JJ ^^LLBcrid^T^typ ÇHOICB - Library of Congress · Brit we remind the...

Tn DULT surs, BJ. mau one year, j«; nz. mon tia $4; taree montos 13 ie. Served in tte .tty at E19HTKiN OSNTS a week, pay able to tue car- rien, or $S a year, paid in advance at tte omeo. TBM T*l-W*xx£Y Narre, puonsbed OB Tuesdays, Taaradaya aad saturdays, one year $4; ats montos ts. tn WasxirT. Saws, one year |2> Six copies 10. Ten copies, to one address, $16. spBscBrmo.NB in all cases payable In advance, and no paper conanned after toe expiration of tbs time paid fer. Bóricas of Wants, To Rent, Lost and Found, Boarding, Ac, not exceeding 20 words, 25 cents each insertion; over 20, and not exceeding so words, 40 cents each insertion; over SO, and not exceeding 40 words, 60 cents each insertion. These rates are NIT, and must invariably be pall tn advance. M RJOOTTANCBS should be made by Postait:ce Money Order or by Express, if this cannot bc done, protection against losses by mall may be secured by forwarding a draft on Charleston pay¬ able to theéraer of the propnetoreor ina Saws, sr by lending the money in a registered letter. Address RIORDAN. DAWSON A CO., Na 140 East Bay. cnarleston. S.O. 23)* Sharif§tsn gfewg. FfilDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1871. -Gold at New York yesterday closed at 95*91. -At New York cotton closed steady; up- landa.l?jc ; salea 3536 bales. -The Liverpool cotton market closed firm ; uplands 9jd. ; sales 18,000 bales. The Chamber of Comm tr.e. A special meeting of the Chamber of Commerce will be held at seven o'clock this evening, at which meeting the Hbo. James Chea nut and the Hon.'A. P. Aldrich, mem¬ bers'of the Executive -Committee of the Taxpayers' Convention, will, by invitation, De present. We are sure that the members of the Chamber will give these distinguished gentlemen a cordial reception, and will be glad to hear their Views upon the Important q neetiona which agitate the minds of the people of the State. The Promoter« of t he Polio e Bil !. The principal promoters of what is known as the Metropolitan Police bill are ex-Chief ol Police Hendricks, ex-Detective Hernan¬ dez and ex-Mayor Pillsbury. These three j men appeal to the colored members of the j General Assembly for the passage of a bill whose only object is to give the trin a hour- j some support at the public expense. They j found- their, claims .upon their, devotion to j Republicarr principle?, :and upon their love I for the colored man. It is easy, in their j opinion, Jo -hoodwink, the .Legislature, and j to p^harfe She Vemterscttrat the Police I Ring are without reproach, cs citizens and as po^Ucjans, We admit that they have I grabbed &\ that they could,vand that thery have a lively aejiseici fayprs. .to Mme.. And we know that one of their number has shown his affection for hiFdoaky sisters lp a way which is not generally looked upon as the J quintessence morality. Brit we remind the Législature,tis*tl»official conduct oil Hendricks, Hernandez and Pillsbury proves J them to be unfit to hold any position of pub- lie trat On Friday night, September 29, Chief ol j Police Hendricks and Detective Hernandez I upon two poor wiOred' wVmeri. fernandez J beat one of the colored women, Hannah Deas, so brutally that she-ba3 not yet recov¬ ered irom the injuries she received. The j chargea against him, upon which he was committed for trial, are: First, a^nlt and battery upon HannahDeas; second, assault and battery upon Virginia Turner; and tbiru, as^Biraih latent te.ktfi and.assault with àcleanly weapVn dporr 'sam 'Baker. Chief of PoUce Hendricks was_ present, dur¬ ing the affray, aad Hannah r eas' and Vir¬ ginia Tarter took oat warran J for his ar.-est j on the charge of ase an lt SD , battery. Nor did these two police officers vontent1 them¬ selves with bruising and wounding the poor colored women. These were taken to the Guardhouse, and locked np un'.il morning, on the pretence that they were «sisting the police. When this sad story was put lished in THE NEWS, both Hendricks an i Hernan¬ dez tried to explain away the lan aging accusation. Their only excuse wa.* " .he in¬ dolence of these girls," and the 6'iggestion that "the character or these girls ' mado a denial of their statements an rece; gary. This was an aggravation of the off« »nee. We j say that the women who were goo 1 enough to bei tbs companions of Hendricks and Her¬ nández, ate good^ehough to give A ^ftissosy against them. Their very poverty and im¬ purity rare only stronger claims upon the protection of the law. And we contend that ex-Mayor Pillsbury is equally guilty with Hendricks and Hernandez. He was their official superior. The charges against them were suatalned by an array of proof which would have convinced any mau who was not wilfully blind. Yet Mayor Pillsbury took ho steps to examine into the case, and retained Heedricks as his trusted adviser up to the last moment of his official term. We sup¬ pose that "the character of these girls" made 1t unnecessary, in Mayor M ls bary's opinion, to give heed to their complaints. -There are members of the Legislature now in Columbia who know that what we have writtea is trna. They have official knowledge of the facts. Will they advocate 'the passage of a bill which will give Hen¬ dricks and Hernandez the power to do every night, without let or hindrance, what they did on the night of the 29tii September? Gan any colored member of the Legislature face his wife aad children, with a clear con¬ science, If he votes to restore to office men who make their official position an excuse for beating and abusing the desolate and the poor ? By their conduct in regard to the Mttxopolitan Police bill the members of the General Assembly will show what regard they have for the safekeeping and just treat¬ ment of their colored constituents. They cannot eva 'e the responsibility which cir¬ cumstances have placed upon them. Ciiitiy Carp«t-Baagery. A writer rn the Savannah Nevo» has com- Ípiled, from the official report of the Super¬ intendent the Censos, a statement or the assessed valuation of property, and of the amount of* taxation, in eleven Southern States, in 1870, as compared with 1860. The j ftseetsed valuation of all property, including I slaves, at the two periods was as follows: 1 Alabama.$ 156,770,387 $ 432.197,76ft Arkansas. 94,168,843 180,211,330 Florida. 32,480,843 68,929,685 Georgia. 227,219,519 618,232,387 Louisiana.-. :. 254,371.890 433,787,265 Mississippi. 177,288.892 509,472,912 Nortb Carolina... 130,378,622 292,297,602 South Carolina... 183,913,337 487,319,128 Tennessee........ 254,673,792 382,496,200 Texas. 149,734,929 267,792,335 Virginia. 365,439,617 657,021,336 Total....,.$2,026,440,671 $4,331,756,940 Decrease in assessed value.*2,305,3H>,269 The State and County taxation, at the two periods, is shown in the following table: r-Staie Taxation.-, 1870. 1860. ' Alabama.$ 1,477,014 $ 530,107 Arkansas. 950,894 241,633 Florida.:.. 234,672 80,938 Georgia. 875,154 381,667 Leu'siana. 2,100,999 2,486,932 Mississippi. 1,118,067 398,821 North Carolina. 1.160,413 543.643 South Carolina........ 1,316,943 518.799 Tennessee. 514,364 465,182 Texas. 589,363 298,859 Virginia. 2,475,742 2,228,875 Total....$12,813,615 $8,165,486 Increase in State tax¬ ation..;.,.$ 4,648,129 ^-County Taxation.-, 1870." 1860. Alabama.$ 1,122.971 $ 300,474 Arkansas. 1,738,760 285,7.73 Floridai... 168,389 74,425 Georgia. 904,800 283,3C5 Louisiana.. 4,109,999 440,138 Mississippi. 2,299,696 384,9'S North Carolina. 923,604 255,4x8 South Carolina. 575,005 55,506 Tennessee. 1,302,836 330,034 Texas. 311,480 208,053 Virginia. 841,090 488,091 Tntal.$14,298,630 $3,106,195 Increase in county taxation.$11,192,435 It appears that the war cost the Southern -States no less than twenty-three hundred and five million dollars, but the jew govern¬ ments which the Reconstruction acts fast¬ ened upon the South promise to be more su rel j' destructive than the shock of battle and tbs emancipation of the slaves. The State taxation is increased one-half, while tiie' taxable property is reduced one-half. Taking the taxation as one-fifth of one per cent, in 1860, ttülhrpe-fifths of one percent, in 1870. And the county taxation is worse; It was less than one tenüi of one per cent. ls I860, and it is seven-tenths ot one per cent, in 1870. Tho State of South Carolina is a fair case in point While the value of the taxable property is reduced from $487,000,000 to $183,000,000, the total taxation is increased from $574,305 to $1,891,948. The taxation ls trebled while more than one-half of the taxable property is swept away. Potting it in another shape, a farmer or merchant worth $100,000, in i860, paid Stale and county taxes amounting, in round numbers, to $100. In 1870 the farmer or merchant ls worth less than $50,000, and he is required to pay 1 axes amounting, in round numbers, to $450. The figures are not ours upon which these statements are based. They wHI appear in the report of the Congressional Ku-KInx Committee, and are, io themselves, a terri¬ ble exhibit of the rascality of the carpet-bag governments of the South. (SÔBCtttlOTlûi. MIS^^^VTlNSTON'i SGUOOL, FOR young lau ie» «nd children, northwest cor¬ ner ur Meeting and Society streets. dec8-fmw4_ MISS DELLA. TORRS, HAVING BE- TO KN EU io the City, will resume her LES¬ SONS lat -French. ItaUan, Drawing and Painting, either at the Schools or tn Private Classe»». Minia¬ tures on Porcelain or Ivory promptly executed. For terms, app.y at Ko» e Aiken's Kow. deo4-mwfa_ MESDAMES GIRARD AND ALEXAN¬ DER have resumed the Exercises of their VAX SCHOOL, at No. 83 Bull Street. Mrs. ALEXANDER will open her DANCING ACADEMY on «th December. Afternoon and Night Classes, for the present, wiH be formed at her residence as above, where applications for term», 4c, may be made. ¡rees every foi might. novTMmwfa* _ MRS. HOPSON PINCKNEY'S BOARD¬ ING and DAY 8CUOOL, for young ladles, Mo. ¿8 Hisel street. nov2l M*4 P. J. BARBOT, TEACHER OF PIANO ANO ORGAN. Pupils taught at their own residences, or at her residence, corner of Smith and Montague streets, novs-imo » = rjBI Jtunranif. ED BY THE GREAT CHICAGO TEST. The rouowmg first-class Companies are offered sa security to all who desire to obtain value re¬ ceived for money paid m premiums on Fire in¬ surance Policies: JBTNA, OF HARTFORD, CONN. Assets, Jnly 1st, 1871, as follows: Cash Capital..'. $ 3, ooo, c Cash Surplus. 3,047,378-$6.047,373 Losses by Chicago fire less than. 2,000. ooo $4.017,378 Income received during 1870.$3,972,894 tv HARTFORD, OF HAFTFORD, OONN. Cash Assets, October let, 1871, as follows: Cash Capital.$1,000,000 Cash Surplus. 