jh^and W National Is SUgan Local Day.

jh^and Recorder Local news | News Notes . People at Home and Abroad. SREY, FRIDAY SEPT 17 1920 Trimble went to Moorefield ly to take part in a ball game, illespie accompanied him. customers who have cement rill please bring them in for bredit. Highland Mer. Co. |)oyle and family are moving in new home . the E. T. Heven- |;rty east of town. freat Army Car that made France, The Dodge, for sale Bishop. B. Hidy, daughter, Miss sister Mrs. Robert Wimer, Iottom were shopping in Mon. .esday. Terry this week resumed 1)1 work at Day too, and Roy has entered there as a new Bryant, a prominent and itizen of McDowell, is re- tremely ill as we go to press, een in declining health for onths. Sterrett, former principal [who spent the summer here early in the week to his ftaunton. Mrs. S. W. Ster- id been visiting in High- 2d with -.hem. Jon, son of Mr. and Mrs. arson, who formerly lived [.ej , is one of the Crabbot- School faculty. Their v^n Farmville, Ya. ..women who ' expect to have only a short time Qualify. Better line up, ;hland, if you would be - lis. Elmer Dickenson and Fmily, cf F , ; tersville, W. Va., spent ( :y nigbt with the former's sis¬ ter, Mrs. H. 3. Johnston. They were I on their way to Harrisonburg where they will reside. In another column of this paper the Pccahonias County Fair adv will be interesting to our people, as they v/ili have a nice lot of stock for exhi¬ bition, and ; :any other things to at¬ tract attention. See the adv. Andy White who lives just north 01 Monterey holds the title for rais¬ ing the largest tomatoes. He brought to this office two tomatoes, one weigh¬ ing two pour, is ond the other one and three-fourths pounds. Both were Bound perfcct tomatoes. Misses Edna, Norma, Geneva and Oil ic Hildebn'nd and brother Robert, and Mr. Wili Landes, of Staunton, motored to Crabbottom Sunday and fcpent the day, with the formers' sis¬ ter, Mrs. Jol -i Jaek, returning to Staunton in ihe evening. Miiss Sallic Vaughan is again here and hard at work in V. B. Bishop's Millinery ant1. Suit Department. She has full charge of same and will be glad to see r-ne and all who are in¬ terested in Ladies wear. The Milli¬ nery, a largo new stock is here and the Suits, Dresses will be jn in a -day or two. V. B. Bishop The fear that the late season wotrtJ delay corn-cutting until Jack Frost get in *'is destructive work is practically past. The favorable weather of the present month has caused corn o mature and ripen rap¬ idly, and ever now fcorn-cutting is in progress in jS£n-e sections of the coun¬ ty. I Miss Bessi - Derfljliger, the head Milliner at tl.-j Litilje Fashion Shop aL Staunton, Va>. wlrlhas had a won¬ derful display ot n«ilinery in the Monterey Fa:: 'ion S.«)p, will return Friday. She . ill leaJp » nice line of trimmed and untrimmed hats. Miss G.um will be ftfad for you to come and seethem. J* is Derflinger has made many friend?- v>rhile here and custo¬ diers will be r. leased with her work. 4Mr. and Xis. E. T. pevener and ^hi]a."en' Rowing their :sale ot P^or. 1 property on Tuesday, left for .'."heir new home near York, PenracTivaVk.'"- Richard Patterson, whose jaiyentw Mr. and Mrs. - H. P. Patterson, t to move to the same section invito spring, accompanied Mr. Ilevener. and V'ill enter school there for the \ Inter. Mvs Eva Eakle, who also accompanied tlTfiln» expects Uo return sc.--\ N Ac teachers . Miss Hazel Terry and Miss iTunice Lightner havo gone to Dayton, Miss lienoa Swecker to Har¬ risonburg, Mi 9 Lucy Gray "Bird to Church villc. As student 'Halph Trimble, Charles Peteison, Jos: a and Alfred Eagle sind J. C. Lightner to tho University, Misses May and Lorena Wade to Blackstone. Misses Lilir.n Wade, Evelyn Crum- mett, Polly Gi .n and J, D. Kramer to S. C, I. Dayton, Dewey Kramer, Wil- Jiaro an £ Mary Colloga, Mies p.eba KrflRnov, Han 2011 burg. Mra, J, C. Matheuy, President 0/ the HIghlcfie Slighter c>f the Confod .cracy has rftfcCfcily belli, blanks to hnfly rf the '<:iC£ll4khts of Ochfedei- rtc veterans v'10 took Jj>avt tho World War. If those sens, grand¬ sons oV great-grandsons of C. V.'s f:ht> l.rp &:&&<! wi i notify her by phone "or e&rd with name end address she will Schd blair: v/ith a stamped cn- voloi') fir rep' > It takes but^ moments to tut these blj will be of gre; t service to _ho<-T>in:y t';eir histc Mrs. J. A. Hincr and daughters, Misses Leta and Iiura, of Dog Hill, were 111 Monterey today. Scalp certificates should be pre¬ sented to the Clerk at once, in order that they be allowed in this year. V. B. Bishop now has a sample Dodge Touring Car and is ready to sell all cars made by Dodge Bros. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gibson, of Char lottesville, have been spending a va¬ cation here, arriving latter part of last week. Mrs. D. M. Kyle, of Staunton, has this week been with her mother, Mrs Elizabeth Gibson,' and other relatives in Monterey. SUGAR . One to 100 ibs. see us, we can save money for the cash. Highland Mer. Company John E. Slaven went to Doc Hill Monday to enter upon his duties as cashier of the Farmers' Bank of High land. Mr. and Mrs. Somers Hevener, of Newark, N. J., are visiting the form¬ er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ilev- ener, of I-Iightown. Mrs. T. II. Slaven and daughter, Mary Margaret, spent a few days in Staunton latter part of last week. . Dewey Hiner, after a few days at "lis old home in Monterey, returned Thursday to Craigsville, where he is now in business. