~'/J/I'•,.,)A-tv0L~ - Iowa

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. r Standard Form For Hembers of the Le91slature 2. HarriaQe (s) date place 3. SiQnificant events for example: A. :dv 4.,. ,@ ·f I!G d B. civic res pons ib i 1 it i e s · ::;.Air;,...-- 1 .1 · 1 r 6. Public Offices A. Local s. state Jtsr ft-.1 &wAr ff t;; . c. National ____________________________________________ __ 9. Names of parents ______________________________________ ___

Transcript of ~'/J/I'•,.,)A-tv0L~ - Iowa

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

r Standard Form For Hembers of the Le91slature

2. HarriaQe (s) date place

3. SiQnificant events for example:

A. Business~$/.L ~ :dv 4.,.,@·f I!G d

B . civic res pons ib i 1 it i e s -.!JtH<.-<;~-=-<.· -=---=G;.....:,_,_!I,_,_i_e_,,,1.....,.._,..""'T~cJ_O._..;.'f",-_' -"''-~+-""~=;;r<:d.;t~.,.. ·::;.Air;,...--1 .1 · 1 r


6. Public Offices

A. Local ~"'/J/I'•,.,)A-tv0...L~

s. state ~Aifd•,Jt..._ ,_, Jtsrft-.1 &wAr fft;;

. c. National ____________________________________________ __

9. Names of parents ______________________________________ ___

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

. .

lO.Education ______________________________________________ __

11. Degrees ______________________________________________ ___

12. Other applicable information·--------~~==~~~--------

- . ~~

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

. .

Sources Log For Legislation Entries


Source Kon Applicable Applicable Information obtained

--~' Wt~~~l1"'--~~- ) .:Jiej -Q.d. :L~ If l z I I·;;

u A ~ .... ~.-.4 A"'~f/ I J' 7 ~. #· ._") 6 ,p- s 0 2

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


- --------- ------


--.YOU. will want to slip Into ·thaL winter suit you took ott last spring.

You kno·w that Is juet as ·

good as new-except~that

It Is slightly soiled and In nood ot a good press ing.

Anticipate your wishes on that morning: Solid that suit. and topcoat now to ba

dry cleaned and pressed.

Then when the !lrst chilly . morning arrives - ypur

heavier clothes will bo hanging splc and s pan tn your closet.

Fo; the women--we

apeclallze on Suite, gloves--and the dainty

pact)! .froq_ka. or . wraps.

Whealen's Pantatorium DRY CLEANERS





or~tnnlzatlon or Co. F. lOth Iowa In· tnntry, and wru elected cu ptuln or th e company. l!o commanded the com · pany until 1863, when be was made a s­elatanf adjutant general. Durin g hi• C ivil War servlce, Captain Hcnd wa•

Willow townshll> ~'rlclay mornlnK •I ~:30. All 1>•..-snn• lnt e roK ied In lh o culling or th eir poultry flock• aro In­vit ed to be present. The d<!mon•lm­lloo will bo In charge or County Ag en t navis.

from the ~·urcKt J<:clyll. Mrs. /\. W . l ' hlll lv• follo1n •d '

s plundld dls cusKion on I ilu M~l

Colouy. Mra. l't..-cy Oray h ud ' .ot the musical momury program pre•entod tho three following

wounded several ' times, once at Cor4 lions ~n the Vlr.trola, and gave Jnth. Ml•slsslppl, onco at Champion Th mas~uornde party h old at Roy taut Incident s In the lite· ot eacl Hill and onco at VIcksburg. HI• lln.rll ey 's by th e Farm Union Loca l pose r. The Melody In ~'-by 1 wound at Vlcl<aburg was a very sorlou• No. 896 , October 20, was a grand snc- stoln. The lllue !Hanube Wal hoad wound and kept him In a ho"· co••· A bout one hundred were pres- Btrauus. Tho l'oot atHI !'casu !I

J>· l'll'------· pltal !rom May 22 to September, 186:!. ent. Games WElTe the Couture of !he urture by Frunz Von Huppe. Upon discharge trom th e h oo pltal h ~ evenlnl(. Supper waK se rved and at ~ This tl c prurtmen t of the W• was promoted to a~eiHtant adjutant late hour everbody d~parted tor honl o Club will support nn<l a1o1Ht Ml s


