jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1976 - The Gazette News/1976... · ,i

,i<jooo oio If)Ac Ieotlo Ioo)o(o S.Iows .oco )I VOI». 86 ! i l L M KF»NDILICIC AI<rt> GI;NESkJE, I ATAH 4jooai)a Ad«I]t St 4 St- ) 925 +'e«4 8gOS , lc}j<) ,Xj,i,i '- j j(> S COUNTY, IDAHO THURSDAY, JAMJARY 8, 1976 NO. 2 Tiger Ycjrsity Squpd ln Action Friday Night After a huliday lay-ofi'oach Bill i L>-'<j<jrjy>m returns his Kendrick High 'I'igcrs tu U)c baskeU>all wars as (.hey host. the visiting Timberline S~s F)i(L>y night. 'I'imberline holds an cain«r decision over the Tigers, but KHB is expected to give a better ac- cc>unj.ing of themselves now that. some i><ju)i<-8 are healed. 13ud) Tim Eiclmer and Paul Hutch- esun are rLLovering from .ank]e in- j <>ries and only Doug Craig is still or: tj<e duubtfu] list bees.use of a back injury. LAMunyan said Tuesday! morning t.hat Craig may be lost for th«s«;a~un, but he was still optimisUc about thhe Tigers chances for the re- niijnder of U)e season. ! KHS Freshmer] 8last Timberline 46-25 Monday Engines Rebuilt )II)"I -'F''™Ii : . i-:-::-",!> Coach D i c k Ruark's Kendrick Freshman Irasketball team took tbs ( ~ I'aurth win in five soar ts Monday night. when Timberline came down and was defeated 46-25. Kendrick wasted no lime in taking, ~ -:.:,=.,---,-,—,.-:: -", r(o]] Soo(N befure the vjs]ting team could get a point on the boarcL Kendrick led 14-4 at the end of the first period and was The scca avy snowstorm « the never heacjed. The little Tigers had!uinter season swept across the region control of the suituation 26-16 at. ra"iy S)mday morning dropping aj the half. most «half-foot of snow in Kend- F~ Pea Ied a husUing defense that rick and Genesee. This js the mst held Timberline to just Io field goal~ snow the area has received since the and the front three of Ken Warner hea"v storm hnmed>ately fo]low>ng David Heppner and Steve Gustafson Than»giving weekend. completely dominated both the offen- Despite the large amount of snow sive and defensive boards to con- the temperatures remained around tribute to the (><in. the fremjI>g level or slightly above. Ken Wafnef'8 14 points were high< The result of this s>~ a quick melUng for both teams, Dave Heppner and Ed I of much of the snow and s]ush and Pea each put in 10 points, Steve Gus- water on streets and sidewalks. iafson 7, Brett Gertje and Kevin Trave] conditions were reported poor Harris each 2 and Pat May 1, in many sections. Pwbert Thomas scored 9 points for Little moisture fell Monday but Timberline. early Tuesday morning the snow be- Kendrick put the game on >ce in gan again and added another inch. the final quarter of playing scoring or more to what was already an the< 13 points while holding the Timber- ground. line team Lo just 3. Up in Genesee and sicjnjty the new Thunsday the 8th graders and snow was whipped along by moderate Frosh v>%] go up to potlatch for a to stmng winds and caused drjfUng. two-g<a)ne series with the tuggefs Schools in Co)ton were closed by U)e with the first game beginning at 6:30. vied and snow, but remained open in Genes'nd Kendrick. Several of the grades m the area ~ I area were in poor traveling condiUon u eett6 UP~g" Tuesday morning. Several vehicles had trouble on the South)j<dck grade Appointments Made Pau] Grave]le cvas officially ad- LOgS Of MoiSture— ministered the oath of office of may- or of the City of Jujiaetta by his re- December rainfall on American tiring predecessor Harold Freeman Ridge totaled 3.48 inches it sos>8 re- Tuesday night at the regular meet-) ported Tuesday by Dick Ben)xx>ter, ing of the Juliaet.ta council. ~ wha maintains the figures for the Also taking a seat on the council Soil Conservation Service. for the first time was Eldon (Jody]! Almost all of the December mo]s- Fey. Other members of the council! ture came in the form of rain. There are L. C. (Ludel Grosecjose, Gene l cvas healg snow late in November Taylor, and Art Boe. ! but this melted v<ithin a few days Gravelle re-appointed Taylor and there lvas little more oj', the snow St)eet Con>missioner; Boe, Building unU} this past Sunday. and Zoning Commissioner; Grose- Even more mo)stufe lc~ recorded close, Water Commissioner, and nam- by Charlie Bower up on Big Bear ed Fey as Commissioner of Safety, I Ridge, )vho reported his total for U>o Parks, and Recreation, which jnc)udes month of December was 4.06 inchea supervision of the t)fe and police de- part>nants. The council passed a Ieso]ution EVergreen FriendShip Club naming outgoing Mayor Hafojd Freeman as chairman of the Sewer The Evergrem Friendship Club wi]1 Commjtt.ee. The city )8 pfesenUV in meet. Thu>~day, January 15 aL 1:30 >he pfc>cess of )nsta}ling a seu;age at the home of Mrs. Deja)es Polum- collection and (sea(ment 8) stem «nd I sky at Jujiaett«vbiU> O>frs. Vicki Bens- it v,-ss felt that Freeman, with his cater as co-hostess. knowledge and experience of the pro- jecL )jn>u]d be the logical man to obajbbe aa oeeabaa <be >abject. outer i NOW .,;:-;",';-,„"„;,',",.'",, "":,':;,",'! Seated This Week in the absence of Grave]le. Grave]le noted that the next regu-, Members of the city councils of lar meet.ing (>f the council and engi-! Genesee, Kendrick and Jujjaetta who neers concerning the sewer will be l were elected in November, were 8)varn next KVednes(jay evening, January! into office and began sef)41>g their 14. These meetings are used to re-'erms this week. rie)v the progress of the work and j In Jujjaetba Paul Grave)le approve monthly expenditures as fe-! 8)vofn in as ma)mr, replacing Harold quired by lacv. ! Freeman, wha had served four years The council also approved an in-! «nd did not seek re-ejection. Coming trrim budget of $20,000.00 which in as councilmen were Jody Fey and vii)j carry the city through until! Lude Gfosrcjom. March 31 when the f'inal budget for! Grosec]eve was elected to the coun- 1976 is prepared and approved ac- j cil in November although he Tcs(s cording to Idaho law. j already a member, being appointed ! by Mayor Freemc<n to replace Fred < Cjcmenhsgen lvho resigned. CDA Card Parties In Kendrick John Deobald wtjj bo j ending an eight-year career on the The first in a series of CDA span- j council and niij be replaced by Jerry sored raIlj parties cvas held Sunday! Brolly. Wayne Harris, lvho <x~ evening at Parish Hall, Four tab-! elected in November, is already a lrs of bridge were played and seven; member of the counciL of pinochle. Bridge prizes cvefe . Monday evening in Gencsre, Stan wan by ELsle Linrhan and Nartjn: Nerrill became that tolvn'8 fresj)n>an Stout, And pinochle prizes lvere avon'ouncil member as he lvas slvofn in- by Bobbi Bennctt «nd Ray Johann.; to office Tvith other re-elected coun- The door prize lvas avon by Father'iln)rn, V'a]t, Moden, Leonard Sing- Dolunan. The next part) will be hose, and Jerry Linehan. Sjnghose next Sunday «t, 7:30 p. m. j viill also be president of the council. ! j \++4 4 ++sc+o+w~+++s bkbe obk 4+++++ Special Meeting for Genesee Senior Citizens January 9 A special meeting of the Gay Nine- ( ties group will be held January 9th'I in the Legion building at 2:00 P. hf Eunjce Erickson and Ray Davis of I>ewistori will be present to ex- plain the advantages and benefits of belonging to the organization. On Dec. 31, 33 senior citizens tra- veled b; Gre)hound bus ta Spokane to a((end t.he 2 p. m. perl'ormance of thc Ice Cspades. Fa]ja<><ing the performance, a dinner cc)as enjoyed at the Chuck Wagon arriving home about 9:30 p. m. Jim Allen is shc>wn above with one of the Briggs Ec Sbfatton engines U)e Senior Class rebuilt, and repaint- ed in their Vo-Ag claas. Carla Emery Moved To Spokane Hospital For Further Tests Senior Citizen Bus Goes To Moscow Tuesday The Senior Citizen bus Ted}) make its monthly run to Moscow Tuesday, January 13. The schedule is as fol- lows: Juiiaet(a City Hall I~ve 8;45 a.m. }3urt.'8 Cai'e, Kendrick Lv. 9:00 Busy Corner Cafe Deary Lv. 9:36 Troy Lutheran Church Lv. 10:01 Arrive Moscow Hotel 10:25 Lec<vc Moscow Hotel 2:00 p.m. For information or reservations call Ruth Hoffman 289-4871 or Ljj}IAI> Pitken, Troy 835-4661. Car]a i.".mery v:as transferred Mon- day from Gritman hospital in Moscow to Sac>el Heart Hospital in Spokane lvhe>ie she evil) >mdergo further tests in an attempt to diagnose an illness; that has troubled her for the pastl f>ve weaks. Mrs. Emery ims on a promotjonaj tour of the country for her "Old I'sluoned Recipe Book" when she )vas stricken in northern Illinois with what first. appeared Lo be a heart, condition. Later testing failed to con- firm U>is arid she )><~ allowed to return to hcr farm home on American }I}dge, shorUy before Christmas. Carla rested at her hame for some time and then was admitted to the Mosc~v Hasp]ts} for tests, She has, rcrnajncd at Moscow since then but cvhen she didn't respond to treatment properly and tests failed ta pinpoint.( the exact nature of her illness, )L was ) decided to transfer her to Spokane for further tesUng. UnUI such time as Car]a (8 able tc> resume hrf schedule of acUvjties, plans fa)'pea)T>ing projects suc}) as her r«dio show cmd su)n>ner plans for U)e School of Country idling, are being held in abe)smce. Late word frc>n> Mike Emery, who is lci(h his wife in Spokane, called the I ivingroom Mimeagr«pher and re- po>ted that, the first, tests all proved negative. He to]d the office that others )vill be n>c>de and added that Car]a might be At Sacred Heart 8 while longer )u)drfgoing the>np)L Square Dance Lessons rhere viI) be beginning square dance lessot>s held Wednesday, Jan- uary 14, at 8:00 p.m. in the Julia- etta E)emecttafy gym. This v,ijj be the last chance to bake advantage of this opportunity for unless there is enough response to the oi'fer they s<ij} be discontued. So let.'8 have a good turnout. Supplemental Reading Council Meeting Jon. 12 The parent-teacher council of the Supplemental Reading Program cci]I meet Monday, January 12 at 7:00 p. m, at. the Juliaetta Elementary School. Al} parents with ch)]dren parUcj- patjng in the supplemental reading groups are urged to be in attendance at t.his important session. Geaeseo (oancil Approves City Budget; (ouaeilinoa Sworn-In at Mon(ioy Meeting The January 5th meeting of tl)e City Cn)mril was called to ordrr by h(ayor Iib )V. Sofcnsen at 8:00 p. n>. hjjnn(rs of'eer«)brr 10th mrc(ing wr)w res<) and approved «8 amended. Janu«ry bilL~ we>e approved by U>e nl<l rnunci). City Clerk Martinez Administer- ed ll>e Oath of Office to the fn]la)v- jng newly r]erted councilmen: ]~gu- ,'ard Singhosc, Walter L. hlndrn, .)r., .1rrry Linehan, «nd O. Stan Mewil]. I~«AT() H. S)nghoLse ll~s elected pn'Sjdrnt nf the Cain>c i], ta ACt, in t})r hlaynr's rapacity in. the Absence the h(ayn>. hfa)s>r Sorensrn appointed ro»n- cj)n>rn (n thr fo))olvjng pnsitinns; Mc rrill: Police 'k j>l; Cammissinnrr, htodrn: S(fret s Cn)nn> )as joan', Singhnse: tVc>trr (t Sr<ver Cnnnnis- sinnc r, I.jne)mn; Parks a<LL Itrrfeat}nn Cnm- n>issionc). }3«)1()jug permits Approve<1 for 1><in Springer to demolish the c>)d En>mr(t. rrsiclence. I sI>cr AI>dean to en- close ya.rd wj<pn)r, fence. Mobile Home I'Ar)c License approv- ed «nd iss»r<j to Clln(nn Hrnna>)n. I'nb]jc hrnf(ng lcsm held on HU<D g>nnt Aflpllr«Uons'V<A(ef I(rant pre- Applicauon has been 8»bn>)(ted. Grant Applic«(ion ls to corn]))ete the nrii'vatcr line in the A)lry br(cvrrn Clus- tnnt And )VA]nnt. s(nr(s, Appljra- t ion Amount $31,000, jw nn DAIl jrlsnn, presk)('nt. of 'I l) L Genrsre Civir Assoc(<>(jnn; Wi)jinn> I3)'olvnin g, rnn>n> A>nlor nf 33 jr) en br ) k S hna]rf An)r)i«Im ]~gin>T 1 <Lst <n)d,( Marie H, Scharnhorst attended hear- ing to discuss HUD gnant for Senior Citizens Center And Libra)w.. Pfe-Appll<atinn for Senior Citizens Center and Library has been submit- ted. Application amount $36,000.00. Final 1976 Budget prepared and approved by the counciL l976 bud- get expenditures App>l>vrd in U>e fol- )o))ing an)aunts: General Pand ........ $ 74,020.00 IVA(ef A Sewer Fund ..