
1 Jane By: Amy


By: Amy 1 Words in Oxford 3000: 95% 2 Chapter 2 Worry-Free Childhood.......................... P.12 Chapter 4 Busy Life In Junior High ...................... P.27 Chapter 5 Half Foreigner....................................... P.35 Chapter 1 Who’s Jane? .......................................... P.5 Chapter 6 Jane’s Future ......................................... P.56 3

Transcript of Jane



By: Amy


Words Checked: 5516

Words in Oxford 3000: 95%



Chapter 1 Who’s Jane? ..........................................P.5

Chapter 2 Worry-Free Childhood..........................P.12

Chapter 3 Little Jane In Elementary School..........P.17

Chapter 4 Busy Life In Junior High ......................P.27

Chapter 5 Half Foreigner.......................................P.35

Chapter 6 Jane’s Future .........................................P.56



Jane is a little girl who has dark skin and always

smiles. Her mother is from a rich big family. Her

grandfather was a successful businessman. Her father

is from Pintung. They had a romantic love story and

had Jane. There were a lot of interesting matters

happened in Jane’s life. You will see clearly what has

happened in Jane’s childhood, elementary school,

junior high school and now doing her college years.

There are sadness, love stories, challenges, and

experiences about Jane. It might be a little boring, but

you will see how a little girl faces each situation that

appears in her life.


Chapter 1 Who’s Jane?

Jane is a little girl who has dark skin and always

smiles. Jane is a happy girl because she is the only

child in her family. Her parents love her as a only one

treasure in the world. She can always get whatever

she wants or do whatever she wants to do. In Jane’s

world, nothing is impossible. However, there is one

thing that bothers Jane a lot. People always think she

is a native person because she is dark. Every time she

has to explain. “You are from Taitung? Which race do

you belong to?” “Race? What do you mean?” “You

are a native person, aren’t you?” Jane is tired of this

kind of conversation.


Jane’s mother is from a big family which was

once very rich and will-known in the city because her

father earned a lot of money when he was still alive.

She usually tells Jane about her father, Jane’s

grandfather, whom Jane has no impressions about

because he died when he was very young. He was a

businessman who did his business very successfully.

During that times, he was just like most fathers, which

means he was very serious so children wouldn’t be

dare to talk to him. However, he treated them very

well on the other hand. He gave them the best living

quality and newest affairs. Therefore, they always had

things which others didn’t have. “When the radio was


still rare in other families, we had already had a

television. Grandpa also hired a driver to pick us up

from work or school. Once when a typhoon appeared,

the driver took us to the beach to watch the waves.

Grandpa was very mad about that.” Jane’s mother said.

She was the youngest girl of other children from

the ”major” wife (Jane’s grandfather had had two

wives) so he treated her even better. “Soon after my

birth, your uncle also appeared in this world. Grandpa

thought it’s me who brought your uncle to our family

so he loved me more than other children,” She

continued. Jane’s grandpa bought her a car and let her

buy everything she wanted. The car was what caused


the love story of Jane’s parents. That’s another story

which Jane’s mother also tells her often.

Jane’s father was from a very little Hakka (a

name of a race) village of Pintung, a county in the

very south of Taiwan. He came to Taitung, where they

are living now, right after he graduated from his

five-year college. They first met at the badminton

court in his company. He was deeply impressed by

Jane’s mother when he saw her, but he was too shy to

talk to her. Once, he secretly washed her car. One day

after she hadn’t been to the badminton court for a long

time, they met again at the beach. Jane’s mother was

living near the beach.


“Hey, are you the girl who often went to our

badminton court? I haven’t seen you for a long time.

Why haven’t you been there these days?” Jane’s father

was surprised.

“Oh! It’s because I have been busy lately.”

“Please go there when you have free time, ok?”

That was the first conversation they had. Before

long they had fallen in love. After they had been

dating for seven years, they decided to get married.

Then Jane came to the world a year after. Jane was a

troublesome baby because she always cried in the

middle of the night and slept during the day. “At first

we hired a baby-sitter to look after you, but she said


you didn’t sleep at night. She was annoyed so she

begged us to bring you back home. Daddy and I had

to hold you in our arms in turns. The only way to keep

you quiet was holding you in the arms and walking

constantly. You cried right when we sat down,” Her

mother said so like a complaint.

