j You WADDELL& Real Estate Ranges, Cook, Box

j jSggtatc Brokers. &*' .-TBRNON GIVEN TO tlf pVcoU^c'rlWS- ni| Post Building. Seattle. Frw.tr Settle. M. P., SURGEON- OF- Parehaiinf Agenti, kt. Engineer. ?A PLANS, ELEVATIONS, DSSg^»r.;x£ Sfi^^S^thecorrect designing and water-works. a-works, ggj'«i.ySa;!!?H. aoitia. *B, F. DAY SCO., JUL ESTATE brokers, Block, SEATTLE. palmer* Architect 8l Superintendent. ruri. fTiSnDRicK, IN. D.. FG^ICU IL AND SU*OEOW. ?an >wrofcl'W»*OW apMf ?wTiliooHii mniKTUD IIJPfEISTBSDIffIt, gp, p-tnlf-s BlOCk. "Tustin a oilman, SURVEYORS MO CIVIL EIIGIAEEP.S. jn Heiuitf's Block. Front st. All jJajwrnpttyiwl correctly executed. Scvr. J.O.HAWBO. STRUVE A HAIWEB. M metis* in *ll the oourts ofWaali- &K U It. SCOTT A SON, Real Estate Agents. Wthars the best value in Seattle. Call and examine. K. BCOTT. A. M. SCOTT. WItTWOITH & THOMSON, nIVILAND MINING KNQINKKRajJ. (i s. Deputy Mineral Burreyors. Special mention given to locating pre-emption and kamestead rWr" City and County iiur- vsror. Ogtsebgyhe's opera house. DR. H.P. RftONTBORNE, From the University of Fraaee, Can be consulted on every form of disease at his office, corner of Mill and Com- mercial its., over Kellogg A drug store. J. J. BHEPHARD, SiCMlficUr ud Boikjtr if Stiulr. Ptass and Specifications furnished free, p| contracts taken anywhere on Puget laud. Kooms on Third St., at residence H A. & Miller. Jei-tf CHAS. F. MUNDAY, Attorney at Law, Mot ia White's Blook, oorner Front and Mam bis sts. JM-tf E.W.UEA, ARCHITKCT AND BIIILDKB, Seattle, W.T. VOl famish plans and speclfloations on \u25a0NjicsUon, take contracts and sujterln- DENTISTRY." I HAVE LOCATED AT SEATTLE tor the purpose of practicing dentistry «wk shail be satisfactory and charges WtssUe. Office In Upera House, oppo- IhHsS England HouseT J* It. Q. CALDWELL. ? &IUUB. A. W. KNULK HALLKR * ENCLE. Ukrasysaad Coaaaellore at hsw, Praetor* In Admiralty. Mes is Colman Block, comer Mill and gjjdil sts.. up stairs. olHl REMOVAL,. LG. CASETDENTIST. (VPCK AND RESIDENCE. COLUM- vWs Street, first door above Front BMtooiite White's building. Office WWlllWa. s!9dtf iUUTAILD. Uurcs WILLARO.M.D. I SMITH & WILLARD, ftmians and Surgeons OBasia Oobaan's Blook. up stairs. Sjjj* HOURS?J to Ip. m. and Tto ; \u25a0*= . ) G. A. WEED, M. D., I AND SURGEON. OF- OJMoomNc. 10, White's Mock. ; Office hours from 8 to 11 a. » Pad nam Uiotind 6 to 8 p. m. [ ?\u25a0MOT, FERRY. M«NAUCHT * MITCHELL* AWQRHJYB AT LAW, SEATTLE. ftJT!*>««o»Terrltory. OfficesNas. °pra House. Commercial at. LM. HALL, A*T22 N |T and counselor at Is rv?-, W. T. Practices in of Washington Territory. sJlj£tj**es Street, Opposite Ocoi- t.h. CANN. LAW- notary i 3n3® j** Oallfornla. Office oppo> stable. OoUectlonsa sC I 'l* B**" 8 **" 0. X. Jura JACOBS & JENNER. I A*2B? l &. and COUNSELORS | k2A*-, Office In building recent Urrahee A Hantord. Jams f R Lawia [ Occidental Hotel, S BTARKEY, M. D. jFjggATfflQ physician nd Sjß&asr ~y s* a A a BAOLBY. PVSSE, IT> 'SAfSiif OXIDE QAJI Mha Baa|ar Csr itiaiieUiS PROFESSIONAL. DR. w. Hi B£LTON t Physician and Surgeon, nl7-tf Office in Marc ball's Building. G, f. PUNNETA7 Real Estate AMD INSURANCE AGENTS, Roam No. 1. eU-tf Past Bonding. P. B. M. HILLM, M.8., STJRO-BON", At the Arlington. nll-tf Ors. Merrick t Van Zandt. Office hours from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Frost Street, aear Col an b la. n2-tf S. B. VROOMAN, Attorney - at - Law AID Notary Puhli Office on Commercial St.. over Frauen- thal's store. nl-tf Wtf. D WOOD, Attorney-at -Law, Room 1, Marshall Block. nl-tf Cor. Washington and Commercia WILL ROSS SURVEYOR IRQ CIVIL ERGIREER. Orders for the present may be left with O. C. Hhorey, cor. Front and Columbia sta, Seattle. 027-tf 4. ARTHUR WAINWRICHT, Attorney and Coootellor at Law, No. 4. Marshall's Block, Seattle. oZT-tf SANDERS' Real Estate aad Collection AGENCY. Collection of bills a specialty. Office with Ifaller 4c Ungle, Colman's Block. Jtt-tf A. C. JOMHS. R. OSBOR7V. Notary Public JONES A OSBORN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS at Law, will practise in any of the Courts of the Territory, attend to all kinds of legal business, and collect claims in any part of the United States and British pos- sessions. Post Building. Seattle. oi-tf D. hmhay, ARCHITECT AND SUPERIRTERDERT, Room No. 5 Post Building, Seattle. Jy7-tf C. M. ANDERSON, CIVIL AND MINIM ENGINEER. Alio 0. S. Deputy Mineral Snnreyor, Surveying and Engineering promptly and accurately done at any part or Puget Sound. Office No. T second floor. Poet Building; P. O. Box 307. lel-tf MHLABI * IU COCSTT T«MM- M «W rMrmncs, m. cuts TUB. im,. the head of Kliiott Bay, tn Seattle precinct, for the term ot six months. An appropriation of $l4O was paved lor the oonstruetion of a bridge in road district No. 23. The petition of Richard O'Connell AQ " °5 b ? a tor » road st OT near J. F. Mw'i boon, running onthe pfala of the bluff in a nortterty oonaect with the oounty toad, and to discontinue the present granted and Richard o»Cao- neUaod h7 H. Miller were appointed ? , W' F. H. Whitworth annqor ro^tomeet Nov.»,iBBI. ** nin a ferry acraaT lUUe plate for the period of one year. George P. Boyoe appointed Road Su- pemeor, district No. 4, Jno. D. Sellook the former appointee having declined. Official bond* of the following named Road Supervisors were approved: J as. d if tr l ct . No - siK B. Peterson, district No. 29; John Ytroo, district No. 81. The earn of $45 advanced by the agent of Kins oonnty for the support of Mn. Anna Cook and family daring the en- suing quarter, per order of Board. The amount of the official bonds of the county officers elect, for the ensuing term, as fixed by the Board of County Commissioners, are as follows: Geo. D. Hill, treasurer $60,000 S. C. Harris, auditor 10,000 Andrew Chilberg, assessor 8,000 Jno. H. MoGraw, sheriff 6,000 J. M. Hall, judge of the probate oourt 3,000 O. 8. Jones, oounty school super- intendent 1,000 An appropriation of SSO for the oon- strnetion of a bridge in seotion 13, town- ship N, range 5 east, is made by the Board. The reports of the viewers and sur- veyor on the road commencing at the corner of sections 2, 3,10 and 11, thenoe south on the line between sections 10 and 11,13 and 14, terminating at Cedar River bluff, in township 22 north, n>nge 6 east, were aooepted and the road declared a public highway and ordered opened. The reports of the viewers and sur- veyor on the road from Stuek River, thenoe alone the section line between sections 36 and 31,25 and 30, township 21 north, range 4 and 5 east, to the pres- ent traveled road, were aooepted and the road declared a publie highway and ordered opened. The petition of Jno. A. Martin and othera, for the relocation of the rosd running from Newcastle to Squak Slough, consisting of the bridge across the big guloh, and requesting that the said bridge be constructed seventy-five or one hundred feet above the present survey, and also requesting to have ao- oepted and placed on reoord that por- tion of the above mentioned road lead- ing from Coal Creek to the survey, was granted and Jno. Davis and George Davis were appointed viewers and F. H. Whitworth surveyor of said road, to meet Deoember 5,1882. D. T. Denny and J. G. Nolop were ap- pointed viewers and F. H. Whitworth surveyor on the road petttioned for by Robt. Weedin and others, whioh peti- tion was granted by the Board at its May session, 1882. Thomas Anderson was granted a gro- oery lioenae to