January 2016 - Grace Lutherangrace97330.org/wp-content/uploads/2016-1-Jan-GG.pdfand speakers to Pope...

Grace Gatherings Volume XV, Issue 1 Annual Meeting The annual meeting of Grace Lutheran Church is set for Sunday, January 31, 2016, at 1 pm Preceded by Sandwich Lunch (not a potluck) in Ronnenkamp Hall at Noon Business Planned: Elect New Council & Synod Assembly Members Adopt a Budget Ratify Constitutional changes passed at Church wide Assemblies (2009, 2011, & 2013) which were adopted at last year’s congregational meeting. (Constitutional changes may be viewed online at the Grace Website: www.grace97330.org ) Lent 2016 Ash Wednesday February 10, 2016 Worship 7:00 pm — Imposition of Ashes & Eucharist Wednesday Lenten Services Will Begin a Week Later ‐‐ February 17, 2016 January 2016 Grace Lutheran Church is a “Reconciling in Christ” congregation, welcoming gay and lesbian believers to become members and to share in the sacramental and general life of this congregation. We affirm that we welcome all persons regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, age or national origin. Our VISION is “to be a Christ-centered community who welcomes all, grows in faith, and reaches out in love.” Our MISSION is “to follow Christ into our community and world mani- festing with caring hearts and help- ing hands the good news of the Kingdom of Christ.”

Transcript of January 2016 - Grace Lutherangrace97330.org/wp-content/uploads/2016-1-Jan-GG.pdfand speakers to Pope...

Page 1: January 2016 - Grace Lutherangrace97330.org/wp-content/uploads/2016-1-Jan-GG.pdfand speakers to Pope Francis’ Encyclical on Climate Change & Inequality, On Care for Our Common Home,

Grace Gatherings Volume XV, Issue 1

Annual Meeting The annual meeting of Grace Lutheran Church is set for

Sunday, January 31, 2016, at 1 pm Preceded by Sandwich Lunch (not a potluck)

in Ronnenkamp Hall at Noon

Business Planned:

Elect New Council & Synod Assembly Members Adopt a Budget

Ratify Constitutional changes passed at Church wide Assemblies (2009, 2011, & 2013) which were adopted

at last year’s congregational meeting. (Constitutional changes may be viewed online at the Grace Website: www.grace97330.org )

Lent 2016 Ash Wednesday February 10, 2016 Worship 7:00 pm — Imposition of Ashes & Eucharist

Wednesday Lenten Services Will Begin a Week Later ‐‐ February 17, 2016

January 2016

Grace Lutheran Church is a “Reconciling in Christ”

congregation, welcoming gay and lesbian believers to become members and to share in the

sacramental and general life of this congregation. We affirm that we

welcome all persons regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation,

age or national origin.

Our VISION is “to be a Christ-centered community who

welcomes all, grows in faith, and reaches out in love.”

Our MISSION is “to follow Christ into our community and world mani-festing with caring hearts and help-

ing hands the good news of the Kingdom of Christ.”

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Grace Gatherings Volume XV, Issue 1 Page 2

Grace News

Thanks: Merry Christmas! Thank you all so much for all the help you have helped our family with ‐‐ food, gas, scarves, and much more! Love, Jody T. & family

Thank you very, very much! Our Thanksgiving was blessed and I pray for you to have a safe, healthy, & blessed Christmas & New Year! Thanks again, Cynthia A.

Thanks so much for hosting our new volunteer training! With appreciation, Kelly Beard and Benton Hospice staff

I give my donation to the church in gratitude for the use of the classroom. I greatly ap‐preciate the church allowing us the on‐going use of the room, a place where I feel safe and have become more peaceful‐at‐heart. Good wishes to all, Nancy

When I see the overflowing box of gifts for House of Zion from the most generous peo‐ple I have ever known, my heart overflows with thanks, gratitude, and love. The gifts are badly needed and deeply appreciated. A very big THANK YOU to the wonderful peo‐ple of Grace. Carol Erickson

Baptism: Brian Williamson

Illness and Other Concerns: John King Lew Nelson Ron Walsh Bev Raze Ernest Rosenkoetter Lucia Georgine Thompson Porter Ramsey Nancy Bratcher, Nancy’s son Steven Keller, and Steven’s wife.

Death: Anita McEldowney Ken Samard Julia Gray Lorain Buckley

Celebration: Donna King is celebrating – and wants to thank you for all the prayers & support these last several months. She’s completed surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy for breast cancer, and will continue with immune and hormone therapies. Everything is looking good!

