January 4-10

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Transcript of January 4-10

  • 8/10/2019 January 4-10


    Jan. 4-10, 2015 Vol. XXIII No. 02

    Ofcial Publication of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Candles, Jaro, Iloilo City Tel. Nos. 320-9505 & 329-1625 website: www.ourladyofcandlesnationalshrine.com email:[email protected]

    6th Sunday of Easter

    Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord

    We started the irst day of theNew Year by celebrating theMotherhood of Mary - the Mother

    of God, Who gave birth to The Infant Jesus,God the Fathers only begotten Son, onChristmas day.

    On this irst Sunday of 2015, we turnour eyes on Gods people, Jews and Gentiles,who have come to pay homage to the InfantJesus and His Mother, Mary, who was besideHim in the manger.

    The simple shepherds of thesurrounding countryside were the newbornInfant Jesus irst visitors, summoned fromthe ields by angels from Heaven as theywatched their sheep.

    Now come the Magi from the east. Theysaw His star at its rising, sign that the King ofthe Jews has been born, and they have cometo pay homage to him, bringing gifts of gold,frankincense, and myrrh. Our modern worldcalls this visit of the Magi as the Epiphanyof our Lord. (Mt. 2:1-12)

    In the tradition of the early Christian

    Church, the Magi were known to beastrologers, they were pagans, in fact, and

    no mention was made of the number whovisited the Infant Jesus, but they weregiven the names Caspar, Balthasar, andMelchior. During this period, baptism ofnew Christians were done mostly at Easterand on the Feast of the Epiphany, and theblessed water from the baptisms were alsocustomarily sprinkled on the doorpostsof the faithful, over which were writtenthe initials C+B+M acronym for ChristusBendicat Mansionem (Christ blesses thishouse). Over time, these initials became theirst letters of the names given to the Magi.

    The word Epiphany comes fromthe Greek word epiphania, whichmeans manifestation or revelation, orappearance. The birth of the Infant Jesusis the manifestation or fulillment of the OldTestament prophecy in Isaiah 60:1-6 thatforetells the coming birth of the Messiah, theLight of the World sent by God the Fatherto earth to save mankind from Original Sin.

    Epiphany was originally celebratedin the Eastern Catholic and Orthodox

    Churches to herald the birth of the promisedMessiah, and was known to these churches

    as Theophany. It was introduced to theRoman Church in the second half for thesixth century and became known today asthe Epiphany.

    The Epiphany of the Eastern churchesis the equivalent of the Western churchscelebration of Christmas both heraldthe coming of the promised Savior.Whereas Christmas is a feast of the entireChristendom, the Epiphany is the greatspecial feast of the Catholic Church.

    In the Philippines, up to the 1960s, theFeast of the Three Kings was a big event,especially for children, who received giftsnot only on Christmas eve, but also onthe Feast of the Three Kings on January6. Today, the Feast of the Epiphany hasbecome a celebration held on the Sundayafter the Feast of the Holy Family.

    The Epiphany centers on three eventsin the life of Jesus: the adoration of the Magi;the Baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan; andJesus irst miracle at the wedding in Cana.

    Great Importance is also given to Marys

    role in the feast of the Epiphany, where, inturn to page 8...

    The Essenceof the Epiphany

    Armando A. Sue

  • 8/10/2019 January 4-10


    CANDLE LIGHT (January 4-10, 2015) CANDLE LIGHT (January 4-10, 2015) 3


    Certainty of UncertaintiesFr. Nathaniel G. Gentizon

    THE PASTOR SPEAKSMsgr. Higinio C. Velarde

    Sa sini nga isyu sang Candle Light,akon padayunon ang pagpaathagsang pagtulon-an sang aton Simbahananungod sa mga Sakramento. Akon naapos ang pagpaathag nahanungod saramento sang Bunyag kag Pagkompirma.

    g karon, hatagan naton sing pagtamodSakramento sang Eukaristiya. Upod sa

    ramento sang Bunyag kag Kompirma,Sakramento sang Eukaristiya nagabug-sa ginatawag nga Sacraments of

    iation.Ano ang Sakramento sang Eukaristiya?

    sami naton mabatian nga ginasiling: Angkaristiya amo ang ginahalinan kag angok-putokan sang bug-os nga kabuhi ngastiano. Apang ano gid ang luyag silingon? Ang Eukaristiya amo ang paagi sangsimba sa Dios sang mga Katoliko bilangapo sang Lawas ni Kristo nga amo

    Simbahan. Ang Eukaristiya amo angdumanan sang sakripisyo ni Kristo, angramento sang panihapon sang Ginuo

    ang sentro sang presensya ni Kristo.ban nga tinaga, ang Eukaristiya sarangkabig sa idalom sang tatlo ka dimensyon:akripisyo, 2) Pagkaon, kag 3) Presensya.

    ang sakripisyo, ang Eukaristiya amoSantos nga Misa; bilang pagkaon, ang

    karistiya amo ang Santos nga Pagkalawat,bilang presensya, ang Eukaristiya amoSantisimo Sakramento nga yara sa

    ernakulo sang aton mga simbahan.Sa pangkabilogan, daku gid ang

    hangad sang Katoliko nga Pilipino saebrasyon Eukaristika, ang Santos ngaa. Ang kinaandan nga kabuhi sa parokya,

    is said that our lives are made of daysand nights, of seasons and years, for weare part of a universe of sun and moon,nets and stars. We mark ends and weke beginnings.

    As we inaugurate this New Year, 2015,praise and thank God for the grace andrcy that ill our days. We call to mindcountless blessings and graces we haveeived and we realize that God is alwaysh us. He never abandons us. He neversakes us. Though we may be in theey of darkness as we are not exempt

    m facing problems and challenges, ourd never failed to give us strength sot we may overcome and survive lifesiculties. With this, we thank the Lordhis faithful accompaniment.As we look forward for the days,

    eks and months to come, what is certainthe uncertainties. We do not know

    at will happen tomorrow. We dont havedea of what will happen next week andt month though we have plans in mind.ry thing may be dark. Every thing may

    uncertain. Every thing may be unknown.

    ang iya mga nagakalainlain nga mga bulohatonespiritwal, sosyal kag pagpangalagad, nagalibot saEukaristiya. Ang mga selebrasyon sa panimalay, mgaanibersaryo sa kasal kag pagkamatay, sa masunsonginapamisahan. Pati gani ang mga pagtililipon sosyal,mga miting, kombensyon kag iban pa nga pagtililiponnagasugod ukon nagatapos sa Misa. Sarang masilingnga ang Santos nga Misa amo ang pinakakinaandannga bulohaton relihiyoso sang Pilipino sa bagay ngakon kaisa, daw pasapayan na lang ang pagkabig sasini kag nadula na ang iya matuod nga kahulogan.

