Jesus’s Teaching. Written response errors Preform vs. PERform Gods vs. God’s Capitalization in...

Jesus’s Teaching

Transcript of Jesus’s Teaching. Written response errors Preform vs. PERform Gods vs. God’s Capitalization in...

Page 1: Jesus’s Teaching. Written response errors Preform vs. PERform Gods vs. God’s Capitalization in sentences Pronoun antecedents (who are he & they?)

Jesus’s Teaching

Page 2: Jesus’s Teaching. Written response errors Preform vs. PERform Gods vs. God’s Capitalization in sentences Pronoun antecedents (who are he & they?)

Written response errors

• Preform vs. PERform

• Gods vs. God’s

• Capitalization in sentences

• Pronoun antecedents (who are he & they?)

Page 3: Jesus’s Teaching. Written response errors Preform vs. PERform Gods vs. God’s Capitalization in sentences Pronoun antecedents (who are he & they?)


• A short, allegorical story– Placing 2 things side by side– Every element stands in for something else

• Ordinary, everyday life used to illustrate the Kingdom of God– How to explain something so different?– Jesus as creative & understandable

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Parable Themes

• Six major themes from the parables– Many others, your book highlights six

• God’s Kingdom is for All– Strength of the Kingdom

(the Mustard Seed)– Must be open to it (Sower)

Page 5: Jesus’s Teaching. Written response errors Preform vs. PERform Gods vs. God’s Capitalization in sentences Pronoun antecedents (who are he & they?)

Themes, cont’d

• Sinners are Welcome– Luke’s Gospel– Concern for the lost (the Lost Sheep, the Lost

Coin, the Lost Son)• Search until it is found

– Forgiveness of sins– Deep, abiding love that cannot be lost• Grace

Page 6: Jesus’s Teaching. Written response errors Preform vs. PERform Gods vs. God’s Capitalization in sentences Pronoun antecedents (who are he & they?)

Themes, cont’d

• Salvation– A new day has come: a New Covenant– New wine needs new wineskins– A wedding feast where the groom is now present

• Belief & Repentance– Believe in the Gospel & stop living selfishly – Hearing God‘s Will = Doing God’s Will

Page 7: Jesus’s Teaching. Written response errors Preform vs. PERform Gods vs. God’s Capitalization in sentences Pronoun antecedents (who are he & they?)

Themes, cont’d

• Preparation for Judgment– Kingdom is for the least, the humble & the poor– Separation of the good from the bad– Heaven = eternal communion– Hell = eternal separation– Entering God’s Kingdom means faith,

which means love, which means action

• Rejoice in the Good News

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Sermon on the Mount

• Matthew’s Gospel: up on a mountainside– Images of Sinai– Central foundation of Christian understanding

Page 9: Jesus’s Teaching. Written response errors Preform vs. PERform Gods vs. God’s Capitalization in sentences Pronoun antecedents (who are he & they?)

The Beatitudes• 8 statements of morality for happiness– “Blessed are the poor in spirit” - humility – “Blessed are they who mourn” – mourn sin– “Blessed are the meek” – gentleness– “Blessed are they who hunger & thirst” – God’s justice– “Blessed are the merciful” – Forgiveness– “Blessed are the clean of heart” – total commitment to

God– “Blessed are the peacemakers” – Loving & peaceful– “Blessed are those persecuted for righteousness”

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Christian living in the Sermon

• Salt of the Earth & Light of the World– Make a difference in the world– Salt flavors food, disciples must improve the world

for the better– Light gets rid of darkness• Love triumphs over sin• Lead others to God by being good

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New Standard of Law

• Old Law is preparation for Jesus– Jesus fulfills the need for the Law

• New Law is the New Covenant of Jeremiah– Written in hearts, not stone

• External obedience is not enough– Change the heart

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Commandment of Love

• “The greatest commandment” is a different story

• Love the enemy & do not seek revenge– Forgive trespasses– Break the cycle of violence– All people are our brothers & sisters

• “be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Mt 5:48)– Impossible for humans alone

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More Teachings

• Have a Right Attitude– Do the right thing for the right reasons– Winning glory and honor for yourself are not the right

reasons– Don’t call attention to doing the right thing

• Other requirements– Don’t put yourself above others; the “Golden Rule”;

trust in God alone– World will not change until we do

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Seven Heavenly Virtues

• Two lists of Seven Virtues• Canonical Virtues vs. Popular list

• Popular list more varied– Many connected to the Beatitudes– Opposite the Seven Deadly Sins

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Seven Deadly Sins

• Seven root causes of sin– Not distinct sins themselves, but the thought

behind them

• Pride as the worst– Most subtle & hardest to resist

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Sin Behavior Virtue

Pride Piety & giving credit Humility

Greed Physical possessions Charity

Sloth Effort & Activity Diligence

Wrath Dealing with other peopele


Lust Sexual behavior & attitudes


Envy Friendship & loyalty Kindness/Gentleness

Gluttony Self-control & staying within means
