January Tidings 2012

JANUARY 2012 St. John UCC “Bringing the Healing Love of Christ To Our Community for the Glory of God” ST. JOHN UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 1010 S P ARK B LVD ~ F REEPORT , IL www.stjohnuccfreeport.org The TIDINGS


Church Newsletter

Transcript of January Tidings 2012

Page 1: January Tidings 2012


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St. John UCC

“Bringing the Healing Love of Christ

To Our Community for the Glory of God”


1 0 1 0 S P AR K B L V D ~ F R E E P O R T , IL



Page 2: January Tidings 2012







OFFICE HOURS MONDAY– FRIDAY...…8:30 A.M. TO 12:30 P.M.…&.1:00 TO 4:00 P.M.

Church (815) 235-2824 E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: www.stjohnuccfreeport.org

The deadline for submitting articles in the monthly Tidings is the

Third Tuesday of the month by noon. (January 17th)


I always thought when Ben Franklin said, "In the first Place, as an Ounce of Prevention is worth a Pound of Cure,” that he was referring to a person’s health. But, according to the North Dakota State University Extension Service, via ushistory.org, he was referring to

fire safety. Here is what he wrote:

In the first Place, as an Ounce of Prevention is worth a Pound of Cure, I would advise 'em to take care how they suffer living Coals in a full Shovel, to be carried out of one Room into another, or up or down Stairs, unless in a Warmingpan shut; for Scraps of Fire may fall into Chinks and make no Appearance until Midnight; when your Stairs being in Flames, you may be forced, (as I once was) to leap out of your Windows, and hazard your Necks to avoid

being oven-roasted.

Ben was referring to people who were carrying live coals through their house, in order to start a fire in a fireplace in another room. “This preparation, ‘an Ounce of Prevention is worth a Pound of Cure,’ resulted in .. the professional establishment of the Union Fire Company on Dec. 7, 1736. ... This organized prevention transformed Philadelphia from an unsafe city to one of the safest

cities in America for fire prevention.”

The truth in Franklin’s words transcends the matter of fire safety to many areas of life. As we say, “An apple a day keeps the

doctor away.”

Yes, Jesus said, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick (do.” (Mk. 2:17; Mt. 9:12; Lk 5:31); .. but, what He was saying was that those who are well or whole have no “necessity” of or “require” going to a doctor. But, many of us do go to physicians when we are well, for a yearly check-up or more frequently. We know the value of preventive

medicine and early detection.

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OFFICE HOURS MONDAY– FRIDAY...…8:30 A.M. TO 12:30 P.M.…&.1:00 TO 4:00 P.M.

Church (815) 235-2824 E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: www.stjohnuccfreeport.org

The deadline for submitting articles in the monthly Tidings is the

Third Tuesday of the month by noon. (January 17th)


I always thought when Ben Franklin said, "In the first Place, as an Ounce of Prevention is worth a Pound of Cure,” that he was referring to a person’s health. But, according to the North Dakota State University Extension Service, via ushistory.org, he was referring to

fire safety. Here is what he wrote:

In the first Place, as an Ounce of Prevention is worth a Pound of Cure, I would advise 'em to take care how they suffer living Coals in a full Shovel, to be carried out of one Room into another, or up or down Stairs, unless in a Warmingpan shut; for Scraps of Fire may fall into Chinks and make no Appearance until Midnight; when your Stairs being in Flames, you may be forced, (as I once was) to leap out of your Windows, and hazard your Necks to avoid

being oven-roasted.

Ben was referring to people who were carrying live coals through their house, in order to start a fire in a fireplace in another room. “This preparation, ‘an Ounce of Prevention is worth a Pound of Cure,’ resulted in .. the professional establishment of the Union Fire Company on Dec. 7, 1736. ... This organized prevention transformed Philadelphia from an unsafe city to one of the safest

cities in America for fire prevention.”

The truth in Franklin’s words transcends the matter of fire safety to many areas of life. As we say, “An apple a day keeps the

doctor away.”

Yes, Jesus said, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick (do.” (Mk. 2:17; Mt. 9:12; Lk 5:31); .. but, what He was saying was that those who are well or whole have no “necessity” of or “require” going to a doctor. But, many of us do go to physicians when we are well, for a yearly check-up or more frequently. We know the value of preventive

medicine and early detection.

Page 4: January Tidings 2012


As you will read later in this Tidings, our Church Council is recommending our hiring the Rev. Dr. Paul Nixon of Epicenter Group to be our coach/consultant for the next year. Some have raised the question, “We’re doing really well right now. Why do we need to hire him or anyone else?” .. Well, as Ben Franklin

said, “an Ounce of Prevention is worth a Pound of Cure.”

We use coaches and consultants in our lives, all the time, from banker and financial advisors to lawyers to fishing guides to crop specialists to endowment managers to business consultants to vacation tour guides to security specialists to compliance officers

to many other areas of life.

The best athletes in the world, from golfers to football players to Olympic athletes still use coaches and trainers, even though they are the best in the world. They know they cannot stay “on their game,” maintain their level of excellence, or reach a new level of excellence without the wisdom, guidance and perspective of the person who can see what they’re missing, fine tune their movements, or help them see the strategy they need to

implement for what’s ahead.

We often think that when we have been blessed that we have been rewarded for past performance, when, in reality, a blessing is a gift and a resource for the future. When God blesses us we are gifted by God so we have another gift, grace strength or renewal to live life more fully and faithfully or for the benefit of

others or those who are yet to come.

