d radio cot»m»nica t.io»s were stressed. 'I'hat evenng (he seaitchevs gathered at the Beat Ridge Community Hall for'n evalu Rtio» of the search. iS»ppev was pve- , pavetj by the unit's cook. Dareld Hazejtine. Following the meal there ivas R video pt<gt'Ri» on s»vvivRI L.echniques. 8»»day a E. L. T. (electro»ic loca- ting Lca»s»iiticv) dowiied aivcrat'1 scairch was conducted 1'or the bene I 'iL of »ea membevs Rntj Rs a vefresli- cv 1'ov experie»ced niembevs. This I.raining uses radio direct,iu» 1 ill>jove, colllpass Riid 1»Rp techlii- ques. Tea»i '> was»iost accurate iii report,ing by radio its compass read- ings. Ajj teams found Lhe little blacli box with fts anteruia and red lighL. One of the team members became the injured pilot Rittj was carviid i'iom the, scene oi'he supposed site 1>y sf»lies st I cichei wilh sjmujatect , 1>: ckeit bz>i>c.'ti J concussion witlt . Rppvoxim,.tejy otiP-hali'die of cai vy I!.Cfitg dc .e. 'I'Itr sc P.it Licil>:1Li»g this week- c.ic. «i r 11 cve weve: Warney, j BiLly, 1",>L R»d 51ike May, Davelu J ulie R»J Vvy»LL HRZelti»e, Charl»s Bower Rnd Shane Taylor, Rjj of Lhc ICendi'ick area; Dennis Rnd Ginger Clemm, Jerry, Kathy, Tanya and Tam»iy Clemi», >Lai vj Di ury Rnd Gene >Neff of Troy;Ro» Rnd Kathy >RRtjibu»; Keith Walker Rnd Ke» Buxto» of >Moscow Edd,Anderson oi Potlatch Rnd Little I.iedbald of Puif- man, the unit Liainjng officer. On Sat«vday. Base Camp coordi naiovs were ~Little 'Liedblad, Wavney May Rnd Dareld Hazelti»e. SiindA1 Base Camp Coovdi»ators weve EoJ Anderson, Charlie Bo1ver Rnd F.. M. T. J1iike IVIRy. The exercise was staged Bear Creek Canyon. Southwick, Golfjjejf Rule News Bv Gavle Marek Ifpilielllakei s h en S- 'Mvs. Al»ia ILRwve»cc was hostess fov I.he Novembev meeting of thc jSoiiihwiclc Exte»sio» Homemakei s Club on Friday, iNov. 16. The plans 'for the annual Christmas Dinnev was scheduled for Sat»vday, Gec. 15 at 6:00 p, m. Tlie pi»ocj1je pa viy R»d ilessert sale held >Satuvday, Nov. 17 and it was successful R»d f»n. G»ests from Kendvlclc drove»p R»d helped to »iake Lhe evening ei1joyable. Mv. »Iid I Mrs. Butch Baldwin of Kooskia, ivho were guests of John and Fran Holifv» wel'e also prese»t. The prize of "goose" was won by I Judy Foster. The other. winners wcic j Dorine Stampev, Butch Baldwin, Syl- vester Czmowslci and Sonja Lohma», Jim Feelfng I»1fnoved- 'M. anil >Mrs. Jim Whiti»gev drove to Spoka»e on Thursday. Jim isve- ported Lo be feeji»g g»uch better 1'ol- I jo1ving recent treatment in Spokane. Mv. Rnd Mrs. Dan Sullivan 1veve Wednesday evening callers of Jim Rnd Cladys. Mr. R»d IMv. Ken Wil- Icen weve 8at»vday evening callers. Gon Rnd Julie Cooper wish to thank everyo»e for their hely, con- cern, phone calls and other acts of kindness 1:hey have received since 'Don's accident. >Don is recovering well and is on ci»tches to get; around. We all wish him a speedy recovery! Lutheraffs Have Thanksgiving 5ef vict Mr. and Mm. W. G. Cplwell, Lew- iston. weve dinner guests of Mv. and Mys, Jack Mustoe Thursday. Mr. Rnd Mvs. Tom King were Sunday dinner guests. I IS»nday guests of Mv. R»d Mvs. Mark >M»stoc weve Tom and Alice Scherer ai1d sons oi'vaigmon(, and George Rnd A»n .Andeisori R»d fat»- ily of Troy. J»liaetta Luthevans, will celebrate R time of Thanksgiving by sharing R so»p supper at 6:00 p. m, Wednes day (Nov. 21) at Zion Luthera» chuvch. IFollowing the meal, LhL) will gather in the church for a bvfi i', informal service of Thanksgivi»g. At, Cameron, Thanksgiving wor- ship will be at 9;30 on Thanksgiving morning. The choir will sing Rnd the congregation will have an oppor- tunity to share pevso»tij prayers of thanks. The sevvice will be infoi. mal. This is also the occasion when »icmbers of both congregations i»ake offerings for the Luthevayi Chugjcjy Intevnatio»al Hunger Atp- I) eal. We invite our friends Rnd any vis- itors to share this time of Thanks- giving with us. Women's Basketball Group To Meet Saturday Morning The women', 18 and over, basket ball team will meet this Saturday, November 24 to work off Thanks- giving dinner. However the group 1vifj NO>1'eet IDec. 1, as the local PTSO is sponsoring a dance-a-tho» in Lhe high school gym. Tjijs 8atur- tjay's game will again be from 8.'30 Lo 9:30 a. m. Reghtonaf Ag Daps— 6 Mark Mustoe veminds local f'avm- ers and ranchers of the Regional Ag, Days Nov. 30 Rnd >Dec. 1. The Iwwjs- ton Chamber of 'Commerce Rnd the hNez:Perce Rnd Asotln County Cat- tlemen Rve working together Lo spon- sor an Agvic»ltural Weefc. Keynote speakers and displays Rnd otbei act.- ivities are planned. Registration will be RL the Elks Nov. 30 at 11 R. m. (activities m the horse industry Rie scheduled for Dec. 2) Dec. 3rd is the Farm-City Lunch- eon and (Banquet. Dec. 4 is a session on Farm Rnd Ranch Income Tax. IFor more fiiformstjon, call Jay Ney, Nez Perce County Agent. The beei Rnd horse seminars Rie designed Lo promote education in both fields and should benefit both the small farm and ranch operation Rnd the larger operations. The public is invited to attend and yavticipaie these wovthwlille pto-, grams. Sunday Rj'Lei~ioon and evening vis- itors of Mi Rnd IMrs Walt Zelinsky weve gi Rndchfldren Shaun a»d Wendy. Mr. and Mrs..RRy (Rem»1fck weve Monday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walt Zelfnsky. Tuesday Henny Reil Rnd 11elen Zelinsky went tiout fishing. Satur- day evening Helen and Walt attend. ed the Methodist Church dinner Rnd bazaar. HOT LUNCH MENU FOR KENDRICK-JULIAETTA 5Ionday, Nov. 26— Pizza. Burgei French Fries witli catsup c»p Applesauce Frosted Graham Pint Mf1k 'J'uewlayr Nov. 27— Chicken and Noodles '1'aco Salad Tello with Fvtiit oi Fruit Pint Milk In Thanksgiving Remember the Hungry For scenes of beauLy we give Thanks again. For songs of the past, almost forgotten; For friends gone Rfai, bui. »ow brought Lo mind, And loved ones we vemembev sweet and kind. For neighborly spirit often portrayed In everyday gieeii»gs wa«mly displayed. We bow our heads in gratitude today, Now help us shave with t,hc starving, we pray. Lucille Magn»so» j Aednesday, Np~. 28— Burrito Buttered Corn Pears Carrot Cake Pint Milk Tjiursday, Nov. 29— Batter Dipped Cod with Tartar Sauce Orange Juice Mixed Buttered Vegetable~ Sesame Cheese Bread T»tti-1 ruitti Pudding Pint Milk I would truly like to thank every- one for their great sutpport, through 1 cards, letters, flowers,'nd plants, AIRx and Cindy Armitage and sons while I was at the Junior Miss Schol- of Lewiston were Friday evening arship progvam in Moscow. It was ci »»er guests of Ross Rnd Inez Avm- a,good feeling to know I was backed i..i;e. They Rll enjoyed the basket- up by such wonderful people Rs T.,ii game at the high school later. y'ourselves. You made me feel Ypl 94 Sunday. din»ev guests of Peggy extremely P1oud to represent the fi.t>I >Don Bateman to help them cele- communities of Kendrick ancj J»l- 1 >-»te their 35th wedding anniversary iaetta. V., ve Tevvy and Gianne Taylor and While I was there I gained many c..iidven oi'ottonwood; Sharon and experiences I will carry with me the ~eI >..t >cadur or Lem>>ron ahd Dave hnt> rest or my life. z feel so >>rivnezr> l ha staff afjjl gprfagpafj(lafjtS 1'enjse Bateman and family, to have been able to go and shave Sunday dinner guests oi'abel these experiences with the many C.",Iiison weve Bob ICallison, Audra other girls from the, State of Idaho. R»tf John. It was through your suypovt that .'.uhy craig >vhr a hrt>rdhy over >-war>hie to do ro. w1>hmy schol- i I j j j ' II I ~ 1>i.;ht guest of granddaughter Toni arship award I plan to attend col- Ij y'' I ~kett in tLewjston. lege and pursue a career in Business . ~ ', I l I J >.'ffie tPowell 'was a Sunday Rftei'- Administration, ii:ui1 caller at Opal Draper's. Again, I extend my sincere gmif- sunday dinner guests of Art and tude to the community, school a«d II 6',i~xjne >Foster were Arley and Mat- Jv. Miss committee. I owe a lot Lo / Li'llen of Juliaetta. >Faye Rnd Lou- you for enabling me to participate >. n»rrr hr Or>a'»r >hart»h rh: >»hrh r, rmr»ronrhhL Zhhhh r«>. R.fernoon. Genise Corkill Harold Wilson of Spokane spent fi om Tuesday until Thursday with h:. mother Idh olemehhhgeh. Sarur- ling) diiy Ida attended a baby shower for Co:inie Anderson at Annie Clemen- lumen's in Juliaetta. Jean Clemen- H I: "„rn whr co-host>»'. Hajjaf jQaa(»jjt5 I'niiizer Prize Winning . A L ( W Quarter . 1984+5 POet, EditO< YiSitS Kendrick ' ~ s O~ 6 Dah hhn Lenanr>lr Momrehh, Avr >aehrr» rrhr~ee nrrh>ey K>mitz, renamed hr one or~ geafaf (Itic>nfjS party 11fovgan and sons. Lucille called on Karen Clemenhagen, Lisa Gravelfc. and editors, visited in Kendrick last, Giace Lind Thursday afternoon and Stj, Grade. ' Friday morning. Mr. >Kunitz was a4 >A. L. C. W. ladies of Camevon L>'m- on Ida Clemenhagen'.Friday morning. Matt G1avelle Jujie B Leman Th~ ie the Vjniversity of Idaho last week j ma»»el Lutheran Church hosted a Siinday morning visitors were Don Syve1spn to conduct a workshop for yoets andi p:ivty fpv t.he Golden Sunset Senioi n»il ILeria Belle Morgan, >Roger Mor- writers. >He came to Kendrick to vis-.l Citizens at 'Lhe Center November 12. gu» and Scott. John G~veije it with Bill IRoth and Carolyn Gra-.j wiih R delicious l»nclieon served to Crace ILind Rnd Milton Li1»j of Bilan Parks H ldi Rell velle. He was accompanied by Dr., Rppi'oximately 60. The tables were >Lcwiston were Sunday dinner guest,s 11th Grade.'(Luk E tRon IMCFirjand, Idaho cuirent Writ-'ea»t,if'»lly decovated in the Tjumks- oi'eon and Ruby Lind at Viola. 12th Grade: Danny Emery 'SL~jn;residence, ahd Tina IForiyes, o ivi»g theme. ,Ann Gale of Lewiston spent Thurs- IHIjgji Igp11p~ 70 zf gg head of the 'Creative IWviting Depart- Past.ov John Blom, of Camevon cl;iy with 'parents (Ruth Rnd Bill 7tj, Giade. Tjaci'nderson Heatj,„v ment at the University. Ei»»1aiiuel Church, led the gvo»p 111 FW 11jte. Jensen. IKunitz's "Selected Poems" .pub- pi eyer. This was followed by 11 very Jim Tiavls aild Ipete and Claral 8th Grade: Sara Emery lished in 1958, won him the Pulitzer i»ieresting talk by Frank Jacobso» )Vare attended memorial services 9th Grade: Tracy Anderson Prize. Veteran's Gay as it was when he foi Wmida Jean Russel at Norfand 1pth Grade: None hlany'eople are familiar with w'is young Rncl as it is now. He fiineral home in 'Grangeville Satur- 11th Grade: Rocky Smith Kunitz's name and work because,'cd'. held the group spellbound with his day. ],2th Grade Rebecca Emery T„d his editing of biographical dictlonar-''Ivid descriptions of the parades— C»ests at Ava Weyens in addition Dem,ler Denise Cprkjjj Melodic ies of Amevican, English and Euro- otic could air»ost here the drums and Lo her sistel Laulllle Wallace of Deed Patty Loin an pean authors. His editorial work in- ('II'cs Rs they passed. ;Seattle 1riday evening foi' yizza 11 no~25 $ 69 eludes nearly 18 years with the Yale! Then a quartet, composed of Ann Party were Carol Heitstuma», «le 7tj1 Grade ~ Gsnette Heinen series of Younger Poets. ''Rvks, Pat >Holt, Fiank JRcojison, Rnd Tvaci Gorman Rnd son Jyjjke, all 8tj «ade.' . Heh,~ Re„eeHe >Kunitz has also served as Library R»d 'Hoi'st Riel sang "LVonderfuf of Moscow; ICaye Rnd Wayne Harris, weft Chad Henspn Jaspn Butler of Congress consultant on poetry, a Giace of Jesus", and ",Sweet, Sweet Shari and Ed Pea, Joan Gertje Rnd Chad >Sneve 'Post sometimes regarded as similar SPivit". A.ll joined in sh1gi»g "God Ju1fa and Neal and Vjvjan Craig gth Grade ~ Audia Cajfjspn Rpdney io that of R national "yoet laureate." Bless America". Ruth 'Slind Rccom ICallers during the week Rt Lloyd C k J d G ier Carrie Dentpn Carolyn Gravelle was one of 19 pa»ied the singers at the piano. Mix. RndZsther Schreffler were Faye and IRpnn'je IHewett ICfm Mprey Jpy area poets Rnd writers selected to Slind also Played two solos, "Deav Louie Porter of Orofino, 'haron Wood ' ParticiPate in the workshoP conduct-: Heart", Rnd "Autumn Leaves." Harris, Helen Fey, Bob Heidenreich; 1Pth Grade Jane ~oren, Marcene ed by Mi. Kunitz. A.ftev the program, pinochle was from Troy IGarry and Terry San Smitji, Juue Woods Chris White. played at six tables. Oyal Draper son, ILuke and 'Lloyd, Geb'bie Whit- 11th Grade: Karen Rejf, Tony Hen-'on high for women. Bill White was 'ney, Tim, Lacey and Danny, and son, Marta Jason Lg > high for i»en Rnd also took home Jody, Jon and Jennifer iFey and Mel- 12th G ~ . N Qgtgeg 'lg,/gg +Oleg Lh'oose. WO11fe»'s low went to issa MCAlmond. Honorable Men@On: $,00 . $,24 Co»nie Fey Rnd men's low to Ray Sunday a'f ernoon callers at the 7th >Grad: John Cajfjson, Maury 4%AZL g 'ojumsky, Ida T>'leshina» I.pole the Ed Brown home to wish grandmother Hejer Janel Shove Michael Steele, LlJIIl. NNllIVGI SON'V, "-9's Lula "Happy Birthday", weve Jenny Christopher,Vanderdoes s 1-'fosiesses fov Lhe day were Doris 8th Grade: Leah Heimgartner, Gram The Hjjj and Vailey Garden Club 'Sf(flow, Ruth Slind, Shary Silf low, >MCGrego,'BrianÃ'jtt celebrated'its20thanniver~ary Tues»d irgi1iia Jacobson. We wish to Rese Brown. Monday Ed and u a gtj1 Grade: JLTstjne Ladd, Brendon day, Novemb r 20th Wth a ~tjuck thank these ladies and all the other enjoyed lunch in Lewiston to cele- Millard luncheon at the Fraternal Temple. '"'"'" 's of the A.. L. C. W. for the biate liei birthday an 'a er 1pth Grade: Deena Brocke, Rana A variety df dejjcfoLL casseroles, lovel) luncheon Rnd program. called on Dan and M ize IDill~. Stamp 1, Rpb rt Blair. 'alads and relishes 'were enjoyed by've 311 enjoyed it very much. Laurine Wallace of Kdmonds, Wa.> 11,th Grade: Dale Renfrew> Robert thirty-two m mber and four guests IVe also wish R take this oPPortu- returned home .Sunday p, Jones, Kjm Ajfo1g,. John Biyan KayyCarey, Gistrict Girector; Marie»ity to wish each of you R very ing a week visiting relatives here. 12th G1ade: Terry Johns, Michelie Mirshajl, past IState President who "HapPy Thanksgiving" Rnd our Thursday she accompanied her moth- M~ Blessings to all. er, Sue Orajg and sister ANij, Weyen y helPed organ1ze the IHffj and Valley Sue C 'o Lewiston; They 'njoyed dinner,. = ., " Garden Cjtib; Irene Williams frp~. «1 g. po ei'ut then called on cousin Eula Ab- 'he Moscow Garden Club, a'nd Maty >Miller of ISalt Lake City, wylo was R Saturday from a week's elk hunt in NOVEllmER 02, lgS4 ests of Ava, Weyen and visited SENIORS their names and mentioning a floral Glenn and >Rjta Tiumev of Cia.vks. arrangement in their honor. 'She also ton visited Annie Clemenbagen on brother Neal and wife Vjvian Craig, H,tgfiggt Honors (40) gave a delightful resume of the Wednesday afternoon. They enjoyed C ' L rine was born Ba g rtner, Dpn club's activities and asked. each lady dinner at >Granny's Pantry Rnd lat,ev to recall a memorable experience in Annie visited Bob iCjemenhagen in connection with the Club. This was Lewiston, Ted IWunderlichs of Clavks- very interesting to the newer mern- were Friday luncheon guests at hers and Promoted a feeling of fel- Annie's Bruce Clemenhmagen of Saturday and they attended the suy- ILjbey lowsh'p. 1 Vancouver Wasl ' n pent Fri- 1lng 0 s A beautiful anniversary cake was day and .Saturdaly with his mother served and a social hour was enjoy- Annie Clemenhagen. They enjoyed 1 ed by all. dinner at the iCovnev ~Cafe in Deary. Mv. and IMrs. Neil Myott, Julie and Gon of Palouse weve Sunday supper ~>s S S IS & guests of Annie. SaSeetna~~ et.aSOn5 W'jlljam Tscjia»tz of Littleton, Colorado arrived >Nov. 9th for a visit guests of Grandmother Callison. a ~ l a 1vfth his brothers, Chris and Henry Whitcraft, Ellen eeIIN rOF eOVS Tschantz of:Southivick Rnd brother- Hon='whle Mention (S.S) in-law and sister, Rufus and Anna H 't tiNh '4 I tjt 4'Bevans, Steve Both the Genesee Bulldogs Rnd the ospital Nohs... Smith, Sam >Kendri"k Tigers open the boys bas. Pete Tschantz Rnd'randdaughter, JUNIOIIIS . G Honors ($.6) ternoon for a 3-day visit. Bob and Allen >Wendy Sandy Fry of Juliaetta entered Danielson, L'caffe Sacred 'Hearyt Hospital in 8pokane IFeigenbutz, Christy Nov. 13 for SLLrgery the 14th to 1'e- Ferguson, Dean move pressure from a chest artery Hopkins, Shelly She was released Tuesday the 20th Martinez, Jon and js recuperating satisfactorily at 'Sinclair, Jeff Zenner, Aaron Honorable Mention ($ :S) Sufjpw- Kjnyon, Chad IMildred Silfjow was released fron1 McCurdy, Wendie Kamper Club Meeting Red Cross Bloodmobile is improving slowly and very pleased Hgghest Honors (4,0) Is Monday, Nov. 26 At KHS Gym Dec 6 to be home. Esser, Guy Are you folks aware that the Red Ferguson, Debra The regular potluck supper an Cross Bloodmobile will b at the K. Ringe, Wendy p f„H. tS. Gym Thursday, December 6th Zenner, Chris Community Thanksgiving Honors (s.6) Service Contributes $ 75 Becker, Chris p esse, a campers y To Valley Food Sank Type O bloodisin unusual demanj, tell aboutthefv vecent trip to Flor- The Community Thanksgiving Ser- H ida, vices held Monday at the Kendrick ~ ri Retired Persons Assoc Community United Methodist Church Borg'P t Chili Feed Nov. 27 Fund Raiser Dec. 6 Come tp the senior class chili feecl American Association of Retired half f th e lnisters Nov. 27th, before the boys first home Persons, Hells Canyon Chapter No. ,'O behalf « the,ar;™~"t'„'; Wuson, Chris game. Let's show some spirit and 963 will sponsor a salad bar, chili, pie support for our team and it couldn't and drink fund raiser on Dec. 6, 1984 hurt to atop in the high school cafe- from 11 a. m. to 2:30 at the Com. der Does offered his ratitude to the teria for a super meal of chili, salad, munity Center, 1424 Main SL. in Lew- and dessert. We will be serving iston. $ S.M "ytud"tt P50$ md5'dfdt'. Potlatch Ridge Workers IXpnors (S.B) under 5, $ 1.00. ISeconds ~free. Come Achievement Night Nov. 19 8tout, Don join us and enjoy good food and the potlatch Ridge XVorkers Achieve- P. T. S, 0. to Meet Vestal, Carrie boy's first game of the seaso11. ment ¹ight was held on Nov. 19 at Monday, Nov. 26 Hono~le Mentjpn (SA) 6:00 p. m. Before the awards were Fitting, Aaron SN)Ckp St'O~IIifj Retuf j)BA handed out'. There was a Poi luck The next P. T. S. O. meeting will ILilya, Jennifer dinner. Alj Lhe food was excellent. be held at Nov. 26 at 7:30 p. m. in MCKenzie, Brenda As Rec. District Directors - Awards were given out to those the Kendrick high school. The Stauber, Anja It should be reported that both who won special awards at the Fair, theme for this meeting is Continuing 7TH GRADE: i Dean IBrocke and Gary Browning Reporter, Karen Clemenhagen Education. Honors (S.6) were re-elected as directors of the Mary Emery, Director of Readi Johnson, Cindy j Juliaetta Kendrick Recreation Dist. Gell8See BOOStef Club Project in Ag Communications Cen- Wahl, Wendy 1 at thy November 6 election. ter at the U/I Rnd Iftay Ladd, Dean Tash, Lissa Brocke, who is presently chairman Spaghetti Feed Dec. 2 of Business College at L. C. S. C. Honorable Mention ($,$ ) of the board, received 415 votes to The Booster Club spaghetti feed will be our guest speakers. Asbjoneen, Ericka be returned for another 4 year term date has been set for:Sunday, De- Thls meeting has been designated Hampton, tLjsa as Director for Sub-District 2. cember 2 at the multi-purpose room as Bring s, Friend Night. So ask IMayer, Jeremy Browning received 403 votes to be of the school. Serving: 5-00 - 7:00 a friend and come to P. T. S. O. on IRtfnge, Ryan rejected as Director from Sub-Dis p. m. Adult: $ 3.50; children: !)1.50, 'onday, Nov, 26, See you there. Wilson, Ryan trlct No. 1. family ticket: $ 10.00.