1,785,877~$2I785,877 Losses by Chicago Ure eas than. 1.200,000 $1,085,877 Incomednrlng 1870.1,776,613 A. H. HAYDEN, Agent, NO. 272 Kilto STREET. tar J. L. HONOUR, Sab-Agent, East Bay. oct20-fmw2mos pianos, GPrgaits, Ut. glEGLINQ'S MUSIC STORE. (ESTABLISHED IN 1819.) Now on hand, and for sale, a large and varied assortment of PIANO FORTES, of approved good makers, new and second-hand. Also CABINET ORGANS and Musical Merchandise generally; together with the latest an t most fashionable Music constantly receiving. PIANO FORTES to Hire, Tuned, Repaired and tt-ken in exchange. Apply corner King and Beanfaln Btreets. in rear Of Old stand, third door. HENRY SIEGLlNG. noT25 imo B tüfltctita, JexDtirrj, Ut. A~L L ^ftAOK ÄTITO., Nos. 56«and 567 BROADWAT, N. Y., oller for the HOLIDAYS the most complete and best selected assortment of the following Gooda to be found m the city: DIAMOND AND GOLD JEWELRY Watches for Ladies and Gen: lernen Sterling Silver Table Ware Brontes, Antique and Modern Marble and Bronte ClockB Marble Statuary. FANCY GOODS GENERALLY JulylS-lyr ^BP^TEffi RÍLATIYES Ard^RIRNife of Mrs. ROSE BROWN, «ad hereon, ^ F. Parrar, also of Mri. Martha Navy, are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral Services of the former, at the Mission Presbyterian Church, in George street^ at 3 o'cock THIS AFTSRNOON precisely r" decs * pgr* THE FRIENDS AND ACQUAINT-" ANGE8 of Miss R. Di LA MOTTA and Miss Can- ter are respectfully requested to attend the Fune¬ ral of the former, from ber late residence, Ko. M Broad street at io o'c. o ct THU MORNING, without further invitation. deco-*. ©bitnarp. TfiTlOITT-lHe^^ fort, S. 0 on the 11th February, 1871, GEORGE PASSONS ELLIOTT, In the 64th year of bia age. and, on 2-Jd November, his wife. MARY BOWER t LL;OTT, in her ölst year. . * PARSER.-Died, in this city on the 4th Novem¬ ber, 1871, MissSAHAH E. PABKER, aged 69years. DRAVTON.-Died, of typhoid fever, at Green¬ ville c. H., s. C., on 2d December, 1871, ROBERT D. P. DRAYTON, aged 22 years and two months, youngest son of the late Dr. Charles Drayton, ot ihs.city. ._ Spécial -Notices. CHARLESTON, from New TOTE, are notified that, she ls THIS DAT discharging cargo at Adger'a Sooth Wharf. Goods not called for at BUL set will remain on the wharf at owners' risk. JAMES ADO ER A CO., decs 1_ Agenta. ^-SPECIAL NOTICE-TO THE LADIES OF CHARLESTON : The DIAMONDS, GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY to be Baffled by the CHARLESTON CHARITABLE ASSOCIA¬ TION, ia pnbl c. on SATURDAY, THE 23n OF DECEMBER instant, can be seen In the Second Story of No. 117 MEETING STREET, opposite Charleston Hotel, from io o'clock toi o'clock each day. There ls a Private Entrance from the street to the Exhibition Room. The DIAMONDS consist; or «9ts of Earrings and Breastpins, and Rings, Bracelets, Fine Gold Watches and Opera Chains, Ao. Gentlemen's Gold Watches (Stem-winders) and Chains. All the goods are warranted to be of the first quality, and say Jeweller can examine them as to their genuin ru-ss and quality. The Diamonds are rich and lar je, and set In the latest style, and have just bien imported for the Association by the cele¬ brated Importing Jewellers "LABMOUR A .CO.," of Baltimore City. CERT1F CATE CHANCES only ONE DOLLAR, au-lean be purchased at the Room where the Goods are. The Ladles are respectfully invited to call and examine these Beautiful Goods. A lady will be in attendance t J exhibit the Goods._deoT-15 pm* NOTICE-ALL PERSONS ARE hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting any of the crew of the British Ship" "City of nail- fax," Ca mm m per, Master, as no debts of their contracting will be paid by Master or Consignee, flecM_HENRY CARD. pm* THE CHARLESTON CHARITA¬ BLE ASSOCIATION, FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE FREE SCHOOL FUND.-OFFICAL RAFFLED NUMBERS. CLASS Na 2^4-MORNING. 71-49- 1-75-63-11- 7-18-60-66-70- CLASS No. 235-EVKNIKO. 76-74-24-11-46-77-27-06-38-33-44-14 AB witness our band at Charleston this 7th day of December, 1871. FENN PECK, JAMES GILLJLAND, oct3_»worn Commissioners. ^OFFICE OF COUNTY TREASURER, FIRE-PROOF BUILDING, CHARLESTON, S. 0., NOVEMBER Cru, 1871.-The Boots of the Treasu¬ rer of Chariest n County will be .opened on the 2oth day of November, 1871, for the receipt of TAXES due the State and County for the year 1871.- The penalty of twenty.per cent, provided by aw will be added to all Taxea remaining unpaid on the 15th day or Jannary, 1872. The rate or taxation for the year 1871 ia as fol lows, viz: IMAIIl,X¿aC*pCT*WBteM...............IT. ... I county Tax per centum.S mills. Poll Tax per capita.$ 1 00 WM. GURNEY, nov8-lmo Treasurer Oharleaton county. pm* CLEAR AND HARMLESS AS WA¬ TER-NATTANS'S CRYSTAL DISCOVERY FOR TBE HAIR.-A perfectly clear preparation in one bottle, aaeaally apph^l as water, for restoring to gray hale its natural color and youthful appear¬ ance, to eradicate and prevent da nd ru rr, to pro¬ mote the growth of the bair and stop its falling ont. It is entirely harmless, and perfectly free from any poisonous sub: tance, and will therefore tate the place of all the dirty and unpleasant preparations now in use. Numerous testimonia s have been sent us from many of oar most promi¬ nent cuzens, some of which are subjoined. In every th lo g In wale "i the articles now m ase are objectionable, CRYSTAL DISCOVERY ls perfect. It ls warranted to contain neither Sugar of Lead, Sulphur or Nitrate of Silver, it does not soil fe clothes cr scalp, ls agreeably perfumed, and mites one or the b st dressings for the Hair ia ase. lt restores the color of the Hair "more per¬ fect and uniformly than any other preparation,-' and always does so in from three to ten days, virtually feed ic g. the not s of the Hair with all the nourishing qualities necessary to Its growth and healthy condition; lt restores the decayed and induces a new growth or the Hair mere peel tlvely than anything else. The application of this wen terral discovery also produces a pleaaant and cooling effect OD the scalp and gives the Hair a pleasing and elegant appearance. We call especial attention to t he fact that a limited number of trial bottles will be given way grata' tously to those wishing ro try lt. Yon will notice that ia pursuing this course oar aim ls to convince by the actual merits of .the article. ARTHUR NATTANS, Inventor and Proprietor, Washington, D. 0. For sale by tbe Agent, DH. H. BAER, No. 131 Meeting street, Charleston, S. C. novlS-slnthly ^BATCHELORS HAIR DYE.-TRIt- SUPERB HAIR DYE is the best in the looria-per- lectly harmless, reliable and instantaneous. Nc disappointment. No ridiculous tints or unpleas¬ ant odor. The genuine w. A. BATCHELORS HAIR DYE produces IMMEDIATELY a splendid Black or Natural Brown. Does not stain the s fem, but leaves the hair clean, soft and beautiful. The uuiy Safe and Perfect Dye. Sold by all Drug¬ gists. Factory No. 16 Bond street, New York.. ¡an¿3-mwrivr ON MARRIAGE. Happy relier for Toing Men from the effects of Errjrs and Abases tn early life. Manhood re¬ stored. Nervous debility cared. Impediments to Marriage removed. New method or treat- meut. New and remarkable remedies. Books and Circalars seat free, la sealed envelopes. Ad¬ dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa. octl2 migare, (Eobacco, &z. D 0 N'T READ THIS selling off, on account of closing business, CIGARS, PIPES, TOBACCO, AC The largest and best selected stock In the city at cost, by L. LORENZT, Corner Wentworth and King streets. dec5~lmo tAOfJ .OJOÎS TB8|O THBTMM ioiodma jo jowudojj. 'aaaoHuos HYITUM 'OJoqMSSie saips.il eaojaq soois joojjod BTU enrnrsxo oi peiBonbai eas siSBsqejuj '£%\a oqi m 83snoq aiqisaodssj no ijBJp JO 'aseo HUM. paiusdmoooB 'miq oi popasixs sjapjo ns '¿fl .sp motin* 'Saino jo AiiuoBi s 8a\A]& 'pusq HO A"naej3uo3 idox &I ssaaisnq jo sun sn m saioivs UB jo laouiuotBB ojoidmoo pas SAisusixa ur '081V .BonasoJJ BVUHSJJUO joj 9iqsiin3 moi asiidans oi sacua TB nos uso OJojOJSm -Í3isi0»d8 s 63dld HÛVH0SH33H 'jasáis Ajanos AO HAQOg BUOOa XSHH£ 'JSSUIS OUTS 016 'ON 'SSÛOH OOOYflOI ONT HVDIO OSIHÍLLOVirijrvH im -aa WHY aivsaiOHAi NOisaiavHO L~XCANÜEUBÍOD8EN¿ 36, A F7M7 The Annual CommunUtion will be held THIS (Friday) Evana*©, at Honers Lyceum, ot T o'clock. By order of W. M. decs_HENRY WAGNER, Secretary. THE REGULAR WEE1LY MEETING of Marlon Lodge No. 2, IO. O.P., will be held THIS EVENING, at Odd Faows' Hall, corner King and Liberty streets, at 7 clock. Candidates for the ''Initiatory Degree" wi please be punc¬ tual. ROB RT C. STARR. decl-84» _ Secreiary. HOOK AND LADDER OMPANY, No. 2. Attend Regular Monthf Meeting or your company, THIS EVENING, (thi 8th inst.,) at 7 o'clock. JOHN BURKE, decs_Secretary. CHARLESTON CHAMER OF COM- MERCE.-A Special Medng ot the Chamber wiiLbe held at 7 o'clock THIS Ermatte, at their Hall at thé corner of East Ba'and Broad streets, tor the transaction or bunine), and, alsj, to re¬ ceive prominent members of tie Executive com¬ mit tee ol the Taxpayers' conentlon now m the city. By order. P. J. BARBOT, decs_Secretary. _ WANTnD, A TEN^iT FOR TWO neat rooms at No. tu wing street, decs_ WANTED, A GOOI COOK. MUST be weil recommended. Apply corner Meeting and Charl »tte atreeti_dec8-8» WANTED, BOARD N A PRIVATE family, by a single gntlemau; reference given and expected. AddreasX. Y. Z., Charleston fo.*-totnce.. ; decB-l» WANTED, A COOK, F)R THE STEAM¬ ER Fannie, Savann.ti and Charleston Railroad. None need apply ualesa competent. Apply on board._dei 8-4» WANTED, A" COMPITENT WHITE WOMAN to COOK and rash for a family of three pei sons; also, a Colore. Boy it or 14 years of age. Appiy at No. ll Weuirorth stteu. dec8_ WANTED, A SITUATION, AS FIRST class Cook or Housekeeper. Best of rec mmenda.loae. Apply at.S'o. 58 Qjeen street. dec7-2»_ WANTED, AN AGRVE, INTELLI¬ GENT BOY, about 16 wie j ears of age- one who bas some knowlsdg, of the Dry Goods Business preferred. Apply at the souihweat c->r- ner King and Calhoun atreetg._dec-5 WANTED, GENTLEMEN TO SAVE FIFTY PER CENT, bj purchasing Shirts, Collars, Ties, Hosiery, Glovei, Walking Canes, Ac., at ARCHER'S BAZA A ft. decl-mWÍ3« WANTED TO BUY OR BENT, A HOUBE\ containing S to 8 room*, and within five min otes' walk to the Pos tom s. Address Box No. 575. Charleston Postomce._nov28 WANTED EVERYBODY TO KNOW that you can get a First-class SEWLN'Q MauHlNE from LUNsFORD, bmlth street, near went wot tn, cneaper than from any omer man tn the city or State. Olva buna cül and see for yourself._nov28 IF YOU ARE IN WANT OF A SEWING MACHINE, aee firat theHoME SHUTTLE, the cheapest and beat, at BISSELL, No. SI Sasel street, opposite Express Office. Price $25 to $37. eepl5 8mos_ (feA MONTH, EXPENSES PAID, NDUI I fj Male or. Female Agents.-Hore e and outfit lurulahed to sell our UNIVERSAL CEMENT, Combination Tunnel, Button Ho.e cutter and other article*. Circulars tree. Address Novelty 'Company, Saco, Me. novl4-78 WANTED PURCHASERS OF TICKET, b In the Land and Immlgratlcn Associât ic r, ot Mesara. BUTLER, CHADWICK, GARV A CO. Tickets now ready. Will be glad to eeo my frien at at the ornee of Mr.EDWARD M. MORELAND, Na 39 Broad street, EREN COFFIN, auo-Aguit, magg_' _. ,_ AGENTS WANTED !