jf* ' ' ' ''' * ' News ^ MUSICAL ACT AT STAB JAKES HIT HUB-MA 12/Ithaca NY... · FOR RENT—Very...

-. •*"..•» *% •' " * vKt*. B^^BBBBBHB PA6ETWP .THACA DAILY JfEWS. ntttftYrEVtiW JANUARY 29, 1*15. REPUBLIC 1 Motor Trucks Universally Accepted as the Best Truck on the Mar- Lihe Money —- Let ua submit im proof to yow, 3W)0-M>. Olwsstr^Trr; ;:.V?; : »a^fi'|lpWM -- 20004b. Chassis ...' $1350 LMMMh. Ohaasis (with Express Body) ..,...,. • ..$996 (iPrice* F. O. B. ^antory'i TOWNLEY BROS. Miller Phone 111 Groton, N. Y. '".ii< i i '. m " \ The Classified Ads .- - ——Mfti ' " ss^s—• inn •••!•!• . JIIG RESULT GETTERS, •IT i ggrsg jf* vr ~ ' ' ' v "''' * "' News ^ Classified Advertisements ^ TELEPHONE THEM Bell 706 Ithaca 128 Rates One cent a word flret insertion, two r *i cents .a word three insertions, three cents a word six insertions. No ad counted less than 25 words. Advertisers may have an- swers addressed care News without extra charge. Advertisements should be In The News office not later than 2 p. m. day of insertion. J $ WANTED FOR SALE. -——<*i FOR 8ALE—Horses, at auction, Sat- urday, Jam. 30th, at Cornell Trans- fer Stuibiea, one carload of ihe beat horses ever shipped to Ithaca. John C. Keefe. l-27-3tp FOR SALE—Cheap; forty-seven acre farm with tools and ttodder; nrat- olaee land; $1,000 worth of lumber. Inquire at 62S West Green Street. i-ae-6tp FOR 8ALE—$500 cash will buy a nice strictly moderrf 7-room stucco and shingle house, with bath, toilet, lava- tory, electric lights, hot air heat, cement cellar; large lot, 100 feet front; grand view of lake and valley; balance of $2,&00 purchase price can remain on mortgage on easy terms. l-28-»to FOR 8ALE—Fine 8-room house In choice, residential section of city. In good repair and everything attrac- tive. Price reasonable. W. B. Georgia & Son 6-12-tfc WANTED—A good cook. Apply in person, IIS Dry don Road: Mrs. Sturgis. l-29-3tc WANTED—Four bushels of butter- nuts. W. L. Burns, 510 West Sen- eca Street. 1-28-3 tc WANTED—Young married instructor wants 3 to 5-ruom furnished apart- ments for balance o*' school year. Ad- dress B. W., News office l-27-3tp WANTED—By a reliable woman, pbace to do housework In private family. Good cock. No washing. Address Box 533, care of News 1-27-Stp WANTED—Second-hand wij'.ow baby carriage. Call Ithaca phone 519-C. l-27-3tp WANTED—To buy for a client, a four or five acre farm, near city, with good house and barn. 1-26-tc FOR SALE—Edison Standard Phono- graph and twenty records. Plays two-minute EMIson records. Price on- ly five ($5.00) dollars for the whole outfit which, also, includes flower horn and horn stand. See it in the window with Edison Home Phonographs, $10, at 307 East State Street. 1-26-tfc FOR SALE—Several second-nand cook stoves and Oak heaters; good as new; will be sold cheap. Inquire Ith- aca Junk Company, foot of Third Street; both 'phone. 12-7-tfc FOR RENT. WANTED—By young man, position as office or store clerk; two years' ex- perience; flrst-class references. Call Ithaca 'phone 240. l-26-6tp FOR RENT—Very desirable six-room furnished apartment, to desirable family, immediate possession, $25. Inquire of l-29-3tc MUSICAL ACT AT STAB J A K E S HIT Six Musjcal Germans Give One of Year's Best Enter- tainmerits .— Dancing and Comedy Skit Pleases Audi- ence—Good Ffctu&s, SUPERVISORS VOTE FOR HECTOR STOEET ounty Solons Take Opposite Position to City Work£ Board in Regard to the Ap- proach to the iMecklenburg Improved Road. In dlflect variance witin the action !of the Board of Public Works of tn» city the Board of Supervisors by reso- lution today declared in favor of the Hector fittest route of approach to the WAR DECLARED Oil EAST KILL Student Roomers Complained of ForBeingNpisyaWDiV orderly—Landlords v Threat- en to Hdve Arrests Made— Appeal to Police. The continued trouble between a number of rooming bouse landlords on Ba»t Hill with student roomers reached a climax last ntght when it became necessary to call the .olice —— MEALS KIT BACK? FQR DYSPEPSIA, GAS / ' OR A SOUrVSTOMACH—PAPE'S DIAPEPSIN f r ft 3 ^_ Try it! t* five mlnutM indigMtion i know it is needless to have a b a d Boe« and stomach feels stomach. An*.' Get a large fifty-cent case of Pape's 9 -Ptapepsln from any drug itoWTBHlJ put your stomach right. Stop beiftafs] miserable—itfe_is^ too ahoifc-yw'v** not here long, so make your stay : sgreea'ble. Eat what you like and ( dU . gest it; enjoy it, without fear e(W' belllon hi the stomach. Pape's Diapepsin belongs in yoitf home. Should one of the family eat, something which doesn't agree with* them, or in case of an attack of indi- gestion, dyspepsia, gastritis or atom* ach derangement, it is handy to give! Time it! In five minutes all stom- ach distress gone. No Indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructation* of undigested food, no dizziness*, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest stomach doc- tor In the whole world, and bes'des, it is harmless. Millions of men and women now eat their favorite {oods without fear—they i instant relief. Mockienbnrg •Road. This action was to #fcop noise and disorder in several taken principally through the influ-1 of the houswa Last night's trouble, it ence of Supervisor Charles H. Daniels, is said, baa led to a formal 'declara- represenrtiug the first ward in which the new road is entirely located. Last fall the lupervisors took action in favor of fho Mlm gpyrjftat rmtta and FOR RENT—Three-room flat, heat furnished, gas range; no cats r dogs; rate, $10; oak extension table for sale. 310 Linn Street l-2>9-3tp FOR RENT—Furnished rooms. Two rooms for light housekeeping ?*.00. Room on East Seneca Street $2.50. Nice room on South Albany Street $2.00. Room $1.75. Two rooms with private bath $20.00. Room on North Tioga Street $2.50. Room on West State Street $3.00. Room with al- cove on Bast Seneca Street $5.00. FOR SALE. •IT: FOR SALE—Lady's solid gold watch, $10; also gentleman's watch, gokl filled case, 15 jewel, Raymond move- ment, $10. Address E. C. T., care of News. 1-28-Stp FOR SALE—$1,000 cash will buy de- sirable 9-room house with bath, toi- let, lavatory, hot-air heat, stationary coal and gas range*, electric lights; beautiful oak floors; house in A No. 1 condition; located on paved street; j Avenue •balance, $3,000, can remain on mort- " gage on easy terms to suit buyer. FOR RENT—Rooms and houses: Seven-room house on Seneca Street $20.00. House on Railroad Avenue $12.00. Room with store room for light housekeeping $2.00. Four-room flat $6.00. 