Transcript of jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1984 - The Gazette News/1984 July - Dec. - The... · Local News ~ K-J...

Page 1: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1984 - The Gazette News/1984 July - Dec. - The... · Local News ~ K-J Jr, Miss Denise Corkill Says "Thanks to All" OI Keajlrick m W>E,/il~,,i . C)I>IIF$

Local News ~

K-J Jr, Miss Denise CorkillSays "Thanks to All"

OI Keajlrickm

W>E,/il~,,i . C)I>IIF$(USPS 574-740) I('effdrick aifd Genesee, Latah Count).12~5xv. qua«s~» oyember 22, 1984 No. 47

Idaho 8

of the Gazette - News Wish Ypa AII Most Joyful

Ii Li a1 , y I I 1 y jh (j I

> i > it l1 j,


Family Fttm "Tr.aznres of Saal'df afjfl RSS(,'aeAt Kendrick Senior Center

j TIyaifjiag Exercise

,Held oa Baaf CreekA delightful film "Tveas»res


'Snow", filmed i» the Swiss Alpsa»d suitable for the entire familywill be presented at the ICenhvickSenior Citizens >Hall Satuvday eve-ning beginning at 7:00 p. rn. Admis-sion chaige will be $1 Per personivith pre-school c.hildven admit ted1'iee of charge.

