
JAMEA Magazine is a magazine I started in 2003 for a christmas present for my Gran. Over the years it has documented our lives.

Transcript of JAMEA




WHAT’S INSIDE02 profiles07 untranslatable words08 50 things 09 halloween party1 0 wedding1 2 goodbye primary school1 4 r.n.z.a.f1 6 christmas in wanaka1 8 stars in her eyes2 0 leavers2 1 a year in dunedin22 making musical24 great books









So, it’s been three whole years since the last issue of JAMEA, who can believe it!

During this time we have had many people leaving school, starting afresh in new places, including uni, polytech and the airforce! Yes,

dreams have come true in the past three years. But some things will always stay the same and

this Christmas everyone is back together.


EMMAPlaces you want to travel? Top of the list is most definitely Pompeii. Closely followed by all of Europe!! The next holiday however is set to be South East Asia- which will be great to see the places I’ve studied!! I’m also very keen to spend a summer holiday in Hawaii and Vegas. Unfortunately I won’t get to see Afghanistan with the Air Force (pulling out in 2014), but I’m still aiming for Antarctica and somewhere else in the Middle East... eyes on Iran perhaps.... Watch this space!!!

Who is your biggest idol? Thought about this one for a whille.... I don’t have an idol. But there are many people I admire... such as Sir Charles Upham and Mrs Natasha Smith!! The things I admire in people are natural leadership, work ethic, integrity and and the ability to retain large amounts of information!!

Favourite memory over the past three years? My grad parade. We had practised so many times and every time I’d imagined how the real day would feel, and it was everything I’d imagined it to be. It culminated all the hard work we put into officer training and met a goal I’d set

since primary school. We all formed up out of sight of the parade ground, and the marching band started with the drums... this is so we all stepped off together. Crazy amazing feeling, it was very surreal and if i’m ever having a bad day at work- this memory will bring back my Air Force enthusiasm!!

If you could invite any three people to dinner, alive or dead, who would they be? Brett, Jemaine and Rhys. Because I really just want to be entertained.They are HILARIOUS- and it would be a fantastic abdominal workout for all the laughing.

Favourite Disney character and why? This is a really mean question. Cinderella.. no Simba..no Tigger...no the Genie.. or maybe Aladdin? Snow White.. Yeah Right. Ooo I also love Belle. No no no. I’m not choosing!!!!!!

If you could only have one album on a desert island which album would that be? The High Kings..way to make myself homesick ;p


MICHELLEPlaces you want to travel? The place I want to visit the absolute most is Europe. I just love the culture, the architecture, it’s so old and beautiful and such a contrast to here in New Zealand. My top five places to visit at the moment would have to be Italy, Ireland, Greece, Finland and Transilvania.

Who is your biggest idol? I would probabaly have to say that my biggest idol is Walt Disney, the mind behind most of my favourite movies, the man pretty much responsible for all my childhood fantasies. He was a persistant and talented man who never lost sight of his dream. He was fired from his cartoonist job at the Kansas City Star because he “lacked imagination and had no good ideas’. This goes to show that you can still be successful even when some people don’t believe in you. “If you can dream it you can do it. Always remember that this whole thing was started with a dream and a mouse.”

Favourite memory over the past three years? Well, it really has been an awesome three years, I have finished my degree, had an awesome New Years in Wanaka and been to possibly the best wedding ever, but I think other than these, my favourite memory would be the Slash concert. It was absolutely incredible!

If you could invite any three people to dinner, alive or dead, who would they be? Right now, the three people I would most like to have dinner with would probably be Slash, Walt Disney and my nanny.

Favourite Disney character and why? My favourite Disney character is Rapunzel... she’s the newest addition to the Princess list and is probably the most modern and unique. She’s a bit of a dreamer, being stuck up in her tower but always imagining a life outside of it, she paints beautiful images all over the walls, roof and floor. And she has the best sidekick of all!

