Jawshan Al Kabeer


Transcript of Jawshan Al Kabeer

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يم بسم الله الرحمن الرح Al-Jawshan al Kabeer is one of the prayers most frequently recited by Muslims. The word, Jawshan, originates from that Persian, where it means “chain shirt“ (“armored war clothes” translate more exactly). Some Muslims prefer to read the entire prayer by themselves, whereas others share it with their friends or household and make it part of their daily service. The Arabic text of this beautiful prayer book have been written in the most elegant art of calligraphy and pages are ornamented with colorful illuminations. The Jawshan consists of Koransuren or prayers, which are wrapped water-rejecting (in silk, nowadays rather in plastics) and accommodated then in a container - these can be simple leather bags, carry those with a belt around the neck or also splendid trailers from gold or silver.

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It has been mentioned in the book, Balad al-Amin and the Misbah of Kafami that Imam Ali ibn al-Husain Sayyid as-Sajjidin (prayers be upon him) related from his father from his grandfather the Prophet of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) that this supplication was taught by the Angel Jibra’il (prayers be upon him) to the Prophet (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) during one of the battles.

It was in one of the wars that the Prophet (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) had taken part in which he had a very heavy and expensive coat of armor on to protect himself. It is related that the coat was so heavy that it was hurting the body of the Prophet (prayers of Allah be upon him and his family). In this state, the Angel Jibra’il (prayers be upon him) came to the Prophet (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) and said:

“O’ Muhammad! Your Lord conveys his salutations to you and has said to take this coat of armor (Jawshan) and to recite it as this is a protection for you and your Ummah.”

At this point, the Angel continued to give the Prophet (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) an explanation on the greatness of this supplication, which we will omit from here due to lack of space.

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However it suffices us to state that whoever reads this supplication with a pure intention in the BEGINNING of the month of Ramadan, Allah (Glory and Greatness be to Him) will grant him sustenance on the Night of Power (Lailatul Qadr) and will create for this person 70,000 Angels who will all be busy in the praising and glorification of Allah (Glory and Greatness be to Him) and will give this reward to the person who has read this supplication.

It has been narrated from Imam Husayn ibn Ali (prayers be upon him) that: “My father, Ali ibn Abi Talib (prayers be upon him), advised to me that I should memorize and protect this dua and write it on the Kafan (burial shroud) and that I should teach it to my family members and he highly encouraged me to read this dua as it contains 1,000 names of Allah…..”

This supplication has 100 sections and each section contains 10 names of Allah (Glory and Greatness be to Him) and at the end of each section this line should be repeated:

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا النار من خلصنا

All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

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1 To overcome difficulties

2 To seek help

3 To attain honor & dignity

4 To acquire nobility

5 To achieve success

6 To obtain blessings

7 To dispel calamities

8 To ask pardon

9 To dispel fear & disease

10 To get conduct approved

11 To avoid evil & gain prosperity

12 To dismiss affliction & secure fortune

Benefits of Each of The Sections of Jawshan Al Kabeer

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13 To cure eye disease

14 To increase health

15 To ask for more benefits

16 To solve problems

17 To succeed in all tasks

18 To increase livelihood

19 To attain distinction

20 To disperse worries

21 To ask for pardon

22 To increase livelihood

23 To gain beneficence

24 To receive Allah’s pleasure

25 To dispel ill luck

26 To get rid of fever

27 To dismiss fear of rulers

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28 To cure Migraine

29 To build up defense

30 To win war

31 To cure eye disease

32 To subdue enemies

33 To face rulers

34 To dispel fear of dark nights

35 To cure toothache

36 To drive away jinn

37 To win battle

38 To seek Allah’s help

39 To overwhelm enemy

40 To seek forgiveness

41 To dispel bad vibes

42 To avoid calamities

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43 To avoid calamities

44 To cultivate love

45 To dispel fearful dreams

46 To cure paralysis

47 To cure epilepsy

48 For constipation

49 To cure heart ailments

50 To improve eyesight

51 To dispel mischief of enemy

52 To dispel poverty

53 To cultivate love

54 To cure toothache

55 To cure pain in ribs

56 To cure diseases

57 To prevent hurricane

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58 To get honor & respect

59 To cure stomach ache

60 To succeed in vital jobs

61 To seek tranquility

62 To win friendship of the rich

63 To make profit in business

64 To cure headache

65 To seek forgiveness

66 To get rid of poverty

67 To cure eye ailments

68 To ward off plague

69 To achieve honor

70 For long life

71 To prevent cyclones

72 To cure pain in breasts

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73 To cure rheumatism

74 To have a son

75 To get high position

76 For leprosy

77 Disbursement of debt

78 For love & affection

79 To seek freedom

80 To seek prosperity

81 To cure migraine

82 To cure ulcer

83 To cure back ache

84 To cure pain in the ribs

85 To cure pain in the wrists

86 To cure spleen ailments

87 To cure headache

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88 To cure pain in forehead

89 To cure incontinence

90 To cure pain in navel

91 For kidney stones

92 To cure piles

93 To cure ulcers

94 To cure nose ailments

95 To cure stomach ache

96 To cure knee pain

97 To cure throat pain

98 To seek fulfillment of legitimate desires

99 To cure pain in legs

100 To cure thigh pain


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۞لله ا يا ۞ن رحم يا يم يا ۞رح ۞عل يم يا ۞حل يم يا يم يا ۞عظ ۞حك يم يا يم يا ۞قد يم يا ۞مق ۞يم كر يا

يم بسم الله الرحمن الرح

ك ٸ با سما اسا لك اني اللهم

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (1) النار من خلصنا

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۞السادات سيد يا يب يا ۞الدعوات مج ۞الحسنات ولي يا ۞الدرجات رفيع يا يم يا ۞البركات عظ يئات غافر يا ۞الخط ۞البليات دافع يا ۞الا صوات سامع يا ۞ولات ٸ المس معطي يا ۞والخفيات السر عالم يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (2) النار من خلصنا

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ين خير يا ۞الغافر ين خير يا ۞الناصر ين خير يا ۞الحاكم ين خير يا ۞الفاتح ين خير يا ۞الذاكر ۞الوارث ين خير يا ين خير يا ۞الحامد ين خير يا ۞الرازق ۞الفاصل ين خير يا ۞المحسن ين خير يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (3) النار من خلصنا

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۞والجمال العز له من يا ۞والجلال الملك له من يا ۞والكمال القدرة له من يا ۞المتعال الكب ير هو من يا يد هو من يا ۞المحال شد يد هو من يا ۞العقاب شد يع هو من يا ۞الحساب سر ۞الثواب حسن عنده هو من يا من يا ۞الكتاب ام هوعنده ۞الثقال السحاب ٸ ينش هو من يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (4) النار من خلصنا

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۞حنان يا ۞منان يا ۞ديان يا ۞غفران يا ۞برهان يا ۞سلطان يا ۞سبحان يا ۞مستعان يا ۞والبيان المن ذا يا ۞الا مان ذا يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (5) النار من خلصنا

ك ٸ وا سا لك با سما

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۞لعظمته شيء كل تواضع من يا ۞لقدرته شيء كل استسلم من يا ۞لعزته شيء كل ذل من يا ۞لهيبته شيء كل خضع من يا ۞لملكته شيء كل انقاد من يا ۞مخافته من شيء كل دان من يا ۞خشيته من الجبال انشقت من يا ۞با مره السموات قامت من يا ذنه الا رضو استقرت من يا ۞با ي لا من يا ۞مملكته اهل على يعتد

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (6) النار من خلصنا

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۞يا غافر الخطايا ۞يا كاشف البلايا

۞الرجايا منتهى يا ۞العطايا مجزل يا

۞يا واسع الهدايا ۞يا رازق البرايا

۞يا قاضي المنايا ۞يا سامع الشكايا ۞يا باعث اسرايا

۞الا سارىمطلق يا يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (7) النار من خلصنا

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۞والثناء ذا الحمد يا ۞والسناء يا ذا المجد

۞والبهاء ذا الفخر يا ۞والوفاء ذا العهد يا ۞والرضاء ذا العفو يا ۞والعطاء ذا المن يا ۞والقضاء ذا الفصل يا ۞العزة والبقاء ذا يا ۞والنعماء ذا الجود يا

۞يا ذا الفضل والالاء يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (8) النار من خلصنا

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۞مانع يا ۞دافع يا ۞نافع يا ۞سامع يا ۞رافع يا ۞صانع يا ۞شافع يا ۞جامع يا ۞واسع يا ۞موسع يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (9) النار من خلصنا

ك ٸ وا سا لك با سما

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۞مصنوع كل يا صانع ۞مخلوق كل يا خالق ۞مرزوق كل يا رازق ۞مملوك كل يا مالك ۞مكروب كل يا كاشف ۞مغموم كل يا فارج ۞مرحوم كل يا راحم ۞مخذول كل يا ناصر ۞معيوب كل يا ساتر

۞مظلوم ملجا كل يا يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (10) النار من خلصنا

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۞شدت يعند يا عدت ي يبت يعند يا رجائ ي ۞مص ۞يوحشت عند ي يا مونس ۞يغربت عند ي يا صاحب ۞ينعمت عند ي يا ولي

۞يكربت عند ي يا كاشف ۞يافتقار عند ي يا غياث ۞ياضطرار عند ي يا ملجئ ۞يفزع عند ي ين يا مع ۞يحيرت عند ي يل يا دل يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (11) النار من خلصنا

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۞الغيوب يا علام ۞الذنوب يا غفار ۞العيوب يا ستار

۞الكروب يا كشاف ۞القلوب يا مقلب ۞القلوب يا مزين ۞القلوب يا منور ۞القلوب يب يا طب ۞القلوب يب يا حب ۞القلوب يس ا ن يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (21) النار من خلصنا

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۞يل جل يا ۞يل جم يا ۞يل وك يا ۞يل كف يا ۞يل دل يا ۞يل مق يا ۞ير خب يا ۞يف لط يا ۞يز عز يا ۞يك مل يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (13) النار من خلصنا

ك ٸ وا سا لك با سما

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۞المتحيرين يل دل يا ۞ين يث المستغ غياث يا ۞ين المستصرخ يخ صر يا ۞ين ير المستج جار يا ۞ين العاص ملجا يا ۞ين المذنب غافر يا ۞ين ائف الخ امان يا ۞ين المساك راحم يا ۞ين المستوحش يس ان يا ۞ين المضطر دعوة يب مج يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (14) النار من خلصنا

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۞والاحسان يا ذا الجود ۞والامتنان يا ذا الفضل ۞والامان يا ذا الامن ۞والسبحان يا ذا القدس ۞والبيان يا ذا الحكمة ۞والرضوان يا ذا الرحمة ۞والبرهان يا ذا الحجة ۞والسلطان يا ذا العظمة ۞والغفران يا ذا العفو

۞الرافة والمستعان ذا يا يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (15) النار من خلصنا

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۞شيء يا من هو رب كل ۞شيء كل الـه يا من هو ۞شيء كل خالق يا من هو

۞شيء يا من هو فوق كل ۞شيء يا من هو قبل كل ۞شيء يا من هو بعد كل

۞عالم كل شيء يا من هو ۞شيء كل قادر يا من هو ۞شيء كل صانع يا من هو

۞شيء كل يبقى ويفنى من هو يا يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (16) النار من خلصنا

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۞مؤمن يا ۞مهيمن يا ۞مكون يا ۞ملقن يا ۞مبين يا ۞مهون يا ۞مزين يا ۞معظم يا ۞معون يا ۞ملون يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (17) النار من خلصنا

ك ٸ وا سا لك با سما

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۞يم مق ي ملكه ف يا من هو ۞يم عظ ي جلاله هو ف يا من

۞يم قد ي سلطانه ف يا من هو ۞يم رح على عبده يا من هو ۞يم بكل شيء عل يا من هو ۞يم لمن جفاه حل يا من هو

۞يم ترجاه كر يا من هو لمن ۞يم حك يره مقاد ي يا من هو ف ۞لطيف ي حكمه ف يا من هو ۞ير قد ي لطفه ف يا من هو

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (18) النار من خلصنا

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۞ى الا فضله يرج يا من لا ۞لا يخاف الا عدله يا من ۞لا ينتظر الا بره يا من ۞ل الا عفوه ٸ لا يس يا من ۞الا ملكه يدوم لا يا من ۞لا سلطان الا سلطانه يا من

۞برهانه الا برهان يا من لا ۞رحمته يا من وسعت كل شيء

۞رحمته على غضبه يا من سبقت ۞علمه بكل شيء احاط يا من يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (19) النار من خلصنا

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۞فارج الهم يا ۞كاشف الغم يا ۞غافر الذنب يا ۞قابل التوب يا ۞خالق الخلق يا ۞صادق الوعد يا ۞رازق الطفل يا