,Any pr'ofits vealized from thisshoiv will go to a wovld hunger conce 1'11.

Tlie 1'ili» is bei»g sponsored bythe So»thwick Community Ch«r cli,said pastor Clift Morey.

I Bv Cllas. Bowel

Nove»iber 10 Rial Ll, »icllibeisol'liePalouse CIcavw»tei Scarc.'I Rllii

kescue units conducted R Lrai»i»gexeircise in seairching foi'he lost per-son—in this exercise the subject wasyiesunied to be a suicide. "1'vaining i»map reading, track(I»g, j>er imeteiRnd grid seavchjrig, secuvity and evi-dence search ii»d radio cot»m»nicat.io»s were stressed. 'I'hat evenng(he seaitchevs gathered at the BeatRidge Community Hall for'n evaluRtio» of the search. iS»ppev was pve-

, pavetj by the unit's cook. DareldHazejtine. Following the meal thereivas R video pt<gt'Ri» on s»vvivRIL.echniques.

8»»day a E. L. T. (electro»ic loca-ting Lca»s»iiticv) dowiied aivcrat'1scairch was conducted 1'or the bene


'iL of »ea membevs Rntj Rs a vefresli-cv 1'ov experie»ced niembevs.

This I.raining uses radio direct,iu»1 ill>jove, colllpass Riid 1»Rp techlii-ques. Tea»i '> was»iost accurate iiireport,ing by radio its compass read-ings. Ajj teams found Lhe little blaclibox with fts anteruia and red lighL.One of the team members becamethe injured pilot Rittj was carviidi'iom the, scene oi'he supposed site1>y sf»lies st I cichei wilh sjmujatect

,1>: ckeit bz>i>c.'ti J concussion witlt

. Rppvoxim,.tejy otiP-hali'die of cai vyI!.Cfitg dc .e.

'I'Itr sc P.it Licil>:1Li»g i» this week-c.ic.«i r 11 cve weve: Warney,

jBiLly, 1",>L R»d 51ike May, DaveluJ ulie R»J Vvy»LL HRZelti»e, Charl»sBower Rnd Shane Taylor, Rjj of LhcICendi'ick area; Dennis Rnd GingerClemm, Jerry, Kathy, Tanya andTam»iy Clemi», >Lai vj Di ury RndGene >Neff of Troy;Ro» Rnd Kathy>RRtjibu»; Keith Walker Rnd Ke»Buxto» of >Moscow Edd,Anderson oiPotlatch Rnd Little I.iedbald of Puif-man, the unit Liainjng officer.

On Sat«vday. Base Camp coordinaiovs were ~Little 'Liedblad, WavneyMay Rnd Dareld Hazelti»e. SiindA1Base Camp Coovdi»ators weve EoJAnderson, Charlie Bo1ver Rnd F.. M.T. J1iike IVIRy.

The exercise was staged I» BearCreek Canyon.


Golfjjejf Rule NewsBv Gavle Marek

Ifpilielllakei s h en S-'Mvs. Al»ia ILRwve»cc was hostess

fov I.he Novembev meeting of thcjSoiiihwiclc Exte»sio» Homemakei sClub on Friday, iNov. 16. The plans'for the annual Christmas Dinnev wasscheduled for Sat»vday, Gec. 15 at6:00 p, m.

Tlie pi»ocj1je pa viy R»d ilessertsale held >Satuvday, Nov. 17 and itwas successful R»d f»n. G»ests fromKendvlclc drove»p R»d helped to»iake Lhe evening ei1joyable. Mv. »Iid

IMrs. Butch Baldwin of Kooskia, ivhowere guests of John and Fran Holifv»wel'e also prese»t.

The prize of "goose" was won byI Judy Foster. The other. winners wcicjDorine Stampev, Butch Baldwin, Syl-vester Czmowslci and Sonja Lohma»,

Jim Feelfng I»1fnoved-'M. anil >Mrs. Jim Whiti»gev droveto Spoka»e on Thursday. Jim isve-ported Lo be feeji»g g»uch better 1'ol-

Ijo1ving recent treatment in Spokane.Mv. Rnd Mrs. Dan Sullivan 1veveWednesday evening callers of JimRnd Cladys. Mr. R»d IMv. Ken Wil-Icen weve 8at»vday evening callers.

Gon Rnd Julie Cooper wish tothank everyo»e for their hely, con-cern, phone calls and other acts ofkindness 1:hey have received since'Don's accident. >Don is recoveringwell and is on ci»tches to get; around.We all wish him a speedy recovery!

Lutheraffs Have

Thanksgiving 5efvict

Mr. and Mm. W. G. Cplwell, Lew-iston. weve dinner guests of Mv. andMys, Jack Mustoe Thursday. Mr. Rnd

Mvs. Tom King were Sunday dinnerguests. I

IS»nday guests of Mv. R»d Mvs.Mark >M»stoc weve Tom and AliceScherer ai1d sons oi'vaigmon(, andGeorge Rnd A»n .Andeisori R»d fat»-ily of Troy.

J»liaetta Luthevans, will celebrateR time of Thanksgiving by sharingR so»p supper at 6:00 p. m, Wednesday (Nov. 21) at Zion Luthera»chuvch. IFollowing the meal, LhL)will gather in the church for a bvfi i',

informal service of Thanksgivi»g.At, Cameron, Thanksgiving wor-

ship will be at 9;30 on Thanksgivingmorning. The choir will sing Rndthe congregation will have an oppor-tunity to share pevso»tij prayers ofthanks. The sevvice will be infoi.mal.

This is also the occasion when»icmbers of both congregationsi»ake offerings for the LuthevayiChugjcjy Intevnatio»al Hunger Atp-

I)eal.We invite our friends Rnd any vis-

itors to share this time of Thanks-giving with us.

Women's Basketball GroupTo Meet Saturday Morning

The women', 18 and over, basketball team will meet this Saturday,November 24 to work off Thanks-giving dinner. However the group1vifj NO>1'eet IDec. 1, as the localPTSO is sponsoring a dance-a-tho»in Lhe high school gym. Tjijs 8atur-tjay's game will again be from 8.'30Lo 9:30 a. m.

Reghtonaf Ag Daps— 6Mark Mustoe veminds local f'avm-

ers and ranchers of the Regional Ag,Days Nov. 30 Rnd >Dec. 1. The Iwwjs-ton Chamber of 'Commerce Rnd thehNez:Perce Rnd Asotln County Cat-tlemen Rve working together Lo spon-sor an Agvic»ltural Weefc. Keynotespeakers and displays Rnd otbei act.-ivities are planned.

Registration will be RL the ElksNov. 30 at 11 R. m. (activities m thehorse industry Rie scheduled for Dec.2) Dec. 3rd is the Farm-City Lunch-eon and (Banquet. Dec. 4 is a sessionon Farm Rnd Ranch Income Tax.IFor more fiiformstjon, call Jay Ney,Nez Perce County Agent. The beeiRnd horse seminars Rie designed Lo

promote education in both fields andshould benefit both the small farmand ranch operation Rnd the largeroperations.

The public is invited to attend andyavticipaie i» these wovthwlille pto-,grams.

Sunday Rj'Lei~ioon and evening vis-itors of Mi Rnd IMrs Walt Zelinskyweve gi Rndchfldren Shaun a»dWendy.

Mr. and Mrs..RRy (Rem»1fck weveMonday dinner guests of Mr. andMrs. Walt Zelfnsky.

Tuesday Henny Reil Rnd 11elenZelinsky went tiout fishing. Satur-day evening Helen and Walt attend.ed the Methodist Church dinner Rndbazaar.


5Ionday, Nov. 26—Pizza. BurgeiFrench Fries witli catsup c»pApplesauceFrosted Graham

Pint Mf1k

'J'uewlayr Nov. 27—Chicken and Noodles'1'aco SaladTello with Fvtiit oi Fruit

Pint Milk

In ThanksgivingRemember the Hungry

For scenes of beauLy we giveThanks again.

For songs of the past, almostforgotten;

For friends gone Rfai, bui. »owbrought Lo mind,

And loved ones we vemembevsweet and kind.

For neighborly spirit oftenportrayed

In everyday gieeii»gs wa«mlydisplayed.

We bow our heads in gratitudetoday,

Now help us shave with t,hcstarving, we pray.—Lucille Magn»so»

jAednesday, Np~. 28—

BurritoButtered CornPearsCarrot Cake

Pint Milk

Tjiursday, Nov. 29—Batter Dipped Cod with

Tartar SauceOrange JuiceMixed Buttered Vegetable~Sesame Cheese BreadT»tti-1 ruitti Pudding

Pint Milk

I would truly like to thank every-one for their great sutpport, through 1cards, letters, flowers,'nd plants,

AIRx and Cindy Armitage and sons while I was at the Junior Miss Schol-of Lewiston were Friday evening arship progvam in Moscow. It wasci »»er guests of Ross Rnd Inez Avm- a,good feeling to know I was backedi..i;e. They Rll enjoyed the basket- up by such wonderful people RsT.,ii game at the high school later. y'ourselves. You made me feel Ypl 94

Sunday. din»ev guests of Peggy extremely P1oud to represent thefi.t>I >Don Bateman to help them cele- communities of Kendrick ancj J»l-1 >-»te their 35th wedding anniversary iaetta.V., ve Tevvy and Gianne Taylor and While I was there I gained manyc..iidven oi'ottonwood; Sharon and experiences I will carry with me the ~eI>..t >cadur or Lem>>ron ahd Dave hnt> rest or my life. z feel so >>rivnezr> l ha staff afjjl gprfagpafj(lafjtS1'enjse Bateman and family, to have been able to go and shave

Sunday dinner guests oi'abel these experiences with the manyC.",Iiison weve Bob ICallison, Audra other girls from the, State of Idaho.R»tf John. It was through your suypovt that

.'.uhy craig >vhr a hrt>rdhy over >-war>hie to do ro. w1>hmy schol- iI j j j

' II I ~

1>i.;ht guest of granddaughter Toni arship award I plan to attend col- Ij y''I ~kett in tLewjston. lege and pursue a career in Business . ~ ',

I l I J>.'ffie tPowell 'was a Sunday Rftei'- Administration,

ii:ui1 caller at Opal Draper's. Again, I extend my sincere gmif-sunday dinner guests of Art and tude to the community, school a«d


6',i~xjne >Foster were Arley and Mat- Jv. Miss committee. I owe a lot Lo /Li'llen of Juliaetta. >Faye Rnd Lou- you for enabling me to participate>. n»rrr hr Or>a'»r >hart»h rh: >»hrh r, rmr»ronrhhL Zhhhh r«>.R.fernoon. Genise Corkill

Harold Wilson of Spokane spentfi om Tuesday until Thursday withh:. mother Idh olemehhhgeh. Sarur- ling)diiy Ida attended a baby shower forCo:inie Anderson at Annie Clemen-lumen's in Juliaetta. Jean Clemen- HI: "„rnwhr co-host>»'. Hajjaf jQaa(»jjt5 I'niiizer Prize Winning .

A L ( WQuarter . 1984+5 POet, EditO< YiSitS Kendrick ' ~ s O~ 6

Dah hhn Lenanr>lr Momrehh, Avr >aehrr» rrhr~ee nrrh>ey K>mitz, renamed hr one or~ geafaf (Itic>nfjS party11fovgan and sons. Lucille called on Karen Clemenhagen, Lisa Gravelfc. and editors, visited in Kendrick last,Giace Lind Thursday afternoon and Stj, Grade.

' Friday morning. Mr. >Kunitz was a4 >A. L. C. W. ladies of Camevon L>'m-

on Ida Clemenhagen'.Friday morning. Matt G1avelle Jujie B Leman Th~ ie the Vjniversity of Idaho last weekj

ma»»el Lutheran Church hosted aSiinday morning visitors were Don Syve1spn to conduct a workshop for yoets andi p:ivty fpv t.he Golden Sunset Senioin»il ILeria Belle Morgan, >Roger Mor- writers. >He came to Kendrick to vis-.l Citizens at 'Lhe Center November 12.gu» and Scott. John G~veije it with Bill IRoth and Carolyn Gra-.j wiih R delicious l»nclieon served to

Crace ILind Rnd Milton Li1»j of Bilan Parks H ldi Rell velle. He was accompanied by Dr., Rppi'oximately 60. The tables were>Lcwiston were Sunday dinner guest,s 11th Grade.'(Luk E tRon IMCFirjand, Idaho cuirent Writ-'ea»t,if'»lly decovated in the Tjumks-oi'eon and Ruby Lind at Viola. 12th Grade: Danny Emery 'SL~jn;residence, ahd Tina IForiyes, o ivi»g theme.

