jiCTKTw mm -...

. vN $**V bant- on t»ic»l. N. V, Lmcsi I •' «' I- ' '. 'f- ' •' ' 1 at ?Y • • SJ.V-,. r ' , 1 . - " - ! - r •. "-'•) I - .-"- < i •:' ' i Of fl <?. ... f; .•-.• An cnbo ; St. r : ;l *-:' . .* f'i..' t i9i reto i !'•- " ' - : iC Ele rove it. E. J*** fjcN>ki w.~tf rfkina**. **" '**t ,5 **^f*^^ jvii 8 1»' ">»"**• jiCTKTw mm ^arrtson-Dimmick Marriage a - Modest Affair. „,;-. PIJBJ4Q QABjBFtJLIiX EXOLttDm Brief iu»tl S l m p l * u Paul trie—1)e<K '•' NEW YQBK., A^pfc^7*~E&-Eiealft9pit'Ben*: jOLmln Fl Harrison and Mrs. Mary Lord. Dimiuick were united V ~<4rrtage at 6:45 yesterday .-. - aSernoc " : ', r ' '••' *& / Thomas' cbuxoh. - : ' "--•>. : •••••',: The wedding was privet The guests were co&ltood to the few l!rleuaa u m t c d by, the Uridp and an equid number of Gen- eral Harrison's Including a number of bto lormer cabinet officers; '1,'ho floral decarationa were extrtiuely aicupie, but handsome and tasteful, ' consisting of § cross una HAnmsok ; .-. of llltea, four- VBLSSS of; the, same flowers on tho nJtar, several l&vgo palms afld «»fow g e n c s t a plAJat*. Theao were, tho only decoration* used. t . ^ ... ... ; . i: >--._,. Ldeutenant 'Pfuluis^V. ; S-, A.»>a brother- In-law of Mrs. Djmmlck, gave away tho brtdo/ (^n^iU Ttaoy«ted o»b««1iniMi. Tho ceremony5 which TO very sltnplo and br£eJ,waa .ppitp^od,;-by,.p^T v ..'T. ^esiey. Brown, rector of' i 8lL : 'fj , b.QB^ , 'xA.nreh,r-,.,- Them were no bridesmaid*, tho' bride being escorted to the altar b^Lloutennnt Pn?$p.».£ »• •»'•' \Vrl-;<-r? «.". v . i :•: >'Ai-- ' The public wei ^clq4^:ovea--,.»eprer' •ensatlyea of thfl prow being denl«>4 ad- mission "The 'ehtlrS party 1$;^ ohurch nambor^-i^':#an'>'4a ,; -' ^'*- ! ''-' : '- f •'•'•.' . |frs. <Djhiu^cl^sJw^dinggown, which was of pearl grey groagrain and silk, was made by Madame Denolt-Mathle; ! Tho skirt waa plalfa with a short train falling from the waUt.ln fnli aoft gode^t A taaVx^M•.ct-wmioe&lUpni- i«6& !: brdftd re, TBM, draped; with ijare^plj! iHpBito&^facov' half * yard jft ^ i ^ «xten^Ung4^w|j «aoh iid« ofjbh© frbnraiid drip«a;oVer ttie felpa, forming a coat effect, Tbe «leove* were long and fall, tapering to %he jirm helow' tjw, elbow and, ending In a fall of law a^ Q& %wtL Mroiind th? neck tfcore wis X' Illdstf 6oiiaip*df palerft4lab 4 j r f t , l M whicl^was ont^incd,.a.r6i)o.Qf.n^ pearls, fastened with a diamond clasp, the gift of tho brldeproom .ybo>enrrted » large bbaquot of illy-of^t|i^Vs)ll(iy%,' *|fte bonnot worn by thfi hrlde^'ae, a'idaiojty Frenob creation, compoaocl' of' lace and bine velvet, v. iiha whitp aigrette bold In plnca by jewel pins. BRECKINRiDQfe >AQAIN r -X CANDIDATE. -t > ; ' , .!•: '.;• . v * Tbka lime Bis JPrload* Are Confldout He Will Succeed- LsatiNOTON, Ky„ April 6.-W. O. P: Breckinridge has bp«»n quietly praptlclng law, nere;o,ver slnco the ,eutb for damages of Rjrtdolino Pollard two years ago caused him to be oucoeeded in congress by W. C. Ow6ii8,: : ::'. "":. % ! •^-'.-. :' : : Althousrh Miss Pollard got a Jndginent for $16,000, she; has novor been able to got execution or to recover nnything. Now that Colonel Brcoklnrldgo 1* can* vaeslng the dlatilot again to run for con- groka this year, the old movomont of tho ladles In t h e district Is bolng reorganized, and Colonel Breckinridge will have the women against him oa be h a d ftwo years ago. ' •-,",.^:'V v n ' - f C H V * 'r?:-'''%X : Then the raoe for tho nomination be- tween Brecklniidgo and Owens was close. Now the friends of "Kenfcnoky'e silver tongned orator" expross tho fullest oonfi- donco In hissaocess' '.',•' i''T : •;""•'• !*''>•.'•. cuBAM mwmm MTTUO. Preparations For Andaree'i Oalqaa Trlj». MONTBEAL, April %'-±S3cr |(i^,X Smith, goTornor of the Hudson Bay com- pany, has been Instructed by hlB agont in London that tho Sweedlsh Ambassador has requested the company to inform all their agents in the north to watch out for Ahdree,; the;; balloonist, who U trying tb reach the North pole, and to got them, as well ai the Eskimos and Indian! who live lu these latitudes, to farnlsb him and his companions all tbe aid in their power. Patriarchs .Meet at 'Roma. '' BOMB,'• 1NL Y-, April 8.—!The third, an- nnal department coonci'i of Patriarchs Militant of the state of New York, repre- senting the higher degrees of Odd Fellow- ship, convened |n Masonic hall here. At the opening ot Che session Ci^taidChnrch- 111 of Weedsport presented E. CI," Snaefer,. . president of the department, council, with a complete set of the proceedings of tbe sovereign grand lodge from its inception to the present time. v . JSdttor Bona of Qsneia Dead. Qsss&tAi '.,W. : ,X.'* April 7.—William Q., Bonn, editor of the Geneva Conrior, has died from Bright's disease, aged 57 years Mr. Bunn was formerly a member of the Bepnblioan state committee and assistant fbputy Internal revenue collector at Syra- cuse, five years ago he removed to this ' place. (,,; . - ' : : '. Cable* Hal! Car Burned. WAaHWOTON, AprO a ^ €oaafdera*|la excitement was caused bent by the partial burning of.-a• caMe mail car in front of the treairary department.' The explosion of an ell stove started the fire. The lose was not heavy, but some loose mail matter was burned. ^ Voted Af»!r)«t WottBen. NKW HAVEn, April B.—At the session of lie New. Vjrk east cenferen&e 6f the Methodist Episcopal church the proposi- tion that delegate* to the general con ter- race may be men or wonwi WM lost by a rote of 88 to lift • : /•• 'V -•p-WSpBr ' J -iMlw^P^w llW^ WpB0^lKf^mUm^ ' , -W*ewBse3res, A^rtit-^Theii«ai»•dop« : t*d th« coaferrence report 00 the Guban •pHOltt«oiB«'i^y * to* pt Hi "irr''|S*''af4 l*Maed th#;;iAw|»n4'.biir6^"'WiBr^ ti« at»|«n«10B of -aie ral«a « & « * §ialF-«p«, «t»f«adtogcif the ioarwa. &&W»-'B&: publicans and sine Democrat* : "ita»&. JiBjUjift''^arjBppj!t l ,-/ ,.',,':,'. :" ., , ...v,-,. .- .,; •of .those opposed^-, fomamtttopiiLte- insnr^ent^ in the seaats •. and %mm there WCKJ bnt-10 mowt-rot** eaalnst th*'' renott . ^h*Q.' 'against - tlte oilglnal - rmoJution*. Tho f^aier -rote' WTIMS'"^'. to- Sfe', ,% *3W«- fcction tha hwoso agrreed to tbeawnato Wtw^; .lnttoaa and" -4ljipB^, of.. ^©nb^a.-oiHirsf-, tlon for the.present. ':."•'" "-"•'" .'•",'•' v """;'_;;.;,; . BesolTed, Thai In the opinion 4f coftgreas ooadltton.:M ptttUb; wssr-bafsts"'ijetlrlleii th» goTOrnmeut of Spain aud the goverament pro- claimed and f->x eeme time malntaiaeii by farce of arms .bj th«.jseeple of Cuba,, wfd that •;the United gtaies:' should -analntafa' a .strict aeotraii^r betwatn the c(*ite»4bMr -powers, »#• .... . .. . . . . - •ghts-©^.Wiiifiei»itts ; la. -fsi cardng to'ai^',«ll:the;rl8 1 the poets a»d territoii «f th® United BJates, r Bi'solved, rarther. that..fls© ftjt^adj^^^fitcesgf tao Dmtad S»»tc3 tsi-jjtd4.fee,e!!&eje£'fer *fif pr««!<ieat to.-tbu^.Bplknish ^ v ^ n j n i e a t f o r the retTjgji;tioa of thyliidvpciiou of Unba. j' 1 , ,. Thy river and harbor bill passed, carry' tag, in actual appropriations, flO.SaO.Me, and outhojteeseontraeta for S3 ne^rproj 'jep^< : -wlt^ K a'liud!i'Ofv<^ast. of ISI^liSilOS, " . " '.f^eafdent ^(jet^-'th^^JEtesatntabna,'', : " olutlona were officially brought tojfliBr ifr tentioa of 't&& presM&t i&rj^y by tlKj see- .setaryldf the' sonat^'who pigsonifed him with an enrolled copy bf the;docSwehli, Blahop BJTMI S l o w i y "UnproviDK. - BrFPAto. AorU t i - B ^ ^ B !