-FOR THE UNI¬ VERSAL TWINE AND THKEAI) CUTTER; eaves time, twine, thread. Hogers and teeth. Some¬ thing everybody wants. Samples mailed on re¬ ceipt of 26 CT.ta. Address GtOKQE DAVIS, No. 600 Broadway, New York. octso-suios -for Salt. FOR SALÊ7 ONE V£RY~FINE COW, With two young CALVES, ten days old. Apply at No. ll Vernon street._dec8-l» FOR SALE, GOOD -HORSES AND MULES. Also, some for plantation ose. cheap. Apply at HOCKADAY'S Stables, Coluai- bus street._ ?_deo7-2mwf&» -a Ï aMiri-a, no. d3F KIHI? JSTKEET," J\. yoa con see fine MALAG GRAPES for 76o. »pound; swett Florida Oranges 30c. a cozen; Lemons ttfc, and nice apples -.ôc. a dozen. Also, lust in, HORSE RADISH and German SAUR- KRAUT. ' ' dec7-3 \1TJLES1 MULES 1 MULES 1 -JUST IfJL arrived st-thi Kentucky Mule Lot, near b'titilSToPHEK'S Stables, King street, a prime lot of Young Plantation Moise. Low tor cash or Factors'acceptance«. R. OAK M AN. dec7-3» rR SALE; A No. 1 BOB8E, FIVE years old, Harness, Dray and Ll enae. Ap¬ ply st the corner of Meeting and Wooife streets. decs-a*_?__* rpHE CHEAPEST IS THE BEST I-GO JL to KLEIN, No. 839 Ktng street, and get your Dice FRUIT, or anything in that ¡lue. Klein ls nappy to please yon. Never mind li it cost a little mofé or less-the best ls the cheapest. dec6 JOST ARRrëED^-A LOT OF FINE HORSES and HULKS tor sale, which win nit cuy and country purposes. Prices from $60 to $U6. Apply corner King and Spring stieet Stahles. HARHM A HOGAN. ,_deci-e» FOR SALE, A SECOND-HAND ROCK¬ AWAY. Also, alot of roofing Tin, Apply at Tsa Niws ornoo._decs wa* WRAPPING PAPER FOR SALE.-OLD NEWSPAPERS inlarge or small quantities, i Prior 50 CENTS PER HUNDRED. Apply at tte oirice of THE NEWS. mavis So Rent. rTIO RENT, DWELLING OF FOUR JL square rooms, with kPcnen and csfrn. No. I Traptnann street, nortb or Broad. H. af. MAR¬ SHALL A BRO., Real Estate Brokers, No. 33 Broad street._deeS-2 FOR RENT, ARCHER'S COMMODIOUS Hall and Club-Rooma. Also, comfortable Rooms from $2 60 to $S per month. ARCHERS BAZAAR. _dec4-mwf3» TURPENTINE LANDS FOR RENT, withing two hoars' sall or the city, on Cooper River, with good landings, containing 2800 aerea or best Yellow Pine. For terms, apply at No. 417 Klug street. decl-fmwo* PLEASANT-ROOMS TO RENT IN A choice neighborhood at No. ll Doughty. street. Apply on the premises._novifi STORE TO RENT.-STORE No. 203 EAST BAY, next door north of Cumberland street, formerly occupied by Messrs. Wm. M. Bird A Co. Possession given immediately. Apply to JAMES MARSH, at Marsh's snip yard. augl-fatu_? TO RENT..TWO LARGE FRONT ROOMS fronting 00 King street, c mer of Liberty street, possession given from the 1st of Novem¬ ber. Also, four neat comfortable rooms over 1 he store fronting on Liberty street, PosstBaloa given Immediately. Apply on premises. oct8l £cgnl Notées. T~TÎE1ÎTÂ1Ë~O^^ COUNTY OF RICHLAND-Court or Uom mon Pleas.-PHINEAS F. FRA ZEB, as Sheriff, Plaintiff, against EDWARD L. DEANS, Defend¬ ant-Copy Summons-For Money Demand-[Com¬ plaint Served.] To EDWARD L. DEAN, Defendant In this ac¬ tion : You are hereby summoned and required to answer he complaint In this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon yon, and to serve a copy or your answer on the subscribers, at their ofhee at Columbia, within twenty days alter the service of thin summons on you, exclusive of the dsy of service. If you fail to answer this complaint within the time afortaaid, the plaintiff will lake judgment against you tor the sam or six hundred and twenty one 27100 dollars, with interest at the rate or seven per cent, per annum, from the first day of November, one thousand eight hundred and Beventy-one, and costs. MONTEITH A BAUSKETT, Plaintiff's Attorneys, D. R MILLER, C. 0. 0. Dated November 23, 1871. To the Defendant, EDWARD L. DEANE: Take notice that the summons in this action, of which the foregoing ls a copy, was flied in the office of the Clerk of the Ceurt of Common Pleas, In the County or Richland, In the State or South Caroli¬ na, on the twenty eighth day of November, 1871. MONTEITH A BAUSKETT, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Dated November 28, 1871._decS-fe NOTICE.-ALL PERSONS HAVING DE¬ MANDS against the Estate of JOHN c. "TGEN, deceased, will present them to JOHN c. OOERMAN, and all persons Indebted thereto will make payment to htm. J. C. OGERMAN, dec7-3* Qualified Executor. GALE M Y MD&IC? A FOR OKB WEEK ONLY. FORMES-HAB ELMANN GRAND OPERA. The 0 eatest Star Company in the World. MTlè ANNA R03ETTT, wacTitel's Prima Donna. M'Ue CLARA ZIEGLER, of .the New York Acade¬ my. Mme DZ1CBA, of the New Torr Academy. Mme PREDIOAM, of Com pr i m ari a. THEODORE HABELMANN, the celebrated Lyric Tenor. CARL BEADNARD, Tenor Robusto. CARL FORMES, ihe Grand Ba?ao Profundo. (Bia flr.st appearance In the South in twelve years.) WILHELM FORMES, the Classic Baritone. A. BERING SR, B'is-o Buffo. " JOSEPH WEINLICH, the Favorite SHager. Grand Ohorns and Orchestra of the New Tors Theares, under the Musical Direction of A. Pre¬ digern. The Beadon win be Inaugurated on MONDAY EVENING, DEO. 11TH, On which Occasion will be Produced the Cele¬ brated Opera . MARTHA. MARTHA. .»nie A NNA ROSETTI. NANCY.'.M'lleDZlUBA. LIONEL.TH. HABELMANN, PLUNKKT.CARL FORMES. TRISTAN.BERINGER. SHERIFF.. .ALBREUHT. TUESDAY, DEC. 12TH, Debat of the Great Tenor Robusto, CARL BEAUNARD,' ~" in his Magnificent Role of MANRICO, In Verdi's Popular Opera IL TROVATORE. WEDNESDAY, DEO. r8TH, . Will be Produced Gounod's Celebrated Opera, FAUST. ¿"I PRICES OF ADMISSION--Reserved Seats in Or« ohestra and Dress Circle, 6160; General Admis¬ sion. $l: Family Circle, 76rents; GaUery, 50 cents; Private Boxes, $16 and $>0. sate of Re< erved Beau at Ticket Office of Acade¬ my will commence TBCBSDAY, December "th, at 0 o'clock A. M. The Grand Opera Troupe use the celebrated Chlckerhu PIANO, HENRY fclEGLING, Agent, corner Eiog an t Keiufuln streets. Libretos (Piaur) for sale at licks* Office. dec5-8 HARRY J. STEEL. Agent. -financial. _ ^^LLBcrid^T^typ COMMERCIAL PAPER, DIVIDENDS, COUPONS, Ac, on all points In the United States made. Also, regular dealer m SECURITIES'. dec5_A. C. KAUFMAN. J^BAFTS ON BANK OP IOTRPOOL. STERLING DRAFTS on aboye Balk, payable on demand or at sixty days sight, in sums to snit purchasers. nOV21-lmo G. A. TREN" HOL H A SON. Cost ano fonnö. LO-T DECEMBER 7TH, BETWEEN- 1 and 8 P. M. on the east side of Meeting stieet, between water aid South Bay streets, a Gold and Coral BROOCH. The Ander will be re. warded, if the esme ls left at No. 24 Meeting street._dec81» F0U1# ADRIFT IN ASHLEY RIVER a HATTE A u, ir feet long. The owner can have the same by applying at the savannah Rail¬ road Wharf, and paying expenses. dec6-tutni>8* floaroinq. _ BOARDING. - PERMANENT, TRAN si EST and Day Board may be had in a pri¬ vate family by applying at the northwest corner Klug and Vanderhorst streets. decs-tnthi* BOARDING. - A FEW GENTLEMEN can be accommodated with (cod boam and pleasant rooms, on moderate tarma, by ap* plying at No. 12 Wentworth street» DAY BOAR LI¬ ING also furnished._ mavis JpURCHGOTT, BENEDICT 4 CO., No. 244 KING STREET, during me coming week will be prepared to offer an elegant assortment af goode in their lèverai depárt¬ eos [^.ü'.'düiic1ta^zfaiftefe10 lo stock is guaranteed to be of the finest quality ever c Herod, the price assigned will be without precedent in oar customary moderate dealings, and we desire that our patrons may emphatically understand that we will offer advantages which are unusually worthy atteotloo, and urgently advise a pei son al exami¬ nation. We shall offer extra bargain* tn all our Department H OLIDAY GOODS. A large lot jost received. FURCHGOTT, BIENEDIOT A CO. ?QBESS GOODS DEPARTMENT, FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT A CO., No. 244 King Street. 30 pieces Black 6 4 CRAPE CLOTH, only «0 cents. 20 pieces Black Henrietta Cloth, 76 and 85 cents -worth fl and fl 26. 60 pieces Japanese Silk and Dish Poplins, 00 cents -worth $125. 8 cases Erne Delaines In all Colora, only 20 cents. 1 case 4-4 colored Alpacas, 20 cents-worth 25 cents._; JJ OLIDAY GOODS. A large lot Jost received. FERCUGOTT, BENBDIC r * CO. £U.OTH AND FUR DEPARTMENT, FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT A CO,, No. 214 King Street. Best selections or BROADCLOTH, Oassttaeres, Doeskins, Beavers, Sealskins. Cloaking. PUBS! FURS! FURS1 Fine Black cape and Moff only $8. Children's White sets only $2. Ladles' White Sets only $6. All warranted to be perfect. H OLIDAY GOODS. A large lot Jost received. FUROHGOTT, BENEDICT A CO. C ARPET DEPARTMENT, FURCHGOTr, BENFDIOT A 00., No. 244 King Street. Bargains offered this week. Ingram I Mats, 2 and 3 Pry Rog«, ! Brussels, Druggets, will be sold Cheap. HOLIDAY PRESENTS can be bought at very low Agares. Samples given, and Goods delivered free of charge to any part of the State., No trouble to show Goods. Merchante, Milliners and Tailors will do well by examining and pricing our Goods before order¬ ing from Northern markets or baying elsewhere. Buying of Importing and manufacturing houses only, we are enabled to sell as cheap as any Job bing House North, and we most cordially invite all to convince themselves of the fact. FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT A CO., No. 244 King ?treeti I rh-.ip.tn- » « Na 437 King street, J Char«8ton, S. 0. No. 22 White street, New York. nov20 No. 3 Bay street, Jackson ville, Fla, ©ruo*, CCrirairoie. &t. -t^TTjra^OF APOCYNUM, OR DOGS- Highly recommendedln diseases or the Stomal h, Heart and Liver, and useful ss a Tonie in Nervous Debility. Testimonials given. For sale by by the agent, ALFRED RAOUL,'M. D., nov2'-mwí2mo 2ieKing st., Charleston, s. c. 30,000 PRIME CYPRESS SHINGLES for salB low. Apply to 8BACKELFOKD A KELLY, ag_Southern Wharf. g^Jg BAR RE L S_ F L O UE^ ins bbls. FLOUR-Family. Extra and Super.