Jing Wang and Shi-ping Yang- Cosmic Duality and Statefinder Diagnosis of Spinor Quintom

  a   r    X    i   v   :    0    9    0    1  .    1    4    4    1   v    1    [   g   r   -   q   c    ]    1    1    J   a   n    2    0    0    9 Cosmic Duality and Statender Diagnosis of Spinor Quintom Jing Wang , Shi- ping Yang College of Phys ics Scienc e and Information Engineering, Heb ei Normal Univer sity, Shijiazhuang 050016, P. R. China Performing in this paper the duality and statender diagnostic for a class of Quintom models of Dark Energy which is constructed by the spinor eld, we study the possible connections among dierent Spinor Quintom models and dierentiate the Quintom dark energy in spinor scenario from the others. A class of evolutionary trajectories of these Quintom models in Spinor eld are plotted in the statender parameter planes. We also nd that the power-law-like potential also plays important role in this class of models from the statender viewpoint. I. INTRODUCTION The re is mount ing datum from type Ia supe rno vae and cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation and so on[1, 2, 3, 4] have provided strong evidences for the present spatially at and accelerated expanding universe whic h is dominate d by dark sector s. Comb ined analysis of the above cosmological observations support that the energy of our universe is occupied by dark energy(DE) about 73%, dark matter about 23% and usual baryon matter only about 4% which can be described by the well known particle theory. In the context of Friedmann- Robertson-Walker (FRW) cosmology, this acceleration is attrib uted to an exotic form of negative pressure, the so- called DE. So far, the nature of dark energy remains a mystery. Theoretically, the obvious candidate for such a component is a small cosmological constant Λ (or vac- uum ene rgy) with equati on of state w = 1, while the cosmol ogic al mode l that consist s of a mixtur e of Vacuum energy and cold dark matter (CDM) is called LCDM (or Λ CDM), but it is at the expense of the diculties associated with the ne tuning and the co- incide nce problems. The inspiration from ination has suggested the idea that dark energy is due to a dy- namical component with one- or multi-scalar elds, such as the Quintessence[5, 6], Phantom[7], K-esse nce[ 8, 9]. However, a posi tive kineti c ter m in the Lagrangian of Quintessence dark energy model may violate the strong energy conditi on. On the othe r hand, the negativ e ki- netic term in Phantom scenario leads to some quantum inst abi lities suc h as the violati on of the dominant en- ergy condit ion, as well as the occurr enc e of the phe- nomenon of Big Rip[10]. There are also other models, including Chaplygin gas[11], braneworld models[12, 13], holographic models[14, 15, 16, 17], and so on, which are resorted to accounting for the present cosmic accelerating expansion. Although the recent ts to the data in combination of WMAP[18, 19], the recently released 182 SNIa Gold sample[20] and also other cosmol ogi cal observ ati onal data show remarkably the consistence of the cosmological  [email protected] constant, it is worth of noting that a class of dynamical models with the equation-of-state (EoS) across 1 Quin- tom is mildly favored [21, 22, 23, 24]. In the lit erature there have been a lot of theoretical studies of Quintom- like models. F or example, motivated from string theory, the authors of Ref. [25] realized a Quintom scenario by considering the non-pe rturbative eec ts of a generalized DBI action. Moreover, a No-Go theorem has been proved to constrain the model building of Quintom[26], and ac- cording to this No-Go theorem there are models which in- volve higher derivative terms for a single scalar eld [27], models with vector eld [ 28], making use of an extended theory of gravity [29], non-local string eld theory [30], and others (see e.g. [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39]). The similar work applied in scalar-tensor theory is also studied in Ref. [40]. Previously, it has been considered that a Quintom dark energy model and its combination with Chaplygin gas uid can be realized with non-regular spinor matter [41]. Interestingly, we nd that this type of model can real- ize many kinds of Quintom scenario with transforming the form of potenti al of the Spinor . To understand the possible combinations among dierent types of Quintom model in spinor eld, in this paper we study the implica- tions of cosmic duality with this class of models. Cosmic duality is a mathematic feature which origins from string cosmology[42, 43] and was later considered to link the standard cosmol ogy and phan tom cosmology toget her, see Re fs. [44, 45, 46, 47]. In Ref . [33], it was pointed out that there is a behavior of dual between the models of Quintom-A and Quintom-B. By studying the behavior of the energy density and pressure in spinor eld we nd a dual of the Quintom-A and Quintom-B. Meanwhile, we realize additional Quintom models by the aid of this property. Since more and more dark energy models have been proposed to explain the current cosmic acceleration, a method to discriminate between the various contenders in a model independent manner was introduced by Sahni in [48, 49]. The new cosmologi cal diagnost ic pair {r, s}, called the statender, is a geometrical diagnostic which is algebraically related to the higher derivatives of the scale factor a with respect to time and is a natural next step beyond the Hubble parameter H ˙ a a and the de- celeration parameter q which depends on ¨ a. In this way, the dark energy can be distinguished more universally

