January 17, lOU - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · January 17, lOU Dear Jneancr 1 I han 'been...


Transcript of January 17, lOU - FDR Presidential Library & Museum · January 17, lOU Dear Jneancr 1 I han 'been...



January 17, lOU

Dear Jneancr 1

I han 'been go~ Ye't"f t.borall£1117 into the 1&1 .. -ticmt~ r&t .. d .1n yauzo letter ot Ja.nuaJ7 13 anc1 1n au:r telephone oon.eraat1on the other day.

•- Da•b hlli - that t be Pr .. 1dent hall ino­tw.d h1a tbat Red ~· ablpe \IDder the Mer1oan tlac wblob .,.. t&lcing f ood t o Spe1n end t o unoccupied f ranoe ahould not br1nc b aok ref\aae .. t o thh country. All 70\l lmow, exht1ac law woald .ake auob a atep ~albla and I aatl»r trc. wbat tba Pr .. i dent told •CII'IIIlD that he d oea not oonaider 1t exped1aot at th1a tilM t o aU: tba Conpoe .. tor apeoit1o le&hla tlon t o autllor1ae auoh aotloo on the pert or ttw Red Cro ...

We han IUde and •• are oont1nu1.ng t o l:l&ke frequent repreaaotaUOM to the Spaniah Ooveri'JI8ellt .1n 'bohalt ot olrrey tor pol1t10&l prieoDOra. I tMl alao that th1a ~jMthe oan be adnnoed ~ repreaentat1ona to the ~noh Ooterrueot ooaoernins the s panJ.ab pol1t1oal prta­~" atlll 1n UDOOCNPied ~e. So tU' u I aa tA­t~, bowe~, all or the Spanhb pollt1o.al prh01111re that baYe bMil .. at to SpaiD trca Prano• ba•• been aent 'by O&Pa&D autllor1t1•• 1n oo~p1ed Prance.


Your• Y"t"f a1noer•l7,

arra. Rooanelt,

'l'be 1lb1 te HOil••.



11&7 7, 1840

117 dear Eleanora

1 reeein4 CbU 1101'111, )'OUJ' l iUIJ' of llq 8 en­eloling a liUIJ' addJ'Hied 0 )'Oil b)' IIJ', Jo11pb QaddeD un4er d&h at liar 2 with l'llaJ'd t o the o .. • of rouac rranouoo ftobl•• .

ror rour iDtoraation 1 aa enolo•iDI oopiee or oor­r .. pondenoe Wblob 1 han had •1 th ng.aJ'd t o t h U o .. e dunnc the ooune of the :paet rear wuh Dl'. hther J. Crooke of Oouoher Ooll .. • aD4 With A8baeaador Weddell . All rou Will '"• 11'eJ')'th1ng hal been done Wh1oh 11 hu­llalll.J pollible to tJ')' to dl11t thU unfortunate bo)',

and r ou w1ll further ••• that .. a r .. ult of th .. e ef­f orte, he W&l lr&nted a rtpl'111'1 fi'OII tbe 4eatb leD­hnoe l.apoeed upon hl.a and t here 11 now ea.. probab1.1U)'

that he aar be 1nolu4ed 111 a 1enerel -•tr at •­tl.ae 1n the not d11tant futu N Whioh lhould rlleall h1a ti'OII prUon and eneble hl.a nentuall)' to return t o thie oountJ')'. What llr. Caddell 4el1beratll)' refrallll fi'OII aalling olear to rou in h11 llttel' -'14 111 the ••oraD4ua attaohed to hU letter 11 t he faot that )'OUDI f'l'anoUeo ftoblel hd been 1eDt11101d b)' a Spanl.lh tl'1buna1 111 ao­ooJ'danoe wUh uuunc &panUh law and u now in p rieon. Ol.earl)', 10 l ong .. he ~ine ill pl'1eoa, there il no poee1b1lit)' of grenUng hl.a 1 rtea t o oa.e to tb11 ooua­tJ')'. 1 think rou will agr" that beOPu of exuuac oond1t1ona in lpaln 1t an:r offioial 1ntii'YenUon on the p~ of thil Go•ernaent on behalf of a 8panieh o1t1aell unhneld bJ a lpanilh tl'1bu.na1 11 aa4e publie, the ef­teet 111 Spun Will be uaotlJ the oontral')' t o •hat the bor' • f r iendl in t hie oountJ')' 4"1re. Allbaeeador Wed­dell 1 • oont1d111t1al and pel'lonal effort a ha1'e e o fal'

been IUOO .. I ful ill la1'1Dg thl bO)' fi'OII a dlath IIDtiDOe and I would etronclr euggHt that 11ot h1ac further bl

IN, rranklin D. ftoo•••elt,

!be Wblte BOule.