-. Landing from a teams hip Virginia and schooner A. F. Ames* IN STORK, 2200 bbls. FLOUR-?artoogjpradea. For sale by HERMANN BULLWINKLE, dec* JfétrM Wharf. JJAM3, SHOULDERS, SIDES, ic. 26 tierces Prime HAMS 20 hhda. Choice Western Shoulders hhda. No. 2 Western shoulders 30 hhd'. Clear and C. R. Sides 20 boxes C. R. »des 10 bpls. New York Pig Shoulders io boxes Cholee New York strips 600 obis. Flour-Family. Extra, Super and Fine 100 bags Prime Rio Codee 2(0. bbls. Porto Riep and Demayara Sugar JOO bbls. Relined Sugar-Crastied, C.; ti., EX, C. and C. Sugars 100 bbls. Muscovado and Kew York Molasses 26 hhdt. New York syruo. For sate hy TIEOEMAN, CALDER A CO. dec4-mwo; ? _ /COGNAC AND LA ROCHELLE BRAN¬ DY, TS C. S. BONDED STORES. A. TOBIAS* SONS, No. 110 EAST BAT, Offer for salé from U. S. Bonded Warehouse, Choice COGNAC and LA ROCHELLE BRANDT,' vanóos vintages, In foarter basks Ifta casks Eighth casks. ADO Cases of one dosen bettles each. may28 ._ QHOICE WHITE MILLING CORN AND FLOUR, LANDING THIS DAT. MORDECAI A CO., No. 110 Eas' Bay, offer for' sale Invoices Choice White MILLING/ CORN and Extra FLOUR lao ding this day. angg-emo JJ ARMON Y'S SHERRY WINE. A. TOBIAS' SONS, Na ii o East Bay. offer for sale an Invoice of Choice HARMONY'S;.PALS SHERRY WINE. A. TOBIAS' SONS, aog8-cmo ÇHOICB HAVANA CIGARS. MORDECAI A CO., NO. no East Bay, offer for. aale an Invoice of Choice HAVANA CIGARS, direct from Factory in Havana. auga-Cmo -piRE CRACKERS, A. TOBIAS' SONS, No. 110 Bast Bay. offer for salean Invoice of FIRE CRACKERS, landing tn» day. _? _angS-emo \7Vn&+R, PB1OTS, WHITE WÍNÉ» V 1 CLARET, Ac * A. TOBIAS' SOBS offer for sale VINEGAR, Pranst, White Wine, imported direct from France. , ?. aogMmo ,-gNGLISH PORTER AND ALE. A. TOBIAS' SONS, Agents of Mean«. Edward and quatre angt-tod ¡£1 HB ISTHAS »UFP LIBS I ASSORTED JELLIES in Wine Glasses, large and small Tumbler*, Goblets, and pint and quart Jars. Guava JeUjr in half pound and one pound boxea. Assorted Preserves In pint and quart jars. Canton Ginger (wet and dry ) in jars. French and American Cordials. t . Soft Shell Almonds, Layer Raisins, Carrants, Citren, Prunes, Nelson's Sheet and Brilliant Gela¬ tine, French and American Brandy Peaches, Cooking wine and Brandy; assorted Flavoring Extract*. 860 cases Can oed Fr ni w, Vegetables, Meats, Ac, consl ting of fresh Peaches, Oreen Gages, Bartlett Pears, White May Dake Cherries, Quinces, Straw¬ berries, TOmatoe*. Oreen Corn, Oreen Pea«, Okra, Beef, Motton, Turkey, Cove oysters, Lobsters, Fresh and Spiced Salmon, and Devilled Ham. Good claret on draught at fisspsr gallon, at WELCH'S GROCERY. novas Comer Meeting soft Market street». g I N G tr h A B-I. T I E B OF. "THE G HEAT CHEAP MAN" AST LIN LE Y'S CHEAP STOKES, Nos. leo Alto 888 KINO STRUT. Jost received per Steamer : 50 tubs GOOS BUTTER at ss cents per single poond, or 23 centa br the tab .60 tubs Strictly Cnoice Orange Connty Batter, quality guaranteed, 3 pounds for $1, or 80 cent« per poond by the tub 10 cases Les lie s celebrated, scotch Bitters, a genuine article, and the only lot In the etty io half chests Fancy Chop Yoong Hyson Tea, guaranteed equar to any. and better than a great many, Tea* »old at J2 per pound. Don't forget that I ask for lt only «1 soper poond io barrels Soft White Sugar, 8 poonda for $1. $8000 worth of FRENCH CHIBA GOODS, at 10 per cenu above cost $2600 worth or Gram te ware, at io per cent, above cost _,u 7 $2000 worth of CHRISTMAS GOODS, Including a large assortment of Small Toys, st IO per coot, above oost $1000 wortn of Hiuie-FurolBbUjg Goods, Includ¬ ing numberless sma 1 articles, st 10 per cent, aoove coat 26 packages Glassware, at io per cent, above coat. The above Goods cannot be obtained at tho same prices at any Store in the city,' so it ls in¬ cumbent upon all who consider their own Inter¬ ests to give my stores a trial. _ JOHN W.LINLEY. IXm îJnbliCûtioriB. JMPOBTATION OF. FOREIGN BOOK& By special arrangements we are prepared to ex¬ ecute o.ders for ENGLISH AND FOREIGN BOOKS. Parties entrusting their orders to me may depend upon the utmost dispatch and atten¬ tion to their delivery. FOGA SUE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY. «3-WE ARE NOW OPENING/ A OBSAT VA. V A MET 1'O F FAN CY ARTICLES, DESKS, WORK BOXES, WRITING OASES. PORTFOLIOS Ac . 4c. SCHC OL BOOKS, AND ALL KINDS OF SCHOOL STATIONERY. NEW CATALOGUE-No. 19. JOWETT'3 "DIALOGUESOF PLATO," (a Monu¬ ment of Modern Scholarship). Translated into English, with Analysis and Introductions by B. Jo* ef, M. A.. Master of Balliol Collegs, Oxford, and Regius Professor of Greek, 4 Vols, Crown, 8 vo., $12. Americanisms; The English of the New World, by M. Scheie Devere, L.L. D., $8. . The Invasion of France lo 1814, by Erckmann Chatraln, paper toe; c oth 90c. The Early Years of Christianity, by E. DePrea- sense, u. D.. Illustrated, by Annie Harwood, '-The Martys and Apologists," $1 T6. A Critical Greek and English Concordance of the New Testament,prepared by Charles F. Hud¬ son, under the direction of Horace L. Hastings, revised and completed by Esra Abbot. LJLT) . Assistant Librarian of Harvard University 2d edition, revised.. $260. " Mountain Adventure* in Various Parts or the World; »ketches selected from the narratives of celebrated travellers,*withjntrodnction by. Head¬ ley, 41 Illustrations. <Ubrary of Wonders,) I HST Rou Hedge's Every Boys'Annual for 1872, with n omero us Illustrations, fa. VJUVÄNILBBrJOKOORTHE HOLIDAYS.- We navegiven especial attention to this depart¬ ment. We have aa the New Boots of the season, together withs large Btock of the old favorites. The prices ire much red need from former prides. Our Village, by Mary Russell Mitford, New Edi tion, 2 Vols, $3 50 Travels in the Air, by James Glaisher, p. R 8, Camille Flammarion, W. De FbovlUe, and Gaston Tlssandisr. Edited by James Glaisher, with one hundred and twenty-five illustrations. A Second Edition, giving an account of the ase OT the BUlOOn during the Siege of Farts, »10. MW Persons residfiig in tne country wúl please bear m mind that by sending their orders to ne for any boon published In América, they wai; bs aharged only the price of the book. We pay for' the postage or express. ^PtKlaBateS BOOK DEPOSITORY, So. 260 King street, (in the Bend.j Charleston, 8. C oct31-taths ôOûhds. Mn For saie by 'W^f&ffigZAMs A CO. d»c5-wfm« ?p i o c o/Fri^ï.;; T Direct !mr*>rtation.- ' For sale ft* lots-to snit ^ jmrcbasers. a. W. WILLIAMS A CO. (fe OC,tl8-;-yfm ...._ .^T/T^ -yp^riLSON-S WILSO S'S GROCERY ls now offering, the most- care fully B elect ed Btocs- ol LIQUORS to be found la tait etty. " d' They bare bo**« seiecved eapeclally for. their . medicinal qualities, and their purity endorsed by the moBt eminent physicians of Charleston. Pardea deaning a pure article can always rely on Liquors sold from thia establishment and re¬ commended. . : A full supply of low grades on hand.. t WILSON'S GRQCÉRT, j No. SOO ging street. ay-Address Box ise, m TÖTw* BÜOK7W10ÍÍAT ! NEW BÏÏGÉ:^ 1.1 WH KAT. Bola, New Hulled BUCKWHEAT Bbls. Belf-ftalalag Buckwheat. For sale lowat WTLSON'SOBOCERY, & a to» King street. < ».AU Goods delivered free. ' C AN NED P EA C H JES J CANNED- PEACHES 180 dozen 2 and 3 lb. CANNED PEACHES. V For sale low at WILSON'S GHOOERY, Na SOOKing street. syAll Goode delivered free. CANNED TOMATOES! CANNED TO-f MATOES TOO dozen 2 lb. CANNED TOM ATO E8._ For sale low at WILSOS»8 GliOOERY, Na 508 King street, sa-AH Goods deBvered free. _ gIBÜPI SYRUP 1 SYRUPl GOLDEN SYRUP, S3 cents a gallon. _ É WIL-5ÖS'» GROCERY, O Na «os tTJng street. , SgrAll Ooeds dehvereoyfree. T>AEGAIN8 IN TEAS, COFFEES, GBO« Jj -OEB1B8 AND PROVISIONS. " tl warranted to sort thepalates and t he pockets ot the minion. WILSON'S G BOOB RY, Ka 300 King street., ^AR Goods deUvered free. Extra No. 1 MACKEREL MeeB'Mfidtsest--''''j.')^f'': For saleSow¡ «-All floods deljTjrsd frftr-ovo .- nm VTEW SMOKED BEEF, FRESH SMOKED ll TONGUES, NEW HAMS. (ÏMALLSKE) PIGr SHQDLDERS, " Fulton Market BEEF FamLyiTg iwr ; Smoxed Pig Tongoes Pickled Pigs' "Feet: For sale low at WILSON'S GROCERY,* No. 306 KingAt re«. jay All Gooda delivered free. i n ,-gTJRNHAM'S YEAST POWDER. Having us ed YEAST POWDER In oar families for several j ears, we give. a decided preference, aboye- all other, to mat prepared by EBW. s. BURNHAM, Druggist and Apothecary, Nc. 421 King, near GWnoAH street: Kev. JOHN T. WIGHTMAN, D. D. RSV. T. E. WANNAMAKEK. P. K. COBURN, Intendant Town of Summer G. L. HOLMES. GEO. & PELZE R, M. D. W. B. SMITH, Master Maohlnist, S. CR. R. . B.P.WEBB. *. nov4-6mof^ ??? ',.".*. . goof, fit,«»» Ut._? j^ITOB DAILY NEWS. GBSTLÏMIN-Please announce through your colamos-T WHAT IS TO THE INTEREST OF ALL, TO KNOW, that from Ula day forward the« will be a great redaction In the prices' of " FINEBC^xl^SHOES^rj^K^ CAR¬ PET anil cuJRJER BAGS, SATCHELS, Ac, Aa, st Ko. 121 Meeting street. EDWARD DALY. NOTICE ! NOTICE I anTO^E«^ ed to th« "PRINCE ALE¿L3'::HUXT1NQ BOOT- Cable Screw-wire Sewed^,.,..... M -,.M. Sold at a small margin of prout by - - EDWARD DALY, < Na 121 Meelina street. LADIES, MISSES, CIJLDREN, BOYS ANJ> YOUTHS will find In their Department a. fine selection of STAPLE AND DRESS BOOTS, 8HOt8 ANI> GAITERS. Sold low by .. EDWARD DALY. No. 121 Meeting street. NOTICE TO PEDESTRIANS. The- "OLD GENT'S SHOE," lost received, made of best material to order. - The Stisgood, easy and stylish. »old only at ED WAR D DALY'S, - - i ?.- Ho. 121 Meeting streeti IN TBE DRESS ' DEPARTMENT FOR YOUNG GENT» My stock 18 templets; comprialng all that ls NEW, DURABLE and FASHlONaBLE.^g^ea^palua has b^ANDAND* OABL^S^WE^^ENcH CALF, GLOVE-TOP AND CREOLE GAITERS, BROGANS AND BLÜ.HEÄS. Besides always in stock my INIMITABLE FRENCH' CALF HAND-8E WKD- BOOTB,,. . . that met with such rapid sale -Ul spring and sum mer.The prices yon know. Call at EDWARD DALY'S, No. 121 Meeting-street, novl5-wfmlmo On the boulevard. CoparlrifTßljLps ant ChaöolHtum«. nfÛclÈ STATE OF SOUTH GAROLJttA, X CHARLESTON COUNTY.-CerUficate Ottlfn- lt*dl>arttersb#b#ween^ BENTON, of the Otty ot Brookftn, State of New Tors, CHARLES UNDERWOOD, of the Town and Coon- 2of Tolland, »tata of Connecticut, and EVERT BEDFORD, ot the City of Charleston, State aforesaid. Thia certificate hereby witnesseth that the un¬ dersigned have, by virtue- ox an act ot the General Assembly, of the S tate, aforesaid, entitled "An Act to a u thorlze the f«rniáüon of Limited Pu rt ns r ships,'» passed mWyeer orourWd, one twa- sand eight hundred and thirty-seven, and An¬ other Act entitled "An ACt to extend the dera¬ tion o r an "Act authorislDg th e formation of Lim¬ ited Partnerships," passed ila the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fony-alx, and anther Asl extending the sama until repeal¬ ed, passed December 20th, xm, iormed a Limited PattDeiohlp aa fdiiaws : First. The name br Arm ander Whlchsuch partnership shall bo conducted ls EVERT E. BEDFORD. . Second. The genera1, n ature of th» bas inesa tn tended tobe transacted ls tbat of tba Grocery Bu slneas both retail and wholesale, 1st the said City and EVERT E. BEDFORD, oHheCity cf Charles¬ ton, sute aforesaid, ls lb« General Partner. Fourth. BUCKLEY %, BENTON, a spec lal Part- Uer, has. contributed seven. thousand dollars (J-000.) and CHARA.»» UNDERWOOD, tho other Special Partner, has contributed slap seven thou- sand, dollars (|iO00) to the common stock, of the ^tn!^e.satí yarto first day or November, eighteen honored .aid seventy-one, «nd will terminate on the first 5j>* Of November, eighteen hundred and seventy-Avt. Dated this 28th day ot October, A. D., 187L (Signed) ^^¡j^^^^^QQ^ ru rBtened) o. w.JRc^mmtia::'':! THOMAS E, PKAMAIL, nojs-se