We are a blessed congregation, right now. We are in a strong financial state. There is a great spirit among us in our worship and church life. Our ministries are functioning well, for the most part. But, if we “settle” for where we are, get complacent or fail to find and implement the right strategies for the future, we could

put our vitality and health at risk.

Every one of us have known people who appeared to be in good health, never went to a doctor for a check-up, and missed some very important early detection. The result was a more serious illness, a more complicated and risky surgery, and, sometimes,

the person’s death.

God has blessed us by having us cross paths with Paul Nixon, which gives us the opportunity to make a bold move of leadership for our future. It’s the right time and the right move to invite him to walk with us on our path to the future, even inviting him to suggest which path we might want to take. He’s familiar with the

paths churches can take and need to take.

It is the right time. The right decision. Right now.


The office will be closed January 2nd.


January 22nd. Following service . The agenda for this

meeting will include the year end report for 2011 and

action on a recommendation to hire Dr. Paul Nixon as

a Church Coach.


All Ministries and social groups are

asked to submit a report of their

activities for the past year. All reports are due to the church office

by February 13th. They will be prepared and distributed for the

Congregational meeting in March. Please check with your group

or Committee Chair person to decide who will be preparing this


Page 5: January Tidings 2012


As you will read later in this Tidings, our Church Council is recommending our hiring the Rev. Dr. Paul Nixon of Epicenter Group to be our coach/consultant for the next year. Some have raised the question, “We’re doing really well right now. Why do we need to hire him or anyone else?” .. Well, as Ben Franklin

said, “an Ounce of Prevention is worth a Pound of Cure.”

We use coaches and consultants in our lives, all the time, from banker and financial advisors to lawyers to fishing guides to crop specialists to endowment managers to business consultants to vacation tour guides to security specialists to compliance officers

to many other areas of life.

The best athletes in the world, from golfers to football players to Olympic athletes still use coaches and trainers, even though they are the best in the world. They know they cannot stay “on their game,” maintain their level of excellence, or reach a new level of excellence without the wisdom, guidance and perspective of the person who can see what they’re missing, fine tune their movements, or help them see the strategy they need to

implement for what’s ahead.

We often think that when we have been blessed that we have been rewarded for past performance, when, in reality, a blessing is a gift and a resource for the future. When God blesses us we are gifted by God so we have another gift, grace strength or renewal to live life more fully and faithfully or for the benefit of

others or those who are yet to come.

We are a blessed congregation, right now. We are in a strong financial state. There is a great spirit among us in our worship and church life. Our ministries are functioning well, for the most part. But, if we “settle” for where we are, get complacent or fail to find and implement the right strategies for the future, we could

put our vitality and health at risk.

Every one of us have known people who appeared to be in good health, never went to a doctor for a check-up, and missed some very important early detection. The result was a more serious illness, a more complicated and risky surgery, and, sometimes,

the person’s death.

God has blessed us by having us cross paths with Paul Nixon, which gives us the opportunity to make a bold move of leadership for our future. It’s the right time and the right move to invite him to walk with us on our path to the future, even inviting him to suggest which path we might want to take. He’s familiar with the

paths churches can take and need to take.

It is the right time. The right decision. Right now.


The office will be closed January 2nd.


January 22nd. Following service . The agenda for this

meeting will include the year end report for 2011 and

action on a recommendation to hire Dr. Paul Nixon as

a Church Coach.


All Ministries and social groups are

asked to submit a report of their

activities for the past year. All reports are due to the church office

by February 13th. They will be prepared and distributed for the

Congregational meeting in March. Please check with your group

or Committee Chair person to decide who will be preparing this


Page 6: January Tidings 2012


Kevin’s Korner...

What’s next, Papa?

January 2012.

As 2011 comes to a close I have to

share with you that our Children &

Youth Ministries have had great

attendance. Our Middle School

program holds steady at 55 youth per

week and our new youth staff are a huge help. Donna Klapp has

helped as our volunteer chef. She gets the snacks ready each

week and the students love it. We have had others offer

assistance this past year and if you are one of those individuals I

can’t begin to tell you how grateful I am. You made this ministry

possible during a time of tremendous growth.

Sunday school has continued to see consistent numbers in the

teens and those who teach them are truly a blessing. Your

willingness to lead the little ones toward Christ is planting seeds

of faith. I can’t wait to see them grow.

As I look back at 2011 I have to say it went by very quickly. For

me personally, it’s been a rough one. I’ve had some struggles

with my back which lead to some emotional struggles with my

fitness and weight loss. This year will be remembered as a bump

in the road for me personally and probably an all time high

professionally. The ministries I’m part of are running smoothly

and I’ve been able to think creatively about new ministry

opportunities like Christ First. I’m adventurously expectant to

what God will bring my way in 2012.

So what’s first? Well, now that the holidays are over I’m sure

many new people will consider St. John’s Christ First Weight

Loss Ministry, as an opportunity to restore balance to there lives,

Emotionally, Physically, Spiritually, and Mentally. I’m looking

forward in finding safe (back friendly) ways to burn calories. I

may also have a little weight loss competition in the mix. In

January we meet with our Middle School youth every Thursday

from 3-5pm. I’m looking forward to getting back to a consistent

schedule with them. I’m also working on Winter Retreat

discussions and plans. I can’t wait. We will be taking 18 youth

and 6 adults this year. Our theme is Adventurously Expectant.

God's Spirit beckons. There are things to do and places to go!

This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-

tending life. It's adventurously expectant, greeting God with a

childlike "What's next, Papa?" Romans 8:14-15 MSG

I’m wondering what Papa has in store for us next. I’m welcoming

2012 with open arms and willing spirit, ready to be God’s


What’s next, Papa?