    Sarang man masiling nga sa karon nga mgapanahon, ang pagtamod sang mga Katoliko saSantos nga Misa nag-ayo man. Ang pagselebrarsini sa tumandok nga lengwahe, ang partisipasyonsang mga laiko bilang manugbasa, manugsirbe kagmanugkanta nakabulig gid agud nga ang Santos ngaMisa nangin timaan sang isa ka pagpakig-ambitanaysang komunidad. Ugaling may mga lugar man sa diinbangod sang kakulang sang mga kaparian, madamoang indi makasimba. May mga nagasimba mannga lain ang ila katuyuan sa pagsimba, halimbawabangud lang sa pagtuman sang obligasyon sapagsimba kag agud makalikaw sa pagpakasala, ukonbangud kay luyag lang nga dayawon sang iban, ukonnadala sang barkada.

    Amo ini ang kabangdanan kon ngaakinahanglanon gid ang husto nga paghangop saSakramento sang Eukaristiya. Sa masunod ngamga isyu sang Candle Light, amo ini ang akontutokan tungod kay kombensido ako nga angisa ka mahigugmaon nga ihibalo nahanungodsa Eukaristiya amo ang makatulod sa Pilipinonga Katoliko nga magmangin mainit pa gid angdebosyon padulong sa husto nga pagpangalagad,ebanghelisasyon kag transpormasyon sosyal.

    (May kasugpon)


    Ang Piesta sang Epipaniya sangGinuo nga aton ginaselebrar sa sini ngaDomingo nagapahanumdom sa aton sangtatlo ka mga mangin alamon nga naghalinsa Sidlangan sa pagsimba sa bata nga siJesus kag sa paghatag sa iya sang lainlainnga mga regalo. Ining mga mangin alamonnagarepresentar sa aton tanan. Ang ilapagpanglakaton sa tunga sang disyertokag sang mga kabukiran nga nagasunodsa isa ka bituon nagapahayag sang atonpaghandom kag pagpangita sa katuyoankag kahulogan sang kabuhi. Indi natonini matigayon kon wala kita ginatuytuyansang pagtuo nga amo ang nagahatag saaton sang posibilidad nga makita ang mgabutang nga natago sa aton dutan-on ngapanulokan. Ang ila istorya may daku gidnga kaangtanan sa aton tungod kay ang

    Dios nagapat-ud nga ang mga tawo nganagapangita sing minatuod sa Iya manginmadinalag-on. Sia amo ang magahatagsang kasanag sa aton kadulom; Sia amoang magabag-o sa aton.

    Para sa mga nakadiskubre sang Iyakasanag, ang tanan indi na mangin parehopa sang una. May responsabilidad kitaagud nga ini nga kasanag magpasanagman sa iban. Ang Ebanghelyo sangpaghigugma, sang pagpatawad kag sangpagtubos, indi dapat tagu-on, kundi dapatibantala sa bug-os nga kalibutan.

    Malipayon nga Piesta sang Epipaniyasa inyo tanan!



    Fond Memories atJaro Parochial



    Dec. 26 - 31, 2014

    National Shrineof Our Lady of Candles

    Collection and Expenses ReportFor the Period

    Dec. 15-21, 2014

    Total Collection: 278,421.75

    Less: Expenses (831,913.35

    Balance: (553,491.60

    In the spirit of transparency andaccountability, we are givinga weekly inancial report. Foinquiries on the details, you maapproach personally Fr. NathanieG. Gentizon at the parish ofice ocall during ofice hours using thesenumbers: 320-9505 and 329-1625

    The old Parochial House was an oas

    for the weary parishioner. It was he

    where I went to whenever I needed to s

    welcoming faces and the Candle Lig

    oce was where could fnd these.

    The old parochial House was also

    treasure-house of kindness. It was he

    where Bishop Gerry Alminaza lent me t

    book Recuerdos de Filipinas 1895 whe

    I discovered so much information abo

    the richness of Iloilo culture during th

    Spanish period. It was also here whe

    Msgr. Andy Esperancilla approached m

    to confer about the article Lapidas

    Jaro Cathedral and gave me Additio

    info. Lt was here where Msgr. Non

    Masculino gave me valuable advices v

    spiritual counseling, Thanks to his mo

    than three years stint in New York f

    higher studies. So many more hap

    remembrances are to be reminisc

    here. I look forward to the completion

    the new Parochial House, so that mo

    parishioners can fnd their own spiritu

    oases within.

    - Arman

    In this reality, we realize that faith is soimportant and necessary. For we walk byfaith not by sight! When Mary and Joseph,responded yes to the will of God, theydid not know what would be in store forthem. But what they did was to put theirfaith and trust in God. Theirs is an exampleof walking in faith, not by sight which wemust emulate or follow.

    Let me share with you a shortanecdote. It goes like this: I said to theman who stood at th e gate of the year. Giveme a light that I may tread safely into theunknown. And he replied, Go out intothe darkness and put your hand into thehand of God. That shall be to you betterthan light and safer than a known way. SoI went forth, inding the hand of God, trodgladly into the night.

    As we begin this year and as wecelebrate today the Epiphany, let us notbe afraid to journey into the darkness andoffer our lives to the Lord as our gift toHim. Rather than being afraid, let us allowGod to hold our hands in which we are safeand secure. Let us trust God who holds uslovingly and cares for us now an d always!source: christtransformation.com

    Cash on Hand-Dec. 26, 2014494,715.02

    Donation Received

    Diaz Family 500.00

    Stanley, Rhoda & Saira 500.00

    A le x & V irgi ni a P ay opel in & F am ily 1 ,000.00

    Anita Lacuesta Jesena, MD 5,000.00

    Cristy, Marie & Dan Amular 6,000.00

    Collection form the Parish Cashier-Dec. 31, 2014 13,000.00

    Donation Box-Dec. 21, 2014

    Joanne & Jerwin 620.00

    Mr. & Mrs. Noe Dasal 1,000.00

    A Seafarer 500.00

    Cynthia Delarat 200.00

    Irish Dawn Bayoneta 50.00

    Susan Jagorin Fernandez 200.00

    Boy Visitacion 100.00

    Elena Hibionada 50.00

    Lorna Delin 500.00

    Garok 50.00

    Mr. Jacob S. Ravena, Jr. 200.00

    Ms. Anita Jamero 1,000.00

    Gloria Cambronero 500.00

    J ai ro K ea na n & J ay gn e H ope C an so n 50.00

    Lilian Daquito 1,000.00

    Ma. Sol Casipe 1,500.00

    Nild a Pac iic ar Meren & Family 1,8 00.0 0

    Anonymous 250.00

    Gloria Gabo 200.00

    Salvacion F. Chan 100.00

    Japitana Family 200.00

    Regie A. Badie 100.00

    Evangeline de Juan 20.00

    Amy Arisola 500.00

    Magbanua Family 20.00

    Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy & Grace Samarasekera 500.00