^to!a cidn- dlttnn has tnatarlaftly.Ittfttroved"- R S i & i dangerously sick man, but bis condition Is taot considered us critical aslt was from Saturday night until yeaterday, when a •ilght improvqmeat began. < A compUca- Hon of conditions has caused the alarming turn In the bishop's llloess, whichohSat nrday mido itself evident. :j^,» John, Cro- j^j?B,.wh0 ih^'^hee^.'ta.'fffiailiiffii MWB3»BW., upfln Blgndti Ryan, jsaldf: 'This ;ismila^>- «oi4 of oonditlobs whleh haibronght'thfl blahop to his bed la apt to tcrminaja and- deniy, a s It h a s ondod In t h e c»so« of other great men, but I anticipate no cMnge for the worae just now." Hi* ad»anc«id age, 78 , jr^art, ;i»akei; ; ]b^..)^tM'o«^»f|. nt»ck .o|- disease leas powerful than oould be wi*n- ad, but on previous and almllar Oocaatohs :. Use bishop baa fought off.. the aftack-with .^^^;.. :i ;,. 0 .;,,, : ;,-v, r ;;,,, ?i .;.•,»-.;!>;; ./•'• ' Sew" tJ.st- "Par m,e«fcri»l*jqr.>', y - .*,' \, - iipxat^^ A.t^ 1 'i T -'jh^-'pw;eifBdM: In thf d^partcaont of horticultuxe at Cor- 4ai'to%e^ust^nblad^'-sK>me;' Mx<!bo$&i$ c^mgpland by eloctrio light. T^^eaaqr BaUoy said: "We are highly- $0t9m aiing eleotrtq u^— _ T „^ fksi^r^l^'-^-sGkNptt: 1 ti*t '«U5f5n| Jght •Sieiday-thirj^fcaji r|^^c4;JBIie»fir*l?I t^ weeks: -hefdro. ,.^iose. tf^^ffiffiiat' ahder natural oondltloaa. ^h^ ^ffeiri fi fully as tnarkod In tho csao of lettuce, sat wefonridtiiat plecrWoity Is aposltlro det- rjjrierj^topoas, V|Ke wljl o^btiJitiftbujr. " 'tifratfoh jbn-, diff^nt-ijplariMkia^iai " '"tilts. ^'J^ i blr^g>rHi|^.oz.^, Boentgen .X rays..,.Wa*bij[l (Uao ex^ ment on plants by electrifying tho atxaos- phoro in which thoy arc grown." .: Qoeer*«it'< of^ ^Lll Coatei«ae» ftands.. •" WASHiNQfpN. 4-pJrll i-—tfnited 8tatcs Treasurer Morgan fcai rocciyed the foli lowing iottjir^ fr&in r Wc9t«lU->fCtfan., in- closing SO ceritss:-ft*•-- postage »ij»npi: >': f - li l was a soldier a t the tlpae of the rebollion. t ; was on v guvord *lover' U10 oommlssary stores and thoughtlessly took lumpa of sugar -from 'ai*''bpiDXf.lbwcieNl-'tb^ai-. I d l d not take much In quantity, bat; violated tho. prlnoiplo of strlqt honesty," |t'iiJmv pressed upon mb after all thaso years, that I ought to make restitution. I Mnd post- age stamps to cover, I thlitk, the Taloo of afi that'i'took: with ijjtoiea*,^ The stamps were turned into the consclenoofncd. -- Gonferenoe Between tlia Booths. KBWYOBK, A'p^\-i^^^.'Bo!o^-iJJittiT(fr' er hassucceoded In having "ah interview with her i»J^^w, ^^ft l HPK^on- .^ije eaxne to Montolalr accompanied by Major Lewie and Staff Captain Cayglll, who wore not, ^i^^^oiifpa ^^'.-preseiife' - Mm. Ballihgtoh Booth Was present and also Dr. MoKolway of Phllttdoiphla, a cfoao friend of Ballington Booth- T|iocoiife^ enoe lasted for several hoars. No results were announced b* -ellbW aide. "Balling- ton and Mr».^B^th -wanttoChicago. \ -.; - LyDchins Narrowly Av«rted, ..4,, J , A^IXAIJTAJ*,iA^i"$ '—A. '"•^eiM':",|rpra"- i ra.. looton, <5a-, says .BT. W; 1*. Byder, w/ho assassinated Miss Salllo Emma Owens Sunday night, was remoirea to Colnmbias. The guard around the jail are stUl on duty there. \Siitty mounted raen came In to lynch Ryder, but cool heads appaaset the party. At a maismooting Judge Bobb waa requested tooall Immediately the su- perior court. -;.'" ..,-'.,. . . ;••• /'-' Beeently Appointed JTndfeOIe*. * NBW YOS&% Ap«l' &-Jttme»;#« Coni- lto, recently appointed by- <Soveraor pW«gs. J»y jndge of 8us9eae w #iB|tyjr has died at his honoa In Deckertow*!, N. J. He wastohave fijlfeen im. mt&'•:•& -$bo bench for the ftrsttlmo Mondny and great preparations had W n made by the Sus- sex county bar toylobrate the advent of the new judge. ; : ;; ;;-:,:-.;;,••- - ^ K,ymsn'a rVlncl^at'jOapttt^, AXBANY, April 4.—State Commissioner of Bxoise Henry H. Lyman announced that he had sppointad M. Mi Ciemsnt of Canandalgua as his principal deputy. He •aid that there were several applicants for tho place, bat Mr. Clement was so strong- ly recommended thatfeowaa selected in preference to the others. Among his tn- doraers was Senator John Balnea himself. .;.,,,. .w.» t ; fi'ii^, ii ii|.'i'pn..w •', '• ,J ...ftf j;:-\ ' JRdrtor Banner S«riot»ly III, ... S*H WW^SBIBOO, April S,-~3, 'ii, Baal* ner« editor of Prtek, has left f o r N e w York In company with his wife and cousin. Mr. Banner came to California for hia health, hot has bees confined to his room most of the time of his stay ixt San F-anctaco, He Is a very slok man and his physician thought it best for him to be taken home. ; . A 8aleide> Mirstenlooa «»eaj»e. TORONTO, April B—John Strsoban, wall- known merchant tailor of this city, threw himself from Glen Road bridge. 80 feet, into the ravine here, with solcldal intent, bat was 1 abie, with alight aaristane*. to walk aftar fata faarfnl leap. .'' . *«* jrlMwM<««r afilwwHl M.aa*-««itliuw- - - iaiiYiial l l i « a a « '1*»-Mtfcaislat *m& Wr*r*j'• : K - Jk; ottitfier- - iiWt. ttuw-'-faew'" 'itf&W. wadlhg, aaeoied eight, td»irv6yaiK«, fyvimftm r ; , .v, , .. V " ..•".-.•. ,: <hie of ttid WJ08* «^a^«ne«ft «»$ in- «ef»4Ig»l«5te*fieiigj*btlB.S^milk 4x%ui*. bodies acbre* of th«s» narrstiv«« in a napcr primed in t»« report of t c o p ra- E««e«rch. A few are •j^l^t^|^isnr^« doption here toiJlusiratw fomaof the ffijj»6|ie4i tsbrlitttip 4f, tb« ttiy»tariq|B ..t«4W#'4n,a,tte«li|afc'''-' """.'"' ;'',"" ij^JBgs^i Jlo,, «*y«fe».dfB«!over(e«i.jresis '«gji- ^ ^ ^ i s i w , able to soe $Sng& mentally, which h|ft ijapjr|^ed:l|^i|e^8 of. rnilosaway and njapy 'iy^ttg.^beforp; iflta wjbka is MHi:' r -"WWJ8 in «&njj$iiy >itb, .|3*.'Tjrott|r ^^ ; lixingtf4* ; Mo,,:i cbdld |# jyr&^e 8»i neai %hlm'^.'4i>V^ *»teiwa4 «a wWoii w«Ji * darjc red kid glove. 3$ie1 ,iand : wat *JI th® titoftitt ?fldti?ft. 1 eiQe^liis atfeeniSon |^ »udt ftew^»tac}i«Brnti»Nfc X told Mm ttlfe ijjPftHi JteaiJ, a J»st0r^#-,«tt# St bcito£»n objections.I^GnldiJja, plgftsed,fe0fenbw Ii 5|e6s4d: *J tvgg tj^voMegJa Canada -'on^li^caiHW, -|i^d''^'^y 'Wifm # to*' '.ftEfp;-f|i|$ ; -:&»a-'Ijp^ wre^ed'-"^;j|tjl© 'ifeW&wl&ft^^^^ ^F6ck, ajd aboat the first thing that I «w was a young lady lying op^o tit© ^nni|4«ld' One band was naked, apd #e WW <ss>T~ i^l. i -|fi|fe.- *;€«*; ,5rcd ;|;I4^l*?f. : *vl9» •sfeliil^ *»poi l»a Jittering &$ words to dark red kid glove and the band van •iii^it"..^-'•'/ ; -/ '>-"* - --•': : ^uiie®teljt^ ^if ^ S&olBBr hero xnaiitioned sent * foil aooonut of the ac- cident and th» soB.-^N»l^n irtte' -|HV> .Pw^gi. 'ts» aik/.c-fHeer- 4^ ; tKQ ^ir^eWS# £e*e«rch >a#feft, .Ji» jffp^f te^pqo^ieji, .p : .. r^WW- Ibe/^or^oingjjtlortf; fn^y, adding that the glovedfaaadmade airtrxmg iniprieBsiOn on him,:*'wlirchbM remained to this day, alront 40 yeiw.^ H^wai wtoan^ at Ite. Pirwos* »' rth.tpcrton ahbnld ha*I broached this- ^oBtatina noonrrad alMrjal axaetJy at the uaka tin* wbaa tha "p*cii>ien*V peoeiyad. -#." .'eoiirispoiidipf;' - Im S h i p w r ^ , more trifling aedeko '«fetffe^lJf #Idat dt^ latS-tnV"^^ In which * watch that hid 4 been' in a-jbajfteid a l?W JJ^W* "befojpftlrtlll ^.