Jarrod's campout iss1

1 Issue 001 July 2013 Camping; from the women’s perspective All you need to know on LED Lighting campout Jarrod’s July 2013 Iss 001 Help us Create our Dream

Transcript of Jarrod's campout iss1

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1Issue 001July 2013

Camping; from the women’s perspective

All you need to know on

LED Lighting


July 2013 Iss 001

Help usCreate ourDream

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2 Issue 001July 2013

KEN MILLS TOYOTA 82 Sugar Rd Maroochydore

(07) 5443 6277www.kenmillstoyota.com.au

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3Issue 001July 2013

KEN MILLS TOYOTA 82 Sugar Rd Maroochydore

(07) 5443 6277www.kenmillstoyota.com.au

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4 Issue 001July 2013

001July 2013

In this Issue8. Seasoning your

camp oven13. The lowdown on

LED Lighting16. This issues

camping recipe21. Families & camping;

go on a trip with our readers

28. Take a walk in the bush with Jill Chamberlain

33. Meet local musician Livi Robins

36. Camping from the kids perspective

38. Photography hints42. Photographer profile43. Your favourite photos44. Jarrod’s Camping

and Fishing Club46. Campground review50. Camp Directory

Help us with

our Dream

Cover StoryHelp us to find a different location for the new Camping Country Australia store.


Seasoning your camp ovenLearn the step by step way to season your camp oven

Families and campingTake a trip away with our readers, see their favourite spots, what they cook & why they love to camp8 21

Your favourite photosEach issue readers can send in their favourite outdoors photos to have them published43


Campground reviewEach issue a reader reviews a campground they’ve visted, this issue we visit Rainbow Waters tourist park 46

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5Issue 001July 2013

Publisher Jarrod Michael Camping Country Australia 68 Wises Rd, Qld, 4558 (07) 5479 3300 AB.N. 93 271 805 651

Production & Design Kerri Michael [email protected]

Editor Jarrod Michael [email protected]

Contributors Artists Behind Cameras, Simon Hamilton, Simon Southern, Shaun Hinton, Scott Mason, Kevin Bowring, Jill Chamberlain, Ken Rufford.

If you are interested in advertising please contact Kerri or Jarrod on (07) 5479 3300 or email [email protected]

Hello & welcome to my very first edition of Jar-rod’s Campout. Before I start I must say that I am incredibly nervous about writing & releasing this publication. Being of a creative mindset, I am most definitely out of the comfort zone! Nontheless, I am incredibly excited and I have two key reasons for doing so; my undeniable obsession with camping, which my wife Kerri thinks borders on addiction, and... You! The overwhelming amount of wonderful feedback I have had from my long term newsletter readers & this intrinsic love of camping that we have in common.For me, camping is almost eerily spiritual. It’s the feeling you get when sitting around the campfire & you’re staring at the stars. Suddenly, there is an overwhelming realisation that you’re not just a part of nature, you’re part the universe. It’s like camping in the middle of the Australian outback, it’s quiet, calming & relaxing but there is a charged energy about it as well. It doesn’t matter what’s going on at home or work, everything else is behind you. Camping is the sounds of tent pegs being hit in, the wood being chopped, kids playing & people laughing. It’s the smell of smoke & lamb chops be-ing cooked on a hot plate over an open fire. I love

getting grass between my toes & I don’t know why, but all of a sudden I feel a desire to reconnect to the land. There are no clocks, time limits & definitely no interference from the modern world of technology. I don’t feel bad because I should be doing some work around the house. It’s the exposure we have to fresh clean air & the ability to sit amongst our native flora & fauna. So realistically there are one hundred & one reasons why we all have this love affair with camping. But the one common is, “irrelevant of what it is..... we just love camping, period! If you were to put it into 3 simple words, they would be “Camping is nature!” That’s what camping is to me & that’s what I want Jarrod’s Campout to represent.Before I go, I have left this next bit till last... what I like most about camping is time with my 3 girls. Enjoying the company of my wife Kerri, my eldest daughter Maisie and my youngest daughter Sari. “It’s definitely healthy for the mind body & soul “I would sincerely like to thank my beautiful wife Kerri for her help & support in bringing the maga-zine into fruition.I hope you enjoy the read!

from theeditor..

Gidday Happy Campers,

Cheers, Jarrod

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6 Issue 001July 2013

Cover story

“News break” I am about to create the most amazing and unique camping retail experience ever seen in Australia. A brand new camping store!.... “And I ‘m interested in your thoughts”.

Before I go into the new store here is a little history. Have you heard of the saying “Great ideas often come out of necessity”? That, my friends is how my original idea came about 8 years ago. It was right at the start of the information and technology boom and the world of retail camping was starting to change. I knew that the days of conventional retail from the past were numbered and the survival of Camping Country Australia would depend upon it changing along with it.

All these years later, that dream is still fully intact. (This very publication is just a small part of that). I am incredibly grateful to have been given the opportunity to turn my dream into reality and I am ready to showcase a camping store with the likes that has never been seen in Australia. “Jarrod’s new camping store is to come alive” .

As a family we have spent 100’s of hours sitting around the dinner table pulling my new concept together. These discussions usually end with the same outcome, and that is “our family business has been built around our local customers and that shouldn’t change!”

So from this came the idea that I would ask you. It’s a case of, “if in doubt, find out”!

I would like to know where you would like to see our new camping store on the coast and how you would like it to look. Whilst there are plenty of places on the Sunshine Coast to be relocated in a “Typical Commercial Retail Centre,” it is definitely not my first choice and as you are all aware, there is plenty of this available.

Are you aware of an untapped site or vacant building that could suit Camping Country Australia?

I welcome the opportunity to discuss the prospect of opening Australia’s most innovative camping store on your land or on a site you may be aware of.

What I have done is put together a customer survey to find out exactly what sort of camp-ing store you want and where do you want it. But before you fill in the survey, I have de-cided to give you some thought provokers (and a few hints on what is coming) and a few of my thoughts on what we would like:

I am looking for some ideas from people who have great creativity. There are some incredi-bly exciting new concepts and new ways of doing business today. The world is changing so much and I want my new camping store to be unique. In a short quote: “If you don’t totally and utterly stand out in business today..... you are history!” I don’t want to be confined to the traditional thinking.

Help usDream...with our

in finding a different store location

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7Issue 001July 2013

to have your say, click here

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8 Issue 001July 2013

Seasoning your camp oven...By Jarrod Michael

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9Issue 001July 2013

What is it about camp oven cooking that has us so intrigued? Whatever it is, the minute you start talking to a well versed camper about camp oven cooking, I guaran-tee you will have their ear for hours. Everyone has their own unique & preferred recipes. It’s their own little hidden & well protected fam-ily recipe that they have perfected over years of camp oven cooking trial & error. If you are having a conversation that’s not based around what tucker may be cooking, you can bet your bottom dollar it will be about how they use the camp oven to cook this secret meal they heavily desire.

This got me to thinking about many of the conversations I have had with my custom-ers from 20 years on the camping retail floor. Most of the questions I was asked about camp ovens were not much based around what food to cook in them but more so about the “how to’s,” of camp ovens. How do I use it? Do I put it in the fire? How do I store it? The list goes on. But the one consistent question I always got asked as the customer is ready to leave with their new camp oven was/is, “Is there anything I need to do with the camp oven before I use it?” The question to that my friends is, “absolutely!” All new camp ovens must be seasoned. Like all things cooking, good preparation is the key & preparing your camp oven should be number 1 on the prior-ity list.

What is seasoning & why do we do it?

Seasoning is when we burn oil into our camp oven under extreme heat. The 2 greatest benefits from seasoning a camp oven are:

- It creates a non stick lining on the inside of the camp oven. (Almost like teflon)

- It stops your camp oven from rusting, thus increasing its life span.

This can be done with cast iron camp ovens as well as pressed & spun steel camp ovens.

Con’t next page...

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10 Issue 001July 2013

Can I season my old camp oven? The magic thing about seasoning a camp oven, is can be done over & over. You can even resurrect an existing rusty old camp oven, provided the rust hasn’t gone too far. Infact the step by step process I have listed is going to be based around seasoning an existing rusty camp oven.