If you could only have one album on a desert island which album would that be? If there was only one album I could take it would probably have to be Slash’s self-titled album. In 2010 I listened to it driving to tech and back everyday and I never got sick of it. One song is fully instrumental and I didn’t even realise until I had listened to it about ten times! It’s a collaboration album with people like Matt Shadows (from my favourite band), Myles Kennedy and Rocco DeLuca so there’s a lot of different styles of songs from different artists, but they all have the amazing guitar work of Slash!


Places you want to travel? My top three places would be Scotland, Ireland and England because from what I’ve seen it looks amazing over there and I want to see all the old buildings especially in the rural areas.

Who is your biggest idol? My biggest idol would have to be Lance Armstrong. Even though he recently was found to be taking performance enhancing drugs during the years when he won the Tour de France I still think that overcoming cancer and even finishing the race is a mean feat. I still don’t think that he was taking drugs but that is probably because I don’t want it to tarnish my thoughts about him.

Favourite memory over the past three years? My favourite memory over the past three years would be going to Sydney with Mum and Julia. It was really fun to have a girls trip away and be able to do lots of shopping and sight-seeing and just have a relaxing time.

If you could invite any three people to dinner, alive or dead, who would they be? Legolas but since he is

just a character Orlando Bloom because he is a great actor in my eyes and he was in The Lord of the Rings. Richie McCaw because he is the All Blacks captain and seems like he would be a fun guy and it would just be really cool to meet him in general. Britney Spears because she is probably one of the biggest female pop stars of our generation and watching her on X Factor she seems like a really nice, down to earth person.

Favourite Disney character and why? My favourite character is Timon from The Lion King. He and Pumbaa are very funny together and Timon is always claiming Pumbaa’s ideas as his own. Even though he is small he is big in heart and will always stick up for his friends.

If you could only have one album on a desert island which album would that be? The album I would have would be The Lord of the Rings soundtrack because I am somewhat obsessed but it also has some really good music on it. Also when listening to it you can follow along with the movies, so it’s like two for one.



Places you want to travel? Firstly I want to travel around Europe, especially France, Italy and Spain because I love the languages and the unique architecture as well as the amazing food!! I also think Canada would be a cool place to go!

Who is your biggest idol? Roger Federer because he is such an amazing tennis player, but is involved in a lot of charity work and uses his success to promote charities and organisations.

Favourite memory over the past three years? Going to Sydney with Mum and Ashleigh. The Sydney beaches were awesome, and we got to go onto a boat over to the zoo and see the Syndey Opera House and the Harbour Bridge! The shopping was also good!

If you could invite any three people to dinner, alive or dead, who would they be? I would want to invite Roger Federer and Richie McCaw to dinner because they are such amazing sportsmen! And Heath Ledger because he was such an amazing charismatic actor and his life was cut way to short.


Favourite Disney character and why? Tigger, because he is so fun loving and care-free.

If you could only have one album on a desert island which album would that be? Green Day, American Idiot because I have so many memories associated with that album especially because me, Ashleigh and Michelle created our own ‘band’ when we were younger and would sing and dance to all their songs!


Places you want to travel? Well I’d really like to travel to Scotland, I don’t really know why but I think it would be awesome. Also I think it would be cool to go to America, it would be amazing to see some celebrities that I love like Emma Stone, Amy Adams, and Taylor Swift.

Who is your biggest idol? My biggest idol has to be a musical artist of course, so I’m going to have to say Taylor Swift, because she is so inspirational. Usually, when she has a concert almost all of the proceeds go to a charity. She got an award from Michelle Obama because of her contributions. I love her hair and her eyes, she is beautiful inside and out. Usually her songs are about love in a country style but she has started to go a bit like a pop artist. Her songs are usually happy and catchy. So, if I could be like anyone, I would want to be like her.

Favourite memory over the past three years? My favourite memory over the past three years, well it’s not one thing, it’s more of a series of events. It would have to performing on stage, the past three years I have had multiple performences, in 2010 I got a first in Amberley idol singing “Thank God I’m a Country Boy” by John Denver. In 2011 my friends and I made a band and we performed “Livin’ on a Prayer” by Bon Jovi and this year I played the piano and sang “Jar of Hearts” by Christina Perri at Amberley Idol and came in first place! At Raise I played

the piano and sang to Bon Jovi’s “It’s My Life” and “Jar of Hearts” again. It was really exciting! I think I am gaining confidence every year and I am loving standing in front of big crowds of people and singing my heart out. So yeah one hundred percent performing.

