January 22nd MVP Bulletin

Sunday: Worship Services at 8:30 and 10:30 am Prayer Life Ministries 9:00 am in the Choir Room Mon-Fri: Tom, Matt, & Carol attending a Youth Forum in SB Monday: Prayer Life Ministries 10:00 am Pastor’s Bible Study 7:00 pm Tuesday: Choir 6:00 pm Preschool Board Meeting 7:00 pm Property Management 7:00 pm Wednesday: Staff Meeting 10:00 am Pipeline/ Jr. High 6:00 pm Thursday: Men’s Breakfast 6:30 am Riptide/ Sr. High 7:00 pm Women’s TLC 7:00 pm Friday: Preschool using Fellowship Hall 9am-12 noon Saturday: Breakfast & a Movie 9:00 am Sunday: Worship Services at 8:30 and 10:30 am Annual Congregational Meeting 7:00 pm !"#$ &''( )! *+,!' -#$!) ./01/23 4455467 4894 +:; $!)<< Rev. Tom Stephen, Pastor ([email protected]) Carol Benson, Commissioned Lay Pastor ([email protected]) Matt Elam, Director of Youth Ministries ([email protected]) Mary Nelsen, Children’s Ministry ([email protected]) Lori Maier, Director of Music Rev. John Josselyn, First Service Music Facilitator Toriann Garner, Choir Director - Kathy Josselyn, Pianist Jim Lambert, Facilities Director J.J. Shaules, Preschool Director ([email protected]) (499-6610) Michelle Chastain, Secretary ([email protected]) Erin Blackburn, Nursery Attendant and Youth Intern #= 3>1 ?/@A /03 B1ACDE>0C7 FGA/CA H/GG D?A I?12H? +==EHA /D J6K5K49LM N>1 H/0 2A/H? 1CO *>0P/3 5 <2EP/3 KOL8 /Q R94OL8 FQ S 9O88 5 4OL8 FQM *#$$#+, $!)!'*',! !" $% &'()%'*+,- ."/&(001"2(3% (24 5+/$,% 410.1&,%0 "* "+' 6"'4 7%0+0 85'103- %235+01(031.(,,) 05('129 35% /%00(9% "* 0(,:(31"2 35'"+95 120&1'%4 ;"'051&- 4%:"3%4 03+4) (24 *(135 35(3 0%':%0< !" "#$%& '()%* +,&)-.%&,(*$ /01,/0 2345367 889 8:;8 !"#" %& '()) *+,- . /01234( 5,467 89 #:!;< =>>?@0A B<CDE#BDB;:! . F,GA B<CDE#BD""<! 540H@I++JA B<CDE##DKK:< LM,?JA M+)N0O?HN,+>>?@0PO04?Q+)&)0N 111&M+)N0O?HN,R@&+4S !"#$ &$' () *"+),-. ',$ &"+/0


Weekly MVP Bulletin

Transcript of January 22nd MVP Bulletin

Sunday: Worship Services at 8:30 and 10:30 am Prayer Life Ministries 9:00 am in the Choir Room Mon-Fri: Tom, Matt, & Carol attending a Youth Forum in SB Monday: Prayer Life Ministries 10:00 am Pastor’s Bible Study 7:00 pm Tuesday: Choir 6:00 pm Preschool Board Meeting 7:00 pm Property Management 7:00 pm Wednesday: Staff Meeting 10:00 am Pipeline/ Jr. High 6:00 pm Thursday: Men’s Breakfast 6:30 am Riptide/ Sr. High 7:00 pm Women’s TLC 7:00 pm Friday: Preschool using Fellowship Hall 9am-12 noon Saturday: Breakfast & a Movie 9:00 am Sunday: Worship Services at 8:30 and 10:30 am Annual Congregational Meeting 7:00 pm




Rev. Tom Stephen, Pastor ([email protected])

Carol Benson, Commissioned Lay Pastor ([email protected]) Matt Elam, Director of Youth Ministries ([email protected])

Mary Nelsen, Children’s Ministry ([email protected]) Lori Maier, Director of Music

Rev. John Josselyn, First Service Music Facilitator

Toriann Garner, Choir Director - Kathy Josselyn, Pianist

Jim Lambert, Facilities Director

J.J. Shaules, Preschool Director ([email protected]) (499-6610)

Michelle Chastain, Secretary ([email protected])

Erin Blackburn, Nursery Attendant and Youth Intern
















Celebration of Worship

Sunday, January 22, 2012

8:30 am

As you prepare for worship, consider these words of Jesus,

“Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS.

For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

If you are looking for hope and God’s perspective on your life, you’ve come to the right place. Welcome.

PRELUDE OPENING HYMNS Bow Down Low #98 Great Is Thy Faithfulness WELCOME & OPENING VIDEO Matt Elam HYMNS #377 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee #408 I Surrender All CELEBRATIONS AND CONCERNS Tom Stephen LIFE OF THE CHURCH Tom Stephen

* IMPACT DeDe Taylor

During this time, ushers will pass out the friendship pads. Please sign your names and welcome those who are sitting next to you after the service.


