Jaguar Land Rover - Making Our Words A Reality

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Jaguar Land Rover - Making Our Words A Reality file

Transcript of Jaguar Land Rover - Making Our Words A Reality

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Making our words a reality

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“We have a vision here at Jaguar Land Rover; to create and maintain excellent communityrelations with local and regional communities where Jaguar Land Rover design and manufacture.

Employee involvement is the cornerstone of business commitment to the social and economicregeneration of communities, and here at Jaguar Land Rover we are dedicated to thisprinciple, from board level right down to our shop floor workers.

Our aim is to enhance Jaguar Land Rover’s reputation as a socially responsible company, both nationally and internationally. Making a difference in the community takes realcommitment, and we hope that this brochure gives you a sense of our sincere commitment to the communities in which we operate.”Mike Wright, Executive Director, Jaguar Land Rover


At Jaguar Land Rover we invest in the communities where we operate by supportingcommunity projects, and by improving education and employment opportunities.

Jaguar Land Rover’s community support is made up of donations to charities, as well asthe provision of vehicles for rescue missions, emergency operations, international disasterand environmental projects. We encourage our employees to engage with the communityby volunteering their time and raising funds for the local charities and projects that meanthe most to them.

We collaborate with local authorities, voluntary organisations and other privatebusinesses close to our plants to improve community liaison, cohesion and helpregenerate deprived areas.


Here at Jaguar Land Rover we encourage our employees to engage with their local communities. We work with local authorities and Business In TheCommunity (BITC) Cares programme - a national campaign to engage employeevolunteering in community activities, to identify projects that need support.

Employees can choose to volunteer on one of these projects, or nominate one of theirown. Up to 16 hours of work time a year is allocated for each employee working in agreedteams to devote to volunteering. In 2009, JLR employees volunteered a total of 6,200 hours.

More than 350 employees formed 25 teams of volunteers to support a variety ofcommunity projects including regeneration of local areas, mentoring young people, charity work and fundraising.

As well as benefitting the communities they work with, contributing to communityprojects helps our employees develop teamwork and leadership skills, and also helps to improve morale.


Other popular projects include environmental work, regeneration andbuilding improvements. Employees from the market research teamplanted trees and hedgerows at a National Trust house in Shropshire.Engineers from the Supplier Technical Assistance department helpedto rejuvenate a neglected recreation area at a clinic for recoveringdrug addicts in Warwickshire. A team of volunteers from the Solihullplant created an outdoor educational centre and orienteering courseat a residential school for children with learning difficulties.

Case Study

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Jaguar Land Rover are incredibly committed to education and providing state of the artlearning facilities, so much so we have invested in five Educational Business PartnershipCentres (EBPC) for school children as part of our Education Business Partnership withBirmingham, Coventry, Warwickshire, Solihull and Liverpool Education Authorities. We believe that investment in education is critical hence our annual contribution toeducation related programmes in kind is around £350,000.

The EBPC’s provide learning facilities and resources for primary school children to children aged 16+.Groups of students from local schools visit the centres for a day or part of a day with their teachers tolearn about engineering, manufacturing and automotive business related activities. Teachers can useour facilities to complement their own courses or use tailor-made courses prepared by the centres.

All the courses carried out in the EBPC’s are prepared in line with the national curriculum. Youngpeople gain a wider understanding of how vehicles are designed and manufactured, and we hopethey will be inspired to consider a future in the automotive industry.

A total of 17,500 young people and nearly 2,000 teachers visited the five EBPC’s in 2009. Around85% of the visitors are from local communities within 30 miles of the centres, with others travellingfrom across the UK.


Work Experience We provide work experience opportunities for 14-16 year olds at all of our five sites. Over300 young people take part in this programme each year, giving them the opportunity tolearn about careers in engineering, manufacturing and business related subjects.

We are investigating how we can adapt our work experience programme to form part of theproposed national diploma process for 14-19 year olds, which will combine academic and vocational qualifications.

Graduates & UndergraduatesEach year Jaguar Land Rover recruits Engineering and Commercial graduates who then embark on a Graduate Development Programme before becoming full employees of the company. As part oftheir continuing professional development they are encouraged to support STEM related Communityactivities, including becoming a STEM ambassador and supporting a JLR education initiative e.g.EBPC’s. In 2010 JLR will recruit approximately 120 graduates.

