Jim Toners Wealth Builders Insider secrets e-book

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Jim Toner Shares 20 Insider Secrets For Building Real Wealth In The New Economy

Transcript of Jim Toners Wealth Builders Insider secrets e-book

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© 2010 Jim Toner www.CreatingWealth101.com 2

About the Author I really had no intention of writing a “special report”, or book for

that matter, at this time; however, as the New Year approached, I

thought I had something worth while to say. But before I

proceed, allow me to first give you my background.

Having been an entrepreneur for some 20 odd years now, to say I

have learned a lot would be an understatement, to say the least.

The old adage, “Nothing takes the place of experience” is

certainly true, and I have had more than my fair share of both

good and bad experiences.

Upon graduating high school, my thinking that I could get a job

(just over broke), work hard, be a good guy, and have things fall

into place was a bit off-base. In reality, what I got was…

REALITY CHECK!! I lived up to my part of the deal by

working hard and being a good guy, but things on the flip-side of

the coin were not working out as I had planned. I was falling

further and further behind on my bills. My relationships were

suffering. And above all, I was miserable.

It got so bad that finally I reached the point where I was living in

a one-room apartment in a bad section of Pittsburgh,

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Pennsylvania. My furnishings consisted of plastic lawn

furniture, and as a nice accessory, a tattered, moth-eaten Oriental

rug. Because I could not afford blinds, I was forced to duct-tape

blankets over the windows in the wintertime. And it was around

this time in my life that I found myself hiding from my landlord

because I could not pay a lousy $200.00 in rent. In short, my life


Numerous attempts were made on my part to blame everyone

and everything for my problems, but eventually I was forced to

come to terms that I alone was the problem. Not the economy,

not my friends or co-workers, not where I lived…..ME! It was

only after I finally admitted this most humbling truth that things

began to change.

I will spare you the details, but with my new habits in place, I

was able to go from broke to a successful real estate investor,

mentor, and success coach in only a few short years. I had gone

from being recognized at lowly venues like the local bar, to

being acclaimed on prestigious media outlets such as FOX

NEWS, CNN, NBC, ABC, and CBS. And it wasn’t long before I

traded in that dingy one room apartment in a bad neighborhood

for a million dollar home of my dreams.

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This is my new reality, and it can be yours also if you so choose.

You see, the big turn for me came when I DECIDED that I was

no longer willing to live the way I was living. This is America—

the land where opportunity is endless and there is absolutely NO

reason for someone to be broke….unless, of course, they choose

to be.

Take a moment to ask yourself, “What kind of choices am I

making?” “Are they moving me forward, or backward?” “Are

they putting money in my pocket, or taking money out?” It is

only by honest self-evaluation that one can make an informed

decision. And, my friends, it’s all about the decision…plain and


Okay, back to the reason for this report. Over the last few years

we have seen quite a correction in the national and world

economy. Aggregately, we were living “high on the hog”, as

they say, for quite some time. But, as is typical, before long it

came time to pay the piper. As a result, the GET RICH QUICK

and EASY MONEY programs flooded the marketplace.

“GURUS” of all shapes and sizes crawled out of the woodwork

with promises of riches if you would just buy their program.

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Even Wall Street got in on the act. As a matter of fact, they were

the biggest perpetrators of all. In my personal opinion, they

intentionally created programs that would allow them to STEAL

from the American public. And steal they did—to the tune of

billions and billions of dollars! These last few years have been

devastating on many. Hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of

people lost everything they had in their retirement accounts, real

estate, or in other accrued assets. Job losses soared, and we were

VERY close to experiencing the next chapter of the GREAT


It SEEMS that we have dodged a bullet. The economy is

beginning to turn around, and public sentiment is becoming

increasingly positive. This will bring people off the sidelines and

back into the marketplace—which is good. But will people walk

into the same trap again? It is important to remember that just a

few short years ago the media was telling everyone to “GET

RICH IN REAL ESTATE”. These days, however, real estate is

viewed akin to the anti-Christ. The TRUTH of the matter is that

it wasn’t the real estate that was bad; it was the decisions that

people made that were bad.

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I said it earlier, but I’ll say it again—success is all about the

decisions one makes. Undoubtedly, as the economy begins to

turn, you will be bombarded with more and more “opportunities”

to “GET RICH”. I say, BUYER BEWARE! My take is this: We

are entering a time of potentially staggering wealth

accumulation. In the next five years, opportunities will abound

and you will have the opportunity to capitalize—IF you are


Therein lays the purpose of this writing. This little book is to

help you get prepared. As they say, “Success is an inside job.” It

is not a “thing” that is going to make you money—it’s YOU. I

have included the things that I feel are most important to equip

you for the opportunities on the financial horizon. These are the

things that I did, and still do to this day. The strategies I will

outline are timeless, and they are proven to work. It is my

utmost desire that you will take them to heart.

My wish is for you to experience wealth in all areas of your

life—financially, physically, emotionally, and even spiritually.

For that, my friends, is the meaning of true wealth. You are not

alone in your journey, and I am here if you need me. So….ARE


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The most important weapon in your arsenal is….Ready for

this?....ATTITUDE! Yes, I said attitude. You may be wondering

how this can be an insider secret, but I’m telling you, it is. Here is

why: The last few years found our economy in the tank with

millions out of work and savings and retirement accounts depleted

or wiped out. However, amidst the widespread devastation there

were millions of people on the other side of the equation, and

these were the people who MADE big money. Yes, lots of people

made money. I know this to be the case because I was one of

them. Now, you need to understand that despite the fact that we

were all in the SAME economy, some prospered, and some did

not. I firmly believe that whatever side of the coin you were on

was dependant upon how you SAW the economy. Did you see

opportunity, or did you see obstacle? Did you see potential

reward, or did you see potential risk? You see, those that saw the

seed of opportunity through the veil of a seemingly bleak situation

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capitalized. As Napoleon Hill said in the classic discourse Think

and Grow Rich, “Every adversity has within it the seed of equal

or greater benefit.” Ignore this statement at your own risk. All

the skill, knowledge, or connections in the world cannot save you

if your attitude is in the tank. You MUST begin to look at things

from a prospective other than gloom and doom. Stop watching

the news, and get away from the negative influences that plague

our society. Here is a million dollar tip: Go out and buy The Art

of Exceptional Living by the late great Jim Rohn. Do it today, and

do it now. Listen to it everyday for 30 days, and watch what

happens. Nothing ever works to your advantage all the time.