Transcript of Jing Wang and Shi-ping Yang- Cosmic Duality and Statefinder Diagnosis of Spinor Quintom

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a r X i v : 0 9 0 1 . 1 4 4 1 v 1

[ g r - q c ] 1 1 J a n 2 0 0 9

Cosmic Duality and Statefinder Diagnosis of Spinor Quintom

Jing Wang∗, Shi-ping YangCollege of Physics Science and Information Engineering,

Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang 050016, P. R. China

Performing in this paper the duality and statefinder diagnostic for a class of Quintom modelsof Dark Energy which is constructed by the spinor field, we study the possible connections amongdifferent Spinor Quintom models and differentiate the Quintom dark energy in spinor scenario from

the others. A class of evolutionary trajectories of these Quintom models in Spinor field are plotted inthe statefinder parameter planes. We also find that the power-law-like potential also plays importantrole in this class of models from the statefinder viewpoint.


There is mounting datum from type Ia supernovaeand cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation andso on[1, 2, 3, 4] have provided strong evidences for thepresent spatially flat and accelerated expanding universewhich is dominated by dark sectors. Combined analysisof the above cosmological observations support that the

energy of our universe is occupied by dark energy(DE)about 73%, dark matter about 23% and usual baryonmatter only about 4% which can be described by thewell known particle theory. In the context of Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) cosmology, this acceleration isattributed to an exotic form of negative pressure, the so-called DE. So far, the nature of dark energy remains amystery. Theoretically, the obvious candidate for such acomponent is a small cosmological constant Λ (or vac-uum energy) with equation of state w = −1, whilethe cosmological model that consists of a mixture of Vacuum energy and cold dark matter (CDM) is calledLCDM (or Λ CDM), but it is at the expense of the

difficulties associated with the fine tuning and the co-incidence problems. The inspiration from inflation hassuggested the idea that dark energy is due to a dy-namical component with one- or multi-scalar fields, suchas the Quintessence[5, 6], Phantom[7], K-essence[8, 9].However, a positive kinetic term in the Lagrangian of Quintessence dark energy model may violate the strongenergy condition. On the other hand, the negative ki-netic term in Phantom scenario leads to some quantuminstabilities such as the violation of the dominant en-ergy condition, as well as the occurrence of the phe-nomenon of Big Rip[10]. There are also other models,including Chaplygin gas[11], braneworld models[12, 13],holographic models[14, 15, 16, 17], and so on, which areresorted to accounting for the present cosmic acceleratingexpansion.

Although the recent fits to the data in combinationof WMAP[18, 19], the recently released 182 SNIa Goldsample[20] and also other cosmological observationaldata show remarkably the consistence of the cosmological

[email protected]

constant, it is worth of noting that a class of dynamicalmodels with the equation-of-state (EoS) across −1 Quin-

tom is mildly favored [21, 22, 23, 24]. In the literaturethere have been a lot of theoretical studies of Quintom-like models. For example, motivated from string theory,the authors of Ref. [25] realized a Quintom scenario byconsidering the non-perturbative effects of a generalizedDBI action. Moreover, a No-Go theorem has been provedto constrain the model building of Quintom[26], and ac-cording to this No-Go theorem there are models which in-volve higher derivative terms for a single scalar field [27],models with vector field [28], making use of an extendedtheory of gravity [29], non-local string field theory [30],and others (see e.g. [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39]).The similar work applied in scalar-tensor theory is alsostudied in Ref. [40].

