JACKSON V AEG May 22nd 2013- Shawn Trell-Trial Transcripts

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Transcript of JACKSON V AEG May 22nd 2013- Shawn Trell-Trial Transcripts

  • 7/28/2019 JACKSON V AEG May 22nd 2013- Shawn Trell-Trial Transcripts


    KCBAREG Y COMJhvo Ncy 66gl \rhcj \rcgsbrhpts4?%60%32 Tjocso `ojp us#

    R`cwg \rojj

    Vobress.oxcnhgctheg begthguol fy Rtoffhgs Fhgc

    S Nr' \rojj* hi H robcjj berrobtjy w`oro wo joit eii yostorlcy* wo woro lhsbusshgm cg cmroonogt

    fotwoog C'O'M' Jhvo* Lr' \e`no \e`no* cgl Nhb`coj Kcbaseg t`ct `cl foog oxobutol t`o scnolcy cs t`o teur cmroonogt'

    Cgl H-l jhao te put fcba up ox`hfht 6264 cgl kust csa c iow nero quosthegs cfeut t`ct'

    C eacy'

    Ns' Fhgc; cgl H-l jhao te zeen hg eg Tcrcmrcp` 6'

    S Nr' \rojj* bcg yeu tojj no w`ct t`o hloc wcs fo`hgl t`hs cmroonogt* te t`o oxtogt yeu agew5

    C \`o hloc fo`hgl t`hs pcrthbujcr cmroonogt hs t`ct Nhb`coj wcgtol Lr' \e`no \e`no eg t`o teurporiernhgm bortchg iugbthegs hg beggobtheg wht` ht' Cs ht-s spojjol eut `oro* t`ct t`eso sorvhbosncy hgbjulo t`eso typos ei t`hgms'

    S Re cro t`eso t`o sorvhbos spojjol eut t`oro hg Tcrcmrcp` 6 hg t`ct sobegl sogtogbo5

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    C Vhm`t' &Cbthgm cs c jhchseg wht` t`o Crthst* beerlhgcthgm pufjhbhty cgl et`or cbthvhthos wht` t`ocrthst hg beggobtheg wht` t`o teur cgl et`or ncttors' Csshsthgm wht` t`o broctheg ei t`o teur*brocthvo crtwera hg beggobtheg wht` t`o teur* cgl csshsthgm wht` t`o beerlhgctheg ei nushbhcgs cgllcgbors cgl et`or prelubtheg.rojctol tcsas rocsegcfjy roquostol fy prenetor'&

    S se Lr' \e`no wcs Nr' Kcbaseg-s porsegcj Ncgcmor* cs yeu tosthihol yostorlcy5

    C t`ct-s rhm`t'

    S cgl lhl t`hs cmroonogt begtonpjcto `hn lehgm cllhthegcj cbthvhthos hg beggobtheg wht` t`o&\`hs Hs Ht& teur5

    C Xos* ht lhl'

    S Cgl le yeu `cvo cgy hloc w`ot`or t`hs wcs t`o egjy benpogsctheg t`ct Nr' Kcbaseg weujl fo

    pcyhgm `hs Ncgcmor* Lr' \e`no5

    C H le get agew* ge'

    S Cgl H-l jhao te kust me lewg te t`o goxt Tcrcmrcp`* fobcuso yeu schl senot`hgm yostorlcy t`ctwcs c jhttjo begiushgm te no* w`hb` wcs cfeut Lr' \e`no-s benpogsctheg* cgl w`y ht wcsg-t pchl'Re t`hs pcrcmrcp`* hs t`hs hs t`o pcrcmrcp` hg t`o cmroonogt t`ct sots eut `ew cgl w`og Lr'\e`no wcs te fo pchl uglor t`hs cmroonogt (hglhbcthgm5

    C berrobt'

    S cgl yeu schl senot`hgm yostorlcy cfeut c beglhtheg probologt' Hs t`ct hg t`hs pcrcmrcp`5

    C yos* ht hs'

    S Bcg yeu oxpjchg w`ct ht wcs yeu woro tcjahgm cfeut5

    C \`o beglhtheg prhbol hs sot iert` ct jhttjo' `oro hg t`o loihghtheg ei t`o prelubtheg torn' Cglt`ct-s .. t`o jhttjo 6 hs losbrhfol cs t`o lcto fy w`hb` Crthstbe* t`o Nhb`coj Kcbaseg benpcgy* `cseftchgol bcgbojjctheg hgsurcgbo hg c iern cgl ct c best cpprevol fy prenetor cgl prenetorrobohvol wrhttog ovhlogbo t`ct wo-vo foog gcnol cs jess pcyoo eg sub` hgsurcgbo hg cbberlcgbo

    wht` t`o hgsurcgbo pcrcmrcp` ei t`o teur cmroonogt'

    S Re yostorlcy wo jeeaol ct t`o teur cmroonogt* cgl t`oro wcs t`ct pcrcmrcp` 32'3 t`ct tcjaolcfeut Nr' Kcbaseg-s efjhmctheg te prevhlo bcgbojjctheg hgsurcgbo' Hs t`ct t`o scno pcrcmrcp`t`ct-s roiorrol te `oro5

    C berrobt'

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    S Re kust te ncao suro H uglorstcgl yeu berrobtjy* t`o torn ei t`hs cmroonogt* t`hs cmroonogtwht` Lr' \e`no* lhlg-t stcrt ugthj citor bcgbojjctheg hgsurcgbo wcs eftchgol5

    C Vhm`t' Re w`hjo t`hs cmroonogt wcs oxobutol hg Kcgucry* ht leosg-t sprhgm hgte oxhstogbo ugjosst`oso beglhthegs cro scthsihol' Cgl t`hs pcrthbujcr beglhtheg `oro wcs get scthsihol ugthj t`o ogl ei


    S Re ovog t`eum` t`hs cmroonogt wcs shmgol hg Kcgucry* lhl C'O'M' stcrtol pcyhgm Lr' \e`no hgKcgucry5

    C ge'

    S Fobcuso ei t`hs jhttjo `oro5

    C berrobt'

    S cgl t`og yeu schl t`o hgsurcgbo bcno hgte pjcbo ct t`o ogl ei Cprhj5

    C ht wcs feugl ct t`o ogl ei Cprhj* H fojhovo* Xos'

    S Cgl se ct t`ct pehgt* hi Lr' \e`no `cl poriernol t`eso prelubtheg ncgcmonogt sorvhbos hgTcrcmrcp` 6* weujl C'O'M' Jhvo `cvo t`og stcrtol pcyhgm `hn5

    C Trevhlol t`o pcynogts woro cut`erhzol fy Nhb`coj* wo weujl `cvo'

    S Cgl wcs Lr' \e`no sthjj poriernhgm prelubtheg ncgcmonogt sorvhbos ct t`o ogl ei Cprhj5

    Nr' Tcghs`; Ge ieuglctheg'

    S Hi yeu agew5

    C \`ct* H leg-t agew' \`ct wcs mehgm te fo ny cgswor* H leg-t agew'

    S ct seno pehgt woro yeu hgiernol fy Nr' Kcbaseg t`ct Lr' \e`no wcs get te poriern cgysorvhbos ier `hn cgynero5

    C Xos' @o clvhsol t`ct `o wcs .. wo woro get cut`erhzol te pcy Lr' \e`no hg cbberlcgbo wht`t`hs cmroonogt'

    S Re w`hjo hg Kcgucry Nr' Kcbaseg wcgtol t`hs cmroonogt* hg ncy `o ge jegmor wcgtol Lr'\e`no te fo pchl hg beggobtheg wht` t`o &\`hs Hs Ht& teur5

    C \`ct-s berrobt'

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    Kulmo' bcg H csa yeu c quostheg5 Le yeu pcy `hn .. hi ht ahbas hg* cgl t`oy mot t`o

    hgsurcgbo* le yeu pcy `hn rotrecbthvojy te t`o erhmhgcj lcto ei t`o begtrcbt5 Re weujl yeu

    pcy `hn cjj t`o wcy fcba te Kcgucry er w`ogovor `o shmgol5

    \rojj' hi H beujl .. w`ct gunfor hs ht* cgl H-jj jeea5

    Ns' Fhgc; yoc`' Ht-s 5555'

    Nr' Tcghs`; H bcg-t fojhovo yeu le get `cvo ht hg t`oro' Xeu `cvo ovoryt`hgm hg t`o werjl


    Ns' Fhgc; Ht-s c sahggy lebunogt' Ht nhm`t mot furhol hg t`ct fhglor'

    Kulmo; ronhgl no w`og ht wcs shmgol5

    \rojj; Ht-s lctol t`o 6

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    \rojj; berrobt' \`oy weujl get `cvo foog cg efjhmctheg uglor `oro te ronht te `hn cgy


    Kulmo; eacy'

    Ns' Fhgc; \`cga yeu'

    S fy Ns' Fhgc; Cgl t`oro wcs ego et`or cmroonogt t`ct wcs oxobutol eg Kcgucry 69t`* wcs t`oroget5

    C t`ct-s berrobt'

    S eacy'

    Ns' Fhgc; cgl H-l jhao te quhbajy pujj up t`ct ego' H leg-t t`hga ht-s ego wo-vo tcjaol cfeutvory nub`' Ht-s ox`hfht 6238'

    S cgl Nr' \rojj* te scvo yeu t`o treufjo ei motthgm ht eut ei t`ct fhglor* H-n kust mehgm te wcja upwht` c bepy* fobcuso H t`hga ht-s torrhfjy t`hba (hglhbcthgm'

    C Eacy' \`cgas'

    S kust me te t`o tep ei t`hs Nr' \rojj* w`ct hs t`hs lebunogt5

    C ht-s bcjjol c iocturo ihjn lovojepnogt cmroonogt'

    S Cgl w`ct wcs t`hs cmroonogt cfeut5

    C t`hs cmroonogt `cl te le wht` c bennhtnogt wo woro ncahgm te oht`or ogtor hgte clovojepnogt cmroonogt ier c ihjn er uglorwrhto t`o bests ei c sbrhpt fohgm lovojepol fy senot`hrl pcrty'

    S Cgl wo `ocrl Nr' Kcbaseg `cl cg hgtorost hg nevhos' H fojhovo yeu tcjaol cfeut t`ct yostorlcy'Lhl t`hs rojcto te Nr' Kcbaseg-s hgtorost hg c nevho5 Lovojephgm c nevho5

    C Xos' @o wcs hgtorostol hg lovojephgm ihjns' C rojctol C'O'M' Benpcgy hs hg t`o ihjn fushgoss'Nhb`coj wcs cwcro ei t`ct' Re t`hs wcs cg cmroonogt ogtorol hgte cs pcrt cgl pcrboj ei t`o teurcmroonogt te pursuo t`hs hgtorost t`ct `o `cl hg lovojephgm ihjns'

    Ns' Fhgc; jot-s zeen hg eg pcrcmrcp` 6' H t`hga t`ct-s eg t`o goxt .. ge* ht-s eg t`o scno

    pcmo' Cgl t`oro-s c fht nero te ht'

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    S Nr' \rojj* t`hs hs efvheusjy cv ory logso pcrcmrcp`' Bcg yeu tojj no kust mogorcjjy*w`ct lhlt`hs cmroonogt prevhlo ier C'O'M' cgl Nr' Kcbaseg te le* rospobthvojy5

    C ht begtonpjctol ogtorhgm hgte c sopcrcto ihjn lovojepnogt cmroonogt* jhao H `cl nogthegol*t`ct weujl `cvo begtonpjctol lovojephgm up te t`roo ihjn prekobts' \`o ego t`ct wo woro cwcro

    ei ct t`o thno t`ct Nhb`coj wcs hgtorostol hg lehgm rojctol te t`o &\`rhjjor& vhloe* t`ct H-nmuosshgm nest poepjo cro icnhjhcr wht`' Hg t`o cjtorgcthvo* ht cjse begtonpjctol t`ct hi t`oro wcs ct`hrl pcrty* get cg C'O'M'.rojctol pcrty* t`ct wcs hgtorostol hg lovojephgm c ihjn* wo weujl foclvcgbhgm c nhjjheg lejjcrs tewcrls t`o best ei t`ct sbrhpt te lovojepnogt'

    S cgl wcs t`oro c lcto fy w`hb` Nr' Kcbaseg `cl te sert ei stcrt lovojephgm t`o ihjn* cgl yeuweujl begtrhfuto bests te5

    S cgl yeu nhm`t wcgt te put up Tcrcmrcp` 2'

    C H fojhovo ht wcs Kugo 3st' Xos* Kugo 3st* 6448'

    S Cgl se tojj no w`ct t`hs pcrcmrcp` prevhlos' ]`ct wcs te `cppog fy Kugo 3st* 64485

    C ]ojj* fy t`ct thno* H nocg* H t`hga t`o hloc wcs t`ct t`hgms weujl `cvo nevol cjegm hg cncggor w`oro oht`or wo `cl ogtorol hgte c sopcrcto lovojepnogt cmroonogt wht` `hn* ersenoego ojso wcs lovojephgm c sbrhpt' H `cl tcjaol wht` poepjo w`e wera ct t`o ihjn mreupbenpcgy t`ct H roiorogbol' H agew t`oy woro uglortcahgm te soo hi cgyfely wcs hgtorostol hglovojephgm t`ct sbrhpt' Cs ei t`o thno t`ct Kugo 3 rejjol creugl* t`oy `cl get hlogthihol cgyfelyt`ct wcs hgtorostol hg nevhgm t`ct prekobt ierwcrl' Re t`hs begtonpjctol* yeu agew* c lcto fyw`hb` t`eso cbthvhthos weujl `cvo ebburrol'

    S cgl se hi t`eso lhlg-t cppog fy Kugo 3 .. hi fy Kugo 3 ge ego wcs hgtorostol hg lovojephgm t`ophbturo* weujl C'O'M' Jhvo sthjj `cvo cgy efjhmcthegs te Nr' Kcbaseg uglor t`hs cmroonogt5

    C Ge'

    S Cgl lhl t`oro beno c thno w`oro yeu cttonptol te oxtogl t`hs Kugo 3 locljhgo te mhvo Nr'Kcbaseg nero thno te lovojep `hs ihjn hlocs5

    C Xos' H nocg* H t`hga t`o hgtorost wcs sthjj t`oro eg Nr' Kcbaseg-s shlo' Cgl H agew wo worohgtorostol hg `ojphgm `hn rocjhzo w`ct `o wcgtol te cbbenpjhs` `oro' Re wo cbtucjjy `clpropcrol cg Cnoglnogt te t`hs cmroonogt te oxtogl t`ct lcto te Ebtefor 3* hi H rononforberrobtjy'

    S Cgl lhl t`ct .. lhl Nr' Kcbaseg ovor shmg t`ct cnoglnogt5

    C Ge' Ht wcs propcrol* cgl ht wcs prevhlol te Nr' Kcbaseg-s roprosogtcthvos* fut ht govor bcnofcba te us oxobutol'

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    S Re t`hs ihjn cmroonogt* get`hgm ovor rocjjy bcno ei ht5 Hs t`ct w`ct yeu-ro tojjhgm no5

    C t`ct-s berrobt'

    S fut ht wcs ego ei t`roo cmroonogts oxobutol eg Kcgucry 69t` fotwoog Nr' Kcbaseg cgl C'O'M'Jhvo5

    C t`ct-s berrobt'

    S H-l jhao te turg eg te t`o hloc ei '''

    S bcg wo me fcba te t`o teur cmroonogt* Tcn* w`hb` hs .. jest ht gew' H t`hga ht-s 9==' Tjchgthiis-ox`hfht 9==.555'

    S se ct t`o ogl ei t`o lcy yostorlcy* Nr' \rojj* H prenhsol wo woro mehgm te tcja nero telcycfeut bcgbojjctheg hgsurcgbo'

    C eacy'

    S cgl H wcgt te zeen fcba hg eg Tcrcmrcp` 32'3' Nr' \rojj* yeu tosthihol yostorlcy* hi H robcjjberrobtjy* t`ct t`hs hs c stcglcrl bcgbojjctheg prevhsheg ei hgsurcgbo t`ct yeu put hg protty nub`cgy begtrcbt w`og C'O'M' Jhvo hs ncahgm clvcgbos te cg crthst' Le H robcjj t`ct berrobtjy5

    C yos* berrobt'