Offertory: “Exodus” Jill Losey DOXOLOGY AND PRAYER (please stand)

Ushers will bring the offering forward as we commit our gifts to be used to further the Kingdom of God throughout our community and the world.

Next Week

Jesus walked a life of enthusiastically sharing the good news of God’s love and power to heal. Come next week and hear the story of Bartimaeus. Old Bart longed to have God touch his life but people rejected him as a blind, homeless beggar – Jesus saw something different. He saw a man who was on the edge of having a deep faith and trust in God. You, too, can bring healing and hope into people’s lives. You can be God’s agent to bring a new vision to those who are lost. Come next week as we explore together what it means to enthusiastically share the love of God in Jesus to those in need.

SCRIPTURE FOR TODAY Luke 18:9-14 and 2 Corinthians 12:6-10 (Pew Bible pages 742 and 822) John Graham and Carol Benson SERMON Tom Stephen

“Cross Training – Seven Characteristics of Abundant Living: HUMILITY” Mark 10:35-45 (Pew Bible page 716)


Join us on the patio for coffee and refreshments!











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MV Men’s Breakfast at Parkview Café Every Thursday 6:30AM to 7:30AM

Fresh start for the day with discussion, friendship and fellowship while sharing thoughts on scripture in our daily lives.

Come join us weekly or as often as your routine permits. Oatmeal, Egg Bagels & Coffee to boot!

Pick up your 2012 Offering Envelopes in the Narthex.








January 22, 2012



What is a PCH Disciple?

Someone who strives to be...

P=Prayerful C=Compassionate H=Humble



Please—do not donate items with expired dates.

Place your donations in the wooden box in the narthex. Any questions, please call Kathleen Farrar xxxx

SHELTER MEAL Thursday, February 2nd

Call Tess Hoff at xxxx or talk to her after Church if you are willing to buy or make part of this meal.



7&&1/2'8%&,#",/+(%&/2'9""+(&,'To vote on the Pastor’s Salary,

new elders and deacons and to hear reports from the ministries of Monte Vista.





Bring toppings, cookies, or brownies to go with the ice cream!

The church office email address has changed to:

[email protected]

Please make changes in your address books. SANTA BARBARA PRESBYTERY MINISTRIES

Lifewater International

Lifewater International, a Santa Barbara Presbytery validated ministry, partners with community leaders in developing countries to teach them to drill water wells and maintain them; to build latrines and practice good sanitation; and to teach school chil-dren about WASH (Water, Sanitation And Hygiene). Lifewater International suggests you make a significant sacrifice during Lent (Feb 22 – Apr 7) by drinking water in-stead of your favorite beverages and donate the money you save to their programs. For more information, see http://www.lifewater.org/significantsacrifice. Devotional materials are available. !

Let us Know how we can pray for you by filling out a Prayer Card. They are available in the pews & in the Friendship Pads. They can be dropped into the offering plate.

Prayer Requests can be added to the Prayer Chain by emailing Richard Vickers at [email protected] and/or the church office at [email protected]. Please remember to pray for the following needs within our church body:

• Pray that the people of Monte Vista come to know the love of Christ in a deeper way.

• Thanksgiving and prayer for our neighbors at First Christian.

• Pray for Michael Washburn as he recovers from a bacterial infection.

• Pray for Ann Riley’s daughter Kathy. Pray for a good diagnosis, full recovery and comfort from pain. Pray for Ann to be strong in supporting Kathy.

• Pray for Angela Madgwick.

• Pray for Mel & Pat Roop’s friends, Moke & Mazie Goeders. Pray for God’s com-fort and healing of body and spirit. Moke is recovering very well from his broken hip, fractured elbow and broken rib from the fall he had. They thank us for the prayers of concern.

• Pray for Alanna Jacob’s mother-in-law, Helen, and her respiratory issues.

• Pray for our former Monte Vista deacon, Paula Haydter, that the sepsis will be successfully treated and that she will be completely healed.

• Pray for Terry Avezzie for healing of her eyes.

• Pray for Helen Monroe and Neal.

• Pray for the Schwaiger Families. Don’s father has been diagnosed with inoper-able pancreatic cancer.

• Pray for Ken Au, Cal Au’s father. Pray for continued healing.

• Pray for Sally Losey for healing in her legs and feet and less pain.

• Pray for these difficult economic times and for employment.

• Pray for Warren & Gloria Stelzmiller.

• Pray for healing and strength for Steve Medler and family.

• Pray for Dan Guiteras and family for strength and healing.

• Prayers for Larry Augustine.

• Continued prayers for Jazzy Betka for recovery and healing.

• Pray for Rosalia & Paul Lewis.

• Pray for the Winter Bruno family.

• Pray for the Lucas Family.

• Pray for Tony Newman and Kelly.








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