Prepare your camp oven for seasoning The main thing we want to do with a rusty old camp oven is to remove all of the rust. If a camp oven is seasoned & the rust still ex-ists, it will always grow & come through. Prepar-ing your camp oven is as simple as scrubbing it thoroughly with warm soapy water & a stainless steel scourer. Do anything you can to get rid of this rust. I have had people over the years use wire brushes, grinders & stainless steel wool.....you name it, people have tried it. If it is a brand new unused camp oven, this will eradi-cate any of the manufacturers coatings.

Oil your camp oven To oil your camp oven use a rag. (I have tried it with paper towel & had very limited suc-cess due to the paper breaking down). Use as little oil as possible, applying a very thin even coat-ing all over the camp oven so it’s coated & bakes evenly. I use olive oil but I have had many peo-ple use vegetable oil & even flaxseed oil with great success. Just steer clear of fats or oils that can go rancid, and wipe away as much of the excess oil as possible.

Heating When heating your camp oven it is all about “The hot-ter the better!” It can be done on an open fire on your next camping trip but the idea is to have it pre-done at home. In your oven at home will suf-fice, but with out a doubt the 4 burner BBQ with hood does an unparalleled job. So fire up all of your burners & get your BBQ to well over 250º celsius. Place your pre oiled camp oven upside down on the open grill as this will allow any excess oil to drain from inside your camp oven. Then place the lid on a rack, or even better, if your camp oven has feet on the underside, the lid can sit upside down on the feet





Seasoning your camp oven... con’t

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11Issue 001July 2013

Time Bake for approx. 30-40 minutes. Re-do if you think it’s required. Your camp oven should come out looking like it has a slight gloss to it.

Handy Hints: If you have food cooked hard onto a camp oven: The good thing about food stick-ing to the camp oven is one of prevention. If a camp oven is sea-soned properly, it shouldn’t stick. However: The first & best option is to put the camp oven back on the fire, soften it & boil it loose. If this doesn’t work, then scrubbing it is your second option & unfortunately possibly your last resort. If the seasoned coating is broken then the camp oven requires the seasoning process be re-done.

Cleaning Once cleaned after cooking a meal place the camp oven back on the fire to dry. Re coat the camp oven with oil while it is still warm both inside & out to stop any future rusting.

Storage My own personal camp ovens are stored in canvas (breatheable) carry bags. They are available instore or if you have a beautiful old odd shaped relic, most canvas goods manufacturers should be able to conjure something up.





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12 Issue 001July 2013

LEDStripLightingthelowdown on

outstanding product

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13Issue 001July 2013

When it comes to lighting and camping, it is the technology of L.E.D (Light Emitting Diode) that has helped take the camping industry to a whole new level. When L.E.D lighting first came into vogue, the biggest benefit it had was it’s efficiency regarding it’s small power draw (compared to what else was currently on the market). For the caravan & camp-ing enthusiast running 12 volt fridges, televisions, computers, radios & of course the product in dis-cussion, lighting, all of a sudden we all had a major panacea to reduce the stress of running our camp-ing “lifestyle” saving batteries flat & we could all take a comforting breather.

It’s been a good 10 years since L.E.D lighting took a strong hold in the market place. On a daily basis I am starting to deal with people who are now question-ing the quality & performance of L.E.D strip lighting when it comes to brightness versus power consump-tion. Is it what it’s cracked up to be? You don’t have

to go far to see this in our everyday lives. So many of us have wonderfully low power drawing L.E.D’s in our home environment. Yet, quite often the bright-ness just isn’t there.

I thought it was time I found out more about L.E.D strip lighting, so I gave local 12volt genius “Tony Villiers” from CamperLED a call & I asked to sit down with him over a cuppa to answer a few questions..... which we did. Tony has created what I consider the most amazing L.E.D strip lights available in the marketplace today. Below are some questions I asked Tony about L.E.D strip lighting & what makes his CamperLED’s so great. “What an education I received!” I have 1000’s of products available in our family owned camping store & the CamperLED’s lights are by far my favourite product. I hope you learn something.

Con’t next page...

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14 Issue 001July 2013

Q. How do you power L.E.D strip lighting when camping? A. Most L.E.D strip lighting runs on 12 volt. 12volt is the battery in your vehicle & most L.E.D strip lights will have a cigarette lighter socket fitted.

Q. I asked Tony why L.E.D strip lighting can be un-comfortably bright to look at, yet when I am sitting under it, I can hardly read by it?” A. This is one of the great misconceptions with L.E.D lighting. L.E.D’s themselves produce things called photons. We actually see photons as super bright when they often are not. Infact, you could have three or four L.E.D strip lights all side by side & all different brightnesses, and in many cases, to look at them directly, you wouldn’t distinguish the differ-ence between them.

Q. How will we know which one is brighter?

A. There are two basic ways to know. The first is to have the light measured in brightness. With L.E.D’s this is done in the measurement of Lumens. In a nutshell, lumens is the measurement in the volume of lighting, as opposed to an older scale (non regu-lated) measurement of distance. The second way to measure it’s brightness is simple & is something we can all do ourselves. Put yourself in a dark room & turn the light on behind you. You will soon know the difference in the light they throw.

Q. How do I gauge brightness in lumens in L.E.D strip lighting A. All companies should have the lumens rating written on the packaging. Of course there has to be fair bit of trust associated with the manufacturer here.

Most 1000mm strip lights have lumens ratings that

vary from 800 lumens & down to 300 lumens. I say to people that if you want to read by an L.E.D light, you will want anywhere around the 700 - 800 lumens of brightness minimum.

Q. Does 12 volt strip lighting draw much power? A. That is by far the greatest benefit of L.E.D lighting in general...it is just so efficient on power. All lights vary in power draw according to their brightness. But there is one constant in L.E.D that we cannot change. The brighter it is, the more power it uses & the less power it uses, the less light it throws. Tony mentioned he is still yet to find a super bright light with super lower power draw... “it’s all smoke & mir-rors!”

Power consumption: Based on a 100 amp deep cycle car battery:

Super bright L.E.D strip light: Approx. 60 hours plus (1.5amps per hour)

Standard bright L.E.D : Approx. 200 hours plus (rated at .45 amps per hour)

Dimmer switches: Some companies offer dimmer switches for their L.E.D strip lights. The optional extra supplied by Tony

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15Issue 001July 2013

HowtomakethemostofLightingat CamperLED doesn’t harness energy. This means when the light is turn down, the power draw is reduced accordingly. (Many dimmer switches don’t, they draw the full amount of power)

Q. How do we know a good quality L.E.D strip light from a poor quality.A. This question really opened up a pandora’s box when I asked Tony.

Manufacturer: In a shortened answer, the best quality L.E.D’s on the market come from a company in the U.S.A called Cree. They are by far the brightest & best quality L.E.D’s that Tony has seen & found.Buy something made locally here in Australia that you can trust. All CamperLED lights are made right here on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast.

Style: Roll-Up: Most strip L.E.D’s are manufactured as a pliable rolled up sleeve. Tony mentioned that these

rolled up strips have what they call a very thin temperamental silver ribbon that has the power running through it. The minute this ribbon breaks the power is lost. Also they are often moulded into a product that can’t handle heat & they discolour easily, thus diffusing the light & fading.

Fixed: Tony’s CamperLED strip lights are fitted into a PC board (computer board) with which he individu-ally solders each & every individual cree L.E.D him-self. This completed L.E.D strip & PC board is then laid into a powder coated robust aluminium sleeve & a silicon based epoxy resin is then poured over top to seal from water. The silicon makes it pliable & will stop any cracking or diffusing of the light.

Brightness: The 1000mm CamperLED is 1900 lumens (Most are between 800 - 300 lumens)

Tony’s 500mm CamperLED is 910 lumens (Most are between 150 - 500 lumens)


A local family owned Sunshine Coast business

- Australian designed and manufactured - Full encapsulation for longevity and protection - These Lightbars have been manufactured with double - LED and resistor technology for wider beam spread - 5 year full re-placement warranty - 1Meter CamperLED consumes only 1.6amp/hr. The 500mm CamperLED consumes only 0.8 amp/hr. Each CamperLED Light Bar is fitted with Fused Cigarette Lighter Plug, 3 Mtrs of Cable, 2 Coated Stainless Steel Mounting Clips. Optional Power Pack, Handy Carry Bag, and Dimmer on/off switch.