*tafr3fe!E»U^^ in: steep or a half waking-ooradition, Than, S .tijefajp^aingnfQpl, ?; fS8^_t&* vtitp » Chiqafeamaio ps^d fcii», while t^ey had ever kndwaaperaotiliaJneaEsdAle. Hs replied in- the tiegatita. Tiwnahe narrated a dreaia^ it) wbifeS Abe a^w % cof^D on tno lake ehorosomarkod^ l^^r M jbti. pftyii" -Pte dl^dtetc* 1 **'" m, mbrniDg papor of' t^at date an accorant piilioiaii^Epes^fanqQ nf -W^Wsax J^ &• daile> J?nti ^$t|i pp ^ebiy ^^j^.^eVi Alter elaborate iaqniry |t l*e|in# ^ bp <)B£abui^6a\ifc& &((t|itil!>B| mentioii bf tho f not that ho was missing. Fair several day3 tho Chicago papers *0v, Ifti^fl 19, the, topic, bat Bnggestod tjba| feo mi alivo, bn| ^tiBWB^ and wqrnld be tpvai% $Up^ potionbf shjofdr^tefbtmt* ed. On Oct 10 l^daileV dfad body wo« fonnd. Ho had been drowned. Visions, dresBcftor Ixnpjsaeaiblia wMcfa seemed t<s be pr^phodoflgarefi^jbontly in Ji^. M$&a?, catalpgna * iSooajgi^lJjr 'there wonld tie datrn yt^S^'ii^m^^ sensatiou. SA naiiw^y engineer stopped ftlattainiPfto f <sotildW|tot |ay %J»fj ind aent a Sagman ahead- tie thus stopped a^expreaat^in.MmingtbwaifdbW 4 » ifar4B^j&»pidtt ^ M J » > # ^ « ^ : ^Joag..te ;-«ae ^ri4-wlien'.ftfe vm>.$m pelled to change his ronte abruptly? He fonnd next day *h|t #ieW iitore «|e$«i would have tbtbws hiin off a dbolb.:. A •iatkefii anatf^tiy abonfe * wwi/^iiaotiii^ part of the country increased to *nch a point that the family had jasVdeoided to1 enmnion the" briy r iiprp© Whisn #a news of his death was received. Again, of tho ptefignrcd eventa «ome wereonly a few seconds .atray, oth#i» perbRjw montbH diBtanfc. A natntalist •wonld diecover, wthont searcb or anspi* almost infifcantly after' an image of tbs specimen was fcrand-in his mind or a ^ ^ ' ^ a l ^ i i ^ f i ^ ^ ^ ' t o ««#,.b£ sonie '.jBn8eq»;.:'agenoy:« -..Aceil4.^itti^f^. 'iww 5e«tbs, were. predictod'' weeks i n . ad- vanoe, and aometimea on a fpeoified date, and the forecast was folfllied. A man dreamedof aeeing the headstone of hiaowngraveiaKWibed "Jnc. 9, M As the word "Jane" is seldom abbreviated, he believed that this was meant for "3an, V Soo» afteeward one of hi» children died on Jtme 8, and be consid- ered this oocnHence a fnlfiUtnent of the flTnjpofled pfophecy. - ? Howaver r ha died himself several year* , afteiwtrd ' on Jan. 9,.' Tbe experts wlio Have nnderfcski*a the are eagetly itwking fat njoi* at«rie» of this sort. BioJoard JSodgaon, C Boyl- •tott place, Boston, ktho American sec- retary and treasurer of tbe Society For Psychical jBesearcb, and when he get* hold of anew yam ne proceeds 1»hf vestigate the matter carefully before re- porting the facta to beadqnwtettf In London,—New York Tjcibnae. . Dentists in Vienna are forming a so- ciety which lias toe Its object a ocrarse of motnal instmotion in light anecdotes and pleasing converssttion foe prof«s>- fclt«#E»-*e««t taf Vtoy-. llKtlM'lislva**"**!*".' •'."••- i- W»Jta»a<, *«&**«*»»'*«»* „, . Ko«.a «jy mM bat rlap^llttsll. .. "Pitts Jdnwfv etmrn-A and' t&titN? .- t - -£|tiife-«i«9*»fcth^s1il«..-. --i:... '5^..:.- - ' - ^ _ i W s i » « ^ . t ^ ^ f d l . ; " ' . ' _ ' •;,;-/"'.'.' "'^'^o?>3«^.W'^^i i S , #^---- -' > " i-i<lfeK^r^trWa^^^*Wrl*df , ' A4^%r ars»»-a«a* a*ra»«««Ki' •••';.• - , f * ^ « ^ss?ikij*fo««^tt tk* <mm, m ^ ; , ^^»lSi^.^-th«-if«i» ' '•.'-'""' JWsis^ji^twlatti'twIalsV.'•"•-•:•' •*'>'>.-""' ; ; :-fe»ts^6Mfc#-»ags|-fi(af w.'-. v -.~'-5,"'.,-.«- -, "MsKft-thae i*ttiay aai*ia ha -> a«^jtAtrh6«i^vf»o*iai«t" ' -' '*Umjam% do f«a to^|o»,.|^is«f«« -'• •- . Jwttl0-jKiest^crow»»;aM.ewl^r7'r ^Wdli-«s«r.jft'aa''fiieanss!f«e, ';>- .--'£•" ' M **fcotfe^«-ioveyQu^a^^,!girja^ja;«* " HPrank-S^t^.teqh^o^^^l* l^klMM^kalsBi m n '$•£•*. Xw.. «hp»e:. Who Ar» At>«»mt t* fflUim- -m iXm,x**vz% <Bfat<4ithi<rta^ '---- '"' It.is'ag^tj^g^-tj^.s^^^^' witib -whiel* to wbsk ontiif#'# l^obknai,] andnleraai^jsoipg fli(8fetevel»«»JbleJfeed up aid •ttsetea%m *o».ttS|wfc<tWttijn iW^«igtoiit«r--'a)3if fannft'to^i^ftt: ?•* Always t^kft it l^gaatttelt tto*i,«i«ary.' .«ne ; |aj?5Uif Utelt .'Iby.pa^llbiftSl'pttliatS ;pbbf loth©--'©3»-tta^y, .Ibft.iviscaSB'^ef* -Sbh- iia;-60Qiet| K«a ^gti^.-iDjititttid, 0£fci |ea$t A ojaical, iort of toleranoa and $fe? 'ing-#i»;yi»i»" 'VeiytewiiitnijE^iMrtavirott 1 «5%an| to epite yan, JgSiaa fott inftflal - that .finere 4s«oi»a «a»ji?fco, d0**« 'da»*t avoided. M d w p tjtf^ttffttlta* yent life as ' ( ^ j t e t e ^ v ^ ;|j(Miii(i}a ( > . gg^ abof« «11, uever descend to aboa* lite or h^ Jt«aibiWflfe»wiirJ««ii»Stwia yattPepei^, Never n»»sure np a griev- ance; it willgrow «at of #jt proportion ffitji; jaftHfJng, •. ' ; ^ff^sas|^ ^ ^sb^^^Bjv ^•fffMaa^sjsj i f %"asjs^ss^a ^ssjaaava} JS^SI^^IBBJ 3n»t beMuao ftoreiganian >urotiad.' 'TW* 'J«'-'-«ii ; |BQi'fe.|ti^t|»6' l«ttlt« * girl WOO: h«« not hsmthtti n*ktit» tahieav Tna msjB will mot like yott any be4tw foe ignoring a girl friend and earnestly d> toting yonrseU tphitq. Agrea.t:»any. npon tlw meu, Itia a wd^Utakt, It lg -,fl'**"r'*f^#^"*^"iaT™w Vr-*i^aa^iff *^w^Va ^VW jptftfl | 'fc-wWwWp rsdaa whocam gita yoa a n*bd titaa, <>r not, i n tht mi.. Very fa^ wowien dia- iiite yon becatae of yoBr'anoonaaaa. Ikjbi. berjaoaa of yoflr flaunting tbeto, • JSTever igrore older and njarriad !»•*. p e y isiil jQotffflrgiv* it« »»d they uliM a mighty JHHrtBV,. - Dwtt'tWuiidw wMt oooswWrticn wilt be pn*fltt.f xtiftifoqt ^ a « t f « ttniray yon bold ytiar head and *he way yon liwfr™;- •".'•• . • " • . '• 'v Don't wonder what p«opl« ara think- ing of jronr-poia, and yoar gown, and yonr bwda, a«d ; tbe poaiUca of yoor feot. ^entoouetheydon'MTas^sw^oB,, and if they # Cbey *r« not bothering tUHr be*da about yon. TJji» is not Sdnd, bntitiiemineritly trne. Ateryyonng glrl'a wowfc fnolt ii her aelf oonsciooji- neM, .'IlrWa-y bo tt}»«6tUki(0niWast^-|}^ ^sbortcavlpg*, bot tint i* *v« »ora veWng tkt jab apprecittion of b « vir- .^•-•J ". '" ', ."•' . • • ' " . ' - " Don't b»^ "wonderinf what yoa wiil "™S/' . ^ r * * *"a^Vf l "S>iSB> JpWpS|^f^Sj l ^^r'*T**T^^^flENsa,^'*^^^^^ffTa^a *" ybtx da not xxjnke i| t aP* JRrobaWy by the time yon h^e''flnitne4'saying.wJill'yoa bave in »UJ4 a ***** tbpjta mil btitnf* geat^,, ^v^^Mf-mm^^^a^ th ( iag—jo nil iu aljlat^s is the »bsi oo- tcnt caano of that taistaks oonamonly knS*m IM n»«ingyonr|pot ifyft,, -,". Don*! frequent tete»iHiet» ooweiftv Only experienced end moch olde* girls *Can 4* *h»t vUlr inilWttHy. Don't giggly bnt» on tbe other hand, -ao4'i look.w»it".arpq.iir«»"tit'ii #eddfesv :1osl'-,feB(!riiii v •••••- -.^ „. , -,:|ja«;, jthnx* ^yosr -to lay -whit' it aoean'l happen to be practical to say writb yoor tongue. ' * ' If yon happutobe left stranded lot aide of the wall to be pitied.' Oft np aad. go over to ssme gronp of watroos. an^t dott'%* faaojr that ibt whole mm-AM -Watching yonr tran/iit. It ii rooofc too bnsV talkiua alld dancinfl. Hera, aaain. ^^ilifiiir^yoiiiwielfi fber* it aptb- "*ererij&$aj®to#efc' .^,-^tnosiiWy look ««thoirgh »belilt&iit, and ib«r* 'it ^btikfc-'ljswfc xm, M liyi»|.tO' sttt|H«f ; lt: «!t.•'-•.- '(i••''.- «•' - •-• .-.-:•'' ''. ,"' : '/ ' "".'"• * ' . Above all things, never d^iicnsa an «£•>. ttnr"-'wjb;ej:e : yon iwere-a-^fallttie* •. iHw»r. adsiit that you were a failore, Kseip qni*t-#boiii Mi^^-m'l'l&tn'ttife V-ft" ;do6att r *.do-i^^jrWfrtib»'^|iili^ ,»• LoD*on'- ia, to b* .«,.. b^Uftad, tba work a m bt Iwnvttwi* in thalr clsa* j mi - *fat.- boawly cwlthaiaosi ef ¥ l l!re - ^P-' M .