sell lager beer at the bead of Elliott Bay, in Seattle pre- cinct, for six months. | MISCELLANEOUS. sonWHGoTWBRAiiy And Sperrmntorrhcea, with General Debility,-the roots of Youthful Follies or Xndlsoretlons. CUBED ZN UVIN WXIXI. KXTBAOBDIHABTSUOOUS OW DR. MILLER, 811*. TREATMENT. The undersigned oonsidert it his dnty, for the welfare of the public, (knowing thousands of sufferers that are daily humbugged, and taken by "ropers" to physicians, who are without principle), to inform them that he has Men com- pletely cured of tbe above diseases in their worst form, by Dr. Miller, Sr., of 406 Kearny Street. I am six feet four inohes in height, my weight was 168 pounds, pulse 62, appetite and sleep gone; memory lost ana ths mind given up to suicidal intentions. To-day my weight is 172 pounds, pulse 73, appetite and sleep restored, memory sharp, and 1 am going to work at my profession as a boiler maker. To repay the Doctor bis moderate fee, ete., is now my ohief ob- ject. But his kindness in advancing me oash to keep me from positive starva- tion, which was my ease when I had the good fortune to meet with him; coming aa I did, 1000 miles away, to a strange oity, without means, without friends, ana without hope. This, I feel loan never repay. I have eon versed with many or the Doctor's patients, who one and all were highly satisfied, and found themselves cured sooner than they oould reasonably have expeoted. H. F. F KiSSB. San Franoisco, August 31,1877. Subscribed and sworn to. before me, this Ist day of September, 1877. Jon HiWi.i., Notary Public. The circumstance that ths pathology of Spermatorrhoea receives very limit- ed attention, and the disease is so sel- dom treated by a large proportion of general praotioners. added to the gen- erally admitted fast that the complaint is peculiarly and specially diffioult to manage, affords reasons to believe that this serious and pre valient disorder is entitled to far more professional con- sideration than it reoeives. Every oase is curable and a cure guaranteed if instructions are followed. Address Dr. C. L. 10LLKB.Br. P. O. Box 44, Seattle, W. T., Cherry Street, near Seeood. Others have been likewise cured who 4s not wish their namee published. Office hours from 10 a.m. to 4 an. No charge for enlarging the onset. No charge tor consultatlaa. No charge for advice. No charge tor examination. No charge tor removing any pain from whatsoever cause. . Breathe often, breathe deep, breathe free. Inflammatory Rheumatism cured In tea days or no toe asked. ? Dr. Miller's reeidenoe Is am Chenrst. and his postofflce box W. Seattle. Jys-tf Patrick Flynn was granted a retail liqnor license for Newcastle precinct for aiz months. 8. 0. Harris ordered allowed ten dol- lars per month for servient aa purchas- ing agent of the Connty. The Board had a settlement with the Anditor and Treasurer, and ooanted the money in the County Treasury as re- quired by sections 2720 and 2721 of the Code of 1881. The report of the viewers and survey- or an the following roads, to wit: Bond from section 29, township 25, north, range 4 east, to the north line of seotion 30, township 26, north, range 4 east; road from seotion 29, township 25, north, range 4 east, to the Lake Washington and Newcastle road, and the road from the north line of aeotiftn 33, township 26, north, range 4 east, to the Newoastle road, were laid over nntil the next regu- lar session of the Board. The Auditor was instructed to pro- onre new books for the registration of warrants. J. F. Noonan A Co., contractors for the building of the P. S. 8. R. R. were granted tbe right to temporarily tear np the highway at the railroad orowings; said crossings not to be obstraoted to exoeed one aay, while bnilding across the same, on oondition that said con- tractors provide the traveling public with a good passage around, and re- building the road at crossings, leaving it in as good oondition as it was prior to so tearing H np.. The petition of George W. Hall and others praying for the vaoation of the alley in blook 40, in the heirs of Sarah A. Bell's second addition to Seattle, granted. The petition of P. Graham, et. al., praying for the relocation of a mile and a quarter cf the County road in tbe up- per Squak Valley to shun two hills; ths road to commence at the bottom of the first hill on the west side of seotion 23, township 23, north, range 6 east, thenoe to what is known as Fitzgerald canyon on section 26, township 23, north, range 6 east. Granted. Patrick Graham and John Hall worth were appointed viewers, and F. H. Whit worth, surveyor, to meet Deoember|l2th, 1882. Bills allowed on County Fund : Seattle Gss Light Co., gas 68 00 H Jones, water 30 00 E S Ingraham, School Superin- tendent, salary and fees 104 00 0 S Jones, examining teachers.. 6 00 Inna Bean, do ... 600 El wood Evans, Pros Atty, salary 62 60 Henry Adams, rebate at taxes... 9 90 L M Wood. do 6 78 Chas Deboise, do 4 00 N HOrr, burial of insane.. 46 00 CMVanDoren. repairs on pile driver 94 10 J H McGraw, board of prisoners and fee* 238 60 Expense* of viewing and survey- ing roads 134 40 AA Fiske, work on Snoqualmie toad 60 00 Provident Hospital, caiepoor.. 822 75 Or Whittemore, examination of " insane \u25a0 16 00 1 Seattle Coal and Trans. Co., sup- plies to Co. poor. 30 00 Webster A Ingereoll, repairing pile driver . . .77.7. . ... .T77.... 49 00 W H Crockett, building fence... 36 00 O Sohillistad, burial of poor? 62 60 Inspectors, Judges and Clerks of election 733 90 IM Hall, Probate Judge, fees... 73 30 J M KoUock, examination of in- mmi* 20 00 G A Weed, "do 10 00 S J Coombs, rent of offioe, Terri- torial eases a 76 E«p>?ss in following eases: Cass of R J Too Sahoaling, in- awe 10 80 Cass of W E Campbstl 8 15 Cass of P Lane 19 70 Case of Patsy CarroU 8 86 Cass of John Andrew 6 00 Inqosst, P Lynn Inqusafc B Nsss 81 80 C M Van Daren, servioss ss oom- 0 M Van Doton, sup* iMMliea tion bridgss and roads 80 00 J M Oohnaa,SKrioasascommi»- ** 00 J MCotman, eapt road work... 68 60 Bobt Abrams, do 8100 RnM UK"*, ssrrises ss som- 8 C Harris* Auditor, tsss 388 80 Bills rejected; Cost bill ease, Dan, a Chinaasan. Cost billesss, F.Foy. Cost bfll oass, VTUhs. oTSBKToo, I'NDERTiKIRS. Metallic, Wood aid Clett<wend GASKETS AND COFFINS. Robes, Gloves, Crape. And sveeythlng requisite ft* rVNRBAU. promptly filled and seWirniß guar -WXAKBKT Livery, Sale & Feed ST.ft "RTiHI, N. P. PHILLIPIAIOM. Commercial st, apposite Arlington H<ML rpHE riNMT<Mr^CAJ«IAQP i AND >K et thoctty VOCAL LE880H& MM. SEATTLE DAILY POST-INTELLIGENCEB, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1882. Claims allowed on Road and Bridge Fund: M W Hubbard SIOO 00 J R Stark 1125 60 John Yarno 97 20 E H Baxter 137 50 J W Borst 50 00 W W Perrigo 125 00 DMPearce 50 00 WP Smith 200 00 Claims allowed on Rood Districts: John Matthieeon. No 10. $ 28 00 DH Webster, No. 18 88 00 John Yarno, Mo. 31 376 25 BJMilkr.No.B 48 00 David Parker, N<x 16 88 80 SB Peterson, 50.89 88 00 Wald A Campbell, No. 20 14 00 The official hoods of the following officers-elect wece appsoved : George D Hill, TDSSSMISI. in the sum of SBO,OOO 00 John H MoGraw, Sheriff, in the sum of 5,000 00 I M Hall, Probate Judge, in the sum of HOOP 00 Andrew Chilberg, Issnssnr. in the sum of 8,000 00 8 C Harris, Auditor, in the somof 10,000 00 O S Jones, School Superin- tendent, in the sum of. 1,000 00 Ths Purchasing Agent of the County was allowed credit in the sum of $2,- 357.98, ae per vouchers rendered and ap- proved