Jessica Sheridan - Unit 30

OCR Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media Unit 30: 1222 UK Media Publishing St. Andrew’s Catholic School – Jess Sheridan Unit 30 Overview - 1666

Transcript of Jessica Sheridan - Unit 30

  1. 1. OCR Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media Unit 30: 1222 UK Media Publishing St. Andrews Catholic School Jess Sheridan Unit 30 Overview - 1666
  2. 2. Year- JAN-JUNE Circulation figures 2011 80,418 2012 64,596 2013 58,980 2014 48,353 As you can see Q magazine is 18% so this demonstrates that 18% of people read and buy the magazine although Bauer has the bigger market share, they dont have the highest magazine circulation. breakdown-cosmopolitan-bucks-trend-uk-magazines- decline-average-4-cent/
  3. 3. GENRE Q magazine does not really have a genre of music, its main interest is new releases and upcoming artists they also base on interviews. There target audience is round 16 plus. Q has been published monthly since 1986 by Bauer Media Group. Q magazine from 1986 Q magazine from 2009. Source: =& monkeys-talk-about-their-new-album-with-q- 3541%2F&bvm=bv.103388427,d.d2s&psig=AFQjCNFiSkgBq8MCbWA0OSc7e0Y36SuqnA&ust=14 43194326638520
  4. 4. MARKET POSITION PUBLISHER These magazines are popular sold separately. Bauer has published more copies because they own more magazines.
  5. 5. We think popular
  6. 6. Ideology: Bauer Media Group is in a unique position to be able to deliver ground- breaking consumer insight to media professional, having more market leading brands across a wider breadth of market than any other media owner.- Bauer Media Group, 2014. Products: The Bauer Media Group currently offers over 500 magazines in 15 countries, also online,TV and radio stations. Other magazine names WETHINK POPULAR is the slogan for Bauer, because it highlights that the target audience are confident.The connotations are that they also refer to themselves as being popular and that connotes authority in a very competitive market place.
  8. 8. ASSOCIATED PRODUCTS These are the brands Bauer produce and distribute. As you can see, the institution are synonymous with producing and distributing media content across a range of media platforms, for example Tv Mobile Online
  9. 9. DISTRIBUTIONANALYSIS abcs-music-weeklies-suffer-as-sector-falls-12/
  11. 11. Key People at Q Magazine:
  12. 12. Key People at Q Magazine:
  13. 13. Key People at Q Magazine:
  14. 14. In the magazine it covers a range of different artists and interviews with people such as arctic monkeys which would be the star appeal because they are on the front cover which will attract more readers to read it. Also it has facts about how people started off with their music and became famous. It also has information and facts about the Q magazine awards and how to vote for it and win tickets. The magazine also has biographies of famous people and interesting information about them and what theyve done to get themselves where they are now. According to Maslow they like expensive things the target audience would fit into the category social climbers and they will like the celebrities and star appeal (Richard Dyer) inside the magazine .
  15. 15. Heading- which denotes what type of page it is to the reader, its the contents page so it will have all the page numbers and say what every page will be. This page also says when songs are released for example; monthly. Image Main image reveals that Adele is in the magazine and might have a interview about her or one of her songs has been released. Columns The columns make the page and the writing look neat and organised and also makes it clear to read what is going on. Date The date is on this page to tell everyone how new the songs that have come out and if there's an interview how dated that is, so everyone is kept up to date. There is a review at the bottom and it lists new albums, music videos, how to buy, live music & where? And also music books.They have put this there so no one has any questions and doesn'tt need to search anything up on Google because its all in the magazine.
  16. 16. process/
  17. 17. The target audience will be for young adults aged 16-35+ because theyre more young singers in the magazine and young people are mostly interested in singers/bands their age. Also the target audience is people who are into music and love reading about it and listening to it. According to Hartley Q magazine would appeal to 16-35 year olds, female and male because he looked at gender and age. Also according to socio- economics needs graph the audience would fit in to the categories of C1, C2, D and E because the age is 16-35 year olds therefore they wont have that much income and so they will be highlighted as students and unemployed. According to Katz the target audience would fit into the category Diversion. As they are able to escape from everyday life stresses by reading magazine that will inform and educate them. Maslow Social climbers and survivors According to Maslow they like expensive things the target audience would fit into the category social climbers and they will like the celebrities and star appeal (Richard Dyer) inside the magazine . The survivors want to know and like the routine of the magazine being produced monthly with new information about the music industry.
  18. 18. Magazine masthead is just the letter Q, it is in upper case font which stands out and also the white colouring of the font is layered upon a prime red and this helps it stand out too. The headline Artic Monkeys is in upper case and contrasts against the simple background, also some of the other musicians are behind the lead singer. The colours used are typical of general rock magazines, with red, black and white being the main palette. However, blue is also used in places to provide a contrast with the red, and perhaps to give the magazine a possible British feel. The masthead is barefaced but very simplistic. The font of the masthead is very simple and unique but shows effectiveness. The colours used are white and red which contrast against each other. The red is very eye- catching and will catch the readers eyes easily. The fact that the magazine is called Q shows simplistic and maturity which suggests that there is a older target audience. Barcode: The barcode states what issue the magazine and gives the website and price of the magazine. Cover lines: The cover lines are down the sides of the magazine and state what will be inside the magazine to give the reader an insight beforehand.
  19. 19. PURPOSE AND MEANING Straplines discover Great music This strapline connotes that reading this magazine gives you the knowledge of different types of music and makes you discover more. Price - 3.90 This is expensive for a magazine Which might show the people buying Them are working people. The target audience for Q magazine are the older generation such as people in their 30's and 40's. The background is in a field which seems really out of place for a music magazine. The colour of the field contrast against the red making a statement by using different ranges of bold colours. The length of the magazine is 8.25cm whiles the width is 11.2cm.
  20. 20. Strapline - The strapline is in red like the colour scheme. Main headline Is the persons name who they are interviewing. So it makes it clear what the page is about. Main images - The main images convey that thats who is in the interview and thats who they are interviewing. The paragraph columns make the page look neater and well set out. Also it is easy it read. The artist who is the main feature is someone who is extremely well known in the music industry, the clothes are smart suggesting he might be a bit indie and might show it through his music as well. The Header of this double page spread is neat and organised also goes in with the picture because he looks smart.
  21. 21. Leatherhead I sent this email to the Bauer Media because then I know how they process their magazines in the industry.
  22. 22. Proof of distribution email I have forwarded my last message I sent to Bauer advertising company as I didnt get a response. So therefore I sent another email to find out the production process so that I knew how to produce my magazine like there's as they are my inspiration.
  24. 24. Free sheet Red top tabloid o A free sheet is a newspaper with no cost. o They are distributed in busy cities and also near transport for example, trains, buses, taxis. o In these free newspapers they have a lot of advertising to promote companies and businesses. o The paper was founded in 1882 by Charles Coleman. o In less than 10 years these papers have been introduced in almost every European country and in several markets in the United States,Canada, SouthAmerica, Australia, and Asia. o The newspapers that fall into the free sheet newspapers are Lite,The London Paper andThe evening standard o A tabloid is a newspaper with compact page size smaller than broadsheet, although there is no standard for the precise dimensions of the tabloid newspaper format. o Originally a broadsheet newspaper, the newspaper has been published in a tabloid or "compact" format since 2003. o The red top tabloid are normally cheap price like 20p or less. o A tabloid is defined as "roughly 17 by 11 inches (432 by 279 mm)" and commonly "half the size of a broadsheet". o The newspapers that fall into Red TopTabloid are The Sun, Daily Mirror and the Daily Star https://www.thegu free-newspapers https://www.thegu 2012/jan/24/british- public-distrust-red- top-tabloids
  25. 25. red top tabloid the white van man
  26. 26. The target audience forThe Mirror newspaper according to Hartley will be aged 18-40 year olds as it is a red top tabloid and stereotypical of the white van man.The newspaper appeals to both females and males which is evident by the rang of stories inside the magazine. Also according to socio- economics needs graph the audience would fit in to the categories of C1, C2, D and E because The Mirror is stereotypical of the white van man and they fit into the category of C2 and D because of their type of job.This newspaper compared to a newspaper likeThe Independent is stereotypically for a younger audience therefore they would be lower down on the socio-economic scale. According to Katz the target audience would fit into the category Diversion. As they are able to escape from everyday life stresses by reading the newspaper that will inform and educate them on contemporary news. Maslow Social climbers and survivors According to Maslow the audience may be survivors reading the newspaper because they will like to keep up to date on the News and any negativity going on in the world because they like security.