* , * : .'it- 8 **' tlmtnt af axwllsooa la altn raamnt snost ba eoorttmaily''9Mm«mt^f: mm ^mM&mWm walaisa a*. «traaic«MIt'sSigS*' SSiy^'.'l^-.'ai-fsi.'. ^ t'J l*y)me imbt^ with dWn<si assthetks f«eling io*f »«»w be artMc^ra in thenrtiwnl*y#:Wl davelopmeut ami ©tolllttgi '• •'.•-'" : '.'-'.-V"". '-"^''- '-' "^' -* , - V the modem fashions gradually detcend, aretotaJlydemoraUaed, and ao thara is :»o^tBk^deinatefiittSBitM-<8te^ no rational example far*ijt*»-fet ^ria null onltnre of axtemaltis the «areat im- jratae and' f^nda»iott.f# all nations 1 art, «nd yet i«are ia t ooastant waste of money on the irorth!ei» wnimsiea oi MM Mk&i£e&4$m .tbo i &«&&•. tbr patterba "fp' bachpiftiby |6«vbKiy«r§ At large warahooas* Tbaaatjadeaiww, pav- ing wiio^ aonie mewfortnUfins »el«3- tion, than aaserl 4h*t ibia jwbdoctioa of ttislf folly I* "fl>» fashion*'* «Bd?t3»» <5?iij»»tjSatkialiy f^oliaKt •«rt»*d«wt«ld'of |«itividttiH|yi'ii«it{»g, th«t mffifc'$&* -oqtlK,. wtspt-^ltoi- f«awp»' ..and beooi^i agiSK' *UmU- •• ^Wb^r'nop* :%m>t<m mn th^ra be for nHt»«»«litrtiatic cnitnra mJm tfee wbo(e ; natio« bat* eondeiaaed tbwnjwivet, with A *ralt»lion» to- pe*^ aonalneglect of ajpt in thinga thateon' atantly coneem them? throughoat Chris' tandoiu Ibare ii now no populax ooodi* iioa St for the dfTelopnuict and growth q* the vernacnlar in art. ThaspBriotM aaoeticiann that rKTjsfijoailjr insnltssts | itself in a apgradie way. is bat« oaatiag flicted with the added weakness of eon. cait ofxwstonally aneenmb. It leavaa rtbaH* In dna tiuMat oaoaddie«kN»f and Jjopelese of inaptvvanMAf ~(|r«vMrty €' Of. Jj^M ""'*|i*gai' >:„ : -CfcfA^s©;bf " if? _#s»W™«^ ^ COR K l t l jsaH KUTT • T*l*pboi»a= t». -- .'•'. .•«• . "I' ii'iii 11 '.KJimil mtmmmmmmmmimmmtmmm v< < A JsfMft*'-> •mm *^^^"ass? _-SSB> ssBB^^sjh^HPaHa^l^a ^ , ,* r * -3r i«tilte a rarawticsj IB nornoaiCsN aat basm in Moatassi dseitsittwnwi tfMMtfc althongb, owing to tba tMtwt nanoirtn which tb# ajyiwapte^i»adtn| in- m it ^B^BBsiPSBHaalMjBV' V^Vt^riBi VbsSfeSBsME a%lBBSSSlS;^BSBt Jaf JbJsifedS: SSa^i^BBBl SBBSBW .partara. Etsty one knows thai BQlHft* 1st well in frniH iwd vafecablM, «M wwttiyiUBavIE MsH llttaaslBt fltarfBSBSBB; ^BBB1^BBST% ^_K^a. <SjBss>s>W~flBBBBtsBlU11 twre brir^s^titeintoniatTnrrtT. %bsw fi)i6>' tug Ijihwijsss u >n •l^sjjstiwNisit. itqitf WWfUsV^^fUMsMr'WWVlV- slt^v^ssaMVaJ'tasst ahflsUBE ttsBp4lasBaA asakslialiSa wa^ek»*etattnfi«l6wJs«f«byol^an- fftnxaa, and asftAssail of laaay i|hul 4K»wwait» BraOSSS BO *—••'»» BSSl IsMSV adopted with - aaceasav Tba'ayiMli '«Uw-, g|a|a la MtaediNI -tlsa fhMsNsaT 1 ~* -*•— plant by rtixis^watioiKajsdM, , ^ :> Otilyanplieabla to tkoaawfcilsas sjWsM^ wJiieb wiu swVKtav^svais TaaHJy of Urn vaitayja ofltof. and It It nwtttoJNttiWM fof dacoration. V(mbK thaeM ~ JfHft«tM otilv aboat 5tt ass* —* as? - ssa bttds brtatad boaJd b% iaanoad to mmm, of Mf«r essiteaa ba It will hi noted ihjj$ tba^tioaBsTeBV* ami be aBpHsjB - to ~ivW«f«JMss bf'Ji(r kind, and it would eartalnlycba death to oamalllaa and probablytohyaoiatlni and tnlipe. It ii aaid that mat BatUn ttoat gtowerii alone have nearly 100 aoraa of lily of the vall«y wwkr cnltivatton, and tbat they hsta ado^tod the rafxiirarawnf sneffaod with great aooBMs* II aaa--tJaaa long ago prpifed that the plaat^ eaa bt ooltivated in, England with aqaal sae* eeaa t and we troat thai ike new method will noon be Med on an fetentiTe aoale. in thlaooinitrr.MQbsnaBac« l mtA,tk*»W'W»*** ; <eerft!»,. ^i^m^'vS^' '$im^^: : -mp name ^f '^ptii^cyoir;©* -.jokea^^'to,-'.biarjttiaji- esty," The title is aaidtohave reachad the imperial «&RV and William Hanat!- bed hie jeRterteek to ob*cnrity--.a thing entpwor and tfie officer meeting about A year aft«rvmrd, the ewperor'*»id wfth nunoh «eady to 8$?»Jlow mote of ,yoor gpoA tbinga." " "Sour majesty i* to be oon- gtatnlated npon yotat digft«tioht"aaid (he ironical K——, "since yott never bring any of them up again. 1 * ~&<*>~ i > fci^w onforlongb. Color Wh»t9gnpitf Viol&mr John Joly of Trinity ool< |ege, Dablia, tbe" discoverer of theJoly method of photographing in colors di- rectly froto nature, Js paying » biief visit to this country. HI* method con- sists simply in tbe nse while taking th* picture of A screen rnled mhmasgp i* the three primary -colore, obo:ftf^&&nse, ..fa sitoikrly rtled screeb Ofartghny difftrant ina^es in printing. ' Scr rar the' ^e^h^b^^enry^ anoieil VJKSN^H tlMBshUafa *s^RaaV frvt vMsilt'MStBiBto^SBBsl 1 nowadtyaTo not axper isnoa the dUBeai- ties usually anooantaswd by taPaa whe< endeavor to spread thw gospal,toaavage or aemisavage banda The raaaon of tbto is that tba Upfa hava a 11 aiiiltMff Cfi % gPpw^t* e^Waav^^STl a*^i ^•ssl^rjr "Sj^ssja/sa? aHrV^Vta '^*^f aW^w ^ jnore tban a o^uarrer «f a " waa' given -i&J&mJi&i under moat extraordinary Tnirty-avaortety an attempt made to Chriattotoatab* rnde boreal people, bat tbe wohtuit, tne _ evangeilsei wave taet by tenta ^f*j8^ iition on all tidea,: finally she oppoeanr of "4»n. beatben' Cbriatiana' resorted to the Obnoaions rauilatar| aa4 toaahaai- 1 Eiots broke out in aeveral villagea aa^, jnisaionariaB ware uituunva. . ^nBvznsj*> Isavlin ml tiiiitgaiKj t>f i -ehwstoa h wasa> ;ey«$i«la^ ja.rAr*"(Vnir^nP •••- ' asa^^si ^*- a<^ar, ^HSY^SJ^V J*&I *J^ ^^. hanged and the others impriarjoaa for : . ^j^slejNiiSif&J^ I ^TMiifeia^'yi^irWiar^ anne^^go^#ln4»|t|lj!lt may bo said '^ifeoiig-'.|holB ? -'' i d^iipiiB^ ;;toNlift epttt^toiv »--,.'-- J ••""-• - - toent was one l*sdft : Itt fM^«W«^J^^W^ yonn« aaMrman. He could wrftber read nor write, but soon l««msdbnib rcrtuid that it was tbs only mean* , themtnd. Next he jstoaine deafer'""~ J r d in the ptble, tbe vary book bad attempted to keep oof whicbPn^cJiwflllobeter forgave. Tk* fcitlo-<s ftli* psop^ AWeta^ffoigfl* year or two he formed tit* projssnvqf tranijaiing ft into tbe Lapp topjraf ^biawaa quite a difBoult tank for of awsh a limited ednoation who to *B6ke use of a langnage not too preasive at the beat, *Wt.-afte% Bearer years *f labor hf etaapieteji tbe i Isnd was gives »«liberty for thebssaa. 6t* Which he had eonfarneoV ifflosftfelt people. —0i Ionia Aepabne. SXnahar Pestonjee Qbadially, kaoWf in India as the Farsee Sdisoa, late elea- Vidian to bis* bigfaneto kUharajah Sana Ssaib of Dbolpt*, eentra! lanlf, watSt also late teiepbone sbperintends|it „Pf' Doiphnr atate, ia now is tbto Pdnrrsryi.; ; Off bis way aroondthe titoo*op>ijst, and, . - _ knoill *Mi ^be ssfsMJr^S^s^saaastt psniSPI Buffalo >0 - "...TO < ? ^ * . .";• *»V1A&AB-LIKX." '.* Jt«»in"Wt 1 rtlfrffirt, ,, (iff 'Itltl if 0>T M< ttrt tf to OAliy Tmn Tagtg, "»i — Jf^aaaafjastajsl aSW «.'»• aasalaaasr as. ^\%fm Aa4Chwsis'aJ> *m~*Mi IAJ fllaJsisi J^jagWs^i e^s^^s^Sw^a^si ^rSBasaajBBBPvrv . <*<•«> <%%iiBa. usat a?* i Cbcteasil, ladiHsaaolav Qaaaili' SJiBVWMsKeiaaBy-CB^aWass^^ pee*. '^ - farfanbar , CfltposfTtokai Agwat, er- w, •aaU. mm saaasadSMSaaMssBaa 4 «* W ,«- - >«aSsa1s<a«%-<;-- j ^J^ ssaaw, <> -^. ^..3%ii4i|ali»ii.*#i ,- t '. r j'V»''"^ :5 *^aV«B^^: : . -•USH^I.' ilaV* • • ^ - « - -eMto.- ^if**^ » al, *' t m *•»*•-. SA3Sxa: •• 1*^ v^8»^fW"''' ' .*•» **»fvR^f* n#ti| J 'f;? - • .: ^•^«««i»^: «tf •a-aaa-^saa#»»wsj» yf^.1Wif*'S ! ..'#.->f .^nsa#j.i« SIK*-:. •^^t-';.#*l»H IPfci^^ 5 it** tli* th<itirukri i? >, .M^fe; ? * ; ^ ^ '.*1 '^«i'W^ft5.a3! JK-~--S- T /', •—•.-*y^v >, - ^ %