,Ann Gale of Lewiston spent Thurs- IHIjgji Igp11p~ 70 zf gg head of the 'Creative IWviting Depart- Past.ov John Blom, of Camevon

cl;iy with 'parents (Ruth Rnd Bill 7tj, Giade. Tjaci'nderson Heatj,„v ment at the University. Ei»»1aiiuel Church, led the gvo»p 111

FW 11jte. Jensen. IKunitz's "Selected Poems" .pub- pi eyer. This was followed by 11 veryJim Tiavls aild Ipete and Claral 8th Grade: Sara Emery lished in 1958, won him the Pulitzer i»ieresting talk by Frank Jacobso»

)Vare attended memorial services 9th Grade: Tracy Anderson Prize. o» Veteran's Gay as it was when hefoi Wmida Jean Russel at Norfand 1pth Grade: None hlany'eople are familiar with w'is young Rncl as it is now. Hefiineral home in 'Grangeville Satur- 11th Grade: Rocky Smith Kunitz's name and work because,'cd'. held the group spellbound with his

day. ],2th Grade Rebecca Emery T„dhis editing of biographical dictlonar-''Ivid descriptions of the parades—C»ests at Ava Weyens in addition Dem,ler Denise Cprkjjj Melodic ies of Amevican, English and Euro- otic could air»ost here the drums and

Lo her sistel Laulllle Wallace of Deed Patty Loin an pean authors. His editorial work in- ('II'cs Rs they passed.;Seattle 1riday evening foi' yizza 11 no~25 $ 69 eludes nearly 18 years with the Yale! Then a quartet, composed of Ann

Party were Carol Heitstuma», «le 7tj1 Grade ~ Gsnette Heinen series of Younger Poets. ''Rvks, Pat >Holt, Fiank JRcojison,

Rnd Tvaci Gorman Rnd son Jyjjke, all 8tj «ade.' . Heh,~ Re„eeHe >Kunitz has also served as Library R»d 'Hoi'st Riel sang "LVonderfuf

of Moscow; ICaye Rnd Wayne Harris, weft Chad Henspn Jaspn Butler of Congress consultant on poetry, a Giace of Jesus", and ",Sweet, SweetShari and Ed Pea, Joan Gertje Rnd Chad >Sneve 'Post sometimes regarded as similar SPivit". A.ll joined in sh1gi»g "God

Ju1fa and Neal and Vjvjan Craig gth Grade ~ Audia Cajfjspn Rpdney io that of R national "yoet laureate." Bless America". Ruth 'Slind Rccom

ICallers during the week Rt Lloyd C k J d G ier Carrie Dentpn Carolyn Gravelle was one of 19 pa»ied the singers at the piano. Mix.RndZsther Schreffler were Faye and IRpnn'je IHewett ICfm Mprey Jpy area poets Rnd writers selected to Slind also Played two solos, "Deav

Louie Porter of Orofino, 'haron Wood' ParticiPate in the workshoP conduct-: Heart", Rnd "Autumn Leaves."

Harris, Helen Fey, Bob Heidenreich; 1Pth Grade Jane ~oren, Marcene ed by Mi. Kunitz. A.ftev the program, pinochle was

from Troy IGarry and Terry San Smitji, Juue Woods Chris White. played at six tables. Oyal Draper

son, ILuke and 'Lloyd, Geb'bie Whit- 11th Grade: Karen Rejf, Tony Hen-'on high for women. Bill White was'ney, Tim, Lacey and Danny, and son, Marta Jason Lg > high for i»en Rnd also took home

Jody, Jon and Jennifer iFey and Mel- 12th G ~ . N Qgtgeg 'lg,/gg +Oleg Lh'oose. WO11fe»'s low went toissa MCAlmond. Honorable Men@On: $,00 . $,24 Co»nie Fey Rnd men's low to Ray

Sunday a'f ernoon callers at the 7th >Grad: John Cajfjson, Maury 4%AZL g 'ojumsky, Ida T>'leshina» I.pole the

Ed Brown home to wish grandmother Hejer Janel Shove Michael Steele, LlJIIl. NNllIVGI SON'V, "-9's

Lula "Happy Birthday", weve Jenny Christopher,Vanderdoess 1-'fosiesses fov Lhe day were Doris

8th Grade: Leah Heimgartner, Gram The Hjjj and Vailey Garden Club 'Sf(flow, Ruth Slind, Shary Silflow,

>MCGrego,'BrianÃ'jtt celebrated'its20thanniver~ary Tues»d irgi1iia Jacobson. We wish toRese Brown. Monday Ed and u a gtj1 Grade: JLTstjne Ladd, Brendon day, Novemb r 20th Wth a ~tjuck thank these ladies and all the other

enjoyed lunch in Lewiston to cele- Millard luncheon at the Fraternal Temple. '"'"'" 's of the A.. L. C. W. for the

biate liei birthday an 'a er 1pth Grade: Deena Brocke, Rana A variety df dejjcfoLL casseroles, lovel) luncheon Rnd program.called on Dan and M ize IDill~. Stamp 1, Rpb rt Blair. 'alads and relishes 'were enjoyed by've 311 enjoyed it very much.

Laurine Wallace of Kdmonds, Wa.> 11,th Grade: Dale Renfrew> Robert thirty-two m mber and four guests IVe also wish R take this oPPortu-

returned home .Sunday p, Jones, Kjm Ajfo1g,. John Biyan KayyCarey, Gistrict Girector; Marie»ity to wish each of you R very

ing a week visiting relatives here. 12th G1ade: Terry Johns, Michelie Mirshajl, past IState President who "HapPy Thanksgiving" Rnd our

Thursday she accompanied her moth- M~ Blessings to all.

er, Sue Orajg and sister ANij, Weyen y helPed organ1ze the IHffj and Valley Sue C'o Lewiston; They 'njoyed dinner,. = ., " Garden Cjtib; Irene Williams frp~. «1 g. poei'ut

then called on cousin Eula Ab- 'he Moscow Garden Club, a'nd Maty>Miller of ISalt Lake City, wylo was R

Saturday from a week's elk hunt in NOVEllmER 02, lgS4

ests of Ava, Weyen and visited SENIORS their names and mentioning a floral Glenn and >Rjta Tiumev of Cia.vks.arrangement in their honor. 'She also ton visited Annie Clemenbagen on

brother Neal and wife Vjvian Craig, H,tgfiggt Honors (40) gave a delightful resume of the Wednesday afternoon. They enjoyed

C ' L rine was born Ba g rtner, Dpn club's activities and asked. each lady dinner at >Granny's Pantry Rnd lat,ev

to recall a memorable experience in Annie visited Bob iCjemenhagen inconnection with the Club. This was Lewiston, Ted IWunderlichs of Clavks-

very interesting to the newer mern- were Friday luncheon guests athers and Promoted a feeling of fel- Annie's Bruce Clemenhmagen of

Saturday and they attended the suy- ILjbey lowsh'p.1 Vancouver Wasl ' n pent Fri-1lng 0 sA beautiful anniversary cake was day and .Saturdaly with his mother

served and a social hour was enjoy- Annie Clemenhagen. They enjoyed1 ed by all. dinner at the iCovnev ~Cafe in Deary.

Mv. and IMrs. Neil Myott, Julie andGon of Palouse weve Sunday supper

~>s S S IS & guests of Annie.

SaSeetna~~ et.aSOn5 W'jlljam Tscjia»tz of Littleton,Colorado arrived >Nov. 9th for a visit

guests of Grandmother Callison. a ~ l a 1vfth his brothers, Chris and Henry

Whitcraft, Ellen eeIIN rOF eOVS Tschantz of:Southivick Rnd brother-

Hon='whle Mention (S.S) in-law and sister, Rufus and Anna

H't tiNh'4 I tjt 4'Bevans, Steve Both the Genesee Bulldogs Rnd the

ospital Nohs... Smith, Sam >Kendri"k Tigers open the boys bas. Pete Tschantz Rnd'randdaughter,JUNIOIIIS . GHonors ($.6) ternoon for a 3-day visit. Bob and

Allen >WendySandy Fry of Juliaetta entered Danielson, L'caffe

Sacred 'Hearyt Hospital in 8pokane IFeigenbutz, ChristyNov. 13 for SLLrgery the 14th to 1'e- Ferguson, Deanmove pressure from a chest artery Hopkins, ShellyShe was released Tuesday the 20th Martinez, Jonand js recuperating satisfactorily at 'Sinclair, Jeff

Zenner, AaronHonorable Mention ($:S)

Sufjpw- Kjnyon, ChadIMildred Silfjow was released fron1 McCurdy, Wendie

Kamper Club Meeting Red Cross Bloodmobile

is improving slowly and very pleased Hgghest Honors (4,0) Is Monday, Nov. 26 At KHS Gym Dec 6to be home. Esser, Guy Are you folks aware that the Red

Ferguson, Debra The regular potluck supper an Cross Bloodmobile will b at the K.Ringe, Wendy p f„H.tS. Gym Thursday, December 6thZenner, Chris

Community Thanksgiving Honors (s.6)Service Contributes $75 Becker, Chris

p esse, a campers yTo Valley Food Sank Type O bloodisin unusual demanj,

tell aboutthefv vecent trip to Flor-

The Community Thanksgiving Ser- H ida,vices held Monday at the Kendrick ~ ri

Retired Persons AssocCommunity United Methodist Church Borg'P t Chili Feed Nov. 27 Fund Raiser Dec. 6

Come tp the senior class chili feecl American Association of Retired

half f th e lnistersNov. 27th, before the boys first home Persons, Hells Canyon Chapter No.

,'O behalf « the,ar;™~"t'„';Wuson, Chris game. Let's show some spirit and 963 will sponsor a salad bar, chili, piesupport for our team and it couldn't and drink fund raiser on Dec. 6, 1984hurt to atop in the high school cafe- from 11 a. m. to 2:30 at the Com.

der Does offered his ratitude to the teria for a super meal of chili, salad, munity Center, 1424 Main SL. in Lew-and dessert. We will be serving iston.

$S.M "ytud"tt P50$md5'dfdt'. Potlatch Ridge Workers

IXpnors (S.B) under 5, $1.00. ISeconds ~free. Come Achievement Night Nov. 198tout, Don join us and enjoy good food and the potlatch Ridge XVorkers Achieve-

P. T. S, 0. to Meet Vestal, Carrie boy's first game of the seaso11. ment ¹ight was held on Nov. 19 at

Monday, Nov. 26 Hono~le Mentjpn (SA) 6:00 p. m. Before the awards wereFitting, Aaron SN)Ckp St'O~IIifj Retuf j)BA handed out'. There was a Poi luck

The next P. T. S. O. meeting will ILilya, Jennifer dinner. Alj Lhe food was excellent.

be held at Nov. 26 at 7:30 p. m. in MCKenzie, Brenda As Rec. District Directors - Awards were given out to those

the Kendrick high school. The Stauber, Anja It should be reported that both who won special awards at the Fair,

theme for this meeting is Continuing 7TH GRADE:iDean IBrocke and Gary Browning Reporter, Karen Clemenhagen

Education. Honors (S.6) were re-elected as directors of the

Mary Emery, Director of Readi Johnson, Cindy j Juliaetta Kendrick Recreation Dist. Gell8See BOOStef ClubProject in Ag Communications Cen- Wahl, Wendy 1 at thy November 6 election.ter at the U/I Rnd Iftay Ladd, Dean Tash, Lissa Brocke, who is presently chairman Spaghetti Feed Dec. 2of Business College at L. C. S. C. Honorable Mention ($,$) of the board, received 415 votes to The Booster Club spaghetti feed

will be our guest speakers. Asbjoneen, Ericka be returned for another 4 year term date has been set for:Sunday, De-

Thls meeting has been designated Hampton, tLjsa as Director for Sub-District 2. cember 2 at the multi-purpose room

as Bring s, Friend Night. So ask IMayer, Jeremy Browning received 403 votes to be of the school. Serving: 5-00 - 7:00

a friend and come to P. T. S. O. on IRtfnge, Ryan rejected as Director from Sub-Dis p. m. Adult: $3.50; children: !)1.50,'onday,Nov, 26, See you there. Wilson, Ryan trlct No. 1. family ticket: $10.00.

Page 2: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1984 - The Gazette News/1984 July - Dec. - The... · Local News ~ K-J Jr, Miss Denise Corkill Says "Thanks to All" OI Keajlrick m W>E,/il~,,i . C)I>IIF$
Page 3: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1984 - The Gazette News/1984 July - Dec. - The... · Local News ~ K-J Jr, Miss Denise Corkill Says "Thanks to All" OI Keajlrick m W>E,/il~,,i . C)I>IIF$

bui, I.h('. ailiiiliil slioivcd dei'iiiii.esigns of bi onchopnciimonia, Olden- I

biiig said.