$ 46,014.00 TOTAL ......... ~ .. $ }20.034.00 B)>dgmt l>raring srhedu]ed for Mon- day, January 19th at. 8:00 P. ih(. At the City Hall Jerry Linrhan info)mcd thc Mayor «I><j Council that because nf net em- p]oyn>cnt 1>e is res(piling f)l>n> U>e council, Je>)y has Acrcptr(l U>e po sition As manager of the Dusty Co-op. A fofU])zef And supply caoj>rmtive. He and his fa)nily )vj]j be moving to LarIs>sse, )Vms)>ington as soon As 8)>liable ]>0»sing La< found. MA<a'of Snrensen thanked Co>mcilman Line- h«n 1'r the work he has done As Parks 8: Rrr>eat)an Cnmmiss!oner «nd, «8 a member of U>e P]arming Ct. Zoning Commi ~sinn. Mayor Sn>ense« <Lnnnunrrd that hc cvj}l I'wajew «A>nca ra)'>e vacAIlt council position for the next. tcvn )veeks and those lntcrcs(rd in being considered for the position «rr urged ta rnn'Ii>c(, h(ayo> Sn>'\'asm. Ap. point.mrnt. Oi'nrn rn)>nrilmrn to t)e by thr ahtayor lvjt]> thr App)liva) nf the Counr)1. Senior Sall Saturday KEN DRICK-J 0 LIAETTA The Senior C])Lss ha chosen 'Stair- SCHOOL T<a Ay to U)r St«I's's the LhL>>le of its a annual Senior Ball tn be held Satur-! Menus day Jtun>an 10 from 8:00 p. m. to 12:00 p. m. at the Kendriclc High Th ~. Srhon] ka nmasium. Chili Can Carne vbith Beans Pric 8 afe $2 0 fnr inglrs and $3 Cabb~ and Apple S)an" with for couple . Music ))ill be furni hed by "Night Plight.". Cjnna.mnn ICnotts pint h(ilk I. S, F. G. C. To Meet Thursday. January 9— In Lev(iston Jon 12 Ovr>T F>)<bd Chicken Na hrd Potatoes 8-. Gravy The C)eanv(L(rr Dist>ict of Idaho C bern Jello %,]ad St>< te h r(}erat ion of Ga>l}rn C u >8 j .ran err) e o a Judg(s C)<>unrj) wi)l meet Monday ! '" 1'int hli]k JAm>ary 12 at 10:00 At. the kirst I c.d- Ssvjnks <in(i I»nan As«aria(inn! Cril)rd Chrrsr r~(j)virh l~>rkrv Vr t~sb]r % i)p I~ )vision O>vho.r()s. Mrn>bc'rs A>ic Ask- ' (ai I')'i>) ".';):«)r]c ]<<<>«l). ' Pint Milk To<~<I)y .Ianoary 13— ! Stationed ln Alaska ! V)r)ni)s An<i SA<)rr Israut Dan j(n»vn, whn is . (ji(i<aural )i'ij]), j~s](«a) )'a>(A(( s lv()) Butter (ji( Ajr 1 o)l'<'n A]')bk'< le<i))jil l)1<r a'wn') I'ii-lil('(ai hr;ir fron) >)':en<is. I(is Ada)ra's. )s 13)))ma) )V))n)r IVhr;)t Dread SL'j. )lani< 1 14. Iiniwn, )'SC ]kb( 42<', 1'oli;)](ral Cookie Al'O Brat()r. )<VA Ph< 3<i. ', ):i)>j hlilk j Wc<)»a s<):Ty, Ianu:>ry 3.1— 'Methodist Women (:)a a )! S;))Ai] )vi(li 'i'ho<<san<i TO Meet Jo)1 15 ! )ja);<))a) 1))<. sing (ajj)Z< a! ((il )'Ota ):r»j( C" ip Thia )<V<)n)<'»'8 So< j<'(v aif jlir I r)i!ra! < . l 'al)»)<st C. l)«<rll nil) lna.'r( 1 I)<i).a)A) ( ( ) Gina ail,"i(c <:)<'(')I'j )1)< OA At 1:,".(), .1<i))u<i) I 1.. <i; (h.! p I )) i. hi i I k j)o»)r aif hlrja. I..i<l:i 1)i))a r lv<(h hj)s I hi:iivli) )A~ng rii-))a'isj( =s. < 4 Ala. a sa Oa a a a <..a a iL4 a,a a( la a 4 akaka)4a( zzxzzrzzzzzr~xzatxx&XXa x xx s x ~X~Z x x x ~~ Student Needs Assessment Queries Mailed cb))les()on«A))lab< ron<'r>))jng j)lr 8jn- (ir»( Nrri}s Ass( ss<nini, fn)'hr,l))lia- r((A ]',]rn>rnjarv S<)>ool ivr)ar n) ii)«l aiii( (o '>0" «ir (Iir )i<an ir'i)r"s jn,'I(. Sr]fool I')isiria ( 'La(3, i( u j)s rr)aa»'t«'1 ()iis >v« ~ )<, '1'l)is is:<nnjl)rr n>r(l)o<l ii)r N<'i'a)s A<La<'ss>nr>)( ('o<nn'Iij('<» js i<xiii!', I:Ain infnrina( jnn Ana] pi))i) ja >'('8<i >ll jug 'I )1<''I) )'j<'i)in))) j)>l~) ))<'ai)s ,'ij ih('r]ion), 'I'l)i qi)(s(jn))n;>jns )<ill li< . «)<j')<«] nit)> A s<a] f-a(l<i)'«sar<i, s'I An>peal r»'- ve)n)aa> Anal (8<is<i ivlu) rr< civ('hrs< c))irsiionnaj> < 8;irr:)sl'<.a] iai r<i»)p)rjr A)T<) >'i'I)'l)'n 1)'lrn) wj( ji))) irn <bvs. Tl)<'<irs) 1<'j>)t) Ail <'8 n <'. a') Al)<'al ai'l)'I by >'j>n<1(i)'n s<))))pli)'ig An<) )f Anvai))c''isl)r. I<i ((jj <i<)a oi)( .<nai <l<(l n<i( )'<'- rri V<'I ( 'I l>r V n)S V a'i)1 XI )'(<i)'( <in A( jl>r srhooj ) 28))- I") 1) or M)~. 'I'cd Mry<'r < 289-.)<)87 > n hai js «)):)!(1)))n of I lie j>ssa sslnrt>i ron) <1)'l I ( a'<L xzx.zwxxxXXxxx KXXXXXXXLLLZTZLZXXXXXXXXXXXX The n>aunt«in }'Ine bee!le, a small, tha( iho tree has buaen attacked <md black insect capable of destroying killed. lodge}>ole sl>d pu)uierosa p)n<> t) c',c'8 ts now beI;inning to cause concern Tree needles begb) to fade as ear]y in the Kendr(Lk-Ju)iuetta «reu ssjd us 3 to 4 weeks after an at(ack but Fire Warden Itirl>urd Benju>nin. (ho cliange from heal(,hy green to "If you look l>ack on the hjj) bet- <leep re<id(s]T-brown usually ls not >VLen J<)liuetta und IC«nd>ick, you c<m! noucLable until the sp>'ing fo]]uwini'o)«'«of thL trL«s t))a(. have Al-! attack, N(.'ed]ca drop off the ready l><>en killed l>y the beet]es", within '> 3 yriirs aft«) the at(ack. 13«njan>jn said. M<>un(sin pine be«this may atback jm]j;Lpu)e pine is a dominant t>ee )ndividua], scattor<.(j trees but m«e un son)<. 69 million <<ores of land in often Lntirc. groups of trees are killed. U)L <V«>ate)'n Unite<] Sti>'tes and Can ! Unchecked, I")'oup infc;jitatlons can c>c- a<h<. }t «ontributes tu the scenic qu'l- j pand with <asr}> nc<Ã bee(.li'. g<bnL) i>ti<>ri, ity uf n>a)iy hinds««)>es, bord<.rs hun"! And Li'ca(nally large areas >nay suffer dreds of r<>n>psjtes and trails, helps extrrnie lorses of fo>x~t cover. )><nb«et vj(a} )vutershedr, and is sn '3'he flighl. period lasts from late in«reasinly i)nlaortant source of turn- sunni<«r to early fall, hlating occu)'8 ber <md utl>er fo)est products. (cfte). tl>e f«»)ale bores into the tree,, The n>o)u>tujn pine beetle is ulivays ';ggs hatch into sue) gri)bs, and the p>'«sent in ludgepule foresLs. 1 vidence ) gr)>bah«gin (u fc<>d on the tree 8 ,,! a indicuies an infestsuon ex)stol in the a phloe)n before hibe)natjng for the }jars«C)lack Dru)nsg(> uf U(a}> Terri- winter, phloen> is ci cio)nplex layer tory over 180 yeu» sgu, lung l>afore uf I(vjng wood just beneath the bark lho white man I>Lgan tu exp]ure the through which in "redients of a tree's 4Vasutch hfountains. ]Vhen beetle i foui] supp]y are tw>>sm)tte<j. nu>«hers are relatively small, the In spring, the grubs resume feed. quarter-inch, black insect and lodge-! ing and grow into pupae. By n>]<]su>n- pule trees co«axjst rather j>e><cefu]jy. i n>er, new adults emerge fro>n (he buL during a}>cetic j>opulation explo-! na)v dead t>'<.e and f]y to living trees s>un which can or)cur every 20 to 40) to launch a new 12-manth bee'tle }tfe years ln a given 8,)'«a, hordes of bee- I cycle, tl«s destroy the forest. I ~arch l~ shown U>at, in addi. }3«be(les kill pond«rosa pine, an un- I (on to thenumber and djstfjbuUon of portant source of timber, as well as( large dian)eter lodge-po)e judg<>po]e. Epldecnie beetle uutbre<cks! (hjcknrss ls very ]n)par(ant Io beetles. now are occurring In forests ranlnng! If the phloe)n ls tldcker than one- from the }3]ark llj]Ls uf south Dakota! tcwth tnrh, b(et]es can reproduce in to C)LI(fo>s>ta. In "nof)naI" yea)l> the j nun>bers sufficient to ki!1 sevefa) ]Ns>t]e kills miiliuns of trc~bs, but dur- trees. }n thinner phloe>n, they do not ing an epiden>ir «single National j thrive, and jn n>any case~ populations I"orest nu>) jose more U>an a mill>un < derreas«. trL~~ a year. 'I'he j perjfjr site af a stand of trcaes Infestations <)<m bsllc>a>n ut Ajar«>-! also is important. ]wet)e su>vjls>] is ing )ntcw. A k or«st SL>vice su)vey )nu< h greater at lower-elevation «ites. duruig A major l»nhiup in '63 < hu)vcs( Ilcbetles are less able to w)U)stand the thiit One jnf««ted thrcae ]jru Iur«):!)Arab «AVI>~n)nen(S at ldgh «leVa- enuugh bett)e to kill <dx more t)lbes,. >(orLs. h(<u)y other f<ir)urs Also influ-'n 'the Rocky h)out>tsjn Stat<a, the: en«a the an)a<mt of lass caused by i. ban(le deS(>l>y» >OOre thun o.r> bi)]in»'mOuntain pine beetle lnfeataUOn. board fret of )udj;ej>o)e And ponderos(i 'fsjng data srcun>ulst<ad ovef (he pine Un>ber ev<)ry year. I past 14 years on bee(ie brh«vjor, in- T«]ital« Y«c)f ! fr«tat}o>Ls, aml contol <Ltten>tj>s, scien- Attacking bee(ha leave tellta}e sa)v- (is(s at the Intermounain I orest and <lu»t in baf]Lrrevicrs or on the ground; Rimge I xperjmrnt StaUon have de- ut thn bs.~ of « tree, A few weeksI vejof>ed 8 model of l>relic l>opulatian after en(,ry, fung> carried by the, interar U<m sv(U) lodgepale pine! beetles)»tain woad blue just beneath! 8(ands. They «lso have prep«)ed some l the bark. Th]s is a certain ind)cation 'reliminary managements strategies, I - 'a deal n)c>re effec) ively with the j Insert. L The Beetle at 0'ork ocal News Forest Service )>cjentists And co- oper«tora have condurtr<l exiensive JaliaOtta ! babby'b a better ub < rababb abc <abb bcbcaUe'8 liicstyle <md relationship to By A}jce> Benson Iodgepo]e pjncaL The results show that !as signiftrant threat will continue, but. that effrcUve control measures are h(r. anil h(rs. koari Amdt. visjtec] possible, lcith Arley A}l«n'8 New Year's Inurn-I Sbudies jnd)cI>te that feu ladgepole Ing, They ra)nc tc> watch the Bj<>se) pine stands in the In(ermountain and I'Ara<h, l Narthern }blocky Maun(ain a>eas are Neiv Year's day dinner gues(s af is«re fram U)e beetle. Depending upon the A](ms )vcr<) Mr. And h(fs, VV«yne !the character(sues of A(tea i'rom 44 Darby of hfoc<row. Nr. and Mrs, Art ) to 90 parrent of lodgepole s(c>nds have Forstc r. Mr. A)ul J>(rs. Clarence Alex. j experirn<"rd or )vil] ra<per(ence an c'pl- andnr, Mr. And h(rs. h(nrton Sanders! demlc, (j«ua)ly, an epiden)ic lasts And )s>n>L Jim and Mil~s and h(j>Ls,'from 6 ta 8 yeaf«. K«(hy Gree n)<bed(I of Gec)csee. Usa! Unfortunn(«ly, U)e pine beetle at- Foj<(rr )«»> An «ftr moon visitor. Mr. j tacks th<. )nort healthy, Tig<orou» trees And hjra. I".liner Cud<ly And Kelly Wrrr! in 8 ladgr Pole Stum(. 13reauae beet]ca also dlnnrr g<)rats. , strongly prcier larger diameter trees, h(r. And Mr.<. Bill I(c>one Anal 1)avi<l, losses ra)gr from 1 per rent of 4-inch I of tVA}IA )>VA)IA, W«sh., visit<a] ovrr <jja)nrtrr ]udge-]>o]e to 87 prr rent of llm Cvrrkrnd Vai(h Nr. And h(n<. Fred; Uaees )><1(h u.inrh air ]:<f)n r diametera. C]en)rnhng< n. j AVhrn Adult brrurs «rek ncw, green JAn)je, Stevrn an(l I'Atty john)an. (rrrs in cvhjrh to mate, they search children uf h(r, And hfrs, Prrd Iw>h- , 'for in<Ages of large <1:irk objects n>ln, lvr>'r L,nr« I j< of jhe 131)l S>vA« Agii)n.'a(. a ligh(. background, This fan)ily In St. h(arie for four <}A)s>. ! Ae«rrhjng l>ehavior helps beetle popu- hlr. An<1 hjr)>. Mark I'jrntpe j>n<l 'a(iona rx]xmd simply brrause the in- 1>ujcnr And ah(r)s«<L Pggr>l< of l»(>lo,:, scs<(ja 'find larger (r(xii with the I,>rat,- h'ion(. cvr>e gues)s of L(r«, Gbuaa(<'., (Lit. food supp]i('s. I.'4;gers (h< past Tverk, 'I'ha'y bfc»)ght: ('nnlrnl Mr(ho<la l)e)my 14bgrrs ho>ne Af(rr he )u«j j j>N«tufa] rum) jra,of tl')e beetle spent srv>TL) ('A',.:< visiting thm. j wc>nap«rice>l«m<l srvr)n) inrrcis, be- Nc )V Arrival» j rnn)e n>O«' )n)n)rrCALa< )VI>rn beet]e hfr, An<I h(rs, ihfnntr. (Vjng of As-! pnpu]ations Are high. 'I'hey do nnt, toria, Oregon, Ar< t}><.'roud parents jhoivrvcr, p)l>vide rff<.rjivr ron(rol by nf «baby girl horn to U)rn) I')c'cern- j th<imsrlvrs, bnr 30. Thr. little mjjcs w< jghrd 7 lbs.! Wha(nl>nn( rhrn>ical ronirols7 Stu- 6 oz, An<l hns bren «amid T)Teresa! dies o(')>en)jra}]y spray«i And nn- Mnric, I'At(mal gran<lparrnts Are) Mr. Ispruyr<i infealntinn «ress shoiv '(1>at And»>(fs. Jo<i )<V lug cu><l >na(ernal I thr l)e(a(lr >nov(xl (hrough bntl) I) prs g>T<ndparrn(A Are h(r. And aM)S, RAV jnf tree sum<i» in A Sjn)j);<r nianner. .I SA)ns of Kamiah. I lcilllng:>bo)>t the sa)nr A>nc>)>n( of Mr. And Mrs, I<roy (Jr>)1)) <m<1 j )o<)gr]io)r. r)nrr An rPi<lc n>ir is >u><lr)- <laugh(<.r« trav<]rcl ta Krllogg In visit! )vny, th<, phys)ra) <liffir<illi)irs of p)». hrf parents, Mr. And hfra. Bob 1»n>-! prr]y Aplylni, chen>j(.'a]j< often jn»- n>ingham, over thr wer]c< n<i. v('n'(. >«An f >inn I",<Li)>h>g n>l ]assr« tvrrkcnr) guests of h(rs. A(}Allnr,,'A<)sr<1 hv (he rxpandi»g (narc( popu- ]A><(on)L« we> r. hj)'. And aMr». <sa(rivi« h(nrshall An(l family of Ivc jp]Ir, In n>n<intain ro>entry, the <iifftcnlt- h(r. «n<l hjrs. Clark '(Voods And sons< irs inch>dr stnp trr><>in >m() lack of t>'ave]c d In (Vrl<ier nvrc'h( eve<'I(end! A<.rrs«, Finding rx)x!)irnrr<j cnntn>) tn visit Nina'8 par<A(a, Dr. And hffs, '(>1<on))r], or training nr)v pe>snnnr], O, h. 33nyr.f, <>nd (}>r sl><'r»'>n)br>'f infra'(Ai.jonsa nften nmke It, nrarly impossible to Marge XVh((tun> An(l Sherriy» nr>e «(<L).). chen<)ra] fon(fn) ])fagran)a rf- a~aIrs. Rnl})h Otto <m() C))ll(ifen of L<)aav- frr(ivr]V ls(nn. On(i ron(ra] })oaa<ib)l)(y IA 'I<) rrn>ove (.rcea before th<.y rrach vulnerable "Golden Sunset" Senior sizes, 't]'n>s ell')'nlnat('ng 0>'r<h)ring 1 he 1)nlrnlial for bert)r cpl<lrmirs, )3r.- TO Meet January 12 <.An.'( 1>re(]c behavior ia s) rinse]y Tlu> "(an]<]en Sunset" senior rltlzrns I(( I )n f(x«) si>i>ply )Ar)w diAA>r(rr ill >nre(. J)munry 12 AL I:,']0 p.m. ]n t)x,rs Tvjth thir)c p]i]nrn)-- logging the Ihc Ken<I> lrlc I''sternal T('.n)Plr, proper t>mrs jn A s(AI)d %'in))<) >e(lure Th r Aftrrnonn will ba A f)n) time t))i. fnod s)>pp)y brfnre t)>e be«i]r bc- cvj(h Iran)ea vlaltlng «nd frfrrslt col»c'A r>cc('ssjv< ly nriivr, )vi(1>ln (hc mrn(>(, s(AI><l. A)l A> 'A s<'n r r)))zrns A>'<, n>ost An cs(i>na(<() m> pc.>br< ni <!f A)] <n>- ivnlrn>n(.', (.'On)<, br)ng A rrj»jn] A()n)( ))ri')irs rii>nr f)'a)n') i>)f('st- f>'irn(i <»'ifo An(l ('«joy thr. Afir>'- r(l i)('rji 12 I»<'hrs iir lal'I,('>'>) <)(A- noon. >i)< jrr, And 89 ]a< >'rent nf rn)<argjng A<1))lis < om< 1')li)n (<lrs cvith lodn< h Dale j><Yolff Suffer$ 8roken o< ~ ]or)(<'> ~ <lin>n< Ir)'s. ih(A'jn'I <)')ning Ar)kle II] Sledding Accident ]OA)<'Vo)ffa ]2-y"<L>'-oj<I >'on o('l>'. „)io«)<) iis(riri sii« 'sari>) h)ooi) i'<l A)>'I Mr>i, WAI(' (Vo)fr, «<)ffi'i'('a) ji ii«(j<»«i))'( I<'m rj I (rmjr Ii>la( n al lck f>1<('<i>l )O ilia li'fi I<'I hla>isa, ji)g I<<jig(')x)]<a lij))r jn Ai<) ) jy < (' jii)) r>', f >';I < i r f i<')< VVAS 'I A]«'n 'I O 'I'my )Vh(')'<a 1)I:« '<arj<j j<i)> Ai)<) n'A !<a>'S)>('<] p)l)(re(inn ) <ll']i .'",, <<n I ".)ii'li 1 )vjjij(j<(')olij'IA(. (..I<)')!<)Aijl.'< VA<'Aij< » )'«'<'jr«') 0)> « I>- A)(l)aiiii'li j'«''njis(!< hai'<i <)ri'aa)op<bi] < x)>Or j«l «xi«<i«ioii, )nisi<'«>oiv)('<]j)<a or )i<a( ji<'i!<i)o);v A>)<l ja<'i'<'i j>i ('<'l<>i )'ol I«a'l)nj<('ii<".i, !i)r)'('8 NAhI V, ()311'ITI',I) r> r;i'I >)a'«' Io l»(a'8<1<) <'i<'('()<''in- 'i'li n ini. I'l . Ni( hoi. Of ('.Ij<>'kiii<ii) i«os oli)if ) f<o))) t)ir ii)< )i)„,)) p)A(,!jr«„ ),.sjs(<))<, j(,<,hn)()ii(„i. f i<'v'lv rj < f Ai'(liil>'j rgAA vl) )),j )(n I'j""'r'] ii j ) h]) 8 N" i flu ii( I> (, '(1 ')'«nr))(a( !a)ii <i<)(i (r,„(i>ig, cviu< )>i<i <ai;ifr),

