J.J'. all MlC Ha '' Ssr it. lUts 'I - Nebraska...

CUCKCII DIHECTCUT, rrrsOOPAL. flcrvV-c- firry Panflay evening, jionnnr wrvic e -- T ..y. eiervw-i-- thrnuvh t ) (.f Lent SB follows t TrenlnS iTnyer on V fciiU Fridays, st 4 lturm Uoly Ww-k,- or the ltst wi tr of Lf-n- t, vrnine prayr at lu.' o'ciotk a. eveu.ng prayer Li 4 o ci t r. m. On to"d Friday full morning service and ser- - Wl ht ptJUlC Invited ti tnd. iikJJ. PL DAVIS, Ilactor. . ccfi'' of t';e Arvr rtiseb for sale by L i). Uakkh, t Oty Look Mitb. i MniMMnMlllirarMnranrMfwnrnrnnriiMMMir-T-Ti- i iiiwi LOCAL MATTERS. f . It. Colkapp, Editor.' TnCTSDAY MORNING, MARCH 2S, ISC?. Onton S-- at Swan t Urotber's. Cinutd ools, at Swau & Brother's. Hasnin and Beans, at Small & Bell's. Beat KstiorT Cheese, atftwan &. Ero.'S. Wagons and Sardines, at 8 mall &. Bell's. Look. to Tour Interest. IUiyyour Drug Et Lett's. Choice Fall IVUeat Flotr, at Swan fc Brother's. Sw ( tot It of Qoeensware and Glassware, at Sma.ll A Bell's. - r Sew IVall Paperfor 15 cents ft bolt, at the City Truz Btore. CrtUi rf-.- u cnl frir Cured I tem. ARinaUAliell. Ladles Look at those nice Hats and No tion st Hendersons. fcsaekrd Tsasnti and Smoked Halibut, Small A Be ll's. fcasslsaere Salts, well and fashionably made, al Grant's. He sells nothing but No. 1 good. A Tbss1 and One choice articles, too tedious to mention, can be seen at Swan & Brother's. For Sale. A Cottage and two of the most (desirable residence Lots in the city. Enquire 'at this office. ixeworal'ortcr Brown bave removed their Law Ofiee to the second floor, over Ralney Lewis' store. J. V. D. Patch Is dally receiving his spring etock.of Clock, Watches, Sliver Ware, etc. Call in at No. Z2. Main street, tvnd feast your yes. As the frost Is going out of the ground wc notice great Masses of m beve caved In from the sides of tho deep cut on Atl&ntlo " treet- - Ths Kasocte and Old Fellow's Building AjMociatloa are putLIng matters connected wltli helr Hall building, with considerable celerity. Oreem Apples were peddled out of wagons on wtr streets last Friday at $3,25 per bushcL We are not In the wilderness near so much as we were ten years ago. . TaeFlrt Beat of the season the Col- umbia landed at our Levee last Tuesday morning. disgorging a vast amount of goods fur our merchants. Grant's Kew Cabinet hftS'brocightfrbont the low rlftes now faund at II. C. Lett's, In Uu way otmjj, X!, Lead, Wall l'npcr, And espee-Wl- ftaat. 'VadlverwTwo-Hors- e Cora Han ter the greatest Improvement of tke e, and the best and mo.t available Corn FUnler In use tyf sale by F. A. Tisdel, Jr., & Co. Go to IV. F. Wilson's, if you want good bargains, as he Is going to close out his flock of food by tho lUa day of A prJL Aey one owing anything will please call and settle. XV. XV. Hackney keeps constantly on hand as choice a stok of Groceries as can be bad In this city; as well a a beautiful stock of Ladle's Fancy Dress Goods and Notions. Tke workmen are at work erecting Ben- son's Blacksmith shop arid Double Diamond Flow Factory, corner of Third and Water fltrects. If a good machine Is appreciated In this community, Mr. Reason must flourish. Last T stead ay four Otoe Indians amused or cltlr.ens very profitably by shooting at five cent pieces, at atllstance of about twenty yards. They usually brought down the coin In at out a dozen shots. Indians and young grasshoppers are sure Indications that spring Is at hand. J. C. He taught on has received the ap- pointment of Notary Tubllc, and can be found at all times at Carson's bank. The ap- pointment Is one that reflects credit upon the appointing power, and will confer a benefit upon this com m unity, as be makes a good re- liable officer. W. II. Ilawlcy, of the Glen Hock Mills, has placed us under great obligations for a ha!f-ac-k of spring wheat Hour ground at those mills, which for quality is fcddom ex- celled in this country. They manufacture a No. 1 article of flour, and theirs is a standard brand wherever It is known. Tha Western Stage Company, we learn through Mr. Wheeler of that company, template putting on a daily line from this point to Tecumseh, Beatrice and Fawnee City, and the Hue is to be so stocked up with- in a few weeks. A daily mall will naturally follow. It will enure to the profit of both company and community. Grand Serenade The Metropolitan Sil- ver Cornet Band serenaded several of our citizens last Monday night, making the air melodious with a concord of sweet sounds. For the number of instruments engaged, they make as good music as we ever heard. The sarenaders, we understand, were forcibly reminded of the "hard-clda- r days" of 1840. Ilaak , Arnsltage, In to-da- paper, in- cite the public to call and examine their choice supply of staple and fancy Groceries and Provisions. They have a No. 1 stock, and re prepared to sell at wholesale and retail, at figures that defy competition. Farmers, step down there with your produce; you will find them gentlemanly and pleasant to deal with. See advertisement. Excavating Is being pushed forward vig- orously on Main street. Tim McLaughlin is excavating the half lot this side of the Bazar ; A. Robinson is having the lot next to Dr. Thurman's office dug out, and D. II. Mc- Laughlin will soon have his half lot Just west of Deuser's Tin shop dug down to grade. All tSieee parties contemplate the erection of bu-st&- eat booses this season. Personal J. S. Hetxel has returned from STew York, where he has been laying In a mammoth stock of Spring and Summer Clothing. D. M. Shellenberger has returned from his business and visiting trip, and looks well. If you recognize him at the first glance, you an have our new hat. Shellenberger Pro's 111 have a rousing stock of hardware, ie., on soon. Sam! Star, of the Price Regulator of this cltr, returned Monday Ituit, looking much Improved In health. He reports matters com- paratively very dull ecft. He says he has nde a -- ten strike" in laying In his stock of lry Goods and Clothing, and predicts a great decline In Fancy and Staple Dry Goods and Clothing, so look out, ye in want of any-ltii- ng In this line. W. Hackney went At for more goods yesterday. He ciU up cfenrr than any mer-eh- nt in the city, arrf usually is the first to "itrodace the latest novelties. CPL a. Emmon, arul Mr Tboi departed yesterday for St. Lculs, The Sims CUgaSed 10 ttalw. U1P 101,16 tTnesdsy evening wereceived art-- from chai!, lD8 lmrne" General Mr- - Smith p. TnttiA a. 1, v avenue Assest- -' K- - Tuttle ; t Princeton Flows At Ilannoas Holt-tlnger- 's. Private raellca til, read Dr. YTfcJttlcr's advertisement. .' Princeton V'oyi er .1 Ircu Ltari Tlors at Emmons & Koltzingcr's. ?Iore JIIIU Customers V.'anted by B: B. Thompson, Erownvlile Dairyman. Dr. Iltiiiberlln U In te elty, I repared Io treat all diseases of the Eye and E; J. A fall assortment of fell kinds of Plows, HarrowB.etc, for sale at F. A. Tisdel's. The latest covltli?" in tb e!ry grv.ls line received daily at Hay's Price liegulator, 27 Main street. A full assortment of improved Yoke Shirts well made of bett material fit guarantee! at Iletzcl's. As the living must bury the dead, re sug- gest to t he living to call bn McFaU fc Co., and examine their s'ock of fchronds: For the litest styles of Clothing, wait for May's new stock, which will lie bpenr-- d at the regulator within ten days. Millinery Goods New spring stock, la- test styles, Just received, atMrs.Tef;'s Milli- nery shop, 33 Main street. Call, ladles, and see them. I will, from and after April 1st, occupy No. 15 Main street, between Levee and First, where I invite my friends to 6ee me. CriAS. llELMEtt. At Shcllenbcrger Bros, may be ccn a sample M.vh!rerf r-rli- Walking rnMra tnr. hU'U U ROW t .rz t. '? 1 ral v:,c;ever It Is known. Ordtrs tken end promptly filled. II. C. Lett la now prepared to do a whole sale and lobbing business to all Dm g Stores In the interior, having received and In transit the largest stock in his line ever brought to this market. II. O. Lett Is now prepared to mjll Station- ery of all kinds, at lower prices. In any quan tity, than they can be bad anywhere else, west of the Mississippi ; and we can warrant the stock No. 1. W. A. Peloelc. Assessor fbr Brownvllle Precinct, requests the resident property own- ers thereof to call on him at Judge Morgan's offlce previous to April Sd.and give hlin a lldt of their taxable property. Seedling Peacb.es; I have a large quan- tity of Seedling Peach Trees, l'yc&r old, which I will sell at 10 cents each, or (SO per thousand. Also, fill vaxletlos of Grape, in any quantity. E, V. Ft'iijtas. Good lUaJl... Stn. are now pre pared to furnlKh p wd building stone, In any quantity. Alo, t ' Stone, Bases for Mon- uments or Ton.:.. . WU-- TuLIea, eUx, fnrnbbed oa sl.C:t t:.il 'ioribLle terras HJltAjrcs & Yakxjet. If irr man toeiiks dtsrepectenl of the Flag, shoot hint eiown. Ges. Dix, .Yw York City. If any Hum even hints Stationery, tell Lira that 'Marsh, kecf.8 the best and cheapest. Books at Marsh's. Slates at Marsh's. Inks that are good, made good by Its properties, not by blowing and gas, at Marsh's. ! Gray Eagle ICllleOWWm. Valleau, while out hunting last Friday, killed a Gray Exigle Just below Nemaha City. R. C Eerier,-wh- was with him, fired at the bird flrt, and Val-le- na thinks crlrrled itslhjhtly, when Vol-lo- u fired and brought it to the ground. It measured 6 feet 8 Inches across tlic wings. It mcbtLavebeen a noble looking bird while alive, and would make a splendid showing if tuSVdby an expertat thebuslnes. - ; J. 8. Hetxel has now In store a most com- plete aasorttuent of all styles of Hats, nis stock cf Spring Clothing Is magnificent, and hlsllneof Gent's Furnishing Goods is as full as can be found west of the Mississippi. We kcowJIetaei; you know HeUtVand all know lletr.cl, to be a splendid man to ded wlth,le-lngstralghtforwo- rd and honest. He has tint one price, and but one plain, candid style of doing business. Goand tr him. Kew Style Hats may be seen on most any fashionable head in the city; and the styles vary greatly, from the stove-plpcdow- n tothe round-crowne- d, flat-topp- ed, and pointed-toppe- d Grant felt hat ; and of all these deci dedly the neatest hat can be found at nill & Co.'s, whose assortment comprises