  27. 27. History:The Daily Mirror is a British national daily newspaper founded in 1903. It is owned by parent companyTrinity Mirror.The Mirror was founded by Alfred Harmsworth when launched on 2nd laterViscount Northcliffe, in 1903 as a newspaper for women. Price:The Daily Mirror: 0.70p-1 News Selection: (Soft OR Hard News stories) Source: categories/Newspapers_in_Sainsburys.html
  28. 28. Monday Friday Circulation Figures for The Daily Mirror.
  29. 29. Codes and Conventions Denotation and Connotation of Newspaper Masthead : The denotation of the masthead shows it being bright and red to make it stand out to the audience. The colour red in the background could connote that it is a high authority to them and shows that they enthusiastic about what they published Lead story : The denotation of the leads story is Everybody was kung fuel fighting the suggestion of the play on words makes the news paper come across humorous to the audience. Display Advert : The denotation of this advertisement is Your ultimate guide to cracking Easter eggs from just 99p This advertisement suggests that the price of the products are cheap for everyone to afford.
  30. 30. Codes and Conventions Denotation and Connotation of Newspaper Main image: The non-verbal code of the image has been placed behind the text to show to the readers the writing first, then the picture. Another image is displayed below to reveal the effect of the main headline. A visual impact this picture does to the readers is the police officer, because when the readers see him they assume something has gone wrong and would want to know more, this also be related to semiotics, signs act as signifiers. The copy: The relevance of this copy under the main headline is so people can see and read it quick and easily. The denotation of the copy is Forecout fisticuff after No10 petrol panic.The verbal code panic highlights how the newspaper is sensationalist trying to create a moral panic (Barker 2001) among the audience. Secondary lead: There are other articles on the magazine front cover and they still make this article important by making it colourful and still standing out but smaller. Appeal of this story? NewsValues?
  31. 31. Denotation and Connotation of Newspaper Double Page Spread Main headline : The main headline in this newspaper is couple set world adoption record Page number: They have page numbers to show what page it is and to show consistency throughout. Statistics: Included in the article are several pictorial statistics, these create a visual imperative (Galtung & Ruge) on the page as well as including useful information that is highly valued by readers. News values: This article highlights mass appeal and this is highlighted through the verbal code world adoption adoption is a really nice thing for them people to do and so that everyone has a family. Technological convergence: They have a online daily mirror and also a Facebook page so the people who cant go out to get the newspaper can view it online.
  32. 32. Denotation and Connotation of Newspaper Double Page Spread Opening invitation : This is the opening to the article.The M is bold so the readers will know where to start reading. Captions: On the image next to the main image is a small caption that connotes The Jones Dovin this gives the reader more information. Associated images: There is some other non-verbal codes such a group of children and a map.These children are obviously up for adoption which anchors the verbal code adoption.
  33. 33. Thorpe Park partnership The Daily Mirror is in partnership with Thorpe park because they do 2 for 1 tickets in the newspaper so people and also family's can get them cheaper and save money. In this pictureThe Daily Mirror is advertising 12p tickets on sale for Thorpe Park. This will attract a younger audience and they will be in the E socio economic needs.This also signifies (De Saussure), the newspaper is trying to attract a younger audience giving them cheap tickets for a fun theme park. The Daily Mirror is also advertising a new ride called Derren Brown- designed GhostTrain Ride to entice the audience in to read The Daily Mirror.
  34. 34. In 1965, media researchers Galtung & Ruge analysed international news stories to find out what factors they had in common, and what factors placed them at the top of the news agenda worldwide. They came up with the following list of news values: A kind of scoring system. A story which scores highly on each value is certain to come at the start of aTV news bulletin. Front page of a newspaper.
  35. 35. Name Definition Example in a newspaper RECENCY Things which might have happened that day. The time between the story happening and going to print the shorter the time, the more likely it is to be selected. Royalty getting married or famous person passing away THRESHOLD / MAGNITUDE How big an event is things happening on a large scale. Stories which shock because of the enormity of events. The wars happening in the news because everyone is shocked about it. For example Syria. PROXIMITY / NEARNESS Involving people and places that readers know things close to home or relevant to our culture. Also, how easily understood the event is. Someone getting burgled by their hometown. CONSEQUENCES News which affects the readers. Flooding NEGATIVITY News which is bad. Hurricanes, tsunamis PERSONALITY Stories which involve famous or prominent people who are important to many of the readers. News stories that include famous people PREDICTABILITY Events which are expected. Royalty UNPREDICTABILITY Events which are unexpected. Hurricanes HUMAN INTEREST Stories which involve the reader emotionally. Madeline McCann and death CURRENCY / CONTINUITY / RUNNING STORY Stories that are about to start or are still running. Covering a story for a few days, keeping it going by adding new details or looking at it from new angles. Madeline McCann CONFLICT Stories involving confrontation, often between two sides and where readers can take sides. Celebrities ODDITY / RARITY Unusual or rare story, often of a weird or novelty nature. Boy falls into a gorilla put at the zoo VISUAL IMPERATIVES Stories which have good pictures. Most stories have pictures to go with them SCANDAL Stories which are scandalous. Murders MASSAPPEAL Things which touch mass/popular pursuits. Royal family
  36. 36. The verbal code KNIFEDTO DEATH BY A MANIAC is a negative (Galtung and Ruge) sensationalised story to appeal and stand out to the audience.This story also falls under the category of scandalous. The verbal code FREE cheese and onion pasty today appeals to the younger demographic as they are advertising something free. The newspaper contains visual imperatives (Galtung and Ruge) on the page to stand out to a pass along audience. These images anchor the stories next to them.
  37. 37. The verbal code denotes BUT I DIDT KILL MADDIE.This is spread across the page in large, bold, black writing to stand out to the audience.This is an interesting verbal code which will entice the readers in to read the whole story about a killing.This relates to the news value negativity and scandalous (Galtung and Ruge) as it is a serious distressing story. The verbal code at the top of the page denotes MADELEINE: KEY SUSPECTTALKS FORTHE FIRSTTIME.This writing is spread across the top of the page in bright red.The colour red connotes that the story is important and stands out to the audience.The phrase talks for the first time makes the reader interested to read more.The news values associated to this verbal code are magnitude as it is a large story that appeals to a mass audience. On the page there are visual imperatives (Galtung and Ruge) on the page to interest the reader and especially the younger audience.
  38. 38. The Daily Mirror is advertising camping for 95p, which would be ideal for familys because its cheap and affordable for everyone. The colours are bold and big to make it eye catching for the readers. The 95p advert is in red and also large to also make it eye catching to the readers; so its the first thing they (pass along audience) see when they read the article. The audience that would be going on the 95p camping trip would therefore fit in with the stereotypical E ( unemployed ,students, pensioners, casual workers) demographic of the readership. Um4DPQQ_AUICCgB&biw=1280&bih=907#safe=strict&hl=en&tbm=isch&q=adverts+in+a+daily+mirror+95p+camping+&imgrc=H9MuJRx0n9yzXM%3A
  39. 39. In this graph it demonstrates that for The Mirror the most popular age range is 65+ with 34% of readers fitting into that category. As you can see by the green section only 9% of readers are 15-24. Through my research I have found out that the reason why there is such a large category for 65+ readers is because younger people are more interested by social media and technology, therefore if they want to find out information about what is going in the world then they are more likely to use their phone to access social media. old-demographics-advertising
  40. 40. The Daily Mirror does have an app for iPhones, called The Mirror App on the apple store.You can download this app for free, you dont have to pay for it, which will make more people want to download it. Also its easier for people who cant get to a shop to getThe Daily Mirror to read. Cross Media Convergence Cross-media marketing is a form of cross-promotion in which promotional companies commit to surpassing traditional advertisement techniques and decide to include extra appeals to the products they offer.The material can be communicated by any mass media such as e-mails, letters, web pages, or other recruiting sources. By enabling an app it highlight that the news has become miniaturised for digital natives (Prensky 2001).The newspaper is trying to stay relevant and offer a younger readership recency (Gultang and Ruge) giving them the kinds of entertainment experiences they want. The audience are able to review the news and flower their voices (Da Sola Poole 1977) on the news by using this app, they now have more freedom and have become citizen journalists (Gillmor 2004).