Transcript of JJ ^^LLBcrid^T^typ ÇHOICB - Library of Congress · Brit we remind the...

Page 1: JJ ^^LLBcrid^T^typ ÇHOICB - Library of Congress · Brit we remind the Législature,tis*tl»official conduct oil Hendricks, HernandezandPillsbury provesJ themtobeunfit to holdanypositionofpub-lie

Tn DULT surs, BJ. mau one year, j«; nz.

montia $4; taree montos 13 ie. Served in tte

.tty at E19HTKiN OSNTSa week, payableto tuecar-

rien, or $S a year, paid in advance at tte omeo.

TBM T*l-W*xx£Y Narre, puonsbed OB Tuesdays,

Taaradaya aad saturdays, one year $4; ats

montos ts.tn WasxirT. Saws, one year |2> Six copies10. Ten copies, to one address, $16.spBscBrmo.NB in all cases payable In advance,

and no paper conanned after toe expiration of

tbs time paid fer.Bóricas of Wants, To Rent, Lost and Found,

Boarding, Ac, not exceeding 20 words, 25 cents

each insertion; over 20, and not exceeding so

words, 40 cents each insertion; over SO, and not

exceeding 40 words, 60 cents each insertion.These rates are NIT, and must invariably be

pall tn advance. MRJOOTTANCBS should be made by Postait:ce

Money Order or by Express, if this cannot bc

done, protection against losses by mall may be

secured by forwardinga draft on Charleston pay¬able to theéraer of the propnetoreor ina Saws,sr by lending the money in a registered letter.

Address RIORDAN. DAWSON A CO.,Na 140 East Bay. cnarleston. S.O.

23)* Sharif§tsn gfewg.FfilDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1871.

-Gold at New York yesterday closed at

95*91.-At New York cotton closed steady; up-

landa.l?jc ; salea 3536 bales.-The Liverpool cotton market closed

firm ; uplands 9jd. ; sales 18,000 bales.

The Chamber of Comm tr.e.

A special meeting of the Chamber ofCommerce will be held at seven o'clock this

evening, at which meeting the Hbo. JamesCheanut and the Hon.'A. P. Aldrich, mem¬

bers'of the Executive -Committee of the

Taxpayers' Convention, will, by invitation,De present. We are sure that the membersof the Chamber will give these distinguishedgentlemen a cordial reception, and will be

glad to hear their Views upon the Importantqneetiona which agitate the minds of the

people of the State.

The Promoter« of t he Polio e Bil !.

The principal promoters of what is knownas the Metropolitan Police bill are ex-Chiefol Police Hendricks, ex-Detective Hernan¬dez and ex-Mayor Pillsbury. These three jmen appeal to the colored members of the jGeneral Assembly for the passage of a billwhose only object is to give the trina hour- jsome support at the public expense. They jfound- their, claims .upon their, devotion to jRepublicarr principle?, :and upon their love Ifor the colored man. It is easy, in their jopinion, Jo -hoodwink, the .Legislature, and jto p^harfe SheVemterscttrat the Police IRing are without reproach, cs citizens andas po^Ucjans, We admit that they have Igrabbed &\ that they could,vand that theryhavea lively aejiseici fayprs. .to Mme.. Andwe know that one of their number has shownhis affection for hiFdoaky sisters lp a waywhich is not generally looked upon as the Jquintessence oí morality. Brit we remindthe Législature,tis*tl»official conduct oilHendricks, Hernandez and Pillsbury proves Jthem to be unfit to hold any position of pub-lie tratOn Friday night, September 29, Chief ol j

Police Hendricks and Detective Hernandez I

upon two poor wiOred'wVmeri. fernandez J

beat one of the colored women, Hannah

Deas, so brutally that she-ba3 not yet recov¬

ered irom the injuries she received. The jchargea against him, upon which he was

committed for trial, are: First, a^nlt and

battery upon HannahDeas; second, assaultand battery upon Virginia Turner; andtbiru, as^Biraih latent te.ktfi and.assaultwith àcleanly weapVn dporr'sam 'Baker.Chief of PoUce Hendricks was_ present, dur¬

ing the affray, aad Hannah r eas' and Vir¬

ginia Tarter took oat warran J for his ar.-est jon the charge of asean lt SD , battery. Nordid these two police officers vontent1 them¬

selves with bruising and wounding the poorcolored women. These were taken to theGuardhouse, and locked np un'.il morning,on the pretence that they were «sisting the

police. When this sad story was put lishedin THE NEWS, both Hendricks an i Hernan¬dez tried to explain away the lan agingaccusation. Their only excuse wa.* " .he in¬

dolence of these girls," and the 6'iggestionthat "the character or these girls ' mado a

denial of their statements an rece;gary.

This was an aggravation of the off« »nee. We jsay that the women who were goo 1 enoughto bei tbs companions of Hendricks and Her¬nández, ate good^ehough to giveA ^ftissosyagainst them. Their very poverty and im¬

purity rare only stronger claims upon the

protection of the law. And we contend that

ex-Mayor Pillsbury is equally guilty withHendricks and Hernandez. He was their

official superior. The charges against themwere suatalned by an array of proof whichwould have convinced any mau who was not

wilfully blind. Yet Mayor Pillsbury took ho

steps to examine into the case, and retainedHeedricks as his trusted adviser up to thelast moment of his official term. We sup¬pose that "the character of these girls"made 1t unnecessary, in Mayor M ls bary'sopinion, togive heed to their complaints.-There are members of the Legislature

now in Columbia who know that what we

have writtea is trna. They have officialknowledge of the facts. Will they advocate'the passage of a bill which will give Hen¬dricks and Hernandez the power to do everynight, without let or hindrance, what theydid on the night of the 29tii September?Gan any coloredmember of the Legislatureface his wife aad children, with a clear con¬

science, If he votes to restore to office menwho make their official position an excuse

for beating and abusing the desolate andthe poor ? By their conduct in regard to theMttxopolitan Police bill the members of theGeneral Assembly will show what regardthey have for the safekeeping and just treat¬ment of their colored constituents. Theycannot eva 'e the responsibility which cir¬cumstances have placed upon them.

Ciiitiy Carp«t-Baagery.

A writer rn the Savannah Nevo» has com-

Ípiled, from the official report of the Super¬intendent oí the Censos, a statement or theassessed valuation of property, and of theamount of* taxation, in eleven Southern

States, in 1870, as compared with 1860. The

j ftseetsed valuation of all property, includingI slaves, at the two periods was as follows:

1 Alabama.$ 156,770,387 $ 432.197,76ftArkansas. 94,168,843 180,211,330Florida. 32,480,843 68,929,685Georgia. 227,219,519 618,232,387Louisiana.-.:. 254,371.890 433,787,265Mississippi. 177,288.892 509,472,912Nortb Carolina... 130,378,622 292,297,602South Carolina... 183,913,337 487,319,128Tennessee........ 254,673,792 382,496,200Texas. 149,734,929 267,792,335Virginia. 365,439,617 657,021,336

Total....,.$2,026,440,671 $4,331,756,940Decrease in assessed value.*2,305,3H>,269The State and County taxation, at the two

periods, is shown in the following table:r-Staie Taxation.-,1870. 1860.


Alabama.$ 1,477,014 $ 530,107Arkansas. 950,894 241,633Florida.:.. 234,672 80,938Georgia. 875,154 381,667Leu'siana. 2,100,999 2,486,932Mississippi. 1,118,067 398,821North Carolina. 1.160,413 543.643South Carolina........ 1,316,943 518.799Tennessee. 514,364 465,182

Texas. 589,363 298,859Virginia. 2,475,742 2,228,875

Total....$12,813,615 $8,165,486Increase in State tax¬ation..;.,.$ 4,648,129

^-County Taxation.-,1870." 1860.

Alabama.$ 1,122.971 $ 300,474Arkansas. 1,738,760 285,7.73Floridai... 168,389 74,425Georgia. 904,800 283,3C5Louisiana.. 4,109,999 440,138Mississippi. 2,299,696 384,9'SNorth Carolina. 923,604 255,4x8South Carolina. 575,005 55,506Tennessee. 1,302,836 330,034Texas. 311,480 208,053Virginia. 841,090 488,091

Tntal.$14,298,630 $3,106,195Increase in countytaxation.$11,192,435It appears that the war cost the Southern

-States no less than twenty-three hundredand five million dollars, but the jew govern¬ments which the Reconstruction acts fast¬ened upon the South promise to be moresu rel j' destructive than the shock of battleand tbs emancipation of the slaves. TheState taxation is increased one-half, whiletiie' taxable property is reduced one-half.Taking the taxation as one-fifth of one percent, in 1860, ttülhrpe-fifths of one percent,in 1870. And the county taxation is worse;It was less than one tenüi of one per cent.

ls I860, and it is seven-tenths ot one percent, in 1870.Tho State of South Carolina is a fair case

in point While the value of the taxableproperty is reduced from $487,000,000 to

$183,000,000, the total taxation is increasedfrom $574,305 to $1,891,948. The taxationls trebled while more than one-half of thetaxable property is swept away. Potting itin another shape, a farmer or merchantworth $100,000, in i860, paid Stale andcounty taxes amounting, in round numbers,to $100. In 1870 the farmer or merchant lsworth less than $50,000, and he is requiredto pay 1 axes amounting, in round numbers,to $450.The figures are not ours upon which these

statements are based. They wHI appear inthe report of the Congressional Ku-KInxCommittee, and are, io themselves, a terri¬ble exhibit of the rascality of the carpet-baggovernments of the South.


MIS^^^VTlNSTON'i SGUOOL, FORyoung lau ie» «nd children, northwest cor¬

ner ur Meeting and Society streets.dec8-fmw4_

MISS DELLA. TORRS, HAVING BE-TOKNEU io the City, will resume her LES¬

SONS lat-French. ItaUan, Drawing and Painting,either at the Schools or tn Private Classe»». Minia¬tures on Porcelain or Ivory promptly executed.For terms, app.y at Ko» e Aiken's Kow.deo4-mwfa_MESDAMES GIRARD AND ALEXAN¬

DER have resumed the Exercises of theirVAX SCHOOL, at No. 83 Bull Street.Mrs. ALEXANDER will open her DANCING

ACADEMY on «th December. Afternoon andNight Classes, for the present, wiH be formed ather residence as above, where applications forterm», 4c, may be made. ¡rees every foi might.novTMmwfa*



Mo. ¿8 Hisel street. nov2l


Pupils taught at their own residences, or at herresidence, corner of Smith and Montague streets,novs-imo

» =




The rouowmg first-class Companies are offeredsa security to all who desire to obtain value re¬

ceived for money paid m premiums on Fire in¬surance Policies:


Assets, Jnly 1st, 1871, as follows:CashCapital..'. $ 3, ooo, cCash Surplus. 3,047,378-$6.047,373Losses by Chicago fire less than. 2,000.ooo

$4.017,378Income received during 1870.$3,972,894


Cash Assets, October let, 1871, as follows:Cash Capital.$1,000,000Cash Surplus. 1,785,877~$2I785,877Losses by Chicago Ure eas than. 1.200,000


A. H. HAYDEN, Agent,NO. 272 Kilto STREET.

tar J. L. HONOUR, Sab-Agent, East Bay.oct20-fmw2mos

pianos, GPrgaits, Ut.


