JEEYAR EDUCATIONAL TRUST (JET USA) HISTORY OF TIRUMALA QUESTION BANK Quiz Directions please select an appropriate choice Questions 1. 1 pt(s). Sri Venkatachala is located on the banks of which river? A. Ganges B. Yamuna C. Suvarnamukhee D. Kaveri 2. 1 pt(s). A good son is the one, who A. gives happiness to his parents B. takes care of his own needs C. follows to his own path that's different from his parents D. none of the above 3. 1 pt(s). After returning to his parents, Sage Markandeya had plans to A. obtain higher education B. start his own school C. visit holy places D. go on a fun trip 4. 1 pt(s). What is the moral learnt in Dharmaguptha’s story? A. Don’t steal money from others




Quiz Directions

please select an appropriate choice


1. 1 pt(s).

Sri Venkatachala is located on the banks of which river?

A. Ganges

B. Yamuna

C. Suvarnamukhee

D. Kaveri

2. 1 pt(s).

A good son is the one, who

A. gives happiness to his parents

B. takes care of his own needs

C. follows to his own path that's different from his parents

D. none of the above

3. 1 pt(s).

After returning to his parents, Sage Markandeya had plans to

A. obtain higher education

B. start his own school

C. visit holy places

D. go on a fun trip

4. 1 pt(s).

What is the moral learnt in Dharmaguptha’s story?

A. Don’t steal money from others

B. don’t cheat your trusting friend

C. don’t speak harsh to others

D. be kind to animals

5. 1 pt(s).

What was the name of Brahmin who lived nearby A:ka:sa ganga theertham?

A. Ramanuja

B. Vasishta

C. Narada

D. Narayana

6. 1 pt(s).

What did Ramanuja do to please Lord Vishnu? a) Took bath in ganga water b) sacrificed his life c)

performed Yagam d) did a great penance

A. Took bath in ganga water

B. sacrificed his life

C. performed yagam

D. did a great penance

7. 1 pt(s).

How did Ramanuja medidate upon Lord Vishnu?

A. By worshipping with flowers

B. by chanting ve:das

C. with the recitation of Ashtakshari mantram

D. None

8. 1 pt(s).

What was the reason for Ramanuja's penance?

A. To obtain wealth

B. To get kingdom

C. both a and b

D. for the well being of all the creatures of the world

9. 1 pt(s).

Who are the servants of Lord Vishnu?

A. Garuda

B. Vishwakse:na

C. Sunanda

D. All of the above

10. 1 pt(s).

What did Ramanuja do when Lord Ve:nkate:swara appeared before him?

A. Ask for a boon

B. praised him with utmost devotion

C. bowed to him

D. both b and c

11. 1 pt(s).

Who is the one that accepts the things offered to devata:s and forefathers?

A. Lord Srinivasa

B. Rudra

C. Brahma

D. Indra

12. 1 pt(s).

To whom do Brahma and Rudra bow?

A. Indra

B. Sounaka

C. Lord Srinivasa

D. none

13. 1 pt(s).

What did Lord Narayana do after listening to the prayer of Ramanuja? a) Embraced Ramanuja and

asked for a boon b) asked Ramanuja to stop penance c) both d)

A. Embraced Ramanuja and asked for a boon

B. asked Ramanuja to stop penance

C. both a and b

D. none of the above

14. 1 pt(s).

What boon did Ramanuja ask Lord ?

A. To bless him with great wealth

B. to bless him with kingdom

C. to remove all the sins of him

D. to bless him with permanent devotion

15. 1 pt(s).

According to Lord Vishnu, what is the greatness of A:kasa ganga river?

A. One takes bath in A:kasa ganga river on pournami day would get liberation

B. whoever takes bath in A:ka:sa ganga river would turn to good devotees

C. one would not have to take birth again when takes bath in A:kasa ganga river

D. All of the above

16. 1 pt(s).

The following is not the quality of devotees of Lord Vishnu according to him?

A. Devotees always wish for the well being of all the creatures in this world

B. they are not jealous of someone

C. find faults in others

D. who listen to the names of Lord Vishnu with joy, accept them

17. 1 pt(s).

How do devotees of Vishnu honour Tulasi plant?

A. They bow to Tulasi plant on seeing it

B. They wear Tulasi stick in their ears.

C. They become happy on smelling Tulasi leaves and they wear the soil of Tulasi.

D. All of the above

18. 1 pt(s).

What is the ritual that is practiced by devotees of Vishnu always?

A. Yagnam

B. E:ka:dasi ritual

C. Pournami ritual

D. none of the above

19. 1 pt(s).

Who is the one who knows everything and explains the vedic scriptures completely?

A. Sage Su:ta

B. Devatas

C. Brahmin

D. None

20. 1 pt(s).

What did Sounaka and other sages ask sage Su:ta?

A. What is the best donation?

B. Who is the best person to receive a donation

C. Both

D. None

21. According to Su:ta, who is the best teacher among all the castes?

1 pt(s).

A. Kshatriya

B. Brahmin

C. Vaishya

D. None

22. 1 pt(s).

4. From whom does a Brahmin cannot receive donation? a) b) c) all the above d) none

A. who always do sins

B. who has broken the rules of his particular caste.

C. all of the above

D. none of the above

23. 1 pt(s).

What is the best place to give donation?

A. On the sacred Ve:nkatachala hills

B. Near a river

C. In a temple

D. none of the above

24. 1 pt(s).

Who are the Brahmins that are not eligible to receive the donation?

A. always self-praising

B. who changes the righteous rules and principles by taking money

C. who takes money for reading Vedas and for teaching smruthis,

D. All of the above

25. 1 pt(s).

What are the qualities of a Brahmin to whom giving a donation becomes beneficial?

A. who has desire in doing good deeds and follows Vedic practices

B. who does not perform fire sacrifice daily,

C. who gives discourses on scriptures.

D. a and c

26. 1 pt(s).

Who are the persons that are not be saluted?

A. who argues that there is no God or Vedas

B. who is a thief and a gambler

C. both a and b

D. None

27. 1 pt(s).

Who told the story of Punyaseela to whom?

A. Na:rada to Su:ta

B. Na:rada to Sanatkuma:ra

C. Su:ta to Sounaka

D. Su:ta to Sanatkuma:ra

28. 1 pt(s).

Who came to Punyaseela’s house as a guest?

A. A begger

B. His relative

C. a Brahmin, who is well-versed in Vedas and Veda:ngas

D. All of the above

29. 1 pt(s).

Where is the hermitage of Sage Agastya?

A. On the banks of Godavari river

B. On the banks of A:kasa ganga river

C. On the banks of Suvarna Mukhari river

D. On the banks of Narmada river

30. 1 pt(s).

Why did Punyaseela get the face of a donkey?

A. Because he has offered sacred funeral food to a childless person

B. Because he did not treat his guest properly

C. Because he always does sins

D. Because he is not merciful to all the creatures

31. 1 pt(s).

How did Punyaseela get rid of his sin?

A. Took bath in Godavari river

B. Did a great penance

C. Took bath in A:kasa ganga river

D. Offered food to a good Brahmin

32. 1 pt(s).

What is the greatness of Chakra theertham?

A. Can remove all the sins of people

B. Sacred and ever pure

C. Those who take bath in this lake will definitely get liberation.

D. All of the above

33. 1 pt(s).

2. Which of the following are not the qualities of Padmana:bha? a) b) c) d)

A. He always tells the truth

B. He won over his senses

C. He could not withstand the difficulties from cold winter and hot summer.

D. He used to suffer or enjoy for others’ sorrows and happiness

34. 1 pt(s).

For how long did Padmana:bha do penance?

A. 8 years

B. 2 years

C. 12 years

D. 10 years

35. 1 pt(s).

4. How did Padmana:bha do penance? a) b) c) d) none of the above

A. by eating dried leaves, by just drinking water and just living by breathing without any food or water

B. by standing in the air

C. by practicing yoga in his hermitage

D. none of the above

36. 1 pt(s).

Who resides on hill Na:ra:yana:dri?

A. Brahma

B. Lord Srinivasa

C. Rudra

D. sage Narada

37. 1 pt(s).