the best stocked standard 6tylos that are in the city. We speak from experience, for througli the kindness of Theo. Hill we have the pleasure of wearing as fine a felt hat as ever was felt. Go and see them. The Land Seeker, the lot seeker, the house seeker, the speculator, the renter, In f;wt If you eek anything In the way of a good Investment, a livelihood, or informa tion as to this Land District, our serious and candid advice is go, or write, to Chas. E. Mo Pherson, Real Estate Agent of this city, nis circle of choice lands to sell, and information In regard to the lands district, is dally widen- ing, so that he can give you the very best ebsiws tor Investment in the market. He is thoroughly reliable and straightforward In all his dealings. Through friend Star, of the Regulator; Just returned from a trip cast, we learn of a painful accident to David Slgcl, well known In this community as one of the best hearted men that ever did business In this city. While with his family on the Pan Handle Railroad from Baltimore to Cincinnati, the car they were in became detached and was precipita- ted over an embankment of forty feet, Mr. Siegcl had his shoulder blade dislocated, and was considerably bruited otherwise, while Mrs. Sigel brought offa black eye and other but not serious bruises. - : Teare sV Co. have received their stock of Spring goods, and they are both elegant and substantial. They have a full line of Ladle's Dress Goods, comprising the latest modes known In the east, and of the prettiest pat terns. Mr. Teare who has ministered to tue wants of this community in the mercantile department for the past twelve years per sonally selected this stock, and can vouch for Its being No. 1 throughout. Their stock of both dry goods and groceries is now full and complete i and If you wjh most anything, it will pay you to drop in at Teare 4 Co.'s, CO Main street. " ' Hill & Co. give our readers, through our advertising columns to-da- y, a faint Idea of themngniflcenec of their stock, ttslcg o full column lr statement of the quantities only; it would tak six for a description of the beantics of stylo and quality of their vnst stock. Few of our readers but understand the advantage of going where they can select from a full stock of all kinds of goods, and all know that great advantages can be offered by a firm who purchase so largely and for cash. This firm and their foods are first class, and no plcasantcr men ever lived to deal with. Go and see their goods, which they are always ple-ase- d to show to alL The Lewis Brothers Grand Soiree Mystlcalle The only entertainment of the kind now traveling In. the United States, will commence at McPherson'K Hall on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March ZSth, 20th and ZTth. We heartily recommend this soiree as being first . .oku s, tind cjle well worthy of patronage from the cultivated classes, as their performances are out of the general routine, being composed of new and original Feats, Music, Songs, and a combina- tion of selections never before presented in this part of the country; Introducing grand vlslonery scenes, beautiful allefrorical trans- formations, Uluminary tableaux vlvant. anl productions of magnificence and gorgeous cplendor, preeeu UkI with ros'Jjr parapherna- lia and costumes cf darling array, excelling everything of the kind ever potton up by any, other traveling organization. TLe old an I original Italian "Ole Eairf::. A. Ferrcllo.ls now with this troupe, and will appear each evening with his speciality, lie violin, and Introduce his celebrated comprie as !rr- - dered by hira at NiMo's Car.'-- ar.-- tt Pur-num- 's American Jl.eura, in U.eclty cf New York. Leo Eddie, Harpist, who stands with- out a rival, will also appear. Let fvrfy one be prepared, nnd witness one of the most re- fined and select entertainments ever given la this city. Ctii!Ir,Vs Cft";ii ,nlG!is, Piano Stocls etc., Jri-- it -.- . : Ved i.t MeFJl A Co's ' Eat'ts C fehoe, pool, Curt-'-l- e; fuhlona-tl- e fend cheap for s.i.h at Grant's. CIU &n& paints, Glass end Putty, at Den'a. HocltIiIs.il a El ,ht and Left Hand Plows, at De-n'- s. . Crown's Illinois Corn Planters, at Den's. Boston tuid Chicago Custom Made Shoes Just received by F. E. Johnson Sr Co. FresU lot of Slates at Marsh's. Those who know how to "shove the quill" also know that Marsh keeps the beat Stationery and Kells It the cheapest In town. No Humbug I ' - It takes u heap ef money to buy Station-cr- y as fast us Mart li is selling it off. Itoclc Island Walking Cultivators, at Den's. One of the mildest and softest snows that ever fell on terra 11 rma. reigned in this locality the depth of on Inch or so. Main Street Will not somebody take the contract to grade Main street this sprlngf If it Is not done this spring, no one can blame property owners If they fence up our present road to the.west. . If all who see the necessity of the work would invest tlO in bonds, the work would be clone. Some pLin must be de- vised to do this work this Spring. , Hanbo bit Zeeh, Merchant Tailors, 53$ Main street, have Just received a fine assort- ment of Gent's Piece Goods to which they In- vite the attention Of the public. They are No. 1 Tailors. . Michael Barcdy has several thousand Cottonwood Sprouts for sale cheap. Those wishing to purchase these "young giants of the forest," will do well to c&U early at the Red Store of Small d: Bell. . j . . ; ; The Closing; Exercises of the Winter Term of our Hl.li School will take place to- morrow. 'Class' examination through the day. : The patrons of' the school will d , well to attend and witness the summing up of the teacher's labor. Shellenberger Bro's will receive a large and heavy stock of Hardware, Tinware and goods In their Una generally, by the steamer II. S. Turner. Th?ir Xacllitle for buying are Buch that their customers unite in the verdict that as good articles cannot be bocght for less money anywhere else. Go tothem for Hard-war- s traeri'Jy.-- . i - - All tiie Lew iJid most desirable Styleg of Hats can be Keen at F. E. Johnson & Co's fresh from Boston, the "Hub of the Universe.' T save all kinds of wry face at borne, bay your wilting paper- - of A. D. Marsh's, at the City Hook Store. Pencil Sharpeners at Marsh's, with which every child can sharpen their slate pencils without any annoyance to the Teach er, and olitain perfectly true points. Call In and see for yourselves, little ones. i What Harsh hasn't got for sale, new and fresh, you'll find '"two miles abova." National Readers Just received at the Low Priced Book Store of A. D.'iTarslt For Fresh Garden Seeds 0 to J. K. TefL Occidental-T- he oldFeiinsylvanlnIIou.se under the management of Aaron Mylan has been refurnished and fitted up and will here- after be known as th Oocldental Hotel. Trav elers wanting good accommodations will make a note of this. See Card. The Qns tton Is often asked, "II?w it U that Marsh always has the best writing paper for ailef" The answer. is given when it is said "when. Marsh buys he gets the best In the market." Then the question comes up "how can it be sold as cheap as an inferior article at other places?" The whole thing Is settled when It Is understood that M&rsu. does not wish to "Drug" too much with promises that cannot be filled. Entertainment The High School Lite- rary Association will give an ntertalment Monday evening, March 23th, for the purpose of raising funds to purchase a School Librar-r- y. "The Lost Children," a beautiful play in five acts, recently performed, with great suc- cess by the Schools of Boston, Mass., will be performed. Let no one fall to witness this beautiful play. There will be a pleasing var- iety of Dialogues, Declamations, Charades, Tableaux and Music. Let the School room be full to overflowing. . Tickets can be obtained at II. C. Lett's MeCreery fc Nlckells, Post Office and of members of tine Association. The Soiree given to the citizens of Brown- vllle by Mrs. J. M. Graham and her class in music is highly spoken of by those in attend- ance. Having neither money or tickets we were left out In the cold. 7! 7 :?'AY Any paper or periodical furnished at Pub- lisher's prices. Call around and get a paper or book to-sui- t .all circumstances In Ufe, Books for the old, the young, the gay ; hymn books of all kinds; bible of a'-l- ze and binding. We do not say that we defy compe- tition ; but we invite the same. "Come one, come all ; this rock shall fly from it firm base as soon as I." This last quotation I got from, the "Lady of the Lake." Splendid thing. To be found and for sale at Marsh's, Do You Want Furniture Do you want Upholstery ? Do you want good, durable ar- ticles when cm buy? . Of courso you do! Who ever saw anybody that di 1 not ? Well, In a feMr days McFalffc Co.'s stock vCI be here, and from the bills shown us, it will be the mosfmagniilcent lot of goods of the kind ever opeded in this city. A. J. Mc7ll the mechanic of the. firm will not sell an Infe--J rior article; nnd he says ho will never buy anything cheap to gain custom with. See their new stock before you purchase. Hannaford it, Hughes have made prepa- rations la their Warerooms, No. 72, second floor, McPherson Block, for the reception of their new stock of Furniture, which will eclipse all their former, shipmeuu. The! furniture is deservedly popular, and their ng trdt U such that- - they are forced to immediately erect a new building to get a sales room equal to their wants. ThelrSprlng stock Is coining en the steamer II. 8.' Turner, and will be opened perhaps by the lime this is read. GlvetBem a call. - ' He who undersells Marsh in price and quantity in Pens, Taper or Penholders, we areauthorised to say can have his best and only hat. Come-on-, ,. . , - :. , yf The Sales of the great Dry Goods house of Field, Loiter & Co., for 1863 were $10,419,200, ex- ceeding that of any other house In Chicngo about i3,0u0,000; a forcible illustration of what fair dealing, based on a cash system will ac- complish. ' ' Harsh finys he la old Stationer's son, and is somewhat of a t tatlonest himself. 