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,i<jooo oio If)Ac Ieotlo

Ioo)o(o S.Iows .oco )I VOI». 86




Ad«I]t St 4 St-) 925 +'e«4 8gOS

, lc}j<)

,Xj,i,i '-j j(> S


Tiger Ycjrsity Squpdln Action Friday Night

After a huliday lay-ofi'oach Bill iL>-'<j<jrjy>m returns his Kendrick High'I'igcrs tu U)c baskeU>all wars as (.heyhost. the visiting Timberline S~sF)i(L>y night. 'I'imberline holds ancain«r decision over the Tigers, butKHB is expected to give a better ac-cc>unj.ing of themselves now that. somei><ju)i<-8 are healed.

13ud) Tim Eiclmer and Paul Hutch-esun are rLLovering from .ank]e in-j <>ries and only Doug Craig is stillor: tj<e duubtfu] list bees.use of a backinjury. LAMunyan said Tuesday!morning t.hat Craig may be lost forth«s«;a~un, but he was still optimisUcabout thhe Tigers chances for the re-niijnder of U)e season.

!KHS Freshmer] 8last

Timberline 46-25 MondayEngines Rebuilt

)II)"I-'F''™Ii: . i-:-::-",!>

Coach D i c k Ruark's KendrickFreshman Irasketball team took tbs ( ~I'aurth win in five soar ts Mondaynight. when Timberline came downand was defeated 46-25.

Kendrick wasted no lime in taking, ~-:.:,=.,---,-,—,.-::-", r(o]] Soo(N

befure the vjs]ting team could get apoint on the boarcL Kendrick led 14-4at the end of the first period and was The scca avy snowstorm « thenever heacjed. The little Tigers had!uinter season swept across the regioncontrol of the suituation 26-16 at. ra"iy S)mday morning dropping ajthe half. most «half-foot of snow in Kend-

F~ Pea Ied a husUing defense that rick and Genesee. This js the mstheld Timberline to just Io field goal~ snow the area has received since theand the front three of Ken Warner hea"v storm hnmed>ately fo]low>ngDavid Heppner and Steve Gustafson Than»giving weekend.completely dominated both the offen- Despite the large amount of snowsive and defensive boards to con- the temperatures remained aroundtribute to the (><in. the fremjI>g level or slightly above.

Ken Wafnef'8 14 points were high< The result of this s>~ a quick melUngfor both teams, Dave Heppner and Ed I of much of the snow and s]ush andPea each put in 10 points, Steve Gus- water on streets and sidewalks.iafson 7, Brett Gertje and Kevin Trave] conditions were reported poorHarris each 2 and Pat May 1, in many sections.

Pwbert Thomas scored 9 points for Little moisture fell Monday butTimberline. early Tuesday morning the snow be-

Kendrick put the game on >ce in gan again and added another inch.the final quarter of playing scoring or more to what was already an the<13 points while holding the Timber- ground.line team Lo just 3. Up in Genesee and sicjnjty the new

Thunsday the 8th graders and snow was whipped along by moderateFrosh v>%] go up to potlatch for a to stmng winds and caused drjfUng.two-g<a)ne series with the tuggefs Schools in Co)ton were closed by U)ewith the first game beginning at 6:30. vied and snow, but remained open

in Genes'nd Kendrick.Several of the grades m the area

~I area were in poor traveling condiUonu eett6 UP~g" Tuesday morning. Several vehicles

had trouble on the South)j<dck grade

Appointments MadePau] Grave]le cvas officially ad- LOgS Of MoiSture—

ministered the oath of office of may-or of the City of Jujiaetta by his re- December rainfall on Americantiring predecessor Harold Freeman Ridge totaled 3.48 inches it sos>8 re-Tuesday night at the regular meet-) ported Tuesday by Dick Ben)xx>ter,ing of the Juliaet.ta council.


wha maintains the figures for theAlso taking a seat on the council Soil Conservation Service.

for the first time was Eldon (Jody]! Almost all of the December mo]s-Fey. Other members of the council! ture came in the form of rain. Thereare L. C. (Ludel Grosecjose, Gene l cvas healg snow late in NovemberTaylor, and Art Boe.

!but this melted v<ithin a few days

Gravelle re-appointed Taylor and there lvas little more oj', the snowSt)eet Con>missioner; Boe, Building unU} this past Sunday.and Zoning Commissioner; Grose- Even more mo)stufe lc~ recordedclose, Water Commissioner, and nam- by Charlie Bower up on Big Beared Fey as Commissioner of Safety, I Ridge, )vho reported his total for U>o

Parks, and Recreation, which jnc)udes month of December was 4.06 incheasupervision of the t)fe and police de-part>nants.

The council passed a Ieso]ution EVergreen FriendShip Clubnaming outgoing Mayor HafojdFreeman as chairman of the Sewer The Evergrem Friendship Club wi]1Commjtt.ee. The city )8 pfesenUV in meet. Thu>~day, January 15 aL 1:30>he pfc>cess of )nsta}ling a seu;age at the home of Mrs. Deja)es Polum-collection and (sea(ment 8) stem «nd

Isky at Jujiaett«vbiU> O>frs. Vicki Bens-

it v,-ss felt that Freeman, with his cater as co-hostess.knowledge and experience of the pro-jecL )jn>u]d be the logical man to

obajbbe aa oeeabaa <be >abject. outer i


.,;:-;",';-,„"„;,',",.'",,"":,':;,",'!Seated This Weekin the absence of Grave]le.

Grave]le noted that the next regu-, Members of the city councils oflar meet.ing (>f the council and engi-! Genesee, Kendrick and Jujjaetta whoneers concerning the sewer will be

l were elected in November, were 8)varnnext KVednes(jay evening, January! into office and began sef)41>g their14. These meetings are used to re-'erms this week.rie)v the progress of the work and j In Jujjaetba Paul Grave)leapprove monthly expenditures as fe-! 8)vofn in as ma)mr, replacing Haroldquired by lacv. ! Freeman, wha had served four years

The council also approved an in-! «nd did not seek re-ejection. Comingtrrim budget of $20,000.00 which in as councilmen were Jody Fey andvii)j carry the city through until! Lude Gfosrcjom.March 31 when the f'inal budget for! Grosec]eve was elected to the coun-1976 is prepared and approved ac-

jcil in November although he Tcs(s

cording to Idaho law. j already a member, being appointed! by Mayor Freemc<n to replace Fred<Cjcmenhsgen lvho resigned.

CDA Card Parties In Kendrick John Deobald wtjj bo

jending an eight-year career on the

The first in a series of CDA span- j council and niij be replaced by Jerrysored raIlj parties cvas held Sunday! Brolly. Wayne Harris, lvho <x~evening at Parish Hall, Four tab-! elected in November, is already alrs of bridge were played and seven; member of the counciLof pinochle. Bridge prizes cvefe . Monday evening in Gencsre, Stanwan by ELsle Linrhan and Nartjn: Nerrill became that tolvn'8 fresj)n>anStout, And pinochle prizes lvere avon'ouncil member as he lvas slvofn in-by Bobbi Bennctt «nd Ray Johann.; to office Tvith other re-elected coun-

The door prize lvas avon by Father'iln)rn, V'a]t, Moden, Leonard Sing-Dolunan. The next part) will be hose, and Jerry Linehan. Sjnghosenext Sunday «t, 7:30 p. m. j viill also be president of the council.

!j \++4 4 ++sc+o+w~+++s bkbe obk 4+++++

Special Meeting for GeneseeSenior Citizens January 9

A special meeting of the Gay Nine-(

ties group will be held January 9th'Iin the Legion building at 2:00 P. hf

Eunjce Erickson and Ray Davisof I>ewistori will be present to ex-plain the advantages and benefits ofbelonging to the organization.

On Dec. 31, 33 senior citizens tra-veled b; Gre)hound bus ta Spokaneto a((end t.he 2 p. m. perl'ormanceof thc Ice Cspades. Fa]ja<><ing theperformance, a dinner cc)as enjoyedat the Chuck Wagon arriving homeabout 9:30 p. m.

Jim Allen is shc>wn above with oneof the Briggs Ec Sbfatton enginesU)e Senior Class rebuilt, and repaint-ed in their Vo-Ag claas.

Carla Emery Moved

To Spokane Hospital

For Further TestsSenior Citizen BusGoes To Moscow Tuesday

The Senior Citizen bus Ted}) makeits monthly run to Moscow Tuesday,January 13. The schedule is as fol-lows:Juiiaet(a City Hall —I~ve 8;45 a.m.}3urt.'8 Cai'e, Kendrick —Lv. 9:00Busy Corner Cafe Deary —Lv. 9:36Troy Lutheran Church —Lv. 10:01Arrive Moscow Hotel —10:25Lec<vc Moscow Hotel 2:00 p.m.

For information or reservationscall Ruth Hoffman 289-4871 or Ljj}IAI>Pitken, Troy 835-4661.

Car]a i.".mery v:as transferred Mon-day from Gritman hospital in Moscowto Sac>el Heart Hospital in Spokanelvhe>ie she evil) >mdergo further testsin an attempt to diagnose an illness;that has troubled her for the pastlf>ve weaks.

Mrs. Emery ims on a promotjonajtour of the country for her "OldI'sluoned Recipe Book" when she)vas stricken in northern Illinois withwhat first. appeared Lo be a heart,condition. Later testing failed to con-firm U>is arid she )><~ allowed toreturn to hcr farm home on American}I}dge, shorUy before Christmas.

Carla rested at her hame for sometime and then was admitted to theMosc~v Hasp]ts} for tests, She has,rcrnajncd at Moscow since then butcvhen she didn't respond to treatmentproperly and tests failed ta pinpoint.(the exact nature of her illness, )L was )

decided to transfer her to Spokanefor further tesUng.

UnUI such time as Car]a (8 able tc>resume hrf schedule of acUvjties,plans fa)'pea)T>ing projects suc}) asher r«dio show cmd su)n>ner plans forU)e School of Country idling, arebeing held in abe)smce.

Late word frc>n> Mike Emery, whois lci(h his wife in Spokane, calledthe I ivingroom Mimeagr«pher and re-po>ted that, the first, tests all provednegative. He to]d the office thatothers )vill be n>c>de and added thatCar]a might be At Sacred Heart 8while longer )u)drfgoing the>np)L

Square Dance Lessonsrhere viI) be beginning square

dance lessot>s held Wednesday, Jan-uary 14, at 8:00 p.m. in the Julia-etta E)emecttafy gym. This v,ijj bethe last chance to bake advantage ofthis opportunity for unless there isenough response to the oi'fer they s<ij}be discontued. So let.'8 have a goodturnout.

Supplemental ReadingCouncil Meeting Jon. 12

The parent-teacher council of theSupplemental Reading Program cci]Imeet Monday, January 12 at 7:00p. m, at. the Juliaetta ElementarySchool.

Al} parents with ch)]dren parUcj-patjng in the supplemental readinggroups are urged to be in attendanceat t.his important session.

Geaeseo (oancil Approves City Budget;

(ouaeilinoa Sworn-In at Mon(ioy MeetingThe January 5th meeting of tl)e

City Cn)mril was called to ordrr byh(ayor Iib )V. Sofcnsen at 8:00 p. n>.

hjjnn(rs of'eer«)brr 10th mrc(ingwr)w res<) and approved «8 amended.

Janu«ry bilL~ we>e approved by U>e

nl<l rnunci).City Clerk Martinez Administer-

ed ll>e Oath of Office to the fn]la)v-jng newly r]erted councilmen: ]~gu-

,'ard Singhosc, Walter L. hlndrn, .)r.,.1rrry Linehan, «nd O. Stan Mewil].

I~«AT() H. S)nghoLse ll~s electedpn'Sjdrnt nf the Cain>c i], ta ACt, in t})rhlaynr's rapacity in. the Absencethe h(ayn>.

hfa)s>r Sorensrn appointed ro»n-cj)n>rn (n thr fo))olvjng pnsitinns;

Mc rrill: Police 'k j>l; Cammissinnrr,htodrn: S(fret s Cn)nn> )as joan',Singhnse: tVc>trr (t Sr<ver Cnnnnis-

sinnc r,I.jne)mn; Parks a<LL Itrrfeat}nn Cnm-

n>issionc).}3«)1()jug permits Approve<1 for 1><in

Springer to demolish the c>)d En>mr(t.rrsiclence. I sI>cr AI>dean to en-close ya.rd wj<pn)r, fence.

Mobile Home I'Ar)c License approv-ed «nd iss»r<j to Clln(nn Hrnna>)n.

I'nb]jc hrnf(ng lcsm held on HU<D

g>nnt Aflpllr«Uons'V<A(ef I(rant pre-Applicauon has been 8»bn>)(ted. GrantApplic«(ion ls to corn]))ete the


line in the A)lry br(cvrrn Clus-tnnt And )VA]nnt. s(nr(s, Appljra-t ion Amount $31,000,

jw nn DAIl jrlsnn, presk)('nt. of 'I l) L

Genrsre Civir Assoc(<>(jnn; Wi)jinn>I3)'olvnin g, rnn>n> A>nlor nf 33 jr)

enbr�) k

S hna]rf An)r)i«Im ]~gin>T 1 <Lst <n)d,(

Marie H, Scharnhorst attended hear-ing to discuss HUD gnant for SeniorCitizens Center And Libra)w..

Pfe-Appll<atinn for Senior CitizensCenter and Library has been submit-ted. Application amount $36,000.00.