'Meanwhil('., 'i I'rcov(11'y cff(>I'Lache(luled fov Novrmbci'-8 in


count>'y, ivhc>( si(,'k Iiii(I (iy-~ing bighoins «etc scen I;ist c'clstci»- >

bci'. 'i'lic dept>i'll'Iieiir. (vus a(ILIIOI'iz- I

(:d Lo I tike Lo 12 (11111111(Is fo>'11>a I('-I(Iiaie Lianspoii. Lo the Wushingio IIState Univci sity veterinary I>:it hnlo-

gy I;iboi iiloi y I(>i;in;iiysis,



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l>~ Gazette - News, Thursday, November 22, 1984 lOne Bighorn Death Confifimed''he ai'ca failed to turn up auy;, ai(.,k oi dying animals, accoiding Lo

!/ —— But Others Seem Healthy ', oersrbi~rur ur srrb'duo ak»r or-!I ''IDI;il.

Reports of a dead Rock Mountaiii'tflerga ~@@af@~l%J~gygbighovn sheep ncu.v I.he mouth of thc I

"Ob. Oi vcis couni.ed 69 bighoius,!I UHI S 574-74Ol South Fosvk Salmon River hove been ''I'oin big'nms to lambs and they all

A G(>iisolitlalion of rI>he Kendrick Gazette and The Genesee News, confirmed, but a helicopter sc11rh'I'pci(>e(I Lu be healthy and in 'ood,I ondi LID>I, s(iid state Ivil(lllfc nial'III-

Published every W'ednesday (dated Thursday) and entered as secon(r,,, I 8"v I loyd Ol'lcnbuvg.class matter at the Post Office in Kendrldr, I'daho 8858'F ml Gen~ !

catch-and-veleasc vule bc ad cI Tlic dead cwc was located and cx-

Idaho 83832, Latah County, under Act of Congress of M ch, 1879. when t,hey approved ge'ieva 'is .: .;>mined I.lii're (lays after it ivas I e-regulations foi 198;i diii'ing th«1'>o> to(I-- Ion lair I'ni Iahoi'aloi'y LouisThe Official Neivspaper of Geneset), Kendrick, and Juliaetta, Idaho meeting in f e(visLOI>

('3(Iobet'aneL. Roth and William A. Roth, PublishersWm. A. Both, Editor Marilyn Cuddy, News Editor

ri<en(II I(.k --Telephone 289-5731 Genesee —Telephone 285-1518Bubscvipi.ion Rates: $5.00 per yea1 in Latah, fez perce, ClearwaterCounties, Idaho and Asotin and Whitman County, Washington.

All other addresses —66.50 per Year Single Copy —15cAdvertising Rates Given Upon Application

I APPLIANCE REPAIR FARM EQUIPMENTPOS'IIVIASTEBS: Send F~orm 8579 to Kentirlclc, Idaho 8858'7


6 REFRIOERATIONYoung Steelhead ".Service Is Our Business"

R. McKelvey, DVMI The Fish and Game GomnLission COIN.OPS —RENTALS —SERVICEhas limited sections of. five tributai'-

882-7359ies on the Middle Fork Salmon Riv-hlo Turkey Bones- ev to cai:ch and r.elease fishing onlv 1428 S. Main —Moscow'ext year to reduce the harvest of

Happy Tl ianksgiving. A frevue- juvenile steelhead.ntly asked (Iuestion this time of Included in the regulation aveyear is "Can I feed my dog or cat Camas, Indian, Loon, Marble andtuvkey bones?" Pistol Creek, wheie catch-and re-lease w'ill be in ef'feet foi'bout thcy o cs can shatter int.o lower five m'iles of each stream.h P shavds ivhcn they'e eaten. They will be listed Linder Areae s ai'P fvag'ments can lacevate in the printed regulations and up-e gunw, lodge in the throat, ov ev- stream boundaries are described.vate an .~nt~st~ne. Thc c They wwill be hsted under Area NEW 8( USEDproblems don't always occur'hen "- 3 in tire printed I'egiilations and 2 WD 8> 4 WD PICK UPSpet eats turkey bones, vct the poten- u»s(veau) boiiiidaides are describe(l.tion fov such problems is always nour studies show that the tribu- FARIVI TRUISthere. Any Lype of poultry bone tai.ies have supported a harvest ofcan cause t.hese problems.

i the juvenile steelhead by members Economy L Luxury CarsBeef', pork and wild game bones of float patties who walk up theseOpen 7 Days a Weekcan also cause pvoblen~)s, Bone" streams to catch fish," said Virgilcan become ivrdged in the back of Moore, manager of resident ftsheries 2231 - 2nd Ave. North

I.he mouth,and thioat if their sizcl foi the Department of Fish and 743.0592and shape are just, right. Large,! Game.round bone slices can occasionally 'he Middle Fork Salmon is res- Evenings —746-2111 YOUR NEEDS INbecome trapped a'I'ound a pet's lo>v- tricted to catch and-release from its ~ LEWISTON 4

E COer jaw. mouth upstr. earn to Roaring Cree1<In addiLion to bones, Thanksg)vingi to protect wild stocks of steelhead . BUII DING SUPPLIESIMP

can pvesent other hazards to pets,I

ar)d cutthroat Lrout. RestrictionsUnaccustomed sivcets and t,vcats on the five tiibutaries also are de-may upset an animal's 'digesi.ion. If signed to protect cutthroat, popula- ~„.......„...,.„.....,~

':':;,I 80treats and sivcets ave unavoidable, tions, Moore said.

they should bc given in vciy small Commissionevs divected that t«e ":rlflo$CQ%.,",1,'„ijII,portions.Adult dogs and cats often cannot

digest nil li< as readily as young an-imals Even moderate anioungts of

adult animals Lo hai'e I digestiveupset that )nay le(id to a1 diarrhea Pets are used to children daily '8' 's',,I'.b

BRING-THIS AD IN FDRpecI I oc asIo Ea ch p et reacLs d iffeIan tIy I o

I 7 s s + ~ R( ':,",.:..;:,"' 1 . ~', .,:::,' p;", FREE IN STA N T C0N D ITI0N ER

Ph 746 )647ensure good healt.h. A pet eating

In the Valley"thinking of t.hem d

itpsettirig'o a 'pet. Nei'vous an'd Lusty (but ullhealthy) sweet ~ . F&h si ..~„:,se "., ''.-'„,>I ss.„...„,„,,t:,"."I'EALTHSERVICESShy petS may gO inLO hiding When tieatS. I «hS~L'tud. ""',":,"'"-'.,r'!F'.:::='~;:"."l':".«;",:

theii'sually (I~(>let environment is: —' " — PLYWOOD ROOFING MATERIALinVaded bp relatiVea, fiiendS and Well yenM ~ INe ~andghl% PITTSBURG HARDWARE


.7-.4jttgh.e',ar63 Cert teli'broken cart.


g. WAYNE ROACH ~arvices in your home

8, Buck Hoe VVorlf Phone 285-14'l4 Mkilled Nursing

—Physical Therapy

Page 4: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1984 - The Gazette News/1984 July - Dec. - The... · Local News ~ K-J Jr, Miss Denise Corkill Says "Thanks to All" OI Keajlrick m W>E,/il~,,i . C)I>IIF$

:"'.I~ II, I"I ~ I~I"I.,Incor porated

Distributor Petroleuln Products

-Niobil and (onoco Products-


Our Motto: "Whatever you need, we will get for youat lowest prices."

Kendrick.... 289-4061Deary..... 877-1211 -Nov. Special-



Truck, Tr'actors 8 Cars







Kendrick, Idaho—8:SO to 4:SO p. m.


S lor'l: s = -=--=-—

lll1Cl 3, .1R 3C..MOSCOW, IDAHO PHONE 882-4534


Between Our Company

And the Rest.

we offer;Farm dt City Package Policies

Life Insurance


IIeaIth If<surance

MAGNUSON INSURANCEDane Naynnson, 1ncfeyencfent Agent


Home —Life —Auto —BoatownersNobil homes —Notary I'ublic —Bonds

Gop- Hail -Grain FireKendrick, Idaho Phone 2894271 ~ I

4 ~ e ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ e ~ N ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ e ~ ~ 0 ~ e ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ e ~ e ~ e ~ ~ 0 ~ OZ

'ay+ N=~ pd'"!Cs.I!>4 W]kl8 4%'. 4 W I<M%4

nhye<i e' W,rsvp ~yrydVVA Ssrusur





CALL: 289-3462

The Gazette - News, Thursday, November 22, 1984 3 i City Dwellers Await Return~l~h~ ~u~lj~ ~ ~r» l~s~p Of Some Special Visitors

( IBy Hugh WilsonI

HANK'S HILLTOP BARBER < -— —-~———,Department of Fish and Game.SHOP <About next April some office wor-

Appaintment 743 I

, are sure to be watching for the reQSvdo PEI4 HAIR CUT r Auciiun Service —Commercial

I turn of some special visitors — aImar —~'"rupt e~Rea Est'" ~young female pjregrine I'alcon andI During Summer Months CHARITIES FIIEE her mate.

lef<ry Kazde<f 809 - 1th Ave. IIonie: Phone Office 'heir summer home again is likelyLEWIS'I'ON, IDAHO, 289ZS91 —Kendrick —2SS48'll

ito be on the ninth-floor ledge of the

iWestin <Hotel Utah in the heart of-: the city.

The falcons fhet appeared latelast April. Leg bands identified

Sg!Eagre)S F1QQIII CQ+QPIIII ~ iithe Juvenile female ss s h!rd fruu!

8 MOg I IIOME SER~~~Es ii efforts to reestablish the endangerFeaturing Qualify Carpets by


r,tured attraction; diving, rolling and

Guaranteed Professiona,. Instaif ation soaring ss healthy nersgrruss ds'TEVERISHLING ~ JULIAETTA, ID. when they .pe)Corm their courtship

display. An adult female showed upPhone 276-3764 or Evenings 276-7621 a few'days after the pair arrived,but she later flew on.

Jnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnj "shs m"sr hsvs Jmurvu i st the

;; MOBILE BUTCHERING EVERY MONDAY; l "-',,";:"aC iyoae place. "We were soon receiving constant

4 updates from an enthusiastic volun-—8EI(VING— I teer corps of downtown watchers

Kendrick —Juliaetta —LaPWai —NeZPerCe NS ting scopes and the hotel went toequipped with binoculars and


scopes an<m<1 Surr» <ndlng Areas the expense of vacating some rooms

IVE CUT 4 WRAP GAME MEAT —WE BUY DEER <Sf ELK HIDES 'n so we could keep the pair under

g CSS4tOSn Cation' fw'e'ay ping —LOekee 4 n close observat on," Walters said.

migration in mid-October whenfu heavy snowstorm hit the city, but

NN 'From Pen to Pan —Let Kyle Be Your Man" 4 bonding pair as peregrines are llke-NN

444444444444444444444444444444N444444444444444I4 ~ld I y gg If th y turn

about a ear old last A ril. She

r~v~wwr~ ~~ year, but it's 'iffy' she may stillI'l WW'(I 'l)I'l)S. ~)II,"A. II

''"""':""'-"":-"ges on tall buildings becauSe it gives

Ph. 289-4177 y I & E B4 them a superb hunting vantage

I KEN DRICK I DAHO 4 "They were undoubtedly attract-ed the hotel because of an abund-


Saturdays: 7 a. m. to 3 p. m.Monday thru Friday: 7 a. m. to 5 p, m. and Game through its nongame pro-

gram has just completed the thirdseason in its efforts to reestablish

COMPLETE CATERPILLAR REPAIR & SERVICE I peregrines in the state, according toMart IMorache, state nongame man-

In Our Shop or On-the-Job ager.IDuring the past three seasons, 32

Home Phones'yerett'/6-7831 virgil: 877-1479 young birds have been released h)locations in southwestern and sou-theastern Idaho

"We have since. identified the fe-

imale in iSalt Lake City, another per-egrine as a returnee to the Cascadearea and one that was seen just eastof ILos Angeles, some 700 airlinemiles from home," Morache saicL

The Peregrhl Fund supplies thefalcons for release in Idaho andother states. Idaho's initial agree-ment with the Fund calls for the de.livery of 90 birds over 7 years.

"Our proglam has. received gener-ous assistance from private enter-prise, including The J. R. SimplotCopany and Boise Cascade. Wehave also had excellent support fromthe Bureau of Land Managementand the Bureau of iLand Manage-ment of the U. S. Forest Service,"Morache said.

"Based on the expertise of thePeregrine Fund, there is a goodthance of restoring these majesticbirds to some of their historic hab-itat in Idaho."