4oao llDtll afior t bo •bdoadar r ,otuao to .. 4rlf. 111>• I bopo bo 11a7 ocaia bo ..,_ .. t\al 1a ~rottlOC oortai a l1t­n11nUol p.oplo 1a tile lpaaUb Oo ... Jftloat to ......... tw \he bor• • 1nolut 1oa 1a u aan•••7·

lelliYI ae



\ ·- .,


, .. I ' .J ~\ ....

DeAl" n MIMJJ' 1

I Nee1Ye4 ~~ •nhc )'otar le,hr ot .7aJn!lJ7 e,

wltb wnLcb )'01.1 eMlOI04 tho letter eMit ~ ycna llftder

~ate o~ Deo .. ber ltl b)' the I*Obe11 r1f Atholl, The a1tu­

etl0ft ..C torth ln her lett8r 1e ~ewpl)' dletre••1ng,

anG I •hAll llat\INlly WMt ~ clo aft)'t~ that I oaa

to be bal~tul , I .. &encltng " oopy ot the Duohe•• '

l f'thr to Allbs .. ador Wed4oll ukl"" hill to l e t •• k,_

1aa•cUstel)' •h•t bh ldo .. an u to the S~.~gReaUone

that oo\lld !tPPI'....,l~tel)' be atil\e b)' t hla OOYernllflnt

• • ~o the eolat1on ot the problea,

0~ oourse, lt lo 111\~teoeu&l')' tor ...- to U )' that

lt le not •••1 t or u•, tn Ylew o~ our pre•ent rel a t t on­

ehl p wlth the exl Rtlng BpAnl•h Oovern.ent, to a&ke An)'

repre•entiiU one •••n ot a broa~ hao&n1tarlan ohsreoter

wlth regard to the treato~nt glven b)' the Spsnteh

~uthorltloe to natl anale who ar e not Aaerl oan oltlzene,

The l ltuatlon l e aede ell the aore dl tt l oult b)' roaeon

ot the teot t ha t •e Atlll have • &Gall nuaber of Aa~rlcan

Mr1 . Franklin D. RooeeYelt, 'The 'llh l t • HoU!! • ,

., .. l? 0

l( .,. .. 0 .... > ri

[ ....

• J. I


ottlsen• ln prtwon ln 8p1ln ~nd , notwlth1tan~l~ thl

aeeuranoee ~l•en to Aaba~ 1ador Weddell bf General rranoo

~arlr l • •t 1u..er thAt t he re.alnlns Aa~rloan ottlsen•

ttlll l~rleoned ln 8paln •oald be l .. edlatelr relea~ed,

r~peated r.nd .. phatlo repreaents ttonA bf ue ba•• 10 tar

b~en rruttlee1 ln obtalnlng th•tr relea~e. Tho r~••on

glYeft 'b7' the !lpanhb Ooyerllll"ftt tor lte tallun to rel ....

our oltl tene h t hat the ln41Y14uall fltlll retained ln

oueto4f, unlike the Aaer loan oltl1en• releaeed la1t eprlng,

are under lndlot•unt ln the SpAnleb oourtl and cannot be

nt st llbertr WIUl \her hne 0011e up tor tr1al.

Howe•er, notwltb•tandlftS theee dlftloultlew, • hloh

1 • eure 7011 will IIDderet and are aaterhl, •• will trr

and do e•errtbtng we os n to aol•• t he problea,

Bdl e•• ••

t....: 1 .:~l . .c.. .. :tr...._l .. 4 "'

4 .... f ..... , -.,. \- ' . ~ t,.,c.~

"-t._':(M.., I -.1. _,(_ •

Sumoe r iol'ellua


Dear Sumner :

The '¥h1t e Houqe "I e. A h1 n::- t on

J an . 8 , 1940

I hope t hnt you will

be abl e to do s ane t h l ng About this .