Final 1976 Budget prepared andapproved by the counciL l976 bud-get expenditures App>l>vrd in U>e fol-)o))ing an)aunts:

General Pand ........$ 74,020.00IVA(ef A Sewer Fund ..$ 46,014.00

TOTAL .........~ ..$}20.034.00B)>dgmt l>raring srhedu]ed for Mon-

day, January 19th at. 8:00 P. ih(. At

the City HallJerry Linrhan info)mcd thc Mayor

«I><j Council that because nf net em-p]oyn>cnt 1>e is res(piling f)l>n> U>e

council, Je>)y has Acrcptr(l U>e position As manager of the Dusty Co-op.A fofU])zef And supply caoj>rmtive.He and his fa)nily )vj]j be moving toLarIs>sse, )Vms)>ington as soon As

8)>liable ]>0»sing La< found. MA<a'of

Snrensen thanked Co>mcilman Line-h«n 1'r the work he has done As

Parks 8: Rrr>eat)an Cnmmiss!oner«nd, «8 a member of U>e P]arming Ct.

Zoning Commi ~sinn.Mayor Sn>ense« <Lnnnunrrd that hc

cvj}l I'wajew «A>nca ra)'>e vacAIltcouncil position for the next. tcvn)veeks and those lntcrcs(rd in beingconsidered for the position «rr urgedta rnn'Ii>c(, h(ayo> Sn>'\'asm. Ap.point.mrnt. Oi'nrn rn)>nrilmrn to t)e bythr ahtayor lvjt]> thr App)liva) nf theCounr)1.

Senior Sall SaturdayKEN DRICK-J 0LIAETTA

The Senior C])Lss ha chosen 'Stair- SCHOOLT<a Ay to U)r St«I's's the LhL>>le of its a

annual Senior Ball tn be held Satur-! Menusday Jtun>an 10 from 8:00 p. m. to12:00 p. m. at the Kendriclc High Th ~.Srhon] ka nmasium. Chili Can Carne vbith Beans

Pric 8 afe $2 0 fnr inglrs and $3 Cabb~ and Apple S)an" withfor couple . Music ))ill be furni hedby "Night Plight.".

Cjnna.mnn ICnottspint h(ilk

I. S, F. G. C. To Meet Thursday. January 9—In Lev(iston Jon 12 Ovr>T F>)<bd Chicken

Na hrd Potatoes 8-. GravyThe C)eanv(L(rr Dist>ict of Idaho C bern Jello %,]ad

St>< te h r(}erat ion of Ga>l}rn C u >8 j

.ran err) e o a

Judg(s C)<>unrj) wi)l meet Monday!

'" 1'int hli]kJAm>ary 12 at 10:00 At. the kirst I c.d-

Ssvjnks <in(i I»nan As«aria(inn! Cril)rd Chrrsr r~(j)virhl~>rkrv Vr t~sb]r % i)pI~ )vision O>vho.r()s. Mrn>bc'rs A>ic Ask- '

(ai I')'i>) ".';):«)r]c ]<<<>«l).

' Pint MilkTo<~<I)y .Ianoary 13—


Stationed ln Alaska ! V)r)ni)s An<i SA<)rr IsrautDan j(n»vn, whn is . (ji(i<aural )i'ij]), j~s](«a) )'a>(A(( s lv()) Butter

(ji( Ajr 1 o)l'<'n A]')bk'< le<i))jil l)1<r a'wn')I'ii-lil('(ai

hr;ir fron) >)':en<is. I(is Ada)ra's. )s 13)))ma) )V))n)r IVhr;)t DreadSL'j. )lani< 1 14. Iiniwn, )'SC ]kb( 42<', 1'oli;)](ral CookieAl'O Brat()r. )<VA Ph< 3<i. ', ):i)>j hlilk

j Wc<)»a s<):Ty, Ianu:>ry 3.1—

'Methodist Women (:)a a )! S;))Ai] )vi(li 'i'ho<<san<i

TO Meet Jo)1 15 !)ja);<))a) 1))<. sing

(ajj)Z< a! ((il )'Ota):r»j( C"ip

Thia )<V<)n)<'»'8 So< j<'(v aif jlir I r)i!ra! <

. l 'al)»)<st C. l)«<rll nil) lna.'r( 1 I)<i).a)A)( ( )Gina ail,"i(c

<:)<'(')I'j)1)< OA At 1:,".(),.1<i))u<i) I 1.. <i; (h.!p I )) i. hi i I kj)o»)r aif hlrja. I..i<l:i 1)i))a r lv<(h hj)s I

hi:iivli) )A~ng rii-))a'isj( =s. < 4 Ala. a saOa

a a a <..a a iL4 a,a a( la a 4 akaka)4a(

zzxzzrzzzzzr~xzatxx&XXa xxxs x~X~Z xxx~~Student Needs Assessment Queries Mailed

cb))les()on«A))lab< ron<'r>))jng j)lr 8jn-(ir»( Nrri}s Ass( ss<nini, fn)'hr,l))lia-r((A ]',]rn>rnjarv S<)>ool ivr)ar n) ii)«laiii( (o '>0"«ir (Iir )i<an ir'i)r"s jn,'I(.Sr]fool I')isiria ( 'La(3, i( u j)s rr)aa»'t«'1()iis >v« ~ )<,

'1'l)is is:<nnjl)rr n>r(l)o<l ii)r N<'i'a)s

A<La<'ss>nr>)( ('o<nn'Iij('<» js i<xiii!',I:Ain infnrina( jnn Ana] pi))i) ja


>ll jug 'I )1<''I) )'j<'i)in))) j)>l~) ))<'ai)s,'ij ih('r]ion),

'I'l)i qi)(s(jn))n;>jns )<ill li< . «)<j')<«]

nit)> A s<a] f-a(l<i)'«sar<i, s'I An>peal r»'-ve)n)aa> Anal (8<is<i ivlu) rr< civ('hrs<c))irsiionnaj> < 8;irr:)sl'<.a] iai r<i»)p)rjrA)T<) >'i'I)'l)'n 1)'lrn) wj( ji))) irn <bvs.

Tl)<'<irs) 1<'j>)t) Ail <'8 n <'. a') Al)<'al ai'l)'I

by >'j>n<1(i)'n s<))))pli)'ig An<) )fAnvai))c''isl)r.

I<i ((jj <i<)a oi)( .<nai <l<(l n<i( )'<'-

rri V<'I ( 'I l>r V n)S V a'i)1 XI )'(<i)'( <in

A( jl>r srhooj ) 28))- I")1) or M)~. 'I'cdMry<'r < 289-.)<)87 > n hai js «)):)!(1)))nof I lie j>ssa sslnrt>i ron) <1)'l I ( a'<L


The n>aunt«in }'Ine bee!le, a small, tha( iho tree has buaen attacked <mdblack insect capable of destroying killed.lodge}>ole sl>d pu)uierosa p)n<> t) c',c'8

ts now beI;inning to cause concern Tree needles begb) to fade as ear]yin the Kendr(Lk-Ju)iuetta «reu ssjd us 3 to 4 weeks after an at(ack butFire Warden Itirl>urd Benju>nin. (ho cliange from heal(,hy green to

"If you look l>ack on the hjj) bet- <leep re<id(s]T-brown usually ls not>VLen J<)liuetta und IC«nd>ick, you c<m! noucLable until the sp>'ing


thL trL«s t))a(. have Al-! attack, N(.'ed]ca drop off theready l><>en killed l>y the beet]es", within '> c» 3 yriirs aft«) the at(ack.13«njan>jn said. M<>un(sin pine be«this may atback

jm]j;Lpu)e pine is a dominant t>ee )ndividua], scattor<.(j trees but m«eun son)<. 69 million <<ores of land in often Lntirc. groups of trees are killed.U)L <V«>ate)'n Unite<] Sti>'tes and Can !Unchecked, I")'oup infc;jitatlons can c>c-

a<h<. }t «ontributes tu the scenic qu'l- j pand with <asr}> nc<Ã bee(.li'. g<bnL) i>ti<>ri,

ity uf n>a)iy hinds««)>es, bord<.rs hun"! And Li'ca(nally large areas >nay sufferdreds of r<>n>psjtes and trails, helps extrrnie lorses of fo>x~t cover.)><nb«et vj(a} )vutershedr, and is sn '3'he flighl. period lasts from latein«reasinly i)nlaortant source of turn- sunni<«r to early fall, hlating occu)'8ber <md utl>er fo)est products. (cfte). tl>e f«»)ale bores into the tree,,

The n>o)u>tujn pine beetle is ulivays ';ggs hatch into sue) gri)bs, and thep>'«sent in ludgepule foresLs. 1 vidence

) gr)>bah«gin (u fc<>d on the tree 8,,! a

indicuies an infestsuon ex)stol in the a phloe)n before hibe)natjng for the}jars«C)lack Dru)nsg(> uf U(a}> Terri- winter, phloen> is ci cio)nplex layertory over 180 yeu» sgu, lung l>afore uf I(vjng wood just beneath the barklho white man I>Lgan tu exp]ure the through which in "redients of a tree's4Vasutch hfountains. ]Vhen beetle

ifoui] supp]y are tw>>sm)tte<j.

nu>«hers are relatively small, the In spring, the grubs resume feed.quarter-inch, black insect and lodge-! ing and grow into pupae. By n>]<]su>n-

pule trees co«axjst rather j>e><cefu]jy. i n>er, new adults emerge fro>n (hebuL during a}>cetic j>opulation explo-! na)v dead t>'<.e and f]y to living treess>un which can or)cur every 20 to 40) to launch a new 12-manth bee'tle }tfeyears ln a given 8,)'«a, hordes of bee- I cycle,tl«s destroy the forest. I ~arch l~ shown U>at, in addi.

}3«be(les kill pond«rosa pine, an un- I (on to thenumber and djstfjbuUon ofportant source of timber, as well as( large dian)eter lodge-po)ejudg<>po]e. Epldecnie beetle uutbre<cks! (hjcknrss ls very ]n)par(ant Io beetles.now are occurring In forests ranlnng! If the phloe)n ls tldcker than one-from the }3]ark llj]Ls uf south Dakota! tcwth tnrh, b(et]es can reproduce into C)LI(fo>s>ta. In "nof)naI" yea)l> the j nun>bers sufficient to ki!1 sevefa)]Ns>t]e kills miiliuns of trc~bs, but dur- trees. }n thinner phloe>n, they do noting an epiden>ir «single National

jthrive, and jn n>any case~ populations

I"orest nu>) jose more U>an a mill>un<

derreas«.trL~~ a year. 'I'he j perjfjr site af a stand of trcaes

Infestations <)<m bsllc>a>n ut Ajar«>-! also is important. ]wet)e su>vjls>] ising )ntcw. A k or«st SL>vice su)vey )nu< h greater at lower-elevation «ites.duruig A major l»nhiup in '63 < hu)vcs( Ilcbetles are less able to w)U)stand thethiit One jnf««ted thrcae ]jru Iur«):!)Arab «AVI>~n)nen(S at ldgh «leVa-enuugh bett)e to kill <dx more t)lbes,. >(orLs. h(<u)y other f<ir)urs Also influ-'n

'the Rocky h)out>tsjn Stat<a, the: en«a the an)a<mt of lass caused by i.ban(le deS(>l>y» >OOre thun o.r> bi)]in»'mOuntain pine beetle lnfeataUOn.board fret of )udj;ej>o)e And ponderos(i 'fsjng data srcun>ulst<ad ovef (hepine Un>ber ev<)ry year. I past 14 years on bee(ie brh«vjor, in-

T«]ital« Y«c)f ! fr«tat}o>Ls, aml contol <Ltten>tj>s, scien-Attacking bee(ha leave tellta}e sa)v- (is(s at the Intermounain I orest and

<lu»t in baf]Lrrevicrs or on the ground; Rimge I xperjmrnt StaUon have de-ut thn bs.~ of « tree, A few weeksI vejof>ed 8 model of l>relic l>opulatianafter en(,ry, fung> carried by the, interar U<m sv(U) lodgepale pine!beetles)»tain woad blue just beneath! 8(ands. They «lso have prep«)ed some

lthe bark. Th]s is a certain ind)cation 'reliminary managements strategies,


—- 'a deal n)c>re effec) ively with thej Insert.

LThe Beetle at 0'ork

ocal News Forest Service )>cjentists And co-oper«tora have condurtr<l exiensive

JaliaOtta !babby'b a better ub < rababb abc <abbbcbcaUe'8 liicstyle <md relationship to

By A}jce> Benson Iodgepo]e pjncaL The results show that!as signiftrant threat will continue, but.that effrcUve control measures are

h(r. anil h(rs. koari Amdt. visjtec] possible,lcith Arley A}l«n'8 New Year's Inurn-I Sbudies jnd)cI>te that feu ladgepoleIng, They ra)nc tc> watch the Bj<>se) pine stands in the In(ermountain andI'Ara<h, l Narthern }blocky Maun(ain a>eas are

Neiv Year's day dinner gues(s af is«re fram U)e beetle. Depending uponthe A](ms )vcr<) Mr. And h(fs, VV«yne !the character(sues of A(tea i'rom 44Darby of hfoc<row. Nr. and Mrs, Art ) to 90 parrent of lodgepole s(c>nds haveForstc r. Mr. A)ul J>(rs. Clarence Alex. j experirn<"rd or )vil] ra<per(ence an c'pl-andnr, Mr. And h(rs. h(nrton Sanders! demlc, (j«ua)ly, an epiden)ic lastsAnd )s>n>L Jim and Mil~s and h(j>Ls,'from 6 ta 8 yeaf«.K«(hy Gree n)<bed(I of Gec)csee. Usa! Unfortunn(«ly, U)e pine beetle at-Foj<(rr )«»> An «ftr moon visitor. Mr. j tacks th<. )nort healthy, Tig<orou» treesAnd hjra. I".liner Cud<ly And Kelly Wrrr! in 8 ladgr Pole Stum(. 13reauae beet]caalso dlnnrr g<)rats. , strongly prcier larger diameter trees,

h(r. And Mr.<. Bill I(c>one Anal 1)avi<l, losses ra)gr from 1 per rent of 4-inch I

of tVA}IA )>VA)IA, W«sh., visit<a] ovrr <jja)nrtrr ]udge-]>o]e to 87 prr rent ofllm Cvrrkrnd Vai(h Nr. And h(n<. Fred; Uaees )><1(h u.inrh air ]:<f)n r diametera.C]en)rnhng< n. j AVhrn Adult brrurs «rek ncw, green

JAn)je, Stevrn an(l I'Atty john)an. (rrrs in cvhjrh to mate, they searchchildren uf h(r, And hfrs, Prrd Iw>h- ,'for in<Ages of large <1:irk objectsn>ln, lvr>'r L,nr« I j< of jhe 131)l S>vA« Agii)n.'a(. a ligh(. background, Thisfan)ily In St. h(arie for four <}A)s>. !Ae«rrhjng l>ehavior helps beetle popu-

hlr. An<1 hjr)>. Mark I'jrntpe j>n<l 'a(iona rx]xmd simply brrause the in-1>ujcnr And ah(r)s«<L Pggr>l< of l»(>lo,:, scs<(ja 'find larger (r(xii with the I,>rat,-h'ion(. cvr>e gues)s of L(r«, Gbuaa(<'., (Lit. food supp]i('s.I.'4;gers (h< past Tverk, 'I'ha'y bfc»)ght: ('nnlrnl Mr(ho<lal)e)my 14bgrrs ho>ne Af(rr he )u«j

j j>N«tufa] rum) jra,of tl')e beetlespent srv>TL) ('A',.:< visiting thm. j wc>nap«rice>l«m<l srvr)n) inrrcis, be-Nc )V Arrival»

j rnn)e n>O«' )n)n)rrCALa< )VI>rn beet]ehfr, An<I h(rs, ihfnntr. (Vjng of As-! pnpu]ations Are high. 'I'hey do nnt,

toria, Oregon, Ar< t}><.'roud parents jhoivrvcr, p)l>vide rff<.rjivr ron(rol bynf «baby girl horn to U)rn)


j th<imsrlvrs,bnr 30. Thr. little mjjcs w< jghrd 7 lbs.! Wha(nl>nn( rhrn>ical ronirols7 Stu-6 oz, An<l hns bren «amid T)Teresa! dies o(')>en)jra}]y spray«i And nn-Mnric, I'At(mal gran<lparrnts Are) Mr. Ispruyr<i infealntinn «ress shoiv '(1>atAnd»>(fs. Jo<i )<V lug cu><l >na(ernal I thr l)e(a(lr >nov(xl (hrough bntl) I)prsg>T<ndparrn(A Are h(r. And aM)S, RAV jnf tree sum<i» in A Sjn)j);<r nianner..ISA)ns of Kamiah.