    Nantes Family 500.00

    Josephine Victoriano 20.00

    Mr. & Mrs. Arvin Gepullano 100.00Rose Eden Lanzar 100.00

    Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ebalan 500.00

    R.P.B. 1,000.00

    Santias Family 500.00

    Lyrene Lamera 70.00

    Shiela F. Fajader 40.00

    JM. Ledesma 100.00

    Donation Box 16,840.00

    Collection form the Donation Box-Dec. 21, 2014 30,980.00

    Total Collection of the Week -Dec. 31, 201443,980.00

    ToTal Cash Donation -Dec. 31, 2014 538,695.02

  • 8/10/2019 January 4-10


    CANDLE LIGHT (January 4-10, 2015) CANDLE LIGHT (January 4-10, 2015)

    (Let uspray forea ch other)






    News Editors


    Feature Editors





    The Candle Light is a non-proftweekly publication.



    Parish Priest


    Parochial Vicar


    ecial Assistant for Temporal Affairs


    ecial Assistant for Liturgical Affairs


    Resident Priests


    Quote of the Week :: Gospel Refection

    Ang Pulong Nangin Tawo


    Readings forthe WEEK

    BIRTHDAY9 Fr. Francisco Gabriel Fr. Melvin Daquila a

    NECROLOGY8 Fr. Eliseo Rodriguez

    9 Fr. Juan Uvas

    ika-40 nga Domingo sang Tuig,Enero 4, 2015

    Mt 2:1-12

    JANUAR Y 2015


    The highest

    revelation is that God

    is in every man.

    -Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Ang mga Dumoloaw halinsa Sidlangan



    Is60:1-6Ps72:1-2, 7-8,10-11, 12-13Eph3:2,5-6Mt2:1-12

    Monday,January51Jn3:22,4:6Ps2:7-8,10-12Mt4:12-17, 23-25






    Tuigan nga Pandot Ginsaulogsang Brgy. Taft North

    Sang natawo na si Jesus sa banwasang Betlehem nga sakop sangJudea sa panahon nga si Herodesang hari, may nag-abot ngamga tawo sa Jerusalem halin sasidlangan, nga nakatuon sangmga bituon.2 Nagpamangkot sila,Diin bala ang bata nga natawonga mangin hari sang mga Judio?Nakita namon ang iya bituon sangpagsubang sini sa sidlangan, kagnagkari kami sa pagsimba sa iya.

    3Sang pagkabati sini ni HaringHerodes natublag gid sia kag amoman ang tanan nga mga tawo saJerusalem. 4 Ginpatawag niya angtanan nga mga pangulo nga mgapari kag mga manunudlo sangKasugoan kag nagpamangkot siasa ila, Diin bala magapakatawo siCristo?

    5 Nagsabat sila, Didto sang

    banwa sang Betlehem,sakop sang Judea, kayamo ini ang ginsulat sangpropeta:

    6 Ikaw, O Betlehem,sa duta sang Juda,Indi ikaw ang pinakakubosSa mga pangulo sang Juda,Kay sa imo magagikanAng isa ka panguloNga magtuytoy sa akonmga tawo nga Israel.

    sidlangan, kag nag-una ini sa kag nagdulog sa ibabaw saduog sa diin nahamtang ang ba10 Nagkalipay gid sila, sang maknila ang bituon! 11 Nagsulod ssa balay kag nakita nila ang bakaupod sang iya iloy nga si MarNagluhod sila kag nagsimba

    bata. Dayon ginbuksan nila amga dala, kag nagdulot sila sa isang bulawan, insyenso, kag mi12Ginapaandaman sila sang Disa damgo nga indi sila magbalkay Herodes; gani nagpauli spaagi sa lain nga dalan.

    Sagrada Familia, AtonSundon sa Pag-isasang Magagmay ngaKristianong Katilingban. Iniang tema sang kapiestahan sangBrgy. Taft North sang nagligadnga Disyembre 28, 2014.

    Sugod sang Disyembre 19tubtob 27, sa kada alas 6:00sang hapon, may nobena ngagina hiwat. Sang adlaw sangkapiestahan, ginpatigayonang tuigan nga prusisyonpalibot sa Villa Alegre saalas 8:30 sang aga. Ini gin-

    Masako ang tanan sapagpamalaklon sanginugregalo. Ako iya

    naghingagaw man bakal sangregalo kay may ara man kamiChristmas Party nga mga Batch1958 sang Iloilo City High Schoolnga nag-reunion. Madamo paman kami nga ari diri, kag angginsugilanonan namon amo angmasadya nga high school life.Wala man namon malipati ngasa paglakat sang tinuig, ti, amona ini kami karon. Siling gani niLiza, sang una ang topiko natonamo ang aton mga crushes, angmga ginaidolize naton, ang mgahappenings sadto, sa subong iyaang ginahambalan na naton amoang balatian, mga bulong, sin-oang wala na, ano ang ginkamatay.Masadya man gihapon kami sa

    pihak sang mga kasubo nganagkalahanabo. Pagkatap os sangistoryahanay nag-exhage giftkami kag masadya nga ginsaluhannamon ang gin-amuma sangclassmate namon nga tagbalaynga panyaga. Malipayon nganagkilinadlaw kami sang pag-abri sang amon regalo. Amo iniang nagakatabo kada Disyembresa pagsaulog sang pagka-Tawoni Ginoong Jesus, ang exchangegift. Subong nga Domingoginatawag ini nga Epipaniya. AngEpipaniya tion sang pagpakitasang aton Manunubos. NatawoSia sa isa ka birhen ang Mahal

    December 16, 2014 is theirst day of AguinaldoMass and the day that wecelebrate the National YouthDay. Here in Tabuc Suba it wasthe irst oficial day of the YouthMinistry Oficers. Twelve newlyelected youth members whowill lead the young people ofthis barangay took their oathand were formally introduced tothe community by Fr. NathanielGentizon, the Parish YouthDirector, during the AguinaldoMass at Our Lady of SalvationChapel.

    Our new Youth Coordinatoris Mark Redan Victoriano,a college student of WestVisayas State University taking

    up BSPED with his AssistantYouth Coordinator JustineAdrian Deocampo, his cousinwho is taking up ElectronicsEngineering at the WesternVisayas College of Science andTechnology and who is activelyserving as an altar knight here inour Parish.