·t, general, and served on the statrs or .saying th ey had a tin~ tlme.-A Mcm- bard In any way posslbl'o In pres Ge nerals Mathia •, ~lcPherson an•l ber. !he M uslc h!Nnory conlcHt In n, !blum, and was wllh Sherman on his lie schools. Th is con te•l Is an march through Georgia to th e eca. "Desert Gold" Be~ins In tlonal plan des ired tor taml ll•

· _, Immediate ly after the wa r close d. Next Issu~ of the Herald our children with our !J es t mus Captain Ilead came to Gree no county, our gn•alosl ~nmposPrs--and I Iowa, whore he located In Jetrerso~ In nex t Issue of tho llcralc! will h" manrtEII' creating In th em u '' "" and tool< up the practice ot law, an1l round the opening lnstnllnH>nt or Znn" our bt>st muolca l ll!eraturll . Th also entored the banking Uu s lncss In Gce y's !nmous novel, "Dcacrt Ool1l" nuw,•rnPnt townnl rnaldng m co-opern.tlon wltb Muhlon Head ,ancl Zane Gr ey's books aro now the be:: t part or th e da lly odu .. a!lnn o r Reuben Mi ckel, es tabli sh ing the bunk· .<o llet'H In tho Unlt<>d Slates, and a r •• pnotJl e , us music: I• onu nr !he g . !ng house of l!ond Tlrns. & ~llck e l. wlftt worth reading. "lle •..rt Oohl" I• forc ·es In chamclo r lllllldln~-; ot Th is partner ship suU~f·qu ently he- nn epi c or the ~w~sl, writt en by a wrl-:.- fea'u future gPnerntlon. The came Head Brothers. under which c r who ,has tho western s.vtrlt nuLl ld puhllc will he lufurnH'tl from t

name the bunk continued until 189:1, lhorough ly In love wllh his suhlf\'L lime as to tills wf)rk. wlt on lt wns mPrgod Into tho Greon ·.' If yon enjoy thrilling r omnnco, of tl111 The J)p pnrtm~ul atljourneu t •

counly sta le bank, with Cn plu ln ll o:ul hl ~; h c· r d uss weste rn type. clo not fui l with ~ lr• . W . H. Aclrlun ou 'I' • th e principa l slockll ol<lef, a lso vle o to- rend "Desert Gold" which will rw1 Novem lw r 21st. president and a director . This bank oerlally In th e Il e ra lcl th e next tim>:• Ther e will !Jc u Boarcl mect ln ~ !alec . became th o First Nall\) na) Dan'< months. Woman's Club at th n Jlll bllc li b at Jot!erson. --·---- · 4 o'c lock on Saturday'":" Octobc

Durln.g late years, owing to h~s a•l· ENTEA_TAINED AT HILMER Every memh<>r pleaHc be pre ' vanced age. Captain ll &ad h ad largely HOME IN JEFFERSO possible. r e linqui s hed a ctivo management o( Ill • Boone Pioneer : Memlll' rs or th u bu•lneas Interests and propf}!'lY. to hlri ll e ltu Zetas and hu Bbands nncl !rle ncla J<:ct' Ca rl e r, who wllh his w three sona; but durlug his prlmo no parti cipated In a de li ghtful llallowe'e n s ponc11ng th u full wllh th l!ir <h, was a ctiv o In th e munagen><>nt --ot ·sev- r>arly w~,hiesday evening· when th ey In Minn ea poll ; . Is In our cll y o

era! banks and his othe r extensive fl · motored to !he home of one or th eir """" tor u rllw days. lie retJo r nanclal and la nd Interests. members, Mrs. Oscar Hilme r In Jeiier- Ca r ter about tt1e sam e as usual