1-16-tfc T. G. MILLER, MGR., BURGER REAL ESTATE COMPANY 103 North Tioga Street. FOR RENT—Clx-room moiien; flats. Inquire Chacona Bros., 415 Co'Jege 7-fltfo were informed by the state highway department that the road would not be accepted. The department explain- ed that £l£h,$ugh the Board of* Super- visors had i h e rlgnt*to modify the county map of .proposed highways made by the state engineer in 1907 it did not have, the right to change a road whereby the distance was In any way increased. City Reduced Distance. The change to the Elm Street route, according to the original resolution would mean an Increase of 1,860 feet The Board of Public Works had chang- ed this difference to leas than 1,400 feet but even then the supervisors did not think it possible for the high- way department to look favorable up- on the action of the city. Mr. Daniels first introduced a reso- lution to have the original motion rescinded on account of the action of the highway department and a discus- sion arose with Supervisor James Hine heading the opposition. It was finally shown, however, that the orig- inal resolution was of no value since it has been rejected by the state and it was accordingly passed. Mr. Daniels* next resolution was one designating the Hector Street route which means the construction of a new road from the city line to the turn of Hector Street road thus avoid- ing a steep grade. The designated road then continues southward to State Street The usual proceedure with such matters is to lay the reso- lution upon the table until It has 'been properly considered but Mr. Daniels moved immediate consideration. Enfield Makes Protest. To tfhle measure Mr. Hine, with a petition from residents of the town of ^Enfield and Ithaca objected strenuous- ly, claiming that a just decision could not be given until the blgbrway com- mittee had visited both routes. Su- pervisor Evans, however, favored leav- ing the matter up to Mr. Daniels since his constituents are the principle peo- ple concerned in the decision. A vote followed immediately and the Hector Street route was accepted with but one dissenting vote. The action taken by the supervisors The Ave acts of vaudeville for the! leaves the possibility of procuring a la st. half of the week at the Lyceum road more complicated than ever, it is The Six Musical Germans, present- ing a high class musical offering, is without doubt the best act of its kind seen at the Star this year. Three unusually good looking young women, one man, a^yojith and a young- ster with their Aj^terful playing >t band inetrumen<§TKade a big bit with the capacity audiences at all three performances yesterday. The lad in particular distinguished himself. In a medley of popular airs the boy in lightning fashion alternated from lead- ing the others to playing the snare and bass drums and the xylophone. The other act, Morris and Parks, held down their end of the program with a clever dancing and comedy skit. Their quickyflre jokes kept the audience laughing most of the time. The Biograph two-part special re- lease, "The Third Act," today replaced yesterday's film, "The Magnate of Paradise," and the double subject single reel comedy Edison, "Cur'ng the Cook" and "McG-tnty and the Count," took the place of the Pathe Weekly. The same program will be repeated tomorrow. BILL AT LYCEUM O N E J F MERIT Five Good Acts Receive Much Well/ Deserved Applause From Large Audiences— Ventriloquist Makes a Big Hit. uu, c-i war" by the organized land- 'arda in the vicinity of Dryden Road and College Avenue and several ar- caata are expected to follow in the 34A*x4A&8u*ltqr£<>z NOTICE. 1-28-3-to FOR SALE—'Cheap, Art Andes, No, 18 beater, In good condition. Inquire at 125 Linn Street. l-27-3tp FOR SALE—A Real Home! Located on South Geneva Street one block from State, consisting of eleven rooms finished in chestnut, hardwood floors; 4wo fireplaces, steam heat, gas; large lot 66x115; fine garage 22x40. This place is one of the fin- est pieces of property in *he city and if sold before Feb. 1st can be bought at a most reasonable price. For par- ticulars write, -phone or call l-27-8tc BURNS ^ CAREY NOTICE—Do not buy your meats until you have seen our stock and priced the goods, j Two samples, legs of spring lamb, 20c. per lb.; Shaker sau- sage, 14c. lb. J. G. Wortman. 1-29-atc NOTICE—Ladies, notice this special offer from Jan. 25 to 30 only: For those who have combings, switches made for $1.00, by paying $1.00 when leaving thorn; for faLrkig hair, 50o bottle Sage Tonic, 40c. Extra fine switch human hair. t2.00. Mail orders received ann promptliy returned. Mrs. Harrington Fahey, Ithaca Hotel Build- ing. l-23-6tp FOR SALE—Strictly modern house, 10 rooms, hardwood floors, all rooms have southwest exposure, three baths, stMEta heat, electric ll*ht. and gas, fine furnace, dry cellar, attic over the en- tire house, fine laundry with set tuba, large fireplace with splendid draughts and also grate in living room, ten clotbes closets, frontage Tfi ft. "by 185 ft. deep; quite a bit of fruit, splendid garden;' the very best of neighbor- hoods; only five minutes from campus; very nicely arranged for apartment upstairs; can be bought for WflM, on tvsyment of $2,750 cash and mortgage of |3,250; a perfectly clear title, In- quire at l-W-8tp FOR SALE—fl.OOO buys 18-room rooming houtib on Bast Hill, in- come about 9162 a month. Largs lot, electric lights, steam heat, two baths, two toasts, hard wood finish and floors, concrete cellar, garden, sta- tionsry tubs. Possession st osco. Balance of the purchase price to suit purchaser 1-16-tf FOR »AL«—WOO buys modern sous* In northern part of toe city. built tn 1011. This propariy is worth more money than the owner asks for H and If some one wanta a nice lltUe hoffls that esn be paid for as rent, consult us. 1-lt-tf T. Q. MILLER, MGR„ BURQ1R REAL ESTATS COMPANY 103 Nest* Tlog. •*•*, NOTICE—Sharpening of all kinds o safety razor blades by our auto- matic electric razor blade sharpening machine will save yon buy'ng new blades; we make binder, sharper than new blades. Leave blades at Tracy's Bookstore, 307 Bast State Street 12-26-tf at NOTICE—PRIVATE LIVERY—If you wish a coach, cabriolet, a double or single rig, I have them when desired. Clark N. Baldwin. 