1 w. The' Best Ink at Marsh's." ' Catarrhof thenose being in frequent com- plication with Aural and Conjunctival Ca- tarrh, has procuTel an appa- ratus for Its successful treatment bya new method. City references erxn le given, For Sale or Rent A House. Enquire of W. S. Blackburn. ..... ICtlbourct, Jenkins fc Co. Manufac- turers and Vr.ol'-sr.i- and Rctsll In .ill kinds of iln.i LumSer, Lath, 'Shlugls Pickets, I'.llr.ds, Doors, Battens etc, Otlicean i LumlerYsrd, corner 4th nnd Main s recta. Branch Yard at Plielps City, Missurl. V.'e rnftnu!'iicture our own msterial in the Pineries of Os.ikonh, WLs.j where we have in operalr'n ruecf the largest mannfacturies of everyUiirs vxade in Vino in the world, and our Lumber direct from the tree, as we do, we can sell at lower rate than any Lumber Yard in tlie West w'nK'h pnvs-on- vt i k ' v'.e and rac or two retr.i. prxclis. 'We Kh.il i iwnys fcwp onliand luil tsnrn'r Ct cvryt i!rsr irt nsr llr., sn fh.it thso in want myelwayw reljr cpoi Kettinir xrhnt they de- sire. We fcimyt&k ail to ermine our tock and prices Lei j! - piirch?isiii elsewhere, as we can ensure sauiacuoa in ooui. Gan ? Plows At Tis lcl's. Itaa l Scrapers At Tlsdfl's. II. C. Lett, Land Agent, Brownvllle. Kentucky Elu Ci&ss at Lett's Drrj Store. riorrifon Broadcast Seeders, fcr saleby F. A. Tisdel &. Co. Rtwdebaker tVagons, sold and warrant- ed, by Suiuil & BelL - Iloekford Broadcast Seeders and Cult- ivatorswith Grass seed Attachment for sale by F. A. Tiadel &. Co. Pekin BreaklnsPlows 20T.& & Co's make, for sale by J. C. Deuser. Highest market price paid for wheat, oats, corn, &c, by Bedford & Hundley. - $1200 Dollars and Epes I See ad- vertisement of American Shuttle Sewing Ma chine in our advertising columns, Knhn it Haine's Premium Grain and Keed in-Ill- , with W. H. Nauman's Improve- ment, for sale by F. A. Tisdel A Co. ' Organs Burdett's, from $110 tofXX); Ma- son & Hamlin's, tT5 to J amk3 R. Dye, Brownvllle. AVm. II. Hoover, Real Estate and Insu- rance Agent, is prepared to make out all pa- pers ne-ssar- y to the conveyance of Real ins- tate. Onice Court Room, Brownvllle. The attention of our readers is called to the advert iscment of Coe's Dyspepti Cure In another psut of this paper. Ttris truly valu- able medicine is recommended by oil who use it. Read the certificates. - . Cole's Patent StalU Cutter, which has taken the premium ut all fairs where exhib- ited, la the most compIU? machine of the kind now in use. Man u.'ctu reel by Parlln & Orcndoff, Canton, 111. 1 or sale by S.. ;.tVli?VSiS.Vl BlUM..' McPherson L.iock, Brownviile, 2 ..bv" The Beloit Feed" 51111,' "so favorably known throughout the couutry, is without doubt, the best feed mill of ita kind extant. It works by a sweep, dispensing "with ony other power, and considering its rapidity in grinding, makes It the cheapest and most profitable Mill to buy. For sale by F. A. Tis- del, Jr. & Co. McDlll's Patent Corn Stalls Cntter has been greatly improred since its first in- troduction, and having overcome all obsta- cles and difficulties, It is pronounced to be the most etrctive Stalk Cutter in the market, striking a much heavier blow than anj- - other machine mado. For sale by F. A. Tisdel & Co. Tha Canton Clipper Plow is one of the most perfect Plows now made anywhere. The steel is tempered to admitof the keenest edge, and hardened by a new and improved process that ensures their scouring In the mr.t dimwit soil. No attempt at immlta- - tion or competition has yet been able to pro-- f luce anything equal to me genuine biauouru Canton Clipper Plow, for sal by tha . . SUEI.LKNBiiGE LSM. Having Purchased 31 Ills in the Pineries of Siirrlnuw, Michigan, with one Million Feet Dry l ine Lumneron nana, n mis comrnira me to procure larger rrounds for ray Lumber Yard. Therefore I bave rented the lots on the comer of First rul Water stn-et- a, where I shall put one of the la-",- ett stock of Lumber, Doors, Winds, Sash, etc., west of th Missis- sippi, and every 'ly knurs, or shall iv now, tlmt the Saiilnaw Lumber is far superior to anv other Lumber. Call and see me before purchasing else- where. ' ' (One block from River.) BELL, LOW ELL & SMALL, . 12-- tf Red Store. Furst andBradley's Snlkcy Hay Rake Tho only really practical aid successful rake is acknowledged to have no equal, and can truly be called the King of all Raket,' It numbers Its friends nearly fcy ten thousand, and not one of them disaiisled,nor one rake ever returned. It is more simple In its con- struction, has no superfinltSea, and not liable to get out of order. It is very easily opera- ted, as a boy twelve years of t go can work it with perfect ca-'j- e. On rough ground it" far excels all others, bexsmse it U constructed in such a manner that the whole weight of the hea1 with twenty teeth rests orrjiny one boib, and the teeth, by having a durable coll above, aro inuch stronger end more tlf f tlc than others; and. in conwnence oflhla itr will rake or bunch np whero no other jake can and Is strong enough to rake cornstalks off the field, for which purpose many of these rakes bave been sold, and they give entire satisfaction. Sold by F. A. Tisdel, Jr., & Co, IIAIIOH1T Has received his slock of Spring Cloth iutr. and it must be admitted that It Is a fine assortment of goods, all of good materi al, well mada, and fashionable; Those desir- ing good fsishionabie suits, should patronize Marhon. He has also- a choice assortment of piece goods, and is as good a tailor as ever drew a thread. Also, an assortment of Hats, all styles; and Gent's Furnishing Goods, comprising, among other things, some of the finest Linen Shirts weeveraaw. Don't fail to coll on Marhon. SPECIAL KOTICES. - -- From IH'CIir. f Ti!sr.nsatory of the United Rtnlp. . iJl(..lA C'JIJiNATA-liCC- UU LEAVES, Pkofkhttks. Their odor Is stron?, diffusive, and somewhat sroniatic, their taste buieru-h- , and aaale-ron- s t mint. ' i ..... , Ukiik il PnoPKATTii'S iND Usks. Buchn leaves sr e'ently umulanl, wieli a peculiar temleacy to Us Urinary OrKn. They are Kiven Iri complalntaof the Frlnary Or- gans, such us Gravel, Chrome talurrh of the islander Morbid Irriiation of the Biadderund Crelti, Uiseaa-e- s of the Prostate (iland. and Retention or Inconti- nence of Urine, from a low of tone In the parts con- cerned in ita evacuation. The remedy has also bnen recommended in Dyspeiwla, Chronic KheiuuatUiu, Cutaneous AHectious.aiid I'roiwy. IlKi.MBoi.u'a Extract Euchu Is nsod by per- sons from the aees of 1 to and from 35 u5., or In theduchneor t hfiiiireof life; after Confinement or Labor Fains ; lied-Wettin- g in children. In affections ro females, tiie Extract Bu-ch- n rs nmrqualed by any other remedy, as In Cldoro-si- s, irr ltetentioti, Irres;ulHrity, Paintulness or Snp- - reHion of t;iisto!Fiary Evacuations, Ulcerated or chiwous State of the Uterus, Lencorrhea, or Whites DlHKASKrt r THK KLAMER,KlnNKY, GRAVEL, and iiRopsrcAL bWKLLiNos. litis niediciite the power of Dicostlon, and excite the Into healthy action, by which the Watery or Calcareous detKisitions, and ail Unnatural Enlarge- ments are reduced, as well as Pain and Intliimution. IIsclxwilk's Exktact Bithd has cured every rawat UiHoetes, In which It hh been given. Irri- tation of the Neck, of the Bladder, and Inflamma- tion of the Kidneys and Bladder, Retention of Urine Dumus of the I'rtwtate (Jland.KLonein the Bladder Calculus. Gravel, Brick -- Dust, Deposit, and Jlncus or Jiilkv Discharge, and for enfeebled and delicate constitutions, of botb sexes, attended with the K symptoms: Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Lots of Memory, Dillictilty of Brivuhinir, Weak Nerves, TremMing, Horror of l)isea., Wake-ftilne.-- Dimness of Vision, Pain In the Back. Hot Hands, FlushiiiK of the Ki(dy,-Dryiiso- Uie Sltln. Ervj-tio- on th Face, Pallid tVxtntRniwice, Univer- sal Lassitude of the Musculnr System, Ac Hki.mboi.d'h Extract Hrcim Is Diuretic and Blood hurifyine.and cur all Diwwiw arinm from babitHOf dinKipHtion, excess and imprudenc in life, iineuritiea of the Blood. tc, sniierwdunc Cotibo In LJt.-t;;i- lor whic h iiuro,iiuch as Uonorrho-a- , uiectsor tonsr sianoinp, anfj riypnuiiic Atieoiions In tliorte disi-a."-- , used la Cenuc-cU- a with ilxiM-Boi.u'- n Ew Wins. - ... fvjld by all Dmi'L-ist- s and donlers everywhere. Ba-wre- counter:Vit.-4- Ask ftjr Heimbold's. Take no other. Price fl.i'i per botti'S. or C bottles tor ii.Sa Delivered to any address.- Descritiesytnrtoms in ail communications. A1r!n H. T. TI ErHTinTrv SK Broadway, 'N.Y, t,lf NONE ARK (iK.MlSE unlew done np la d wrapper, wita iac-simi- ol n)y Chetn-ic- al Warehouse, aud s:gued maeh-i- H. T. IIELMBOLD. Lretare to Tonne Men. Just published In a se&ied Envelope, Prk-- e tlx cents. A l ecture on the na-- t'ire. treatment, and radii-j- j cur f Fnertnatorrhfr orHeminnl UmWdm 4 - Invnlnnt.rT .. . - . - p!miuiinn. . .... . . r,i..l rt.j.,t' 1. - Ky, and Impefiiments to Marriage ipeneraily 0numptlon, Epilerwy, and i'it; Mental and l'hvsv! r'iltiiti? from Keif-abu- se c-- Bv ROBEH r J. CrLVEI'.WELL, il.D . At tnor of the Oreen Book," c. The world renowned autbor, in this ad mtr&ble XjH ture, clearly proves from hi own experience that the awlul consequences ef Self-abus- e mav be eTito-aii- y removed without medtcin, and without dan-rero- surp'eal operations, bougies. liitruDintH rinirs, crconln-ls- . pointins out a mode of creatonce certain and eilecuial. by which every uif-re- r. no matter what btscotulitton may be, Dmvetir hii:iself cheaply, privately, and radically. 'liiis LtcrunK WILL I'ltOVK A iMJH TO TiXOL'SAlinS AJil i'UOU-SAMV- S. Se-- under snl. to anv eddress. In plain sc:-Jo- enyeU-iK- , on the receipt of six cents, or two postuse stamp-- . AIhu. Dr. Cuiverweil's "Marriage Guide," pr.ee 5 centti. Address the pub !Lbers. Chas.5. C. Xi.ixe Co.. ' . -y . 1C3 Bowery, Kew York, V. O. fjfS. ' BH4e nnd Utrldexraam. Tm&s for youn? mdn on the intereatinif relations of Brides-Tno- to Bride lu the Inst-mtio- f Marriage. A ui'le to the matrimonial f!irttr,-a- true ha Sectfcy ran'.l In nn-.- l U i:er envelope fte of char?- - AUirs HOWARD ASbOCIATtaS, lioxl' PUiaitlt'lj-Lia- , Feiur. - , LUy vCUU -- dJ JL11&3J I I fog a ten rar AX, TO .r.. COOUSPr.ED'S GOLDEN FOUJETAIN, . IX FLEXIBILITY. DURABILITY, I Ucicc:rcdtene:3 and Hccncmy 11 IT WaiTllS 100 LINE? AT GE Llt AT' wiio e tl.e-T- i win use no other. Tbcy w equljy w ell .. I.it.u-- to Uie war.uiof U writer, end never ful to c:ve perfect swi 'action. !1 0 pr av piirr.