Captain H eacl wu• - vl..-y prominent son. and active In num er ous lod ges ancl Tho honre was olabocrately docorlltP.II CLYDE L. HERRING :ro -civic societies , bei ng n mem!J or ot th ~ with Jl nllo we'c n motlts, which also SPEAK HERE SAT ~ Masonic, I.{). 0. F. and K. 1'. lodge". predominated In tho ta lly cards. Whist lion. Clycle L . lkrr lug, Dem F~ was a m9mbor ot tho local dw. occupi ed tho evet\lng with Miss Llllllh randlclnlo r,,.. Unl!e cl !:Hat es S

J~ . Tho~1 n8 Post, G. A. H., over slnc•' Goodman an d J esse Shull winning th ~ wil l " '"'uk ut lh o I'Ollrl house as

: t'he Institution of that IJOHt. nne! took high sro rcs and Mrs. J ohn l~agan anrl room 1\l 10 : 00 11 . m ., Saturday, C

special Interest In the dolpgs or all h !~ Cnrl Clems th e consolation. Dntln~ 28, 1 9 ~2 . fri ends and comrudca who · e ndured tho cvO'nlng there was al so some de- - --- - - -.--with him tl; e ·hardsh ips o f t he Civil ll~htful mu s ic by Mr. H ilmer. who Is EXTRACTED HO N EY FOR 'Vur. nn accompllsbe(l muMiclnn. C oo. ?\1. ThniJI :;ou'n Pllru t •:t

Captain H ead's ste rling worth as a Tho serving or delicious ea ts brot hortt.•y J~ fnr Ma lt' a t t he Sm ith · groC'nry l\ JJI \ };wnn's nrocn ry.

citizen and' business bad long boo ~ a happy even ing to a closo. palls 90c ; IU poun d pai ls $1.U G.

_) .

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

u. I •

. c::;c

Let tJs Show You . __ _ ... )

~--n·l r the leadenhlp .,f Mr. L. E. "' _ ..• t his planning aome apecial ' • mualc to be given j.n the near future. · o Please remember that the church 11 •ll not a cold stora!te plant to keep a • '.: few 1111ints from 1poiling, but it ill in-·• aplration point with a clear, straight h vitAl message that ·helps . people to ___ _ tr live.. ------- ;,..-

Preaching SeiTiea..

---...J~---- ---·•- ....-·-- ..._ -.J&~ A .._...._&&W

~' ... ~ '_ ; .

~., -- '-· -


!~-;; · . ~ ·._( ..~ .-·


ec:eased Was Greene Coun­ty's Leading Citizen

Captain Albert .. Head, Greene coun· :: , , ty's lead I~ citizen, d\ed las t Wed nos· ~,-::::- --· .day evening, October l &th, at the low:< .. ·,. .. Hotel In Des Moines, where h o had _ : _. _-. _ ____ been. .maklng . hla - home during recent !''-· years. H e was almost 84 yeaors or age, !:: . 'his b.Jrthday being In .November . Cap­

tain Head had been tn taU!ng healt~ . tor some time, being subject to ncuto

recognized by hi• follow citizens, ~nd he wu cnlled upon many tlmee to till high oiTJces In tho gtrt ot hie constit­uents. For eight years he repreaonte,J Greene couillty In tho Lower House Q[

the Io"·a L egiBiatuTo and waa speaker or tho houeo one term. In tb,la pool· t!on he rend ered very valuable servlc~ to hi• constituents. He wao mayor at Jetreraon n number or time• and :gave tho city a business-like and progress­Ive administration. He served onP. year each as president and seC'l'etary of the Iowa State Agricultural Society.

li .At the Church of Christ, Oct. 29, * both morning and evening. Enugel- attncka or bronchitis. 11 !Bt G~ will ~peak at both ser- .•.• ... ~ vices, morning service' at 10:30 a. m. .• Captal'} Head Wll/!5 Greeno county'a

No Greene county citizen has mad9 8o -gre at an lmpres•lon upon this. c~~n­ty and city u Captain Head. Corning here In tho early days wh en this was a frontier community, ho holpod to build It up Into a prosperoua and p;resslve county. He lett many friends throughout the county and state wh o will rcmcmbor him as one ot the stuunch lyllO o! cJllzens who emo rgt.'d from th o Civil War and went wost nn.t aid ed In th e upbulldlng ot th e rron· !le!">> ·o!:_~~~_:_ Unlt~,<t -f!tntes ; ·

t Even£ng Bervice at 7 :30 p. m. You ~~::. wealthiest ctth: en. being Inte r ested In are invited. Don't f orget the smes of 1;:·: · ~Te rn! banking h OUH CB In t.he county