Ilcilllng:>bo)>t the sa)nr A>nc>)>n( of

Mr. And Mrs, I<roy (Jr>)1)) <m<1 j )o<)gr]io)r. r)nrr An rPi<lc n>ir is >u><lr)-<laugh(<.r« trav<]rcl ta Krllogg In visit! )vny, th<, phys)ra) <liffir<illi)irs of p)».hrf parents, Mr. And hfra. Bob 1»n>-! prr]y Aplylni, chen>j(.'a]j< often jn»-n>ingham, over thr wer]c< n<i. v('n'(. >«An f>inn I",<Li)>h>g n>l ]assr«

tvrrkcnr) guests of h(rs. A(}Allnr,,'A<)sr<1 hv (he rxpandi»g (narc( popu-]A><(on)L« we> r. hj)'. And aMr». <sa(rivi«h(nrshall An(l family of Ivc jp]Ir, In n>n<intain ro>entry, the <iifftcnlt-

h(r. «n<l hjrs. Clark '(Voods And sons< irs inch>dr stnp trr><>in >m() lack oft>'ave]c d In (Vrl<ier nvrc'h( eve<'I(end! A<.rrs«, Finding rx)x!)irnrr<j cnntn>)tn visit Nina'8 par<A(a, Dr. And hffs, '(>1<on))r], or training nr)v pe>snnnr],O, h. 33nyr.f, <>nd (}>r sl><'r»'>n)br>'f infra'(Ai.jonsa

nften nmke It, nrarly impossible toMarge XVh((tun> An(l Sherriy» nr>e «(<L).). chen<)ra] fon(fn) ])fagran)a rf-a~aIrs. Rnl})h Otto <m() C))ll(ifen of L<)aav- frr(ivr]Vls(nn. On(i ron(ra] })oaa<ib)l)(y IA 'I<) rrn>ove

(.rcea before th<.y rrach vulnerable"Golden Sunset" Senior sizes, 't]'n>s ell')'nlnat('ng 0>'r<h)ring 1 he

1)nlrnlial for bert)r cpl<lrmirs, )3r.-TO Meet January 12 <.An.'( 1>re(]c behavior ia s) rinse]y

Tlu> "(an]<]en Sunset" senior rltlzrns I(( I )n f(x«) si>i>ply )Ar)w diAA>r(rrill >nre(. J)munry 12 AL I:,']0 p.m. ]n t)x,rs Tvjth thir)c p]i]nrn)-- logging the

Ihc Ken<I> lrlc I''sternal T('.n)Plr, proper t>mrs jn A s(AI)d %'in))<) >e(lureTh r Aftrrnonn will ba A f)n) time t))i. fnod s)>pp)y brfnre t)>e be«i]r bc-

cvj(h Iran)ea vlaltlng «nd frfrrslt col»c'A r>cc('ssjv< ly nriivr, )vi(1>ln (hcmrn(>(, s(AI><l.

A)l A> 'A s<'n r r)))zrns A>'<, n>ost An cs(i>na(<() m> pc.>br< ni <!f A)] <n>-ivnlrn>n(.', (.'On)<, br)ng A rrj»jn] A()n)( ))ri')irs rii>nr f)'a)n') i>)f('st-

f>'irn(i <»'ifo An(l ('«joy thr. Afir>'- r(l i)('rji 12 I»<'hrs iir lal'I,('>'>) <)(A-noon.

>i)< jrr, And 89 ]a< >'rent nf rn)<argjngA<1))lis < om< 1')li)n (<lrs cvith lodn< h

Dale j><Yolff Suffer$ 8roken o<~ ]or)(<'>~ <lin>n< Ir)'s. ih(A'jn'I <)')ning

Ar)kle II] Sledding Accident]OA)<'Vo)ffa ]2-y"<L>'-oj<I >'on o('l>'. „)io«)<) iis(riri sii«'sari>) h)ooi) i'<l

A)>'I Mr>i, WAI(' (Vo)fr, «<)ffi'i'('a) ji ii«(j<»«i))'( I<'m rj I (rmjr 1»Ii>la( n al lck f>1<('<i>l )O ilia li'fi I<'I hla>isa, ji)g I<<jig(')x)]<a lij))r jn

Ai<) ) jy <(' jii)) r>', f >';I < i r f


VVAS 'I A]«'n 'I O 'I'my )Vh(')'<a 1)I:«'<arj<j j<i)> Ai)<) n'A !<a>'S)>('<] p)l)(re(inn) <ll']i .'",, <<n I ".)ii'li 1 )vjjij(j<(')olij'IA(.

(..I<)')!<)Aijl.'< VA<'Aij< » )'«'<'jr«') 0)> « I>- A)(l)aiiii'li j'«''njis(!< hai'<i <)ri'aa)op<bi]< x)>Or j«l «xi«<i«ioii, )nisi<'«>oiv)('<]j)<a or )i<a( ji<'i!<i)o);v A>)<l

ja<'i'<'i j>i ('<'l<>i )'ol I«a'l)nj<('ii<".i, !i)r)'('8NAhI V, ()311'ITI',I) r> r;i'I >)a'«' Io l»(a'8<1<) <'i<'('()<''in-

'i'li n ini. I'l . Ni( hoi. Of('.Ij<>'kiii<ii) i«os oli)if I« ) f<o))) t)ir ii)< )i)„,)) p)A(,!jr«„ ),.sjs(<))<, j(,<,hn)()ii(„i.f i<'v'lv rj < f Ai'(liil>'j rgAA vl) )),j )(n

I'j""'r'] ii j ) h]) 8 N" i flu ii( I> (, '(1 ')'«nr))(a( !a)ii <i<)(i (r,„(i>ig,cviu< )>i<i <ai;ifr),

Page 2: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1976 - The Gazette News/1976... · ,i


.";: 'f'/II.L


—8eof and Pork—

Smoked Pork Safksage a SpecialtyII;


I'IIOWER sffjf IaelEf 1V tfff mfEm'


. $ 8%00

. $ 98.00

$ 88.00

:..;-- .V.Ilute .C;. Sboo-T H E JIJ 4 Z E T T 6 N E VV 2I'.--:—.', '-...1,(.„I.s,csc;I.j)oat box(l(l (xnf hold fi»lp info g xljs((stet'j b((t tl(cx'e grisA- y' -, y»jr»tf 1...f,i;.J>r)IX»II V Some rieeautla»S igr> f4h(II()l(>l) Crirr

stion of The Ibendrfck (HLSCtte-and Thc Ceo)CSCC "ba)Vs '. 1!In u'e()J'Cg(f fn, 8pok.,no;.:Lvfth. the '- 'cau'" 0,, f tj', L(~(fi)t Ad- tr!ke «j>«vent- " caid sicini f(I fjx'e, >pBcrll c 'l . me(gn '' aALijy .', '.pubjfehed CVCry.ggre(fnejday fdsted Thuredayf ag(l entered'aS SCCOnd .,equal, 'qa(», dh)ACI Iruegtg» „Of b(tr ."IIS i)ijii'i. (IIIS OA . Le L(g 1, thi 1

SSS n(gtt(sj i(t the POSt t)ffjce fA Kendrick» Idaho gsjSS7 and GL(iljLCSCC .m'd .>ILS, Lecg D(xnfCIS )@.Lb~o M( Will be Affjri )gtj(C ~C On 1 ~u S, 'Ih 1, Cl S, iio ~are g»L(

Eiaho Sass~,-t@igh COunty, unoer Aet I.f GOAI"reSS Of starch, 187ffr - r!„1 «tr. f)Scar Dagj„jSOA M, fsei.j!I -thr.- 197S-7» bux1get, deeiife Shor' it 8. O ''I ' ':» 1 .Ix I pi'v I.j'gi a ', )xovr if tlix II e IIL fess thfin e LAL Lcs xlo»


~ j, Iuj CI Tjt!ij I »ii>(1 1'1,'m lsY'-tf iui'1(JS, don't gr) ('ll)'tj)N'l g C ~ *"-".

j 4.


'I'fic Qftjcfgj Ncwspaf) r of Genjuscc„Kcndr.cj gnd Jutfrxittl(, t(rilho I Gfgdyr, D(nifcjson and.1jfrs, 'Gjadysj

.!':;II» Ix (I(' xr',J>lnc L Both.and Iyiffia)II A. Both. Pubjfsherle - '-'-.'m'

d -ht L--,j Rj=- ~:-

I ~-,s I IL, (;,.e I!Ist > r«»c t(..-,cf)cr --coor ot jcrr gives (1 h«it (r~'I(I~ bb" V djtor htr ag "I+ CV ~CC 'Cre *"." .,' '.," .; ',,''.'', 'OW Safe it jS, A. Cidgi, bjue (X)f;brr 1 ' L!Iw 1 w(Brh (Olui rjttce to rjebefop (L faafe I u L Lf(St lf ii g«i I« tst J>I BIIO( fgc

er. Sre—Tkicpj(d~e'-1 .IJ Kendrick —Telephan. '. 9-I gt F.or..e,.z lr(axj';..'A PLL!j.,)f(n,-... ! a St ' >I. ',I

Suf>scrip: ag 8'(test $4'.Q(j pcr year In s b~ .>L —0,state —.4 fj0 Qxxg of,PBtf(te .';ir;„1Jo DcPcll of T(vjn. Fails aitd I tv Lr(fucatfx!1 ii cix Lini oi'- LCI.s r 'p! " B";'.,'.!:.'.'sir,jjj'»I jIII

'iij'sic ', .L-', .-sl'I»uk» ire IIsij viji '.Ij

'ill )Ve jeer for f((jf thro()gh Oi On th" rce ll)C!118 Soir:.; ii".)tfsfnm Bates Given Upon Application

lc holid'1 's v'it f()eir PA)cu(tII 'he I»ogxi 1 "cc (vI)1 ' ' ~vjfj gee(l sonic hxlP (jujcI, ', ' i'=-"., agd L~tsc.:I(j'n(. )Fr)nej!,- .: .' ' htrs. L(st r Diehl, scf;qgd gra(te -lf'xvo fti('hes of ice 1(",1 suf>j.art. I gaol"fh )dicho


(ULCC~fh th Stl Pe" «'''Jf 'h' ''T(kdn Fall» and I igda 4Llrfrxxrt Of j'htr and Mig» Jay Nelson and cuff- x!rxx" Lci

,.~ Boj e; They asked to be tell)ca)I>clef '- - ':- . ~ "- ':r.(! g gusts oi, 'jia; I i.a iartxj(cnt. to t'ccolrio a k ig . o;f

lfISUMtJC8S . I»; ~,,:, tbr r,e( Cr!)C,'I Aire! Ygg .

famidy' I'Ier(rj, I' 'lrla)jk 3ftecto)', ar 1'8» LC 'r '

~ ehy tkue S'„teIJepi(rt., „;„.t()IL»>; SI)(f I > i„(»CS, '0 iia(LS fr!Iiand hfrs. Glen BR(it)I!wrtncr


G""'tg 9™"'.<d~t'SI (dht(rl(>s

--fc" u((n'.>"lt t.. Os" ~teit t" br', iI

~ I I.',rirrtrir Hti'il '.Iim)XACC SC jar> . >IS SunlFred Baun)f,"Artne( an(i ibtr, Siid hlr "Org tr '-""= -"-'~YS» .AJSA 0(jen&rgi! '""(;VC fneSd)y.atter Spen(ffng th(y. ChlfSte J A Y~Cj~f . J(SC'eirun(LC»C. X.>d htg„r((t)di Br„.X jre iii..t -"e(IX"-Stj'-r O SC O LI -. - ' (b; .-:.; ' " *,ffc(v Y()I'ay (llgl'l(1" gxrests ot ' ' "''' ''>(, =...;-.„j.

1.jl tt, 1

'8! thi( k I j> hxii(> 1 1 k» in ''-: -:',.q 1 '!'htr. Darb» ursa Lir Crete, Robinson gt

tended the tunCM'Of their Al CCI- 'L~[ 24"EWV 1 Ije" Chin brt('e:S J="> -" ='St'fx„.r C(a()C, htXS, tfe~>*. <Cbek r,'"-..-p rie'I ig»ai! I(j((hft.„'CM-

T~he~ Ha,,p~1~, V(xf fey C:ub uill holrf .lgd Ronald, cf T,.oyf stra, «G4C Sag.amru I n Chug ard ele "tjOAI jije ZZd Itm "uii Klx Of «@O CO Z Jag(m'Y '=-I)COI-'AcffVjttc~»C -'b -.Of tr ' ' Of'fflcele O11 JR1ftary 13 Xvjth jhtrS.I

ueSI ray gucdta OX hf)S Mayerb'Q"(treI

ra»oh» uud I mjjy - Leon Danisjson. -":.~ r..:;:r. I u I p i :wrsya'c:kih ,'w. ro'-':."I I-—-'I" Bi~»+Lx~r~b','nu t,,:.i'j'!,,1'": ',-:II 'c»'

'i. Suh Mm 0 »Kajii keb" g 'jrpjll'mj'I eeijo S 'Wd 1[a(x'~ re m 'D-B»hh >~ In BB caper"r


1i.-. ed 1r Ed bi .m.nh -.dan» Y.:1:—. d '.,I '. R Pi B.j .'''"„'.>',:. ':: ': ''ate 5'asonraud bb» Ecn''ard >mi!u 1'» „jjrahujy r jui cd io Is»i: hor:." m Bo- beiy a-. I unirri" e'."q jje-:. y'»rid»a 1 tv»rely BB Ys'ruipjruj M hiihough jjj l< III erin» ia I j.'. '„""'Ib."=;:

Mr. Pnd Mra. GCO~ ~vh tted '-nd diak Ajaaka ThurSd(XV aftCL Sp nd- g(!CetS Og h..l muthir. - - - ": -I

J g'S''-h BB Vs ~L ajaWCS'l Cjoae. cfur~(,r JIIIL'j»LL„'l a(X ut'I r"IiMl, and i(jtrS„GCrfdd Maen'agd i ia a, n(anti( here VjSjtjng hjS (gotha

* ..; 'ails 16: Varafty BBat Cfear(VaterI gatgrb bjl'(j W*.:>Son i»: .S IEI>;~i!(X i" .;I 'p(c)v- Y~s Day d .e" er, »Er.-, Ilegry Ffsrihinjrcr (Lad. th- siu I - Scn or Bajj - 'ntff JI(g II 1

yzeatS Or, 45fr( thftd:-,ErS Bjlj RablnSOAC ~atfVCe and f~erdS~ . L f Q Q,I fj Q ) g g.-g- ',. I.'ag. IQ; Jr. Hf 88 VS Lap(Vaf, H, Ef((g„.Clink —, yr.j rpix.'.i i(gri.',-

«nd son Rsy.j

Jxxl) >d 4 xxiy(i,r fbB vs heg(fl(ck H rid)t)t[nrixus i(L fl cj ir 'o I Bjv(»r1!r.and(rrs:Ereraxinobljsonjrere . 'oyioy or; nnaabD. M h»Yhpaea,,ijsad. "':'-'.o;:li ci yr. Iii BB»u Eon-!aj» Is '.ij,':, I!.,'...I,,;:» ."-,'e.-'

jrljia»BIII Ir<ugnbS(jij((Nc(v Ye~~a Eve guests ot Mr and htrs. Don:"ihfcs Itog(>rai AV;tjx - '. -...;--; "-'"(f"» "=.:-.:.I.fuetce k Yxx!!c,;:dul)i'='e;;":;rim.'„-'.', ".='i,i ',')trS 'Joe Eat((fue . Inf( (Lgd Ltuie Show(bl hrl<'ICb'8 HEREBY.GIVF'V.,tl)atj Jiur eel V(LI'.".Ity Bff.''gt Pt"'drfe .:,,frog) Lho IILS!1(jxOf SJ(erlf> G!Ci l(„ I;

~ f ' - ds)ilfr

.'Mr. and htrS. ESfil Cjarbuhn, MCS,.bgrS. h'd Ju»te and htlr, Ella Her- tjle Cf(y Ccuries'I Cf the Catg Of. Getk-I '-.". -'' s.:Ij'I'I'=:-'yi'-a -«lr Club Spag-,XrtnG Bc(Bleft Of Lc(vjetog ' 8 . Don than >vere (IO hostcsseu af. 8 p'I rk 8 nIJI CSce X(jass\o l~a prCPC c' »tt) Cst~gtc! ''-I! i - '- I ill l. I» 1 'lx' Ore 1OOA) !pfies f!> (Ii gg j f(I II 1 b~ j i . 'jrJaig agd htrS. DenjS: Jahr Of BO(njl,.biue'.ShaV,-.C-- i!nthe-jar te," >lorn( r)-„1Of the p"Obabte amount Of» tt)(>ILCy. ne; Jan- '-'4=" I'oan.k, Jr. Hf 88 (it 6CS>ry". t«ni Bio.,-,;;ICCI Dna, !„:„.)~„...,jiu~»SCd stra 'HCICA.Pfefman. Of Ba.-f"htogd~ry afternoon hagarfng- htre„i CDSS(rr tgr ajl f>urpaSCS to 'be rajfaedu Jag "7: Vc(refty BB at Troyvfff (vjth a birthdx)y'I>ar'P'v on hei fjbth[9onafd AMes. 'Guests (cele htrs j fn said cx'y b; t«x fcvv, fnc me @on) fJ in. ~j ."i yh(>r J .Ifi BBvsTroyEI'(L»d Jr 1„.8 c~u:1.,1!1",.„,;,;(I ',';, 'I .'"I ".E ".'.~ 6;',

birthday.Saturday a '-cancan. in Bo- Ahles's neighbo:s. The Ahlcs fam-! un!el r -i.ts or othe( rsourccsi d().'w.g.'(xg -"O: Ya>lty 88 vs PI'iml~ I'fj(L(r H I lr f -hk ne x(.

t".OJ)P. f.!'Il:htre agxl M 's Tain BO r ( r Jcffr Tla» use wll ch t()ex rccentI px 1 chW>t d I slay a " "xu 1'r Q if> ai'Ill. cgdxi) cn '(j jr)(*I p lT» IIg IS j

( Ok tolxtajj~;Lfiai EenIVerwan,T(jtgera Adr>SI —I the t"I; ''jr;i dai; Of Deeegh',~,I(h

Sog. 1 C>II»itn;> O(id n ", h ri »xi;r2»jij! prank sinn»I rcjul e!. hojjj""curij" TI»v Iujjj Iei sjj'u. 'O' '3 '' -:-s Lkv.."sRjlyI '-'j I'I'rux»jr,

I. I——-=—:—. -- —=. -..-- - - 'p „I,!r.!jjjr II] lo.s ja!tery

New Yea('s.hof )dam m Seattle v)s -IMrs, Phil =Ic<nang.

lng hiS SOA IE8ury at)d fr)tIlijy. - j'tr. and htrSI R(LSSC,I r»enner atjr1Il, r,v.-, .