-iie- l to agents tn sii ttieM peits and otot-'- l ariielea we fnrt ish. Boxes z' renU by n.!. Single sinr:ei, ! t,, Cin.nbini&ee. AUUIC3S 11. 1 UC Mi t KXl., I lS-S- a 113 Chambers bt, Eo3te-n- , Miss. AO 4 A. iS, f t X j O .J'. ii lift H J : It ! MlC Ssr : it. S I lUts 35 : I M i 'I -- - lK - M I ) PS - -- 3 H h ..::. Vj ' NO. GGIAIN STEEET DiiowrsnLtc, scchasha. 14-3-m CHARLES NEIDIIART & CO., . Manufactnrers of Italian and American Harbla MONUMENTS, Tam! 8toacs, Talle Tops, Manrles, &e. Main Street, between Xth and 7th, S n O W X VI LL E XF.H11A8KA. nvlng located permanently in this city, we shfcil keep oa hand such' a stock as will supply ail th demands of Southern I"ebraslia and JVorlU- - 20-- 4t ALL WOIiir WARRANTED. v. : ' AGENTS WANTED FOR Secrets of the Great City. A Work Descriptive rf the VIRTUES and the VICJVi, the MISTER IKS, MISERIES - CMIIES of A'ew York York City. IF YOU1 wish fb know how Fortunes made and lost in ndav; how Shrewd Vfnn ...Mil.iul In ll., M . . - . . . nHreswinaiel dt s.larrjers; bow Ministur and Mer cr.antsare t5!acKmllea: how Jiance Hulls andCon Cert SaliKins are Marmtred; how (taoiblinc; llou.i ana lotteries are nilucteI; how Ht-v- and Oil ompanies onjinnte and iiow!h Bubbly hursi-rej'.dt- hia worx. It cinta;n fin enravirps tHls ail about the Sfysteriis nnd Crimes of YorR, and Is the spiciest and cheapest work of the jciuu puniisueu. Price Only $2,75 per Copy. Send for Circtlars nrdsnK ora vekms. and tiill dPrTlrtion of the work. Addre-s- JO'KS li JtU 1 eu, c?t. LiOUlS, MO. H ATTTTn?T Inferior works of similar charac-vil-U ilwil ter are beln r circulated. Bee that the book you tmy couUujis .j line engravings and seu a 35, 7 , itr copy . AGENTS WANTED FOR THE SIGHTS AHD'SECRETS OP THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. A WORK DESCRIPTIVE OF ik WASHINGTON CITY : iU hich and its low life; munificent public edi'Slces; biiiden mys teries; viiionK'S ana corropTiuris; me inwie worn: InKSOf thotiovarument; aulhiwlnsr bow money is squandered , w public s!rvaats ijerrurm their truMs; how rim are manned: how ;:iri;Uu are black-maile- d ; Uowciunierf uin lcarriHlon ; and all about feinala lobby nienilTH, ladyclerk:, &c. It Is txmutifully lilustriited, and Is the spiciest, mont thrilling, ftiiterUiuiuir. Instructive, and siartllng book of theaaj'. .'tH.'nd for circulars, wltli terms, c Address JONKS, J UN KIN & CXI., 1S7 South Clark btreet, C'tiicago, u. N SIIELLEnO EHGER OHfl'S -- : .Ho. 74, ..- - Blcriicrjiofj's IJIocIi. : ' Sola Agents In Southern Nebraska Atchison and Holt .. . . Covtnty, Mo., for the i 1 ' REAPER AiTD IIOVER. TKE BEST IN THE VGRLD ! ! . AL SO P PLIPPEil UflTO.l I ILOVS THE BEST PLO W NO W MADE! HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAI7 HAIR nEFIEUJEn Is tlje only perfected and scientifically prepared preparation of it3 kind ever offered to the public, and Las no competitor GRAY in merit. By its uso GRAY HAIR b soon HA'IE restored to its original .13 .v. youtLful color" and bril- liancy, ITS "which is bo much 0B1GHAL admired by all. Persons whose hair is thin or falling COLOR, out "will, by tho use of our FE3:0IES Reneveroon see its good effects, as, by its ionic and ctJmrtitlnnr nrnrinrtiei tlx. liilU i 1 ill hair elands will be incited AD and the hair grow thick ISA andstronccatrain. Incases at Baldness it 'will creato a new growth unless the WMS. follicles are destroyed. It TBI is cooling, and allays all itching and irritation of ONE the scalp. It does not stain the Bkin as do dyes, but AD makes the Ecalp white and frrfTntrTiv r'clean. As a DRESSING it is tho best and most -- .HP economical preparation in THE the world, a3 its effects last so much longer. Send THIN for our Treatis3 on tha LOCKS l.hair, free to all, by mail Sold by all Dru; gists and Dealers in Uedicias.' coo.t, coDunn & co. Geal Ageata far Hcrti-TTest- ra States, 87 XZRZ02.:i SXHIHT, CUCAC 3,1X1. Sold by . . . SIcCRECriY & JTICIiKLI., CITl' DRUG STOKE, . - ' r I'rriwtivilln. r h coo:c,CG3unn&co. 3ArtauUuirittd to rtcrivt JActr-tUemen- lt I.. for thU paper, si oar lowed rate, and art Agr.nU f trail JVVicjh. ) jht$ intheCS. and Ttmtoria. r ! VERTISEi" to'cvf CLOTIimG, (NO BH0DDY), U now oTcred to the rubllc at J. S. HETZEL'S A4 9 10 ZlTCtt liO !ft ft afcaaMsf tftUsl aklfl W to tiiolctcrcstcf Cie?;!:?; v my CLOTTIINQ, (mada cadsru yTn supervision) exclusively for casb, I can sll as low? If not lowr, than any i TT.ATT u ta Town r Coacty. I beg toeftH yonr LARGE A1W XVJZUa ' s .' ' elrted stock of HATS, CAPS, 13 OO TO, SHOES, Gent's Furnishing Goods, as can bo FOUHB IN THE WEST. Here 1 a chance for the best bantfcln.s, as I have no dead stock on hand, all being entirely new. Toe public are Invited to call a& ex- amine for tbemsalvs, .J a"", r s wher erefythiEs in tli CatLLr-I'- -i cr.a to Us I tiJS THE SPRING TRADE 01 jL 0 kJ 0 a Many iferckontt uho hare, in Vu cold VAnltr day, tonple time to UoJ o tt their ttoekt and their books, and balanet Ui their etc wind how muck Vy ore actually trortA, will, no doubt, cunt to the eonctu-si- o VttXt they want to make more, and have more of the "NEEDFUL," c the tlote of 13. Tb srrriv for Htalth U eminently proper, ttnd fid U the allot icho en do it, tn the matt honorable manner, with die least erpemiiiare, complication, vrrlr.g trouble, and r lrf-tn- g tart. To do bvtinet profltaUy and pUnta-nlty- , a Jfrrehmnt hat to otttrte (Vm rulet, ' 1st. 2b buy th m C 0 0 T) o I Attho EIGHT PEICI3!! At tha EIGHT TIIIEl!! 2d. To meet hit cbligationt punctually, "paying prompt" plead for the interest of that Herehant with the eloquence of a Daniel Webster, lil. Tb cut down kit expenses, at "a dollar saved T a dollar araed," mnd it enable one to tell to much cheaper. We speak inpraUe of those rules, for v have tried them, amdtitd them to be the ixly meant to a ruccetsful mercantile career. BEHOLD I We are not occupying m grand up-to- Brick, trith shetvctjvilof WirUer Slxi, but are eom-- fortaUe housed at . ' 27 XIaia Ctrcot, Between Levoe and First, PRICE RE GTJIsATOR. Onr hco Jtoort or heavily laden uHlh mtott dtttroMe goods, consisting cf Dress Goods Hosiery and Gloves, Emsrti derles, Wlal to Good, IS aitflkc re kiefs, ShJrt Fronts, Collars Suspenders Trlmmlnzs, Bt?ttons, Zephyr Wool and). Woolen Yarns, Corsets and Kklrt, Coat's and Clark's Threails, American Best Soool Cottons '. of which we have all numbers and colors, csTwing anfi tnioroiaery tiiis. Wallets' Parses, liutnings it TapsTnmmlnRi,-6Ur- . Crochet 4 Skirt Brai.id,' . Alpaca Braids, sod a fnt) Hri of Bilk, iiilan a ixl Alabama Braid. a ml iLxs o r BBBHJIDE CLOTOIBC AND FtntiaSHING GOODS. IJf T1CT. eV iw) that brtwntm t tt SW rtn trAw-- tuts been pMrchatrd fir CAS J, to Vte try teM eutvnntnoe, and will be soid ni a vry mux.'i adrmnrt to Caxb and lrm?t fnylne t"D'fn rs. uyu-a- vi?-- w. opr. tee respectful,? trivrit U merer ehrrUftrd atm to mate Uvtr transauicnt mitt w tmUk ornmatt amA pleasant. CLOTHirm m dhy goods I?rlco Xle;7nlatcr; ' Xo. Jam Sired, Stttue.'i tJiit'e afA First, BEO ivy V1LLL 'SZBliASKA. SKinfeli'i. ilSPM.H. Ujlinsg Us Jcr cleruriss uriU receive prcrrpl ai!sr.iUint szii crc invoiced cl Lie tame price as if ptrzrxzl'j szlzclcd. 17-t- X . .V w r"s, ' " 'fc ., . .. . Ha vn to just rr;c::iv;.r all t' ? i. ryr'-- - -y f ' t -- I t a s r. i i ( : 4 1 '' C ..'-- J, Ut i fc- -i L. I ..: , D003LE dl:o;;d con:i nov; la's sou. 1 !:e f . n;a ii wtfre u,..c- - iied, arid S;;t--i I. t t.'.t--- . Ves rmi i to cr:?. tot. t- - v -- v - - i e : b r f ed 1 I 1 at Tj Sit J id it V r: V. t J. II. EHASO", rUauudar, Ons Doer West of Cocrt IT ?lsc. maclit-fl- m I' N . Cndsr ti.fniar.aie-.-.-- .t tf Ittwr Li .t.. B?- - ;Ur .. ii- : 2 r. . '.. v I' 1' ' ; ot tis Cwiiicil w.u- -i sii , i '. i l, Two Mile frtu Ero"-svi;:- s . Njrtit i.jf rsrry Lai;- Cool Cm2tiLusse3. Close Coiaectoar 30--tf CiarDJ ZLlTxi-- . cffAfts-- o. ixr.r.v. tuoar s w, tov.-z- Atfy at La-- . Cm C. & Q. "Vr. 13 C . , REAL ESTATE AGEIiTS A.'3 E cal crs in Lr.nd Yr.rr: " HayasJ Sell lc:ii aal ATTEND TO CONTESTED C.VSI' IN 7112 U. S. LAND OFFICE, ANI PY TAXES. A largo qtta.!.ity of Firt Cl.a tor sale In NeraaV.a, niehurern, rawnf, and Cage CctmtJ?, Nctnttki. tDwIi'eh the attention of purchasers 13 Invi- ted. 05c3-SE0T71I- VIItE, II ITraiicIi J. II. SHOOK & I3R03.. Manufactr.rersarid IValcn in Native Lnmbr of ail kindJ, lengths, breua'.iis and UiiciUi-at- , AT 1 1 1 j, jj fs x -- V n. x: , imiAii'A couirrr, rm;r..,.r,T:A. Thy own and ran oneof the best Saw Mi".'. In the fct&te; cad will arL3l with a Mil of Lumber of bot iillty, o short notice, at the Lowest ilirkct l'riot. Always on' hat 1 for saV.-- ; Thev also Ke'.l cheup at Urr stoxS la Hills- dale all Kt.pie Lry j.ja. an i Groctrloji, and such articli-- a as ero in t'-no- use. ileinemhcr ti.-- e bu!int'. tiie men, ar.d the place. My JOHN L. CA11SO.Y, BANEEE, BROWXYILLE.. ...........XERI!A SJxA Exchange Bought and Ho) t on ell the f rln-eip- al cities. AUo dxsler in Gold and fcuivt Colo, Gold Dust arnf Govziiirrizirr ro:rr3. Dcpoh!t3 rocrived, pavshle atsUht. Ii)tT-cK- t paid oa tlmi deposit, by pci.il aree-inea- t. Taxes paid lut nm-reidi;u- t. All kiftUH of U. a. Lvmi wanted. AVM. II. VALLUAU, and Vholcsala and Retail Dealer in 7XirE3 AITB LXQUGnS, Keeps con-stantl- ou hand a ft irock of all klud at ITativo and ZTorcIn ITinca BIIAIIDT, T722ISinra . i. ALKO, afjllstuckof CIGARS AND TOBACCO All of which be oTrrsto tl)r'irfo st rste hrw enough to stut ail. To tiiono Lii!iors and rs rN .! - He extetKl a lal Invitation to call and i t!m. la the Vi ttti ami cua A SAMrU2 ROOM IN TILS XLEA.lt, A Snprlltd with tne chofc-v- st brn5a cf Wines, ILfacrs itc, aCC ryRL-- S LUNCH AT ALL L'OlUVil Van MVai4wa,' b NO. 09, Corner Zl&la aacl Zi. ZtreiU. fc it And. mi Eenl-- r ia Fancy Goods and Ilotion Which she will sell at rwwiT-,ftK- i nri,- - She 1. constant'? la rectlyt of New aiid f.r Drcca arid Cloak Ualdnr, ta which ttt pays particular aVtUsttlca. Flat!" St. ,"r'.t- - lZt dina ta or Icr. lock SEiiiiiG r.iAc::i:::: i Aw-arii- l ilo at all the pilitci; 1 Fairs ia ito - i: t Ilr. ery JlAchlaa wrr.iitl fr tLrtro jt-- r. I a. structiOE3 frfc. CFFICE-- AT Till TAIA';.