Jane’s parents had made a deal that they only

wanted to have one child. That’s why Jane was so

lucky to be an only child although she had always

wanted a brother or sister when she was little.

“Mommy, why don’t I have a little sister or

brother? All my friends have brothers or sisters,” she



“Silly girl, you will know that it is a great affair.

Nobody would rob your toys or fight with you. You

are the only baby Daddy and I love.”

What Jane’s mother told her was true. She is

now pleased that she can have everything at home.

She is satisfied to be an only child.


Chapter 2 Worry-Free Childhood

When Jane was three years old, her parents sent

her to kindergarten. There was a class system called

“Yoyo” class. It was for children under four years old.

She didn’t want to go because she wanted stay with

her parents. On the way to kindergarten, she kept

crying and screaming. She thought thus her father

would deal with her and take her back home but she

failed. When they got to the kindergarten, Jane stayed

closely with her father. She was afraid that her father

would go away if she wasn’t with him. However, her

father still left when she went to the bathroom before

the noon break. She cried loudly and kept asking



“Why hasn’t my daddy come back?”

“Daddy has to work. You stay silent and daddy

will be back soon.”

“Why does daddy work so long?” she asked

after five minutes.

“He will come back soon if you behave well. So

you just sleep now and after you wake up, you will

see your daddy,” The teacher answered her patiently.

Nevertheless, the situation didn’t last very long.

Before the rest of the day finished, she became

familiar with friends and teachers in the kindergarten.

She played happily with other children and expected


the next day coming again. She started to love to go to


Jane was very busy when she was only a little

child. Her parents wanted her to learn many different

talents. For example, she had learnt mental calculation,

folk dance, piano, draw and roller-skating. She had

talent classes every evening. She was happy about that

because everyone admired her for she was a talented

girl. She participated in many mental calculation

competitions, piano competitions and speech

competitions. Every time she presented well. There

are a lot of medals and cups at their home. Her parents

were proud of her.


Jane had to go to two schools when she was

five years old because her uncle arranged a better

kindergarten for her but one ended at noon everyday.

She had to go to the former kindergarten after the one

in the morning. Teachers liked her because she was

docile. She was chosen by the teacher to be the

exemplary child. She always hoped that it was not

because her uncle was the headmaster of that school.

She didn’t have much confidence at that time.

Unfortunately, Jane broke her elbow once when

she was playing. She just wanted to show the teachers

how well she could play with the equipment. Being

too proud, she fell down from a very high place. The


accident forced her to stay in the hospital for two

weeks and made it unable for her to act like others for

two months. She didn’t like the hospital because there

was many medicine, injection and operation. Also

because of the accident; Jane lost the freedom to play

with the equipment.

When Jane graduated from kindergarten, the

award she got was the award of the county magistrate,

the best award of all.


Chapter 3 Little Jane In Elementary


Jane went to elementary school when she was

six years old. She was very excited when she put on

her uniform on the first day she went to school. She

had expected to wear the uniform since she saw other

older children wore uniforms. Her mother took a

picture of her for memory. Her aunt took her to


“Look at the black board, when is the school

ended today?” Her aunt asked each question carefully.

“Eleven o’clock.”

“Good. Go and wait at the school’s front door


when school is over. I will pick you up there.”

Nonetheless, the beginning of her elementary

school was not as good as she expected. The boy

sitting next to her kept glaring at her and treated her

unfriendly. Jane had started to be afraid of school until

she met many friends and gradually got familiar with

school life.

At first, she usually forgot to bring her hat

which was a part of her uniform. She was usually

punished for that. Sometimes she wore the wrong

clothing. She wore the sports clothing when others

wore uniforms and wore uniform when others wore

sports clothing. She herself didn’t realize it but her


cousins who went to school with her everyday did.

“Where is your hat?”

“My hat? Oh, yes! Where is my hat? I did bring

it with me. I think I have left it in the car.”

During her first examination in elementary

school, the first examination in her life, she did a

super great job. She only lost ONE score in all the

subjects. The following examinations were also like

that. She never received any total grades or low


“I want to call you “299” in the future,” Her

father told his friends.

“What do you mean?”


“Because every time she gets 299 points if the

total score are 300.”

She would still get 399 if the total points were

400. Her parents were usually angry about that

because the point was not lost because she couldn’t do

it but carelessness.