6. What did Lord ask Padmana:bha to do? a) b) c) d) To perform yagam

A. To do penance again

B. To go to his house

C. To reside at chakra theertham

D. to perform Yagam

38. 1 pt(s).

What happened to Padmana:bha when he was residing at Chakra theertha?

A. A demon caught hold of him

B. He was suffered from cold and rain

C. a and b

D. none of the above

39. 1 pt(s).

What did Lord Sriniva:sa do to protect Padmana:bha?

A. He sent an arrow

B. He sent a sword

C. He sent his disc, Sudarsana to kill the demon

D. Both a and b

40. 1 pt(s).

What did Padmana:bha request Sudarsana for ?

A. To stay permanently in the Chakra Theertham to protect people

B. To go back to Lord Vishnu

C. To get him out of that place

D. none of the above

41. 1 pt(s).

Chakra theertham is named after whom?

A. Padmana:bha

B. Lord Sri:niva:sa

C. Sudarsana

D. The demon

42. What is considered to be heavier than the weight of even mount Meru on this Earth?

1 pt(s).

A. Mount Everest

B. The burden of betraying a friend

C. The burden of speaking lies

D. The burden of stealing money from others

43. 1 pt(s).

Who was Dharmaguptha?

A. A good king

B. Gandharva

C. A sage

D. A hunter

44. 1 pt(s).

What was Dharmagupatha’s father’s name?

A. Nanda

B. Balarama

C. Janaka

D. Sumati

45. 1 pt(s).

What was Dharmagupatha’s father’s greatness?

A. Very pious and religious king

B. very learned scholar

C. great poet

D. very good at war

46. 1 pt(s).

Why was Dharmaguptha cursed by the learned bear?

A. Because he took the food meant for bear

B. because he stabbed the bear

C. because he threw the bear down to lion when it trusted that he would protect him

D. because bear tried to attack him

47. 1 pt(s).

What was the curse of learned bear on Dharmaguptha?

A. To lose wealth

B. To lose kingdom

C. To become mad

D. To become poor

48. 1 pt(s).

Whose greatness does this story talk about?

A. Lord Venkatesa

B. Lord Srimannarayana

C. Venkata hill

D. Swami Pushkarini waters on Vekata hill

49. 1 pt(s).

What is the greatness of Swami Pushkarini?

A. It can immediately cleanse one from all sins

B. it is most purifying

C. Its waters are very sacred and have medicinal powers

D. All of the above

50. 1 pt(s).

what did Dharmagupatha do to get rid of his sin?

A. walked up Mount Meru

B. Took bath in Swami Pushkarini

C. Went to do Tapas in Himalayas

D. prayed to Lord Srimannarayana again and again

51. 1 pt(s).

Who advised Dharmaguptha to goto Venkata Hill?

A. sage Vyasa

B. Sage Jaimini

C. sage Durvasa

D. Sun God

52. 1 pt(s).

Which Puranahas the reference to this story of Dharmaguptha?

A. Vamana Purana

B. Vamana Purana

C. Bhagavatam

D. Vishnu Puranam

53. 1 pt(s).

Who narrated this story of Dharmagupta and who were the audience?

A. Sage Vyasa to Suka

B. Sage Suta to Saunaka and other sages

C. Sage Durvasa to his desciples

D. Yama to Nachiketas

54. 1 pt(s).

As shown in Dharmagupta’s story even worst of sinners can be delivered if for once with faith, they...

A. chant once Lord’s name

B. take a dip in Swami Pushkarini

C. stay a night on the holy Venkata hills

D. pray to Lord Venkatesa

55. 1 pt(s).

Who was Sumati?

A. Was a king

B. Was a brahmana

C. was a thief

D. was a great poet

56. 1 pt(s).

Who was Yagnadeva?

A. Sumati’s brother

B. Sumati’s father

C. Sumati's son

D. Sumati's cousin

57. 1 pt(s).

Which sin did Sumati commit?

A. killed an animal

B. killed a king

C. killed a woman

D. killed a brahmana

58. 1 pt(s).

The sin of Sumati took the following form and started chasing him like a...

A. an ugly dog

B. a ferocious lion

C. a terrifying woman

D. a tiger

59. 1 pt(s).

What did the personified sin of Sumati do to him?

A. killed Sumati

B. tortured very much

C. touched Sumati and Sumat in pain fainted

D. didn’t do anything to Sumati

60. 1 pt(s).

What did the sage Durvasa suggest to the father of Sumati?

A. To visit Kasi

B. To visit Venkata Hill and take dip in Swami Pushkarini

C. to visit Ganges

D. To chant Lord’s name without stopping

61. 1 pt(s).

Swami Pushkarini is compared to the following for the giant trees of sins

A. poison

B. medicine

C. axe

D. acid

62. 1 pt(s).

Sri Swami Pushkarini is located on which hill?

A. Seshadri

B. Vrishabhadri

C. Venkatadri

D. Anjanadri

63. Sumati’s story is described in which Purana?

1 pt(s).

A. Varaha Purana

B. Skanda Purana

C. Vamana Purana

D. Vayu Purana

64. 1 pt(s).

On which side of the temple of Lord Venkatesa did the sages see the Vimana appear?

A. East

B. West

C. North

D. South

65. 1 pt(s).

Who was seated in the divine airplane when all the sages were watching...?

A. Siva

B. Bramha

C. Lord Srimannarayana

D. Indra

66. 1 pt(s).

The divine airplane(Vimana of Lord) came from the following plane as per the sages…

A. from the Sky

B. under the Earth

C. from the water of Swami Pushkarini

D. from nowhere, it was already there but not seen by anyone before and became visible now

67. 1 pt(s).

What was the reason no one could see the Vimana before, as per the sages’ conversations?

A. because no one noticed it

B. because of Lord’s divine mystic powers it was hidden before

C. because Siva hid it till now upon Lord’s request

D. Because it was under water till now in Swami Pushkarini

68. 1 pt(s).

Swami Pushkarini and the Viamana are located on the Venkata hill...?

A. on the south side of the main temple

B. opposite to each other

C. on the banks of Suvarnamukhee

D. one on each side of the main temple

69. 1 pt(s).

From the Vimana, whom did Lord address?

A. Indra

B. Sankha, a Gandharva’s son

C. Siva

D. Bramha

70. 1 pt(s).

Lord was seen on the divine Vimana with…

A. Garuda

B. Sridevi, Bhudevi

C. Viswaksena

D. Hanuman

71. 1 pt(s).

What boon did Sankha ask for?

A. Unlimited kingdom

B. Indra's post

C. Lord's abode

D. Unlimited wealth

72. 1 pt(s).

In which purana does the incident of sages taking darshan of Lord’s Vimana take place?

A. Varaha Purana

B. Vamana Purana

C. Skanda Purana

D. Garuda Purana

73. 1 pt(s).

The famous “Venkatadri Samam Sthanam Bramhande Nasthi Kinchana, Venkatesa Samo devo Na

Bhutho Na Bhavishyathi…” is quoted in which Purana?

A. Varaha Purana

B. Vamana Purana

C. Skanda Purana

D. Garuda Purana

74. 1 pt(s).

Agastya maharshi along with the rushi:’s took a bath in all the sacred places other than where?

A. Ocean

B. River Ganga

C. Swami pushkarini

D. River Narmada

75. 1 pt(s).

All the rushi:’s after taking the sacred te:rtham, took a bath and worshipped to whom?

A. Agastya maharshi

B. Bramha

C. Sriyapathi

D. Shiva

76. 1 pt(s).

How many years passed away while Agastya maharshi and rushi:s were thinking?

A. 200

B. 50

C. 100

D. 125

77. 1 pt(s).

Who is the guru of devatas?

A. Bruhaspathi

B. Shukracharya

C. Agastya

D. Manu

78. 1 pt(s).

What were the 2 options that the rushi:’s and de:vata:’s gave to raja Uparicharavasuvu for doing a

ya:gam with?

A. rope and mountain

B. Animal and Medicinal plant

C. River and flowers

D. Forest and fruits

79. 1 pt(s).