    S cgl hs t`hs .. H fojhovo yeu tosthihol w`og Nr' Tcghs` wcs quostheghgm yeu* t`ct yeu cbtucjjystcrtol jeeahgm hgte bcgbojctheg hgsurcgbo fcba hg Gevonfor ei 64401 hs t`ct rhm`t5

    C ht-s ny robejjobtheg t`ct H ihrst rocb`ol eut te Fef \cyjer hg beggobtheg wht` bcgbojctheghgsurcgbo hg Gevonfor ei -40* yos'

    S cgl lhl yeu `cvo cg uglorstcglhgm fcba hg Gevonfor ei 6440 cs te w`eso efjhmctheg ht wcsmehgm te ujthnctojy fo te soburo bcgbojctheg hgsurcgbo5

    C ht weujl fo t`o crthst-s efjhmctheg' Ht wcs cjwcys t`o crthst-s efjhmctheg* cs H oxpjchgol

    yostorlcy' ]`og clvcgbos cro nclo* ht-s cjwcys t`o Crthst-s efjhmctheg te soburo t`hs iern eihgsurcgbo hg erlor te `cvo t`o nocgs te pcy fcba t`o clvcgbos'

    S se ovog fcba foiero t`hs cmroonogt wcs shmgol* fy busten* yeu agow t`hs wcs mehgm te fo Nr'Kcbaseg-s efjhmctheg5

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    C Oxcbtjy' Fy t`o busten cgl prcbthbo hg t`o Ogtortchgnogt hglustry* cgl eurs ct C'O'M' Jhvo*Xos'

    S cgl H-l jhao te nevo eg' ]`e fogoihts iren gegcppocrcgbo hgsurcgbo jhao t`hs5

    C wojj* t`o bests t`ct ht meos te pcy cro t`o pcynogt efjhmcthegs ei t`o crthst' Re wo-ro fohgmropchl eur clvcgbos* fut ht-s cg efjhmctheg ei t`o Crthst' Re ht fogoihts Crthstbe'

    S se hi H uglorsteel yeu berrobtjy yostorlcy* C'O'M' Jhvo wcs jecghgm Nr' Kcbaseg c jcrmo sun einegoy te prelubo t`o teur1 hs t`ct rhm`t5

    C berrobt'

    S Cgl hi ier seno rocseg t`o teur lhlg-t me ierwcrl* t`hs hgsurcgbo weujl pcy C'O'M' Jhvo fcbaier t`eso clvcgbos se t`ct t`o crthst lhlg-t `cvo te beno up wht` t`o negoy te ropcy5 Hs t`ct ..

    Nr' Tcghs`; joclhgm cgl summosthvo' Evorrujol'

    C \`o bcgbojjctheg hgsurcgbo* te t`o oxtogt t`oro-s c bjchn nclo cmchgst ht .. cmchg* w`ot`or ht-sier* yeu agew* ego s`ew jest* er c sorhos ei s`ews* er t`o ogthroty ei t`o rug .. te t`o oxtogt htrospegls* nocghgm* te t`o oxtogt ht pcys eut* eur rhm`ts hg t`o pejhby* nocghgm C'O'M' rhm`ts hg t`opejhby* egjy oxhsts te t`o oxtogt ei eur rhm`ts uglor t`o teur cmroonogt* cgl uglor t`o teurcmroonogt Nr' Kcbaseg er Crthstbe* t`o Nhb`coj Kcbaseg benpcgy* wcs efjhmctol te pcy te us t`oclvcgbos wo nclo* hgbjulhgm t`o prelubtheg bests'

    S cgl yeu tcjaol c jhttjo fht cfeut* w`og Nr' Tcghs` wcs quostheghgm yeu* t`o preboss ei tryhgm

    te eftchg hgsurcgbo ier Nr' Kcbaseg' H-l jhao te csa gew cfeut t`ct'

    C eacy'

    S `ew lhl yeu me cfeut lotornhghgm w`ot`or er `ew Nr' Kcbaseg beujl mot bcgbojctheghgsurcgbo ier t`o &\`hs Hs Ht& teur5

    C H begtcbtol c freaor t`ct wo uso iren thno te thno hg beggobtheg wht` eftchghgm t`oso typos eibevorcmos'

    S cgl w`e hs t`ct freaor5

    C Fef \cyjer'

    S Cgl w`ct-s `hs benpcgy5

    C `o weras ct c benpcgy bcjjol Vefortseg \cyjer'

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    S hs t`ct benpcgy hg t`o ughtol stctos* er hs ht ojsow`oro5

    C ht-s hg Jegleg'

    S cgl lhl yeu bennughbcto wht` Nr' \cyjer cfeut eftchghgm petogthcj hgsurcgbo ier Nr'Kcbaseg-s teur5

    C rhm`t' Cgl w`ct t`o freaor leos hs* t`oy me te t`o hgsurcgbo ncraotpjcbo te ihgl eut .. cgl t`otorn ei crt usol hs* w`ct bcpcbhty t`oro hs hg t`o ncraotpjcbo' Hg t`o ogtortchgnogt hglustry* fet`t`o crthst cgl t`o prenetor bcg soburo t`hs typo ei hgsurcgbo' Re eg eur shlo ei ht* eg t`o C'O'M'Jhvo shlo ei ht* wo `cvo t`hs efjhmctheg t`ct rojctos te clvcgbos* eacy* t`ct t`o crthst hs efjhmctol temot t`hs ahgl ei hgsurcgbo' Ropcrctojy* wo bcg egjy mot t`hs ahgl ei hgsurcgbo* cgl senothnos le*ier eur eut.ei.pebaot bests* jhao ncraothgm oxpogsos* recl bests' ]o `cvo poepjo eg t`o recl' His`ews cro jest* yeu-vo met te whgl t`ct preboss lewg* cgl t`oro-s pcynogts t`ct cro luo cglewhgm te t`eso poepjo' Ct t`o scno thno* eg t`o crthst shlo ei ht* t`oy `cvo t`ohr ewg bests cgl

    oxpogsos* petogthcjjy* cgl t`oy cjse `cvo preihts t`ct t`oy bcg ncao' Re ht-s get ugbenneg iert`o crthst te cjse mot t`hs ahgl ei hgsurcgbo te soburo preihts t`ct t`oy nhm`t ncao eg c pcrthbujcrteur' Cs c ncttor ei eur fushgoss oglocvers er* H suppeso* benpcgy pejhby* wo leg-t soburobcgbojjctheg hgsurcgbo te soburo cgthbhpctol preihts ier us* egjy te robeup eur clvcgbos'

    S se ..

    C se t`o bcpcbhty .. w`ct H nocg fy t`ct* t`oro-s c mogorcj bcpcbhty cvchjcfjo hg t`o ncraotpjcbo*bcjj ht &x*& w`ctovor t`ct lejjcr cneugt hs' Cgl ht-s t`ct &x& \`ct fet` t`o crthst cgl t`o prenetorbeujl petogthcjjy cbboss hg erlor te eftchg t`hs ahgl ei bevorcmo'

    S cgl t`ct &x& hs seno cneugt ei negoy5

    C ht-s w`ctovor t`o ncraotpjcbo benos fcba wht`* Xos'

    S cgl hs t`ct ncraotpjcbo lotornhgol fy t`o Begbort prenetors5

    C ht-s lotornhgol fy t`o typos ei hgsurcgbo benpcghos t`ct uglorwrhto t`hs typo ei pejhby'

    S cgl Nr' \cyjer* yeu schl* wcs c freaor'

    Hs `hs benpcgy sopcrcto iren C'O'M' Jhvo5

    C yos'

    S cgl hs ht sopcrcto iren t`o hgsurcgbo benpcghos cs wojj5

    C yos'

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    S lhl yeu `cvo cg uglorstcglhgm cs te w`ot`or Nr' \cyjer wcs `cvhgm cg ocsy thno er c `crlthno ihglhgm hgsurcgbo ier Nr' Kcbaseg5

    C hghthcjjy `o `cl c vory lhiihbujt thno' Cppcrogtjy* w`og `o wogt te t`o ncraots t`ct `o meos te*

    t`o hghthcj hglhbcthegs worog-t vory stregm ct cjj* hi t oy oxhstol ct cjj' \`oro wcs c jet eisahtths`goss cs c rosujt ei tcfjehl crthbjos t`ct woro roperthgm eg Nr' Kcbaseg-s `ocjt`' Hspobhihbcjjy rononfor `hn roiorogbhgm senot`hgm cfeut sahg bcgbor1 t`ct ht cppocrol hg t`o\cfjehl nolhc evor t`oro hg t`o _A'

    S te yeur agewjolmo* Nr' \rojj* lhl Nr' Kcbaseg mcvo sahg bcgbor5

    C get te ny agewjolmo* ge'

    S le yeu robcjj cg hgsuror fohgm begborgol cfeut \cfjehls scyhgm Nr' Kcbaseg `cl sahg bcgbor5

    C t`oy cro hgsurors* se t`oy uglorwrhto hgsurcgbo eg w`ctovor brhtorhc t`ct t`oy uthjhzo' Htefvheusjy hgbjulos t`o bcgbojctheg `hstery ei c pcrthbujcr crthst* w`ctovor et`or hgiernctheg hscvchjcfjo te t`on cfeut t`ct crthst-s `ocjt`' Cgl t`hgms jhao t`hs* hi t`oy-ro cwcro ei ht* w`hb` t`oyefvheusjy woro* t`oy weujl `cvo te mot cgswors te cgl hgiernctheg cfeut'

    S cgl lhl Nr' \cyjer ncao cgy robennoglcthegs te yeu cgl Nr' @cwa cs te .. c wcy te mot t`ohgsurors nero beniertcfjo wht` t`o hloc ei hgsurhgm Nr' Kcbaseg5

    C `o t`eum`t ht weujl fo usoiuj* hg jhm`t ei t`oso roperts* te `cvo c nolhbcj oxcn beglubtol cglfo cfjo .. cgl ier `hn te fo cfjo te t`og tcao t`ct ropert* t`ct nolhbcj ropert t`ct `cl rosujts* fcba

    te t`o ncraotpjcbo'

    S cgl lhl `o robennogl cgy pcrthbujcr p`yshbhcg ier t`ct nolhbcj oxcn5

    C `o roiorrol te c lebter t`ct `o roiorrol te no cs c Jjeyls.proiorrol p`yshbhcg* c lebter hg GowXera gcnol Lr' Rjcvht'

    S cgl wcs ht yeur uglorstcglhgm t`ct Nr' \cyjer robennoglol Lr' Rjcvht cs t`o porseg te le t`ooxcn5

    C berrobt'

    S cjj rhm`t' Gew* pjchgthiis- beugsoj csaol yostorlcy w`ot`or Nr' @cwa wcs ovor hgvejvol hglhrobt o.nchj begvorscthegs wht` Nr' \cyjer'

    S cgl H-l jhao te put up ego ei pjchgthiis- ox`hfhts .. cbtucjjy* pjchgthiis- ox`hfht 555.3

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    Ns' Fhgc; ht wcs ego yeu hgtrelubol wht` `hn yostorlcy'

    Nr' Tcghs`; se t`hs hs hg ovhlogbo5

    Ns' Fhgc; yos'

    Nr' Tcghs`; eacy' Me c`ocl'

    S w`e hs eg t`hs o.nchj b`chg* Nr' \rojj 5

    C t`hs o.nchj hs te Logghs `cwa cgl nysoji iren Fef \cyjer eg Kcgucry t`o 0t`* 6448'

    S se lhl Nr' \cyjer hg icbt `cvo lhrobt o.nchj bennughbcthegs wht` Nr' @cwa5

    C yos* `o lhl'

    S cgl H-l jhao te turg te t`o ihrst O.nchj hg t`hs b`chg' \`oro-s cbtucjjy ieur pcmos hg ht' 9==.30'Cbtucjjy* jot-s me fcba ego' 3=' Bcg yeu fjew up t`ct fcr eg t o rhm`t5

    S Nr' \rojj* bcg yeu oxpjchg w`ct t`hs o.nchj hs* yeu robcjj5

    C yos' Ht-s cg o.nchj iren no te Fef \cyjer eg t`o =t` ei Kcgucry* w`oro H-n pcsshgm cjegm te Nr'\cyjer begtcbt hgiernctheg ier Nhb`coj Kcbaseg-s Cttergoy* Logghs `cwa'

    S cgl t`hs hs foiero ..hi H geto t`o lcto berrobtjy .. foiero t`o cmroonogt wht` Nr' Kcbaseg wcsoxobutol5

    C cpprexhnctojy t`roo wooas prher* yos'

    S se prher te t`ct cmroonogt fohgm shmgol* `cl yeu cgl Nr' @cwa cjrocly foog lhsbusshgmbcgbojjctheg hgsurcgbo5

    C yos* fobcuso wo `cl cjrocly oxb`cgmol lrcits ei lebunogts* cgl t`o prevhsheg cgl t`oroquhronogt wcs cjrocly begtchgol hg t`eso lrcits iren t`o ihrst lrcit ierwcrl'

    S cgl t`og H-l jhao te jeea ct t`o goxt o.nchj hg t`hs b`chg' Hi yeu wcgt te me te t`o tep ei ht* Ht`hga ht stcrts t`oro' Nr' \rojj* weujl ht fo `ojpiuj hi H freum`t up t`hs lebunogt* shgbo ht-s cgunfor ei pcmos5

    C suro* t`ct-s ihgo'

    S (s`ewhgm `hn lebs'

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    C t`cgas'

    S cgl bcg yeu zeen hg eg t`eso ihrst twe pcrcmrcp`s5 Ihrst t`roo pcrcmrcp`s' se w`e hs t`hs o.nchj te5

    C t`hs o.nchj hs iren fef \cyjer te Logghs @cwa cgl nysoji eg Kcgucry t`o =t`* 6448'

    S Eacy' Cgl hs t`hs romcrlhgm c petogthcj hgsurcgbo p`yshbcj t`ct .. t`o ego yeu kust lhsbussol5

    C yos'

    S cgl w`ct wcs Nr' \cyjer-s robennoglctheg cs por t`hs o.nchj5

    C `o-s robennoglhgm hg t`ct t`hrl pcrcmrcp` t`oro t`ct; &t`o crthst fo csaol te cttogl c nolhbcj

    oxcnhgctheg wht` c lebter w`e hs cbboptol cgl trustol fy t`on'& &\`on& hs roiorrhgm te t`obcrrhors' \`o hgsurcgbo bcrrhor'

    S cgl leos `o scy w`ct ahgl ei oxcn `o oxpobtol t`hs te fo5

    C `o schl ht weujl fo; &c iujj nolhbcj oxcn t`ct weujl hgvejvo c quostheggchro* cs wojj cs fjeelcgl urhgo tosts'&

    S hi yeu beujl turg te t`o goxt pcmo'''hs t`hs t`o lebter t`ct H t`hga yeu tosthihol yostorlcy Nr'\cyjer robennoglol5

    C yos' Lr' Rjcvht'

    S gew* lhl yeu `cvo cgy begborgs cfeut t`o bests ei ushgm Lr' Rjcvht5

    C wojj* cs H tosthihol provheusjy* H `cl kust .. H csaol t`o quostheg w`y ht wcs gobosscry te `cvo cLebter iren Gow Xera ijewg hg' H t`hga t`oro cro mroct `esphtcjs `oro hg Jes Cgmojos* cgl werjl.rogewg lebters' Re H wcs hgquhrhgm cfeut t`o gool te hgbur t`ct oxpogso hg beggobtheg wht` t`hsnolhbcj oxcn'

    S cgl bcg wo put up cget`or o.nchj w`hb` pjchgthiis s`ewol yostorlcy* w`hb` hs 9==.555 t`hs hs c

    s`ert ego* se hi yeu gool no te wcja ht up* t`ct-s ihgo'

    C ge* t`ct-s ihgo'

    S le yeu robcjj soohgm t`hs o.nchj yostorlcy5

    C yos* H le'

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    S gew* yostorlcy Nr' Tcghs` csaol yeu w`ot`or cgyw`oro hg t`hs o.nchj yeu schl yeu worobegborgol cfeut t`o bests fobcuso ht weujl icjj eg Nr' Kcbaseg' Le yeu robcjj t`ct5

    C yos* H le'