If you could invite any three people to dinner, alive or dead, who would they be? Ok well I’m gonna say Niall Horan from One Direction, Michael Jackson, and Delta Goodrem because we could have an AMAZING jam session it would be awesome, Niall Horan is my favourite singer/guitarist, Michael Jackson is the man, and Delta Goodrem is an AMAZING singer so yeah, those three would be fuun!

Favourite Disney character and why? My favourite Disney character would have to be Ariel because she is a mermaid and I love mermaids. She’s a really good singer and her hair, her hair is soooooo cool! She’s is really pretty and she has cool friends, she is a dreamer and stands up for what she believes in and I love that about her so thats why Ariel is my favourite Diney character.

If you could only have one album on a desert island which album would that be? Umm I’ll say One Direction, Up all Night because it is fun and I love One Direction SO much that it would feel like they are there with me.




WORDS.AWARE (AH-WAH-REH) // JAPANESE This pretty word describes the fleeting moments of beauty. It’s normally used to depict the last couple days of cherry blossom season, it also refers to that sad, bittersweet feeling when something is so good that you don’t want it to finish.

LUCU // INDONESIANLiterally means funny and cute. It is customarily used to describe something like a clumsy puppy, falling over and making a fool of itself — it’s simultaneously cute and funny!

WABI - SABI // JAPAPNESEFinding beauty in something considered imperfect, like the crack in the liberty bell, or the Venus de Milo’s lack of arms.

TARTLE (TAHR-TELL) // SCOTTISH The Scots must be a forgetful lot, as they have invented the tartle: a dedicated term for that moment of hesitation while introducing people when you completely forget someone’s name. This happens more than we would like to admit, we’re sure. It can be used as both a verb and a noun, as in, “Oops, I tartled there for a sec”, or “Pardon my tartle.”

PLIMPPLAMPPLETTERE // DUTCHThe activity of skimming stones across the water. Who knew there was a word for this!

L’ESPRIT D’ESCALIER // FRENCHThe feeling you get after leaving a conversation, when you think of all the things you should have said. Literally translated, “the spirit of the staircase”.

KOMOREBI // JAPANESEThe sort of scattered, dappled light effect that happens when sunlight shines in through tree leaves.

EMPALAGARSE // SPANISHThe sensation your tongue has after eating too many sweets. It the feeling you get when you need some milk to go with that chocolate cake.

RIRE DANS SA BARBE // FRENCHLiterally, “to laugh in your beard”. To laugh to oneself quietly while thinking about something that happened in the past.

SABSUNG // THAIWhen you’re bored or have had a long day, it’s the thing that brings you back to life or livens up your day. Whatever it is that makes you happy to be alive.


1. Clothes that make you happy, just by putting them on. 2. The smell of books. 3. Making lists. 4. Books that you never want to end, so when you read the last page you feel the urge to write a letter and let the author or main character know how amazing they are. 5. Stories that make us want to get up and do stuff and squeeze the bejeezus out of every hour of the day. 6. When you have family that are your best friends. 7. Songs that make you want to laugh and cry at the same time. 8. When you find the perfect strawberry. 9. The smell of freshly mowed grass. 10. The first blossom of spring. 11. Dancing the night away. 12. Cuddling up on the couch with the fire going, a movie, a coke float and some buttery popcorn. 13. Lying in the sun on a hot day. 14. Presents. 15. When you get

your hair right the first time you try. 16. Roadtrips. 17. Travel. 18. Coming home again. 19. Waking up to a fresh snowfall and blue sky. 20. Friends who pop in unannounced. 21. People who are passionate. 22. Jumping in puddles. 23. Dancing in the rain. 24. The smell of freshly baked bread. 25. Waking up to the sound of birds chirping happily. 26 Waterfalls. 27. Freshly squeezed orange juice. 28. Candles. 29. Trampolines. 30. Beautiful sunsets with pink, orange, yellow and blue in them. 31. DISNEY. 32. Barbeques in summer with all the people you love the most. 33. Eating fruit for breakfast in the summertime. 34. Spending the whole day at the river, jumping off rocks and floating down in the current and sunbathing when it gets a little bit cold. 35. Chocolate. 36. The smell of the