421 North Aurora Street; both "phones. K-14-tfo NOTICE—Have your old fu-nlture you want taken out of you- way. We pay high cash prices for old fur- niture, stoves, etc. Shulroan Bros., corner Csyuga and Oreen. Both *phones. B-ll-tfe Theater were, up to the standard and in some respects better than tbe other vaudeville programs seen at this play- house tiiis season. The American Harmony Four, a quartet gave an in- teresting series of popular son^a. The piano player and accompanist was applauded for his "rag picking." Miller and Kresco, two young men comedians, kept the audience in a continual uproar by their dancing and comical expressions. I>aMar, billed as the premier ventriloquist, gave a new Interpretation of the art. He pre- sented several new stunts such as singing for the dummy on his knee while drinking a glass of wine and throwing his voice a distance of twenty feet when the dummy figure was taken off the stage by an assist- ant Fossita, a young man, is one of the best accordeon players^ seen in thiB city in many moons. His classical music W B appreciated, but his play- IngwOf ragtime made the big hit for htm. The Three Sargents, two young women and a young man, clever ex- ponents of taut, wire walking, com- pletes the bill. A Keystone comedy and tihe Lyceum Orchestra added much to he program. thought. The city officials have a peti- tion on file in Albany favoring the Elm Street route and the Board of Supervisors has declared in favor of the Hector Street route. It. is under- stood, however, that the county board is the only board that has a legal right to modify the county map as made out by the state engineer in 1907 and it is therefore probable that the action of the solons will carry the greatest weight with the officials in Albany. * • JAPANESE COURT TRIALS. next few days. As the story goes, a -party of stu- dents of several neigh boring rooming houses, came downtown last night to celebrate the** success In examinations and, at a late hour, returned up 'The Hill," mischief bent. Tbe sou;:d of their approach, it is rejported, awak ened a number of persons residing nearby Bntering their respective rooming houses, tbe youths engaged in a number of wrestling inat&hes, pillow fights and Indulged in cheering and yelMng, much to the displeasure of the owners. One landlady said today ihat be, cause of the presence of an aged woman, seriously ill in her house, she earnestly pleaded with tht young men to be quiet. This, she said, the roomers refused to do and became even noisier, until it was necessary to summon a policeman. Several students were caught In the act of dangling a heavy wooden pipe on a downstairs window from the second floor and stamipiag with theft- feet. According to the landlords who hsnrs made complaints to the police and Proctor Tweston, they have even gone so far as to" request »he disor derly ones to leave their houses, but this request, in every case, has been refused. It jis the opinion of some that the trouble this year lias not been caused by any dissatisfaction on the part of the student roomers, but becaiMje of their thoughtlessness for the rights of others. The troublemaikerfi, the landlords claim, have not been confined to the underclassmen, but even *0 the sen tore, post-graduates and scholarshii: men. Many newcomers have been in the hatfttEof leaning out of their win- dows, in me dead of nlghit and emit- ting a series of catcalls and other noises not intended to promote the sleep of others, in tbe early nours of the .morning. At other times, Instead of using the telephone, they have been^kuown to shout their messages from house to house, sometimes it leajst a block away. It is understood that some of the landlords conibemplaih| taking the matter mp with the university author- ities. • • HUB-MA KUDsSLKd COAXING THE FURNACE. Try and The ideal Beer for the home - Congress—a dainty, nmber clear, creamy brew. One bottle at meal times and , watch. Ithaca Bottling Co.. distributors.—Adv. Welch Market Day CASH SALE Chickens, lb 20c Le^s Lamb, lb 18c Lamb Chops, lb .16c Rmind 8teak, lb , 18c Shoulder Steaks, lb. ...14c A Choice Roast of Beef. 14c Oal. Hams, lb 12c Choice Rib Roast Beef, Gov. Inspected, lb. , . . 18c Sausage, lb >,. 14c GOODS PROMPTLY DELIVERED •«)T|C1—Ws will start you in the 10 * •***• 8i leaning and dysint business; llttls* W A T C H THE WINDOW capltsl needed; big profits; writs for booklet. Ren Vonde System, Dept. 214, Cbartotts, N. c. *<t34tp NOTICE—To the Public: The Haw- thorn Rebekah Lodge will have a clam ohowder sapper Tuesday nigbt, Feb. 2nd, st Odd Fellows' Temple, from 8:00 to 7:30. l-28-3t _ * . I I NOTICE There will be a dance in Masonic HSU, Blood Block, Friday night; all cordially Invited; bill IK) osnts. R. J. MoCorab. l-2H-uto. NOTICE—Oroup Three, W, C. T. IT., win hold s bake sale at Trem&n, King ft Co.'« store, Saturday, Jan, 10th, commencing st 10 a. m. l-27-nto NOTICE—Music lsasone given on pi- ano, 74c per hour. Mm, Ktia Ward, 619 widow Avenue, Ithaca phone 356- C. l-28-8tc fh« Judges, Not th« Lawyers, Ques- tion the Witnesses. The defendant in a Japanese court was testifying in his own behalf. He stood directly in front of the presiding Judge, not ten feet distant from nlm, and answered his questions in a clear voice, without any apparent hesitation The judge seemed conversant with the case, for he put questions rapidly, giv- ing a fuony little grunt of acquiescence after every answer. Occasionally one of the associates wrote a suggestion and handed it to the president, and once or twice the defendant's counsel asked the court to put a cprtain in- quiry. The whole proceeding—and the same may be said of those In several other courts l visited—was conducted In a quiet, colloquial way. In every Instance I was Impressed with the sim- ple, businesslike atmosphere. Some of the Japanese lawyers with whom I have talked say that they feel that very often the court does not elicit all the facts and that oar system of having witnesses questioned by counsel would be better, but, on the other hand, some lawyers maintain that better results are realized by the system, which puts upon the court the duty of getting at the truth, maintain- ing that tbe witnesses are more apt to talk fr&nkly to the court than to the lawyer for the opposite side who Is engaged, as they think, in trying to make tbem out Uars. I came away quite favorably Im- pressed with what 1 saw and wonder- lug whether on tbe whole In 05 per cent of the cases s decision by three judges trained In the Investigation of facta wonld not be as nearly right as the verdict of twelve citizens casually gatbsred In from the general com munlty.