Transcript of J.J'. all MlC Ha '' Ssr it. lUts 'I - Nebraska...

Page 1: J.J'. all MlC Ha '' Ssr it. lUts 'I - Nebraska Newspapersnebnewspapers.unl.edu/lccn/sn84020109/1869-03-25/ed-1/seq-3.pdfUu way otmjj, X!, Lead, Wall l'npcr,And espee-Wl-ftaat. 'VadlverwTwo-Hors-e


rrrsOOPAL. flcrvV-c- firry Panflay evening,jionnnr wrvic e --T ..y.

eiervw-i-- thrnuvh t ) (.f Lent SB follows t

TrenlnS iTnyer on V fciiU Fridays, st 4

lturm Uoly Ww-k,- or the ltst wi tr of Lf-n- t,

vrnine prayr at lu.' o'ciotk a. eveu.ng prayerLi 4 o ci t r. m.

On to"d Friday full morning service and ser- -

Wl ht ptJUlC Invited ti tnd.iikJJ. PL DAVIS, Ilactor.

. ccfi'' of t';e Arvr rtiseb for sale byL i). Uakkh, t Oty Look Mitb.

i MniMMnMlllirarMnranrMfwnrnrnnriiMMMir-T-Ti- i iiiwi

LOCAL MATTERS.f . It. Colkapp, Editor.'


Onton S-- at Swan t Urotber's.

Cinutd ools, at Swau & Brother's.

Hasnin and Beans, at Small & Bell's.

Beat KstiorT Cheese, atftwan &. Ero.'S.

Wagons and Sardines, at 8 mall &. Bell's.

Look. to Tour Interest. IUiyyour DrugEt Lett's.

Choice Fall IVUeat Flotr, at Swan fc


Sw ( tot It of Qoeensware and Glassware,at Sma.ll A Bell's. - r

Sew IVall Paperfor 15 cents ft bolt, at theCity Truz Btore.

CrtUi rf-.-u cnl frir Cured I tem.ARinaUAliell.

Ladles Look at those nice Hats and Notion st Hendersons.

fcsaekrd Tsasnti and Smoked Halibut,Small A Be ll's.

fcasslsaere Salts, well and fashionablymade, al Grant's. He sells nothing but No. 1


A Tbss1 and One choice articles, tootedious to mention, can be seen at Swan &


For Sale. A Cottage and two of the most(desirable residence Lots in the city. Enquire'at this office.

ixeworal'ortcr Brown bave removedtheir Law Ofiee to the second floor, overRalney Lewis' store.

J. V. D. Patch Is dally receiving his springetock.of Clock, Watches, Sliver Ware, etc.Call in at No. Z2. Main street, tvnd feast your


As the frost Is going out of the ground wcnotice great Masses of m beve caved Infrom the sides of tho deep cut on Atl&ntlo

"treet- -

Ths Kasocte and Old Fellow's BuildingAjMociatloa are putLIng matters connectedwltli helr Hall building, with considerablecelerity.

Oreem Apples were peddled out of wagonson wtr streets last Friday at $3,25 per bushcLWe are not In the wilderness near so much aswe were ten years ago.

. TaeFlrt Beat of the season the Col-

umbia landed at our Levee last Tuesdaymorning. disgorging a vast amount of goodsfur our merchants.

Grant's Kew Cabinet hftS'brocightfrbontthe low rlftes now faund at II. C. Lett's, InUu way otmjj, X!, Lead, Wall l'npcr, Andespee-Wl- ftaat.

'VadlverwTwo-Hors- e Cora Han ter thegreatest Improvement of tke e, and thebest and mo.t available Corn FUnler In usetyf sale by F. A. Tisdel, Jr., & Co.

Go to IV. F. Wilson's, if you want goodbargains, as he Is going to close out his flockof food by tho lUa day of A prJL Aey oneowing anything will please call and settle.

XV. XV. Hackney keeps constantly onhand as choice a stok of Groceries as can bebad In this city; as well a a beautiful stockof Ladle's Fancy Dress Goods and Notions.

Tke workmen are at work erecting Ben-

son's Blacksmith shop arid Double DiamondFlow Factory, corner of Third and Waterfltrects. If a good machine Is appreciated Inthis community, Mr. Reason must flourish.

Last T stead ay four Otoe Indians amusedor cltlr.ens very profitably by shooting at

five cent pieces, at atllstance of about twentyyards. They usually brought down the coinIn at out a dozen shots. Indians and younggrasshoppers are sure Indications that springIs at hand.

J. C. He taught on has received the ap-pointment of Notary Tubllc, and can befound at all times at Carson's bank. The ap-pointment Is one that reflects credit upon theappointing power, and will confer a benefitupon this com m unity, as be makes a good re-

liable officer.

W. II. Ilawlcy, of the Glen Hock Mills,has placed us under great obligations for aha!f-ac-k of spring wheat Hour ground atthose mills, which for quality is fcddom ex-

celled in this country. They manufacture aNo. 1 article of flour, and theirs is a standardbrand wherever It is known.

Tha Western Stage Company, we learnthrough Mr. Wheeler of that company,template putting on a daily line from thispoint to Tecumseh, Beatrice and FawneeCity, and the Hue is to be so stocked up with-in a few weeks. A daily mall will naturallyfollow. It will enure to the profit of bothcompany and community.

Grand Serenade The Metropolitan Sil-ver Cornet Band serenaded several of ourcitizens last Monday night, making the airmelodious with a concord of sweet sounds.For the number of instruments engaged,they make as good music as we ever heard.The sarenaders, we understand, were forciblyreminded of the "hard-clda- r days" of 1840.

Ilaak , Arnsltage, In to-da- paper, in-cite the public to call and examine theirchoice supply of staple and fancy Groceriesand Provisions. They have a No. 1 stock, andre prepared to sell at wholesale and retail, at

figures that defy competition. Farmers, stepdown there with your produce; you will findthem gentlemanly and pleasant to deal with.See advertisement.

Excavating Is being pushed forward vig-orously on Main street. Tim McLaughlin isexcavating the half lot this side of the Bazar ;A. Robinson is having the lot next to Dr.Thurman's office dug out, and D. II. Mc-Laughlin will soon have his half lot Just westof Deuser's Tin shop dug down to grade. AlltSieee parties contemplate the erection of bu-st&- eat

booses this season.

Personal J. S. Hetxel has returned fromSTew York, where he has been laying In amammoth stock of Spring and SummerClothing.

D. M. Shellenberger has returned from hisbusiness and visiting trip, and looks well.If you recognize him at the first glance, youan have our new hat. Shellenberger Pro's

111 have a rousing stock of hardware, ie., onsoon.

Sam! Star, of the Price Regulator of thiscltr, returned Monday Ituit, looking muchImproved In health. He reports matters com-paratively very dull ecft. He says he hasnde a --ten strike" in laying In his stock oflry Goods and Clothing, and predicts a greatdecline In Fancy and Staple Dry Goods andClothing, so look out, ye in want of any-ltii- ng

In this line.W. Hackney went At for more goods

yesterday. He ciU up cfenrr than any mer-eh- nt

in the city, arrf usually is the first to"itrodace the latest novelties.

CPL a. Emmon, arul Mr Tboideparted yesterday for St. Lculs, The

Sims CUgaSed 10 ttalw. U1P 101,16

tTnesdsy evening wereceived art-- from

chai!, lD8 lmrne" General Mr- -

Smith p. TnttiA a.1, v avenue Assest- -'

K- - Tuttle ;


Princeton Flows At Ilannoas Holt-tlnger- 's.

Private raellca til, read Dr. YTfcJttlcr'sadvertisement. .'

Princeton V'oyi er .1 Ircu Ltari Tlors atEmmons & Koltzingcr's.

?Iore JIIIU Customers V.'anted by B: B.Thompson, Erownvlile Dairyman.

Dr. Iltiiiberlln U In te elty, I repared Iotreat all diseases of the Eye and E; J.

A fall assortment of fell kinds of Plows,HarrowB.etc, for sale at F. A. Tisdel's.

The latest covltli?" in tb e!ry grv.ls linereceived daily at Hay's Price liegulator, 27

Main street.

A full assortment of improved Yoke Shirtswell made of bett material fit guarantee!at Iletzcl's.

As the living must bury the dead, re sug-

gest to t he living to call bn McFaU fc Co., andexamine their s'ock of fchronds:

For the litest styles of Clothing, wait forMay's new stock, which will lie bpenr-- d at theregulator within ten days.

Millinery Goods New spring stock, la-

test styles, Just received, atMrs.Tef;'s Milli-nery shop, 33 Main street. Call, ladles, andsee them.

I will, from and after April 1st, occupyNo. 15 Main street, between Levee and First,where I invite my friends to 6ee me.

CriAS. llELMEtt.

At Shcllenbcrger Bros, may be ccn asample M.vh!rerf r-rli- Walking rnMratnr. hU'U U ROW t .rz t. '? 1 ral v:,c;everIt Is known. Ordtrs tken end promptlyfilled.

II. C. Lett la now prepared to do a wholesale and lobbing business to all Dm g Stores Inthe interior, having received and In transitthe largest stock in his line ever brought tothis market.

II. O. Lett Is now prepared to mjll Station-ery of all kinds, at lower prices. In any quantity, than they can be bad anywhere else,west of the Mississippi ; and we can warrantthe stock No. 1.

W. A. Peloelc. Assessor fbr BrownvlllePrecinct, requests the resident property own-ers thereof to call on him at Judge Morgan'sofflce previous to April Sd.and give hlin a lldtof their taxable property.

Seedling Peacb.es; I have a large quan-tity of Seedling Peach Trees, l'yc&r old,which I will sell at 10 cents each, or (SO perthousand. Also, fill vaxletlos of Grape, inany quantity. E, V. Ft'iijtas.

Good lUaJl... Stn. are now prepared to furnlKh p wd building stone, In anyquantity. Alo, t ' Stone, Bases for Mon-

uments or Ton.:.. . WU-- TuLIea, eUx,fnrnbbed oa sl.C:t t:.il 'ioribLleterras HJltAjrcs & Yakxjet.

If irr man toeiiks dtsrepectenl of theFlag, shoot hint eiown. Ges. Dix, .Yw YorkCity.

If any Hum even hints Stationery, tell Lirathat 'Marsh, kecf.8 the best and cheapest.Books at Marsh's. Slates at Marsh's. Inksthat are good, made good by Its properties,not by blowing and gas, at Marsh's. !

Gray Eagle ICllleOWWm. Valleau, whileout hunting last Friday, killed a Gray Exigle

Just below Nemaha City. R. C Eerier,-wh-

was with him, fired at the bird flrt, and Val-le- na

thinks crlrrled itslhjhtly, when Vol-lo- u

fired and brought it to the ground. Itmeasured 6 feet 8 Inches across tlic wings. ItmcbtLavebeen a noble looking bird whilealive, and would make a splendid showing iftuSVdby an expertat thebuslnes. - ;

J. 8. Hetxel has now In store a most com-plete aasorttuent of all styles of Hats, nisstock cf Spring Clothing Is magnificent, andhlsllneof Gent's Furnishing Goods is as fullas can be found west of the Mississippi. WekcowJIetaei; you know HeUtVand all knowlletr.cl, to be a splendid man to ded wlth,le-lngstralghtforwo- rd

and honest. He has tintone price, and but one plain, candid style ofdoing business. Goand tr him.

Kew Style Hats may be seen on most anyfashionable head in the city; and the stylesvary greatly, from the stove-plpcdow- n totheround-crowne- d, flat-topp- ed, and pointed-toppe- d

Grant felt hat ; and of all these decidedly the neatest hat can be found at nill &

Co.'s, whose assortment comprises the beststocked standard 6tylos that are in the city.We speak from experience, for througli thekindness of Theo. Hill we have the pleasureof wearing as fine a felt hat as ever was felt.Go and see them.