There will be times when you hit the deck, and the only thing that

will pick you back up is your ATTITUDE. Remember, you may

not be able to control what happens to you, but you CAN control

how you react to it. That, my friends, will influence your bank

account more than you will ever realize.



Financial opportunities in the coming year are limitless. Among

others, you may discover opportunities in home-based business,

internet marketing, real estate, franchising, and so on. The

opportunities are ALWAYS out there; the key is to find out what

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fits you best. My personal suggestion for rapid wealth building is

investing in real estate. Yes, real estate—the same market venue

that caused this very economic crash. Read that last line again.

Did anything strike you as strange? If you didn’t catch it, here it

is spelled out: Real estate did not cause anything—people did!

Greed and corruption took the greatest wealth builder in history

and turned it into the poster child for all that is wrong with the

world today. Bull! Andrew Carnegie accurately said, “More

millionaires have created their wealth through real estate than any

other endeavor”. You see, what happened was the boys down on

Wall Street figured out there was a lot of money to be made on

creative loan programs. They were right. Surely there was no

shortage in the number of overly zealous and misguided investors

ready to borrow money under foolish circumstances. To

compound the problem, much of the lending was done

fraudulently. The desire to “Get Rich Quick” swept over the

American public like a tidal wave with real estate leading the

way. For a while it worked, and lots of people made money.

Then the other shoe dropped, and before you could say, “Holy

crap, did I just get taken?” it was all over. MILLIONS were wiped

out, and real estate became an economic cancer, of sorts. But

here is what you may be missing: THERE WILL NEVER IN


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INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE!! That is in bold for a reason! I

live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and our market escaped the hit

on values that much of the country experienced. We had, and still

do have, one of the top markets in the country. As a matter of

fact, it is so safe and profitable that we created a “Do It For You”

program for those who wanted to get in the game, but did not live

nearby. Even the parts of the country that took the big hit are

beginning to recover and investors are now capitalizing on once-

in-a-lifetime, rock bottom prices. I could write 20 pages on why

you should get involved in real estate, but I do not have the time;

nor is that my desired purpose. However, be on the lookout for a

special tele-seminar that I will be conducting in the near future on

why you should get in the game, and more importantly, HOW to

get in the game. You can take this to the bank—anyone who is

willing to get into the real estate investment game within the next

6 months, given proper training, will have the opportunity to add

millions to their bottom line. As Warren Buffet said, “When

everyone is greedy, be very fearful. When everyone is fearful, be

very greedy. Now is the time to be greedy.”



(The greatest success secret of all time)

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In the classic, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill spoke of the

most powerful success tool ever created. This tool was used by

the likes of Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and

pretty much all highly successful people throughout history. This


mastermind alliance means surrounding yourself with talented

people who are working in your behalf. The bottom line here is

that if you want to get rich in America today, you need to stop

working for a living and instead get everybody working for you.

You NEED a TEAM. Here is how it is described by Napoleon


A mastermind consists of two or more minds working

actively together in perfect harmony towards a common

definite objective.

Through a mastermind alliance you can appropriate and

utilize the full strength of the experience, training, and

knowledge of others—just as if you alone possessed all of

these qualities.

No individual has ever achieved success without the help

and cooperation of others.

The value of “gathering together those of a like mind” is


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A group of brains coordinated in a spirit of harmony will

provide more thought energy than a single brain; just as a

group of electric batteries will provide more energy than a

single battery.

To put it simply, you cannot operate on your own. Make a point

to surround yourself with like-minded people who are moving

forward in a positive direction. If you have not read Think and

Grow Rich, do so immediately. In future reports I will be talking

about how to form and use your mastermind to its fullest

potential. Once you have a strong mastermind in place, your

income will soar.


GET HEALTHY Yes, you read that right, Get Healthy. You cannot operate at an

optimum level without being in good physical condition. I have

seen many try to succeed amidst poor health throughout the years,

myself included, and all have failed. Trying to make millions

while hung-over is not only a difficult task, it is also a fool’s

game. The nightlife WILL catch up with you and your wealth

building will falter, if not cease completely.

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You need to treat your health as if it is a part of your business

plan because, in reality, it is. Be sure to schedule time each day to

exercise. I recommend 3 days of weight training and 3 days of

cardio training each week. If it sounds like work, you’re right—it

is. But it is NECESSARY work. It must be a part of your day

and your lifestyle. It is also important to follow a sensible diet.

You don’t have to go overboard, but rather simply make better

choices. Here is what I follow: If it doesn’t walk, swim, fly, or

grow out of the ground, I don’t eat it. Simple. I understand that

many of you who will read this could care less about proper

eating habits, but I GUARANTEE you that if you ignore your

health, you will pay the price both physically and financially. On

the flip side of that statement, if you do take care of yourself

through diet and exercise, you will find yourself thinking clearer,

making better decisions, having a better attitude, and last but not

least…looking good. Money is attracted to attractive people. A

great book on this subject is Body for Life by Bill Phillips.

Coincidentally, Mr. Phillips happens to be a world-class

entrepreneur. Try the 90 day program. You will be challenged,

but if you stick to it, the results are more than worth it!



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“You will be the same person five years from now as you are

today except for the books you read, and the people you meet,”

said Charlie TREMENDOUS Jones. I was fortunate to have

known Charlie, and he was truly one in a million. The above

phrase he coined is not only true, but it WILL also change your

life. It changed mine.

Twenty three years ago, I was sitting on plastic lawn furniture in a

one room apartment in a bad section of Pittsburgh. I would sit

there depressed, contemplating why I could not pay my bills.

Basically, I was a loser. Fortunately, I had been given a copy of

Charlie’s book, Life is Tremendous, and I decided to open it up.

Talk about being hit in the face! I saw the aforementioned quote

and my eyes were opened. Not only was I not reading books, I

was also hanging with the wrong people. No wonder I couldn’t

pay my bills—I was hanging with people who were in the same

boat as me! Right then and there, I decided to change. I

immediately went and joined the local library and began to read

about RICH people. Wow, what a concept! If you want to get

rich, follow in the footsteps of rich people. I also began to change

my associations. For some people this can be difficult, but it is

absolutely imperative. You need to place yourself amongst others

who can help you reach your goals. Slowly, but surely, changes

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began to occur in my life, and as they did my bank account grew.