—George W. Wlckershom tn Cast and Comment Gentleness and the Uplift Kindly, Soothing Words. Treat your furnace kindly. Let your watchwords as s\ furnace tender be gentleness and uplift Be firm with your furnace, but always gentle. Some persons imagine that the way to make a furnace behave properly Is to first shake It violently and then maul the life out of tbe remaining coals with the poker. They try chastisement when they should _ry gentleness and uplift and only succeed In packing the coal harder and destroying ventilation, the secret of successful furnace tending. Nothing responds more readily to up- lift than does a furnace fire. When In the early morning yon wish to arouse the furnace Are from its slumbers, you should first shake it gently, then gently tickle the ribs of the grate With the poker to make ventilation more perfect and then crack the top crust with a lever-like uplifting use of the poker. In a minute the fire will be wide awake and tn good humor, laughing and stick- ing out its tongues of flame at you in merriment. Never awear at your furnace, no mat- ter how It annoys you. That will make It gulky and obstinate. You never saw n furnace which was sworn at often which was not frequently sulky nnd obstinate. Now. did you? It is advis- able to take the directly opposite tack. I know a man who always addresses his furnace aa "sweetheart" or "dar-. ling," and be assures me tbe plan works to perfection. "Maybe it doesn't really make the furnace warm up tbe way it seems to," he frankly admits. "Maybe tbe mere suggestion just keeps me from losing my temper and hammering ray fire to pieces. But anywsdy, the re- sults ars excellent Savvy?"—LeeShip- pey In Judge. A Grant) Insurance Policy for the whole family.. The policy of the fac- tory which produces Hub-Mark Rubber foot- wear has since 1853 borne the seal of public approval. "Honesty is the best policy," and they go still farther. Their products must represent the sum total of all that is best in rubber shoe manufacture gleaned from sixty years' con- cientious study. No dodging, no retrenchment. Only the best or it cannot bear the Hub-Mark stamp. Look for it, ssk for it when you buy rubbers, end be sure you see it. They cost no more than any »tandard first-quality rubbers. Hub-Mark rubber footwear is made in a -wide range of styles for the various demands. These rubbers are manufactured by the Boston Rub- ber Shoe Company, Maiden, Mass. THE HUB-MARK IS YOUR VALUE-MARK FOR SALE BY QUICK \ Our Sale Will Close! I Saturday, Jan. 30th I We have a few more damaged springs at $1.00. 1 I Several ladies' Desks, Buffets and China Closets I which we wish to close out. Wall Paper, Window % | Shades. I DELAYvS ABE DANGEROUS. $H. J. BOOL CO. |. (Opposite Tompkins County Bank) s ^^X«:^^>XK-X«:«KK^><»XK"X«>>X^>'><->^>«X«X^«:->^K"X«>*<> f t i The Specialty Shop | t CORSETS—SHOWING THIS WEEK y % Models of the Celebrated Ivv Corsets in Dancing I Models, Athletic Models, Special T rousseau Models x Also Exclusive Models of the £ Binner and Gossard I Mills Hairdressing & Corset Shop | Opposite New Star Theater I 119 E. Seneca St. Ithaca, N. Y. <^X"X"X"X*'XK«xK<^x»:»x»x*x~X":»x^ I HOTEL LENOX BUFFALO, N. Y. Patrons who visit this hotel once, invariably teU their friends that—for Fair Hates, complete and perfect equipment and unfailing courtesy Buffalo's Leading Tourist Hotel ei unquestionably excels. Beautifully '%_ located in exclusive section—North |f St. at Delaware Av«r Thoroughly aS-^^Be«it olH&lnable modern—firepror "North Street at Delaware Avenue" ioir.^._ri!iif>t /efficient service. European Plan, $1.50 per day, up Special Weekly and Monthly Rate* TaKe Blmwood Ave. car to NortB. St. Writ© for oompllmentarf "Guide of Buffalo and Klasara Falls," also for Special Taxieab Arrangtmmtt C. A. MINER, Manager. »»»»»ft»»0»»»»»»»O«» »»•»»»»« Pops' Alley. Fops' alley was In Her Majesty's theater, London. It wad a promenade down the center of the pit nnd be- tween the latter and the boxes. Ther# the beaux of the day were wont to •troll between the acts, exchanging criticisms on the music and the singers and ogling the belles In tbe boxes.— London Mall. New York Stat* Orange patrons of Husbandry, Oswego, N, Y,, Feb, 2 to B. L«ckawanna Railroad will sell round trip tickets to Oswego at reduced rates gofng January 31st, to February 3d, lnr.iustvH, with return limit Psb< riwr $tb, Jaclujive.—Adv, 1- Conoerning Posterity. "We want posterity to feel that it owe* a great deal to ns," said the statesman. -I doa'f know about its owing much to ua," replied the politician. "But aft- er we get through piling up debts pos- terity is going to feel that it owes a great deal to someDody. ,, -Washlngton Star. Mews Ads. Pay Well, 1 Tailored Paper Vestal for Cold Weather These Vests are now much used to replace Cha- mois Vests. Made of heavy crepe paper, cambric lined, strongly bound and tailored to fit the figure, they are much in demand by hunters, automobilists and all persons fond of outdoor sports. Sold for 50 cents each. At Kline's Pharmacy. Inc. The Rexall Store. 114 North Aurora St Mews Want Advertisements are business getters. .. ./ y F i Igsssk y . •Bssasi V •*V : \ .*>..* BagB*a***a*a*s**BBB*ai aaaaaasai Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Transcript of jf* ' ' ' ''' * ' News ^ MUSICAL ACT AT STAB JAKES HIT HUB-MA 12/Ithaca NY... · FOR RENT—Very...