When Jane’s first grade was almost reach the

end, something bad happened. One day, her father

caught a phone call and became very worried.

“What happened?” Jane’s mother asked.

“Dad had a car accident.”

A serious car accident had happened to Jane’s

grandfather. He was very badly injured. His spinal


was hurt. The doctor said her grandpa might not be

able to walk. At that time, they often went to Pintung

to take care of him. When Jane had to go to school,

she had to live with other relatives. Jane was little and

not sensible. She was very happy to go to the hospital

because whenever they went to the hospital, their

parents would take her to McDonald’s. She didn’t

have any sadness or anxiety for the condition of her

grandpa’s injury. “She is eating happily.” said her

grandpa looking at her when she was eating. He loved

her and was happy to see Jane. Each time when she

went to see him, he became much better. Luckily, he

recovered and started to walk again.


During the third and fourth grade, she joined the

school orchestra. They had to perform a show

whenever their school held big activities, such as

athletic competitions, flag-raising or graduation

ceremonies. She always felt proud when she played

her instrument because she thought everybody was

looking at her. Once the teacher wanted her to try the

job as the conductor but someone else volunteered.

When Jane was in the fifth grade, she had a

strict teacher. Actually, she was a nice teacher but just

too strict. Sometimes she treated them very nicely and

with humor but sometimes she yelled at them or gave

them heavy physical punishment.


“What a mess? Did I teach you to hand in

assignments like this?” she said and throw out all the

books from the second floor window.

“Why did you correct it? Did I tell you to

correct it?” she said giving Jane a slap.

“What a poor grade!!! All of you half crouch

and hold your chairs above your heads……”

Jane was afraid of going to school. She cried

almost everyday before going to school because she

had no idea whether her teacher would be nice or

fierce in the day. Luckily, there was a motivation for

her to go to school. She met her first ideal boy in her

life. Everyday she wanted to see the boy so she wasn’t


afraid of going to school anymore. They even went to

a three-day-trip together with the science club. Jane

first held his hand during the trip. They stayed happily

together for about one year. However, everything

changed six months before they graduated. They boy

changed his attitude toward her. He said Jane was too

dependent. He didn’t like Jane to be with him all the

time. Jane wanted to save the situation. She got a

chance when the boy had to leave school for three

days for a competition. She asked him to call her

everyday when he wasn’t at school. However, he only

called once.

“Why didn’t you call me yesterday and the day


before yesterday?” Jane asked disappointedly.

“Rubbish!!! Do you think I have so much

time?” he answered rudely. Jane was shocked,

depressed and decided not to talk to him again. They

became totally strangers and hadn’t talked to each

other until they saw each other again in the driver’s

license training court six years later.

“Are you…Jane?”

Jane nodded.

“You moved, didn’t you?” Jane asked him. “I

called you but it said the number is out of used.”

“Yes, I moved to my mom’s house.”

“My coach must have told you many things


about me, hasn’t he?”

“Yeah, a little. But I’m not interested because I

know everything about you.”

Jane thought she could become his friend after

the unhappy matter had passed, but he still chose not

to contact with her. Jane was very upset about his


She then joined the school chorus because the

orchestra teacher wanted to reorganize the orchestra,

and they were not wanted. Jane found that she was

happier in chorus. At least they had participated in a

competition, not only performed shows in school.


Chapter 4 Busy Life In Junior High

As Jane didn’t pass the exam to attend neither

the music class nor the art class in the best junior high

school, her parents let her go to a new school which

had just been established. The education system was

much more different from the traditional one. There

they had ten mathematic classes, ten Chinese classes

and ten English classes every week. They took away

some unimportant subjects, such as housewifery,

history, geography and social science while they had

some strange courses like cadence, body-building and

English conversation. They were not supposed to be

found in a formal junior high school’s schedule. Many


parents discovered the problem that the new education

system wouldn’t do their children any good. When a

change-president incident happened, many parents of

almost one third of the students decided to transfer

their children to other schools. There was a school,

which the president was willing to set up an individual

class for them. They felt very uncomfortable when

they went there the first day because all the students

in the school heard this news and were curious about

them. The crowd jostled outside of their classroom.

They felt like they were animals in a zoo. They

always cried together at the beginning in the new

school. They spent a long time getting used to the life


in the new school.

