Jeanne d'Arc Living Magazine - ISSUE 3 (2012) Spring with GREAT Expectations

SPRING with GREAT Expectations... Focus: Springtime Parties Perfect Petunias Wonderful Recipes Tiaras Giſts you can make yourself Read about Vintage Style Visit Maria’s Home and much more.... The Jeanne d’Arc Living Lifestyle in a Class of its Own magazine J eanne d’Arc Living 3. Edition 2012 9,95 € 13,95 $ The WITHOUT ADVERTISEMENTS


This is a free sample of Jeanne d'Arc Living Magazine issue "ISSUE 3 (2012) Spring with GREAT Expectations" Download full version from: Apple App Store: Google Play Store: Magazine Description: The Jeanne d’Arc Living Magazine is a 95% advertisement free monthly lifestyle magazine filled with creative DIY ideas, simple recipes, captivating articles and beautiful photography of inspiring homes, vintage flea market décor and crafts, nostalgic European garden designs and flower arrangements – all in the Nordic country decorating style. You can build your own iPad and Android app at

Transcript of Jeanne d'Arc Living Magazine - ISSUE 3 (2012) Spring with GREAT Expectations

Page 1: Jeanne d'Arc Living Magazine - ISSUE 3 (2012) Spring with GREAT Expectations

SPRINGwith GREAT Expectations...

Focus: Springtime Parties

• Perfect Petunias• Wonderful Recipes • Tiaras• Gi� s you can make

yourself• Read about Vintage Style• Visit Maria’s Home and

much more....

The Jeanne d’Arc L

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L ifest y le i n a C lass of it s Own

magazineJeanne d’Arc Living

3. Edition 20129,95 €

13,95 $



Page 2: Jeanne d'Arc Living Magazine - ISSUE 3 (2012) Spring with GREAT Expectations

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Jeanne d’Arc Living

Page 3: Jeanne d'Arc Living Magazine - ISSUE 3 (2012) Spring with GREAT Expectations

dear reader,It is a wonderful and incredible world in which we live. during this

time of the year nature truly wakes up from its hibernation. The power

of the sun makes the plants sprout and grow. The birds are singing

again. What before seemed dull and dead has now suddenly awoken

and come to life. We can feel the rays of the sun poke our pale faces

and fi ll us with energy and positive thoughts.

Each year when the fi rst genuinely good gardens days come, we rush

outside and slave away in the yard. It usually results in aches and pains

in our whole body, which is not accustomed to such physical work

for so many hours. This year I will remember to take it easy in the

beginning so that my body gets used to it.

Personally, I enjoy these days very much, when I can sit down on my

steps with a blanket and simply feel the warmth of the sun on my face.

I close my eyes and enjoy the perfumes in the air. It is a moment of

pleasure. It is even more pleasurable if you take a moment and think

about it. It can come in a fl ash when you least expect it, and disappear

again as fast as it came. The older I get and the more I think about

life and how fl eeting everything is, the more attentive I become at

enjoying these moments of pleasure.

Therefore there are even more reasons to sit under the apple trees, in

the garden or in a park and simply enjoy the awakening of nature. In

this issue of the magazine we focus on the many festivities of spring.

There are many of you readers, who have requested this. The ideas

can be used for all kinds of festivities.


lonnie and Vivian

If you have questions, ideas, pros or cons, then write

to the magazine or meet us on our Facebook page.

Here you can get an idea of life behind

the scenes at Jeanne d’Arc living.

Page 4: Jeanne d'Arc Living Magazine - ISSUE 3 (2012) Spring with GREAT Expectations


Page 4. Fruit Trees in Bloom

Page 12. Vintage style with a Personal Touch Page 24. Mustard - A Tasteful Experience

Page 30. Tiaras - A Hot Trend - And you Can do It yourself

Page 35. susan Kennewell and her Fantastic embroidery

Page 41. maria’s Home

Page 56. daisies - The national Flower for all of denmark

Page 62. Cooking with Chevre


Jeanne d’Arc Living Nr. 3 - 2012 Published by Jeanne d’Arc living

Graphics & Layout:

lonnie Würtz Jensen & Helle routhe

Flower Arrangers:

susanne sølvsten & lonnie Würtz Jensen

Photography & Styling:

lonnie Würtz Jensen & dorte Palsgaard

Text & Styling:

Vivian Christensen & susanne sølvsten


ole sørensen & Jan rasmussen

Chief Editors:

Vivian Christensen

mail: [email protected]

lonnie Würtz Jensen

mail: [email protected]


Jeanne d’Arc living Aps

Houmarksvej 92, Kondrup

8920 randers nV, denmark

Tlf: +45 36932010

mail: [email protected]


Page 5: Jeanne d'Arc Living Magazine - ISSUE 3 (2012) Spring with GREAT Expectations

Page 68. ole the Handymand

Page 71. A new House with soul

Page 91. The Party-rites of spring

Page 92. Party in the outbuilding

Page 96. Thrifty Party Trappings

Page 102. Cakes for Festive occasions

Page 113. Congratulations!