by the Board, and a warrant for SISOO, in settlement with and to meet incidental expenses of the County, was ordered drawn in his favor. On motion of Commissioner Abrama, seconded by Commissioner Colman, the Auditor was directed to enter upon the reoord the proceedings of the Board, a vote of tknnhs to Chairman Van Doren for the able and effioient in whioh he had conducted duties of said offioe during his term, anH .IM to furnish said Chairman with a oopy of this order and action of the Board. The Board adjourned sine die. Attest: S. C. HIXUK, County Auditor and ex-Offieio Clerk of the Board. ?TAKTLMti MfiCLMCKK, Mr. Chas. Naher has succeeded after much labor and pains in securing the very best organs that can be found any- where on the Paoifio Slope, for the smallest amount of money. He has nine-stop organs, with double swell, for S9O. For beauty of 6"««h and rich- ness of tone these organs are unexoelled in any market in the world. He has pianos the equal if not the best that can be got from anywhere, the prioes rang- ing from $250 upwards. Mr. Naher in- vitee inspection from the publio before purchasing elsewhere. CHAS. NAHKB, . . Jeweler, And agent for the Weber and Haines Brothers Pianos, and Estey and Ster- ling Organs. 029-tf BOW TO SECIttS BBALTB. MARKET REPORT, Wool. Good Now Le*eaa.9 ft. ? «#B3c " second aad third* " .. 16o#18o Wheat, good clean mUliwg.» Sic chicken feed. V t> Soc«Mc Flour, per bbl. extra $5 2S ?t5 50 " A No. 1. family |»4 7X5 85 " superfine 4 8534 40 Oats, per ton. S3CX<MS Bacon, California, per lb 17«gl8e Country cured 14®lie «???«? Kama Lard, as to kind 16#18c Buttsr, A No. 1. choice 80948 c Fate to medium SMKc BHL»»tn»«»»»»s»tte>»..»t»fe« tfO Mdoi 4 00M00 38 ullssoe third eg - Patatoss, 8 MUS. BB7k umj new sUMBtso Chop Feed.*icr harisy ? \u25a0 sss»«on Bran OS Onion* per lb Be Apples wuadriedww 7M4e M QK Cooking, par hex. 80975 c \u25a0atlas TQvOOB VWMe Fast Beaver prime par 1b..... i«8et8B Oner, each 308 ft 00 Bear, each fl»5 tt> Oranges per box 4 75#S 00 Lesaona. as to quality 886 c Boran. Csnta. Bss< - Btols Pork 10 to 184 Mutton] 10 to 14 woiastis, Beef neat 7M6 Beef on foot » 4 to 44 Pork neat Bto I Pork on foot H to 6* Mutton neat 74 to a Mutton on toot 4#4i BUILDUFO MITIRUL Rouirh oommon |l2 00 9 M Flooring. Ix 4. No. 1 18 50 .. .. .. 8..**......... 16 00 .. Ix 6, No. 1 18 00 .. Nat IS 00.. Dressed lumber. Is 18 00 .. 4s SO 00.. Rustic No. 1 18 00 .. .. 8 15 00 .. It is strange any one will suffer from derangements brought on by impure blood, when Soovill s Sarsaparilla and Stillingia, or BLOOD and LIVER SYRUP will restore health to the phys- ical organization. It is a strengthening syrup, pleasant to take, and the best BLOOD PURIFIER ever discovered curing Scrofula, Svphlilitio disorders, Weakness of the Kidneys, Erysipelas, malaria: Nervous disorders. Debility, Bilious complaints and diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, Skin, ?to. SMITH'S BIJOU THKATEB. ?This public plaoe of amusement, on the corner of Third and Washington streets is still in fall blast, new attractions being pre- sented every night. The company oonsists of twelve people, among whom are Mr. Jake Willey, stage man- ager; Mr. Charles Nioholson, come- dian and banjo soloist, Mr. John Cook, olog and jig danoer; Mr. Harry Elmore, serio-oomio speech orator; Miss Nita Earle, serio-oomio songstress; Miss Lan Cook, jig danoer artist; Miss Grace Willis, vooalist; and others; besides an orchestra of three pieoes. Admission free. s7-dtf. MISCELLANEOUS. Four-Acre Lot for Sale. THK UNDERSIGNED OFFERS TO sell his residence property, situated on the direct toad from Seattle to Lake Wash- ington, being 1H miles east and adjoining the city limits, comprising four acres leu 19 rods. It has an orchard of 150 fruit trees, consisting of apples, pears, plums and cherries, of choice varieties, coming into full bearing, with other small fruits; the land lies level, is cleared and inclosed with a substantial fence. The soil is a warm sand and gravelly loam, adapted to fruits, vegetables and market gardening. A stream of soft spring water runs across one corner of the ground. The lot has a frontage on the road of over Mrods; hence is in good shape to divide, and may be platted into twenty desirable lots, 60x120 feet, or equal thereto, with cross street for inside lots. House of H stories. 7 rooms, woodhouse, small barn and cowshed; also a good bricked-up well, of cold, soft water and plenty of it. Lying on a good road, easy of access and only fifteen minutes' drive from the city, it is believed this pro- perty with its improvements, at the price it Is now offered, presents much stronger inducements for investment or residence than any of the higher priced wild lands around Lake Union or other remote and out-of-the-way places that are now puffed, on the market. Parties wanting property of this class are invited to examine it. Price |2SOO cash. Apply to owner on the premises. n*-d*wlin W. a BENJAMIN. Fire Insurance. rr ADDITION TO THE LARGE LIST of Fire Insurance Companies repre- sented in Seattle byf ffIcLURE & TAYLOR, The following have recently been added Tie Su Fire Office Company Of London, the oldest, largest and richest Fire Insurance Company in the world, or- ganised AJ), 1710. Tbe Ins. Co. of North America Of Philadelphia, the eldest and richest Company in America, organised A.D. 1782. Tie Feii Fire Insiraiee Co. Of Philadelphia, organised A.D. 1825, as- sets 9%227.aU S3 w, now repreeen twenty-one lintclass Villi, MARINE, LIFE and ACCIDENT Insurance Companies, And, ?* v, "g Insurance a specialty, can offer reliable Insurance at the very lowest rates. \u25a0cLURE A TAYLOR, General Insurance Agents, slO-dswtf Butler's Building. Seattle. MISCELLANEOUS. COOD~THHICS~~ PORTM AN'S. Just Received A full line of staple and imported goods. Grosae §. Blaekwell'a Imported Pickles, Sauces, Cheese, Vinegars, Chatneys. and Herbs tor seasoalag, BX7OH AS SWEET MARJORAM, PABSLEY, THYME, MIXED HERBS. Canned Mushrooms, English PI am Paddings, Marmalades, and White Clo- ver Honey in the Comb. Also all kinds of Canned Vegetables, Table and Pie Fruits, Foreign and Do- mestic Cheese. A fall stock of everything belonging to the grooery line, including Brooms, Baskets, Wooden and Willow Ware, eta. Best brands of Floor, Wheat, Chopped Feed and Bran. HOTELS AND REBTAURAHTB. When You Arrive in SEATTLE, Go Immediately to RICKARD'S, RICKARD'S, RICKARD'S Chop, Coffee and Oyster House, \u25a0Mf OppcamaSwm&diftwfc REOPENED. SEATTLE RESTAURANT HAS BEEN REOPENED TO THE the public. ul the pro- pnetrss will bo pleased to weloooM the return of air former ynfuti. as well u new ones. The table will be \u25a0applied with the best the market tflbrdi and every effort will be made to eater to the tastes of the public. MRS. PFEIFFER WRIGHT'S bakbrt AND RESTAURANT, COLS AIT'S BOW, Freat street, Seattle, WILL FURNISH THE BEST THE " market affords. Suppers, Banquets AND Wedding* Cakes Got up in the best style at the shortest no- tice. DIRI6O CHOP HOUSE In Yesler's Hall Building, FRESH OYRTF.ua UEBTKD m KVERT SITU. Mesls gotten up to order at any hour. Board and Lodging. The best the market afibrds always on nana. CON. CRATER & WIFE. "»hl-tf Proprietor. Occidental Hotel, \u25a0BATTLE, W. T.» Board and Lodging at Moderate Rates. rpHIS IS THE LARGEST HOTEL I north of Ssn Francisco, and is Irst class in all respects. H Free coach to and from the house. H JOHN COLLINS I CO. nl-tf Proprietors. THE