Jay Feuquay, USGS Ted Hammer, NASA Stan Schneider, NASA/NPOESS ASPRS Conference Baltimore MD

Jay Feuquay, USGS Ted Hammer, NASA Stan Schneider, NASA/NPOESS ASPRS Conference Baltimore MD 10 March 2005 1986 1997 100 km Landsat Data Continuity Briefing Deforestation: Amazon Courtesy TRFIC–MSU, Houghton et al, 2000.


1986. 100 km. 1997. Landsat Data Continuity Briefing. Jay Feuquay, USGS Ted Hammer, NASA Stan Schneider, NASA/NPOESS ASPRS Conference Baltimore MD 10 March 2005. Deforestation: Amazon. Courtesy TRFIC–MSU, Houghton et al, 2000. Agenda. Background Landsat Overview - L5/L7 Status - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Jay Feuquay, USGS Ted Hammer, NASA Stan Schneider, NASA/NPOESS ASPRS Conference Baltimore MD

Page 1: Jay Feuquay, USGS Ted Hammer, NASA Stan Schneider, NASA/NPOESS ASPRS Conference Baltimore MD

Jay Feuquay, USGS

Ted Hammer, NASA

Stan Schneider, NASA/NPOESS

ASPRS ConferenceBaltimore MD

10 March 2005



100 km

Landsat Data Continuity Briefing

Deforestation: AmazonCourtesy TRFIC–MSU, Houghton et al, 2000.

Page 2: Jay Feuquay, USGS Ted Hammer, NASA Stan Schneider, NASA/NPOESS ASPRS Conference Baltimore MD


• Background

• Landsat Overview - L5/L7 Status

• Interagency Working Group

• Data Continuity Strategy

• Landsat on NPOESS

• Summary


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• “The Secretary of the Interior shall provide for long-term storage, maintenance, and upgrading of a basic, global land remote sensing data set….” P.L. 102-555 Land Remote Sensing Policy Act of 1992

• NASA and DOI/USGS established as Landsat Program Management via Presidential Decision Directive NSTC-3 signed 5/5/94; amended 10/16/00

• NASA built, then launched Landsat 7 in 1999; USGS operates satellite and manages national long-term satellite data archive

• Over 250 Landsat 7 scenes (nearly 8 million square kilometers) obtained per day by USGS

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Background, con’t.• NASA and USGS develop a schedule for seasonal, global coverage, ensuring

archive imagery for long-term land-cover record and before/after imagery of floods, forest fires, hurricanes, etc. anywhere on Earth

Pre Tsunami Post Tsunami Population Impact

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Landsat Archive33 Years and Counting:

• Over 1.7 million Landsat scenes

• Over 630 terabytes of data

Note: terabyte = 109 DVD movies

• Grows by over 320 gigabytes/day

Fire History: Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado

Background, con’t.

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Background, con’t.


• spatial resolution 15m, 30m, 90m

2048 km swath

183 kmLandsat

• spatial resolution, 250m, 500m, 1000m

• spatial resolution, 15m, 30m

• global coverage, 2 days

• 16 day orbital repeat• seasonal global coverage

Landsat's Role in Terrestrial Remote Sensing

~ 10 km• spatial resolution ~ 1m • global coverage, decades, if ever

Commercial Systems

ASTER 60 km• 45-60 day orbital repeat• global coverage, years

MISR• spatial resolution, 275m, 550m, 1100m

360 km

• global coverage, 9 days

3300 km swathVIIRS

• spatial resolution, 400/800m (nadir (Vis/IR)) • global coverage, 2x/day/satellite

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Landsat's Role in Terrestrial Remote Sensing

Landsat remote sensing plays an important role in that…• It gives us the "big view“ (183 by 170 km)

• It gives us a consistent, historical context and record

• It provides complete multispectral coverage (visible to infrared)

• It permits us to map geophysical parameters on regional, continental and global scales

• It permits characterization of global land changes

Monitoring of gradual changes in ecosystems requires long-term, scientifically valid satellite coverage -- only Landsat provides that record