This prayer list is a compilation of

the prayer requests we have received at Grace

from NOV20 to DEC20. For a more timely

update to the prayers, send

your email address to

prayers@grace 97330.org, and

ask to be part of the prayer list.

Stan’s van on the way to Zion

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Grace Gatherings Volume XV, Issue 1 Page 3

Grace News

Corvallis Men’s Homeless Shelter Monday, January 18 through Sunday, January 24

are the dates Grace will staff the shelter

Help Wanted. Are you willing to humble yourself to be a servant to one of the lowest classes in our society? Can you spare an evening or a night to ensure those that have

none can sleep in a bed, warm and indoors?

It is not too early to sign‐up. The Corvallis Men’s Homeless Shelter opens in November and will stay open until the end of March. The Men’s shelter continues to serve about 35 men a night. It is located at 530 S.W. Fourth St.

There are a lot of hours to cover and either a lot of people volunteer some of the time or only some people volunteer a lot of time. We hope and pray for the former. At the Men’s Shelter we need two to three people from 6:30 to 11pm, one person from 11 pm to 7 am and one person per night to bring food. So, that is 28 to 35 opportunities to help fill this need in our community.

Frank Davis is coordinating this effort. Please contact Frank at church or call at 541‐220‐8155. A sign‐up sheet is located in the Fireside Room. Look for the displays. There is a new sign‐up procedure using the web‐based Sign‐Up Genius. Frank is currently signed up for all the positions. Let’s not leave it that way for long.

Frank will provide training on Sunday, January 3 between services in Ronnenkamp Hall. The shelter has endured some controversy this year, but there are still those in need to serve. Even if you have served before, come and share some insights with others. Let’s call it the Homeless Sheltering Small Group Ministry meeting. (Doesn’t Frank always have treats at his meetings?)

Sunday Adult Bible Study (Frank & Sue’s Class)

Join Frank & Sue in the Library each Sunday from 9:45 ‐ 10:45 a.m., and connect the Bible to your life. All are welcome!

“Sacred Gifts and Holy Gatherings”

Lesson 5 January 3 A Bride Worth Waiting For Genesis 29:15‐30

Lesson 6 January 10 The Most Beautiful Bride Song of Solomon 6:4‐12

Lesson 7 January 17 An Unfaithful Bride Hosea 1:1‐11

Lesson 8 January 24 A Wedding in Cana John 2:1‐12

Lesson 9 January 31 The Death of a Friend John 11:38‐44

Lesson 10 February 7 Passover Exodus 12:1‐14

Lent Begins Feb 10, Ash Wednesday

Lesson 11 February 14 Festival of Weeks Leviticus 23:15‐22

Lesson 12 February 21 Day of Atonement Leviticus 16:11‐19

Lesson 13 February 28 Festival of Booths Leviticus 23:33‐43

14 JAN 2nd Thursday's Women's Luncheon will be at Applebee’s at 11:45am 26 JAN 4th Tuesday’s Women’s Luncheon at New Morning Bakery at 11:45am

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Grace Gatherings Volume XV, Issue 1 Page 4

Pastor’s Page

Seized by the Light of Epiphany

From Rachel Carson’s book, Silent Spring, to the groundbreaking work of Lester R. Brown to Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth to Bill McKibben’s 350.org to thousands of lesser known voices, authors, and speakers to Pope Francis’ Encyclical on Climate Change & Inequality, On Care for Our Common Home, to the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference held in Paris, the movement to shed light on stewardship of the earth’s resources gone awry has grown, is growing, and continues to point to situations “facing us with life’s destruction or our most triumphant hour.” The quoted phrase is from the hymn written by Catherine Cameron, “God, Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens,” #771 in Evan-gelical Lutheran Worship. It’s a song appropriate to sing in the face of the challenges we face. Read it, or, even better, sing it and see what you think.

God, who stretched the spangled heavens infinite in time and place, flung the suns in burning radiance through the silent fields of space; we, your children in your likeness, share inventive pow’rs with you;

great Creator, still creating, show us what we yet may do.

We have ventured worlds undreamed of since the childhood of our race; known the ecstasy of winging through untraveled realms of space;

probed the secrets of the atom, yielding unimagined pow’r, facing us with life’s destruction or our most triumphant hour.

As each far horizon beckons, may it challenge us anew; children of creative purpose, serving others, hon’ring you.