Consumed by the Call,

Kevin T. Eckert

Director of Children & Youth Ministries.


January 1st. 9:00 Worship

S.O.S (Kirsten Eckert, Sarah Knapp, Hugh Knapp, Patty Weik, and Gina Bertram) will be providing all of the music for worship. Please come and be part of this upbeat



We have reserved rooms at Sinsinawa Mound Center for Friday evening, January 27 through Saturday afternoon, January 28, for our next spiritual retreat. This is a beautiful place for rest and spiritual rejuvenation. Please speak with

Pastor Donnley if you have questions about or interest in the retreat. A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the narthex.

Page 7: January Tidings 2012


Kevin’s Korner...

What’s next, Papa?

January 2012.

As 2011 comes to a close I have to

share with you that our Children &

Youth Ministries have had great

attendance. Our Middle School

program holds steady at 55 youth per

week and our new youth staff are a huge help. Donna Klapp has

helped as our volunteer chef. She gets the snacks ready each

week and the students love it. We have had others offer

assistance this past year and if you are one of those individuals I

can’t begin to tell you how grateful I am. You made this ministry

possible during a time of tremendous growth.

Sunday school has continued to see consistent numbers in the

teens and those who teach them are truly a blessing. Your

willingness to lead the little ones toward Christ is planting seeds

of faith. I can’t wait to see them grow.

As I look back at 2011 I have to say it went by very quickly. For

me personally, it’s been a rough one. I’ve had some struggles

with my back which lead to some emotional struggles with my

fitness and weight loss. This year will be remembered as a bump

in the road for me personally and probably an all time high

professionally. The ministries I’m part of are running smoothly

and I’ve been able to think creatively about new ministry

opportunities like Christ First. I’m adventurously expectant to

what God will bring my way in 2012.

So what’s first? Well, now that the holidays are over I’m sure

many new people will consider St. John’s Christ First Weight

Loss Ministry, as an opportunity to restore balance to there lives,

Emotionally, Physically, Spiritually, and Mentally. I’m looking

forward in finding safe (back friendly) ways to burn calories. I

may also have a little weight loss competition in the mix. In

January we meet with our Middle School youth every Thursday

from 3-5pm. I’m looking forward to getting back to a consistent

schedule with them. I’m also working on Winter Retreat

discussions and plans. I can’t wait. We will be taking 18 youth

and 6 adults this year. Our theme is Adventurously Expectant.

God's Spirit beckons. There are things to do and places to go!

This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-

tending life. It's adventurously expectant, greeting God with a

childlike "What's next, Papa?" Romans 8:14-15 MSG

I’m wondering what Papa has in store for us next. I’m welcoming

2012 with open arms and willing spirit, ready to be God’s


What’s next, Papa?

Consumed by the Call,

Kevin T. Eckert

Director of Children & Youth Ministries.


January 1st. 9:00 Worship

S.O.S (Kirsten Eckert, Sarah Knapp, Hugh Knapp, Patty Weik, and Gina Bertram) will be providing all of the music for worship. Please come and be part of this upbeat



We have reserved rooms at Sinsinawa Mound Center for Friday evening, January 27 through Saturday afternoon, January 28, for our next spiritual retreat. This is a beautiful place for rest and spiritual rejuvenation. Please speak with

Pastor Donnley if you have questions about or interest in the retreat. A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the narthex.

Page 8: January Tidings 2012



Luke 10:41 We read here where Jesus told Martha to stop fussing far too much and stop

getting worked up over nothing.

I’m glad we are into a new year. From October

through December of 2011, I was a “little” overwhelmed.

My sister, Maxine, passed away a week before Thanksgiving. Let me take this time to thank so many of you who remembered me and Diane with sympathy cards. Your caring thoughts were very much appreciated. I had made reservations for a Thanksgiving Trip to San Antonio, which of course I had to cancel - have you ever tried to make a last minute rescheduling during holidays? Well, my friends, it isn’t easy and certainly not


Then, I had cataract surgery - both eyes and another “procedure”

was scheduled for December.

I have a book titled “Time Out For The Spirit”, which I leafed through and it really lifted my spirits. I’m going to share some

reflections with you from that book.

The first one asks “Do you ever wonder what Martha served in that special meal that she prepared for her beloved guest, Jesus?” I’m sure that nothing was too good for this occasion. What were the “things’ Scripture tells us she was so busy about? Why, dishes, of course - fish, meat, breads, veggies and maybe some fruit. But Jesus said to her “Martha, Martha, you are

anxious about many matters, when there is need of but one dish.

Like Martha, it is easy to work more than is needed so that we end up fretful and too tired to enjoy times with the Lord. Jesus says to all of us. “Don’t. Live simply. Then there will be plenty of time to sit at my feet. Work, yes, but not so much that you

have no time for fellowship with me.”

Take time out for a 15 minute power nap from time to time. After all, a sleep researcher said that adult nappers are sharper, healthier and happier. Jesus said “Come unto me, all you who

labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” I can’t think

of a better rejuvenator than a quick little nap!

Meetings, clubs and purely social activities can never satisfy the

longing heart. Only one dish is needed!

My hope for all of you in this New Year is that you all will live

simple, uncomplicated lives, and be happy and healthy.