Landsat-resolution data are required to:• precisely assess the area(s) affected

• separate human disturbances from those having natural origins

• bridge the gap between field observations and global monitoring

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Landsat Overview - L5/L7 Status

• Landsat 5 and its Thematic Mapper (TM) sensor are 18 years past 3-year design life

• Data transmitted real-time direct downlink only; no onboard payload data recorder

• Full US and partial global coverage

• Fuel depleted in Spring, 2009

• Landsat 7 and its Enhanced Thematic Mapper-Plus (ETM+) sensor surpassed original design life of 5 years on April 15, 2004

• ETM+ scan line corrector (SLC) failure occurred on May 31, 2003

• The Landsat 7 images contain gaps

– USGS developed Gap-Filled products

• May 2004 failure of 1 of 3 gyros; no impact to imaging, but risk to extend operations increased

• Fuel depleted in Spring, 2010

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Landsat 7 Merged-Scene Product

Post-anomalyLandsat 7 image

Gaps filled withnext image of same site

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Approach:• NASA engineers in consultation with USGS Flight Operations Team conducted a risk


• Used developer’s reliability analysis as a baseline

• Analyzed gyroscopes from the same manufacturer as those on Landsat 7 (L7) analyzed

Results:• The predominant reliability drivers are the gyros

• Probability of L7 success decreases to 60% by second quarter CY 2005

• Probability of L7 success in mid 2010 (approximate time of Landsat 7 End-of-Fuel) is very low ~1%; probability of failure is ~ 99%

Risk of Landsat 7 Failure

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Landsat Data Gap Study Team

NASA, USGS and Landsat user community representatives formed as team

• Objective: Recommend options, using existing and near-term capabilities (not a gap filler mission), to populate the National Satellite Land Remote Sensing Data Archive with science-quality data for land use/land cover change

• Process: Identify needs, identify existing and near term capabilities, compare, synthesize methodologies, identify resources for implementation

• Constraints and Assumptions– Focus on data acquisition solutions, NOT spacecraft or mission solutions– Focus on and be consistent with Public Law 102-555– LDCM data specification is a requirement threshold– Though no single or combined data sources will fully meet Landsat continuity needs, team will

recommend what can be done to lessen the impact of a data gap– Assume L7 failure in 2007– L5 limited lifetime and capability– OLI data available 2010

• Some data sources under investigation: ResourceSat-1, DMC, CBERS, SPOT, ASTER, EO-1/ALI, RapidEye

• Team to complete first phase in March 2005

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• Interagency Working Group convened by White House (NSC, OMB, OSTP) after commercial replacement deemed not practical

• Members of LDCM Working Group:– NASA– NOAA – USGS– NGA– NRO

• Process: 6-8 months, examined over one hundred alternatives (e.g., flights of opportunity, dedicated mission) to meet the land imaging requirement

• Final decision is consensus of White House and agencies

LDCM Interagency Working Group

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Landsat Data Continuity Strategy

Memorandum from EOP/OSTP issued August 13, 2004, states that:

• Landsat is a National Asset

• The DoD, Department of the Interior, Department of Commerce and NASA agree to:

– Transition Landsat measurements to an operational environment on the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS)

– Plan to incorporate a Landsat imager (Operational Land Imager – OLI) on the first NPOESS (known as C-1) scheduled for a late 2009 launch date

• This strategy will be justified through the normal budget process

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• Transition of Landsat into a truly operational measurement

• Extension of the Landsat data record past 2020

• Leverage of proposed NPOESS infrastructure

• Benefits derived from combining data from OLI with Visible/Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS):

– Large scale processes of change detected by VIIRS can be more closely analyzed by OLI

– OLI data can be used to better calibrate VIIRS and validate Environmental Data Records (EDRs) derived from VIIRS data conversely VIIRS spectral bands can be used to atmospherically correct OLI data

– Terra (MODIS sensor) and Landsat 7 results have already demonstrated the potential of combining data

OLI/NPOESS Mission Advantages

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• MissionMission

• Provide a national, operational, polar-Provide a national, operational, polar-orbiting remote-sensing capabilityorbiting remote-sensing capability