We also recruit approximately 25 undergraduate placements within Product DevelopmentEngineering for Engineering Students. These are a mix of three months summer and 12 months industrial placements.


Many more of our employees chooseto volunteer within schools to assiststudents with reading, mathematics,business and engineering relatedsubjects. They also provide careersadvice, guidance on completingapplication forms for industry andpractice interviews. In 2009 over 150 employees participated in school events.

The Company also supports individualvolunteering to the following areas:

• School Governors

• Engineering Education Scheme

• Justice of the Peace

• Councillors

• Trade Union

• Reserve Forces

Business EventsIn Schools

Our Target

In 2011 we aim to increase the numberof young people visiting our Centres to20,000 per year by actively marketingand promoting the centres more widely.

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We have numerous links with the academic sector and we have establishedstrategic links with relation to research and teaching, with key universities inthe UK. In particular, we have a strong relationship with Warwick Universityand its Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG). WMG have partnered JLR in areas of research such as hybrids and materials engineering, as well aseducational programmes, for example the £62 million Premium AutomotiveResearch and Development programme.

Another key strategic university partner is Coventry University, which annually has in excess of 100 JLR employees enrolled on first and second degree courses. JLR alsooffers, in collaboration with the University, the Geoff Polites Memorial Scholarship,which is open to children of permanent JLR employees. There are four scholarshipsavailable per year in a range of pre-selected courses linked to Geoff’s main interests;automotives and sport.

These are only two examples of more than 30 universities and academic institutionsacross the country, where significant and substantive research and educationalactivates are conducted in close partnership with JLR. We also have establishedcampus teams who target specific universities to nurture relationships and feed JLR with graduates for the future.


Jaguar Land Rover national challenges are designed to raise awareness of andgive support to the campaign to promote engineering and national STEM(science, technology, engineering and maths) activities working in conjunctionwith other automotive, engineering and academic organisations. We hold anumber of challenges for schools including the Jaguar GT Design Challenge(see case study), the Land Rover 4x4 Technology Challenge and the Jaguar CarsMaths in Motion Challenge. This encourages teams from all over the UK totake part and gain key skills that the participants will be able to use in theirfuture careers.


Jaguar Land Rover launched a unique and innovative programme inSeptember 2010, the Jaguar Land Rover Technical Accreditation Scheme.This has brought together a number of top universities, to deliver skillsdevelopment in specific key technical disciplines. These skills are requiredto support JLR’s future technological and business plans.

Warwick, Loughborough, Cranfield and Coventry Universities delivermasters level and accredited modules, covering areas such as powertraindesign, hybrids, computer simulation, electronics and sustainable product design.

By offering this scheme, JLR with its partners can develop the requiredskills and knowledge to support the delivery of future product strategy and low-carbon technologies. This will give JLR, as well as the widerautomotive sector, graduates with the latest and relevant industry skills.

Case Study

Jaguar GT in Schools Design Challenge

Jaguar’s GT in Schools Challenge is an annual competition for 12-18 yearolds to design, make and race a model car using CAD/CAM software and the learn the design process closely associated with the automotiveindustry. Over the course of a year students carry out research, design andmanufacture their vehicle, and perform tests before they go head-to-headwith teams from other schools at the competition stage.

We run the GT Challenge in partnership with several leading engineeringand education organisations, including the Institute of Engineering,STEMNET and the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance.

Over 200 students from all over the UK took part in the 2009 challenge.The winners, from Northern Ireland, were rewarded with a visit to theJaguar XK production facilities, Jaguar Heritage and the design studio.

Case Study

Our Target

It is our aim to increase the number of studentsparticipating in the GT in Schools and 4x4 inSchools Challenges by 10% year-on-year.

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The Young Apprenticeship Programme gives young learners between the ages of 14 and 16 a qualification that is worth five GCSE’s and alsoexposes them to 50 days worth of work experiencewithin the network enabling them to make a trulyinformed decision about their future progressiononce leaving the educational environment. Thereare currently 125 young people on the programme.

Jaguar and Land Rover are the only manufacturerssponsored by the Government to deliver this vocationalqualification which is certified by the Institute of MotorIndustry (IMI). Through the programme they work with ten plus further education colleges who role out the

programme on our behalf. This gives them the opportunityto show good employer engagements strategies withintheir own establishment. Again something that is key tothe skills agenda.