Jane was unlucky. One semester later, the

president said they didn’t have enough money to

continue the class, so they had to be separated into

many groups. This group joined class one, another

group joined class two and that group joined class

three. Jane felt crazy about that. She didn’t like new


After she got familiar with the new class, Jane

joined the wind band. She was interested in playing

flute and she played very well. She was one of the

students whom the band teacher liked most. Once in a

flute competition she won second place. They same


competition for groups, their wind band also took

second place. They were satisfied because first place

was taken by the music class of the best school.

Actually, they thought they were better than first place.

They thought it was because the group was from a

music class, so the judges gave them a higher score,

only one point higher than them. They rejoiced with

wild excitement and wrote on the black board “What

are they proud of? Only one point higher than us.


When Jane was in third grade, she had to drop

out from the wind band to prepare for the big exam

for high school. Her class teacher arranged small tests


for the morning self-study period everyday. She didn’t

want to go to normal high schools. She knew the

stress in the normal high school would bite her down.

She was interested in language so what she wanted

was a five-year-college which provide professional

education in languages. Her parents agreed. However,

Jane needed a high score to attend the college. She

went to an omni bearing cram school. It was a hard

time for Jane. Everyday after she came back from

school, she needed to go to the cram school. The time

she came home from cram school was sometimes ten

sometimes eleven. After cram school, she still had to

do the homework or prepare for the test the next day.


She felt she would pass out anytime.

A new motivation appeared. She fell in love

with the tutor in her cram school. The situation was

difficult. They couldn’t let others know they were

dating. Otherwise, both of them might get kicked out

of the cram school. Jane thought it was fine to tell her

best friend because she was not concerned about the

cram school. Unfortunately, her friend carelessly slip

her lips. She didn’t know that the tutor didn’t want

others to know about him.

“James, Jane loves you.” She called the tutor’s

name loudly when Jane was talking to him on the



“Who’s that? Why does she know my name?”

sounding a little angry.

“She is my best friend. I think it’s okay to tell

her about us.”

“I thought we had made a deal that we wouln’t

tell anyone else, don’t we?”

“I……” Jane couldn’t explain. She just wanted

to share her feeling. She didn’t like to hide secrets in

her heart.

There was an one-minute silence.

“Hello?” he broke the silence.

“Yeah, I think it’s enough for today. Bye.”

That’s the end of their love.


Jane continued studying hard. She deeply

wanted to attend the college. She wouldn’t let

anything influence her. She made it. She got the

permission to attend the school even though she didn’t

get a really good score. In other words, she had to

overcome the difficulty that she had to leave her

hometown, her family, her friends and all the familiar

things for a totally different place.


Chapter 5 Half Foreigner

Before Jane started her college life, her parents

sent her to Boston for one month. This was the first

time Jane had studied abroad. She always did great in

English during junior high school. She thought she

would use English well in America but she didn’t.

Almost everyone in her group was better than she was.

She was ashamed of herself when she took the test.

She couldn’t even use a complete sentence. She could

only answer “yes” or “no” when the teacher asked her

about her learning English. When the teacher had

them discuss in class, she just sat there and listened to

others. What happened? She could speak English well,


couldn’t she? She had determined she would improve

her English a lot when she went to college.

A week after they got there, a group of French

set foot on also. Jane and other friends were a little

unhappy with those French students because they

thought everything had been in order and the French

students would disturb them. When the French

students arrived, they were dumb. The boys were tall

and handsome and the girls were pretty with excellent

figures. Compared with them, Jane and her friends

slowly lost their confidence.

At first, the French students were unfriendly.

They were cold when Jane and her friends talked to


them. The next day, the teacher held an activity. He

gave each person a piece of paper with a few

questions and asked them to ask other students who

had different nationality, which meant the Taiwanese

students could only choose the French students and

the French students could only choose the Taiwanese

students. This activity allowed them to get to know

more about each other.

“You were born in July? So was I.”

“How to say “good-bye” in French?”

“Sorry, I didn’t catch that. Could you please say

it again?”

They became good friends after this activity.


Jane noticed a lovely boy. He was like a famous

movie star. He didn’t talk a lot.

“Hey, what’s your name?” Jane asked him



“Pierre? How do you spell that?”


“How old are you?” Jane’s friend asked for her.


Jane liked Pierre, but she didn’t know that her

friends told him about that. He started to talk to Jane


“Hey, what are you doing?”