  41. 41. Citizen Journalism (Gillmor 2004) - LIKESON FACEBOOK
  42. 42. These are screens shots of The Daily Mirror App on the App Store, in the first screen shot it says Only the news that interests you this is relevant to the audience/readers because they can select what news most interests them instead of spending more time finding what interests them than what they actually want to read. In this screenshot it shows slick image gallery's this shows images which are related to a headline so people can get an eyesight of what happened. In this screen shot it has a list of buttons which you can click on to get extra information, for example the first button says Top stories which helps people find the top stories. The other buttons focus on football, UK news, celebrity news,TV and world news. WhatThe Daily Mirror app has inside In this screenshot it says redesigned from the ground up this is the first page which came up on The MirrorApp; it shows they make the headlines bold and the picture which goes underneath it together.
  43. 43. Demographics forThe Mirror. As you can see from this screen shot that 29% of readers who buy the print based copy of The Mirror are aged 34 and under. I thinkThe Mirror will drop in figures in years to come because the total number of national newspapers sold in the UK fell from an average of 7.6m a day to just over 7m between March 2014 and March 2015, a decline of 7.6%.This means The Daily Mirror is one of them so they might drop in figures/readers. old-demographics-advertising al-daily-newspapers-lose-more-than-half-a-million- readers-in-past-year
  44. 44. Demographics forThe Mirror In this screen shot it is evident 53% of readers male and 47% of readers are female, which connotes males read the newspaper more than females.This is becauseThe Daily Mirror has a lot of sports pages for men to read in their spare time. The Daily Mirror mostly talks about celebrities, and their lifestyles, this would be soft news as its only talking about celebrities. old-demographics-advertising
  45. 45. E-Media Platform Promotion Relationship Between the Newspaper and the Audience The Daily Mirror uses social media accounts to expand the readers knowledge of what's going on in the world/news. This is also easier for people who cant always get out to buy a newspaper, they can go on Facebook, twitter andYouTube. In these social media sites there is evidence of advertising, they also update readers on the latest news stories and popular information. On The Daily Mirrors YouTube page they have adverts that are onTV, these are shown to encourage readers into reading the newspaper. FacebookTwitter YouTube
  46. 46. Advertising to Consumers:TV Advert Example Relationship Between the Newspaper and Audience In this advert its denoting that the man is clumsy and he gets given a hat which makes him think about his actions more in life. This advert was released in Sep 28, 2013.This advert is targeting all ages male and females; the hash tag is MADEUTHINK this connotes that this advert wants the readers to think and buy the newspaper. Also it could mean they want the readers to think and help change the world.
  47. 47. Advertising Products On the front of this newspaper ofThe Daily Mirror it is advertising a slimming product for free.This would appeal to older female readers because they might want to get into shape. Men might want to try it out as well. The fact that it is free will attract a bigger audience.The front is thin but it is a bright yellow colour which will be eye catching to the readers. In the top right hand corner of the advert they have included a small headline Start your weight loss plan today which will encourage more people to get the free slimming plan because they would want to start as soon as possible.
  48. 48. The Daily Mirror Website Analysis Home Page Relationship between the Newspaper and the Consumers In this main screen shot of The Daily Mirror they have put most read which is helpful to the reader to see whats the most read article and most popular. On The Daily Mirror online you can log in/register to get the news everyday as an alert so you are up to date about everything. On the homepage they do not focus on a main story they have verities of articles what you want to read about. As it says recommended for you which has a list of category's that you might be interested into reading. This has been done to attract a bigger reading audience so everyone can enjoy reading about things they like. online-editorial-director/
  49. 49. The Daily Mirror Website Analysis Contact Us Relationship between the Newspaper and the Consumers +mirror&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF- 8&gfe_rd=cr&ei=SDrqV_DHEcqN8Qfi36aIDQ#safe=strict&q=da ily+mirror+contact+us OnThe Daily Mirror website at the bottom there is a dark grey button that can direct you to the contact us to the links where to contact them about an issue the readers might have. On the contacts page there is a link that allows the customers/readers to email someone in the main exclusive stories department. Also there are other links and emails where you can either report something or send in pictures to the news citizen journalism' (Gillmor - 2004)
  50. 50. The Daily Mirror Website Analysis Editorial Complaints Relationship between the Newspaper and the Consumers OnThe Daily Mirror online you can log in/register to get the news everyday as an alert so you are up to date about everything.Theyre games such as bingo and also dating, horoscopes, crosswords, fantasy, offers and jobs all on the online copy which you wouldn'tt find on the hard copy in the shop. The stories and articlesThe Daily mirror produce are mixed with serious information; for example politics. The Daily Mirror produces news about celebs and TV/Films which aren't as important and therefore clarify how the institution focus on soft news. 8&gfe_rd=cr&ei=SDrqV_DHEcqN8Qfi36aIDQ#safe=strict&q=daily+mirror+contact+us
  51. 51. In this LO I have analysedThe Daily Mirror and have studied the partnerships ofThe Daily Mirror. I have also looked at whereThe Daily Mirror is advertised; for example, Facebook,Twitter andYouTube.
  52. 52. Generation of Ideas Colour Schemes Strapline Names Brand Identity Images Frequency of Release Target Audience Price 2.70 I chose this price because its cheap enough for students to buy it and also its monthly. The colour scheme would be red, black and grey because its like my magazine of inspiration which is Q. The colour red connotes energy and fire therefore it highlights my magazine is going to be full of new music information and will always keep you up to date. Furthermore, it is eye catching and stands out which is good for when it is distributed into shops. I chose black because it is bold and easy for the audience to read. 1. Get to know the world 2. A lot can happen in a month 3. Expand your mind, explore the world. 4. Live the interesting life. 5. No other gossip will do. My target audience would be teenagers aged 13-18. I'm choosing this age group because then relate to everything and so can they. It is directed towards boys and girls because then they arent restricted to reading and listening to the songs. Id ensure there is synergy with my magazine through: Facebook Twitter Instagram Internet Adverts MIND MAP Final idea JKZ On the front cover it will share information about interviews and what pages they are on to read about it. Also it will be the top 10 songs of the week; and to say whether they are ready to buy on iTunes yet. It will be released every month therefore there will be more pages than a weekly magazine so there will be more information. So there will be more gossip for everyone to be interested by. My magazine will compete with other monthly magazines such as Q and will have a similar release pattern.
  53. 53. Generation of Ideas Colour Schemes Strapline Names Brand Identity Images Frequency of Release Target Audience Price 2.99 I chose this price because its cheap enough for students to buy it and also its a monthly magazine so its a good price. 1. Get to know the world 2. A lot can happen in a month 3. Expand your mind, explore the world. 4. Live the interesting life. 5. No other gossip will do. My target audience would be teenagers aged 13-15. I'm choosing this age group because then relate to everything and so can they. It is directed towards boys and girls because then they arent restricted to reading and listening to the songs. Id ensure there is synergy with my magazine through: Facebook Twitter Instagram Internet Adverts On the front cover it will share information about interviews and what pages they are on to read about it. Also it will be the top 10 songs of the week; and to say whether they are ready to buy on iTunes yet. It will be released every month therefore there will be more pages than a weekly magazine so there will be more information. So there will be more gossip for everyone to be interested by. My magazine will compete with other monthly magazines such as Q and will have a similar release pattern. The colour scheme would be black and white and blue. Because the blue would stand out with the white and black in the background of things. MIND MAP HA Alternative idea
  54. 54. Mood board- Alternative idea
  55. 55. Front cover analysis Magazine is just the letter Q, it is in upper case font which stands out and also the white colouring of the font is layered upon a prime red and this helps it stand out too. The headline Artic Monkeys is in upper case and contrasts against the simple background, also some of the other musicians are behind the lead singer. The colours used are typical of general rock magazines, with red, black and white being the main palette. However, blue is also used in places to provide a contrast with the red, and perhaps to give the magazine a possible British feel. The masthead is barefaced but very simplistic. The font of the masthead is very simple and unique but shows effectiveness. The colours used are white and red which contrast against each other. The red is very eye- catching and will catch the readers eyes easily. The fact that the magazine is called Q shows simplistic and maturity which connotes that there is a older target audience. Barcode: The barcode states what issue the magazine and gives the website and price of the magazine. Cover lines:The cover lines are down the sides of the magazine and state what will be inside the magazine to give the reader an insight beforehand.