•; meeting~~ that are to commence Nov. ;:.: .nnd al so owning severo! th ou•and >t 8. Evangelist Huddleson from Mil!- i.:_ acres or Gree no county land . Ho ro-

·aourr;-Wffi-:<JotneiJpeakTng~rrs"o~----•~;.;:.cc ----··:· --"- · tatned-;ltl s-Jegal --resldeuce fn .J ., ITur"'"' · .~ llave shur!lli' every Wcdnewjo':'iilglit: ·· ·--:-.and <Weene county-of~l'itli9'Jiih-dtl rh>;{

A good lead~r. These services wm •. recent yoaro ho Jived lliOHt or Ll>u H. S. Football Results 0

. be licld at· the corner o! Garfield and t lmo In hi s ho tel, the !own llotul, l:t Olive streets. You are air welcome, [lea Moines. Hockwell City, which J e iTe r•on ll . young and old, "come." The body was brou g-ht r ronr Do• R. play• November 25th at Hockw oll

i';: 1\lolnes las t Thursday_ urt ernoon, arul City. cl e roatcd tho Storm Lake high TROUBLE FOR EVERYBODY tho runcral Hervlco was hold Saturtlav sehool e leven lu•t Friday by _a scor3

:; --rromnnm~~s \a Y~N,1E~,1 :~r~:-. _ W:..:..cE=E.:.K::_ ___ -lilll ;.... _ _ _..n!ternOOil-at.-Uw-AI h"'·t A .-11 aa<l- lt<>m , o ·- .lllorlarlJL...-iha....phonom enal •l l~vory man, woman ·~nt! ch ild Is with Re\' , Slothowor. pustnr o r t it,, <hrop-kl ckor or tho llockwoll City team, r· due tar a slko or It n ext wee k. :-l lllethodlst church, or whll'll Cn\> taln •cored nn u k l<: k rrnm tho 48 yard

nut tliu .troobl e o r It Is thl~ trou· Jl ead wns a mcmboc. In ch ar~ · · · TJo,, llno. Thi s Is th e seco nd game th i,; hl u wll£ not 1rouhl e -them ns other · ::O.Iusnnlc bUJ'I nl rlln al wu• u• •· •l. T ho •eaHan Lh at ~lorlnrLy has won lor

·Y Lrnuhl es do. T hey will wel come lt. l oca l post o! th e G .. A. n. and th'l . ll c· Hock well Clly by Ills accurnt<> boo:-~ becanso lhls trouble Is all In tun. ll et Corps were t here In a body to lng. As J errerson los t to' Storm La!<•·. · I Jackie· Coog4tl, th e hair pint · alze' pny th Pir final tribute or r os pect t n 6 to 0, It ca n he seen thM th e loco!

I First Nat! ana! star. will be tlie dis- to Ill 1 t 1 n k th eir depart ed comru<le. nurlnl was 1 ys w 1uve a aug I game at oc -,. •. ~,e r or thiH new bran<! or trouble In the J ciTerso n ccmP!er y bes ide · t ho w~ll City.

l ~ ~I ajestlc Thoa.t re when hIs Jat- Back To Street {

,r .M ture . . "Trouble." Is shown. gravo or Capln ln !lead's wl!o . The , Sac City, wh lcl~ J.,rrerson plays on 'e This production, heralded arte.r a Jlall bearer. we ro Ed Fr., cman. Geo. Friday or thi s week at Sac Ctty, Is not

flounH, · low a . ca r s e rv ice has buen r c:;umed arter Lhre o months lnl<'rru1 hue t~c tv lce h ~s hccn s Everyone ' is srutl.s(!t•ct upparc· atrce l Cal!" com pan y sus peru an ox tens ivo pa vfng pro g r an lng ca rrie d o ut ond made

11 special s howing In ~ew York as the . lll cCul ly. Ba r.Lon ~lcCully . Dick H ow· " " " rly strong this yea r , and was de-

