Janie T. Siernos 8209 Hunters Drive Greensboro, NC 27455 To Whom It May Concern: Subject: New...

download Janie T. Siernos 8209 Hunters Drive Greensboro, NC 27455 To Whom It May Concern: Subject: New Website Idea M y name is Janie T. Siernos and I’m currently.

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Transcript of Janie T. Siernos 8209 Hunters Drive Greensboro, NC 27455 To Whom It May Concern: Subject: New...

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  • Janie T. Siernos 8209 Hunters Drive Greensboro, NC 27455 To Whom It May Concern: Subject: New Website Idea M y name is Janie T. Siernos and Im currently working on a new website idea that will help people and employers find their ideal job and business associates. The idea is clean and simple allowing the average Joe and Jane to apply easily. This site will allow all people and companies of any size to sign up. I n a matter of minutes you will be able to send out multiple replies and resumes with just a click of the mouse. Most sites drag you around and make you fill out multiple pages of information. It would be a hassle and stress free environment. The site would allow a straight forward way of communicating between potential employers and employees. I am looking for a company to help take the reins on this project and populate the internet with this new way of communicating. If you are interested in learning more about the concepts behind this new innovated idea please let me know. I would like to pass on more information to you.Id like to get this idea on the web as soon as possible. Thank you for your time and attention and I look forward to hearing back from you. Please feel free to contact me anytime through email at [email protected]. Thank you, Janie T. Siernos Graphic Designer PS.Postskill.com pass it on! Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • The NEW product of Social Employment allowing you to interact with potential employers and employees. Welcome to Postskill. com Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Why the name Postskill.com? Postskill.com stands for those looking for work and workers. The words of posting your skill online is representing people signing up and posting what they can do. They will be able to lay it all out on one site. Selling yourself or your company is the only way for people to know who you are and what you can do. Potential employers get to post the skills they are looking for and potential employees get to post the skills they possess. Post = to place text on a Web site. Skill = a craft, trade, or job requiring manual dexterity or special training in which a person has competence and experience = Postskill.com Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • SocialEmployment is networking with potential employers and employees. Creating employment one click at a time its the idea of easy, fast and convenient to all. Connecting on one site, allowing to be notified as to your status on a job application. Apply easily and quickly. Youll be able to see if an employer or employee has viewed your resume. They will be given the opportunity to accept or decline you and even put on a waiting list in case of future openings. Social Employment will allow responses and opportunity to those seeking work or workers. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Postskill.com Mission Statement Postskill.com is an idea created from the social net workings of Facebook and job seeking site features such as Career Builder, LinkedIn, and Odesk. Postskill.com would provide social employment for those looking for employers and employees. Youll be able to connect one on one with your possible future boss or employee before the interview process. No need to feel uncomfortable. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Postskill.com Vision Imagine yourself down on your luck, just got laid off, in desperate need of a job. You do not have time to wait for responses, you have to act NOW! The hopes of Postskill.com will allow people to get immediate responses as to whether they are qualified for the position or not. The waiting period on jobs can be painful and crucial especially in these tough times. Job seeking is frustrating enough, why make it even harder with sites that have multiple destinations or make you go from one site to another? I also love when you have to enter your information a million times over and still never get to apply. Postskill.com will have a simply easy setup for everyone to use and a no hassle travel from page to page. With one click you will be able to apply and get feedback. No more no responses. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Postskill.com Objective Postskill.com is out to help employers and employees find the BEST possible match for each other. Work should not be all work and no fun. We want people to not only find work but find the job that makes them happy. At the end of the day thats what matters the most. Our goal will be to provide jobs for those that may have lost all hope in finding work and for those that need a change in their working environment. Also, it will help companies succeed in finding good workers for the right position. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Facebook vs. Postskill.com As a Facebook user, I have found that trying to be Professional and having a personal life where you can express yourself without a care in the world is nearly impossible. When Facebook came out everyone wanted to be on there, even your boss. They wanted to know what you were really doing outside the workplace that might hurt their image. Of course people lost their jobs over Facebook pictures and everything was a mess. Having a website where you can be professional and keep it that way without being personal will allow others to see your skill set not just pictures of you on your vacation or going out with friends. It is funny how people take these things so seriously but of course it is on Facebook it must be true. Everyone wants to be liked but sometimes being professional comes first. Postskill.com wants to help keep your personal life your own and still have the opportunities to succeed in the job world. As brilliant as Facebook has come to be it has also lead down the path of least resistant. Everyone wants to know what everyone else is doing. Its all apart of life. Postskill.com would have a feature on where you can view more than one resume or company at a time to see what other people like you are putting out there for others to see. Its not a social atmosphere between potential employee and employee. No one will be able to comment on your page, its just to view different ways in which people post their skill. Comments are not necessary since everyone is their own person and make their own choices. What you choose to post is up to you. Your page will represent YOU! No one will judge what you put on your page. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Postskill.com Company Potential With enough people and companies signing up for Postskill.com, I foresee this becoming a franchise of success. Creating possible employment or just helping people and companies a like to find positions or individuals they may have overlooked. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • About Postskill.com This site is the concept of Social employment that will allow people and companies to communicate with each other. A notice will be sent back in regards to whether you have the job, need to set up an interview, didnt get accepted, and even put on a waiting list for future employment. Updates of resumes will occur and be given as an update notice to the employer. Postskill.com will allow users to upload their resumes and cover letters. If they do not have a resume or cover letter, one can be made through this site. Layouts will be provided for each different job category. Resumes can be as creative as youd like them to be. This site is open for all individual inspiration. No more uploading JUST word.doc files. Resumes will be allowed in more up loadable file formats. Plus, both employer and employee will have a place to display sample of work. This way everyone has an idea of what they are looking for. In addition to visuals, introductory videos will be able to play on your page. This way employers can show as an example: A video of the work place and the environment someone would coming into. What the job entails and so forth. Videos may also be included on the profile page below your image. Make a video about yourself or just write a bio or may choose to do neither the choice is up to you. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • How is it different then other sites? -Will have an instant feedback feature to let you know if you have or have not been accepted for a position you have applied for. Employers may or may not take the time to write a description as to why they have not taken them for the position this feature would be optional. -Interviews can be given right over the site. -There will be a comparison feature that will allow you to have a split screen of two or more resumes or positions so you can compare them at one time. -It will allow you to upload more then just word document files ex: gif. Jpg, pdf etc -Offers different resume and cover letter layouts so you can make your resume match the profession you are looking for and it will look professional at the same time. All you will have to do is choose one you like and enter your data the design will already be in place. -You will be able to keep track of jobs you have applied for and how they have resulted. In which you will be notified with updates as well. -Allows Flash and videos for work purposes or for examples. -College students will be able to show jobs their work and even their grades. Most likely would be used to reach an internship through this site. -Notification of a waiting list would be available for employers to let you know they have reviewed your resumes/profile and would be interested if a position opens. Will be notified when taken off the waiting list so your not still waiting. -Also people will be able to keep employers on a waiting list and or allow them to say they have taken a position elsewhere and thank them for the opportunity to possibly work for their company. Maybe a kept on record would work for this as a notification. -No repeated job posts. Only one job will be allowed to pop up on the posting area. ------------------------------------------------- Key points about Postskill.com Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • ------------------------------------------------- Target Market College Students A nyone who is searching for a job or any company looking for employees. Making relations before the start on the job. People will be allowed to grasp what its like to be on the job and employees will get a feel of who you are as an individual before the first day. N o more nervous interviews with people you have never met. Everything will be able to be viewed before applying so you know the basics of what you are getting into or who you are getting in return. Designers Unemployed Build a resume/ cover letter before starting college. Great for intern work Geared towards designers to be able to show off their portfolio without the hassle of sending emails or going to an offsite website Many people are out of work and looking for jobs not only in the US but out of the country as well. This site will make it easier to hear back from other places. Job Seekers Anyone who is in need of a job change or is looking for the perfect job that fits who they are. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Welcome to Postskill.com The world of social employment bring you and youre future employer or employee closer together. The land of opportunities awaits Make a lasting impressions from day one! Using Postskill.com is nothing but professional use only. No one will know what your thinking and who you are outside of work. Lets face it we cant all be professional all the time. Get to know the place youre applying to and get to know potential employees just from a profile. List only the information you want others to view. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • ------------------------------------ Starting up your profile If you have selected to make your own personal profile meaning you are a employee looking for a job this would be the first page you need to fill out on your profile. All the information will be sent to setup the beginning of your profile page. All information is optional except name, email and password. The privacy protects you against others being able to see your address. ----------------------------------------- Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • First page of setting up your requirements for employment. What are you looking for? This will help limit the amount of junk (jobs you dont want) verses the ones you do. The job search is broken down into categories and then sub-categories which allows you to receive jobs from specific areas of focus. Also, the availability to pin point a specific company or even location within so many miles. Ex: teacher looking in Greensboro and looking for a job in Guilford county school systems. All the jobs in that region will be shown to you. All areas will have multiple selection options available. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Find the right employment for you This page will allow you to tell employers when you are available to work. The plan as of thus far would be to have dark blocks to show not available and white blocks to allow you to apply the time you are available. If its open to close a button will be available for you to choose. Underneath is the area where you tell what kind of employment you would like and more then one would be clickable. At the end of this page there will be a button to repeat process if you are looking for more than one type of employment Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Setting up your postskill.com personal profile The personal profile is for people seeking jobs. A professional picture may be posted on the site. If you dont have a professional photo one can be taken on the spot for you and/or we can have one made with just your face. A professional outfit will be given to you. In addition, A personal video if you wish maybe uploaded and played as a professional picture or you may have it separate. They will be able to upload their own resume and cover letters if they have one on file or they can search for a layout that is best suited for their profession. All that will be needed is your information. Lastly, uploads of any work or samples you wish to display on your page/profile will be available. Videos may also be uploaded. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Personal profile page ( Application View page) allows companies to view your profile which includes your image, possible video, resume, cover letter and samples of work. These are all optional features for users to place on their page. They dont have to have a gallery if its not needed for their job. Others such as designer, performers, etc may need to apply images to their page. This page allows you to post your skill and gives the viewer a chance to see who they are looking at. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Personal View of your profile. On this page you will be able to edit all the options shown on your profile page and more unseen pages for your eyes only. Only the potential employee will be able to view the feeds of recent job posts and recommended employers. This is where all editing will be taken place to make your page look as you want it to. A calendar is on this page so you can write any information you want within the calendar so you can keep track of your life. It will let you know if you have something written in the day to update you on whats going on. Lets say you have an interview on Tuesday it will alert you of this event. Recent job posts and recommended employers will be about to scroll down so you can look with in the posts Postskill has set up for you. On this page and any pages just for you, you will be able to rearrange the page as you wish to find your information. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Personal edit profile page Allows people to edit all the information they have entered from the previous setup pages. This page will direct you with arrows to the next page for you to make your changes as needed. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Personal edit profile page I bet this page set up looks familiar to you. It should its the page you filled out when we set up the account. All the information provided will be listed on this page so you can make changes as you wish. Some field are not required. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Personal job description edit page On this page you will be able to edit any job(s) you have entered the list of availabilities if more then one will appear below along with all the jobs you have entered. Each job should have its own selection and availability attached to it. You will be able to make changes at anytime. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Personal edit resume/cover letter page Need to make changes on your resume and cover letter. Make edit changes right on the page if you are not happy with how it sounds and/or looks. Upload a completely new one below in the boxes provided if necessary. Images and graphics are definitely allowed to be presented on any resumes or cover letters you submit. Always remember its representing you, make it your own. If you dont have a resume or cover letter layout add one from layouts already made to type your information in. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Edit gallery page You can have multiple uploaded galleries in different categories that play through out your profile slideshow. Its easy to delete images all you have to do is click on the image square and then click on delete. Below are different arrangements of how your slideshow can be shown. Designs will be provided for you to use. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Next--- is the Employer Profile setup Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Employers sign up page This will allow employers to make the start of their profile. All this information will be able to edit once you have completed. It will always be easy to edit. All the information below is optional except company name, email and password. --------------------------------------- Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • ------------------------------------------------ Companies looking to spread the news on what openings they have available may use this site to jump start the employment process. On this page all employees or just top management may display images of themselves to show potential employees what they look like. Also a photo of the company/building itself would be an option to display. Secondly, is a job description of the position you are looking to fill. Salary is not optional but you may leave a wide range of numbers. This area will also have a comment area for any additional comments employers may want to post as to the position they are adding. Multiple job ads can be added at once. There would be no limit. As for employees, employers will be allowed to upload sample work and even a video of the place/ environment you would be working in and around. This will make employees more comfortable applying for job positions they have not yet heard of. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Employer profile page This allows companies to view and edit their page where only they will be able to see employees that may fit what they are looking for in the position they are hiring for. They will also have a recommended potential employee area showing who best matches the choices options they have picked for this job. A calendar is placed on the left hand side to allow companies to put in events they would like to be updated on at all times. Interviews and other such occasions can be added to this field. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Employer edit profile page Allows them to edit all the information on the set up pages. Each field has the information provided from the setup process. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Employer profile background information edit page This page is where you can edit your company name, address, email and password. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Employer job post edit page On this page you will be able to edit any job postings you have created. You can remove the entire job post, add a category thats not listed, and/or remove categories you have added. The ones listed are not optional fields. The title will have to be one listed in the search categories found in the employee, what are you looking for. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • This page is the Gallery page where you can edit the images or sample work on your page for potential employees to see. Even documents and paper work can be used in this area to show what needs to be done on the job. Some people are more visual so images are always a good to give an idea of what you are describing. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Employer profile page what potential employees (application view) will see This is the page when you click on a job in search mode you will come to a page allowing you to view the information provided by the company. It will give you the postings of what they are looking for, images of the people who already work there and possibly a video of the place of work. You will have the job postings, possible letter of what they are looking for, each rep from the company, and its logo.. A introductory video of the company and what they do and or bio(written). Each rep will have a place to write something about themselves if they wish. Gallery of work below if needed for the place of work. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Next--- Pages for both employer and employees Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Personal history page This will allow potential employers and employees to go back on jobs they have recently searched, jobs they put on a maybe list, keep track of those they have applied to and more. They will be told on the page in red if they have already applied with in so many days. Allow the company time to reply. You will be able to see if they have opened the application and will be notified if so. They have the option as to whether or not they should write you as to why if not chosen for the job. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Contact Information page Allows you to keep references on file in case you need them. You will have all their information on hand. This is for your eyes only unless you give information to an employer or employee. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Employers comparison page This allows companies to view other applicants at one time. No more switching back and forth between screens or even setting up screens on your computer. Its all on one page and you can see who you would like or not. Upload from applicant on your list and/or type in an email address. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Employer comparison page Employers can view what other companies are offering to potential employees. Upload by company name or email to find the companies you are looking for. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Employers page for applicants. This page allows employers to see who has applied to what jobs. It will also have the date and time of each applicant that applied. It gives a small summary of each person and some information so you can choose which to pick from. Also a match percentage will be given to allow you to view who is the best match according to postskill.com standards. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Interview page This page will be used for both employers and employees to show them what interviews they have scheduled within the year. This allows people to be organized and reminders are given to let them know what is coming up in the next week. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Message page This is the messages page where both employers and employees will be able to see what emails they have. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Strategy: The slogan written below, would be the beginning promotional strategy for Postskill.com. As you have seen the words PSI love you at the end of letters Postskill.com is the same way. Its the very last thing people read before ending a letter and the most remembered of all. This promotional slogan will help pass the message of Postskill.com. Postskill.com copyright 2010
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  • Thank you for your time and attention through out the course of this presentation. I am very eager to get the ball rolling on this site. My ultimate goal in developing this site is to allow the people and companies to find the best suited job or employee for them. One that will make them happy to work for in the end. Hopefully narrowing the search and opening the doors of communication will allow this goal to happen. Happiness is the key to success and without it is a long hard road that awaits. Always remember one thing you can never give up on a dream. Never give up on what makes you the happiest because one day it will find you as I hope to find it. This site will start a better tomorrow and allow a different kind of interaction. I believe the only thing that makes you stronger is knowing your weaknesses. Some people dont realize their flaws where it is obvious to someone else. Giving people a chance to make a professional site with the help of postskill and to have a resume made up will give the opportunity to apply for jobs in a professional manner. Im ready to make dreams come true and I hope you are too. Its not just a website, its a heartbeat with each click a pulse is made a dream passed along an electric code to find a better tomorrow. Sincerely, Janie Siernos PS Postskill.com pass it on! Postskill.com copyright 2010