Page 1: jf* ' ' ' ''' * ' News ^ MUSICAL ACT AT STAB JAKES HIT HUB-MA 12/Ithaca NY... · FOR RENT—Very desirable six-room furnished apartment, to desirable family, immediate possession,

-. •*"..•» *% •' " * vKt*. B^^BBBBBHB

PA6ETWP .THACA DAILY JfEWS. n t t t f t Y r E V t i W JANUARY 29, 1*15.


Motor Trucks Universally Accepted as the

Best Truck on the Mar-Lihe Money—-

Let ua submit im proof to yow, 3W)0-M>. Olwsstr^Trr; ;:.V?;:»a^fi'|lpWM --20004b. Chassis . . . ' $1350 LMMMh. Ohaasis (with Express

Body) ..,...,. • . . $ 9 9 6 (iPrice* F. O. B. ^antory'i

TOWNLEY BROS. Miller Phone 111 Groton, N. Y.

' " . i i< i i

• • ' . : •


" \ The Classified Ads .- - — — M f t i ' " s s ^ s — • inn •••!•!• .


jf*vr~ ' ' 'v"''' * "'

News ^ Classified Advertisements


TELEPHONE THEM Bell 706 Ithaca 128


One cent a word flret insertion, two

r *i cents .a word three insertions, t h r e e cents a word six

insertions. No ad counted less than 25 words.

Advertisers may have an­swers addressed care News without extra charge.

Advertisements should be In The News office not later than 2 p. m. day of insertion. J


FOR SALE. -——<*i

FOR 8ALE—Horses, at auction, Sat­urday, Jam. 30th, at Cornell Trans­

fer Stuibiea, one carload of ihe beat horses ever shipped to Ithaca. John C. Keefe. l-27-3tp

FOR SALE—Cheap; forty-seven acre farm with tools and ttodder; nrat-

olaee land; $1,000 worth of lumber. Inquire at 62S West Green Street.


FOR 8ALE—$500 cash will buy a nice strictly moderrf 7-room stucco and

shingle house, with bath, toilet, lava­tory, electric lights, hot air heat, cement cellar; large lot, 100 feet front; grand view of lake and valley; balance of $2,&00 purchase price can remain on mortgage on easy terms. l-28-»to

FOR 8ALE—Fine 8-room house In choice, residential section of city.

In good repair and everything attrac­tive. Price reasonable. W. B. Georgia & Son 6-12-tfc

WANTED—A good cook. Apply in person, IIS Dry don Road: Mrs.

Sturgis. l-29-3tc

WANTED—Four bushels of butter­nuts. W. L. Burns, 510 West Sen­

eca Street. 1-28-3 tc

WANTED—Young married instructor wants 3 to 5-ruom furnished apart­

ments for balance o*' school year. Ad­dress B. W., News office l-27-3tp

WANTED—By a reliable woman, pbace to do housework In private

family. Good cock. No washing. Address Box 533, care of News


WANTED—Second-hand wij'.ow baby carriage. Call Ithaca phone 519-C.


WANTED—To buy for a client, a four or five acre farm, near city, with

good house and barn. 1-26-tc

FOR SALE—Edison Standard Phono­graph and twenty records. Plays

two-minute EMIson records. Price on­ly five ($5.00) dollars for the whole outfit which, also, includes flower horn and horn stand. See it in the window with Edison Home Phonographs, $10, at 307 East State Street. 1-26-tfc

FOR SALE—Several second-nand cook stoves and Oak heaters; good as

new; will be sold cheap. Inquire Ith­aca Junk Company, foot of Third Street; both 'phone. 12-7-tfc


WANTED—By young man, position as office or store clerk; two years' ex­

perience; flrst-class references. Call Ithaca 'phone 240. l-26-6tp

FOR RENT—Very desirable six-room furnished apartment, to desirable

family, immediate possession, $25. Inquire of l-29-3tc


Six Musjcal Germans Give One of Year's Best Enter-tainmerits .— Dancing and Comedy Skit Pleases Audi­ence—Good Ffctu&s,

SUPERVISORS VOTE FOR HECTOR STOEET ounty Solons Take Opposite Position to City Work£ Board in Regard to the Ap­proach to the iMecklenburg Improved Road.

In dlflect variance witin the action !of the Board of Public Works of tn» city the Board of Supervisors by reso­lution today declared in favor of the Hector fittest route of approach to the


Student Roomers Complained of ForBeingNpisyaWDiV orderly—Landlords v Threat­en to Hdve Arrests Made— Appeal to Police.

The continued trouble between a number of rooming bouse landlords on Ba»t Hill with student roomers reached a climax last ntght when it became necessary to call the .olice



Try it! t* five mlnutM indigMtion i know it is needless to have a bad Boe« and stomach feels stomach.

An*.' Get a large fifty-cent case of Pape's 9 -Ptapepsln from any drug itoWTBHlJ put your stomach right. Stop beiftafs] miserable—itfe_is^ too ahoifc-yw'v** not here long, so make your stay : sgreea'ble. Eat what you like and(dU . gest it; enjoy it, without fear e ( W ' belllon hi the stomach.

Pape's Diapepsin belongs in yoitf home. Should one of the family eat, something which doesn't agree with* them, or in case of an attack of indi­gestion, dyspepsia, gastritis or atom* ach derangement, it is handy to give!

Time it! In five minutes all stom-ach distress gone. No Indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructation* of undigested food, no dizziness*, bloating, foul breath or headache.

Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest stomach doc­tor In the whole world, and bes'des, it is harmless.

Millions of men and women now eat their favorite {oods without fear—they i instant relief.

Mockienbnrg •Road. This action was to #fcop noise and disorder in several taken principally through the influ-1 of the houswa Last night's trouble, it ence of Supervisor Charles H. Daniels, is said, baa led to a formal 'declara-represenrtiug the first ward in which the new road is entirely located.