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Slaven accom- i panied Winston Herold to his home at Minnehaha, W. Va., last Saturday, ::ud were his guests over Sunday. ¦ I The revival announced to begin at Ilehoboth on the fifth of Sept. was postponed. It will begin Monday, > Sept. 20th, 8 p. m. j Rembert D. McNeer rIT.o Alleghany County Fair Asso- c'ation through a private letter to W. i F. Jones extends an invitation to our i people to attend their fair next week, j ..Ir J .lies has been selected as a judge in the fccrso department. i Many cf the young people of the town and county have gone out since our last issue of the Recorder to take up school work, some as students, others as teachers. Among the large number we have the names of the fol¬ lowing: First see, the owner and men of Dodge Cars, ask them how they like them, then see me'. V. B. Bishop Newton llerold and daughter. Miss Naoma, of Missouri, spent part of this wee in Monterey, ana were accompanied by M. F. Eerold. of Po- cahontas. Paul Srown, Monterey's well- known colored blacksmith, learned by wire last Friday evening of the unex¬ pected death of his daughter, Mrs. Elsie Gray, at Elkins, and, on Satur¬ day morning, he, his wife and daugh¬ ter, Mrs. Marion Morgan, left for El¬ kins. Deceased is survived by her hus¬ band and several small children. We have frequently urged our friends to give us the names of visi¬ tors and friends who conn and go from week to week, as well as cases '.<f illness, accidents or local news of any and every variety that the local paper is entitled to, and Ave wish that the request was more generally complied with. It woujd noi. only prevent the omission of personal men tion, which, of- course, it is never our purpose to do, but it would htlp us to make our local news column more nearly correct as to the fact.3. Fre¬ quently we learn of the presence rr absence of persons and, for want of time or lack of opportunity to gel- actual details, we some times have to hazzard a guess as to whether their visits are for the weekend, of the flying order, prolonged, a vaca¬ tion or just plain business. See? Tell us on the street, 'phone or write the names and send them in. To the Patrons and those with whom Pupils are boarding: The faculty of the Monterey High School asks your co-operation in its effort to make your school a success. The few. rules which we shall im¬ pose, we can enforce only through assistance: The work which the pu¬ pils do at home, will be done only so far as you are willing to see to it that it is done. - . We trust that you will aid us as much as possible in this way; keep the pupils at home at night and see to it that they do their work, and we need have no fC91* of not having a successful year, both for. /our chil¬ dren and others. GEO. H. PAYNE " O- -.-. Public of Steal Estate And feysosaJ Property I will oiTer for sale Saturday, September 25, 1920. the following real estate and person¬ al property: One house and lot the village of Doe Hill, Va., also 23 acres more or less, one-eighth milt* south of village, on Doe Hill-McDow¬ ell I'oxid, adjoining; the lands of J, W, and W, C. Armstrong and A. 8. Jones ?v;o «hv;\ conic farm implmnontfl, corn and I'j'fl, ETcvscho!:! and kitchen furniture £:ri n* vy ether frill*#*.- 'ITEMS 07 GALE . Oil *<*.!. ftsiutc, one-third caSlh 1st of November rt--- iv.tmder in two ^isai annual pay¬ ment:. bor.dn to be :i ated from day of ca-e, tearing interest from datfe at G I per cent., purchaser to execute Sends | satisfactorily endorsed. i Personal property, ail sums u :dcr $3.00 cash, over that amount three months' -*v«soiiabIe note with appro*! : ^ . W SCHOOt OPENS The Monterey High School opened Monday, and vacation days are a thing of the past. We failed to get the exact enroll¬ ment, but it was in excess of the first-days record of previous years. The number of boarders, or non¬ resident pupils,' is also doubtless fully up to other sessions, and the town has taken on new life. Miss Nellie Beverage, of the Doe Hill section, a 1920 graduate of the school, was selected by the school board to fill the vacancy that existed in the faculty until last week, and is in charge of the 7th grade. DEATH J. B. Hicklin, of this place, receiv¬ ed a telegram Wednesday announcing the death of his sister, Miss Ruby Hicklin, which occurred at Easton, Pa. Miss Hicklin was a native of the Clover Creek section of the county, and, besides our townsman, J. B. Hicklin, she had many other near relatives in Highland. She was unmarried and a trained nurse. We have learned no further detail"; either as to her life or the cause of death, cxcept that she died under operation. ' , It is probable that her remains will be brought home for burial, but no information as to the funeral has been given out. C n Long' Trip . Luther Jones, of Monterey, and Sandy Hook, of Vilna, left this morn¬ ing for Columbia, S. C., to attend a re-union of the 81st division, A. E. F. "Buck" and Sandy are ex-service men of the World War and belonged to the Sl:;t. The trip will be tru.de in a Ford jitney and the route select¬ ed will cover approximately fifteen hundred miles. o H01J0E LIST NEW Miss Amelia Stephenson, Forest City, N. C.; Verie Halterman, Robt. Sterrett, Staunton; Miss Genoa R. Swecker, Harrisonburg. RENEWALS.Jas. A. Eagle, Wil- moth Strathy, Monterey, Rt. 1; P. R. Eagle, Burnsville; R. W. Armstrong, Lone Fountain; Willis Gibson, Van- derpool; J. E. Splaun, Headwaters; Edw. Hevener, Dover, Pa. ; W. M. Boggs, Franklin; C. S. H. Cobb, Alex¬ andria, Va.; Mrs. Emmaline Lance, Sapulpa, Olcla. ; B. F. Bussard, Cam¬ den. N. J.: E. W. Malcom, Charleston, 111. n CRABBOTTOM There was a large crowd attended the funeral and burial of Robert Lee Will, who died the 28th and was buried on the 9th at the Wimer cem¬ etery. His funeral was preached by Rev W. H. Linaamood at New Church to a large crowd. His grave" was covered with flowers \ he is greatly missed. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lee Wimer, Mr. and Mrs. Bertie Rexrode have return¬ ed from a visit to relatives in Max- ville. Dr. Stover, wife- and baby, of Doe Hill, came over last week.. Miss Grace Wimer, who spent some time with them, came along with them to attend school here. W. P. Will, wife, daughter and son, Ed, from Charleston, motored to Strait Creek Sunday and spent the day with Markwood Propst's family. Anderson Colaw and family spent Sunday at Walter Newman's. Luther Hammer and family, Mrs. Ada Hammer and tv/o children spent Sunday with David Colaw. * Harry Crigler, Filmore Simpson and Ernest Hoover, of Franklin, were through here buying cattle Monday. Albert Dyer, J. W. Newman and Walter Mullcnax were in our town and Monterey on business Monday. Fred Nelson and family, of North Fork, passed through here Monday from Spring Creek where they visit¬ ed Harry Simmons last week. Fred Nelson has gone to town for a load of peaches, delivered from St. Creek. Potato digging and apple butter stirring is the order of the day; the potato crop is excellent. Miss Hazel Colaw is spending a week at Franklin, Bob Nicholas will move next week to his home bought of Samuel Stone. i Miss Artie Waybright has gone home to attend school. She Bpent the summer with her aunt, Mrs, Esther Hammer. Ben Colaw and Dennis Waybright are calling on friends at Valley Cen' ter. Pr^'-.liers Hudson and Hart held meeting at HJtnmer school house Monday night and passed thiough here Tuesday for other places of >vorship. tKi;- prabbottom High School bo- ,gan Mon.^ay; but not all teachers 'present yet. Mrs, Emma Johnston refur^£$ her home in Maryland Tuesday. She 1 spent BOjne. time here wM frer broth¬ er, Am brow Wimer, The stork left little Ada May Co- law horn on labor day for Mr, and MM, Henry Colaw, of Casper Wyo. rucy will start for their homo there i:\est jnoiitii. Mi'- will L«!:c his place at rfiii Aunt Mal'y I 1I0TBL CUiOTgHAM Mcnterey, Va. Hot and cold water Baths, Electric Lif.i'ta, nice large fcorns. Good ta- i-b ».:c£js 50c. Lodging' 50c.. S: T.lifast d to 8 o'ciocl:, Dinner 1 0 liiiuncr -J to 8. Meals served DOE HILL Sept. 14, 1920 . The Peoples Bank was formally opened to the public yesterday. Owing to delay in get¬ ting material for equipping the build ing the bank is temporarily establish¬ ed in Hoover, Beverage and Co.'s store. John Slaven, of Monterey, as cashier, is ready to serve the public. Miss Lona Pope left Saturday for Elkton Va., where she will teach the coming session. Graham Pitsenberger is attending High School in Staunton. Miss Martha Pitsenberger will leave tomorrow for Staunton where she will attend Templeton's Business College. Josiah and Alfred Eagle came from Bemis, Friday and will go to Char¬ lottesville tomorrow to resume their studies at the University. Mrs. Mary Lee Eagle went to Hot Springs, Va., Saturday to be the guest until Wednesday of her friend, Miss Harriet Gerard. She will go from there to Charlottesville''to take train¬ ing at the University Hospital. Wm. Wilson, wife and three boys, of Strait Creek, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. J. H. Blagg. Miss Nancy Blagg accompanied them and will spend some time with friends here. Mrs. L. W. Shoulder will return to Tiiehmond this week. Dan I-Iiner and wife' spent last Fri¬ day in Staunton shopping. Mrs. Josiah H. Armstrong and son, Mason, are visiting relatives in Wash¬ ington and Rocltville. i Mrs. M. J. Eagle returned from Craig Healing Springs last Friday. Occasional. t Mcdowell Sept. 15 Chas. Siron, who has spent the summer, with his father, left today for Dallas, Texas, where he will resume his work as teacher of chemistry. J. Seybert Hansel left Saturday for Washington, D. C., after spending a month's vacation at home. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Williams re¬ turned last week from visiting friends and relatives in the Valley. Rev. Wendell Allen and family of Port Republic came Tuesday to visit friends here. Rev. Shaw and wife, (formerly Miss Geneva Jones,) of Burnsville, are visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. H. Jones. The High School opened Monday with the following teachers: Miss Caroline Hess, of Richmond, princi¬ pal, Misses Mary Maloy, Anna Lee Jones, Ida Quidor, and Leila Burns, assistants. Thos. G. Hamilton, left this morn¬ ing for Staunton. He is a member of the faculty of the S. M. A. this session. Miss Louie Hiner, of Washington, D. C., is visiting her brother, A. R. Hiner. Misses Virginia and Marie Cobb, of Sapulpa, Okla., are visiting their mother, Mrs. J. H. N. Cobb. Mrs. Thompson, of West View, was a guest of Mrs. S. B. Gardner last week. Miss Charlotte Huber, of Washing¬ ton, D. C., spent the week-end with her friend, Miss Elizabeth Hansel. Mrs. Chas. Bradshaw left today for the University Hospital at Char¬ lottesville for treatment. Miss Josephine Splawn,* of near Headwaters, is attending school here. Miss Geneva Rogers, of Tennessee, spent last week with her parents. Bradshaw Blagg, of Doe Hill, Ma¬ son Hamilton, of Clover Creek, Misses Bdulah, Zelda, and Sallie May Rex- rode are attending school here. We are glad to have the young folks with us again. The young people will give an en¬ tertainment at the school house Sat¬ urday night, the principal number on the program being a playentitled "All a Mistake." Sam Siple and family who have been visiting relatives here left last Thursday for their home it Ironton, Ky. ; . C. o .An auto party, all of them near relatives of Miss Emma Peaco, of this place, spent a short time in Monterey Friday. Those enjoying the trip were Mrs. C. W. Vaughan, Chas. W. Vaughan, Jr., and wife, of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mayo Wills and son, of Washington, T) C., Mrs. J3 A. Blake moro, Mr. and Mrs. C. A- Blakemore and children* Bodley, Vaughan and Francys, Mrs, G, Fred Earman and little son, Wyatte, of gtaunton. F, F, Sterrett, after a short visit to his brother p.n(| other relatives} |n town and county,, returned Tuesday to his home in Buena yisfa. Major and Mrs, Rojjerr and Charles, Jr., of Ft. Defiance, ,/are this week with Monterey relajflves, Capt e.nd Mrs. Yarbrojigh^aiao of Ft> Defiance, have also been Mere during the week. jj h. mam r Monterey, Va., Fij-p Juki; ,- J, CP fat $ jfetory Public Reprewr^o FRfi# "6tfWfff Protcpt Your ?rcperfcy jjy taking out eototce PHOTOGRAPHERS Your filitu <J*velop«d, printed »»J 8ftlara<iJ. S«nd for pric« 12«t *hd(f**o((ar, Abe'U & .