rain. 37. Lemon Meringue Pie. 38. When the sunlight shines through leaves, making them into a transparent, lush, green colour and leaving specks of sunlight on the ground. 39. Finding multiple split ended ends. 40. Fresh sheets. 41. Scones with jam and freshly whipped cream. 42. Facebook notifications. 43. Waking up before your alarm goes off because you’ve actually had enough sleep. 44. Reading for leisure and not for work. 45. Makings cd’s for a roadtrip. 46. A nice, cold glass of coke on a hot day. 47. Christmas in New Zealand - the spirit and cheer, the lights, the decorations, the songs, the food! It’s just so great! 48. Salt and Vingegar chips. 49. When the boys go out shooting and we get back steaks for dinner! 50. Living in the most beautiful country in the whole entire world!


this is

Boys and girls of every age, wouldn’t you like to see something strange? Come with us and you will see this, our town of Halloween. There is nothing much more fun than dressing up in crazy costumes and spending time with your favourite people, and what better opportunity to do this than Halloween! We made the most of this awesome holiday and had a Halloween party on the fifth of November 2011 so that we could combine dressing up with fireworks! There were smurfs, witches, vampires, Tinkerbell, where’s wally, party rockers, eddie, a tattooed biker, a few Harry Potter characters and grandad dressed up as a woman, which was definitely a bit of a surprise!



“The dancing was so fun, it was so cool when the band sang Karen’s wedding” - Anna


alan + karen’s wedding

Guinness and Kilkenny...check... Irish music... check...Helicopters... check... Sounds like a pretty great party already to us! What made it even cooler? It was a wedding! Karen and Alan got married at Donegal House in Kaikoura on the thirteenth of November 2010, a cause for celebration indeed! It was a beautiful sunny day, the sky was blue, the sea was calm and there was even snow on the tips of the mountains. In short, a perfect New Zealand day. In the morning, hair and makeup was done, this took a couple of hours for the girls, who really knows how long the boys took, and then it was off to get photos taken! Michelle got the lucky job of official photographer and walked around all day with two of Karen’s cameras hanging from her neck.

“it was a beautiful ceremony at an awesome venure, everyone looked amazing and the drinking and dancing was fun!” - Ashleigh

“the weather was beautiful, the gardens were lush. watching the helicopters was so exciting and the bride and bridemades looked radiant!” - Debbie

“dancing, taking photos and wearing pretty dresses = my favourites!” - Michelle

♪ Step we gaily row and row, heel for heel and toe for toe, arm in arm and row in row - all for Karen’s wedding!♪ - Emma

The outdoor ceremony was stunning, the guests gathereed outside on the grass while the Groom and groomsmen arrived in style. A helicopter! Two helicopters actually! The beautiful bride arrived with her gorgeous bridesmades - in blue cars which matched the blue helicopters! - and made her way through the garden to where everyone was standing with their cameras ready to take their own snaps. The ceremony was short and sweet, and before we knew it, it was time to dance (and drink of course!) Emma gave a great speech, talking about the first few times Karen visited Davaar. Everyone had a fantastic time, dancing the night away to a awesome band playing some great party tunes.

leaver’s dinner



The Leaver’s Dinner was heaps of fun and I had a great time dancing with my friends. Everyone looked AMAZING! The girls in their dresses with their hair all done up and make up on. The boys looked flash too with their suits and ties.

Getting ready was a wee bit stressful, my hair took about forty-five minutes so I had to quickly get my dress and make up on and then take some photos, of course! After that I was scared we were going to be late so off we went to Ebony’s house. There we had some sparkling apple juice with a strawberry in it... yum!

About thirty minutes later we left in a LIMO and it was flash. We asked if we could stick our heads out the sun roof but the driver said no because we were ‘kids’... pfft! We are young adults now thank you! We drove to Broomfield, Amberley beach and then back through Amberley to the Anglican Church Hall. There was quite a big commotion when we got there and after some more photos some more people arrived in a police car! It was pretty cool!