Page 122. A summerhouse From days gone By

Page 138. Perfect Petunias

mos Jul

The editorial offi ce disclaims all liability for possible errors just as it is not liable for errors in recipes, instructions or the like. since the magazine is old in many countries throughout the world, the editorial offi ce cannot be held liable for any local or national rules and laws in the given countries. The reader must consult with the local authorities. Articles and pictures in The Jeanne d’Arc living magazine may not be used in sales activities without further permission. lending and renting of The Jeanne d’Arc living Magazine for profi t is in no way permitted. The editorial offi ce waives all responsibility for material, articles and objects, which are submitted without invitation.

Distribution:The magazine is sold through arts and crafts, fl ower and lifestyle shops. A list of our dealers is found on your website under the “magazine” tab. If you wish to sell the magazine in your shop, contact [email protected]. The magazine is also sold through Interpress’ dealers in denmark and sweden.

Translation to Swedish, English,

Dutch & German:

Oversættelse til Norsk:

Janne loga sandberg,

[email protected]


Page 6: Jeanne d'Arc Living Magazine - ISSUE 3 (2012) Spring with GREAT Expectations

Fruit Trees FruIT Trees In Bloom

Fruit Trees inBloom



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Page 7: Jeanne d'Arc Living Magazine - ISSUE 3 (2012) Spring with GREAT Expectations

We are incredibly fortunate here in denmark because of the fantastic natural variation of the seasons. We are surrounded by ocean on all sides and we also have forests, moors, lakes and streams, which contribute in each their own way to a rich and abundant fl ora. The seasons in Denmark are very different and each has fabulous qualities.

summers are green and alive, while the evenings are long and light. only rarely does it get suffi ciently hot for grass and fl owers to singe from the sun. rain is no seldom visitor during summer in denmark and for this reason everything stays green and lush.

Autumn has its charms with dead leaves in red, orange and yellow hues. The woods look almost on fi re. The days can still be mild and they invite nature treks, where the last perfumes of the summer fl owers can be inhaled.

Winter in denmark can be a rather cold affair. Temperatures can drop to well below freezing and blizzards can shut down all traffi c, close schools and keep people indoors for days on end. This is great for the children, as they get a day off playing on the slopes with their sleds.

But out of all the seasons, the one that we always welcome above all others is spring. Spring in Denmark must be experienced fi rst hand. Spring is a welcomed guest after a winter, which often times has been long. It seems as if spring has been playing hide and seek and suddenly the snow has melted and a fabulous fl ora erupts from the hard ground. The forest fl oors are blooming with anemones and private gardens abound with tulips, easter lilies and other colourful bulb fl owers. The beech trees come into leaf, all crisp, pretty and bright green, harbouring the promise of lighter days ahead. Another sure sign that spring has arrived are the many fruit trees in full fl ower, such as apple, pear, cherry and plum. And all carry lovely blooms in white or a delicate shade of pink.

FruIT Trees In Bloom


Page 8: Jeanne d'Arc Living Magazine - ISSUE 3 (2012) Spring with GREAT Expectations

It is our good fortune to be surrounded by fruit trees. This lead to an outdoor fruit-tree-day: the first day of spring, where we could walk barefoot in sandals. The blooms do not last terribly long once they have been cut, but what does that matter when there is an abundance of them? We dragged our lawn furniture out of winter hibernation, dusted it off and filled it with soft cushions and blankets. We shopped a spring layer cake at the local bakery: a meringue-coffee fantasy, which was the perfect indulgence in these surroundings.

Simple and EvocativeClusters of flower are a super quick way of setting a mood. Fill a dish or a centrepiece up with water and let the small flowers float. Cut the flower branches to the desired length and fill up a basket or a pitcher. Here, a flower cluster has been added to each plate as a nice floral place setting, while the chandelier-arms have been fitted with little branches full of blooms. These are the rites of spring.

FruIT Trees In Bloom 6

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FruIT Trees In Bloom 7