    Victoriano said that As anewly elected Youth Coordi-nator, my goal is to encouragemore young people to join thisministry and get involved in theactivities and projects that weplan for the start of the year. Iwill also ind means to help the

    New Youth Ministry Ocers Take OathTabuc Suba-Ilaya Youth Ministry

    Fe Marina S. Siaco

    PEACEThat those from diverse reli-gious traditions and all people ofgood will may work together for


    CONSECRATED LIFEThat in this year dedicated toconsecrated life, religious menand women may rediscover thejoy of following Christ and strive

    to serve the poor with zeal.

    ugyunan sang mga pumuluyo,Brgy. Council members,lideres kag katapoman sangMagagmay nga KristianongKatilingban(MKK), kabataankag mga pamatan-on.

    Sang pag-abut nila sakapilya, ginsaulog ang Santosnga Misa nga ginpangulohanni Msgr. Higinio C. Velarde,Kura Paroko sang Our Lady ofCandles Parish. Sa homiliya,iya ginpatpat ang kahulugansang tema sang kapiestahan.Suno sa iya, Ang pag-alagad,

    pag-isa sang tagsa-tagsa ninyoka panimalay kag pagbulig sainyo kaingod masiling man natonnga Kristianong Katilingban manina. Sa katapusan ginhangkatniya ang mga tumalambong, Pareho sang Sagrada Familia niJose, Maria kag Jesus nga modelonaton, kabay nga may grasya kitanga magtinguha nga sundon angila birtud sa aton tagsa-tagsa kapanimalay.

    Jose, Maria kag Jesus, ig-ampomo kami. Amen.

    Ailyn Arib

    out-of-school youth membersof the ministry to go back toschool, The goal of the YouthMinistry for this year is to ren-der more service that could an-swer the problems of the youth.In this manner we will be ableto bring more young peoplecloser to God.

    The other oficers who tooktheir oath were as follows:WorshipCoordinator:

    JOLLIMAE COMPASAsst. Worship Coordinator:

    MA. RINA SOMOSEducation Coordinator:

    DAISY DAPATAsst. Education Coordinator:

    ARMIDA DE LOS SANTOSService Coordinator:

    SHERYL BITONGAAsst. Service Coordinator:FEBY GRACE SERRA

    Temporalities:MELVIN SUBONG

    Asst. Temporalities:CEDRICK JOHN DAPAT

    Finance Coordinator:VINCE INNO BAUTISTA

    Asst. Finance Coordinator:KRISTEN MAE GUILLERMO

    Oficers raised their right handand took oath to support and do theirrespective duties and to their beartrue faith and judgment to everyone,to serve as a role model to theirfellow youth and to keep themselvesphysically strong, emotionallystable, mentally awake and morallystraight. We will be functioningaccording to our assigned task justlike what our guru said during our

    team-building, We are the Body ofChrist and each one of us is a part ofit. (1 Cor 12: 27)

    nga Birhen Maria. Madugay na ininga gintagna kag gintun-an singmaayo sang mga mangin-alamonnga naandan na naton tawgon ngaThree Kings. Ang ila ginapangitanga si Baby Jesus, ukon angEmmanuel. amo ang regalo sangMahal nga Dios sa aton nga mgakatawohan, Ginpangita siningtatlo ka hari si Baby Jesus paagi,sa paggiya sang isa ka daku ngabitoon sa kalangitan. Sang ulihinakita gid man nila Sia. May dalasila nga regalo (Mt. 2:11).

    Indi bala ining Emmanuelnga ginpadala sang Mahalnga Dios sa katauhan kag angpaghalad sang regalo sang Tatloka Hari isa man ka timaan sangExchange gift sa tunga sang Dioskag sang tawo?

    Ano ang naggiya sa ila agudmatultolan si Baby Jesus? Angbitoon nga naghatag kasanag

    sa ila dalanon. May ara man silanga regalo ang bulawan nganagakabagay sa isa ka hari, sa isaka gamhanan kag may otoridad.Frankincense nga amo angginagamit sang mga pari kagmyrrha nga isa ka regalo para saisa nga madali na lang mapatay.Amo man ini ang ginagamit sapagbalsamar sang patay sa walapa ini malubong. May kahuluganining tatlo ka klase sang regalokay Baby Jesus nga naangot sakabuhi nila nga mag-iloy.

    Sa mga Israelinhon, Iningtatlo ka hari wala sing ginapatihannga manluluwas apang bug-

    os pa gani kag mapainubusoang balatyagon, kag bukas antagipusuon nga ginpangita kagin-abi-abi si Jesus nga nagpakTawo nga ila ginkilala nga magahom.

    Sa pihak nga bahin, mara man mga tawo nga nanginsecure. Nahadlok singa madulaan sang podkag otoridad. Sa Ebanghelyginasaysay diri nga si HarinHerod nagbatyag sang kaakig kkaugot kay nahadlok nga baamo na ini Sia ang magabulos siya bilang hari, madulaan sia sinpoder kag otoridad. Ang mpari kag escriba indi magpati sIya, napun-an ang ila balatyagosing pagka indiperente, bugalokag wala nila ini gin-abi-abi sinmaayo kag may pagpati sa pagkTawo ni Ginoong Jesus.

    Pamangkot1. Ano iya ang imo rega

    sa Mahal nga Dios bilankambio sang Iya daku ngregalo sa imo?

    2. May pagka-Herodes ukopagka-pari kag escriba mabala ikaw kon kaisa? Paannaton mabag-o ang batasanaton nga pagka Herodukon pari kag escriba?

    3. May ara man bala bitoonga nagagiya sa imo kanagahatag kasanag? Para imo sin-o ining bitoon?


    7Dayon ginpatawag niHerodes sing tago ang mgadumoloaw halin sa sidlangan kagnagpamangkot sia sa ila ko san-ogid nagsubang ang bituon. 8 Dayonginpakadto niya sila sa Betlehemkag ginsingganan, Lakat kamo

    kag pangitaa gid ninyo ang bata,kag kon inyo sia makita pahibal-aninyo ako, agod makakadto manako kag magsimba sa iya. 9 Sangmakasiling sini ang hari naglakatsila. Sa gilayon nakita nila angbituon nga nakita nila anay sa

  • 8/10/2019 January 4-10


    CANDLE LIGHT (January 4-10, 2015) 7

    Misa Pro Populo Sponsors/Oerers

    nuary 4 Calubihan

    11 Taft North

    18 Lourdes DB and Jalandoni

    25 Luna

    Oras sang Parokya

    nuary 7 Bakhaw

    14 San Roque

    21 Benedicto

    28 San Vicente

    First Saturday Dawn Rosary

    bruary 7 Tabuc suba Ilaya

    arch 7 Bakhaw

    pril 4 Benedicto

    ay 2 Tabuc Suba Proper

    CANDLE LIGHT (January 4-10, 2015)

    CBCP News

    Make 2015 the Lords YearCBCP Chief

    Indulgences Oered for Year of Consecrated Life

    DAGUPAN City, Pangasinan, Dec. 30,2014With just a few days leftbefore the world says goodbye to2014, the head of the Catholic BishopsConference of the Philippines (CBCP)expresses conidence that the comingyear 2015 will be like no other, especiallywhen the faithful strives to place the Lordat its center.