۞العهد يا موفي ۞عالم السر يا ۞فالق الحب يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (20) النار من خلصنا

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۞علي يا ۞وفي يا ۞ولي يا ۞غني يا ۞ملي يا ۞زكي يا ۞رضي يا ۞بدي يا ۞خفي يا ۞قوي يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (21) النار من خلصنا

ك ٸ با سما ف ا سا لك

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۞يل الجم يا من اظهر ۞يح ستر على القب يا من ۞يمة لا يؤاخذ بالجر يا من ۞لا يهتك الستر يا من

۞يم العفو عظ يا ۞التجاوز يا حسن

۞واسع المغفرة يا ۞بالرحمة اليدين باسط يا ۞نجوىكل صاحب يا ۞شكوىكل منتهى يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (22) النار من خلصنا

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۞السابغة يا ذا النعمة ۞الواسعة يا ذا الرحمة ۞البالغة يا ذا الحكمة ۞الكاملة يا ذا القدرة ۞القاطعة يا ذا الحجة

۞الكرامة الظاهرة يا ذا ۞الصفة العا لية يا ذا ۞مة ٸ العزة الدا يا ذا

۞ينة المت يا ذا القوة ۞السابقة يا ذا المنة

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (23) النار من خلصنا

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۞ين الحاكم احكم يا ۞ين العادل اعدل يا ۞ين الصادق اصدق يا ۞ين اظهر الظاهر يا ۞الطاهرين اطهر يا ۞ين الخالق احسن يا ۞ين الحاسب اسرع يا ۞ين السامع اسمع يا ۞ين الاكرم اكرم يا ۞ين ارحم الراحم يا ۞ين اشفع الشافع يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (24) النار من خلصنا

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۞يع السموات بد يا ۞جاعل الظلمات يا ۞عالم الخفيات يا ۞راحم العبرات يا ۞ساتر العورات يا ۞البليات كاشف يا

۞الاموات يا محيي ۞ضاعف الحسنات يا

۞البركات يا منزل ۞يد النقمات شد يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (25) النار من خلصنا

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۞مصور يا ۞مقدر يا ۞مطهر يا ۞منور يا ۞مقدم يا ۞مؤخر يا ۞ميسر يا ۞منذر يا ۞مبشر يا ۞مدبر يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (26) النار من خلصنا

ك ٸ با سما و ا سا لك

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۞الحرام يا رب البيت ۞الحرام يا رب الشهر

۞الحرام يا رب المسجد ۞الحرام يا رب البلد ۞والمقام يا رب الركن

۞الحرام يا رب المشعر ۞والحرام يا رب الحل ۞والظلام يا رب النور ۞والسلام يا رب التحية

۞الجلال والاكرام يا رب يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (27) النار من خلصنا

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۞لا عماد له من عماد يا ۞له سند لا يا سند من ۞له ذخر لا يا ذخر من

۞لا غياث له من غياث يا ۞له حرز لا يا حرز من ۞له فخر لا يا فخر من ۞له عز لا يا عز من

۞ين له لا مع من ين مع يا من يس ان يا ۞يس له ان لا

۞لا غنية له من يا غنية يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (28) النار من خلصنا

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۞ئم قا يا ۞ائم د يا ۞راحم يا ۞حاكم يا ۞عالم يا ۞عاصم يا ۞قاسم يا ۞سالم يا ۞قابض يا ۞باسط يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (29) النار من خلصنا

ك ٸ با سما و ا سا لك

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۞استعصمه من عاصم يا ۞استرحمه من راحم يا ۞استنصره من ناصر يا ۞استحفظه من حافظ يا

۞استكرمه يا مكرم من ۞استرشده يا مرشد من

۞استعانه من ين مع يا ۞استغاثه من يث مغ يا

۞استصرخه من يخ يا صر ۞استغفره من يا غافر يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (30) النار من خلصنا

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۞يم الصفح كر يا ۞يم المن عظ يا ۞ير الخير كث يا ۞يم الفضل قد يا ۞يف الصنع لط يا ۞ائم اللطف د يا ۞نافس الكرب يا ۞كاشف الضر يا

۞يا مالك الملك ۞يا قاضيا بالحق

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (31) النار من اجرنا

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۞يزا لا يضام عز يا ۞يفا لا يرام لط يا ۞يبا لا ينام رق يا يا ۞ائما لا يفوت ق

۞لا يموت يا حي ا ۞لا يزول يا ملكا

۞باقيا لا يفنىيا ۞عالما لا يجهل يا ۞لا يطعم صمدا يا ۞لا يضعف قوي ا يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (32) النار من اجرنا

Page 44: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞واحد يا ۞واجد يا ۞شاهد يا ۞ماجد يا ۞راشد يا ۞باعث يا ۞وارث يا ۞ر ضا يا ۞نافع يا ۞يهاد يا

ك ٸ با سما و ا سا لك

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (33) النار من اجرنا

Page 45: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞يم عظ من كل اعظم يا ۞يم كر من كل اكرم يا ۞يم رح من كل ارحم يا ۞يم حك من كل احكم يا ۞يم عل من كل اعلم يا ۞يم قد من كل اقدم يا ۞ير كب من كل اكبر يا ۞يل جل من كل اجل يا ۞يز عز من كل اعز يا ۞يف لط من كل الطف يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (34) النار من اجرنا

Page 46: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞وفي ي عهده ف يا من هو ۞قوي ئه ي وفا ف يا من هو ۞علي ي قوته ف يا من هو ۞يب قر ي علوه ف يا من هو ۞يف لط ي قربه ف يا من هو ۞يف شر ي لطفه ف يا من هو ۞يز عز ي شرفه ف يا من هو ۞يم عظ ي عزه ف يا من هو

۞يد مج ي عظمته ف من هو يا ۞يد حم ي مجده ف من هو يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (35) النار من اجرنا

Page 47: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞خاضع له شيء من هو كل يا ۞ئن له كا كل شيء من هو يا

۞موجود له شيء كل يا من هو ۞يب له من يا من هو كل شيء ۞ئف منه خا يا من هو كل شيء ۞له مسبح يا من هو كل شيء ۞ئم به قا يا من هو كل شيء ۞خاشع له يا من هو كل شيء

۞ئر اليه صا من هو كل شيء يا ۞هالك الا وجهه شيء كل من هو يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (36) النار من اجرنا

Page 48: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞يكاف يا ۞يشاف يا ۞ىواف يا ۞يمعاف يا ۞يعال يا ۞يداع يا ۞يراض يا ۞يقاض يا ۞يباق يا ۞يهاد يا

ك ٸ با سما و ا سا لك

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (37) النار من اجرنا

Page 49: Jawshan Al Kabeer

مفر لا يا من لا ۞اليه ا مفزع من لا يا لا ۞اليه ا يا لا ۞اليه من لا ملجا ا

لا عليه يتوكل لا يا من ۞ا مقصد لا يا من لا ۞اليه ا يا من لا ۞اليه لا منجا ا يرغب لا يا من لا ۞اليه ا يعبد لا يا من لا ۞ اياه ا

لا منه من يا ۞لا يستعان ا لا به قوة ولا حول لا من يا ۞ا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (38) النار من اجرنا

Page 50: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞ين المرهوب يا خير ۞ين المطلوب يا خير ۞ين المرغوب يا خير ۞ين المسؤول يا خير ۞ين المقصود يا خير ۞ين المذكور يا خير ۞ين المشكور يا خير ۞ين المحبوب يا خير

۞ين المنزل خير يا نس خير يا ۞ين المستا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (39) النار من اجرنا

Page 51: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞فسوىخلق من هو يا ۞فهدىيا من هو قدر

۞البلوىيا من هو يكشف ۞النجوىيا من هو يسمع ۞الغرقىيا من هو ينقذ ۞الهلكىيا من هو ينجي ۞المرضىيا من هو يشفي

۞امات واحيايا من هو ۞وابكىمن هو اضحك يا ۞اضل واهدىمن هو يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (40) النار من اجرنا

Page 52: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞غافر يا ۞ساتر يا ۞قاهر يا ۞قادر يا ۞ناظر يا ۞فاطر يا ۞شاكر يا ۞ذاكر يا ۞ناصر يا ۞جابر يا

ك ٸ با سما و ا سا لك

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (41) النار من اجرنا

Page 53: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞يله سب البر والبحر من هو في يا ۞الافاق اياته يا من هو في ۞الايات برهانه يا من هو في ۞الممات قدرته يا من هو في

۞عزته يا من هو في القبور ۞القيامة ملكته يا من هو في ۞الحساب هيبته يا من هو في ۞ٸه يزان قضا الم يا من هو في

۞رحمته من هو في الجنة يا ۞النار عذابه من هو في يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (42) النار من اجرنا

Page 54: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞ئفون الخا يا من هو اليه يهرب ۞المذنبون يا من هو اليه يفزع ۞يبون المن يا من هو اليه يقصد

۞يلجا العاصون يا من هو اليه ۞الزاهدون يا من هو اليه يرغب

۞ن ٶ يه يطمع الخاط ف يا من هو نس به المر يا من هو ۞يدون يستا ۞يفتخر به المحسنون يا من هو

۞المتوكلون من هو عليه يتوكل يا ۞يسكن به الموقنون من هو يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (43) النار من اجرنا

Page 55: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞يب قر من كل اقرب يا ۞يب حب من كل احب يا ۞يم عظ من كل اعظم يا ۞يز عز من كل اعز يا ۞قوي من كل اقوى يا ۞غني من كل اغنى يا ۞جواد من كل اجود يا ۞رؤوف من كل اراف يا ۞يم رح من كل ارحم يا ۞يل جل من كل اجل يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (44) النار من اجرنا

Page 56: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞يب قر يا ۞يب رق يا ۞يب حب يا ۞يب مج يا ۞يب حس يا ۞يب طب يا ۞ير بص يا ۞ير خب يا ۞ير من يا ۞ين مب يا

ك ٸ با سما و ا سا لك

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (45) النار من اجرنا

Page 57: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞مغلوب غير غالبا يا ۞مصنوع غير صانعا يا ۞مخلوق غير خالقا يا ۞مملوك غير مالكا يا ۞مقهور غير قاهرا يا ۞مرفوع غير رافعا يا ۞محفوظ غير حافظا يا ۞منصور غير ناصرا يا

۞ئب غا غير يا شاهدا ۞يد بع غير يبا يا قر يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا

(46) النار من اجرنا

Page 58: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞النور يا نور ۞النور يا منور

۞مصور النور يا ۞خالق النور يا

۞النور يا مقدر ۞النور يا مدبر

۞نور يا نورا قبل كل ۞نور يا نورا بعد كل

۞نور نورا فوق كل يا ۞نور نورا ليس كمثله يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (47) النار من اجرنا

Page 59: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞ؤه شريف عطا يا من ۞يف لط يا من فعله ۞يم مق يا من لطفه

۞يم احسانه قد يا من ۞حق يا من قوله ۞صدق يا من وعده ۞فضل يا من عفوه

۞عذابه عدل يا من ۞حلو من ذكره يا ۞يذ انسه لذ من يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (48) النار من اجرنا

Page 60: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞منول يا ۞مفصل يا ۞مبدل يا ۞مسهل يا ۞مذلل يا ۞منزل يا ۞محول يا ۞مجمل يا ۞مكمل يا ۞مفضل يا

ك ٸ با سما و ا سا لك

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (49) النار من اجرنا

Page 61: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞يرى ولا يرىيا من ۞ولا يخلق يا من يخلق

۞ي ولا يهدىيهد يا من ۞ولا يحيى ىيحي يا من

۞ولا يطعم يا من يطعم ۞ير ولا يجار يج يا من ۞ي ولا يقضي عليه يقض يا من

۞عليه يحكم ولا يا من يحكم ۞يولد من لم يلد ولم يا ۞احد ولم يكن له كفوا يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (50) النار من اجرنا

Page 62: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞يب الحب يا نعم ۞يب الطب يا نعم ۞يب الحس يا نعم ۞يب القر يا نعم ۞يب الرق يا نعم ۞يب المـج يا نعم ۞يس الان يا نعم ۞الوكيل يا نعم

۞المولىنعم يا ۞ير النص نعم يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (51) النار من اجرنا

Page 63: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞ين العارف يا سرور ۞ين يد يس المر ان يا ۞ين يث المشتاق مغ يا ۞ين يب التواب حب يا ۞ين رازق المقل يا ۞ين ء المذنب رجا يا ۞ين كاشف المكروب يا ۞ين المغموم عن منفسا يا