This is especially true for anyone who feels they do not have any

positive influences to call on. You can take your advice from

Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Carnegie, or even Walt Disney. Any

successful person will do. With books, your teachers are

unlimited. The ability to learn from legendary figures is

invaluable. How much would it be worth to you to learn

leadership from Lincoln? Or to learn money-making from

Warren Buffet? Imagine learning how to overcome adversity and

dream-stealers from someone like Walt Disney. With an element

of effort, it’s all possible through books and literature. Most

important to remember is that all these people left a ROAD MAP

behind for us to follow in order to reach our goals. They will tell

you what worked and what didn’t work, and the blueprint can be

yours. Just open the books!

As for the “people-you-meet” part of the equation, I think it is

pretty self explanatory. If you hang out with losers, you will

inevitably become a loser. If you hang with winners, you will

become a winner. If you want a bigger bank account...you

guessed it—get around people who can help you make money! I

recommend you write this chapter’s opening quote on a piece of

paper and place it where you can see it at least a few times a day.

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Burn it into your head. Click Here for my recommended reading



QUIT YOUR JOB Okay, calm down. I don’t mean right this minute, but at some

point, yes, quit your job. Why? Because when you work for

somebody else, you will never have security. As a matter of fact,

the most dangerous thing you could do, financially speaking, is to

work for someone else. You have ZERO control over your future

when you are under someone’s thumb.

Consider this, according to Tom Peters, world renowned

management guru and author of the classic, In Search of


-Lifetime employment is over.

-Stable employment at large corporations is gone.

-At least 80% of white collar jobs, as we know them today, will

either disappear entirely or be reconfigured beyond recognition in

the next 10 years.

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This is not theory; this is FACT! Get used to it!

Now, that’s a fairly strong statement, but it’s also an accurate

statement. Just look at what is happening in the job market. With

downsizing and out-sourcing becoming common, you, my friend,

are in the danger zone. If you have your head in the sand saying

to yourself, “That won’t happen to me. I work for a GOOD

company”, good luck, you’re on your own.

The great Jim Rohn put it like this, “Profits are better than wages.

Wages will earn you a living, profits can give you a fortune.”

Convinced? Good. Now what? Well, though you may want to

quit your job right now, it may not be a good idea….YET! First,

you need to replace your income. This is easily done, and we will

discuss how to do it during some upcoming calls I will let you

know about. For right now, however, simply focus on the fact

that if you REALLY want personal and financial freedom, YOU

need to be the one calling the shots. The days of working for a

company your entire life and leaving with a good pension are long

gone. This is a NEW economy and the rules have changed.

Becoming an entrepreneur will be one of the most rewarding

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paths you will ever take. It is a path that can not only lead to

riches, but freedom as well.




“Work harder on yourself than you do at your job.” All credit

belongs to Jim Rohn for that statement. Have you ordered the Art

of Exceptional Living yet? Jim Rohn was known as “America’s

business philosopher” with good reason. Jim’s wisdom has

helped change thousands, if not millions, of lives. The above

quote is one of his more famous ones, and has a profound impact

upon my life.

I am the son of a steel worker, and I was raised believing that in

order for one to become successful, he must work very hard at his

job. I believed this to be true as I watched my dad work hard his

entire life. So, that is what I did. I worked hard—real hard. At

each job I had, I worked very hard. Unfortunately, my bank

account balance did not increase in accordance with the work I

was putting in. As a matter of fact, I was falling further and

further behind, no matter how hard I worked. This was caus ing

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me a great deal of stress as I could not figure out what the

problem was. I was doing what I was taught to do, but it was

simply not working. And then came across the teachings of Jim

Rohn, and then, I finally got it. I didn’t necessarily need to work

harder; rather, I needed to “become more valuable to the market

place.” You see, when you become more valuable, you make

more money. Yes, I was working hard, but I wasn’t really

valuable. As a matter of fact, I was very expendable.

So, I set out to work on ME trusting that if I did just that, all else

would follow. It worked! I worked on myself mentally,

spiritually, physically, financially, and any other way possible. I

got better and rapidly became more valuable. As a matter of fact,

as I write this report, my value has increased to the point that I

make more money in a month than many Americans make in an

entire year. I say this not to brag, but to simply point out that

when you become more valuable, you will always see a dramatic

increase in income.

Now, this secret requires you to change your way of thinking—to

open yourself to a new and better way. Most of us have been

programmed with old, outdated information. You do not have to

keep it that way. Begin today to work hard on YOU. The change

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will not be overnight, and it may not even be this month. But

change will, in fact, ultimately occur in due time.

Keep in mind that I am a man who barely graduated high school,

but nonetheless, have gone on to become a nationally-known

figure. That alone will tell you there must be something to this

stuff. So, what do you say? Let’s start by working on you being

the BEST you. And, as always, the cash will follow.


GIVE YOUR MONEY AWAY No, that is not a misprint. Here me out here... I know you

ordered this free report because you wanted to learn success

secrets and how to MAKE money. And now, here I am telling

you to GIVE your money away. Yes, give it away. THIS, is the

greatest, yet most ignored, success secret of all time.

The universe is governed by laws; hence, the phrase “Universal

Law”. In this cosmos we have the law of gravity, the law of

attraction, the law of cause and effect, and so on. Take, for

example, the law of gravity—it’s a fairly easy one to understand.

IF you jump off of a rooftop, you WILL hit the ground. There is

no way around it, and the outcome cannot be altered. The law of

giving away your money in order to earn more back is exactly the

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same. Though a bit more complex and difficult to grasp, it is a

LAW nonetheless.

Whether you believe me or not, the fact is, GIVING AWAY

MONEY will fast track you to wealth accumulation. When you

begin to give, you plant the seed of abundance into your

subconscious mind. Inevitably, you will begin to attract a

peculiar sense of “luck.” Don’t ask me why or how it works. All

I can tell you is that it just does—every time. I recommend you

set up a separate account and take 10% of all the income you

receive and put it into that account. This account is for one

purpose only: to set aside funds to disperse to the charities and

causes of your choice. Personally, I recommend The Caring

House Project Foundation which you can read about at

www.frank-mckinney.com. In full disclosure, I will tell you that I

am a board member of this foundation. But regardless, you will

be hard pressed to find a charity that stretches a buck further than

we do.

