Jeopardy $100 Growth Of Power Executive Powers Diplomatic & Military Powers Legislative & Judicial...

Jeopardy $100 Growth Of Power Executive Powers Diplomatic & Military Powers Legislative & Judicial Powers US Presidents $200 $300 $400 $500 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 Final Jeopardy

Transcript of Jeopardy $100 Growth Of Power Executive Powers Diplomatic & Military Powers Legislative & Judicial...



GrowthOf Power


Diplomatic& Military


Legislative& Judicial






$500 $500




















Final Jeopardy

1 - $100

How has industrial and technological change affected the power of the presidency?

It has increased presidential power. As the United States has become more industrialized and technologically advanced, the people have looked to the Federal government, and especially the President, for leadership on these matters.

1 - $200

President Theodore Roosevelt believed in the “stewardship theory” of presidential power. Ironically, his handpicked successor favored limited presidential powers. Name this US president.

William Howard Taft

1 - $300

Which Founding Father wrote “a Tyrant is unfit to be the ruler of a free people”?

Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence

1 - $400

Which Article of the Constitution outlines the presidential powers?

Article II (Executive Article)

1 - $500

What did the Supreme Court rule in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld?

In 2006, the Court ruled that President George W. Bush could not use military tribunals to prosecute “enemy combatants” and held that part of his plan violated the Geneva Conventions and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

2 - $100

The President makes appointments to high-level positions. Which is the first step in the appointment process?

President nominates (know the other steps for the test!)

2 - $200

With the exception of federal judges, what is true about the President’s removal power?

The President may remove whomever he/she appoints.

2 - $300

The claim of executive privilege generally relates to communications between which two parties?

The President and key staff members.

2 - $400

The power to issue executive orders is called _________ power.

Ordinance power—this is the power of the President to issue executive orders, which are directives, rules, or regulations that have the effect of law.

2 - $500

The President’s power to executive the law comes from what two parts of the Constitution?

1) Oath of office2) “Take care” provision of the


3 - $100

What does it mean when the President greets a foreign leader?

The United States accepts the legal existence of another country (power of recognition)

3 - $200

The War Powers Resolution was passed in order to…

Check the President’s war powers

3 - $300

If a treaty and an act of Congress conflict, which always has priority?

Whichever was enacted latest. Treaties have the same legal standing as acts of Congress, so when the provisions of a treaty and an act of Congress conflict, the courts consider the latest enacted to be the law.

3 - $400

How long can US military forces be deployed before Congress must take action?

60 days

3 - $500

Which member of the President’s administration helps negotiate treaties with other countries?

Secretary of State

4 - $100

Where does the President get the power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States? (hint: think broad)


4 - $200

What message of the President is prescribed by the Constitution?

State of the Union message

4 - $300

In order for the President to have the power of a line-item veto, what must happen?

Constitution must be amended—Supreme Court struck down the Line-Item Veto Act of 1996, holding that Congress lacked the power to give the President a line-item veto. SC ruled that an amendment would be needed.

4 - $400

The President does not act on a bill within 10 days of receiving it. If Congress has not adjourned, what happens to the bill?

It becomes law.

4 - $500

What is it called when the President approves a bill but also explains how he plans to enforce the new law?

Signing Statement—These statements have been used to point out problems in newly enacted laws, or indicate how the law should be enforced.

5 - $100

34th President of the United States. Five-star general during WWII.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

5 - $200

28th President of the United States. Leader of the Progressive Movement.

Woodrow Wilson

5 - $300

22nd and 24th President of the United States. Only President to serve two non-sequential terms.

Grover Cleveland

5 - $400

18th President of the United States. Commanding General of Union Army during Civil War.

Ulysses S. Grant

5 - $500

30th President of the United States. Reputation as a small-government conservative, and as a man who said very little.

Calvin Coolidge

Final Jeopardy

In 1893, President Benjamin Harrison issued a blanket amnesty to which group of people?

All Mormons who had violated polygamy laws.