We are also open to aid any of our schools with furtherassistance as required. For example we have agreed to givea talk to a group of students from a local school on howwe use IT within our working environment. This willincorporate everything from IT Technology that we haveon current vehicles to the system that we have in place inthe academy that monitors the environmental impact thatthe facility has on its wider environment.


Every year, our employees’ children get the chanceto sample a day working alongside their parents.They learn about potential careers in the motorindustry and experience a drive on Land Rover’s testtrack. Each year over 250 young people aged 12-14attend the Sons and Daughters to Work Day.

ApprenticeshipsJaguar Land Rover has recruited 45 hands-on, enthusiastic16+ year old advanced apprentices during 2010. They will be given the chance to develop in one of a number ofmanufacturing based trades. Within this number we are

also looking for some existing employees to take part inthe programme, and around 13 will be for the second yearpilot of the Apprenticeship Expansion Programme tosupport smaller business (see case study).

The company offers Advanced Apprenticeships, on a 36 to 42-month scheme, with the initial period at college.During this time successful applicants would earn anNVQ2 in Performing Engineering Operations, an NVQ3 in the chosen trade pathway and a technical certificate, as well as developing wider key skills.


Manufacturing and Engineering firms in the West Midlands are currently being sought to build upon the work started bythe National Apprenticeship Service in partnership with JaguarLand Rover on a project that overcomes some of the traditionalbarriers faced by smaller businesses in hiring apprentices.

Over and above its own requirements, Jaguar Land Rover has taken on 13 additional apprentices to support theApprenticeship Expansion Programme. The pilot has seen thefirst wave of high potential ‘level 2 Apprenticeship Completers’become available in August 2010 to smaller sized companies.It is envisaged that the solid recruitment process used, andemployability skills developed by the apprentices during theirtime at Jaguar Land Rover and Warwickshire College, willstand them in good stead to go on to the ‘level 3’Advanced Apprenticeship.

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The Red Cross.

With expectations from charities for sponsorship and donations ever increasing, JLR proudly continues to sponsorand contribute to general charities internationally, nationally and locally. The company will continue to focus onselected key corporate charities including the NSPCC, the RED CROSS and BEN while continuing to support localcharities through the support and contribution to site charity committee’s including MOTOR-VATE and existingJaguar and Land Rover Employee Charities Committee’s. JLR supports employee payroll giving and match funding.



Support for SchoolsWe encourage each of our sites to engage with the local education authorities focusing on a local schoolor education establishment close or near to the JLR site. Support to the school is normally part of aplanned partnership with a senior manager leading a team into the school. Support can be in many formse.g. Governor, mentoring, presenting, environmental projects all associated in improving education andthe well being of the school while highlighting the importance of STEM related learning and engineeringand manufacturing as a chosen career.


Lyndon School Trust Partnership - Solihull

JLR continues its second year in partnership with Lyndon School. The secondary school is located two milesfrom the Solihull plant and had already established strong links with the plant. Gary Tourell, Process AreaManager for South Works T&F is the Chairman. Several projects have been completed through the trust andhave involved over 35 associates from the Solihull site. The partnership is recognised by the governing bodySSAT (Specialist Schools Academies and Trusts) as pioneering and they regularly ask JLR to showcase its workat national level. Projects to date have included innovator suite, a design based qualification for pupils aged14, and CKD pack shop activity where students packed items for assembly overseas and tracked thecontainment for school project work.

Case Study

The NSPCC - National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

• Jaguar has signed up to the NSPCC National Appeal in 2010 to help raise up to £1,500,000 over the next three years.

• This will be supported with Marketing and PR events across the UK in support of Dealer and Marketing initiatives.

• Locally Jaguar continues to chair the Coventry and Warwickshire Business Group raising over £100,000 annuallyand £2,000,000 over the last 14 years.

Since November 2007 Land Rover has worked closely with the Red Cross and Red Crescent actively supporting their projects and fundraising activities around the world.

Through Land Rover’s partnership with the Red Cross, Land Rover reacts instantly with the charity inresponding to emergency appeals, helping to reach vulnerable people around the world. Since 2009 LandRover has provided a significant amount of aid for the following key Emergency Appeals: Asia Pacific, Haitiand Pakistan. For Haiti alone Land Rover raised a total of £7,242.82 (over £6,000 of which raised throughemployees) helping to aid 2,500 Red Cross voluteers to reach the area and provide care for the three millionpeople affected. In total we have raised £10,0075.14 over the three appeals with support continuing.