@II~' 'l f" „,Ir

I La 'li'n

sns e!n

'I i,l, NP I

Ls L

%I ~ ~<'IIIpV ef<P<sf

.81 I l <eng

General Telephone is helping the hearingimpaired hear better at pay phones all over town.

The amplified pay phones have two buttonson the underside of the handset. By adjusling eitheror both buttons, the individual can adjust the receiverto compensate for his or her own degree of deafness.

lt's a public seniice we'e proud to provide. Sothat our friends who do have a hearing loss can still

enjoy some good conversation.

Just pick up the special amplified pay phone atany of these locations:

BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO(JLI)C<uf ICICPI<uliC —BO»ti1!i51 West Kd<fihsuflu<<nels Iyc»y, ID83805

COEUR O'ALENE, IDAHOf It)'i Co<iuf d


C Muss<i AvenueCoeur O'Ak <<c ir) 83,'311

Noiih ShoicI 15 Scull< 2<id

Coeur <I'Ale<le, ID 83814

Kootcf)ei lluspih<I l)istiici"003 li»cul» <<Udy

(.'ocul ii'Alenei ID I3:3131 1

Pi»ccrcst Psychia(<k: Center'301 I'Io<iil I<u»wuud Piece

Coeur O'A« flu, ID 8:38i 4

Gc«crdl Tclcphu»e —Bouiil501 Govcf »f »cnt WdyCoeui'O'Ale<)c ID 83811

Genci al Tcicpiioiic-- B<Jof I <

r114 West Appleway( ucu< d Ak'll<, Il) If I81 I

DEARY, IDAHOI)cafy Shoppi<iq M.lii405 hL)1<f

f)eely, ID 83823

KELLOGG, IDAHOWest Shosholic Gieni iiliiiospll I

,Idcubv (<IU<.li

Kellogq. It) 83837

hIOSCOW, IDAHOislvlei (i, 1<)c.101 Bukcrhloscow, ID 8386.1

Chuck's Cl<cwof< St <Iicrf<

709 South Mal<iMoscow. ID 83861

U.S. Post Ofr<cc"20 lwsI 50< Sbccihloscow, ID 83813

Moscow Ciiy lilx ufyI IO So»U< Jcifhi',oii

Moscow, ID 83843

Nobby In»501 So<fili hh<<»

Moscow. ID 83843

Gri(mon Me<uo<ial Hospit»1(I lfsl I Ioor)710 South ht)if <

Moscow, ID 83843

Moscow I Ioicl313 Sou(if Mainhloscow, ID 838r13

Good Sefnarih<n Visiiqc(3-10 Fise<ihowcrh'Ioscow. II') 83843

U»ivcrsiiy of Idelio liifrofy(Mal» I'lour)U»ivcfsi(y of IdsiloMoscow, ID 83813

Stiidcnt Unioil Buil<iiiiqU<ilvcisity of Idai<oMoscow, ID 8384'3

U»ivcisity kl» —Besl Wcstc<ffl516 Wesl Pusnvf< Ro,ldMoscow, ID 83813

(i Il. Service Center10:3Soutii hL<i<i

Muscow. ID 83843

Mark IV Rcsh>u<nnt111Nulli< Main

hloscow, ID 83843

Cuvof<e<J<gh's(iv\5 Wcs( P<JII» uf< RosflMuscow, ID 83843

Palo»ac I:.»<pii c h'Ias(I'font I.:<itrs»ce)1850 West Pus»ia» Roa<Ihkiscow, Il') 8:31143

Moscow Mall1420 Suiiiii Blainch'I»scow, ID 83813

OROFINO, IDAHOClearwe(er Vvlicy IIospitelCedar StreetOff)linn, ID 83544

State Hospital NofthAlcohol Tree(f f <el <I U»iiOruiino, ID 83544

SANDPOINT, IDAHOGc»c< of Tclcphof<e~101 Nuilh 2nd Ave»lieSeixiix>int, ID 83864

Con»ic's Cafe323 CedarSw)<31<oil<I, ID 83864

Bonner General I fospitsl520 No<th 3rd AvenueSiffldpoi»t, ID 83864

Se<)dpoint hLxffor220 South Division AvenueSe»dpoi»t, ID 83864

SILVERIN, IDAHOI&s( Shosiioflc I IOSPILllYellowstone Stree(Siivciion, ID 83867

Sf.19IARIES, IDAHOBencwsh County MemorialI Iospilaf229 7thSt.Msrics, ID 83861

PULLIhIAN WASHINCIONGreyhound Bus Depot115N.E. Olsof<Pi<lima», WA 99163

Martin Stadiufn(Soulh End)Washington State U»ivcrsiiyPullman, WA 99163

Wash<»<i(on Slate U»<vcrsilyPc<for<ning Arts BuildingPulk<fan, WA 99163

Washlr<gton Stale U»ivcrsilyLfbfs)fyI)uUmer<, WA 99163

Pullman Memorial Hospiial(Scco»d Floor)Washington AvenuePi< lhrfsn,WA 99I63

Martin Stadium —South EndWashlr<gton State UniversityPus»is», WA 99163

Dissmorc's IGA1205 North GrandPullman, WA 99163

G.T.E.Service Center127 North Crud AvenueP<iemafk WA 99163

Washinqton State UniversityCUB LobbyPueman, WA 99163

General Telephone- BoothGrand C Colfax HighwayPullman, WA 99163

Moscow Pus<nan Airport1011 Airport RoadPullman, WA 99163

Washington State UniversityCampus PolicePullman, WA 99163

We'e replaced the traditional handsets withones incorporating built-in amplifiers that let thesevere hearing impaired customer regulate thevolume of a conversation.


Page 5: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1984 - The Gazette News/1984 July - Dec. - The... · Local News ~ K-J Jr, Miss Denise Corkill Says "Thanks to All" OI Keajlrick m W>E,/il~,,i . C)I>IIF$

1$",Dllg >IlluiNellie Dean Steigers

Frlen<lshlp Club—

V,'NTBD: 1 Ton of Hay. Will buyti ade. 276-3711 1t47!)

I' BALE—"Used box springs and»iattiess. $50. Ph, 289-4227.

tf46c1'.iR R|&QNT—1-bed voom house in

Jiiliaeita, Ph. 276-3921.I'.'UND —Cow and Calf on Big Bear

i'.idge .'H'rand on right hip, Ph."894317.


Ivoil 'SAiLV~ Six Choice level cornerbuilding lots. Call 276-3568 ov 826-;"'64.


IV '<ITRBSB WANTED —Apply iniierson. Town and Country Dine<.


'Stonypoint Friendship Club met onThursday, Nov, 15 in the home ofour. hostess, Ruth Heimgavtner. Twe-lve membeis and one guest, MaiyMille>, who with hev husband BillMillev of Denver, have been housguests in Lhe honie of long-i.ime fii-ends Bill and Mary Hayhurst.

Quilting was acconlplislled on twohand-embroidered table top covers.Dinnei was very pood!

Nov. 29 the group plans to meetat the Juliaetta home of Nell Heini-gavtner.

To Peoria, Illinois-- Barbaia Heimgaitner, ouv hilltoplady, as a delegate representing Id;i

9OES YOUR ~ET .NEED pio-fessional cleaning?: Call-.


Center, 289-8061, for a 1 ieeestimate.

1e<,R SAL~E: Prefab bviclc woodstove hearth, cornev model. Call"76-7771, tf46c

WANTED: PavL time work aft.erschool houi's. Bvent Adams,276-3550 2t46c

Sacv Piling, hand saw, $3.00. Circlesaws, price varies. Eail Avndt,276-7261. 3t46c

FOUND ON AM. RIDGE—Blaclc and;vhite male 'Stock Dog, Collar, no»arne; Well-trained. Call WarneyEfay. 289-4130.


FOR SALE —'ABBAGE PATCHDoll Clothes, made by Elaine. Ph.276>3120.



ment fov Bent. Call fov information746-4314 oi'89-5'361.



2t47c Phone 285-1190

ABIZS Jc CRAFTS CEIIRIBTMASPair, Latah County Fairgrounds4-H Bldg.Nov. 23 (9-9), Nov. 24(9-9), Nov. 25 (9-5).

1t47c-'" Clothes Closets, Unorganized?

Will'design aiid build an organiz.ed closet insert. Also bathroomcabinets. Call for free estimatesand design possibilities.276-7771 3t46c

SEND YOU!R UPS Paclcages thvough'Old-Fashioned Natural iFoods, Jul-iaetta. We will also take DryCleaning soon. M-F, 9-4, Wed. eve.w/library. Ph. 276-4971,


FOR SALF Turnips k Squash. Al-so a 2-piece sectional dresser, buf-fet, 1940s radio,-2 large sleepingbags, 1,000-lb, electric hoist, 21-ft.boat, full standup top and sidecurtains. Deluxe 30-ft Trailer.iPhii Jolins, 276-3142.


LOOKING FOR GAR POOL to Lew-iston. Leave by 7;00 and returnby 5:00 p. m.,Please call 289-4881.Will share dHving.

FIR!ICE REDUCED: 3 bdnu, 1 bauiMain Street, Kendrick.

SECLUDED: 3 bdim, 1 baih, 7 acro::,close to Kendrick.

JULIAETTA,: 3 bdrm, 1 bath, gni-den, fireplace, quiet neighbovhoo<l.

LELAND: 10 acres. Well, powei,fionts county road.


208-883-0510 'ome: 835 63844t39c

—NEW TRACTOR PARTS-Raiis, Rollers, Sprockets, etc.ALIi AT BIG DISCOUNTS ! !

NeW Angle" Dozer Blades'....$2,750 ",i-New Re-Built Short BlocksNew Kent'Spring ToothNew Du-All LoadersNew'Krause F9New Flex Harrows

"-: - NEW METAL,'' '- "RiOOFING" & 'SIDINGColored or Plain —'Cut To The Ini".iD-6, D 4, D-2, H. D, 9, H. D. 5, TD6

All with Hyd, Angle DozevsGOOD USED EIACHINERY.'" "Logghig - Equipped TractorsD-4C, HD 6E, HD 5, TD9

460 IH, 504 IH, NAA.. F os,1841 FOR—All '/Loaders.

Ford Dextra, 9N, IH Cub w/cultiv.Used Flex and Stiff EIanrow. Spring-tooth. 42 or 36 ft. Kent new pointsw'/cylinder, $2,150.00. 33 ft, Kentuke new w/cylinder, $1,750,00.ft. Kent new points, $1,400.00. 32ft. Kent new points, $1,400.00.955..'H. Cat loader w/rip.:4mheel': drive rubber-tired loader,1969'..'H. Backhoe and Loader.1977 Hyster Forklift, propane, sideshift. Side-delivery rake. Etanurespreader. 3-I, H. 510 Grani Drills,D. D. 20 x 6 w/hitch, $5,850.00. 60-ft. used land pacicers. 34 ft, Barber

ift. used land packers.Disc, plotws.

Heston pu41 swa ther, $1,250.00,15 ft. and 10 ft.'Ieavy A. C. Discson rubber15 ft. J. D. Killfer Disc. 2 row potatodigger. 3 used Dozer Blades.

6 Acres of Used Machinery.Call Us For Your Needs.


Dave Denccler Jicllaetta, Idaho 1

ho Women for iAgviculture, vetu<nedrecently from.<he American Ag. Wo-men's convention held in Peoria. In-teresting events weve watchfng cornharvest in the field, and a touv tovisit Lincoln's home in Springfield.The gioup left from heie on iModda,Nov, 12 and vetuisied home Siinday,Nov. 18.

The home front was successfullymanaged by husband Lee and 3 conx-petent childven! All was back io nor-lllal, <is nf Mnlliliiv, NUV. I9 neivs.gather ing.

I'rc-Thnnksuivlni Duuiev-The annual pie-Thanksg'iving pot-

luck dinnev was held Sunday, Nov.1S, iit the Cottonwnod Creek Corn-munity Church. The Glen St.eveiiswith Leima Stevens, weve among themany enjoying the event.

Cletis Hoisin&on was a Sundayevening callev in thc home of nieceRima 'Stevens. All goes well withCletis, who visii.s friends and neigh-bors often.

Lily McCall is a "Birilidny Girl"—.Lily McCall oi Clarkston spent

the past weekend in the home ofyoungei brother Wayne Heimgaitnevand his wii'e Ruth. The group en-joyed a Batuvday birthday supperhonoring Lily at the home of broth-er Roy and wife ArdytheoHelmgart-nev, returning to her Clarkstonhome on Sunday afternoon, fveshedand veady fov her employmenL in avestaurant, her life work.