§MPANY» lNeo«f©rtATe^ 903 E StreeV N. W.. WAfeHiNdTSH, B. B0T10J8 . .H. C. Maslen and R. A. Stoi Civil Engineers, announce the' .ng of an office in Covington^ :rinio, for the practice of,-0^* tfljision. . CHURCH SERVICES Crabbottom Charge: 1st Sunday, Central 11 a. m, New Church 3 p. m. 2nd Sunday, Union Chapel 11 a. m. Central 7 p. m. 3rd Sunday, New Church 11 a. m. Central 7 p. m. 4th Sunday, Circleville 11 a. m. Dry Run 3 p. m.* H. W. LINDAMOOD, Pastor Sclicdiile'of preaching sevices on Monterey circuit . 1920 . 1921 First Sunday: 11 A. M. Seybert 3 P. M. Hightown , S P. M. Monterey Second Sunday 11 A. M. Monterey 3 p. m. Green Hill Third Sunday 11 A. M. Kightown 3 P. M. Trinity 8 P. M. Monterey Fourth Sunday 11 A. M. Itehobeth 8 P. M. Monterey Special announcments will be made for the fifth Sundays. Rembert D. McNeer Preaclier-in-cliarge BUSINESS LOCALS Advertisements under this head at he following rate: 25 words or less "5c eaclt insertion. Each additional 'void at one cent per word each in¬ cisures and initials count as words. Cash MUST accompany order. FOR SALE A pure bred Here¬ ford male calf. A brother sold last year for $100. Price reasonable. Address (Mrs.) James H. Hevener, 3t Hightown, Va. FOR SALE . Gtoner bearded wheat pure and clean; has been run through a grader. Price $3.00 bu. It CLARJv HEVENER, Hightown.Va FOR HALE. Seven Hound Pups; famous ""or fox, coon, and bear. Call or write J.F..HUPMAN, Patna, Va. WANTED A live man or woman to represent the Atlantic Life Ins. Co. in Highland county. Inquire quick of S. L. Thomas, Three Hogs¬ head Building, Staunton, Va. 4t FOR SALE I will sell privately the following between now and Sep- tember 5th: 1 cow, 1 yearling heif¬ er, and two calves, all good stock, also have a good Broom Machine, been used nly a short time, I will sell Terms er,sy. Mrs. Lucy K. Whitelaw, Hightown ( FOR SALE 20 Stacks of Hay put up in very best of condition, the best quality of blue grass and timothy, to be fed on the ground, two miles from ' Dunmore, W. Va., on the Price farm. Now rented by Elmer McLaughlin, Dunmore, W. Va. t FOR SALE. Some nice pure bred Hcivlord Bull Calves, which will be yearliiigs in February and March 1921 BOYD STEPHENSON, Monterey, Va. PASSENGER SERVICE Wil run ;ar for hire. Phone Monterey Garage. Raymond Slaven FOR SALE A good second hand I H. P. gasoline engine. Price reason ible. . NOTICE . Brass* aluminum, rubber .ags, all kinds, books and magazines )ones. Will pay market price. C. G. Ralston,- Monterey, Va LOST Between High town, Va., ind Cave, W. Va., last Thursday light, one automobile license tag, *o. 39985 W. Va. Finder return to Charley Echard, Sugar Grove, W. Va. ind receive reward 8-2 0-3t- WANTED. High school graduate lualify stenographic position. Tui- ;ion, less trafn fare, paid from $1800 guaranteed salary. 200-page cata- ouge. Application blank. Inves- igate. PIEDMONT BUSINESS COL L.EGE, Lynchburg, Va. 9-3 PARADISE . Is ever just be-' »nd ;he horizon. We have farms from me to three hundred acres, worth ;he money, at your door. Let the other fellow chaac the pot if .told at the fool of the rainbow. Sooner or later YOU will want a home n the old Shenandoah. We know seen there, 3RIDGEWATER REALTY CO. Cyrus H. Cline, Mgr. FOR SALE One sta£k of hay and Due portable hen-hoyee almoat new, Apply at once (q A- B, Warwick, FOR SALE One Overland touring car, 1916 model; has only been run about 3000 miles. Mrs. J. A. FLEISHER, Vanderpool, Va. 2t Mention this paper in answering Adv. '0U READ the j| Other Fellow's Ad mmamaaatancaaaBBBm M" ¦' ¦ .wninr.wjiii.mii Yew art this That ecmvtaco you that advertising In thesa columns is & profitable proposition; that it will bring business to year store. Tho /act that tUo otligr follow bdvertises is probably liie reason he ia getting more business than { is falling to you. WoufcJ | it not be weU to jj the other fellow a chance » National Thrift Is the SUgan of the Day. STATISTICS show that the country today is prosperous. Bank deposits have increased. Statisticians agree, how¬ ever, that a period of depression is possible after the Eu¬ ropean war. Wise people are preparing by adding to their bank balances. Are you? If you haven't a bank account, opon one today. If you have a bank balance, make up your mind to add to it. See *-s about your banking. « . THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Monterey, Va, r -(j-* 7 a 4 a I uli F Qtf eon IVirLL As usual we can save y< money on SHOES~for the' entire family. ./ jn umm IlL' lfl OTIS The' Ford Runabout is a Runabout in reality . a regular business messenger, solving the question of economical and quick transpor¬ tation. The Contractor, Builder, Traveling Salesman, Collector, Solicitor, all find the Ford Runabout the most convenient as v/ell as the most economical among motor cars. Durable in service, and useful every day in the year. We solicit your order for one or more. We ask your patronage in the repair of your car, assur¬ ing you of genuine Ford Parts, skilled workmen, reasonable prices. I Monterey Garage and Light Co, Monterey -Mini-"- V, MMWtvgiMiiMta* iv-wxaMBf . ._«rrtc*jr»^ t d BUSINESS STAUNTON, VA. 40th Session begins Sept.* 7, 1920 Thorough, up-tc,,.£&tje methods are used ift each Department. Send for catalogue ssiimcnials. V ' J. Gr. DUNSMOKE, Pres.