The Camping Guru




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16 Issue 001July 2013

Cook,CampTaste Live

Beef Cheek BourguignonIngredients

2 1/2 tablespoons olive oil1.5kg Trimmed Beef Cheeks (approx. 6)2 large brown onion, cut into 4200g shortcut rindless bacon, halved lengthways, cut into 1cm strips2 garlic cloves, finely chopped1 1/2 cups red wine1/2 cup beef stock1 tablespoon tomato paste10 Golden Shallots (peeled)400g small button mushrooms3 large potatoes2 carrots

The Guru’s taste rating: H H H HH

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17Issue 001July 2013

Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a large, heavy-based casserole dish over medium-high heat.

Cook beef, in batches, for 5 to 6 minutes or until browned. Transfer to a bowl. Reduce heat to medium. Heat remain-ing oil in dish. Add your bacon. Cook, stirring, for 3 minutes or until bacon has cooked. Add garlic. Cook for 1 minute.

1.Bring to the boil. Reduce heat to low. Simmer, covered, for 2 hours. Add mushrooms. Cook, covered,

for 30 minutes or until meat and onions are tender. Season with salt and pepper. Strain stock and bring to the boil for 10 mins or until it has reduced enough to create a sauce.


Receive the flowers your kids have been out picking for you5.

Sit around the fire and enjoy your meal!6.Save the day for your hurt child3.

Return beef and juices to pan. Add wine. Bring to the boil. Add stock, Onions, Golden Shallots, Potato & Carrot and tomato paste.


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18 Issue 001July 2013

C a R g ON e T

T h e

latest product

BE SURE TO COVER YOUR LOAD on your ute or trailer.Did you know that QLD Law now requires that any load on or inside a vehicle must be secured in order to make the vehicle stable and safe?The ruling states that your cargo load must be se-cured so it won’t move or fall whilst the vehicle is in motion, including emergency braking or sharp cornering.

For a comprehensive guide here is the link http://www.ntc.gov.au/viewpage.aspx?Areald=35&DocumentId=862So to avoid hefty fines Camping Country Austra-lia has instore two types of quality cargo nets in two different sizes to ensure you meet the above guidelines when transporting your gear. They are designed in Australia for Australian conditions and are UV stabilised and are a heavy duty net.




Gazebos Tarps



Gas Gear

Tents Solar 12V Lighting

Quality camping gear for the best of timesAt Outdoor Connection we want family campers who use our gear to enjoy their camping experience. What we would hate to see is your holiday spoiled by a product that failed or did not make the grade.

When designing and selecting a new product it must meet our design criteria of being practical, easy to use and im-portantly reliable. It should also be good value for money in terms of quality, features and benefits. As we say “Quality gear for the best of times”.

Go to Camping Country Australia, your local family owned camping store and check out the great range of Outdoor Connection equipment including:

- A fantastic range of innovative tents and swags

- Easy to erect Gazebos

- Practical and comfortable furniture- Bright battery and 12 Volt lighting- Quality cast iron ware and much more

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19Issue 001July 2013 www.outdoorconnection.com.au



Gazebos Tarps



Gas Gear

Tents Solar 12V Lighting

Quality camping gear for the best of timesAt Outdoor Connection we want family campers who use our gear to enjoy their camping experience. What we would hate to see is your holiday spoiled by a product that failed or did not make the grade.

When designing and selecting a new product it must meet our design criteria of being practical, easy to use and im-portantly reliable. It should also be good value for money in terms of quality, features and benefits. As we say “Quality gear for the best of times”.

Go to Camping Country Australia, your local family owned camping store and check out the great range of Outdoor Connection equipment including:

- A fantastic range of innovative tents and swags

- Easy to erect Gazebos

- Practical and comfortable furniture- Bright battery and 12 Volt lighting- Quality cast iron ware and much more

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20 Issue 001July 2013

Family owned business operating from Goulburn, NSW

Delivering Quality Camping Equipment Australasia Wide

Proudly supplying Camping Country Australia

with superior camping products......

• Tent Pegs

• Tent Poles

• Tarpaulins

• Guy Ropes

• Camping Tables

• Camping Chairs

• Cast Iron Cookware

• Caravan & RV Accessories

Website: www.supex.com.au | Email: [email protected] | Freecall: 1800 805 826 | Fax: 02 4823 6099

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21Issue 001July 2013


Share some of our customers

family camping experiences.....


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22 Issue 001July 2013

Family: The Hintons, Sunshine Coast, Qld.

What is it that you love about camping? We love just getting away from the busyness of life and stopping to take time to enjoy the outdoors with our boys. To go to a place where you can sit outside around a campfire,  look up at the sky (where there is little-to-no light pollution) and see the billions of stars and be amazed at God’s awesome creation.  It is also about finding ways of living life more simply,  without the distractions of the (world of elec-tronic devices) that we live in.

Where is your favourite place to camp & why? Our favourite camping spot is right on the beach in the sand dunes at Teewah Beach. To be able to go fishing right at your doorstep, to

be able to go to sleep with the sound of the crashing waves and to be able to wake up to the sun rising over the ocean is magnificent. Our boys love playing in the sand dunes, chas-ing after each other, building sandcastles, as well as having a big backyard to play cricket and footy.

What is your favourite camping meal & what makes it so good? Our favourite camping meal without a doubt is beef roast and vegetables cooked in the camp oven, or vegetables roasted in the coals. The en-joyment of the meal starts with the preparation  - making the fire, getting the coals just right  and having the smoke adding to the flavours of the meat is just superb.  Sitting around the fire and talking to one another whilst cooking a

The Hinton Family

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23Issue 001July 2013

meal only adds to the experience. Many of our friends are amazed to know that you can cook a roast meal without electricity,  just like they did it in the good old days!

What is your best camping trip? We organised a young adults survivor weekend up at Teewah Beach. We had them doing all sorts of challenges and games which required them to get out of their comfort zone and chill out for a weekend. It was not as relaxing as when we go away as a family but it was one of the best times we’ve had with a group of people. The shock on their faces was priceless when they found out they were having a roast for dinner that night.  We sat around the fire talking, sharing stories and just taking time to get to know each other.

What type of camping set up do you have & why do you have it? Over the years we have had many different set ups ranging from the very basic- tent and cans

of food,  to what some people would call 5 star camping-  camper trailer/caravan with fridges, 12v lighting, toilet, water on tap pumped out of a washout, hot water for that all important shower. Yes, my favourite part of camping is the camp shower. It’s not just because I like to go to bed clean but it’s about the experience. Heat-ing the water in a bucket, take the bucket to the shower tent, turn the pump on and WOW!!!!  A shower just like at home and I can stand there for 4 mins if I want to. Generally we like to have some comfort when we go camping because let’s face it, nobody likes to be uncomfortable when they go camping so having things like a fridge, toilet and shower are a bit more work to set up but it can make your trip more pleasant and the purpose of the trip is to have a good time. Currently, we have a two room tent but how much gear we take depends on where we are going and what the weather is like. What-ever set up you have, make sure you enjoy it.

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24 Issue 001July 2013

Family: The Southerns, Sunshine Coast, Qld.

The Sunshine Coast has many great, relatively easy multi-day hikes. If your looking to replace the sound of a mobile phone with the calls of nature, the humdrum of everyday life with the tranquility of the bush and you are a little adventurous, then maybe this is for you.

The iconic Cooloola Wilderness Trail is a 44.6 km hike that begins at East Mullens near the town of Cooloola Village on the Rainbow Beach Rd. It can be tackled as a very easy 4 day hike or with one big day a comfortable 3 day adventure.

This was a very special occasion for me as it marked the induction of my youngest boy, Lachy 8, into the hiking fraternity. We are joined by my eldest son, Jordan 14, and their grandfather Les who are both veterans of sev-eral walks in Tasmania.

