Java and Databases CS-328 Dick Steflik. Database Drivers Think of a database as just another device...

Java and Databases CS-328 Dick Steflik
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Transcript of Java and Databases CS-328 Dick Steflik. Database Drivers Think of a database as just another device...

Page 1: Java and Databases CS-328 Dick Steflik. Database Drivers Think of a database as just another device connected to your computer like other devices it has.

Java and Databases


Dick Steflik

Page 2: Java and Databases CS-328 Dick Steflik. Database Drivers Think of a database as just another device connected to your computer like other devices it has.

Database Drivers

• Think of a database as just another device connected to your computer

• like other devices it has a driver program to relieves you of having to do low level programming to use the database

• the driver provides you with a high level api to the database

Page 3: Java and Databases CS-328 Dick Steflik. Database Drivers Think of a database as just another device connected to your computer like other devices it has.


• Open Data Base Connectivity

• Developed by Microsoft for the Windows platform as the way for Windows applications to access Microsoft databases (SQL Server, FoxPro, Access)

• Has become an industry standard

• Most data base vendors supply native, odbc, and jdbc drivers for their data base products

Page 4: Java and Databases CS-328 Dick Steflik. Database Drivers Think of a database as just another device connected to your computer like other devices it has.

JDBC Architecture

Java Application


Data Base Drivers

Access SQL


DB2 Informix MySQL Sybase

Page 5: Java and Databases CS-328 Dick Steflik. Database Drivers Think of a database as just another device connected to your computer like other devices it has.

JDBC Driver Types

• Type 1– JDBC-ODBC Bridge

• Type 2– Native API, partially java

• Type 3– JDBC Network Driver, partially java

• Type 4– 100% Java

Page 6: Java and Databases CS-328 Dick Steflik. Database Drivers Think of a database as just another device connected to your computer like other devices it has.

Type 1 Drivers

• Translate JDBC into ODBC and use Windows ODBC built in drivers

• ODBC must be set up on every client – driver must be physically on each machine for both

java applications and applets– for server side servlets ODBC must be set up on web


• driver sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc provided by JavaSoft with JDK

Page 7: Java and Databases CS-328 Dick Steflik. Database Drivers Think of a database as just another device connected to your computer like other devices it has.

Type 1 Driver (cont.)



Vendor Library

Page 8: Java and Databases CS-328 Dick Steflik. Database Drivers Think of a database as just another device connected to your computer like other devices it has.

Type 2 Drivers

• Converts JDBC to data base vendors native SQL calls

• like Type 1 drivers; requires installation of binaries on each client

Page 9: Java and Databases CS-328 Dick Steflik. Database Drivers Think of a database as just another device connected to your computer like other devices it has.

Type 2 Drivers (cont.)

Client JDBC

Vendor Library


Page 10: Java and Databases CS-328 Dick Steflik. Database Drivers Think of a database as just another device connected to your computer like other devices it has.

Type 3 Drivers

• Translates JDBC to a DBMS independent network protocol

• Typically talks directly with a middleware product which in turn talks to the RDBMS– Jaguar, DBAnywhere, SequeLink

• Most flexible driver type

• all java

Page 11: Java and Databases CS-328 Dick Steflik. Database Drivers Think of a database as just another device connected to your computer like other devices it has.

Type 3 Drivers (cont.)

Client JDBC Vendor Middleware


Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3

Page 12: Java and Databases CS-328 Dick Steflik. Database Drivers Think of a database as just another device connected to your computer like other devices it has.

Type 4 Drivers

• Converts JDBC directly to native API used by the RDBMS

• compiles into the application , applet or servlet; doesn’t require anything to be installed on client machine, except JVM

• handiest driver type

Page 13: Java and Databases CS-328 Dick Steflik. Database Drivers Think of a database as just another device connected to your computer like other devices it has.

Type 4 Drivers (cont.)

Client JDBC DB

Page 14: Java and Databases CS-328 Dick Steflik. Database Drivers Think of a database as just another device connected to your computer like other devices it has.