What was the suggestion of de:vata:’s to use for doing a ya:gam?

A. Flower

B. Animal

C. Medicinal plants

D. Water

80. 1 pt(s).

What was the suggestion of rushi:’s to use for doing a ya:gam?

A. Flower

B. Animal

C. Medicinal plants

D. Water

81. 1 pt(s).

Where was Uparicharavasuvu sent when rushi:’s got angry after he answered their question?

A. Bhoo:lokam

B. Pa:ta:lalokam

C. Narakalokam

D. Swargalokam

82. 1 pt(s).

Who saved raja Uparicharavasuvu thinking that he is Vishnu bhakta?

A. Manu

B. The wind god

C. Rakshasas

D. Bramha

83. 1 pt(s).

What is the mantra that raja uparicharavasuvu was chanting when he was sent to Pa:ta:laloka?

A. Om Namo Narayanaya

B. Om namo: bhagavate: va:sude:va:ya

C. Jai Srimannarayana

D. Om Venkatesa:ya namaha

84. Who is the mother of Garutmantha (Garuda)?

1 pt(s).

A. Kunti:devi

B. Vinatha

C. Laxmi devi

D. Kausalya

85. 1 pt(s).

who brought silk robes for marriage attire to Srinivasa?

A. Sruthi

B. Kirthi

C. Preethi

D. Indrani

86. 1 pt(s).

In which waters did Srinivasa take bath?

A. Ganga

B. Yamuna

C. Kaveri

D. Akasa Ganga

87. 1 pt(s).

What is the colour of silk robes Srinivasa wore for Marriage attire?

A. Saffron

B. White

C. Yellow

D. Green

88. 1 pt(s).

What did Srinivasa applied by looking into the mirror?

A. Powder

B. Cream

C. Ashes

D. Tirunamalu

89. 1 pt(s).

Who is the father in law of Srinivasa?

A. Akasaraju

B. King Sankhana

C. Brahma

D. Narada

90. 1 pt(s).

What did Padmavathi and Srinivasa exchanged in Marriage ceremony?

A. Ring

B. Crowns

C. Flower Garlands

D. Necklace

91. 1 pt(s).

To which place Padmavathi and Srinivasa proceeded after marriage?

A. Vrushabhachalam

B. Seshachalam

C. Venktadri

D. Narayanadri

92. 1 pt(s).

What boom did Akasaraju ask from srinivasa?

A. Wealth

B. Kingdom

C. Longevity

D. Devotion to Lord

93. 1 pt(s).

Who revealed the future of Tirumala to Bhudevi?

A. Varaha Swami

B. Lakshmi

C. Brahma

D. Shiva

94. 1 pt(s).

What is the name Nishada’s wife?

A. Preethi

B. Sridevi

C. Satyavathi

D. Chitravathi

95. 1 pt(s).

What is the age of Rangadasu when he started to Tirumala?

A. 5

B. 24

C. 12

D. 60

96. 1 pt(s).

Rangadasu on his way to venkatadri met with this Muni?

A. Vaikhanasa

B. Narada

C. Valmiki

D. Agastya

97. 1 pt(s).

What was the duty of Rangadasu in the Jungle?

A. Preparing Garlands

B. Preparing Prasadam

C. doing Homam

D. nothing

98. 1 pt(s).

What is the name of the Teertham which destroys sins?

A. Chakra teertham

B. Suvarnamukhi

C. KapilaTeerthammm

D. none of the above

99. 1 pt(s).

Which tree was giving shade to Srinivasa?

A. Banyan

B. Tamarind

C. Palm

D. Coconut

100. 1 pt(s).

Whom did Rangadasu saw by which he forgets to prepare Garlands?

A. Asuras

B. Gandharvas

C. Devatas

D. Kinnaras

101. 1 pt(s).

Who was king Thondamanu in his previous birth?

A. Rangadasu

B. Elephant

C. Sankha

D. Muni

102. 1 pt(s).

Padamavati, wife of Thondamanu belonged to which kingdom?

A. Chandra

B. Khamboji

C. Pandya

D. Chola

103. 1 pt(s).

Thondamanudu met with this muni after crossing Swaranamukhi while hunting?

A. Vaikahanasa

B. Valmiki

C. Sukha

D. Agastya

104. 1 pt(s).

Which Godess, Thondamanudu found near earthen hills on Venktadri ?

A. Renuka

B. Sridevi

C. Padmavati

D. Pochamma

105. Which bird impressed Thondamanudu and flew away?

1 pt(s).

A. Peacock

B. Cuckoo

C. Parrot

D. Crow

106. 1 pt(s).

What help did Thondamanudu asked the Gardener?

A. To show Srinivasa

B. Flowers

C. Food

D. Nothing

107. 1 pt(s).

Who was worshipping Srinivasa three times a day?

A. Kumaraswamy

B. Shiva

C. Narada

D. Rangadasu

108. 1 pt(s).

Which place did Sridevi do her penance?

A. Swarnamaukhi

B. Padma Sarovaramu

C. PapaNasanamu

D. Chandramukhi

109. 1 pt(s).

What flower does Sridevi carry in her hand?

A. Lotus

B. Rose

C. Jasmine

D. Sunflower

110. 1 pt(s).

Who is the father of Sridevi?

A. King of Oceans

B. Thondamanu

C. Akasaraju

D. Sankhana

111. 1 pt(s).

Sridevi was pleased with their prayers and gives a boon to?

A. Asuras

B. Devatas

C. Kings

D. Bramhanas

112. 1 pt(s).

What is the name of the work that consist all the works done by Bhagavad Ra:ma:nuja?

A. The History of Tirumala

B. Sri: Venkate:swara Itiha:sa Ma:la

C. Sri: Venkatachala Mahatmayam

D. Sri: Venkate:swara History

113. 1 pt(s).

Lord presented with how many hands?

A. 2

B. 4

C. 6

D. 8

114. 1 pt(s).

What God holds in his upper right hand?

A. Discus (Chakra)

B. Conch Shell (Sankha)

C. Sword

D. Gada (Club)

115. 1 pt(s).

Where God lower right hand is pointed to?

A. Upward

B. Downwards showing his feet

C. Downwards showing earth

D. Right side

116. 1 pt(s).

Where God lower left hand is pointed to?

A. Upward

B. Downwards showing his feet

C. Downwards showing earth

D. Towards His thigh

117. 1 pt(s).

God given his divine weapons to the following devotee?

A. King Chakravarthy

B. Bhagavad Ramanuja

C. Sage Agastya

D. Ananth Alwan

118. 1 pt(s).

Who proved that Sri Venkate:swara was the most special avatha:ra of the Sri:man Nara:yana?

A. King Chakravarthy

B. Bhagavad Ramanuja

C. Sage Agastya

D. Ananth Alwan

119. 1 pt(s).

How Bhagavad Ramanuja proved Sri Venkate:swara is nothing but Sri:man Nara:yana?

A. By Conducting an experiment with God's Ayudhas (instruments)

B. Based on learning from King Chakaravarthy

C. Based on Agama Sastra

D. With help of Ananth Alwan

120. 1 pt(s).

What is significance of Lord having matted hair like a Muni or Rishi?

A. Show His Contemplation that creates and preserves the world

B. As a decoration God kept matted hair

C. There is no significance

D. To perform Yagam

121. 1 pt(s).

Why Lord Srinivasa has numerous decorations that have snake images on them?

A. Show that He is served in numerous ways by A:dise:sha

B. All incarnations of Lord will have snake decorations

C. Goddess Laksmi like to keep these decorations

122. 1 pt(s).

Who is A:dise:sha?

A. Multi headed serpant and serves as Srimannarayna's seat

B. Snake with one head

C. One who is sleeping on a serpent

D. none of the above

123. 1 pt(s).

What is significance behind Kumaraswamy (Murugan, Skanda) worshipping Lord Srinivasa?

A. To get rid of his Sin of Brahma Hatya Patakam

B. As part of Kumara Swamy's Pilgrimage trip visited Venkatachalam

C. As per directions from Ramanuja visited Venkatachalam

124. 1 pt(s).