Transcript of jiCTKTw mm -...

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jiCTKTw mm ^arrtson-Dimmick Marriage a

- Modest Affair. „,;-.


Brief iu»tl Slmpl* u P a u l trie—1)e<K '•'

N E W YQBK. , A^pfc^7*~E&-Eiealft9pit'Ben*: jOLmln Fl Harrison and Mrs. Mary Lord. Dimiuick were united V ~<4rrtage at 6:45 yesterday .-. • - aSernoc ":',r' '••' * & / Thomas' cbuxoh. - : ' "--•>. : • • • • • ' , :

The w e d d i n g was p r i v e t The guests were co&ltood to t h e few l!rleuaa u m t c d by, the Uridp a n d an equid number of Gen­eral Harrison's Including a number of bto lormer cabinet officers; '1,'ho floral decarationa were extr t iue ly aicupie, but handsome and tasteful, ' cons is t ing of §

cross u n a H A n m s o k ; .-.

of llltea, four- VBLSSS of; the, same flowers o n tho nJtar, several l&vgo palms afld «»fow gencs ta plAJat*. Theao were, tho o n l y decorat ion* used. t . ^ . . . ... ;.i:>--._,.

Ldeutenant'Pfuluis^V. ;S-, A.»>a brother-In-law of Mrs. Djmmlck, g a v e away tho brtdo/ ( ^ n ^ i U T t a o y « t e d o»b««1iniMi. T h o ceremony5 w h i c h TO very sltnplo and br£eJ ,waa .ppitp^od,;-by,.p^Tv..'T. ^ e s i e y . Brown, rector of'i8lL:'fj

,b.QB^,'xA.nreh,r-,.,-T h e m were n o bridesmaid*, tho' bride

be ing escorted t o the altar b^Lloutennnt Pn?$p.».£ »• •»'•' \Vrl-;<-r? «.". v . i :•: >'Ai-- '

T h e publ ic w e i ^clq4^:ovea-- , .»eprer' •ensatlyea of thfl prow be ing denl«>4 ad­mission " T h e 'ehtlrS party 1 $ ; ^ ohurch nambor^- i^ ' :#an'>'4a , ; - ' ^ ' * - ! ' ' - ' : ' - f •'•'•.' . | f r s . < D j h i u ^ c l ^ s J w ^ d i n g g o w n , which was o f pearl grey groagrain and silk, was m a d e by Madame Denolt -Mathle; ! Tho skirt waa plalfa with a short train fa l l ing from the w a U t . l n f n l i aof t g o d e ^ t A

taaVx^M•.ct-wmioe&lUpni- i«6&!:brdftd r e , TBM, draped; w i t h ijare^plj! iHpBito&^facov' half * yard jft i ^ «xten^Ung4^w|j «aoh iid« ofjbh© frbnraiid drip«a;oVer ttie felpa, forming a coat effect, T b e «leove* were l ong and fal l , taper ing to %he jirm helow' tjw, e lbow and, e n d i n g In a fall of l a w a^ Q& %wtL M r o i i n d th? neck tfcore w i s X' Illdstf 6oiiaip*df pa ler f t4 lab 4 j r f t , l M whic l^was ont^incd,.a.r6i)o.Qf.n^ pearls, fastened with a diamond clasp, the gift of tho brldeproom .ybo>enrrted » large bbaquot of illy-of^t|i^Vs)ll(iy%,' *|fte bonnot w o r n by thfi hr lde^'ae , a'idaiojty Frenob creation, compoaocl' of' lace and bine velvet, v. i i h a whitp a igret te bold In plnca by jewel pins.

BRECKINRiDQfe >AQAINr-X CANDIDATE. -t > ; ' , .!•: ' . ; • . v *

Tbka l i m e Bis JPrload* Are Confldout He W i l l Succeed-

LsatiNOTON, Ky„ April 6 . - W . O. P: Breckinridge has bp«»n quiet ly praptlclng law, nere;o,ver s lnco the ,eutb for damages of Rjrtdolino Pollard t w o years ago caused him t o be oucoeeded i n congress by W. C. O w 6 i i 8 , : : : : ' . " " : . % ! • ^ - ' . - . :' ::

Althousrh Miss Pollard g o t a Jndginent for $16,000, she; has novor been able to got execution or to recover nnything.

N o w t h a t Colonel Brcoklnrldgo 1* can* vaeslng t h e dlati lot aga in t o run for con-groka this year, the o ld movomont of tho ladles In t h e district I s bolng reorganized, and Colonel Breckinridge wi l l have the women aga ins t him oa be h a d ftwo years ago. ' •-,",.^:'V v n ' - f C H V * 'r?:-'''%X:

T h e n the raoe for tho nominat ion be­tween Brecklni idgo a n d O w e n s w a s close. Now the fr iends of "Kenfcnoky'e si lver tongned orator" expross t h o fullest oonfi-donco In h i s s a o c e s s ' '.',•' i''T •: •;""•'• !*''>•.'•.

cuBAM mwmm MTTUO.

Preparations F o r Andaree'i Oalqaa Trlj». M O N T B E A L , Apri l %'-±S3cr | ( i ^ , X

Smith , goTornor of t h e Hudson B a y com­pany, has been Instructed b y hlB agont in London t h a t tho Sweedlsh Ambassador has requested the company t o inform all their agent s in the north to watch out for Ahdree,; the;; bal loonist , w h o U t r y i n g tb reach the North pole, and t o got them, as well a i t h e Esk imos and Ind ian! w h o live l u these latitudes, to farnlsb h i m and his companions a l l tbe aid i n their power.

Patr iarchs .Meet at 'Roma. '' BOMB,'• 1NL Y-, Apri l 8.—!The third, an-

nnal department coonci'i o f Patriarchs Militant of the s tate o f N e w York, repre­sent ing the h igher degrees o f Odd Fel low­ship, convened | n Masonic h a l l here. A t the o p e n i n g ot Che session Ci^ta idChnrch-111 of Weedsport presented E. CI," Snaefer,.

. president of the department, council , w i th a complete set of the proceedings of tbe sovereign grand lodge from its inception to t h e present t i m e . v .

JSdttor B o n a o f Q s n e i a Dead. Qsss&tAi '.,W.:,X.'* Apr i l 7 .—Wil l iam Q.,

Bonn , editor of the Geneva Conrior, has died from Br ight ' s disease, a g e d 57 years Mr. B u n n w a s formerly a m e m b e r of the Bepnblioan state commit tee and assistant fbputy Internal revenue collector a t Syra­cuse, f i v e years ago h e removed to this

' place. (,,; . - ' : : '.

Cable* H a l ! Car Burned. WAaHWOTON, AprO a €oaafdera*|la

exc i tement w a s caused bent b y the partial burning of.-a• caMe mail car i n front of the treairary department.' The explosion of an el l stove started the fire. The lose wa s not heavy, but some loose mail matter was burned. ^

Voted Af»!r)«t WottBen. NKW HAVEn, April B.—At the session of

l i e N e w . V j r k east cenferen&e 6f the Methodist Episcopal church the proposi­tion that de legate* to the general con ter­race m a y be men or w o n w i W M lost by a rote o f 88 t o l i f t • : /•• ' V

-•p-WSpBr 'J-iMlw^P^w llW^ WpB0^lKf^mUm^

• ',-W*ewBse3res, A^rtit-^Theii«ai»•dop« :

t*d th« coaferrence report 00 the Guban •pHOltt«oiB«'i y * • t o * pt Hi "irr''|S*''af4 l*Maed th#;;iAw|»n4'.biir6^"'WiBr^ ti« at»|«n«10B of -aie ral«a « & « * §ialF-«p«,

«t»f«adtogcif the ioarwa. &&W»-'B&: publicans and sine Democrat* :"ita»&. JiBjUjift'' arjBppj!tl,-/ ,.',,':,'. :" ., , ...v,-,. .- .,;

•of .those opposed -, fomamtttopiiLte-insnr^ent^ in the seaats •. and %mm there WCKJ bnt-10 mowt-rot** eaalnst th*'' renott . h*Q.' 'against - tlte oilglnal - rmoJution*. Tho f^aier -rote' WTIMS'" '. to- Sfe', ,% *3W«-fcction tha hwoso agrreed to tbeawnato Wtw ; .lnttoaa and" -4ljipB^, of.. ©nb^a.-oiHirsf-, tlon for the.present. ':."•'" "-"•'" .'•",'•' v """;'_;;.;,;

. BesolTed, Thai In the opinion 4f coftgreas • ooadltton.:M ptttUb; wssr-bafsts"'ijetlrlleii th» goTOrnmeut of Spain aud the goverament pro­claimed and f->x eeme time malntaiaeii by farce of arms .b j th«.jseeple of Cuba,, wfd that •;the United gtaies:' should -analntafa' a .strict aeotraii^r betwatn the c(*ite»4bMr -powers, »#•

. . . . . .. . . . .- •ghts-©^.Wiiifiei»itts;la.


cardng to'ai^',«ll:the;rl81

the poets a»d territoii «f th® United BJates, r Bi'solved, rarther. that..fls© ftjt^adj^^^fitcesgf t a o Dmtad S»»tc3 tsi-jjtd4. fee, e!!&eje£'fer *fif pr««!<ieat to.-tbu .Bplknish ^ v ^ n j n i e a t f o r the retTjgji;tioa of thyliidvpciiou of Unba. j'1,

,. Thy river a n d harbor b i l l passed, carry' tag, in actual appropriations, flO.SaO.Me, a n d outhojteeseontraeta for S3 ne^rproj 'jep^<:-wlt^Ka'liud!i'Ofv<^ast. o f ISI^liSilOS,

"." '.f^eafdent ^(jet^-'th^^JEtesatntabna,'',:"

olutlona were officially brought tojfliBr ifr t e n t i o a of 't&& presM&t i&rj^y b y tlKj see-.setaryldf the' sonat^ 'who pigsonifed h im w i t h an enrolled copy bf the;docSwehl i ,