ARLINGTON JULIUS W. SMITH. ) Proprietors, CONVERSE P. FARRAR, \ Seattle,*'. T. Is Now Open for Bosinoss. FIRST CLASS IN ITEBT KKSPECT. Both Rooms Free to Guests. Tetis 11.00, SS.SO andSS per day. BepeeOal rates to Baarders. \u25a0dl-tf A fall line of Queensware, Fancy Glassware of ail descriptions, and the greatest variety of Vases, Toilet Sets, Artificial Flowers, Ornaments, Fancy China ware, Smokers' Sets, Figures of TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Orrtci or Covpraoixm > OFTHICCRRBNCT, V Washington, Sept 26 h, 1881) TTTHEREAS. BY SATIaKACTORY W evidence presented to the under- signed, it hss been made to appear that the Pint National Bank of Beat JsTln the city of Seattle, in the oountg of King and Territory of Washington, nas complied with all the provisions of the Revised Statutes of the United States required to be complied with before an asaocUtian ahall be authorised to eommence the busi- DMB of btnking; Now. therefore. I. John Jay Knox, Comp- troller of the Currency, do hereby certify that the First National Bank or Seattle. In the city of Seattle, county of King and Territory of Washington, is authorised to eouiin. wvtf ilie business of hanking as pro- vided in section five thousand one hundred and sixty-nine of the Revised Statutes of the Untied States. . In teatlmony whereof witness IgiAL) my hand and seal of office this I ' Stth <W °f Sector, UM. junn «ax IU*UA« Comptroller of the Treasury. [No.«mi olMOt FOR SALE. /»a ACRES or FIRST CLASS FARM- OU ing Land. Thirty-flve acres of this land is unaurpaaaed tar hop raiaing or gen- eral e«?«ng- Two acras of tt are monk, aad require only a small outlay of labor to lit them for cranberries or other nurposss. The balance of the land is saitaMa tor fruit or pasture. Shingle making will fur- n<ab profitable employment for the rainy srasnn This land is nine miles from Se- attle, cat the telegraph or coonty road. the best road In King county, as tor as worked. Title perfect. For further particulars apply to ED. L. LINI)SLEY, Express wagon No. 13, Seattle. aU-d*wlm NOTICE. CutteSorSnyder Age. Seattle Nov. 4th. Utt. Vt 8N DKRa JOHN KBNNHY, FIN Catf B°ofe and Shoes. \u25a0g^.mewlalst-lnS.Ks-aylictott- For Sale. wvUtP- Goods delivered to all parts of the city free of charge, and satisfaction guaran- teed. n!2-tf Oil Space ii Eeserved fo£ L. NEUMAN, GUNSMITH, jytdawtf . Commarctol s. R. J. GRAHAM, Merchant Tailor. KBH ALWAYS O* BAICD A. FULL LINE OF CLOTHS S CASSIMBRBS or FRENCH, ENGLISH A AMERICAN MAKE, Front street, arid tf Colman*s Block, Hssttle. FRED. BORIES (Successor to W. H. Shoudy.) DEALER IN HARNESS. SADDLES, DRIDLES Cellars, Spurs, Whips, te Repairing dons on short notice. Cslsua*o Black, fnot «U Beautlo. AH work done at bed-rock prices tor wii» and maraateed to sive satisfaction. The pubtto are iavttod to e»ll and examine goods and prices saaklagjinwbaaas Jylj-dtf TBEU. BORIES. Money tp Loan. B. F. HAY * GO, Room 1. Marshall Block. al-tf Seattle. LOST. "OUR HOUSE" RESTAURANT I W*. CUM, Proprietor. Boarding on the >lost Rea- sonable Terms. Meals at all Honrs. Moals. 29 Cts. Bods, 29 Cts. Mill Street, Seattle, W. T. al MISCELLANEOUS. rsrajr STAND roa DENSMOREt JOHNSON, oiAinsm CHOICE FAMILY CROOERIEB, COT. Third aad Ualoa sts., Seattle. ts. Highest cash price paid for all farm products. auM-tf WINE VAULTS, AND BILLIARD PARLOR ( I Basement of Marshall's Brick Block, ComsMßlal St., BKAVO * PARKIR PBonuvroas. THIS PLEASANT RESORT WILLBE X conducted on the first class principle, and nothing but the rory bes WINES, LIQUORS AND ISAM wffl bo sold over the bar. . . Entrance from both ride aad rear of the building. «l»tf Felsen Beer, From tlie Bavaria Brewery, Han Francisco, BEST TAP mahe ON THE COAST. J. BEBBCH, TiToli Beer Hail, anlMf Occidental Square. Seettla MARINE WAYS SEATTLE, W. T. JW. T. MITCHELL HAS BUILT MA- . rine Ways aad la nowpMgsssd to finis STEAM AND SAIUN6 VESSELS 1 am isspered to do ssPAnmta AND OVERHAULING In the Isasl pssribto ttmo. stdtf jr. T. knwwit Real Estate. iftniM luUiict Prqwtj by the Lot, Block or ion. PINE LOTS AND BLOCKS IN MeOIL- MISCELLANEOUS. WADDELL& MILES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Ranges, Cook, Parlor & Box STOVES Ttnwarew Japuued and MarbJelied Iroaware. Kitchen FteßflQs of Krery Description. Steam Whistles, Gongs, Steam and Water Ganges, Globe Valves, &c. Brass Goods, Pumps, Copper Lead and Iron flp* PLUMBING AND COPPERSMITHING. SHEET COPPER. ZING AND LEAD. THE SUPERIOR Acknowledged the best cooking stove in the World. Warranted sot te crick by Fire. Fire Sacks warranted to las* five years. Have also a Full Line of Superior Ranges, The Finest end Best Range sold on tiie Pacific Coast Crockery and Glassware. Job Work Neatly Executed, VOrders from the country solicited and satisfaction guaranteed Give us a Call and Look Through our Immense Stock Mill Street, Seattle, Washington Territory J. BCHRAM & GO rSoccessors to H. McAleer & Co.] Wholmle and Retail Dealers 1B RANGES, COOK, PAKLOK and BOX STOVES. Brass Goods, Tinware, Pumps, Copper, Japaned Ware, Lead and Iron Pipe, Granite Ironware, Pipe Fittings, Sheet Lead, Kitchen Utensils of Sheet Copper, Sheet Zinc, Every Description. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. Plumbing and Coppersmithing Steam and Gas Fitting. Order* by ataamara promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed la a vary Ir-r* r»ai»ai nisi Street. Seattle. W. T. HARRINGTON & SMITH, Importers and Wholesale Dealers, Have now oil hand the Larg&it and Best Selected Stock Ever Brought to Puget Sound. Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, Iron, Steel, Cordage and Ship Chandlery, Flour, Peed, Hay and Grain, Boots and Shoes, Crockery and Glassware, Paints and Oils, and all kinds oi jStaple and Fancy Groceries Also Lime, Brick, Plaster and Cement. Agents tot FISH BROS. k Co's Celebrated Wagons, and Imperial, Northern Queen and London Insurance Company. CAPITAL, HARRINGTON A SMITH. Commercial Street, Seattle. W. T. STBTSON & P OST. PROPRIETORS OF THB Seattle Planing Mills Manufacturers of all kinds of Bough and Dressed Lumber, RUSTIC, FLOORING, CASINOS. GUTTERS. PACKING BOXES, BASIL DOORS, BLINDS, SHUTTERS, AND WOOD FINISH OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. flessniunl lumbar of all klnda constantly on hand. RELIABLE INDEMNITY, NOT CHEAP INSURANCE, 1-1 YOU KrotT £ot? PO< ** 11 JOHN BL A TSTOTT ABD. Aoarr roa HUTTU AXD VICIWITTroa rma North British & Mercantile, of London & Edinburg, The German American, of New York, The Phcsnix, of Hartford, And The Home, of New York INSURANCE COMPANIES. fin lamtMoa oa Dwellings and Varnltara, Store, and Merchandise, Orals, Mllla, Manufacture* Kto., at Moderate Rates. rtiß M. BIAICIAM, (Suooaaaor to McNaught Jt Laaiy.) SEATTLE IUMBER MID COMMERCIAL COMPWS Saw and Planing Mllla, SASH AND DOOR FACTORY Manufactures all klnda of Ttmigh and Dressed Lumber, Doors, Saab, Blinds, Frames, Shutters, &c.,&c. *""" P. J. LAM. Ihuw WA CHOIH« 00., CHINA TEA STOKE. m. SEINNBT, MerohantT ailor: j oat Received from the Fectorlee, the UtMt Oct and Itwut Stjlei of Btntiemei'initi in till JUrkrt iUn the Mw* Stylieh Geode to be Mede Into Suite to Order. HM M>dC»pefor Men'eend Boyeßpriegepd - \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ? « (took la Fl»Uta» ud wee hM MrmU tm I Heettle Trede n mm w wrr m tub. <rm M> i?< K\ HntTOLLtIMOI«. PUGET FOUNDRY. WILLIAMBON * EKLLOOO, PROFBBTOHfI. ALL KINDS OF # Xion and Brass Casting*