Who established rituals/traditions in Venkatachalam?

A. Bhagavad Ramnanuja

B. Ananth Alwan

C. King Chakravarthy

D. Goddess Padmavati

125. 1 pt(s).

Bhagavad Ra:ma:nuja established rituals/traditions in Venkatachalam based on the following Sashtra?

A. Agama Sastra

B. Venakatachala Ithihasamala

C. Divya Prabandham

126. 1 pt(s).

In Venkatachalam the rituals/traditions established by Sri: Bhagavad Ra:ma:nuja is being followed




127. 1 pt(s).

Following is one of the ritual/tradition established by Sri: Bhagavad Ra:ma:nuja in Venkatachalam?

A. Conducting Sayanotsavam to Lord Krishna during Dhanurmaasam

B. First a:ra:dhana to Lord’s divine weapons

C. Chanting Nacchiya:r Thirumozi during abhishekam to Lord.

D. All of the above

128. 1 pt(s).

When Sri Rama Kalyanam is performed in Tirupati?

A. On the day of Rama Navami

B. Next day of Rama Navami

C. For every Festival

D. Daily

129. 1 pt(s).

When Nacchiya:r Thirumozi Prabandham is chanted in Tirupati?

A. During Abhisekam to Lord Srinivasa

B. When God goes to Bed (Sayanotsavam)

C. Daily in the morning

D. All of the above

130. 1 pt(s).

Who are A:zhwa:rs?

A. Great mystical devotees of Lord Srimannaryana

B. Disciples of Bhagad Ramanuja

C. King Chakaravarthy Battalion

D. None of the above

131. 1 pt(s).

Divya Prabandha is written in what language?

A. Tamil

B. Telugu

C. Sanskrit

D. Pali

132. 1 pt(s).

Which local king witnessed the Lord taking divine symbols?

A. King Yadava Raja

B. King Ananth Alwan

C. King Chakaravarthy

D. All of the above

133. 1 pt(s).

How Yadava Raja become a disciple of Bhagavad Ra:ma:nuja?

A. Impressed with Bhagavad Ramanuja's experiment (miracle of the Lord’s taking on His Divine


B. He never become a disciple of Ramanuja

C. By looking at Ramanuja's disciple Ananth Alwan

D. None of the above

134. 1 pt(s).

Who established the Lower Tirupati?

A. Bhagavad Ramanuja

B. King Ananth Alwan

C. King Chakaravarthy

D. All of the above

135. 1 pt(s).

What tragic news Sri: Ra:manuja heard upon his arrival in Lower Tirupati?

A. The sacred temple at Chidambaram of the Lord Govindaraja had been demolished

B. Dead of King Chakaravarthy

C. Both of the above

D. Blood is oozing from Lord Srinivasa's chin

136. 1 pt(s).

What is the name of the God in sacred temple of Chidambaram?

A. Lord Srinivasa

B. Lord Govinda Raja

C. Lord Bhu Varaha Swamy

D. Lord Narsimha

137. 1 pt(s).

Who helped Ramanuja Acharya to construct a new temple for Govindaraja at Tirupati?

A. King Chakravarthy

B. Yadava Raja

C. Ananth Alwan

D. All of the above

138. 1 pt(s).

Please name of the acahrya's of Ramanuja?

A. King Chakravarthy

B. Yadava Raja

C. Ananth Alwan

D. Periya Tirumala Nambi

139. 1 pt(s).

What Ramanuja learned from Periya Thirumala Nambi?

A. Ramayana

B. Divya Prabandam

C. Agama Sastra

D. Bhagavatham

140. 1 pt(s).

Where Ramanuja learned hidden meanings of Ramayana from Periya Thirumala Nambi?

A. At the foot of the Sacred Hills of Venkatachalam

B. At Sri Rangam

C. In Lower Tirupati

D. none of the above

141. 1 pt(s).

Who constructed the temple for Lord Narasimha on the hills?

A. King Chakravarthy

B. Yadava Raja

C. Bhagavad Ramanuja

D. Periya Tirumala Nambi

142. 1 pt(s).

Who is Ananta:lwa:n?

A. Disciple of King Chakravarthy

B. Disciple of Yadava Raja

C. Disciple of Bhagavad Ramanuja

D. Disciple of Periya Tirumala Nambi

143. What Ananta:lwa:n used to everyday? What is his duty in Venkatachala?

1 pt(s).

A. Taking care flower garden and making garlands for Lord Srinivasa

B. A Priest in Tirumala

C. King of Venkatachalam

D. none of the above

144. 1 pt(s).

Who is the young boy helping Ananta:lwa:n's wife withg heavy sack of soil?

A. Ananth Alwan himself helping his wife

B. Lord Srinivasa

C. Lord Narsimha

D. none of the above

145. 1 pt(s).

Who hit the boy helping Ananta:lwa:n's wife with the heavy sack of soil?

A. Ananth Alwan

B. Bhagavad Ramanuja

C. Lord Narsimha

D. None of the above

146. 1 pt(s).

How Ananta:lwa:n came to know that boy is none other than Lord Srinivasa?

A. By looking at the chin of Lord Srinivasa in the temple

B. Bhagavad Ramanuja confirmed

C. None of the above

D. All of the above

147. 1 pt(s).

Who explained the significance of Ve:nkata:chalam?

A. Su:tha Maharshi

B. Agasya Maharshi

C. Bhagad Ramanuja

D. None of the above

148. 1 pt(s).

How many names Ve:nkata:chalam has?

A. 20

B. 30

C. 5

D. 40

149. 1 pt(s).

How Ve:nkata:chalam mountain range is formed?

A. Lord Sri:manna:rayana instructed “A:dise:sha” to take the form of a mountain range

B. King Chakravarthy Constructed the mountain Range

C. Brahma made with his Brahmastram

D. None of the above

150. 1 pt(s).

Where Lord Sri: Ve:nkateswara resides in Ve:nkata:chalam mountain?

A. On the bank of Swami Pushkarini

B. At footsteps of Venkatachalam

C. Next to Akasha Ganga

D. none of the above

151. 1 pt(s).

What is the significance of mole on the chest of Lord Srimannarayana?

A. Mole is significance of Ramanuja

B. Mark on his chest called Sri:vathsa

C. Ananth Alwan hit Lord Srinivasa with Rod

D. Lord Srinivasa is not having any mole

152. 1 pt(s).

How Ve:nkata:chalam mountain range got the name as Na:rayana:dri?

A. God likes name Narayana very much

B. A Brahmin by name Narayana performed penance

C. Hanuman requested Lord to grant the name 'Narayanadri' to Venkatachalam

D. Brahma granted the name 'Narayanadri' to Venkatachalam

153. 1 pt(s).

How Ve:nkata:chalam mountain range got the name as Vrishabhachala?

A. A manu by name 'Vrushu' performed penance

B. Vrishabhasura demon requested Lord Srinivasa to grant 'Vrishabhachala' to Venkatachalam

C. Lord Srinivasa likes Cows much and given name 'Vrishabhachala' to Venkatachalam

D. none of the above

154. 1 pt(s).

How Ve:nkata:chalam mountain range got the name as Anjalachala?

A. Lord Srinivasa granted the name as Anjalachala to Venkatachalam

B. Because Anjana Performamed penance on Venkatachalam

C. Because Anjaneya born in Venkatachalam

D. Vayu Deva granted the name Anjalachala to Venkatachalam

155. 1 pt(s).

What is the name of the Anjana's father?

A. Demon Kesari

B. Vanara Kesari

C. Krimikanta

D. none of the above

156. 1 pt(s).

What is the name of the Anjana's husband?

A. Demon Kesari

B. Vanara Kesari

C. Krimikanta

D. none of the above

157. 1 pt(s).

What is the name of Anjana's son?

A. Anjaneya

B. Aditya

C. Kesari

D. Sugreeva

158. 1 pt(s).

Where Anjana performed penance for Anjaneya?

A. Near Swami Pushkarini

B. On the bank of Akasa Ganga

C. On the bank of Chakra Thirtham

D. On the bank of Suvarna Mukhi River

159. 1 pt(s).