    The Year 2015 is a Year of the Lordas every year really belongs to the Lord.Let us make it truly the year of the Lordby living each day praising Him, thankingHim, loving Him and following Himforever, shares Archbishop Socrates B.Villegas in his New Year message.

    According to him, while 2015 couldbe another regular year in the calendar, itcan be an extraordinary one.

    If we put much love into each dayof this year; if we put much hope into

    every dificulty we encounter this year;if we share fearlessly with everyone ourjoyful faith in our loving God; this yearmay be ordinary but it will be speciallymemorable one because of the love andfaith and hope that we pour into the daysof 2015, he states.

    The Year 2015 is also the Year ofConsecrated Life for the Catholic Churchworldwide. It is an invitation for us tothank the Lord for the gift of religiousmen and women who remind us while on

    The Year of Consecrated Life begins Sunday,and the Holy See announced that PopeFrancis is conceding plenary indulgencesfor the year was announced in Vatican City lastNovember 28, 2014

    With the customary conditions (sacramentalconfession, Eucharistic communion and prayer inkeeping with the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff)the indulgences are conceded to all members ofthe institutes of consecrated life and other trulyrepentant faithful moved by a spirit of charity,starting from the irst Sunday of Advent this yearuntil 2 February 2016, the day of the closure of the

    Year of Consecrated Life. The indulgence may alsobe offered for departed souls in Purgatory.Indulgence may be obtained:- In Rome, in participation in the international

    meetings and celebrations established in thecalendar of the Congregation for the Institutes ofConsecrated Life and the Societies of ApostolicLife, and pious relection on for a suitable periodof time, concluding with the Lords Prayer, theProfession of Faith in any legitimate approvedform, and invocations of the Virgin Mary;

    - In all the particular Churches, during thedays devoted to consecrated life in the diocese, andduring diocesan celebrations organised for theYear of Consecrated Life, by visiting the cathedralor another sacred place designated with theconsent of the Ordinary of the place, or a conventchurch or oratory of a cloistered monastery, and

    publicly reciting the Liturgy of the Houor through a suitable period of time devout relection, concluding with thLords Prayer, the Profession of Faith any legitimate approved form, and piouinvocations of the Virgin Mary.

    Members of the Institutes Consecrated Life who, on account ill health or other serious reasons arprevented from visiting these sacreplaces, may nonetheless receive PlenaIndulgence if, completely detached froany type of sin and with the intentio

    of being able to fulil the three usuconditions as soon as possible, devoutcarry out the spiritual visit and offer theillness and the hardships of their life God the merciful through Mary, with thaddition of the prayers as above.

    To facilitate this access to divingrace by means of pastoral charity, thApostolic Penitentiary Cardinal MauPiacenza, who signed the decree, askthat the canons, members of the Chaptethe priests of the Institutes of ConsecrateLife and all others able to hear confessiooffer themselves willingly and generousto the celebration of the Sacrament Reconciliation and regularly administHoly Communion to the sick.(November 28, 2014) Innovative Media Inc.)

    earth of heavenly things. Their lives of chastity,poverty and obedience are signs that God livesamong His people, Villegas adds.

    The Lingayen-Dagupan prelate notes that2015 is also the Year of the Poor for the CatholicChurch in the Philippines, which is fourth inthe nine-year novena for the Great Jubilee of2021 set to commemorate the ive hundredthanniversary of the irst Mass and irst baptism inthe Philippines.

    We all look at Jesus and see how poor weall are! In our poverty, the Lord is our treasure,




    A commemorative Book of 2014 Jaro Fiesta Celebration whereinrys Miracles are shared and the Laitys participation in our parishecognized and afirmed!

    Get a copy now @ P1,500.00 only. Available at Parish Candleht ofice and Libreria Candelaria!

    For Sale at 100 pesos. Available at Libreria Candelaria


    Daily: 05:30 a.m. (Hiligaynon)

    06:00 a.m. (English)

    06:30 a.m. (Hiligaynon)

    12:15 p.m. (English , Monday-Friday)

    05:30 p.m. (English)

    Saturday: 5:30 p.m. (English Anticipated Mass)

    Sunday: 05:00 a.m. (Hiligaynon)

    06:30 a.m. (English)

    08:00 a.m. (Hiligaynon)

    09:30 a.m. (English)

    12:00 NN (English)

    03:00 p.m. (English) 04:30 p.m. (Hiligaynon)

    06:00 p.m. (Hiligaynon)

    07:30 p.m. (English)

    BAPTISM: 11:30 a.m Saturday

    11:00 a.m. Sunday

    CONFESSION:4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

    Tuesday to Friday

    COUNSELING: by Appointment


    January 8 (instead of January 1)January 15 (regular schedule)


    he says.More signiicantly, Villegas stressthat 2015 will be remembered in historas the year when Pope Francis visitethe Philippines for the irst time.

    With the challenge to be apostleof mercy and compassion, the irst visof Pope Francis will surely becommomentous days of grace for uFilipinos. Happy 2015! he exclaims.

    (Raymond A. Sebastin/CBCP)

    CBCP president Archbishop. Socrates Villegas (Photo: CBCP News)

    VATICAN News

    source: www.hufingtonpost.com

  • 8/10/2019 January 4-10


    CANDLE LIGHT (January 4-10, 2015) 9CANDLE LIGHT (January 4-10, 2015)

    Julie Ann M. Blancaor Pureza D. Lacuesta

    Matapos ang siyam ka-adlaw ngapagpulaw-bugtaw, ang tanan nanginexcited kag nag-aman sa pag-abut

    g aton Ginoong Jesukristo sang nagligad Disyembre 24, 2014. Ang mga pamatan-

    sang Jaro Parish Youth Ministry naghaladg Christmas Presentation nahanungodmga utod naton nga naga-eksperyensya

    naka-eksperyensya sang pagtilaw sangabuhi. May lima ka istorya sang kabuhig amon natukiban kag luyag ipa-ambitkadam-an. Sa pagsugod sang programa,y isa ka pamangkot nga dapat naton

    malandongan Sa diin bala ang Paskwa?Nasaksihan naton ang mga nagkalain-

    n nga istorya sang aton mga utod. Ang una istorya amo ang iya sang isa ka Amay ginlatnan sang isa ka talamayon ngasakit, apang nagsalig kag nagpadayonpagsabat sang panawagan sang Dios.ngin responsable sia nga haligi sang

    puloy-an, naghimakas nga mapatapos

    g iya mga kabataan. Karon, isa na siasecurity guard sa Western Visayas

    itarium kag ang iya mga kabataanpesyonal na. Sa iya Pagserbisyo sa

    nga sang Pagtilaw, kita gintudluana unahon naton ang pagpangita sangharian sang Dios kay hatagan Niya kitag tanan nga mga butang.