Transcript of j You WADDELL& Real Estate Ranges, Cook, Box

Page 1: j You WADDELL& Real Estate Ranges, Cook, Box


jSggtatc Brokers.&*' .-TBRNON GIVEN TO


Post Building. Seattle.

Frw.tr Settle.


Parehaiinf Agenti, kt.


DSSg^»r.;x£Sfi^^S^thecorrect designing and

water-works. a-works,

ggj'«i.ySa;!!?H. aoitia.

*B, F. DAY SCO.,

JUL ESTATE brokers,Block,



Architect 8l Superintendent.

ruri.fTiSnDRicK, IN. D..


?an >wrofcl'W»*OW apMf

?wTiliooHiimniKTUD IIJPfEISTBSDIffIt,gp, p-tnlf-s BlOCk.


jn Heiuitf's Block. Front st. AlljJajwrnpttyiwl correctly executed.

Scvr. J.O.HAWBO.


M metis* in *llthe oourts ofWaali-



Real Estate Agents.Wthars the best value in Seattle. Call

and examine.K. BCOTT. A. M. SCOTT.

WItTWOITH & THOMSON,nIVILAND MININGKNQINKKRajJ.(i s. Deputy Mineral Burreyors. Specialmention given to locating pre-emption andkamestead rWr" City and County iiur-vsror. Ogtsebgyhe's opera house.

DR. H.P. RftONTBORNE,From the University of Fraaee,

Can be consulted on every form of disease

at his office, corner of Mill and Com-mercial its., overKellogg Adrug store.

J. J. BHEPHARD,SiCMlficUr ud Boikjtr if Stiulr.

Ptass and Specifications furnished free,p| contracts taken anywhere on Pugetlaud. Kooms on Third St., at residenceH A. & Miller. Jei-tf


Attorney at Law,

Mot ia White's Blook, oorner Front andMam bis sts. JM-tf


Seattle, W.T.VOl famish plans and speclfloations on

\u25a0NjicsUon, take contracts and sujterln-


tor the purpose of practicing dentistry«wk shail be satisfactory and charges

WtssUe. Office In Upera House, oppo-IhHsS England HouseTJ* It. Q. CALDWELL.


HALLKR* ENCLE.Ukrasysaad Coaaaellore at hsw,

Praetor* In Admiralty.Mes is Colman Block, comer Millandgjjdilsts.. up stairs. olHl


LG. CASETDENTIST.(VPCK AND RESIDENCE. COLUM-vWs Street, first door above FrontBMtooiite White's building. OfficeWWlllWa. s!9dtfiUUTAILD. Uurcs WILLARO.M.D. I


ftmians and SurgeonsOBasia Oobaan's Blook. up stairs.

Sjjj*HOURS?J to Ip. m. and Tto; \u25a0*=



OJMoomNc. 10, White's Mock.; Office hours from 8 to 11 a.» Pad nam Uiotind 6 to 8 p. m.

[ ?\u25a0MOT, FERRY. M«NAUCHT *

MITCHELL*AWQRHJYB AT LAW, SEATTLE.ftJT!*>««o»Terrltory. OfficesNas.°pra House. Commercial at.

LM. HALL,A*T22N|T and counselor atIs rv?-, W. T. Practices in

of Washington Territory.sJlj£tj**es Street, Opposite Ocoi-

t.h. CANN.LAW- notary

i 3n3® j**Oallfornla. Office oppo>stable. OoUectlonsa


I 'l*B**"8**" 0. X. Jura

JACOBS & JENNER.I A*2B?l&.and COUNSELORS| k2A*-, Office In building recent

Urrahee A Hantord. Jams

f R Lawia

[ Occidental Hotel,

S BTARKEY, M. D.jFjggATfflQ physician ndSjß&asr ~y

s* a A a BAOLBY.

PVSSE,IT>'SAfSiifOXIDE QAJIMha Baa|ar CsritiaiieUiS


DR. w. Hi B£LTON t

Physician and Surgeon,nl7-tf Office in Marc ball's Building.

G, f. PUNNETA7Real Estate



eU-tf Past Bonding.

P. B. M. HILLM, M.8.,

STJRO-BON",At the Arlington. nll-tf

Ors. Merrick t Van Zandt.Office hours from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Frost Street, aear Col an bla.n2-tf

S. B. VROOMAN,Attorney - at -Law


Notary PuhliOffice on Commercial St.. over Frauen-

thal's store. nl-tf

Wtf. D WOOD,Attorney-at -Law,

Room 1, Marshall Block.nl-tf Cor. Washington and Commercia


Orders for the present may be left withO. C. Hhorey, cor. Front and Columbia sta,Seattle. 027-tf

4. ARTHUR WAINWRICHT,Attorney and Coootellor at Law,

No. 4. Marshall's Block, Seattle.oZT-tf

SANDERS'Real Estate aad Collection

AGENCY.Collection of bills a specialty.Office with Ifaller 4c Ungle, Colman's

Block. Jtt-tfA. C. JOMHS. R. OSBOR7V.

Notary Public


ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORSat Law, will practise in any of the

Courts of the Territory, attend to allkindsof legal business, and collect claims in anypart of the United States and British pos-sessions. Post Building. Seattle. oi-tf


Room No. 5 Post Building, Seattle.Jy7-tf


Alio 0. S. Deputy Mineral Snnreyor,Surveying and Engineering promptly and

accurately done at any part or PugetSound. Office No. T second floor. PoetBuilding; P. O. Box 307. lel-tf


cuts TUB. im,.

the head ofKliiottBay, tn Seattle precinct, for theterm ot six months.

An appropriation of $l4O was pavedlor the oonstruetion of a bridge in roaddistrict No. 23.

The petition of Richard O'ConnellAQ" °5b? a tor » road st OTnear J. F. Mw'iboon, runningonthe pfala of the bluff in a nortterty

oonaect with the oountytoad, and to discontinue the presentgranted and Richard o»Cao-

neUaod h7 H. Miller were appointed? ,W' F. H. Whitworth annqor

ro^tomeet Nov.»,iBBI.

** nin a ferry acraaT lUUeplate for the period of one year.

George P. Boyoe appointed Road Su-pemeor, district No. 4, Jno. D. Sellookthe former appointee having declined.

Officialbond* of the following namedRoad Supervisors were approved: Jas.


No- siK B. Peterson,district No. 29; John Ytroo, district No.81.

The earn of $45 advanced by the agentof Kins oonnty for the support of Mn.Anna Cook and family daring the en-suing quarter, per order of Board.

The amount of the official bonds ofthe county officers elect, for the ensuingterm, as fixed by the Board of CountyCommissioners, are as follows:Geo. D. Hill, treasurer $60,000S. C. Harris, auditor 10,000Andrew Chilberg, assessor 8,000Jno. H. MoGraw, sheriff 6,000J. M. Hall, judge of the probate

oourt 3,000O. 8. Jones, oounty school super-

intendent 1,000An appropriation of SSO for the oon-

strnetion of a bridge in seotion 13, town-ship N, range 5 east, is made by theBoard.