The northern end of the track winds itself

through the dry sclerophyll forest punctuated by many small waterholes to our first night campsite 8.8 kms into our journey at Neebs Water Holes. It was a warm afternoon and the boys enjoyed a swim in the water hole. I sat back under the shade of some Scribbly Gums and soak in the ambience of the late afternoon. Watching the boys interact with their grand-father, playing silly games and telling stories without the distraction of i-pods and x-boxes brings a smile to my face.

Day 2 sees the group up early and we make our way out into and across an open button grass plain and then through a Banksia forest finally making a short climb under a canopy of Scribbly Gums to the rough 4 wheel drive track of the Cooloola way for smoko. I fire up the jet boil for a well earned tea for Les and myself while the boys devour chocolate bars and rice crackers. Our break over we make our

The Southern Family

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way through Eucalypt forest and head to Wandi Waterhole for lunch. Wandi is another large expanse of water which contains a vast number of small native fish. Jordo and Lachy try their hand at catching them with their mugs. (Our feast of two minute noodles and meat sticks over, we once again head on the journey). Just out from Wandi we were amazed to see deer scampering through the bush, crossing the track and heading for the water. We then make our way up the only real climb on the trail for grandstand views of the Cooloola Sandpatch and the Noosa River Basin. The trail then winds itself down the ridge line heading for the Noo-sa River. It then meanders its way along the river bank to the Harry’s Hut Camping Ground. We no sooner pitch our tents, fill our water bot-tles and stick our noses in the feed bags when we are joined by two large, inquisitive goan-nas looking for an easy feed. Amazingly after a 21km day Lachy still has the energy to run around the campsite chasing the goannas and telling stories.

Day 3, our final day. We are up early and Les

and I enjoy a brew while the boys explore around the rivers edge. We break camp after breaky and explore around Harry’s Hut. The old Hut was built in 1957 to service the timber industry. (photo 6, Les, Lachy and Jordan out-side the hut.) We then hit the trail for the final 15km of our adventure. Todays journey leads us away from the Noosa River mostly through dense rainforest which is in stark contrast to the terrain over which we have travelled the last two days. The trail then hits Kin Kin Creek and we wind our way along its banks for a few kilometers before we cross on a large foot-bridge. From here the track opens up for the final few kilometers to our finishing place of Elanda Point.

The Journey over, we begin our drive back to the real world. We have spent 3 days on the trail and except for a few people at Harry’s Hut we have had the wilderness to ourselves. We have told stories, laughed, played silly games, watched birds and animals, talked about map reading and compass bearings and in general grown a little closer together.

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26 Issue 001July 2013

Family: The Hamiltons, Sunshine Coast, Qld.

What is your best camping trip? It has to be Fraser Island. Here we are back in the day with Dad teaching how to catch beach worms and with Mum beside the Mahino, we used to fish and fish and fish. I love this Island and everything about it, with the beautiful beaches and the fresh water lakes. I also learnt to drive on the island too. All in all great times had by all.

Where is your favourite place to camp & why? Double Island Point, I have been going up there for 30 years and I just love it. Its not too

far away from home, but once you are there you could be a million miles away from anywhere. The kids love it, they go wild when they are there, we can fish, or sun bake or whatever we want. I love the smell of the salt air, it takes me back to my childhood.

What is it that you love about camping? I love everything from setting the date and getting everything prepared to hooking up the trailer and we are off and leaving home. I love it when there is nobody around except our friends and the smell of the fire. We typically do not have any plans except to wake up, have breaky, prepare for lunch, have

The Hamilton Family

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27Issue 001July 2013

lunch, then maybe have a sleep, then start pre-paring for dinner, then have a feast.

What is your favorite camping meal & what makes it so good? Well our favourite is probably the roast in the camp oven. We mix it up a bit and everyone shares when we are with a group.

We have also had a curry cooking night where every one cooked a different curry, and I cooked Naan Bread. We did attempt and succeed at making a pavlova in a camp oven. It was perfect!

We love slow cooking on our camping trips. The men take over all the duties and it works out great.

What type of camping set up do you have & why do you have it? We have one of the Bushboy Campers of course! They are well built and designed with loads of features that make setting up a breeze. Excellent quality with no leaks! I have added a kitchen and other bits and pieces as well. I like it because it is really easy to both set up and pack up. I love it!

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28 Issue 001July 2013

The Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland is one

of the oldest conservation so-cieties in Queensland, and was

formed in Brisbane in September 1962. It grew out of an idea by poet

and author, Judith Wright, artist, author and conservationist, Kathleen McArthur, and

naturalist David Fleay, to put together a magazine for schools, which would help students with what was then known as Nature Study, as there was no real information available to teachers about Aus-tralian native plants and animals. The three of them wrote a letter to the Courier Mail which was answered by the publisher of Jaca-randa Press, Brian Clouston and the four of them got together to discuss the idea.That magazine, now known as Wildlife Australia, is still going strong after 45 years.To gauge further interest in the project, and to provide a ‘backing’ for the magazine, they called a public meeting in Brisbane, which saw the birth of the Society. The Society was soon, in 1967, involved in a major campaign to save the Great Barrier Reef from drilling for oil and mining for limestone.As Kathleen lived in Caloundra, the Sunshine Coast and Hinterland branch, then known as the Calo-undra branch, was the first “country” branch to be formed, in 1963, with Kathleen as secretary. There are now around 19 branches throughout the State. In 2003 we celebrated our 40th birthday by re-naming the Currimundi Lake Conservation Park, in Caloundra, which Kathleen managed to save from being developed as a golf course, the Currimundi Lake Kathleen McArthur Conservation Park in hon-our of our co-founder. In 2013 we are celebrating the branch’s 50th Anniversary, having celebrated

the Society’s 50th in 2012.Kathleen was especially passionate about the beauty of our local wildflowers and fought long and hard through many campaigns to save frag-ile areas of what we know as wallum, the coastal heathland, including the Conservation Park, from being destroyed by bulldozers and sand miner’s excavators back in the late 50s, 60s and 70s.She realised even back then that these areas would become increasingly rare and special and should be preserved at all costs, but unless some-thing was done to open people’s eyes to the beauty of these unique, small and colourful flow-ers, and not see the land as worthless sand plain, possibly just good enough to run cattle on, they would be lost forever.One of her sayings was that “the eye cannot see what the mind doesn’t know”, and we produced a CD about her with another favourite saying of hers “When the Mind Opens the Flowers Bloom”, in 2009 with funding from the Q150 project as part of Queensland’s 150th Anniversary. Postcard campaigns, for or against issues, are now common, but in 1969 Kathleen was the first person in Australia to use the idea to eventually save what is now the magnificent wildflower area of the Co-oloola National Park between Noosa and Rainbow Beach from being destroyed for sandmining or cattle pasture. Other campaigns, of which there were many, included the successful listing of the Pumicestone Passage on the Register of the National Estate.Incidentally, Kathleen was honoured for her con-servation work, by being made the Sunshine Coast Daily’s Citizen of the Century in 2002, two years after her death.The Branch is continuing to campaign for the environment and the preservation of our wildlife,

With Jill Chamberlain from the Wildlife Preservation Society of Qld, Sunshine Coast & Hinterland inc

Walk with mein the bush

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29Issue 001July 2013

Parsley Bush, lomatia silaifolia

Lomandra, Lomandra multiflora

its habitat and biodiversity, by lobbying government at all levels, writing submissions and working with other like-minded groups. We also set up displays at various functions, and talk to schools and community groups.The Branch is involved with the endangered Rich-mond Birdwing Butterfly Recovery Programme, which aims to try and bring back this beautiful but-terfly from the brink of extinction.Our main project is the very successful community based fauna monitoring program, FaunaWatch. This project encourages people to learn more about their local wildlife, by observing and recording what they see in their backyard or local area. The data is then vetted and entered on a database, for distribution to local Councils, Universities, researchers and other species specific projects.To date there are over 600,000 records on the data-base, and the coast has been shown to have more species of birds than are in Kakadu National Park in the Northern Territory.FaunaWatch meets at the Maroochy Regional Bush-land Botanic Gardens, Tanawha, at 8am on the second Wednesday of the month for a stroll round different areas of the Gardens, noting birds and other fauna of interest, followed by BYO morning tea.We have information stalls at such events as World Environment Day at the University of the Sunshine Coast, the Maleny Wood Expo, the Glasshouse Coun-try Sustainability Expo, and the Noosa Festival of the Waters.As part of the Sunshine Coast Wildflower Festival

each August, we take guided tours through the wild-flowers of the wallum, heathland, of the Lake Curri-mundi Kathleen McArthur Conservation Park.The Branch meets at 7pm every third Thursday of the month, except December, in the Parish Centre of Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church, Edmund Street, Caloundra, and we publish a bi-monthly newsletter, which is available online or in hard copy.

