Jamshoro power plant New


Transcript of Jamshoro power plant New

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• The Project Site is located 20 KM northwest of Hyderabad, and 150 KM northeast of Karachi in Jamshoro Sindh.

• Consists of TWO Parts:

One part Installed ( 850 MW, 4units)

Second part Under- Construction ( 1320 MW, 2 units)

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Installed Capacity:

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Installed Capacity:

• The Machinery Installed inside the thermal power plant is provided by The Harbin Power Engineering (HPE) Company Limited.

• They installed Power Generating Equipment, Equipment for Power Transmission and Substation, Electric Machine, Steam/Gas Turbine, Industrial Boiler, Electro-technical Porcelain , Insulative Material etc..

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Under- Construction Capacity:

• ADB(Asian development bank) is helping Pakistan to install a 2x660MW supercritical coal fired unit with emission control devices at the Jamshoro Thermal Power Station in Sindh province.

• The two supercritical coal fired units proposed to be established under the Project — Unit 5 and Unit 6 — shall be erected south of the existing Unit 4, on an arrangement similar to that of the existing units, i.e. the components will be placed from west to east including electrical transformers, turbine hall, boilers, and stack from Harbin Power Engineering (HPE).

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Project Schedule & Cost:

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Project Schedule & Cost:

• $900 million loan by Asian Development Bank(ADB)

• $220 million loan by Islamic Development Bank (IDB)

• $380m will be contributed by the government to meet the overall estimated project cost of $1.5 billion.

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2 x 66O MW coal Fired Power Project at Jamshoro Power Company Limited Inaugurated by Mr. WERNER E.LIEPACH Country Director Asian Development Bank on 28th February, 2015

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Project Tariff Plan:

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Working of Power-Plant:

• The function of the coal fired thermal power plant is to convert the energy available in the coal to Electricity.

• Step 1:Heating of Coal, Coal is burnt in the boiler furnace to produce heat.

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Working of Power-Plant:

• Step 2: Thermodynamic Process, heat produced from combustion convert water into steam in boiler.

• Step 3: Produced Steam rotates the turbine which in turn rotates the generator rotor and electricity is produced.

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Stages of Rankine Cycle:

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Source of Fuel:

• Installed Capacity:

4 Gas Turbines ( 250 + 3 * 200 = 850 MW)

Unit 1: 250MW Fuel: Furnace/ RFO

Unit 2,3,4: 200MW (each) RFO + Gas (both)

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Source of Fuel:

• Under- Construction Capacity: 2 Steam turbines ( 2 * 660 = 1320 MW)

Coal Source: 80% imported subbituminous; 20% domestic lignite

• Lignite will be provided by Thar Coalfields and Pakistan will import subbituminous coal from INDONESIA (15-20 million tons/year) .

• PROPOSED PLANT EFFICIENCY :Gross 43.4 % for Sub-Bituminous Coal, Gross 42.8 % for Blended Coal.

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Transportation of Coal:

• The subbituminous coal will be imported and unloaded at Port Qasim.

• Supply Primarily by use of railroads and by trucks also.

• The railroad trains will have five or six locomotives and fifty cars of 50 tones capacity each.

• Six to seven daily trains of 2,500 tones each will be delivered to the site for unloading, and the unloading system will deliver coal to the storage yard.

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Current State of the Project:

• The government, even after taking loans from the international leading agencies, has completely failed to start the construction of Jamshoro coal power project despite the lapse of almost three years.

• The project was originally conceived by the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) government but sitting Prime Minister Mian Nawaz Sharif had signed the agreement during his recent tenure.

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Current State of the Project:

• As the construction work could not begin as yet, is the clear that the government would miss its completion deadline of Dec 2018.

• The ADB board approved the loan, which became effective in November 2014 and the country is since paying 0.15% interest on total amount as commitment charges. The government acquired the loan for 25 years.

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• Jamshoro PP is already producing 850MW (one 250MW and three 200MW).

• By the completion of this 1320MW coal power plants , jamshoro power plant will be able to produce 2170MW at the end of 2019.

• In February 2014, ADB approved $900m, but due to slow funding process and slow construction at site, this project is facing delay. But government is trying to complete this project before 2018 elections.

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