James Van Duurenand Robyn Kamau

James Van Duuren and Robyn Kamau

Transcript of James Van Duurenand Robyn Kamau

James Van Duuren and Robyn Kamau

Who are we?

� SHAWCO is a student run non-profit organization based at the University of Cape Town

� Provides primary healthcare services to up to 10 sites communities in Cape Town ranging from Khayelitsha to Gugulethu to Milnerton

� Have specialized sites to services for vulnerable groups:� Wynberg Refugee Clinic� Paediatrics Clinic� Women’s Health Clinic

� Additionally, helps educate and develop 800 future health professionals at the university

� Disciplines include – medicine, physiotherapy, audiology, occupational therapy, and speech therapy students

What is our relation to climate change?

Primary Healthcare


See increase

in related diseases

Climate change =

contributing factor

What has been seen?

� Water related diseases ( season + water drought)

� Dermatological conditions

� Risk for young (<5yrs) and elderly

� Patient load on local CHCs

� Burden of disease in SA


� Scabies breakout (pop-up clinic) and in overall clinics

� Diarrhoea and other water related conditions occurred during the drought

What are we doing?

SHAWCO Registry

Food Garden Idea

Targeted Health Promotion