  56. 56. DPS Strapline - The strapline is in red like the colour scheme. Main headline Is the persons name who they are interviewing. So it makes it clear what the page is about. Main images - The main images convey that thats who is in the interview and thats who they are interviewing. Steve Neale 1980; Genres are instances of repetition and differences. The paragraph columns make the page look neater and well set out. Also it is easy it read. The artist who is the main feature is someone who is extremely well known in the music industry, the clothes are smart suggesting he might be a bit indie and might show it through his music as well. The Header of this double page spread is neat and organised also goes in with the picture because he looks smart.
  57. 57. In my magazine I will be repeating the house color scheme. I will be doing this so that my magazine stays looking professional and neat. I will also be keeping it the same throughout the whole magazine and other issues, so that it stays repetitive this is so that people will remember my magazine and what the layout is, when my magazine will be competing against other magazines like Q. I will also be keep the same the position of the logo on the front cover, doing this means readers will know where to look for my logo when it comes to purchasing my magazine again.
  58. 58. Genre Q magazine does not really have a genre of music as it has a wide range of genres meaning it is eclectic. Its main interest is new releases and upcoming artists they also base on interviews. There target audience is round 16 plus. Q has been published monthly since 1986 by Bauer Media Group. Q magazine from 1986 Q magazine from 2009. Source: cad=rja&uact=8&ved=& %2Fentertainment-magazines-8%2Farctic-monkeys-talk-about-their-new- album-with-q- 3541%2F&bvm=bv.103388427,d.d2s&psig=AFQjCNFiSkgBq8MCbWA0OSc7e 0Y36SuqnA&ust=1443194326638520
  59. 59. According to Hartley my magazine would appeal to 16-35 year olds, female and male because he looked at gender and age. Also according to socio- economics needs graph the audience would fit in to the categories of C1, C2, D and E because the age is 16-35 year olds therefore they wont have that much income and so they will be highlighted as students and unemployed. According to Katz the target audience would fit into the category Diversion.As they are able to escape from everyday life stresses by reading magazine that will inform and educate them. Maslow Social climbers and survivors According to Maslow they like expensive things the target audience would fit into the category social climbers and they will like the celebrities and star appeal (Richard Dyer) inside the magazine . The survivors want to know and like the routine of the magazine being produced monthly with new information about the music industry.
  60. 60. Format & style The house style is very manly as the colours used are red and white.The colours are steadily used throughout the page and link in well with each other. The font's used are very simple, signifying the target audience would be very comfortable and simple and do not need very bold fonts to keep them attracted. The colour red symbolizes leadership within something, it also can show power, and strength.
  61. 61. Format: I am going to create a magazine in the genre of pop which means it has all different types of genres and will be in the form of a front cover and a double page spread. Working Title: My working title is JKZ although it might change because I dont know whether to keep the smaller bit of the title straight under each letters of JKZ or just place it underneath. The music magazine is very simple and easy to read because the font is red and white background and is very easy to read. The title of the magazine JKZ will be placed at the top Left hand corner. The colours that the title will be presented in are black, red , white and some bits of dark green. Genre: My genre will be targeted at 15-25 year olds because it will be for teenagers and young adults who enjoy pop music, R&B and Hip, Hop music. Content: JKZ magazine will be full of pictures, articles, album reviews, gig reports and song lyrics. The publication will also feature bands that are generally quite small and not mainstream. Most will be signed to small record labels or perhaps not signed at all.
  62. 62. Style or Approach: The denotation of the colour scheme for the magazine front cover will be red, black, grey and dark green. The colour red was chosen from Q magazine because its my magazine of inspiration. The colour Dark green connotes that its a different colour and stands out and also suits the target audience. I am going to use Photoshop to construct the magazine pages (Front Cover and DPS) because its an easy way to sort and make everything up clearly. Some of the tools in Photoshop that will be particularly beneficial in constructing the front cover will be the text tools because then I can add my text it easily. Audience: PRICE; 2.99 The audience are male and female.They are 15-25 in general although some might be older and a few younger. Music is a big part of their life and they will base most of their activities and their style around this music. Length: What will the size of the magazine be (A3, A4) and why I intend to make 16 pages including the front and back cover. It will be A4 in size.
  63. 63. House Style of the Magazine The house and style of my magazine will be modern and the colours will be mainly red and black but will be putting some dark green as well around the magazine. Also the backgrounds will be light grey on all the pages. I choose these colours because they all go together and suit the age range of my magazine and genre of it. I will be keeping my masthead throughout my Magazine as well as my house colours, this keeps it consistent so people will notice it more. The colours I am using will catch the readers eye sight and make it more visible. Connotations behind these colours: Red: Red symbolizes leadership within something, it also can show power, and strength which links to my magazines strengths. Black: Black symbolizes power which links to my magazine being powerful, when competing against other magazines. It also shows elegance, as it is seen as a classy color. Grey: Grey is symbolized as being a formal color, which links to my magazine as formal, could also mean gives off a professional look.
  64. 64. Flat Plan
  65. 65. Flat Plan
  66. 66. AFTER My magazine flat plan was only 32 pages before I made the corrections which is only for a weekly magazine therefore I changed my magazine flat plan by adding more pages and now I have 64 pages.
  67. 67. Magazine fonts and colour Front name Font preview Font usage Myriad Pro HEADLINE Big, bold headline but simple to catch other peoples attention. PT Serif Caption PUFF PROMOTION Funky but professional font to make the stand out more and eye catching. PT Sans COVER LINES Plain simple and directed font.To come across being serious and professional. Myriad Pro Strapline Thick bold writing for it to stand out and maybe be a bright colour. I wanted to keep my fonts for my magazine simple, these are the fonts I have tested out for my magazine.
  68. 68. JKZ FINAL SKETCHES I have put the strapline next to the front heading because it will be the second thing people see and then want them to read it even more. The main image is put in the middle so people will know what the magazine holds inside. Barcode is there to show when the magazine comes out and how much it is. The main image is in the middle because in my magazine of inspiration the main image is in the middle of the page. Strapline My strapline is . I put the strapline here so then the reader will see it once they see my logo. This is relevant because when they read my strapline they will associate with the brand of my magazine. Cover lines As the main story is at the bottom I have decided to put the cover lines above it to make them stand out to the reader. Cover lines are stories which are In the magazine. House style My house style colours are red, white and black. I choose these colours because they all go together and suit the age range of my magazine and genre of it. Barcode On my barcode I will have the issue date and price inside the barcode. The issue will be number 1 because it will be a brand new magazine. I will place the barcode above the main story just like in my magazine of inspiration Q Puff promotion Puff promotion allows the audience to win something. In my magazine thy are able to win iTunes festival tickets. Having a puff promotion is god because the audience are more like to buy the magazine if they want to win something. Masthead the masthead is the title of the magazine which is JKZ. My magazine will be called JKZ because as the meaning of it is supposed to be jokes it could illustrate the genre is entertaining and will be full of juicy gossip about the music industry and the audience will not get bored of the music and the information inside. The background will be red and the writing will be white.
  69. 69. Interview heading has been placed there to reveal what kind of page it is. The image is in the middle to show who they are interviewing instead of reading it and finding out you didnt want to know about it. Also has loads of bits of information doted around the page and not bundled together, it is spaced out. I have put a large image in the middle to show who the reader is about straight away. The information is scattered around the page but also in columns to still make it neat and tidy on the page. JKZ FINAL SKETCHES - DPS Pull quote from interview - I have put the pull quote on my page because it fills up empty space on the page and also when the reader sees it they will want to read on and find out what happens. Main image I put the main image in the middle to make it stand out also to show the readers who's the main artist is. Main story title compared to my other ideas for the main title, I wanted to make it diagonal to make it unique to the reader. Stand first The stand first is very important because its the first thing people see as the topic. The text is also eye-catching for the reader so they will see it first.
  70. 70. I have made a Graphic layout of my magazine to see if everything would fit on the page and makes it easier for me to see what needs changing and what doesnt need moving around on the page. My magazine will be called JKZ because as the meaning of it is supposed to be jokes it could illustrate the genre is entertaining and will be full of juicy gossip about the music industry and the audience will not get bored of the music and the information inside. The coverlines are placed around my main image because they aren't as important as the main image and they are also in a small font so the reader will be intrigued by it and want to see what it says. Strapline Ive put the strapline under my masthead so it will be the second thing people read to get to know my magazine even better. I have put the puff promotion here in red because red is a strong colour and eye catching towards the audience. Therefore they will be able to see what the magazine is promoting or win something. The social media symbols are to highlight where the magazine page on social media E.g. Facebook and Twitter.