It is imperative to begin this process with no expectation of

receiving anything in return. To expect return is not true giving,

it’s bargaining. To successfully do this, you must just give and

forget. The universe will take care of the rest. I know taking a

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leap of faith such as this can be challenging, but just try it and see

what happens. Now, you may be saying that you can’t afford to

give right now. In response to that, I would say that you can’t

afford not to give. As NIKE says, Just Do It! And stick with it.

You will be amazed at the “good luck” that is suddenly coming

your way. I have proven this myself time and time again.

Believe me when I tell you that I have given when I didn’t have it

to give, and I’m glad I did. Go ahead…show a little faith!


EXERCISE YOUR RISK MUSCLE Another nod to my mentors is in order for this secret. This one is

from my good friend Frank Mckinney. When it comes to risk,

Frank is the guy who is an expert on the subject. Frank is the

world’s #1 developer of ultra-luxury spec homes. A spec home is

a home someone builds with the hopes of finding a buyer. But, in

Frank’s realm, these aren't just any homes. These are homes that

only about 30,000 people in the entire world can afford. Price tag

figures routinely run to the tune of 30, 40, and even 100 million

dollars. Frank says “You must take risks. You must be willing to

constantly raise your risk threshold in order to go from the small

deals to the blockbusters”

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Frank also says, “Exercise your risk like a muscle. At first the

muscle is weak, but with work it gets bigger and stronger. The

same approach needs to be taken with risk.” I couldn't have said

it better myself—thanks, Frank. I remember when I did my first

real estate investment deal, investing a whopping $5,000. Though

a relatively small amount was on the table, I was SCARED TO

DEATH! I had all these horrible thoughts in my head of what

was going to happen if I messed up. I'd be ruined for life; people

would laugh at me; I’d be living on the street. Well, needless to

say, none of that happened. And now, I can do million dollar

deals without batting an eye.

I don't know what your risk tolerance is, but in order to reach any

real level of financial success, it needs to be fairly high. This fact

frightens many people, but allow me to put things into

perspective. It is my opinion that the biggest financial risk you

could ever take is working a JOB! When you work for someone

else you have absolutely zero control over what happens to you.

You can be a 20-year, solid-gold employee and then one day

BAM, you’re gone. And in case you didn't notice, it is happening

every day to a scary amount of people. When is your number up?

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Is starting your own business or investing in real estate a risk?

Sure it is, but it is a CALCULATED risk. There is a big

difference between a calculated risk and a gamble, and working

for someone else is a gamble. Let’s also not forget that the

greatest success stories in history have all been the product of a

high propensity for risk. Take Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, and

Walt Disney for example—all three took huge risks. If you ever

hope to join the ranks of these great men, you need to build the

risk muscle. Start slow and step out of your comfort zone just a

bit. Once you get used to it you can then move out further. Trust

me, it is not as scary as the images you are creating in your head,

and the payoff is more than worth it.


DEVELOP BRUTAL HONESTY WITH YOURSELF This may be one of the most important secrets you will ever learn,

yet is, more often than not, ignored. For some reason people have

a hard time taking a good hard look in the mirror and being honest

with themselves. This is a big mistake. The old saying, “you’re

only fooling yourself” is very true. Everyone around you can see

the truth, my friend, so there is no point in lying to yourself.

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A good dose of reality will do you good. If you are suffering

financial troubles, admit it to yourself. Tell yourself ‘I'M

BROKE!’ Don't deceive yourself by thinking everything is okay

when it is not. It’s one thing to walk around with a good bit of

confidence, and it is completely another thing to walk around in a

fantasy world. Integrity is one of the keys to success. Without it,

there will never be long-term success. This means being true to

yourself as well. All change begins with personal honesty. If

you’re overweight, admit it, and get on with fixing the problem.

If you’re broke, admit it. If you’re lazy, admit it. If you’re a bad

husband or wife, admit it. Positive solutions are surprisingly easy

to come by once you have a clear starting point. You MUST BE


“The Truth Shall Set You Free.” The advantage of being honest

with yourself is being able to be clear on where and what you are.

This is the first step to moving forward without any baggage.


NEVER QUIT “Never give in! Never give in! Never, never, never, never, - in

nothing great or small, large or petty. Never give in, except to

convictions of honor and good sense.”

-Winston Churchill

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There are certain realities that come with being an entrepreneur,

and one of them, as Multi-Millionaire publisher Felix Dennis

says, is “Doing Handstands on the Rim of Hell.” A nice way to

put it, really. Be forewarned, there will be times when nothing is

going to go right and everyone and everything seems to be against

you. Waking up at 3 am, wondering how on earth you’re going to

get out of the mess you’ve gotten yourself into will become

commonplace. You do however have options—two of them, to be

exact. You can quit and become a wage slave with no hope for

personal or financial freedom, or...you can FIGHT!

In my career as an entrepreneur, I have had incredible highs and

terrible lows. There were times where I was sure that I would not

get out of the jam I was in. During such low times, I always

asked myself a variation of the following questions: “What is the

alternative to this?” “If I give up, then what will happen to me?”

“Will I File bankruptcy, and then get a minimum wage job?”

“What kind of life would that be?” “Do I really want to fail not

only myself, but my family as well?” Now, to me THAT was a

more frightening option.

My decision was not to quit. My decision was to fight, and fight

hard, to keep what I had earned. I hunkered down and looked for

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answers. I hit the books to find examples of those who had come

before me and prevailed over similar harrowing circumstances.

Take a moment to reflect upon where we would be if Jonas Salk

had quit in his search for a polio vaccine. What if Edison had quit

after thousands of failures? The stories go on and on, but the

bottom line is this: if they had quit, the world would not be where

it is today. You may not be alive today.

Troubles will come and go, but you must continue to move

forward. In my business of investment real estate, it would be an

understatement to say that these last few years have been

interesting. Many of the so-called “GURUS” have fallen by the

wayside. Actually, many legitimate companies have gone under

as well. My company, however, chose to move forward. We

chose to expand when everyone else was contracting. Was it

easy? NO. Was it the right thing to do? YES! I actually look at

these last few years as a blessing. Prior to these recent hard times,

our success as a company had lulled us into a comfort zone.