Who granted the name Anjanachalam to Venkatachalam?

A. Indra

B. Bramha

C. Lord Srinivasa

D. none of the above

160. 1 pt(s).

Who is the father of King Chakravarthi?

A. Krimikanta

B. Bhagad Ramanuja

C. King Dhanunjaya

D. Chola Raju

161. 1 pt(s).

Where snake king ' Dhanumjaya' used to live?

A. Bhu Lokam

B. Pathala Lokam

C. Indra Lokam

D. Kailasam

162. 1 pt(s).

What is the name of Narada's playing instrument veena?

A. Mrudangam

B. Mahathi

C. Sarangam

D. Flute (Murali)

163. 1 pt(s).

What is the significance of Sri Pushpa Yagna?

A. Giving Bath to Lord Srinivasa with milk and water

B. Worshipping Lord Sri:niva:sa with many different kinds of fragrant flowers

C. Applying Sandalwood paste(chandanam)

D. Offering Tualasi Garlands

164. How many days Brahmostavam is performed in Seshadri?

1 pt(s).

A. 14 days

B. 10 days

C. 5 days

D. 9 days

165. 1 pt(s).

Following significance of conclusion of Brahmostavam?

A. Removing Garuda flag

B. With Pushpa Yagam

C. Giving auspicious bath to Sudarsana Chakra in Swami Pushkarini

D. Procession (purapadu) of Lord Srinivasa

166. 1 pt(s).

Who first performed Brahmostavam in Seshadri?

A. Bhagad Ramnanuja

B. Periya Thirumala Nambi

C. Anantha Alwan

D. KIng Chakravarthy

167. 1 pt(s).

What is the birth star of L:ord Srinivasa?

A. Dhanista

B. Rohini

C. Shravana

D. Punarvasu

168. 1 pt(s).

How Brahmostavam will be strated?

A. By raising the flag of Hanuman

B. By raising the flag of Garuda

C. With the procession of Lord Srinivasa

D. By giving bath (Abhishekam) with milk to Lord Srinivasa

169. 1 pt(s).

What is name of the hunter who heard about King Chakravarthi dream from sky?

A. Subra

B. Sabara

C. Surabhi

D. Vrushabha

170. 1 pt(s).

What hunter Sabara used to do every day?

A. Used to go for hunting of wild animals

B. Used to offer rice and honey every day to God at seshachalam Mountain

C. Used to takecare cows

D. Used to form Rice

171. 1 pt(s).

What strange phenomenon happened in Chakravarthi's kingdom?

A. Forest animal came into kingdom

B. All the milk in pots would break near the anthill

C. Enemies attacked the king

D. Scarcity of water in the kingdom

172. 1 pt(s).

What happened when King Chakravarthi visited Seshachalam mountains?

A. The king saw the Great White boar and a Vimana

B. King saw only Garuda

C. King had darshan of Lord Srinivasa

D. He got boon from Brahma

173. 1 pt(s).

What is the name of Krushna Sarma’s Wife?

A. Sumitra

B. Sudharmini

C. Sudha

D. Sudharma

174. 1 pt(s).

How Sudharmini & her son died?

A. Because of hunger

B. Because of Bad decease

C. Hunter Saraba killed Sudharmini & her son

D. King hang both Sudharmini & her son

175. 1 pt(s).

How Sudharmini & her son got lives back?

A. Sprinkling sacred water from “Asthi kootam"

B. By giving water from Swami Pushkarini

C. By sprinkling Akasa Ganga water

D. none of the above

176. 1 pt(s).

Brahma gave the boon to demon Simha:dhu. Is it true or false?



177. 1 pt(s).

During Demon Simha:dhu which king was ruling?

A. King Chakaravarthy

B. King Krimikanta

C. King Janaka Chakravarthy

D. King Yayathi

178. 1 pt(s).

Where Demon Simha:dhu performed penance?

A. Himalaya Mountains

B. Near footsteps of Venkatachalam

C. Near Papanasanam

D. Manasa Sarovar

179. 1 pt(s).

What boon Brahma grants to Demon Simha:dhu?

A. Should not be feared by any demigods

B. Provided with Brahmastram

C. Provided Liberation (Moksham)

D. No death

180. 1 pt(s).

What happened when demon Simha:dha: started harassing and troubling the demigods, Kings, Sages

and other human beings?

A. Demigods went to Lord Venkatesa for the protection

B. Bhagavad Ramanuja resolves issue

C. King Chakravarthy puts him into Jail

D. None of the above

181. Where is kalahasti located?

1 pt(s).

A. Western side of the river Suvarnamuki

B. Near Varanasi

C. On the Venkatachalam Mountain

D. Near Akasha Ganga

182. 1 pt(s).

What place was ruled by King Chakravarthi?

A. Kalahasthi

B. Venkatachalam

C. Varanasi

D. Chola Desam

183. 1 pt(s).

Demon Simha:dha: was helped by how many other cruel demons?

A. Six

B. Seven

C. Three

D. Ten

184. 1 pt(s).

Demon Simha:dha: was helped by other cruel demons. What is their dynasty?

A. Ba:nu dynasty

B. Yedu dynasty

C. Demons belong to both above dynasty

D. None of the above

185. 1 pt(s).

What was suggested by Lord Srinivasa to demi-gods to get protection from demon Simha:dha:?

A. Lord Srinivas orders the demi-gods go to King Chakravarthi for help

B. Lord Srinivasa gave them his weapons to demi-gods

C. Lord Srinivasa requested Vishwaksena to help demi-Gods

D. none of the above

186. 1 pt(s).

How many people constitute one Akshouhini?

A. 262440 number of people

B. 100 people

C. A group of people

D. Entire village of Kalahasti

187. 1 pt(s).

How King Chakavarthi kills demon Simha:dha:?

A. Using powerful arrow provided by Lord Srinivasa

B. Using Sudarshana Chakra provided by Lord Srinivasa

C. With Brahmastram provided by Brahma

D. With Vajrayudham provided by Indra

188. 1 pt(s).

What vehicle King Chakavarthi used to kills demon Simha:dha:?

A. Used Peacock. A Vehicle of Kumaraswamy

B. Used an elephant as his vehicle

C. With the help of Indra's Iravatham

D. Used Garuda

189. 1 pt(s).

Who orders Vayu deva to teach Sudarshana shadakshari (6 letters) to King Chakravarthi?

A. Varaha

B. Bramha

C. Srinivasa

D. Indra

190. 1 pt(s).

How many letters are in Sudarshana mantra?

A. 12

B. 8

C. 6

D. 5

191. 1 pt(s).

What message was given by Lord Srinivasa to King after killing demon Simha:da:?

A. Lord Srinivasa blesses the king with all five weapons

B. Lord Srinivasa provides salvation to King Chakaravarthy

C. Lord Srinivasa blesses with Kingdom

D. none of the above

192. 1 pt(s).

What is the significance behind Lord Srinivasa not having weapons for some time in Thretha yuga?

A. Ornaments were stolen

B. Lord Srinivasa decided to give his weapons to King Chakravarthi

C. Lord always had weapons in Tirumala

D. none of the above

193. 1 pt(s).

What is significance of having 4 hands to God?

A. To hold all his 4 ornaments (Ayudhas)

B. Gods uses 2 hands for protection and other 2 hands for punishment

C. To show his power pervades everywhere

D. God uses one hand in each Yuga to bless devotees

194. 1 pt(s).

What is significance of Lord holding Chakra?

A. Shows that Supreme God presence that makes everything move in this world

B. Shows that God is the creator of all that we know and do not know

C. God gives his Chakra to all of his devotees

D. None of the above

195. 1 pt(s).

What is significance of Lord holding Sankha?

A. Shows that Supreme God presence that makes everything move in this world

B. Shows that God is the creator of all that we know and do not know

C. God gives his Chakra to all of his devotees

D. none of the above

196. 1 pt(s).

What experiment was performed by Sri: Bhagavad Ra:ma:nuja to prove the Lord standing in

Venkatachalam is nothing but Supreme?