“Nothing. I’m trying to add money into my

laundry card, but it doesn’t work. How about you?”

“Skateboarding. Wanna try?”

“No way. I will fall down and die.”

“No, you won’t. I will teach you.”

On Jane’s birthday, all of them held a birthday

party for Jane in a pizza house. Everybody said

“Happy Birthday” to her. Some said it in Chinese, in

French, in English and others in Japanese. They even

sent her a special present. They told Pierre to sit next

to her.

“Hi. How old are you?” Pierre took off a

cigarette as he sat down.


“Fifteen……Hey, don’t smoke. It’s bad for

you,” Jane took away the cigarette from him.

“Oh, no. Just this time, please. For your


“OK, just this time.”

“How old are you?” the leader of the Taiwan

group asked Pierre.


“Wow~” everybody laughed in an uproar. This

was the happiest birthday for Jane.

One day, Jane’s friend, Cindy, called her.

“I’ve got something to tell you.”



“I told Remy to ask Pierre if he likes you. He

said he thought you were a good girl but he likes tall


Jane understood. She was little. She wasn’t the

one Pierre wanted. Soon he had a girlfriend in their

group. The girl was almost one meter and eighty high

and very beautiful. Jane was very, very sad. She cried

all the time. She didn’t eat, didn’t go out and didn’t go

to class. All she did was crying and being in a daze.

Somebody touched her back the next day when

they were going to a mall. Jane turned her head. A

French guy pointed at Pierre.

“Why did you cry yesterday?” trying to pretend


nothing had happened.

“Go away. I don’t want to see you,” Jane

replied kiddingly.

“You said you don’t want to see me?”


“Could you please take a picture with me? For

memory,” He asked. They met in a convenient store in

the mall. He bought a camera. Jane was surprised, but

she knew it was not like what she had thought.

The day they left the French students, Jane

kissed Pierre on his cheek and said, “I love you.”

Afterward, Jane couldn’t forget it and kept crying for


two months. Her mother always said she was stupid.

She met Pierre only a few days in America. How

could she love him so deeply?

After Jane came back to Taiwan, her college life

began immediately. The first year was ordinary. Her

studies were not too good, but not too bad either. She

hadn’t been familiar with the city life. She often took

the wrong bus. She brought the wrong textbooks.

Everything else was fine. To make her life substantial,

she volunteered to do many things. In the Praying

Ceremony which the school always holds for the first

year students, she led her classmates reading the

words. Everyone on the scene was impressed by her


because she had added much affection.

She also joined the Flute Club. She had a

performance with her Flute Club members in a café

on Christmas Day. It was embarrassing because her

music score fell down while she was performing the


She joined many activities in the first athletic

meeting. She ran passed three people so her team was

permitted to be in the semifinal. People screamed and

shouted. She was considered a goddess. She enjoyed

the screams, clapping and being admired. After that

moment, she has been proud of herself.

The day before the College Student English


Proficiency Test, Jane went to Taipei for a piano

competition which was held by her favorite piano

player- Eric Chen. She was very excited and crazy

when she saw Eric. She was afraid that she would

make a fool of herself. Being too nervous and not

having had enough time to practice, she showed very,

very badly. When the contestants took the book for

him to sign, he didn’t talk to her. Jane was a little

angry about this because he talked to others

enthusiastically, such as “you played very well but I

think you were too nervous, weren’t you? Next time

you will be better,” Jane thought, “how dare you to

ignore me? Anyhow I am one of the contestants and


your loyal fancy. At least you can say something like

“you still need improvement” or something else.”

Because of this bad sentiment, Jane got a super low

score on the CSEPT.

Jane was very busy during her second year. She

accepted a job as the art designer in Folk Rock Club.

She had to make a lot of posters for their activities.

Whenever they had activities, she had to decorate the

place. She liked the busy life because she thought that

IS college. She could play guitar well after a

winter-training in Kenting. She played guitar with her

partner in a big concert held by their club. She had a

lot of fun in the concert.


She and her classmates were excited when they

won the champion ship of the tug of war. They vowed

to win when they lost in the second war during first

grade. All the teachers and students were shocked

because they had only two boys in their class. Their

teacher said it was because they were united.