  71. 71. The barcode has the issue number and the date which the magazine comes out. This is to highlight to the reader how old the magazine is and if its a new one of old one. The issue number is the number of magazines have been brought out. The main image is in the middle to reveal to the reader who the magazine is about and also when you look on a page you look in the middle which also makes it stand out to the audience. The headline is at the bottom underneath the picture so its what people look at after they see the picture of the artist. This is to show the reader who they are reading about and gives more than just a picture.
  72. 72. I have put the photo credit to the side because its not as important as the main image and it shows who has taken the pictures in my magazine. The main image is in the middle to reveal to the reader who the magazine is about and also when you look on a page you look in the middle which also makes it stand out to the audience. The social media symbols are to highlight where the magazine page on social media E.g. Facebook and Twitter. The page number is in the right hand corner because when you turn a page you turn it with the right page so you will see the page number. My magazine will be called JKZ because as the meaning of it is supposed to be jokes it could illustrate the genre is entertaining and will be full of juicy gossip about the music industry and the audience will not get bored of the music and the information inside.
  73. 73. Draft interview Fetty Wapp is the star producers appeal (Richard Dyer
  74. 74. @www.fettywap/
  75. 75. Location Recce Image Plan Location Photography studio Outside media classroom Time - 1:44 11:30 Date - 12th March 12th March Why? - Picture needed/ required - Medium close up shot, Looking straight at the Camera. Side view, medium close up Shot type - Medium close up Medium close up Props equipment - Camera, studio light Camera Lighting - Studio light Normal light, indoors Costume - Dressed in his normal clothes eg, jeans,T-shirt and jacket Dressed in his normal clothes eg, jeans,T-shirt and jacket Person/people- Will Eze Will Eze Why? I choose Will because he fitted in with my star appeal and the way he dresses. I choose Will because he fitted in with my star appeal and the way he dresses. Permission needed- I made contact withWill and asked him if it was okay with me taking pictures of him for my work. I made contact withWill and asked him if it was okay with me taking pictures of him for my work. Potential ardard/risks The studio may be in use when I might need to use it so I would have to arrange another time to take photos. The studio may be in use when I might need to use it so I would have to arrange another time to take photos.
  76. 76. These are all the Test pictures I took of Izzy and Will. Also all the different ones with Izzys facial expression, her clothes are up to date in fashion it could also inspire people to dress like her. Once I tested Izzy I decided I wanted to use Wills pictures because they related to my interview which was on Fetty Wapp which is a male and would fit the stereotype of the genre.
  77. 77. 1,590 499.90 Total = 1,206,779
  78. 78. Week beginning: Sunday 2nd September 2017 Sunday 3rd Monday 4th Tuesday 5th Wednesday 6th Thursday 7th Friday 8th Saturday 9th Decide the deadline for the release. Put down who's going to be in the magazine and what topics ill put inside of it. Put down who's going to be in the magazine and what topics ill put inside of it. Decide on the colour scheme and what target audience I will be having. Decide on the colour scheme and what target audience I will be having. Complete by: Complete by: 10th September Complete by: 2 days time Complete by: Next day Complete by: Today Complete by: Complete by: n/a n/a Week beginning: Monday 11th September 2017 Monday 11h Tuesday 12th Wednesday 13Th Thursday 14th Friday 15th Saturday 16th Sunday 17th Gather pictures of the artists I will be using and choose what one I want to interview Create my mood bored so I know all the headings il be putting on my magazine front cover. Create my mood bored so I know all the headings il be putting on my magazine front cover. Make my double page spread and front cover plan and put where the headings and cover lines and main image will be. Make my double page spread and front cover plan and put where the headings and cover lines and main image will be. Complete by: Tuesday 15th September Complete by: Thursday 17th September Complete by: Next day Complete by: Monday 21st Complete by: Monday 21st Complete by: Complete by: n/a n/a
  79. 79. Week beginning: Monday 18th September 2017 Monday 18th Tuesday 19th Wednesday 20th Thursday 21st Friday 22nd Saturday 23rd Sunday 24th Take pictures of my artists and put it on a slide of Test photography. Wrote my interview and the questions I will ask Fetty Wap. Wrote my interview and the questions I will ask Fetty Wap. started designing my front cover and uploading what font I will be using, and the house style. started designing my front cover and uploading what font I will be using, and the house style. Complete by: Complete by: 24th September Complete by: Next day Complete by: Next day Complete by: Monday 29th Complete by: Complete by: n/a n/a Week beginning: Monday 25th September 2017 Monday 25th Tuesday 26th Wednesday 27th Thursday 28th Friday 29th Saturday 30th Sunday 1st October started designing my front cover and uploading what font I will be using, and the house style. Insert my interview and the pictures (edit them first) and place the text in a text box and then add paragraph layers. Insert my interview and the pictures (edit them first) and place the text in a text box and then add paragraph layers. Create the double page spread on Photoshop. Create the header similar to my magazine of inspiration. Create the double page spread on Photoshop. Create the header similar to my magazine of inspiration. My magazine will be produced by this point, ready to be distributed on the 1st October. Complete by: 30th Complete by: Thursday 2nd Complete by: Next day Complete by: Friday 3rd Complete by: Today Complete by: Complete by: n/a n/a
  80. 80. Copy right issues Copyright means you have to ask for permission to use their work. This can be shown on a photo or written work. This means I will have copyright on my work so then people will have to email me and ask for permission to use my work. will be located above my barcode so when the readers are reading the price of the magazine they will see that it has the copy right symbol on it. Data protection act - Data protection act means setting up rules that people have to follow by having Information Commissioner to enforce the rules. Intellectual property - Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce. Source:
  81. 81. Source:
  82. 82. Discrimination the magazine has responsibly for all of its content to meet the editors code of practice.Therefore no content should include prejudicial content based on an individuals race, colour, religion, gender and sexual orientation. This may only be mentioned if there is appropriate relevance to the story. Children as children are considered vulnerable there are many limitations to publishing content that specifically features them.Therefore it is important to establish a contract of agreement that can be signed by child's parent/guardian to enable us to publish content if entirely necessary. Accuracy content that is published must not be inaccurate, misleading or distorted. This includes pictures, interviews and general information. Sourcing of details also must be precise, therefore material published should be definite fact and no rumors. If this ethical guideline is broken an official apology to the person must be made from the magazine. This is relevant to my magazine because accuracy includes pictures, interviews and general information; which is like my magazine. Also sourcing of the details must be true, so there will be no rumors going around that aren't true. Source:
  83. 83. The PCC used to be the body that regulated press complaints it has now been superseded by IPSO. It used to be an independent body which administers the system of self-regulation for the press. It dealt with complaints, framed within the terms of the Editors' Code of Practice, about the editorial content of newspapers and magazines and the conduct of journalists. It assisted individuals by representing their interests to editors in advance of an article about them being published. When making my magazine I will have to consider the editors code, this is found on the press complaints commission website.
  84. 84. Areas that are highlighted with the Editors Code: Accuracy Opportunity to reply Privacy Harassment Intrusion into grief or shock Children/ Children in Sex Cases Hospitals Reporting of Crime Clandestine devices and subterfuge Victims of sexual assault Discrimination Financial journalism Confidential sources Witness payments in criminal trials Payment to criminals Harassment In this image the picture shows the ruling appeared in a smaller font than the rest of the page, did not make reference to the PCC in the headline, and had been heavily edited, with around half of it not included.This was unacceptable to the commission, prompting a further critical adjudication which the magazine then published prominently and in full. Discrimination In this screen shot its discrimination women by their colour.The people magazine was sued because they only featured women who are white.Therefore this discriminates against of a darker skin tone and it also shows racism and sexism.
  85. 85. HOW IPSO WORKS Negotiating remedial action and amicable settlements for complainants; Issuing rulings on complaints; Using published rulings as a means of guiding newsroom practice across the industry; Publicly censuring editors for breaches of the Code; Passing on pre-publication concerns to editors to prevent the Code being breached; Passing on requests to editors that their journalists cease contacting individuals, and so prevent media harassment; Issuing formal guidance, based on its interpretation of the Code, to the industry on important issues; Instigating its own investigations under the Code in the public interest where appropriate; Conducting training seminars for working journalists and editors; Liaising with other press councils internationally.
