Jennifer Caleshu for Vice President

Vice President Jennifer Caleshu


Elect Jennifer Caleshu for Vice President of the Evening Weekend MBA Association at University of California, Berkeley.

Transcript of Jennifer Caleshu for Vice President

Page 1: Jennifer Caleshu for Vice President

Vice President

Jennifer Caleshu

Page 2: Jennifer Caleshu for Vice President

collaborationOne of the great strengths of the EWMBA program is the opportunity to work with people from a wide variety of backgrounds and perspectives, both in and out of the classroom. I hope to help create an even more diverse Haas, from race and gender to industry background to learning style and beyond - all in collaboration with an excellent Executive Committee.

I pledge to question the status quo while maintaining my confidence without attitude to help build the strongest Evening/Weekend program for all.

Vice President

Jennifer Caleshu

Page 3: Jennifer Caleshu for Vice President


As the EWMBAA Communications Co-Chair in 2010-2011 and a member of the student blogging team, I enjoy sharing the multitude of opportunities available to current and prospective EWMBAA students, and I see the potential to deepen student experiences and expand networks.

As Vice-President, I pledge to continue the promise of One Haas and work to increase the connection of Evening/Weekend students to the Full-Time, Berkeley-Columbia and Alumni groups.

Vice President

Jennifer Caleshu

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As your Vice-President, I will share your ideas and issues with the appropriate channels to make sure your voice is heard; equally I will share back what I learn to make sure you are informed as you continue your investment in your education and yourself.

I pledge to be open and available as your representative.

Jennifer Caleshu

Vice President


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I am a dedicated believer in the power of the Haas principle beyond yourself. I’ve volunteered at Haas, and in my previous lives I’ve led an avant-garde theater company, produced a student-written musical, co-chaired a mothers club, and more. I have always been the go-to person to get things done.

You can count on me.

Vice President

Jennifer Caleshu

Page 6: Jennifer Caleshu for Vice President

cultureThe defining principles of Haas speak deeply to me, and the role of Vice-President is an opportunity to find new ways to express the core values throughout the program, especially with changing program leadership and academic requirements.

Our culture is what makes us unique.

Vice President

Jennifer Caleshu

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Vice President

Jennifer Caleshu