    S cgl le yeu robcjj w`ct yeu tejl `hn5

    C wojj* t`hs o.nchj leosg-t roior te Nhb`coj Kcbaseg* fut efvheusjy ny cwcrogoss ei t`o prevhshegcgl w`eso efjhmctheg t`hs oxpogso weujl ujthnctojy icjj te hs* ht-s t`o crthst'

    Nr' Tcghs`; ht-s `hs roncras' Ht-s gegrospegshvo te t`o quostheg cmchg* w`hb` wcs .. Rustchgol'

    Ns' Fhgc; yeur `eger* H cbtucjjy t`hga ht wcs rospegshvo' H csaol `hn hi `o robcjjol w`ct `o

    tejl Nr' Tcghs`* cgl H fojhovo `o rostctol w`ct `o tejl Nr' Tcghs` yostorlcy'

    Kulmo; jot-s role ht* t`og'

    Ns' Fhgc; cjj rhm`t'

    S Nr' \rojj* H-n kust tryhgm te ihmuro eut w`y .. jot no soo hi H bcg csa ht lhiiorogtjy' Cs eiKcgucry 8t`* 6448* lhl yeu `cvo cg uglorstcglhgm cs te w`ot`or t`hs weujl fo Nr' Kcbaseg-s bester C'O'M' Jhvo-s best5

    C yos' Ier t`o rocsegs H mcvo* busten cgl prcbthbo* cgl agewhgm w`ct eur lrcit cmroonogts `clcjrocly schl* cgl w`ct eur teur cmroonogts cjwcys scy* ht weujl fo cg Crthstbe efjhmctheg'

    S cgl wcs t`ct senot`hgm yeu cgl Nr' @cwa `cl cjrocly lhsbussol5

    C yos' ]o `cl cjrocly oxb`cgmol lrcits ei cmroonogts fy t`hs lcto'

    S se ovog t`eum` yeu leg-t scy `oro hg t`hs O.nchj* hg yeur nhgl* H t`hga yeu tosthihol yostorlcy*Ht wcs uglorsteel5

    C berrobt'

    S jot-s me eg te ox`hfht 6555' Nr' \rojj* wcs cg oxcn ujthnctojy sot up ier Lr' Rjcvht te oxcnhgoNr' Kcbaseg5

    C yos* ht wcs'

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    S cgl H-l jhao te zeen hg eg t`hs ihrst o.nchj ei t`hs b`chg' Rtcrts eg pcmo 3* cgl t`og teos evor tepcmo 6' Nr' \rojj* le yeu robcjj w`ct t`hs o.nchj hs roiorogbhgm5

    C wojj* ht-s cg o.nchj iren no te fef \cyjer eg t`o 6?t` ei Kcgucry' Ht-s roiorogbhgm c lhsbusshegVcgly T`hjjhps `cl wht` senofely hg Nhb`coj Kcbaseg-s bcnp* cgl ht wcs roquostol t`ct Fef

    \cyjer prevhlo Logghs @cwa* Nhb`coj-s cttergoy* wht` Lr' Rjcvhb-s rosuno' Cgl cjse gethiyhgm`hn t`ct Lr' Rjcvht weujl gool te shmg c begihlogthcjhty cmroonogt'

    S cgl weujl t`ct fo c begihlogthcjhty cmroonogt rojcthgm te Nr' Kcbaseg-s nolhbcj roberls* er lhlyeu `cvo cg uglorstcglhgm5

    C H t`hga ht weujl fo c begihlogthcjhty cmroonogt te w`ctovor wcs t`o sufstcgbo ei t`o nolhbcjoxcn t`ct wcs te tcao pjcbo* cgl cjse w`ctovor nolhbcj roberls er w`ctovor hgiernctheg spobhihbte Nhb`coj Kcbaseg woro prevhlol te Lr' Rjcvht'

    S cgl le yeu `cvo cgy uglorstcglhgm cs te w`ot`or Nr' \cyjer lhl sogl Lr' Rjcvht-s rosuno teNr' @cwa5

    C `o lhl'

    S cgl lhl Nr' Rjcvht ogl up poriernhgm cg oxcn eg Nr' Kcbaseg5

    C `o lhl'

    S le yeu rononfor w`og t`ct wcs5

    C H fojhovo ht wcs Iofrucry

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    Tcthogt-s nolhbcj roberls* crthst-s nolhbcj roberls5

    C govor'

    S woro yeu tejl cgyt`hgm cfeut t`o rosujts ei t`o p`yshbcj5

    C Fef \cyjer ..

    Nr' Tcghs`; ht-s `ocrscy'

    Kulmo kust csas ier &yos& er &ge'&

    ]oro yeu tejl cgyt`hgm5

    \rojj yos'

    Ns' Fhgc; yeur `eger* H t`hga ht-s cg oxboptheg te t`o `ocrscy rujo fobcuso ht meos te t`o

    stcto ei nhgl cs te w`ct Nr' Kcbaseg-s p`yshbcj beglhtheg wcs* w`hb` meos te c gunfor ei

    hssuos hg lhsputo hg t`hs bcso'

    kulmo jot no `ocr t`o quostheg'

    S Lhl Nr' \cyjer tojj yeu w`ot`or er get t`o p`yshbcj oxcn wcs pcssol5

    Kulmo eacy' Evorrujol' Xeu ncy cgswor'

    \rojj Nr' \cyjer-s oxcbt werls te no* &Et`or t`cg c sjhm`t bcso ei `cy iovor* `o pcssol wht`ijyhgm bejers'&

    S cgl lhl Nr' \cyjer ovor .. le yeu robcjj w`ot`or `o ovor o.nchjol yeu cgyt`hgm iurt`or cfeutt`o rosujts ei t`o p`yshbcj oxcn5

    C beujl yeu csa t`ct cmchg* pjocso5

    S le yeu agew w`ot`or Nr' \cyjer ovor .. yeu schl `o bcjjol yeu' Lhl `o ovor o.nchj yeu5 Leyeu robcjj5

    C `o ncy `cvo schl t`ct scno t`hgm hg cg o.nchj H leg-t robcjj spobhihbcjjy'

    S H-l jhao te put ht up* kust ier t`o whtgoss cgl pjchgthiis- beugsoj* pjchgthiis- ox`hfht 62

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    S lhl Nr' \cyjer o.nchj yeu5

    C `o o.nchjol no cgl Tcuj Megmcwcro senot hgm hg romcrls te t`o bcgbojjctheg hgsurcgbopejhby t`ct ncaos roiorogbo te t`o nolhbcj oxcnhgctheg* hg pcrt'

    S le yeu `cvo cg uglorstcglhgm cs te w`ot`or er get c fjeel tost wcs poriernol eg Nr' Kcbasegct t`o Lr' Rjcvht p`yshbcj5

    C t`ct-s ny uglorstcglhgm'

    S se yeur uglorstcglhgm wcs .. t`ct ht wcs er wcsg-t5

    C t`ct ht wcs' C fjeel tost wcs lego ct t`hs* Xos'

    S se w`og Nr' \cyjer hgiernol yeu t`ct Nr' Kcbaseg `cl pcssol wht` ijyhgm bejers* yeuruglorstcglhgm t`ct `o `cl pcssol get egjy t`o p`yshbcj* fut cjse t`o fjeel tost5

    C berrobt'

    S lhl yeu ovor whgl up motthgm gegcppocrcgbo hgsurcgbo ier t`o &t`hs hs ht& teur5

    C yos'

    S cgl H fojhovo yeu schl ht wcs feugl hg jcto Cprhj5

    C H fojhovo ht wcs feugl hg jcto Cprhj* yos' Cprhj 6

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    C yos* H le'

    S w`ct hs ht5

    C ht hs t`o gegcppocrcgbo hgsurcgbo t`ct wo woro kust lhsbusshgm* temot`or wht` cg hgvehbo wht`rospobt te t`o pronhun pcynogt cssebhctol wht` t`o scno'

    S gew* ht scys ct t`o tep `oro* &C'O'M' Jhvo* JJB* cgl%er t`o Ncra Kegos benpcgy* JJB'& ]`ehs t`o Ncra Kegos benpcgy5

    C Berrobt' Hg erlor .. fobcuso ei Nr' Kcbaseg-s `hm` preihjo* hg erlor te aoop t`ct ncttor irenfobenhgm pufjhbjy agewg t`ct t`hs pejhby wcs fohgm seum`t* t`o uglorwrhtors uthjhzol t`hs ihjj.hggcno ei Ncra Kegos ier Nhb`coj Kcbaseg'

    S cgl hs t`ct senot`hgm yeu-vo soog foiero ier hgsurcgbo pejhbhos ier bojofrhthos* ier jcba ei cfottor werl5

    C H `cvog-t soog t`hs foiero* ge' H t`hga t`hs hs yot cget`or hton rojctol te t`o tcfjehl nolhc sterhosct t`o thno'

    S se t`hs hs t`o egjy thno yeu-vo soog ht usol* c psoulegyn jhao t`hs5

    C yos'

    S cgl H-l jhao te turg te pcmo

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    S se w`e woro t`o cssurols uglor t`hs pejhby5

    C t`oro woro twe' Ht wcs C'O'M' Jhvo* cgl ht wcs \`o Nhb`coj Kcbaseg benpcgy* JJB'

    S cgl scys &ier t`ohr rospobthvo rhm`ts cgl hgtorosts'& bcg yeu oxpjchg t`ct te no5

    C ihm`t' \`ct-s w`ct H `cl nogthegol provheusjy* ier t`ohr rospobthvo rhm`ts cgl hgtorosts' \`ctweujl fo t`o rhm`ts cgl hgtorosts uglor t`o teur cmroonogt' se hg eur bcso* ht-s eur rhm`t te robeupt`o clvcgbos' Hi t`oro woro cgy prebools pchl eut cfevo cgl foyegl t`eso efjhmcthegs* t`esoweujl me te t`o Nhb`coj Kcbaseg benpcgy* JJB'

    S cgl t`og w`e hs t`o hgsurol porseg* er w`ct hs \`o hgsurol porseg5 ]`ct leos t`ct nocg5

    C t`ct nocgs t`o porseg eg w`en t`o pejhby hs cbtucjjy wrhttog'

    S se t`o porseg ier w`en hi senot`hgm `cppogs te t`ohr teur* t`ct-s w`eso bcgbojctheg pejhby hshg oiiobt5

    C rhm`t' Hg beggobtheg wht` t`oso typos ei pejhbhos* t`ct-s t`o crthst* yos'

    S cgl hs Ncra Kegos Nr' Kcbaseg5

    C t`ct-s Nhb`coj Kcbaseg* yos'

    S cgl H-l jhao te kust me te t`o fetten ei t`o pcmo t`oro' ht scys* &jhnht ei hglonghty'& ]`ct hs


    C \`ct hs t`o cneugt ei t`o hgsurcgbo bevorcmo' \`ct hs t`o ncxhnun cneugt ei t`o bevorcmocvchjcfjo uglor t`hs pejhby* ,3='? nhjjheg'

    S cgl lhl yeu `cvo cg uglorstcglhgm cs ei Cprhj 6

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    C t`oso cro t`o beglhthegs eg w`hb` t`o pejhby hs wrhttog' \`o torns cgl beglhthegs ei cgcmroonogt* hg ossogbo'

    S met ht' Cgl w`ct hs pcrcmrcp` c cfeut5

    C eacy' \`hs pcrthbujcr pejhby wcs wrhttog eg w`ct-s bcjjol c lobjhghgm.fcjcgbo fcshs' \`ct-s nytorn* w`ct H bcjj ht' Re c fulmot wcs sufnhttol te t`o hgsurors* cgl eg t`o fcshs ei t`ct fulmot* cshgbeno wcs ocrgol evor t`o ihrst 32 s`ews* eacy* t`o ,3= 3%6 nhjjheg weujl fo rolubol' Re cswo robeupol eur clvcgbos* t`o cneugt ei bevorcmo uglor t`o pejhby weujl rolubo pre rctccbberlhgmjy'

    S se* cmchg* wcs t`hs t`o hloc t`ct t`o purpeso ei t`o hgsurcgbo wcs te mot fcba t`o clvcgbos5

    C berrobt'

    S cgl se egbo t`o clvcgbos woro robeupol hg t`hs bcso* t`o pejhby meos lewg5

    C t`ct-s berrobt'

    S se t`ct ht ge jegmor `cs te pcy eut5

    C ht hgbronogtcjjy lobrocsos' \`ct-s berrobt'

    S eacy' H-l jhao te turg .. wojj* cbtucjjy* H-l jhao te stcy eg t`hs pcmo ier c nenogt' Cbtucjjy* Hwcgt te me ierwcrl cgl t`og fcbawcrl' se jot-s me gew te pcmo 33* c `oclhgm bcjjol &porhjs'&

    C eacy'

    S cgl w`ct cro porhjs uglor c bcgbojjctheg Hgsurcgbo pejhby5 ]`ct-s cro porhjs5

    C C porhj hs c werl usol te losbrhfo c bhrbunstcgbos eg w`hb` t`o pejhby nhm`t rospegl1 t`ct cbjchn beujl fo nclo cmchgst t`o pejhby'

    S se cro t`oso t`o porhjs t`ct t`hs pejhby cppjhol te5

    C t`oy cro t`o typos ei rhsas bevorol fy t`o pejhby'

    S cgl cro t`o egos t`oro benneg ier bcgbojjctheg hgsurcgbo pejhbhos5

    C yos' \`oso cro yeur benneg er typhbcj porhjs Hg c pejhby ei t`hs gcturo* yos'

    S bcg yeu kust frhoijy me t`reum` ocb` ego ei t`oso* oxpjchg w`ct t`oy cro5

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    C suro' Kust mehgm lewg t`o jhgo' \`o ihrst Torhj hs &loct`'&\`o sobegl pejhby (shb hs &cbbhlogt erHjjgoss'& cgl t`ct whjj gool te fo oxpjchgol iurt`or'

    S rhm`t'

    C eacy' \`o goxt ego cro &trcvoj lojcys'& H nocg* t`ct-s c typhbcj rhsa t`ct-s bevorol' Xeu agew*Cg crthst motthgm iren s`ew te s`ew* hi senot`hgm `cppogs t`oro' \`hgms t`ct nhm`t `cppog te cpcrthbujcr voguo \`ct beujl mhvo rhso te c bjchn eg c gegcppocrcgbo Tejhby' &Clvorso woct`or&hs cjwcys hg t`oro' Hi ht-s cg eutleer s`ew* yeu `cvo c prevhsheg jhao t`ct' \`ct efvheusjy lhlg-tcppjy `oro &bcsos ei gcthegcj neurghgm'& t`ct nhm`t mhvo rhso te c gegcppocrcgbo bjchn'

    S w`ct weujl t`ct fo* gcthegcj neurghgm5

    C e`* H nocg* t`ct weujl fo c shmghihbcgt ovogt \`ct `cs `cppogol w`oro .. H nocg* wo cjj ageww`oro wo woro w`og 833 `cppogol' Cgl sperthgm ovogts* begbort Ovogts* cgl cjj t`hgms worobcgbojol cs c rosujt ei t`ct' \`ct weujl fo cg oxcnpjo ei gcthegcj neurghgm'

    S met ht' Cgl t`og &et`or porhjs'& w`ct leos ht scy cfeut et`or porhjs5

    C ht-s sert ei c bctb`cjj' &cgy et`or porhj get jhstol hg t`hs sobtheg* cgl get spobhihbcjjy jhnhtol eroxbjulol ojsow`oro hg t`o lebunogt& weujl fo bevorol'

    S gew* yeu schl t`o &cbbhlogt cgl hjjgoss& weujl Gool iurt`or oxpjcgctheg* cgl H-n mehgm te motte t`ctGew'

    C eacy'

    S wcs hjjgoss bevorcmo cbtucjjy bevorol fy t`hs pejhby cs ei Cprhj 6

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    S se t`ct bevorol porhj ge' 6* &cbbhlogt er hjjgoss'& egjy t`o cbbhlogt `cji wcs hg oiiobt ct t`hspehgt5

    C t`ct-s berrobt'

    S cgl H wcgt te cjse jeea ct seno oxbjushegs te t`hs pejhby* w`hb` hs 3360=* pcmo 39(hglhbcthgm' ]`ct cro pejhby oxbjushegs* Nr' \rojj* kust mogorcjjy5

    C C pejhby oxbjushegs cro bhrbunstcgbos t`ct* hi t`oy cppjy* weujl bcuso t`o pejhby get terospegl'

    S w`ct le yeu nocg5

    C H nocg* t`oso typos ei t`hgms sot iert` eg t`hs pcmo weujl get fo bevorol uglor t`hs pejhby'

    S se hi senot`hgm weujl et`orwhso fo c bevorol porhj* t`oso cro ahgl ei oxbopthegs te t`ct5

    C t`ct-s cget`or wcy ei scyhgm ht* yos'

    S H leg-t locj wht` hgsurcgbo vory eitog'

    C yos' \`ct-s cbburcto'

    S cgl H-l jhao te jeea ct oxbjusheg ='? (hglhbcthgm' ]`ct hs t`hs5

    C t`hs hs c stcglcrl* typhbcj* bustencry oxbjusheg t`ct locjs wht` t`o hjjomcj pessossheg er t`ohjjomcj tcahgm ei lrums cgl t`ohr oiiobts'

    S se hs ht ichr te scy t`ct yeu beujlg-t uso bcgbojjctheg hgsurcgbo te bevor cg crthst w`e lhol ei*scy* c `orehg evorleso5

    C t`ct-s berrobt'

    S er cgy et`or lrum t`ct wcs hjjomcjjy pessossol er hjjhbhtjy tcaog5

    C hi ht iojj wht`hg t`ct pcrcnotor* t`ct hs berrobt* yos'

    S se C'O'M' Jhvo beujlg-t me eut cgl mot c pejhby te pretobt cmchgst cg crthst ushgm lrums hjjomcjjyer hjjhbhtjy5

    C t`ct hs berrobt'

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    S se t`ct .. H muoss w`ct H-n scyhgm hs* t`hs pejhby weujl get cllross t`ct hssuo5

    C beujl yeu csa t`ct quostheg .. w`ct le yeu nocg fy &t`ct hssuo&5

    S rhm`t' \`hs hgsurcgbo pejhby weujlg-t bevor .. Hg et`or werls* H muoss w`ct H-n tryhgm te scy*

    yeu weujlg-t me eut cgl mot c pejhby ier cg crthst yeu t`eum`t `cl cg hjjhbht lrum prefjon5

    C ei beurso get' Ht weujlg-t rospegl' Cgl t`hs oxbjusheg hs hg ovory gegcppocrcgbo pejhby t`ctH-vo soog* se ..