  86. 86. EXAMPLE COMPLAINT Source: million-667313
  87. 87. COMPLAINT HANDLING 1. Submitting your complaint to IPSO 2. Initial assessment 3. Referral to the publication 4.The investigation 5. Adjudication by the Complaints Committee 6. Remedies 7.Anonymity and publication of decisions 8. Review 9. Confidentiality 10. Accommodating individuals with disabilities 11. Unacceptable behaviour by complainants and vexatious complaints 12. Complaints about IPSO
  88. 88. Areas that are highlighted with the Editors Code: Accuracy Opportunity to reply Privacy Harassment Intrusion into grief or shock Children/ Children in Sex Cases Hospitals Reporting of Crime Clandestine devices and subterfuge Victims of sexual assault Discrimination Financial journalism Confidential sources Witness payments in criminal trials Payment to criminals Harassment In this image the picture shows the ruling appeared in a smaller font than the rest of the page, did not make reference to the PCC in the headline, and had been heavily edited, with around half of it not included.This was unacceptable to the commission, prompting a further critical adjudication which the magazine then published prominently and in full. Discrimination In this screen shot its discrimination women by their colour.The people magazine was sued because they only featured women who are white. Therefore this discriminates against of a darker skin tone and it also shows racism and sexism.
  89. 89.
  90. 90.
  91. 91.
  92. 92.
  93. 93.
  95. 95. Here is my consent form, which I only side emailed this to the person I am taking the photos of. I did this for legal reasons.
  96. 96. This graph shows there are more female than males agreeing to fill this questionnaire out.This connotes that female readers are more likely to be concerned about the content of a magazine than male readers would be and that also they are more likely to except the content of the magazine to be tailored to their needs.This demographic is something to consider when producing my own magazine.
  97. 97. This question reveals that there are more old teenagers who filled this out than older adults. This could mean that I am better placed to target teenagers and young adults as I myself fit in to that demographic.This would mean that my own interests are more likely to mirror the interests of my potential target audience as opposed to trying to research and include the interests of an older adult target audience. FEEDBACK OF PITCH - MAGAZINE QUESTIONAIRE
  98. 98. This question shows that the indie genre seems to be mostly popular so this would seem a good place to start when deciding on the content of my magazine. However pop, rock and R&B are also popular genres and perhaps more in the media eye than indie music would be as this tends to be less reported on and more of a niche market.
  99. 99. On this question it shows how often people buy a magazine and most of the people who answered it said never.This reveals the level of marketing I would need to consider when launching a new music magazine.This could mean offering a free sample copy or download to entice the potential audience to buy my full priced and fully formed magazine.
  100. 100. I asked this question because then I will know how much people would want to spend on the magazine.This will help me decide on the price of my magazine bearing in mind what potential customers have said they are prepared to pay. Over pricing it might need to higher profits but could also switch buyers off from buying the magazine in the first place.
  101. 101. On this question on my questionnaire I'm analyzing why you would buy a magazine. Most people said for the gossip and some people said general information and pictures. This reveals that an indie genre might not be the best option as generally it is pop and rock stars who create gossip and hype.
  102. 102. This question on my questionnaire is asking if youd buy a magazine for the free gift. Most people said yes this could reveal they are not buying the magazine for the information therefore disposing of it to just enjoy the freebie. Giveaways are useful marketing tools but not something a new to market magazine would be able to sustain for any length of time due to the high cost no profit factor.
  103. 103. This question on my questionnaire is asking if you would subscribe to a magazine? Most people said no this can convey that most readers dont want to commit to paying for the magazine in advance. This could mean I will need to offer further incentive in order to persuade them to part with their money in advance in receiving a copy each month.
  104. 104. This question is who are your favourite music artists? I asked this question because I wanted to know who everyone's favourites are so I can put them into my magazine and then it would appeal to everyone. Obviously I will now need to consider popular artists within the chosen genre of my magazine. This could lead to needing to complete further primary research with the intended target audience.
  105. 105. Calendar Events
  106. 106. Week beginning: Sunday 2nd September 2017 Sunday 3rd Monday 4th Tuesday 5th Wednesday 6th Thursday 7th Friday 8th Saturday 9th Decide the deadline for the release. Put down who's going to be in the magazine and what topics ill put inside of it. Put down who's going to be in the magazine and what topics ill put inside of it. Decide on the colour scheme and what target audience I will be having. Decide on the colour scheme and what target audience I will be having. Complete by: Complete by: 10th September Complete by: 2 days time Complete by: Next day Complete by: Today Complete by: Complete by: n/a n/a Week beginning: Monday 11th September 2017 Monday 11h Tuesday 12th Wednesday 13Th Thursday 14th Friday 15th Saturday 16th Sunday 17th Gather pictures of the artists I will be using and choose what one I want to interview Create my mood bored so I know all the headings il be putting on my magazine front cover. Create my mood bored so I know all the headings il be putting on my magazine front cover. Make my double page spread and front cover plan and put where the headings and cover lines and main image will be. Make my double page spread and front cover plan and put where the headings and cover lines and main image will be. Complete by: Tuesday 15th September Complete by: Thursday 17th September Complete by: Next day Complete by: Monday 21st Complete by: Monday 21st Complete by: Complete by: n/a n/a
  107. 107. Week beginning: Monday 18th September 2017 Monday 18th Tuesday 19th Wednesday 20th Thursday 21st Friday 22nd Saturday 23rd Sunday 24th Take pictures of my artists and put it on a slide of Test photography. Wrote my interview and the questions I will ask Fetty Wap. Wrote my interview and the questions I will ask Fetty Wap. started designing my front cover and uploading what font I will be using, and the house style. started designing my front cover and uploading what font I will be using, and the house style. Complete by: Complete by: 24th September Complete by: Next day Complete by: Next day Complete by: Monday 29th Complete by: Complete by: n/a n/a Week beginning: Monday 25th September 2017 Monday 25th Tuesday 26th Wednesday 27th Thursday 28th Friday 29th Saturday 30th Sunday 1st October started designing my front cover and uploading what font I will be using, and the house style. Insert my interview and the pictures (edit them first) and place the text in a text box and then add paragraph layers. Insert my interview and the pictures (edit them first) and place the text in a text box and then add paragraph layers. Create the double page spread on Photoshop. Create the header similar to my magazine of inspiration. Create the double page spread on Photoshop. Create the header similar to my magazine of inspiration. My magazine will be produced by this point, ready to be distributed on the 1st October. Complete by: 30th Complete by: Thursday 2nd Complete by: Next day Complete by: Friday 3rd Complete by: Today Complete by: Complete by: n/a n/a
  108. 108. Location Photography studio Outside media classroom Time - 1:44 11:30 Date - 12th March 12th March Why? - Picture needed/ required - Medium close up shot, Looking straight at the Camera. Side view, medium close up Shot type - Medium close up Medium close up Props equipment - Camera, studio light Camera Lighting - Studio light Normal light, indoors Costume - Dressed in his normal clothes eg, jeans,T-shirt and jacket Dressed in his normal clothes eg, jeans,T-shirt and jacket Person/people- Will Eze Will Eze Why? I choose Will because he fitted in with my star appeal and the way he dresses. I choose Will because he fitted in with my star appeal and the way he dresses. Permission needed- I made contact withWill and asked him if it was okay with me taking pictures of him for my work. I made contact withWill and asked him if it was okay with me taking pictures of him for my work. Potential hazard/risks The studio may be in use when I might need to use it so I would have to arrange another time to take photos. The studio may be in use when I might need to use it so I would have to arrange another time to take photos.
  109. 109. These are all the Test pictures I took of Izzy and Will. Also all the different ones with Izzys facial expression, her clothes are up to date in fashion it could also inspire people to dress like her. Once I tested Izzy I decided I wanted to use Wills pictures because they related to my interview which was on Fetty Wapp which is a male and would fit the stereotype of the genre.
  110. 110. These are the feedback comments I got given back when I finished my presentation, specifically the feedback covered what to improve to the pages. This helps me know what I need to re- do and what things I have done well in. Based on this feedback I ensured I included the important convention of a drop capital (below) to draw in the reader.
  111. 111. JKZ I have put the strapline next to the front heading because it will be the second thing people see and then want them to read it even more. The main image is put in the middle so people will know what the magazine holds inside. Barcode is there to show when the magazine comes out and how much it is. The main image is in the middle because in my magazine of inspiration the main image is in the middle of the page. Strapline My strapline is . I put the strapline here so then the reader will see it once they see my logo. This is relevant because when they read my strapline they will associate with the brand of my magazine. Cover lines As the main story is at the bottom I have decided to put the cover lines above it to make them stand out to the reader. Cover lines are stories which are In the magazine. House style My house style colours are red, white and black. I choose these colours because they all go together and suit the age range of my magazine and genre of it. Barcode On my barcode I will have the issue date and price inside the barcode. The issue will be number 1 because it will be a brand new magazine. I will place the barcode above the main story just like in my magazine of inspiration Q Puff promotion Puff promotion allows the audience to win something. In my magazine thy are able to win iTunes festival tickets. Having a puff promotion is god because the audience are more like to buy the magazine if they want to win something. Masthead the masthead is the title of the magazine which is JKZ. My magazine will be called JKZ because as the meaning of it is supposed to be jokes it could illustrate the genre is entertaining and will be full of juicy gossip about the music industry and the audience will not get bored of the music and the information inside. The background will be red and the writing will be white.