Now on hand, and for sale, a large and variedassortment of PIANO FORTES, of approved goodmakers, new and second-hand. Also CABINETORGANS and Musical Merchandise generally;together with the latest an t most fashionableMusic constantly receiving. PIANO FORTES toHire, Tuned, Repaired and tt-ken in exchange.Apply corner King and Beanfaln Btreets. in rearOf Old stand, third door. HENRY SIEGLlNG.noT25 imo

Btüfltctita, JexDtirrj, Ut.

A~L L^ftAOK ÄTITO.,Nos. 56«and 567 BROADWAT, N. Y.,

oller for the HOLIDAYS the most complete andbest selected assortment of the following Goodato be found m the city:

DIAMOND AND GOLD JEWELRYWatches for Ladies and Gen: lernenSterling Silver Table WareBrontes, Antique and ModernMarble and Bronte ClockBMarble Statuary.


^BP^TEffi RÍLATIYES Ard^RIRNifeof Mrs. ROSE BROWN, «ad hereon, ^ F. Parrar,also of Mri. Martha Navy, are respectfully invitedto attend the Funeral Services of the former, at

the Mission Presbyterian Church, in Georgestreet^ at 3 o'cock THIS AFTSRNOON precisely r"decs


pgr* THE FRIENDS AND ACQUAINT-"ANGE8 of Miss R. Di LA MOTTA and Miss Can-ter are respectfully requested to attend the Fune¬ral of the former, from ber late residence, Ko. MBroad street at io o'c. oct THU MORNING, withoutfurther invitation. deco-*.


fort, S. 0 on the 11th February, 1871, GEORGEPASSONS ELLIOTT, In the 64th year of bia age. and,on 2-Jd November, his wife. MARY BOWER t LL;OTT,in her ölst year. . *

PARSER.-Died, in this city on the 4th Novem¬ber, 1871, MissSAHAH E. PABKER, aged 69years.DRAVTON.-Died, of typhoid fever, at Green¬

ville c. H., s. C., on 2d December, 1871, ROBERTD. P. DRAYTON, aged 22 years and two months,youngest son of the late Dr. Charles Drayton, otihs.city. ._

Spécial -Notices.

CHARLESTON, from New TOTE, are notified that,she ls THIS DAT discharging cargo at Adger'aSooth Wharf. Goods not called for at BUL set willremain on the wharf at owners' risk.

JAMES ADOER A CO.,decs 1_ Agenta.

^-SPECIAL NOTICE-TO THELADIES OF CHARLESTON : The DIAMONDS,GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY to be Baffledby the CHARLESTON CHARITABLE ASSOCIA¬TION, ia pnbl c. on SATURDAY, THE 23n OFDECEMBER instant, can be seen In the SecondStory of No. 117 MEETING STREET, oppositeCharleston Hotel, from io o'clock toi o'clockeach day. There ls a Private Entrance from the

street to the Exhibition Room.The DIAMONDS consist; or «9ts of Earrings and

Breastpins, and Rings, Bracelets, Fine GoldWatches and Opera Chains, Ao. Gentlemen'sGold Watches (Stem-winders) and Chains. Allthe goods are warranted to be of the first quality,and say Jeweller can examine them as to theirgenuin ru-ss and quality. The Diamonds are richand larje, and set In the latest style, and havejust bien imported for the Association by the cele¬brated Importing Jewellers "LABMOUR A .CO.,"of Baltimore City.CERT1F CATE CHANCES only ONE DOLLAR,

au-lean be purchased at the Room where theGoods are.

The Ladles are respectfully invited to call andexamine these Beautiful Goods. A lady will be inattendance tJ exhibit the Goods._deoT-15pm* NOTICE-ALL PERSONS ARE

hereby cautioned against harboring or trustingany of the crew of the British Ship" "City of nail-

fax," Cammm per, Master, as no debts of theircontracting will be paid by Master or Consignee,flecM_HENRY CARD.


CLASS Na 2^4-MORNING.71-49- 1-75-63-11- 7-18-60-66-70- 7Í

CLASS No. 235-EVKNIKO.76-74-24-11-46-77-27-06-38-33-44-14AB witness our band at Charleston this 7th day

of December, 1871. FENN PECK,JAMES GILLJLAND,oct3_»worn Commissioners.

^OFFICE OF COUNTY TREASURER,FIRE-PROOF BUILDING, CHARLESTON, S. 0.,NOVEMBER Cru, 1871.-The Boots of the Treasu¬rer of Chariest n County will be .opened on the2oth day of November, 1871, for the receipt ofTAXES due the State and County for the year1871.-The penalty of twenty.per cent, provided byaw will be added to all Taxea remaining unpaidon the 15th day or Jannary, 1872.The rate or taxation for the year 1871 ia as fol

lows, viz:IMAIIl,X¿aC*pCT*WBteM...............IT. ... I

county Tax per centum.S mills.Poll Tax per capita.$ 1 00

WM. GURNEY,nov8-lmo Treasurer Oharleaton county.

pm* CLEAR AND HARMLESS AS WA¬TER-NATTANS'S CRYSTAL DISCOVERY FORTBE HAIR.-A perfectly clear preparation in onebottle, aaeaally apph^l as water, for restoring togray hale its natural color and youthful appear¬ance, to eradicate and prevent da nd ru rr, to pro¬mote the growth of the bair and stop its fallingont. It is entirely harmless, and perfectly freefrom any poisonous sub: tance, and will thereforetate the place of all the dirty and unpleasantpreparations now in use. Numerous testimonia s

have been sent us from many of oar most promi¬nent cuzens, some of which are subjoined. Inevery th log In wale "i the articles now m ase are

objectionable, CRYSTAL DISCOVERY ls perfect.It ls warranted to contain neither Sugar of Lead,Sulphur or Nitrate of Silver, it does not soil feclothes cr scalp, ls agreeably perfumed, andmites one or the b st dressings for the Hair iaase. lt restores the color of the Hair "more per¬fect and uniformly than any other preparation,-'and always does so in from three to ten days,virtually feed ic g. the not s of the Hair with allthe nourishing qualities necessary to Its growthand healthy condition; lt restores the decayedand induces a new growth or the Hair mere peeltlvely than anything else. The application ofthis wen terral discovery also produces a pleaaantand cooling effect OD the scalp and gives the Haira pleasing and elegant appearance.We call especial attention to t he fact that a

limited number of trial bottles will be given waygrata' tously to those wishing ro try lt. Yon willnotice that ia pursuing this course oar aim ls toconvince by the actual merits of .the article.

ARTHUR NATTANS,Inventor and Proprietor, Washington, D. 0.

For sale by tbe Agent, DH. H. BAER,No. 131 Meeting street, Charleston, S. C.


SUPERB HAIR DYE is the best in the looria-per-lectly harmless, reliable and instantaneous. Ncdisappointment. No ridiculous tints or unpleas¬ant odor. The genuine w. A. BATCHELORS HAIRDYE produces IMMEDIATELY a splendid Blackor Natural Brown. Does not stain the s fem, butleaves the hair clean, soft and beautiful. Theuuiy Safe and Perfect Dye. Sold by all Drug¬gists. Factory No. 16 Bond street, New York..¡an¿3-mwrivr

ON MARRIAGE.Happy relier for Toing Men from the effects

of Errjrs and Abases tn early life. Manhood re¬

stored. Nervous debility cared. Impedimentsto Marriage removed. New method or treat-meut. New and remarkable remedies. Booksand Circalars seat free, la sealed envelopes. Ad¬dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 SouthNinth street, Philadelphia, Pa. octl2

migare, (Eobacco, &z.


selling off, on account of closing business,CIGARS, PIPES, TOBACCO, AC

The largest and best selected stock In the city atcost, by L. LORENZT,

Corner Wentworth and King streets.dec5~lmo

tAOfJ.OJOÎS TB8|O THBTMM ioiodma jo jowudojj.'aaaoHuos HYITUM

'OJoqMSSie saips.il eaojaq soois joojjodBTU enrnrsxo oi peiBonbai eas siSBsqejuj '£%\aoqi m 83snoq aiqisaodssj no ijBJp JO 'aseo HUM.paiusdmoooB 'miq oi popasixs sjapjo ns '¿fl.sp motin* 'Saino jo AiiuoBi s 8a\A]& 'pusq HOA"naej3uo3 idox &I ssaaisnq jo sun sn m saioivsUB jo laouiuotBB ojoidmoo pas SAisusixa ur


joj 9iqsiin3 moi asiidans oi sacua TB nos usoOJojOJSm -Í3isi0»d8 s 63dld HÛVH0SH33H

'jasáis AjanosAO HAQOg BUOOa XSHH£ 'JSSUIS OUTS 016 'ON


-aa WHY aivsaiOHAi NOisaiavHO

L~XCANÜEUBÍOD8EN¿ 36, A F7M7The Annual CommunUtion will be held

THIS (Friday) Evana*©, at Honers Lyceum, ot To'clock. By order of W. M.decs_HENRY WAGNER, Secretary.

THE REGULAR WEE1LY MEETINGof Marlon Lodge No. 2, IO. O.P., will be

held THIS EVENING, at Odd Faows' Hall, cornerKing and Liberty streets, at 7 clock. Candidatesfor the ''Initiatory Degree" wi please be punc¬tual. ROBRT C. STARR.decl-84»


HOOKAND LADDER OMPANY, No. 2.Attend Regular Monthf Meeting or your

company, THIS EVENING, (thi 8th inst.,) at 7o'clock. JOHN BURKE,


MERCE.-A Special Medng ot the ChamberwiiLbe held at 7 o'clock THIS Ermatte, at theirHall at thé corner of East Ba'and Broad streets,tor the transaction or bunine), and, alsj, to re¬ceive prominent members of tie Executive com¬mit tee ol the Taxpayers' conentlon now m thecity.By order. P. J. BARBOT,


WANTnD, A TEN^iT FOR TWOneat rooms at No. tu wing street,


be weil recommended. Apply cornerMeeting and Charl »tte atreeti_dec8-8»WANTED, BOARD N A PRIVATE

family, by a single gntlemau; referencegiven and expected. AddreasX. Y. Z., Charlestonfo.*-totnce.. ; decB-l»

WANTED, A COOK, F)R THE STEAM¬ER Fannie, Savann.ti and Charleston

Railroad. None need apply ualesa competent.Apply onboard._dei 8-4»

WANTED, A" COMPITENT WHITEWOMAN to COOK and rash for a family of

three pei sons; also, a Colore. Boy it or 14 yearsof age. Appiy at No. ll Weuirorth stteu.


class Cook or Housekeeper. Best ofrec mmenda.loae. Apply at.S'o. 58 Qjeen street.