The reports of the viewers and sur-veyor on the road commencing at thecorner of sections 2, 3,10 and 11, thenoesouth on the line between sections 10and 11,13 and 14, terminating at CedarRiver bluff, in township 22 north,n>nge 6 east, were aooepted and the roaddeclared a public highway and orderedopened.

The reports of the viewers and sur-veyor on the road from Stuek River,thenoe alone the section line betweensections 36 and 31,25 and 30, township21 north, range 4 and 5 east, to the pres-ent traveled road, were aooepted andthe road declared a publie highway andordered opened.

The petition of Jno. A. Martin andothera, for the relocation of the rosdrunning from Newcastle to SquakSlough, consisting of the bridge acrossthe big guloh, and requesting that thesaid bridge be constructed seventy-fiveor one hundred feet above the presentsurvey, and also requesting to have ao-oepted and placed on reoord that por-tion of the above mentioned road lead-ing from Coal Creek to the survey, wasgranted and Jno. Davis and GeorgeDavis were appointed viewers and F. H.Whitworth surveyor of said road, tomeet Deoember 5,1882.

D. T. Denny and J. G. Nolop were ap-pointed viewers and F. H. Whitworthsurveyor on the road petttioned for byRobt. Weedin and others, whioh peti-tion was granted by the Board at itsMay session, 1882.

Thomas Anderson was granted a gro-oery lioenae to sell lager beer at thebead of Elliott Bay, in Seattle pre-cinct, for six months.


sonWHGoTWBRAiiyAnd Sperrmntorrhcea, with General

Debility,-the roots of YouthfulFollies or Xndlsoretlons.



DR. MILLER,811*. TREATMENT.The undersigned oonsidert ithis dnty,

for the welfare of the public, (knowingthousands of sufferers that are dailyhumbugged, and taken by "ropers" tophysicians, who are without principle),to inform them that he has Men com-pletely cured of tbe above diseases intheir worst form, by Dr. Miller, Sr., of406 Kearny Street. I am six feet fourinohes in height, my weight was 168pounds, pulse 62, appetite and sleepgone; memory lost ana ths mind givenup to suicidal intentions. To-day myweight is 172 pounds, pulse 73, appetiteand sleep restored, memory sharp, and 1am going to work at my profession as aboiler maker. To repay the Doctor bismoderate fee, ete., is now my ohief ob-ject. But his kindness in advancing meoash to keep me from positive starva-tion, which was my ease when Ihad thegood fortune to meet with him; comingaa I did, 1000 miles away, to a strangeoity, without means, without friends,ana without hope. This, I feel loannever repay. I have eon versed withmany or the Doctor's patients, who oneand all were highly satisfied, and foundthemselves cured sooner than they oouldreasonably have expeoted.

H. F. F KiSSB.San Franoisco, August 31,1877.

Subscribed and sworn to. before me,this Ist day of September, 1877.

Jon HiWi.i., Notary Public.

The circumstance that ths pathologyof Spermatorrhoea receives very limit-ed attention, and the disease is so sel-dom treated by a large proportion ofgeneral praotioners. added to the gen-erally admitted fast that the complaintis peculiarly and specially diffioulttomanage, affords reasons to believe thatthis serious and pre valient disorder isentitled to far more professional con-sideration than itreoeives.

Every oase is curable and a cureguaranteed ifinstructions are followed.

Address Dr. C. L. 10LLKB.Br.P. O. Box 44, Seattle, W. T., Cherry

Street, near Seeood.

Others have been likewise cured who 4snot wish their namee published.

Office hours from 10 a.m. to 4 an.No charge for enlarging the onset.No charge tor consultatlaa.No charge for advice.No charge tor examination.No charge tor removing any pain from

whatsoever cause..

Breathe often, breathe deep, breathe free.Inflammatory Rheumatism cured In tea

days or no toe asked. ?

Dr. Miller's reeidenoe Is am Chenrst.and his postofflce box W. Seattle. Jys-tf

Patrick Flynn was granted a retailliqnor license for Newcastle precinct foraiz months.

8. 0. Harris ordered allowed ten dol-lars per month for servient aa purchas-ing agent of the Connty.

The Board had a settlement with theAnditor and Treasurer, and ooanted themoney in the County Treasury as re-quired by sections 2720 and 2721 of theCode of 1881.

The report of the viewers and survey-or an the followingroads, to wit: Bondfrom section 29, township 25, north,range 4 east, to the north lineof seotion30, township 26, north, range 4 east;road from seotion 29, township 25, north,range 4 east, to the Lake Washingtonand Newcastle road, and the road fromthe north line of aeotiftn 33, township26, north, range 4 east, to the Newoastleroad, were laid over nntil the next regu-lar session of the Board.

The Auditor was instructed to pro-onre new books for the registration ofwarrants.

J. F. Noonan A Co., contractors forthe building of the P. S. 8. R. R. weregranted tbe right to temporarily tear npthe highway at the railroad orowings;said crossings not to be obstraoted toexoeed one aay, while bnilding acrossthe same, on oondition that said con-tractors provide the traveling publicwith a good passage around, and re-building the road at crossings, leavingit in as good oondition as it was prior toso tearing H np..

The petition of George W. Hall andothers praying for the vaoation of thealley inblook 40, in the heirs of SarahA. Bell's second addition to Seattle,granted.

The petition of P. Graham, et. al.,praying for the relocation of a mile anda quarter cf the County road in tbe up-per Squak Valleyto shun two hills; thsroad to commence at the bottom of thefirst hillon the west side of seotion 23,township 23, north, range 6 east, thenoeto what is known as Fitzgerald canyonon section 26, township 23, north, range6 east. Granted. Patrick Graham andJohn Hallworth were appointed viewers,and F. H. Whitworth, surveyor, to meetDeoember|l2th, 1882.

Bills allowed on County Fund :

Seattle Gss Light Co., gas 68 00H Jones, water 30 00E S Ingraham, School Superin-

tendent, salary and fees 104 000 S Jones, examining teachers.. 6 00Inna Bean, do ... 600Elwood Evans, Pros Atty, salary 62 60Henry Adams, rebate at taxes... 9 90L M Wood. do 6 78Chas Deboise, do 4 00N HOrr, burial of insane.. 46 00CMVanDoren. repairs on pile

driver 94 10J H McGraw, board of prisoners

and fee* 238 60Expense* of viewing and survey-

ing roads 134 40A A Fiske, work on Snoqualmie

toad 60 00Provident Hospital, caiepoor.. 822 75Or Whittemore, examination of" insane \u25a0 16 00

1Seattle Coal and Trans. Co., sup-plies to Co. poor. 30 00

Webster A Ingereoll, repairingpile driver .

. .77.7. . ... .T77.... 49 00W H Crockett, building fence... 36 00O Sohillistad, burial of poor? 62 60Inspectors, Judges and Clerks of

election 733 90IM Hall, Probate Judge, fees... 73 30J M KoUock, examination of in-

mmi* 20 00G A Weed, "do 10 00S J Coombs, rent of offioe, Terri-

torial eases a 76E«p>?ss infollowingeases:

Cass of R J Too Sahoaling, in-awe 10 80

Cass of W E Campbstl 8 15Cass of P Lane 19 70Case of Patsy CarroU 8 86Cass of John Andrew 6 00Inqosst, P LynnInqusafc B Nsss 81 80C M Van Daren, servioss ss oom-

0 M Van Doton, sup* iMMlieation bridgss and roads 80 00

J M Oohnaa,SKrioasascommi»-**00

J MCotman, eapt road work... 68 60Bobt Abrams, do 8100RnM UK"*, ssrrises ss som-

8 C Harris* Auditor, tsss 388 80Bills rejected;Cost bill ease, Dan, a Chinaasan.Cost billesss, F.Foy.Cost bfll oass, VTUhs.


Metallic, Wood aid Clett<wend

GASKETS AND COFFINS.Robes, Gloves, Crape.