A bit on Jill..I’ve always been interested in the natural environment as I was born in England and grew up in the countryside, where we used to go for long walks in the nearby woodland. My husband was Australian, and I came to Aus-tralia with him in 1958. I didn’t really get involved with the Australian environment until after his death in 1989, as I was then his prin-cipal carer. I joined the Wildlife Preservation Society in 1990. I became honorary secretary of the Branch in 1993, and President in 2009.In 2004 I was honoured by the then Caloundra City Council by having a parcel of bushland, the Jill Chamberlain Bushland Reserve, just off the Caloundra Road, named after me, and in the Queen’s Birthday Honours of 2011 I was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia, OAM, for my work for the environment and the community.

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30 Issue 001July 2013

We love them, but we need to be concious of them...

First Aid

Bites & Stingsin a nutshell• Wherever possible, avoid handling

animals that may carry disease

• Protect against insect stings with insect repellents and appropriate clothing

• Know the signs of an infection or allergic reaction, and when to get medical attention

• If you are bitten or stung by an insect or animal, apply first aid and then seek medical treatment as soon as possible if required

Australia has many animal and insect species that bite or sting. Bug bites and stings ususally are just nuisances. They bring momentary alarm, temporary discomfor t and pain. But on occasion, they can cause infections that require treatment and allergic reactions that can be serious, even fatal.There is a range of insects and animals that can transfer disease with varying levels of contact. Wherever possible, avoid handling animals that may carry disease and protect against insect stings with insect repellents and appropriate clothing. It is important to know the signs of an infection or allergic reaction, and when to get medical attention. If you are bitten or stung by an insect or animal, apply first aid and then seek medical treatment as soon as possible if required..The above is a few tips, should you need more information on first aid you can visit www.stjohn.org.au

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31Issue 001July 2013

We love them, but we need to be concious of them...

2-4 King St Maroochydore QLD 4558 (07) 5443 1649

Cotton Tree Meats. Cotton Tree Meats is a local family owned butcher that has been open since 1980, always offering you personal service and great advice.

Come in to see us and try one of our easy homemade heat and serve meals!

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32 Issue 001July 2013

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33Issue 001July 2013

It has been said so many times that life is all about the ride and such is the standard for singer/songwriter Livi Robins. Her voyage so far has seen her experience the thrills of being a mother and the buzz of a musical career.

Livi was raised in South East Queensland on a diverse diet of Steve Winwood, Paul Simon and Dolly Parton. Livi says, “From before I knew I could sing, I would imagine what it was like to sing on a big stage. My mum had a Dolly Parton record that I used to love to play. It was always easy for me to sing with a natu-ral twang in my voice. My sister and I would record ourselves singing, but for the most part my singing was behind closed doors even within my own home”. Livi adds, “occasionally someone would hear me croon and encourage me to sing for them but I ran from it because I was painfully shy”.

As Livi grew up she unearthed her own flavor and taste for music such as the vocal brilliance of Mariah Carey, the blues soul of The Badloves and the stage genius of Madonna. Livi say’s “It was weird, we never really had much music in the house, but mum and dad’s music collec-tion had a great impact on me from an early age. I listened to a lot of pop and R&B before discovering country music through artists such as David Nail and Miranda Lambert.

Fast forward to 2010 when Livi scores a spot on X-Factor, “It really was a highlight for me to get to travel overseas and I guess to be selected in my category as one of 6 people from all over Australia was a big thing for me, the cameras, the pressure, the audience, the opportunities were really great for me at that point in time. I left with an overall sense of achievement like I had never had before”. Livi adds, “I’m not

embarrassed of it and I’m not bitter about not winning, it was a positive experience in the musical sense for me”.

Livi loves to be around interesting people and has a liking to absorb as much as she can. Livi points out, “I feel like I’ve been on a mission to extract my inner self for so long that any information anyone can give me that might be enlightening is a step forward for me person-ally. I love good food, I once thought I wanted to be a chef. I never like eating the same thing twice I’m all for new experiences. I like to test the boundaries of my strength and weakness’’.

Livi likes to surround herself with positive and funny people. Whether she is talking absolute rubbish or in deep discussion she always has a amazing outlook on life. “I enjoy being spon-taneous. I’m always looking to be changed or moved by an experience. I need goals to work towards, if I stand still I’m quite discontent”. Livi reckons, “I’m always on the move and in most cases with some tunes in my ears, I love a bit of ”Rascal Flatts, David Nail, Carrie Underwood and Hunter Hayes…I just love music so much!

After a stellar start to 2013 featuring a bunch of cool gigs in Tamworth with her band and winning many new supporters, Livi Robins is proud to present the next part of the ride… the 2013 release of her self-titled EP along with the release of her single ‘Nothing Great’. The EP was produced by Simon Johnson at Hillbilly Hut, Central Coast, NSW.

To hear a sample of Livi’s unique music, visit: www.livirobins.com, otherwise, you can ac-cess Livi’s album by visiting itunes on this link: www.itunes.apple.com/au/album/livi-robins/id590765843

Saddle Pop HereGet your local

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34 Issue 001July 20131484 Noosa Rd, Tandur, Qld, 4570. P: 07 5483 5065 M: 0400 612 892


Cobb & Co Nine Mile Camping Grounds is 50 lush acres situated on the Six Mile Creek on the edge of the Sunshine Coast and Cooloola Coast.This HISTORIC location is the site of the old Cobb & Co Horse Change Stables. It was the first stop on the stage coach run from Gympie to Noosa which ran from 1878.Down the creek are the remains of the old bridge that serviced the bullock teams, railroad workers, bridge builders and where the train passengers disembarked to catch the stage coach to Noosa and then by streamship (The Galgoa) to Brisbane.Close by is the site of Queensland’s worst train de-railment, the Rocky Mail Train disaster where 10 people lost their lives in 1925.Learn tales of tough pioneers railroad navies, drunken miners, bushrangers, hidden gold and skilful stage coach drivers with their dry humour that helped forge this land in the late 1800’s.

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35Issue 001July 2013

Camping with the kids

Hi, I’m Alina and I’m 10 years old and I’m here to tell you what I love most about camping. Camping is very fun, anyone can go camping, any age, any-time, all you need is your gear from Camping Country Australia and off you go. I go camping all the time and I love it because you can meet new people and learn new and interesting things. Also at a lot of places there are dirt tracks and I love going bike riding on them, it is so fun!

Also at night we play a game called spotlight, it’s so fun, just like playing hide and seek but when you spot them you shine the light at the person. Also, if you go to Cotton Tree Caravan Park there’s a river and I always play in it with my cousins when I go there, we collect shells play tiggy and have fun! The best part is waking up and your parents cook you bacon and egg rolls, and you go down to the beach, sit down and wiggle your toes in the sand. Or if you’re somewhere inland you may sit on the dirt and eat, no matter where you are camping is fun!

By Alina Robins. Age: 11

Family Camping Fun...

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36 Issue 001July 2013

Camping with the kids

Name: Georgia Mason

Age: 6

Why I love Camping: Swimming

& kayaking at Boreen Pt.

“Camping.. a kids perspective” Name: Kade Robins

Age: 8

Why I love Camping:

Click here to listen

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37Issue 001July 2013

Name: Georgia Mason

Age: 6

Why I love Camping: Swimming

& kayaking at Boreen Pt.