Blahop BJTMI Slowiy "UnproviDK. - BrFPAto. AorU t i - B ^ ^ B ! ^ t o ! a cidn-dlttnn has tnatarlaftly.Ittfttroved"- R S i & i dangerously sick m a n , b u t bis c o n d i t i o n Is taot considered us critical a s l t was from Saturday n i g h t u n t i l yeaterday, w h e n a • i l g h t improvqmeat began. < A compUca-H o n of conditions h a s caused t h e a larming turn In the bishop's l l loess , w h i c h o h S a t nrday m i d o itself evident . :j^,» John, Cro-j^j?B,.wh0 ih^'^hee^.'ta.'fffiailiiffii M W B 3 » B W . , upfln Blgndti Ryan, jsaldf: 'This ; i smi la^>-«o i4 o f oonditlobs w h l e h ha ibronght ' th f l blahop to his bed la apt to tcrminaja and-deniy, a s It h a s ondod In t h e c»so« of o ther great men , b u t I a n t i c i p a t e no c M n g e f o r t h e worae j u s t now." Hi* ad»anc«id a g e , 78 , jr^art, ; i»ake i ; ; ]b^ . . )^tM'o«^»f | . n t » c k .o|-disease leas powerful than oould be wi*n-ad, but on previous and almllar Oocaatohs

:. Use bishop baa fought off.. the a f tack-wi th

. ^ ^ ^ ; . . : i ; , . 0 . ; , , , : ; , - v , r ; ; , , , ? i .;.•,»-.;!>;; ./•'•

' Sew" tJ.st- "Par m,e«fcri»l*jqr.>', y - .*,'

\, - iipxat^^ A.t 1'iT-'jh -'pw;eifBdM: In thf d^partcaont of horticultuxe at Cor-4ai'to%e^ust^nblad^'-sK>me;' Mx<!bo$&i$

c^mgpland by eloctrio light. T^^eaaqr BaUoy said: "We are highly - $0t9m

aiing eleotrtq u^— _T „^ fksi^r^l^'-^-sGkNptt:1 ti*t '«U5f5n|


•Sieiday-thirj^fcaji r|^^c4;JBIie»fir*l?I t ^ weeks: -hefdro. ,.^iose. tf^^ffiffiiat' ahder natural oondltloaa. ^h^ ^ffeiri fi fully as tnarkod In tho csao of lettuce, sat wefonridtiiat plecrWoity Is aposltlro det-rjjrierj to poas, V|Ke wljl o^btiJitiftbujr.

" 'tifratfoh jbn-, diff^nt-ijplariMkia iai " '"tilts. ^'J^ iblr^g>rHi|^.oz.^,

Boentgen .X rays..,.Wa*bij[l (Uao e x ^ ment on plants by electrifying tho atxaos-phoro in which thoy arc grown."

.: Qoeer*«it'< of^ ^Lll Coatei«ae» ftands.. •" WASHiNQfpN. 4-pJrll i -—tfn i ted 8 t a t c s

Treasurer Morgan fcai rocciyed the fo l i lowing iottjir fr&inr Wc9t«lU->fCtfan., in-closing SO ceritss:-ft*•-- postage »ij»npi:>':f- lil was a soldier a t the tlpae of the rebollion. t ; was on v guvord *lover' U10 oommlssary stores and thoughtlessly took lumpa of sugar -from 'ai*''bpiDXf.lbwcieNl-'tb ai-. Idld not take much In quantity, bat; violated tho. prlnoiplo of strlqt honesty," |t'iiJmv pressed upon mb after all thaso years, that I ought to make restitution. I Mnd post­age stamps to cover, I thlitk, the Taloo of afi that'i'took: with ijjtoiea*, The stamps were turned into the consclenoofncd.

-- Gonferenoe Between tlia Booths. KBWYOBK, A'p^\-i^^^.'Bo!o^-iJJittiT(fr'

er hassucceoded In having "ah interview with her i»J^^w, ftlHPK on- .^ije eaxne to Montolalr accompanied by Major Lewie and Staff Captain Cayglll, who wore not, ^ i ^ ^ ^ o i i f p a ^^'.-preseiife' - Mm. Ballihgtoh Booth Was present and also Dr. MoKolway of Phllttdoiphla, a cfoao friend of Ballington Booth- T|iocoiife^ enoe lasted for several hoars. No results were announced b* -ellbW aide. "Balling-ton and Mr». B th -want to Chicago. \ -.; -

LyDchins Narrowly Av«rted, ..4,, J •, A^IXAIJTAJ*,iA i"$ '—A. '"• eiM':",|rpra"-ira.. looton, <5a-, says .BT. W; 1*. Byder, w/ho assassinated Miss Salllo Emma Owens Sunday night, was remoirea to Colnmbias. The guard around the jail are stUl on duty there. \Siitty mounted raen came In to lynch Ryder, but cool heads appaaset the party. At a maismooting Judge Bobb waa requested tooall Immediately the su­perior court. -;.'" ..,-'.,. . . ;•••

/'-' Beeently Appointed JTndfeOIe*. * NBW YOS&% Ap«l' &-Jttme»;#« Coni-lto, recently appointed by- <Soveraor pW«gs. J»y jndge of 8us9eaew#iB|tyjr has died at his honoa In Deckertow*!, N. J. He was to have fijlfeen im. mt&'•:•& -$bo bench for the ftrsttlmo Mondny and great preparations had W n made by the Sus­sex county bar toylobrate the advent of the new judge. ;:;; ;;-:,:-.;;,••- -

^ K,ymsn'a rVlncl^at'jOapttt^, AXBANY, April 4.—State Commissioner

of Bxoise Henry H. Lyman announced that he had sppointad M. Mi Ciemsnt of Canandalgua as his principal deputy. He •aid that there were several applicants for tho place, bat Mr. Clement was so strong­ly recommended that feo waa selected in preference to the others. Among his tn-doraers was Senator John Balnea himself.

. ; . , , , . .w.» t ; f i ' i i ^ , ii i i | . ' i ' p n . . w •', '• ,J ...ftf j ; : - \ '

JRdrtor Banner S«riot»ly I I I , . . . S*H WW^SBIBOO, A p r i l S , - ~ 3 , ' i i , Baal*

ner« editor of Prtek, h a s left for N e w Y o r k In company w i t h his wi fe a n d cousin. M r . B a n n e r came t o California for hia hea l th , h o t has b e e s confined to h i s room most o f the t ime o f his s tay ixt San F-anctaco, H e Is a very slok man and h i s phys ic ian thought i t best for h i m to b e t a k e n home. ;

. A 8 a l e i d e > Mirstenlooa «»eaj»e. TORONTO, Apri l B—John S tr soban , wal l -

k n o w n m e r c h a n t tai lor of t h i s c i ty , threw himself from Glen R o a d bridge. 80 feet , in to the ravine here, wi th so lc ldal intent , b a t was1 abie, w i t h al ight aaristane*. t o w a l k aftar fata faarfnl leap. .'' .

* « * jrlMwM<««r afilwwHl M.aa*-««itliuw-

- - iaiiYiial l l i « a a « '1*»-Mtfcaislat *m& Wr*r*j'•

:K - Jk; ottitfier- - iiWt. ttuw-'-faew'" 'itf&W.

wadlhg, aaeoied eight, td»irv6yaiK«,

fyvimftm r;, .v, , .. V " ..•".-.•.,: <hie of ttid WJ08* «^a^«ne«ft «»$ in-

«ef»4Ig»l«5 te*fieiigj*btlB.S^ milk 4x%ui*.

bodies acbre* of th«s» narrstiv«« in a napcr primed in t»« report of tcop ra-

E««e«rch. A few are •j^l^t^|^isnr^« • doption here toiJlusiratw fomaof the ffijj»6|ie4i tsbrlitttip 4f, tb« ttiy»tariq|B

..t«4W#'4n,a,tte«li|afc'''-' """.'"' ;'',""

ij JBgs i Jlo,, «*y« fe».dfB«!over(e«i. jresis '«gji- ^ ^ ^ i s i w , able to soe $Sng& mentally, which h|ft ijapjr|^ed:l|^i|e^8 of. rnilosaway and njapy 'iy ttg. beforp;

iflta wjbka i s MHi:'r-"WWJ8 in «&njj$iiy >itb, .|3*.'Tjrott|r ^^;lixingtf4*;Mo,,:i cbdld | # jyr& e 8»i neai %hlm' .'4i>V^ *»teiwa4 «a wWoii w«Ji * darjc red kid glove. 3$ie1 ,iand: wat *JI th® titoftitt ?fldti?ft. 1 eiQe^liis atfeeniSon i© | ^ »udt ftew^»tac}i«Brnti»Nfc X told Mm ttlfe ijjPftHi JteaiJ, a J»st0r #-,«tt# St bci to£ »n objections.I^GnldiJja, plgftsed, fe0 fenbw I i 5|e6s4d: *J tvgg tj^voMegJa Canada -'on li caiHW, -|i^d''^'^y 'Wifm # to*' '.ftEfp;-f|i|$;-:&»a-'Ijp^ wre^ed'-"^;j|tjl© 'ifeW&wl&ft^^^^ ^F6ck, ajd aboat the first thing that I « w was a young lady lying op^o tit© nni|4«ld' One band was naked, apd # e WW <ss>T~ i^l.i-|fi|fe.- *;€«*; ,5rcd ;|;I4^l*?f.:*vl9» •sfeliil^ *»poi l»a Jittering &$ words to dark red kid glove and the band van • i i i^it". .^- '• ' / • ; - / '>-"* - - - • ' : :

^uiie®teljt^ ^if S&olBBr hero xnaiitioned sent * f oil aooonut of the ac­cident and th» soB.-^N»l^n irtte' -|HV> .Pw^gi. 'ts» aik/.c-fHeer- 4^ ;tKQ ir^eWS# £e*e«rch >a#feft, .Ji» jffp f te^pqo^ieji, .p : . . r ^ W W - Ibe/^or^oingjjtlortf; fn^y, adding that the gloved faaad made airtrxmg iniprieBsiOn on him,:*'wlirchbM remained to this day, alront 40 yeiw.^ H^wai w t o a n ^ at Ite. Pirwos* » '

rth.tpcrton ahbnld ha*I broached

this- oBtatina noonrrad alMrjal axaetJy at the uaka tin* wbaa tha "p*cii>ien*V peoeiyad. -#." .'eoiirispoiidipf;' - Im Shipwr^, more trifling aedeko '«fetffe^lJf #Idat d t ^ latS-tnV"^^ In which * watch that hid4 been' in a-jbajfteid a l?W JJ^W* "befojpftlrtlll ^.*tafr3fe!E»U^^ in: steep or a half waking-ooradition, Than,

S. tijefajp^aingnf Qpl, ?; fS8^_t&* vtitp » Chiqafeamaio ps^d fcii», while t^ey

had ever kndwaaperaotiliaJneaEsdAle. Hs replied in- the tiegatita. Tiwnahe narrated a dreaia it) wbifeS Abe a w % cof D on tno lake ehorosomarkod^ l^^r M jbti. pftyii" -Pte dl^dtetc*1**'" m, mbrniDg papor of' t^at date an accorant piilioiaii Epes fanqQ nf -W^Wsax J^ &• daile> J?nti ^$t|i pp ^ebiy ^ ^ j ^ . ^ e V i Alter elaborate iaqniry |t l*e|in# ^ bp <)B£abui 6a\ifc& &((t|itil!>B| mentioii bf tho f not that ho was missing. Fair several day3 tho Chicago papers *0v, Ifti^fl 19, the, topic, bat Bnggestod tjba| feo mi alivo, bn| tiBWB and wqrnld be tpvai% $Up^ potionbf shjofdr^tefbtmt* ed. On Oct 10 l^daileV df ad body wo« fonnd. Ho had been drowned.