Being comfortable can be very dangerous. With this recession

came an opportunity to capitalize on others holding back—and

capitalize we did! Now, because we were able to face the fear

and adversity, our company is bigger and more profitable than

ever. Risk =...Reward.

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No, being an entrepreneur is not easy. And no, it is not a get rich

quick tactic. Beware of the gurus that will be telling you such lies

after they crawl back out of the woodwork from their recent

shellacking. No, it's not easy, but is anything of any value ever

easy to attain? Find your path and run with it! When Mr.

Adversity smacks you in the face and pins you against the

wall...spit in his face, and tell him I said hello. There is money

out there with your name on it. GO GET IT!

Secret # 12

LAUGH This may not seem like too much of a success secret, but I assure

you that it is. Laughter is absolutely vital to good physical well–

being, and without good, strong physical health there can be no

true success. Physiologically speaking, laughter activates

beneficial chemicals in the body that place you in a happy state

and returns your body to a state of balance.

Laughter therapy is actually used to treat people with various

ailments. In his book Anatomy of an Illness, Dr Norman Cousins

details how he used laughter to recover from what he was told by

doctors to be a life-threatening illness. He would watch Marx

Brothers movies that would give him a good ten-minute belly

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laugh. He found that this ten-minute laugh would result in two

hours of pain free sleep.

Although being an entrepreneur affords the greatest lifestyle you

can imagine, it does bring stress. Stress can, and will, wreck you

physically and financially if it goes unchecked. You don't need

prescription drugs to calm you, you need a good laugh. Check

this out:


-Laughter lowers blood pressure.

-Laughter stimulates the digestive system and internal organs.

-Laughter lowers the negative stress hormone “cortisol.”

-Laughter increases oxygen to the brain, which enhances your

mental capabilities.

-Laughter boosts the immune system.

-Laughter promotes good sleep.

-Laughter increases stamina.

-Laughter counteracts anxiety.

-Laughter fosters a sense of well-being.

-Laughter stimulates a more positive outlook.

-Laughter reduces tension and irritability

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.....And on and on the list goes.

I think you get my point. The world can be a rough place;

especially in the entrepreneurial arena. It is absolutely essential to

keep in top form. What better way to accomplish this than to

laugh you’re “you-know-what” off? Corporations are so

convinced of this that they bring in laugh coaches, have laugh

breaks, and even incorporate “laughter yoga.” Why? Because

happiness is proven to increase the bottom line. That means not

only having a better frame of mind, but also having more cash in

your pocket. So, a horse walks into a bar....


LEARN SALES Whether you know it or not, you are already in sales. Life is sales.

Whenever you are in communication with someone, you are

selling. You may not be selling a product, but you are selling

your idea or yourself. If you have no interest is sales, my friend,

there is a VERY good possibility you will go through life

BROKE. If you are interested but intimidated, don't worry.

Anyone can learn the techniques of positive communication. If

you already know how to sell – great! In that case you realize the

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value, which is the first step, but you still have to work at getting

better. The better you are at the art of persuasion, the bigger your

bank account will become.

An individual can learn the fundamental skills of selling in a

matter of days. Once you have the basics and begin to perfect

those skills, you will find your income beginning to rise

dramatically. This is very important to remember because no one

was BORN a salesperson—they became one. Selling is merely a

developed skill.

I think one of the easiest ways to develop sales skills is to

observe. For instance, A CAT. A cat is a GREAT example of a

skilled sales person. Think about it. Cats stay on you until they

make the sale. Whether it be food, attention, or whatever else it is

that cats want. The bottom line is they don't quit. Most sales

people quit after the first no, but do cats? Of course they don’t.

Be a cat.

Another great example is the preacher Joel Osteen. Like him or

not, the guy is good, and you better believe he IS selling. How do

you think he pays for that sports arena of a church he has? What

he is selling is very powerful. He is selling HOPE. Everyone

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wants HOPE. That’s why he makes the sale. He has a product

that everyone wants, and he is very good at getting the message


If sales still intimidate you, this should help: You only need 3

things to become successful at sales. You need people to like

you. You need them to respect you. And you need them to have

some reason to want to buy. For the final element—the desire to

buy—you are at an inherent advantage. By nature, people like to


The greatest salesman I ever met was my good friend, Charlie

TREMENDOUS Jones. Charlie was a sales legend. Why? It was

not because of some fancy sales techniques or new fangled close

techniques. He was the best because PEOPLE LIKED HIM! I

take that back…people LOVED him! They loved him because he

made everyone he came in contact with feel special. Whenever I

went to visit him at his home in Mechanicsburg, Pa., I would

always come home with hundreds of dollars worth of new books.

I bought whatever Charlie was selling because I loved him and

believed in him. Friendly and likable, that’s the objective.

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Speaking of books, there are a few sales books that I do suggest to

augment your becoming “friendly and likable.” The first is

Winning through Intimidation, by Robert Ringer. Don't let the

title fool you. This may be the best sales book ever written. The

next is No B.S. Sales success, by Dan Kennedy. Dan is a master

at the art of persuasion, and he wants to teach you all about it in

his book. You can find both here.

Sales Skills = money in your pocket.


TAKE ACTION Nothing happens until something moves. Many people choose

not to move, which is why nothing positive ever seems to happen

in their lives. Many people are "waiting." They’re waiting for the

“RIGHT TIME”, they say. Here is a clue—IT WILL NEVER BE

THE RIGHT TIME! If you’re one of those people who say, “I'll

do it later, or maybe next month”, I’ve got news for you. Thirty

days from now you will have a brand-new set of problems that

will keep you waiting. The time for you to take action is NOW!

Einstein said, “An object in motion tends to stay in motion.” You

need to get into motion. The hard part is the start, but if you can

get past that, you’re well on your way.

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All successful people make it a habit to think carefully, but make

decisions quickly. They take massive action. Doing this, as Tony

Robbins says, is the key to “massive change.” Successful people

are willing to “try” something despite the presence of a fair

amount of risk because they understand that the more you try, the

more the odds fall into your favor. Unsuccessful people suffer

from what is called, “the paralysis of analysis.” They want to

“think about it.” They want the opportunity to talk themselves

out of making a decision. This type of behavior will cause you to

drift aimlessly. And as a result, like a ship without a rudder, you

will never arrive at your desired destination. I have taught

thousands of people wealth building skills throughout the years,

and in working with these people, I have found many of them

were being held back by the inability to make a decision. Once I

gave them a solid plan, they were able to break through that

barrier. Becoming a quick decision maker will increase your

bank account without a doubt.