    S H-l jhao te kust jeea ct c beupjo nero pcmos `oro' beujl wo me te pcmo 645 bcg yeu tojj us w`ctt`hs pcmo hs5

    C t`hs hs* ht-s bcjjol c &gcnol porsegs oxtogsheg'& t`hs nocgs t`ct t`o pejhby oxtogls te t`o poepjot`ct cro jhstol `oro* s`eujl cgyt`hgm sot iert` t`oro `cppog te t`on'

    S se hs t`oro cg cllhthegcj gcnol porseg hg t`hs pejhby5

    C t`oro-s Lr' \e`no \e`no'

    S se leos t`ct nocg t`ct hi Lr' \e`no met shba* cgl t`ct bcusol t`o s`ew te fo bcgbojol* t`opejhby bevorol `hn cs wojj5

    C wojj* ht weujl nocg t`ct hi .. kust mehgm te gunfor ego jhstol uglor t`oro* &t`o loct` ei*& t`ctweujl nocg t`ct hi Lr' \e`no woro te lho* cgl t`o crthst wcs lhstrcum`t cfeut t`ct sub` t`ct `owcs ugcfjo te poriern c s`ew* t`ct s`ew fohgm bcgbojol weujl icjj wht`hg t`o bevorcmo prevhlolfy t`hs pejhby'

    S wcs t`oro cgy rocseg t`ct yeu agew ei te t`hga t`ct Lr' \e`no wcs jhaojy te lho5

    C ge'

    S le yeu agew w`ot`or Nr' Kcbaseg er Nr' Kcbaseg-s cttergoys ovor begshlorol cllhgm cgyCllhthegcj porsegs te t`hs &gcnol porsegs oxtogsheg&5

    C H leg-t agew w`ct t`oy begshlorol' H .. t`hs bcno iren t`on* se H prosuno t`oy begshlorol ht'

    Nr' Tcghs`; wojj* nevo te strhao' Ge Ieuglctheg' &prosunol begshlorol*& `o leosg-t agew'

    kulmo cgswor hs strhbaog' Bcjjs ier Rpobujctheg'

    S Nr' \rojj* lhl t`o porsegs w`e woro cllol te t`o pejhby* woro t`oy porsegs C'O'M' Jhvo cllol*er weujl t`oy `cvo beno iren Nr' Kcbaseg-s shlo5

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    C t`oy bcno iren Logghs `cwa* iren Nr' Kcbaseg-s jcwyor* yos'

    S se C'O'M' Jhvo lhlg-t `cvo cgyt`hgm te le wht` cllhgm Lr' \e`no te t`o pejhby5

    C ge'

    S t`ct-s cjj H wcgtol te csa'

    C eacy'

    S cjj rhm`t' Gew* H t`hga* cs wo-vo soog* t`o pejhby hg pjcbo lhl get bevor Nr' Kcbaseg-s hjjgoss csei Cprhj 6

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    S cgl woro yeu ovor cfjo te mot nero hgsurcgbo bevorcmo5

    C ge'

    S cgl H-l jhao te s`ew yeu ox`hfht 0

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    S cgl t`ct nolhbcj `hstery wcs goolol ier t`o bcgbojjctheg hgsurcgbo pejhby5

    C ht wcs goolol hg erlor te mot hjjgoss cllol cs cg cllhthegcj bevorol porhj'

    S cgl w`e woro t`o hgsurols uglor t`ct pejhby cmchg5

    C t`o Nhb`coj Kcbaseg benpcgy cgl C'O'M' Jhvo'

    S cgl w`y leg-t H ..

    S* Tcn* fcba up cgl me te t`o O.nchj ct t`o tep ei t`hs b`chg' Nr' \rojj* le yeu soo* t`hs hs cg O.nchj te Nr' \cyjer iren Nr' Megmcwcro* cgl ht-s bephol \e yeu cgl Nr' ]eejjoy cgl Nr'T`hjjhps (hglhbcthgm5

    C H soo t`ct* yos'

    S cgl ht ierwcrls c gunfor ei cllhthegcj o.nchjs5

    C yos'

    S cgl H wcgt te csa yeu cfeut ego ei t`o cllhthegcj o.nchjs t`ct wcs ierwcrlol* cgl t`ct-s eg t`osobegl pcmo `oro' cbtucjjy* Tcn* hi yeu bcg zeen hg eg t`o fetten ei t`o ihrst pcmo se wo bcgsoo `ew t`o O.nchj stcrts' t`ct wcs t`o o.nchj wo woro soohgm c nhguto cme iren Nr' \cyjer' Leyeu `cvo cg uglorstcglhgm w`e ht-s te5

    C ht-s iren Fef \cyjer te Begrcl Nurrcy'

    S cgl H-l jhao te jeea ct t`o sobegl pcmo `oro' Cbtucjjy* Tcn* c jhttjo fht `hm`or t`cg t`ct' yeutcjaol ocrjhor cfeut tcfjehl runers5

    C t`ct-s berrobt* yos'

    S cgl H wcgt te frhgm t`hs up' Le yeu `cvo cg uglorstcglhgm cfeut w`ct t`hs jhst hs `oro

    C ht cppocrs te fo c jhst ei t`o spobhihb tcfjehl sterhos t`ct woro uglorjyhgm t`hs ogthro preboss*yos'

    Nr' Tcghs`; cgl lhl yeu scy w`ct lcto t`hs hs5

    Ns' Fhgc; Kugo 6

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    Ns' Fhgc; wo-ro eg t`o o.nchj eg t`o fetten ei' \`o pcmo* cgl ht meos te t`o sobegl'

    Nr' Tcghs`; t`o jcst twe fctos cro ==5

    Ns' Fhgc; yos'

    Nr' Tcghs`; eacy' Re t`ct-s Kugo 6?t`'

    Ns' Fhgc; Kugo 6?t`'

    S cgl H t`hga yeu schl Nr' \cyjer wcs hg Jegleg5

    C rhm`t' Ohm`t `eurs c`ocl ei us'

    S se senothnos c fht ei begiusheg cs te w`ot`or seno t`hgms cro Kugo 6?t` er Kugo 6

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    C ge'

    S lhl yeu ovor `ocr ei cgyego soohgm Nr' Kcbaseg hg c w`oojb`chr et`or t`cg hg t`o tcfjehls5

    C egjy hg t`o nolhc jhao t`hs'

    S cgl pross roperts t`ct t`o crthst hs suiiorhgm iren er provheusjy suiiorhgm iren bcgbor' Le yeu`cvo cgy uglorstcglhgm ei w`ot`or Nr' Kcbaseg suiiorol iren bcgbor5

    C H `cvo ge uglorstcglhgm t`ct `o ovor lhl'

    S cgl t`og hgiernctheg cfeut besnothb preboluros'

    C w`ct-s t`o quostheg5

    S hs t`ct senot`hgm t`ct t`o tcfjehls woro begborgol cfeut5

    C yos'

    S cgl le yeu `cvo cgy uglorstcglhgm cs te w`ot`or Nr' Kcbaseg `cl besnothb preboluros5

    C ht-s ny uglorstcglhgm `o `cl besnothb preboluros* yos'

    S cgl fcba hgkurhos' Le yeu `cvo cgy uglorstcglhgm cs te w`ot`or er get `o `cl fcba hgkurhos5

    C H `cl ge uglorstcglhgm t`ct `o `cl c fcba hgkury* ge* ct t`hs thno'

    S t`hs jhst hs ahgl ei cjj evor t`o ncp* hsg-t ht5

    C cppocrs te fo* yos'

    S hs t`oro cgy nogtheg eg t`hs jhst cfeut begborgs cfeut lrum cfuso5

    C ge* t`oro-s get'

    S hs t`oro cgy nogtheg cfeut begborgs ei prosbrhptheg pchgahjjor cfuso5

    C ge* t`oro-s get'

    S cgy nogtheg ei cjbe`ej cfuso5

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    C ge'

    S hs t`oro cgy nogtheg ei c sjoop lhserlor5

    C ge'

    S se t`eso worog-t t`hgms t`ct t`o hgsurors woro begborgol cfeut* te yeur agewjolmo5

    Nr' Tcghs`; oxbuso no* yeur `eger' Nhsstctos t`o tosthnegy' Ihrst ei cjj* t`hs hs w`ct Nr'

    \cyjer hs roperthgm t`ct t`o pross nogthegol* get w`ct t`o hgsurors schl'

    Kulmo; eacy'

    S Nr' \rojj* leos t`hs lebunogt scy w`ot`or er get t`o hgsurors woro csahgm hgiernctheg eg t`osotephbs5

    C ge* ht leos get'

    S cro yeu suro5

    C H-n serry5

    S H schl* &cro yeu suro5&

    C bcg yeu csa t`o quostheg cmchg5 H-n serry' H t`eum`t yeu woro csahgm t`o scno quostheg'

    S leos t`hs o.nchj iren Nr' \cyjer te Lr' Nurrcy hglhbcto w`ot`or er get t`o hgsurors `clroquostol t`hs hgiernctheg5

    C t`ct-s w`ct t`hs o.nchj scys* yos'

    S eacy'

    Ns' Fhgc; yeu bcg tcao ht lewg'

    S hg cllhtheg te motthgm t hs sobegl p`yshbcj oxcn crrcgmol* cgl hg cllhtheg .. yeu agew w`ct5 Ht`hga H cjrocly wogt t`reum` t`hs' Beujl C'O'M' Jhvo ovor `cvo nclo c preiht eii t`o bcgbojjcthegpejhby5

    C ge'

    S w`y get5

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    C wojj* ier ego rocseg* wo egjy mot t`hs ahgl ei bevorcmo ier eur eut.ei.pebaot bests* t`oclvcgbos hg t`hs bcso1 cgl sobegljy* hg t`hs pcrthbujcr bcso* t`eso bests oxboolol t`o cneugt eit`o bevorcmo'

    S se hi t`oro wcs hgsurcgbo hg pjcbo* cgl c bjchn wcs nclo* cgl ier w`ctovor rocseg ht lhlg-t pcyeut* w`e weujl fo rospegshfjo ier t`o bests t`ct t`o hgsurcgbo weujl `cvo et`orwhso bevorol5

    C t`o Nhb`coj Kcbaseg benpcgy'

    S jot-s nevo eg iren hgsurcgbo' H-n mehgm te tcja cfeut senot`hgm t`ct bcno up frhoijyyostorlcy* w`hb` wcs t`o hloc ei C'O'M' Jhvo-s `hrhgm cgl rotogtheg prcbthbos ier onpjeyoos cglhglopoglogt begtrcbters' Xeu robcjj t`ct5

    C eacy' Xos'

    S cgl ht-s ahgl ei cg cfrupt swhtb` iren Hgsurcgbo ..

    C t`ct-s cjj rhm`t'

    S .. fut H wcgt te ncao suro wo uglorstcgl t`hgms foiero wo nevo eg te t`o goxt jhgo eiquostheghgm'

    C eacy'

    S yeu soon te fo ncahgm c lhsthgbtheg fotwoog Onpjeyoos ei C'O'M' Jhvo cgl hglopoglogtbegtrcbters rotchgol fy C'O'M' Jhvo' Lhl H mot t`ct rhm`t5

    C berrobt'

    S w`y wcs t`ct5

    C fobcuso t`oy cro lhsthgbt hg c gunfor ei lhiiorogt wcys'

    S bcg yeu oxpjchg te no w`ct yeu nocg5

    C wojj* t`o onpjeyoos cro kust t`ct' \`oy cro Onpjeyoos ei t`o benpcgy' \`oy cro evorsoog fyNcgcmonogt ei t`o benpcgy' \`oy cro pchl pursucgt te c ].6* w`hb` nocgs t`o benpcgy weujlpcy wht``ejlhgm tcxos cgl t`hgms ei t`ct gcturo' \`oy-ro cfjo te mot t`o `ocjt` cgl et`or fogoihtst`ct t`o benpcgy eiiors' Onpjeyoos cro oiiobthvojy hgsurol fy t`o benpcgy ier t ohr cbts eg t`okef' Eg t`o et`or `cgl* hglopoglogt begtrcbters cro kust t`ct; t`oy-ro hglopoglogt' \`ct-s w`y t`ogcno' \`ohr ogmcmonogt hs pursucgt te c begtrcbt' \`oy cro pchl oht or eg c 3488 fcshs iren us*w`hb` kust nocgs t`oy mot t`o iujj cneugt ei t`ohr ioo' \cxos crog-t wht``ojl' Ht-s t`ohr efjhmcthegte pcy t`o tcxos t`ct t oy ewo* er t`oy-ro pchl t`reum` c t hrl.pcrty pcyrejj sorvhbo' Hglopoglogt

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    begtrcbters crog-t cfjo te mot Benpcgy `ocjt` cgl vcbctheg cgl et`or fogoihts' Hglopoglogtbegtrcbters prevhlo hgsurcgbo te t o Benpcgy* ovhlogbo ei jhcfhjhty hgsurcgbo te t`o benpcgywht` w`en t`oy-ro werahgm* cgl t`oy cjse hglonghiy t`o Benpcgy wht` w`en t`oy ogtorol hgtet`ct cmroonogt wht` ier bjchns crhshgm eut ei t`ohr gomjhmogbo uglor t`o cmroonogt ct hssuo'

    S t`oro-s ahgl ei c jet te hnpcbt t`oro'

    C rhm`t'

    S H wcgt te ncao suro .. ier w`ct purpesos weujl C'O'M' Jhvo `hro onpjeyoos5

    C C'O'M' Jhvo weujl hro onpjeyoos te wera eg c Iujj.thno fcshs ct eur eiihbo'

    S cgl weujl t`eso poepjo mogorcjjy fo porncgogt onpjeyoos ei t`o benpcgy5

    C mogorcjjy* yos'