۞ين المحزون عن يا مفرجا ۞ين ين والاخر يا الـه الاول

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (52) النار من اجرنا

Page 64: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞والنار يا رب الجنة ۞ين والاخيار النبي يا رب ۞ين والابرار يق الصد يا رب ۞الصغار والكبار يا رب

۞والاثمار يا رب الحبوب ۞الانهار والاشجار يا رب ۞الصحارى والقفار يا رب ۞يد والاحرار العب يا رب

۞الاعلان والاسرار رب يا ۞والنهار رب الليل يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (53) النار من اجرنا

Page 65: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞علمه شيء ي كل ف يا من لحق ۞بصره شيء نفذ بكل يا من

۞قدرته كل شيء الى يا من بلغت ۞اءه لا يحصي العباد نعم يا من تبلغ لا يا من ۞ئق شكره الخلا ۞الافهام جلاله تدرك لا يا من ۞لا تنال الاوهام كنهه يا من

۞ء رداؤه والكبريا يا من العظمة ۞ؤه االهيبة والسلطان به من يا ۞ؤه اتعزز بالعز بق من يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (54) النار من اجرنا

Page 66: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞الاعلىيا من له المثل ۞الصفات العلىيا من له ۞الاخرة والاولىيا من له

۞الماوىيا من له الجنة ۞النار واللظىيا من له ۞الايات الكبرىيا من له ۞اء الحسنىالاسم يا من له

۞والقضىيا من له الحكم ۞السموات العلىمن له يا ۞والثرىمن له العرش يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (55) النار من اجرنا

Page 67: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞عفو يا ۞غفور يا ۞ودود يا ۞شكور يا ۞صبور يا ۞رؤوف يا ۞عطوف يا ۞قدوس يا ۞حي يا ۞قيوم يا

ك ٸ با سما و ا سا لك

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (56) النار من اجرنا

Page 68: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞اء عظمته السم في من هو يا ۞في الارض اياته يا من هو كل شيء ي ف يا من هو ۞ائله دل

۞ائبه البحار عج يا من هو في ۞يده يع يا من هو يبدا الخلق ثم

۞ائنه الجبال خز يا من هو في ۞خلقه احسن كل شيء من يا ۞كله الامر اليه يرجـع من يا ۞لطفه كل شيء من ظهر في يا يا ۞ائق قدرته من يعرف الخل

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (57) النار من اجرنا

Page 69: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞يب له لا حب من يب حب يا ۞يب له لا طب من يب طب يا ۞يب له لا مج من يب مج يا ۞يق له لا شف من يق شف يا ۞يق له لا رف من يق رف يا

۞يع له من لا شف يع يا شف ۞يث له لا مغ من يث مغ يا ۞يل له لا دل من يل دل يا د من لاٸ ايا ق ۞د له ٸ اق

۞لا راحم له من يا راحم يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا

(58) النار من اجرنا

Page 70: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞استكفاه من كافي يا ۞استهداه من هادي يا ۞استكلاه من كالي يا ۞استدعاه من داعي يا ۞استشفاه من شافي يا ۞استقضاه من قاضي يا

۞استغناه يا مغني من ۞استوفاه يا موفي من

۞استقواه مقوي من يا ۞استولاه ولي من يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (59) النار من اجرنا

Page 71: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞اول يا ۞اخر يا ۞ظاهر يا ۞باطن يا ۞خالق يا ۞رازق يا ۞صادق يا ۞سابق يا ۞ق ٸ اس يا ۞فالق يا

ك ٸ با سما و ا سا لك

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (60) النار من اجرنا

Page 72: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞والنهار يا من يقلب الليل ۞خلق الظلمات والنر يا من

۞والحرور الظل يا من جعل ۞والقمر يا من سخر الشمس ۞والحيوة يا من خلق الموت ۞والامر يا من له الخلق ۞صاحبة ولا ولدا يا من لم يتخذ

۞يك في الملك شر له يكن يا من لم ۞الذل من لم يكن له ولي من يا ۞له الحول و القوة من يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (61) النار من نجنا

Page 73: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞ين يد المر يا من يعلم مراد ۞ين ائل ائج الس حو يا من يملك ۞ين ين الواله ان يا من يسمع

يا من ۞ين ائف اء الخ يرى بك ۞ين ير الصامت ضم يا من يعلم ۞ين ندم النادم يا من يرى

يا من يقبل عذر ۞ين ائب الت ۞ين المفسد يصلح عمل لا يا من

۞ين المحسن اجر يع لا يض من يا ۞ين العارف يبعد عن قلوب لا من يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (62) النار من نجنا

Page 74: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞اء ائم البق د يا ۞اء غافر الخط يا ۞اء سامع الدع يا ۞اء واسع العط يا ۞اء ع السم راف يا يا ۞اء كاشف البل عظ يا ۞اء يم الثن قد يا ۞اء يم السن

يا كث ۞اء ير الوف۞اء يف الجز يا شر يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا

(63) النار من نجنا

Page 75: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞غفار يا ۞ستار يا ۞قهار يا ۞جبار يا ۞صبار يا ۞رزاق يا ۞فتاح يا ۞علام يا ۞وهاب يا ۞تواب يا

ك ٸ با سما و ا سا لك

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (64) النار من نجنا

Page 76: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞يي وسوان خلقن يا من ۞يي وربان رزقن يا من ۞يي وسقان اطعمن يا من ۞يادنان و ي قربن يا من ۞يي وكفان عصمن يا من ۞يي وكلان حفظن يا من ۞يي وهدان وفقن يا من ۞يي واغنان اعزن يا من

۞يي واحيان اماتن من يا ۞يي واوان انسن من يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (65) النار من نجنا

Page 77: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞بكلماته يا من يحق الحق ۞لحكمه معقب لا يا من ۞ائه اد لقض لا ر يا من

۞وقلبه يا من يحول بين المرء ۞عباده يا من يقبل التوبة عن

۞الشفاعة الا باذنه تنفع لا يا من ۞ينه السموات مطويات بيم يا من

۞يله سب يا من هو اعلم بمن ضل عن بحمده الرعد يسبح من يا من كة ٸ والمل

يفته ۞خ يدي بين بشرا الرياح يرسل من يا

۞رحمته يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا

(66) النار من نجنا

Page 78: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞الارض مهادا يا من جعل ۞الجبال اوتادا يا من جعل

۞سراجا يا من جعل الشمس ۞نورا يا من جعل القمر ۞لباسا يا من جعل الليل

۞النهار معاشا يا من جعل ۞سباتا يا من جعل النوم

السم يا من جعل ۞اء اء بن من جعل يا ۞اء ازواجا الاشي۞النار مرصادا من جعل يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (67) النار من نجنا

Page 79: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞يع شف يا ۞يع سم يا ۞يع رف يا ۞يع من يا ۞يع بد يا ۞يع سر يا ۞ير بش يا ۞ير نذ يا ۞ير قد يا ۞ر مقتد يا

ك ٸ با سما و ا سا لك

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (68) النار من نجنا

Page 80: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞حي قبل كل حي يا ۞حي يا حي بعد كل

۞لا يشبهه شيء يالذ يا حي ۞حي كمثله ي ليس يا حي الذ ۞لا يشاركه حي ي يا حي الذ

۞لا يحتاج الى حي ي حي الذ يا ۞حي كل يت يم ي يا حي الذ ۞حي ي يرزق كل يا حي الذ

۞الموتىي يحيي حي الذ يا ۞لا يموت ي حي الذ يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (69) النار من نجنا

Page 81: Jawshan Al Kabeer

۞ىلا ينس يا من له ذكر ۞لا يطفىيا من له نور

يا من له ۞اء لا يحصىثن ۞لا تغير يا من له نعوت ۞لا تعد يا من له نعم ۞لا يزول يا من له ملك

۞جلال لا يكيف يا من له ۞اء لا يرد قض يا من له

۞صفات لا تبدل من له يا ۞كمال لا يدرك من له يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (70) النار من نجنا

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۞ين العالم يا رب ۞ين الد يوم مالك يا

۞ين الصابر يا من يحب ۞ين التواب يا من يحب ۞ين المتطهر يا من يحب ۞ين المحسن يا من يحب

۞ين من هو خير الناصر يا ۞ين الفاصل يا من هو خير

۞ين الشاكر من هو خير يا ۞ين بالمفسد من هو اعلم يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (71) النار من نجنا

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۞مبدئ يا ۞يد مع يا ۞يظ حف يا ۞يط مح يا ۞يد حم يا ۞يد مج يا ۞يت مق يا ۞يث مغ يا ۞معز يا ۞مذل يا

ك ٸ با سما و ا سا لك

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (72) النار من نجنا

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۞ضد من هو ا حد بلا يا ۞ند من هو فرد بلا يا ۞عيب من هو صمد بلا يا ۞شفع من هو وتر بلا يا ۞وزير من هو رب بلا يا ۞فقر من هو غنى بلا يا ۞عزل من هو سلطان بلا يا ۞عجز من هو مليك بلا يا ۞مثل من هو موجود بلا يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (73) النار من نجنا

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۞ين للذاكر من هو ذكره شرف يا ۞ين للشاكر من هو شكره فوز يا ۞ين للحامد من هو حمده فخر يا ۞ين يع للمط من هو طاعته نجاة يا ۞ين للطالب من هو بابه مفتوح يا ۞ين للمؤمن من هو سبيله واضح يا ۞ين للناظر من هو اياته برهان يا ۞ين للموقن من هو كتابه تذكرة يا ۞ين للمذنب من هو عفوه ملجا يا ۞ين قريب للمحسن من هو رحمته يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (74) النار من نجنا

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۞اسمه من تبارك يا ۞تعالى جده من يا من جل يا ۞اؤه ثن من يا له ا ل ۞غيره ا ۞اؤه ا سم من تقدست يا ۞اؤه بق من يدوم يا ۞اؤه به من العظمة يا من يا ۞اؤه اء رد الكبري من لا يا ۞اؤه يحصى ال۞اؤه نعم من لا يعد يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (75) النار من نجنا

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۞ين مع يا ۞ين مب يا ۞ين ام يا ۞ين مك يا ۞ين مت يا ۞يد شد يا ۞يد شه يا ۞يد رش يا ۞يد حم يا ۞يد مج يا

ك ٸ با سما و ا سا لك

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (76) النار من نجنا

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۞يد المج ذا العرش يا ۞يد السد ذا القول يا ۞يد الرش ذا الفضل يا ۞يد الشد ذا البطش يا ۞يد والوع ذا الوعد يا ۞يد بع غير يبا قر يا ۞يد الحم من هو الولى يا ۞يد شه كل شىء على من هو يا ۞يد للعب من هو ليس بظلام يا ليه من حبل يا ۞يد الور من هو ا قرب ا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (77) النار من نجنا

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۞ير وز له ولا يك شر من لا يا ۞ير نظ له ولا يه شب من لا يا ۞ير المن خالق الشمس والقمر يا مغنى يا ۞ير ائس الفق الب ۞ير الصغ رازق الطفل يا ۞ير الكب راحم الشيخ يا ۞ير ائف المستج الخ عصمة يا ۞ير بص بعباده من هو يا ۞ير خب العباد ج ٸ بحوا من هو يا ۞ير قد كل شىء على من هو يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (78) النار من نجنا

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۞والنعم ذا الجود يا ۞والكرم ذا الفضل يا ۞والنقم ذا الباس يا ۞والقلم خالق اللوح يا ۞والنسم بارى الذر يا ۞والعجم ملهم العرب يا ۞والالم كاشف الضر يا ۞والهمم عالم السر يا ۞له البيت والحرم من يا من يخلق يا ۞العدم من اء الاشي

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (79) النار من نجنا

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۞عادل يا ۞قابل يا ۞فاضل يا ۞فاعل يا ۞كافل يا ۞جاعل يا ۞كامل يا ۞فاطر يا ۞طالب يا ۞مطلوب يا

ك ٸ با سما و ا سا لك

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (80) النار من نجنا

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۞بحوله من ا نعم يا ۞بطوله من ا كرم يا ۞بلطفه من عاد يا ۞بقدرته من تعزز يا ۞بحكمته من قدر يا ۞يره بتدب من حكم يا ۞بعلمه من دبر يا ۞بحلمه من تجاوز يا ۞ى علوه ف من دنا يا ۞ى دنوه ف من علا يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (81) النار من نجنا

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۞اء يش من يخلق ما يا ۞اء يش من يفعل ما يا ۞اء يش من ى يهد من يا ۞اء يش من يضل من يا ۞اء يش من يغفر لمن يا ۞اء يش من يعذب من يا ۞اء يش من على من يتوب يا ۞اء يش من يصور فى الا رحام كيف يا ۞اء يش فى الخلق ما يد يز من يا ۞اء يش من برحمته من يختص يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (82) النار من نجنا