May our dreams prove rich with promise; each endeavor well begun; great Creator, give us guidance till our goals and yours are one.

Cameron’s hymn was first published in 1969. Considering the context of that time, the threat to life which comes to mind by the images conjured in verse two is the possibility of nuclear holocaust. While this possibility has yet to be eliminated from our world, other threats to life on our planet as we have known it and know it, continue to grow and loom large. While attention has been placed on the environmentalists and scientists that have been articulating these threats, the voices of theologians, poets and philosophers also concerned for the well being of the earth and its creatures has received less attention. Yet, now comes the voice of one of the most recognized religious leaders of our world, Pope Francis. While I confess I have just begun reading the Pope’s encyclical, I have been eagerly listening to what others are saying about it. Says Naomi Oreskes, “While it has been billed as an encyclical on the en-vironment, the letter covers virtually every important topic in contemporary life. . . . Two lines of thought . . . stand out. The first is an affirmation of our interconnectedness and mutual responsibility toward one another, as well as toward our common Earthly home. The second is a denunciation of the aspects of modern life that have led to our current predicament.” Says Dr. Jane Huyer, OSU Pro-fessor Emeritus of Oceanography, “[The Pope’s encyclical] calls for true conversion to ‘a spirit of gen-erous care, full of tenderness’ . . . Pope Francis calls all people to love and respect our human neighbors as ourselves, and to care deeply and lovingly for all creatures in our common home. I truly hope our community will respond positively to this great call.” This brings me back to the prayer of the last line of Cameron’s hymn text, “. . . great Creator, give us guidance till our goals and yours are one.” As Christians we believe one of God’s goals is to heal that which is broken in our world, in our lives, and in our bodies. May that also be our goal, and may the light of Christ show us the way forward. Pope Francis includes several prayers at the end of his en-cyclical. Towards the end of the last one, he prays, “O Lord, seize us with your power and light, help us to protect all life, to prepare for a better future, for the coming of your Kingdom of justice, peace, love and beauty, Praise be to you! Amen.” The horizon beckons; step into the light, Pastor Netsie

Pastor Netsie Griffith

Contact Information Cell: 541.223.3455

Email: [email protected]

Pastor Netsie’s

Days Off Thursday & Friday

Pastor Wendell Hendershott

Contact Information Cell: 541.223.3503

Email: wendell@grace


Pastor Wendell’s Days Off

Tuesday & Friday

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Grace Gatherings Volume XV, Issue 1 Page 5

Grace News


On Sunday, December 6th, our congregation grew by six. Here is a bit about them: Bryan R. Williamson Bryan was baptized and received as a member by affirmation of faith, and we rejoice and thank Pastor Jim Norlie for his work and conversations with Bryan which led to this day.

When asked, “What led you to join Grace?” Bryan responded, “I decided to walk across the street [from Pi Kappa Phi fraternity] for church one Sunday a few years ago and I ended up finding a home.” Bryan was born and raised in California. At 22, he is the oldest of three children. His sister, Claire, is 19 and brother, Grant is 17. They live in Arizona with his mother, and his father lives in California.

Bryan will graduate from OSU with a Political Science major in March and hopes to attend Law School in the Fall. He has a passion for politics, serving people with disabilities and for outdoors and athletic activities. In the past he has worked as a Capitol Hill Congres-sional Intern and also served as Vice-President of the OSU Student Body. He now works as a Teaching/Research Assistant for the Center for Leadership and Development, the Oregon Policy Analysis Laboratory. This past summer, along with fraternity brothers, he rode his bicycle across the country raising funds and awareness for people with disabilities.

In addition to cycling some of Bryan’s other interests include hunting, hiking, golf and art. Though he did not live in Oregon until beginning his college career, he considers it home because his whole family is from here and he feels blessed to be here. Says Bryan of his baptism at Grace, “My baptism was incredible, and it has already changed my life in this short amount of time that has followed.” Welcome to Grace, Bryan!

The Schroeder Family – Anne, Patrick, Sylvie, Wilson (Wil) and Archer Patrick and Anne first joined Grace Lutheran in 2009. At that time Patrick was work-ing for Hewlett Packard, and Anne worked for Insights Now. In August of that year Archer was born and was baptized at Grace a month later. Little brother, Wil, came along in June of 2012 and was baptized at Grace a month and a half later.