    Ang Paghigugma sang Dios Gift-Giving

    source: www.beliefnet.co

    Ang ikaduha nga istorya amo ang iyasang isa ka pasyente nga may Cancer. Sang siaginpamangkot kon paano niya ginaselebrar angpaskwa, kami natandog gid sa iya sabat. Adlaw-adlaw Christmas para sa akon, kay naga-abutlang ang mga bulig kag grasya para sa akonpagpa-Dialysis. Adlaw-adlaw Paskwa kay walana ako kahibalo kon san-o na lang ako hasta.

    Sa pagpadayon sang amon pagpanglakaton,nakalab-ut kami sa Brgy. Calajunan kon sa diinginatambak ang mga basura. Nakilala namonang isa ka pamatan-on nga nagahimakasmakakita sang mga plastic nga mabaligyapara may ibakal sang ila pagkaon. Ang iyamensahe para sa tanan nga pamatan-onnga may kahigayunan maka-eskwela ngatani magmangin matutom gid sila. Iya manginahalad ang iya kabuhi sa Mahal nga Dios kaySia gid ang may ikasarang magbulig sa iya.

    Ang ika-apat nga istorya sang kabuhiamo ang iya sang isa man ka pamatan-on nganaglisa man sa iya dalan, kag sia ang napreso.

    Nagahilibi-on sia nga nagpangayo bulig ngatani may makapahibalo sa iya ginnikanannga sia ara sa prisohan. Kita man nga mgatawo nangin bilanggo sa pagpakasala kag abinaton indi na kita mahilway sa mga problemakag sitwasyon. Apang, dapat kita magtindogkag mag-umpisa liwat sang bag-o nga kabuhikaupod sang aton Dios.

    Ang ika-lima nga istorya amoang nahanungod sa isa ka Iloy nganagabaka-baka biyahe sang trisikad paramasuportahan ang kinahanglanon sangiya pamilya. Puno sang paghigugma kagpaglaum ining Iloy nga diyes y seis ka-tuig na nga nagasikad wala sapayan nganagabusong agud lang mapakaon ang iyakabataan. Daw ano kasakit kag kabug-at angiya pangabuhi. Gani, nakapamangkot sia sakaugalingon kon san-o sia ayhan makagwasa kadulom sang iya kabuhi. San-o pa ayhanniya makita ang kasanag sang paglaum ngamakatibawas man sia. Nagakapot gid sia samakatuoran nga ang Dios kaupod niya saadlaw-adlaw niya nga pag-trisikad. Apangbisan ano kakapoy sa pagsikad, siguro gidsia nga ang Dios kaupod niya.

    Sa aton pagpanglakaton sa siningtemporaryo nga lugar, kita ginagisa sa mgaproblema, pagpangabudlay kag tentasyonsang pagpakasala. Ang kinahanglan naton

    nga himu-on amo ang magpalapit sa atonGinoo, mag-ampo sang Iya kaluoy. Kilalahonnaton Sia kag palanggaon. Ang Iya kaalwankag paghigugma sa aton makita naton samga bugay nga aton nabaton.

    Indi lang ini dapat magpabilin sa aton.Dapat ini ipa-ambit sa iban para makilalanila ang aton Dios.

    The Christmas season that lasts untilSunday is the feast of the ThreeKings is a time for gift-giving. Thethree kings; Gaspar, Melchor and Balthazar,all from the East, had brought to Jesus on thenight of His nativity, gold, frankincense andmyrrh. They were symbolic of His richnessin blessings His sufferings for the love ofman, His acceptance.

    Today, this is not only enough to givecash, food, or material things. The gifts ofsincere fraternity shown through prayers,charity, thoughtfulness, cooperation andother positive values are what we need.

    If we have hurt somebody, let us offerhim a gift of reconciliation. If we have lookeddown upon somebody because we are richerand higher in status, let us do something torevive his feelings of trust. If we close ourdoors to beggars and the needy, let us open

    our doors to them now. If we ridicule theignorant and the uneducated, let us teachthem through words and actions the rightthing to do during dificult circumstances.Let us give our used clothing and some food

    to the poverty-stricken people. What wemust remember is that all things come fromGod and we have no right to keep everythingfor ourselves.

    Today, while mosquitoes, lies, and otherinsects spread diseases, the councilors ledby the Barangay Captain, and the Associationof Senior Citizens led by President Subese,in Brgy. Balabag, Pavia, Iloilo with thecooperation of the Rural Health Unit, gavefree immunization vaccines in pneumoniaand lu, led by Judy Hollero who registeredthe recipients and gave their members. Itwas a real blessing to those who were oldand weak and for those who lack money fortransportation.

    Three days ago, my daughter, with thehelp of some parents from Assumptionand Sacred Heart School, joined hands ingift-giving. Rice, used clothing with some

    new ones, soap, groceries and fruits weredistributed to those who came. It wastouching to see them cradling give-aways.Two parents brought two kids with them;a fourth-grader and a second-grader. When

    lunch time came, they told the kids to staout of the dining hall but we brought them and gave them food.

    Christmas is not the only time for gifgiving. Any time is the best time especially it is given to those who are in dire need.

    On the afternoon of December 23, Gothe Father gave a very beautiful gift to a sicwoman in our neighborhood. Her daughtcame to ask for prayers for her mother whwas scheduled for an operation in her arm anleft leg because of weak bones. Immediatelwe prayed to God the Father and pleadewith Him to heal her mother. A wonderfgift came from the Father to all mankind. Thattending physician was surprised when othe scheduled time that she was brought the operating room, everything was normIn thanksgiving, the family attended thmidnight Mass and promised to pray to th

    Father always.Give to the needy in material, physic

    and spiritual needs, you will never regreYou give what you can, and you receive mor from Gods hand.