Sincerel y,


NAT IONAL JOIN!' COl!!!. ITTSE F'O:! SPA NIS!-! "l::LI S F ChAi nnan: The Ouc hePs o+' Atholl

Dear Mr s . Roes evel t:

EaRtwood Dunkeld


Will you for g ive me l.f I wri te t o you on a matter of g r eat concern to a committee of which I am chairman , which d i d a good deal of r eli+' f work for t he women r nd c hi l dren of Re~ublican Spain d uring the Spani sh war , end whi ch in the l ast ten mont ha has been <loing •'hilt it can to hel p Spanish refug ees both in France and in Br i t a in?

We are v ery concerned a t t he c ontinu<>d imprisonm nnt of members of t he InternEt t i onal Brigade a t Burgos ,­Germans , Austr i a ns, Czechs and Pole s , who dare not return to t he ir r espective oouni: ri!'s. I e nclose a memorandum whi ch summarizes t heir c ase a ncl sho,·ts t he st eos taken by our Government on th +'ir behalf befor(' t he outbr eak of the o r eeent war . You will unders ta nd hom i rntlo• Rible i t 19 for our Governme n t to d o a nyth i nF: now. ·.~e ht> ve tried to ;tet the Swedish i"or~i ~m Office to i ntercede, but ·•·i th-out succese . ·•

In these circumstancee , will you +'orgi ve me i f I ask if you t h ink your Governme nt coulci p oRFibly intervene with the Soani sh Govern~ent on behalf of the~~ unf ortuna t e ~en , nnd could they possi bly be admitted t o t.he United States? Our Commi ttee h:>s obtained a n !I!'RU rn rce ~rom Si r l-!erbert Emerson, Hi gh Commi P.s 1one r of the In tern• t i onal Red Cross a t Ge neva , t ha t i f the Sp anish Gover~~ent relea8e the men, they "-~uld be prepared t o make t he t ec~nical arrane,emP-nts for rece1vi~ them after t heir r elease $nn arran~inF f or thP1r tranAn or t to ••hateve r c oun trv h nc' aar eed to re­ce1 ve them. '!'he '{ed eros s are not, hov-evf'r , I fear , reedy to m~et the co!.' t of this .

I l'hould add t~at we have h Psrd f r om a released Er1tiRh Intern• t1onal Br i g ade origon~r from the same orison that !;he conF. i tlons in t h e pri son were very bad . And· a certa in number of Germans have been actually cie..,orted t hence t o •.:;er many . The e i s r eal ~ear , therefore , th:<t the ..,r l soners , or some of them, may be sent back there unless some p owerful influe nce is exerted on their bel)alf . We


belie v~ that there are nbou t four hunrtred men ~till i :norlaonPd .

The Spanl~h war has been ~P~OnA1=le for terr i ble su·r~ri~ , but l t ~Pe~s t o u~ t~t the pl1Pht or these ">OOr l'ello•e, nrleoners in a tOl'Pirtt coun•ry llnd l<now1nt

t hat a certain dPath awai tP thPID 1t thev rf't•Jrn to th~lr o~, i~ the mos t oit1able or All , on~ th6 refore I vpnt ure to nn">~al to you to rlo whR t you can .

Yours s lnoorflly,

Per haps th~ North American Cocml~ tee for Aid to Spanish Democracy mi~ht be Rble to Five pome hnlp in the coat of trfl nApO"tinp thf'~e m.- n if r Pl PBPI'd? I kno.., thry n r c in­terested 1n the Int.ern• tionnl !'rt r.P•" ·

!.Ire . F'rnnkl in o. Rooo evelt , ThE' ''!h i t e !louse .


There are sti ll impr1eon~d at Surcoa, ~ 1x months

c ft r r the ~nd or t.h~ Spanish Ci vil ~ar , mnny me n who

served i n the republican International Brl!;"ade . Of ~he~e

93 a re Germane or Austrians : There ~e also ~ome Czechs

and Poloe . NonA of thP~e men ~ara r et urn t.o t heir own

countr y : th~y -oulo be l i Pble to the death o~nalty .

