Jewish Schemes to Destroy Gentiles The TALMUD is the very foundation of JEWISH life. It is taught to...

Jewish Schemes to Destroy Gentiles

Transcript of Jewish Schemes to Destroy Gentiles The TALMUD is the very foundation of JEWISH life. It is taught to...

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Jewish Schemes to Destroy Gentiles

The TALMUD is the very foundation of JEWISH life. It is taught to JEWISH children as soon as they are old enough to read.RABBI MORRIS KERTZER, American JEWISH Committee.I know the blasphemy of them who say they are the Children of God, but are of the Synagogue of Satan! For ye are of your father the Devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth for there was no truth in him... When he speaketh a lie he speaketh of his own for he is a LIAR and the father of it. JESUS, JOHN 8:1Jews Have Superior Legal Status Baba Kamma 37b. If an ox of an Israelite gores an ox of a Canaanite (Gentile) there is no liability, but if an ox of a Canaanite gores an ox of an Israelitethe payment is to be in full.Non-Jewish Children are Sub-Human Yebamoth 98a. All gentile children are animals. Abodah Zarah 36b. Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth."Just the Jews are humans, the Non-Jews are no humans, but cattle."-Jewish Babylonian Talmud, Kerithuth 6b page 78, Jebhammoth 61a (goyim = human cattle)The Party Line was to unite all revolutionary bodies for the purposes of bringing all the big capitalistic countries into war with each other so that all the terrific losses suffered, the high taxes imposed and the hardships endured by the masses of the population, would make the majority of the working classes react favorably to ...a revolution to end all wars. When all the countries had been Sovietized then the ILLUMINATI would form a totalitarian dictatorship ...It is possible that only Lenin knew the secret aims and ambitions of the ILLUMINATI, who molded the revolutionary action to suit their purpose. The revolutionary leaders were to organize their underground in all countries so as to be able to take over the nations political sys- tem and economy; the International Bankers were to extend the ramifications of their agencies around the world...WILLIAM GUY CARR, R.D., Pawns in the Game.Gentile girls are in a state ofniddah(filth) from birth. Abodah Zarah 36bATalmudic Doctrine: Non-Jews are not Human The Talmud specifically defines all who are not Jews as non-human animals, and specifically dehumanizes Gentiles as not being descendants of Adam."The Non-Jews have to be avoided, even more than sick pigs. - Jewish Babylonian Talmud, Orach Chaiim 57, 6aMaimonides ruled that it is a Jewish court or a court appointed by Jewish authoritythat enforces obedience and passes judgment on Gentiles, as well as promulgating legislation by court order for that purpose. Maimonides further decreed that any non-Jewish nation not subject to our jurisdiction (tahaht yadeinu) will be the target of Jewish holy war.

These courts are to be convened allegedly under the Noahide Laws (proscriptions against idolatry supposedly based on the covenant with Noah). But there is nothing in the Bible to support this claim. This claim is a preposterous FRAUD and a sign of the anti-Christ!