A. Conducted an experiment with Ayudhas of Supreme God

B. Took help from his teacher Peria Tirumala Nambi

C. Bhagavad Ramanuja never proved that Lord in Venkatachalam is Srinivasa

D. Bhagavad Ramanuja performed penance in Venkatachalam

197. 1 pt(s).

Which of the following is true about greatness of Sri Ve:nkata:chalam mountain?

A. Any person who takes bath in this pond and prays Lord Venkateshwara will achieve salvation

B. Venkatachalam mountain grants all the happiness in this world and lead one to eventual salvation

C. Swami Pushkarani will grant all the happiness in this world and lead one to eventual salvation

D. All of the above

198. 1 pt(s).

Who orders Vayu deva to teach Sudarshana shadakshari (6 letters) to King Chakravarthi?

A. Indra

B. Bhagavad Ramanuja

C. Bramha

D. Lord Srinivasa

199. 1 pt(s).

Who is father of Kuma:ra Swa:my?

A. Rudra

B. Bramha

C. Indra

D. Agastya

200. 1 pt(s).

How Kuma:ra Swa:my incurred a sin of Bramha Hathya pa:thakam?

A. By killing Hiranyaksha

B. By killing Tarakasura

C. By killing Demon Simhada

D. By killing Demon Kesari

201. 1 pt(s).

How Kuma:ra Swa:my got rid of a sin of Bramha Hathya pa:thakam?

A. By visiting & doing penance at Sri Kalahasti

B. By visiting & doing penance at Venkatachalam

C. By visiting & doing penance at Kedari

D. By visiting & doing penance at Kasi

202. Following is not a waterbodies (thi:rtha) in Ve:nkatachalam?

1 pt(s).

A. Kaveri

B. Pa:pana:sanam

C. Na:ga thi:rtham,

D. Bilwa thi:rtham,

203. 1 pt(s).

Lord Srinivasa resides on the bank of what thi:rtha?

A. Pa:pana:sanam

B. Na:ga thi:rtham

C. Swamy Pushkarini

D. Bilwa thi:rtham

204. 1 pt(s).

What advice was given by Lord Sankara to Kuma:ra Swa:my ?

A. Perform penance by chanting – om sri venkatesaya namaha

B. Perform penance by chanting – om Namo Vasudevayanamaha

C. Perform penance by chanting – om Namo Narayana

D. Lord Sankara not given any advice to Kuma:ra Swa:my

205. 1 pt(s).

Is Vrushadri & Kula:chala are same?



206. 1 pt(s).

Who is the father of Vrushadri?

A. Mount Meru

B. Mount Manu

C. Parvatha raju - Dakshudu

D. Indra

207. 1 pt(s).

Who is the son of Mount Meru?

A. God of wind

B. Anjaneya

C. Viswaksena

D. Vrushadri

208. 1 pt(s).

Who had an argument and resulted in displacement of Vrushabadri mountain to the south?

A. Adishesha and Vayu

B. Mount Meru and Manu

C. Indra and Brahma

D. King Chakravarthy and Krushna Swamy

209. 1 pt(s).

Following people worshipped or prayed Venkatachala mountain?

A. Bhrugu Maharshi

B. Prahlada

C. King Ambika

D. All of the above

210. 1 pt(s).

Is Venkatachala Mountain considered as body of Lord Vishnu himself by devotees?



211. 1 pt(s).

Is Venkatachala mountain is also known as Varaha Kshe:tra?



212. 1 pt(s).

Kings/Rulers please the following God in Venkatachalam to rule the kingdom forever?

A. Lord Varaha Swamy & Bhudevi

B. Lord Srinivasa & Padmavathi

C. Lord Narsimha Swamy & Lakshmi Devi

D. none of the above

213. 1 pt(s).

How mountain got the name Vrusha:dri?

A. Prudhu chakravarthy Manu performed penance in Venkatachalam

B. Because Dharmaru:pa Manu performed penance in Venkatachalam

C. Vaivaswatha Manu performed penance in Venkatachalam

D. Vrushabhasura requested Lord Srimannaryana to grant Vrusha:dri name to Venkatachalam

214. 1 pt(s).

What is the other name of Dharmaru:pa Manu?

A. Indra

B. Vrusha

C. Vaivaswatha Manu

D. Kapila

215. 1 pt(s).

Who gives Vrusha:dri name to Venkatachalam?

A. Varaha Swamy

B. Lord Sri:niva:sa

C. Indra

D. Bramha

216. 1 pt(s).

What mantra used by wind God for meditation to see Lord Srimannarayana?

A. Taraka Mantra

B. Asthakshari

C. Dwadasa Namam (12 syllable word)

D. Shatakshari

217. 1 pt(s).

Who is the father of Sati Devi?

A. Parvatha Raju

B. Daksha Prajapathi

C. King Chakravarthy

D. Bruhaspathi

218. 1 pt(s).

What powerful Vishnu mantra was taught by Sankara to Kumara Swamy to attain God's grace?

A. Taraka Mantra

B. Asthakshari

C. dasa Namam (12 syllable word)

D. DwaShatakshari

219. 1 pt(s).

How Sati Devi died?

A. King Chakravarthy killed her

B. She died herself because of insult

C. Sankara killed her

D. Kumara Swamy killed Sati Devi

220. 1 pt(s).

Who gave boon to Tarakasura?

A. Brahma

B. Shiva

C. Kumara Swamy

D. Indra

221. 1 pt(s).

What boon was given by Brahma to Tarakasura?

A. No one except Lord Srimannaryana could kill him

B. No one except the son of Iswara could kill him.

C. No one except Lord Indra could kill him

D. none of the above

222. 1 pt(s).

Does Sati Devi take rebirth?



223. 1 pt(s).

Who is the father of Parvati?

A. Parvatharaja

B. Daksha Prajapathi

C. King Chakravarthy

D. Bruhaspathi

224. 1 pt(s).

How Manmadha gets his life back?

A. Parvathi pleases Sankara to give life to Manmadha

B. Lord Srinivasa requested Viswaksena to give life to Manmadha

C. King Chakravarthy requested lord

D. Srinivasa to give life to Manmadha

225. 1 pt(s).

Who saved mother Earth from the trouble created by Sankara?

A. Wind god

B. Fire god

C. Brahma

D. Lord Srinivasa

226. 1 pt(s).

Following is one of the significance praying Fire God?

A. Whoever prays to Agni with devotion will be blessed with sons

B. Kings/Rulers please Agni to rule the kingdom forever

C. Anjaneya received his power by praying to Agni

D. Agni given life back to Manmadha

227. 1 pt(s).

What curse was given by Parvathi to Wind God?

A. Parvathi cursed Wind god that his wife would never get children

B. Parvathi cursed Wind god that he will taken to neither world for 1000 years

C. Parvathi cursed Wind god that he will suffer from not having Kingdom

D. None of the above

228. The following given boon to Kumara Swamy?

1 pt(s).

A. Lord Vishnu,

B. Four faced Bramha

C. Rudra

D. All of the above

229. 1 pt(s).

Following is the correct way to describe Kumara Swamy?

A. A great peacock rider

B. Performed penance in Venkatachalam to get rid of Brahma Hatya Pathakam

C. Killed Tarakasura

D. All of the above

230. 1 pt(s).

Is Kumara Swamy grown is mother womb?



231. 1 pt(s).

Where Kaala Chakara performs penance on Venkatacham?

A. At Chakra Thirtha

B. At Swamy Pushkarini

C. At Papa Vinashanam

D. At kapila Thirtham

232. 1 pt(s).

What weapon of Lord Narayana destroyed the city Kasi?

A. Sanku

B. Chakra

C. Bow

D. dgam

233. 1 pt(s).

Why Chakra weapon destroyed the city Kasi?

A. Demons occupied Kasi city

B. Based on request from Lord Siva requested Supreme Srimannarayana

C. Kumara Swamy distriying while killing Tarakasura

D. Agni God fired the city with anger

234. 1 pt(s).

How Siva obtained Kaala Chakra from Lord Narayana?

A. Brhama requested Lord Narayana to give Kaala Chakra to Siva

B. Kumara swamy obtained Kaala Chakra and given to Siva to protect the world

C. By doing a penance on Lord Narayana

D. None of the above

235. 1 pt(s).