The Amr rienn, BritlPh a nd Fr ench nrieoners •ho •~r~ in the

s ame eaae lvove alrt>nOy bren relC'ased .

The Nat ionnl Join t Commi ttee, wi th the s~~letanee

of ~he Fot•Pl~tn o~flee, nnlleavoured before the outbr eak

or .. ar t o "~c!Jrr t hP relea!"e or t.heee pri~onerp, but

"•i t hout s uccerP . I t had a nroml •e from the Brit i sh

Gov!'rnm .. nt t "At thelr E'ntry into .,nl!lllnd ,.oulrl bf' o~r­

mitted . Thie undertRkln~ hee now lanPrd, •ince a genrral

clech ion hll s come into force , qJ nee t. h~> •••nr , to t•e fuPe

entrv to any Germans or Aurtr1AnP.

In t.hP•P c1 reuo" tllnC<'B it l~ Pvl l1~>nt thrt only B

nPutral Po-rr enn no"' ht>lp theee unfort·:n~> ·e m"n . The

State Deonrtm .. nt r f'c•ntly obtainrd f r om GPn~r~l ~rnnco

t hr r~>lpne~ of ~o~c nrioon~>r~ ~rom the Li ncoln Eri~ade,

••no "'err> cnotured nt thr •arne tlmP. ·•oulrl it be- ,.111-

incr, on m-ounrl~ of humanity, to intervene '"ith GenPral

FrAnco on t ~half of t.hPoP ot.A·P-lPPE ~urOOPRns, ~ho

11nve no rrlnmip or "rot11otors ,.ho "an "!'PRk tor them~

'l'f' hPar on roor'l P'lthorlty t.hn t ~"-enerpl !"rnnco h:le

said that h~ i s wl llln~ to r e lPese th~se nrlson"rR , i f

any country will receive theo .

They orobsbly could not. ~nt"r the Unl tecl Stat!'s

un~er t.hf' ouotn sysr.e~ . Coul~ .,h~ S• p•e Denart ~nt ov~r­

come t hl A dl'flC'Jlty?

The "ar hne abruptly ende<\ all oosal b 111 t y or help

by any British or~anl~etion , for rin"nclnl & A ~ell 1\8

dlplomntle r er10ons . Unl•~s Aoerlcl! •·lll help them,

t.h ~y '11111 remain ln prltHtn 1nr'er ln1tnly . The rlt>rmAns

and Au~trlena s 1•e all noll t.iC'al reof1Jr-rea, who Joln"d

the 2rignde rrom 1denl1Ptlc motives . They have a qtrong

cltlim on all who unhold the 08ue e or democrPcy ,

H. N. Era11Prord .

27th Noveobrr lf39 .

J&MIU7 7, 1041

=-ar ileanora

I na•• reoa1Ya4 r our l a,ter of oeo .. -ber 31 1n wh1oh rou aa\ whe ther, out or OoY­arnaaut run~•• ao .. ot the eapen••• ot .o•­ln' 3pen11h r atugeaa 1n Fr•noh ah1~• ~1~b\ be un:lal'\&llta b)' th lt Oon rnMn\.

The DapartMan' of s •ata bal DO fundi un4ar l tt Jurhc11oU nn vb1oh oould legll11 be uaad to r thla ~rpoee.

Tht teall~ ot Jaorehr1 l!ull an4 ot rq­ult 11 •~ut 1t -muleS be unvtea tor nnr oo.­emHat Iunde to 'ba uU11aa4 t o r th1e purpo•• unl••• tbt Congr••• hn4 epeo1 t1oall7 • ppro pr1-ata4 auob fundi w1c• tbl full knovlaQaa t n.t t h17 ware to 'be ul84 to p.:J t or t ba trana:;or­l atloa ~~ allane. In o~r vor 4a, 1a oar Juq. nt U th!! Prn1Jent 4atera1nn thAt Cb1a etap ab~ul:l be vader\akan b7 th1a OoY­ern .. nt , tba Ooagraftft ouaht to ' ba r equla,ad to prondt a apaaU1o approprhUoa t or Ul11 uee.

!ln. laole"U• ftle 11111 ' ' llou1e.

