
What is this class about?


Created by Mr. Piper (I threw in my own photos of Jamestown)

Transcript of Jamestown

  • 1. What is this class about?

2. When did the first Africans come to America?
How did the first settlers make their laws?
Why did people from Europe come Here
Why do we speak English?
Was Pocahontas a real person?
All these questions will be answered, so pay attention!
3. The English Establish 13 Colonies
4. 5. The First British Colonies in the Americas
The English hoped that colonies would serve as a source of raw materials and as a market for English exports.
Early English colonists had many reasons for going to America. A lack of economic opportunities in England, stories of gold mines and to escape religious persecution helped push the citizens of England to the Americas.
But first, the English had to stop the Spanish from ruling the seas. With the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, England could sail freely to the Americas.
6. England Experiments with Colonizing the New World

  • Queen Elizabeth I granted Sir Walter Raleigh the first parcel of land to be settled,Roanoke Island.

7. By 1585 Roanoke was settled. There the first English child was born in America, her name was Virginia Dare. 8. Her Father, Captain White left the colony and his granddaughter there to go get more supplies. He was supposed to be back within the year but got caught up in the war against the Spanish. 9. Upon his return in 1590 all the colonists had disappeared. Only the letters CRO were left carved in a tree.