Wishing to be closer to Anne’s family, and finding out that Patrick could keep his po-sition with Hewlett Packard and telecommute, the family moved to Pennsylvania in 2013. While living in Pennsylvania, they transferred their membership to Our Redeemer Lu-theran Church in McMurray, PA. Daughter and little sister, Sylvie, was born in October of 2014 and was baptized on Christmas Eve of 2014 at Our Redeemer.

This past summer the family moved back to Corvallis, and we are thrilled to receive them back into membership here at Grace. Patrick still works at Hewlett Packard and Anne, obviously, stays busy as a full time mom. Both Archer and Wil had the honor of playing the role of baby Jesus in Grace Lutheran’s Nativity Pageant when they were infants. Anne is currently part of the teaching team for our Pre-School Sunday School class. In addition to nurturing children she likes to garden, cook/bake and be outdoors. Patrick stays busy play-ing sports with the boys and with home improvement projects. Both Patrick and Anne love living in the Pacific NW and are glad to be back in Corvallis and back at Grace. They are hoping that perhaps East Coast family, whom they miss, may one day soon become North-westerners as well.

Partners in



6 PM

Join us in a Re‐Gifting Exchange

for that present you can

do without.


Bring your own table setting

and something to share.

Info: Sue Musil 541‐745‐5511

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Grace Gatherings Volume XV, Issue 1


Check the calendar tab for updates

Page 6

More Grace News

2016 Calendars

In honor of the thousands of hours volunteers spend keeping GELC functioning, spe‐

cial calendars have been created for each family, honoring these volunteers. Please

pick yours up in the Fireside Room, and THANK YOU to all that share their time and


Did You Know? Thanks to the many of you who contributed to the Ida Fund over the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays. This is often a time of year when people find themselves with unex‐pected expenses or needs. In addition, it is also a time when financial decisions (for instance, paying for a medicine in‐stead of a utility bill) will begin to catch up to people. The Ida Fund helps people in those situations. Over the past couple months we have bought someone a tent, purchased wood pellets for another family, paid for gas so that people could get to work, school and medical appointments, got Laundromat tickets, helped keep some‐one’s phone on and assisted with another family’s rent. Your generosity to the Ida Fund has made this assistance possible. In addition, the Tuesday Bible Study assembles non‐perishable sack lunches so no one goes away hungry. A knitter has donated dozens of mufflers we have distributed to fight the cold and prayer shawls comfort many from drafts and many more carry a pocket prayer shawl as a reminder that prayer is always a resource in time of need.


January 5: We’re having an Epiphany Party (a day early)! Bring a decorative star to display and/or wear star jewelry; Reflect with us on Jesus as our “Guiding Star” We will also sing, eat, and be festive! January 12: A Brief (Cliff Note Version) of the History of the Biblical Cannon January 19: First session on a new Study of Corinthians (I & II) We meet from 1:00‐2:30 pm in the Fireside Room. You are welcome to join us for the whole time, or as your schedule allows.

Here’s what’s new in the New Year for our time around the tables in the Fireside Room: Here’s what’s new in the New Year for our time around the tables in the Fireside Room:

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Grace Gatherings Volume XV, Issue 1

Grace Personnel & January Birthdays

Grace Personnel

If you would like a visitation or to schedule an appointment with a member of the ministerial staff, please call the office at 541.757.1600. You are welcome to leave a message on the answering machine at any hour.

Visit our Grace web page at: www.grace97330.org

Teams & Committees Property Committee - Ron Larson , 541.752.0754

Communications Committee Randy Joss, 541.929.9360

Sunday Hospitality Dayle Christensen, 541.752.6233

Reception Hospitality - Position Open

Events Hospitality - Molly Hallgrimson, 541.753.8581

Christian Education Team Deaconess Donna King, 541.757.6636

Altar Guild - Linda Samuels, 541.929.4222

Worship & Music Committee

Michael Beachley, 541.754-5501

Finance Committee - Hal Brauner, 541.753.0023

Personnel Committee - Iona Trapp, 541.207.3886

Hospital Visitation Team - Jim Wernz, 541.929.6794

Healing Prayer Team - Sue Davis, 541.924.2922

Mission Groups - Bob Saathoff, 541.929.3045

Stewardship Committee - Dave Lundahl, 541.757.1358

Grace Personnel

Pastor Netsie Griffith & Pastor Wendell Hendershott

Director of Discipling Ministries - Donna King

Director of Music Ministries - Br. Christopher Buckley

Organist - Sunghee Kim Custodian - Sam McKay

Nursery - Tiana Posler

Office Administrator - Carol Terrill

Office Assistant - Jody Parker

Bookkeeper - Robin Comforto

Prayer Chain - Cathy Mueller & Bruce Stephens

Facebook Administrator - Sue Speulda

Pastoral Counseling Center Dr. Julie Evans, Ph.D., Clinical Director 541.753.9217