  112. 112. Interview heading has been placed there to reveal what kind of page it is. The image is in the middle to show who they are interviewing instead of reading it and finding out you didnt want to know about it. Also has loads of bits of information doted around the page and not bundled together, it is spaced out. I have put a large image in the middle to show who the reader is about straight away. The information is scattered around the page but also in columns to still make it neat and tidy on the page. JKZ Pull quote from interview - I have put the pull quote on my page because it fills up empty space on the page and also when the reader sees it they will want to read on and find out what happens. Main image I put the main image in the middle to make it stand out also to show the readers who's the main artist is. Main story title compared to my other ideas for the main title, I wanted to make it diagonal to make it unique to the reader. Stand first The stand first is very important because its the first thing people see as the topic. The text is also eye-catching for the reader so they will see it first.
  113. 113. Draft interview I chose Fetty Wapp because all the teenage girls/boys listen to him and he is in the age category, target audience and genre of my magazine. Fetty Wapp is the star producers appeal (Richard Dyer) because hes always on Capital and Kiss FM which teenagers listen to mostly everyday, so they know who he is. I also chose Fetty because hes an easy person to interview and hes laid back person to talk to, and also is down with all the trends so my target audience would relate to him a lot.
  114. 114. Draft interview to FettyWap Fetty takes time out from making his third album to speak to us JKZ about life inside and outside of the music world. Hello Fetty, glad Im finally getting to interview you, how are you and what have you been doing this week? Hi Jess, I am great thanks, hope all you lot are good at JKZ.This week has been so busy man considering I am in the process of making my third album, which is going to be seriously good, watch out, and listen out! Glad to hear it, we are so excited to hear your new album.What is your album going to be called? I cant actually tell you that right now, it is a secret (laughs). But trust me it will be big as after the third album I am going to take some time out of writing music and have some chill time. You can tease us like that Fetty. So outside of work considering you are going to be taking some time out.What kind of music do you listen to? Do you listen to your own music? (Sarcastic/laughing) Bit of classical actually. I joke, I joke. I love my music and I do love listening to it but obviously I listen to it everyday so it can get a bit repetitive. At the moment I am such a Bieber fan. Did you watch him at the Brits? He was serious class. Oh and Rihanna and Drake with their song Work, loved it!That type of music is more up my street! Yeah we watched the Brits here at JKZ and you are right Bieber, Drake and Rihanna was excellent. So whats your life style out of work?What are your hobbies? I do love a good party with my mates usually at the weekend though as Im busy writing my music on the weekdays. I dont really have any hobbies to be honest, my life is all about music but I am always attending music festivals and gigs especially in London. I went and saw Rocky N.T.I at a gig a couple of days ago actually.
  115. 115. Draft interview to FettyWap continued What are your favourite festivals to go to then Fetty? Oh I do love a festival! I go to loads, mainly in the summer if Im not playing in them. I went to We Are Fest last summer in July it was proper good, definitely my fav fest. I am going to be playing at V Fest this year, which I am also proper, excited about. We are so excited to see you atV Fest here at JKZ. How old were you when you knew you wanted to produce music? I was 15 when I knew I wanted to be about music. My dad was into music and would always play it around me. So that helped me get into music and know about it more and know about the instruments. I started rapping at school with a group of friends as a joke and then they all told me I was good and should take it further. What advice would you give to your fans if they wanted to become like you? Be yourself and keep producing and never give up.The industry is really hard to get into so you have to make your way up, because its all worth it when you put all the hard work in and it gets easier. You have lots of fans so that is some great advice. Who are your main fans out there? What age group? I love my fans and I thank every single one of them, I would not be anywhere without them so I am really greatful for all their love and support and mainly for buying my albums. I would say my main fans are the ages of 16-25 year olds especially the younger ones because of my rapping and the words I use in my songs can be said as quite street. Has it been a rough road for you then? Yea it has been a rough road. My parents spilt up when I was 15. I mostly lived with my dad when it happened because my mum was in and out of hospital because she had depression, because of that I focused more on music as it made me feel better about the situation. Sorry to hear that Fetty, although its good to see your life back on track!Thank you for taking the time to speak to us about your life outside the music industry hopefully youll come back and speak to us soon.
  116. 116. Flat Plan
  117. 117. Flat Plan
  118. 118. Magazine fonts and colour Front name Font preview Font usage Myriad Pro HEADLINE Big, bold headline but simple to catch other peoples attention. PT Serif Caption PUFF PROMOTION Funky but professional font to make the stand out more and eye catching. PT Sans COVER LINES Plain simple and directed font.To come across being serious and professional. Myriad Pro Strapline Thick bold writing for it to stand out and maybe be a bright colour. I wanted to keep my fonts for my magazine simple, these are the fonts I have tested out for my magazine.
  119. 119. Front cover analysis Magazine is just the letter Q, it is in upper case font which stands out and also the white colouring of the font is layered upon a prime red and this helps it stand out too. The headline Artic Monkeys is in upper case and contrasts against the simple background, also some of the other musicians are behind the lead singer. The colours used are typical of general rock magazines, with red, black and white being the main palette. However, blue is also used in places to provide a contrast with the red, and perhaps to give the magazine a possible British feel. The masthead is barefaced but very simplistic. The font of the masthead is very simple and unique but shows effectiveness. The colours used are white and red which contrast against each other. The red is very eye- catching and will catch the readers eyes easily. The fact that the magazine is called Q shows simplistic and maturity which suggests that there is a older target audience. Barcode: The barcode states what issue the magazine and gives the website and price of the magazine. Cover lines:The cover lines are down the sides of the magazine and state what will be inside the magazine to give the reader an insight beforehand.
  120. 120. DPS Strapline - The strapline is in red like the colour scheme. Main headline Is the persons name who they are interviewing. So it makes it clear what the page is about. Main images - The main images convey that thats who is in the interview and thats who they are interviewing. Steve Neale 1980; Genres are instances of repetition and differences. The paragraph columns make the page look neater and well set out. Also it is easy it read. The artist who is the main feature is someone who is extremely well known in the music industry, the clothes are smart suggesting he might be a bit indie and might show it through his music as well. The Header of this double page spread is neat and organised also goes in with the picture because he looks smart.
  121. 121. Final front cover I have changed the puff promotion to make it stand out more and visible to the reader. I have put a white outline on the main headline because you couldnt see it clearly without it.Also it looks more professional I have moved the coverlines to the right more so they didnt coverWills face and then made him stand out more. Before I have kept my logo the same throughout my magazine because when pitching people preferred this logo compared to my other one. I have changed the main image because this image fitted the genre to my magazine more.
  122. 122. Final DPS Cover I have changed the layout on my DPS to get all of the interview to fit into the columns. I have added columns on my DPS to make it look professional and neatly laid out. I have put the interviewer in bold to make it look separated with Fettys answers. I have produced Will on the other half of the page to make sure the audience knows he is the star appeal. Ive placed the Facebook and twitter logos on my DPS to tell the audience that there are Facebook and twitter pages.
  123. 123. Firstly, I created a my front cover by using a template which was called the international option. Then I used paint bucket and had a grey background but then thought that was boring so I used the gradient tool and made it fade out a bit to make it more interesting. Next I inserted my logo for JKZ onto my front cover and edited it with the drop down shadow by using blending options. Then I added the text Fetty Wapp by using the text tool to add the text in.Then I used the blending options and made the text bolder and clearer. Next I added the picture ofWill onto a separate document and used the quick selection tool and deleted the background of it so its just will, secondly I used the blending options and edited around the edges of him to make them smoother.