Peace and Love,

Marilyn Ruthe, Coordinator Laycare Ministry



The Rock River Valley Blood Center- Freeport location-is looking for canteen volunteers. Volunteer duties include: greeting donors, serving refreshments to donors, and keeping canteen area clean and restocked. Flexible hours are available. There are immediate openings on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. If you are interested in volunteering at the Blood Center, please contact Stacey Nelson (Volunteer Coordinator) at [email protected] or 815-654-9832. If you have any questions please contact Deb Hartman (Freeport Site Supervisor) and member of St. John at 815-235-8822 (home) or 815-232-5663 (work). This is a wonderful opportunity to serve our community and important to the blood donation process to ensure our donor’s experience is

safe and positive.


Saturday, February 4th there will be a Life Line Screening preventive health event to scan for the risk of stroke and other vascular conditions. There are package tests or individual tests. If you

preregister you get a discount on the package testing. There will be a sign up sheet and more info on the bulletin board or call the

office for more details.

Page 9: January Tidings 2012



Luke 10:41 We read here where Jesus told Martha to stop fussing far too much and stop

getting worked up over nothing.

I’m glad we are into a new year. From October

through December of 2011, I was a “little” overwhelmed.

My sister, Maxine, passed away a week before Thanksgiving. Let me take this time to thank so many of you who remembered me and Diane with sympathy cards. Your caring thoughts were very much appreciated. I had made reservations for a Thanksgiving Trip to San Antonio, which of course I had to cancel - have you ever tried to make a last minute rescheduling during holidays? Well, my friends, it isn’t easy and certainly not


Then, I had cataract surgery - both eyes and another “procedure”

was scheduled for December.

I have a book titled “Time Out For The Spirit”, which I leafed through and it really lifted my spirits. I’m going to share some

reflections with you from that book.

The first one asks “Do you ever wonder what Martha served in that special meal that she prepared for her beloved guest, Jesus?” I’m sure that nothing was too good for this occasion. What were the “things’ Scripture tells us she was so busy about? Why, dishes, of course - fish, meat, breads, veggies and maybe some fruit. But Jesus said to her “Martha, Martha, you are

anxious about many matters, when there is need of but one dish.

Like Martha, it is easy to work more than is needed so that we end up fretful and too tired to enjoy times with the Lord. Jesus says to all of us. “Don’t. Live simply. Then there will be plenty of time to sit at my feet. Work, yes, but not so much that you

have no time for fellowship with me.”

Take time out for a 15 minute power nap from time to time. After all, a sleep researcher said that adult nappers are sharper, healthier and happier. Jesus said “Come unto me, all you who

labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” I can’t think

of a better rejuvenator than a quick little nap!

Meetings, clubs and purely social activities can never satisfy the

longing heart. Only one dish is needed!

My hope for all of you in this New Year is that you all will live

simple, uncomplicated lives, and be happy and healthy.

Peace and Love,

Marilyn Ruthe, Coordinator Laycare Ministry



The Rock River Valley Blood Center- Freeport location-is looking for canteen volunteers. Volunteer duties include: greeting donors, serving refreshments to donors, and keeping canteen area clean and restocked. Flexible hours are available. There are immediate openings on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. If you are interested in volunteering at the Blood Center, please contact Stacey Nelson (Volunteer Coordinator) at [email protected] or 815-654-9832. If you have any questions please contact Deb Hartman (Freeport Site Supervisor) and member of St. John at 815-235-8822 (home) or 815-232-5663 (work). This is a wonderful opportunity to serve our community and important to the blood donation process to ensure our donor’s experience is

safe and positive.


Saturday, February 4th there will be a Life Line Screening preventive health event to scan for the risk of stroke and other vascular conditions. There are package tests or individual tests. If you

preregister you get a discount on the package testing. There will be a sign up sheet and more info on the bulletin board or call the

office for more details.

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Applying Bible Principles

Male peacocks are interesting creatures. They love to be noticed, so they spread their bright plumage for any and all to see

(especially female peacocks!).

Many people are like that, especially when it comes to their financial support of the Lord’s work. They want people to notice their act of giving, when they give, how much they give, and the causes to which they give. Some even announce publicly how much they give, supposedly to challenge others to follow their

pattern of generosity.

But is that God’s way? A simple examination of the sixth chapter of Matthew’s gospel reveals the answer. The Lord Jesus said that our giving is to be done secretly. If we take His instruction at face value, then it is apparent that we are not to let others know the extent of our giving. In fact, Jesus went so far as to say (figuratively, of course) that we shouldn’t even let one hand know

what the other is doing when it comes to our giving.

Sometimes, our giving will be seen by men. Sometimes, that’s unavoidable. But Christ’s point concerns our motive. We should give to please our Lord, not in order to be seen by other people so that we receive their commendation or accolades. In other words,

we are to avoid what one writer described as “advertised piety.”

A well-known evangelist said that the world has yet to see what could be accomplished for the sake of the gospel if we would quit being concerned about who gets the credit for what gets done in the kingdom of God. That includes our giving. In fact, one of the greatest tests for us as God’s children is whether we are able to give cheerfully of ourselves and our resources without getting the


Unless we give by cash and choose to forgo a tax deduction for our giving (hmm . . . now there’s a novel idea!), probably the person who handles the church’s financial affairs will be aware of

our giving. Otherwise, though, it’s a good idea to keep our giving a matter that’s between ourselves and the Lord. Actually, it’s more

than a good idea. It’s something Christ said we should do. .



Please bring your donations of can goods, cereal, pasta, food items as well as the much needed personal items to church each month. We will also be receiving monetary donations on January 1st for the FACC

emergency fund. $420 was collected in December.




The adult Chancel Choir meets every Thursday at 7pm. Please come and join us if you have a love for music and enjoy making a

joyful noise!

The Bell Choir meets every Thursday at 6 pm. Please consider

joining us. An ability to read music is helpful but not required.