Campus Ministry at Luther House Jim Norlie, Pastor, 541.753.5213

Volunteer Interfaith Caregivers Norma Moody, 541.754.2555

Page 7

01/01 George Custer 01/01 Tessa Gourley 01/02 Sylvia Aulerich 01/02 Linda Burt 01/02 Margaret Samuels 01/02 Julie Erickson 01/02 Clare Boysen 01/03 David Lundahl 01/05 Jenny Olsen 01/09 Max Power 01/11 William Strohlein 01/11 Inge Daeschel 01/12 Scott Berdahl 01/14 Julie Koenig 01/15 Dorothy Miles 01/16 Georgine Thompson 01/20 Daniel Strand 01/21 Kathleen Kuehlwein 01/21 Midoriko Stock 01/21 Sarah Wayt 01/22 Thomas Cardinali 01/23 Karen Haggard 01/25 Aaron Reher 01/25 Kelly Kiersky 01/25 Elias Weber 01/26 Lewis Nelson 01/26 Aaron Kiersky 01/26 Cameron Osborn 01/28 Shane Mueller 01/29 Carl Grosz 01/30 Katie Bode 01/31 Mark Speulda 01/31 Michael Hadlock

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Grace Gatherings Volume XV, Issue 1

Like us on facebook:

Grace Lutheran Church‐ELCA‐Corvallis

There are several Grace Lutheran Church facebook pages. The above title will get you to our page.

The Constitution of Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church Proposed Changes

Every two years at the Churchwide Assembly changes are made to the model constitu‐tion. ELCA churches are then required to incorporate those changes into their local church constitutions. We are playing catch up, adding the changes from the 2009, 2011, and 2013 Church‐wide Assemblies in order to align our constitution with the model constitution. Last year at our Annual Meeting, members voted on the proposed changes and this year will vote on whether or not to ratify those changes. Last year you were provided with a copy of the Constitution via several different ave‐nues. If you would like another copy, please contact [email protected] and a copy will be electronically forwarded to you.

Grace News

Thank you! Thanks once again to all who participated in the 2015 Children’s Nativity pageant: from

the littlest of angels to the coordinators that made the production a wonderful suc‐

cess! A shout out to Anne Orwick, Cathy Mueller, Michael Beachley, and Sue Speulda

for their backstage support! And a special thank you to Sue Davis for the new Gabriel

wings, and Leslie Weeber for the new Magi crowns!

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Grace Gatherings Volume XV, Issue 1

Picture this: a family comes to our church for the first time. The dad has a cough. He notices the little plastic bag hanging in front of him with a package of tissues in it. He thinks maybe there would be some cough drops also inside. There are not. Then the 10‐year‐old daughter wants to draw a flower on the bulletin somebody left in the hymnal holder three weeks ago. The lead is broken out of the pencil in the pew pencil holder.

Now, I’m not going to say this unchurched family leaves Grace that Sunday morning never to return ‐‐ that would be a stretch. But Pew Care is a ministry that Bob Schon‐ing carried out faithfully until he had to retire. Since then, the above scenario of miss‐ing, broken, or recyclable stuff in the pews is a reality.

Now picture this: you (yes, I’m talkin’ to YOU) and three friends meet at church once a week. Each one of you takes a section of pews and inspects them for needed tidiness. You don’t have to vacuum, just make sure everything is in order. When you finish after about 23 minutes, you all meet at the frozen yogurt place on Technology Loop for a cup of yogurt with sprinkles.

Or YOU simply take on the job by yourself, using this quiet time in the sanctuary to

contemplate yesterday’s service or meditate on God’s blessings or simply give yourself

over to a task that requires little of you but observation and response to what you see.

There is a job description for this mission; it’s not terribly complex but it is terribly nec‐

essary. Won’t you consider taking the torch that Bob is handing on? Call Carol Terrill at

541‐757‐1600 to let her know that you have accepted the opportunity. Thank you!