  124. 124. I then selected the photo of Will and dragged it onto my front cover template and resized it to the size I wanted. Next I changed the colour of the FettyWapp to a light grey colour because I couldn'tt see it with the bottom of the picture also being a dark colour and wanted it to stand out more. I then added the puff promotion onto my front cover; I made a small red circle using the shape tool and then used the paint bucket the make it red.Then I wanted it to stand out more so I used the blending options and made it have a little shadow on it.Then I added some text on it and advertised a festival in it too. After that, I made a barcode; by doing this I had to use the public drive videos and I got a barcode and inserted it onto my magazine, then I put the details of when my magazine is released (monthly). Next I added some icons above it like Facebook & Twitter to show where you can promote it more. Also I put a Hash tag so people can Hash tag the magazine more and get more people involved with knowing about it.
  125. 125. Step by step to make my front cover Lastly, IAdded who is featured in my magazine. By doing this I used theText tool and made some lines to out underneath as its the same in my magazine of inspiration.
  126. 126. Firstly, I opened my DPS template up and changed the background to white using the paint bucket tool.Then I added my JKZ logo by going to insert and added my JKZ logo as a picture. Then I made two separate pictures and added two versions of will to go at the top. I used the quick selection tool and deleted the background and then used filters to make an effect on will and I chose the cartoon one.Then I made them face each other and made it into one photo. After that I added in my interview with FettyWapp. I made columns for the writing to go,in the middle of the interview I added a pull quote from Fetty which says I love my fans and thank every single one of them I did this so it would smart and organized. Next I made page numbers to go at the bottom of the page. I used the text tool and made little numbers and moved them where I wanted then I also put my logo JKZ next to it as its the same in my magazine of inspiration.
  127. 127. Drop down capital To nest the character style in a paragraph style, double-click the paragraph style, and then click DropCaps And Nested Styles. Specify the number of drop-cap lines and characters, and then choose the character style. I then added a heading using theText I found on Da font and downloaded it to my text tool and used it. I had to made it big enough to fill half a page and stand out a lot. I added a background image so my DPS looks more complete and not missing a background. I added the background by Placing an image. Navigate to the file you would like to import and double click the file name. Move your cursor to the location where you want to place your graphic and click your mouse.This will place the image on your page. Expand the graphic frame. Pull from a corner of the image while holding the Shift +Alt keys.
  128. 128. Employees Salary per year Graphic Designer 19,870 Editor 23,260 Production Editor 22,700 Editorial assistant 18,463 Reporter 21,134 Legal 20,000 - 30,000 Human resources 17,000 Publisher 50,000 TOTALCOST; 192,427
  129. 129. 1,590 499.90 Total = 1,206,779
  130. 130. Here is my consent form, which I only side emailed this to the person I am taking the photos of. I did this for legal reasons.
  131. 131. Risk Assessment Making sure the area is safe to be taking pictures. Remove any wires so people wont trip over them and hurt themselves. Making sure the flash off before.
  132. 132. This is my practice double page spread I made to see if all my pictures and text would fit. When editing the images I deleted the background of the image using quick selection because the background didn'tt match the page. I then used a background from Google images for the second image. For the top image I used the paint bucket tool and put a dark blue as the background. I changed my mind when creating my actual DPS and changed my colour scheme to colours that suited boys and girls and all age ranges. The Eyedropper tool is used to sample a color from an image to use this color further. It's practical as it facilitates color selection, for example, an appropriate color for the skin or the sky. I used the eye dropper tool to to have the same blue as the graffiti in the background of Will.
  133. 133. These screenshots show you are allowed to copyright the Dafont text. The first image is someone asking if your allowed and the second image is on the actual Dafont website. This is the text I used which is free to download for personal use.
  134. 134. Spelling of Names such as Rihanna, and Bieber, as well as no capital letter for Names.
  135. 135. To make sure I repeated the same colours throughout the front cover and DPS I made a colour swatch to save my colours on Photoshop so then I keep the same colours throughout my work. For this to be possible I used the eye dropper tool and added the colour into the swatch.
  136. 136. These are the feedback comments I got given back when I finished my presentation. This helps me know what I need to re-do and what things I have done well in.
  137. 137. Format: I am going to create a magazine in the genre of pop which means it has all different types of genres and will be in the form of a front cover and a double page spread. Working Title: My working title is JKZ although it might change because I dont know whether to keep the smaller bit of the title straight under each letters of JKZ or just place it underneath. The music magazine is very simple and easy to read because the font is red and white background and is very easy to read. The title of the magazine JKZ will be placed at the top Left hand corner. The colours that the title will be presented in are black, red , white and some bits of dark green. Genre: My genre will be targeted at 15-25 year olds because it will be for teenagers and young adults who enjoy pop music, R&B and Hip, Hop music. Content: JKZ magazine will be full of pictures, articles, album reviews, gig reports and song lyrics. The publication will also feature bands that are generally quite small and not mainstream. Most will be signed to small record labels or perhaps not signed at all.
  138. 138. Style or Approach: The denotation of the colour scheme for the magazine front cover will be red, black, grey and dark green. The colour red was chosen from Q magazine because its my magazine of inspiration. The colour Dark green connotes that its a different colour and stands out and also suits the target audience. I am going to use Photoshop to construct the magazine pages (Front Cover and DPS) because its an easy way to sort and make everything up clearly. Some of the tools in Photoshop that will be particularly beneficial in constructing the front cover will be the text tools because then I can add my text it easily. Audience: PRICE; 2.99 The audience are male and female.They are 15-25 in general although some might be older and a few younger. Music is a big part of their life and they will base most of their activities and their style around this music. Length: What will the size of the magazine be (A3, A4) and why I intend to make 16 pages including the front and back cover. It will be A4 in size.
  139. 139. Format - my genre of my HA magazine is pop. It will be obvious that it is pop because it will have pop articles on the front cover. Working title My verbal code HA means my magazine will have some jokes inside of it to keep people entertained and focused on the magazine. Genre - My magazine is a pop magazine. My magazine of inspiration is We heart Pop. Which is also a pop magazine, as you can tell with the title. I chose this magazine because it has the detail and frame that I liked and wanted on my magazine and I have changed it around as well. Content My magazine will be full of images and games for the young teens to play and not get bored with it and a waste of money. My magazine will also be supplying a toy in the front of the magazine so more teens will buy it more and then make more of a profit by it. Style or Approach - My magazine wont be the same text all the way through. There will be some pages which will be out going and bright to catch peoples eyes more. Audience My target audience will be girls 11- 17 Length - My magazine will be 62 pages long and some pages will beA4 like posters will fold out to be bigger so the young girls can put them in their rooms. Frequency - My magazine will be 2.70, and it will be a monthly magazine.
  140. 140. JKZ= 2.99---- MONTHLY. HA= 2.70---- MONTHLY.
  141. 141. JKZ; target audience is male and female ages 15-25. HA; target audience is girls 11-15. Theory; my magazines best fit into Hartley as I am basing my magazine on things like Age. Gender. Ethnicity.
  142. 142. My JKZ masthead is bright red like the Q magazine which is my magazine of inspiration. My other magazine HA is light blue because its for young teenagers and older teenagers too, boys & girls. Both of my magazines will be for boys and girls because they dont need a specific gender to read it.
  143. 143. Image of Artist JSX strapline Headline quote Main headline Cover lines Barcode & price & date I have made a Graphic layout Of my magazine to see if everything would fit on the page and makes it easier for me to see what needs changing and what doesn'tt need moving around on the Page.
  144. 144. Interview Information Information Information Image Image Image Information Headline
  145. 145. I have made a Graphic layout Of my magazine to see if everything would fit on the page and makes it easier for me to see what needs changing and what doesn'tt need moving around on the Page. I have also found it easier with this graphic layout because if I dont like something I can easily change it inside of rubbing it out or starting again on paper.
  146. 146. Interview heading Image of artist Info about the artist Info about the artistInfo about the artist HEADING Image
  147. 147. I have put the strapline next to the front heading because it will be the second thing people see and then want them to read it even more. The main image is put in the middle so people will know what the magazine holds inside. Interview heading has been placed there to reveal what kind of page it is. The image is in the middle to show who they are interviewing instead of reading it and finding out you didn'tt want to know about it. Also has loads of bits of information doted around the page and not bundled together, it is spaced out.
  148. 148. I used this layout because its not the same as Q magazine and I wanted it to be a bit different. The headline quote is next to the picture so they look at the picture and then see the headline after. The barcode and price has been put at the left hand side at the bottom to not make it stand out as much as the other bits on the page. On this page there are a lot of images around and bits of information to show what the reader is reading about and not getting bored. The Headline quote is placed in a star to make it stand out to the reader.
  149. 149. My magazine will be called JKZ because as the meaning of it is supposed to be jokes it could illus