Last fall the lupervisors took action in favor of fho Mlm gpyrjftat rmtta and

FOR RENT—Three-room flat, heat furnished, gas range; no cats r

dogs; rate, $10; oak extension table for sale. 310 Linn Street l-2>9-3tp

FOR RENT—Furnished rooms. Two rooms for light housekeeping ?*.00.

Room on East Seneca Street $2.50. Nice room on South Albany Street $2.00. Room $1.75. Two rooms with private bath $20.00. Room on North Tioga Street $2.50. Room on West State Street $3.00. Room with al­cove on Bast Seneca Street $5.00.


FOR SALE—Lady's solid gold watch, $10; also gentleman's watch, gokl

filled case, 15 jewel, Raymond move­ment, $10. Address E. C. T., care of News. 1-28-Stp

FOR SALE—$1,000 cash will buy de­sirable 9-room house with bath, toi­

let, lavatory, hot-air heat, stationary coal and gas range*, electric lights; beautiful oak floors; house in A No. 1 condition; located on paved street; j Avenue •balance, $3,000, can remain on mort- " gage on easy terms to suit buyer.

FOR RENT—Rooms and houses: Seven-room house on Seneca

Street $20.00. House on Railroad Avenue $12.00. Room with store room for light housekeeping $2.00. Four-room flat $6.00. 1-16-tfc


103 North Tioga Street.

FOR RENT—Clx-room moiien; flats. Inquire Chacona Bros., 415 Co'Jege


were informed by the state highway department that the road would not be accepted. The department explain­ed that £l£h,$ugh the Board of* Super­visors had i h e rlgnt*to modify the county map of .proposed highways made by the state engineer in 1907 it did not have, the right to change a road whereby the distance was In any way increased.

City Reduced Distance. The change to the Elm Street route,

according to the original resolution would mean an Increase of 1,860 feet The Board of Public Works had chang­ed this difference to leas than 1,400 feet but even then the supervisors did not think it possible for the high­way department to look favorable up­on the action of the city.

Mr. Daniels first introduced a reso­lution to have the original motion rescinded on account of the action of the highway department and a discus­sion arose with Supervisor James Hine heading the opposition. It was finally shown, however, that the orig­inal resolution was of no value since it has been rejected by the state and it was accordingly passed.

Mr. Daniels* next resolution was one designating the Hector Street route which means the construction of a new road from the city line to the turn of Hector Street road thus avoid­ing a steep grade. The designated road then continues southward to State Street The usual proceedure with such matters is to lay the reso­lution upon the table until It has 'been properly considered but Mr. Daniels moved immediate consideration.

Enfield Makes Protest. To tfhle measure Mr. Hine, with a

petition from residents of the town of ^Enfield and Ithaca objected strenuous­ly, claiming that a just decision could not be given until the blgbrway com­mittee had visited both routes. Su­pervisor Evans, however, favored leav­ing the matter up to Mr. Daniels since his constituents are the principle peo­ple concerned in the decision.

A vote followed immediately and the Hector Street route was accepted with but one dissenting vote.

The action taken by the supervisors The Ave acts of vaudeville for the! leaves the possibility of procuring a

la st. half of the week at the Lyceum road more complicated than ever, it is

The Six Musical Germans, present­ing a high class musical offering, is without doubt the best act of its kind seen at the Star this year. Three unusually good looking young women, one man, a^yojith and a young­ster with their Aj^terful playing >t band inetrumen<§TKade a big bit with the capacity audiences at all three performances yesterday. The lad in particular distinguished himself. In a medley of popular airs the boy in lightning fashion alternated from lead­ing the others to playing the snare and bass drums and the xylophone.

The other act, Morris and Parks, held down their end of the program with a clever dancing and comedy skit. Their quickyflre jokes kept the audience laughing most of the time.

The Biograph two-part special re­lease, "The Third Act," today replaced yesterday's film, "The Magnate of Paradise," and the double subject single reel comedy Edison, "Cur'ng the Cook" and "McG-tnty and the Count," took the place of the Pathe Weekly. The same program will be repeated tomorrow.


Five Good Acts Receive Much Well/ Deserved Applause From Large Audiences— Ventriloquist Makes a Big Hit.

u u , c-i war" by the organized land-'arda in the vicinity of Dryden Road and College Avenue and several ar-caata are expected to follow in the

34A*x4A&8u*ltqr£<>z NOTICE.


FOR SALE—'Cheap, Art Andes, No, 18 beater, In good condition. Inquire

at 125 Linn Street. l-27-3tp

FOR SALE—A Real Home! Located on South Geneva Street one block

from State, consisting of eleven rooms finished in chestnut, hardwood floors; 4wo fireplaces, steam heat, gas; large lot 66x115; fine garage 22x40. This place is one of the fin­est pieces of property in *he city and if sold before Feb. 1st can be bought at a most reasonable price. For par­ticulars write, -phone or call l-27-8tc


NOTICE—Do not buy your meats until you have seen our stock and priced

the goods, j Two samples, legs of spring lamb, 20c. per lb.; Shaker sau­sage, 14c. lb. J. G. Wortman.


NOTICE—Ladies, notice this special offer from Jan. 25 to 30 only: For

those who have combings, switches made for $1.00, by paying $1.00 when leaving thorn; for faLrkig hair, 50o bottle Sage Tonic, 40c. Extra fine switch human hair. t2.00. Mail orders received ann promptliy returned. Mrs. Harrington Fahey, Ithaca Hotel Build­ing. l-23-6tp

FOR SALE—Strictly modern house, 10 rooms, hardwood floors, all rooms

have southwest exposure, three baths, stMEta heat, electric ll*ht. and gas, fine furnace, dry cellar, attic over the en­tire house, fine laundry with set tuba, large fireplace with splendid draughts and also grate in living room, ten clotbes closets, frontage Tfi ft. "by 185 ft. deep; quite a bit of fruit, splendid garden;' the very best of neighbor­hoods; only five minutes from campus; very nicely arranged for apartment upstairs; can be bought for WflM, on tvsyment of $2,750 cash and mortgage of |3,250; a perfectly clear title, In­quire at l-W-8tp