Previously, it has been considered that a Quintom darkenergy model and its combination with Chaplygin gasfluid can be realized with non-regular spinor matter[41].Interestingly, we find that this type of model can real-ize many kinds of Quintom scenario with transforming

the form of potential of the Spinor. To understand thepossible combinations among different types of Quintommodel in spinor field, in this paper we study the implica-tions of cosmic duality with this class of models. Cosmicduality is a mathematic feature which origins from stringcosmology[42, 43] and was later considered to link thestandard cosmology and phantom cosmology together,see Refs. [44, 45, 46, 47]. In Ref. [33], it was pointedout that there is a behavior of dual between the modelsof Quintom-A and Quintom-B. By studying the behaviorof the energy density and pressure in spinor field we finda dual of the Quintom-A and Quintom-B. Meanwhile,we realize additional Quintom models by the aid of thisproperty. Since more and more dark energy models havebeen proposed to explain the current cosmic acceleration,a method to discriminate between the various contendersin a model independent manner was introduced by Sahniin [48, 49]. The new cosmological diagnostic pair r, s,called the statefinder, is a geometrical diagnostic whichis algebraically related to the higher derivatives of thescale factor a with respect to time and is a natural nextstep beyond the Hubble parameter H ≡ a

aand the de-

celeration parameter q which depends on a. In this way,the dark energy can be distinguished more universally

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than the model-dependent physical variables dependingon the properties of physical fields describing the darkenergy. We plot the trajectories in the r − s plane cor-responding to these kind of Quintom dark energy model.Departure from the fixed point r, s = 1, 0, for onegiven Quintom model in spinor field, in correspondencewith the spatially flat LCDM scenario provides a niceway of setting up the distance from LCDM.

This letter is organized as follows: In section 2, we in-vestigate the implications of the cosmic duality in SpinorQuintom models of dark energy. In section 3, we applythe statefinder diagnostic to the Spinor Quintom darkenergy models. Section 4 contains discussions and con-clusions.



To begin with the discussion, we consider a uni-verse filled with Quintom dark energy in spinor field[50,51, 52], neglecting the contributions of the componentsof matter and radiation. And we deal with the ho-mogeneous and isotropic Friedmann-Robertson-Walker(FRW) space-time, assuming the space-time metric as

ds2 = dt2 − a2(t)dx2. (1)

In the aid of the dynamics of a spinor field which is min-imally coupled to Einstein’s gravity[53, 54, 55], we canwrite down the following Dirac action in a curved space-time background

S ψ =

d4x e [


2(ψΓµDµψ −DµψΓµψ) − V ]


d4x e Lψ, (2)

Here, e is the determinant of the vierbein eaµ and V stands

for any scalar function of ψ, ψ and possibly additionalmatter fields. We will assume that V only depends onthe scalar bilinear ψψ. For a gauge-transformed homoge-neous and a space-independent spinor field, the equationof motion of spinor reads

ψ +3

2Hψ + iγ 0V ′ψ = 0, (3)

˙ψ +3

2H ψ − iγ 0V ′ψ = 0, (4)

where a dot denotes a time derivative while a prime de-notes a derivative with respect to ψψ, and H is Hubbleparameter. To take a further derivative, we can obtainthe solution of equation of motion:

ψψ =N

a3, (5)

where N is a positive time-independent constant and wedefine it as present value of ψψ.

In this section we study the duality of the Quintom uni-verse with spinor matter1. Firstly, with the Lagrangiangiven by Eq. (2), we review the connection betweenQuintom-A and Quintom-B with the duality which hasbeen studied by Ref. [33] with two fields consists of quintessence-like and phantom-like. Here, we give thenew dualities between the two models. Furthermore, theduality of Quintom model will be extended to the Spinor

Quintom twice crossing −1.In the framework of FRW cosmology, the Friedmannequation reads

H 2 =1

3ρ , (6)

where we use units 8πG = = c = 1 and all parametersare normalized by M p = 1/

√8πG in the letter.