The Land Seeker, the lot seeker, thehouse seeker, the speculator, the renter, Inf;wt If you eek anything In the way of agood Investment, a livelihood, or information as to this Land District, our serious andcandid advice is go, or write, to Chas. E. MoPherson, Real Estate Agent of this city, niscircle of choice lands to sell, and informationIn regard to the lands district, is dally widen-ing, so that he can give you the very bestebsiws tor Investment in the market. He isthoroughly reliable and straightforward Inall his dealings.

Through friend Star, of the Regulator;Just returned from a trip cast, we learn of apainful accident to David Slgcl, well knownIn this community as one of the best heartedmen that ever did business In this city. Whilewith his family on the Pan Handle Railroadfrom Baltimore to Cincinnati, the car theywere in became detached and was precipita-ted over an embankment of forty feet, Mr.Siegcl had his shoulder blade dislocated, andwas considerably bruited otherwise, whileMrs. Sigel brought offa black eye and otherbut not serious bruises. - :

Teare sV Co. have received their stock ofSpring goods, and they are both elegant andsubstantial. They have a full line of Ladle'sDress Goods, comprising the latest modesknown In the east, and of the prettiest patterns. Mr. Teare who has ministered to tuewants of this community in the mercantiledepartment for the past twelve years personally selected this stock, and can vouch forIts being No. 1 throughout. Their stock ofboth dry goods and groceries is now full andcomplete i and If you wjh most anything, itwill pay you to drop in at Teare 4 Co.'s, CO

Main street. " '

Hill & Co. give our readers, through ouradvertising columns to-da- y, a faint Idea ofthemngniflcenec of their stock, ttslcg o fullcolumn lr statement of the quantities only;it would tak six for a description of thebeantics of stylo and quality of their vnststock. Few of our readers but understandthe advantage of going where they can selectfrom a full stock of all kinds of goods, andall know that great advantages can be offeredby a firm who purchase so largely and forcash. This firm and their foods are firstclass, and no plcasantcr men ever lived todeal with. Go and see their goods, whichthey are always ple-ase- d to show to alL

The Lewis Brothers Grand SoireeMystlcalle The only entertainment ofthe kind now traveling In. the UnitedStates, will commence at McPherson'K Hallon Thursday, Friday and Saturday, MarchZSth, 20th and ZTth. We heartily recommendthis soiree as being first . .oku s, tind cjlewell worthy of patronage from the cultivatedclasses, as their performances are out of thegeneral routine, being composed of new andoriginal Feats, Music, Songs, and a combina-tion of selections never before presented inthis part of the country; Introducing grandvlslonery scenes, beautiful allefrorical trans-formations, Uluminary tableaux vlvant.anl productions of magnificence and gorgeouscplendor, preeeu UkI with ros'Jjr parapherna-lia and costumes cf darling array, excellingeverything of the kind ever potton up by any,other traveling organization. TLe old an Ioriginal Italian "Ole Eairf::. A. Ferrcllo.lsnow with this troupe, and will appear eachevening with his speciality, lie violin, andIntroduce his celebrated comprie as !rr- -dered by hira at NiMo's Car.'-- ar.-- tt Pur-num- 's

American Jl.eura, in U.eclty cf NewYork. Leo Eddie, Harpist, who stands with-out a rival, will also appear. Let fvrfy onebe prepared, nnd witness one of the most re-

fined and select entertainments ever given lathis city.

Ctii!Ir,Vs Cft";ii ,nlG!is, Piano Stoclsetc., Jri-- it -.-. : Ved i.t MeFJl A Co's' Eat'ts C fehoe, pool, Curt-'-l- e; fuhlona-tl-e

fend cheap for s.i.h at Grant's.

CIU &n& paints, Glass end Putty, atDen'a.

HocltIiIs.il a El ,ht and Left Hand Plows,at De-n'-s. .

Crown's Illinois Corn Planters, at Den's.

Boston tuid Chicago Custom Made ShoesJust received by F. E. Johnson Sr Co.

FresU lot of Slates at Marsh's.

Those who know how to "shove thequill" also know that Marsh keeps the beatStationery and Kells It the cheapest In town.No Humbug I ' -

It takes u heap ef money to buy Station-cr- y

as fast us Mart li is selling it off.

Itoclc Island Walking Cultivators, atDen's.

One of the mildest and softest snows thatever fell on terra 11 rma. reigned in this locality

the depth of on Inch or so.

Main Street Will not somebody take thecontract to grade Main street this sprlngf Ifit Is not done this spring, no one can blameproperty owners If they fence up our presentroad to the.west. . If all who see the necessityof the work would invest tlO in bonds, thework would be clone. Some pLin must be de-

vised to do this work this Spring. ,

Hanbo bit Zeeh, Merchant Tailors, 53$Main street, have Just received a fine assort-ment of Gent's Piece Goods to which they In-

vite the attention Of the public. They are No.1 Tailors. .

Michael Barcdy has several thousandCottonwood Sprouts for sale cheap. Thosewishing to purchase these "young giants ofthe forest," will do well to c&U early at theRed Store of Small d: Bell.

. j . . ; ;The Closing; Exercises of the Winter

Term of our Hl.li School will take place to-

morrow. 'Class' examination through theday. : The patrons of' the school will d ,

well to attend and witness the summing upof the teacher's labor.

Shellenberger Bro's will receive a largeand heavy stock of Hardware, Tinware andgoods In their Una generally, by the steamerII. S. Turner. Th?ir Xacllitle for buying areBuch that their customers unite in the verdictthat as good articles cannot be bocght for lessmoney anywhere else. Go tothem for Hard-war- s

traeri'Jy.-- . i - -

All tiie Lew iJid most desirable Styleg ofHats can be Keen at F. E. Johnson & Co'sfresh from Boston, the "Hub of the Universe.'

T save all kinds of wry face at borne, bayyour wilting paper- - of A. D. Marsh's, at theCity Hook Store.

Pencil Sharpeners at Marsh's, withwhich every child can sharpen their slatepencils without any annoyance to the Teacher, and olitain perfectly true points. Call Inand see for yourselves, little ones. i

What Harsh hasn't got for sale, new andfresh, you'll find '"two miles abova."

National Readers Just received at theLow Priced Book Store of A. D.'iTarslt

For Fresh Garden Seeds 0 to J. K. TefL

Occidental-T- he oldFeiinsylvanlnIIou.seunder the management of Aaron Mylan hasbeen refurnished and fitted up and will here-after be known as th Oocldental Hotel. Travelers wanting good accommodations willmake a note of this. See Card.

The Qns tton Is often asked, "II?w it U

that Marsh always has the best writing paperfor ailef" The answer. is given when it issaid "when. Marsh buys he gets the best In themarket." Then the question comes up "howcan it be sold as cheap as an inferior articleat other places?" The whole thing Is settledwhen It Is understood that M&rsu. does notwish to "Drug" too much with promises thatcannot be filled.

Entertainment The High School Lite-rary Association will give an ntertalmentMonday evening, March 23th, for the purposeof raising funds to purchase a School Librar-r- y.

"The Lost Children," a beautiful play infive acts, recently performed, with great suc-

cess by the Schools of Boston, Mass., will beperformed. Let no one fall to witness thisbeautiful play. There will be a pleasing var-iety of Dialogues, Declamations, Charades,Tableaux and Music. Let the School room befull to overflowing. . Tickets can be obtainedat II. C. Lett's MeCreery fc Nlckells, PostOffice and of members of tine Association.

The Soiree given to the citizens of Brown-vllle by Mrs. J. M. Graham and her class inmusic is highly spoken of by those in attend-ance. Having neither money or tickets wewere left out In the cold. 7! 7 :?'AY

Any paper or periodical furnished at Pub-lisher's prices. Call around and get a paperor book to-sui- t .all circumstances In Ufe,Books for the old, the young, the gay ; hymnbooks of all kinds; bible of a'-l- ze andbinding. We do not say that we defy compe-

tition ; but we invite the same. "Come one,come all ; this rock shall fly from it firmbase as soon as I." This last quotation I gotfrom, the "Lady of the Lake." Splendidthing. To be found and for sale at Marsh's,

Do You Want Furniture Do you wantUpholstery ? Do you want good, durable ar-

ticles when cm buy? . Of courso you do!Who ever saw anybody that di 1 not ? Well,In a feMr days McFalffc Co.'s stock vCI behere, and from the bills shown us, it will bethe mosfmagniilcent lot of goods of the kindever opeded in this city. A. J. Mc7ll themechanic of the. firm will not sell an Infe--J

rior article; nnd he says ho will never buyanything cheap to gain custom with. Seetheir new stock before you purchase.

Hannaford it, Hughes have made prepa-rations la their Warerooms, No. 72, secondfloor, McPherson Block, for the reception oftheir new stock of Furniture, which willeclipse all their former, shipmeuu. The!furniture is deservedly popular, and their ng

trdt U such that- - they are forced toimmediately erect a new building to get asales room equal to their wants. ThelrSprlngstock Is coining en the steamer II. 8.' Turner,and will be opened perhaps by the lime thisis read. GlvetBem a call. - '

He who undersells Marsh in price andquantity in Pens,Taper or Penholders, weareauthorised to say can have his best andonly hat. Come-on-, , . . , - :. , yf

The Sales of the great Dry Goods house ofField, Loiter & Co., for 1863 were $10,419,200, ex-

ceeding that of any other house In Chicngoabout i3,0u0,000; a forcible illustration of whatfair dealing, based on a cash system will ac-

complish. ' '

Harsh finys he la old Stationer's son, and issomewhat of a t tatlonest himself.

1 w.

The' Best Ink at Marsh's."

' Catarrhof thenose being in frequent com-plication with Aural and Conjunctival Ca-

tarrh, has procuTel an appa-ratus for Its successful treatment bya newmethod. City references erxn le given,

For Sale or Rent A House. Enquire ofW. S. Blackburn. .....

ICtlbourct, Jenkins fc Co. Manufac-turers and Vr.ol'-sr.i- and Rctsll In.ill kinds of iln.i LumSer, Lath, 'ShluglsPickets, I'.llr.ds, Doors, Battens etc,Otlicean i LumlerYsrd, corner 4th nnd Mains recta. Branch Yard at Plielps City, Missurl.V.'e rnftnu!'iicture our own msterial in thePineries of Os.ikonh, WLs.j where we havein operalr'n ruecf the largest mannfacturiesof everyUiirs vxade in Vino in the world, and

our Lumber direct from the tree,as we do, we can sell at lower rate than anyLumber Yard in tlie West w'nK'h pnvs-on-

vt i k ' v'.e and rac or two retr.i. prxclis. 'WeKh.il i iwnys fcwp onliand luil tsnrn'r Ctcvryt i!rsr irt nsr llr., sn fh.it thso in wantmyelwayw reljr cpoi Kettinir xrhnt they de-sire. We fcimyt&k ail to ermine our tockand prices Lei j! - piirch?isiii elsewhere, as wecan ensure sauiacuoa in ooui.

Gan ? Plows At Tis lcl's.

Itaa l Scrapers At Tlsdfl's.

II. C. Lett, Land Agent, Brownvllle.

Kentucky Elu Ci&ss at Lett's DrrjStore.

riorrifon Broadcast Seeders, fcr salebyF. A. Tisdel &. Co.

Rtwdebaker tVagons, sold and warrant-ed, by Suiuil & BelL -

Iloekford Broadcast Seeders and Cult-ivatorswith Grass seed Attachment for saleby F. A. Tiadel &. Co.