UISV: 011



January 7 , 1941

s Itt' . ·:;elles :

Unless I misunderstood him, the

Secr etary ' s reelin; on the attached

i s t hat expendi tures of Government funds

for this purpose should be made only if

~onzress l1ad specH'ical1y appropriated

such funC.s Ylith the full lmow1edge that

they were to be used to pay for the trans­

portation of aliens .




January 3, 1941

s The Secretary:

Pleaae let me bave your Judg-

ment as t o the auggeat1on conta1ned

in the aecond paragraph or Hra.

Roosevelt ' s letter.




Decelllber &1, 1940

IIY clear Sllllller:

'1hank you very 1111ch tor rour letter of Decaber 21 gi'finl • the Wonoa­t.l.on about the SpaniSh refugees i n France.

I wonder it, out ot SO'ftrtlllllnt funds, s01ae of the expense ot 110v1na t hese people in French s hips might be undertaken by us?

Very sincerely yours,


Dear lll eanor:

Aa • reeuUi of our tdlt the other eYIIling regardlnc

t~ oondlt1on of s~n1oh ref ug,el 1n France, I •ent an

1nstruc t1on v1th t he Prealdent 1 a author1~&t1on t o 8111

Dull1 t t rt:jll8flt1ng thr.t he obt~n t ha tlpprovd ot the

F1•onoh Oovernm!lnt for &n otf1o1al ot the hler1ca>.n t:rnbaee1

1n P6r1a to uake &n 1napeot1on of the conGit1on of t he

OpMi sh r e:ugooe 1n ;•ranee.

I hcve tod!Q' r coei ... od a t•eply from our F:o b&ee7 1n

Pur1o of wl 1oh I nm enclosing Q parnphraee t or 7our 1n-

1'oro.nt1on. .'hen t:6 go t a further report, I uhall be glll4

to aend it to you a t once.

Be11e•e me

tno1oeure: PAraphrale of Ho. 82, .7tu~U81')' 11, 8 p.m. 1

from Par1a,

Yours • ery ainoeraly,

"~3 . rrankl 1n D. RooleYal t ,

'l'he lt'h1te Houee.

U:SW : I J

5 0 .. 0 < .. ... cf

PAIW'BRAS OP UUOIWC f'looaa Aaer ioan Zllbau:r1 Par1a

Dated I January 11, 1'1140 .

ln an inforaal dJ.eouaa1on tbU a1'ter noon, the <lhlet

of the EuropeAn Beotlon of the r orelgn Off1oa att.1c1 \hat

he aaw no obJection 1n pr1noipl e to the propoaal oon­

h.lned 1n the Dep.rbent1 a telegraa of Jsnuar:r 10. With

a view to nbta1n1ng AD earl:r reply, h e will t~a the

quel t i on up at unoe v ith !Jis aupor 1ors and thro~ thea

·.11th 'l.ha 111n1e t17 of the Interior . 'the l?'l-enoh Al:lb ae..,dor

ln \oaoilllngton, 4e aald , had tol ocraphed about the par­

&1atqnt report• of an unfavorable nature 1n the United

:statu, an<l htt wu &ure that ~hls opportunity to put an

. ,,,_ to ;;he~a <~oul-1 ba 1!'el oo••t<l u:r the OOl'l})etent a uthor1 tiea


'.ICJ wa,·a t o t <.! ~.t at the o uthr eak of the war only

150, 000 u an ana. 100, 000 wu~.~en anc1 oh1ldr en, of the 500,000

refugeae or1g1nall;r roce1 vea. 1n Franoe, vera etlll 1n

Franca. On DeoiiRber 25 only ~.ooo of t h .\11 nuaber re­

lll&1nec1 1n NJ r uge e ce.llp!l . 77, 000 men had been integrated

into rruoh iodu.atr:r and labor troops troa the beg1M1nc

o f the va1• until tbl! 25th of Daoeaber. In addition a

oonoiderabla number had been &llowed to go their ow Y&7

J.n rranoa without an:r govar naant s urveillance whateoavar

and hAd found plaoee i n rrenoh 1nduatr:r while ot her• had

returned to Spain rolunt ar1l:r . It wae uUaated on

.. -2-

lleoeaber 25 that b)' JenU!II"Y 16 onl y 9, 000 llpan1eh

1"ntue,.e•, plue 4,000 ot the eo-onlled 1ntern~~t1onala,

would run1n 1n OeJIIPI , all 1n the m141.