Following the work of Ref. [57, 58] there is a form-invariant transformation by defining a group of quantitiesas follow:

ρ = ρ(ρ) , (7)

H = −( ρρ

) 12 H . (8)

Under this transformation, we obtain the correspondingchanges for the pressure p and the EoS w,

¯ p = −ρ− (ρ


2 (ρ + p)dρ

dρ, (9)

w = −1− (ρ



dρ(1 + w). (10)

Taking ρ = ρ in Eqs. (9) and (10) as an example of detailed discussion without loss of the generality of thephysical conclusion and information, we can get the dualtransformation:

H = −H, (11)

¯ p = −2ρ− p = −V ′ψψ − V, (12)

w = −2− w = −1− V ′ψψ

V . (13)

Consequently, the dual form of Lagrangian reads,

L =i

2(DµψΓµψ − ψΓµDµψ) − V. (14)

Contrasting the Lagrangian derived from Eq. (2) and

its dual form in (14), we may see, with the dual trans-formation, if the original Lagrangian is for a Quintom-Amodel the dual one is for a Quintom-B one, and viceversa. With this property, it is possible that the earlyUniverse can be linked to other epoches of the universe.While from the Eq. (13), one can expect a symmetrical

1 We notice such a duality has been investigated in Ref. [56],however, in phantom cosmology.

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evolutions of the EoS comparing with its dual:(i). there is

V ′ < 0 → V ′ > 0 ,

which gives a Quintom-A scenario by describing the uni-verse evolves from Quintessence-like phase with wψ > −1to Phantom-like phase with wψ < −1;

(ii). there isV ′ > 0 → V ′ < 0 ,

which gives a Quintom-B scenario for which the EoS isarranged to change from below −1 to above −1;

For our detailed discussions, we will consider three kindof special forms of power-law-like potentials and performits semi-analytic solution to present the dual characteris-tics, then we take special form of potentials to study itsnumerical solutions.

In the first instance, we take the potential as V =V 0[(ψψ

−b)2 + c] which can realize Quintom-A scenario,

and the detailed discussion can be found in Ref. [41]. Itsdual form of the solution is a description of universe in thecase of Quintom-B. According to Eq. (5), one finds thatψψ is decreasing along with an increasing scale factor aduring the expansion of the universe. From the formulaof V ′, we deduce that at the beginning of the evolutionthe scale factor a is very small, and so ψψ becomes verylarge and make sure V ′ > 0 at the beginning. Then ψψdecreases along with the expanding of a. At the momentof ψψ = b, one can see that V ′ = 0 which results inthe EoS wψ = −1. After that V ′ becomes less than0, so the universe enters a Phantom-like phase. Finallythe universe approaches to a de-Sitter space-time in the

Quintessence Phase in the future. Accordingly, the EoSof the dual form evolves from the w < −1 and crosses -1by t → 0 from below −1 to above −1 then increases anddeclines finally approaches to the cosmological constantwhen t → +∞. It is shown that either Quintom-A orQuintom-B will avoid a big rip when w < −1. In Fig. 1we plot the concrete picture of this dual pair. One canfind this two models dual to each other rigorously.

In succession, if V = V 0[−(ψψ − b)ψψ + c], one canobtain a Quintom-B model (see Ref. [41]). Take its dualform theoretically given by the above transformation, wecan present the numerical solution in Fig. 2. Clearly,the duality of this Spinor Quintom model show the evo-lutionary picture of Quintom-A.

These two class of models describe different behaviorsof the cosmological evolution with one in the expandingphase while the other in the contracting one depending onthe potential and initial conditions we choose. It is foundthat Quintom model and its dual form are symmetricaround w = −1.

For an extending investigation, we take V = V 0[(ψψ −b)2ψψ + c], which can realize a picture across w = −1twice, for discussion. In Fig. 3, one can see its dual modelthat evolves from its symmetrical side with respect to -1

0 1 2 3 4

- 2 . 0

- 1 . 6

- 1 . 2

- 0 . 8

- 0 . 4


Q u i n t o m - A

Q u i n t o m - B

FIG. 1: Plot of the evolution of the EoS of Quintom-A and itsdual Quintom-B as a function of time for V = V 0[(ψψ−b)2+c].In the numerical calculation we take V 0 = 1.0909 × 10−117.For the model parameters we choose b = 0.05, c = 10−3. For

the initial conditions we take (ψψ)0 = 0.051.

0 1 2 3 4

Q u i n t o m - B

Q u i n t o m - A

FIG. 2: Plot of the evolution of the EoS of Quintom-B andits dual Quintom-A as a function of time for V = V 0[−(ψψ −

b)ψψ + c]. In the numerical calculation we take V 0 = 1.0909×10−117. For the model parameters we choose b = 0.05, c =10−3. For the initial conditions we take (ψψ)0 = 0.051.

and crosses -1 two times and ultimately approaches tothe cosmological constant boundary when t → +∞.