We meet at 9 a.m. every Wednesday in the Library.

Please join us!


We will be taking a break for the winter and will meet again in


Page 11: January Tidings 2012



Applying Bible Principles

Male peacocks are interesting creatures. They love to be noticed, so they spread their bright plumage for any and all to see

(especially female peacocks!).

Many people are like that, especially when it comes to their financial support of the Lord’s work. They want people to notice their act of giving, when they give, how much they give, and the causes to which they give. Some even announce publicly how much they give, supposedly to challenge others to follow their

pattern of generosity.

But is that God’s way? A simple examination of the sixth chapter of Matthew’s gospel reveals the answer. The Lord Jesus said that our giving is to be done secretly. If we take His instruction at face value, then it is apparent that we are not to let others know the extent of our giving. In fact, Jesus went so far as to say (figuratively, of course) that we shouldn’t even let one hand know

what the other is doing when it comes to our giving.

Sometimes, our giving will be seen by men. Sometimes, that’s unavoidable. But Christ’s point concerns our motive. We should give to please our Lord, not in order to be seen by other people so that we receive their commendation or accolades. In other words,

we are to avoid what one writer described as “advertised piety.”

A well-known evangelist said that the world has yet to see what could be accomplished for the sake of the gospel if we would quit being concerned about who gets the credit for what gets done in the kingdom of God. That includes our giving. In fact, one of the greatest tests for us as God’s children is whether we are able to give cheerfully of ourselves and our resources without getting the


Unless we give by cash and choose to forgo a tax deduction for our giving (hmm . . . now there’s a novel idea!), probably the person who handles the church’s financial affairs will be aware of

our giving. Otherwise, though, it’s a good idea to keep our giving a matter that’s between ourselves and the Lord. Actually, it’s more

than a good idea. It’s something Christ said we should do. .



Please bring your donations of can goods, cereal, pasta, food items as well as the much needed personal items to church each month. We will also be receiving monetary donations on January 1st for the FACC

emergency fund. $420 was collected in December.




The adult Chancel Choir meets every Thursday at 7pm. Please come and join us if you have a love for music and enjoy making a

joyful noise!

The Bell Choir meets every Thursday at 6 pm. Please consider

joining us. An ability to read music is helpful but not required.


We meet at 9 a.m. every Wednesday in the Library.

Please join us!


We will be taking a break for the winter and will meet again in


Page 12: January Tidings 2012



Card Club will not be meeting in January


We meet every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. (the second week of the month on Tuesday) in the Game Room (North Wing). We would love to have more men

& women join in on the fun!


Join us on Thursdays at 9 a.m. for coffee, treats, friendship, & to do volunteer work! We assemble the Tidings the fourth

Thursday, January 26th.


We are starting a new book January 8th called “Love Wins” by Rob Bell.

A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived...Rob Bell addresses

one of the most controversial issues of faith—the afterlife—arguing, would a loving God send people to eternal torment forever...? With searing insight, Bell puts hell on trial, and his message is decidedly hopeful—eternal life doesn’t start when we die; it starts right now. And ultimately, Love Wins.


JANUARY 29th 11:45am

following Sunday School hour. Soup and salad lunch provided by Fellowship Ministry followed by a movie in the Theater Room. Please sign

up on the bulletin board.



We’re having a great time! Come join us! We’re not “holier than thou,” nor is all the talk

just “God-talk.” It’s a wonderful blend of maleness, conversation,

laughter, the spiritual and the unspiritual.

Our next gathering is Saturday, January 7th at 8 a.m. in the

Temple Sunday School room. We meet until about 9:30 a.m.

Come check us out!


National Alliance for Mental Illness group meeting

A Support group for those who suffer with Mental Illness and their loved ones meets the first Wednesday of the month from 6-7:30 pm in Chapel Hearth.


Rev. Carol Ahrens will be hosting the monthly prayer service on January 11th at 5:30 PM in Chapel Hearth. This service is to pray for and support those who suffer with mental illness and it is also for the loved one of those who need our support.

Everyone is welcome!


We will meet in the “Temple Room” Friday January 13th at 1:30pm to plan our work on the Church

Raffle Quilt we are starting.

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Card Club will not be meeting in January


We meet every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. (the second week of the month on Tuesday) in the Game Room (North Wing). We would love to have more men

& women join in on the fun!


Join us on Thursdays at 9 a.m. for coffee, treats, friendship, & to do volunteer work! We assemble the Tidings the fourth

Thursday, January 26th.


We are starting a new book January 8th called “Love Wins” by Rob Bell.

A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived...Rob Bell addresses

one of the most controversial issues of faith—the afterlife—arguing, would a loving God send people to eternal torment forever...? With searing insight, Bell puts hell on trial, and his message is decidedly hopeful—eternal life doesn’t start when we die; it starts right now. And ultimately, Love Wins.


JANUARY 29th 11:45am

following Sunday School hour. Soup and salad lunch provided by Fellowship Ministry followed by a movie in the Theater Room. Please sign

up on the bulletin board.



We’re having a great time! Come join us! We’re not “holier than thou,” nor is all the talk

just “God-talk.” It’s a wonderful blend of maleness, conversation,

laughter, the spiritual and the unspiritual.

Our next gathering is Saturday, January 7th at 8 a.m. in the

Temple Sunday School room. We meet until about 9:30 a.m.

Come check us out!


National Alliance for Mental Illness group meeting

A Support group for those who suffer with Mental Illness and their loved ones meets the first Wednesday of the month from 6-7:30 pm in Chapel Hearth.