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۞ولدامن لم يتخذ صاحبة ولا يا ۞ا حدا حكمه من لا يشرك فى يا ۞قدرامن جعل لكل شىء يا ۞يمارح من لم يزل يا جاعل يا ۞ئكة رسلاالمل ۞اء بروجاالسم من جعل فى يا ۞قرارامن جعل الا رض يا ۞اء بشراالم من جعل من يا ۞عدداكل شىء ا حصى من يا ۞علمامن ا حاط بكل شىء يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (83) النار من نجنا

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۞فرد يا ۞وتر يا ۞ا حد يا ۞صمد يا ۞مجد ا يا ۞ا عز يا ۞جل ا يا ۞ا حق يا ۞بر ا يا ۞بد ا يا

ك ٸ با سما و ا سا لك

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (84) النار من نجنا

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۞عرفه معروف من يا ۞عبده معبود من يا ۞شكره مشكور من يا ۞ذكره مذكور من يا ۞حمده محمود من يا ۞طلبه موجود من يا ۞وحده موصوف من يا ۞حبه محبوب من ا يا ۞راده مرغوب من ا يا ليه مقصود من يا ۞ا ناب ا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (85) النار من نجنا

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لا ملكه من لا ملك يا ۞ا من لا يحصى العباد يا ۞ائه ثن من لا تصف يا ۞ائق جلاله الخل ۞كماله من لا يدرك الا بصار يا ۞صفاته من لا يبلغ الا فهام يا من لا ينال الا فكار يا ۞ائه كبرينسان يا ۞نعوته من لا يحسن الا ۞ائه قض من لا يرد العباد يا ياته كل شىء ى ف من ظهر يا ۞ا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (86) النار من نجنا

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حب يا ۞ين ائ يب البك ۞ين المتوكل سند يا ۞ين المضل هادى يا ۞ين المؤمن ولى يا ۞ين يس الذاكر ا ن يا ۞ين القادر ا قدر يا ۞ين الناظر ا بصر يا ۞ين العالم ا علم يا ۞ين الملهوف مفزع يا ۞ين الناصر ا نصر يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (87) النار من نجنا

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۞مكرم يا ۞معظم يا ۞منعم يا ۞ىمعط يا ۞ىمغن يا ۞ىمحي يا ۞مبدى يا ۞ىمرض يا ۞ىمنج يا ۞محسن يا

ك ٸ با سما و ا سا لك

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (88) النار من نجنا

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۞شىء كافى كل يا يا ۞شىء كل ائما على ق ۞شىء من لا يشبهه يا ۞شىء ى ملكه يد ف يز من لا يا ۞شىء ائنه خز من لا ينقص من يا ۞شىء عليه يخفى من لا يا ۞شىء كمثله من ليس يا ۞يد كل شىء مقال بيده من يا ۞شىء من وسعت رحمته كل يا ۞شىء كل يبقى ويفنى من يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (89) النار من نجنا

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لا يا ۞هو من لا يعلم الغيب ا لا وء الس من لا يصرف يا ۞هو ا لا يا ۞هو من لا يدبر الا مر ا لا يا ۞هو من لا يغفر الذنوب ا لا يا ۞هو من لا يقلب القلب ا لا يا ۞هو من لا يخلق الخلق ا لا يا ۞هو من لا يتم النعمة ا لا يا ۞هو من لا ينزل الغيث ا لا الموتى من لا يحيى يا ۞هو ا لا يق التحق على ى يغن من لا يا ۞هو ا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (90) النار من نجنا

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۞كاشف يا ۞فارج يا ۞فاتح يا ۞ناصر يا ۞ضامن يا مر يا ۞ا ۞ىناه يا ۞رجا يا ۞مرتجا يا ۞الرجا يم عظ يا

ك ٸ با سما و ا سا لك

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (91) النار من خلصنا

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۞اء ين الضعف مع يا ۞اء الفقر كنز يا صاحب يا ۞اء الغرب ناصر يا ۞اء الا ولي ۞اء الا عد قاهر يا ۞اء السم رافع يا كاشف يا ۞اء البل ا ن يا ۞اء يس الا ولي حب يا ۞اء يب الا تقيله يا ا ۞اء الا غني

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (92) النار من خلصنا

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۞واخره ا ول كل شىء يا له كل شىء يا ۞وصانعه ا ۞وخالقه رازق كل شىء يا ۞يكه ومل فاطر كل شىء يا ۞وباسطه قابض كل شىء يا ۞يده ومع مبدى كل شىء يا ۞ومقدره مسبب كل شىء يا ۞ومدبره مربى كل شىء يا ۞ومحوله مكور كل شىء يا ۞يته ومم محيى كل شىء يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (93) النار من خلصنا

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۞ومذكور خير ذاكر يا ۞ومشكور خير شاكر يا ۞ومحمود خير حامد يا ۞ومشهود خير شاهد يا ۞ومدعو خير داع يا ۞يب ومجاب مج خير يا ۞يس وا ن خير مونس يا ۞يس وجل خير صاحب يا ۞ومطلوب خير مقصود يا ۞يب ومحبوب حب خير يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (94) النار من خلصنا

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۞يب مج من هو لمن دعاه يا ۞يب حب من هو لمن ا طاعه يا ۞يب قر من هو لمن ا حبه يا ۞يم عل من هو بمن ا راده يا ۞يم كر من هو لمن رجاه يا ۞يم حل من هو بمن عصاه يا ۞يم حك حلمه من هو فى يا ۞يم عظ ى حكمه ف من هو يا ۞يم رح ى عظمته ف من هو يا من هو يا حسانه ف ۞يم قد ى ا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (95) النار من خلصنا

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۞مسبب يا ۞مقرب يا ۞معقب يا ۞مقلب يا ۞مقدر يا ۞مرتب يا ۞مرغب يا ۞مذكر يا ۞مكون يا ۞متكبر يا

ك ٸ با سما و ا سا لك

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (96) النار من خلصنا

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۞سمع من لا يشغله سمع عن يا ۞فعل من لا يمنعه فعل عن يا ۞قول قول عن يه يله من لا يا ۞سؤال عن سؤال من لا يغلطه يا لحاح يا ۞ين الملح من لا يبرمه ا سلام صدور يا ۞ين المؤمن من شرح بالا ۞ين المخبت قلوب بذكره من ا طاب يا ۞ين المشتاق عن قلوب يب يغ من لا يا ۞ين يد المر من هو غاية مراد يا فى شىء عليه يخفى لا من يا

۞ين العالم يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (97) النار من خلصنا

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۞سابق من هو علمه يا ۞صادق من هو وعده يا ۞ظاهر من هو لطفه يا ۞غالب من هو ا مره يا ۞محكم من هو كتابه يا قض من هو يا ۞ائن اؤه كنه مج من هو يا ۞يد قرا ۞يم قد من هو ملكه يا ۞يم مق من هو فضله يا ۞يم عظ من هو عرشه يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (98) النار من خلصنا

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۞الا رباب رب يا ۞الا بواب مفتح يا ۞الا سباب مسبب يا ۞الثواب معطى يا ۞الصواب ملهم يا ۞السحاب منشى يا ۞يد العقاب شد يا ۞يع الحساب سر يا ياب من له يا ۞الا ۞تواب غفور يا يا

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (99) النار من خلصنا

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۞ربنا يا لهنا يا ۞ا ۞سيدنا يا ۞مولينا يا ۞ناصرنا يا ۞حافظنا يا ۞قادرنا يا ۞رازقنا يا ۞يلنادل يا ۞يثنامغ يا

ك ٸ با سما و ا سا لك

يا سبحانك لـه لا ا لا الا مان الا مان انت ا (100) النار من خلصنا

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ونجنا ۞ وا جرنا ۞ خلصنا ۞ ربنا اللهم وا دخلنا عنا واعف وعافنا ۞ النار من

يا بعفوك ۞ لا برار مع قدسك دار الجنة بحق وا سئلك ۞ غفار يا بفضلك ۞ ير مج والصفات يفة الشر يمة الكر اء الا سم هذه محمد سيدنا على تصلى ا ن يفة اللط يلة الجل له وعلى بسم محمد حسنات بعدد وصحبه ا ۞ الله حسبى ۞ الله له ال لا ا ۞ الله ا ۞ الله اء ش ما ۞ الله هو قل ۞ الله شهد ۞ الله تعالى ۞ الله تبارك ۞ الله ربى

۞ الله يكهم فسيكف ۞ الله على توكلت يا سبحانك ۞ يم العل يع السم وهو له ال ا ل اا الا مان الا مان ا نت ىا حص ال ا نت عليك اء ثن ۞ نفسك على ا ثنيت كما

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رحيم يا ۞ رحمن يا ۞ هو يا ۞ ا لله يا ابم ا سئلك ۞ شكور يا ۞ غفور يا ۞

الحسنى ائك ا سم من عليك ا حصيته وكلماتك العليا وصفاتك ىتغفرل ا ن امة الت ولطلبة النورسى يد سع ىولا ستاذ ولوالدى

والمؤمنات ين المؤمن يع ولجم النور ائل رس والمسلمات ين والمسلم منهم اء الا حي عن ينابهاتغن رحمة وترحمنا ۞ والا موات

تقضى وا ن خلقك من سواك من رحمة والا خرة الدنيا فى سؤالنا وتعطينا حوايجنا والكرامة والشهادة بالسعادة لنا وتختم

محمدا وتجزى الدنيا فراق عند والبشرى ا هله هو ما عنا وسلم عليه الله صلى

۞ ومستحقه

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تكلنا لا وا ن عين طرفة ا نفسنا ىعل اول ل ىا وا ن شاننا لنا وتصلح ۞ خلقك من ا حد

بركنك وتحفظنا تنام لا ىالت بعينك تحرسناكرام الجلال ذا يا يرام لا ىالذ وا ن والا

اء الا سم هذه عليه علق وعمن عنا تصرف فة نس الجن ا وزلزلة ۞ ين والشياط والا

فة ۞ خشيته من الجبال ودكدكة الا رض وا الطاعون الجوارح ووجع وء الس وعين اء والوب

وء وس شر كل من وتحفظنا ۞ الا فات ائر وس فى والخير والعافية السلامة وترزقنا ۞

برحمتك والا خرة الدنيا ين الراحم ا رحم ايله محمد سيدنا على الله وصلى وصحبه وا ۞ ين العالم رب لله والحمد ۞ ين ا جمع


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O God (The Divine Being Who creates and

administers His creatures individually and as a whole; Who is Unique and Single, having no like or resemblance and to Whom nothing is comparable; Who is absolutely beyond any human conception and free from any imperfection; the Owner of the All-Beautiful Names, and the pure, sacred, eternal Attributes, and He Who has the exclusive right to

worship); O The All-Merciful (Who has mercy on the whole

of existence and provides for them without making a

distinction between believers and unbelievers,); O The All-Compassionate (Who has particular

compassion for each of His creatures in their maintenance, and for His believing servants,

especially in the other world,); O The All-Knowing (Whose Knowledge

encompasses everything down to the smallest and

from Whom nothing is hidden,); O The All-Clement and Forbearing (Who shows

no haste to punish the errors of His servants,);



O God! I entreat You by Your Names:

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O The All-Supreme and Tremendous; O The All-Wise (in Whose every act and decree

there are many instances of wisdom,); O The Pre-eternally Existent (Who exists

without having a beginning,); O The All-Enduring (Who has existed and will

exist eternally with no cessation and Who maintains

all that exists,); O The All-Munificent (Whose goodness is

abundant, Whose gifts are endless and Who

possesses all honor and virtue,);

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

Page 117: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O Master of masters! O He Who answers all prayers; O He Who is the dealer, preserver and bestower of all good; O He Who is above all conceivable ranks and Who elevates the ranks of His believing, devoted servants; O He Who is supreme and tremendous in blessings; O He Who forgives mistakes and faults; O He Who repels all calamities; O He Who hears all the voices (from all beings,

be they weak or strong, hidden or articulated,

without confusion,); O He Who grants the needs and desires of all creatures; O He Who knows all secrets and all hidden things;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

Page 118: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who is uniquely best in forgiving; O He Who is uniquely best in helping; O He Who is uniquely best in ruling and judging; O He Who is uniquely best in opening the ways or doors of good, success, and prosperity; O He Who is uniquely best in mentioning, Who mentions His believing, obedient servants in high assemblies; O He Who is uniquely best in inheriting the deceased and their deeds and preserving legacies; O He Who is uniquely best in praising and giving the reward to those who praise Him; O He Who is uniquely best in providing for beings; O He Who is uniquely best in discerning the truth from falsehood and judging between them; O He Who is the uniquely best in benevolence and doing good;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