Structured Query Language

• Developed by C. Date for Relational Data Base Management Systems (RDBMS)

• Simple Declarative Language– has no program control statements

Page 15: Java and Databases CS-328 Dick Steflik. Database Drivers Think of a database as just another device connected to your computer like other devices it has.


• Two categories of commands– Data Manipulation Commands

• deal with:– RETRIEVING DATA


– Data Definition Commands• DEAL WITH:


– Object organization and attributes

Page 16: Java and Databases CS-328 Dick Steflik. Database Drivers Think of a database as just another device connected to your computer like other devices it has.

Referential Integrity

• Rules to insure that table data stays accurate and accessible– rows in a table should be unique

• one column should contain no duplicate data

• primary key

– column values cannot contain repeating groups or arrays

– null is different than space and zero, 2 null values are not considered equal

Page 17: Java and Databases CS-328 Dick Steflik. Database Drivers Think of a database as just another device connected to your computer like other devices it has.

Data Manipulation Commands

• Select - query and display data from a database

• Insert - a new row into a table

• Update - modify a column in a table

• Delete a row from a table

Page 18: Java and Databases CS-328 Dick Steflik. Database Drivers Think of a database as just another device connected to your computer like other devices it has.


• Select (column list) from (sources) where (conditions) order by (ocolumn list)• column list - comma separated list of names of columns to be in output

– Ex. ssn , lastname , firstname,gpa– can contain literals to be included in output

• Ex. Ssn,”~”,lastname,”~”,firstname

• sources - name(s) of table(s) to retrieve data from• conditions (optional) - conditions for selections

– lastname like “S%”– (lastname = “Steflik) and (firstname like “R%”)

• ocolumn list (optional)- list of columns that output should be ordered by• Ex

– select * from student– select lastname,fristname from student where gpa > 3.0– select lastname,firstname from student order by lastname,firstname

Page 19: Java and Databases CS-328 Dick Steflik. Database Drivers Think of a database as just another device connected to your computer like other devices it has.

Select - joined tables

• Two tables may be joined and viewed as a single data source is the both have a common column

• suppose we have 2 tables: Inventory and category and each has a column called catg_code

• In category catg_code is unique and is the primary key

Page 20: Java and Databases CS-328 Dick Steflik. Database Drivers Think of a database as just another device connected to your computer like other devices it has.

Select - joined tables (cont.)

P_no Catg_code qty Catg_code descr

Inventory Category


Page 21: Java and Databases CS-328 Dick Steflik. Database Drivers Think of a database as just another device connected to your computer like other devices it has.

Select - joined tables (cont.)

• To retrieve all of the part numbers and the name of the category to which the part belongs:

– select inventory.p_no category.descr from inventroy , category– select a.p_no,” “,b.descr from a inventory , b category

Page 22: Java and Databases CS-328 Dick Steflik. Database Drivers Think of a database as just another device connected to your computer like other devices it has.


• Add a row to a table– insert into category values(“IGN”,”Ignition System”)

• use jdbc execute Update method– ex. Stmt.executeUpdate(“insert into Category values(‘IGN’,’Ignition System’)”);

Page 23: Java and Databases CS-328 Dick Steflik. Database Drivers Think of a database as just another device connected to your computer like other devices it has.


• Modify an existing row in a table– update category set descr = “Ignition Subsystem” where catg_code = “IGN”

• Use jdbc executeUpdate method – String s = “update category set descr = ‘Ignition Subsystem’ where catg_code =

‘IGN’ ”;– stmt.executeUpdate(s);

Page 24: Java and Databases CS-328 Dick Steflik. Database Drivers Think of a database as just another device connected to your computer like other devices it has.


• Remove a row from a table– delete from category where catg_code = “IGN”

• remove the IGN category

– delete from category where catg_code like “I%”

• remove all rows where catg_code starts with an “I”

Page 25: Java and Databases CS-328 Dick Steflik. Database Drivers Think of a database as just another device connected to your computer like other devices it has.

Data Definition Commands

• Create table– add a table to a database

• Drop Table– remove a table from a database

• Alter Table– add or delete column(s)