As promised in the Sunday bulletin, here’s the list of those providing transportation: Thanks to our wonderful, dedicated Grace on the Move Drivers, who provide and/or coordi‐nate rides to worship and Bible Study for those in need of transportation: Ron & Kay Larson, Marna Renshaw, Wayne & Carolyn Kradjan, Darlene & Jim Leklem, Anne & Tom Orwick, Debbie Kuehn, Judy Winkler, Norma Moody, Kathy Vohland (if you provide this service and your name is not here, please let the church office know, 541‐757‐1600)

As promised in the Sunday bulletin, here’s the list of our Sunday Musicians: All are grateful to the many members dedicated to bringing the gift of music to our Sunday worship services. Our Director of Music Ministries, Christopher Buckley, lends expertise and dedication to provide us with joyful music. Sunghee Kim, organist, accompanies the choir and plays for our early worship service. We are also grateful for the many volunteers who provide special music from time to time. In addition we want to recognize those who provide music Sunday in and Sunday out:

Chancel Choir: Sue Davis, Carol Erickson, Netsie Griffith, Ardis Koester, Jaya Lapham, Norma Moody, Anne Orwick, Denice Rickard, Sue Speulda, Donna Wernz, Sandie Williams, Glenn Chaf‐fin, Wendell Hendershott, Marshall Hill‐Tanquist, Jerry Koester, Milt Larson, Jim Wernz.

Grace Alive!: Michael Beachley, Wendell Hendershott, Tom Kiersky, Dave Lundahl, Angie Kingsley, Terie Wanderingstar (Star)

In Other Grace News

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Grace Gatherings Volume XV, Issue 1 Page 10

Grace News

Grace Center has an “activity board” in the front hall which participants follow. The De‐

cember title was “A Time to Give”. Suggestions within their budgets include “Smile at

someone, Greet someone new, Give a hug, or Give a compliment”. Co‐director Terra said

that they really took the suggestions to heart! No wonder Grace Center is a place of good

will. There was activity in the kitchen, too. They made real gingerbread (not graham crack‐

ers) and decorated gingerbread people and houses. The tree in the entrance was filled

with Christmas ornaments they made. Very imaginative!

The Center was open all of the holiday week, except Christmas Day. Lunch service was

closed on the 24th, so they had their own celebration. Christmas Eve was declared Pajama

Day (voluntary, of course). Breakfast was served at lunchtime, to go with the pajama

theme. They made German pancakes and egg frittata. The whole day was a holiday!

What is next on the Center agenda, with a fresh new calendar labeled 2016?

The board has been working on the capital campaign, and you will be hearing about that

soon. The building will see some updating, and the program will go on providing friendly

programs and support for participants. Family caregivers will continue to find relief and

help from our skilled staff. Thank you, co‐directors Rene’ and Terra, and to the entire staff.

Gracious appreciation to Grace Church members who continue to support Grace Center

with their contributions! A very Happy New Year to all! ‐‐ Betty McCauley

Global Books for 2015‐2016

The Grace Global Book Group meets generally the fourth Thursday of each month to dis‐

cuss books that focus on different areas and cultures around the world. All are welcome

for one, several, or all the discussion sessions. Participants are encouraged to read the

book before the discussion, but those who are interested in the title may come and listen

in as well.

Jan. 28 On Gold Mountain, Lisa See A chronicle of the settling in California by Chinese immigrants. Led by Ardis Koester

Feb. 25 Acts of Faith, Erich Segal. A novel set in the US , Italy ,and Israel provid‐

ing insights into Catholic and Jewish young people as they grow into middle age.

Led by Wendell Hendershott

Mar. 31 (Note Date Change) Desert Queen. The extraordinary life of Gertude Bell,

advisor to kings and ally of Lawrence of Arabia. Led by Sharon Rosenkoetter.

Taizé Prayer Service

The monthly Taizé Prayer Service will be held on the first Sunday of each month at 7 pm

through June at the Episcopal Church of the Good Samaritan on the corner of 35th and

Harrison. Everyone is welcome! This ecumenical service, led by the Corvallis Taizé Ensem‐

ble, includes meditative singing, short readings, and a quiet time for prayer.

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Grace Gatherings Volume XV, Issue 1 Page 11

Luther House News

You Are Invited to LUTHERFEST 2016

Join friends of Luther

House for the fourth an‐

nual Beer and Cheese

Pairing event, Sunday

February 28, 2016, 2:00‐

4:30pm, at the Samaritan

Event Center in Lebanon.