Ill I pcor o t "The Kid," Is sal,d Lo giV'!l ard , 0. G. Wynk oo t> and \V. J,. ll ~ad . realod by L ogan high school 12 to 0, a


th o little fellow the greatest oppor· ~luslc durin g tho fun e ra l service w:" two weeks ago. and lnst week lost :o , tnnlty o! his cttrceor, a nd becau>tO· or furni shed by tho t olloJ\•lng. male quar- Glidd en. L. hi s work In It th e stage critics ot t et : J ess Li ndsey. Dean n a,rk e r, Ilar.-y Lns t week tho Perry team dolea tcd .-c th e bi g town aro comparing this s ev- Drock an<l J . A . Henderson. Ca rroll 30 Lo 13. J orrerson los t to l'e r-'.o en year ola child with Charli e Chap- · <

Captain Head ls•survlv ed ~Y throe ry 20 to 7 nnd 1° Carroll 9 t o 0· Thi s ment with a bus line. man " !In, h is scr•en godfather. as an artist. i- At th e ~la)estlc Thea tre Thursd'ay :.d a nd Forlday or next week. · ic n. COMIWUNITY MOVIES. n, Thursday night, October 19th. ll&-

•g ~~:~~gd ";;;"::f.,IYJ:~.,;,;;: ~0~~~~ 3;:~ '1: Is a great pfetare showing tho wan·

derrul work of Judge Lindsey._ Come' a and Jearn allattt U1o "great trlencl: of ~• the bad boy;•· the man who l!!ls 'helped :t, and saved bttndreds ot boya. .Ju~ •t LlndBeY Is one of. ·Lhe big men ot al this country .. • t T wo ro~• Of dcver co medy, "SirVed u- by u Foot." This IK a Ye ry exciti ng, t- Iunny story o! somulhlng that hap­r rcned a t a football gamo.

1~ I It looks as thpugb th e young fo!lca '" aru anxious to get th o plano tund by

tho way the:r nre getting a cmwd out ~ t o the .. Community ~lovtes.''

T t.·n <'tml" udmht:.;ion rot nduiLB nnd ehlldren. ~-IY~ re<liH a[ good, clea n.. ~-urth - wh ! l {', vnlunl>lc t.' nl er lal nuumt.

ltc Jackie CO<>Ir'ln Hays, :-leV<..- trouble ag trou ht u till troubl e trou bles you.

ad ·it. Is

• te :n, is

as a ll 'he es­er-by

ATTENTION DANCERS. ~ ~nee next Wednesday. Jefferso n,

mount Orchest ra .

-~ ..

sons. one sl..tc r an d !h•e grand ch ll- dope lnctl ca tes that !he J errorso n -team the •chectulo or tho com ll dre n.· His sons are M. M .. A . A. and 1" !llayl ng bt>t te r ball than at th e !lrst churge tlw sumo rate or ru Ro•coe H ead. ull ot this c!Ly. Ills or tho season, and tho showing th o bu•scs wh ic h w .. re mod"rn , sister Is Mrs. Sarah WIIHOn or ~lont n- team made against Missouri Vall l'y, date, took •·are or the trarrl r z uma, Iowa . She Is now the only ~'rldny , when It wulloped the Vall~Y · months. Tho buM line ope1

~ surviving m ember or a tamlly or o l ~ v- a na Jl .to 0 • bears out tho dope. ~lad to quit.' oecaust: h e ""'

en children. M·rs. Wilso n _WII.tl pre•- MARRIAGE LICENSES SINCE LAST money, allhough tho city .~ ·. · • . ent a• the funeral service. Captain REPORT waived the Jlcense and bor ~·l'-:'.: .. :~;lloa<1'a_wlte=. an4 hla dAughtar, Mrs. C. . Floyd c. Dlllnou - and Myrtle P. qulred by 'ordh:iance. Tile : .~l".. / E .. Marqula. preceded him In death. Snod~as•. 1111Uatled, preterrln&' the etre<

;i_:__ Captain Albe rt Head was born No- Hoss B. ~'Inch and Gladys P . Ham- vice to that or tho busses.