FOR SALE—fl.OOO buys 18-room rooming houtib on Bast Hill, in­

come about 9162 a month. Largs lot, electric lights, steam heat, two baths, two toasts, hard wood finish and floors, concrete cellar, garden, sta-tionsry tubs. Possession st osco. Balance of the purchase price to suit purchaser 1-16-tf

FOR »AL«—WOO buys modern sous* In northern part of toe city.

built tn 1011. This propariy is worth more money than the owner asks for H and If some one wanta a nice lltUe hoffls that esn be paid for as rent, consult us. 1-lt-tf


103 Nest* Tlog. • * • * ,

NOTICE—Sharpening of all kinds o safety razor blades by our auto­

matic electric razor blade sharpening machine will save yon buy'ng new blades; we make binder, sharper than new blades. Leave blades at Tracy's Bookstore, 307 Bast State Street


at NOTICE—PRIVATE LIVERY—If you wish a coach, cabriolet, a double or

single rig, I have them when desired. Clark N. Baldwin. 421 North Aurora Street; both "phones. K-14-tfo

NOTICE—Have your old fu-nlture you want taken out of you- way.

We pay high cash prices for old fur­niture, stoves, etc. Shulroan Bros., corner Csyuga and Oreen. Both *phones. B-ll-tfe

Theater were, up to the standard and in some respects better than tbe other vaudeville programs seen at this play­house tiiis season. The American Harmony Four, a quartet gave an in­teresting series of popular son^a. The piano player and accompanist was applauded for his "rag picking."

Miller and Kresco, two young men comedians, kept the audience in a continual uproar by their dancing and comical expressions. I>aMar, billed as the premier ventriloquist, gave a new Interpretation of the art. He pre­sented several new stunts such as singing for the dummy on his knee while drinking a glass of wine and throwing his voice a distance of twenty feet when the dummy figure was taken off the stage by an assist­a n t

Fossita, a young man, is one of the best accordeon players^ seen in thiB city in many moons. His classical music W B appreciated, but his play-IngwOf ragtime made the big hit for htm. The Three Sargents, two young women and a young man, clever ex­ponents of taut, wire walking, com­pletes the bill. A Keystone comedy and tihe Lyceum Orchestra added much to he program.

thought. The city officials have a peti­tion on file in Albany favoring the Elm Street route and the Board of Supervisors has declared in favor of the Hector Street route. It. is under­stood, however, that the county board is the only board that has a legal right to modify the county map as made out by the state engineer in 1907 and it is therefore probable that the action of the solons will carry the greatest weight with the officials in Albany.

• * •


next few days. As the story goes, a -party of stu­

dents of several neigh boring rooming houses, came downtown last night to celebrate the** success In examinations and, at a late hour, returned up 'The Hill," mischief bent. Tbe sou;:d of their approach, it is rejported, awak ened a number of persons residing nearby Bntering their respective rooming houses, tbe youths engaged in a number of wrestling inat&hes, pillow fights and Indulged in cheering and yelMng, much to the displeasure of the owners.

One landlady said today ihat be, cause of the presence of an aged woman, seriously ill in her house, she earnestly pleaded with tht young men to be quiet. This, she said, the roomers refused to do and became even noisier, until it was necessary to summon a policeman. Several students were caught In the act of dangling a heavy wooden pipe on a downstairs window from the second floor and stamipiag with theft- feet.

According to the landlords who hsnrs made complaints to the police and Proctor Tweston, they have even gone so far as to" request »he disor derly ones to leave their houses, but this request, in every case, has been refused. It jis the opinion of some that the trouble this year lias not been caused by any dissatisfaction on the part of the student roomers, but becaiMje of their thoughtlessness for the rights of others.

The troublemaikerfi, the landlords claim, have not been confined to the underclassmen, but even *0 the sen tore, post-graduates and scholarshii: men. Many newcomers have been in the hatfttEof leaning out of their win­dows, in m e dead of nlghit and emit­ting a series of catcalls and other noises not intended to promote the sleep of others, in tbe early nours of the .morning.

At other times, Instead of using the telephone, they have been^kuown to shout their messages from house to house, sometimes it leajst a block away. It i s understood that some of the landlords conibemplaih| taking the matter mp with the university author­ities.

• • •



Try and

The ideal Beer for the home -Congress—a dainty, nmber clear, creamy brew. One bottle at meal times and , watch. Ithaca Bottling Co.. distributors.—Adv.

Welch Market Day CASH SALE

Chickens, lb 20c Le^s Lamb, lb 18c Lamb Chops, lb .16c Rmind 8teak, lb , 18c Shoulder Steaks, lb. ...14c A Choice Roast of Beef. 14c Oal. Hams, lb 12c Choice Rib Roast Beef,

Gov. Inspected, lb. , . . 18c Sausage, lb >,. 14c


•«)T|C1—Ws will start you in the 1 0 * •***• 8 i

leaning and dysint business; l l tt ls* W A T C H T H E W I N D O W capltsl needed; big profits; writs for booklet. Ren Vonde System, Dept. 214, Cbartotts, N. c. *<t34tp

NOTICE—To the Public: The Haw­thorn Rebekah Lodge will have a

clam ohowder sapper Tuesday nigbt, Feb. 2nd, st Odd Fellows' Temple, from 8:00 to 7:30. l-28-3t _ * • • . I I

NOTICE There will be a dance in Masonic HSU, Blood Block, Friday

night; all cordially Invited; bill IK) osnts. R. J. MoCorab. l-2H-uto.

NOTICE—Oroup Three, W, C. T. IT., win hold s bake sale at Trem&n,

King ft Co.'« store, Saturday, Jan, 10th, commencing s t 10 a. m. l-27-nto

NOTICE—Music lsasone given on pi­ano, 74c per hour. Mm, Ktia Ward,

619 widow Avenue, Ithaca phone 356-C. l-28-8tc

fh« Judges, Not th« Lawyers, Ques­tion the Witnesses.