IA eie r~~ -X-. l hag ".' AAI».ixf fteurg, I (JIILCJ. ihtr- ~d htrs- R'crett Jores of '- Jchudrcn (vere ¹Lvv Year: dingo> I r.''-- '=-:: -" tr~ent ---." --- rd 760.QO

746 3796 OHfco

htrr. CILd Mf'S 'Gals» 'ÃCI'jelajMk sariI Hetlnatlci »cele a fxffilrni"am gql(or OPI r, '. I:..!,' ' *

'ggq'~I I'"iji(II;-b (I . e .I! I. »ego»fsrgffy of !trait(rn. were XC%'ear ' t..c ZCAI»ers or(,xgccsj Y.mx!=~- «!av IDav dinner guests of fus pa) cn(si -', M ~ jjin(j Its. L";;„hlx .:, - '. rxs(g („g(l Ta.(,,n xjiiy t, yo(k%

and hfrs.Jack Ãcbcfsfcck. ! da(lghter, ~n s;.(n. th=.;- Ch.-!8 lc;,4;

(rithfamuyand friendS jn BojSC, Kimel isapen(f'II'reWYeare,.'jh f»fen I:,, -Oni T-)C emt; „,,,...,Lr„(~LI,- f I" y 1r I

Chrjstn)acl Eve, Mr. Hampton, Bruce.''.vcr, Ow. with I.;.:Ctt)-.»-jtx Jaw .;„,J,rf,, I* j~,>„„J., f .+ "I-- '. '~ t G ~ T UDHolly wtCDaaafd of .E(II g atxd M . aoi I Ci'aa'i a;Ii retu)r.njg -«)came eatjlr - e,hb'".. 1A--

E „,.11 . ',, 1 i - !I' s"xi( jxnPlowrrlicnt'MI~. 'Fred Struchen and»children of; (jism.*

- j.fr„'„,grl smi(.~ w .SI„@<„n~ *" .B.j " '." tShoshOne. ~" creguests of."tr. an(thtrs.f J. P. Zcnaer hclil Sn r()lnx I, d r;j '1~sf t g GF I«'ff ftfet se,PMrs. Robert'chart)horst in Efmbc) jy. i ge for h.'8 cf'.firfreII cg 'I th(s I fam- I G ,-' woo.':anre and «g;:i)I»ra'c;t sis. Ir;tcgrSI.,'r.,

cllld htru- Dick Scha1"-11)OID-, )xhrn (iles, 0"I D "- Blah ai, aou -8 agys "4!Ostunalci f>v ug» clay.co»I)i>oil;— '...;.-::;,-.!."-;.,-,;:.,;:-'::::::-:::--;-,:';::;,;.:;;:,,:;:;::;;;!;:;,;;:.'.,.:";,„.";,":--,.-::."-'.-',:—.'.:::,:.:-:-:,-..,:,'.:::":-,,::,:::-::;:.,:,---':-::.I.-;-..:,.-..::...:r.-...!0agd hfS )Vife Linda Of BOISe )Vere din-, htrS t-'CWret)CC .WVCJ! 't tinfc)gtOWA I',CJV refresh,"C<f px(rSuan", t(( Sect(onner guests -of htr. and 5trs, Payee,'- snd sitrs- Lcjand'GLL«tjt(gc» of puff- 5()-le(td of »kr Idaho Gr)(fe at A pub- '..k.' ':e:I 5Mrit(h AIEBE4$t, l Ij

Fuhrin»an agd Children Ol Emmett I m()rx. Gran(feh11ortrI. h'g jn CUler! Bd is'!Lrln." to be held Ord stion.'.8 - . QfarffL t')frl tbp(tf)r Qq r ',SNgjL Ijfjffl

Royce p'Ahriman and i Statea %sere) unable to attea(j-I Jggrlary 19u>, le,tj, at Jj:!JjjI'. hl„ I!X i

ffohn e> >fohtfsffMr. an(I sf1'Sj EII Juf!:-'A.J «Ir a!I(-';,ll Cltm II XIJ, Cf th'je'~', Of Gegpee=„. -

Fitr >~e~r „-I,>(>~It) ti„,I,II'I»t V II'r.lmIII 1% Vsc}„,a~orst'snrf Icegig. fbi>lx- I Ml'8, 3'ack' Ãek!Oleic(I( )xi).e xrc'Iv'! IIJaj(rr, at wh!ch tjI))c ag(f 9jg(!c uje!b rjy, err ~rf gars rq«fp cf'chan;nharst! Yeal'ay after>oag .arri cvetxfr>gI «tav;;r qlrrj Go;)gejj L(ijf h(Barr (Lgrf l

Gcneacd Hoiiv htcDontxfd,j gx(cats of htjr, snd Mrs. CIUrf Sfmons. i ror airier r>b'CI tio Ixx aAJ '

jt)there fIfe Servtco 4Fdcn gnd p~refgrrh Hampton ClarkS- r YMr. at)rj hErS. Vb Ill ifa):tan„Sr.l. the phaa»q"be,of rln aturffaf ItpAroprtd( ',~ '

- —'


ton werc christma dinner gxlesi-;A! (("Crc hty>rainy even'.nr, >nipper guests, u(>n biff pu(sx!ant ti) rnjI in 8'ir>r(f: =,. ==::..:.:,——:—:,— ": PQQI1+ 28$ 3'321 JGBII886c Ictcthothe Jitg scllarntlotst j>ar."Ic in. Bx)isc' of hti'ii - trs ~r.'e =tt Bx)bft)son

j r()leds with. thc. foregoing csti)gf)tc.:. The Jamer SeharlihorStS rmehaUyj

hflS Vu ra. M Tleriie; entertained I htgrfe bV 'Orrfg'f thy: 'ME(Varmoved-into 8 neve home n Boise. Ibtl,jig her ho«e during the txojr(fi)ys.hcl'I( jtuncfi r>t tfxc Citv of rcpt(~'irl- -G>f~'h~lla )trMVSIE<~ qtrs, Dsvid Afrhart ot Balue and'our chdxiyeg, their EI(n)flies ~l; hjs this fifth (ffxy of January 1976, '>BBning, cai jcrs,I r Michael htartjgcz City clerk I atn the doc((j re preset)tat'Jvs

slid Ml's Robe('t Scharnhoist C G Club %facts Jsn 6 pub January 7 14 1979 I rrkr (furr(I . Adjt(tsd II rgo(g~ omoved into a ncw»home jn Boise. MM.j The C. G. Club wijl meet in theandltjtrr Dick Schanihorst igd Br(ice


home of Mrs, Eeht Broemcling on. CApft Ot» TII In„ft~» it)arkcrs ar() of'hc tiri!SL grjr.xiand Mra. htfke, GOtt and daughter, Jan(lary 16th at 2 p, m. Au mern- hty Sincere thagka fo 8!1 for the'ncf(Xdtn",rrle Rack Of AgeS etonbere sunday breskra:.l guests or Mr. be s ars orgeji io aiiend. !cards, aosers gjim, Iauujjce: and'. ea sari»I'cihj'n Su»jour»«o.aad. Mw. Don eicos>mid, Brad andB'ojjyor Eden oxher Yjsixars voreÃr. »Ir snd Mrs. Porresi Durbin and ho»pjjai end «iiicc r»jjjtum~g~ho~~. I''Jcl@ KBIBfl>s. Ncaj Gross 'and Mrs, Ethel htlss F~na Durbin of .htoscow rc- special thank yo(I fr)r the."Chx'-j,,~'rri,'„„I


M»Donsjd, The schaejhoisis also Yjs. Imned pjrday airer sp IIcing III» cards you Yoni your ibojjghijjjj I~et(j ffcp.' uon(> Aff-Igfftjnew snd kin ines» he)p.d make my

LIIsiofff $ stI0I terhigBy Appoighgegf . their son-in-Iav sndd dnughirej, iir. e'erft11111|t d1and Mrs, D!ck htarken and Kiri.HOURS —Ba,rn..to 5p.m. Deed D bi or a i'io, c ni; i.'Mondays through Fridays joined them for the holidays. -'' g+5$QQ

We Will Accept Farm Butchered Beef and Porki a,"w, ~ wd M

"ra,'I R„,"",'„",I". PII111aFor Piocessing Pa)nels, Eric and Lorf A~g of Ya-

BENDELS MEATS „„".'.,„'"„'„,.„"„."'m",',"„";,,K-,- 'o-opserfous illness of their mother, MrsrTroy> Idaho-. Ph one 835-2341,'fI IRfcc, have all rat urneif tn



$ ~hotnes . after spendft)g - the l)oil(lays(vfth thefr parents. Larry ls Pro-

) BROWER-WANN M MORIAL ";,'"";;-;„'„';;"'"„:„";'„„"","""".'-..-= ==';Br-jj~~


c n


b0 C0h


Kermit Malcofn President -:- Marsh Harwick Mgf'.- ~ 'g'r'"''n

Bpoj(((tfc, Ig. talking (vfth hfrs. I

ftRice over the (vcckcnd. shc stat(!! I ~pm shoot At I Vf W s3, HIFEE1 PLANTe f. She (VSS feeling real Vrejf anil WOX!Erf'IJ04522Sfffiplet Dfgmffed Ftfffef'al Services ) en)ay hearing from old frfDhrls „n,fl Ihl&vftrorkfngpeopfenotcur.

Imremjitijjau!I'IIIII'niijjjjijitijlijiIipljjlinjji ii»juj! jn r .I jnpjiiun inijjiiiijijrmuijinmjjrinnsnainirjlmnsjnnnanmjg rnrjrjsmiuoer!Ie

nclghhottt 'entfy cNfered a pens onNerd Buildkng —Pleasant Surroundings Fathcl wm. Maschmfttcr of aft. 'pfa5''n Invest In a fax de.'f~; calif'. gnd xr. n»(j Mrs. I.-.l. ductjbfe and taxdeferred'. Phone 143-4578 t 83jqtigfog )dicho~ ~use of c tt "od u"rrc ffatur(fay Individual Retlrerrient An.I Vfeftora Of hfS, niece ahd h)tebr(hrl, ntjlty(IRA)

You get a tax break today IHQT, Pcf bg)6)f 4 ~ e a4'~ee++++++ee<~+e<e+e++++e+++++++++++++4~+++~~+++~ and family, Later in the rf(xy thr. -and retirement securftocmc fngs took l)itti to Potg .rr>y

frfe. You'lI get mich more fHO 8!tI~I~PF Psr fosk ~ ~than paperwork, because...to Ft. Ijfr„f,l~ B,'„'„h' Wltrf ue,you'e farnffy, Ijf|Nt'N6 IINN, pet fon,

Florfda iaftcr spending the hnjirfayqhcl'c, Jltn 8aumgarther rctl)rtreij.>or '. s allis, Orc, to rmumc hi 1 - goBI;ftT K. IVLUVMAN, .I IO ! Q f) yet> fogdies.f elle IP,. Ã))d Erhonn 92449$fj I k e 4 ~ I B BGathering af. the Doh gptfhger Spoks4)e, 1%ash. 9WQfjhome oh >cw Years Pve for ri crrxh ~rvfhfr Vhf» 4jtrw, 'lri Vcars — gop tg gQ pfg gp

E0II0 fN f07iI till/II040Bampion, I I»a an I sarah. Mi ». Ir„i» Tb Lljl

amen»»ewjeene eew»ae e emee e»m»m»»memweejw e»mw»es»B(Lutng rtne gll(l th, Vjf f Efrx f „gfQgpgfr/OOUMOSCOW, IDAHO PHONE BBR-45)4 'ou i~jig e«» Ir~ ywm dinner p M~ nero»i+i>pe j We gfock GTA Oog FQQ(ifsstcstS. Tho Iachneth jxhcrfns were 8+fertt

Friday evenfng dinner guests, ~

Page 3: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1976 - The Gazette News/1976... · ,i


items for the meeting include a pub-lic discussion of Gencsee's HUD ap-plications for a water improvementproject snd senior citizen's center

Iproject, snd development of the citys

I zor>ing ordinance. rI>e public'iswelcome snd encouraged to attend.


No !wo children arc alike and par- Ah;I»;I I» III Ye»ts shou)<} become Unduly o '1'he Lcwiston office of the Inter-

jtcv<.»UC Se>v>cc ls seek>ng vol-f) ks caI'1><>'cieSthe IMA, U»L<s»S tn help )OV: inCOrne and elder-

}>owc1er general niii< y per~As p>cpa>e thr)> tax >etu>T>s

in s, child's development; t!"> p")j,>'a>i>, Volun!.Cer Incurr>e Fax

tAss!SLsnce (VITA.), wss established

I mor>th —Can lift chin off table s<..v n years ago to help taxpayers2 r»onths —Can lii't, chest off «b)«

Iv.)><> <.annot afford th<) cost of a, pro-

3 l»ontl>s —I%Caches for objects w>thI feasi< nal return j)reparcr bui; sLi)1

out ~UCcess. need help in filing their return,4 months~an sit with supp rt. 'I"he volunteers wi)J be p>ov)dc<J5 mon! 1>s—Can si!.On lap and g>2>sI) with train)ng by IRS personnel in the

small objects. preparation of relatively simple tsx6 months —Csn sit ln high c»a)r returns. 'j'raining will run January

and grasp dangling object. 12 through 16 from 6:30 until 9;307 lnonths —Csn sit alone. p. >n. at, t}>c Lewiston IRS office, 1.6188 months —Csn stand with he)I) Idaho Street..9 months —Can stand by ho)<"Jng Any individual or organization in-

on to funuture, tercstcd in helping with VITA. should10 months —Can creep.11 n>ont}>s—Can walk if jed by on<.

)>and, 15 mon!.hs —Can walk alone.12 montl>s —Csn pull up and s!.Sad If a child is ahead of this schedule

with help of furniture. or 1>ehind it, there is no cause for un-13 months —Can c)J>nb a few sta)rs. warrant«d pride or pessimisln. Re-14 months —Can stand alone. rncrnber--no 2 children are alike.