• Achieve National Performance Review Achieve National Performance Review (NPR) savings by converging DoD and (NPR) savings by converging DoD and NOAA satellite programsNOAA satellite programs

• Incorporate new technologies from NASAIncorporate new technologies from NASA

• Encourage International CooperationEncourage International Cooperation



Specialized SatellitesLocal Equatorial Crossing







NOAA/NASA/DoD Tri-agency Effort to Leverage and Combine Environmental Satellite Activities

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Landsat on NPOESS Notional Location

Operational Land Imager (OLI)

Direction ofMotion


Visible/Infrared Imager RadiometerSuite (VIIRS)

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NPOESS Orbit Is Reasonable Fit for Landsat Mission

Parameter Landsat NPOESS

Orbital Altitude 705 km (438 miles) 828 km (517 miles)

Type Sun synchronous, 980 inclination Sun synchronous, 980 inclination

Equatorial crossing time 10 am +/- 15 min, descending 930 am +/- 10 min, descending (2130 ascending)

Repeating Ground Track period 16 days 17 days

Landsat Worldwide Reference System

57,784 standard scene blocks, each 115 miles (183 km) wide by 106 miles (170 km) long, each taken at least 2x per year

-NPOESS can meet this requirement via synthesis of scenes- Non-standard scene blocks can be collected since sensor is always on

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OLI on NPOESS Space Segment• NASA and NOAA/Integrated Program Office (IPO) technical team working

together to address detailed technical requirements, specifically to:

– Support OLI Request for Proposal (RFP)

– Finalize location on NPOESS spacecraft

– Conduct trade analyses for interface

– Refine definition of spacecraft bus and operations modifications

– Define testing approach

– Develop Interface Control and Requirements Documents

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OLI/NPOESS Concept of OperationsNPOESS SafetyNet Architecture

Landsat data are stored in a separate solid state recorder – NPOESS and OLI data downlinked to the SafetyNetTM sites on every pass

• Recorder has capability to store up to 250 scenes • System capability is 400+ scenes per day

– USGS to command OLI for acquisitions– OLI data will be forwarded to the USGS over commercial fiber cable from SafetyNet sites– Users pick up data directly from USGS or USGS can “push” data to local users

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• Successful transition of Landsat (OLI) onto the NPOESS platform requires adequate funding of partner-agency responsibilities:

– USGS to develop OLI data processing system, command OLI– NASA to develop two OLI instruments– NOAA/IPO to perform OLI integration on NPOESS, transmit OLI data to USGS

• The budget also requests funds for USGS to address revenue losses resulting from the failure of the Landsat 7 scan-line corrector in ETM+ instrument

• Details of individual funding requests are presented in each agency’s Congressional Justification

• Not providing this funding or sustaining other reductions to the NPOESS program will increase the duration of a data gap and may threaten the viability of the Landsat partnership.

Landsat in the President’s 2006 Budget

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• Implementation of the Operational Landsat Imager allows:– Extension of the Landsat data record past 2020

– Transition of Landsat into a truly operational measurement

– OLI and VIIRS to provide mutually enhancing observations

• NASA and NOAA/IPO teams working detailed technical requirements for implementing OLI on an NPOESS spacecraft

• NASA, USGS as well as other representatives from the Landsat community working to identify an approach to lessen the potential impact of a Landsat data gap

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• Gap Filler Mission deemed too high risk based upon cost and

schedule analysis

– Proposed Plan: Implement a Gap Filler mission that will fly in a 705 WRS-2 orbit

• Does not address long term transition of Landsat to an operational measurement

• Option needed to procure a Landsat instrument for delayed implementation on

NPOESS (target NPOESS C-4 in the 2014 timeframe)

– Cost and schedule benefit analysis resulted in low return for investment

• Cost:

– Additional funds required to procure instrument for a delayed implementation on


• Schedule:

– Provides only one year of operational capability before NPOESS solution

Gap Filler Mission Option Decision

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Atmospheric Vertical Temperature ProfileHighly accurate measurement of the vertical distribution of temperature in the atmosphere in layers from the surface to 0.01 mb

Major Applications

1) Initialization of Numerical Weather Prediction Models

2) Complementary data for derivation of moisture/pressure profiles and cloud properties