Pekin BreaklnsPlows 20T.&& Co's make, for sale by J. C. Deuser.

Highest market price paid for wheat, oats,corn, &c, by Bedford & Hundley. -

$1200 Dollars and Epes I See ad-

vertisement of American Shuttle Sewing Machine in our advertising columns,

Knhn it Haine's Premium Grain andKeed in-Ill-

, with W. H. Nauman's Improve-ment, for sale by F. A. Tisdel A Co.

' Organs Burdett's, from $110 tofXX); Ma-

son & Hamlin's, tT5 toJ amk3 R. Dye, Brownvllle.

AVm. II. Hoover, Real Estate and Insu-rance Agent, is prepared to make out all pa-pers ne-ssar- y to the conveyance of Real ins-

tate. Onice Court Room, Brownvllle.

The attention of our readers is called tothe advert iscment of Coe's Dyspepti Cure Inanother psut of this paper. Ttris truly valu-able medicine is recommended by oil who useit. Read the certificates. -


Cole's Patent StalU Cutter, which hastaken the premium ut all fairs where exhib-ited, la the most compIU? machine of thekind now in use. Man u.'ctu reel by Parlln &

Orcndoff, Canton, 111. 1 or sale byS.. ;.tVli?VSiS.Vl BlUM..'

McPherson L.iock, Brownviile, 2 ..bv"

The Beloit Feed" 51111,' "so favorablyknown throughout the couutry, is withoutdoubt, the best feed mill of ita kind extant.It works by a sweep, dispensing "with onyother power, and considering its rapidity ingrinding, makes It the cheapest and mostprofitable Mill to buy. For sale by F. A. Tis-

del, Jr. & Co.

McDlll's Patent Corn Stalls Cntterhas been greatly improred since its first in-

troduction, and having overcome all obsta-

cles and difficulties, It is pronounced to bethe most etrctive Stalk Cutter in the market,striking a much heavier blow than anj-- othermachine mado. For sale by F. A. Tisdel &


Tha Canton Clipper Plow is one of themost perfect Plows now made anywhere.The steel is tempered to admitof the keenestedge, and hardened by a new and improvedprocess that ensures their scouring In themr.t dimwit soil. No attempt at immlta- -tion or competition has yet been able to pro--fluce anything equal to me genuine biauouruCanton Clipper Plow, for sal by tha


Having Purchased 31 Ills in the Pineriesof Siirrlnuw, Michigan, with one Million FeetDry l ine Lumneron nana, n mis comrnirame to procure larger rrounds for ray LumberYard. Therefore I bave rented the lots on thecomer of First rul Water stn-et- a, where Ishall put one of the la-",- ett stock of Lumber,Doors, Winds, Sash, etc., west of th Missis-sippi, and every 'ly knurs, or shall iv now,tlmt the Saiilnaw Lumber is far superior toanv other Lumber.

Call and see me before purchasing else-where. ' '

(One block from River.)BELL, LOW ELL & SMALL, .

12-- tf Red Store.

Furst andBradley's Snlkcy Hay RakeTho only really practical aid successful

rake is acknowledged to have no equal, andcan truly be called the King of all Raket,' Itnumbers Its friends nearly fcy ten thousand,and not one of them disaiisled,nor one rakeever returned. It is more simple In its con-

struction, has no superfinltSea, and not liableto get out of order. It is very easily opera-

ted, as a boy twelve years of tgo can work itwith perfect ca-'j- e. On rough ground it" farexcels all others, bexsmse it U constructed insuch a manner that the whole weight of thehea1 with twenty teeth rests orrjiny one

boib, and the teeth, by having a durable collabove, aro inuch stronger end more tlf f tlcthan others; and. in conwnence oflhla itrwill rake or bunch np whero no other jakecan and Is strong enough to rake cornstalksoff the field, for which purpose many of theserakes bave been sold, and they give entiresatisfaction. Sold by F. A. Tisdel, Jr., & Co,

IIAIIOH1THas received his slock of Spring Cloth

iutr. and it must be admitted that It Is a fineassortment of goods, all of good material, well mada, and fashionable; Those desir-ing good fsishionabie suits, should patronizeMarhon. He has also- a choice assortment ofpiece goods, and is as good a tailor as everdrew a thread. Also, an assortment of Hats,all styles; and Gent's Furnishing Goods,comprising, among other things, some of thefinest Linen Shirts weeveraaw. Don't fail tocoll on Marhon.



Ti!sr.nsatory of the United Rtnlp.. iJl(..lA C'JIJiNATA-liCC- UU LEAVES,

Pkofkhttks. Their odor Is stron?, diffusive, andsomewhat sroniatic, their taste buieru-h-, and aaale-ron- s

t mint. ' i ..... ,

Ukiik il PnoPKATTii'S iND Usks. Buchn leavessr e'ently umulanl, wieli a peculiar temleacy to UsUrinary OrKn.

They are Kiven Iri complalntaof the Frlnary Or-gans, such us Gravel, Chrome talurrh of the islanderMorbid Irriiation of the Biadderund Crelti, Uiseaa-e- s

of the Prostate (iland. and Retention or Inconti-nence of Urine, from a low of tone In the parts con-cerned in ita evacuation. The remedy has also bnenrecommended in Dyspeiwla, Chronic KheiuuatUiu,Cutaneous AHectious.aiid I'roiwy.

IlKi.MBoi.u'a Extract Euchu Is nsod by per-sons from the aees of 1 to and from 35 u5., or Intheduchneor t hfiiiireof life; after Confinement orLabor Fains ; lied-Wettin- g in children.

In affections ro females, tiie Extract Bu-ch- n

rs nmrqualed by any other remedy, as In Cldoro-si- s,

irr ltetentioti, Irres;ulHrity, Paintulness or Snp- -reHion of t;iisto!Fiary Evacuations, Ulcerated orchiwous State of the Uterus, Lencorrhea, or WhitesDlHKASKrt r THK KLAMER,KlnNKY, GRAVEL,

and iiRopsrcAL bWKLLiNos. litis niediciitethe power of Dicostlon, and excite the

Into healthy action, by which the Watery orCalcareous detKisitions, and ail Unnatural Enlarge-ments are reduced, as well as Pain and Intliimution.

IIsclxwilk's Exktact Bithd has cured everyrawat UiHoetes, In which It hh been given. Irri-tation of the Neck, of the Bladder, and Inflamma-tion of the Kidneys and Bladder, Retention of UrineDumus of the I'rtwtate (Jland.KLonein the BladderCalculus. Gravel, Brick --Dust, Deposit, and Jlncus orJiilkv Discharge, and for enfeebled and delicateconstitutions, of botb sexes, attended with the K

symptoms: Indisposition to Exertion, Lossof Power, Lots of Memory, Dillictilty of Brivuhinir,Weak Nerves, TremMing, Horror of l)isea., Wake-ftilne.--

Dimness of Vision, Pain In the Back. HotHands, FlushiiiK of the Ki(dy,-Dryiiso- Uie Sltln.Ervj-tio- on th Face, Pallid tVxtntRniwice, Univer-sal Lassitude of the Musculnr System, Ac

Hki.mboi.d'h Extract Hrcim Is Diuretic andBlood hurifyine.and cur all Diwwiw arinm frombabitHOf dinKipHtion, excess and imprudenc in life,iineuritiea of the Blood. tc, sniierwdunc Cotibo In

LJt.-t;;i- lor whic h iiuro,iiuch as Uonorrho-a- ,

uiectsor tonsr sianoinp, anfj riypnuiiic AtieoiionsIn tliorte disi-a."-- , used la Cenuc-cU-a with ilxiM-Boi.u'- n

Ew Wins. - ...fvjld by all Dmi'L-ist- s and donlers everywhere. Ba-wre-

counter:Vit.-4- Ask ftjr Heimbold's. Take noother. Price fl.i'i per botti'S. or C bottles tor ii.SaDelivered to any address.- Descritiesytnrtoms in ailcommunications.

A1r!n H. T. TI ErHTinTrv SK Broadway, 'N.Y,t,lf NONE ARK (iK.MlSE unlew done np la

d wrapper, wita iac-simi- ol n)y Chetn-ic- al

Warehouse, aud s:guedmaeh-i- H. T. IIELMBOLD.

Lretare to Tonne Men.Just published In a se&ied Envelope,

Prk-- e tlx cents. A l ecture on the na--t'ire. treatment, and radii-j- j cur fFnertnatorrhfr orHeminnl UmWdm4 -Invnlnnt.rT.. . - . -p!miuiinn.. .... . . r,i..l rt.j.,t'

1. -Ky, and Impefiiments to Marriage ipeneraily0numptlon, Epilerwy, and i'it; Mentaland l'hvsv! r'iltiiti? from Keif-abu- se

c-- Bv ROBEH r J. CrLVEI'.WELL, il.D . Attnor of the Oreen Book," c.The world renowned autbor, in this ad mtr&ble XjH

ture, clearly proves from hi own experience thatthe awlul consequences ef Self-abus- e mav be eTito-aii- y

removed without medtcin, and without dan-rero-

surp'eal operations, bougies. liitruDintHrinirs, crconln-ls- . pointins out a mode of creatoncecertain and eilecuial. by which every uif-re- r. nomatter what btscotulitton may be, Dmvetir hii:iselfcheaply, privately, and radically. 'liiis LtcrunKWILL I'ltOVK A iMJH TO TiXOL'SAlinS AJil i'UOU-SAMV- S.

Se-- under snl. to anv eddress. In plain sc:-Jo-

enyeU-iK- , on the receipt of six cents, or two postusestamp-- . AIhu. Dr. Cuiverweil's "Marriage Guide,"pr.ee 5 centti. Address the pub !Lbers.Chas.5. C. Xi.ixe Co.. ' .

-y . 1C3 Bowery, Kew York, V. O. fjfS. '

BH4e nnd Utrldexraam.Tm&s for youn? mdn on the intereatinif relations of

Brides-Tno- to Bride lu the Inst-mtio- f Marriage.A ui'le to the matrimonial f!irttr,-a- true haSectfcy ran'.l In nn-.- l U i:er envelope fteof char?- - AUirs HOWARD ASbOCIATtaS,lioxl' PUiaitlt'lj-Lia- , Feiur. - , LUy

vCUU -- dJ JL11&3J I Ifog a ten rarAX, TO .r..


Ucicc:rcdtene:3 and Hccncmy 1 1

IT WaiTllS 100 LINE? AT GE LltAT' wiio e tl.e-T- i win use no other. Tbcy wequljy w ell .. I.it.u-- to Uie war.uiof U writer, endnever ful to c:ve perfect swi 'action. !1 0 pr avpiirr.-iie- l to agents tn sii ttieM peits and otot-'-

l ariielea we fnrt ish. Boxes z' renUby n.!. Single sinr:ei, ! t,, Cin.nbini&ee.AUUIC3S 11. 1 UC Mi t KXl.,

I lS-S- a 113 Chambers bt, Eo3te-n- , Miss.

AO 4 A. iS,

f t X j

O .J'. ii lift H

J : It ! MlCSsr : it. S I lUts35 : I M i 'I -- -lK - M I)PS - -- 3

H h ..::. Vj '

NO. GGIAIN STEEETDiiowrsnLtc, scchasha.



Manufactnrers of

Italian and American Harbla

MONUMENTS,Tam! 8toacs, Talle Tops, Manrles, &e.

Main Street, between Xth and 7th,


nvlng located permanently in this city, we shfcilkeep oa hand such' a stock as will supply ail thdemands of

Southern I"ebraslia and JVorlU- -



Secrets of the Great City.A Work Descriptive rf the VIRTUES and the

VICJVi, the MISTER IKS, MISERIES- CMIIES of A'ew York York City.