GENT BOY, about 16 wie j ears of age-one who bas some knowlsdg, of the Dry GoodsBusiness preferred. Apply at the souihweat c->r-ner King and Calhoun atreetg._dec-5WANTED, GENTLEMEN TO SAVE

FIFTY PER CENT, bj purchasing Shirts,Collars, Ties, Hosiery, Glovei, Walking Canes,Ac., at ARCHER'S BAZAA ft. decl-mWÍ3«

WANTEDTO BUY OR BENT,A HOUBE\containing S to 8 room*, and within five

min otes' walk to the Pos tom s. Address BoxNo. 575. Charleston Postomce._nov28WANTED EVERYBODY TO KNOW

that you can get a First-class SEWLN'QMauHlNE from LUNsFORD, bmlth street, nearwent wot tn, cneaper than from any omer man tnthe city or State. Olva buna cül and see foryourself._nov28IF YOU ARE IN WANT OF A SEWING

MACHINE, aee firat theHoME SHUTTLE, thecheapest and beat, at BISSELL, No. SI Saselstreet, opposite Express Office. Price $25 to $37.eepl5 8mos_(feA MONTH, EXPENSES PAID,NDUI I fj Male or. Female Agents.-Hore e andoutfit lurulahed to sell our UNIVERSAL CEMENT,Combination Tunnel, Button Ho.e cutter andother article*. Circulars tree. Address Novelty'Company, Saco, Me. novl4-78

WANTED PURCHASERS OF TICKET,bIn the Land and Immlgratlcn Associât ic r,

ot Mesara. BUTLER, CHADWICK, GARV A CO.Tickets now ready. Will be glad to eeomy frienatat the ornee of Mr.EDWARD M. MORELAND,Na 39 Broad street, EREN COFFIN, auo-Aguit,magg_' _. ,_


eaves time, twine, thread. Hogers and teeth. Some¬thing everybody wants. Samples mailed on re¬ceipt of 26 CT.ta. Address GtOKQE DAVIS, No.600 Broadway, New York. octso-suios

-for Salt.

FOR SALÊ7 ONE V£RY~FINE COW,With two young CALVES, ten days old.

Apply at No. ll Vernonstreet._dec8-l»FOR SALE, GOOD -HORSES AND

MULES. Also, some for plantation ose.cheap. Apply at HOCKADAY'S Stables, Coluai-bus street._ ?_deo7-2mwf&»-a Ï aMiri-a, no. d3F KIHI? JSTKEET,"J\. yoa con see fine MALAG GRAPES for 76o.»pound; swett Florida Oranges 30c. a cozen;Lemons ttfc, and nice apples -.ôc. a dozen. Also,lust in, HORSE RADISH and German SAUR-KRAUT. ' ' dec7-3

\1TJLES1 MULES 1 MULES 1 -JUSTIfJL arrived st-thi Kentucky Mule Lot, nearb'titilSToPHEK'S Stables, King street, a primelot of Young Plantation Moise. Low tor cash orFactors'acceptance«. R. OAKMAN. dec7-3»

rR SALE; A No. 1 BOB8E, FIVEyears old, Harness, Dray and Ll enae. Ap¬

ply st the corner of Meeting and Wooife streets.decs-a*_?__*rpHE CHEAPEST IS THE BEST I-GOJL to KLEIN, No. 839 Ktng street, and get yourDice FRUIT, or anything in that ¡lue. Klein lsnappy to please yon. Never mind li it cost a littlemofé or less-the best ls the cheapest. dec6

JOST ARRrëED^-A LOT OF FINEHORSES and HULKS tor sale, which win

nit cuy and country purposes. Prices from $60to $U6. Apply corner King and Spring stieetStahles. HARHM A HOGAN. ,_deci-e»FOR SALE, A SECOND-HAND ROCK¬

AWAY. Also, alot of roofing Tin, Applyat Tsa Niws ornoo._decs wa*

WRAPPING PAPER FOR SALE.-OLDNEWSPAPERS inlarge or small quantities, i

Prior 50 CENTS PER HUNDRED. Apply at tteoirice ofTHE NEWS.mavis

So Rent.rTIO RENT, DWELLING OF FOURJL square rooms, with kPcnen and csfrn. No.I Traptnann street, nortb or Broad. H. af. MAR¬SHALL A BRO., Real Estate Brokers, No. 33Broad street._deeS-2

FOR RENT, ARCHER'S COMMODIOUSHall and Club-Rooma. Also, comfortable

Rooms from $2 60 to $S per month. ARCHERSBAZAAR. _dec4-mwf3»TURPENTINE LANDS FOR RENT,

withing two hoars' sall or the city, onCooper River, with good landings, containing2800 aerea or best Yellow Pine. For terms, applyat No. 417 Klug street. decl-fmwo*

PLEASANT-ROOMS TO RENT IN Achoice neighborhood at No. ll Doughty.

street. Apply on the premises._novifiSTORE TO RENT.-STORE No. 203

EAST BAY, next door north of Cumberlandstreet, formerly occupied by Messrs. Wm. M.Bird A Co. Possession given immediately.Apply to JAMES MARSH, at Marsh's snip yard.augl-fatu_?

TO RENT..TWO LARGE FRONT ROOMSfronting 00 King street, c mer of Liberty

street, possession given from the 1st of Novem¬ber. Also, four neat comfortable rooms over 1 hestore fronting on Liberty street, PosstBaloa givenImmediately. Apply on premises. oct8l

£cgnl Notées.

T~TÎE1ÎTÂ1Ë~O^^COUNTY OF RICHLAND-Court or Uommon Pleas.-PHINEAS F. FRA ZEB, as Sheriff,Plaintiff, against EDWARD L. DEANS, Defend¬ant-Copy Summons-For Money Demand-[Com¬plaint Served.]To EDWARD L. DEAN, Defendant In this ac¬

tion : You are hereby summoned and required toanswer he complaint In this action, of which acopy is herewith served upon yon, and to serve acopy or your answer on the subscribers, at theirofhee at Columbia, within twenty days alter theservice of thin summons on you, exclusive of thedsy of service.

If you fail to answer this complaint within thetime afortaaid, the plaintiff will lake judgmentagainst you tor the sam or six hundred andtwenty one 27100 dollars, with interest at therate or seven per cent, per annum, from the firstday of November, one thousand eight hundredand Beventy-one, and costs.

MONTEITH A BAUSKETT,Plaintiff's Attorneys,

D. R MILLER, C. 0. 0.Dated November 23, 1871.

To the Defendant, EDWARD L. DEANE: Takenotice that the summons in this action, of whichthe foregoing ls a copy, was flied in the office ofthe Clerk of the Ceurt of Common Pleas, In theCounty or Richland, In the State or South Caroli¬na, on the twenty eighth day of November, 1871.

MONTEITH A BAUSKETT,Plaintiff's Attorneys.

Dated November 28, 1871._decS-feNOTICE.-ALL PERSONS HAVING DE¬

MANDS against the Estate of JOHN c."TGEN, deceased, will present them to JOHN c.OOERMAN, and all persons Indebted thereto willmake payment to htm. J. C. OGERMAN,dec7-3* Qualified Executor.


FORMES-HABELMANN GRAND OPERA.The 0 eatest Star Company in the World.

MTlè ANNA R03ETTT, wacTitel's Prima Donna.M'Ue CLARA ZIEGLER, of .the New York Acade¬

my.Mme DZ1CBA, of the New Torr Academy.Mme PREDIOAM, of Compr imari a.THEODORE HABELMANN, the celebrated Lyric

Tenor.CARL BEADNARD, Tenor Robusto.CARL FORMES, ihe Grand Ba?ao Profundo. (Bia

flr.st appearance In the South in twelve years.)WILHELM FORMES, the Classic Baritone.A. BERING SR, B'is-o Buffo.


JOSEPH WEINLICH, the Favorite SHager.Grand Ohorns and Orchestra of the New Tors

Theares, under the Musical Direction of A. Pre¬digern.

The Beadon win be Inaugurated onMONDAY EVENING, DEO. 11TH,

On which Occasion will be Produced the Cele¬brated Opera


TUESDAY, DEC. 12TH,Debat of the Great Tenor Robusto,


in his Magnificent Role of MANRICO, In Verdi'sPopular Opera


. Will be Produced Gounod's Celebrated Opera,FAUST. ¿"I

PRICES OF ADMISSION--Reserved Seats in Or«ohestra and Dress Circle, 6160; General Admis¬sion. $l: Family Circle, 76rents; GaUery, 50 cents;Private Boxes, $16 and $>0.sate of Re< erved Beau at Ticket Office of Acade¬

my will commence TBCBSDAY, December "th, at0 o'clock A. M.The Grand Opera Troupe use the celebrated

Chlckerhu PIANO, HENRY fclEGLING, Agent,corner Eiog an t Keiufuln streets.Libretos (Piaur) for sale at licks* Office.dec5-8 HARRY J. STEEL. Agent.




points In the United States made. Also, regulardealerm SECURITIES'.

dec5_A. C. KAUFMAN.


STERLING DRAFTS on aboye Balk, payableon demand or at sixty days sight, in sums to snit

purchasers.nOV21-lmo G. A. TREN"HOLH A SON.

Cost ano fonnö.

LO-T DECEMBER 7TH, BETWEEN- 1and 8 P. M. on the east side of Meeting

stieet, between water aid South Bay streets, aGold and Coral BROOCH. The Ander will be re.warded, if the esme ls left at No. 24 Meetingstreet._dec81»F0U1# ADRIFT IN ASHLEY RIVER

a HATTE A u, ir feet long. The owner canhave the same by applying at the savannah Rail¬road Wharf, and paying expenses.



BOARDING. - PERMANENT, TRANsi EST and Day Board may be had in a pri¬

vate family by applying at the northwest cornerKlug and Vanderhorst streets. decs-tnthi*

BOARDING. - A FEW GENTLEMENcan be accommodated with (cod boam

and pleasant rooms, on moderate tarma, by ap*plying at No. 12 Wentworth street» DAY BOAR LI¬ING also furnished._ mavis


No. 244 KING STREET,during me coming week will be prepared to offer

an elegant assortment af goodein their lèverai depárt¬

eos [^.ü'.'düiic1ta^zfaiftefe10lo stock is guaranteed

to be of the finest qualityever c Herod, the price

assigned will be withoutprecedent in oar customary

moderate dealings, and wedesire that our patrons mayemphatically understand

that we will offer advantageswhich are unusually worthy

atteotloo, and urgentlyadvise a pei son al exami¬

nation. We shall offerextra bargain* tn all

our Department

H OLIDAY GOODS.A large lot jost received.



FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT A CO.,No. 244 King Street.

30 pieces Black 6 4 CRAPE CLOTH, only «0 cents.20 pieces Black Henrietta Cloth, 76 and 85 cents

-worth fl and fl 26.60 pieces Japanese Silk and Dish Poplins, 00 cents

-worth $125.8 cases Erne Delaines In all Colora, only 20 cents.1 case 4-4 colored Alpacas, 20 cents-worth 25


A large lot Jost received.FERCUGOTT, BENBDIC r * CO.


FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT A CO,,No. 214 King Street.

Best selections orBROADCLOTH,




PUBS! FURS! FURS1Fine Black cape and Moff only $8.

Children's White sets only $2.Ladles' White Sets only $6.

All warranted to be perfect.


A large lot Jost received.



No. 244 King Street.

Bargains offered this week.Ingram I Mats,

2 and 3 Pry Rog«, !Brussels, Druggets,

will be sold Cheap.

HOLIDAY PRESENTS can be bought at very lowAgares.

Samples given, and Goods delivered free ofcharge to any part of the State.,No trouble to show Goods.Merchante, Milliners and Tailors will do well by

examining and pricing our Goods before order¬ing from Northern markets or baying elsewhere.Buying of Importing and manufacturing houses

only, we are enabled to sell as cheap as any Jobbing House North, and we most cordially inviteall to convince themselves of the fact.

FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT A CO.,No. 244 King ?treeti I rh-.ip.tn- » «

Na 437 King street, J Char«8ton, S. 0.No. 22 White street, New York.

nov20 No. 3 Bay street, Jackson ville, Fla,

©ruo*, CCrirairoie. &t.

-t^TTjra^OF APOCYNUM, OR DOGS-Highly recommendedln diseases orthe Stomalh,

Heart and Liver, and useful ss a Tonie in NervousDebility.Testimonials given.For sale by by the agent,

ALFRED RAOUL,'M. D.,nov2'-mwí2mo 2ieKing st., Charleston, s. c.


ag_Southern Wharf.

g^Jg BAR RE L S_F L O UE^ins bbls. FLOUR-Family. Extra and Super.-.Landing from ateamship Virginia and schooner

A. F. Ames*IN STORK,

2200 bbls. FLOUR-?artoogjpradea. For sale byHERMANN BULLWINKLE,

dec* JfétrM Wharf.


26 tierces Prime HAMS20 hhda. Choice Western Shoulders2» hhda. No. 2 Western shoulders30 hhd'. Clear and C. R. Sides20 boxes C. R. »des10 bpls. New York Pig Shouldersio boxes Cholee New York strips600 obis. Flour-Family. Extra, Super and Fine100 bags Prime Rio Codee2(0. bbls. Porto Riep and Demayara SugarJOO bbls. Relined Sugar-Crastied, C.; ti., EX, C.

and C. Sugars100 bbls. Muscovado and Kew York Molasses26 hhdt. New York syruo.For sate hy TIEOEMAN, CALDER A CO.

dec4-mwo; ?