Six seated and served pairings will feature local craft beers, Oregon artisan cheeses, fresh

baked breads, and many more amazing culinary treats. Representatives of the OSU Fer‐

mentation Science Lab and the OSU Dairy Process Department will bring the latest news

and information about craft brewing and artisan cheese making in Oregon. You will also

get to view the premier showing of a professionally made promo film about the ministry

of Luther House – a piece that will launch our 90th anniversary celebration! Come meet

old friends and make new ones, learn things about beer and cheese that you’ve never

known before—all while supporting Luther House programming and outreach for the

coming year.

Advance tickets are required. No tickets will be sold at the door. Ticket sales opened De‐

cember 1 and close mid‐February. Individual tickets are $50 each. Buy a table of 8 for

$350 (a savings of $50). Now is the perfect time to invite your friends to join you or buy

tickets for those hard‐to‐please people on your holiday gift list. See you February 28!

Room at the Inn

The annual cold weather women’s shelter at First United Methodist Church is looking for volunteers. Men and women are welcome to minister to guests during shelter hours, and/or donate breakfast or evening snacks. For more information, please contact the church office or Sara Power at [email protected].

Appreciate coffee, tea and fellowship? Why not sign

up to host our Coffee/Tea Time following worship! Contact Dayle Christensen for available slots.

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Grace Gatherings Volume XV, Issue 1 Page 12

Council Meeting Minutes

Devotions were presented by Mary Ann Brenan on Luke 1:26-38 and a reading on seeing things in a new way.

Consent Agenda: Motion to accept the consent agenda consisting of the minutes of the November 9, 2015 Coun-cil meeting and the November 30, 2015 Executive Com-mittee was moved, seconded and passed (MSP). Officer/Staff Reports

Pr. Netsie Griffith highlighted from her written report the special topics being shared at the Tues-day Bible Study including “Stewarding Creation: Challenge and Hope” and the panel discussion on the Pope’s encyclical. She spoke about the impor-tance of the Nativity service for the youth, the con-gregation, and the community. Recognizing the Council had not voted to accept Bryan Williamson and the returning Schroeder family into membership was retroactively MSP. A mo-tion to accept Shelley Chamberlin into membership was also MSP. Preparation and plans for the Reconciling in Christ Sunday January 10 are underway. Pr. Wendell Hendershott highlighted Pastoral Activities adding to the list current concerns for members. There was a discussion of the Thanksgiving Service fol-lowed by pie fellowship. He highlighted the need for a pew caretaker, especially during the Christmas season. He also reported 96 persons attended the panel dis-cussion on the Pope’s encyclical, Laudato Si. Donna King, Discipling Minister, reported on the Nativity Service including thank-ing Anne Orwick, Cathy Mueller and Michael Beachley for their work with the youth. She also uplifted the learning that takes place behind the scenes and among the participants. Hal Brauner, Treasurer, reported November receipts were the best ever, partly because the month had 5 Sundays. He corrected some errors in the monthly budget summary page noting the detail pages are correct. With Stewardship pledges coming in adequate to the budget, no changes were recommended by the Finance Committee in the proposed budget. The Finance Committee has recom-mended an internal audit as appropriate with the change in bookkeepers. Training is available through the Synod. The four persons who have done it previously are to be contacted to do it again.

Items removed from Consent Agenda Grace Foundation Report: This report was highlighted to note the change in matching funds on a 1:1 basis instead of 1:3 for the “Giving It Forward Initiative” to retire the mortgage. Payments are to be made to the Mission Investment Fund on a quarterly basis when the Foundation has funds available, and receipt of the gifts has been documented by the congregation. This action was taken to be an incen-tive for early contributors. Property Committee: The facilities are being reviewed for mobility improvements including the frequency, ease of use and publicity for use of the lift to Ronnenkamp Hall. Outside groups using the facilities have received a letter on the Facilities Use Agreements and updated fee schedule. The Cub Scout group has already fulfilled their commitment with an in-kind contribution of azaleas, their planting and upkeep.