Transcript of jh^and W National Is SUgan Local Day.

jh^and RecorderLocal news| News Notes.People at Home

and Abroad.


Trimble went to Moorefieldly to take part in a ball game,illespie accompanied him.

customers who have cementrill please bring them in for

bredit. Highland Mer. Co.

|)oyle and family are moving in

new home.the E. T. Heven-

|;rty east of town.

freat Army Car that madeFrance, The Dodge, for saleBishop.B. Hidy, daughter, Misssister Mrs. Robert Wimer,

Iottom were shopping in Mon.

.esday.Terry this week resumed

1)1 work at Day too, and Royhas entered there as a new

Bryant, a prominent anditizen of McDowell, is re-

tremely ill as we go to press,een in declining health for

onths.Sterrett, former principal[who spent the summer here

early in the week to his

ftaunton. Mrs. S. W. Ster-id been visiting in High-2d with -.hem.

Jon, son of Mr. and Mrs.arson, who formerly lived

[.ej , is one of the Crabbot-School faculty. Theirv^n Farmville, Ya.

..women who ' expect tohave only a short time

Qualify. Better line up,;hland, if you would be


lis. Elmer Dickenson and

Fmily, cf F , ; tersville, W. Va., spent( :y nigbt with the former's sis¬

ter, Mrs. H. 3. Johnston. They were

I on their way to Harrisonburg where

they will reside.In another column of this paper

the Pccahonias County Fair adv will

be interesting to our people, as theyv/ili have a nice lot of stock for exhi¬bition, and ; :any other things to at¬

tract attention. See the adv.

Andy White who lives just north01 Monterey holds the title for rais¬ing the largest tomatoes. He broughtto this office two tomatoes, one weigh¬ing two pour, is ond the other one and

three-fourths pounds. Both were

Bound perfcct tomatoes.

Misses Edna, Norma, Geneva andOil ic Hildebn'nd and brother Robert,and Mr. Wili Landes, of Staunton,motored to Crabbottom Sunday and

fcpent the day, with the formers' sis¬

ter, Mrs. Jol -i Jaek, returning to

Staunton in ihe evening.

Miiss Sallic Vaughan is again here

and hard at work in V. B. Bishop'sMillinery ant1. Suit Department. Shehas full charge of same and will be

glad to see r-ne and all who are in¬

terested in Ladies wear. The Milli¬

nery, a largo new stock is here andthe Suits, Dresses will be

jn in a -day or two. V. B. Bishop

The fear that the late season

wotrtJ delay corn-cutting until Jack

Frost get in *'is destructive work is

practically past. The favorableweather of the present month has

caused corn o mature and ripen rap¬

idly, and ever now fcorn-cutting is in

progress in jS£n-e sections of the coun¬

ty. IMiss Bessi - Derfljliger, the head

Milliner at tl.-j Litilje Fashion ShopaL Staunton, Va>. wlrlhas had a won¬

derful display ot n«ilinery in theMonterey Fa:: 'ion S.«)p, will returnFriday. She . ill leaJp » nice line of

trimmed and untrimmed hats. Miss

G.um will be ftfad for you to come andseethem. J* is Derflinger has made

many friend?- v>rhile here and custo¬

diers will be r. leased with her work.

4Mr. and Xis. E. T. pevener and

^hi]a."en' Rowing their

:sale ot P^or. 1 property on Tuesday,

left for .'."heir new home near York,

PenracTivaVk.'"- Richard Patterson,

whose jaiyentw Mr. and Mrs. - H. P.

Patterson, t to move to the same

section invito spring, accompaniedMr. Ilevener. and V'ill enter school

there for the \ Inter. Mvs Eva Eakle,who also accompanied tlTfiln» expectsUo return sc.--\ N

Ac teachers.Miss Hazel Terry andMiss iTunice Lightner havo gone toDayton, Miss lienoa Swecker to Har¬

risonburg, Mi 9 Lucy Gray "Bird toChurch villc.

As student 'Halph Trimble, CharlesPeteison, Jos: a and Alfred Eaglesind J. C. Lightner to tho University,Misses May and Lorena Wade toBlackstone.

Misses Lilir.n Wade, Evelyn Crum-mett, Polly Gi .n and J, D. Kramer toS. C, I. Dayton, Dewey Kramer, Wil-Jiaro an£ Mary Colloga, Mies p.ebaKrflRnov, Han 2011burg.

Mra, J, C. Matheuy, President 0/the HIghlcfie Slighter c>f the Confod.cracy has rftfcCfcily belli, blanks to

hnfly rf the '<:iC£ll4khts of Ochfedei-rtc veterans v'10 took Jj>avt thoWorld War. If those sens, grand¬sons oV great-grandsons of C. V.'s f:ht>l.rp &:&&<! wi i notify her by phone"or e&rd with name end address she

will Schd blair: v/ith a stamped cn-

voloi') fir rep' > It takes but^moments to tut these bljwill be of gre; t service to

_ho<-T>in:y t';eir histc

Mrs. J. A. Hincr and daughters,Misses Leta and Iiura, of Dog Hill,were 111 Monterey today.

Scalp certificates should be pre¬sented to the Clerk at once, in orderthat they be allowed in this year.

V. B. Bishop now has a sampleDodge Touring Car and is ready tosell all cars made by Dodge Bros.

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gibson, of Charlottesville, have been spending a va¬

cation here, arriving latter part oflast week.

Mrs. D. M. Kyle, of Staunton, hasthis week been with her mother, MrsElizabeth Gibson,' and other relativesin Monterey.SUGAR.One to 100 ibs. see us,

we can save money for the cash.Highland Mer. Company

John E. Slaven went to Doc HillMonday to enter upon his duties as

cashier of the Farmers' Bank of Highland.

Mr. and Mrs. Somers Hevener, ofNewark, N. J., are visiting the form¬er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ilev-ener, of I-Iightown.

Mrs. T. II. Slaven and daughter,Mary Margaret, spent a few days inStaunton latter part of last week. .

