Jeopardy History of Forensics Atoms and Elements More Atoms! Organic Chemistry Chroma- tography Q...

Jeopardy History of Forensics Atoms and Elements More Atoms! Organic Chemistry Chroma- tography Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Potpou rri Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500

Transcript of Jeopardy History of Forensics Atoms and Elements More Atoms! Organic Chemistry Chroma- tography Q...


History ofForensics

Atoms and Elements

More Atoms!Organic


Q $100

Q $200

Q $300

Q $400

Q $500

Q $100 Q $100Q $100 Q $100

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Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400

Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500


Q $100

Q $200

Q $300

Q $400

Q $500

$100 Question from History of Forensics

This is the application of science to both criminal and civil laws.

$100 Answer from History of Forensics

What is Forensic Science?

$200 Question from History of Forensics

This scientist developed anthropometry, A systematic system of identifying

people based on specific measurements of their body

$200 Answer from History of Forensics

Who is Alphonse Bertillon?

$300 Question from History of Forensics

This scientist established the comparison microscope as an indispensable tool in firearms


$300 Answer from History of Forensics

Who is Calvin Goddard?

$400 Question from History of Forensics

This scientist studied, classified, and identified

fingerprints as a method of identification

$400 Answer from History of Forensics

Who is Francis Galton?

$500 Question from History of Forensics

When a criminal comes in contact with an object or person, a cross transfer of evidence occurs, which is known as this

$500 Answer from History of Forensics

What is Locard’s Exchange Principle?

$100 Question from Atoms and Elements

The proton, neutron, and electron make up this

$100 Answer from Atoms and Elements

What is the atom?

$200 Question from Atoms and Elements

Atoms that have the same number of protons, but a different number of neutrons are known as


$200 Answer from Atoms and Elements

What are isotopes?

$300 Question from Atoms and Elements

This element has an atomic number of 6 and an atomic mass of 12.0111.

$300 Answer from Atoms and Elements

What is carbon?

$400 Question from Atoms and Elements

This element has 20 protons, 20 neutrons, and 20 electrons.

$400 Answer from Atoms and Elements

What is calcium?

$500 Question from Atoms and Elements

This substance is made up of 2 or more different elements

chemically combined.

$500 Answer from Atoms and Elements

What is a compound?

$100 Question from More Atoms

This physical state of matter has both definite

shape and definite volume.

$100 Answer from More Atoms

What is a solid?

$200 Question from More Atoms

This is a systematic way of organizing all of the known

elements that exist.

$200 Answer from More Atoms

What is the periodic table?

$300 Question from More Atoms

If you subtract the atomic number from the atomic mass, you get the number of these

$300 Answer from More Atoms

What are neutrons?

$400 Question from More Atoms

The protons and neutrons are found in this part of the


$400 Answer from More Atoms

What is the nucleus?

$500 Question from More Atoms

These subatomic particles are the only ones involved

in chemical bonding.

$500 Answer from More Atoms

What are electrons?

$100 Question from Organic Chem

This substance is only made up of hydrogens and carbons.

$100 Answer from Organic Chem

What are hydrocarbons?

$200 Question from Organic Chem

This hydrocarbon is made up of 5 carbons and a triple bond.

$200 Answer from Organic Chem

What is pentyne?

$300 Question from Organic Chem

This hydrocarbon is made up of 4 carbons and a double bond.

$300 Answer from Organic Chem

What is butene?

$400 Question from Organic Chem

This hydrocarbon is made up of 7 carbons

and a triple bond.

$400 Answer from Organic Chem

What is heptyne?

$500 Question from Organic Chem

This hydrocarbon is made up of nine carbons and all

single bonds.

$500 Answer from Organic Chem

What is nonane?

$100 Question from Chromatography

This is the particle that gets dissolved in the solvent.

$100 Answer from Chromatography

What is the solute?

$200 Question from Chromatography

A low Rf value shows that the component is attracted

more to this phase.

$200 Answer from Chromatography

What is the stationary phase?

$300 Question from Chromatography

This is the phenomenon of elevating a liquid against gravity up the surface of a


$300 Answer from Chromatography

What is capillary action?

$400 Question from Chromatography

This type of chromatography uses a glass plate as the

stationary phase and a liquid as the mobile phase.

$400 Answer from Chromatography

What is Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC)?

$500 Question from Chromatography

This is the time it takes for a compound of a mixture to travel

from the injection port to the detector during gas chromatography.

$500 Answer from Chromatography

What is the retention time?

$100 Question from Potpourri

This type of analysis determines the percentage composition of

a compound in a sample.

$100 Answer from Potpourri

What is quantitative analysis?

$200 Question from Potpourri

Natural, homicide, accident, undetermined and this are known

as the 5 manners of death.

$200 Answer from Potpourri

What is suicide?

$300 Question from Potpourri

The settling of blood in areas closest to the ground immediately after

death is known as this.

$300 Answer from Potpourri

What is Livor Mortis?

$400 Question from Potpourri

This is an atom that has gained or lost any electrons and as a

result has a charge

$400 Answer from Potpourri

What is an ion?

$500 Question from Potpourri

This case concluded that Scientific evidence must gain the general

acceptance of the relevant expert community to be admissible

$500 Answer from Potpourri

What is Frye v. United States?