Rev. Carol Ahrens will be hosting the monthly prayer service on January 11th at 5:30 PM in Chapel Hearth. This service is to pray for and support those who suffer with mental illness and it is also for the loved one of those who need our support.

Everyone is welcome!


We will meet in the “Temple Room” Friday January 13th at 1:30pm to plan our work on the Church

Raffle Quilt we are starting.

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MIDDLE SCHOOL (grades 5-8th)

Thursdays after school 3-5 pm

if there is no school we don’t meet

HIGH SCHOOL (grades 9-12th)

Sunday Jan 22nd 6-8pm

NEW YEARS RESOLUTION TIME! CHRIST FIRST WEIGHTLOSS This is an ongoing Faith Based Weight loss program that meets Monday evenings from 5-6 or Wednesday evenings from 6-7pm. Please contact the Kevin Eckert 815-218-0286 for more information.

WORKOUT NIGHTS Monday at 6pm will be a DVD workout open to everyone Free! Zumba with Jacqui Davenport on Wed 5-6pm and Zumba Toning on Friday evenings from 5-6pm . First Class is $5 Drop in rate after that is $7 or buy a 10 class punch card for $50.


The week of January 30th. If you would like to help deliver meals please contact

Sherrill Spaide at 235-2983


Being a servant of the church is a great way to get to know fellow members. If you’re interested in serving please call the church

office or fill out a pew card.


Coffee Hour is a time for fellowship. All of the members of St. John (unless requested otherwise) are alphabetically listed to bring a treat to share. You may not get a reminder call when it’s your turn to bring a treat, but please, if your name is on the list for this month, bring in about 3 dozen cookies, bars, mini muffins etc. or please consider bringing fruit to share.

Everyone enjoys the treats and the social time together.

JANUARY - (No Coffee Hour on New Years Day) YAHOOS

1/8 - Nancy Lassiter, Doris Last, Ben & Lucille Lee, Jane Lehman, Scott & Lannie Lehman, Barb and Robert Luedeke,

Shan & Vicki MacAdam, Jean Mahon

1/15 - Denny & Pam Manus, Dixie Marklund, Betty Mathews, Tom & Diane Mathews, Duane & Barb McDonough, William &

Norma McLenahan, Denny & Carla Meyer

1/22 - Keith & Kathy Moffatt, Glen & Betty Mogle

Carolyn Moyer, Dorothy Ness, Tim & Angela Newkirk, Bradley &

Jody Nieman, Lawrence & Paula Nieman

1/29 - Ray & Jeri Nieman, Ruth Olson, Edward & Connie Orde, Leland & Nancy Otte, Dwight & Diane Peterson, Royce &

Janet Piefer, Donna Polhill


2/5 - Gary Polhill, Ulan & Cindy Price, Dale & Kelly Priewe, Betty Pruitt, Rodney Pruitt, John & Paula Rawleigh, Marilyn


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MIDDLE SCHOOL (grades 5-8th)

Thursdays after school 3-5 pm

if there is no school we don’t meet

HIGH SCHOOL (grades 9-12th)

Sunday Jan 22nd 6-8pm

NEW YEARS RESOLUTION TIME! CHRIST FIRST WEIGHTLOSS This is an ongoing Faith Based Weight loss program that meets Monday evenings from 5-6 or Wednesday evenings from 6-7pm. Please contact the Kevin Eckert 815-218-0286 for more information.

WORKOUT NIGHTS Monday at 6pm will be a DVD workout open to everyone Free! Zumba with Jacqui Davenport on Wed 5-6pm and Zumba Toning on Friday evenings from 5-6pm . First Class is $5 Drop in rate after that is $7 or buy a 10 class punch card for $50.


The week of January 30th. If you would like to help deliver meals please contact

Sherrill Spaide at 235-2983


Being a servant of the church is a great way to get to know fellow members. If you’re interested in serving please call the church

office or fill out a pew card.


Coffee Hour is a time for fellowship. All of the members of St. John (unless requested otherwise) are alphabetically listed to bring a treat to share. You may not get a reminder call when it’s your turn to bring a treat, but please, if your name is on the list for this month, bring in about 3 dozen cookies, bars, mini muffins etc. or please consider bringing fruit to share.

Everyone enjoys the treats and the social time together.

JANUARY - (No Coffee Hour on New Years Day) YAHOOS

1/8 - Nancy Lassiter, Doris Last, Ben & Lucille Lee, Jane Lehman, Scott & Lannie Lehman, Barb and Robert Luedeke,

Shan & Vicki MacAdam, Jean Mahon

1/15 - Denny & Pam Manus, Dixie Marklund, Betty Mathews, Tom & Diane Mathews, Duane & Barb McDonough, William &

Norma McLenahan, Denny & Carla Meyer

1/22 - Keith & Kathy Moffatt, Glen & Betty Mogle

Carolyn Moyer, Dorothy Ness, Tim & Angela Newkirk, Bradley &

Jody Nieman, Lawrence & Paula Nieman

1/29 - Ray & Jeri Nieman, Ruth Olson, Edward & Connie Orde, Leland & Nancy Otte, Dwight & Diane Peterson, Royce &

Janet Piefer, Donna Polhill


2/5 - Gary Polhill, Ulan & Cindy Price, Dale & Kelly Priewe, Betty Pruitt, Rodney Pruitt, John & Paula Rawleigh, Marilyn


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January 1 – Zael & Donna Klapp