Visions, dresBcftor Ixnpjsaeaiblia wMcfa seemed t<s be pr^phodoflgarefi^jbontly in Ji . M$&a?, catalpgna * iSooajgi^lJjr 'there wonld tie datrn yt^S^'ii^m^^ sensatiou. SA naiiw^y engineer stopped ftla ttainiPftof <sotildW|tot |ay %J»fj ind aent a Sagman ahead- tie thus stopped a^expreaat^in.MmingtbwaifdbW 4 » ifar4B^j&»pidtt ^ M J » > # ^ « ^ :

^Joag..te ;-«ae ^ri4-wlien'.ftfe vm>.$m pelled to change his ronte abruptly? He fonnd next day *h|t #ieW iitore «|e$«i would have tbtbws hiin off a dbolb.:. A •iatkefii anatf tiy abonfe * wwi/^iiaotiii^ part of the country increased to *nch a point that the family had jasVdeoided to1 enmnion the" briyr iiprp© Whisn # a news of his death was received.

Again, of tho ptefignrcd eventa «ome wereonly a few seconds .atray, oth#i» perbRjw montbH diBtanfc. A natntalist •wonld diecover, wthont searcb or anspi*

almost infifcantly after' an image of tbs specimen was fcrand-in his mind or a ^ ^ ' ^ a l ^ i i ^ f i ^ ^ ^ ' t o ««#,.b£ sonie '.jBn8eq»;.:'agenoy:« -..Aceil4.^itti^f^. 'iww 5e«tbs, were. predictod'' weeks in . ad-vanoe, and aometimea on a fpeoified date, and the forecast was folfllied. A man dreamedof aeeing the headstone of hiaowngraveiaKWibed "Jnc. 9,M As the word "Jane" is seldom abbreviated, he believed that this was meant for "3an, V Soo» afteeward one of hi» children died on Jtme 8, and be consid­ered this oocnHence a fnlfiUtnent of the flTnjpofled pfophecy. - ? Howaverrha died himself several year* , afteiwtrd ' on Jan. 9,.'

Tbe experts wlio Have nnderfcski*a the

are eagetly itwking fat njoi* at«rie» of this sort. ^ » BioJoard JSodgaon, C Boyl-•tott place, Boston, ktho American sec­retary and treasurer of tbe Society For Psychical jBesearcb, and when he get* hold of anew yam ne proceeds 1»hf vestigate the matter carefully before re­porting the facta to beadqnwtettf In London,—New York Tjcibnae. .

Dentists in Vienna are forming a so­ciety which lias toe Its object a ocrarse of motnal instmotion in light anecdotes and pleasing converssttion foe prof«s>-

fclt«#E»-*e««t ta f Vtoy-.

l l K t l M ' l i s l v a * * " * * ! * " . ' •'."••-i- W»Jta»a<, *«&**«*»» '*«»* „, .

• Ko« .a « j y mM bat r lap^l l t ts l l .

.. "Pitts Jdnwfv etmrn-A and' t&titN? .- t

- -£|tiife-«i«9*»fcth^s1il«..-. --i:... '5 ..:.- -

' -^_iWsi»«^. t^^fdl . ;" ' . '_ ' •;,;-/"'.'.'

"'^'^o?>3«^.W'^^i iS ,#^---- -' > " i-i<lfeK^r^trWa^^^*Wrl*df, ' A 4 ^ % r ars»»-a«a* a*ra»«««Ki' •••';.•

- , f*^« ss?ikij*fo««^tt tk* <mm,m ;, ^ ^ » l S i ^ . ^ - t h « - i f « i » ' '•.'-'""'

• JWsis^ji twlatti'twIalsV.'•"•-•:•' •*'>'>.-""' ;;:-fe»ts^6Mfc#-»ags|-fi(af w.'-.v-.~'-5,"'.,-.«- -,

"MsKft-thae i*ttiay aai*ia ha -> a«^jtAtrh6«i^vf»o*iai«t"

' -' '*Umjam% do f«a to |o»,.| is«f«« -'• •-. Jwttl0-jKiest^crow»»;aM.ewl^r7'r ^Wdli-«s«r.jft'aa''fiieanss!f«e, ';>- .--'£•"

• 'M**fcotfe «-ioveyQu a ,!girja ja;«* " H P r a n k - S ^ t ^ . t e q h ^ o ^ ^ ^ l *




'$•£•*. Xw.. «hp»e:. Who Ar» At>«»mt t* fflUim-• -m iXm,x**vz% <Bfat<4ithi<rta^ '----

'"' I t . i s ' a g ^ t j ^ g ^ - t j ^ . s ^ ^ ^ ^ ' witib -whiel* to wbsk ontiif#'# l obknai,] andnleraai jsoipg fli(8fetevel»«»JbleJfeed up aid • ttsetea %m *o».ttS|wfc<tWttijn iW^«igtoiit«r--'a)3if fannft'to^i^ftt: ?•* Always t kft it l^gaatttelt tto*i,«i«ary.' .«ne;|aj?5Uif Utelt .'Iby.pa^llbiftSl'pttliatS ;pbbf loth©--'©3»-tta y, .Ibft.iviscaSB' ef* -Sbh- iia;-60Qiet| K«a ^gti^.-iDjititttid, 0£fci |ea$t A ojaical, iort of toleranoa and $fe? 'ing-#i»;yi»i»" 'VeiytewiiitnijE iMrtavirott1

«5%an| to epite yan, JgSiaa fott inftflal - that .finere 4s«oi»a «a»ji?fco, d0**« 'da»*t

avoided. M d w p tjtf^ttffttlta* yent life as ' (^j te te^v^ ;|j(Miii(i}a(

>. gg^ abof « «11, uever descend to aboa* lite or h ^ Jt«aibiWflfe»wiirJ««ii»Stwia yattPepei^, Never n»»sure np a griev­ance; it willgrow «at of #jt proportion ffitji; jaftHfJng, • . ' ;

^f f^sas |^ ^ ^sb^^^Bjv ^•fffMaa^sjsj i f %"asjs^ss^a ^ssjaaava} JS^SI^^IBBJ

3n»t beMuao ftoreiganian >urotiad.' 'TW* 'J«'-'-«ii; |BQi'fe.|ti^t|»6' l « t t l t « * girl WOO: h«« not hsmthtti n*ktit» tahieav Tna msjB will mot like yott any be4tw foe ignoring a girl friend and earnestly d> toting yonrseU tphitq. Agrea.t:»any.

npon tlw meu, Itia a wd^Utakt, It lg -,fl'**"r'*f^#^"*^"iaT™w Vr-*i^aa^iff *^w^Va ^ V W jptftfl|'fc-wWwWp

rsdaa whocam gita yoa a n*bd titaa, <>r not, in tht mi.. Very fa^ wowien dia-iiite yon becatae of yoBr'anoonaaaa. Ikjbi. berjaoaa of yoflr flaunting tbeto,

• JSTever igrore older and njarriad !»•*. p e y isiil jQotffflrgiv* it« »»d they uliM a mighty JHHrtBV,.

- Dwtt'tWuiidw wMt oooswWrticn wilt be pn* fltt .fxtiftifoqt ^a«t f« ttniray yon bold ytiar head and *he way yon l i w f r ™ ; - • " . ' • • . • " • . '• 'v

Don't wonder what p«opl« ara think­ing of jronr-poia, and yoar gown, and yonr bwda, a«d; tbe poaiUca of yoor feot. ^entoouetheydon'MTas^sw^oB,, and if they # Cbey *r« not bothering tUHr be*da about yon. TJji» is not Sdnd, bntitiiemineritly trne. Ateryyonng glrl'a wowfc fnolt ii her aelf oonsciooji-neM, .'IlrWa-y bo tt}»«6tUki(0niWast^-|}^ ^sbortcavlpg*, bot tint i* * v « »ora veWng tkt jab apprecittion of b « vir-. ^ • - • J ". ' " ' , ." • ' . • • ' " . ' - "

Don't b» "wonderinf what yoa wiil " ™ S / ' .^r** *"a Vf l "S>iSB> JpWpS|^f^Sj l^^r'*T**T^^^flENsa,^'*^^^^^ffTa^a * "

ybtx da not xxjnke i|taP* JRrobaWy by the time yon h^e''flnitne4'saying.wJill'yoa bave in » U J 4 a ***** tbpjta mil btitnf * geat ,, ^v^^Mf-mm^^^a^ th(iag—jo nil iu aljlat^s is the »bsi oo-tcnt caano of that taistaks oonamonly knS*m IM n»«ingyonr|pot ifyft,, -,".

Don*! frequent tete»iHiet» ooweiftv Only experienced end moch olde* girls *Can 4 * *h»t vUlr inilWttHy.