“Camping.. a kids perspective” Name: Harry MasonAge: 4

Why I love Camping: Feeding the deers at the Borumba Deer Park

Name: Olivia MaherAge: 3

Why I love Camping: Sleeping in the tent

Name: Joe Joe MaherAge: 5Why I love Camping: ‘cause I get to see all the animals and swimming in the creek

Name: Kade Robins

Age: 8

Why I love Camping:

Click here to listen

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38 Issue 001July 2013

Photography Corner..


Taking photo’s is one of those things I am not nec-essarily great at, but there is not much more in life that I desire for relaxation & enjoyment. So to be quite frank & upfront, to have a photography sec-tion in my own camping magazine, comes purely from a self interest point of view....It’s all about me!

In saying that, when you combine camping, nature, family and photography, it really does gel together for many of us. When I am out camping and hav-ing a bit of personal down time, it is taking photo’s and having the opportunity to be creative, where I am most definitely in my element. The more time

I spend behind the lens, the more I build confi-dence, but this wouldn’t have happened without first being educated on the basic fundamental rules of photography. That’s where my photography teacher Richard Johnston and I came up with the idea of introducing this segment. Richard is part owner of his local Maroochydore photography business “Artists Behind Camera’s.” His experience and knowledge on the “how to’s” of photography and cameras is staggering. So without further ado, please enjoy some of Richards hot photography hints and I look forward to this being a reoccurring segment.

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39Issue 001July 2013

Our desire is to give you the basic skills necessary to understand your cameras and to take better photographs, whether it is of your children setting up the tent for you (!...), of your camping adventure, or of the nature that will surround you and of its wildlife.

With photography, it’s the results that matter, not what brand of camera you use, how many mega-pixels it has or how sophisticated your equipment is. That said, some gear may limit your creativity, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t use a point-and-shoot camera with good results.

Camera manufacturers keep building more capabilities and features into cameras, to the point where they sometimes look or become rather compli-cated to use. However, to have

full control over your photographic vision, consider a camera that has the ability to give you full manual control over your aperture and shutter speed, inde-pendently of each other.

If you’re not sure about what capabilities your cam-era has and how they can be used, hopefully this article will help you.

Amongst the variety that exists, most cameras of today generally fall into four broad categories.

Basic Compact Camera

The first type is the basic • Point-and-shoot camera: This style of camera is very popular: it is compact and light, allowing it to fit into a shirt pocket, is simple to use and takes good photographs.

BASIC CAMERA CONTROL: AN INTRODUCTIONBy Artists Behind Camera, Maroochydore.

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40 Issue 001July 2013

Advanced Compact Camera

Bridge or Super-Zoom Camera DSLR Camera

However, the ability for the user to make manual adjustments is very limited. Often, the user’s ability to control these cameras to any degree comes in the form of shooting modes. You’ve probably seen these modes on your camera: they are the scene modes such as sports, portrait, macro, sunset, etc., settings:

Sometimes, the scene modes are found in the menus of your camera, or better right on the top dial. Look at and consult your manual. For some basic point-and-shoot cameras, this is all the control available, so learn to make the best of them.

While these modes help you fairly well to capture your images, you have to leave the exposure and the creative expression to your camera, and trust that the result will be acceptable.

• Advanced Compact Camera, • Interchangeable Lens Camera (ILC), and • Bridge or Super-Zoom Camera

The advanced compact camera is the second style of camera, and it remains small and compact; the ILC is the third style of camera, and is of about the same size and weight as the advanced compact camera;

the bridge or super-zoom camera is the fourth style and is quite larger. But all three styles allow nearly full creative control over the image. A camera such as one of those pictured below has nearly all of the con-trol offered by the larger Digital Single Lens Reflex cameras:

These cameras are equipped with reasonably good, to very good lenses, the zoom range of which can be extensive, allowing one to include a wide field of view, to capture subjects at a distance, as well as those that are close-up! These cameras also have the scene modes of their smaller brothers, but they further offer the user full manual control, exposure compensation, the ability to use an external flash unit, and even to change file types. And furthermore, many of the newer models have High Definition video built in!

If you’re new to photography and don’t want to step up to the larger DSLR cameras, but still want full con-trol, these types of camera are the right ones for you.

However for full creative control, superb image qual-ity and the ability to change lenses, the DSLR type of camera is the one to consider. But we will leave this

Interchangeable Lens Camera (ILC),

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41Issue 001July 2013


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42 Issue 001July 2013

My family lived at Acacia Ridge in Brisbane’s south, when it was just wil-derness, & I grew up spending lot’s of time in the thousands of acres of bush that surrounded our home.

In 1953, when I was 15, I received a transfer as a Postal Clerk to St George in SW Queensland, where my love affair with the “Bush” & Wildlife Pho-tography began - I purchased a “Box Brownie” Camera & began sending photos back home to the family.

St George was home to my wife Mar-lene & we met & married in 1956, I was 18 & my new wife 17, & we have shared life’s trials now for 56 years, much of that time spent in out of the way places, where our love of adventure & the “Bush” was given free rein

From St George, we moved to Hugh-enden in NW Qld, with a short stint at Prairie. Then back to Brisbane, where we lived at Archerfield, close to the Aerodrome. Then New Guinea beck-oned & we moved first to Port Mo-resby, & then Wewak on the NW Coast. New Guinea’s wild & rugged country & the magnificent fishing, particularly at Wewak where the 2000 fathom line is only 6 nm off the coast, was followed by a move to Adelaide, then Darwin in the NT where we spent 22 years exploring everything the Territory had to offer.

Every issue we will be featuring a photographer and their work. If you would like to be featured please email [email protected] along with a bit about yourself and your photography, along with some of your favourite snaps.

Featured photographer Kevin Bowring

Photographer Profile

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43Issue 001July 2013

Louise FordDouble Island Point, QldRenai McleanIsland Reach Camping Resort, Qld

favourite photosIf you would like to see your favourite outdoors photo in our magazine, simply email it to [email protected] and we will choose 5 of our favourites each issue to publish.

Kate Maher

Neurum Creek Bush Retreat, Qld

Kari BournePotsville Caravan Park, NSW

Photo: Natalie Dailey

Gillards Bch-Mimosa Rocks Nat.Pk, NSW

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44 Issue 001July 2013

It’s nearly here all you campaholics!! Jarrod’s Camping Guru Club concept which has been in its gestation phase for some time now is one big step closer to becoming a reality!

I have been sleeping on this concept for a little while now & have been dropping a few hints in my regular newsletters regarding the prospects of starting a genuine family orientated camping club; catering for all those campers who embody camping into their adventurous desire to be out-doors. My idea is for this club to not only cater for those who just love camping to basically relax and generally chill-out; but also for those who embody adventurous activities into their camping experi-ence; like fishing, hiking, kayaking, trekking, bush bike riding, photography, beach surfing, nature

and bird watching etc.

Now that my new magazine is completed I can put all my effort into making Jarrod’s Camping Guru Club happen!”

To kick things off, let me explain in short what I

want Jarrod’s Camp-ing to be about. First & foremost

the club is to be for everyone &

anyone who has a love

affair with camp-ing and outdoor activities,

that is intrinsically family centric. The club will be for singles, couples, parents, grandparents, young & old. Getting together for some fun camping whilst doing whatever they feel is important to etract all the mental and physical benefits they are seeking from their camping experience. This ex-perience is to be supplied to all club members. My desired outcome is that you leave Jarrod’s Camp-ing Guru monthly meetings with all the informa-tion, knowledge and education to ensure you and your family the best ever camping adventure. The objective is to assure that where ever we go, what ever we do, it will be a wonderful way to catch up with family and friends (new and old) who have a common interest in a safe family focused environ-ment.

What I have decided is to conduct a customer focus group involving (a maximum of 12 of my customers) to refine the above camping club con-cept, followed by a survey of CCA’s customer base to ensure we are genuinely meeting the camping/adventure needs of my customers. Like everything I do here at Camping Country Australia I want to try to embody as much of my customers ideas to Jarrod’s Camping Guru Club concept as possible. So if you are interested in being part of Jarrod’s Camping Guru Club focus group I would appreci-ate you completing Jarrod’s Camping Club Focus Group Nomination Form and drop it into the shop. It’s going to be difficult I’m sure, but I will select the 12 customers who will participate in the focus group. Once this is completed I will get the survey out to all my customers for your feed back.