1Mr and Mrs mealie Heimgavtnevdrove "up river" Sunday to the Joe~Walden home fov a visit with I'viendPenn Hardin, Later a call at the homeof David iStraw and family, and toother homes was enjoyed.

. Maggie Berry was a Sunday after-noon caller in the" E. Steigers home.Her children from the coast area arevisiting fov the Tlianlcsgiving time.

Mildred Heath'reported good heal-th on Monday morning. A beautifulsunshiny beginning of the day. Hope-fully she will spend Thanksgiving atthe Asotin home. of daughter InezInghrani. A, quiet Sunday, she said.

Hilltoppers reported heavy |'og onMonday morning, but. the rivei resi-dents weve basking in 'eautiful,wavm sunshine, at the same time.'Sometimes it is just the opposite.

Ruth Harrer and daughter Eiari-lyn Anderson of Tigard, Oregon, nearPortland, were Friday oveniite and'Saturday nloi'Illng guests 1I1 the .Liil-da and Ken;Steigers home.- S!iaronHatch -of Lewiston was ' Fridaysupper guest at Linda's home.

Visits to the Moscow home of Johnand Jeanette Talbot were made bythese relatives and ~Linda and fam-ily, at vat'Ious tinies i'ecently.

The Ken ~Steigers drove to Kam-iah fov late 18unday" dinner 'at theHunt Hatch home..Milo and CarneyHatch returned foi overnite ai, theSteigers home, then left early Mon-day fov school at their Leivistonhome avea.

Visitors from Montana-Kelth Bteigevs, with his father-in-

law, Avt Eilev, of: Missoula; spentoveinite at the E. 'Steigevs home onFriday, after bringing 6 horses andmules to Ken's river pasture for thewintev. On'aturday'orning, Artwas. taken by his -brother Bill Eller,for a visit with relatives iil Lewls-ton. Kei(h, after visiting twin:brot-


A, portion of Mana ement Unit 61in Fremont County has been closedto big game hunting following ve-povts that a gvizzly bear was shoL.and escaped in. the Black Mountainarea.

"Our information indicates thatthc female grizzly, who had twocuhs with hev, was hit by.a. roundfrom, a nuizzle loadev fivearm,".sai<ii'egional consevvation ed«catoi Ro<iParkei', Depavtnlellt oi Flail andCarne.

The closuve, ovdered by depai'I-ment director Jevvy Conley, remainsin effect through Novembev 30, al-though the gener al muzzle loaderseason for antlered elk was.schedul-ed to close Novembev 18.

"This grizzly beav may pose a,sei ious threat to . hunters and theclosure also is intended to pvotectother grizzlies lcnown to be in the,same general ai ca," i,he diivctoi 'sordev stated.

The portion of Unit 61 south ofthe. Chick Creek toad, north of !.hc.Baker Draw Road, east. of the aban-doned iUnion Pacific right-of-wayand west at the. Fisher Creelc roadis included in the closuiv..

A shnilar clos<ice was oicieved foranother pat't of Unit. 61 last Augustafter a grizzly was wounded bv alandowner who sKid he.inadvertent.-ly shot the. animal, Pavkev said,

81IUCRLIA)SIS'I llel'e has beeli sollle confiisioli

,i'egai'ding the vaccination. of cattlefoi Brucellosis. 'Idaho now has amandatory vaccination law that re-quires all eligible cattle Lo be vac-cinated against Brucellosis regai d-less of the intended use of the catt.le.

The only cattle eligible fov vacci-nation against Brucellosis are . heif-1evs between the age of 4 months and12 months. Heifeis younger than Imonth may not respond to the vac-cine and heifers vaccinated oldeithan 12 months can have a question-s.ble blood test latei on in life.

Vaccinated calves ave identifiedwith a tattoo in the eav and an offi.cial met<<i ear tag. The metal eaitags are consecutively numberedand the number is recorded ivith thestate Animal .Health Office.

Brucellosis (also called Bang's di-sease) in cattle is usually seen. asabortions in females and sterility inboth sexes, although loss of niilkproduction, retained placentas,smaller birth weights, and sin iv

giowth in calves that survive arealso a yroblem.

Cattle usually contract the diseaseby ingestion of contaminated feedand, water. Infected baby calvespass the organism in feces and abor-ted tissues are heavily contaminat-ed.

Although all ages in a non-vacci-1nated herd are susceptible,"; youngcows 12%4 months old aie- the mostsusceptible. ome cows may a-boit repeatedly while othevs ave na-turally immune and nevev abort.

Brucellosis is caused by a-bscteria.This bacteria will live in soil, water,infected animal and milk. Free-ing permits almost indefinite 'surviv-al of the organism, It iwnains vis-1able in raw milk for days,

Brucellosis can affect dogs, cai.s,cat tie, sheep, goats, swine, horses,'bison, elk, and man. People whonine buffalo In Idaho have Lo followthe same ..guidelines for vaccinationas cattle producers.

The Gazette - News, Thursday, November 22, 1984 5


SeginninIJ ut 7:OO p. In.

nt the Kendrick I:ireHuii


Dilector of Soles 8 Marketing GTA FeedsDoctor of Veterinary Medicine

Member of American Veteririary Medical Assoc.Sponsored by:

tewiston Grain GrowersKENDRICK OFFICES

:;;-;:.Gi AB"- F:I~Ã'



Foreign 8< Domestic Front Brake Pads ..Set $8.95Thermostats ... ea. $2.49Hose Clamps ',sizes 4 thru 3C) . 3')c ea. Box of l0 $3.90Group 24—50QQ Ceries Heavy Duty Battery

50 month warranty $4I f2 (exchange!Star'ting Fluid $l.40 per can —Case of 12 $12.60Cold Anti-Freeze Checkers each $2.97Wells-Lomont Lumberjack Work Gloves Pair $2.60Heavy Duty Snow Shovel $ l4.95Pickup Indian- Blanket Seat Covers

with gun scabbard $34.95





HOUSE FOR !RENT —OverlookingPotlatch Creek, libedroom, appli-ances, near town, $190 per monthplus deposit. Older, people pre-

ifen'ed. Ph. 289-3231.tf42c

.-. GHIIMNEYS INSP1ECTED IIL Cleaned'1'lp Top Chimney, Sweep..Foi saferand more efficient burning, call<Ron in Kendrick 289-5067,


W'ANTZB Ping Pong Tale forKendrick United Methodist Church.Reasonable. Call Pastor VanderDoes. ":tf42nc

FOR SALE: Sun-Russet k rozen- 'JIasiiibrowns'. Call for orders eve-

nings. Deni ov Travis 285 15S6r t37


After 6:00 P..M. Call 289-3 02FOR AiA./AX NON

BUSINESS OPPORTUNlTIESNational Company looking for Sat

ellite'Antenna Dealers. No exper-ience vequired.'omplete UnitPrices, $630.00 and Up. !RetailS1,2&5.00; Phones open 24 liours303-570-7800. 3t45c

" MERCEDES:9 30 in stock, 300D, 3098<D, 450SEL,

450BL, 450 SLC and more. Ask forMv,,Fay, (503) 297-¹12, Tradescan be handled in Idaho

5 YEAR FINANCINGWe purchase nice MercedesJ3enz.



DOES 'YOUR CARPM'EED pro-fessional cIeaning? Call " SnyderHome Center, 289-8061, for a Freeesthn ate. tf48c

SEE ME FOR Roofing and re mof-ing, asphalt, metal or shakes-Al-so metal buQdbig. Fv'lou'estimatesand bids. Check my prices first.Larry Dammerman, 276-3800,Jul-taetta. tf24c

HOUSE FOR @A<LE —$8,000 downand take over payments of $265/month. Negotiable terms on FmHAloan. Cute house, Q basement,yard and shed. Ph. (208) 289-4690.


scCfSSORS 81%ARPRiNED. All types.The Eaaisharp method. Abrams

1Iardware, KendrickLf43c

II, I t!s>.'i

L'"i' I''lP~ i(i~

-Now there's an easy way to makesure retirement isn't a sour not'I in

- ..your life.Buy United States Series H-Bonds.They can provide you with the

income you'l need to make yourgolden years a big hit.

Buy one Bond and you'l receivean interest check every six months.

Ifa monthly income is morei'unewith your retirement plans, H

Bonds oKer you another interestingarrangement; Just buy a Bondeach month for i ix straight months.

.You'l receive a check evmonth for, the next ten years. It'guaranteed.

Buy United States Series H Bonds.They can help you and retirement

make beautiful music together.

Now the H Baal hahcerh tate amtagII 8%yetyear wheh hehl ioa<<<cur!ty af 10ywca Loot, etolea, ov deatroyed H Bonds can bereplaced Ifreconh anycwhteL 8Bnada cire eH ~aner IIic~.u ~ hy appiieatha Qeeeuh pav hadc.


hev Kenneth and family various tim-es, reiitvned .homeward from


on Sunday afternoon, Nov. 1S.

Hi Lite TooBeauty Shop

EVA 3N DUTYMon., Wed., Thiirs. 4 FrldaV

VICKIE ON DUTYToes., Thurs., <u Friday

HOURS: 9 to 5



Doris Hansen, Ovrner

Phone 289-329'IKendrick; Idaho

48" Hi-Lift Jacks $39.9525-piece Ii/." Drive Socket (Metric or U. S.) $l6.957-piece Wood Handle Screwdriver Set $5.959-piece Combination Wrench Set $l1.95Carry Air Tank (Reg. $53.50) $40.85HD Cable Hoist $ l9.95|i-amp Charger (Reg. $32.95) $28.7510-amp. Charger (Reg. 41.90) $36.9930-amp Charger with 200 amp. Boost

(Reg. $149.95) $ l 29.95ENGINE REBUILD KITS —FOR 4, 6, 8 8 CYLINDER

Re-Ring Kits—starting ot $60.25Overhaul Kits—starting at $148.40

SEE US FOR YOUR WINTER TIRE NEEDSAlso special discount on Ik Parts in our shop!!

'mir( -rue( ~~:(oui).Phone 289-4471 or 289-3311 Kendrick, Id.



ROSLYN DENNLER —Kindergarten


CATHY WEYEN —First Grade






MARLENE MEYER Sixth GradePrincipal

DEANN PARKS—Remedial Reading, Mothand Language Arts

LINDA GROUT —Special Education

"THANK YOU" for your support on election duy. We nru

tllrilludut the thought of having adequate space for uur

students und want to tell yuu so...

Page 6: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1984 - The Gazette News/1984 July - Dec. - The... · Local News ~ K-J Jr, Miss Denise Corkill Says "Thanks to All" OI Keajlrick m W>E,/il~,,i . C)I>IIF$

The Gazette - News, Thursday, November 22, 1984 Cedar Ridge NewsBy Darlean Wilson

INTRODUCTORY OFfER!!We have just recevied our complete line of

(hroovee 1facuvrilsand as on introductory offer we are Putting our

No. 4365 Convertible Upright VucuutuRegularly priced at $104.95


—Mfe now carry bags to fit most alj! cleaners—



We will give u Hoover Vutj:uum FREE!

Clem and Flo iLyons attended theham supper and auction at the Kend- Svtrfrrick United Methodist Church Saturday evening.

Sunday callers of lEileen and Mar-ion Souders were son Miles and wifeMelinda and boys of Pierce. OnThursday, Avley and Matiie Allenof Juliaeita and Thelnia Cuddy werecallers.

lLuncheon guest,s of Cecil and JoBrammev on Wednesday were sonRussel and his houseguest, Ken Rice'f Richland, Wash. On Wednesdayevening, Cecii and Jo were guests oiRussell and 'Suzanne to see the sli-des of Ken's trip to Utah.

Alice .'Scary's bn>ther, Odin Tallefson and wife tMabel of Bagley, Minn,visited her at the lSeary home fromWedriesday to Friday on their wayto jSeattle to visit their daughter.

Jack and. jDonna Parsley were inSpokane Wednesday to attend aLand Bank board of director's meet-ing. tFriday mght was spent withJack and Nadine Shepherd. On Sat-urday Jenifer Parsley and Gina Hel-bling of Moscow joined the famifiesfor an early Thanksgiving dinner.

Thursday luncheon guests atHolt's Poor tFarm were John andAmy May of Kendrick.


callevs were Ada Westendahl andSwede Carlson of Juliaetta.

,Anna tMike Means, Dan and NavHenderson and Joshua of Boise werFriday overnight and Saturdaguests cl the Halte.