,...,. I!' W ... ITC t-IOU$r:


.• ,ri! ll> . 1.140

Dom· Jwnor:

.HlJl.i t.-.un:.:a ror uozh.iin(' r.e

.A:..lbtas~adox· eddoll' s lettol' ubout tno

.u:eciA ton c. lJ t-1c:1l ~ri:~owra St ..

. >):ullr. . ~,no tt.r.D\.'Or c'lous rot soe 1 to !l:)

C.'ltirG.l:,1 .i •tiO"GCtOI';,' o

~or; 31r.cere~. JOU1"G ,

llaora.'1 P.O , l (14()

, ... , •• 1

Ou:P lt.leanel'r

Ur-on • 1 rs turn from ~rope Jeaterd.,,

I f'I'IU"\<1 IJ - ! r 3 ? 1'1Rl '.ett•r '!l":r.t ll• b aaa ... ® r

'!'..thl.l dnt e cS ret-J'Olal')' 12 W\-.1 oh ' " ' t o> 40

•Uh the quMt1on ot o;t. .. " xec:ut1o11 ot P'"'ll'-

1.-1 nrtaonera 1o 9na1n. I aa enolo.1DC a

aon7 or thll urel 1.tnarJ l fttt ar a ar*lJ to?

,_r 1nfo .. "U on.

s.u ... -

.. ~o .

•re. rranklln T). RoogevoH,

'11• Wh1t a !IOill l.

SW: till

I ..

X 0 0 .. .. < ~ ri . ;: '1

"' .., '1 .. ~ ... .... :s

Jllna ? , 1~4 0

VD Ur. 'Var:-otnl

I h&ve reoe1ved t he nt­•nohed l etter r rom Ura. Rooa~velt. Pl.,au be goo<l enOill"h to d r al't aou l etter "h1oh I oan ~ end to •ra. Rooa nel t w1 th rejlard t o t h h

onee end have taken euoh ~ot1on as In your jlldf!l:lllnt 111111 bl) ap­'l"rO'!>rlote.

-:: • :u 0

.-l o ..... o tt C<

"'"' p. >-'

~r ..

, j


Juno 17, 1Q40

vo lfr. YarN!n 1

1 t!ftolO~II t.ho!t e ttaot.4 req u11• t rr011 Nre . 'loOIIeYel t, l'l~'llte l • t - I" no• •ho t repl.7 I II~Y Mktl ,

tJ t ·•: ·:H


April :!0, 1{140

Dear El eanor:

I h~ve Just r eceived your lo tt~r or Apri l 29 , •lth regard t o th~ oaee of Ou~t r v R~~lrr. I a • en­oloaing a oopr of •r lett~r to rou or April ~ . t hinking that l t aay not have bf'en bro112ht to your attention. In that lett~r I l r t you know t hat it Dr . Regl er an~ his flanoee, ~aria Loul ee Vo~eler , wished to proceed to OUba to await t he i~puance ot th~ir viea", t he Aaerican ConAul a t Bordeaux woul~, at their r e(\UOtt, arranp:e to trunater their regh­t ratlon r~CON and 11.ny dOCUDH'I'I I:n ln th <>i r file to t he Coneul General a t Habana.

I do not eee that the re 11 anythi ng acre that wo oen ll.o under t~ cirouast~noee on nocount ot t he prov1a1oM ot our lew, with whi ch you ere ~aaaHi eJ• ,

but it t~re ar" onr further 11 t ope • hi <'h you hell'""" would be helpful, I wil l or courPr be ~tlP<i to talte thea.

Believe me

Youra very e ino~r~ly ,

Kra. rranklin D. Roosevelt, The White Rouse.

811 .111 Regler Gus tav U:SW:Illf

1 ! d , !



-Apr1l 2?, 1940

Dear f:leanor:

I refer to 1117 l~ttt l!'r or Apr1l eighth concerning

your interest in the Ok~ e of Dr. GuAtnv Regler .