The defendant in a Japanese court was testifying in his own behalf. He stood directly in front of the presiding Judge, not ten feet distant from nlm, and answered his questions in a clear voice, without any apparent hesitation The judge seemed conversant with the case, for he put questions rapidly, giv­ing a fuony little grunt of acquiescence after every answer. Occasionally one of the associates wrote a suggestion and handed it to the president, and once or twice the defendant's counsel asked the court to put a cprtain in­quiry. The whole proceeding—and the same may be said of those In several other courts l visited—was conducted In a quiet, colloquial way. In every Instance I was Impressed with the sim­ple, businesslike atmosphere. —

Some of the Japanese lawyers with whom I have talked say that they feel that very often the court does not elicit all the facts and that oar system of having witnesses questioned by counsel would be better, but, on the other hand, some lawyers maintain that better results are realized by the system, which puts upon the court the duty of getting at the truth, maintain­ing that tbe witnesses are more apt to talk fr&nkly to the court than to the lawyer for the opposite side who Is engaged, as they think, in trying to make tbem out Uars.

I came away quite favorably Im­pressed with what 1 saw and wonder-lug whether on tbe whole In 05 per cent of the cases s decision by three judges trained In the Investigation of facta wonld not be as nearly right as the verdict of twelve citizens casually gatbsred In from the general com munlty.—George W. Wlckershom tn Cast and Comment

Gentleness and the Uplift Kindly, Soothing Words.

Treat your furnace kindly. Let your watchwords as s\ furnace tender be gentleness and uplift Be firm with your furnace, but always gentle. Some persons imagine that the way to make a furnace behave properly Is to first shake It violently and then maul the life out of tbe remaining coals with the poker. They try chastisement when they should _ry gentleness and uplift and only succeed In packing the coal harder and destroying ventilation, the secret of successful furnace tending.

Nothing responds more readily to up­lift than does a furnace fire. When In the early morning yon wish to arouse the furnace Are from its slumbers, you should first shake it gently, then gently tickle the ribs of the grate With the poker to make ventilation more perfect and then crack the top crust with a lever-like uplifting use of the poker. In a minute the fire will be wide awake and tn good humor, laughing and stick­ing out its tongues of flame at you in merriment.

Never awear at your furnace, no mat­ter how It annoys you. That will make It gulky and obstinate. You never saw n furnace which was sworn at often which was not frequently sulky nnd obstinate. Now. did you? It is advis­able to take the directly opposite tack. I know a man who always addresses his furnace aa "sweetheart" or "dar-. ling," and be assures me tbe plan works to perfection. "Maybe it doesn't really make the furnace warm up tbe way it seems to," he frankly admits. "Maybe tbe mere suggestion just keeps me from losing my temper and hammering ray fire to pieces. But anywsdy, the re­sults ars excellent Savvy?"—LeeShip-pey In Judge.

A Grant) Insurance Policy for the whole family.. The policy of the fac­tory which produces Hub-Mark Rubber foot­wear has since 1853 borne the seal of public approval.

"Honesty is the best policy," and they go still farther. Their products must represent the sum total of all that is best in rubber shoe manufacture gleaned from sixty years' con-cientious study. No dodging, no retrenchment. Only the best or it cannot bear the Hub-Mark stamp.

Look for it, ssk for it when you buy rubbers, end be sure you see it. They cost no more than any »tandard first-quality rubbers.

Hub-Mark rubber footwear is made in a -wide range of styles for the various demands.

These rubbers are manufactured by the Boston Rub­ber Shoe Company, Maiden, Mass.



\ Our Sale Will Close!


Saturday, Jan. 30th I We have a few more damaged springs at $1.00. 1 I Several ladies' Desks, Buffets and China Closets I which we wish to close out. Wall Paper, Window % | Shades. I DELAYvS ABE DANGEROUS.

$H. J. BOOL CO. | . (Opposite Tompkins County Bank) s

^^X«:^^>XK-X«:«KK^><»XK"X«>>X^> '><->^>«X«X^«: ->^K"X«>*<>


t i

The Specialty Shop | —

t CORSETS—SHOWING THIS WEEK y % Models of the Celebrated Ivv Corsets in Dancing I Models, Athletic Models, Special T rousseau Models x Also Exclusive Models of the £ Binner and Gossard

I Mills Hairdressing & Corset Shop | Opposite New Star Theater I 119 E. Seneca St. Ithaca, N. Y. <^X"X"X"X*'XK«xK<^x»:»x»x*x~X":»x^



Patrons who visit this hotel once, invariably teU their friends that—for Fair Hates, complete and perfect equipment and unfailing courtesy

Buffalo's Leading Tourist Hotel ei unquestionably excels. Beautifully '%_ located in exclusive section—North | f St. at Delaware Av«r Thoroughly

aS-^^Be«it olH&lnable modern—firepror

"North Street at Delaware Avenue"

• ioir.̂ ._ri!iif>t /efficient service.

European Plan, $1.50 per day, up

Special Weekly and Monthly Rate*

TaKe Blmwood Ave. car to NortB. St. Writ© for oompllmentarf "Guide of Buffalo and Klasara Falls," also for Special Taxieab Arrangtmmtt

C. A. MINER, Manager.

» » » » » f t » » 0 » » » » » » » O « » » » • » » » » «

Pops' Alley. Fops' alley was In Her Majesty's

theater, London. It wad a promenade down the center of the pit nnd be­tween the latter and the boxes. Ther# the beaux of the day were wont to •troll between the acts, exchanging criticisms on the music and the singers and ogling the belles In tbe boxes.— London Mall.

New York Stat* Orange patrons of Husbandry, Oswego, N, Y,, Feb, 2 to B.

L«ckawanna Railroad will sell round trip tickets to Oswego at reduced rates gofng January 31st, to February 3d, lnr.iustvH, with return limit Psb< riwr $tb, Jaclujive.—Adv,


Conoerning Posterity. "We want posterity to feel that it

owe* a great deal to ns," said the statesman.

- I doa'f know about its owing much to ua," replied the politician. "But aft­er we get through piling up debts pos­terity is going to feel that it owes a great deal to someDody.,,-Washlngton Star.

Mews Ads. Pay Well,

1 Tailored Paper Vestal for Cold Weather

These Vests are now much used to replace Cha­mois Vests. Made of heavy crepe paper, cambric lined, strongly bound and tailored to fit the figure, they are much in demand by hunters, automobilists and all persons fond of outdoor sports. Sold for 50 cents each.

At Kline's Pharmacy. Inc. The Rexall Store. 114 North Aurora St

Mews Want Advertisements are business getters. . .

. /

y F

i Igsssk







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