From the above analysis, we may investigate the con-nections among different periods or phases of our universewith the help of this character. As is known that with dif-ferent type of dark energy, the fate of the universe will bedifferent. Our study in this section helps understand theproperties of various dark energy models and their con-nections to the evolution and the fate of the Universe.

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0 2 4 6 8

- 1 . 0 6

- 1 . 0 4

- 1 . 0 2

- 1 . 0 0

- 0 . 9 8

- 0 . 9 6

- 0 . 9 4

w = - 1

FIG. 3: Plot of the evolution of the EoS of NEC satisfiedQuintom model as a function of time for V = V 0[(ψψ −

b)2ψψ +c]. In the numerical calculation we take V 0 = 1.0909×10−117. For the model parameters we choose b = 0.05, c =


. For the initial conditions we take (ψψ)0 = 0.051.

Moreover, the past and future properties can be under-stood by studying the above characters. One applicationof combining these properties together is Quintom-likebouncing cosmology, which has been intensively studiedin Refs. [35, 36, 37]. In the meanwhile, we also realizethree additional Quitom models.



Based on the above discussions, it can be seen thatthere are so many dark energy models proposed to ex-plain the cosmic acceleration, thus how to secern thesemodels become a widely attentional issue. With this re-gards, Sahni proposed a geometrical–constructed fromspace-time metric directly– statefinder diagnostic pairr, s , which is defined as[48, 49]

r ≡...a

aH 3, s =

r − 1

3(q − 1


. (15)

Here q is the deceleration parameter with the definition

q = − a

aH 2. (16)

Accordingly, by showing different evolutionary trajecto-ries qualitatively in the r − s and r − q diagram thisstatefinder pair can distinguish different dark energymodels from the others. Hitherto, some dark energymodels, such as Quintessence, Phantom, the Chaply-gin gas, braneworld models, holographic models, and in-teracting and coupling dark energy models, have been

perfectly differentiated, correlative works have been per-formed by Ref. [59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69,70, 71]. In what follows we will apply the statefinderdiagnostic to three Quintom models in spinor field—Quintom-A, Quintom-B, and the Quintom model cross-ing −1 two times. We will use the form of the statefinderparameter written by pressure and energy density in thefollowing text,

r = 1 +9(ρ + p) ˙ p

2ρρ, s =

(ρ + p) ˙ p

ρρ. (17)

where the energy density and pressure are given by Ref.[41].

Taking components of dark matter and dark energyinto account in a spatially flat universe, we can writedown the Friedmann equation:

H 2 =1

3(ρψ + ρm). (18)

Here ρm is the energy density of dark matter with EoS

pm = (γ m − 1)ρm. Ignoring the interaction between thetwo dark sectors, we can see the energy both of darkenergy and of dark matter are conserved and satisfy itscontinuity equation respectively,

ρψ + 3H (ρψ + pψ) = 0, (19)

˙ρm + 3Hρm = 0. (20)

As a result, we obtain the following expressions,

r = 1 +9

2wψ(1 + wψ)Ωψ +


2w′ψψΩψ , (21)

s = 1 + wψ + w′

ψψ , (22)

and the deceleration parameter

q =1



2wψΩψ, (23)

where Ωψ =ρψρ

is the fraction of dark energy density,

and w′ is the derivative of equation of state with respectto ψψ.

Hereinafter, we will study the statefinder diagnostic forthe Spinor Quintom models with three different poten-tials. Firstly, we discuss the Quintom-A model with theform of potential V = V 0[(ψψ−b)2+c], where V 0, b, c areundefined parameter. In Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, we show thetime evolution of statefinder pair r, s and r, q. Onecan see in r − s diagram the trajectory of this case willbe close to the LCDM fixed point.

Next, the trajectories of Spinor Quintom-B model withpotential V = V 0[−(ψψ − b)ψψ + c] will be plotted.In numerical calculations, we take the same value withQuintom-A model. It can be seen that the evolution-ary graphics of Quintom-B is roughly opposite to that of

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- 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 0

FIG. 4: The r-s diagram with the form of potential V =V 0[(ψψ−b)2 + c]. Evolution trajectories of r(s) in the numer-ical calculation we take V 0 = 1.0909× 10−117. For the modelparameters we choose b = 0.05, c = 10−3. For the initialconditions we take (ψψ)0 = 0.051.