·r.: .;·

Yember 26, 1838, In HIKhlun<l cou nt y, ma r . Ohio. HI a tntber be ing a ru'rmor. h•J E d win D. Hyers on nnd Jllanthe 1, . Woman's Club Nt was re a~ed on th e rurm nnd work ed l!ownrd.

).?.ere unt il h e was 1wonty-ouo yon"' ~!• •a rl o Jll nck efd l<en c Cold er. The Mus ic nnd Drama D< ot age. In 185 4. with hiK pa r ents. hn Chesl<• r A. Lam pman aud Fn·da J. or t he Woman's Club he ld t came overland rrom Ohio to l'owc•helk Allen . meo tlug or the year a t th e county, Iowa. where his !uther agulu Ralph II . ~!aloney and ~· l ossle ~!. ~Irs . Ha lph Howard, Tuesd locate<! on a rarm. During the winter t,ampman. uoon, October 17th. A •Pic . or 1857·8 Alh~rt llead tau gh t tll strlrt Edward Wnitera and Dolli e l! orrmun . gra m was urrang~d lor the ; Bchool. at the close . or which he took Orlando C. Rtubh~ a lld Ida ~lu .: a nd was g rmttly l'll joyccl by up the study o( Jnw, rcurt lng wllh lion . \\'orth . J)rORfRTn Wll!i OJH' tWd Ulld cl c M. K Cult s. wllh whom he ~emalnc<l ------ l'ommu nlly s in ging, the op~n until 18GO , whm\ he wn• admitted tn ~lr. aile! Mrs . K n. Frazier nlld r11111 • hl'«' b~lllg Amerleu an•l the cJ, pracilcc Jaw. At the SllllHl time h•' lly. or Wnll Luk~ . lnwn. s pPnl Snn<lay Black J oe. ('o-operaterl wltb Col. S . P. Coope r In at the hom e ur his hroth er , J ohn F'rit- :\1rti . DeH. n ll,urkt v- H:HYe an tlw n OWHIJRl>C f Uualnotss, JlllhlfHhlnll, Zil'r. lug r evlt•w or tlw l tr c or I-;11 \ th A ~ t ontAzumn. Republican . Tl o con· Dowell, th o compo:!er. artt !f "" ttnu e tl this to r a bri er rt lru o on ly , how - TliP ro will lt e a poultry ru llln ~t tlt'nl - playPcl two or hl.s wt•ll know • e ve r, ror In 1861 he assltt tc rl In lh -' onstrullon nt ll c• rht~ rt Culn"ts fnrm 111 tdtlous --To tlu! Bf'a nrul . Thu l· orgatilza tl on or Co. ~-. lOt h Iowa Ill· Willow townsh il> ~'rhlay mornlll K at from tbe ~·on•Rt E<irll. rantry. and W&S e lec ted cnptalll or th ~ ~:30 . All JH..-son• illt e rcsted In Lhe ~!rH. ;\. \\' . l'hllllps follow<· company. H e co mma nd e d th e com - culling ot th c tr t)QU!try rto<'lu:1 an.1 In · spltmdtd rlil:H'UMa lon on thu ~

t,n ny untl11 863, whf!n llo was mactu n~- vlted to be Jlrt'M('IIL Tho d l• llltlU~Iru - Ct ;. lon y . Mru. l't'l:ft' Y O rny }m, eiKtnnt ud ju tn nl genera l. During httt lion will bo lu chu rl{~ or Couu ty AKtHlt or the mu t:d ca l nwnwry 11rus ra Ci vil \Vo.r p.en1ce, Cnpta ln Jl untl wu"'l fJavJH . p r eHtmtod th u th ree followln wounc\cd IH~vora l tl mPa , once a.t Co r - ---- lion!\ ~n tht1 Vlclrtllu, au t! guv tnth. M II'IH lflHippl, 00('0 nt Cha m pion Th ni R!H Jl1 Craclo vnrl y helcl at Hov fuut lnrhJt• n t!i In the life· or Cl

-, ' · · ·-~ · . ,, ,_ llurtlt •Y'!i hy th o l•'nllu Un ion Lnt'hl r·n~t·r Ti n' \! 1 -i ~-,t.• 1- 1 F h '