1~r)'zv Coillhzls. iION'N'll I, hI~I" l';T IAe>> ZIA IIV 12

The Plannhig ><Ad Zoning Cw<n»1)s-sion of Gcn>':-ce v. i)J n>cct, hfon<lsy,January 12, 197>i at 7:;.30 p. I<>. in !.hecity )>s)l SI. (~>->><c:.<:>=, i<!also. Agon<)a


) %ii!Ft%Q Vekij i))j!e

4 LVf'O'4 jr'%4I Nlk!festA. cond)t)ur> which is <)U)tc ra>e,

hypog)yec>»is, !low blood sugar), frc-<)U<>A! ly bhu>>e<i fo>' wi<je > s>>g<„ofdisco»>fo>ts fur which it is Ao!. >c-apo»sible, observes the IhTA

lzypoglycemia has taken the placeoi'»Uch of a g>oup of psychoson>aticil!nesses of 14 to 20 years ago as a>»cdiesl fa<l, Dr. Its<)unicl L, levine,Executive Medical Director of theCity of Hope hfcdical Ceni.er, }JUS>tc,Califon>ls, wrote )A s >ceo»t issue of!.hc Journal of the American hted)-csl Association.

, "It J undoubtedly very atiractivcand satisfying to believe in one pla»-sibilc and scientific bio)ojdcsj expla-natzon for feelings or fatigue, >veak-ncss, dizzy spells snd cxhaUsLioA, hcsaki,

"This set of symptoms is such aco>»mon affliction of mankind tl>st it.b«gs for an explanation ln tcr>ns ofan easily understood chemical changein u>e body. The modern concept isto blame it all on the jow b)oo<j sugarlevels.»

I~)w blood sugar can ca»so thesesy>»pton>s but so c:n> A>any other1>Saith p>wbjcms. Ii, j>ss bc~»>e corn»)on to tres! 'hypoglycemia':ith in-jections of adrenal cortical extracts,hc said. Such extracts, said Dr. I~s-vine, »>ay hate'c a placebo effect, 'butt)>cy aro lnsinly helpful in producingbetter inconlc'< fo>'hc lnal>Ufsc!,Ul'el'ssnd despcnscrs,"

"n> reality, thc syndrome (lowblood sugar) as a cause of dbsabi))tyin the adult ls rare, and the properdiagnosis osn only be n>sdjc by mod-ern hormonal assays and tests,"

There's a sign on the l2 mjj}jon tonHoover Dsn> which reads: "Govern-n>ent property —Do No!. hlon.."

G< »ca< «Nc>vs 25 Y«srs Ago

Ds)e Csrb»hn, a<>n of hIr. S»d hf I'.j.'st)j Cs>bu)U> who was hon>c fi)> a10-<lay )eave, cuj, his t!>i>c sho>t h< reto proc<:ed to jv)i< A»geics a»d e»tera l>avy >'sdio school, Hc was <.'!>list-ed fo>'3 y<.ars )vhlch >vss to tc>.>i>JA-at<>»<.xt Ma; !>i>< h«" >

— nl ."«c«pt tho oj>port»A)ty for sdvancc-A>c>>!, a,'< a navy >'s<)io>I>al> })y attend-ing !he sr) «)o!.

hlr. ansi hirs John }3>oe»>cj)ng ro-t>trne<l ho»><) IU<."lday af jc>'eingaway hinc<. Decclnber 10.

I.o>>nl<> O<!enborg is confined to hishon>e >vith the 01UI>>ps,

A! a <lis! > ict CY 1»" »ccljng }>el<i lnNezp<'I'ce la) L Ti»>rriday and F!!day,}b>c A!le<'>I> was <'.)rctc<i d>s. j)> <'a!<lentful'! h«, en><»i»g yea>'.

A)i<>U!, 60 attended the I »therj.dsg»> ))ot l»cl<. <)!nn<'r and Christ-

p<>rty at Lhe Val)ey church on) J>ul <):>y cV<'ning.

t,elephone Elain» 1'<»>t>on at. 743-6591in the Imw)eton }At< >nal PevenueService off!«<.

Free income ta. assistance is SJsosvaisble in the Taxpayer Service Sta-tion of the Lewiston office.

Dissent in s free society is like theculi.ivation of the crops in the field.A little agitation promotes growth;

jtoo much destroys the roots,

CON POKES ----- Sy Ace Retci

()<'>I<'>s «' 5)1 Y<",>rs A goS»>o!Ls )>«ve j))a<.'c<l s f>A> A<!w

13»ti<.>-j).!s! )>Opcur» l»achlnc in their<'onfe<'! I»»r<",

Th< l<>esl ho!el has again passedin!o Aviv i<a>><is. W. C. I'>icson vvho}>a» owned Ll>ai, hostel>'v for the }')ssty<>sr, l»<vi»g on Saiurdah> )s><t tra<j-cil Li>e prope> ty to Jesse C. Csn>pbe))of Sj)okane for Spokane j)roperty.

'1'1»> s<»> Iu>d <lsughtc>'f htr. Sl>dhira, Arthur Hove have the scarletfever in light for!A,

A very p)se!Ly 1!!tie b)>Ah<laypurL)'vas

g1ven at tho hon>c of Mr. SndM>w. IJ. W, Ah>.rin on Wcd, cve, Dec.23 fro>i> 4:3ULo 7:3<! !n honor of theirs>u>, N< A»et)>. 'I'hose present vve>x;I!U!h A lb >) VI>no>>ck. Jc<u>c!te an<1E<u>ice lt>oi< r, hj>1>lre d Cun!n, Gailiia<n))h>>f>, jj>)war<J }3h>n>e> l)onal<jS)».ingr>; }3>'It >Vis).ar>), To»»»y1 ) '»'ns>'I, I !I'>»<<>» i 1 1!ck»>an I>nd I) >n->b>>'U>d )v>e>)>>r!h Aber>n.

, msmance:—+ FIRE




R. E.MagnnsonPhone 289-4271

AgencyKendrick, Idaho


"I'l take this onel lt's such a nice print!")~'ge»<)s of Slee))y jjo))o>v- F> >nk

14 >'»»» < >1<»ye>J 8><!'U><ii<y <",ven>ng <>L

I!>r 1>.b "1 ho>»< J)jay>ng p>»<)e hie.j'r«l,k v.><a )><>',rh.ng a (> v, <h<,» iari!v< > "k s»<i l>ioka v<'IT >1! !}><'s».* !I<y;<,j. v>-ry))>»jy >h h»i>!»g f»f' 0>i>< k !v-.

< '>v>'I'y. B»s hi>jij>cn<'<1 I<> ih<'>)!>I>1(!<>ha )I«»;r S>jec)>V l loll<>>v h> J><s >1

>e !<<<v>nj,'< n>'v'»'i<vr>'<).'<f<i cr>)u>>f !J><IL On, >!»'> )V>-<ik. 1) .'<I«> I'v<<ka>'IIha:I! '1:!I ri<!» )f 0 !„'s!o !o<V» '1'<>es.


It's an ill wind that doesn'0 blow some good —but it'

a breeze to open a checking account at First Bank of

Troy. Paying by check is a business-like way to handle

%IOBII FUEL —DIESEL —5$ABIL LUBRICAÃTSWe Will Order Any Special lsems Desired


j>)>re have in Stock


your money.—CLOSED ALL DAY SATURDAYS—.><I»'Ii»;! C!»>ri>"'»<1 Jrs< ~ ( )>)-v'<11J ~ V:>Lh !h<" si!<!»f )cr«) ><n l ji)„"';<y)o>'>1>1 11>>gi> L>eh> k>. ))UL<l)>e<<s) '

>'v»1<1 h»gs hi>')n>)iiv,)L>>i<ro>'k N<>v;.'>')v Join is v!s>!-

i>ik at !h» C!> Srv;a!er n>A<'h. OleA>i')<>bs) t !>» k "1>!, b<>. v I»ak>ng h«»1.!< . ~ >: l «t<.an>ng ) igs f -!. )toy

11<iffnian j>< >V<>I'k>nj>'he r>)i<>L» U>>h<'II"r!nI>r>J„'j:)»>I'hoo>),

%l. F. IIKIILERF-750's and F-600's—1 '8 3>4d

4»4's end 2-Whee! Drives Representing The


Phone 2894061 Residence 276-3131

F>F57 i 'K OF,Ri'!~'ROY

- - - - - IDAHO

BOFF FORD1 A)f*A I> .'4)';).)r-41(>1 V)t» IIVXT

'H>e <. ~ n>'<*p!»f local ti> )f-gover>>.!» i>'I>! Sn>) )oea! <o»!Col <)'vr>'o< <>) sf-f.'<)I's !>«<n !Agr >!a<a) a»d <)ehj>mb)ej:>r! S>f <>i>r v<S>i;e>i<an j~~v<i>1>1»en>»)!ey> I m). ).~«!i y«»r we hear <s<>r

th>SI<* j><>l>uj> Jan>< rxclafn> th< il ))>.»rj!n »n<i >«>J>pv>rt for "j»<'a) <w)n)>s>J "I)UL i<>c<i! >'<>»t>o) U> I<);<h<! >s a >I>'>"lb.}>. )»<~I>'L > Jh! Sl><1 !!.n<.v> r i>a. ex-!>6 ~ <1,

jv><')>) h«'!f-j,"<)vr>n»1<'n! »>I>i k><oil»")Ii!ro! >)>j<-r J<> al nffa!r;«xb>!s )v)><*A)w's) r>!iz< na, !h>w<»;h !h>'>r )>s «!g»V> >1»n<".>!'I, h;<; >. !h<v «U!hnr>! y I>A>!t}>o rrvcn»;. r:<:><in!~ >;ij:<c>!y I > Iak>

I»f !!i<.:I-r>ie» !<e i<) J>~>)>)r<I>s a>;>)In>'>"! > 1< >!!>'»>! !> I 'li,'>».' \>»"


«." !;<:~ >Oi!;.r f ., <. ! Oj.>in!s. 1 !;<! > I'.> '->! < I> ''I;'»<n') !!>>'


>v Ii! 1;>r. >'Ii>i>r<>!ri >!» >;>)!)I><'V>'<»',!»>I

>I v,!<1! I!)>I I > K >'I'!» .', ,'I!»?>;:; I

,ir i., !>i>'>)'"'n('> <>f !<I,'>. !«I!1<»

!>::I!»n!r»i <>1 > r

>" >'*>'.li..'>>,, I»'; jn »> ' >!v<> j<>>'>I!

> <>>in»I '.>' '>;. >'!I' !I>

><>It!Io< <<i .; !><I»'. >»»>'>",I!I'.!I>'li'h

I .";, !;.« « .i; f < ~ »):>!!!»";:in'».,". !> '!I<!i«»!; Sb n>I !»~

<'»I>!'.»! <>II i I>»>I«. L >i(>!Ag I,>)n»>thing I»:,>" I ha!. j«-:> j SC) f*j;ov<>r>I-»:>'n! 1»'» >In<!> a r>.>I!!!y, 3V<> Ae<)<).' ivvnj,> r I> »',«1 !,>>'I'>'I nn>en !, n> I! S!I'OA

g>'I'<t'<j>'n>i '>')>'>1>) );ov<>r>>I»rnts.

1661'I-21><t St. Ph. 746-239)


Phone 835-$0}1


e'> >ri




ee > I

>< >< eee"sees>I&Ps I<> 8

'»"-';I .'Ij',.jf~')»

tIorth idaho Farm Bureau


I ;< T I! O I) Ii C Il h)

e<:: . mf. ,~ i,aj,-

=-=-==-'- ..'-.'-'"*ye>>;. s>:, > >

I'v. h>",.

I)rsP> <





I'1)r z'":r s Elise. ~'.;,;,':,,;,'-,':=-::.-".'L

gets ttlc revenL!6 from about 3 slices in a loaf of tS On p!oducts

5}eve Iteeler~j~

P ~ ee >v"",

IId)I~, „,,

I»»» aa>! XF '

V, 11 V I >N (i

Juliaeffa, Kendrick slices. So vcly little of thc retail food prices you paygets back to t tie fa!'!lief,

ln fact, there is only about 5!':~'orth of wheat in a35'ne

pound loaf.'uch of ttle cost for bread goes forotl'lel th!ngs. Pact(aging, stl!pp! ng and the llliddlejllenbetween 1tie farmer and the 8!Jpe! )11arket shelf. Addedall up it account - for 85;o of the retail price,

w!th a h!gtl deg!66of processing, farnle)'s )'eceive very little of the retailcost, Even if wheat farmers gave ttleir wtleat away, aloaf of bread still would cost ="9".'ents

I>I><j h>III r« II»<)il>g .Ar<'>>s

Contact Today For

Complete IIIsurance


Specializing ln Tax Shelters

and Estate Planning

Call:882-1531 —Office746-379!J —Office882-8285 —Home

Ttle famler's slice. It's not as big as it once was,'j>ee..fee<> e) CS D<: I .:."-'>r>«>~De <';s> n; A',".I !5,<9 5

Idaho Wheat Comnl tsslonIdaho Bean CommissionSuite M, Owyhee Pla-a, Boise

The ldahlI flrmmr. Vstl naad him. Ha needs yalI.

Page 4: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1976 - The Gazette News/1976... · ,i

HEART DISEASE excctttt) esUIA3ERS AND STROKES httrtltcr, these ailments are by no

for bu~~nessntett ttlct<ns lttllLt<id to ep<ectttives. Ttti',v

have heart disease, ulcers and st<ipkei A fcw suggestions oft'et~d by theaflnfents con)mealy assoch<ted with I<fah<p '3ie<li<ntl Association to help

,~~ ~»~» ~ x x ~ ~~x~m~VZT~TVV~VrX~V~XX~~~~




H hH


We have our own Trucks to haul Farm Storage.H h

hH hH hH


Markets are available daily 8:00 a. m. to 5:0 p. m.

i Ms" rerllftfi Co., ffc.H





exectttives pt~pserve their health can ing if you can. There is no doubt.be tiadily applied to most Americans that sniokittg is not good for you

Vvatch your weight. Stt enttotts CLL I <fowtt ot'tol> drinking. Tivedi<.ts usually atte not necessat'y, Just cocktails b<pforo dinner might be one .

crtt less. too utany. ono ntight be too many)fot'<>tlte rpeopfc.For ep«reise, „oitis fute Lf you en- Gct plenty of'leep without ute use

juv it. It vou gct upset over evety of <lru's, it'ossible.tptissed stt'<>ke I<a<i los<> yo<1L'cn1pet', L 'usltless Lvorrt<'s s,t the ofbrisk <valks will setve Just as well,


perhaps bet,tet,

Take rot<I vttcattons Lvith time toI


~ ~








~ ~


~ ~





I i ~


1~ I

reit<)< and ut<Lvtttd. An occasional Folks never understand the folks<h<y ot'wo <von 't do. they hate.—James Russell Lo)veil

Stnoke less, Hettet still, stop smok.


For Spring Fertilizers—USE-


ken+I C'- Roe. Ida. e Coz"<f)ttfcK, m~HO PHoNE 2sa49s)

Pl PSI"Oll"iPCild I ICiPi"

CC "...l I'~Oi Sr/

I'~""Cl .QC

W,"."" '.W .,



J ~~sAf -"s~~~~Ap~ ~


WA'SH)I~+8$ ~ASSE5113LY OI" aO1) CrrvIIClr

Kendrick, 1<Mtu

Cephas A. P<H)pfes, I'astorTeiepl tons "a(u-f590

Sunday School .......,............".......,9,45Mornittg 6'orship 11'00Young people's 131«ot...,.....e:u0p. nt.Evening 3Vorship ........,......,........7:30Bible Study and Prayer Wednesdays

<Lt .........,....,...........-..-.....7 i)f0 p. 111.


Funeral Home

JULY.L"rTA COMM. Crf~rtcrlJullaetto, Idaho

%401'sh!p Set'vtce ......„......,.....9'.00LL. 111.Uern Butlcson, L<Ly Sp<»<ker

141 -9th St,


sT, aIA'I"I'I IEIv's cATsf 01.ICS<><tfhtvlck, Idaho

Father Ft a)Leis Hei>crt I'astorMass( Satur<h<ys ..............,....4:00p. rn.


Ste"en Caskry P LstorTe Icphone aPSIJ- W'27

'IVorship Ser<dce ...,.........11:00Church School ...,.....II:45-1":30Youth Choir ........,,.....,., 0:45Youth Group IMYF) ...,.....7:30


Xroa Gwtherrthrs —Juuaet taVVOMup Serv1ce ..................,9;30LL, n1.