Integrated Operational Requirements Document (IORD) Example

Iterative, Disciplined Iterative, Disciplined Requirements Process Ensures Requirements Process Ensures

Users Needs are MetUsers Needs are Met

Iterative, Disciplined Iterative, Disciplined Requirements Process Ensures Requirements Process Ensures

Users Needs are MetUsers Needs are Met

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Pre-Planned Product Improvement (P3I) EDR CandidatesTropospheric winds

Neutral windsAll weather day/night imagery

Coastal sea surface windsOcean wave characteristics

Surf conditionsOil spill locationLittoral current

CH4 columnCO column

CO2 columnOptical background

Sea and lake iceCoastal ocean color

Bioluminescence potentialCoastal sea surface temperature

Sea surface height coastalBathymetry

Vertical hydrometeor profileSalinity

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NPOESS Operational Concept

1. Sense Phenomena

2. Downlink Raw Data

3. Transport Data to Centrals for Processing

Monitor and Control Satellites and Ground Elements

4. Process Raw data into EDRs and Deliver to Centrals

Full Capability at each Central















Field Terminals SafetyNet™


Global fiber network connects 15 receptors to Centrals

MMC (Suitland)



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NPOESS Top Level Architecture


Command& ControlSegment

Command& ControlSegment





Mission ManagementCenter (MMC)at Suitland

Mission ManagementCenter (MMC)at Suitland

Alternate MMCat Schriever AFBAlternate MMCat Schriever AFB Interface Data Processing SegmentInterface Data Processing Segment

15 Globally DistributedReceptor Sites15 Globally DistributedReceptor Sites

Field Terminal Segment

Field Terminal Segment



Low Rate Data/High Rate Data(LRD/HRD)

NPP Science Data Segment


NPP Data & Control Flow NPOESS Data & Control Flow

CLASS NOAA Comprehensive Large Array Data Stewardship System


EROS Data Center, Sioux FallsEROS Data Center, Sioux Falls

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NPOESS Satellite and Sensors

Single Satellite Design with Common Sensor Locations and “ring” Data Single Satellite Design with Common Sensor Locations and “ring” Data Bus Allows Rapid Reconfiguration and Easy IntegrationBus Allows Rapid Reconfiguration and Easy Integration

Single Satellite Design with Common Sensor Locations and “ring” Data Single Satellite Design with Common Sensor Locations and “ring” Data Bus Allows Rapid Reconfiguration and Easy IntegrationBus Allows Rapid Reconfiguration and Easy Integration

X = changed since award

1330 1730 2130



















Landsat X

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SafetyNet™ –Low Data Latency and High Data Availability

SafetyNetSafetyNet™™ -- 15 globally distributed SMD receptors linked to the centrals via -- 15 globally distributed SMD receptors linked to the centrals via commercial fiber -- enables low data latency and high data availabilitycommercial fiber -- enables low data latency and high data availability

SafetyNetSafetyNet™™ -- 15 globally distributed SMD receptors linked to the centrals via -- 15 globally distributed SMD receptors linked to the centrals via commercial fiber -- enables low data latency and high data availabilitycommercial fiber -- enables low data latency and high data availability

75% of NPOESS Data Products at the Nation’s Weather Centrals within 15 min........the rest in under 30 min




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Program Schedule

2002 A&O Contract Award

2003 NPP Delta Critical Design Review

2005 NPOESS Preliminary Design Review

2006 NPOESS Critical Design ReviewNPP Ground Readiness

2007 NPP Launch

2009 NPOESS Ground Readiness

2009 NPOESS C1 Launch

2011 NPOESS C2 LaunchField Terminal Segment ReadinessInitial Operational Capability

2013 NPOESS C3 Launch

2015 NPOESS C4 Launch

2017 NPOESS C5 Launch

2020 End of ProgramReliable and timely collection, Reliable and timely collection, delivery, and processing of delivery, and processing of quality environmental dataquality environmental data

Reliable and timely collection, Reliable and timely collection, delivery, and processing of delivery, and processing of quality environmental dataquality environmental data