    Manifesto for a New YearTips forGrowth

    Every year around this time we beginto plan for and begin working on NewYears Resolutions. We join gyms, switchout coffee for green-juice and commit toa variety of other goals. Personally, I lovethis time of year; not only does it provide aboost of motivation, it also creates the idealenvironment to assess the state of our minds,bodies and spirits. We can do a complete innerand outer inventory.Embrace Simplicity

    Take inventory of your possessions. Doyou have too much stuff ? Too much clothing,too many pairs of shoes, too many decorationin your home? These material possessions areoften purchased on an impulse and end upcluttering up space in your life. Reduce whatyou have in your home and donate it. Not only

    will you feel lighter; your home will have betterenergy with less blocks, making for morepeaceful slumber and joyous times. In additionto the personal beneits, you will also behelping others in need if you choose to donate!

    SurrenderFocus your energy on going with the low

    rather than ighting uphill battles. Spendingtime alone in nature, meditating, or even justquiet time in contemplation can help you topinpoint areas in your life where you may beresisting. Once you identify the situations thatare draining you of valuable positive energy,you can allow yourself to accept rather thantry to change them. When you surrender,freedom abounds.

    Conquer Your DreamsThere is no better time than th e present to

    accomplish some of your bigger goals. Spendsome time thinking about your dreams andbrainstorm some of the steps you need to taketo get there. Clarity is key - when your mind isdetermined and clear about the path you needto be on, you really can accomplish anything!Start Giving

    Give complements, donate money,volunteer at the food bank, help a family inneed. We spend so much time focusing onourselves that we neglect to pay attentionto the fact that we have so much to give. It isnot just about donating money to charities,it is about utilizing whatever we have to help

    make the world a better place. Are you anaccountant? Maybe you can join the Boarof Directors for a local charity. Are you nutritionist? Maybe your local food banwants to start up classes on the importance onutrition. The possibilities to give are endlesand the act of giving truly nourishes the spiri

    Foster KindnessMake it a priority to be kind to everyon

    you know - and dont know! Co-workeracquaintances, the cashier at the grocerstory; pull out all the stops. This is a lifechanging act. By being kind to those yoencounter, you will be fostering morkindness, and the world can certainly afforto have more kind citizens.

    Gospel of Matthew (2:1-12), we read:he magi were overjoyed at seeing ther, and on entering the house, found theld with Mary his mother. Matthewphasizes that the Gentile Magi, whichresent todays mankind and the

    oples of the world, were introduced to

    Infant Jesus not by Himself alone inmanger but with His mother Mary. In

    r personal journey of faith as Catholicristians, we ind Jesus when we turn tory. Mary is Jesus Co-Redemptrix fornkind. When we look for the Light ofrist to guide us in our journey of faith,discover this Light in the human Mary,

    r Blessed Virgin Mfother. How fortunateare as Catholics.At the wedding in Cana which Jesus

    ended with His mother Mary, Jesuss prematurely obligated to listen to

    mother Mary and worked His irstracle, turning plain water into wine, allcause His mother Mary prodded Him for

    miracle before His time has come. Christhe light of the world, and the Blessed

    Virgin Mary is the human relection of thisLight from which we receive so many graces.For this reason, our Epiphany Is an invitationto salvation through Jesus, and also in Jesusthrough the intercession of His MotherMary. We Catholics are indeed boundlesslyfortunate. This is a grace that non-Catholicsfail to understand and refuse to understand.

    The Feast of the Epiphany of our Lordsignals God the Fathers invitation to mankindthat salvation is available to all Jews andGentiles, pagans and Christians, and allpeoples of the earth. Our Catholic Catechesistells us that we are the Gentiles of today,not originally chosen by God, but have beeninvited to participate in His gift of salvation.

    We take over the role of the irst Gentiles including the Magi who faithfully followedthe Light of the rising star to visit the InfantJesus. We visit the Infant Jesus in our heartswhere he dwells and continues to light ourlives and speaks to us in our hearts.

    In sincerely praying to Jesus, we visit Himat any time of the day, we gift Him an offeringthat He never refuses; in participating in theHoly Sacriice of the Mass and in receiving

    E ESSENCE... from page 1... Him in the Holy Eucharist, we offer Him thehighest, purest, and most pleasing gift thatwe can give.

    In the Holy Eucharist, which is the HolyCommunion, Jesus offers His greatest gift tous His Body and Blood.

    Having journeyed faithfully with Himthroughout our lives to what we have

    become today as Catholics, we become likethe Magi from the east, bringing to Him ourgifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh inthe form of our faith, hope, and love, andphysically manifested in our charity to all.

    Happy New Year to all!


    1. www.catholicculture.org/culture/liturgical year/calendar/day.cfm?date=2013-01-06

    2. www.chiff .com/home-lif e/holiday /christmas /epiphany -three-kings.htm

    3. http://catholicculture.org/culture/liturgicalyear/activities/view.cfm?id=442

    4. Anawim Week of Epiphany5. www.crossroadsinitiative.com/library-article/846/

    Epiphany-Revealed.html6. Bible Diary 2015 (Claretian Communication Fdtn., Inc.) U.P.

    P. O. Box 4 Diliman Q.C., Philippines7. http://catholicism.about.com/odholydaysandholidays/p/


  • 8/10/2019 January 4-10



    Engr. Alberto H. YangaParish Secretary


    Te couples below wish to contract marriage with each other. For anyimpediment or serious defects that will prohibit marriage,

    please inform the Parish Secretary or call 329-16-25.

    FIRST PUBLICATIONPAUL LORENZ J. CARMELO, 34 yrs. old, resident of 123 G

    Lopez Jaena St., La Paz, Iloilo City, son of Leopoldo B. Carmelo& Florentina J. Javero and QUEENIE M. BULACLAC, 34 yrs. old,resident of Balucuan, Dao, Capiz, daughter of Eduardo A. Bulaclac& Herminia O. Magbanua.

    WINMORE G. LAPIDANTE, 37 yrs. old, resident of Cuartero,Jaro, Iloilo City, son of Elmer O. Lapidante & Erlinda Golez and ROWENAMER A. LAUTA, 28 yrs. old, resident of Red Deer,Alberta, Canada, daughter of Eduardo Lauta & Amer Argamosa.

    RAYMOND F. SUPREMO, 27 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. TaytayZone II, Jaro, Iloilo City, son of Romeo Supremo & Ligaya Francoand RACHELLE ANN G. SAYOMAC, 27 yrs. old, resident of Brgy.Taytay Zone II, Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter of Rolando Sayomac &Aeide Gumban.