CLLtneroa Ktnts)et))ter LnthcranSunday School ......................,......9:35Worshf p Ser>rice ..............,........,..10:45%Yon)en's Bible Study 2nd lvvdncsday!of each month at 1:30 p. m.


t)e' ATra-.rc r'i,Y KAI>1'sMr&ting I<t tht i'><,1 i II<h l)i>Y

A<fvcntlp>t I lturch —Jolt>«ittt>Priesthood ifc<t.... I>.<pp I< I«,S<In<Ltd b<.ho<>I iu

I,IILKC,II OI TIIE, !iA/Arir.M.Juff<L('ttt<, r<faho

Ipa.rfoi l,a k tk«ttTelephone "7t)-3(>f0 or '-'I>> 3<>fl

iSun<k<y S(:!L(H>l..... O 1"


1<[or.ntng Worsftip ........,lf:0(.t a. Ii>.!Evert!ni 3V<prsinp ..Ii:<H! p.:rt. I


Sfid-Week )k;rYi((eWcdnes(k<ys .......„....7 <0<) i>, r>I,

~SEVENTII OA Y Ar)UEN'rrsrJr>fit<< tt'), Id<<ho

Ptttrti''> (!Itn>-'th Sw Ln: iir>, 'I roySabbt<th School ...~ .~...~.... 3>:0()

I Church Scrv!cc;I,....,........,3:00

It. Is tvvicc as hr<r(f tr> <.ntsh 11 haif-,truth as a vvhoic i c.- AI<stitt <.p'Sf<In>;y

Dial 743-6541

MyelThe Nome ThatWorks ForM.

We sell Myera~ ~...famous Sub-mersible PumpsIncluding SGand S2G models...the onlypumps with the

original 3-yearwarranty(

DIAP'3 [lf(TP l(Kendrick, idahoCALL 289-5480

I i>r I fi I frii r<f lrt»frtff~tf(pn—I: ltV.I: I;~ TI if A TE.1—()II fin!fr I >It>>f> rrl'>LPI)L<tf»n t<11d

A if I') pcs 1:;I("ctrii"<l iVfrlng"I-rfotrr H( r<)(c


Kendrick.'fIA.JOI( OVI'.I(IIAUI>

(I)ipsels 8c ()Ils)


I ii ~ i ~~ I I . Of~I =-

i!I'~TIIACI, I'.l;)I)'..'p'1 H

Iron/i In(''(»':d"

MILLI ."...I i .i.i

Io(it t lit

C(pppcrCrt ic I I I I I I

TULE I",-UV,')

liii Y,t; ff.<ri Ln FI y


3 I I tiff'psI i'! '1 '. i 1 "rftII.NTS

At First Security our compounded continuous interestprogram on passbook savings works for you all the time-notjust daily —but continuously.

By compounding your interest continuously, the rate of5% per annum yields 5.13% per annum, when both principaland interest are left for a full year. Accounts are insured to$40,000, of course.

You can add to or withdraw from your account at will.Your money earns from Day One. And, all the time it's ondeposit, it has earned interest from continuous compounding.You can also make deposits by mail and transferarrangements between checking and savings accountsare available.

Come in now and start your money working for you everyday

at- 1

IrS", SSI:url",lir alllf

Mofnber F.U.I,G.

ilOI(A( <Lf (<

Prtirtt.i>i>iirI'ceil I.>r('.':lr>;;((ro<vth I'tirr (>I'ITl'It(:i,'if irri'I';I I

I'f f I >~ 1'I lr) ft<) I 'SI rii i';Illa

1'Ifr)'I'I:IN.'1i;Ii>ill>l I' irr i'I<i'V I tirr,il i'I i>I(dr>'I

AII>in(> Ai Iiin1 i I':.; II:ir> iiit>f;

Our liquid PMS I'eleuses nitrogen slowermore continuously

NORTHWEST PMSP. O. Box 88 —Asotin, Wash.

Lee EarlArea Sales Manager

Technical Services Ration FormulationPhone (509) 243-4312


Page 5: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1976 - The Gazette News/1976... · ,i
Page 6: jkhf.infojkhf.info/Kendrick - 1976 - The Gazette News/1976... · ,i


'6'chrterrr It'ruraly, VanillaCho«elate, ettrawlierry

t/i gallon 83c


Assorted, I'rin tel 120' t,

2 rolls SSc

Stickliver SAUSAGE,Hygrade,... lb.79cBird Farm $iiUMGF, Rolls,... l2 or $l.lt


BACON, Armour Star, sliced, 12 oz. $1.29HOT DOGS, Armour Star, 24 oz. $1.39BUDDIG MEATS asstd. varieties, 3 oz. pkgs. 3 for $ 1 COMET ClEANSER

2l Ol. 31cRenuzit Solid Room Freshner, asstd, scents, 43cMaple Nut Rolls, 18 pk, WF, 18 oz, $1.25SLICE OF LIFE BREAD, 24 oz. loaf 61cCOFFEE, WF, reg. Elec, Perk, all-purp. 3 lbs. $3.89NOODLE RONI, Golden Grain, parmesan, -',5c

GRAPE JELLY, Kraft, 18 oz. 65cPRESERVES Smuckers Strawberry 18 oz. 87cKETCHUP Hunts l4 oz 43TOMATO SAUCE, Hunts, 15 oz. —3 for $ 1


48 os. $1.3$

Man Pleaser DinnersIrrt>sin ISarrrluet Dinner»

Chicken, Turkiby, hralisb, Sttteak

73c)8 oz. assfd.

ORANGES, Choice Navels,.... lb. $ 5cWS lloUlD SlEACH

Gallon 49cCARROTS, long crisp 8 tasty, lb. 17c

MUSH ROOMS, great for steaks Bc salads lb. 98cGRAPEFRUIT, Arizona Whites 8 lb. 99cCUCUMBERS, delicious for slicing, 2 for 39c


Mi sion IStrurerhh —1 rr the.,

$1SALE DAYS—JANUARY 8, 9 d 10, 1976

r )::ll::I; I I:—Open Sundays Hoon to 3—

Kenhick, 4laho

Join and Support The Tiger Booster Club

',r ~$ Looki'it@ Goorl...~"')<"''... Feeting Goo(1,

No doubt about it —You'l feel better if you know youLook better. We can help you look better with a pretty,nevf hair styling. Coll or stop in this week!

Zl','..q 5 l,~ for Appointment Cell —289-4027 ~


Mabbott, Juliaetta on Sunday.Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs.

Forrest Brown Joined Vfah Dodge,Lewlston, i'or an enjoyable evening att..'tc Senior Citizen"s dance held atthe YWCA.

Goidea Rule Mewe-open 9 c» 5By flayfe Marek

Monday Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ran-dell of Clarkston visited hismother Agatha Perkins.

Mrs. Julie Cooper, Cnry and AgathaPerkins traveled to Lewlstnn Satur-day.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simfsrnn anr]family Ahsahka, Ellen Jacnbsnn andfamily, Clarkston, and Mrs. JulieCooper and family were dinner guestsof A.gatha Perkins on New Year'.

Mr. and Mrs. Rinehardt Schroetierand family, Lenorc, were srrpper Iguests of 3fr, and Mrs. Albert I iw-rence and family this week.

wednesday Mr. anil Mrs. AlbertLawrence and Stella Mclver traveledto Lewiston,

Albert Lawrence and Bonnie jour-neyed to Orofino this week.

Sunday, Amy Lawrence attcndrrl rrbirthday party for Jim Peavey Julia-etta.

Mr. and Mrs. Dean lvatsnn an<iI'amily were dinner guests of Dirk

5 Nays s lWattaea

Phone 2H-579>8 md tttr rarhtn


~AV! ~ilII!')Pi!It ) li>

We Can Supply ThemiHOihf.—

In The Profluce Dept.

Sno-Boy Ruby Grapefruit, B for $1.00Apples, (Red 8 Gold Delicious,

Winesap, Rome)... 5 lbs. $1.00Oranges, fresh Novels,... lb. 15cCauliflower,...... head 49c

/f/~7,s /~jg','

tM~ JE

, 'fi,~la,gi'4t 's~=—=- . -~

%% % ~ % % %


From The Grocery Dept.


! Gra<gmont w>th Mr, rurd Mrs. Bob

Lfflllltly,then all enjoytsil iiinner out ~ Sniith Friiiiiy.

ocal News that evening. ! twfr. anti Xir~c, Diclr Beivett were

f N'v Ye L y d ''g "t of i~fr.! Hygrofle Pork Shorrlder —SNoked 8e water addedNeiv Year's eve ilinner guests oan 1 h,frs, Don liohues at Pullman.

of Leivtston rlIld Kathlyn Mori'v o

front Thursdav until Saturday in SPo- ing cards riding at the Dear~ Brocke honte ors

kane, They were joined there by %fr, Suriiiav,

and Mm. Bill Blewett. Mr. and Mrs, Hoivaril Hoffman Friilay afternoon visit ores ofdrove to Spokane Thursday to take and Mrs. Ross Armitage were Mr, anti

Neiv Year's Day dinner guest of Ruth's mother, Itfr~. Opal Deidrich, Mrs. Clarence Piftner of Cottonwood.Mr. and Mrs. Dick Cuddy ivas Aerie to the plane to return home after 3fr. anil Mrs. Ed Nelson werz iriCuddE . spending the holidays here.

!itb[oscow Monday visiting friends anti

Mr .and Mrs, Ed Danunarell joined Mr. and Mrs. pat Morey and fansily neighbors who are at paradise Villa.other members of their family at the ivere New Year's Day dinner guests They called on Ida 1Vendt, Met r Weg-


honte of Lifr. and rMrs. Donald Johns of Mr, and Mrs. Ward Helton. ner, Lena Boack anil Mr~, Henry!and family Thumlay. Guests enjoy- Mr .and Mrs. Bill Blewett and Mr Brammer who celebrateil lier uvthing the buffet dinner were 'Mr. and and Mrs. Tom Rowden enjoyi.il Neiv bilthihly Sullday.Infra. Frank Danunarell of Snoqual- Year"s Eve dinner at a restaurant in Friday evening supper guests ofamie, Mr. and airs. John Branting i Lewiston and then attended house Mr. ami Mrs. Derur Bro 'ke ivere Mr.and fanrily, Steve Benedict and son, parties at the homes of 'Mr. and Mrs. and 'Mr~. Doug Harris and boys anilIsfr. and Mrs. Clinton Benedict. and Larry Slichter, Mr. and 'Mrs. lblike Mr. and 'Mr>. Dale k ry.son and Bill Dammarell and Vernon Callihan and Mr. and e frs, Ron Lee. 'hfr. and thbfrs. i%tanning Onstott anti t

all ot Leiviston. Mr. and Mrs. ink Dammarell ot Mr. and Mr~. Gary Browning and!1Vednesday afternoon visitors of Snoqualimie were weekend visitors family helped Roy Glenn celebrate his,'

~~fr. and Mrs. Robert Draper iovere in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed D'un- birthday New Yiars day with coffee,'r.and Mrs, Lester Crocker and, Mrs. marcel!, and cake served by hbfabel Glenn.

Roy Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Manning Onstott were Saturday callers of &fr~. SueCraig'nda!rs. E. M. 1Vhite were Sunday dinner mrests of ltbfr. and Mrs. ivere lfr. and Mr>. Ron Cnig and

Thursrlay dinner guests of afr. and XV. D. tMiller and family at Leuriston Farron, Lewiston, and Neal Crug.Mrs. Harvey Dale at Leiviston in hon- Mr. and ilfrs. 3fike .Miller aml Jon Mr. and Mrs. Robin Magnuson and,or of grandson Carey Dale's 17th sIiller were also there.

i1'amily arrived at the Bob Magnuson

'irthday.Mr. and hirw. Art Foster were Neiv home for supper Saturilay evening s<-!obifr. and Mrs. Manning Onstott en- Year's Day dinner guests of ~fr. and turning from a trip to Califoriua.

joyed the Ice Capades in Spokane and Mrs. Arley Allen at Juliaetta. ! Rev. and hit~ Si,eve Gaskey spent!ivere guestsin the home of Manning's New Year's Eve dinner guests of~ from Dec, 31 to January 2 in Spo-sister Margorie Hansen the week 'hhtfr. and hbfr s. Bill 1Vhite ivere Mr, and kane.following Christmas. 31rs. Frankie Benscoter. Mr. and Mrs. Don Jensen anil fam-

Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Afr. and Mrs. Mel Carlson of Boise ily and iMamie 1veber were NewAIrs. 1Villiam Rogers were >fr. and were Monday morning callers of Bir Year"s day dinner guests of Mr. andItifrs. Marim Vincent and Mr. and and Mrs. Manning Onstott. The On- 3frs. Ed Broiim.Mra Rick Rogers and family. stotts then attended a noon banquet Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brocke were i

2rfr. and Mrs. Bob Hansen and Mr. for the Soil Conservation supervisors New Year's eve dinner guests of Mr.tand Mrs. 1Ves Henderson of Deary of Latah County held at the Mark IV and bbfrs. Bob Callison, then all en- t

were ¹wYear's Eve i~tors of Mr. restaurant in Moscoiv. joyed the VFW dance.and 2birs. Howard Braden. Eric Souders spent a few days over Satunfay dinner guests of Mr. and!

. and Mrs. Marion Roivden spent the holidays visiting in the home of Mrs. Ross Armitage were Mr.Saturday afternoon visiting in the his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Mrs. Ben 1Vestendahl.home of 11fr. and Mrs. John Hall and Kanikkeberg, returning home to Gizelle Magnuson left for Eureka

Mont., Tuesday to visit with friends '

. over school vacation.

Thursday evening visitors of Mr. andMrs. Dale Silf low.

Body and Fender W'ork Sunday dinner grrests of Mr. andi

Truck and Tractor Cushions Rebuilt Mrs. John Wilson aml Ada Cain were I

Mr .and bMrs. Bob 1Viison and, sons of!+ Car Glass <!Cl ukia. :I'Doc'ittle Keadrlck, Idsho Phoae 28$-5eg7

!A M or~

"reo Manpower PlanningBoard Meetings Jars. 13

The Area U Manpower PlatmlngBoard vMI hol<1 its regular monthly Phil and Donne Heinen

l~ ~ meeting on January 13, 1976 at 10:00

a.m. in Room 2, Mechanical-TechnicalBuilding, Lewis-Clark State College,

lLewiston. Included on the agenda wilI Konyon Klub Meets Jan 14be a report by Mona Hubentral con-cerning the State gfanpo)mr Planning The Kendrick Kanyon Klub willand Services Council meeting held in meet, with 'stirs. 1M Nelson WVeitnes-B rse January 7. The session will con day January 14, s,t 1:30.Mrs. Viola

ca toto the afternoon wtth aworh. Johns ann htra. John tattoos «re co.


1! shoo on "The Process tais Techntrtces hostesses. Rett catt wttt be "some-P)arming " The after- thmg new' v«ried-

noon session will be heki in Room 37of the Vocational classroom buikungA.ll sessions are open to the pubiic. 'i!COmmiSSiOn MeetS

!ARD QF TIIA2brHS Opening dates fo" 1976's big gee

seasons will be set January 27 when1Ve would like to express our deep the Fish and Game Commission holrb9 I est gratitude to our relatives friend its quarterly meeting in Botse.

and neighbors for the kindness, help The meeting begins at 0 a. m. Jan-R and undertaldng we recerverl follow. uary 27 in the Commiasfon Room, e00

ing the death of our dear wife and South 1Valnut, Boise. A public hear-

) mother. A special thank you goes ing Is scheduled between 1:30 andto the Juliaetta-Kendrick Ambuia„ce 5 p. m. on the same day.Service. lVe will always rememberwith grateful hearts, you wonder- Some PeoP!e are w'illing to dn a"ful kinclnesses. honest day's work--only they want

Elmer Lohman and family a week's pay for it.

KELLOGG'S SUGAR SNACKS, 18 oz. 89cKAYA INSTANT COFFEE, 8 oz. $2.79FOLGER'S COFFEE, Regular or Drip, 3 Ib, $4,39WESTERN FAMILY COFFEE, 2 lbs. $2.59POT-0-GOLD NOODLES, 12 oz. 49cVAN CAMP'S CHILLEE WEENEE, 73/4 oz. 3 for $ 'l,00VAN CAMP'S BEANEE WEENEE,7/4 oz. 3 for $1.00Jeno's DOUBLE PIZZA (cheese flavor) 29'/g oz. 98cSweetheart Lime LIQUID DETERGENT, 22 oz. 49cAJAX CLEANSER, Giant Size, 39c

4 kRPKJIANGE RRFAZfca SSDfhiOcfKTA 270-"rr41

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Iorrell's Garlic Sologrsa, . lb. 98cArmour Star Hot Dogs... 12 oz. 59cPORK STEAKS,..... lb. 98cPORK ROASTS,......lb.89cPICNIC NAIS, whole... lb.79c


Summer, Winter

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