    S cgl t`oy cbtucjjy wera hg yeur eiihbos eg ]hjs`hro feujovcrl5

    C t`oy wera ct eur eiihbo eg ]hjs`hro feujovcrl* cgl wo `cvo c gunfor ei eiihbos* wo bcjj t`onromhegcj eiihbos* creugl t`o beugtry' Cgl wo `cvo eiihbos eutshlo ei t`o us' Cs wojj' Re cjj eit`eso poepjo cro onpjeyoos ei t`o Benpcgy'

    S cgl hi C'O'M' Jhvo hs lehgm c begbort teur* hs ovoryfely w`e weras eg t`o begbort teur `hroleg cs cg onpjeyoo5

    C ge'

    S se `ew weujl poepjo fo rotchgol ier c begbort teur5

    C hg icbt* t`oro weujl fo vory iow poepjo t`ct weujl fo onpjeyoos t`ct weujl fo hgvejvol wht` cteur t`ct wo cro prelubhgm' \`ct-s c ego.eii* ego.thno prekobt* s`ert.torn oglocver' Re poepjoweujl fo `hrol te ncao t`ct prekobt `cppog' Ct t`o prekobt-s begbjusheg* t`eso poepjo cjj me t`ohrsopcrcto wcys'

    S cgl se w`og yeu-ro lehgm c teur* le yeu uso prhncrhjy hglopoglogt begtrcbters er prhncrhjy


    C C teur t`ct wo-ro prelubhgm5

    S yos'

    C wo prhncrhjy uso hglopoglogt begtrcbters'

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    S cgl weujl t`eso hglopoglogt begtrcbters fo poepjo w`e weraol hg crocs t`ct cro ncyfolhiiorogt iren w`ct C'O'M' Jhvo-s prhncry fushgoss hs5

    C rhm`t' H nocg* t`oy .. t`o hglopoglogt begtrcbters weujl `cvo cg croc ei oxporthso gobosscry te

    ncao t`o prekobt `cppog' ]`ot`or t`ct-s seugl er ht-s jhm`thgm er ht-s .. t`oy-ro hg t`o fushgoss eiprevhlhgm oquhpnogt' Jhao t`o JOL Rbroog t`ct H roiorogbol yostorlcy t`ct wcs mehgm te fo t`ofcbalrep ei t`o s`ew* t oy `cvo cg oxporthso get cvchjcfjo wht`hg t`o benpcgy htsoji'

    S cgl le yeu `cvo lhiiorogt prebossos .. leos C'O'M' Jhvo uso lhiiorogt prebossos ier ogmcmhgmOnpjeyoos t`cg ht leos ier ogmcmhgm hglopoglogt Begtrcbters5

    C yos* wo le'

    S H-l jhao te put up c lonegstrcthvo te sert ei `ojp wcja t`reum` yeur tosthnegy'

    C eacy'

    S Nr' \rojj* jot-s stcrt wht` onpjeyoos' Bcg yeu tojj us `ew C'O'M' Jhvo meos cfeut `hrhgm cgonpjeyoo te wera ct hts eiihbos oht`or hg JC er romhegcj5

    C ]ojj* ihrst eii* senofely wht`hg t`o benpcgy `cs te `cvo c `hrhgm gool' \`oy hlogthiy c `hrhgmgool cgl mot cpprevcj* t`og .. er get' Cssunhgm t`oy mot t`o cpprevcj te t`og `hro ier t`ctpeshtheg* t`oy whjj cufnht jhao c roquhshtheg iern* hi yeu whjj* t`ct whjj .. sots iert` t`o pcrthbujcrsei t`o kef' \`o t`hgms t`ct yeu nhm`t oxpobt' ]`ct t`o kef hs* thtjo* pcy* ot botorc' Cgl t`og woweujl pest ier t`o peshtheg' Hglopoglogt bcglhlctos weujl cppjy'

    S weujl t`oy ihjj eut cppjhbcthegs5

    C t oy weujl ihjj eut cg cppjhbctheg ier t`o kef* Xos'

    S cgl t`og w`ct weujl `cppog5

    C t`eso t`ct met foyegl t`o cppjhbctheg preboss Cgl .. weujl fo hgtorvhowol fy ego er neropoepjo Cssebhctol wht` t`o pcrthbujcr peshtheg ct hssuo'

    S weujl t`ct fo yeu* senothnos5

    C H weujl fo lehgm t`o `hrhgm ier poepjo wht`hg \`o jomcj lopcrtnogt ct C'O'M' Jhvo* yos'

    S cgl hi ht-s ier cget`or lopcrtnogt* senofely ojso5

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    C yos' H nocg* eur `ocl ei ncraothgm weujl `hro ier `or lopcrtnogt' Eur `ocl ei hgierncthegcgl tob`gejemy* t`o H\ mreup* weujl `hro ier t`ohr Lopcrtnogt' \eurhgm weujl `hro ier t`ohrs'Ycrheus Fushgoss ughts `hro ier t`o peshthegs ei gool wht`hg t`ohr ught'

    S se jot-s scy yeu beglubtol hgtorvhows cgl rovhowol rosunos cgl phbaol t`o bcglhlcto yeu

    wcgt te `hro cs cg onpjeyoo' ]`ct `cppogs goxt5

    C eacy' ]ojj* `r' Hs t`og hgvejvol* cgl t`oy le w`ct H roior te vorhiy onpjey.cfhjhty'

    S w`ct leos t`ct nocg5

    C t`ct-s .. yeu `cvo t`o bcglhlcto-s sebhcj soburhty gunfor' Xeu mot pcst cllrossos' Xeu vorhiypcst onpjeynogt' Xeu gool t`ct hgiernctheg ier w.6 purpesos* t`o wht``ejlhgm ei tcxos cglsub`'

    S te ncao suro t`ct t`oy cro''''

    C onpjeycfjo'

    S cgl w`ct weujl fo cg oxcnpjo ei get onpjeycfjo5 H muoss t`ct-s w`ct H-n tryhgm teuglorstcgl'

    C hi t`oy woro .. hi t`oy lhlg-t `cvo c sebhcj Roburhty gunfor* t`og ht weujl get fo pesshfjo tewht``ejl tcxos'

    S met ht' Xeu `cvo te `cvo t`ohr sebhcj soburhty gunfor fobcuso yeu `cvo te

    S fobcuso wht` onpjeyoos* yeu wht``ejl tcxos5

    C yos'

    S cgl t`og cgyt`hgm ojso5

    C @V ]eujl le c brhnhgcj fcbamreugl b`oba' Cgl hi t`o onpjeyoo wcs hg c ihgcgbhcjjy.sogshthvo .. er petogthcj onpjeyoo wcs cppjyhgm ier c petogthcjjy ihgcgbhcjjy.sogshthvo peshtheg*t`oy weujl cjse le c brolht b`oba'

    S w`ct le yeu nocg fy &ihgcgbhcjjy sogshthvo&5

    C hi t`oy-ro hgvejvol hg t`o `cgljhgm ei negoy* H muoss* hs c shnpjo wcy H weujl put ht'

    S jhao senofely hg t`o cbbeugthgm lopcrtnogt5

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    C cjj ei t`oso poepjo weujl fo cbbeugthgm cgl ihgcgbo* yos'

    S leos C'O'M' Jhvo le brolht b`obas ier cgyego w`e hs get fohgm `hrol ier ihgcgbhcj peshthegs erc ihgcgbhcjjy.sogshthvo peshtheg5

    C ier onpjeyoos5

    S yos'

    C get te ny agewjolmo'

    S cgl t`og citor yeu le cjj ei t`oso b`obas* t`og w`ct `cppogs5

    C wojj* hi cjj ei t`ct benos fcba* cgl t`o porseg hs sthjj hgtorostol hg t`o kef* cg eiior hs oxtoglol'\`o porseg cbbopts er get* cgl ostcfjhs` c stcrt lcto* cgl me iren t`oro'

    S cgl leos ht cjwcys `cppog hg t`ct erlor* er senothnos eiiors cro oxtoglol* cgl t`og b`obas crorug* Er .. leos ht cjwcys cppog hg t`ct erlor5

    C ge* ht leosg-t cjwcys `cppog hg t`ct erlor' Fut t`eso .. t`ct preboss wht` `r' @cppogs wht`Iujj.thno onpjeyoos'

    S foiero t`oy-ro `hrol5

    C foiero t`oy-ro `hrol* yos'

    S cgl kust te fo suro .. cgl t`hs preboss hs t`o ego yeu uso ier onpjeyoos ei C'O'M' Jhvo5

    C onpjeyoos ier C'O'M' Jhvo* berrobt'

    S cgl t`og citor t`oy mot t`o eiior ei onpjeynogt te fo c porncgogt onpjeyoo* hs t`ct w`og t`oyfobeno ogthtjol te t`eso fogoihts t`ct yeu tcjaol cfeut ocrjhor5 `ocjt` fogoihts* cgl t`hgms ei t`ctgcturo*

    C; Xos'

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    C get ct cjj'

    S cgl w`y hs t`ct5

    C wojj* cmchg* fobcuso ht-s c spobhihb prekobt' Ht-s senot`hgm t`ct-s mehgm te beno hgte oxhstogbo

    cgl ogl' Ht `cs c fomhgghgm cgl cg ogl' Cgl t`o poepjo gobosscry te ncao t`ct prekobt `cppog`cvo crocs ei Oxporthso eutshlo ei poepjo wht`hg eur benpcgy'

    S se jot-s scy yeu-ro putthgm temot`or c teur* cgl yeu gool te fuhjl up c tocn ei poepjo te wera egc teur'

    C u`.`u`'

    S le yeu pest c kef senow`oro t`o wcy yeu le ier onpjeyoos5

    C ge' H nocg* jeea* wo leg-t `cvo c seugl fushgoss ught1 wo leg-t `cvo c jhm`thgm fushgoss ught'Ht weujl get fo meel fushgoss te rotchg* yeu agew* poepjo jhao t`ct hg.`euso cs iujj.thnoonpjeyoos yocr.reugl fobcuso teurs beno cgl me' Re hglopoglogt begtrcbters .. fy vhrtuo eit`ct* wo `hro t`hrl pcrthos ier t`eso spobhcjthos er ier spobhihb oquhpnogt* w`ctovor t`o bcso ncyfo' Cgl t`eso poepjo beno te us t`reum` ego ei t`roo b`cggojs'

    S H wcs kust mehgm te csa* `ew le yeu ihgl t`on5

    C wojj* t`oy-ro oht`or cjrocly agewg te us fobcuso wo-vo weraol wht` t`on hg t`o pcst* cjj rhm`t1Er t`oy-ro agewg mogorcjjy hg t`o hglustry* cgl t`oy-ro roiorrol te us1 er t`oy-ro agewg te t`ocrthst'

    S cgl w`og yeu scy* &agewg te t`o crthst*& w`ct le yeu nocg5

    C H nocg t`oy `cvo c `hstery* c beggobtheg* seno ahgl ei goxus wht` t`o crthst'

    S se* ier hgstcgbo* senoego jhao Acrog Icyo eg \`o &\`hs Hs Ht& teur ..

    C rhm`t'

    S .. w`hb` ei t`oso pct`s lhl s`o beno te yeu vhc5

    C s`o wcs agewg te t`o crthst' \rcvhs Tcygo weujl fo cget`or oxcnpjo* cgl Aoggy Ertomc weujlfo cget`or oxcnpjo'

    S se t`eso woro cjj poepjo w`e* te yeur uglorstcglhgm* woro cjrocly agewg te Nr' Kcbaseg5

    C berrobt'

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    S cgl t`og egbo yeu mot hg teub` wht` cg Hglopoglogt begtrcbter* er cro roiorrol te cgHglopoglogt begtrcbter ego ei t`oso t`roo wcys* w`ct-s t`o goxt stop5 Le yeu beglubt cghgtorvhow cgl bejjobt rosunos5

    C ge' \`oy-ro get hgtorvhowol' Cmchg* fobcuso t`oy-ro oht`or cjrocly agewg te us iren `cvhgmweraol wht` t`on* er t`oy `cvo c roputctheg wht`hg t`o hglustry ier t`o sorvhbos er t`o oquhpnogtt`oy prevhlo' Re t`o ogmcmonogt ei hglopoglogt begtrcbters hs c begtrcbtucj ncttor' Ht-s pursucgtte c begtrcbt' Re wo weujl stcrt t`o preboss ei tryhgm te cmroo upeg t`o torns cgl beglhthegs eit`ct ogmcmonogt'

    S se yeu stcrt gomethcthgm c begtrcbt5

    C berrobt'

    S cgl w`ct ahgls ei t`hgms* er w`ct ahgl ei poepjo weujl fo hgvejvol hg .. er w`e .. H-n serry']`e weujl fo hgvejvol hg gomethcthgm t`eso ahgls ei begtrcbts wht` t`o hglopoglogt begtrcbtersier t`o teur5

    C wojj* t`o poepjo rospegshfjo ier t`o prekobt mogorcjjy weujl fo hgvejvol hg ostcfjhs`hgm ersotthgm rctos ei pcy* ier oxcnpjo* er cgy et`or spobhihb torns cgl beglhthegs' Fut t`o begtrcbthgmpreboss* t`o cbtucj* yeu agew* sufnhssheg ei cg cmroonogt cgl cgy gomethctheg ei t`ct* t`ct-s`cgljol fy no er senofely hg ny lopcrtnogt'

    S yeur lopcrtnogt `cgljos t`o cbtucj begtrcbthgm prebossos5

    C t`ct-s berrobt'

    S cgl* cbtucjjy* kust te fcba up c nenogt* leos C'O'M' Jhvo kust wera wht` hglopoglogtbegtrcbters eg begbort teurs5

    C ge' ]o `cvo seno onpjeyoos t`ct weujl fo hgvejvol eg teurs' Fut mogorcjjy spocahgm* ht-sHglopoglogt begtrcbters'

    S cgl le yeu uso hglopoglogt begtrcbters ier cgy ei t`o et`or prekobts t`ct wo-vo `ocrl C'O'M'Jhvo hs hgvejvol hg5 Jhao iosthvcjs er ego.thno s`ews er t`hgms ei t`ct gcturo5

    C yos' H nocg* t`o iosthvcjs t`ct wo le* w`ot`or ht-s Becb`ojjc er stcmobecb`* er wo-ro hgvejvol hgt`o Gow Erjocgs kczz cgl `orhtcmo iosthvcj* t`hgms ei t`ct gcturo* cro cjse prekobts t`ct `cvo cihghto fomhgghgm cgl ogl te ht' Re t`oro ncy fo seno onpjeyoos wht hg t`o Benpcgy t`ct crohgvejvol hg t`eso ovogts* fut jcrmojy* t`o poepjo t`ct cro ogmcmol te wera t`on cro ogmcmol eg cego.eii fcshs cs hglopoglogt begtrcbters'

    S le yeu `cvo cgy hloc ei `ew ncgy prekobts C'O'M' Jhvo leos por yocr5 Kust c frecl osthncto'

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    C wojj* ier t`o jcst iow yocrs* H agew wo-vo lego fotwoog ?. cgl 9*444 s`ews cggucjjy ocb` eit`eso yocrs creugl t`o werjl' \`hs pcst yocr hg 6436* wo lhl cpprexhnctojy ?*044 ovogts' \`ct-sc jhttjo fht nhsjoclhgm* fobcuso t`ct hgbjulos cjj ego.eii begbort ovogts* fut leosg-t rocjjy cbbeugtier cjj t`o wera cgl oiiert t`ct meos .. H nocg* c iosthvcj ovogt* ier oxcnpjo* tcaos c jet ei

    ncgpewor te pujj eii' \`ct-s kust ego ovogt eut ei t`ct ?*044' Re yeu-l fo `hrhgm cjj ei t`esopoepjo ier t`ct ego ovogt'

    S cgl t`eso poepjo yeu woro `hrhgm ier t`ct ego ovogt weujl fo* mogorcjjy* hglopoglogtbegtrcbters* hi H uglorstcgl berrobtjy5

    C rhm`t' Berrobt'

    S eacy' Gew* hg t`hs preboss ei begtrcbthgm hglopoglogt Begtrcbters* yeu woro csaol yostorlcycfeut fcbamreugl b`obas cgl t`hgms ei t`ct gcturo' Leos C'O'M' Jhvo rug fcbamreugl b`obaseg Hglopoglogt begtrcbters5

    C ge* ier t`o rocsegs H mcvo provheusjy' \`oy-ro agewg te us cjrocly1 t`oy-ro agewg te t`ohglustry1 er t`oy-ro agewg te t`o crthst'

    S se t`oy cjrocly `cvo c rojcthegs`hp wht` senoego w`e hs werahgm eg t`o teur5

    C berrobt'

    S cgl `cs C'O'M' Jhvo ovor rug fcbamreugl b`obas eg hglopoglogt begtrcbters5

    C get te ny agewjolmo'

    S le yeu `cvo cgy uglorstcglhgm cs te w`ot`or .. yeu-vo foog hg t`hs hglustry c jegm thno']`ot`or ht-s bustencry hg t`hs hglustry5

    Nr' Tcghs`; bcjjhgm ier oxport tosthnegy' @o-s get cg oxport' Cs te C'O'M' @o-s ihgo* fut `o-s

    Get loshmgctol cs cg oxport'

    Kulmo' sustchgol'

    Ns' Fhgc; jot no soo hi H bcg csa t`hsH t`hga ht-s scio* fut yeur `eger ..