A tele gr~phio report received f r oiD our EIDban ey at

Parh un.ler Ull t. e or Apr1l ninth sta ted thnt the Depart­

ru nnt 1& 1n~tu 1ry hs.d been rEtt e rre d to t.h 'l Consula t e a t

Borde aux, 11o Dr. ReKl~r waa uno orstoo~ to be residing

in t ~• t onnsulo.r d1strlot. A t'llejrrl\1"!-\ o r~nor t hne

now benn r eceived r rom the Coneul at Bo rdeaux etn ting

t hAt Dr. 1egl~r made applic ation on Apr i l twenty-third ror

reg istratio n under the Ge r man,quota fb r i~i~ratlon vi sas

ror hinln <'ll r and for hh 1'1a noee, l.lari & Lnu1 " e Vop:'ll<'r,

I t wi\1, ot oourne, be ne oos ea ry ~or Dr. Regl Ar and hle

t'1a noee t o welt unti l t he i r t urns ~re ranched on t he

wai ting lls t , In the e vent that t hey Ahoult'l p roceed

to Cub a to await t h <'l i l'eua noe or t heir vhull!, the Consul

a t Bot•deaux •111, at their req ucAt, arran~·e to transfer

t -..e l r r eg1&tra t i on r eoore nnc1 a ny rlo oun "n•F wh1oh roey

have been subGl·~ed on t he ir beha l f , to the Consul General

ot Rnbana,

You a r e a ssur ed tha t every c ons i de r a tion •111 be

ll:1 ven to the oa !lllll of Dr, Re~tl'lr and hie t'ianooe ond

tha t ~te p rompt not i on •111 b e " &ken u non t h .. 1r a!'t-l1oo­

t 1onA as IDilJ b e pe r111itted unner t he law,

Yours very e1noerely,

GUI.!HF.R ·~ n.LE S

llr11. Rooae•el t , The 1fh1te R•lWI8,


To -~'l~P-'"6l~. R Raa.oo.~sr~~---;--~­


Reoei ved by ---·

De.te 2 c. 4 0 - ----- Time !:~!!»


July &, lll40

Dear Eloancr 1

Tile labor oo.1Uee ... r.rred to 1n you.r leUe:r \o •• of Jul:r 2 eaw &eontar:r null aDd ~ot ay&elf. 1 .... however, ··­~ur• you tbat we are do1og eve:r:rth1DC that .ve oan Wldll' ex1et1og oood1 tl.oDe to be ot aae1etanoe v1tb regard to Oer.aD aod Spao-11b r11fuaaee 1n Yranoe. 'l'be praotioe.l way 1n which ve can be of help, hoveYil", 11 not eaay to f1ud under p:reeent oond1tlone. I know you under.\aDd the e1tuat1oo.

Believe 111

lre. Fraokl1n D. Ruoeevelt, 'l'be '4\1\e 8ouee.


Dear SlllllDI! r:

TH£ WHITC Hnll"t_


July 2, 1940 JUL 5 -1!140


I understend t hat the labor coaml.ttee •ert. to s oe ,.,u about. aid.itlB the Germa.n retllgees in France. Their a1 tuation and the situation ot the Spanish ret~eee eeeoae t o • particularly pitiful and 1f there 1a anythl.lw that can be done to bel p the m I hope we are so in& to be able to cb it •

Cordially youre,

Dear s ....... r :



June 28 , 1940

I have just beard that Dr. Negrin hae

reached London. I am writing t.o Sf,)' that I

hope everything pouible w1 U be done to help

him and the other refu&eea get. to some country

where the7 will be sate.

Ve"7 s incerel7 70Ura,


6' 0 to

~ ., ... .. . 1:<1 ... ~ 0 .,

• •

Augu at ;5 , 1940

A-L Mr. Lo~:

'l'be anaohed oor­reepondenoe 1e aelt ­explanAtor,. 1 ·~&•at that you get 1n touch wl th theae people &a aoon a• conYen1ent and arrange t or thea to haYe a ohanol Of talk.lng vl.th JOU•


0 t , ·s .., .

n - .. ; "" ;?5 (

C7-l:l (

"' • ~n1 '

"' ... t '13: • 0 '1 (

o m 2 "] 'SU>

""" ""' ""'


.. ,. .. .. , 0

:.!;: .. ><00 ....... <> n o .. -61



33 wu n 42 govt cU. Y Oi' ar. of~

Poughkeepsie NY Sop 10 40. ll• 194!.1

Ron ~umner Welles .