- 2 . 2 - 2 . 0 - 1 . 8 - 1 . 6 - 1 . 4 - 1 . 2 - 1 . 0 - 0 . 8

FIG. 5: The r-q diagram with the form of potential V =V 0[(ψψ − b)2 + c]. Evolution trajectories of r(q) in the nu-merical calculation we take V 0 = 1.0909 × 10−117. For themodel parameters we choose b = 0.05, c = 10−3. For theinitial conditions we take (ψψ)0 = 0.051.

Quintom-A in both r, s and r, q diagrams, see Fig. 6and Fig. 7 for a clear cognition.

Finally, we turn to the case of crossing the cosmologicalboundary two times. The phase portraits of r, s andr, q are presented in Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 respectively,where the values of parameters are also the same withthose of the case of Quintom-A.

We can see that in r−s diagram either of the portraits

0 . 0 0 . 4 0 . 8 1 . 2 1 . 6

FIG. 6: The r-s diagram with the form of potential V =V 0[−(ψψ − b)ψψ + c]. Evolution trajectories of r(s) in thenumerical calculation we take V 0 = 1.0909× 10−117. For themodel parameters we choose b = 0.05, c = 10−3. For theinitial conditions we take (ψψ)0 = 0.051.

- 4 - 3 - 2 - 1

FIG. 7: The r-q diagram with the form of potential V =V 0[−(ψψ − b)ψψ + c]. Evolution trajectories of r(q) in thenumerical calculation we take V 0 = 1.0909× 10−117. For themodel parameters we choose b = 0.05, c = 10−3. For theinitial conditions we take (ψψ)0 = 0.051.

is very close to the fixed point r, s = 1, 0 correspond-ing to the LCDM with FRW cosmological model at someperiod but not passing it. In the case of Quintom-A, it isfound that the r−s phase portrait is always in the regionof negative s and positive r. On the contrary, most of ther(s) trajectories of Quintom-B lies in the opposite loca-tions. While the third case gives another evolutionaryportraits.

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- 0 . 6 - 0 . 5 - 0 . 4 - 0 . 3 - 0 . 2 - 0 . 1 0 . 0 0 . 1

FIG. 8: The r-s diagram with the form of potential V =V 0[(ψψ − b)2ψψ + c]. Evolution trajectories of r(s) in thenumerical calculation we take V 0 = 1.0909× 10−117. For themodel parameters we choose b = 0.05, c = 10−3. For theinitial conditions we take (ψψ)0 = 0.051.

- 1 . 0 - 0 . 9 - 0 . 8 - 0 . 7 - 0 . 6 - 0 . 5

FIG. 9: The r-q diagram with the form of potential V =V 0[(ψψ − b)2ψψ + c]. Evolution trajectories of r(q) in thenumerical calculation we take V 0 = 1.0909× 10−117. For themodel parameters we choose b = 0.05, c = 10−3. For theinitial conditions we take (ψψ)0 = 0.051.

In conclusion, we have investigated the dynamics of Spinor Quintom dark energy models by using the newgeometrical diagnostic method—statefinder pair r, s.The Ref. [64] has applied this method to Quintom modeland successfully differentiate this class of models withother dark energy models, but it is seem not useful todiscriminate Quintom models with different potentials.However, as can be seen in this section, the statefinder

diagnostic is able to differentiate different Quintom mod-els with diverse kinds of power-law potential in the spinorscenario, as well as distinguish the Spinor Quintom mod-els with other dark energy models.


To summarize, since more and more Quintom DE mod-els are proposed, we established the connections amongthese models by studying the cosmic duality which con-nects the two totally different scenarios of universe evolu-tion keeps the energy density of the Universe and Einstein

equations unchanged, but transforms the Hubble param-eter. Besides, applying the new geometrical diagnosticmethod—statefinder pair r, s to the Spinor Quintommodel, we differentiate different Quintom models withdifferent kind of power-law potentials in the spinor sce-nario, and distinguish the Spinor Quintom models withother dark energy models, as well.


It is a pleasure to thank Yi-Fu Cai, Tao-Tao Qiu andXinmin Zhang for enlightening discussions and cooper-ations at the beginning. We also thank Chao-Jun Fengfor helpful discussions. This work is supported by HebeiNatural Science Foundation Project under Grant No.A2008000136.

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