January 8 – Shirley Ifert and Jackie Stewart

January 15- Len & Liz Carter

January 22- Jeanne Koch & Doris Last

January 29 – Dean & Irene Amendt


January 1 – Roger & Deb Swanlund

January 8 – Arnold & Mary Eder

January 15 – Marilyn Rawleigh & Marge Criddle

January 22 – Marilyn Ruthe & Diane Heilman

January 29 –Edith Rosenstiel & Rosie Cosgrove


January 1 – Tim & Angela Newkirk

January 8 – Dennis & Carla Meyer

January 15- Amy Doll, Mark Swanson, Anita Bicksler

January 22- Marla Kreeger & Olivia Shaffer

January 29 – Jill & Logan Kuntz, Bonnie Gennusa


1/01 Tim, Colin & Kristi Ebbers, Dennis Manus, Jim Drew,

Jerald Watson

1/08 John & Paula Rawleigh, Phil & Barb Copus, Mike

Smith, James & Tom Priewe

1/15 Tom & Melinda Ferguson, Wes & Joyce Robinson,

Dana Brill, Ray & Jeri Nieman

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1/22 Doris Last, Sharon Simler, Ben Lee, Diane Heilman

1/29 Lee & Nancy Otte, Keith & Kathy Moffatt, Jeanne Koch


We have several drivers avai lable i f anyone should need a ride to church. If you are in need of a ride please contact the office before noon on

Friday, 815-235-2824 and talk to Pam


11/27 - 113 12/11 - 156 12/24 -

12/04 - 175 12/18 - 206 12/25 -


PRAYER CHAIN: Doris Eckert, Carol Mann,

Ron Iske, Libbie & Emma, Corrine Skibiki

Our Thanks to the Church Family for all the cards, memorials, food brought in and the nice luncheon the ladies served. Thanks for all the salads and cakes and all your work. She would have

loved all that German Potato Salad.- The Family of Helen Bose

************************************************************************* I would like to say thank you for helping to brighten this holiday season at our Transitional Housing Program. We currently have 8 children and 4 mothers. I appreciate your kindness and generosity. I will be taking the mom’s out Monday to shop for their kids. Each mom will receive a gift as well from her children. May GOD bless all of you in the New Year to come as you bless those around you. - Catherine Young

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************************************************************************* Just wanted to thank you and all the other ladies for the great job you did preparing and serving the luncheon for mom’s funeral. We greatly appreciated it! - Doug, Linda Martin and family. ************************************************************************* Thank you to everyone who donated to our “Winter Closet” we collected 216 items to make kids a little warmer this winter. ************************************************************************* To the family of St. John, The family of Glenn Watson would like to thank everyone for your prayers, visits during his many hospital stays, kind words and acts of thoughtfulness. We also want to thank the ladies who organized and helped in the kitchen the day of the funeral. Everything was delicious and greatly appreciated. ************************************************************************* We want to thank everyone for their prayers and are pleased Ted’s PET scan showed favorable results. The doctors are doing three more Chemo treatments, just to be sure. Thank you ~ Ted and Joan Wootan ************************************************************************** We would like to thank everyone for the cards and all the good wishes we received for our 50th wedding Anniversary. It made the day very special. May God bless everyone. Arnold & Mary Eder ************************************************************************** Thanks to Mary Arnold, Gina Bertram and Kirsten Eckert, the Youth Sunday School group and all that provided their time and talent for the wonderful Christmas Program. - Christian Ed Ministry **************************************************************************

A TAXI DRIVER AND A MINISTER... arrived in heaven at the same time. The taxi driver was led to a palatial suite, and the minister was given a small room. “I don’t get it” the minister said. “All he did was drive a cab. I was in the ministry for decades.” “Up here, we go by results,” St. Peter said.

“While you preached, people slept. While he drove, people prayed.”

Church Council Recommends a

Church Coach

That’s a Church Coach, folks, not a church


At the November meeting of the congregation, Pastor Donnley reported on the presentation of the Rev. Dr. Paul Nixon at our Prairie

Association Meeting of Nov. 5. Attending this meeting from St. John were: Carol Ahrens, Deb Hartman, Jeanne Koch, Justin Mapes, Marilyn Ruthe, Deb Scott and Pastor Donnley. Each of

them were very impressed with Paul Nixon and his presentation.

Some years ago, he wrote a book titled, “I Refuse to Lead A Dying Church,” which has become very popular in church communities seeking to renew and strengthen themselves for the future. After following up on some references and speaking with Rev. Nixon, the Church Council is recommending to the congregation that we hire him to be our Church Coach for the next year. (Payment for his services will be covered through

existing funds.)

Action will be taken on this recommendation at our Annual Meeting following worship on Sunday, January 22nd. Information presenting his proposal, his answers to questions we asked of him, references, and more will be available for your review as of

Sunday, January 8th. You may pick it up in the narthex or office.

Please speak with Pastor Donnley if you have questions.

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************************************************************************* Just wanted to thank you and all the other ladies for the great job you did preparing and serving the luncheon for mom’s funeral. We greatly appreciated it! - Doug, Linda Martin and family. ************************************************************************* Thank you to everyone who donated to our “Winter Closet” we collected 216 items to make kids a little warmer this winter. ************************************************************************* To the family of St. John, The family of Glenn Watson would like to thank everyone for your prayers, visits during his many hospital stays, kind words and acts of thoughtfulness. We also want to thank the ladies who organized and helped in the kitchen the day of the funeral. Everything was delicious and greatly appreciated. ************************************************************************* We want to thank everyone for their prayers and are pleased Ted’s PET scan showed favorable results. The doctors are doing three more Chemo treatments, just to be sure. Thank you ~ Ted and Joan Wootan ************************************************************************** We would like to thank everyone for the cards and all the good wishes we received for our 50th wedding Anniversary. It made the day very special. May God bless everyone. Arnold & Mary Eder ************************************************************************** Thanks to Mary Arnold, Gina Bertram and Kirsten Eckert, the Youth Sunday School group and all that provided their time and talent for the wonderful Christmas Program. - Christian Ed Ministry **************************************************************************

A TAXI DRIVER AND A MINISTER... arrived in heaven at the same time. The taxi driver was led to a palatial suite, and the minister was given a small room. “I don’t get it” the minister said. “All he did was drive a cab. I was in the ministry for decades.” “Up here, we go by results,” St. Peter said.