And sveeythlng requisite ft*rVNRBAU.

promptly filled and seWirniß guar

-WXAKBKTLivery, Sale &Feed


Commercial st, apposite Arlington H<ML


>Ket thoctty



Claims allowed on Road and BridgeFund:M W Hubbard SIOO 00J R Stark 1125 60John Yarno 97 20E H Baxter 137 50J W Borst 50 00W W Perrigo 125 00DMPearce 50 00WP Smith 200 00

Claims allowed on Rood Districts:John Matthieeon. No 10. $ 28 00D H Webster, No. 18 88 00John Yarno, Mo. 31 376 25BJMilkr.No.B 48 00David Parker, N<x 16 88 80SB Peterson, 50.89 88 00Wald ACampbell, No. 20 14 00

The official hoods of the followingofficers-elect wece appsoved :

George D Hill, TDSSSMISI. inthe sum of SBO,OOO 00

John H MoGraw, Sheriff, inthe sum of 5,000 00

I M Hall, Probate Judge, inthe sum of HOOP 00

Andrew Chilberg, Issnssnr. inthe sum of 8,000 00

8 C Harris, Auditor, in thesomof 10,000 00

O S Jones, School Superin-tendent, in the sum of. 1,000 00Ths Purchasing Agent of the County

was allowed credit in the sum of $2,-357.98, ae per vouchers rendered and ap-proved by the Board, and a warrant forSISOO, in settlement with and to meetincidental expenses of the County, wasordered drawn inhis favor.

On motion of Commissioner Abrama,seconded by Commissioner Colman, theAuditor was directed to enter upon thereoord the proceedings of the Board, avote of tknnhs to Chairman Van Dorenfor the able and effioient inwhioh he had conducted duties ofsaid offioe during his term, anH .IM tofurnish said Chairman with a oopy ofthis order and action of the Board.

The Board adjourned sine die.Attest: S. C. HIXUK,

County Auditor and ex-Offieio Clerk ofthe Board.


Mr. Chas. Naher has succeeded aftermuch labor and pains in securing thevery best organs that can be found any-where on the Paoifio Slope, for thesmallest amount of money. He hasnine-stop organs, with double swell,for S9O. For beauty of 6"««h and rich-ness of tone these organs are unexoelledin any market in the world. He haspianos the equal ifnot the best that canbe got from anywhere, the prioes rang-ing from $250 upwards. Mr. Naher in-vitee inspection from the publio beforepurchasing elsewhere.


Jeweler,And agent for the Weber and Haines

Brothers Pianos, and Estey and Ster-ling Organs. 029-tf


MARKET REPORT,Wool. Good Now Le*eaa.9 ft. ? «#B3c

" second aad third* ".. 16o#18o

Wheat, good clean mUliwg.» Sicchicken feed. V t> Soc«Mc

Flour, per bbl. extra $5 2S ?t5 50"

A No. 1. family |»4 7X5 85" superfine 4 8534 40

Oats, per ton. S3CX<MSBacon, California, per lb 17«gl8e

Country cured 14®lie«???«? Kama

Lard, as to kind 16#18cButtsr, A No. 1. choice 80948 c

Fate to medium SMKcBHL»»tn»«»»»»s»tte>»..»t»fe« tfO

Mdoi 4 00M00

38ullssoe third eg -

Patatoss, 8 MUS. BB7kumj new sUMBtsoChop Feed.*icr harisy ? \u25a0 sss»«onBran OSOnion* per lb BeApples wuadriedww 7M4e

M QKCooking, par hex. 80975 c\u25a0atlas TQvOOB

VWMeFast Beaver prime par 1b..... i«8et8B

Oner, each 308ft 00Bear, each fl»5 tt>

Oranges per box 4 75#S 00Lesaona. as to quality 886 c


Bss< - BtolsPork 10 to 184Mutton] 10 to 14


Beef neat 7M6Beef on foot » 4 to 44Pork neat Bto IPork on foot H to 6*Mutton neat 74 to aMutton on toot 4#4i


Rouirh oommon |l2 00 9 MFlooring. Ix4. No. 1 18 50 ..

.. .. 8..**......... 16 00 ..

Ix6, No. 1 18 00 ..

Nat IS 00..Dressed lumber. Is 18 00 ..

4s SO 00..Rustic No. 1 18 00 ..

.. 8 15 00 ..

It is strange any one will suffer fromderangements brought on by impureblood, when Soovill s Sarsaparilla andStillingia, or BLOOD and LIVERSYRUP willrestore health to the phys-ical organization. It is a strengtheningsyrup, pleasant to take, and the bestBLOOD PURIFIER ever discoveredcuring Scrofula, Svphlilitio disorders,Weakness of the Kidneys, Erysipelas,malaria: Nervous disorders. Debility,Bilious complaints and diseases of theBlood, Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, Skin,?to.

SMITH'S BIJOU THKATEB.?This publicplaoe of amusement, on the corner ofThird and Washington streets is still infall blast, new attractions being pre-sented every night. The companyoonsists of twelve people, amongwhom are Mr. Jake Willey, stage man-ager; Mr. Charles Nioholson, come-dian and banjo soloist, Mr. JohnCook, olog and jig danoer; Mr. HarryElmore, serio-oomio speech orator; MissNita Earle, serio-oomio songstress; MissLan Cook, jigdanoer artist; Miss GraceWillis, vooalist; and others; besides anorchestra of three pieoes. Admissionfree. s7-dtf.


Four-Acre Lot for Sale.

THK UNDERSIGNED OFFERS TOsell his residence property, situated on

the direct toad from Seattle to Lake Wash-ington, being 1H miles east and adjoiningthe city limits, comprising four acres leu19 rods. It has an orchard of 150 fruittrees, consisting of apples, pears, plumsand cherries, of choice varieties, cominginto full bearing, with other small fruits;the land lies level, is cleared and inclosedwith a substantial fence. The soil is awarm sand and gravelly loam, adapted tofruits, vegetables and market gardening.Astream of soft spring water runs acrossone corner of the ground. The lot has afrontage on the road of over Mrods; henceis in good shape to divide, and may beplatted into twenty desirable lots, 60x120feet, or equal thereto, with cross street forinside lots. House of H stories. 7 rooms,woodhouse, small barn and cowshed; alsoa good bricked-up well, of cold, soft waterand plenty of it. Lying on a good road,easy of access and only fifteen minutes'drive from the city, it is believed this pro-perty with its improvements, at the priceit Is now offered, presents much strongerinducements for investment or residencethan any of the higher priced wild landsaround Lake Union or other remote andout-of-the-way places that are now puffed,on the market. Parties wanting propertyof this class are invited to examine it.Price |2SOO cash. Apply to owner on thepremises.n*-d*wlin W. a BENJAMIN.


of Fire Insurance Companies repre-sented in Seattle byf

ffIcLURE & TAYLOR,The following have recently been added

Tie Su Fire Office CompanyOf London, the oldest, largest and richestFire Insurance Company in the world, or-ganised AJ), 1710.

Tbe Ins. Co. of North AmericaOf Philadelphia, the eldest and richestCompany in America, organised A.D. 1782.

Tie Feii Fire Insiraiee Co.Of Philadelphia, organised A.D. 1825, as-sets 9%227.aU S3

w, now repreeen twenty-one lintclass



Insurance Companies,And, ?* v, "g Insurance a specialty, canoffer reliable Insurance at the very lowestrates.

\u25a0cLURE ATAYLOR,General Insurance Agents,

slO-dswtf Butler's Building. Seattle.



Just ReceivedA full line of staple and imported

goods.Grosae §. Blaekwell'a Imported Pickles,

Sauces, Cheese, Vinegars, Chatneys.and Herbs tor seasoalag,



MIXED HERBS.Canned Mushrooms, English PIam

Paddings, Marmalades, and White Clo-ver Honey in the Comb.

Also all kinds of Canned Vegetables,Table and Pie Fruits, Foreign and Do-mestic Cheese.

A fall stock of everything belongingto the grooery line, including Brooms,Baskets, Wooden and Willow Ware, eta.

Best brands of Floor, Wheat, ChoppedFeed and Bran.


When You Arrive inSEATTLE,

Go Immediately toRICKARD'S,


Chop, Coffee andOyster House,

\u25a0Mf OppcamaSwm&diftwfc



the public. ul the pro-pnetrss will bo pleased to weloooM thereturn of air former ynfuti. as well unew ones.

The table willbe \u25a0applied with the bestthe market tflbrdi and every effort willbe made to eater to the tastes of the public.





Freat street, Seattle,WILL FURNISH THE BEST THE"

market affords.

Suppers, BanquetsAND

Wedding* CakesGot up in the best style at the shortest no-tice.