After the second year ended, Jane went to

Seattle. This time her English was much better. She

talked smoothly during the conversation. Her class

teacher said her pronunciation was as good as his. She

was placed into high-level classes with many people

whose English were even much better than hers. She

learnt a lot and her English also improved a lot. In the


language center, she had more friends from many

different countries, Japan, Columbia, Italy, Korea and

Switzerland. Every time when they had to do group

assignments, the teacher would arrange students of

different nationalities in a group so they could only

speak English. During the days in Seattle, they went

to some famous places, such as Space Needle,

Woodland Park Zoo, Rose Garden and Pike Place

Market which is the birth place of STARBUCKS.

They even went to Safeco Field to watch a

baseball game between the Mariners and the Twins.

She was excited when she saw the famous Japanese

player, Suzuki Ichiro. Americans were so crazy about


baseball. She also liked the outlet mall. There she

could buy some famous brands at low prices.

The day after they finished the course in the

language center, they went directly to Canada. Jane

didn’t like Canada. Most of her memories were just on

the bus. But she loved the ice sheet on the Rockie

Mountains. They threw snowballs and put snow in

others cloths. Jane was so chagrined that she left her

camera on the bus. She felt remorse about that.

After Jane came back to Taiwan, she had gained

three kilos. The high calorie American food made her

face looking round and fat.

Jane was poor in the third year. She liked a


teacher who was already married and had a child. She

had to pretend that she just ran into him. She was

really an innocent girl. She usually thought the teacher

would give up his family for her. She wrote

everything about him in her diary. When she went

back to those memories, she cried or smiled like a


Except for that, she also had to face her worst

subject, history. History was difficult for her. What

they had to study was foreign history. It’s even more

difficult. Sumer, Assyria, Cubitt, ancient

Greek, ……Jane was mad when she studied these

kind of stuff. She always complained to herself, “Why


do we have to study this? Will the executive ask us

what Sumerian usually did during an interview? No,

he won’t.” She didn’t understand why her classmates

could do so well in this subject. No matter how hard

she studied, she could only get a low score.

At the beginning of the winter vacation, she

went to a small village in the mountains with her club

members to help poor native children. They were all

exhausted because the children never got tired. When

they hardly had time to take a little rest, the children

would ask them to teach them how to play guitar or

play with them.

“What’s that?” they hadn’t even seen a digital



“Take me to the store.”

“Will you come here again?” “No, I won’t,

because I don’t have to join any clubs when I am a

fourth year student.” “Why? Did your president tell

you this?” “No. It is just a school policy.” “Was that

made by your president?” “No. It’s made by school.”

“Play basketball with us.”

The children even went to their room in the

evening. They had to “force” the children to go home

at ten o’clock. They seemed to spend all of their

energies during those four days.

Jane had a nice teacher during the third year.


The teacher contacted with them often. She always

held many activities. Once they had a class

celebration. They bought a lot of pizza, chickens,

cakes and drinks. They sang. The teacher made a film

of their class. They screamed and cried when

watching the film because they were touched. They

loved their teacher very much. When the third year

ended, they were reluctant because they didn’t want to

leave their teacher. They knew she wouldn’t stay with

their class.

That summer vacation Jane stayed in Taiwan.

Her mother sent her to a driver’s training center to

learn to drive. The course lasted for a month. That’s


why Jane couldn’t go abroad this time.

Although she didn’t go abroad, she went to

many places in Taiwan. She went to Taichung and

shopping with one of her cousins.

She went to Taipei twice. The first time was

boring after they went to a native village called

Smagus for two days since there was a typhoon. She

and her cousins could only stay home and watch films.

They felt their eyes were nearly blind because they

watched films all day. The second time was much

more funny. They went shopping for a whole day.

Jane bought a bank of clothes because the cloths were

very cheap. The next day they went to a water world.


They experienced many kinds of water slides and got

seriously sun burned. They also went to the fun fair

with Jane’s boyfriend. They got all wet because

somebody shot them with a water gun when they

played the little boat..

Her cousin came to Taitung twice. This summer

vacation was full of going and coming. Jane loved it.


Chapter 6 Jane’s Future

Now Jane was in the fourth year of her college.

She had expected it for a long time because she

thought she could wear casual clothes. However, she

found that it was not funny in fourth grade. Her life

was full of tests and papers. It’s becoming a hard time

for Jane. She is afraid that she would fail. She has

started to go to cram school to prepare for her

university exam. It’s a busy year. There are more

challenges in the following years. She has got ready to

face all the difficulties.