James 1:17 17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly...

James 1:17 17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

Transcript of James 1:17 17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly...

James 1:17

17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

Trading Empires and Discovery

Test Review Ch. 2 and 3

Pick a Level


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Double

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Triple

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Homerun

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Single Question # 1

In feudalism, the servant or peasant is known as a/an _______________________.



Infectious diseases indentured servant lord

Expedition culture expedition strait

Single Question # 2

__________________________ is a system of government that exists based upon an agreement between a lord and a vassal.



Infectious diseasesindentured servantlord

Expeditioncultureexpedition strait

Single Question # 3

A/an __________________ is a person who exchanges his/her services for land.



Infectious diseasesindentured servantlord

Expeditioncultureexpedition strait

Single Question # 4

A/an __________________ is a wealthy land-owner.



Infectious diseasesindentured servantlord

Expeditioncultureexpedition strait

Single Question # 5

A people’s way of life is known as ________________.



Infectious diseasesindentured servantlord

Expeditioncultureexpedition strait

Single Question # 6

The Chinese made great advances in ____________, or the science of getting ships from place to place.


Plantation feudalism colony serf

Infectious diseases indentured servant lord

Expedition culture expedition strait

Single Question # 7

A ____________ is a piece of land that sticks into the sea.



Infectious diseasesindentured servantlord

Expeditioncultureexpedition strait

Single Question # 8

Columbus needed someone to finance his ______________ to find the Indies.



Infectious diseasesindentured servantlord

Expeditioncultureexpedition strait

Single Question # 9

Columbus needed the king to ___________, or pay for, his voyage.



Infectious diseasesindentured servantlord

Expeditioncultureexpedition strait

Single Question # 10

Many of the Indians would die from __________ that Columbus and his crew brought from Europe.



Infectious diseasesindentured servantlord

Expeditioncultureexpedition strait

Single Question # 11

A __________ is a large estate where a crop is grown for profit.



Infectious diseasesindentured servantlord

Expeditioncultureexpedition strait

Single Question # 12

A _____________ is a narrow waterway connecting two larger bodies of water.



Infectious diseasesindentured servantlord

Expeditioncultureexpedition strait

Single Question # 13

A _________ is something that is handed down from generation to generation.



Infectious diseasesindentured servantlord

Expeditioncultureexpedition strait

Double Question # 1

1)      The major exports of West Africa include a.      Gold b.      Salt c.      Spices

d. A & B are correct

Double Question # 2

1)      Because of trade with the Middle East, Africa was heavily influenced by the religion

a.      Islam b.      Christianity c.      Buddhism

d. Hinduism

Double Question # 3

1)      India’s exports include which of the following:

a.      Silk b.      Oil c.      Coal

d. Spices

Double Question # 4

1)      Which country is responsible for movable type, gun powder, junks, and paper money

a.      India b.      China c.      England

d. Iran

Double Question # 5

1)      The collapse of this civilization led to the creation of feudalism in Europe.

a.      Roman b.      Greek c.      Arab

d. Persian

Double Question # 6

1)      This nation was the most advanced seafaring people in Europe during the 15th century

a.      Spain b.      England c.      Portugal

d. France

Double Question # 7

1)      This man’s maps were used for over 1000 years by the people of Europe

a.      Ptolemey b.      Prince Henry c.      Urban II

d. Lord Loescher

Double Question # 8

12)   Corn and potatoes were introduced by what group in the Columbian Exchange?

a.      Europeans b.      Asians c.      Natives (New World)

d. Africans

Double Question # 9

12)   The Horse was introduced to the New World by the

a.      Europeans b.      Africans c.      Natives

d. None of the above

Double Question # 10

12)   A Chinese boat used for trading is known as a

a.      Vessel b.      Junk c.      Ship

d. Boat

Triple Question # 1

Explain how the farming community functioned in West Africa.

Triple Question # 2

Explain why the Crusades were fought and the results of the crusades.

Triple Question # 3

Describe some of the differences, and explain why there are differences, between historic maps and modern maps.

Triple Question # 4

Name and describe the three classes of feudalism.

Triple Question # 5

Describe the efforts of Prince Henry.

Triple Question # 6

_______________ is the first European to reach the New World (makes 4 voyages total)

Columbus Dias de Gama Magellan Cabot

Triple Question # 7

_______________ is the first man to go in search of the North West Passage

Columbus Dias de Gama Magellan Cabot

Triple Question # 8

_______________ is the first man to sail the Pacific Ocean.

Columbus Dias de Gama Magellan Cabot

Triple Question # 9

_______________ is the first man to sail from Europe (Portugal) to Asia (India)

Columbus Dias de Gama Magellan Cabot

Triple Question # 10

_______________ is the first man to sail around the southern tip of Africa (Cape of Good Hope)

Columbus Dias de Gama Magellan Cabot

Homerun Question # 1

Please Summarize James 1:17 and explain what it has to do with our unit of study.

Homerun Question # 2

Explain how feudalism worked and why it slowly disappeared from Europe.

Homerun Question # 3

Describe what happened in the Columbian Exchange.

Homerun Question # 4

Who do you feel benefited most from the Columbian Exchange?

Homerun Question # 5

Explain who you feel discovered America. Make sure that you support your answer