We went inside for a bit and then the adults thought “MORE PHOTOS!” So more photos were taken! After that we went inside to have our entrees, it was so pretty with fairy lights hanging everywhere. We had our mains and before our dessert a girl called Sam talked to us and showed us an inspirational part of ‘The Pursuit of Happiness” and gave us a speech that, thankfully, didn’t drag on for too long.

Us kids made some toasts to each other and to everyone who helped us get this far and once we finished dessert we danced for the rest of the night. When we left, we left with a boot full of balloons!

My favourite part of the night was seeing everyone looking so good. I am so excited and nervous for highschool. It feels weird to think that there’s no more primary school for me. I hope that while I’m at high school I get involved in things that give me more potential to be what I want to be. BRING ON HIGH SCHOOL - I’M READY FOR YOU!

leaver’s dinner



Ever since the Air Force open day at Wigram when I was about eight years old, I decided I was going to be in the Air Force and wouldn’t be happy until I’d done so. So 2012 has most certainly been the Best. Year. Ever. Six months in Woodbourne for the Initial Officer Training Course: this involved eight weeks learning how to walk and talk military. And pretty much become an expert at hospital corners. Then twenty-two weeks of writing essays whilst leading a team through the bush with rifles to beat the bad guy (although not simultaneously - that would be ridiculous.) I loved every second of this course. Lots of running and pushups and speeches! We also learned the joys of the Officers’ mess: let it be known one can invoke no pants fridays - as long as no senior officers are present. I graduated as Pilot Officer Nicholls and was whisked off to Australia the following day to start the Intelligence Graduate Development Programme. For the rest of the year I

travelled over Australia (hard life) completing courses, the ultimate being three months of the Air Intelligence Officer Basic Course at Canungra, Queensland. It would be an understatement to say this course was intense. I think I learnt more than my entire high school education in this three months. And I’m now qualified in PowerPoint. We simulated a tactical environment- briefing and debriefing pilots on missions, as well as at an operational level- analysing the ‘war’ and briefing our assessments to the commander. Most days started at 5:30 at the gym, work at 6:30 and finishing at 9pm, with army physical training twice a week. However I can’t make out it was all work and no play. Somehow we still managed to party up the Gold Coast, yacht party in Brisbane, dancing with Army boys ;) in the mess or simply cafe-ing it up. I also shopped...a little. Amazing, amazing year! New career, new friends, new skills- but still keeping old memories for motivation!


Christmas in wanaka

After Alan bought a jetboat it seemed silly to stay at home for Christmas and New Years in 2011. And the most obvious place for everyone to spend their holiday was the beautiful Glendu Bay in Wanaka. A picturesque haven with beautiful soft sand, overlooking the stunning Lake Wanaka and being watched over by the mountains. Christmas day was unique and typically kiwi - sun, barbeques and swimming. We got up in the morning and opened presents together with Debbie in her Mrs Santa outfit in charge of handing out the secret Santa presents, in fact she enjoyed her costume so much that she stayed in it all day! Simon cooked the most amazing Christmas lunch. Life was idyllic, sitting on the beach, swimming, biscuiting... just doing what we wanted to do. New Years was amazing, after drinking at the campsite first, we had to be driven, seven or eight people at a time into Wanaka-town by David (thanks Dave!) where we spent the night by the lakeside.

There was an awesome band playing on a stage by the beach called The Station Agents, a group of Queenstown students. They sang songs for everyone to enjoy, from Creedence Clearwater Revival to Jet. They even sang Slash, and when Michelle got so excited about that they dedicated the last song to us - another Slash song! Simon was very happy that night, and best friends with everyone in Wanaka. It wasn’t a wild night by any means though, we were in bed by about 1:30. The rest of the holiday was very chillled, trips to the gorge where the boys would do cliffjumps, jetboating around the lake, chips, reading, drinking, soaking up the sun, two trips to the Karawau river for bunjy jumping, two trips to the Cardrona pub. It was a holiday that wont be forgotten anytime soon, or anytime, ever, thanks to all the photographs!


soaking up the sun

practicing our posing

dancing and wine... of course!

ponchos? yes please!

quiet reading time

bungy jumping!

chillin’ at the cardrona

just keep swimming

our very own, private bay!