Is Kapila Thirtham & Chakra Thirtham are same?



236. 1 pt(s).

How Kapila Thirtham got its name?

A. Sage Kapila performed penance at Kapila Thirtham

B. Kapila taught kantya yogam to his mother at Kapila Thirtham

C. Kapila born at Kapila Thirtham

D. Because great Sage Kapila used the water

237. 1 pt(s).

Who is Sage Kapila?

A. Another incarnation of Supreme Narayana

B. He is none other than four headed Brahma

C. He is another incarnation of Lord Siva

D. Disciple of Agastya

238. 1 pt(s).

Is Chakra Thi:rtha is located above Vajra Thi:rtha ?



239. 1 pt(s).

Who is Suvarchala ?

A. Suvarchala is none other than Kuntala apsara

B. Mother of Viswaksena

C. both a and b

D. none of the above

240. 1 pt(s).

Who is father of Suvarchala ?

A. Virabahu

B. Vrusha

C. Viswaksena

D. Wind God

241. 1 pt(s).

Who cursed Kuntala?

A. Durvasa muni

B. Agastya

C. Sage Kapila

D. Vrusha

242. 1 pt(s).

Who is the husband of Suvarchala?

A. Bhadra

B. Dharma

C. Wind God

D. Fire God

243. 1 pt(s).

Who granted the son to Suvarchala?

A. Varuna deva

B. Wind God

C. Fire God

D. Bhadra

244. 1 pt(s).

Who is the father of Vishwaksena?

A. Varuna deva

B. Dharma

C. Wind God

D. Fire God

245. 1 pt(s).

What is birth star of Vishwaksena?

A. Pushya

B. Punarvasu

C. Shravanam

D. rohini

246. 1 pt(s).

The following is teacher of Vishwaksena?

A. Sage Kashyapa

B. Sage Agstya

C. Varuna Deva

D. Vrusha

247. 1 pt(s).

Where Vishwaksena performed penance?

A. In a forest near Sri kala hasti

B. On Vrusha:dri

C. At the bank of river Ganga

D. In Indra Loka

248. 1 pt(s).

What boon was given by Lord Srimannaryana to Vishwaksena?

A. Become the army chief of Lord Srimannarayana

B. Blessed with a divine form similar to Lord Narayana

C. both a and b

D. Lord Srimannaryana has not given boon to Viswaksena

249. 1 pt(s).

Who is commander of chief for Lord Srimannaryana?

A. Vishwaksena

B. Vinayaka

C. Kumara Swamy

D. Lord Brahma

250. 1 pt(s).

Is Vishwaksena birth is based on Karma?



251. 1 pt(s).

How many lakes are present near Vishwakse:na’s ashram on Venkatachalam?

A. Five holy lakes

B. Seventeen holy lakes

C. Eight holy lakes

D. Nine holy lakes

252. 1 pt(s).

The lakes close by Vishwakse:na’s ashram are protected by the following?

A. Protected by the pancha:yudhas of Lord Srimannarayana

B. Sage Kapila protects all of them

C. Bhagad Ramanuja appointed his disciple Anantha alwan to take care these five lakes

D. Agnihotra takes care of these five lakes based on command from Lord Srimannaryana

253. 1 pt(s).

One can get rid of sins by doing following?

A. One could get rid of sins by taking a dip in the holy pond or by chanting the name of the thirthas

B. By taking a sip of water from the ponds and remembering the greatness of the history of the ponds.

C. both a and b

D. none of the above

254. Where saptharshis' (seven rushis) asramams located on Venkatachalam?

1 pt(s).

A. On top of Bramha sarovar

B. On top of Mansa sarovar

C. Near Sarayu Nadi

D. Near Brhma lokam

255. 1 pt(s).

Is Holy Brahma pond is located on Venkatachalam?



256. 1 pt(s).

Following statement is true about the ponds located located on Venkatachalam?

A. Each of the seventeen thi:rtha:s have the power of eradicating sins

B. One could get rid of sins by taking a dip in the holy pond or by chanting the name of the thirthas

C. By taking a sip of water from the ponds and remembering the greatness of the history of the ponds.

D. All of the above

257. 1 pt(s).

How Kapila Maharshi used to do abhishekam to Kapila lingam?

A. With the milk of kamadhenu

B. With holy water from Swamy Pushkarini

C. By killing animals

D. None of the above

258. 1 pt(s).

Following is true about Kapila lingam?

A. Sage Kapila had kapila lingam in the patala lokam

B. Kapila lingam followed Kamadhenu 's order and it never grew after that.

C. Kapila lingam looked scary with five faces 3 eyes and with five different colors in it.

D. All of the above

259. 1 pt(s).

Does Kapila lingam existed in all Yugas?



260. 1 pt(s).

What is the name of pushkarini in front of Kapila lingam?

A. Kaapilam

B. Swamy Pushakarini

C. Papa Vinashanam

D. Brahma Thirtham

261. 1 pt(s).

Kaapilam shows the way to reach Kapila maharshi ashramam in pa:thalam. Is it true?



262. 1 pt(s).

Following is true about the thirthas on Venkatachalam?

A. Just by seeing this lake men and women are rewarded the heaven.

B. People will get rid of death and old age by just taking bath in it.

C. Chanting their names removes Sin

D. All of the above

263. The one who performs the ya:gam of Va:jape:ya will have rebirths but one who takes bath in this lake

will never be re-born. Is this true statement?

1 pt(s).



264. 1 pt(s).

Following is true Comparison between Vishwakse:na kunda & Vajra Thirtham?

A. Who takes the bath in Vajra thi:rtham which is situated on top of this will get the punyam 10 times

greater and then goes to deva lokam.

B. Vishwaksena kunda gives hundred times more result compared to Vajra thirtham

C. both a and b

D. none of the above

265. 1 pt(s).

How many years Vayudeva performed penance on Venkatachalam?

A. 1000 years

B. 100 years

C. 1 Year

D. 10 years

266. 1 pt(s).

Vayu Deva praised Lord Srimannaryana in how many slokas when Lord appeared to him?

A. 20 Slokas

B. 100 Slokas

C. 64 Slokas

D. 8 Slokas

267. 1 pt(s).

What did Vayu Deva requested Lord Srimannaryana when Lord appeared to him?

A. Prayed to be in the Lord’s supreme presence always

B. Requested Lord Srimannaryana's Chakra

C. Requested to protect Krushna Swamy family from his mistake

D. none of the above

268. 1 pt(s).

Lord Srimannaryana blessed vayu deva in the following manner?

A. Whoever chants the sixty four slo:kas you sang now will get my grace and will have all the

prosperity in this world and other worlds

B. Whoever chants these sixty four slokas with a peaceful mind and devotion, three times a day for six

months will surely reach my abode.

C. Whoever chants these slokas, will have all their wishes fulfilled.

D. All of the above

269. 1 pt(s).

After receiving boon from Lord Srinivasa, where did Vayu Deva departed?

A. Va:yudeva left for heaven

B. Va:yudeva left for Brahma lokam

C. Va:yudeva left for Vishnu lokam

D. Va:yudeva left for Venkatachalam

270. 1 pt(s).

Where Kumara Swamy performed penance?

A. On the bank of Swamy Pushkarini

B. On the bank of Kumaradharika

C. On the bank of Papa Vinasham

D. On the bank of Akasa ganaga

271. 1 pt(s).

Where Garuda stays in Venkatachalam?

A. Southern part of the mountain

B. East of the mountain

C. North East of Mountain

D. South East of Mountain

272. 1 pt(s).

Is Venkatachalam known with a different name in each Yuga?



273. 1 pt(s).

What is name of Venkatachalam in Krutha Yuga?

A. Garuda:chala

B. Vru:shadri

C. Se:shadri

D. Ve:nkata:chala

274. 1 pt(s).

What is name of Venkatachalam in Thre:tha Yuga?

A. Garuda:chala

B. Vru:shadri

C. Se:shadri

D. Ve:nkata:chala

275. 1 pt(s).

What is name of Venkatachalam in Dwa:para Yuga?