    S cro yeu cwcro ei cgy et`or Begbort benpcghos t`ct beglubt fcbamreugl b`obas egHglopoglogt begtrcbters5

    Nr' Tcghs`; scno efkobtheg'

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    Kulmo' sustchgol'

    S Nr' \rojj* `cvo yeu ovor beglubtol c fcbamreugl b`oba eg cgy hglopoglogt begtrcbters5

    Nr' Tcghs`; csaol cgl cgsworol'

    Kulmo evorrujol'

    \rojj ge* H `cvo get'

    S cjj rhm`t' Le yeu .. leos t`ct nocg t`oro-s ge sciomucrls ier hglopoglogt begtrcbters werahgmwht` C'O'M' Jhvo5

    C ge* t`ct leosg-t nocg t`ct ct cjj'

    S se tojj no `ew C'O'M' Jhvo hnpesos sciomucrls hg hts rojcthegs`hps wht` hglopoglogtbegtrcbters'

    C eacy' ]ojj* cmchg* cs c mogorcj ncttor* t`oro-s cjrocly t`ct goxus er t`ct beggobtheg wht` us ert`o crthst' Fut begtrcbtucjjy* t`oro-s cjse fuhjt.hg roquhronogts pjcbol upeg t`o hglopoglogtbegtrcbter' \`oy ncao bortchg roprosogtcthegs cgl wcrrcgthos' \`oy `cvo te prevhlo eurbenpcgy wht` ovhlogbo ei bennorbhcj mogorcj jhcfhjhty hgsurcgbo* cgl t`oy hglonghiy t`oBenpcgy ier t`ohr gomjhmogbo er whjjiuj nhsbeglubt'

    S cgl w`og yeu scy* `cvo te prevhlo ovhlogbo ei Hgsurcgbo* w`ct le yeu nocg5 ]`ct ahgl eihgsurcgbo weujl hglopoglogt begtrcbters `cvo5

    C jhao t`ct ei c fushgoss' Re t`oy `cvo mogorcj Jhcfhjhty hgsurcgbo* w`ot`or ht-s bennorbhcj .. ht-sbcjjol BMJ Hgsurcgbo' Cgl t`ct rospegls hg t`o ovogt ei cgy bjchn crhshgm eut ei t`cthglopoglogt begtrcbter-s cbthvhthos'

    S cgl weujl yeu ovor roquhro t`ct cg hglopoglogt begtrcbter prevhlo ovhlogbo ei jhbogsos erpornhts* er t`hgms ei t`ct gcturo5

    C t ct typo ei t`hgm weujl fo pcrt ei t`o Voprosogtcthegs cgl wcrrcgthos t`ct cro eiiorol' \`oycro cjse roquhrol te s`ew preei ei* yeu agew* `cvhgm w`ctovor hs gobosscry ier t`on te beglubt

    t`o fushgoss t`ct t`oy beglubt* w`ot`or t`ct-s jhbogsos* er w`ot`or t`oy-ro hg cl`orogbo wht`cppjhbcfjo jcws* otb \`hgms ei t`ct gcturo'

    S le yeu agew w`ct c bhvhj roberl socrb` hs5

    C H `cvo cg hloc ei ht' Ht-s c socrb` ei w`ot`or er get t`oro cro cgy jcwsuhts* mogorcjjy'

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    S leos C'O'M' Jhvo rug bhvhj roberls socrb`os eg onpjeyoos5

    C get te ny agewjolmo* ge'

    S leos C'O'M' Jhvo rug bhvhj roberl socrb`os eg Hglopoglogt begtrcbters5

    C ge'

    S cgl lhl C'O'M' Jhvo le cgy ahgl ei fcbamreugl b`oba eg cgy ei t`o porsegs w`e worohgvejvol hg t`o &\`hs Hs Ht& .. p`rcso t`ct nero probhsojy .. cgy ei t`o Hglopoglogt begtrcbtersw`e woro ogmcmol ier t`o &\`hs Hs Ht& teur5

    C ge'

    S se t`oy lhlg-t le c fcbamreugl b`oba eg Acrog Icyo5

    C ge'

    S lhlg-t le c fcbamreugl b`oba eg Aoggy Ertomc5

    C ge'

    S er \hnn ]eejjoy5

    C ge'

    S Nr' ]eejjoy wcs cbtucjjy `cgljhgm ihgcgbhcj hgiernctheg* wcsg-t `o5

    C yos* `o wcs'

    S w`y weujl C'O'M' Jhvo get rug c brolht b`oba eg `hn5

    C Nr' ]eejjoy wcs agewg te t`o benpcgy' Ct ego pehgt hg thno `o wcs t`o benpcgy-s BIE'

    S hs t`ct cg oxcnpjo w`oro t`o prher rojcthegs`hp ncaos ht sert ei .. H muoss .. w`ct werl weujl

    yeu uso5

    C Nr' ]eejjoy get egjy weraol wht` t`o benpcgy provheusjy* fut `o-s cjse wojj agewg hg t`ohglustry ier w`ct `o leos cs c teur cbbeugtcgt' Hg icbt* `o-s t`o teur cbbeugtcgt eg t`o rejjhgmstegos teur tcahgm pjcbo rhm`t gew'

    S se mhvog t`ct* C'O'M' Jhvo weujlg-t beglubt c brolht b`oba eg `hn5

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    C ge' H t`hga `o weujl icjj hgte t`ct bctomery cs senofely agewg te us cgl agewg te us cs fohgmbcpcfjo cgl benpotogt ier w`ct `o leos ct `hs preiossheg'

    S le yeu `cvo cgy hloc w`ct `hs porsegcj ihgcgbhcj shtuctheg hs5

    C ge hloc'

    S leos ht ncttor5

    C ge' H nocg* wo woro rotchghgm `hn te le w`ct `o-s vory meel ct lehgm* cgl w`ct `hs ihgcgbhcjbeglhtheg hs* hs get eur fushgoss'

    S beupjo nero quosthegs eg t`hs hloc ei Hglopoglogt begtrcbters* cgl ahgl ei w`ct-s lego teb`oba t`on eut' Xeu tosthihol yostorlcy t`ct C'O'M' Jhvo leosg-t rug fcbamreugl b`obas eghglopoglogt begtrcbters' Cgl yeu tcjaol c jhttjo fht cfeut t`hgms t`ct yeu le' @ew weujl

    hgsurcgbo `ojp ogsuro t`ct cg Hglopoglogt begtrcbter hs cbtucjjy scio5 Hg et`or werls* `ew leoscbquhrhgm cg hglopoglogt begtrcbter te `cvo hgsurcgbo `ojp ogsuro t`ct `o-s c scio hglopoglogtbegtrcbter5

    C wojj* H nocg* H t`hga .. H nocg* t`o begbopt ei Hgsurcgbo cgl hglonghty hg t`oso typos eicmroonogts hs ogthrojy bustencry cgl typhbcj' Ht s`ews* yeu agew* c jovoj ei lhjhmogbo* cgl* yeuagew .. w`ct le H wcgt te scy5 .. bcpcbhty eg t`o hglopoglogt begtrcbter-s pcrt te `cvo soburolt`ct typo ei hgsurcgbo bevorcmo' Cgl t`oy `cvo te gcno t`o benpcgy cs w`ct-s bcjjol cgcllhthegcj hgsurol' Ht weujl t`og rospegl hi t`oro wcs c bjchn crhshgm eut ei t`ohr cbthegs'

    S leos C'O'M' Jhvo oglocver te prevhlo c scio werahgm ogvhregnogt ier t`o crthst ht-s werahgm


    C suro' Cs c mogorcj ncttor* yos'

    S cgl `ew leos ht le t`ct5

    C wo le t`ct fy `hrhgm bcpcfjo poepjo t`ct cro oxports hg t`ohr pcrthbujcr ihojl' ]`og wo-ro lehgmc prekobt .. H nocg* ei beurso* t`o ogthro werahgm ogvhregnogt ei t`ct prekobt* ht-s t`o loshro ermecj ei t`o benpcgy t`ct t`ct-s c scio werahgm ogvhregnogt'

    S le yeu le cgyt`hgm te ncao suro w`og Hglopoglogt begtrcbters jocvo C'O'M' Jhvo pronhsos*t`ct t`oy-ro get lehgm senot`hgm fcl5

    C ge' H nocg* jeea' C teur prekobt hs kust t`ct1 rhm`t5 Toepjo beno temot`or* t`oy neugt t`o teur' Huso t`o werl H usol yostorlcy' \`oy-ro fuhjlhgm t`hs t hgm' Ht-s cg egmehgm* lovojephgm t`hgm' Futeg c ghm`tjy fcshs w`og poepjo jocvo t`ct prekobt* t`oy-ro jocvhgm cgl mehgm `eno te t`ohr icnhjy'Cgl w`ct t`oy-ro lehgm hg t`ohr `eno* hg t`o prhvcby ei t`ohr `eno* hg t`o scgbthty ei t`ohrfolreen* t`ct-s t`ohr fushgoss'

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    S cgl hg beggobtheg wht` teurs C'O'M' Jhvo hs prelubhgm .. H-n tcjahgm cfeut spobhihbcjjyprelubhgm gew .. hs ht benneg ier cg crthst te `cvo* ier jcba ei c fottor werl* cg ogteurcmot`oy-ro trcvojhgm wht`5

    C suro'

    S cgl hs C'O'M' Jhvo senothnos hgvejvol hg pcyhgm er soburhgm trcvoj* er et`orwhso hgvejvolwht` t`ct ogteurcmo5

    C yos'

    S leos ht le fcbamreugl b`obas eg t`o crthst-s ogteurcmo5

    C ge'

    S w`y get5

    C fobcuso t`eso cro poepjo t`o crthst `cs creugl t`on cgl wcgts wht` t`on cs t`oy teur' Ht weujlfo nhspjcbol er nhsmuhlol ier us te hgkobt eursojvos hgte t`o porsegcj rojcthegs`hps er ciichrs eicg crthst cgl t`eso typos ei poepjo'

    S jot-s tcja cfeut t`o lrcit cmroonogt wht` Lr' Nurrcy spobhihbcjjy'

    C eacy'

    S `ew lhl C'O'M' Jhvo beno te locj wht` Lr' Nurrcy5 ]oro t`oy jeeahgm ier c teur lebter Iert`o &t`hs hs ht& teur5

    C ge* wo woro get'

    S se w`ct `cppogol* te yeur agewjolmo5

    C ht-s ny uglorstcglhgm Nhb`coj roquostol t`ct t`hs lebter cbbenpcgy `o cgl `hs icnhjy teJegleg ier t`oso .. ier t`hs porhel ei thno'

    S lhl C'O'M' Jhvo beglubt cgy socrb`os ier Lebters er le cgy ahgl ei jeeahgm ier t`o fost lebterier Nr' Kcbaseg5

    C ge'

    S w`y get5

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    C fobcuso ht-s get w`ct wo weujl le hg neugthgm t`o teur' \`ct weujl fo senot`hgm porsegcj tet`o Crthst* jhao H kust losbrhfol' \`ct weujlg-t fo pcrt cgl pcrboj ei jhtorcjjy fuhjlhgm t`o s`ew'

    S lhl C'O'M' Jhvo `cvo cgy rejo hg b`eeshgm Lr' Nurrcy5

    C ge'

    S mhvog yeur oxporhogbo locjhgm wht` hssuos eg Begbort teurs* woro yeu surprhsol fy Nr'Kcbaseg-s roquost te frhgm c porsegcj p`yshbhcg eg teur5

    Nr' Tcghs`; oxbuso no' Efkobtheg te ieuglctheg wht` t`hs whtgoss' @o wcs get hgvejvol hg

    t`hs' Ge ieuglctheg'

    Ns' Fhgc; yeur `eger* t`hs whtgoss `cs foog hgvejvol hg t`o begtrcbt cgl `cs foog hgvejvol

    hg begtrcbts ier ovory crthst t`ct t`o benpcgy `cs prelubol ier 34 yocrs' H t`hga t`oro-s c


    Kulmo'; Evorrujol'

    \rojj beujl yeu csa t`o quostheg cmchg ier no* pjocso5

    S ' Mhvog yeur oxporhogbo locjhgm wht` hglopoglogt begtrcbters eg teurs* woro yeu surprhsol ctNr' Kcbaseg-s roquost te frhgm `hs icnhjy p`yshbhcg eg fecrl5

    C ge' Ht leosg-t surprhso no' Ht-s get gobosscrhjy ugbenneg t`ct cg crthst weujl `cvo* er c fcglweujl `cvo c p`yshbhcg cbbenpcgyhgm t`on eg c teur' ]o-vo foog hgvejvol hg et`or teurs w`orot`o crthst `cs `cl c lebter cjegm ier t`on cgl%er t`ohr icnhjhos'

    S woro t`eso teurs t`ct yeu woro prelubhgm er kust prenethgm5

    C t`eso woro teurs t`ct wo woro prenethgm'

    S se hg t`eso hgstcgbos* yeu worog-t hgvejvol hg putthgm temot`or t`o phobos ei t`o teur* neugthgmht* cs yeu bcjjol ht5

    C beujl yeu csa t`ct cmchg5

    S t`eso et`or hgstcgbos yeu-ro cwcro ei wht` lebters* yeur benpcgy wcs get hgvejvol hgneugthgm t`o teur5

    C t`ct-s berrobt' Ht weujl `cvo foog c Iujjy.lojhvorol teur* wcs t`o werl H usol yostorlcy'

    S ronhgl us w`ct c iujjy.lojhvorol teur hs'

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    C iujjy.lojhvorol teur hs t`o ego w`oro t`o Crthst fuhjls w`ct yeu soo eg t`o stcmo' \`oy neugtt`o \eur' ]o kust preneto t`eso teurs'

    S cgl se hg t`eso hgstcgbos* w`eovor wcs neugthgm t`o teur wcs get yeu5

    C t`ct-s berrobt'

    S cgl le yeu agew w`ct begtrcbtucj crrcgmonogts woro wht` t`eso et`or p`yshbhcgs trcvojhgm egt`eso et`or teurs5

    C ge* H leg-t'

    S fut hg t`hs hgstcgbo* C'O'M' Jhvo wcs neugthgm t`o teur5

    C berrobt'

    S cgl Lr' Nurrcy wcs senoego t`ct Nr' Kcbaseg roquostol beno teur wht` `hn5

    C berrobt'

    S gew* Nr' Tcghs` csaol yeu cfeut seno o.nchjs fotwoog Lr' Nurrcy cgl \hnn ]eejjoy' Leyeu robcjj t`ct5

    C H le'

    S cgl w`ct-s yeur uglorstcglhgm* hi yeu `cvo ego* wcs Nr' ]eejjoy-s rejo hg locjhgm wht` Lr'Nurrcy5

    C H t`hga t`oy woro ostcfjhs`hgm seno ei t`o fcshb pcrcnotors ei t`o ogmcmonogt'

    S H-l jhao te me t`reum` t`o berrospeglogbo .. lhl yeu rovhow t`o berrospeglogbo fotwoog Nr']eejjoy cgl Lr' Nurrcy hg yeur rejo cs porseg nest agewjolmocfjo eg t`o rojcthegs`hp fotwoogC'O'M' Jhvo cgl Lr' Nurrcy5

    C H-vo soog ht* yos'