Page 119: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He to Whom belong absolute might and glory and absolute grace and beauty; O He to Whom belong absolute sovereignty and majesty; O He to Whom belong absolute Power and Perfection; O He Who is the All-Great, the All-Transcending; O He Who is most severe in penalizing; O He Who is most severe in punishing; O He Who is most swift in reckoning; O He with Whom is the best of rewards; O He with whom is ‘the Mother of all Books’; O He Who creates clouds of rain;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

Page 120: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the All-Kind and Caring (Who manifests Himself with His Mercy and is inclined [even] toward those who turn away from Him,); O the All-Bounteous and Favoring; O the Supreme Ruler and All-Requiting (of good and evil); O the All-Forgiving of sins; O the All-Proving and Demonstrating; O the Absolute, Eternal Authority; O the All-Glorified, Who is absolutely free from all deficiencies and imperfections and from doing anything wrong or in vain; O He Whose help is always sought; O the Owner of all bounty and goodness and eternal exposition, (Who nourishes His creatures with His infinite blessings, and Who communicates His decrees to all His creatures in the most perfectly eloquent way,); O He Whose protection is sufficient against all fear and danger;

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I entreat You by Your Names:



All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

Page 121: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He before Whose Grandeur all things yield; O He before Whose Power all things submit; O He before Whose Glory and Might all things bow and obey; O He before Whose Magnificence all things stand in reverent humility; O He to Whose Sovereignty all things are subservient; O He in fearful awe of Whom all things bow in obedience; O He in reverent awe of Whom mountains crumble; O He by Whose command the firmaments were raised and fixed; O He by Whose permission the earth found stability; O He who assails not the people of His kingdom

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

Page 122: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the Forgiver of errors; O the Remover of calamities; O the Final Resort for needs and desires; O He Whose favors are plenteous; O He whose gifts are bounteous; O He Who provides for all creatures; O He Who determines the time to die and carries it out on time; O He Who hears complaints; O He who sends armies to save the needy; O He Who frees those who are in physical and spiritual captivity;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

Page 123: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who is eternally and deservedly thanked and praised; O He Who is the owner of all glory, honor, and sublimity; O He Who deserves infinite praise and Who is the owner of all that is sublime and valuable; O He Who always keeps His promises and Who fulfills them in the best manner; O He Who forgives and Who is pleased with those who seek His forgiveness and good pleasure; O He Whose bounty and gifts to His creatures are without measure; O He to Whom belong the solution of every matter and the execution of every rule and judgment; O He Who is everlasting with infinite honor and might; O He Who grants His blessings with generosity; O He Who gives abundantly without expecting anything in return;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

Page 124: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the All-Withholding, Who prevents anything He does not will; O the All-Repelling, Who removes and keeps away anything from whatever He wills; O the Creator of things beneficial, Who gives to whomever He wills as He wills; O the All-Hearing; O the All-Exalting, Who Himself is exalted in every way, and Who exalts whomever He wills; O the Maker, Who makes all things with perfect art, O the All-Interceding, Who intercedes on behalf of whomever He wills, and accepts the intercession of whomever He wills; O the All-Gathering Who collects all goodness and beauty in Himself, and Who will gather all responsible beings in His Presence at the time of the Resurrection; O the All-Embracing, Who embraces everything in knowledge, power, and mercy; O the All-Expanding, Who expands to whatever extent He wills;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

I entreat You by Your Names:

Page 125: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the Maker of all that is made with perfect art; O the Creator of all that is created; O He Who provides for all things that are in need of sustenance; O the Master of all that is owned (by Him); O He Who comforts all who are in trouble; O He Who relieves all who are in gloom and despair; O He Who has compassion on those who are in need of compassion; O He Who helps all those who are devoid of help; O He Who veils all shame; O the Constant-Refuge of all who are oppressed;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

Page 126: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who is my helper and support when I fall upon hard times; O He Who is my source of hope when misfortune falls upon me; O He Who is my companion when I am lonely and desolate; O He Who supports me with His mercy, protection, and patronage when I am far from home and lonely; O my Guardian, Who is the only source of all the blessings that I enjoy; O the Remover of my grief and troubles; O my Succor Who helps me when I am in need; O my Refuge when troubles and hard times befall me; O my Helper when I am afraid; O my Guide to the right path when I am baffled and confused;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

Page 127: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the All-Knowing of all that is Unseen; O the All-Forgiving of sins; O the All-Veiling of shame; O the All-Removing of grief and trouble; O He Who changes hearts from one state to another; O He Who adorns hearts (with piety, righteousness, and virtue); O He Who illuminates hearts (with the light of belief and Qur’an); O the Hearer of hearts; O the Beloved of hearts; O the Intimate Companion of hearts;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

Page 128: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the All-Majestic (Who is the One of infinite grandeur); O the All-Beautiful and Gracious; O the One to rely on and the One to Whom affairs should be entrusted; O the Guarantor (Who assumes the provision of the needs of creatures,); O the All-Evidence for the truth (Who shows the true path to His servants,); O the All-Pardoning (Who forgives the faults of His servants,); O the All-Aware (from Whom nothing remains hidden,); O the All-Gracious and Subtle (Who provides abundantly and graciously, and penetrates into the most minute dimensions of all things,); O the All-Glorious with irresistible might (Whom none can prevent from doing what He wills,); O the absolute Sovereign;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

I entreat You by Your Names:

Page 129: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who is All-Evidence and the Guide for the bewildered; O the Helper of those who ask for help; O the Savior of those who ask for deliverance; O the Protector of those who seek protection; O the Refuge of the rebellious; O the Forgiver of sinners; O He with Whom the fearful seek refuge and Who gives them security; O He Who is compassionate to the helpless and needy; O the intimate Companion of those who are desolate and those who have no one to whom they can turn; O He Who answers the prayers of those in desperate straits,

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

Page 130: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the One of infinite generosity and favors; O He Who gives blessings out of His grace without expecting anything in return; O He Who provides safety and security; O the One of absolute purity and holiness, and absolute freedom from any fault or imperfection, and from having partners, equals, or opposites; O the One of absolute wisdom and perfect articulation; O He Who is infinitely merciful to His creatures and is pleased with His obedient servants; O He Who brings about the existence of all things and Who is the proof and evidence of His existence as well as His creation; O the One of limitless grandeur and absolute authority; O He Who pardons, grants remission and excuses, and Who forgives; O the One of infinite affection to Whom every living being turns for help;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

Page 131: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who is the Lord of all things; O He Who is the Deity of all things; O He Who is the Creator of all things; O He Who is transcendently above all things; O He Who pre-eternally existed before all things; O He Who will eternally survive all things; O He Who is the All-Knowing of all things; O He Who is the All-Powerful over all things; O He Who makes all things with perfect art; O He Who exists permanently, while all else is subject to perishing;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

Page 132: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the Supreme Author of safety and security Who bestows faith and removes all doubt; O the All-Watchful Guardian (Who protects His servants and watches over what they do,); O He Who brings everything into existence with the single command of “Be!”; O the All-Instructing Who inspires and teaches His creatures what they need; O He Who explains everything that needs explanation and communicates His decrees in clear terms; O the All-Facilitating (Who makes all manner of difficult things easy for His servants,); O the All-Adorning (Who adorns all things in the most suitable fashion,); O the All-Supreme (Whose grandeur is acknowledged by His servants,); O the All-Aiding (Who makes His creatures assist one another and Who helps those who are in need,); O the All-Coloring, (Who beautifies all things by creating them in various kinds and colors,);



All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

I entreat You by Your Names:

Page 133: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who is enduring in His Kingdom; O He Who is supreme in His Majesty; O He Who is pre-eternal in His authority; O He Who is compassionate for His servants; O He Who has perfect knowledge of all things; O He Who is clement toward those who turn away from Him in offense; O He Who is magnanimous toward those who put their trust in Him; O He Who is wise in His providence, measures, judgments, and ordinances; O He Who is gracious and subtle in His rule; O He Who is powerful in His graciousness and subtlety;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

Page 134: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Whose grace and favors are expected; O He Whose justice is feared (as we deserve punishment and it is only His pure grace and forgiveness which will save us from this,); O He Whose goodness and beneficence are anticipated; O He Whose overlooking of faults and pardoning is desired; O He Who has the only Kingdom that will endure permanently; O He Whose Authority is the only true authority; O He Whose Evidence is the only evidence which is exclusively sufficient for the truth of everything that is true; O He Whose Mercy embraces everything; O He Whose Mercy surpasses His Wrath; O He Whose Knowledge encompasses everything;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

Page 135: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the Eliminator of troubles and worries; O the Remover of sorrow and anxieties; O the Forgiver of sins; O the Acceptor of repentance; O the Creator of all creation; O He Who is truthful in His promise; O He Who provides for infants affectionately; O He Who fulfills His covenants; O the Knower of all secrets; O the Splitter of seeds and kernels to make them sprout;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

Page 136: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the All-Exalted; O the All-Faithful (Who is truthful in His promises); O the All-Guardian, the All-Protecting Friend (to rely on); O the All-Wealthy and Self-Sufficient; O the Owner of infinite treasures; O the All-Pure (Who is free from any imperfection or impurity); O the All-Pleased (Who makes Himself loved by His servants through His blessings and is pleased with their obedience); O the All-Manifest (Who is more manifest than anything else); O the All-Hidden (Who is hidden due to the dazzling density of His manifestation, and Who knows everything down to the finest details and has hidden favors,); O the All-Strong;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

I entreat You by Your Names:

Page 137: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who manifests the beautiful; O He Who covers the ugly; O He Who is not harmed by the crimes of His servants and Who makes not haste to punish them in revenge; O He Who does not tear apart the veil of secret shame; O the One of supreme pardoning and dispensation; O He Who overlooks the faults of His servants mercifully and beautifully; O the One of all-extensive forgiveness; O He Whose both “hands” are open with mercy; O He Who hears and knows every whisper and secret counsel; O He Who is the ultimate authority for all complaints;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

Page 138: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the One of all-embracing bounty and blessings; O the One of all-extensive mercy; O the One of complete, all-encompassing wisdom; O the One of perfect power; O the One of decisive proof; O the One of manifest generosity and goodness; O the One of all-sublime attributes; O the One of never-ending glory and might; O the One of firm and unshakable strength; O the One Who provides bounty and favor in advance before the good deeds of His servants have been performed, Who has never-ceasing bounty and favor;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

Page 139: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the Wisest of the wise; O the most Just of the just; O the Truest of the truthful; O the Most Manifest of the manifest; O the Purest of the pure; O He Who creates in the most perfect fashion; O the Most Swift of those who judge; O the Best of hearers; O the Most Munificent of the munificent; O the Most Compassionate of the compassionate; O the Best of intercessors;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

Page 140: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the Originator of the heavens Who has nothing preceding Him to imitate; O He Who has brought veils of darkness into being; O the All-Knowing of all secrets; O He Who is compassionate to those who suffer in agony and shed tears; O He Who veils shameful and ugly things; O He Who removes distress and calamity; O He Who resurrects the dead; O He Who rewards generously in return for the good deeds of His servants; O He Who pours down abundance; O He Who is very severe in punishing those who deserve punishment;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

Page 141: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the All-Fashioning (Who creates in any form He wills,); O the All-Determining (Who gives everything a unique life and nature, and determines a goal for each creature); O the All-Purifying; O the All-Illuminating; O the All-Promoting (Who promotes whomever He wills, with regard to honor, rank, place or time,); O the All-Delaying (Who delays what He wills, how He wills); O the All-Expediting (Who makes the difficult easy and Who gives goodness or evil to those who seek them,); O the All-Warning (Who protects His servants from evil consequences,); O the Herald of glad tidings; O the All-Governing;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

I entreat You by Your Names:

Page 142: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the Lord of al-Bayt al-Haram (the Sacred House: the Ka'ba,); O the Lord of ash-Shahr al-Haram (the sacred, inviolable months,); O the Lord of al-Masjid al-Haram (the Sacred, Inviolable Mosque in Makka,); O the Lord of al-Balad al-Haram (the holy city: Makka); O the Lord of ar-Rukn wa'l-Maqam (the corners of the Ka'ba and the Station of Abraham near the Ka'ba,); O the Lord of al-Mash'ar al-Haram (the sacred hill in Muzdalifa,); O the Lord of al-Hill and al-Haram (the free areas and the sanctified area in the Hijaz region); O the Lord of the light and the darkness (day and night); O He Who is the only source of security and peace; O the Lord of Majesty and Graciousness;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

Page 143: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who is the Support of those who lack support; O He Who is the Prop of those who lack a prop; O He Who is the Provider of those who lack provisions; O He Who is the Helper of those who lack a helper; O He Who is the Refuge of those who lack refuge; O He Who is the Pride of those who have nothing to be proud of; O He Who is the Source of honor and might for those without honor or might; O He Who is the Assistant of those who lack assistance; O He Who is the Companion of those who lack a companion; O He Who is the Infinite wealth of those who lack wealth;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

Page 144: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the All-Enduring (by Whom all endure); O the All-Perpetual (Who has neither a beginning nor an end); O the All-Compassionate (Who shows special mercy for each creature); O the All-Ruling and Judging; O the All-Knowing; O the All-Safeguarding; O the All-Apportioning and Distinguishing (Who apportions everything with justice,); O the All-Sound (Who is free from all shame, fault, and deficiencies,); O the All-Constricting (Who contracts hearts and Who lessens the provision of whom He wills,); O the All-Expanding (Who expands hearts and Who increases whom He wills in provision,);

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

I entreat You by Your Names:

Page 145: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who guards those who take refuge in Him; O He Who shows mercy on those who seek His mercy; O He Who helps those who ask for His help; O He Who preserves those who ask for His preservation; O He Who blesses those who ask for His blessings; O He Who guides to the right path those who ask for guidance; O He Who aids those who ask for His aid; O He Who assists those who expect His assistance; O He Who hears the cry of those who cry out; O He who forgives those who ask Him for forgiveness;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

Page 146: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the One of generous pardon and tolerance; O the One of supreme blessing; O the One of abundant good; O the One of pre-eternal grace; O the One of delicate making; O the One of everlasting bounty; O the Eliminator of troubles; O the Remover of harmful things; O the Owner of sovereignty and rule; O He Who judges rightly and justly;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Protect us from the Fire!