Land Rover celebrated its 60th anniversary in July 2008, by donating 60 vehicles to the British Red Cross who were alsocelebrating 100 years of their Royal Charter. 30 of these vehicles remained in the UK whilst 30 were sent to priorityneeds overseas. To follow from this, Land Rover has been working with the IFRC to further develop the relationship,planning to launch another official partnership imminently. This global initiative aims to support the IFRC life-savingwork reaching vulnerable people in communities around the world and will run across 15 countries assisting NationalRed Cross Societies and supporting some of the world’s most vulnerable people.

The following organisations and committees continue to be chaired by JLR Board Members, Executives, Managers, Trade Union and Employee representatives, demonstrating by presence the company’s direct commitment and influence:

• BEN - Automotive Benevolent Charity, regional and national

• British Red Cross and International Red Cross

• Coventry and Warwickshire NSPCC Business group

• NSPCC Child Voice Appeal - National Campaign

• Key charity events (Cause Related Marketing) continue to be supported by Corporate Sponsorship where thereis a direct benefit to Company Sales and Promotions e.g. Arts & Business Awards, NSPCC Ball, BEN Ball andHelp for Heroes rally.

Here are a few examples of the charities we have worked with over the years:

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Benchmarking, management and recognition are key tools to measuring the impact of the JLR community strategy externally. By using these tools, this helps us to indentify ourstrengths and weaknesses in order to further improve our community relations, and helpsus to actively communicate our successes. As members of Business In The Community(BITC), we have access to a number of initiatives which help us to achieve this, one ofwhich being the BITC Corporate Responsibility (CR) Index.

BITC’s CR Index is the UK’s leading voluntary benchmark of Corporate Responsibility. It helps companies to integrate and improve CR throughout their operations by providing a systematic approach to the managing, measuring and reporting on business impacts in society and on the environment.

For 2009 and 2010, Jaguar Land Rover has taken part in the BITC CR index achieving a silver category.

For the past seven years the CR index has inspired and challenged over 350 companies tocontinuously improve their management practices and communicate to stakeholders how seriously they take their CR agenda.

Membership companies also include TATA and TATA associates e.g. Corus, Tetley, TAJ hotels etc.


Jaguar Land Rover has become the first car manufacturer in the UK to achieve the highlyregarded CommunityMark. Awarded by Business in the Community, the CommunityMarkis widely recognised as the national standard of excellence for community investment. The company is one of only four organisations to receive the award this year.

This achievement is in recognition of Jaguar Land Rover's considerable investment in communityprogrammes, including five Education Business Partnership Centres, employee volunteeringprogrammes, national educational initiatives and a wide range of community partnerships.

Mike Wright, Executive Director, Jaguar Land Rover, said: "Jaguar Land Rover has a well establishedcommunity programme across the UK, with a particular focus on the areas surrounding our operatingfacilities. Each year hundreds of our employees get involved in their local communities and take partin educational, environmental and charity projects. Becoming the first car manufacturer to achievethe CommunityMark is excellent news for those employees and of course, exceptional externalrecognition for Jaguar Land Rover."


Support for the CommunityJaguar Land Rover currently supports many organisations by providing Land Rover vehicles on a long-termloan agreement to assist them with their activities and objectives.

Midlands Air Ambulance currently has the loan of a Discovery tofacilitate their ongoing fundraising, by attending many events throughoutthe region. Primarily, the vehicle is used to tow their ‘Helicopter Fuselage’ toshows, fetes and schools. Theatres have also recently utilised this attraction,and the Discovery has been on display at these venues to recognise the mostvaluable contribution and community involvement.

The Peak District Dairy Wagon is a mobile training unit which helps dairyfarmers in the Peak District learn new skills so that they can add value to theliquid milk they produce, perhaps by turning it into cheese, ice-cream oryoghurt and make their businesses sustainable for the future. The Discoverythey have on loan is used to tow the Wagon to the many farms now involved.

Solihull Council currently has the loan of a Discovery, which is used primarily to facilitate their daily‘truancy sweeps’ in the Solihull Borough. This forms part of the council’s strategy to improve and promoteschool attendance and to safeguard children and young people. The loan has continued to prove invaluable,as without it the Truancy Watch scheme would have far less impact.

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Community Relations, Jaguar Land Rover, Banbury Road,Gaydon, Warwick CV35 0RR