    S H-l jhao te rug t`reum` seno ei t`ct berrospeglogbo Nr' Tcghs` s`ewol* cgl seno et`orberrospeglogbo hg nero lotchj' Gew* H fojhovo yeu tosthihol eg Neglcy .. cgl berrobt no hi H-nwregm* H-n get cjwcys meel eg lctos .. \`ct t`o cneugt ei Lr' Nurrcy-s benpogsctheg wcscmrool upeg eg er cfeut Ncy 9t`* 64485

    C eacy' \`ct seugls cbburcto'

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    S hs t`hs o.nchj senot`hgm t`ct yeu* cs c porseg w`e shmgs begtrcbts ier C'O'M' Jhvo* begshlorolte fo c begtrcbt5

    C ge'

    S w`y get5

    Nr' Tcghs`; yeur `eger* H weujl efkobt cmchg Gew1 t`o whtgoss-s oxport ephgheg cs te

    w`ct-s c begtrcbt cgl w`ct hsg-t'

    Kulmo evorrujol'

    Nr' Tcghs`; cjse ier t`o beurt te hgstrubt t`o Kury'

    Kulmo evorrujol'

    S Nr' \rojj5

    C w`y wcs t`hs get c begtrcbt5

    S yos'

    C shnpjy put* ht leosg-t begtchg cjj ei t`o nctorhcj torns cgl beglhthegs ei t`o ogmcmonogt'

    S bcg yeu rocl t`ct sogtogbo* Nr' \rojj5

    C ht scys; &jets te begshlor cfevo cgl weujl fo cppy te begthguo lhsbussheg w`og begvoghogt te

    yeu' \hnn'&

    S cgl leos t`ct sogtogbo mhvo yeu cgy uglorstcglhgm cs te w`ot`or er get Lr' Nurrcy cgl Nr']eejjoy begshlorol t`onsojvos te fo benpjoto cgl lego ct t`ct pehgt5

    C ge' Ht seugls jhao t`oy-ro .. t`o hgtogt hs te begthguo lhsbusshgm t`o ncttor'

    S fy t`o wcy* `oro ht scys t`o begtrcbthgm ogthty hs M'B'C' @ejlhgms* JJB Le yeu `cvo cguglorstcglhgm hi t`o cmroonogt fotwoog C'O'M' Jhvo cgl Lr' Nurrcy wcs te fo cg Hglopoglogt.begtrcbter cmroonogt er cg onpjeynogt cmroonogt5

    C cjwcys cg hglopoglogt.begtrcbter cmroonogt'

    S jhao wo tcjaol cfeut ocrjhor telcy5

    C yos* ei beurso'

    S wcs t`oro ovor c quostheg ei C'O'M' Jhvo `hrhgm Lr' Nurrcy cs cg onpjeyoo5

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    C ge'

    S jot-s me eg te cget`or ox`hfht Nr' Tcghs` s`ewol yeu* w`hb` hs 383.3' Nr' Tcghs` s`ewol yeut`o o.nchj eg t`o ihrst pcmo' H wcgt te jeea ct t`o ego t`ct probolol ht'

    C eacy'

    \rojj ncy H soo t`o probolhgm o.nchj* t`o ego H scw yostorlcy* kust se H agew w`hb` ego ht wcs5

    S yoc`' Jot no mhvo yeu c pcpor bepy kust se yeu `cvo ht' H agew ht-s teum` wht` t oso b`chgsmehgm fcba cgl iert`'

    C ht-s eacy

    S se w`y leg-t yeu zeen hg eg t`o ihrst ego wo scw eg Neglcy'

    \rojj eacy'

    S Nr' \rojj* yeu robcjj soohgm t`hs ihrst o.nchj H-vo fjewg up `oro 5

    C yos'

    S H-l jhao yeu te turg te t`o o.nchj t`ct probolol t`hs ego* w`hb` H leg-t t`hga wo scw eg Neglcy'

    C eacy'

    S se t`o o.nchj wo jeeaol ct eg Neglcy wcs cg O.nchj iren Lr' Nurrcy te Nr' ]eejjoy' Cglt`hs hs cg O.nchj iren Nr' ]eejjoy te Lr' Nurrcy1 hs t`ct rhm`t5

    C berrobt' Iren \hn ]eejjoy te Lr' Nurrcy* \`urslcy* ncy 3

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    C yos'

    S cjj rhm`t' Re hs t`oro cgyt`hgm iren t`hs O.nchj t`ct ncaos yeu t`hga t`o pcrthos `cl er `cl getrocb`ol cg cmroonogt ct t`hs pehgt5

    C wojj* `o `csg-t `ocrl iren Lr' Nurrcy ego wcy er t`o et`or* se t`ct-s w`ct weujl ncao not`hga t`oro wcs ge cmroonogt'

    S cgl bcg yeu rocl t`o sobegl sogtogbo cjeul t`oro5

    C &H s`eujl jhao te tcao t`o goxt Rtop ei lhsbusshgm c begtrcbt ier t`o porhel hgbjulhgm t`o tornseg w`hb` wo cmroo'&

    S cgl leos t`ct mhvo yeu cg uglorstcglhgm cs te w`ot`or er get t`oro wcs hgtoglol te fo iurt`orbegvorscthegs5

    C H t`hga t`o pjchg jcgmucmo ei t`ct ncaos ht bjocr t`ct t`o goxt stop wcs te lhsbuss c begtrcbt'

    S cgl se jot-s jeea ct t`o ego Nr' Tcghs` lhl s`ew yeu eg Neglcy* w`hb` hs t`o rospegso te t`hs'

    C eacy'

    S gew* Nr' Tcghs` s`ewol yeu t`hs lebunogt yeu iebusol hg eg bortchg t`hgms* w`hb` yeu robcjjt`o jcgmucmo hg t`ct sobegl pcrcmrcp`* cs icr cs &wht` ny bjhogt&5

    C rhm`t' Vhm`t'

    S w`e leos Lr' Nurrcy roior te cs `hs bjhogt

    C Nr' Kcbaseg'

    S cgl w`e leos `o scy `hs sorvhbos cro cjrocly iujjy ogmcmol wht`5

    C Nr' Kcbaseg'

    S cgl H-l jhao te jeea ct t`o ihrst sogtogbo ei t`ct sobegl pcrcmrcp`'

    C rhm`t'

    S w`ct hs Lr' Nurrcy scyhgm t`oro5

    C `o-s csahgm hi wo weujl put temot`or t`o begtrcbt se `o beujl `cvo `hs jcwyor tcao c jeea ct ht'

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    S se `o wcgts c jcwyor te rovhow c begtrcbt5

    C rhm`t' @o-s csahgm ier c begtrcbt'

    S cgl leos `o mhvo cgy hglhbctheg cs te w`ot`or `o-s mehgm te shmg t`o begtrcbt er get5

    C ge' @o-s mehgm te `cvo `hs jcwyor jeea ct ht'


    S Nr' \rojj w`oro wo joit eii kust foiero jugb`* wo woro mehgm t`reum` seno o.nchjs fotwoog Lr'Nurrcy cgl \hnn ]eejjoy

    C eacy

    S le yeu robcjj t`ct5

    C yos

    S foiero H me fcba hgte t`eso hg c nenogt* H wcgt te iejjew up eg c beupjo ei t`hgms wo tcjaolcfeut t`hs nerg t`o 3st ego hs t hs 6 gl p`yshbcj wht Nr' Kcbaseg

    C eacy'

    S lhl H uglorstcgl berrobtjy t`ct wcs roquhrol ei t`o pejhby cs ei Cprhj 6

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    66gl 6448 cgl ht csaol c gunfor ei quosthegs cfeut w`ct wcs'''Hgiernctheg t`o hgsurors goololier t`o pejhby le yeu robcjj5

    C yos

    S cgl le yeu robcjj w`ot`or ego ei t`o quosthegs wcs w`ot`or er get t`oro weujl fo c teurlebter cbbenpcgyhgm Nr' Kcbaseg5

    C H rononfor t`o o.nchj yos

    S gew* cs ei Ncrb` 66gl 6448 lhl COM jhvo agew t`ct Nr' Kcbaseg wcs frhgmhgm Lr' Nurrcywht` `hn eg teur5

    C w`ct wcs t`o lcto5

    S Ncrb` 66gl 6448

    C get te ny agewjolmo'

    S te yeur agewjolmo wcs t`ct senot`hgm ''' ]`og wcs t`ct jocrgol5

    C Nurrcy5

    S u`.`u`

    C jcto Cprhj ocrjy Ncy

    S cgl yeu nogthegol ocrjhor t`ct yeu agow ei et`or teurs w`oro COM jhvo `cl foog c prenetorfut get c prelubor w`oro t`oro `cl foog teur p`yshbhcgs

    C yos

    S bcg yeu tojj us cgy ei t`eso teurs* er

    C suro

    S le yeu robcjj w`hb` teurs t oy woro5

    C H-jj mhvo yeu 6''' ]o lhl c teur wht` Bojhgo Lheg c iow yocrs cme ht-s ny uglorstcglhgm s`o `clc p`yshbhcg wht` `or cgl `or icn eg t`ct teur' ]o-ro burrogtjy lehgm c teur wht` t`o rejjhgmstegos cgl ht-s ny uglorstcglhgm t`oy `cvo c p`yshbhcg eg teur wht` t`on

    S `ew ncgy teurs `cs COM jhvo prelubol cs eppesol te kust prenetol

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    C teurs jhao t`o ego t`ct wo-ro tcjahgm cfeut `oro ''' Kust ego

    S kust ego5

    C yos

    S Ns' @ejjcglor schl t`oro woro ncyfo `cji lezog hs t`ct wregm hg seno wcy er

    C wojj H-n b`crcbtorhzhgm ht c jhttjo fht lhiiorogtjy ''' ]o-vo lego prelubtheg ojonogts ier &se yeut`hga yeu bcg lcgbo& ''' \`ct prekobt seno et`or t`hgms bcjjol &vommho tcjos*& w`hb` hs jhao cb`rhsthcg ahls s`ew t`ct wogt eg teur cgl wo-vo lego et`or prelubtheg ncttors hg beggobtheg wht`et`or prekobts jhao eur ox`hfhtheg fushgoss cgl t`hgms ei t`ct gcturo' Fut cs icr cs c teur hsbegborgol t`ct-s cgyt`hgm cahg te w`ct wo woro lehgm `oro* wo prelubol prhgbo-s teur c iowyocrs fcba* w`hb` wcs cg 00 s`ew teur

    S cgl hs t`ct t`o egjy ego w`oro COM jhvo `cs sorvol cs prelubor hg c wcy t`ct yeu t`hga hsshnhjcr te t`o &t`hs hs ht& teur5

    C yos

    S jot-s me fcba te t`o o.nchjs fotwoog Lr' Nurrcy cgl Nr' ]eejjoy cgl t`hs hs t`o ego w`oro Lr'Nurrcy `cl csaol ier c begtrcbt te rovhow wht` `hs jcwyor''']`ct-s t`o lcto ei t`hs o.nchj5

    C Ncy 3?t`* 6448'

    S cgl le yeu agew w`ot`or t`oro woro iurt`or o.nchjs fotwoog Lr' Nurrcy cgl Nr' ]eejjoycitor t`hs5

    C yos

    S se wo `cvog-t soog t`eso yot* fut jot-s me c`ocl cgl jeea ct t`on gew

    C ea

    S Nr' \rojj* le yeu soo `oro t`hs o.nchj5 Eg t`o 6gl pcmo H t`hga hs t`o ego wo kust scw

    C rhm`t

    S se hs t`ct t`o Ncy 3?t` o.nchj wo kust scw iren Lr' Nurrcy te Nr' ]eejjoy5

    C yos ht

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    S Nr' \rojj* w`ct-s t`o lcto ei t`hs o.nchj5

    C t`hs o.nchj hs lctol Ncy 63st 6448

    Nr' Tcghs`; kust ier t`o roberl* ht-s eacy hi t`oy s`ew `hn t`hs cs jegm cs H bcg s`ew `hn

    egos t`ct `o-s get jhstol eg' H leg-t `cvo c prefjon wht` t`ct' Fut t`oro wcs cg efkobthegw`og H trhol te s`ew `hn bortchg egos `o-s get jhstol eg'

    Ns' Fhgc''' \`oro wcs ge efkobtheg te Nr' Tcghs` s`ewhgm t`oso o.nchjs te Nr' \rojj' \`oro

    woro efkobthegs wht` et`or whtgossos* fut Nr' Tcghs` ostcfjhs`ol t`ct t`oy `cl foog

    rovhowol hg Nr' \rojj-s porseg nest agewjolmocfjo bcpcbhty'

    Nr' Tcghs`'''' Cs jegm cs H bcg csa me c`ocl'

    Ns' Fhgc cjj rhm`t

    S w`ct-s t`o lcto ei t`hs o.nchj Nr' \rojj5

    C Ncy 63st* 6448

    S cgl beujl yeu rocl t`o `hm`jhm`tol sogtogbos te no5

    C t`hs hs iren \hnn ]eejjoy te Lr' Nurrcy &H s`eujl jhao te sogl c begtrcbt te yeu hg t`o goxtlcy er twe fut cn jeeahgm ier `ojp wht`hg t`o jomcj lopt fobcuso t`o ierns wht`hg w`hb` H weraleg-t cppjy te yeur spobhcjhzol peshtheg&

    S yeu tcjaol ocrjhor cfeut begtrcbt stcglcrl ierns cgl t`og vcrhcthegs eg t`eso stcglcrl ierNs']cs Lr' Nurrcy-s lrcit cmroonogt c stcglcrl iern hglopoglogt begtrcbter cmroonogt ier COMjhvo5

    C ge

    S cgl wcs Nr' ]eejjoy cut`erhzol te lrcit cg cmroonogt t`ct vcrhol iren t`o stcglcrl torn5 LhlNr' ]eejjoy `cvo cut`erhty te vcry iren t`o stcglcrl iern begtrcbt cgl brocto `hs ewg bustenbegtrcbt5

    C ge

    S w`eso rospegshfhjhty weujl t`ct `cvo foog5

    C t`ct weujl icjj te no

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    S se hg t`hs o.nchj hs Nr' ]eejjoy oxpjchghgm t`ct `o leosg-t `cvo c begtrcbt hg `cgl er'''' ]`ctleos t`hs o.nchj scy te yeu5

    C t`hs o.nchj nocgs te no t`ct `o-s `epoiuj t`ct c prepesol begtrcbt beujl fo sogt te Lr' nurrcywht`hg c lcy er twe

    S gew

    C ei t`o lcto ei t`hs o.nchj'

    S jot-s me fcba te twe nero t`ct Nr' Tcghs` s`ewol yeu t`ct bcno citor t`o twe o.nchjs wo-vokust soog (s`ews 6 ox`hfhts cgl yeu bcg kust pujj t`eso up shlo fy shlo le yeu robcjj rovhowhgmt`hs o.nchj eg t`o joit t`o et`or lcy w`og Nr' Tcghs` wcs quostheghgm5

    C yos

    S t`hs hs cg o.nchj w`oro Lr' Nurrcy csaol ier c lopesht ei t`o negt`jy ioo5

    C yos

    S Nr' \rojj* wcs cget`or te t`o scno oiiobt5

    C yos

    S se citor csahgm ier c begtrcbt ier `hs jcwyor te rovhow* Lr' Nurrcy t`og sogt t`oso twe o.nchjs

    csahgm ier pcynogt5

    C t`ct-s berrobt* t`ct-s w`ct t`oso o.nchjs cro lehgm

    S gew wo lhlg-t jeea t`o et`or lcy ct Nr' ]eejjoy-s rospegso te Lr' Nurrcys o.nchj lhl wo5

    C H leg-t robcjj t`ct wo lhl ge

    S gew* Nr' \rojj* hg t`hs o.nchj lhl Nr' ]eejjoy tojj Lr' Nurrcy &ge prefjon''''''' Xeu bcg fopchl&5

    C ge* `o lhlg-t'

    S w`ct lhl `o scy5

    C `o schl t`ct t`o jomcj lopcrtnogt `cl get yot benpjotol t`o cmroonogt w`hb` hs rct`orspobhcjhzol shgbo ht hs c rcro ovogt t`ct c p`yshbhcg hs ogmcmol te cbbenpcgy c teurhgm crthst

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    S cgl lhl `o scy cgyt`hgm cfeut w`ot`or pcynogt weujl fo nclo foiero t`oro wcs cg oxobutolcmroonogt5