If this is a big issue for you, try this to start. The billionaire W.

Clement Stone was known for his action phrase “Do It Now.”

Whenever you feel the urge to put something off, say to yourself,

“Do It Now, Do It Now!” How do I know this will work if you

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follow it? I did it! Yes, I admit, I used to be a terrible

procrastinator. Once I got into the habit of “Doing it Now”;

however, I began to notice some rapid changes.

There is also a law of the universe that says “Start before you’re

ready.” Remember, the time will never be just right, but when

you take the leap of faith and begin even when things aren't quite

right, you will be amazed at the things the universe will present to

you to help you out. This may sound a little funky, but I'm telling

you—it works. All the successful people I know use this

technique without fail.

So, are you ready?


SHOW UP Though similar, this secret is not to be confused with TAKING

ACTION. Many people decide to take action, but only do so half-

heartedly. This is a BIG mistake. As Jim Rohn said, “Wherever

you are, be there!” You must be willing to commit 100% to

whatever it is that you choose to go after. You have got to be

willing to do more than what is expected.

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When I think of “showing up,” I think of 9/11. Those firefighters

didn’t just make an appearance, they SHOWED UP! Are you

following me here? They ceased an opportunity with vigor and

exceeded all expectations. They accomplished this by puttin it all

on the line, never looking back. Surely 9/11 was a profane

tragedy, but how many more innocent lives would have been lost

if those brave men and women had just made an appearance?

Being “there” matters!

This applies on every level. How many businesses fall apart each

year because someone felt it was just okay to make an

appearance? How about relationships? How many of these could

have been saved if the parties committed to REALLY being

there? A physical presence is not enough, my friends. You must

put your heart and soul into whatever it is that you are doing if

you are looking for success in any area of life. This especially

applies to your finances. Granted, this is not an easy commitment

to satisfy, but doing so is what separates the winners from the


I enjoy working out, and when I go to the gym I often see many

people who come day after day, yet they make no progress in

their level of fitness. They are there, but they don't “show up”

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like the people who come in and hit it hard. Oftentimes, those

who “show up” for what they are currently engaged in may not

even want to be “there”. However, they realize they are trading

their time, something they can never get back, and therefore

decide to make that trade worth it. This is the kind of person who

gets results. Remember, being there matters, but BEING THERE,

it is what REALLY matters.



Awhile back on one of my radio shows a caller asked: “Jim, if

you had to give one piece of advice for someone who wanted to

become financially secure, what would it be.” I said, “STOP

DOING WHAT THE POOR PEOPLE DO!!” Now, this is not a

slight on those who may be less fortunate. We strongly believe in

helping those in need, and even operate our own charitable

foundation. However, strictly from a business standpoint, that is

the best advice I can give.

There is a reason poor people are poor and a reason rich people

are rich. Poor people do not know basic finance. They hang out

at bars, they don't read anything of value, they whine and

complain, and the list goes on and on. Rich people do just the

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opposite. They surely don’t sit in front of a TV all night or hang

out at bars. Instead, they read, or they network with people that

can move them forward. They don't play the blame game when

things don’t go well. They take personal responsibility. They

STUDY the art of Wealth Accumulation which is why they are


These 20 “secrets” are a start, but you must continue the

education. Once you have the basics, you need to grow.

Remember that if you are not growing, you are falling behind. I

could continue writing a whole list of what you should or should

not do, but I don't think I have to. I think you already know. In

case you don't, here is a little trick: Find someone who has a

lifestyle that you aspire to have, and find out what they are doing.

The same goes for the opposite. If you are not where you want to

be personally or financially, GET AWAY from those in a similar

situation. Yes, get away from them! They have nothing to offer

you, financially speaking, other than being an example of what

NOT to do.

Still not sure what to do? Don't worry. I will give you a list of

books to read that will give you plenty of answers. They worked

for me, and they will work for you.

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Oh, I can hear it now: “Great, this sounds real exciting!” I

understand; I used to feel the same way. That is, until I realized

that by me not managing my time I was flushing money down the

drain. When people think of the things that are most valuable to

them, more often than not, TIME is not on the list. Not only does

time need to be on the list, it needs to be of supreme importance.

TIME is your most VALUABLE commodity. It is the one thing

you can never get back, yet so many people just throw it away.

Being an entrepreneur requires you to sometimes operate at a

break-neck pace. It also requires you to wear many hats. Wearing

these hats will cause you to be pulled in many different directions,

and will often take you away from your most important task

which is, MAKING MONEY. You will wage fierce battles

against what Dan Kennedy calls, “Time Vampires.” These

horrible creatures will suck the life out of your profits, and your

sanity. Why? Because you let them! Just as you must master

your physical state, financial state, etc., you must also learn to be

a master of your time. Hey, I didn't say this would be easy.

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Time = Money…it’s as simple as that. So, wasting it, or worse

yet, letting someone “steal” your time is counterproductive to

your financial success. Okay, let’s start with YOU. What do you

do with your allotted time? Remember we all have but 24 hrs in a

day. So, you have ALL the time there is—NO more, no less. Do

you get up in the morning and waste an hour or so before getting

your day going? Do you spend hours a day on the Internet

looking at garbage? Are you in front of the TV for hours a day?

Please, be honest with yourself here. Are you REALLY getting

the most from your day? Jim Rohn says, “Most people are trying

to get through the day. The trick is to get FROM the day.” Is

what you are getting FROM your day moving you forward or


Let me give you a simple example of what I do. First of all, I plan

my day the night before. Another “Rohnism” is, “Don't start the

day before it is finished.” That means PLAN AHEAD. I wake up

around 6:00 a.m. and the first thing I do is read some positive

material. Ten to fifteen minutes is all you need. To help guide

your day, you need to plant positive seeds into your subconscious

first thing in the morning. Next, I hit the gym for a 45 minute

workout. You MUST take care of the body. While I am working

out I listen to my favorite personal development material on my

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iPod. I kill two birds with one stone. I head home, take my kids

to school--which I do every morning--and then it is off to THE

SUCCESS CENTER (my office building) to begin the day. If

you were paying attention you noticed that in the few short hours

I had before heading to the office I already made huge strides by

working on myself mentally and physically.