Page 147: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the Invincible, All-Glorious with irresistible might; O the All-Subtle, All-Gracious, Whose very Essence cannot be known; O the All-Watchful, Who never sleeps; O the All-Enduring, Who will never cease to be; O the All-Living, Who will never die; O the All-Sovereign, Who will never perish; O the All-Permanent, Who will never pass away; O the All-Knowing, Who is untainted by ignorance; O the Eternally Besought-of-all, Who never needs food or drink; O the All-Strong, Who cannot be debilitated;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Protect us from the Fire!

Page 148: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the All-One (Who has no partners and equals, Whose Names are manifested upon the whole); O the Ever-Present and All-Finding; O the All-Witnessing (from Whom nothing can be hidden,); O the All-Sublime (Who has infinite glory,); O the All-Right (Who is absolutely right in all His deeds and decrees,); O the All-Restoring and Reviving (Who sends Messengers to revive people spiritually, and Who will restore life to the dead,); O the All-Inheriting (Who survives all beings and inherits them,); O the Causer of harm (Whose harm nobody can prevent if He wills to harm someone,); O the All-Favoring and Giver of benefits; O the All-Guiding (Who creates and grants guidance,);

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I entreat You by Your Names:

All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Protect us from the Fire!

Page 149: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who is infinitely more supreme than any supreme being; O He Who is infinitely more munificent than any munificent being; O He Who is infinitely more compassionate than any compassionate being; O He Who is infinitely wiser than any wise being; O He Who is infinitely more knowledgeable than any knowledgeable being; O He Who pre-eternally precedes anything that has existed from the earliest times; O He Who is infinitely greater than any great being; O He Who is infinitely more majestic than any majestic being; O He Who is infinitely more glorious and mightier than any glorious and mighty being; O He Who is infinitely more subtle and gracious than any subtle and gracious being;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Protect us from the Fire!

Page 150: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who is all-faithful in His covenant, in keeping His promise; O He Who is all-strong and powerful in fulfilling what He promises; O He Who is all-exalted in His Strength; O He Who is all-near to everything in His Exaltedness; O He Who is all-subtle in His Nearness; O He Who is all-noble in His Subtlety; O He Who is all-glorious and mighty in His Nobility; O He Who is all-supreme in His Glory and Might; O He Who is all-sublime in His Supremeness; O He Who is all-praiseworthy in His Sublimity;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Protect us from the Fire!

Page 151: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He to Whom all things submit in complete obedience; O He for Whom all things come into being; O He for Whom all things exist; O He toward Whom all things turn (in supplication); O He Whom all things fear; O He Whom all things glorify; O He by Whom all things subsist and last; O He in awe of Whom all things humbly obey; O He to Whom all things are bound to return; O He Whose Being is solely free from perishing;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Protect us from the Fire!

Page 152: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the All-Sufficient One (Who fulfills all the needs of His creatures and Who suffices for them,); O the All-Healing (Who cures all physical and spiritual diseases,); O the All-Reliable (Who is faithful to His promise and Who attends to all the needs and requests of His creatures with wisdom,); O the Bestower of well-being (against all physical and spiritual diseases,); O the All-High (Who has superiority over His creatures,); O the All-Inviting (Who calls His servants to whatever is good and beneficial and Who calls them to Heaven,); O He Who is all-pleased (with good deeds and His good servants,); O the Supreme Judge and Executing, (Who meets the needs of creatures and Who rules with justice and wisdom,); O the All-Permanent; O the All-Guiding;

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I entreat You by Your Names:

All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Protect us from the Fire!

Page 153: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who is the only one in whom shelter can be sought; O He Who is the only one to whom we can resort; O He Who is the only one in whom refuge can be taken; O He Who is the only one in whom we can trust; O He Who is the only one who must be sought; O He Who is the only one in Whom the way to deliverance ends; O He Who is the only one to be sought and demanded; O He Who is the only one to be worshipped; O He Who is the only one to be asked for help; O He who is the only one with absolute force and power;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Protect us from the Fire!

Page 154: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the Best of those who are feared; O the Best of those who are longed for; O the Best of those who are sought after; O the Best of those to whom requests are made; O the Best of aims and objectives; O the Best of those who are remembered and mentioned; O the Best of those who are thanked and praised; O the Best of those who are loved; O the Best of hosts; O the Best of those who are befriended;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Protect us from the Fire!

Page 155: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who creates and fashions in due proportion; O He Who determines (a particular life, nature, and goal for each creature), and guides (it toward the fulfillment of that goal); O We Who removes troubles; O He Who hears secret counsels and conversations; O He Who rescues those who are drawn into physical and spiritual disasters and calamities; O He Who saves those who are on the verge of destruction; O He Who cures those who are physically or spiritually ill; O He Who causes to die and revives; O He Who causes to rejoice, laugh, and to weep; O He Who leads astray and guides to the Straight Path,;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Protect us from the Fire!

Page 156: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the All-Forgiving; O the All-Veiling (Who veils the shame and faults of His servants); O the All-Overwhelming (Who prevails over the whole universe with His absolute Rule and Power); O the All-Powerful; O the All-Viewing; O the All-Originator (Who originates each thing with a unique individuality,); O the All-Responsive (to the gratitude of His creatures); O the All-Remembering and Mentioning (Who remembers and mentions in high assemblies those who remember and mention Him,); O the All-Helping and Giver of victory; O the All-Compelling;

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I entreat You by Your Names:

All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Protect us from the Fire!

Page 157: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who has ways (which He has created) over land and sea (by which His servants may travel); O He Who has signs (for His Existence and Oneness, and for His Attributes) throughout the universe; O He in Whose signs there is evidence of His existence; O He Who manifests His Power through death; O He Who has His Glory and Might in the grave; O He Who has Authority and Sovereignty in the Resurrection; O He Who has Grandeur and Majesty in the Final Reckoning; O He Who has Judgment and Execution in the Balance; O He Who has Mercy in Paradise; O He Who has punishment in the Fire;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Protect us from the Fire!

Page 158: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He to Whom the frightened flee; O He in Whom sinners take shelter; O He to Whom the repentant turn; O He with Whom the rebellious seek refuge; O He Whom the pious seek; O He of Whom the guilty are hopeful; O He in Whom those who are seeking find friendship; O He of Whom the godly and virtuous are proud; O He in Whom trust is placed; O He with Whom those with certainty of belief can find inner-peace;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Protect us from the Fire!

Page 159: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who is infinitely nearer than anyone near; O He Who is infinitely more beloved than anyone beloved; O He Who is infinitely more supreme than anyone supreme; O He Who is infinitely more glorious and mighty than anyone of glory and might; O He Who is infinitely stronger than anyone strong; O He Who is infinitely wealthier than anyone wealthy; O He Who is infinitely more generous than anyone generous; O He Who is infinitely more affectionate than anyone affectionate; O He Who is infinitely more compassionate than anyone compassionate; O He Who is infinitely more majestic than anyone majestic;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Protect us from the Fire!

Page 160: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the All-Near (Who is nearer to everything than itself); O the All-Watchful (Who never neglects any of His creatures,); O the All-Beloved (Who causes His servants to love Him and Who loves His servants,); O the All-Answering (Who answers the prayers and requests of His creatures in the wisest and most proper way,); O the All-Sufficing as One Who reckons and settles the accounts (of His servants); O the All-Curing (Who provides cure for all diseases); O the All-Seeing; O the All-Aware; O the All-Illuminating; O the All-Evident (from Whom nothing is hidden and Who makes all truth manifest);

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I entreat You by Your Names:

All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Protect us from the Fire!

Page 161: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the All-Victorious Who is never defeated; O the Maker (with perfect art) Who has not been made; O the Creator Who has never been created; O the Master Who has never been owned; O the All-Overwhelming Who has never been ruled or overwhelmed; O the All-Exalting Who has never been made exalted by others; O the All-Preserving Who has never been preserved; O the All-Helping Who has never been helped; O the All-Witnessing and Ever-Present Who has never been distant or unaware; O the All-Near Who has never been remote;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Protect us from the Fire!

Page 162: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the Light of all light; O the Illuminator of light; O He Who gives form and image to light; O the Creator of light; O He Who determines light in certain measures; O He Who administers light; O the Light, Who existed before all light; O the Light, Who will continue to exist when all lights have been extinguished; O the Light, Who is above all light; O the Light, Whom no light resembles or is like;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Protect us from the Fire!

Page 163: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Whose bestowal is noble; O He Whose work is subtle and fine; O He Whose favors and generosity are lasting; O He Whose benevolence is eternal; O He Whose word is right; O He Whose promise is true; O He Whose forgiveness emanates purely from His Grace; O He Whose punishment is pure justice; O He Whose remembrance is pleasant; O He Whose nearness and friendship is a pleasure;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Protect us from the Fire!

Page 164: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the Granter of gifts, Who grants due blessings to His creatures; O the All-Distinguishing and Explaining, Who sets His signs in detail; O the All-Changing and Substituting, Who changes anything as He wills or substitutes it for another; O the All-Facilitating; O the All-Abasing, Who humiliates whoever He wills; O the All-Conveying, Who sends down Revelations, angels, abundance, and calamity; O the All-Transforming, Who changes creatures from one state to another; O the All-Beautifying; O the All-Perfecting; O He Who renders whoever He wills superior to others;

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I entreat You by Your Names:

All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Protect us from the Fire!

Page 165: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who sees everything, while He is invisible; O He Who creates everything, while He is not created; O He Who guides everything to the straight path and shows the way, while He needs no guide; O He Who gives life to everything, while He is not brought to life by anything else; He Whose life comes from Himself and is eternal; O He Who nurtures everybody, while He has no need for nurture; O He Who protects everything, while He has no need for protection; O He Who judges and executes His judgment, while He is not to be judged; O He Who rules over everything, while He is not to be ruled over; O He Who does not give birth and who was not born; O He to Whom nothing is equal or comparable;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Protect us from the Fire!

Page 166: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who is unique as the All-Beloved; O He Who is unique as the All-Healing; O He Who is unique as the All-Reckoning; O He Who is unique as the All-Near; O He Who is unique as the All-Watchful; O He Who is unique as the All-Answering; O He Who is unique as the All-Companion; O He Who is unique as One to rely on and to Whom affairs should be entrusted; O He Who is unique as the All-Protecting Owner; O He Who is unique as the All-Helping;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Protect us from the Fire!

Page 167: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who is the source of joy and happiness for those who have knowledge of Him; O He Who provides friendship and peace for those who seek His good pleasure; O He Who succors those who love and long for Him; O He Who is the beloved of those who repent often; O He Who provides for the destitute; O He Who is the source of hope for sinners; O He Who removes the sufferings of those in desperate straits; O He Who comforts souls in times of sorrow and grief; O He Who transforms sadness to relief and joy; O He Who is the Deity of all past and future beings;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Protect us from the Fire!

Page 168: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the Lord of Paradise and Hell; O the Lord of the Prophets and the virtuous; O the Lord of the truthful and the godly; O the Lord of the small and the great; O the Lord of the kernels, seeds, and the fruit; O Lord of the rivers and trees; O the Lord of the deserts and wastelands; O the Lord of the slaves and the free; O the Lord of everything apparent or hidden; O the Lord of the night and the day;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Protect us from the Fire!

