jackery Die getic.


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Transcript of jackery Die getic.

Page 1: jackery Die getic.

Lighting, location, costume, props.

Page 2: jackery Die getic.

Clip 3 the hospital.

Lighting – The lighting in this scene is very effective because the shadow on her face shows a mysterious image and it shows a scary phase to her. Also the shadow in the background shows a mysterious and a dark image which creates suspense and draws your eyes to Sarah lying in her bed because she is bright making the viewers look towards her. The lighting on Sarah is the color green which shows terms of sickly images, unusual images and also the florescent lighting shows us terms of, unwelcome feeling from the color green surrounded by the shadow. However at the start of the clip where Jessica is blowing out her cake which Sarah is dreaming of it is a very dark surrounding of shadow surrounding Jessica however as she blows out her candles it reveals into the real world getting brighter but a lot more mysterious as I said in the previous paragraphs. Also after the scene where Sarah ran away from the darkness when it was chasing her it becomes all bright and clear when she gets caught and basically saved from her darkness and what she can see within it. After that where she was hugging her friend, the scene all becomes bright therefore It can show her emotions as well as her friends because it makes her face bright to show them real clear.

Page 3: jackery Die getic.

Descent clip 3.

• Location – The location of this clip is set in a hospital but it is completely different to a normal hospital we know of however, our normal hospitals we go to have supervision at all time however in this hospital it is just her their alone with no supervision. Also the dark impression in clip 3 is showing is also different because normal nowadays hospitals are bright and the lights am always on to show the nurses that the patients are ok with no hazards happening. However they are the same with the gear around them in what they wear or what surrounds them in technology wise.

Page 4: jackery Die getic.

Descent clip 3.• Costume – After the car crash it shows

Sarah waking up in the casual hospital patient gown showing that she is being treated and that she is ok. However with the gown on and the mysterious green color it links together and creates a bigger effect and build more suspense of what it means. Also Beth and Juno are different people in what they where because Beth in the clip is wearing jeans showing that she is more smart and can be more respectful however Juno is wearing her work out pants used for her work out and exercise which shows different people and showing us that who is the true sporty people.

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Props clip 3.

The props in clip 3 are at the start where Jessica is blowing out her cake in Sarah's dream that prop is affective because it causes the viewer feel bad and upset on the meaning. Also the heart beat sensor is a good prop because it shows the danger awareness which builds suspense and leads the viewer on to see what happens also, the close up and the sound of the music building louder makes you think what is about to happen.

Page 6: jackery Die getic.

Sound clip 3.

• Diegetic-

• Non-diegetic-