I look forward to seeing some of you real soon at my focus group.



Family Camping



Focus group nomination form, click here

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45Issue 001July 2013

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46 Issue 001July 2013

Rainbow Waters Tourist Park, Carlo Road, Rainbow Beach, Qld. www.rainbowwaters.com.au (07) 5486 3200Reviewed by: Scott Mason

Jarrod’s campground review

Weather: Warm clear days, cool nights.

Facilities:• Powered and unpowered sites,

cabins and villas (sleep 2-6 people).• Large amenities block• Laundry with dryers, ironing facilities and

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47Issue 001July 2013

Jarrod’s campground reviewclotheslines

• Covered camp kitchen with gas BBQs, microwaves, kettle, toaster, fridges, tables, and washing up facilities.

• Playground• TV and games room• Convenience store, sells milk, bread, drinks, ice and

bait. Has a small range of grocery items but Rainbow Beach is only a short drive if you are in need of more supplies. Boat hire business next to the park sells tackle and bait, ice and firewood also.

• Fires allowed• Dogs allowed• Floating pontoon for use by park guests • Fish cleaning facility• Council boat ramp adjoins parkActivities:• Boating, fishing or crabbing in the Tin Can Bay Inlet.

Unfortunately we didn’t catch any mud crabs during our stay, but we did get a very nice catch of whiting. We were also lucky enough to have our own up close experience with a very friendly dolphin while we were out fishing in the boat.

• Dolphin feeding at Tin Can Bay. Dolphin Ferry Cruises leaves every morning adjacent to the park.

• By far my favourite thing to do in Rainbow Beach is the walk to Carlo Sand Blow. Drive to the end of Cooloola Drive and it’s a short walk along the track to the sand blow. The views are awesome, as are the coloured sands that Rainbow Beach is famous for.

• Kayaking• Beautiful Rainbow Beach is only 2.5km away and is

perfect for swimming, surfing, beach fishing and 4WDriving.

• There are so many tours/activities to do in Rainbow Beach, the office in the park has brochures to help you out.

Caution: *Don’t forget to pack your insect repellent, the sandflies can be bad.Overall... Rainbow Waters is a great park for families and grey nomads alike. For us this park is just about everything we are looking for when we go camping, the sites are flat, grassy, shaded and well maintained, the amenities are clean and tidy and there is so much to see and do. There are areas within the park that

could easily accommodate those of you wanting to go camping with a group. Rainbow Beach is one of my favourite places to visit, so really my only negatives would be the bities and that we were only there for three days. I will definitely be back but next time for a longer stay.

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48 Issue 001July 2013

The Guru’s Handy Hints

Did you know to never roll a sleeping bag, always stuff it when packing, it sure makes life a whole lot easier!

Ever wondered why your old sleeping bag gets thin? The filling doesn’t just disappear, it simply collapses and forms a memory when it’s rolled. Bags are best kept hung in a cupboard or stuffed loosely into a large bag.

Stuffing Sleeping Bags

We build high quality, color coded, aluminium canopies to suit your design and ute shape. We also do auxiliary battery systems, solar,

drawers, tool boxes, awnings water tanks and H/D color coded aluminium ute trays.

Call us on 07 5445 0893 or check out our web site www.metalink.net.au and we can help sort out your next adventure or work day.


07 5445 0893www.metalink.net.au

Find us on Facebook

We build high quality, color coded, aluminium canopies to suit your design and ute shape. We also do auxiliary battery systems, solar,

drawers, tool boxes, awnings water tanks and H/D color coded aluminium ute trays.

Call us on 07 5445 0893 or check out our web site www.metalink.net.au and we can help sort out your next adventure or work day.


07 5445 0893www.metalink.net.au

Find us on Facebook

We build high quality, color coded, aluminium canopies to suit your design and ute shape. We also do auxiliary battery systems, solar,

drawers, tool boxes, awnings water tanks and H/D color coded aluminium ute trays.

Call us on 07 5445 0893 or check out our web site www.metalink.net.au and we can help sort out your next adventure or work day.


07 5445 0893www.metalink.net.au

Find us on Facebook

We build high quality, color coded, aluminium canopies to suit your design and ute shape. We also do auxiliary battery systems, solar,

drawers, tool boxes, awnings water tanks and H/D color coded aluminium ute trays.

Call us on 07 5445 0893 or check out our web site www.metalink.net.au and we can help sort out your next adventure or work day.


07 5445 0893www.metalink.net.au

Find us on Facebook

Page 49: Jarrod's campout iss1

49Issue 001July 2013

The Guru’s Handy Hints

To prevent soap becoming dirty or slimy, put your soap bar into a stocking and wash your hands through the stocking. This can then be hung up close to your tap when not in use.

Soap Up in a Stocking!

Vic Murphy Real Estate has been operating since 1978 and has always been locally owned and operated. Principals, Stephen & Glennis Schindler and loyal staff provide a personalised service to their many clients and have over 60 years combined experi-ence in the local Real Estate industry.Over the past 28 years many clients have entrusted Vic Murphy Real Estate with the sale, purchase and management of their properties. Our clients appreciate the fact that they will see the same familiar faces in our office, with the same people managing their investment properties, and the same experienced sales staff.


Shop 8 & 9/110 Sixth Ave, Maroochydore, QLD, 4558Ph: 07.5443 2433 Fax: 07.5443 1101 E: [email protected]

Visit our Youtube channel for any knowledge on Camping ‘How To”

• Put up a dome tent • Put up a tarp • Use sleeping bags correctly • 12V energy • Put up a gazebo

• Power2Go / Solar power

Either click the link below or scan the QR code:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTnzhHd2Ekg&list=PL7A1906C67F9806DD

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50 Issue 001July 2013

Mooloolaba Beach Caravan Park 100 Parkyn Parade Mooloolaba 1800 441 201

Maroochydore Beach Holiday Park Sixth Avenue Corner Melrose Parade Maroochydore 4558 ph: (07) 5443 1167

Maroochy River Cabin Village Caravan Park 1 Diura St, Maroochydore QLD 4558 ph: 1800 802 737

Coolum Beach Holiday Park David Low Way Coolum Beach 4573  ph: (07) 5446 1474

Mudjimba Beach Holiday Park Cottonwood Street Mudjimba 4564 ph: (07) 5448 7157

Cotton Tree Holiday Park Cotton Tree Parade Cotton Tree 4558  ph: (07) 5459 9070

Alex Beach Cabins & Tourist Parks 21-23 Okinja Rd, Alexandra Headland QLD 4572 ph: (07) 5443 2356

BIG4 Forest Glen Holiday Resort  71 Owen Creek Road Forest Glen, 4556 ph: (07) 5476 6646

Oceanview Caravan Park 2 Old Maleny Rd, Landsborough QLD 4550 ph: (07) 5439 9981

Landsborough Pines Caravan Park Steve Irwin Way, Landsborough QLD 4550 ph: (07) 5494 1207

Landsborough Pines Caravan Park Steve Irwin Way, Landsborough QLD 4550 ph: (07) 5494 1207

Caloundra Waterfront Holiday Park 44 Majola Av, Caloundra QLD 4551 ph: 1800 550 138

Golden Beach Holiday Park 1 Onslow St, Golden Beach QLD 4551 ph: 1800 639 313

Dicky Beach Family Holiday Park 1 Beerburrum Street Caloundra 4551 ph: (07) 5491 3342

Noosa Caravan Park Moorindil St, Noosa Heads QLD 4567 ph: (07) 5449 8060

BIG4 Noosa Bougainvillia Holiday Park 141 Cooroy-Noosa Road , Tewantin 4565 ph: (07) 5447 1712

Elanda Point Canoe Company 204 Lake Flat Rd, Boreen Point QLD 4565 ph: (07) 5485 3165

Boreen Point Campground The Esplanade, Boreen Point 4565 ph: (07) 5485 3244

John’s Landing Camping Ground 118 Johns Rd, Cooroibah QLD 4565 ph: (07) 5447 1806