A. TOBIAS* SONS, No. 110 EAST BAT,Offer for salé from U. S. Bonded Warehouse,

Choice COGNAC and LA ROCHELLE BRANDT,'vanóos vintages, In

foarter basksIfta casksEighth casks.

ADOCases of one dosen bettles each.

may28 ._


MORDECAI A CO., No. 110 Eas' Bay, offer for'sale Invoices Choice White MILLING/ CORN andExtra FLOUR laoding this day. angg-emo


A. TOBIAS' SONS, Na ii o East Bay. offer forsale an Invoice of Choice HARMONY'S;.PALSSHERRY WINE. A. TOBIAS' SONS,aog8-cmo


MORDECAI A CO., NO. no East Bay, offer for.aale an Invoice of Choice HAVANA CIGARS,direct from Factory in Havana. auga-Cmo

-piRE CRACKERS,A. TOBIAS' SONS, No. 110 Bast Bay. offer for

salean Invoice of FIRE CRACKERS, landing tn»day. _? _angS-emo\7Vn&+R, PB1OTS, WHITE WÍNÉ»V 1 CLARET, Ac *

A. TOBIAS' SOBS offer for sale VINEGAR,Pranst, White Wine, imported direct fromFrance. ,

?. aogMmo


A. TOBIAS' SONS, Agents of Mean«. Edward

and quatre angt-tod


ASSORTED JELLIES in Wine Glasses, large andsmall Tumbler*, Goblets, and pint and quart Jars.Guava JeUjr in half pound and one pound boxea.Assorted Preserves In pint and quart jars.Canton Ginger (wet and dry) in jars.French and American Cordials. t


Soft Shell Almonds, Layer Raisins, Carrants,Citren, Prunes, Nelson's Sheet and Brilliant Gela¬tine, French and American Brandy Peaches,Cooking wine and Brandy; assorted FlavoringExtract*.860 cases Can oed Fr niw, Vegetables, Meats, Ac,

consl ting of fresh Peaches, Oreen Gages, BartlettPears, White May Dake Cherries, Quinces, Straw¬berries, TOmatoe*. Oreen Corn, Oreen Pea«, Okra,Beef, Motton, Turkey, Cove oysters, Lobsters,Fresh and Spiced Salmon, and Devilled Ham.Good claret on draught at fisspsr gallon, at

WELCH'S GROCERY.novas Comer Meeting soft Market street».

g I N G tr h A B-I. T I E BOF.



Jost received per Steamer :50 tubs GOOS BUTTER at ss cents per single

poond, or 23 centa br the tab.60 tubs Strictly Cnoice Orange Connty Batter,

quality guaranteed, 3 pounds for $1, or80 cent« per poond by the tub

10 cases Les lie s celebrated, scotch Bitters, agenuine article, and the only lot In theetty

io half chests Fancy Chop Yoong Hyson Tea,guaranteed equar to any. and betterthan a great many, Tea* »old at J2 perpound. Don't forget that I ask for ltonly «1 soper poond

io barrels Soft White Sugar, 8 poonda for $1.

$8000 worth of FRENCH CHIBA GOODS, at 10 percenu above cost

$2600 worth or Gram te ware, at io per cent, abovecost _,u 7

$2000 worth of CHRISTMAS GOODS, Including alarge assortment of Small Toys, st IOper coot, above oost

$1000 wortn of Hiuie-FurolBbUjg Goods, Includ¬ing numberless sma 1 articles, st 10 percent, aoove coat

26 packages Glassware, at io per cent, abovecoat.

The above Goods cannot be obtained at thosame prices at any Store in the city,' so it ls in¬cumbent upon all who consider their own Inter¬ests to give my stores a trial.



IXm îJnbliCûtioriB.

JMPOBTATION OF. FOREIGN BOOK&By special arrangements we are prepared to ex¬

ecute o.ders for ENGLISH AND FOREIGNBOOKS. Parties entrusting their orders to memay depend upon the utmost dispatch and atten¬tion to their delivery.FOGA SUE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY.«3-WE ARE NOW OPENING/ A OBSAT VA.



ment of Modern Scholarship). Translated intoEnglish, with Analysis and Introductions by B.Jo* ef, M. A.. Master of Balliol Collegs, Oxford,and Regius Professor of Greek, 4 Vols, Crown, 8vo., $12.Americanisms; The English of the New World,

by M. Scheie Devere, L.L. D., $8. .

The Invasion of France lo 1814, by ErckmannChatraln, paper toe; c oth 90c.The Early Years of Christianity, by E. DePrea-

sense, u. D.. Illustrated, by Annie Harwood, '-TheMartys and Apologists," $1 T6.A Critical Greek and English Concordance of

the New Testament,prepared by Charles F. Hud¬son, under the direction of Horace L. Hastings,revised and completed by Esra Abbot. LJLT) .

Assistant Librarian of Harvard University 2dedition, revised.. $260.


Mountain Adventure* in Various Parts or theWorld; »ketches selected from the narratives ofcelebrated travellers,*withjntrodnction by. Head¬ley, 41 Illustrations. <Ubrary of Wonders,) IHSTRouHedge's Every Boys'Annual for 1872, with

n omero us Illustrations, fa.VJUVÄNILBBrJOKOORTHE HOLIDAYS.-

We navegiven especial attention to this depart¬ment. We have aa the New Boots of the season,together withs large Btock of the old favorites.The prices ire much red need from former prides.Our Village, by Mary Russell Mitford, New Edition, 2 Vols, $3 50Travels in the Air, by James Glaisher, p. R

8, Camille Flammarion, W. De FbovlUe, andGaston Tlssandisr. Edited by James Glaisher,with one hundred and twenty-five illustrations.A Second Edition, giving an account of the aseOT the BUlOOn during the Siege of Farts, »10.MW Persons residfiig in tne country wúl please

bear m mind that by sending their orders to nefor any boon published In América, they wai; bsaharged only the price of the book. We payfor'the postage or express.^PtKlaBateS BOOK DEPOSITORY,

So. 260 King street, (in the Bend.j Charleston, 8. Coct31-taths

ôOûhds. MnFor saie by 'W^f&ffigZAMs A CO.d»c5-wfm«

?p i o c o/Fri^ï.;;T

Direct !mr*>rtation.-'For sale ft* lots-to snit ^

jmrcbasers. a. W. WILLIAMS A CO. (feOC,tl8-;-yfm ...._ .^T/T^

-yp^riLSON-SWILSOS'S GROCERY ls now offering,the most-

care fully B elected Btocs- ol LIQUORS to be foundla tait etty. " d'They bare bo**« seiecved eapeclally for. their .

medicinal qualities, and their purity endorsed bythe moBt eminent physicians of Charleston.Pardea deaning a pure article can always rely

on Liquors sold from thia establishment and re¬

commended. . :

A full supply of low grades on hand.. t

WILSON'S GRQCÉRT, jNo. SOO ging street.

ay-Address Box ise,mTÖTw* BÜOK7W10ÍÍAT ! NEW BÏÏGÉ:^1.1 WHKAT.

Bola, New Hulled BUCKWHEATBbls. Belf-ftalalag Buckwheat.

For sale lowat WTLSON'SOBOCERY,&a to»King street. <

».AU Goods delivered free. '


180 dozen 2 and 3 lb. CANNED PEACHES. VFor sale low at WILSON'S GHOOERY,

Na SOOKing street.syAll Goode delivered free.


TOO dozen 2 lb. CANNED TOMATOE8._For sale low at WILSOS»8 GliOOERY,

Na 508 King street,sa-AH Goods deBvered free.



Na «os tTJng street. ,


" tl

warranted to sort thepalates and t he pockets otthe minion. WILSON'S G BOOB RY,

Ka 300 King street.,^AR Goods deUvered free.

Extra No. 1 MACKERELMeeB'Mfidtsest--''''j.')^f'':

For saleSow¡«-All floods deljTjrsd frftr-ovo .- nm



Fulton Market BEEFFamLyiTg iwr ;

Smoxed Pig TongoesPickled Pigs' "Feet:

For sale low at WILSON'S GROCERY,*No. 306 KingAtre«.

jayAll Gooda delivered free. i n


Having used YEAST POWDER In oar familiesfor several j ears, we give.a decided preference,aboye- all other, to mat prepared by EBW. s.BURNHAM, Druggist and Apothecary, Nc. 421

King, near GWnoAH street:Kev. JOHN T. WIGHTMAN, D. D.RSV. T. E. WANNAMAKEK.P. K. COBURN, Intendant Town of Summer

G. L. HOLMES.GEO. & PELZER, M. D.W. B. SMITH, Master Maohlnist, S. CR. R. .

B.P.WEBB. *. nov4-6mof^???',.".*..

goof, fit,«»»Ut._?j^ITOB DAILY NEWS.

GBSTLÏMIN-Please announce through yourcolamos-TWHAT IS TO THE INTEREST OF ALL, TO KNOW,that from Uladay forward the« will be a greatredaction In the prices' of



Aa, st Ko. 121 Meeting street.EDWARD DALY.


anTO^E«^ed to th« "PRINCE ALE¿L3'::HUXT1NQ BOOT-Cable Screw-wire Sewed^,.,..... M -,.M.Sold at a small margin ofprout by - -

EDWARD DALY, <Na 121 Meelina street.


will find In their Department a. fine selection ofSTAPLE AND DRESS BOOTS, 8HOt8 ANI>GAITERS. Sold low by ..

EDWARD DALY.No. 121 Meeting street.

NOTICE TO PEDESTRIANS.The-"OLD GENT'S SHOE," lost received, made

of best material to order. -

The Stisgood, easy and stylish..« »old only at EDWARD DALY'S, -

- i ?.- Ho. 121 Meeting streeti


My stock 18 templets; comprialng all that ls NEW,DURABLE and FASHlONaBLE.^g^ea^palua has



that met with such rapid sale -Ul spring and summer.The prices yon know.

Call at EDWARD DALY'S,No. 121 Meeting-street,

novl5-wfmlmo On the boulevard.

CoparlrifTßljLps ant ChaöolHtum«.

nfÛclÈ STATE OF SOUTH GAROLJttA,X CHARLESTON COUNTY.-CerUficate Ottlfn-lt*dl>arttersb#b#ween^ BENTON,of the Otty ot Brookftn, State of New Tors,CHARLES UNDERWOOD, of the Town and Coon-

2of Tolland, »tata of Connecticut, and EVERTBEDFORD, ot the City of Charleston, State

aforesaid.Thia certificate hereby witnesseth that the un¬

dersigned have, by virtue- ox an act ot the GeneralAssembly, of the S tate, aforesaid, entitled "An Actto authorlze the f«rniáüon of Limited Pu rtns r

ships,'» passed mWyeer orourWd, one twa-sand eight hundred and thirty-seven, and An¬other Act entitled "An ACt to extend the dera¬tion o r an "Act authorislDg th e formation of Lim¬ited Partnerships," passedila the year of ourLord one thousand eight hundred and fony-alx,and anther Asl extending the sama until repeal¬ed, passed December 20th, xm, iormed a LimitedPattDeiohlp aa fdiiaws :First. The name br Arm ander Whlchsuch

partnership shall bo conducted ls EVERT E.BEDFORD. .

Second. The genera1, n ature of th» bas inesa tntended tobe transacted lstbat of tba Grocery Buslneas both retail and wholesale, 1st the said City

and EVERT E. BEDFORD, oHheCity cf Charles¬ton, sute aforesaid, ls lb« General Partner.Fourth. BUCKLEY %, BENTON, a spec lal Part-

Uer, has. contributed seven. thousand dollars(J-000.) and CHARA.»» UNDERWOOD, tho otherSpecial Partner, has contributed slap seven thou-sand, dollars (|iO00) to the common stock, of the

^tn!^e.satí yartofirst day or November, eighteen honored .aidseventy-one, «nd will terminate on the first5j>*Of November, eighteen hundred and seventy-Avt.Dated this 28th day ot October, A. D., 187L

(Signed) ^^¡j^^^^^QQ^ ru

rBtened) o. w.JRc^mmtia::'':!THOMAS E, PKAMAIL, nojs-se