Dewey Hiner, after a few days at"lis old home in Monterey, returnedThursday to Craigsville, where heis now in business.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Slaven accom- ipanied Winston Herold to his homeat Minnehaha, W. Va., last Saturday,::ud were his guests over Sunday. ¦


The revival announced to beginat Ilehoboth on the fifth of Sept. was

postponed. It will begin Monday, >

Sept. 20th, 8 p. m. jRembert D. McNeer

rIT.o Alleghany County Fair Asso-c'ation through a private letter to W. iF. Jones extends an invitation to our ipeople to attend their fair next week, j..Ir J .lies has been selected as a judgein the fccrso department. i

Many cf the young people of thetown and county have gone out sinceour last issue of the Recorder to takeup school work, some as students,others as teachers. Among the largenumber we have the names of the fol¬lowing:

First see, the owner and men ofDodge Cars, ask them how they likethem, then see me'. V. B. BishopNewton llerold and daughter. Miss

Naoma, of Missouri, spent part ofthis wee in Monterey, ana were

accompanied by M. F. Eerold. of Po-cahontas.

Paul Srown, Monterey's well-known colored blacksmith, learned bywire last Friday evening of the unex¬

pected death of his daughter, Mrs.Elsie Gray, at Elkins, and, on Satur¬day morning, he, his wife and daugh¬ter, Mrs. Marion Morgan, left for El¬kins.

Deceased is survived by her hus¬band and several small children.

We have frequently urged our

friends to give us the names of visi¬tors and friends who conn and gofrom week to week, as well as cases

'.<f illness, accidents or local news ofany and every variety that the localpaper is entitled to, and Ave wishthat the request was more generallycomplied with. It woujd noi. onlyprevent the omission of personal men

tion, which, of- course, it is never our

purpose to do, but it would htlp us

to make our local news column more

nearly correct as to the fact.3. Fre¬quently we learn of the presence rr

absence of persons and, for want oftime or lack of opportunity to gel-actual details, we some times haveto hazzard a guess as to whethertheir visits are for the weekend, ofthe flying order, prolonged, a vaca¬

tion or just plain business. See?Tell us on the street, 'phone or writethe names and send them in.

To the Patrons and those with whomPupils are boarding:The faculty of the Monterey High

School asks your co-operation in itseffort to make your school a success.

The few. rules which we shall im¬

pose, we can enforce only throughassistance: The work which the pu¬

pils do at home, will be done only so

far as you are willing to see to itthat it is done. -


We trust that you will aid us as

much as possible in this way; keepthe pupils at home at night and see

to it that they do their work, and we

need have no fC91* of not having a

successful year, both for. /our chil¬dren and others.


O- -.-.

Public of Steal EstateAnd feysosaJ Property

I will oiTer for sale c«

Saturday, September 25, 1920.the following real estate and person¬al property: One house and lot i»the village of Doe Hill, Va., also 23acres more or less, one-eighth milt*south of village, on Doe Hill-McDow¬ell I'oxid, adjoining; the lands of J, W,and W, C. Armstrong and A. 8. Jones

?v;o «hv;\ conic farm implmnontfl,corn and I'j'fl,

ETcvscho!:! and kitchen furniture£:ri n* vy ether frill*#*.-'ITEMS 07 GALE. Oil *<*.!. ftsiutc,

one-third caSlh 1st of November rt---

iv.tmder in two ^isai annual pay¬ment:. bor.dn to be :iated from day of

ca-e, tearing interest from datfe at GI per cent., purchaser to execute Sends

| satisfactorily endorsed.i Personal property, ail sums u :dcr

$3.00 cash, over that amount threemonths' -*v«soiiabIe note with

appro*! :


. W


The Monterey High School openedMonday, and vacation days are a

thing of the past.We failed to get the exact enroll¬

ment, but it was in excess of thefirst-days record of previous years.The number of boarders, or non¬

resident pupils,' is also doubtless fullyup to other sessions, and the townhas taken on new life.

Miss Nellie Beverage, of the DoeHill section, a 1920 graduate of theschool, was selected by the schoolboard to fill the vacancy that existedin the faculty until last week, and isin charge of the 7th grade.


J. B. Hicklin, of this place, receiv¬ed a telegram Wednesday announcingthe death of his sister, Miss RubyHicklin, which occurred at Easton,Pa.

Miss Hicklin was a native of theClover Creek section of the county,and, besides our townsman, J. B.

Hicklin, she had many other near

relatives in Highland.She was unmarried and a trained

nurse. We have learned no furtherdetail"; either as to her life or thecause of death, cxcept that she diedunder operation. '


It is probable that her remains willbe brought home for burial, but no

information as to the funeral hasbeen given out.

Cn Long' Trip .

Luther Jones, of Monterey, andSandy Hook, of Vilna, left this morn¬

ing for Columbia, S. C., to attend a

re-union of the 81st division, A. E. F."Buck" and Sandy are ex-service

men of the World War and belongedto the Sl:;t. The trip will be tru.dein a Ford jitney and the route select¬ed will cover approximately fifteenhundred miles.



NEW Miss Amelia Stephenson,Forest City, N. C.; Verie Halterman,Robt. Sterrett, Staunton; Miss GenoaR. Swecker, Harrisonburg.RENEWALS.Jas. A. Eagle, Wil-

moth Strathy, Monterey, Rt. 1; P. R.Eagle, Burnsville; R. W. Armstrong,Lone Fountain; Willis Gibson, Van-derpool; J. E. Splaun, Headwaters;Edw. Hevener, Dover, Pa. ; W. M.Boggs, Franklin; C. S. H. Cobb, Alex¬andria, Va.; Mrs. Emmaline Lance,Sapulpa, Olcla. ; B. F. Bussard, Cam¬den. N. J.: E. W. Malcom, Charleston,111.


CRABBOTTOMThere was a large crowd attended

the funeral and burial of Robert LeeWill, who died the 28th and was

buried on the 9th at the Wimer cem¬

etery. His funeral was preached byRev W. H. Linaamood at New Churchto a large crowd. His grave" was

covered with flowers \ he is greatlymissed.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Lee Wimer, Mr.and Mrs. Bertie Rexrode have return¬ed from a visit to relatives in Max-ville.

Dr. Stover, wife- and baby, of DoeHill, came over last week.. MissGrace Wimer, who spent some timewith them, came along with them toattend school here.W. P. Will, wife, daughter and

son, Ed, from Charleston, motored toStrait Creek Sunday and spent theday with Markwood Propst's family.

Anderson Colaw and family spentSunday at Walter Newman's.

Luther Hammer and family, Mrs.Ada Hammer and tv/o children spentSunday with David Colaw.* Harry Crigler, Filmore Simpsonand Ernest Hoover, of Franklin, were

through here buying cattle Monday.Albert Dyer, J. W. Newman and

Walter Mullcnax were in our townand Monterey on business Monday.