A. Garuda:chala

B. Vru:shadri

C. Se:shadri

D. Ve:nkata:chala

276. 1 pt(s).

What is name of Venkatachalam in Kali Yuga?

A. Garuda:chala

B. Vru:shadri

C. Se:shadri

D. Ve:nkata:chala

277. 1 pt(s).

Venkatachalam is known as 'VEnkatachalam' in all Yugas. Is it true?



278. 1 pt(s).

Where Sankara & Parvathi stayed on Venkatachalam?

A. On the banks of Lake Kapila Thir:tha

B. On the banks of Lake Vishnu Thir:tha

C. On the banks of Lake Kumara Thir:tha

D. On the banks of Lake Swamy Thir:tha

279. 1 pt(s).

Where Sankara & Parvathi took holy dip on Venkatachalam?

A. Swamy Pushkanrini

B. Asthikutam

C. Padma Sarovar

D. Kumara Thirtham

280. Following is correct about Asthi Kutam?

1 pt(s).

A. Dead person would regain their original form upon mixing ashes

B. Sankara & Parvathi took holy dip in Asthi Kutam

C. Both of the above

D. None of the above

281. 1 pt(s).

What yaga was performed by King Janaka?

A. Aswamedha yagam

B. Putra kamisti yagam

C. Varuna yagam

D. Sree Yagam

282. 1 pt(s).

Who explained the story of Venkatachalam to King Janaka and other sages came for Yaga?

A. Vamadeva

B. Vamana

C. Trivikrama

D. Agasya

283. 1 pt(s).

Where Sage Narada performed penance for Lord Srimannarayana?

A. On the banks of Godavari

B. On the banks of Swamy Pushkarini

C. On the banks of Akasa Ganga

D. On the banks of Papa vinashanam

284. 1 pt(s).

Is Brahma lokam & Satya lokam are same?



285. 1 pt(s).

Who is the father of Sage Narada?

A. Sanaka

B. Indra

C. Brahma

D. Siva

286. 1 pt(s).

Sage Narada could able to have darshan of Lord Srimannaryana in milky ocean?



287. 1 pt(s).

How Sage Narada could able to visit Venkatachalam for the darshan of Lord Srimannaryana?

A. Lord Srimannaryana told in his dream to visit Venkatachalam

B. Brahma told him that Lord Srimannaryana is in Vaikuntam

C. By doing penance in Venkatachalam

D. Brahma told him that Lord Srimannaryana is in Venkatachalam

288. 1 pt(s).

Is Padma Sarovaram is located in Venkatachalam?



289. Padma Sarovaram is sporting place for Lord Srimannaryana. Is it true or false?

1 pt(s).



290. 1 pt(s).

Why Srimannaryana is called Purana Purusha?

A. He is present even before the manifestation of this entire world

B. Because he is created the entire universe

C. Because he is Kali yuga daivam

D. Because he is Srimannarayana is in Venkatachalam

291. 1 pt(s).

When Agasthya was traveling on Venkatachalam, what was witnessed by Agasthya?

A. Agasthya witnessed Sachidevi's husband meditating at the base of the tree

B. Agasthya saw Indra being served by great demi gods.

C. De:vatha:s meditating on Simha:dri for Srimannarayana

D. All of the above

292. 1 pt(s).

Did Sankara meditate for Lord Srimannaryana on Venkatachalam?



293. 1 pt(s).

What is the reason for Lord Sankara's meditation on Venkatachalam?

A. For Lord Srimannarayana's darshan

B. To have children

C. To go to Vaikuntam

D. None of the above

294. 1 pt(s).

Who are Nityasuris?

A. Nityasuris are the eternal members at the paramapadam

B. Nityasuris are 5 in number

C. Nityasuris none other than Saptarushis

D. All of the above

295. 1 pt(s).

Sage Agastya had darshan of the following when he is roaming on Venkatachalam?

A. Viswaksena

B. Sankara

C. Indra & Demi Gods

D. All of the above

296. 1 pt(s).

The following is true about sashtanga namaskara?

A. In which the 8 key parts of the body touch the earth

B. Joining your hands and doing namaskaram

C. Recommended posture for doing penance

D. Doing namaskaram in Padmasan

297. 1 pt(s).

What is most devine thirtham on Venkatachalam?

A. Viraja River

B. Swami Pushkarini

C. Akasa ganga

D. Papa Vinasanam

298. 1 pt(s).

What was ruled by King Sankha?

A. Shatrupura

B. Venkatachalam

C. Sri Kalahasti

D. Janaka Puri

299. 1 pt(s).

King Sankha can be compared with the following for his qualities?

A. Prahalada

B. King Chakravarthi

C. Viswaksena

D. Kasyapa

300. 1 pt(s).

King Sankha performed following Yagna for Lord Srimannaryana?

A. Sree Yagam

B. Ashwamedha Yajna

C. Putrakamisti yagam

D. Varuna yagam

301. 1 pt(s).

Who adviced King Sankha to perform penance on the bank of Swami Pushkarini?

A. King Chakravarthi

B. Lord Srimannaryana

C. Viswaksena

D. Kasyapa

302. How many years King Sankha performed penance on Narayanadri?

1 pt(s).

A. 100

B. 1

C. 1000

D. 10

303. 1 pt(s).

Who is guru of devatas?

A. Bruhaspathi

B. Indra

C. Brahma

D. Sukracharya

304. 1 pt(s).

Who is guru of raakshasa?

A. Bruhaspathi

B. Indra

C. Brahma

D. Sukracharya

305. 1 pt(s).

Does Bruhaspathi and Shukracha:rya came to Venkatachalam for Darshan of Lord Srimannaryana?



306. 1 pt(s).

Who cursed King Uparichara Vasuvu to go pathala lokam?

A. Brahmins

B. Munis

C. Rushis

D. none of the above

307. 1 pt(s).

King Uparichara Vasuvu prayed lord narayana with what mantra?

A. Astakshari

B. Shatashari

C. Dwadashakshari

D. Panchakshari

308. 1 pt(s).

King Uparichara Vasuvu was protected by what weapon of lord narayana in pathala lokam?

A. Sudarsana Chakra

B. Sankam

C. Kadgam

D. Gada

309. 1 pt(s).

The following is dwadashakshari?

A. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

B. Om Vishnave Namaha

C. Jai Srimannaryana

D. Om Narayanayanamaha

310. 1 pt(s).

How King Uparichara Vasuvu came back to earth?

A. Garuda brought him back

B. Viswaksena brought him back on his shoulders

C. Anjaneya helped him

D. none of the above

311. 1 pt(s).

Is Vinathanandana nothing but Garuda?



312. 1 pt(s).

Does three brothers named Devajith, Mruthyujith and Shathrujith are in the lineage of Hiranyaksha?



313. 1 pt(s).

What weapon was used by Viswaksena to kill three brothers named Devajith, Mruthyujith and


A. Sudarshana Chakram

B. Brahmastram

C. Narayanastra

D. Vajrayudham

314. 1 pt(s).

Following are ministers in Viswaksena battalion?

A. Ka:lagni

B. Medha:vi

C. Both

D. None

315. 1 pt(s).

Did Ramanuja leran secrets of Ramayana from Peria Tirumala Nambi ?



316. 1 pt(s).

Ramanuja leraned secrets of Ramayana from the following teacher?

A. King Chakravarthi

B. Anantha alwan

C. Kurattalwan

D. Peria Tirumalai Nambi

317. 1 pt(s).

How many times ramanuja & Peria tirumala Nambi had discussion about Ramayana?

A. 1

B. 18

C. 16

D. 15

318. 1 pt(s).

Where Ramanuja leraned secrets of Ramayana from the his teacher ?

A. On the footsteps of Venkatachalam

B. In Govindaraja temple

C. In Sri Rangam

D. In Melkote

319. 1 pt(s).

Following is definition of Pada padi ?

A. Where King Chakravarthi had darsan of Lord Srinivasa

B. Where Bhagavad Ramanuja discovered Lord’s footsteps

C. Place where Kumaraswamy performed penance

D. Discovered by Sage Agastya under a tall Maddi tree

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