A Jew may do to a non-Jewess whatever he can.He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat.- Hadarine, 20, B; Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348.A Jew is permitted torape,cheat andperjurehimself [give false testimony under oath in court]; but he musttake care that he is not found out, so that Israel [the Jewish people] may not suffer. Schulchan Aruch, Jore Dia.Rabbi Emanuel Rabinowitsch during a rabbi conference in Budapest on 12 Jan. 1952The goal weve had for 3,000 years is almost accomplished. Our race will win: Every Jew a king, every Christian a slave. We stirred anti-German feelings which reached their height in WWII, but our final goal is WWIII. This war will end our fight against the non-Jews because then our race will rule the world without dispute.Ludwig Lewisohn [a Jew] in his book "Israel," 1926"A Jew remains a Jew. Assimilalation is impossible, because a Jew cannot change his national character [or his Serpent/Viper nature]. Whatever he does, he is a Jew and remains a Jew. The majority has discovered this fact, but too late." Those who dare to take up the fight against the Jews, from them the Jews will pull away the base of their existence. They will fight them with animal brutality and with the most base methods until their nerves shatter and they give up the fight. Jew Alberti-Sittenfeld 1883 in the newspaper Gesellschaft"I dont know this thing called international principles. I vow that Illburn every Palestinian child that will be born in this area. The Palestinianwoman and child are more dangerous than the man, because the Palestinianchilds existence infers that generations will go on, but the man causeslimited danger. I vow that if I was just an Israeli civilian and I met aPalestinian I would burn him and I would make him suffer before killing him. Ariel Sharon"We have a case of the Jew, a totally different species. The body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of members of all other nations of the world. Bodies of the Gentiles are in vain. An even greater difference is in regard to the soul A non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness."-Rabbi Mendel Schneerson, Lubavitcher friend of George Bush Sr"The principal end, which is Hebrew world domination, is not yet reached. But it will be reached and it already closer than the masses of the so-called Christian States imagine. Russian Czarism , the German Empire and militarism are overthrown, all peoples are being pushed toward ruin. This is the moment in which the true domination of Jewry has its beginning. Judas Schuldbuch, in "The Wise Men of Zion ."It is more wicked to question the words of the rabbis than Torah.TALMUD: Michna Sanhedrin 11:3.We have fooled, bemused and corrupted the youth of the goyim by rearing them in principals and theories known to us to be false although it is by us they have been inculcated.PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION:Protocol 9:10.You have not begun to appreciate the real depth of our guilt. We ARE intruders. We ARE disturbers. We ARE subverters. We have taken your natural world, your ideals, your destiny, and played havoc with them. We have been at the bottom not merely of your last great war but of nearly all your wars; not only of the Russian but of every other revolution in your history. We have brought discord and confusion, and frustration into your public life. We are still doing it. Who knows what great and glorious destiny might have been yours had we left you alone?MARCUS ELI RAVAGE, JEW Century Magazine, January 1928.The administrators, whom we shall choose from among the public with strict regard for their servile obedience, will not be persons trained in the art of government, and therefore will easily become pawns in our game, in the hands of men of learn- ing and genius who will be their advisors: specialists bred and reared from early childhood to rule the affairs of the whole world.PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION,Protocol 2:2.All vows, oaths, promises, engagements, and swearing which I make in the future shall be null from this Day of Atonement until the next.TALMUD: Kol Nidre Oath.Let us all remember that we are a distinct nationality of which every Jew what ever his country, his station, his shade of belief is necessarily a member.LOUIS DEMBITZ BRANDEIS, JEW, U.S. Supreme Court.One of those Divine Truths from the TALMUD is the holy KOL NIDRE OATH (All Vows Prayer). It is recited thrice by the synagogue congregation as prologue to YOM KIPPUR rites, (The Day of Atonement) The Highest of Holy Days. It has also been set to music by Felix Mendelsohn, JEW (Marrano). Most Christians, including the clergy, believe the KOL NIDRE OATH is a profound vow to God. In FACT the TALMUD demands that every JEW must break in advance all oaths and sworn declarations a JEW might make to a Gentile during the ensuing promises shall not bind... my vows shall not be reckoned vows... nor my oath oaths... every vow which I make in the future shall be NULL from this Day of Atonement until the next. TALMUD: Kol Nidre Oath.300-men, all acquainted with each other, control the economic destiny of the continent.WALTER RATHENAU, JEW, powerful German financier .The World is ruled by very different personages that those who are not behind the scenes would imagine.BENJAMIN DISRAELI, JEW, Prime Minister, Great Britain.

