Japanese Marketing Case Study65

Marketing Case #65

Transcript of Japanese Marketing Case Study65

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Marketing Case #65

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Overview of IndustryCartech is evolving in each area, that everywhere in the world. It inherits the old stream of primitive manufacturing pipeline, not only meaning of development process, but includes internal parts or something essence. Even the brand is coming from designated region, the knowledge of creating accessories on the different soil. Looking into that, reaching the resource of next innovation.

Toyota Story38Toyota has been challenging for their future to create the leading pipeline. Not only as an automobile business, with comprehensive insight, acquiring the huge potential technological development. Since the birth to today, coherent striving to become the global number 1 car company, as well as one of the exclusive outcome among the Japanese.

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Bio TechnologyBio technologies was came out around the latter of 1990, prevent the shortage of petroleum, or global warming phenomena. Meanwhile of this momentum, invented the component of bio plastic, as resource for wholly parts. It broadly accepted, not only for the partial structure, but applied for green project.

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Intelligent Transport SystemTraffic jam is one of the biggest loss, less yield, stressful. Alleviate with this issue, embarked on the project with small EV, manipulate the system to operate reservation schedule. As for middle distance management, developed the IMTS, Intelligent Multi-mode Transit system, it detect magnetism marker in the street, telecommunicate it enable to running in a line.

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Car information technologyInternet device can connect the automobiles through the devices. Gazoo is the project to navigate the passenger for the appropriate destination. Moreover it connects online to deliver the updated information, traffic, place, hobby on the fundamental car driving.

Recommend Place

Traffic Condition


Weather News

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Consolidated safetySince the 2006, purpose for safety development with technology, Toyota stated new proclaim. It supports to predict the accident beforehand, and it prevents to confront it. Cooperate with the surrounding devices, mutually communicate of each position, and recognize the distance, take a room for preliminary.

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Universal DesignOn the good accessibility for all passenger is next issue, and started to discuss of incremental aging layers. As a solution, Toyota suggested to them or some people who embraces something disadvantage. Incremental personal needs, oriented it for nursing care to utilize on the home carrying.