Fred Nelson and family, of NorthFork, passed through here Mondayfrom Spring Creek where they visit¬ed Harry Simmons last week.

Fred Nelson has gone to town fora load of peaches, delivered from St.Creek.

Potato digging and apple butterstirring is the order of the day; thepotato crop is excellent.

Miss Hazel Colaw is spending aweek at Franklin,

Bob Nicholas will move next weekto his home bought of Samuel Stone. i

Miss Artie Waybright has gonehome to attend school. She Bpent thesummer with her aunt, Mrs, EstherHammer.Ben Colaw and Dennis Waybright

are calling on friends at Valley Cen'ter.

Pr^'-.liers Hudson and Hart held

meeting at HJtnmer school house

Monday night and passed thioughhere Tuesday for other places of

>vorship.tKi;- prabbottom High School bo-

,gan Mon.^ay; but not all teachers'present yet.

Mrs, Emma Johnston refur^£$her home in Maryland Tuesday. She

1spent BOjne. time here wM frer broth¬er, Ambrow Wimer,

The stork left little Ada May Co-law horn on labor day for Mr, andMM, Henry Colaw, of Casper Wyo.rucy will start for their homo therei:\est jnoiitii. Mi'- willL«!:c his place at rfiii

Aunt Mal'y

I 1I0TBL CUiOTgHAMMcnterey, Va.

Hot and cold water Baths, Electric

Lif.i'ta, nice large fcorns. Good ta-

i-b ».:c£js 50c. Lodging' 50c..S: T.lifast d to 8 o'ciocl:, Dinner

1 0 liiiuncr -J to 8. Meals served


Sept. 14, 1920.The Peoples Bankwas formally opened to the publicyesterday. Owing to delay in get¬ting material for equipping the building the bank is temporarily establish¬ed in Hoover, Beverage and Co.'sstore. John Slaven, of Monterey, as

cashier, is ready to serve the public.Miss Lona Pope left Saturday for

Elkton Va., where she will teach thecoming session.Graham Pitsenberger is attending

High School in Staunton.Miss Martha Pitsenberger will

leave tomorrow for Staunton whereshe will attend Templeton's BusinessCollege.

Josiah and Alfred Eagle came fromBemis, Friday and will go to Char¬lottesville tomorrow to resume theirstudies at the University.

Mrs. Mary Lee Eagle went to HotSprings, Va., Saturday to be the guestuntil Wednesday of her friend, MissHarriet Gerard. She will go fromthere to Charlottesville''to take train¬ing at the University Hospital.Wm. Wilson, wife and three boys,

of Strait Creek, spent Sunday with Mrand Mrs. J. H. Blagg. Miss NancyBlagg accompanied them and willspend some time with friends here.

Mrs. L. W. Shoulder will returnto Tiiehmond this week.Dan I-Iiner and wife' spent last Fri¬

day in Staunton shopping.Mrs. Josiah H. Armstrong and son,

Mason, are visiting relatives in Wash¬ington and Rocltville. i

Mrs. M. J. Eagle returned fromCraig Healing Springs last Friday.


McdowellSept. 15 Chas. Siron, who has

spent the summer, with his father,left today for Dallas, Texas, where hewill resume his work as teacher ofchemistry.

J. Seybert Hansel left Saturday forWashington, D. C., after spending a

month's vacation at home.Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Williams re¬

turned last week from visiting friendsand relatives in the Valley.

Rev. Wendell Allen and family ofPort Republic came Tuesday to visitfriends here.

Rev. Shaw and wife, (formerlyMiss Geneva Jones,) of Burnsville,are visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. H.Jones.The High School opened Monday

with the following teachers: MissCaroline Hess, of Richmond, princi¬pal, Misses Mary Maloy, Anna LeeJones, Ida Quidor, and Leila Burns,assistants.

Thos. G. Hamilton, left this morn¬ing for Staunton. He is a memberof the faculty of the S. M. A. thissession.

Miss Louie Hiner, of Washington,D. C., is visiting her brother, A. R.Hiner.

Misses Virginia and Marie Cobb, ofSapulpa, Okla., are visiting theirmother, Mrs. J. H. N. Cobb.

Mrs. Thompson, of West View, was

a guest of Mrs. S. B. Gardner lastweek.

Miss Charlotte Huber, of Washing¬ton, D. C., spent the week-end withher friend, Miss Elizabeth Hansel.

Mrs. Chas. Bradshaw left todayfor the University Hospital at Char¬lottesville for treatment.

Miss Josephine Splawn,* of near

Headwaters, is attending school here.Miss Geneva Rogers, of Tennessee,

spent last week with her parents.Bradshaw Blagg, of Doe Hill, Ma¬

son Hamilton, of Clover Creek, MissesBdulah, Zelda, and Sallie May Rex-rode are attending school here. Weare glad to have the young folks withus again.

The young people will give an en¬

tertainment at the school house Sat¬urday night, the principal number on

the program being a playentitled "Alla Mistake."Sam Siple and family who have

been visiting relatives here left lastThursday for their home it Ironton,Ky. ; . C.


.An auto party, all of them near

relatives of Miss Emma Peaco, of thisplace, spent a short time in MontereyFriday. Those enjoying the tripwere Mrs. C. W. Vaughan, Chas. W.Vaughan, Jr., and wife, of Richmond,Mr. and Mrs. R. Mayo Wills and son,of Washington, T) C., Mrs. J3 A. Blakemoro, Mr. and Mrs. C. A- Blakemoreand children* Bodley, Vaughan andFrancys, Mrs, G, Fred Earman andlittle son, Wyatte, of gtaunton.

F, F, Sterrett, after a short visit tohis brother p.n(| other relatives} |ntown and county,, returned Tuesdayto his home in Buena yisfa.Major and Mrs, Rojjerr and Charles,Jr., of Ft. Defiance, ,/are this weekwith Monterey relajflves, Capt e.ndMrs. Yarbrojigh^aiao of Ft> Defiance,have also been Mere during the week.

jj h. mam rMonterey, Va.,

Fij-p Juki; ,- J,CP fat $ jfetory PublicReprewr^o FRfi# "6tfWfffProtcpt Your ?rcperfcy jjy taking out


PHOTOGRAPHERSYour filitu <J*velop«d, printed»»J 8ftlara<iJ. S«nd for pric«

12«t *hd(f**o((ar,Abe'U & .§MPANY» lNeo«f©rtATe^903 E StreeV N. W.. WAfeHiNdTSH, B.