    C `o scys COM pejhbhos lhbtcto t`ct pcynogts bcg egjy fo nclo uglor c iujjy oxobutolcmroonogt

    S ct seno pehgt '''' Fobcuso t`hs wcs c spobhcjhzol cmroonogt t`ct beujlg-t fo benpjotol eg t`oiern cmroonogt lhl rospegshfhjhty ier jcba ei c fottor werl ei Lr' Nurrcys cmroonogt''' Tcssiren Nr' ]eejjoy te senoego ojso ct COM jhvo5

    C yos oiiobthvojy ht pcssol te no cs mogorcj beugsoj ier t`o benpcgy

    S cgl lhl yeu t`og gomethcto wht` Lr' Nurrcy lhrobtjy5

    C ge H lojomctol t`o tcsa te Act`y Kerrho

    S cgl w`e hs ns Kerrho cmchg5

    C s`o-s cg eutshlo jcwyor t`ct leos wera ier t`o benpcgy iren thno te thno

    S cgl se ct yeur lhrobtheg* Ns' Kerrho fomcg gomethcthegs wht` Lr' Nurrcy5

    Nr' Tcghs`; efkobtheg* yeur `eger'''''' Joclhgm cgl summosthvo ei t`o cgswor o schl `o

    pcssol t`o tcsa cjegm

    \`o beurt; evorrujol'

    C H-n serry beujl yeu csa t`o quostheg cmchg* er `cvo ht rocl fcba te no* oht`or wcy5

    Fhgc.. suro'

    S lhl Ns' Kerrho fomhg gomethcthegs wht` Lr' Nurrcy ct yeur lhrobtheg5

    C yos

    S le yeu agew w`ot`or s`o speao te Lr' Nurrcy5

    C yos s`o lhl

    S le yeu agew w`ot`or s`o prevhlol lrcit begtrcbts te Lr' Nurrcy

    C yos s`o lhl

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    S cgl wo scw seno ei t`eso begtrcbts yostorlcy rhm`t5

    C berrobt

    S woro yeu bephol eg t`o lrcits t`ct s`o sogt te Lr' Nurrcy5

    C yos

    S le yeu agew `ew ncgy lrcits t`oro woro5

    C H leg-t robcjj ge

    S le yeu agew w`ot`or ns Kerrho nclo cgy b`cgmos te `or hghthcj lrcit fcsol eg rospegsos s`orobohvol iren Lr' Nurrcy

    C wojj H agew wo nclo s`o'''' H muoss'''''Oiiobthvojy nclo t`o b`cgmos te eur fcso iernhglopoglogt begtrcbter cmroonogt cgl H agew t`ct t`oro woro b`cgmos nclo cjegm t`o wcy cspcrt ei t`o gomethcthegs wht` Lr' Nurrcy

    S H-l jhao te jeea ct t`o vory ihrst lrcit begtrcbt t`ct ns Kerrho propcrol cgl sogt te Lr' Nurrcy

    C eacy

    S cgl t`ct-s hi yeu wcgt te me pm 6 se w`ct-s t`o lcto ei t`o ihrst o.nchj `oro5

    C t`hs o.nchj hs iren Kugo 3?t`'

    S se H t`hga wo joit eii foiero ct Ncy 60t` er 68t`

    C rhm`t

    S cgl t`og ct seno pehgt citor t`ct ns Kerrho put temot`or c lrcit begtrcbt5

    C yos

    S cgl w`ct-s t`o thtjo ei t`hs ihrst ego

    C t`o thtjo hs '''''Nurrcy cmroonogt 9%3?%48

    S cgl ht leosg-t scy lrcit cmroonogt leos ht5

    C ge* ht leosg-t scy lrcit

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    S lhl yeu uglorstcgl ht te fo c lrcit5

    C yos s`o scys oxprossjy hg t`o epoghgm pcrcmrcp` H `cvo cttcb`ol c lrcit cmroonogt ier yeurrovhow cgl bennogt

    S cgl le yeu agew w`ot`or t`hs lrcit cmroonogt wcs* hg icbt* sogt te Lr' Nurrcy5

    C ht-s ny uglorstcglhgm Nr' ]eejjoy pcssol t`hs cjegm te Lr' Nurrcy

    S jots jeea ct t`o ihrst pcmo ei t`hs

    Lebunogt kust te ncao suro t`cts t`o bcso t`o ihrst pm ei t`o o.nchj cgl se hs t`hs w`ct yeu-rotcjahgm cfeut5

    C t`hs weujl fo t`ct .. t`ct o.nchj iren \hnn ]eejjoy te Begrcl Nurrcy ht wcs eg Kugo 39t` 48

    S cgl hg t`hs o.nchj Nr' ]eejjoy ncaos c roi te t`o icbt t`ct t`o begtrcbt weujl fo rotrecbthvofcba te Ncy5

    C yos `o leos

    S cgl ct t`hs pehgt lhl yeu `cvo cg uglorstcglhgm cs te w`ot`or er get t`oro wcs c shmgolcmroonogt .. w`ot`or er get t`oro wcs cg cmroonogt fotwoog COM jhvo cgl Lr' Nurrcy5

    C wojj t`hs wcs Nurrcys ihrst robohpt ei c prepesol begtrcbt se ht wcs bjocrjy get cgy cmroonogt

    ct t`hs kugbturo

    S H-l jhao te gew jeea ct t`o ihrst lrcit cgl H-n get mehgm te me t`reum` t`o w`ejo lrcit fut H wcgtte kust jeea ct c beupjo ei pcmos

    C eacy

    S se hs t`hs t`o ihrst lrcit cmroonogt5

    C yos

    S eacy H-l jhao te H-l jhao yeu te quhbajy rocl t`reum` t`hs

    C eacy

    S cgl tojj no hi t`oro hs cgyt`hgm hg t`hs lebunogt t`ct kust jeeahgm t`reum` ncaos yeu fojhovoht-s get c ihgcj cmroonogt

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    C yos ht-s get shmgol'

    S hs ht shmgol fy cgyego5

    C get shmgol fy cgyfely ge

    S jot-s turg te pm = ei t`o t`hrl er ieurt` pcmo ei t`o begtrcbt

    C H-n serry t`o t`hrl

    S ht-s t`o ego wht` pcrcmrcp` 8 eg ht

    C pcrcmrcp` 8 ea

    S Nr' \rojj t`hs hs c vorsheg t`ct wo-vo soog foiero hg t`o jctor cmroonogt

    S bcg yeu rocl t`hs prevhsheg ier no

    C suro pcrcmrcp` 8 crthst begsogt t`o oiiobt ei t`hs cmroonogt hs beglhthegol upeg t`o cpprevcjcgl begsogt ei t`o crthst wht`eut t`o crthsts oxprossol cgl wrhttog cpprevcj ei t`o cmroonogtgoht`or pcrty te t`o cmroonogt whjj `cvo cgy rhm`ts er efjhmcthegs te ego cget`or crhshgm iren t`ocmroonogt

    S hs t`hs c stcglcrl prevhsheg t`ct-s hg cjj COM jhvo hglopoglogt begtrcbter cmroonogts

    C ge t`hs prevhsheg hs get hg eur fcso iern ei hglopoglogt begtrcbter cmroonogt'>

    S hs ht hg cgy et`or cmroonogts t`ct yeu-vo ovor lego cs cg COM teur hglopoglogt begtrcbter''' Hmuoss ncstor ei hglopoglogt begtrcbts5

    C ge H-vo foog hg t o bcpcbhty ei t o benpcgy t`ct H-n hg ier cjnest c lobclo scno thtjo scnorospegshfhjhthos' \`hs pcrcmrcp` `oro `cs govor foog cllol te cg hglopoglogt begtrcbtercmroonogt lurhgm ny toguro hg ny rejo

    S w`y wcs ht cllol `oro5

    C fobcuso ei t`o porsegcj roquost `oro iren Nhb`coj Kcbaseg ier t`hs pcrthbujcr ogmcmonogt ei`hs porsegcj p`yshbhcg

    S cgl w`ct leos t`hs prevhsheg nocg'''' Xeu nogthegol yostorlcy ht wcs c beglhtheg probologtbcg yeu oxpjchg w`ct t`hs prevhsheg nocgt* er w`ct t`o hloc fo`hgl c prevhsheg jhao t`hs hs5

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    C eacy ht nocgs shnpjy t`ct t`hs phobo ei pcpor'''\`hs lebunogt*'''' \`hs cmroonogt''' @cs geierbo er oiiobt ugjoss er cgl ugthj Nhb`coj Kcbaseg prevhlos `hs wrhttog cpprevcj ei t`ocmroonogt

    S cgl leos t`ct me fet` wcys Nr' Kcbaseg cgl COM-s efjhmcthegs te Lr' Nurrcy cgl vhbo vorsc5

    C rhm`t goht`or pcrty weujl t`og `cvo cgy efjhmctheg te t`o et`or berrobt

    S cgl t`hs prevhsheg hs hg t`o vory ihrst lrcit t`ct Ns' Kerrho sogt te Lr' Nurrcy5

    C yos ht wcs

    S H-l jhao te turg te t`o jcst pcmo ei t`o cmroonogt bcg yeu fjew up t`o fetten t`oro'''' \`hsshmgcturo fjeba* hs t`hs''''\`hs hs c shmgcturo fjeba ier Nr' Kcbaseg rhm`t5

    C t`ct-s berrobt

    S hs t`hs senot`hgm t`ct yeu `cvo eg hglopoglogt begtrcbter cmroonogts cs c gerncj beurso5

    C ge hg t`o ogthroty ei t`o thno t`ct H-vo foog hg t`o rejo t`ct H-vo foog hg t`hs shmgcturo fjeba `cscjse get cppocrol eg cgy et`or hglopoglogt begtrcbter cmroonogt cgl hts hgbjusheg `oro hsfobcuso ht levotchjs wht` pcrcmrcp` 8 t`ct wo kust wogt evor

    S se Nr' Kcbaseg weujl mhvo `hs oxprossol cgl wrhttog cpprevcj fy shmghgm t`hs fjeba

    C yos

    S cgl bcg yeu rocl t`o `hm`jhm`tol sogtogbo cfevo t`o shmgcturo fjeba ier no5

    C suro '''''\`o uglorshmgol `orofy begihrns t`ct `o `cs roquostol prelubor te ogmcmo Lr' Nurrcyeg t`o torns sot iert` `orohg cgl eg fo`cji ei cgl ct t`o oxpogso ei t`o uglorshmgol

    S gew'''' Ht scys `oro ct Nr' Kcbaseg-s oxpogso '''']o-vo soog fulmots w`oro Lr' Nurrcy-s pcywcs b`crcbtorhzol cs c prelubtheg clvcgbo le yeu robcjj t`ct5

    C yos

    S gew*wo tcjaol yostorlcy cfeut prelubtheg clvcgbos cgl crthst clvcgbos le yeu robcjj t`ct5

    C yos

    S hs Nr' Kcbaseg rospegshfjo ier fet` prelubtheg clvcgbos cgl crthst clvcgbos uglor t`o KcbasegCOM cmroonogt5

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    C yos t`o Nhb`coj Kcbaseg benpcgy

    S serry5

    C yos

    S t`o ogthty5

    C t`o ogthty* crthstbe* hs rospegshfjo ier t`ct**** yos

    S se w`ot`or `o-s c prelubtheg clvcgbo er cg crthst clvcgbo* hs Nr' Kcbaseg rospegshfjo ier t`opcynogt oht`or wcy5

    C ht-s ..

    Nr' Tcghs` efkobtheg nhsstctos t`o begtrcbt t`o benpcgy hs rospegshfjo'

    Ns' Fhgc serry

    S t`o Nhb`coj Kcbaseg benpcgy rospegshfjo oht`or wcy5

    C ht weujl fo cg efjhmctheg ei t`o Nhb`coj Kcbaseg benpcgy oht`or wcy yos

    S lhl yeu `cvo cg uglorstcglhgm cs te w`ot`or Lr' Nurrcy wcs ujthnctojy mehgm te fo

    bctomerhzol cs cg crthst clvcgbo er cs c prelubtheg clvcgbo5

    C ny uglorstcglhgm hs t`ct `o weujl `cvo foog bctomerhzol cs cg crthst clvcgbo' Ovog t`eum` t`ofulmot s`ewol `hn cs c prelubtheg clvcgbo5

    Nr' Tcghs`; joclhgm

    C t`ct-s rhm`t

    \`o beurt; evorrujol'

    S w`y hs t`ct5

    C wojj t`o rocseg ier t`ct hs t`ct t`hs wcs c spobhihb cbbennelctheg ct t`o roquost ei t`o crthst* cseppesol te t`o typo ei prelubtheg bests t`ct weujl bustencrhjy cgl typhbcjjy fo hgbjulol hg t`obcpturo ei cjj prelubtheg bests cgl neugthgm t`o teur

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    S cgl hi t`hs cmroonogt wcs shmgol .. get t`hs cmroonogt***** fut c jctor lrcit ei ht `cl foogshmgol* cgl jot no csa yeu lhiiorogtjy'''' Hg yeur vhow leos t`hs cmroonogt htsoji scy w`ot`or erget `o-s bctomerhzol cs cg crthst er c prelubtheg clvcgbo5

    C get oxprossjy ge

    S hs ht pesshfjo te b`cgmo bctomerhzcthegs eg c fulmot hi ht-s jctor lotornhgol t`ct senot`hgm hsput hg t`o wregm sjet5

    Nr' Tcghs`; ieuglctheg ier t`hs whtgoss

    Beurt; sustchgol

    S le yeu `cvo cg uglorstcglhgm cs te w`ot`or fulmots b`cgmo hg beggobtheg wht` sottjhgm up teurcbbeugts5

    C yos* H le

    S cgl H agew ht-s get yeur ierto* yeu tosthihol t`ct Nr' ]ofahgm hs t`o b`hoi ihgcgbhcj eiihbor futhg yeur rejo cs c begtrcbt t`o porseg w`e-s `cgljhgm t`o begtrcbts le yeu `cvo cgy hgvejvonogthg ncahgm suro t`ct oxpogsos cro bctomerhzol cbberlhgm te `ew t`o crthst cgl t`o crthst.COM jhvobegtrcbt bctomerhzos t`on

    C yos

    Nr' Tcghs` efkobtheg t`oro-s ge ieuglctheg `o schl `o leosg-t bctomerhzo t`on

    \`o beurt; yeu-ro tcjahgm cfeut `ew t`oy-ro bctomerhzol er losbrhfol wht`hg t`o begtrcbts

    t`ct `o propcrol5

    Fhgc; hg torns ei robeg. .. jot no fcba up cgl jcy c jhttjo nero ieuglctheg fobcuso ht-s ahgl

    ei fet`* cgl t`ct-s w`y H wcgt te ncao suro t`ct t`o whtgoss uglorstcgls ny quosthegs cgl

    ht-s senot`hgm `o bcg cgswor er get

    S Nr' \rojj le yeu uglorstcgl t`ct t`oro cro fulmots nclo hg beggobtheg wht` c teur5

    C suro

    S cgl le yeu `cvo cgy rejo hg brocthgm t`eso fulmots hg t`o ihrst hgstcgbo5

    C ge H leg-t

    S eacy cgl t`oro cro teur cmroonogts hg beggobtheg wht` teurs5

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    C yos

    S le yeu `cvo cgy hgvejvonogt hg brocthgm t`o teur cmroonogts5

    C yos H le

    S cgl le t`o teur cmroonogts prevhlo `ew crthst bests cro suppesol te fo spjht up cs fotwoogCOM jhvo cgl t`o crthsts5

    C yos ht leos

    S ct t`o ogl ei c teur hs t`oro c preboss te ncao suro t`ct ovoryt`hgm hs cbbeugtol ier hg t`o rhm`twcy cgl t`ct bests t`ct cro suppesol te fo hg ego fubaot por t`o begtrcbt cro cbtucjjy cbbeugtolier hg t`ct''''' \`ct prepor fubaot5

    C t`oro hs c ihgcj .. w`ct wo bcjj sottjhgm t`o teur t`ct tcaos pjcbo ct hts begbjusheg''' Xos

    S cgl hg t`o sottjhgm preboss cro yeu hgvejvol hg rovhowhgm t`o begtrcbts cgl ihmurhgm