Congregational Council Meeting Minutes December 14, 2015, 6:45-10:00 pm Attendance: Hal Brauner Mary Ann Brenan Jude Geist Pr. Netsie Griffith Pr. Wendell Hender-shott Donna King Ardis Koester Jaya Lapham Shelly Lundahl Anne Orwick Kathy Vohland James Wernz Absent: Michael Beachley Lew Nelson

President: Kathy Vohland Vice President: Shelly Lundahl

Secretary: Ardis Koester Treasurer: Hal Brauner

Financial Secretary: Mary Stephens

Council Members: Lew Nelson Jim Wernz Jude Geist

Jaya Lapham Mary Ann Brenan Michael Beachley

Anne Orwick Pr. Netsie Griffith

Pr. Wendell Hendershott

Page 13: January 2016 - Grace Lutherangrace97330.org/wp-content/uploads/2016-1-Jan-GG.pdfand speakers to Pope Francis’ Encyclical on Climate Change & Inequality, On Care for Our Common Home,

Grace Gatherings Volume XV, Issue 1 Page 13

Council Meeting Minutes / Grace News

A motion to approve the waiver for the Cub Scout facility donation for in-kind work was seconded and passed. Some groups cannot afford the fees and would do in-kind work to off-set their fees. After much discussion it was recommended the Property Committee develop a list of in-kind work tasks that may be done by vari-ous groups. Groups whose purpose is in keeping with the church’s mission and cannot pay the costs may have their costs off-set by the income from the rental properties. A procedure for keeping a record of the location and amount of use also needs to be developed. Website Update: Shelly Lundahl reported the website is progressing. Various church groups are being contacted for re-writes of information about their group, review of their pages and pictures. There is a requirement from Google that needs to be met. The current database needs to be changed to the new template and the links activated. Additional candidates for Church Council open vacancies are needed. Jaya Lap-ham volunteered to assist Shelly Lundahl with the Church Council nomination process. Thanksgiving Baskets, their assembly and the process within the church service were discussed. The recommendations of the Executive Committee were ac-cepted.

New Business It was MSP the minutes of this Council reflect the Council’s appreciation for the work of Michael Beachley, Cathy Mueller and Anne Orwick in the production of this year’s spectacular “Children’s Nativity Pageant”. Oregon Synod Assembly delegates are to be elected at the Annual Meeting. This year the Synod Assembly meets in Eugene, April 29 to May 1. Names were sug-gested. Camp Lutherwood delegates will be recommended by the Christian Education Committee and confirmed by email by the Church Council due to the dates of their meeting. Church Council retreat dates conflict with Lutherfest. Shelly Lundahl will contact Camp Magruder about alternative dates and review our deposit contract. A deci-sion will be made at the January Council meeting. Lift to Ronnenkamp Hall. Property Committee requests a discussion on the ex-pense of maintaining the lift and the frequency of its use at the Annual Meeting. The inspection and service fees ($500.00) have already been paid this year.

Committee Reports are due to Carol Terrill, Office Administrator by noon on Tuesday, January 5, 2016 following the formatting specifics required for printing. Closing prayer was led by Pr. Netsie Griffith Adjournment Respectfully submitted, Ardis W. Koester, Secretary

Church Council Reports are always available in the church office for you to read.

Page 14: January 2016 - Grace Lutherangrace97330.org/wp-content/uploads/2016-1-Jan-GG.pdfand speakers to Pope Francis’ Encyclical on Climate Change & Inequality, On Care for Our Common Home,

Grace Volume XV, Issue 1

Corner of Kings & Harrison 435 NW 21st Street

Corvallis, Oregon 97330

Grace Lutheran Church

Baptismal Birthdays for JANUARY

Phone: 541.757.1600 Email: [email protected]

Feeling the “winter blues”?

The professionals at the Pastoral Counseling Center can help you and yours with individ‐ual therapy and couples counseling to address winter’s depression, anxiety, stress, and substance abuse. We are skilled at integrating your faith and spirituality with the coun‐seling ‐‐ should you wish. PCC can bill all insurance plans, and we offer an adjusted fee schedule if you are uninsured or money is tight this time of year. Call 541.753.9217 to schedule an appointment. Offices located in Albany, Corvallis, and Lebanon.

01/01 Annabritt Coakley

01/01 Sharon Rosenkoetter

01/08 Kyle Levien

01/10 Nathan Beilby

01/15 Denice Rickard

01/16 Sandy Beachley

01/20 Ronald Walsh

01/22 Meg Aulerich

01/22 Quincy Levien

01/25 Sandra Williams

01/26 Rita Loe

01/26 Cathy Mueller

01/27 Erin Radniecki

01/28 Peter Regan

01/28 Jim Wernz

01/30 Hannah Shaff

01/31 Caroline Custer

01/? Becky Strandberg

Everything that is done in the world is done by hope. -- Martin Luther