IF YOU1 wish fb know how Fortunesmade and lost in ndav; how ShrewdVfnn ...Mil.iul In ll., M . . - . . .

nHreswinaiel dt s.larrjers; bow Ministur and Mercr.antsare t5!acKmllea: how Jiance Hulls andConCert SaliKins are Marmtred; how (taoiblinc; llou.iana lotteries are nilucteI; how Ht-v- and Oil

ompanies onjinnte and iiow!h Bubbly hursi-rej'.dt- hia

worx. It cinta;n fin enravirpstHls ail about the Sfysteriis nnd Crimes ofYorR, and Is the spiciest and cheapest work of thejciuu puniisueu.

Price Only $2,75 per Copy.Send for Circtlars nrdsnK ora vekms. and

tiill dPrTlrtion of the work. Addre-s- JO'KSli JtU 1 eu, c?t. LiOUlS, MO.

H ATTTTn?T Inferior works of similar charac-vil-U

ilwil ter are beln r circulated. Bee thatthe book you tmy couUujis .j line engravings andseu a 35, 7 , itr copy .



A WORK DESCRIPTIVE OFik WASHINGTON CITY : iU hich and itslow life; munificent public edi'Slces; biiiden mysteries; viiionK'S ana corropTiuris; me inwie worn:InKSOf thotiovarument; aulhiwlnsr bow moneyis squandered , w public s!rvaats ijerrurm theirtruMs; how rim are manned: how ;:iri;Uu areblack-maile- d ; Uowciunierf uin lcarriHlon ; andall about feinala lobby nienilTH, ladyclerk:, &c. ItIs txmutifully lilustriited, and Is the spiciest, montthrilling, ftiiterUiuiuir. Instructive, and siartllngbook of theaaj'. .'tH.'nd for circulars, wltli terms,c Address JONKS, J UN KIN & CXI., 1S7 South

Clark btreet, C'tiicago, u. N


-- : .Ho. 74, ..--Blcriicrjiofj's IJIocIi.: ' Sola Agents

In Southern Nebraska Atchison and Holt.. . . Covtnty, Mo., for the


1 '


. A L S O



HAIR nEFIEUJEnIs tlje only perfected andscientifically preparedpreparation of it3 kindever offered to the public,and Las no competitor

GRAY in merit. By its usoGRAY HAIR b soonHA'IErestored to its original

.13 .v.youtLful color" and bril-

liancy,ITS "which is bo much

0B1GHAL admired by all. Personswhose hair is thin or falling

COLOR, out "will, by tho use of ourFE3:0IES Reneveroon see its good

effects, as, by its ionic andctJmrtitlnnr nrnrinrtiei tlx.

liilU i 1 ill hair elands will be incitedAD and the hair grow thick

ISA andstronccatrain. IncasesatBaldness it 'will creatoa new growth unless the

WMS. follicles are destroyed. ItTBI is cooling, and allays all

itching and irritation ofONE the scalp. Itdoes not stain

the Bkin as do dyes, but

AD makes the Ecalp white and

frrfTntrTiv r'clean. As a DRESSINGit is tho best and most

-- .HP economical preparation in

THE the world, a3 its effectslast so much longer. Send

THIN for our Treatis3 on thaLOCKS l.hair, free to all, by mail

Sold by all Dru; gists and Dealers in Uedicias.'

coo.t, coDunn & co.Geal Ageata far Hcrti-TTest- ra States,

87 XZRZ02.:i SXHIHT, CUCAC 3,1X1.

Sold by . . .

SIcCRECriY & JTICIiKLI.,CITl' DRUG STOKE, . -' r I'rriwtivilln.

rh coo:c,CG3unn&co.

3ArtauUuirittd to rtcrivt JActr-tUemen- lt

I.. for thU paper, si oar lowedrate, and art Agr.nU ftrail JVVicjh.

) jht$ intheCS. and Ttmtoria.




CLOTIimG,(NO BH0DDY), U now oTcred to the rubllc at


A4 9 10 ZlTCttliO !ft ft

afcaaMsf tftUslaklfl W

to tiiolctcrcstcf Cie?;!:?; v

my CLOTTIINQ, (mada cadsru yTnsupervision) exclusively for casb, I can sll aslow? If not lowr, than any i


u ta Town r Coacty. I beg toeftH yonr


' s .'' elrted stock of


Gent's Furnishing Goods,as can bo


IN THE WEST.Here 1 a chance for the best bantfcln.s, as I

have no dead stock on hand, all being entirelynew. Toe public are Invited to call a& ex-

amine for tbemsalvs,


a"", r s

wher erefythiEs in tli CatLLr-I'- -i cr.a to

Us I tiJS


jL 0 kJ 0 a

Many iferckontt uho hare, in Vu cold VAnltr

day, tonple time to UoJ o tt their ttoekt and their

books, and balanet Ui their etc wind how muck Vy

ore actually trortA, will, no doubt, cunt to the eonctu-si- o

VttXt they want to make more, and have more of

the "NEEDFUL," c the tlote of 13. Tb srrriv forHtalth U eminently proper, ttnd fid U the allot icho

en do it, tn the matt honorable manner, with die least

erpemiiiare, complication, vrrlr.g trouble, and r lrf-tn- g

tart. To do bvtinet profltaUy and pUnta-nlty- , a

Jfrrehmnt hat to otttrte (Vm rulet, '1st. 2b buy th

m C 0 0T) o I



2d. To meet hit cbligationt punctually, "paying

prompt" plead for the interest of that Herehant with

the eloquence of a Daniel Webster,

lil. Tb cut down kit expenses, at "a dollar savedT

a dollar araed," mnd it enable one to tell to much


We speak inpraUe of those rules, for v have tried

them, amdtitd them to be the ixly meant to a ruccetsful

mercantile career.

BEHOLD I We are not occupying m grand up-to-

Brick, trith shetvctjvilof WirUer Slxi, but are eom--

fortaUe housed at .

' 27 XIaia Ctrcot,Between Levoe and First,


Onr hco Jtoort or heavily laden uHlh mtott dtttroMegoods, consisting cf

Dress GoodsHosiery and Gloves,

Emsrti derles,Wlal to Good,

IS aitflkc re kiefs,ShJrt Fronts,

Collars Suspenders

Trlmmlnzs, Bt?ttons,Zephyr Wool and).

Woolen Yarns,Corsets and Kklrt,

Coat's and Clark's Threails,American Best Soool Cottons '.

of which we have all numbers and colors,csTwing anfi tnioroiaery tiiis.

Wallets' Parses,liutnings it TapsTnmmlnRi,-6Ur- .

Crochet 4 Skirt Brai.id,' .

Alpaca Braids, sod a fnt) Hri ofBilk, iiilan aixl Alabama Braid.

a ml iLxs or



IJf T1CT. eV iw) that brtwntm t tt SW rtntrAw-- tuts been pMrchatrd fir CASJ, to Vte try teMeutvnntnoe, and will be soid ni a vry mux.'i adrmnrt toCaxb and lrm?t fnylne t"D'fn rs. uyu-a- vi?-- w.

opr. tee respectful,? trivrit U merer ehrrUftrd atm tomate Uvtr transauicnt mitt w tmUk ornmatt amApleasant.

CLOTHirm m dhy goods

I?rlco Xle;7nlatcr; '

Xo. Jam Sired,

Stttue.'i tJiit'e afA First,


SKinfeli'i. ilSPM.H. Ujlinsg

Us Jcr cleruriss uriU receive prcrrplai!sr.iUint szii crc invoiced cl Lie tameprice as if ptrzrxzl'j szlzclcd.

17-t- X

. .V w

r"s, ' "

'fc ., . .. .

Havn to just rr;c::iv;.r allt' ? i. ryr'-- - -y f ' t --

I t a s r. i i ( : 4 1'' C ..'-- J, Ut i fc- -i L. I ..: ,

D003LE dl:o;;d con:i nov;

la's sou. 1 !:e f . n;a ii wtfre u,..c- -

iied, arid S;;t--i I. t t.'.t--- . Ves

rmi i to cr:?. tot. t- - v -- v - -

i e : b r f ed 1 I1 at Tj Sit J id it V r:

V. t

J. II. EHASO", rUauudar,Ons Doer West of Cocrt IT ?lsc.

maclit-fl- m I' N .

Cndsr ti.fniar.aie-.-.-- .t tf

Ittwr Li .t.. B?- - ;Ur .. ii- :

2 r. . '.. v I' 1' ' ;ot tis Cwiiicil w.u- -i sii , i '. i l,

Two Mile frtu Ero"-svi;:- s . Njrtit i.jf rsrryLai;-

Cool Cm2tiLusse3. Close Coiaectoar30--tf CiarDJ ZLlTxi-- .

cffAfts-- o. ixr.r.v. tuoar s w, tov.-z-

Atfy at La-- .

Cm C. & Q. "Vr. 13 C . ,


E calcrs in Lr.nd Yr.rr: "

HayasJ Sell lc:ii aal


PY TAXES.A largo qtta.!.ity of Firt Cl.a tor

sale In NeraaV.a, niehurern, rawnf,and Cage CctmtJ?, Nctnttki. tDwIi'eh

the attention of purchasers 13 Invi-ted.

05c3-SE0T71I- VIItE, IIITraiicIi

J. II. SHOOK & I3R03..Manufactr.rersarid IValcn in Native Lnmbrof ail kindJ, lengths, breua'.iis and UiiciUi-at- ,

AT1 1 1 j, jj fs x --V n. x: ,

imiAii'A couirrr, rm;r..,.r,T:A.Thy own and ran oneof the best Saw Mi".'.

In the fct&te; cad will arL3l

with a Mil of Lumber of bot iillty, oshort notice, at the Lowest ilirkct l'riot.

Always on' hat 1 for saV.--;

Thev also Ke'.l cheup at Urr stoxS la Hills-dale all Kt.pie Lry j.ja. an i Groctrloji, andsuch articli-- a as ero in t'-no- use.

ileinemhcr ti.-- e bu!int'. tiie men, ar.d theplace. My



Exchange Bought and Ho) t on ell the f rln-eip- al

cities. AUo dxsler in Gold and fcuivtColo, Gold Dust arnf

Govziiirrizirr ro:rr3.Dcpoh!t3 rocrived, pavshle atsUht. Ii)tT-cK- t

paid oa tlmi deposit, by pci.il aree-inea- t.

Taxes paid lut nm-reidi;u- t.

All kiftUH of U. a. Lvmi wanted.


and Vholcsala and Retail Dealer in

7XirE3 AITB LXQUGnS,Keeps con-stantl- ou hand a ft irock of all klud at

ITativo and ZTorcIn ITinca



. i.ALKO, afjllstuckof


All of which be oTrrsto tl)r'irfo st rste hrwenough to stut ail. To tiiono Lii!iors and

rs rN .! -

He extetKl a lal Invitation to call and i t!m.la the Vi ttti ami cua


Snprlltd with tne chofc-v- st brn5a cf Wines, ILfacrsitc, aCC


Van MVai4wa,' b

NO. 09,Corner Zl&la aacl Zi. ZtreiU.

fc it And. miEenl-- r ia

Fancy Goods and IlotionWhich she will sell at rwwiT-,ftK- i nri,- -

She 1. constant'? la rectlyt of New aiidf.r

Drcca arid Cloak Ualdnr,ta which ttt pays particular aVtUsttlca.

Flat!" St. ,"r'.t- -

lZt dina ta or Icr.

lockSEiiiiiG r.iAc::i:::: i

Aw-arii- l ilo

at all the pilitci; 1 Fairs ia ito - i: t Ilr.ery JlAchlaa wrr.iitl fr tLrtro jt-- r. I a.structiOE3 frfc.