“While you preached, people slept. While he drove, people prayed.”

Church Council Recommends a

Church Coach

That’s a Church Coach, folks, not a church


At the November meeting of the congregation, Pastor Donnley reported on the presentation of the Rev. Dr. Paul Nixon at our Prairie

Association Meeting of Nov. 5. Attending this meeting from St. John were: Carol Ahrens, Deb Hartman, Jeanne Koch, Justin Mapes, Marilyn Ruthe, Deb Scott and Pastor Donnley. Each of

them were very impressed with Paul Nixon and his presentation.

Some years ago, he wrote a book titled, “I Refuse to Lead A Dying Church,” which has become very popular in church communities seeking to renew and strengthen themselves for the future. After following up on some references and speaking with Rev. Nixon, the Church Council is recommending to the congregation that we hire him to be our Church Coach for the next year. (Payment for his services will be covered through

existing funds.)

Action will be taken on this recommendation at our Annual Meeting following worship on Sunday, January 22nd. Information presenting his proposal, his answers to questions we asked of him, references, and more will be available for your review as of

Sunday, January 8th. You may pick it up in the narthex or office.

Please speak with Pastor Donnley if you have questions.

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Members present: Perry Cowan, President, Bill Condie, Deb Hartman, Keith Hinrichs, Ben Lee, Ulan Price, Joyce Robinson,

Marilyn Ruthe, Pastor Donnley, ex-officio.

Prayer: Pastor Donnley

November minutes: Approved via email.

Treasurer’s Report: Clarifications were made by Pastor Donnley. Marilyn made the motion to accept as presented. 2nd by

Keith. Discussion followed. Motion carried.

Keith reported that the rest of the light bulbs in the building that haven’t already been replaced with the energy efficient bulbs will be completed per recommendations

indicated in the energy audit.

Council discussed sending a letter to groups (not associated with St. John) using the facilities to consider donating toward utility


Coach/Consultant Rev. Paul Nixon: Donnley emailed Rev. Paul Nixon with more questions regarding his coaching/consulting services. Those questions and Rev. Nixon’s replies were distributed to Council members for review. The Council discussed such concerns as: How the success/failure of his work is measured and the importance of the congregation in “buying in” to make this effort a success. Also, recognizing the distinction of Rev. Nixon’s function as “coach” and the church members as the “team” which must do the real work. Council also discussed the importance of leaving a legacy--our making the decision and commitment that will be valuable to the long-term life of this church. Funding suggestions were also made including


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committing monies from the General Fund to hire Rev. Nixon.

The questions and responses between Pastor Donnley and Rev. Nixon will be included in the January Tidings for the congregation’s review before the January congregational


Ulan made the motion to bring Rev. Nixon as coach/consultant

to St. John. Marilyn 2nd. Discussion followed. Motion carried.

Mission Ministry Request: Regarding the National Youth Event to be held at Purdue University, summer 2012: The youth program is requesting financial support in funding their


Bill made a motion to take up to $2,000 out of the Janshen Fund in coordination with Kevin’s fundraising plan. Joyce

2nd. Discussion followed. Motion carried.

Pension Board Document: A file will be created for the documentation required by the IRS for the standard of determining who participates in the St. John pension plan. The St. John UCC criteria for participation in the pension plan, at this

time, is being full-time and ordained.

Adjournment: Adjourned with the Mizpah benediction.

Respectfully submitted,

Deb Hartman

Council Secretary


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Beginning Balance January 1, 2011 $40,498.26 12/01 General Fund Beginning Balance $

12/07 GF Income $ 12/14 GF Income $ 12/21 GF Income $ Less 12/23 GF Payroll & Compensation $ 12/23 GF Other Checks $ 12/23 Current Bills Outstanding $ 12/23 Ending Balance $ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Beginning Balance January 1, 2010 $15,208.74 12/01 Building Fund Beginning Balance $

12/06 BD Income $ 12/14 BD Income $ 12/21 BD Income $ Less 12/23 BD Checks $ 12/23 Ending Balance $

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January Scripture Readings

01 Ephesians 1:1-23 17 Mark 8:1-26

02 Ephesians 2: 1-22 18 Mark 8:27-9:13

03 Ephesians 3:1-21 19 Mark 9:14-32

04 Ephesians 4:1-32 20 Mark 9:33-50

05 Ephesians 5:1– 6:4 21 Mark 10:1-31

06 Matthew 2:1-23 22 John 17:1-26

07 Mark 1:1-20 23 Acts 6:1-15

08 Mark 1:21-45 24 Acts 7:1- 8:3

09 Mark 2:1-28 25 Acts 9:1-43

10 Mark 3:1-19 26 Acts 17:1-34

11 Mark 3:20-35 27 Acts 18:1-28

12 Mark 4:35– 5:20 28 Acts 19:1-41

13 Mark 5:21-43 29 Acts 20:1- 21:16

14 Mark 6:1-29 30 Acts 21:17– 22:16

15 Mark 6:30-56 31 Acts 22:17- 23:11

16 Mark 7:24-37

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