James Holt accompanied John anAmy May to 'Schwartz's at Fenlinand on .Sunday to spend the after-noon and evening.

rr)('g P3trtkrgvr(, Pgrrntairr,

trrrg). hami)Ir( Sr'frinqIN JULIAETTA


We will l)u Closutl Thanksgiving uud Frifluy Nuv. 23

Suturduy Speciuls

Dinner Spuciuls

Tuesday is Family Nighf

Suuduy: Breukfust Buffet


Jack and Carolyn Brown Phone 276-4464

Ray Snyder Phone289-806'ocal

P. T. S. 0. PlansFund Raiser Dance-A-Thon letters to

the editor Americuu RidgeThe P. T. S. O. is sponsoring a

Darrce-a 'I'hon Lo raise funds fov thecomng year's expenses

Tile lllorley vaiseti lry ).Iris t:yellLwiii be used to fund ouv annual ex-lpenses. Some of these expenses are:3, $100.00 scholarships and 4, $25grants to llelp solid K. H. S. SLild-ents to O. L. A., F. H. A, Girls Stateand Boys'State conventions

lDue to some unexpected conflictsconcevnhig the time of this event.we are still rurdecided about thetime angl date of the dance-a-llion.Watch for fiii Lhei inrovmation nextweek.

If anyone is irrlercsted in psitici-pating in t.he dance-a-thon ov beingtr sponsor, cont.act Dave Jones 289-5877; Sue Mecke, 287-5)01 ov Bar-bara Sruit.h 289 3031.

Vicky Benscoterll.dr Lot".At a iuecent meeting of the Latah

Coun).y Wheat Grower's at Moscowsome very interesting and contro-vevsirrl points points weve bvoughtilp.

The niuin purpose being to formideas for the 1985 Farm Program.(all programs expire next year.)

A majority consensus being: weare growing nrore of something weall ready have too much of!

iPast and present programs werenot working as evidenced by increas-ed production, increased cost, andprogressively lower prices.

In light of this some radical chan-ges were discussed.

Resolutions adopted for presenta-tion to the state I. W. G. A. were:

1. To eliminate all farm subsidesreplacing them with market develop-ment, export subsidies, blended credit, Pl. 480, etc.

2. Receive 100% of Pavily untilLhe permanent surplus is gone (thissurplus is beirig used to regulate tpri-ces and keep the drowning farmevi caching) . This resolution is de-signed to protect against futuregrain embargoes.

3. Chemical usage is the concernof all segments of society as it af-fects all living things.

The conservation program wouldcontain provisions for technical andfinancial aid in immediate establish-ment of more all organc and regene-rative farms on a nation-wide pilotbasis to further develop the new al-ternatives to chemical usage underlarge acveage and various climateand 'ield conditions. Organic farm-ing is especially beneficial on fra-gile and low producing land for eros-lmioll coilir'ol ailil Iohvel'r'oductiorlcost:.

Z~Jizabeth Haverrs was a Mondayafternoon visitor of Jo Benscolcr.

A Saturday visitov and lunchguest of grandmother Jo Benscotervi'as Bill Benscoter of Lcwiston.

)Ray and Mike Benscotev drove i.oPortland on Friday and bvorrg)htFran Benscotev home on Saturday.Fran has been doctoring in Portland.

Eathlyn Morey aml Jo Benscoierhad lunch on, Sunday at "Granny's"in Juliaetta.

lOn Wednesday Pat and Milre Naypicked up Wavriey's sister and broth-er-in-law )Mr. and Mvs. Bob Stuart,their dauglrter and small granddau-ghter at. the )Lewiston airport, Theyplan to visit hvilh the Warney Nayfamily until after Thanksgiving, andave from Dixon, California.

)Betty May at, tended the EvergreenFriendsliip Club meeting at the homeof Vicky Benscoler on Tjhuvsdayafternoon.

Jo Bens cote v, Betty May, VickyBenscoter, Kim and Penni Dixon andArielle weie anrong those attendingthe dinner and auction at the Kend-rick United ¹thodist Church onSaturday evening.

'Sunday visitors in the Warn eyMay home were Jerry and KathylClemm, and daughters Tami andTanya of Troy.

A Friday visitor in the Walt Bens-cotei'ome was Vicky {Benscotev.

tSunday visitors of Walt Benscoter,Kim, Penni and,A,rielle Dixon wereClint and Dorothy Lower oi'lavks-ton, Bob and Diane Dupes, 'I'im andBecky Dupea, all of Ovofino, andJack and Molly Berrscoter of Pull-I'lail.

'%wmw mwmwmw mwmw mw macaw ww mcrmw mw vawmc

Wilson's CuuucuJU LIAETTA—OPEN-

Mon. to Sat.: 9 to 7Sundays: 10 to 6

.mam wmmm wm rvmwm wm wuawm wm em em wmmramm wra wva wva I

I~ JulileIlics, fdnh410c Copies

(Re<luccd Rates ur Bulk)


14 Order by MailSend for Free Catalog


Paul ond Carolyn Gravelle


Congratulations Given to K-JJr. Miss, Denise Corkill

K-J Junior Miss Committee rvouldlike to congratulate our Kendrick-Juliaetta Jr. Miss, Denise Corkill,for her Scholastic Achievement A-ward at the Idaho Jv. Miss Programin Moscow. Denise, yoii servedyour community in grand fashionand made us all very proud. Weare honored t,o have you representus.

Also, a special congratulationsgoes to our out-going President,)Richard Abrams. At the awards ban-quet on that Friday night, IRichardwas presented an outstanding chair-man award by the State Committee.

Richard, the Jr. Miss Committeewould like to send you a specialthank you for the past two years ofdedicated service that. you have given to us. Thanlrs for all the hours,the donations, and work you havedevoted to the Jr. Miss Program.You servved us well and we appreci-ate all that you have done.

Sincerely,Donna Ic'varyK-J Jr. iMiss Commiliee

Charles Borver



4 Phil's Food

2-miles Weon Highway

Exce lent Seiec

Some Low P


Litter Kid RecyliugSATURDAYS

Juliaetta: 9-12 Kendrick: 1-4BUYING NEWSPRINT,BOTTLES, CANS, ETC.

Jake Emery —289-3357


Steak 8 Eggs

We are now Featuring


I~and we stir'l have our

Tiger BurgersI


I) a( 'I'rj iv),

available at all times

) Kuudritk Drive-lu 1

Phone 289-45871)

IIbSBIII,I'I~i 6BFilji',je, jllg.





Stuudurd Heuj)uj Oils uud Diesel Fuels

-We Deliver-

HAMM'S BEER12 oz. Cans

12 puck —$3.'99GOODYEAR AND ATLAS

Tires —Tubes —Car Accessories —BATTERIES

Tulepl: okuu d)89-571'I

Daoba! (I'


B+ Buur Rid+6 jNotes from the Meal SiteIFriday. Nov. 16, was the Thanks I

Happy Home Club giving dinner at the Kendrick Meal


Site—9 tables were filled and 80The Happy Home Club will meet senior citizens were served a delic-

ar Ccmnrunny Hall, Tune„wcv sr ious lurlrcy dinner. There were manY +II j frj l r )/+/SIl at 9 o'lock with Elaine Grt'Ilovday as guests from places around here and, g( 1 )~) j

' ljggyg

hostess. Etach to bring the;r owrr as far away as Colorado and Western ~ ' Isarrdwich. Soup will be served Washington. It is wonderful to enl'oy

There will be a Tupperware party the fellowship of friends old and new.m Lire afterllooll. Everyorle I, wel- Many thanks to oul cook fol pre I-

ing and serving the delicious meal.Leland Slind carne Friday everring )Followirrg dinner Genevieve New-

to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs ton, assisted by 'Beulah StePhens ofOscar 'Slind. Eric Slind of the U/> Princeton, Idaho showed many Ind-

e dcbmvn wllb hl rallrcc lc .'pand ian arllraula that Ganaclara and liarhusband John had collected in tire )

Yakirua visited at the Shnd home beautiful bucksk'n jacket made1

vvcdnccday arlcrnccn. Huaaco Ha 1rcm dear cr'clk skin, that Genevieve i) CHIMNFY SWEEPkev of Cedar Ridge was a Wednes- had worn for 37 years, was greatly


~ For Safer and klore'Hulda Clemenhagen attended the anks to 'thes» a es fov s iai»rg 'b

Past Noble Grand Club at Deary, il EffiCient BurningWednesday. Jan jMOHugh and Nricole Pur'dy. Dan-

t i Coll Ron at 289-5067Mv. arrd Mr's. Grant Clemerrirager cers are Elizabeth yvVhitnev, Jeanieand Roy Clernenhagen attended the Balder a„d Nicole Pa;udy


beautiful 1:30 p. m. wedding at Pot-latch iSaturday for Randy Hennigarof Harvard and tLInda SFiggins ofPotlatch held at the Grace Lutheranchurch at Potlatch., 'he receptionwas held at the Odd Fellows Hall. fT- ))iLauvhie Hazeltine and Nr. v

Mr s. Dar eld 1Iazeltine, Wyai.t. andJeruii Look Ellma Hazeltine oul to aCafe at tLewiston fov dinner honor- May the Plentiful Spiriting Mom oii her birthday anniver of the seasonsary 'Saturday evening. ~ ~

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wilson vis- fill your winter livesited recently with Glenda's folks, with peace and health.,'Mr. and Mvs. Herman Graham inGrani,eville.

)Ruthie Wilson visited with Mrs. T'u',,

C, Wilson Thursday.I fjQOfj+ 0 pl,@g,ggg tot f,'PV~fg,g

'Cecil and Elsie Chamberlain enjoy-

Ied the Kendrick United MethodistChurch ham suppev Saturday eve- 'Ining.

Susan Chamberlain of Moscowspent tWednesday and was a dinnerguest of grandparents< Cecil andElsie Chamberlain.

Jerry J. Ingle was a Saturdayevening dinner ducal cl Terry and

( JPf I+Lt Itrlg ORQHQRDgepguest of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Ol-cv 1 e


Reno, Nevada. Also present wereMv. and Mrs. Don Nelson of Moscow 4'I) 1)O$acn .sunday evening waa Jerry J. In- ~ HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL ~

Mrs. Jay X)ee Wilson visited Mrs. ~~ We come to the traditional Thanksgiving season with

~ grateful hearts for the many blessings we have enjoyedy

t throughout the year, and we hope each of our friends~feel the same spirit of Thanksgiving. We are grateful~

Tu bu ut Cuuiuruu~ for the blessings of goad health, onr familyand for the',~ support and patronage of our customers and friends. ~

Cliurtli DuC 13 ~ May each of you have n most enjoyable and pleasant ~„Thanksgiving holiday."Amahl and The Night Visitors"

FllM DEVELOPINGp~rcducrlcn lc currently being direct- ' $ )p) p Imtett ) g~ f)ed by Duane Baker of Troy. Mr.Baker is i,he music teacher for theElk River school district and also amember of the Washington-Idaho ~Sympbcny. Tbla Gaslight Playcrc ~ I 2 E)rpuSuru $~+49 ~production is being co-sponsored bythe Tvoy and Camevon Lutheran ~churches, aml The mk elver pine ~ p4 EXpuSurtb $4 49 ~Arts Council.

Production dates are December 13, rip ~c ~~8!00 p. m. at Cameroii Lutheran pg gxgoggfg,, „,pip,Wy ~8:00 p. m. at The Elk River Com-l ~omunity canter, and December 15 cnd ~ DISt v,, n, $JI 99 ~16 at 8:00 p. m. at The Troy Luth-aran cburcb. Tbcrc mli ba a» ad 4 'nood Friday, Nov. rr to Thnrsday, Nov. rg ~mission charge in Elk River and a ~Irca-will dcnallcn plate will ba avail- ~ = '

able ln the cburcbcc lc l:clp cover ~the costs cr rcyaltlca and other pro. ~ PEPSI DIET PEPSI MT DEW~

.".l:"'"„.'"';.-'...,"",.:"":;~ SllCE, SUNKIST, HIRES, SQUIRT ~pctrara cr Tmv;'ihg biatcbclr,by ~ . JI Liars buttlu $ 1thazer by Clancy Potratz of Moscow

There will be a prelude of Christrnas music played on the harp byElaine Coombs of Moscow. She is ~being jointly sponsored by Deme- ,truis Koubourlis and the Musician ~Trust lFund. 'Other musicians are ~Merle James of Troy at the piano '0 0and Ken Barker of Lewistnn on the 0flute.

Other members of the cast are ~Randy Rich as The Kings Page.Shepherds and tShepherdess are sang ~by Phil Baker and Elizabeth Whit- ~,ney, sopranos; Barbara Potratz,Julie 1Rich, lLouise Narone, Jeanie 0Baker and Nancy Berger, altos; Tim ~,Purdy and Duane Baker, tenors; ~

Ph 289 5957 Kendrick, Idaho'and bass by Chuck Chapman arui ~playyed bv Aaron Rich, Eric Matone, Qo)4