At The Success Center, we take no unscheduled calls or

appointments. How many times in the day are you interrupted?

How do you start your day? These are legitimate questions to


If you are not aware of what you do with your time, I suggest you

keep a journal of where your time is going for one week. You

may be surprised, or in some cases, horrified. This will help give

you a clearer understanding on how to proceed and what you need

to eliminate. The elements you eliminate may be things, habits,

and even people. The best time management book ever written,

in my opinion, is Dan Kennedys No B.S. Guide to Productivity


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INTEGRETY Jim Rohn said, “Hope of dishonest gain is the beginning of loss.”

I think this quote is speaking about more than money. It is talking

about loss of yourself, your soul, and your dignity. You may

master all of the other secrets, but without this key truth your

mastery will be worthless.

Integrity is about being true to yourself and others even when it

hurts, or is not convenient. Many people think that they will be

able to get away with something because no one sees them doing

it. Ah, but someone does see… YOU see. You can try to kid

yourself, but when you look into the mirror-- you know.

You can gain all the money and success in the world, but without

self-respect you have nothing. On the other hand, success that has

been attained through honesty is invaluable. It is tempting

sometimes to want to take a shortcut and be dishonest. We

sometimes try to justify dishonesty by telling ourselves that, “no

one will be hurt”. But, my friends, this is a very dangerous

precedent to set. Soon little mistruths become bigger and bigger,

and you begin to justify each and every one. Soon people are

being hurt and we justify it by saying, “it was their decision.”

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Collectively, we witnessed this happening to an extreme on Wall

Street these past few years.

Have you ever noticed when you have wronged someone that

your internal alarm system goes off as soon as you realize the

damage you’ve caused? You know what I mean—the little voice

inside of you that says, “I know what you did!” That inner system

always knows. So, how would you feel if suddenly your friends

knew, or your parents…how about your spouse? What if someone

you really looked up to found out how you had let them down?

Some think they can hide it. They can't. It doesn't go away.

Even if no one ever finds out it will come back to haunt you in

more ways than one. Universal Law tells us that what we put out

comes back. Lacking integrity and not doing the right thing will

come back on you. Some call this karma; the Aborigines in

Australia call it, “the Boomerang.”

Always strive to make decisions that you are proud of regardless

of what others say or do. It is sometimes easy to go along with

the crowd, saying, “But everyone is doing it.” Maybe they are, but

that doesn't make it right. Be true to yourself, and do what you

know deep down to be right.

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Here is an example in my life that I will share with you: A few

years back, and even still today, the big thing was downloading

music illegally. It seemed as if everyone was doing it, including

many people that I knew and respected. This really bothered me

considering the fact that I made my living singing in a band years

back. I knew and understood how incredibly difficult is was to

try and write a good song. Because this clashed with my ethical

compass, I refused to ever take a song for free. When friends or

business colleagues would tell me that they just “downloaded” the

latest songs, I would reply, “No, you mean you “STOLE” them.”

That is what it is—stealing. I knew everyone was doing it, but I

also knew it wasn't right. Decision made—I refused.

You will be met with many similar circumstances in your life.

DO THE RIGHT THING! Sometimes it’s hard—very hard. Do

it anyway.


GOALS...BIG GOALS At my real estate investment workshops I always make it a point

to stress to the audience, “If you don't know where you want to

go, you will never get there.” Now, that sounds simple enough,

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but you would be shocked at how few people have clearly defined

written goals. I ask you now, Do you?

The harsh reality is that if you do not have well-defined goals you

will never reach any level of true success. YOU MUST HAVE

SOMETHING TO SHOOT FOR!! With so many books written

on goal setting, it doesn't make much sense for me to rehash

things, but I do recommend--once again--Jim Rohn’s, The Art of

Exceptional Living. Are you getting the hint yet! Jim has a

fantastic goal setting program in this audio set that will give you

clear guidelines to follow as well as dreams to shoot for.

Goal setting requires you to do a little bit of thinking. Are you

where you want to be? I sure hope not, for you should never be

satisfied. Are you close, or far away? Do you even have any idea

where you want to be in one year, five years, or ten years? How

do you want to look? How much money do you want to have?

Don't be intimidated; this stuff is fun! It is your chance to put

your dreams on paper. I want to emphasize...on paper. Goals

must be written! It is not enough to have them floating around in

your head. Magic happens when you put pen to paper.

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I am also a believer of setting BIG goals. This goes against most

goal setting guidelines, but I was swayed by a book called

Mentored by a Millionaire, by Steven Scott. In this book, Scott

presents a great case for setting goals that are so outrageous your

friends and family will think you’re nuts. Well, I tried it, and it

worked. In a short period of time, I went from hiding from my

landlord because I couldn't pay a two hundred dollar rent fee to

becoming a nationally-known real estate investment coach. I’ve

appeared on Fox News, CNN, ABC, NBC and various national

media. Believe me when I tell you: that was a BIG goal!

The point is this: With a PLAN, all that you hope to achieve is

possible. But, my friends, your plan must be clearly defined and

written. If you have never written goals before, you can begin

with something small such as, “I will purchase and read a

minimum of two books that will move me forward in my business

life within the next three weeks.” Important to note here is how

the goal was written AS IF it has already happened. Remember

what I said earlier about the subconscious mind not knowing the

difference between fantasy and reality. ACT AS IF.

If you are a goal setter by nature, have you reviewed your goals?

You must review them each and every week to be sure they stay

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in the forefront of your mind. Also, are they big enough? Try

setting some goals that will REALLY stretch you. There is an old

saying that goes, “There are no unrealistic goals, only unrealistic

deadlines.” Be clear about what you want. Write it down, and

watch the magic.


BELIEVE Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. What I mean by saying this

is that there is MAGIC in belief. One of my prized possessions in

my home are seven little blocks that started out as Christmas

decorations, but now stay out year-round. They spell BELIEVE.

In my opinion, believe is one of the most powerful words in the

English language.

You can learn all the success techniques, go to all the seminars,

take the coaching program, and participate in everything else

that’s available, but if you do not BELIEVE success is possible

you will fail. Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can

or think you can't, either way you’re right.” So, let me ask you,

do you believe? Do you think it is possible to so radically change

your life that you can look back a year from now and not even

recognize that person?