Page 169: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Whose Knowledge comprehends everything; O He Whose Vision penetrates everything, without any impediment; O He Whose Power is capable of everything; O He Whose gifts His servants cannot number; O He Whom His creatures cannot thank sufficiently; O He Whose Majesty minds cannot comprehend; O He Whose reality and nature intellects and imaginations cannot grasp; O He Whose Grandeur and Sublimity are His “garment” which veils Him; O He Whose Majesty and Authority are the glory of His Essence; O He Who has exaltation in the honor and mightiness of being everlasting;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Protect us from the Fire!

Page 170: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He to Whom the highest example applies; O He to whom belong the most sublime attributes; O He to Whom the Hereafter and this world belong; O He Who is the owner of the Heavenly Garden of Refuge and Dwelling; O He Who is the owner of the Fire and the Furious Flame; O He for Whom the most supreme evidence and signs exist; O He to Whom the All-Beautiful Names belong; O He to Whom rule and judgment belong; O He to Whom the highest heavens belong; O He to Whom the Supreme Throne and the earth belong;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Protect us from the Fire!

Page 171: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the All-Pardoning (Who overlooks the faults of His servants, Who grants remission and excuses much; O the All-Forgiving; O the All-Loving and All-Beloved, the One Who cares with tenderness; O the All-Responsive (to the gratitude of His creatures); O the All-Patient (Whom no haste induces to rush into an action); O the All-Affectionate; O the Most-Kind, who has infinite mercy; O the All-Holy and All-Pure (Who is absolutely free of any defect and keeps the universe pure); O the All-Living, Who always exists; O the Self-Subsisting (by Whom all subsist);

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I entreat You by Your Names:

All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Protect us from the Fire!

Page 172: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Whose glory and might are in the heavens; O He Whose signs are all over the earth; O He Whose evidence is in everything; O He Whose amazing creatures and acts are in the seas; O He Who originates creation, then brings it forth anew; O He Whose treasures are in the mountains; O He Who makes whatever He creates in the best manner; O He to Whom all matters are referred; O He Whose kindness and bountifulness are manifest in all things; O He who makes His Power known to His creatures;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Protect us from the Fire!

Page 173: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who is the beloved of those who have no beloved; O He Who is the healer of those who have no curers; O He Who answers the calls and prayers of those who have no one to answer their call; O He Who has affection on those who have no one to show them affection; O He Who is the friend of those who have no friends; O He Who is the intercessor for those who have no interceders; O He Who is the aid of those who have no one to aid them; O He Who is the guide for those who have no one to guide them; O He Who is the leader of those who have no one to lead them; O He Who has compassion on those who have no one to show them compassion;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Protect us from the Fire!

Page 174: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who suffices for anyone who turns to Him in need; O He Who guides anyone who asks Him for guidance; O He Who satisfies the needs of anyone who asks Him for help; O He Who calls anyone who prays to Him to enter Paradise; O He Who heals anyone who asks Him for cure; O He Who fulfills the needs of anyone who seeks from Him; O He Who bestows riches on anyone who asks Him for riches; O He Who takes care of the affairs of those who so request; O He Who reinforces anyone who asks Him for power; O He Who befriends and protects anyone who asks Him for friendship or protection;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Protect us from the Fire!

Page 175: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the First (before Whom nothing existed,); O the Last One (Whom nothing survives or outlives), O the All-Outward, (above Whom there is nothing and to Whom the lives and formations of all things point); O the All-Inward (below Whom there is nothing, to Whom nuclei or seeds point, Who is concealed from the vision of creatures, Whom no eye can see, nor any comprehension conceive,); O the Creator; O the All-Providing (Who is the guarantor of provisions); O the All-Truthful; O the All-Preceding; O the All-Impelling, (Who impels each being toward the purpose of its creation and toward attainable perfection; O the All-Splitting (Who splits grains and kernels and makes them sprout and Who brings out the day from the night and the night from the day,);

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I entreat You by Your Names:

All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Protect us from the Fire!

Page 176: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who alternates night and day; O He Who creates veils of darkness and light; O He Who generates shade and heat; O He Who has subjugated the sun and the moon and put them at the service of His creatures; O He Who creates death and life; O He to Whom the authority of creating and commanding belong; O He Who is exempt from having a spouse or a child; O He Who never has a partner in His Sovereignty; O He Who is free from the abasement of adopting a helper; O He Who is the sole and the true possessor of strength and power;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from the Fire!

Page 177: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who knows the requests of those who request; O He Who has wealth and power to provide the needs of those who make requests; O He Who hears the laments of those who are overtaken by grief; O He Who sees and is mindful of those who shed tears in dread of His punishment; O He Who knows what lies in the hearts of those who keep silent; O He Who sees and knows the regret of those who repent of their sins; O He Who accepts the excuses of the repentant; O He Who does not improve the affairs of the seditious and malevolent; O He Who does not let the reward of those who do good deeds be wasted; O He Who is never distant from the hearts of those who have knowledge of Him;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from the Fire!

Page 178: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who exists permanently; O the Forgiver of faults; O the Hearer of prayers; O He Whose gifts and favors are abundant; O the Raiser of the heavens; O the Remover of calamities; O the One of supreme praise and laudation; O the One of pre-eternal splendor and loftiness; O the One of profound fidelity; O He who gives the noblest reward in return;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from the Fire!

Page 179: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the All-Forgiving; O the All-Veiler, (Who veils the shame, ugliness, mistakes, faults, and sins of His servants,); O the All-Overwhelming (Who dominates His servants by rule and power and Who rules them in the way He wills); O the All-Compelling (Who makes everything bow down and Who makes whatever He wills happen by force,); O the All-Patient (Who does not hasten to punish His servants who persist in rebellion and Who grants patience to His servants,); O the All-Providing (Who provides for all beings,); O the One Who judges between people with truth and separates them; O the All-Knowing; O the All-Bestower (Who bestows gifts and rewards on His servants in abundance, although they have no claim,); O the All-Relenting One Who accepts repentance and returns it with liberal forgiveness and additional reward;

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I entreat You by Your Names:

All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from the Fire!

Page 180: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who has created me and given me the best form and nature; O He Who provides for me and trains, raises, and provides for me; O He Who provides me with food and drink; O He Who draws me and brings me nearer to Himself; O He Who safeguards me and is sufficient for me; O He Who preserves me and takes care of my needs; O He Who leads me to success and to the right way; O He Who gives me dignity and who makes me rich; O He Who will make me die and Who will resurrect me; O He Who befriends and accompanies me and Who embraces me with mercy;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from the Fire!

Page 181: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He who establishes the truth by His words; O He Whose decree cannot be overruled by anybody; O He Whose judgment cannot be averted by anybody; O He Who enters in between people and their hearts, (Who manipulates hearts as He wills); O He Who accepts repentance from His servants; O He without Whose permission no intercession can be of benefit; O He in Whose “right hand” the heavens are to be rolled up; O He Who knows best those who deviate from His path; O He Whom thunder glorifies with praise as do the angels, in awe of Him; O He Who sends forth the merciful winds as glad tidings in advance of His mercy (rain);

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from the Fire!

Page 182: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who has made the earth a cradle (for His creatures); O He Who has rendered the mountains masts (for the ship of the earth); O He Who has made the sun a lamp (for the palace of the earth,); O He Who has made the moon a luminous candle (in the ceiling of the earth); O He Who has made the night a cover; O He Who has made the day a time of work and earning; O He Who has made sleep a means of rest; O He Who has constructed the heavens as an edifice; O He Who has created things in pairs; O He Who has made the Fire watch over those who will enter it;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from the Fire!

Page 183: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the All-Interceding; O All-Hearing One; O the All-Exalting; O the All-Preventing; O the All-Originating, Who creates in the best shape, artfully and without anything preceding Him to imitate; O the All-Swift; O the Giver of glad tidings; O the All-Warning; O the All-Powerful; O the All-Omnipotent;

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I entreat You by Your Names:

All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from the Fire!

Page 184: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the All-Living, Who existed before all living beings; O the All-Living One, Who will exist after all living beings have ceased to exist; O the All-Living, Whom nothing resembles; O the All-Living, to Whom nothing is equal or similar; O the All-Living, of whom no being can be a partner; O the All-Living, Who is not in need of any living being; O the All-Living, Who makes all living beings die; O the All-Living, Who provides for all living beings; O the All-Living, Who resurrects the dead; O the All-Living, Who never dies;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from the Fire!

Page 185: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who is remembered without ever being forgotten; O He Who has a Light which is never extinguished; O He Who has laudation and praise incomputable; O He Who has qualities of laudation which cannot be altered; O He Who has blessings uncountable; O He Who has sovereignty that never decays; O He Who has majesty indescribable; O He Who has decree and judgment that can never be resisted or averted; O He Who has attributes that cannot be changed; O He Who has perfection incomprehensible;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from the Fire!

Page 186: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the Lord of the worlds, O the Master of the Day of Judgment, O He Who loves the patient, O He Who loves the repentant, O He Who loves those who purify themselves physically and spiritually, O He Who loves those who worship Him as if they see Him and those who are devoted to doing good, O He Who is the Best of helpers, O He Who is the Best of those who judge justly and distinguish right from wrong and truth from falsehood, O He Who is the Best of those who respond to the gratitude shown, O He Who best knows the seditious and malevolent,

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from the Fire!

Page 187: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the All-Commencing, (Who creates beings out of nothing and without a pre-existing model; O the All-Reproducing, Who brings creation anew; O the All-Preserving; O the All-Comprehensive (Who comprehends everything in His Names and Attributes and from Whom nothing can be hidden,); O the All-Praiseworthy (for Whom is all praise, whoever gives it to whomever for whatever reason and in whatever way, from the first day of creation until eternity,); O the All-Sublime (Who has utmost honor and might and Whose kindness and beneficence are all-extensive,); O the All-Sustaining; O the All-Succoring; O the All-Exalting and Honoring; O the All-Abasing;

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I entreat You by Your Names:

All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from the Fire!

Page 188: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the Unique One of absolute Unity, Who has no opposites; O the All-Independent, Single One; O the Eternally Besought-of-All, Who is free from all shame and defects; O the All-Unique, to Whom nothing can ever be similar; O He Who needs no assistance and has no aids; O the All-Wealthy, Who is exempt from poverty; O the absolute, eternal Authority, Who cannot be deposed; O the All-Sovereign, Who is free from impotence; O the All-Existent, Who has no equals or peers;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from the Fire!

Page 189: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Whose remembrance is an honor for those who remember Him; O He for Whom thanksgiving is a triumph for the thankful; O He for Whom praise is a pride for those who praise Him; O He to Whom obedience is salvation for those who obey Him; O He Whose door is open to those who seek Him; O He Whose path is evident and clear to those who believe in Him; O He Whose signs are evidence and proof for those who look and see; O He Whose Book is advice and an instruction for those who have certainty of belief; O He Whose pardoning is a shelter for sinners; O He Whose mercy is near to those who are devoted to doing good, aware that God sees them;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from the Fire!

Page 190: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Whose Name is exalted and holy; O He Whose glory and status are transcending; O He Whose laudation and praise are sublime; O He save Whom there is no deity; O He Whose Names are sacred and free from any imperfection; O He Whose existence is unending; O He Whose Grandeur is His “adornment,”; O He Whose Sublimity is His “garment” which veils Him; O He Whose favors are incomputable; O He Whose bounties are uncountable;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from the Fire!

Page 191: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the All-Aiding; O the All-Evident (from Whom nothing is hidden and Who makes all truth manifest,); O the All-Trustworthy (Who is faithful to His promise and word and Who gives security and peace to His creatures,); O He Who is firmly established in power and Whose sovereignty is unshakeable; O the All-Firm (Whose power and strength are absolute,); O the All-Severe (Whose punishment is severe,); O the All-Witnessing from Whom nothing can be hidden and Who never forgets; O the All-Right, Guiding One; O the All-Praiseworthy (for Whom is all praise, whoever gives it to whomever for whatever reason and in whatever way, from the first day of creation until eternity,); O the All-Sublime (Who has utmost honor and might and Whose kindness and beneficence are all-extensive,);

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I entreat You by Your Names:

All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from the Fire!

Page 192: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who is the Possessor of the Sublime, Supreme Throne; O He Who is the Possessor of the most truthful word; O He Who is the Possessor of the most proper grace and bounty; O He Who is the Possessor of the severe grip; O He Who is the Owner of both promise and threat; O He Who is the All-Near, without ever being distant; O He Who is the All-Guardian and the All-Praiseworthy; O He Who is the All-Witnessing over all things; O He Who never wrongs His servants; O He Who is nearer to His servants than their own jugular vein;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from the Fire!