Two men from the OS committee Care of European children

"ill be in Washington today to talk to you about br1na1ng children

on Portugeae ships . Hope you will g ive them every consideration

also their proposition to bring other refugees on same ship.

Eleanor Roosevelt .


DMI' ZlMa01'1

Upea 117 rtbt'll rroa & brief noau• 181\tr<ler, 1 tou4 )OUJ' teltl"&a of lept•­bn 10.

Mo ~r.etntat1Yee of the Va1tt4 8tatee co .. 1 tttt " the ..,.. "' Elll'Qp .. D clU14nll h&YtiDt odle4 at ., off1ot wltb ....... to t~ proJ"t tt brln&lnC oiU14rta cm~r oa Port~••• eblp., 'b•t •• .... &t ~, 4o call , I eU.ll, of ocrur~;e , 'bo .. " Ulaa 11M tt 4t oYII'TtbiJic I oaa to N btlptlll 1a the •ttor i n wMala TOU ero 111\oroattt..

l elieYI ••

........ n.u, fte Whitt ••••••




1), .~ •' Septembe'J:-o)Q.r'~I.Q_ 1 c • :\tr.' ><~;m,;r c1 s . I:"' . L (/ $•~ !.(,_.

~t;;/, Jtu r A-L - Mr . Long:

Th1e telegram addressed

to Mrs . Rooeevelt has been

sent over to me by the ~b1te


What reply do you th1nk

I should make to Mrs . Roose-

velt regard1ng 1t?


u~ i I! ..... SEO>UITARY,. ""'

~ Mrs. Rooaevelt

Reoeived by ~l·t ..1/"...u~t( v­D&te Octob~2 . 19~ Time ~~ · f'J

- 4-.r m.-11'1 '1'M •- r- M:r. J'le,ak la a~tt quite ao-t.••

'1'he all1oboll'lt.J' t.e ,.._ 'lidton' n ... fer the H~ ... UJdte4 to Ootobell' 1 'bJ' oll'ldul OI'UII'. a-::!; betore the ellpifttloa ot tlaat &ate lt ... at to Jlo'r ...... 1. ot - lt. ... be at.e114.cl apia UpeaAbc upoa U'Nlo~• tun.

w. ban "- sl'l'ba eYRJ' au.ns.oa to tM pl16bt of the ret\apN. __.. •• the J'reaoll au1oborlt1ea baYe t.aUa •XMJ~t.ioa to the ext~ oii1'JI'loula aot.ldt.i• ot M:r. 7rJ' all4 ot Dr. Botua. A dt.~~ation ba• 4eYelope4 onll' there wblah baa beea 'b1'ougbt to the attention ot t.helr prlAol»lla 1Jl t.hle oouat r,.. all4 they are uldll6 thea to OMM all4 4e•1at. tlloM PQII'tleular etrort• all4 ngge•tlJI« their retlll'll to the Ualt e4 ~t•••

ilelleYe -·

EDolo•ur.a Tel~ r- Mr. P'rwulk• sept. ... 26. 1940.

lltw. JiooaeYelt•

The l'lhl te Howle.



9PO. RA. 45- 1:45 p.m.



Ct . New York, N. Y., September 26 , 1940

Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt .

In correcting the hopetul news of my last let ter to you I feel

obliged to tell you t hat Fry cables from ~~rseilles about a new

order to the consul to issue no visitors visas after October

first , Sincerely yours,

Karl Frank, 8028 Lefferts Blvd., Kew Gardens , LI . N. Y.

Janu ary 15. 1 941

A-L llr. J:.onal

I = sc:tdine JOU this letter troa

~ •• Rooae•elt with i ta enclosure.

Tho JJapl1oCtt1on 1n tho aeocmd para­

graph ot tho onol oauro 1e oomowhat

a1n1eter . In any event. 1t 3oaa. t o

be •utt1o1ently 1mportant t or t.n 1m­

mediate 1n.eat1cat1on t o bo ~de. and

I wiah 70u would dratt aome reply tor

.. to aend to Lrs . Rooao•ol t ao soon

aa t h e 1n•eot1gat1.on has been catlple tod.

U sSW 1 D!.:l<