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I will tell you without ANY doubt that it IS possible. I know

because I have done it, and so have tens of thousands of others.

The libraries are full of books about those who have done it as

well. Forget about whether anyone else believes—they don't

matter. YOU are the one who needs to know it is possible. Do

you think anyone believed in what the Wright Brothers had set

out to do? How about Disney? How about putting a man on the


Here is a little hint that will help your belief system jump into

high gear. EVIDENCE! As they say, “The proof is in the

pudding.” You cannot deny something that has been done any

more than you can deny that the sun rises and sets. This is why I

so strongly recommend you read. When you read, you find

PROOF. Once you have a strong belief you will be unstoppable.

There is another old saying that goes, “I'll believe it when I see

it.” What this adage should really say is, “I'LL SEE IT, WHEN I

BELIEVE IT.” Your dreams will manifest themselves in reality

once you truly believe.

I guarantee that you can reach your goals. How do I know?

Because you wouldn't be reading this if you didn't have it in you.

The simple fact that you are reading this report puts you in the top

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5%. You are a winner already. Your job is to set worthy goals,

find the right plan, go for it, and follow through. It's going to be a

great year. Are you READY?


THERE ARE NO SECRETS Well, what do you know? There are NO secrets. That’s right,

there are NO secrets. The word ‘secret’ is just a little buzz word

to grab your attention. As much as you may think they are given

they are so readily ignored, the previous 20 “secrets” I have listed

are not secrets at all. Rather, they are FUNDAMENTALS.

Fundamentals that are understood and followed are what is

needed for success

This has been, and always will be, the only track to success. The

economy has been torn down during the last few years due to a

brushing aside of the fundamentals. The things that worked, the

things that were right, and the things that were real were traded in

for other alternate ways. Self-proclaimed gurus came out of the

woodwork attempting to sell everything and anything in order to

take your money. This, unfortunately included Wall Street!

People dove in head-first for all the get-rich-quick programs and

found themselves not rich, but rather, disappointed and broke.

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Please accept this final word of advice. The next time you see

some “guru” present the “next big thing”, or some “new”

discovery....RUN! There is nothing new! It's all about the basics,

my friends. I know that may not sound sexy, but who cares if it

puts money in your pocket! CREATING WEALTH 101 is going

back to the basics. I have helped thousands by giving solid,

sound, practical advice on Wealth Building and investment real

estate. This coming year brings with it the biggest opportunity

any of us will ever see in our lifetimes. If you’re interested in

coming along for the ride I'd love to have you. It will be worth it.

See ya soon. My Recommended Reading List. The number one question I get from folks is this: "Jim, how did

you do it?" Well, here is how I did it. When Charlie

"TREMENDOUS" Jones said, "You will be the same person five

years from now as you are today except for the books you read

and the people you meet" I took that to heart. Listed below are a

few of the books that have helped me to arrive at where I am

today. I recommend you read ALL OF THEM! If you read just

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one book a week for an entire year, I promise you, your life will

NEVER be the same! What are you waiting for?

Think and Grow Rich!: The Original Version,... by Napoleon H ill $13.57

Three Feet from Gold: Turn Your Obs tacles i... by Sharon L. Lechter CPA $15.61

It's Not About the Money by Bob P roctor $10.17

Billionaire Secrets to Success by Bill Bartmann $16.32

Burst This!: Frank McKinney's Bubble P roof ... by Frank McKinney $16.06

The Tap by Frank McKinney $8.74

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Dead Fred, Flying Lunchboxes and the Good L... by Frank McKinney $14.78

No B.S. Marketing to the Affluent: The No H... by Dan Kennedy $12.21

No B.S. Ruthless Management of People and P ... by Dan Kennedy $10.17

No B.S. Direct Marketing: The Ultimate, No ... by Dan Kennedy $10.36

No B.S. Wealth Attrac tion for Entrepreneurs ... by Dan Kennedy $10.36

No B.S. Sales Success: The Ultimate No Hold... by Dan Kennedy $9 .95

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Life Is Tremendous by Charlie Jones $5 .99

The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature o... by E ric Hoffer $9 .35

The Sales Bible: The Ultimate Sales Resourc ...by Jeffrey Gitomer $19.77

Paul J. Meyer and The Art of Giving by John E Haggai

Dare to Win by Jack Canfield $11.20

Start with NO...The Negotiating Tools that ... by Jim Camp $15.61

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The Seasons of Life by Jim Rohn

Anyway: The Paradoxical Commandments: Findi... by Kent M . Keith $9 .36

Og Mandino - His Bestselling Inspirational ... by Og Mandino

The Trick to Money Is Having Some by Stuart Wilde $11.16

Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young M ... by Mitch Albom $10.07

The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom $15.96

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Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering ... by T . Harv Eker $14.95

The Ultimate Gift (The Ultimate Series #1) by Jim Stovall $10.07

The Essential Wooden: A Lifetime of Lessons ... by John Wooden $13.57

Profiles of Power and Success: Fourteen Gen... by Gene N. Landrum $20.45

The Superman Syndrome--The Magic of Myth in... by Gene Landrum $19.95

Its Not Over Until You Win: How to Become t... by Les Brown $11.70

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Grinding I t Out: The Making O f McDonald's by Ray Kroc $7 .99

A Simple Path by Mother Teresa $16.32

Success With People by Cavett Robert

Living a Life that Matters by Harold S. Kushner $9 .32

Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the ... by Jim Collins $19.79

Ten Things I Learned from Bill Porter: The ... by Shelly Brady $9 .32

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How to Get Rich: One of the World's Greates ... by Felix Dennis $6 .40

The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason $11.90

Re-Imagine!: Bus iness Excellence in a Disru... by Tom Peters $8 .00

The Secret (Extended Edition) $17.49

Napoleon H ill's Positive Action Plan: 365 M ... by Napoleon H ill $11.20

Body for Life: 12 Weeks to Mental and Physi... by Bill Phillips $21.59

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In Search of Excellence: Lessons from Ameri... by Thomas J. Peters $13.22

Anatomy of an I llness as Perceived by the P ... by Norman Cousins $13.60

No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs: ... by Dan S. Kennedy