Page 193: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who has neither a partner nor an aid; O He Who has neither a peer nor an equal; O He Who is the Creator of both the sun and the luminous moon; O He Who enriches the poor in misery; O He Who provides for infants; O He Who has mercy on the helpless elderly; O He Who is the reliable refuge of those who fear and seek His protection; O He Who sees His servants perfectly; O He Who is absolutely aware of the needs of His servants; O He Who has full power over everything;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from the Fire!

Page 194: Jawshan Al Kabeer

Generous Dispenser of bounties; O Munificent Bestower of grace; O Avenging Possessor of strength; O Creator of the Tablet and Pen; O Creator of atom and breath; O Inspirer of Arab and non-Arab; O Remover of harm and suffering; O Knower of secrets and ambitions; O Owner of the Ka‘ba and its sanctuary; O He who creates all things out of nothing;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from the Fire!

Page 195: Jawshan Al Kabeer

All-Just; Accepter of good; Most Excellent; Doer of deeds; Guarantor of needs; Maker; Most Perfect; Creator; Seeker; Sought;

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I entreat You by Your Names:

All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from the Fire!

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O He Who grants with His infinite power; O He Who gives abundantly of His infinite generosity and wealth; O He Who bestows of His grace time after time; O He Who shows His glory and might with His limitless power; O He Who destines and determines with His wisdom; O He Who rules and judges with His wise regulations; O He Who governs properly with His knowledge; O He Who overlooks the faults of His servants out of His limitless forbearance and clemency; O He Who is close in His limitless transcendence; O He Who is limitlessly exalted in His nearness;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from the Fire!

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O He Who creates whatever He wills; O He Who does whatever He wills; O He Who guides to the Straight Path whomever He wills; O He Who leads astray whomever He wills; O He Who forgives whomever He wills; O He Who punishes whomever He wills; O He Who leads whomever He wills to repentance and accepts repentance from whomever He wills; O He Who forms the fetuses in wombs however He wills; O He Who enhances the capabilities and gifts He bestows to His servants to whatever degree He wills; O He Who allots His mercy to whomever He wills;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from the Fire!

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O He Who has never taken either a spouse or a child; O He Who has never taken a partner in His rule or judgment; O He Who has decreed a certain measure for everything; O He Who has never ceased to be compassionate; O He Who has appointed envoys from among the angels; O He Who has brought out constellations in the heavens; O He Who has given the earth stability and made it a secure dwelling; O He Who has created human beings out of fluid; O He Who has established everything, one by one, with exact measure; O He Who comprehends everything in His knowledge;



All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from the Fire!

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O the All-Independent, Single One; O the All-Unique (to Whom nothing is equal with regard to His Essence, Attributes, Names, or acts,); O the Unique One of absolute Unity; O the Eternally Besought-of-All, Whom everything is in need of yet Who needs nothing; O the All-Sublime and Glorious; O the All-Glorious with irresistible might; O the All-Majestic; O the Ultimate Truth and Ever-Constant; O the All-Benign; O the All-Eternal;

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I entreat You by Your Names:

All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from the Fire!

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O the All-Recognized, Who is recognized by those who have true knowledge of Him; O the All-Worshiped, Whom His servants worship; O the All-Thanked, to Whom the thankful offer thanks; O the All-Remembered, Whom people of remembrance remember and mention; O the All-Praised, Whom people of praise praise; O the All-Existent, Who is ever present everywhere to those who seek Him; O the All-Qualified, Who those who believe in His Oneness know by His Attributes; O the All-Beloved, Who is the beloved of those who love Him; O the All-Desired, Who is desired by those who long for Him; O the All-Sought, Who is devotedly sought for by those who turn to Him;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from the Fire!

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O He save Whose Sovereignty there is no true sovereignty; O He Whose praise and laudation His servants are unable to fulfill; O He Whose Majesty creatures are unable to describe; O He Whose Perfection eyes are unable to comprehend; O He Whose Attributes intellects are unable to grasp; O He Whose Grandeur minds are unable to perceive; O He Whose Qualities of laudation humans are unable to appreciate properly; O He Whose decree His servants are unable to avert; O He Whose evidences and signs are apparent in all things;



All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from the Fire!

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O He Who is the beloved of those who weep; O He Who is the support of those who place their trust in Him; O He Who grants guidance to those who are astray; O He Who is the guardian of believers; O He Who is the companion of those who remember Him; O He Whose Power is infinitely superior to all powers; O He Whose Vision is infinitely superior to the vision of those who have vision; O He Whose Knowledge is infinitely superior to the knowledge of those who have knowledge; O He Who is the shelter of the helpless in grief; O He Whose help is infinitely better than all other help;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from the Fire!

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O the All-Granting and Honoring; O the All-Exalting; O the All-Bestowing; O the All-Conferring; O the All-Enriching; O the Giver of Life and All-Reviving; O the All-Commencing; O He Who fulfills the wishes of creatures and makes them content and pleased; O the All-Delivering (Who protects creatures from all kinds of danger,); O the All-Benevolent;

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I entreat You by Your Names:

All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from the Fire!

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O He Who is sufficient for all the needs of all things at all times; O He Who unceasingly maintains everything and governs it; O He Whom nothing resembles in any way; O He Whose wealth cannot be increased by anyone; O He Whose treasures never diminish with donation; O He to Whom nothing can remain hidden; O He to Whom nothing is equal or similar; O He Who holds the keys to everything; O He Whose Mercy embraces everything; O He Who lasts forever while all things perish;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from the Fire!

Page 205: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who is the only one to know the Unseen; O He Who is the only one to expel evil; O He Who is the only one to direct and govern affairs; O He Who is the only one to forgive sins; O He Who is the only one to turn hearts from one state to another; O He Who is the only one to create creatures; O He Who is the only one to grant favors; O He Who is the only one to send down rain; O He Who is the only one to resurrect the dead; O He Who is the only one to truly give benefit and enrich;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Deliver us from the Fire!

Page 206: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the All-Unveiling and Removing, Who unveils all secrets and enigmas of the universe to His servants and Who saves His servants from calamity, grief, pain, and agony, O the All-Liberating, Who comforts by removing grief and trouble, O the All-Conquering, Who opens wide the doors of mercy, grants conquest and success, and Who rules justly, O the All-Helping and Giver of victory, O the All-Undertaking, Who fulfills the needs of His creatures, O the All-Commanding, O the All-Prohibiting, Who prohibits whatever He wills, O the Source of all hope, O the All-Expected, O the Supreme Source of all hope and expectations,

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

I entreat You by Your Names:

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O the Helper of the weak; O the unending Treasure of the poor; O the Patron of the destitute; O the Helper of His saintly friends; O the Crusher of enemies; O the Raiser of the heavens; O the Remover of calamities; O the intimate Companion of His saintly friends; O the Beloved of the pious; O the Lord of the wealthy and wealth;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

Page 208: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who is prior to everything and eternally subsequent to it; O He Who is the Deity of everything and its Maker; O He Who is the Provider of everything and its Creator; O He Who is the Originator of everything and its Sovereign; O He Who is the Constructer of everything and its Expander; O He Who is the Originator of everything and its Reproducer; O He Who is the Cause of everything and its Determiner with unique features; O He Who is the Raiser and Trainer of everything and its Governor; O He Who is the Director of everything and Who transforms it from one state to another; O He Who gives life to everything and makes everything die;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

Page 209: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who is the Best of those who remember and mention and of those who are remembered and mentioned; O He Who is the Best of those who give thanks and of those who are thanked; O He Who is the Best of those who give praise and of those who are praised; O He Who is the Best of those who witness and of those who are witnessed; O He Who is the Best of those who call, and of those who are called; O He Who is the Best of those who answer calls and of those whose call is accepted; O He Who is the Best of those who familiarize and of those who are familiarized; O He Who is the Best of friends and companions; O He Who is the Best of those who are longed for and sought after; O He Who is the Best of those who love and of those who are loved;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

Page 210: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O He Who answers those who pray to Him; O He Who loves and is loved by those who obey Him; O He Who is close to those who love Him; O He Who knows well those who desire Him; O He Who is munificent to those who are hopeful of Him; O He Who shows forbearance and lenience toward those who rebel against Him without hastening to punish them; O He Who is wise in His forbearance and lenience; O He Who is supreme and mighty in His rule and judgment; O He Who is merciful in His might; O He Who is eternal in His favoring;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

Page 211: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the Causer of causes (Who creates the causes of everything,); O He Who draws closer to Himself whomever He wills; O the All-Pursuing Who makes things follow one another in His wisdom and brings every affair to an end; O the All-Altering and Turning Who changes things into other things and transforms things from one state to another; O the All-Determining (Who determines a particular being, life, nature, and goal for every creature,); O the All-Arranging; O Giver of desire (Who draws everything to Himself and to what is good for it,); O the All-Reminding (Who instructs His servants to keep away from evil and to turn toward good,); O Giver of existence (Who does whatever He wills with the single command of “Be!”); O He Who has exclusive right to all greatness;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

I entreat You by Your Names:

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O He Who is able to hear one voice while simultaneously hearing another; O He Who is able to perform one deed while simultaneously performing another; O He Who is able to utter one word while simultaneously uttering another; O He Who is able to answer a call and a request while simultaneously responding to another; O He Who is not tired by the persistence of those who constantly ask; O He Who opens the hearts of believers to Islam and exhilarates them with it; O He Who purifies and makes whole the hearts of His modest servants with remembrance of Him; O He Who is never distant from the hearts of those who long for Him; O He Who is the supreme goal of those who are seeking; O He to Whom nothing in the universe is hidden;



All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

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O He Whose knowledge is prior to everything; O He Whose promise is true; O He Whose favors are manifest; O He Whose command is always prevalent; O He Whose Book is firm and sound; O He Whose judgment and decree are executed; O He whose Qur'an is noble and sublime; O He Whose sovereignty is eternal; O He Whose grace is everlasting; O He Whose Supreme Divine Throne is of ultimate sublimity;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

Page 214: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O the Lord of lords; O He Who opens all doors; O the true Causer of causes and their Creator; O He Who gives goodness and rewards; O He Who inspires what is correct and proper; O the Creator and Maker of the clouds; O He Whose punishment is severe; O He Who is the Most Swift in reckoning; O He to Whom return is destined; O the All-Forgiving, O the Acceptor of repentance;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

Page 215: Jawshan Al Kabeer

O our Lord; O our Deity; O our Owner; O our Guardian; O our Helper; O our Preserver; O our (Lord) Whose Power dominates everything; O our Provider; O our Guide; O our Succorer and Deliverer;

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All-Glorified are You; There is no deity but You! Mercy! Mercy! Save us from the Fire!

I entreat You by Your Names:

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O God, our Sustainer! Save us, Protect us, Deliver us from Fire! And grant us well-being and pardon and appoint us to Paradise, Thy sacred abode, together with the righteous - through Thy forgiveness, O Protector; through Thy grace, O Most Forgiving. For the sake of these noble Names and glorious attributes I beseech that Thou grantest blessings to our master Muhammad, and to his Family and Companions, to the number of his good works. In the Name of God God suffices There is no god but God God is witness Say: He is God What God wills is My Sustainer is God Blessed be God Exalted be God I trust in God


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God will suffice you against them and He is All-Seeing, All-Knowing.

Glory be unto Thee! There is no god but Thee. Mercy! Mercy!

Thy praises I cannot count; Thou art only as Thou praisest Thyself!

O God * O Most Merciful * O Compassionate * O Most Forgiving * O Accepter of thanks. I beseech Thee through the Beautiful Names Thou recountest about Thyself, and Thy elevated attributes and all Thy words, that Thou forgivest me, and my parents, and my master Said Nursi and the students of the Risale-i Nur, and all believing men and women, and Muslim men and women, the living from among them and the dead. I beseech that Thou bestowest upon us such mercy that will leave us in no need of the mercy of Thy creatures, other than Thee. And answer our needs and give us what we request in this world and the next. And appoint for us when we depart this world, happiness, witnessing, blessings, and good tidings.

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And grant Muhammad, May blessings and peace be upon him, ample reward from us as is his right and as he deserves. And do not leave us to our own devices even for the blinking of an eye, nor to those of any of Thy creatures. And settle our affairs and guard us in Thine eye, which never sleeps, and preserve us through Thy irresistible strength, O One of Glory and Munificence!

We beseech that Thou avertest from us and from all those who bear these Names the tribulations of jinn, men, and satans, earthquakes, and the crumbling of mountains out of fear of Thee; and plague and pestilence, the evil eye, bodily pain, and all other tribulations. And preserve us from every sort of evil and bad thing. And bestow upon us well-being, safety, and good in this world and the next, through Thy mercy, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.

And grant blessings to our master Muhammad, and to all his Family and Companions. And all praise be to God, the Sustainer of all the worlds.