The last couple of years I have been performing so much and it feels so good! Winning competitions and just showing off what I’ve got.For about a year now I have been learning piano, I started off doing singing with Cherylynn Callander and every time I’d be learning a new song she would give me the sheet music. When I started singing “A Thousand Miles” by Vanessa Carlton I knew what the tune went like and I gave it a go on the piano, I wrote down all of the notes and put them together. I got the hang of it really quick, so I started piano lessons. Now on the piano I can play “A Thousand Miles”, “It’s My Life”, “Jar of Hearts”, and a couple of little jingles.I have won Amberley Idol twice, and came second once which was my first time performing in front of a big crowd. This year it has been quite full on singing in the choir and doing my own songs too. At the Lions Club christmas thing, I sang “Set Fire to the Rain” by Adele which was really exciting, I also sang it at the school prizegiving as well.

This year the school production was called Amber and Lee’s Amazing Race, and I got the lead as Amber. It was so much fun and I had so much fun being her character, goofing off a bit on stage, making people laugh, I wasn’t the least bit scared. At the end of the show I got a really cool head mic on and sang “The Climb” with the school, apparently it sounded great. Raise was another thing I was involved with this year, it was so exciting but it was one of the first times in a show where I had to find out what I was doing and when. Singing in it was awesome and showing them what I could do. In “Jar Of Hearts” my mic wasn’t on at the start but I kept singing, and people could still hear me! There were some AMAZING acts there, there was a lady called Lydia McDonald and she had an unbelievable voice, and the most beautiful dresses! A girl from Woodend called Nikita Loyde had an awesome voice and was 14, she wrote her own song and performed it there, it was very cool. I think I did quite well and so did my friend Anna Menzies.It’s actually quite funny because I love singing and acting infront of big crowds, but then some people think its petrifying! I am definitely going to carry on performing at high schoool because I love it so much.



After three short years, tonnes of paper and ink I have finally finished my degree. I can’t say it was easy, most of my nights were spent sitting on the computer in front of my beautiful twenty-seven inch computer screen, or sprawled on the floor in the living room surrounded by sketches and notes. Some things I learned during this degree I don’t really understand why everyone isn’t taught - things like how to layout text properly. Looking back at my design work from high school my type was WAY too big! Even just knowing something so simple as that would make the world a more attractive place. Even if I don’t get a job in graphic design, I’m so glad I did this degree; firstly, because I learned simple design layouts, how to use scale, lines, heirachy, colour, space and texture in a way that

can appeal to people. And secondly, because I met so many awesome and talented people. The exhibition at the end of third year in 2012 was a stressful and exciting time. I showed a couple of fonts I had designed, a couple of posters, one which was probably my favourtie design I did in my whole three years - in which we had to take a Maori student’s words and represent them visually - a wee flower shaped brochure which told people to appreciate the litte things in life, which was probably another one of my favourite pieces, and a promotional piece and business cards. The best thing about it, was that it gave me more confidence in my own work, I realised just because it wasn’t like everyone else’s doesn’t mean that it’s bad.

a degree

in design


It’s hard to believe that a year has already gone by, and in that year I finished High School and moved down to Dunedin to begin study at the University of Otago. I was actually rather nervous arriving at my hall in mid-February 2012 although I was already accustomed to living in a boarding situation, but the prospect of meeting lots of new people and the more independent form of learning was somewhat daunting. However, as soon as I was there, the people were really awesome and it wasn’t much different to my five years at boarding school apart from having A LOT more freedom especially being able to leave the hall without

having to ‘sign out’ or even ask for permission. My first year at University was an awesome experience, often being referred to as a ‘fresher’, there were lots of orientation activities including the Toga Party, Rugby Matches, Concerts and competitions between different halls! But of course amongst all the fun, there was a lot of work to be done. My first year doing a BSC included papers in chemistry and biology which actually proved to be quite a challenge. After many tests, assignments and exams I managed to get pleasing results, made a lot of new friends and had heaps of fun along the way.

mus icalmaking

Anna - Well the highlights were probably helping Gary do the spotlight, being able to goof off a bit onstage. Mum and Anna’s princess dresses! The singing, everyone was fab :) Being able to do it with Brooke Mitchell and walking down the aisle with the piper it

was great singing The Parting Glass.