Don't giggly bnt» on tbe other hand, -ao4'i look.w»it".arpq.iir«»"tit'ii #eddfesv :1osl'-,feB(!riiii v •••••- -.^ „. , -,:|ja«;, jthnx* yosr -to lay -whit' i t aoean'l happen to be practical to say writb yoor tongue. ' • * '

If yon happu to be left stranded lot

aide of the wall to be pitied.' Oft np aad. go over to ssme gronp of watroos. an t dott'%* faaojr that ibt whole mm-AM -Watching yonr tran/iit. It ii rooofc too bnsV talkiua alld dancinfl. Hera, aaain. ^^ilifiiir^yoiiiwielfi fber* i t aptb-

"*ererij&$aj®to#efc' . ^ , - ^ t n o s i i W y look ««thoirgh »belilt&iit, and ib«r* 'it ^btikfc-'ljswfc xm, M liyi»|.tO' sttt|H«f;lt: « ! t . • ' - • . - '( i••' ' .- «•' - •-• .-.-:•'' ''. ," ' : ' / ' "".'"• * '

. Above all things, never d iicnsa an «£•>. ttnr"-'wjb;ej:e: yon iwere-a- fallttie* •. iHw»r. adsiit that you were a failore, Kseip qni*t-#boiii Mi^^-m'l'l&tn'ttife V-ft" ;do6attr*.do-i^^jrWfrtib»'^|iili^

,»• LoD*on'- ia, to b* . « , . . b^Uftad, tba work a m bt Iwnvttwi* in thalr clsa* j mi - *fat.- boawly cwlthaiaosi ef

¥ll!re-^P-'M.*,*: .'it-8**' tlmtnt af axwllsooa la altn raamnt snost ba eoorttmaily''9Mm«mt^f: mm ^mM&mWm walaisa a*. «traaic«MIt'sSigS*' SSiy^'.'l^-.'ai-fsi.'. ^ t'J l*y)me imbt^ with dWn<si assthetks f«eling io*f »«»w be artMc ra in thenr tiwn l*y#:Wl davelopmeut ami ©tolllttgi '• •'.•-'":'.'-'.-V"". '-" ''- '-' " ' -*,-V

the modem fashions gradually detcend, are totaJly demoraUaed, and ao thara is :»o^tBk^deinatefiittSBitM-<8te^ • no rational example far*ijt*»-fet ^ria

null onltnre of axtemaltis the «areat im-jratae and' f^nda»iott.f# all nations 1 art, «nd yet i«are ia t ooastant waste of money on the irorth!ei» wnimsiea oi MM Mk&i£e&4$m .tbo i &«&&•. tbr patterba "fp' bachpiftiby |6«vbKiy«r§ At • large warahooas* Tbaaatjadeaiww, pav­ing wiio^ aonie mewfortnUfins »el«3-tion, than aaserl 4h*t ibia jwbdoctioa of ttislf folly I* "fl>» fashion*'* «Bd?t3»» <5?iij»»tjSatkialiy f oliaKt •«rt»*d«wt«ld'of |«itividttiH|yi'ii«it{»g, th«t mffifc'$&* -oqtlK,. wtspt-^ltoi- f«awp»' ..and • beooi^i agiSK' *UmU- •• Wb^r'nop* :%m>t<m mn th^ra be for nHt»«»«litrtiatic cnitnra mJm tfee wbo(e;natio« bat* eondeiaaed tbwnjwivet, withA*ralt»lion» to- • pe* aonalneglect of ajpt in thinga thateon' atantly coneem them? throughoat Chris' tandoiu Ibare i i now no populax ooodi* iioa St for the dfTelopnuict and growth q* the vernacnlar in art. ThaspBriotM aaoeticiann that rKTjsfijoailjr insnltssts

| itself in a apgradie way. is bat« oaatiag

flicted with the added weakness of eon. cait ofxwstonally aneenmb. It leavaa rtbaH* In dna tiuMat oaoaddie«kN»f and Jjopelese of inaptvvanMAf ~(|r«vMrty

€' Of.

Jj^M ""'*|i*gai'

>:„:-CfcfA^s©;bf "

if? _#s»W™«^


COR K l t l jsaH KUTT

• T*l*pboi»a= t » . -- . ' • ' . . • « •

. "I' ii'iii 11 '.KJimil mtmmmmmmmmimmmtmmm

v<< A



*^^^"ass? _-SSB> ssBB^^sjh^HPaHa^l^a ^ , ,*r * -3r

i«tilte a rarawticsj IB nornoaiCsN aat basm in Moatassi dseitsi ttw nwi tfMMtfc althongb, owing to tba tMtwt nanoirtn which tb# ajyiwapte^i»adtn| in- m it

B BBsiPSBHaalMjBV' V^Vt^riBi VbsSfeSBsME a%lBBSSSlS; BSBt J a f JbJsifedS: SSa i BBBl SBBSBW

.partara. Etsty one knows thai BQlHft* 1st well in frniH iwd vafecablM, «M wwttiyiUBavIE MsH llttaaslBt fltarfBSBSBB; BBB1 BBST% ^_K^a. <SjBss>s>W~flBBBBtsBlU11

twre brir s titeintoniatTnrrtT. %bsw fi)i6>' tug Ijihwijsss u >n •l^sjjstiwNisit. itqitf WWfUsV^^fUMsMr'WWVlV- slt^v^ssaMVaJ'tasst ahflsUBE ttsBp4lasBaA asakslialiSa

wa^ek»*etattnfi«l6wJs«f«byol^an-fftnxaa, and as ft Assail of laaay i|hul 4 K » w w a i t » BraOSSS BO *—••'»» BSSl IsMSV adopted with - aaceasav Tba'ayiMli '«Uw-, g|a|a la MtaediNI -tlsa fhMsNsaT1— ~* -*•— plant by rtixis^watioiKajsdM, , ^:> Otilyanplieabla to tkoaawfcilsas sjWsM^

wJiieb wiu swVKtav svais TaaHJy of Urn vaitayja ofltof. and It It nwtt to JNttiWM fof dacoration. V(mbK thaeM ~ JfHft«tM otilv aboat 5tt ass* — * as? - ssa bttds brtatad boaJd b% iaanoad to mmm,

of Mf«r essiteaa ba

It will hi noted ihjj$ tba tioaBsTeBV* ami be aBpHsjB - to ~ivW«f«JMss bf'Ji(r kind, and it would eartalnlycba death to oamalllaa and probably to hyaoiatlni and tnlipe. It ii aaid that mat BatUn ttoat gtowerii alone have nearly 100 aoraa of lily of the vall«y wwkr cnltivatton, and tbat they hsta ado tod the rafxiirarawnf sneffaod with great aooBMs* II aaa--tJaaa long ago prpifed that the plaat^ eaa bt ooltivated in, England with aqaal sae* eeaat and we troat thai ike new method will noon be Med on an fetentiTe aoale. in thlaooinitrr.MQbsnaBac«l


;<eerft!»,. ^i^m^'vS^' '$im^^::-mp name f ' ptii cyoir;©* -.jokea 'to,-'.biarjttiaji-esty," The title is aaidtohave reachad the imperial «&RV and William Hanat!-bed hie jeRterteek to ob*cnrity--.a thing

entpwor and tfie officer meeting about A year aft«rvmrd, the ewperor'*»id wfth nunoh «eady to 8$?»Jlow mote of ,yoor gpoA tbinga." " "Sour majesty i* to be oon-gtatnlated npon yotat digft«tioht"aaid (he ironical K——, "since yott never bring any of them up again.1* ~&<*>~i> fci^w onforlongb.

Color Wh»t9gnpitf Viol&mr John Joly of Trinity ool<

|ege, Dablia, tbe" discoverer of theJoly method of photographing in colors di­rectly froto nature, Js paying » biief visit to this country. HI* method con­sists simply i n tbe nse while taking th* picture of A screen rnled mhmasgp i* the three primary -colore, obo: ftf &&nse, . . fa sitoikrly rtled screeb Ofartghny difftrant ina^es in printing. ' Scr rar the' ^ e ^ h ^ b ^ ^ e n r y ^ anoieil VJKSN^H

t l M B s h U a f a *s^RaaV frvt vMsilt'MStBiBto^SBBsl1

nowadtyaTo not axper isnoa the dUBeai-ties usually anooantaswd by taPaa whe< endeavor to spread thw gospal, to aavage or aemisavage banda The raaaon of tbto is that tba Upfa hava a 11 aiiiltMff Cfi % gPpw^t* e^Waav^^STl a * ^ i ^•ssl^rjr "Sj ssja/sa? aHrV^Vta '^*^f aW^w ^

jnore tban a o uarrer «f a " waa' given -i&J&mJi&i under moat extraordinary Tnirty-avaortety an attempt made to Chriattotoatab* rnde boreal people, bat tbe wohtuit, tne_evangeilsei wave taet by tenta f*j8^ iition on all tidea,: finally she oppoeanr of "4»n. beatben' Cbriatiana' resorted to the Obnoaions rauilatar| aa4 toaahaai-1

Eiots broke out in aeveral villagea aa^, jnisaionariaB ware uituunva. . nBvznsj*> Isavlin m l tiiiitgaiKj t>f i-ehwstoahwasa> ;ey«$i«la^ ja.rAr*"(Vnir^nP •••- ' asa^^si ^*- a<^ar, ^ H S Y ^ S J ^ V J*&I *J^ ^^.

hanged and the others impriarjoaa for :. ^ j ^ s l e j N i i S i f & J ^

I ^TMiifeia^'yi^irWiar^ anne^^go^#ln4» | t | l j ! l t may bo said ' ifeoiig-'.|holB?-''id iipiiB^ ;;toNlift epttt toiv

»--,.'-- J ••""-• - - toent was one l*sdft: Itt f M ^ « W « ^ J ^ ^ W ^ yonn« aaMrman. He could wrftber read nor write, but soon l««msdbnib

rcrtuid that it was tbs only mean* , themtnd. Next he jstoaine deafer'""~J rd in the ptble, tbe vary book

bad attempted to keep oof whicbPn^cJiwflllobeter forgave. Tk* fcitlo-<sftli* psop^ AWeta^ffoigfl*

year or two he formed tit* projssnvqf tranijaiing ft into tbe Lapp topjraf ^biawaa quite a difBoult tank for of awsh a limited ednoation who to *B6ke use of a langnage not too preasive at the beat, *Wt.-afte% Bearer years *f labor hf etaapieteji tbe i Isnd was gives »«liberty for thebssaa. 6t* Which he had eonfarneoV ifflosftfelt people. —0i Ionia Aepabne.

SXnahar Pestonjee Qbadially, kaoWf in India as the Farsee Sdisoa, late elea-Vidian to bis* bigfaneto kUharajah Sana Ssaib of Dbolpt*, eentra! lanlf, watSt also late teiepbone sbperintends|it „Pf' Doiphnr atate, ia now is tbto Pdnrrsryi.;; Off bis way aroondthe titoo*op>ijst, and, . - _ knoill

*Mi ^be ssfsMJr^S^s^saaastt

p s n i S P I

Buffalo > 0 - "...TO

< ? ^ * .

.";• *»V1A&AB-LIKX." '.* Jt«»in"Wt1rtlfrffirt,

,,(iff 'Itltl if 0>T M< ttrt tf to

OAliy Tmn Tagtg, "»i — Jf^aaaafjastajsl aSW «.'»• aasalaaasr as. ^\%fm Aa4Chwsis'aJ> *m~*Mi IAJ

f l l a J s i s i J^jagWs^i e^s^^s^Sw^a^si ^rSBasaajBBBPvrv .

<*<•«> <%%iiBa. u s a t a ? * i

Cbcteasil, ladiHsaaolav Qaaaili' SJiBVWMsKeiaaBy-CB aWass ^

pee*. '^ - farfanbar , CfltposfTtokai Agwat, er-w,

•aaU. mm


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