Cathedrals on Fraser Off Woralie Road Fraser Island 4581 ph: (07) 4127 9177

Kingfisher Caravan Park Tin Can Bay Road Tin Can Bay 4580 ph: (07) 5486 4198

Lilyponds Holiday Park 26 Warruga Street Mapleton 4560 ph: (07) 5445 7238

DirectoryCampingSunshine Coast

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Noosa River Holiday Park 4 Russell Street Noosaville 4566 ph: (07) 5449 7050

Rainbow Beach hire-a-camp 56 Carlo Road Rainbow Beach 4581 ph: (07) 5486 8633

Rainbow Waters Holiday Park 308 Carlo Road Rainbow Beach 4581 ph: (07) 5486 3200

Brooloo Park 104 Whelan Road Imbil 4570 ph: (07) 5488 6610

Island Reach camping grounds 5 Imbil Island Rd, Imbil QLD 4570 ph: (07) 5484 5247

Kenilworth Homestead 2760 Eumundi-Kenilworth Road Ph: (07) 5446 0555

Borumba Deer & Caravan Park 1133 Yabba Creek Road, Imbil Ph: (07) 5484 5196

Sweetwater Hill Wines 17 Roberts Road, Anderleigh, Gympie QLD Ph: (07) 5485 7007

Neurum Creek Bush Retreat/Campground, 268 Rasmussen Road, Neurum via, Woodford Ph: (07) 5496 3692

Crystal Waters Eco Caravan Park 65 Kilcoy Lane Lot 48 Conondale 4552 ph: (07) 5494 4550

Sandy Creek Camping Grounds Kilcoy, QLD Ph: (07) 5498 1032 Kilcoy exit on the D’aguilar Hwy to-wards Woodford. Turn right 12 klms past Woodford at Mary Smokes Creek Rd, drive 16 klms to Cedar-vale Rd, then left for 2.5 klms

Lake Somerset Holiday Park 1800 606 759 Esk - Kilcoy Rd, Kilcoy QLD 4515

Landcruiser Mountain Park  Diaper Rd, Kingaham Ph: (07) 5497 3164

MaNy State FoReSt CaMP GRoUNdS PH 137468 – SoMe PoPULaR oNeS aRe ….

Amamoor State Forest and Forest Reserve Amamoor Creek Rd,  (13 74 68)

Inskip Peninsula Recreation Area 13 74 68- Four-wheel-drive (4WD) access from Tewantin is across the Noosa River ferry at the end of Moorindil Street, Tewantin. Permits Required. Two-wheel-drive (2WD) access -There are limited sites suitable for access with 2WD vehicles, small caravans and camper trailers. From Gympie, take the Tin Can Bay–Rainbow Beach Road. From Rainbow Beach, turn north into Clarkson Drive, at the roundabout turn right into Inskip Avenue.

Sunshine Coast Hinterland Great Walk 137468

Fraser Island, Great Sandy National Park Fraser Island lies adjacent to the mainland, east of Mary-borough. High clearance four wheel-drive vehicles are required as the island consists entirely of sand. Caravans are not recommended. Vehicle access is by barge (ferry) only. QPWS vehicle access and camping permits are required before you enter. 13 74 68

Booloumba Creek Camp Area Booloumba Creek Road - Qld Parks & Wildlife (DERM)

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52 Issue 001July 2013

Tent / Swag ..................... q

Ground Sheet ................. q

Tarp................................. q

Marquee ......................... q

Poles............................... q

Pegs ............................... q

Ropes ............................. q

Hammer .......................... q

Stove .............................. q

Gas ................................. q

Matches / lighter ............. q

Firelighters / newspaper . q

Wood .............................. q

Fuel................................. q

BBQ ................................ q

Gas Bottle ....................... q

Gas Fill ........................... q

Mattresses ...................... q

Air Pump ......................... q

Stretcher ......................... q

Pillow .............................. q

Sleeping Bag .................. q

Sleeping Bag Liner ......... q

Lighting - Torches / lights q

Icebox / Fridge ................ q

Ice ................................... q

Solar panel / generator ... q

Shower ........................... q

Ensuite tent..................... q

Gas Hot water................. q

Table (eating & cooking) . q

Chairs ............................. q

Pantry ............................. q

Toilet ............................... q

Toilet chemical ................ q

Clothes Cupboard........... q

Food Pantry .................... q

Billy ................................. q

Frypan ............................ q

Jaffle Iron ........................ q

Plates.............................. q

Cups ............................... q

Bowls .............................. q

Cutlery ............................ q

Chopping board .............. q

Cooking utensils ............. q

Croc Bin .......................... q

Rubbish bags.................. q

Tea towels....................... q

Aluminium foil ................. q

Cling wrap....................... q

Toasting Fork .................. q

Hammock ....................... q

Water container .............. q

Water .............................. q

Fuel container ................. q

Fuel................................. q

Camp Oven .................... q

Mosquito repellant .......... q

Sunscreen ...................... q

Soap ............................... q

Other notes - ________________________________________________________________________




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53Issue 001July 2013

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54 Issue 001July 2013

from the female perspectiveKez’sCorner

My hubby Jarrod, has asked me to write a page on tips for camping from my perspective. I don’t really have loads of ‘hot tips’, BUT, I can tell you what it is that I do to maximise my relax time while away camping. Between working & hav-ing two kids, it’s about being organised for me personally. I can probably speak for most of the girls out there, if there’s any stress at all, it’s in the packing. It’s from here my ‘dilly’ box

was born. My dilly box is full of my condiments. Alfoil, cling wrap, paper towel, rubbish bags, oil, salt, pepper, cutlery, plates, cups, bowls, frypans, chopping board, billy, tea, coffee, sugar, dish-clothes, dish-washing liquid etc.... If the dilly box is fully packed, you can’t go wrong! The minute (when I say minute, I mean in the next few days) we arrive home from a trip, the dilly box is re stacked in the kitchen, using the lami-

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nated check list that I have stuck on the top to ensure I don’t miss anything (My baby brain never really left me!). This sure saves time & stress for when we go on spur of the moment camping trips (which are quite often the best ones!).

When we get to the campsite Jarrod & I have have “unof-ficially”, formed a regime between us to set up camp. Jarrod is the tarp, tent, stove & lighting co-ordinator. Myself, I do the tables, bedding, self inflating mattresses etc.. And while the self inflating mattresses are inflating, I move on to do the chairs and kitchen. And then I (I’m about to admit to some-thing that I have never admitted to anyone before) get really, really excited about setting up my camp pantry and packing its shelves full of all our food and utensils etc. Albeit our two girls have started to rain on my parade here, aged 3 & 4, they too also like to pack the camp pantry. So being the good mother that I aspire to be, I let them do it while I move onto the more boring stuff. The camp pantry is by far my favour-ite piece of camping equipment and my whole camp site revolves around it. It keeps everything easily accessible & I don’t break my back by having to bend over & rifle through a box on the ground everytime I need something. It also keeps

the animals out (be it wild or child) and also importantly it keeps out the ants!

If am feeling quite organised & energetic the week lead-ing up to when we go away, I always make up a spaghetti bolognese that I freeze in a container. On the day that we leave, I take it out and let it defrost during the course of the day while we travel. The first nights meal is prepared and “whala”, dinner is done. All you need to do is heat it up in the frypan, serve and eat. This also makes for limited washing up and makes for more time spent relaxing around the campfire time. Which, let’s face it, I think we would all agree is a good thing! One last thing about spaghetti bolognese that I love, it never fails to taste better when you eat it as leftovers, espe-cially when it is put into a nice hot jaffle iron on the open coals.

I don’t know if this is considered to be in within the camping ‘tip’ department that Jarrod has asked for. But from a female perspective, these are a couple of little things that make my camping so much more enjoyable. “That’s if it can get anymore enjoyable!” I just love camping, and what makes me love it even more, is that our 2 children love it!

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07 5479 3300 68 Wises Rd, Maroochydore (GPS Buderim)

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57Issue 001July 2013

Come in & check us out for yourself!

07 5479 3300 68 Wises Rd, Maroochydore (GPS Buderim)

www.campingcountryaustralia.com.auinfo@campingcountryaustralia.com.au GPS: 26’ 40’ 20S 153’ 05’ 17N BUDERIM

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