The genetic Khazar-derivation of most Jews only the Sephardic may be accounted Hebrews by blood has been long if not widely known. Dunlap at Columbia University, Bury in England, Poliak at Tel Aviv University have researched this cruelest of jokes and won research acceptance over the past half-century.ALFRED M. LILIENTHAL,JEW, The Zionist Connection.Around 600 A.D. a belligerent tribe of half-Mongolian people, similar to the modern Turks, conquered the territory of what is now Southern Russia. Before long the kingdom (khan- ate) of the Khazars, as the tribe was known, stretched from the Caspian to the Black Sea. Its capital, Ityl, was at the mouth of the Volga River.SOLOMON GRAYZEL, JEW, A History of the JEWSThe meaning of the history of the last century is that 300 Jewish Financiers, all Masters of Lodges, rule the World. (1931) JEAN IZOULET, JEW, Jewish Alliance Israelite Universelle.The Trilateralists don't secretly rule the world, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) does that.WINSTON LORD, former Chairman of the CFR.The name of Rothschild thus became ubiquitous and it was well remarked that the House was spread like a network over the nations; and it is no wonder that its operations upon the money-market should at length be felt by every cabinet in Europe. RABBI MOSE MARGOLUTH (1851).

The tactics of this Jewish warfare was employment of money. His dispersion, his materialism, his finished cosmopolitanism, all precluded him taking part in the heroic form of combat in the field, and he was thus confined to the war of lending, or refusing to lend, of bribing, of gaining legally enforceable power over important individuals... The story of Shylock shows the dual picture of the JEW socially cringing on the Rialto, but emerging as a lion the courtroom. FRANCIS PARKER YOCKEY, Imperium."The possessions of the goyim are like an ownerless desert, and everybody (every Jew) who seizes it, has acquired it."-Jewish Babylonian Talmud, IV/3/54b"When the *Messiah comes, all will be slaves of the Jews."-Jewish Babylonian Talmud, Erubin 43b*The Messiah is not God. The Jews Are Atheists and Satanists. The Messiah is an elected Jew for world rule who will be god of this world. "Israel may have the right to put others on trial, but certainly no one has the right to put the Jewish people and the State of Israel on trial." Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, 25 March, 2001 quoted in BBC News Online, Prime Minister of Israel at the time - August 28, 2000. Reported in the Jerusalem Post August 30, 2000Tell me, do the evil men of this world have a bad time? They hunt andcatch whatever they feel like eating. They dont suffer from indigestion andare not punished by Heaven. I want Israel to join that club. Maybe theworld will then at last begin to fear us instead of feeling sorry. Maybe theywill start to tremble, to fear our madness instead of admiring our nobility.Let them tremble, let them call us a mad state. Let them understand thatwe are a savage country, dangerous to our surroundings, not normal, thatwe might go wild, that we might start World War Three just like that, orthat we might one day go crazy and burn all the oil fields in the MiddleEast. Personally, I dont want to be any better than Harry Truman whosnuffed out half a million Japanese with two fine bombs. Ariel SharonI encourage my soldiers to rape Arabic girls, since the Palestinian womanis a slave for the Jews, and we do whatever we want to her and nobody tellsus what we shall do but we tell others what they shall do. Ariel SharonWe intend to turn Europe into a mixed race of Asians and Negros ruled over by the Jews. Count Kalergi-Coudenhove, 1925We Jews have made the World War (WWI)! We, Jews, are nothing else than the worlds seducers, its incendiaries, its executioners! Our last revolution is not yet made! We, Jews, invented the myth of the Chosen People. Dr. Oscar Levy, prominent London Jew"We intend to remake the Gentile-what the Communists are doing in Russia. Three generations may be required." -Rabbi Lewis Browne, in his book, "How' Odd of God," 1924.Non-Jewish Children are subhumans. Yebamoth 98a.

Hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God Sanhedrin 58b. If a gentile hits a Jew, the gentile must be killed.

Wars are the Jews harvests. Werner Zombart, Jewish Professor"The Non-Jews have been created to serve the Jews as slaves. -Jewish Babylonian Talmud, Midrasch Talpioth 225Produced by germanvictims.comnull120245.555