Ashleigh - I thought that Making Musical was a funny, entertaining but also informative musical. I didn’t really know anything about the musicals throughout the ages but now I know more than I did. It was also pretty cool that Dad not only wrote it but directed it and acted in it. It was also cool to see Debbie, Michelle and Anna

up on stage as well. Maybe one year we can all be in it,

although I don’t want to have to say anything so maybe just

a random person standing on the stage for me.

Julia - Making Musical was pretty impressive, especially be-cause Dad wrote, directed and acted in it! It was also awesome to watch Aunty Debbie, Michelle and Anna act in it aswell!

Michelle - I tagged along to most of the rehearsals even

though I only had one dance. Being such a small

part was a great way to start, I’ve watched mum on that stage for years and always wanted to have a go but didn’t think I would ever actually have the guts to do it. It was cool to have a chance to be in something that was completely unique and local. I think David did something really cool with the story, and being able to pick and choose the songs that you got to sing made it even better as we had the best songs to sing.

I remember the drunk lady standing up and singing along to “We are Cantabrians” on the last night, trying to get everyone else to join in. The piper walking down the isle with Anna and Brooke during “The Parting Glass” was definitely something special.

Emma - Fabulous dancing (Michelle), Wonderful singing (Everyone), Hilarious script (David), Clever storyline (David), Brilliant acting (everyone), and convincing gender change (Anna). There was also some really really awesome audience members. Well done everyone.. you rocked my socks off!! Roll on Broadway!




Great Books

I would recommend

any book from this author, she’s

amazing and she’s a kiwi! Daughter

of the Forest is loosely based on the

traditional story of The Six Swans. A story of a

female heroine, a youngest sister must maintain

complete silence while weaving shirts from nettles

in order to return her swan brothers to human

form - is combined with a family drama set

on both sides of the Irish Sea. More than

anything, this is a story about the bond

of love between siblings.

Daughter of the Forest - Juliet Marillier /

/ M



The Hunger Games is written in the voice of 16-year-

old Katniss Everdeen, who lives in the post-apocalyptic nation of Panem. The

Hunger Games are an annual event in which one boy and one girl aged twelve to eighteen

from each of the twelve districts surrounding the Capital are selected at random to compete in a televised battle to the death. The series is pretty action packed, and the events that

take place are pretty extreme. There is also an intriguing love story!

The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collin

s //




Great Books

The Lord of the Rings is a classic fantasy

novel which every fantasy fan should read at some stage. It was

written in stages between 1937 and 1949, much of it during World War II. It starts in the peaceful Shire, a Hobbit land not unlike the

English countryside, and ranges across north-west Middle-earth, following the course of the Ring through the eyes of its characters

It is an amazing book, with mulitple story lines and lots of action and


It tells the story

of 13-year-old Anna, who

litigates her parents for medical

emancipation when she is expected to

donate a kidney to her sister Kate, who is

dying from leukemia. I couldn’t keep my head

out of it, I learned some things about cancer and

court. It was a good book and I found it really

sad. It changes your perspectives, making

you think in different ways while you’re

reading the book. It was a really good

book, I’d love to

her work!

No Easy Day is

the story of a Navy Seal who

participated in Osama Bin Laden

raid. I personally like it from an intel point

of view, but it’s really ‘Warry’- so you boys

will love it, choppers n’ guns n’ shit ;p They

are also bringing out a movie of the same

story next year..should be a good one! The

best part is the raid itself, the book takes a

while to set the scene, but its definately

a worthwhile read. Its a whole

other world out there folks!!

The Lord of the Rins - J.R.R.Tolkein /

/ As



My Sister’s Keeper - Jodi Picoult //



No Easy Day - Mark Owen //