DIRI6O CHOP HOUSEIn Yesler's Hall Building,FRESH OYRTF.ua

UEBTKD m KVERT SITU.Mesls gotten up to order at

any hour.Board and Lodging.

The best the market afibrds always onnana.CON. CRATER & WIFE.

"»hl-tf Proprietor.

Occidental Hotel,\u25a0BATTLE, W. T.»

Board and Lodging atModerate Rates.

rpHIS IS THE LARGEST HOTELI north of Ssn Francisco, and is Irstclass in all respects.H Free coach to and from the house. H

JOHN COLLINS ICO.nl-tf Proprietors.


Is Now Open for Bosinoss.FIRST CLASS IN ITEBT


Both Rooms Free to Guests.Tetis 11.00, SS.SO andSS per day.

BepeeOal rates to Baarders.\u25a0dl-tf

A fall line of Queensware, FancyGlassware of ail descriptions, and thegreatest variety of Vases, Toilet Sets,Artificial Flowers, Ornaments, FancyChina ware, Smokers' Sets, Figures of

TREASURY DEPARTMENT,Orrtci or Covpraoixm >

OFTHICCRRBNCT, VWashington, Sept 26 h, 1881)

TTTHEREAS. BY SATIaKACTORYW evidence presented to the under-

signed, it hss been made to appear thatthe Pint National Bank of Beat JsTln thecity of Seattle, in the oountg of King andTerritory of Washington, nas compliedwith all the provisions of the RevisedStatutes of the United States required tobe complied with before an asaocUtianahall be authorised to eommence the busi-DMB of btnking;

Now. therefore. I. John Jay Knox, Comp-troller of the Currency, do hereby certifythat the First National Bank or Seattle.In the city of Seattle, county of King andTerritory of Washington, is authorised toeouiin. wvtf ilie business of hanking as pro-vided in section five thousand one hundredand sixty-nine of the Revised Statutes ofthe Untied States.

. In teatlmony whereof witnessIgiAL)my hand and seal of office thisI ' Stth <W °f Sector, UM.

junn «ax IU*UA«Comptroller of the Treasury.

[No.«mi olMOt

FOR SALE./»a ACRES or FIRST CLASS FARM-OU ing Land. Thirty-flve acres of thisland is unaurpaaaed tar hop raiaing or gen-eral e«?«ng- Two acras of tt are monk,aad require only a small outlay of labor tolitthem for cranberries orother nurposss.The balance of the land is saitaMa torfruit orpasture. Shingle making willfur-n<ab profitable employment for the rainysrasnn This land is nine miles from Se-attle, cat the telegraph or coonty road. thebest road InKing county, as tor as worked.Title perfect.

For further particulars apply toED. L. LINI)SLEY,

Express wagon No. 13, Seattle.aU-d*wlm


CutteSorSnyder Age.Seattle Nov. 4th. Utt.

Vt V« 8N DKRa


FIN Catf B°ofe and Shoes.


For Sale.wvUtP-

Goods delivered toallparts of the cityfree of charge, and satisfaction guaran-teed. n!2-tf

Oil Space ii Eeserved fo£L. NEUMAN,

GUNSMITH,jytdawtf . Commarctol s.


Merchant Tailor.KBH ALWAYS O* BAICD




Front street,arid tf Colman*s Block, Hssttle.

FRED. BORIES(Successor to W. H. Shoudy.)


HARNESS. SADDLES, DRIDLESCellars, Spurs, Whips, te

Repairing dons on short notice.

Cslsua*o Black, fnot «U Beautlo.AH work done at bed-rock prices tor

wii» and maraateed to sive satisfaction.The pubtto are iavttod to e»lland examinegoods and prices saaklagjinwbaaasJylj-dtf TBEU. BORIES.

Money tp Loan.B. F. HAY*GO,

Room 1. Marshall Block.al-tf Seattle.



Boarding on the >lost Rea-sonable Terms.

Meals at all Honrs.Moals. 29 Cts. Bods, 29 Cts.

MillStreet, Seattle, W. T. al


rsrajrSTAND roa



CROOERIEB,COT. Third aad Ualoa sts., Seattle.

ts. Highest cash price paid for allfarm products. auM-tf


Basement of Marshall's BrickBlock,ComsMßlal St.,


THIS PLEASANT RESORT WILLBEX conducted on the first class principle,and nothing but the rory bes

WINES, LIQUORS AND ISAMwfflbo sold over the bar.

. .

Entrance from both ride aad rear of thebuilding. «l»tf

Felsen Beer,From tlie Bavaria Brewery,

Han Francisco,


J. BEBBCH,TiToliBeer Hail,

anlMf Occidental Square. Seettla


JW. T. MITCHELLHAS BUILT MA-. rine Ways aad la nowpMgsssd to


1 am isspered to dossPAnmta AND OVERHAULING

In the Isasl pssribto ttmo.

stdtf jr.T. knwwit

Real Estate.iftniM luUiict Prqwtj by

the Lot, Block or ion.PINE LOTS AND BLOCKS INMeOIL-



Ranges, Cook,Parlor &BoxSTOVES

Ttnwarew Japuued and MarbJelied Iroaware.Kitchen FteßflQs ofKrery Description.

Steam Whistles, Gongs, Steam and WaterGanges, Globe Valves, &c.

Brass Goods, Pumps, Copper Lead and Iron flp*PLUMBING AND COPPERSMITHING.


Acknowledged the best cooking stove in the World. Warranted sot tecrick by Fire. Fire Sacks warranted to las* five years.

Have also a Full Line of Superior Ranges,The Finest end Best Range sold on tiie Pacific Coast

Crockery and Glassware.Job Work Neatly Executed,

VOrders from the country solicited and satisfaction guaranteedGive us a Call and Look Through our Immense Stock

Mill Street, Seattle, Washington Territory

J. BCHRAM & GOrSoccessors to H. McAleer & Co.]

Wholmle and Retail Dealers 1B

RANGES, COOK, PAKLOK and BOX STOVES.Brass Goods, Tinware,

Pumps, Copper, Japaned Ware,Lead and Iron Pipe, Granite Ironware,

Pipe Fittings, Sheet Lead, Kitchen Utensils ofSheet Copper, Sheet Zinc, Every Description.


Plumbing and CoppersmithingSteam and Gas Fitting.

Order* by ataamara promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed la avary Ir-r*r»ai»ai nisi Street. Seattle. W. T.

HARRINGTON & SMITH,Importers and Wholesale Dealers,

Have now oil hand the Larg&it and Best Selected StockEver Brought to Puget Sound.

Groceries, Provisions, Hardware,Iron, Steel, Cordage and Ship Chandlery,

Flour, Peed, Hay and Grain,Boots and Shoes, Crockery and Glassware,

Paints and Oils, and all kinds oi

jStaple and Fancy GroceriesAlso Lime, Brick, Plaster and Cement.

Agents tot FISH BROS. k Co's Celebrated Wagons, andImperial, Northern Queen and London Insurance Company.


HARRINGTON A SMITH.Commercial Street, Seattle. W. T.


Seattle Planing MillsManufacturers of all kinds of Bough and Dressed Lumber,


OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.flessniunl lumbar of all klnda constantly on hand.


1-1 YOUKrotT £ot? PO< **11


North British & Mercantile, of London & Edinburg,The German American, of New York,

The Phcsnix, of Hartford,And The Home, of New York

INSURANCE COMPANIES.fin lamtMoa oa Dwellings and Varnltara, Store, and Merchandise, Orals, Mllla,

Manufacture* Kto., at Moderate Rates.

rtiß M. BIAICIAM,(Suooaaaor to McNaught Jt Laaiy.)


SASH AND DOOR FACTORYManufactures all klnda of

Ttmigh and Dressed Lumber, Doors, Saab,Blinds, Frames, Shutters, &c.,&c.


P. J. LAM. Ihuw



MerohantT ailor:joat Received from the Fectorlee, the

UtMt Oct and Itwut Stjlei of Btntiemei'initi in tillJUrkrtiUn the Mw*Stylieh Geode to be Mede Into Suite to Order.

HM M>dC»pefor Men'eend Boyeßpriegepd- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ? « (took la Fl»Uta» ud wee hM MrmU tm I

Heettle Tredenmm w wrr m tub.

<rm M> i?< w»K\




Xion and Brass Casting*