    SECOND PUBLICATIONRHOMY B. VERGA, 21 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Sooc,

    Arevalo, Iloilo City, son of Romerico B. Verga & Wilma P. Besin and

    MARISSA T. VALENZUELA, 24 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Sooc,Arevalo, Iloilo City, daughter of Henry R. Valenzuela & MerlindaM. Tugado.

    JEREMY MARK D. PATIO, 27 yrs. old, resident of 401 SouthHobart Blvd., Apt. 308, Los Angeles, California, son of Jose Maria A.Patio & Mary Grace L. Dominado andLORRAINE M. JIMENA, 31yrs. old, resident of 401 South Hobart Blvd., Apt. 308, Los Angeles,California, daughter of Jaime S. Jimena & Ma. Evelyn C. Manuel.

    THIRD PUBLICATIONMARVIN G. ALJIBE, 35 yrs. old, resident of 42 Democracia

    St., Jaro, Iloilo City, son of Jaime B. Aljibe & Evelina J. Grie andMAHRLEY T. PROVIDO, 36 yrs. old, resident of 4 Delgado St.,Santa Barbara, Iloilo, daughter of Martin S. Provido & Leda C.Tanagon.

    JOSEPH NORIEL C. ARCEO, 30 yrs. old, resident of WilsonSt., Hiponia, Pontevedra, Capiz, son of Rogelio T. Arceo &Josephine B. Cordenillo and PHOEBE ANNE D. ABRAHAM, 31yrs. old, resident of Bantayan, Brgy. 2, San Jose, Antique, daughterof Felix S. Abraham & Raquel E. Occea.

    KEN VINCENT G. GENTIZON, 23 yrs. old, resident ofPoblacion, Nueva Valencia, Guimaras, son of Juan G. Gentizon& Natividad G. Galgo and TEODORA G. VENZON, 27 yrs. old,resident of Poblacion, Nueva Valencia, Guimaras, daughter ofTeodoro S. Venzon & Teresita G. Genogaling.


    JANUARY 04, 2015 SUNDAY05:00 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Francis Lawrence Florete06:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Mother Butlers Guild08:00 a.m. MISA PRO POPULO09:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Couples for Christ12:00 n.n. +Zenaida Sumalo, Jose & Rosario Cabalin, David

    & Susana Lizada & All Souls in Purgatory by LizadaFamily

    03:00 p.m. +Melvin Castor by Marivic Castor & Family

    04:30 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Rogelio Florete, Sr. & Family;Alberto Yanga & Hollero Family; Eva Corsino & Family;Fe Marina Siacon & Children; Mr. & Mrs. RodolfoGarrido & Family; Ninfa Baylen & Family; Ma. GraceEvangelista & Family; Mr. & Mrs. Felicito Cabrera Jr.

    & Children; Michelle Ann Cordero & Family; RosetteTayongtong & Family; Alma Blanca & Children;Avery & Ashley Blanca; Ma. Fe Gelano; BrauliaCababasay & Family; Amelita & Analou EnriquezLazarraga; Jelly Yap & Children; Connie Alenaje &Children; Mr. & Mrs. Crispulo Celeste, Jr.;VillaruelFamily; Ramon Tolentino, Jr., Myra June Tolentino; Mr.& Mrs. Ramon Sr. & Herminia Tolentino & Family;Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Peter Sr. & Bernadith Tolentino& Family; Ephraim Clyde, Christopher Noel &Stella Thea Tolentino; Mr. & Mrs. Dante Sr. & Herra JoyFortaleza & Family; Odie, Johnna Pauline & Aryl Micole

    Vidal; Aran, Mona Marie &Fehmie Shifra Esguerraand Special Intention of Marivic & John Kane06:00 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Immanuel & Ma.

    Theresa J. Bartolo, Ma. Zhar Lenna J. Armishaw &Feliciano Japitana

    07:30 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Family for ChristJANUARY 05, 2015 MONDAY05:30 a.m. +Rodolfo Retirado by Jojo Caro06:00 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass for the Birthday of Marivic A.

    Bonto-Kane06:30 a.m. MISA REQUIEM12:15 p.m. +Gil S. Jamili, Jr. by Agnes P. Jamili & Family05:30 p.m. Death Anniversary of Magdalena Pedrosa by Ganancial

    & Pedrosa FamiliesJANUARY 06, 2015 TUESDAY05:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass for the Birthday of Jennifer Jucaban06:00 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Jose Rimi L. Lebrilla

    06:30 a.m. +Arturo Jaena by Elen Salazar12:15 p.m. +Mercedes G. Rico by Dinah S. Javier05:30 p.m. +Alejandro Sr. & Jovita Rivera by Dr. & Mrs. Ernesto

    RiveraJANUARY 07, 2015 WEDNESDAY05:30 a.m. +Jovito, Jesusa Rivera & Ruby Rose Marquez by Dr. &

    Mrs. Ernesto Rivera06:00 a.m. +Arturo Boy Dicen, Jr. by Lucy Ang06:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Bella Frange Avhad & Mukesh

    Avhad by Porferio & Cosette Frange12:15 p.m. +Marcos & Maria Alfaras by Dr. & Mrs. Ernesto Rivera05:30 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Adorers of the Holy TrinityJANUARY 08, 2015 THURSDAY05:30 a.m. +Wilfredo Salarda by Lani Salarda & Family06:00 a.m. +Francisco, Eduvejes, Bardo, Emilio, Luisa, Constancio

    Olea & All Souls in Purgatory by Dr. & Mrs. ErnestoRivera

    06:30 a.m. +Lydia Zamora Basbao by Mr. & Mrs. Rogelio Florete,Sr. & Family12:15 p.m. +Ma. Josette J. Zaragoza by Mr. & Mrs. Rogelio Florete,

    Sr. & Family05:30 p.m. +Violeta C. Lamis by Rosendo Lamis, Sr. & ChildrenJANUARY 09, 2015 FRIDAY05:30 a.m. Ramon Tolentino, Jr., Myra June Tolentino; Mr. & Mrs.

    Ramon Sr. & Herminia Tolentino & Family06:00 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Arletta S. Mandario06:30 a.m. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Peter Sr. & Bernadith Tolentino & Family 12:15 p.m. +Candelaria De Jesus by Phoebe Grace Ginete05:30 p.m. +Paz C. Llaguno by Mr. & Mrs. Jojo A. Provido & ChildrenJANUARY 10, 2015 SATURDAY05:30 a.m. +Lucia Ang by Lucy Ang06:00 a.m. Mass Intention for the Sanctiication and Good Health

    of All the Priests in the Archdiocese of Jaro by Mr. &Mrs. Rogelio Florete, Sr. & Family

    06:30 a.m. +Antonio M. Samoro by Samoro Family05:30 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Mr. & Mrs. Edison Dujale