B0T10J8. .H. C. Maslen and R. A. StoiCivil Engineers, announce the'.ng of an office in Covington^:rinio, for the practice of,-0^*tfljision.

. CHURCH SERVICESCrabbottom Charge:1st Sunday, Central 11 a. m, New

Church 3 p. m.

2nd Sunday, Union Chapel 11 a. m.

Central 7 p. m.

3rd Sunday, New Church 11 a. m.

Central 7 p. m.

4th Sunday, Circleville 11 a. m.

Dry Run 3 p. m.*H. W. LINDAMOOD, Pastor

Sclicdiile'of preaching sevices on

Monterey circuit.1920.1921First Sunday: 11 A. M. Seybert

3 P. M. Hightown, S P. M. Monterey

Second Sunday 11 A. M. Monterey3 p. m. Green Hill

Third Sunday 11 A. M. Kightown3 P. M. Trinity8 P. M. Monterey

Fourth Sunday 11 A. M. Itehobeth8 P. M. Monterey

Special announcments will bemade for the fifth Sundays.

Rembert D. McNeerPreaclier-in-cliarge

BUSINESS LOCALSAdvertisements under this head at

he following rate: 25 words or less"5c eaclt insertion. Each additional'void at one cent per word each in¬cisures and initials count as words.Cash MUST accompany order.

FOR SALE A pure bred Here¬ford male calf. A brother sold lastyear for $100. Price reasonable.Address (Mrs.) James H. Hevener,3t Hightown, Va.

FOR SALE.Gtoner bearded wheatpure and clean; has been run througha grader. Price $3.00 bu.It CLARJv HEVENER, Hightown.Va

FOR HALE.Seven Hound Pups;famous ""or fox, coon, and bear. Callor write J.F..HUPMAN, Patna, Va.

WANTED A live man or woman

to represent the Atlantic Life Ins.Co. in Highland county. Inquirequick of S. L. Thomas, Three Hogs¬head Building, Staunton, Va. 4t

FOR SALE I will sell privatelythe following between now and Sep-tember 5th: 1 cow, 1 yearling heif¬er, and two calves, all good stock,also have a good Broom Machine,been used nly a short time, I will sellTerms er,sy.Mrs. Lucy K. Whitelaw, Hightown

(FOR SALE 20 Stacks of Hay put

up in very best of condition, the bestquality of blue grass and timothy, tobe fed on the ground, two miles from '

Dunmore, W. Va., on the Price farm.Now rented by Elmer McLaughlin,

Dunmore, W. Va. t

FOR SALE.Some nice pure bredHcivlord Bull Calves, which will beyearliiigs in February and March 1921



;ar for hire. Phone Monterey Garage.Raymond Slaven

FOR SALE A good second handI H. P. gasoline engine. Price reason


. NOTICE.Brass* aluminum, rubber.ags, all kinds, books and magazines)ones. Will pay market price.

C. G. Ralston,-Monterey, Va

LOST Between Hightown, Va.,ind Cave, W. Va., last Thursdaylight, one automobile license tag,*o. 39985 W. Va. Finder return to

Charley Echard, Sugar Grove, W. Va.ind receive reward 8-2 0-3t-

WANTED. High school graduatelualify stenographic position. Tui-;ion, less trafn fare, paid from $1800guaranteed salary. 200-page cata-ouge. Application blank. Inves-igate. PIEDMONT BUSINESS COLL.EGE, Lynchburg, Va. 9-3

PARADISE.Is ever just be-' »nd;he horizon. We have farms fromme to three hundred acres, worth;he money, at your door.Let the other fellow chaac the pot

if .told at the fool of the rainbow.Sooner or later YOU will want a homen the old Shenandoah. We knowseen there,3RIDGEWATER REALTY CO.

Cyrus H. Cline, Mgr.

FOR SALE One sta£k of hay andDue portable hen-hoyee almoat new,

Apply at once (q A- B, Warwick,

FOR SALE One Overland touringcar, 1916 model; has only been run

about 3000 miles. Mrs. J. A.

FLEISHER, Vanderpool, Va. 2t

Mention this paper in answering Adv.

'0U READ thej| Other Fellow's Ad

mmamaaatancaaaBBBm"» M" ¦' ¦ .wninr.wjiii.mii

Yew art thisThat ecmvtaco youthat advertising In thesacolumns is & profitableproposition; that it willbring business to yearstore. Tho /act that tUootligr follow bdvertises isprobably liie reason he iagetting more business than {is falling to you. WoufcJ |it not be weU to jjthe other fellow a chance »

National Thrift Is the SUganof the Day.

STATISTICS show that the country today is prosperous.Bank deposits have increased. Statisticians agree, how¬ever, that a period of depression is possible after the Eu¬ropean war. Wise people are preparing by adding to

their bank balances. Are you? If you haven't a bank account,opon one today. If you have a bank balance, make up your mindto add to it. See *-s about your banking. « .


r -(j-*7 a

4 a I uli

F Qtfeon IVirLLAs usual we can save y<

money on SHOES~for the'entire family../jn ummIlL' lfl


The' Ford Runabout is a Runabout inreality.a regular business messenger, solvingthe question of economical and quick transpor¬tation. The Contractor, Builder, TravelingSalesman, Collector, Solicitor, all find the FordRunabout the most convenient as v/ell as themost economical among motor cars. Durablein service, and useful every day in the year.We solicit your order for one or more. We askyour patronage in the repair of your car, assur¬

ing you ofgenuine Ford Parts, skilled workmen,reasonable prices. I

Monterey Garage and Light Co,


-Mini-"- V, MMWtvgiMiiMta*iv-wxaMBf . ._«rrtc*jr»^t


40th Session begins Sept.* 7, 1920Thorough, up-tc,,.£&tje methods are used ift each Department. Send for

catalogue ssiimcnials. V' J. Gr. DUNSMOKE, Pres.